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olland, michigan VOLUME NO. 93-ISSUE 3 SEPT. 18,1980

Computer system

delayed 4 months by Keith Grigoletto Disagreement over two newly proposed computer systems

has resulted in a four-month delay of the new system. "The Selection Committee is still analyzing the capabilities of the DEC and UNIVAC machines," said John Watson, director of computer science. "We hope that a decision will be reached shortly so that the new computer may be installed next

s u m m e r . " There a r e five subcommittees which make up the Selection

Committee. The Instructions Committee searches for the latest computer languages installed in a system. The com-mittee reported that both systems being considered possess the latest languages.

The Application Committee searches for the latest pre-written computer programs. This committee remains in-different a s to which system to purchase.

The Hardware Committee searches for a computer which is strongly built to resist external damage. The DEC, the committee found, is superior in that respect.

The Conversion and Installation Committee looks a t problems which might result in replacing the new computer. This committee recommended UNIVAC because, af ter in-stallation, a UNIVAC representat ive would remain here for 18 months for maintenenance purposes.

Finally, the Bench Mark Committee utilizes the proposed computers in trial runs. This committee also recommended UNIVAC, because it operates 2.2 times faster than its competitor. Besides being more efficient, the Selection Committee has found the UNIVAC system to be less ex-pensive.

Those who work with the computers feel that the new addition is vital if Hope is to keep up with the latest computer languages. Because the present computer is so old, replaceable parte have become hard to find and maintenance remains difficult.

Student offices on time - almost


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by Julie Garlinghouse The new student organization offices

which will be located in the north side of the basement of DeWitt a re scheduled for completion by fall break, according to Dave Vanderwel, associate dean of

students. The offices and a new student lounge to

replace the Pit are being built in the area once occupied by the bowling lanes. But because the air flow system was originally designed to accomodate bowling balls, problems have been raised in re-designing the system to accomodate human beings.

These problems are being worked out, however, but will push the date of com-pletion back. The offices will be com-pleted by the end of October at the very latest, and will include space for the anchor, Milestone, Opus, Student Congress and SAC.

The idea for new office space came about with the serious concern about the lack of space, student interest, and active college support in the student-run ac-tivities. These problems would be lessened by new facilities and, possibly,

with the hiring of a full-time staff coor-dinator.

Other advantages of combining the student organizations include combining facilities of the media organizations to save space and money, and facilitating coopera t ion be tween the s tuden t organizations through smaller physical , distances. With the money saved by such a move, the organizations should have enough resources to hire at least one full-time person to cover the scheduling correspondence and intra-college com-munication.

William Anderson, vice president for business and finance, in a letter to the Dow Association last July, stated, "We feel very strongly that the student organizations should be situated in such a way that they a r e visible to the campus community, which should encourage participation."

"The idea of a new lounge to replace the Pit has been discussed since last February and is not a result of ad-ministration office relocation since the f i re ," said Vanderwel. MThe major concern that we had about putting the

offices in the Pit and game room area was in taking the recreation space away from the students." However, SAC has been very supportive and likes the new lounge which will be located in the southeast side of the old bowling lanes as it will provide more space for student activity.

Results of a research project conducted by SAC member Bryan Bigelow last April entitled "DeWitt Cultural Center : F rom the Students' Viewpoint" showed that only six percent of the student body used the bowling lanes, and only 11 percent used the game room with any regularity. The main reason for the lack of popularity in these recreational facilities was the addition of the Dow Center to the campus.

Karl Elzinga, a second semester junior Hope t ransfer student f rom Zeeland, was hired by Hope to design the new offices and student lounge. He had been working on an internship with Herman Miller, Inc. as an assistant to their designers since January , and has designed the offices to incorporate the use of their office equipment.


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Lake Michigan Day brought a number of speakers to Hope's campus last weekend.

'} • (photo by Diana Douglas)

Plans for the new student offices at)*

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by DOUR Deuitch advisors tn insnrp fhnMhov Koin ofii^Anfo .• MT M

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by Doug Deuitch Philip Fredrickson, former dean of

admissions at Hope, has been appointed coordinator of f reshman studies, a newly created position. Fredrickson's role will be to coordinate the specific activities of various departments which deal prin-cipally with freshmen.

According to Fredrickson, the impetus behind this new program came from President Gordon Van Wylen. Van Wylen had expressed concern for the overall experience of a student's first year and how this affected the rest of his time in college. One factor contributing to this concern was the 43 percent student at-trition ra te indicated in a Dow Foun-dation study done a few years ago.

"My chief concern," Fredrickson noted, ' 'is to do as much possible in the best way to insure a good experience for the freshmen." By working with the various depar tments and studying current policies, recommendations could be made as to how they might be altered to be more effective.

One important aspect of this position will be to work closely with freshmen advisors. Beginning with a training session in August, Fredrickson now in-tends to continue working with the 32

advisors to insure that they help students in making proper course choices leading to their prospective careers. An ad-ditional responsibility will be to see that advisors also keep students abreast of the many on- and off-campus programs and activities open to them.

When looking at the academic aspect of a f reshman's year, attention will be paid to the program for a major rather than particular courses. A program may be studied as to how effective its lower level courses are with respect to how they prepare freshmen for more advanced ones. Depending on a program's success, an alteration in its format may be recommended.

Fredrickson will not serve as a direct advisor to freshmen but will be more of a middleman, handling problems students have and dealing with the appropriate departments to solve them.

