07 Treatment Tech Reference Guide for POPs LLi


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  • 8/13/2019 07 Treatment Tech Reference Guide for POPs LLi


    Remediation Treatment Technologies:

    Reference Guide for Developing Countries Facing

    Persistent Organic Pollutants


    Loretta Li, Ph.D., P.Eng.

    Associate Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering

    The University of British Columbia

    6250 Applied Science Lane

    Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4


    Dr. Mohamed EISA, Chief of POPs Unit



    Vienna International Centre

    P.O. Box 300, A-14000 Vienna


  • 8/13/2019 07 Treatment Tech Reference Guide for POPs LLi



    Table of Contents

    PageList of Tables ..................................................................................................................... iii

    List of Figures .................................................................................................................... iv


    Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................... vi

    1. Introduction.................................................................................................................1

    2. Methodology...............................................................................................................2

    3. Full Scale Technology Profiles...................................................................................2

    4. Development of a Screening Matrix...........................................................................3

    4.1. Logistics..........................................................................................................4

    4.2. Grading System for the Developed Screening Matrix....................................8

    5. The Potential for Improvement of Existing Remediation Techniques .......................9

    6. Address the Potential Improvement of Incinerator.....................................................9

    6.1. Methodology.................................................................................................10

    6.2. Incineration of Hazardous Waste Materials/POPs........................................10

    6.3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................15

    7. Address the Potential Improvement of Landfilling for POPs...................................15

    7.1. Methodology.................................................................................................16

    7.2. Landfilling: Engineered Landfill for Hazardous Waste Materials/POPs .....16

    7.3. Conclusion ....................................................................................................19

    Appendix A Overviews of established, demonstrated and emerging technologies........21

    A-1 Incineration ...................................................................................................22

    A-2 Bioremediation (DARAMEND

    & XenoremTM) ........................................29

    A-3 Solvent Extraction.........................................................................................41

    A-4 Vitrification (PACT, PLASCONTM& GeoMeltTM) .....................................45

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    A-5 Solidification/Stabilization ...........................................................................50

    A-6 Gas Phase Chemical Reduction ....................................................................56

    A-7 Alkali Metal Reduction (Sodium Reduction) ...............................................61

    A-8 Pyrolysis and Gasification ............................................................................64

    A-9 Ball Milling/ Mechano-Chemical Dehalogenation (MCDTM) ......................70

    A-10 Thermal Desorption ......................................................................................74

    A-11 Supercritical Extraction (SCE) .....................................................................83

    A-12 Soil Washing.................................................................................................92

    A-13 Chemical Dehalogenation...........................................................................100

    A-14 Phytoremediation ........................................................................................105

    Appendix B Soil Effect on Cost of Technology ...........................................................111

    Appendix C Treatment Technology Combinations......................................................117

    Appendix D Chemical abbreviations, synonyms and trade names of 12 POPs

    identified by UNIDO in the Stockholm Convection................................119

    Bibliography ..................................................................................................................122

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    List of Tables


    Table 1 The list of reviewed technologies ......................................................................3Table 2 Proposed screening matrix system choosing an appropriate technology

    for a specific site in each developing country....................................................6

    Table 3 Grading System for screening matrix ................................................................8

    Table B1 Soil Characteristics Affecting Cost of Remedial Technology ((USEPA

    1989; Evans 1990; USEPA 1991a; USEPA 1992b; USEPA 1994b;

    USEPA 1995b; USEPA 1997; USEPA 2004a; USEPA 2005) .....................113

    Table B2 Critical Characteristics Affecting Cost Ranges for Technology

    Alternatives for Remediating POP- Contaminated Soil and Sediment

    (Dvila et al., 1993) .......................................................................................114

    Table B3 Cost Summary of Each Technology and the Estimated Cost in 2007

    U.S. Dollars using Construction Cost Index..................................................115

    Table B4 Annual Construction Cost Index....................................................................116

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    List of Figures


    Figure C1 Common combinations of treatment technologies applied in remedialactions (USEPA 2004b).................................................................................118

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    Special acknowledgment is given to Dr. John R. Grace of the Department of Chemical

    and Biological Engineering at The University of British Columbia for his contributions to

    the section on combustion technology; Tamer Gorgy, my Ph.D. student, who performed a

    literature search and prepared a compilation of existing technologies; Dr. Raymond Li of

    CH2MHILL for his cooperation and thoughtful suggestions during the preparation of this


    I also express my special thanks to the United Nation Industrial Development

    Organization (UNIDO) for its financial support for this project.

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    This report compiles information on a wide range of technologies for remediation of

    POPs in soil and stockpiles based on available published and unpublished information

    available to the author. In preparing this review, technical literature and reports from

    various organizations have been surveyed. Note that the evaluation is based on existing

    available information, some of which may not be complete or fully accurate.

    This report is provided as a reference guide, but it is not intended to provide guidance

    regarding selection of a specific technology or vendor. It also should not be construed in

    any manner as constituting endorsement, recommendation or discouragement for the useof any trade name or commercial product.

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    1. Introduction

    Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), originating from a variety of human

    activities (agricultural and industrial), are toxic chemical compounds that resist chemical

    and biological breakdown in the environment. POPs can be conveyed for thousands of

    miles through air or water currents, and may be found in remote ecosystems far from

    their source, even in locations where POPs have never been used (EUROPA 2007).

