072810 kpi




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Key Performance Indicators


Prepared by Peter Lloyd Johnson

Marlboro College Graduate Center

Capstone Project

August 7, 2010

Peter Lloyd JohnsonKey Performance Indicators

August 7, 2010 – Capstone Proposal

Strategic Objective Objective

# 1-above

The VPFD's executive director; board of directors; organization case workers.

KPI Name Metric measure: Home Page message clarity

Data collection method Survey Monkey - administered to database of email sign-ups

Collection will continue until a score of 4+ is achieved for a period of one month.

Who collects the data? Assistant to the Executive Director with help from Capstone student (PLJ).

Target threshold is a score of 4.5.

Bi-annual review by board of directors, Monthly review by executive director

Readers will rate home page content clarity on a scale of 1 (opaque) through 5 (clear/concise). Re-writing of content will be undertaken if aggregate score falls below 4

Primary audience is the Executive Director, a member of the board of directors who regularly comments on web best practices and the Capstone student (PLJ).

The survey will be administered upon launch of the refreshed website (Tentative: 10/1). It will continue until a target threshold of 4.5 is achieved for three weeks.

A number assessed according to a Likert scale (1=Strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agree) Survey Monkey

What is the formula/scale/assessment

How often, when and for how long do we collect data?

What is the target or performance thresholds?

Who is the primary and secondary audience for this indicator?

Reporting formats (in which formats will the information be reported?

Reporting frequency - when and how long will this indicator be reported?

Reporting channel (which channels will be used to report?

High-level Objectives:

1. Refresh the current VPFD website design and content so that it speaks clearly to the organization’s target audiences and reflects a standard of professionalism and experience that is expected of the organization; 2. Design a standard email template that generates click-throughs to the Vermont Partnership's website; 3. Optimize content to improve search by web browsers; 4. Provide keyword research and recommendations to guide editing of site content; 5. Create a limited social media plan involving Facebook to generate “fans” and extend the community served by VPFD.

Which objective does this indicator relate to:

Key Performance Question: What are our info needs?

Who is asking the question? Who is the info customer?

Why are they asking? Info used for what?

Is the mission of the Vermont Partnership clearly expressed by the text and information displayed on the home page design? What is the true nature of VPFD's activities?

Clarity of purpose will attract a broader audience for services the organization offers. Clarity results in greater support if the organization truly delivers on its stated mission.

Peter Lloyd JohnsonKey Performance Indicators

August 7, 2010 – Capstone Proposal

Strategic Objective Objective

# 2-above

The VPFD's executive director; board of directors; organization case workers.

KPI Name Metric measure: Email site generation

Data collection method Research metrics offered by Mailbuild; Google analytics

Who collects the data? Assistant to the Executive Director with help from Capstone student (PLJ).

40% click-through to landing page. 25% click-through to end point of intended path

Metrics will be recorded for each e-newsletter initiative.

Bi-annual review by board of directors, Monthly review by executive director

Chart showing % of Database to click through. Mailbuild and Google Analytics

Who is the primary and secondary audience for this indicator?

Reporting frequency - when and how long will this indicator be reported?

Reporting channel (which channels will be used to report?

Reporting formats (in which formats will the information be reported?

Is the Vermont Partnership's email initiative succeeding in driving readers to targeted pages on the website?

Allocation of resources. Does the initiative warrant the amount of time and expense required to generate email content, formatting and database management and mailing?

Percentage of respondent who clicked-through to content landing page. Time spent on website. Bounce rate from landing page.

Bi-monthly - Information will be collected during each release of Vermont Partnership e-newsletter blasts

Primary audience is the Executive Director, a member of the board of directors who regularly comments on web best practices and the Capstone student (PLJ).

Why are they asking? Info used for what?

What is the formula/scale/assessment

How often, when and for how long do we collect data?

What is the target or performance thresholds?

High-level Objectives:

1. Refresh the current VPFD website design and content so that it speaks clearly to the organization’s target audiences and reflects a standard of professionalism and experience that is expected of the organization; 2. Design a standard email template that generates click-throughs to the Vermont Partnership's website; 3. Optimize content to improve search by web browsers; 4. Provide keyword research and recommendations to guide editing of site content; 5. Create a limited social media plan involving Facebook to generate “fans” and extend the community served by VPFD.

Which objective does this indicator relate to:

Key Performance Question: What are our info needs?