The changes in the approach toward the freshman year will be minor at first, evolving during the next two semesters. One way to ascertain the effectiveness of these changes and the entire Freshman Studies Program, Fredrickson com-mented, will be to study the results of a student's first year and then compare it to his or her high school record.

Fredrickson and his wife Anne (photo by Diana Douglas)


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KEEP COOL WHILE YOU CRAM! Rent a mini-refrigerator — an ideal way to keep drinks & goodies on ice — right in your room! 2 spacious shelves; 2 bottle racks; 2 freezer ice cube trays. Ad-

justable thermostat.

Student Price $29.70/semester (two semester year)

tax included

by Victoria Kobia Now that the students have been on

campus for a couple of weeks and have had a taste of everything from loft con-struction to Pull rallies, from the Ice Cream Social to late-night homework sessions, from syllabus to impossible syllabus, it 's time to get out the stationery and pen to write home about college life and to tell of the classes, the professors, and the dorm life. A note might also be included about the entertainment events, including the Carnegie dance, movies, and Spheeris and Voudouris.

Newcomers to Hope's campus should be informed of the organization and people behind these activities:

SAC, or more formally, the Social Activities Committee, sponsors many of the entertainment programs that are found on Hope's campus. SAC has a main planning board composed of eight to, 12 Hope students and two advisors which meets weekly and designs the en-tertainment activity calendar throughout the year.

Students serving on SAC's planning board this year include Bryan Bigelow, Dick Donahue, Carrie Breher, Susan White, Susan Ward, Victoria Kobza, Steve Peachey and Tara Warren. Dave Vanderwel and Tim Jenks are this year ' s advisors.

Actions have been taken this year to make SAC more directly student run than ever before. Bryan Bigelow and Steve Peachey have each accepted three-credit student internships from the business department. They will be handling much of SAC's scheduling and accounting funct ions, replacing the g radua te students who filled those positions last year.

The Social Activities Committee has organized five subcommittees which each deal with a specific area of en-tertainment. The Traditional Events Committee is in charge of Homecoming, Siblings Weekend and Mayday; the Coffeehouse Committee handles informal concerts and dances; and the Happenings Committee surprises students with mini-events like study breaks and Valentine's Day exchanges.

The Entertainment Committee deals with larger concerts and formal campus dances such as Winter Fantasia. Finally, the Publicity Committee utilizes devices like the cafeteria SAC Board and the weekly table tents to let the students know what SAC has going on.

SAC is funded through Student Congress' Appropriations Committee. Each spring SAC is asked to submit a budget for the upcoming year to that committee for approval. The funds that SAC receives through Student Congress are a part of the student activity fee that each student pays at the beginning of each semester. SAC is able to keep its admission fees low through use of these

funds. This year SAC is working with a budget of $24,990.

SAC has been active in planning events for this fall. The next few weeks will bring the films "Lord of the Rings," "Going in Style," and "The Paper Chase."

The Coffeehouse Committee is bringing back Louise Dimicelle, a female vocalist who was well received here last year, for performances both Friday and Saturday evenings of this weekend. The En tertainment Committee is planning a major concert for second semester and will let the student body know which group will be coming as soon as final decisions have been made.

For any student interested in serving on the SAC Board or on any of the five subcommittees, openings are available and applications a re being accepted through tomorrow. They may be picked up in Dave Vanderwel's office in the basement of the DeWitt Center.

Wilcock here M.J. Wilcock, director of pastoral

studies at Trinity College in Stoke Hill, Bristol, England, will visit the Holland community as a guest of Hope College from today until Sept. 27.

Wilcock is the author of two books published by Inter-Varsity Press in their The Bible Speaks Today Series: "The Saviour of the World" (1979), an ex-position of Luke's Gospel, and "I Saw Heaven Opened" (1980), an exposition of Revelation.

Wilcock was ordained into the ministry of the Church of England in 1962. He served a parish in Lancashire and later central London with John Stott before becoming vicar of St. Fai th 's Church in Maidstone. Kent, in 1969. He joined the Trinity College faculty in 1977.

Wilcock will present several lectures to students and faculty at Hope and Western Theological Seminary. On Sunday, Sept. 21, he will deliver the sermon to the morning worship at Grace Episcopal Church and at the evening worship of Christ Memorial Church.

A schedule of Wilcock's itinerary may be obtained from the religion depart-ment. Lubbers Hall.

Correction In last week's record review by Ken

Boyce, E.L.O should have read E.L.P. We apologize for the error.

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\ N S N \

Van Wyk - 'a gleam in his eye' by Lynn Winkels It is a warm Tuesday evening, the

Chapel is packed, and we a r e par-ticipating in a " r i t e of passage" — a psychological te rm for Convocation. The main speaker has finished, and the crowd squirms a bit, perhaps in anticipation of the ice c ream social that follows. First , however, the honorary degree must be awarded.

Gordon Van Wyk has been chosen to receive the Doctor of Humane Letters degree, and we applaud dutifully as he is introduced and makes his speech. This is a nice, traditional part of Convocation, but not particularly interesting. Yet, behind the detailed introduction and the formal r emarks is a man who Hope believes has made an important con-tribution to society.

Van Wyk is a missionary in Japan, t e a c h i n g h i s to ry and A m e r i c a n Li tera ture at Meiji Gakuin University. The word "miss ionary" usually suggests one of two ext remes: a super-pious, almost fanatical person who will brave the jungles, the snakes, and the bugs to preach to the heathen; or. a ra ther in-competent humbler who has not suc-ceeded in the s ta tes and is trying his luck on a new frontier. Most missionaries fit in neither category. He says that the most universal character is t ic of missionaries is dedication to their work, and that a sense of vocation of calling supersedes mere outward piety.

Growing up in a missions-oriented family was an important influence on Van Wyk's own career choice. This was an option as viable as any other, one of many ways to serve God. He attended Hope, and in his senior year was called the

"Rena issance m a n " because lie had university, so, a f t e r studying Japanese at seven minors and no ma jo r . He squeezed the University of Michigan, they took that in a m a j o r in English, but was so em- position and have been there since 1953. bar rassed about it that he told everyone Meiji Gakuin is the oldest Christian that he was in philosophy (guys just did school in J apan and is highly respected not m a j o r in E n g l i s h ! ) / because of its religious ties. It is run by a

More i m p o r t a n t t h a n a b r o a d board of Japanese Christians and, curr iculum, however, was the sense of although the RCA supplies some per-




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vision that he acquired while at Hope. It was here that he "woke up and got the

sonnel, the major i ty of their support comes f rom the school itself. Not all the

gleam in his eye." To him, "college was professors a re Christians, nor a re all the wonderful ," he fully enjoyed it, and this students, but just as at Hope, the tradition was'a time when he realized that he could is still strong. Their philosophy of integrate knowledge and the Christian Christian education is also much like faith. Pe rhaps part of the gleam also Hope's: training Christian leaders — came from a girl named Birdie Vis, who "educated, talented people who are living was assigned a chapel seat near him and and working out their vocation." eventually became his wife. The two schools work toward this goal

He planned on going to India af te r in quite different settings. Quiet Holland graduation to teach, but an accident and with its many churches is a distinct the government put him at Western contrast to densely populated, urban Seminary instead. He hadn' t wanted to Tokyo. Fewer than one percent of the " land in seminary , " and was the only one Japanese a re Christians, although 15 in his class who didn't want to have a percent vote it as their favori te religion, pastorate, but at least he was putting his Japan ranks second to the U.S. in the sale minor in Greek to good use. His goal was of Bibles, so many people have the to serve the church and work with it on a Christian college campus because he believed college was the place where people should really grow up. The in-

knowledge, but the move to commitment is difficult. They are not anti-Christian or even apathetic, but many either have not heard or do notfully understand the

fluence of his professors at Hope had been Gospel. infectious, and he wanted to share that The miss ionary 's role in this setting is enthusiasm with other students. America not simply to begin preaching or passing was packed with people who could do out t racts , because this fails to meet the that, and he decided he wanted to bring people where they a r e or adequately the gleam to a different place. a n s w e r t h e i r q u e s t i o n s . " P r e -

evangel ism" is important — setting an The Van Wyks were appointed to China, intellectual s tage so that the Gospel

and spent four years there, the last I 'z becomes relevant. The simple "come-to-under the Communists, until they were J e s u s " approach is ineffective if people declared enemy aliens and had to leave, don't unders tand who God is. J apanese There was an opening at Meiji Gakuin culture lacks concepts of monotheism,

personhood, and sin. Van Wyk ap-proaches these ideas through intellectual history, including works of Melville, Hawthorne and others. The Japanese people a re happy to study this l i terature, and it is an effective way for them to approach the questions with which Christianity deals.

This man with the gleam in his eye also gives good advice. His response to a somewhat f rus t ra ted interviewer who was ruefully complaining that she had her f ingers in too many pies was: "But that means that you can take them out and lick them off, and it tastes so good." He seems to have followed his own counsel, for it is obvious that he loves his work, his life, and his God.

by Tracy Ore Something else on 12th Street is being

changed besides the street and walk ways. It cannot be seen very well, but it can be heard. WTAS, Hope's progressive music station, is making many changes this year .

One of the biggest changes is the ap-pointment of a new music director, Sue Guthrie. Guthrie and the new general manager , John Vassallo, a r e really hoping to shape up the station.

In the past, WTAS did not have any format or organization. For example, one could listen to WTAS at three o'clock and hear the Stones. But at four o'clock one would tune in again and hear the same thing. This resulted f rom lack of cooperation and organization, according to station members .

Now this will no longer happen. John Vassallo has really been working. A rock calendar will come out once a month for the benefit of the students. Now one will be able to find out exactly what is playing and when. With the help of these calen-dars , one can find out when exactly his favorite group is going to be played and make it a point to listen to the station a t that time.

Listening to the station is also being made easier by engineer Gordi Spoelhof. He is working on all the t ransmi t te r s around campus to make them work a t their maximum power. There a r e many people working at WTAS as D.J.s, engineers, directors, adver t isers , and advisors. WTAS would still like to have more students involved. There a re still openings for D.J .s on Monday and Wednesday during the day.

The people a t WTAS feel optomistic about their changes. They feel that they will work together better this year , and that when you work together, you work the best.