Who is asking the question? Who is the info customer?

Peter Lloyd JohnsonKey Performance Indicators

August 7, 2010 – Capstone Proposal

Strategic Objective Objective

# 3 & 4 -above

The VPFD's executive director; board of directors; organization case workers.

KPI Name Metric measurement: Site optimization

Data collection method Wordtracker keyword search and organic search using Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Monthly collection.

Who collects the data? Assistant to the Executive Director with help from Capstone student (PLJ).

Monthly reporting of page ranking by set key phrases. Monthly website grader report.

Bi-annual review by board of directors, Monthly review by executive director

What is the target or performance thresholds?

Who is the primary and secondary audience for this indicator?

Primary audience is the Executive Director, a member of the board of directors who regularly comments on web best practices and the Capstone student (PLJ).

Reporting frequency - when and how long will this indicator be reported?

Reporting channel (which channels will be used to report?

Reporting formats (in which formats will the information be reported?

Page one ranking for key phrases outlined above. Monthly percentage increase in Hubspot's monthly website grader report.

Chart showing organic page rank at the end of each month for standard search phrases. Website grader will be a percentage.

Why are they asking? Info used for what?

Allocation of resources. Does the initiative warrant the amount of time and expense required to generate email content, formatting and database management and mailing?

What is the formula/scale/assessment

How often, when and for how long do we collect data?

Page ranking results for phrases commonly used to search for: "Vermont Social Justice", "Vermont Discrimination", Vermont Race relations", "Vermont Harassment". Website grader report: http://websitegrader.com/site/www.vermontpartnership.org

High-level Objectives:

1. Refresh the current VPFD website design and content so that it speaks clearly to the organization’s target audiences and reflects a standard of professionalism and experience that is expected of the organization; 2. Design a standard email template that generates click-throughs to the Vermont Partnership's website; 3. Optimize content to improve search by web browsers; 4. Provide keyword research and recommendations to guide editing of site content; 5. Create a limited social media plan involving Facebook to generate “fans” and extend the community served by VPFD.

Which objective does this indicator relate to:

Key Performance Question: What are our info needs?

Has content for the Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity's website been optimized for efficient search by major search engines?

Who is asking the question? Who is the info customer?

Peter Lloyd JohnsonKey Performance Indicators

August 7, 2010 – Capstone Proposal

Strategic Objective Objective

# 5 -above

The VPFD's executive director; board of directors; organization case workers.

KPI Name Metric measure: Facebook Social media

Data collection method Facebook Insights

Monthly collection.

Who collects the data? Assistant to the Executive Director with help from Capstone student (PLJ).

Monthly reporting of page ranking by set key phrases. Monthly website grader report.

Bi-annual review by board of directors, Monthly review by executive director

Who is the primary and secondary audience for this indicator?

Primary audience is the Executive Director, a member of the board of directors who regularly comments on web best practices and the Capstone student (PLJ).

Reporting frequency - when and how long will this indicator be reported?

Reporting channel (which channels will be used to report?

Reporting formats (in which formats will the information be reported?

Charts showing: 1. "Users Who Interact With Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity"; 2) "All People Who Like Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity." Data will be copied directly from Facebook Insights page available through the site administrator.

Why are they asking? Info used for what?

Allocation of resources. Does the initiative warrant the amount of time and expense required to oversee and manage the required interaction necessary for dynamic content?

What is the formula/scale/assessment

Tracking of Audience stats: age, gender, county of residence. Also, total interactions, total interactions per post.

How often, when and for how long do we collect data?

What is the target or performance thresholds?

Facebook: Monthly increase in "Likes", total interactions, Comments, Wall Posts, Post Quality.

High-level Objectives:

1. Refresh the current VPFD website design and content so that it speaks clearly to the organization’s target audiences and reflects a standard of professionalism and experience that is expected of the organization; 2. Design a standard email template that generates click-throughs to the Vermont Partnership's website; 3. Optimize content to improve search by web browsers; 4. Provide keyword research and recommendations to guide editing of site content; 5. Create a limited social media plan involving Facebook to generate “fans” and extend the community served by VPFD.

Which objective does this indicator relate to:

Key Performance Question: What are our info needs?

Are social media tools such as Facebook generating constructive dialogue to advance the mission of the Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity?

Who is asking the question? Who is the info customer?