C hristian vocalist Honeytree sings in recent concert, (photo by Kathy Jenks)





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Ombudsman needed Within any insUtution of higher concerns crossing all levels of the

learning there exist conflicts of college. varying types, degrees and in- The question now arises as to t ens i t i e s . A c a d e m i c , ad- how such a position could be ministrative and social concerns created without undue influence vie for positions pushing the from one group or another. It is a acceptance of their ideas. Hope is difficult question. The hiring not immune, thankfully, to this could be done by an equally phenomenon. represented committee of

There is, however, sadly, an s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y , ad-a g r e e m e n t among many ministrators, and alumni voting

by secret ballot. How an ombudsman would be

paid for his or her services is even a stickier consideration. He who controls the purse strings

members of Hope's community exerts the most influence. Here that both conflict and the desire again the solution might be a to air differences are suppressed collective salary derived from in many instances. It is true that administration and Student the campus governing boards do Congress funds coupled with handle many problems

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i n cessfully and amicable to both

sue- alumni donations. a manner Is an ombudsman really sides. The necessary when the same pur-

. . . e d concern here is for those in- pose might be accomplished by - o r

Tbward voter awareness . . ^ „ 'These are the times which try associate professor of history

dividuals. whether students or an increased willingness on the men's souls.M This week's new Earl Curry, are planning an staff, or departments that have a part of individuals and depart- anchor feature. The Pulse, exciting way for the Hope particular concern yet feel ments on campus to be sincerely presents an indication of Hope community to gain insights on hesitant to bring it forth. open to alternative ideas (i.e. students' preferences and this year's presidential choices.

Toward resolving this need the conservative to radical), to feelings about voting in the 198D During the weeks preceding college would greatly benefit change if the majority desires presidential election. Many are the election, panel discussions froin the services of an om- one, ^ and to compromise when feeling bewildered and confused addressing foreign policy issues budsman on campus. An in- one is needed? This utopic wish about a decision which must be as they impact the 1980 campaign dividual serving in this capacity will never come true and to made in six short weeks. are beine scheduled Facultv would be the go-between m the believe it might, even in the members and business sector handling of conflicts. All parties supposed Christian environment The best way for a voter who is representatives will share their involved in a dispute would we live in, is foolish. undecided or apathetic about this perspectives on this year's remain anonymous so that only Hence, the ombudsman is the years' alternatives at the polls to election. These panel discussions the issues would be discussed. catalyst needed to smooth over make an informed choice is to will be broadcast on the Holland

the basic differences inherent in critically examine the can- cable television from the J 6 traditional sense, an the structure of a college. The didates' stands on the issues, facilities on campus. Students

ombudsman considered the conflicts spoken of here are not American media and culture will direct the production of the gnevances of a country s citizens so serious as to threaten the bombard voters constantly with programs for television The against its government. This is existing or future fabric of Hope, alternatives for becoming well- history students will be par-not unknown to Hope, where One need only sit in the Kletz informed. ticipants on the panels S t S f * Thp nn^ff l" o r s p f k honestly On Hope's campus this fall, More informanion on the when ministration. The position with faculty or staff to un- students enrolled in History 335, and where of the oanel suggested would be open to derstand them. U.S. Foreign Policy, with discussions will be highlighted in

next week's anchor. It is an excellent project by the students guiding the development of the

J X ^ l V h i S y T a n(s o P h m o r e s P™110"5 for 1981 have already Program.- and to me, " I f you have any ra^tunitv"5^^ A b e t t e r fn

a n d J u n i o r s w i t h 3 grade point over a 3.0 been confirmed. One of the beauties of the other interested students please have f # u r will be invited to aoDiv to Darticinate in w ^ h i n ^ t n n Hnnm-c * j ^ . . .. formed voter that no member of

Washington honors semester praised S i n Washington Honors Semester P rogram is them forward application mater ia l s . " U * 1982 Washington Honors S e m e s t e r the wide range of opportunities available The Coordinator of Investigations. Public Last year forty-six students applied and in Washington. Science, bus iness , Defende r Service Invest igat ive In-twenty-one were selected to part icipate psychology, and ar t , as well as political ternships, told me over the telephone that

T h l r f • science students can have internships Hope College was a "most innovative There will be three weeks of interviews directly related to their studies at Hope

with high level Washington officials and College.

personalities and each student will serve One of the things that makes obtaining two internships of six weeks. Five of the internships relatively easy in this students will serve a six week internship program is the excellent reputation that in, for example, a Senator s office, and Hope students have m a d e for themselves then a twelve week internship In the Depar tment of State.


the Hope community can afford to miss.

school". He remembered Debbie Van Hoven, a recent Hope College graduate, as one to whom Public Defender clients would be completely f rank and the in-terviews that student interns have with these clients " m a k e or break the case

and Hope College in Washington, D C. that is eventually presented in cour t . " This, of course, cas ts a good deal of credtt The Director of For Love of the on the s tudents who have participated in Children Wilderness School encouraged the p rogram as well a s on previous Gordon Herwig to apply because Albertus directors, but it also means that the Pieters, now deceased, who used to teach program must maintain its very high religion courses here at Hope, was his s tandards . I know of students who have favori te author. I could go on listine nirp

For the 1981 Honors Semester , students been paid for their internships, although r emarks that I have heard in Washington

r i T n H n n oUAH » r 3 5 ' j , ^ " 1 P h a s i z e d ^ a t pay is not expected. , about Hope and Hope College students. Food and Drug Administration, Common I also know of several s tudents who have but the point has been made

u a p e f C c m p a n y ' 0 ! ) t a i n e d s u m m e r a n d pe rmanen t em- A more important point is that student the Fore ign Agr i cu l tu r a l Serv ice , ployment because of the program, lives have frequently changed for the Association for the Advancement of although we emphasize that the program bet ter because of the Washington Honors

Bureau ^ i p w E h V h ^ T ® 1 8 c o " t r i b u t e t o a l i b e r a l a r t s education Semester . I have seen students who were Bureau, the Whohstic Health Center, and not necessarily to a technical skill drifting, suddenly challenged and the

S f ^ ^ r f n o r ^11 ll! ^ ^ M e X 1 C 0 a f f e r h a v i n g ^ H o p e A e t h e r in some of the papfers written in Senate Steering Committee, the Fr iends students intern in his office wrote, "As and about their Washington experience Commit tee on National Legislation, the always, I a m delighted to recieve ap- S o m e s t u d e n t s h a v e i m p r o v e d American Bar Association, the American plications f rom Hope CoUege students dramat ica l ly on return to Hone's camous E n t e r p n z e Institute, the Association for who will be par t ic ipat ing in the Finally^I tave s ^ n s U ^ n t e ^ e t t k i c hiui the Advancement of Science, the En- Washington Honors Semes te r . " Common bet ter law schools and into other

P K r . T- nfgfenCy'J e C

1a u s e w r o t e ' "Although we do not usually gradua te courses because of their intern

White House Photographic Office, and as place interns so f a r in advance, I would record and experience a reference h is tonan with the Marine like to m a k e an exception in this case and ' i W p I

Corps. Thirty of forty-two internship accept you into the Spring 1981 Intern Professor of Political Science

colleg? anchor JLolUvnd. m olUnd; mk-higAQ,

W« "tiMv ty the

c o u e e ' d n . *


Publ ished w e e k l y

September through

April, except during

exom periods and

college vocation and

holiday periods, 24 issues per year, by and for the students

of Hope College, Holland, Michigan,

under the authority of the Student

Communications Media Committee.

Subscription price: $8 per year. Member,

Associated Collegiate Press. Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall.

Telephone 394-6600. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of

the student body, facul ty , or ad-ministration of Hope College.


Assistant editor

News editor

Feature editor

Sports editor

Photo editor

Ad manager

Betty J. Buikema

Julie Garlinghouse

Doug Deuitch

Amy Purvis

Richard L Kuhrt

Lora Rector

Diana Beyer

Second class postage pending Holland, Michigan 49423.



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President asks for courteous behavior

] The heat goes on

In countless ways I have sensed that we a r e off to an excellent beginning in this new academic year . It has been good to observe the commitment , enthusiasm and involvement in every facet of the life of the College.

Over the years an excellent relation-ship has developed between Hope College and the community. Activities such as


Higher Horizons, interships, and student teaching have brought Hope students into contact with the community and have done much to build solid relationships and mutual concern and support between town and gown.

Recently some problems have arisen that relate to all of us, and particularly to students living off campus. A number of persons in the community have expressed their concern that their own property is being misused by students and that their

right to quiet a t appropriate hours not respected. Many of these persons have jobs which require them to rise early, and thus they also ret i re relatively early. I trust that all students living in the community will respect the rights of their neighbors. An ideal solution would be to establish personal contact with neighbors so that any problems which do arise can be resolved through courteous and frank conversations. I hope that Hope students will take the initiative in establishing such relationships.

Jus t one other point. Over the next few weeks we will be completing the sidewalks and seeding the lawn areas. I respectfully request the cooperation of the campus community in allowing the seeds to germinate and avoiding any marring of freshly-poured concrete. If we accomplish this now, we will have a truly at tract ive campus next spring.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

Gordon J . Van Wylen

" The Pulse

Students rate candidates by Ingrid Anderson and Anne Brown This issue of the anchor is introducing

a new weekly column called The Pulse. It is an opinion column in which a randomly selected sample of 47 students a re asked a controversial question. This week's question is, 4 i f the 1980 presidential election were to be held today, which candidate would you vote for?" The results a r e as follows:

Anderson Reagan Carter Not Voting Undecided

40.4% 36.2% 12.7% 6.4% 4.3%

In coducting this survey, we x came across some interesting comments, such as. "Tomorrow I might vote for Carter ; it depends on my mood," and "What a re my choices?"

In support of Anderson, one person said. "I don't like the other two, and since Anderson won't win, I won't be blamed

when he does a rotten job." Another person said, "I don't like the way Carter has been handling things lately, and I don't think we need an actor in the White House."

One person voting for Reagan feels that "four more years of President Carter is too much." Another person stated that he would vote for Reagan because "Bush offers a strong chance of improving foreign policy and the economic situation of the country."

A supporter of Carter stated, "I believe in Carter more than the other two. He is a trusting individual." One student said that she would vote for Car ter because of his four years ' experience.

Many people expressed the opinion that they would vote for Reagan in hopes that Bush would influence Reagan and strengthen the Presidency.

The overall impression that we received from this survey is that most people seemed frustrated by the choice of candidates and regarded their choice as the lesser of the three evils.

by Ken Boyce Great news, Led Zeppelin fans — the

boys a r e getting ready for a tour. It was a long time coming, but a f te r almost a year of inactivity, the Zep did a tour of Europe. Page , Plant , Bonham and Jones did 13 concerts in June and July, winding up their tour in Belgium. Zeppelin played in s e v e r a l o ther countr ies , including Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. These concerts were the first gigs Led Zeppelin have made since their Knebworth showing one yea r ago. The tour dates have not been set yet, neither have the cities in which they will jam, but stay with me as the story develops.

In the new releases department , it seems like we're getting swarmed with records, which is something I enjoy a lot and you will have to check them out too. First , although it's been out for six weeks, "There and Back" is a great record f rom the legend himself, Jeff Beck. The record is a collaboration of the keyboard genius, J a n Hammer , and the powerful drums of veteran session man, Simon Phillips.

Jeff Beck has continued to mesh rock with fusion successfully, and the result is s imp ly exce l len t . " S t a r c y c l e " is reminiscent of "Blue Wind" off Beck's 44Wired" LP from '76, and, besides this song, everything else on the album is distinctly new and fresh. He's definitely been there and now he's back, stronger than ever. Watch for his upcoming concerts in the Midwest.

Elsewhere on the char ts is a record from "some very old friends of ours" : The Rossington-Collins Band. It features four of the surviving members of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band. The LP entitled "Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere" does

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not really need any reviewing, though. These guys have been making the best southern rock for more than a decade and their new album is no exception.

Making huge headway throughout Europe is the band Whitesnake. You may say WHO is Whitesnake? Well, if the name Deep Purple brings back any memories, this band is one you'll have to lend an ea r to. Their new album, ' 'Ready and Willing," has Ian Pa ice on drums, Jon Lord on the keys, and David Coverdale singing. All f rom Purple, the tunes on their latest retain that "funky-soulish" type of heavy-metal that Deep Purple was known world-wide for in their six-year reign as the king of "The Decibel Barr ier ."

While I 'm on the subject of this killer band, I 'd like to mention that recently Ritchie Blackmore, Roger Glover (of Rainbow) and Ian Gillan (star of the rock-opera "Jesus Christ Supers tar") , all veterans of Purple, were recently working out plans to re-group. And if David Coverdale's Whitesnake can part with Jon Lord and Ian Paice for a few months, the "Made In J a p a n " line-up is going to do a tour and hopefully an album. This could be devastating.

For you concert-goers, Rush is back in the States af ter a two-month stint in Europe. Yes will be at the Chicago Amphitheatre on Sept. 22 and 23. Pink Floyd fanatics who missed "The Wall" in N Y. and Los Angeles will have to truck on over to Wembley Stadium in England or else forget It. A lot closer to home will be that really raunchy and nasty rocker, AC/DC, knocking heads with Ronnie Montrose and his band Gamma, when they plug into Wings Stadium on Sept. 26.



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Richardson returns from

England sabbatical

Barry Richardson (photo by Lora Rector)


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by Anne VandenBorgh When Barr ie Richardson, professor of

economics and business administrat ion, was offered an opportunity to go on sabbat ical , he accepted wholeheartedly. It was the first t ime that he took this o p p o r t u n i t y a f t e r 20 y e a r s of teaching. This opportunity allowed him to get away from commitments , routines and telephones, and offered him the t ime to study, read and write.

He willingly left for Europe in Feb rua ry with his wife and family to Bathford, England, a village of 2,000 occupants. The village offered the Richardsons many opportunities. Their four children each enrolled in a different school close to the village. Two of them went to a comprehensive school, one went to the village school, and the other enrolled in the community college, where he took classes in British l i tera ture and ar t history.

The Richardsons lived in the home of a professor who taught at the University of Bath. This integrated the Richardsons with the village society. The people of the village opened their homes and lives to the Richardsons.

Richardson pointed out that , even though the villagers have sa lar ies and homes half the size that many Americans have, their lives a r e filled with a hap-piness and contentment that many Americans lack. They a r e not as con-cerned with mater ia l ism and a r e happy with what life gives them, he said.

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Richardson visited the University of Bath. He spent his t ime reading in the l ibrary and interacting with the British professors. Because of t ime spent at the University of Bath and because his family lived with a professor, he noticed how (he professors there differed f rom Hope professors.

The professors at the University rarely prepared for their classes and were much more interested in their own lives than in their students. Richardson said Their financial r ewards and travel allowances were very high. The student facultv ratio at the University of Bath is 3.000 400; at Hope the rat io is 2,500:150.

Weekends were spent touring (he E n g l i s h c o u n t r y s i d e , i n c l u d i n g Stonehenge, Wales, Salzburg. Cornwall and little fishing villages. Richardson decided that the most beautiful city in Europe was the city of Bath, with its spas, Georgian archi tec ture , and landscape

Richardson did finally get down to "bus iness . " During May Term, while he taught in London, he also studied three businesses with unusual management p rograms — Herman Miller, John Lewis Par tnersh ip , and Scott-Bader.

He rman Miller invented its own form of the Scanlon Plan. No t races of the English ar is tocrat ic system were present ; the workers know everything that goes on within the organization, which helps keep mora le high.

The John Lewis Par tnersh ip , which is the largest depar tment and food business in Grea t Britain, employs 20,000 people who a r e known as " p a r t n e r s . " All sha re in sales, profit, knowledge and ex t r eme pride. They have a weekly gazet te which publishes any and all questions asked, with answers . This unique system, Richardson said, leads to a well-informed and cohesive industry.

Scott-Bader is a chemical f i rm which employs 400 people. Visiting the cor-poration is much like visiting a college campus . The employees own the com-pany, live in homes which surround the plant, and socialize together.

After their s tay in England, Richardson and his family went to Scotland, visited relatives in Germany, climbed an Austrian mountain for a week, and ended up in Cologne, Germany, in July.

Said Richardson, "The world su re looks b ig !"



Patnott starts water polo H o o p f e a m g o u t h M

by Craig Potter Sinclair This y e a r head swimming coach a t

Hope, John Patnot t , will be forming a water polo club.

For some, the word 44water polo" brings back memor ies of s u m m e r c a m p s and swim teams. A volley ball is thrown into the middle of a pool and the object ive is to get the ball to the other t e am ' s goal by any avai lable means. This means dunking, splashing, pulling, pushing and numerous other tactics common to animal ball. However, a large number of universities and colleges throughout the country play water polo at a much higher calibre.

The g a m e s t a r t s with six players hanging on the wall, each wearing white caps with e a r guards . Three a r e on each side of the 10- or 12-foot goal and one is in the "speed lane ." The other team lines up across the pool in a similar fashion wearing da rk caps. As the referee drops the soccer ball-sized wate r polo ball the game begins. The opposing players in the

"speed lanes" sprint for the ball to pass it off to a team m e m b e r who trails cloeely behind.

Many fouls a r e involved in the game. If a player is in action he can not touch the bottom. When he handles the ball he can not use two hands and cannot t ake it under the water . When on defense he cannot go for the ball over the shoulder of his opponent, but r a the r he has to work for the ball without touching the other player. Some fouls result in a f ree shot or a turnover, some in a 30-second kick out. What is rough about wate r polo is what the referee cannot see.

The place in this country where water polo is played extensively is in California. A product of this exper t ise is one John Patnott , past water polo coach at University of California, Fresno. This fall he has s tar ted a water polo club at Hope. The team will play four or five games, but all will be away, and some will be against big schools. There a re 13 or 14 members on the team; some have played before, some have not.

Hope-De Pauw 3-2 by Richard Kuhrt The Flying Dutchmen field hockey

squad s ta r t ed their season on a positive note last Sa tu rday by defeating a tough De Pauw team 3-2.

The Dutchmen finished the first half with a slim 2-1 lead; however, shortly into

Golf opens 3rd by Kathy Fox Seven t eams played at the first M1AA

golf tournament this year . The match was played at Duck Lake Country Club. Olivet was the high scorer , with a total team score of 378, followed by Albion with 384, Hope 388, Kalamazoo 400, Adrian 403, Alma 412, and Calvin 416.

The high scorer for the Dutchmen was Craig Stevens, with a score for 18 holes of 74. Both J a m i e Drew and Dave Mitchell had 18-hole scores of 76. Steve Angle followed with an 80 and John Votaw with an 82

The new coach of the Dutchmen, Bill Vandenberg, said he was "very pleased by the scores ." He thinks that they played very well for the first match of the season.

On Saturday, Sept. 20 the Dutchmen play Olivet at Olivet.

the second period De Pauw tied the game, which set the c i rcumstances for an ex-citing finish. With only two minures left the Hope team scored a crucial goal to overcome the opposing team.


Two of the Hope goals came f rom rookie right winger Sue Allie, while Mary Lou Ireland added a third goal and an assist. Jannie Lillrose rounded it out with an assist .

Coach Irwin praised the offense, s tat ing that "They showed much more strength than seen last year . They a re fas t breaking better and crossing more, which gives them better chances to score." She went on to say that "The defense only gave up one penalty corner , which is a feat in itself." She felt that the team a s a whole did a good job for their first t ime and went on to say that there is lots of potential for the rest of the season.

Yesterday Hope hosted Alma college in a crucial game at Van Raal te Field.

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by Diane Gluth This summer , the basketball team did

something that no other Hope athletic team has ever done before; they traveled abroad.

Eleven members of the varsi ty team plus coach Glenn Van Wieren left for Mexico on May 15 for 15 days . Their purpose was to play basketball against Mexican teams, have a basketball clinic, and part ic ipate in an outreach mission affi l iated with the Reformed Churches.

Lodging and food were covered upon ar r iva l in Mexico City. The team did have some help in covering the cost of the trip f r o m s e v e r a l R e f o r m e d C h u r c h congregations, but approximately 75 percent of the cost was paid for by the players.

The team played such teams as the University of Mexico and the pre-Olympic team. The Dutchmen beat both the University of Mexico and the pre-Olympic team, but also fell to the latter in one encounter. Van Wieren explained that the trip was a meaningful playing ex-perience. "As a coach you a r e a lways looking for experience for a t eam, and more than just basketball ; you ' re looking for other dimensions too," he said.

One of the other benefits of the tr ip was the chance for the team member s to

sha re in a type of missionary work. For approximately four days the Dutchmen worked on painting an educational wing of a church in the " jungle" region of Mexico.

A fr iend of the team, who lives in Mexico, had a pr ivate plane which would fly three or four of the member s a t a t ime into and out of the jungle. The tr ip would last only 10 to 15 minutes, compared to a 3^ -hour c a r trip.

Anytime someone travels to a foreign country the language bar r i e r is a problem. According to Van Wieren, " there w a s always someone there f rom some association who could t rans la te for u s " ; he also explained that only one of the team members could speak any Spanish a t all.

At the end of the 15-day expedition the 11 team member s and their coach headed back home, sharing with each other all the new things they had learned on their trip.

" I t was a grea t experience for our guys ," s tated Van Wieren.


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Flying Dutchmen grounded 44-14

Steve Sayer, captain and goalie for the Flying Dutchmen soccer team, makes one of several saves against a tough Purdue-Calumet squad in last Saturday's game, (photoby Lora Rector)

by Tim Taylor The Orange and Blue had it coming.

Last yea r they embarrassed Wabash 20-2 before a huge crowd a t their home field. The Little Giants took it upon themselves to repay the favor and repay it they did, annihilating the not-so-Flying Dutchmen 44-14 down in Crasfordsville, Indiana.

The loss constitutes the worst defeat for a Hope football team since they suffered a 6(Hi ordeal back in 1970 while playing Franklin College. The 0-2 record also sets a record of sorts as it is Hope's worst s tar t since 1971, when they duplicated the feat.

Things looked bad right f rom the beginning as Wabash drove the length of the field on its second possession in six plays, with the final blow being a 29-yard touchdown from quarterback Dave Broecker to Pe te Metzelaar to give the Little Giants a 7-0 lead.

Things went from bad to worse as two

Hope turnovers, one of each variety, both Inside our own 20, gave Wabash a 21-0 lead by the t ime the f irst quar te r whistle blew. Wabash extended its lead to 28-0 before fullback Ed Cain finally put Hope on the scoreboard with a two-yard run, making the score 28-7 a t the end of the first half.

Two more Hope fumbles led to two more Wabash touchdowns and with thirteen minutes left on the clock the score was a merciless 44-7. Tailback Todd Holstege finally let Hope fans smile for the second time in the afternoon a s he broke loose for a 79-yard touchdown run, to end up the scoring for both sides.

Holstege led Hope ball carr iers with 101 yards in eight carries, while Cain worked for 28 yards with 11 carries.

Quarterbacks Mark Spencer, Tom Stackhouse and Jeff Neely could only complete six of 18 passes and contributed

Soccer team has spotless record by Steve Sayer The Hope soccer team played two

games last week and emerged unscathed to keep their undefeated record intact.

The first game, held at Fer r i s State, was a 3-2 squeaker. The wind played a ma jo r factor in that game; for example, Hope scored first when a Scott Borcyck shot, which appeared to be going wide, caught the wind and dipped into the goal. Fer r i s also scored to leave the game tied at the half.

Fer r i s opened the second half with a score on a breakaway. From this point on, however, the Hope offense took charge. They controlled the g a m e with solid possession soccer and left the defense with very little to do. Despite this, and the fac t that they had many goal scoring opportunities, the Dutchmen couldn't seem to punch through for a score.

Finally, with about 15 minutes to go, Borcyck got his second tally to tie it up. Jus t as it looked like the game would go into overtime. Bob Shoemaker sprinted through the defense with a breakaway. He slid the ball past the charging goalkeeper and into the back of the net

with only three minutes remaining on the clock.

Hope's second g a m e of the week was held a g a i n s t P u r d u e - C a l u m e t on Saturday afternoon a t the Holland Municipal Stathum. It turned out to be a classic. Although their styles were quite different, both teams turned in tough, scrappy performances. Hope used the wide field to their advantage. They spread out to create space. This allowed them to make best use of their short passing-ball control style. Their op-ponents chose to try long passes up the middle. This proved to be an effective tactic and Hope goalie Steve Sayer was called on to make several saves on breakaways.

In the first half, Hope had a number of excellent chances that either hit the post or missed by inches. Thus the half ended, tied at zero.

The second half appeared to be going the s a m e way. Hope again hit the post a couple of times. With the team playing as well as Hope was, however, it was just a mat ter of t ime until they got on the scoreboard. Right wing Doug Johnson showed this to be t rue as he netted his

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HIDDEN IN A CANOE in the bullrushes to avoid scaring the neighbors. Tommy L. so

en|oyed being a rudder that he kept steering

downstream; this spirit of adventure and uncanny ability to screw up a simple task still

persists today. At six, too large to be a

rudder, Tommy was acknowledged to be

human. Realizing then that the aroma in the

house was not last week's fish, his parents commenced potty training.

BERK, Rabbit, Wild, Beuks, Jo and Lour are wanton women. Luv, J.

second goal of the season. After this goal the momentum of the game swung in Hope's favor.

Bob Shoemaker followed about 10 minutes later with his third goal of the season and one of the most beautiful seen at a Hope game this year . After receiving the ball on the left wing, he beat three Purdue-Calumet players and then pushed the bal l u n d e r n e a t h the s l id ing goalkeeper to put the game out of reach. Junior Bob Holzinger provided the icing on the cake as he took a nifty pass f rom stopper John De Jong and converted it for the goal.

The heroics were not over yet, though. With only a few minutes remaining, Purdue-Calumet had a dangerous f r ee kick situation in front of the Hope goal. A Purdue-Calumet player hit a hard, curving shot directly toward the inside of the post, but f reshman goalkeeper A1 Cruthers made a diving save to preserve the shutout.

The game was important to the Dut-chmen in that it was their first shutout of the season. It also was notable because the team played well throughout the entire game. Hope's next home game is against Aquinas on Tuesday, Sept. 23, a t 3:30 p.m.



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three interceptions to the turnover mark of six.

The shellshocked defense (reportedly due to the generosity of the offense) was led by captain and linebacker John Frazza, who was in on 11 tackles.

V-ballteam serves wins

On the evening of Thursday, Sept. u , Hope ' s w o m e n ' s vol leybal l t eam travelled to Dowagiac for its initial matches of the 1980 season, and came away with a couple of impressive wins.

In the opening match the Flying Dutch squared off against the host team, Southwestern Michigan Community College, and handled them rather easily in spite of the scores: 15-8, 6-15, and 4-2 (the last g a m e called because of a time limit).

The next match was against Lake Michigan Junior College, a perennial powerhouse in junior college circles, losing last year only to Kellogg College, the eventual National Champion. The Lake Michigan players were impressive, even intimidating, as they warmed up, but as soon as the match got under way it became apparent that they had their problems in working together as a team. Although it was an exciting and close contest, the Hope women, with their excellent floor play and passing, were able to eke out the victory. The scores were 15-7,10-15 and 15-8.

Although there were aspects of Hope's game that showed a need for further work and development, coach Sander De Haan was pleased with the victories and proud of his. players ' overall floor play. He lauded the entire team for its "maturi ty and composure'* and commended the players for their consistently good bumping (recieving the opponent's serve) and setting. The first home contest will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 20, in the Dow Physical Education Center, where the Dutch will take on Muskegon Com-munity College.


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