    Through bioaccumulation, animals, like humans, higher in the food chain, are more likely

    to have higher concentrations of these pollutants, often to the degree that the substances

    may cause cancer, as well as neurological and immune system disorders (USEPA 2007,

    OMoE 2005).

    The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Stockholm Convention on

    Persistent organic Pollutants is a global agreement intended to protect human health and

    the environment from POPs. It was signed on May 23 2001 and entered into force on

    May 17 2004. Parties to the Stockholm Convention agree to the management and control

    of POPs (UNEP 2003). Because of their adverse health effects and associated

    environmental hazards, remediation of POPs in stockpiles and soils has been underway in

    many developed countries. Unfortunately, industrialization of many developing

    countries has resulted in extensive use of these chemicals, causing serious environmental

    pollution and resulting in serious negative social impacts.

    Many advanced soil remediation techniques have been commercialized and

    adopted in industrialized and developed countries. These include Gas Phase Chemical

    Reduction (GPCR), Mechanochemical dehalogentation (MCD),and Thermal Desorption.

    Some promising techniques such as Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) and Sonic

    technology are still either at the laboratory stage or at the pilot study. However, due to

    the financial constraints, many advanced technologies are unlikely to be adopted by the

    developing countries. The success of finding suitable and affordable technologies is

    critical in solving problems in the developing countries.

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    The objective of this report is to review existing commercially available and

    sustainable techniques of remediating POPs and to explore the potential for adopting or

    improving existing remediation techniques for use in developing countries.

    Existing technologies are first summarized. A set of criteria is then provided as

    an aid to developing countries in identifying which technology is most suitable in each

    case based on country specific factors and site-specific conditions.

    2. Methodology

    Both well developed and commercialized combustion and non-combustion

    technologies for remediation of POPs in soil and stockpiles are summarized here, basedon available information. In preparing this review, technical literature and reports from

    various organizations have been surveyed. Sources which are especially useful are:

    USEPA Reference Guide to Non-Combustion Technologies for Remediation of

    Persistent Organic Pollutions in Stockpiles and Soil (2005)

    UNEP, Science and Technology Advisory Panel (STAP) of the Global

    Environmental facilities (GEF) Review of Emerging, Innovative

    Technologies for the Destruction and Decontamination of POPs and the

    Identification of Promising Technologies for Use in Developing

    Countries (2004)

    IHPA and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Committee on the

    Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) Pilot Study Fellowship Report

    Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Remedial Action

    Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater

    (Phase III) (2002)

    3. Full Scale Technology Profiles

    As listed in Table 1, Appendices 1 to 14 of this report provide overviews of

    established, demonstrated and emerging technologies for remediation of POPs-

    contaminated soils and sediments. The information there includes process descriptions,

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    site requirements, estimated costs, by-products, and performance (covering where

    possible laboratory-, bench, pilot- and full-scale test results). The advantages and

    limitations of the various technology options, as well as their applicability in developing

    countries are also considered briefly.

    Table 1. The list of reviewed technologies

    Technology Appendix

    Incineration 1

    Bioremediation (DARAMEND& XenoremTM) 2

    Solvent Extraction 3

    Vitrification (PACT, PLASCONTM& GeoMeltTM) 4

    Solidification/Stabilization 5

    Gas Phase Chemical Reduction 6

    Alkali Metal Reduction (Sodium Reduction) 7

    Pyrolysis (STARTECH) 8


    Ball Milling/ Mechano-Chemical Dehalogentaiotn



    Thermal Desorption 10

    Super Critical Extraction (SCE) 11

    Soil Washing 12


    Chemical Dehalogenation 13

    Emerging Phytoremediation 14

    4. Development of a Screening Matrix

    Screening Matrices are common tools for screening potentially applicable

    commercialized technologies for POPs remediation projects. A matrix allows the user to

    screen in-situ (with a few exceptions) technologies to treat POPs for countries at various

    stages of development. The US Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR

    2007) has developed a similar screening matrix for remediation technologies.

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    In this report, three sets of criteria have been developed to form the screening

    matrix. The matrix provides a foundation for decision-making and for choosing an

    appropriate technology for a specific site in each developing country. The matrix can be

    readily expanded as more commercial technologies become available.

    4.1. Logistics

    The criteria for comparison are based on on-site technology (in-situ/ex-situ)

    except for landfilling and incineration. All the criteria are grouped under three major

    headings: (a) technical considerations, (b) health and environmental considerations, and

    (c) economic considerations. These three subtitles are intended to encourage a wide-

    ranging evaluation of the technologies, not only including financial factors, but also

    taking into consideration technical and environmental criteria. Equal weight is applied

    here to each criterion, but weighting factors can be established to reflect the differing

    relative importance of different criteria in each jurisdiction. However each factor should

    at least be considered in all cases. Note that the evaluation is based on existing available

    information, some of which may not be complete or fully accurate.

    (a) Technical considerations

    Site Specific Requirements:

    Soil Temperature Dependence

    Soil Moisture Dependence

    Particle Size Distribution of Soil

    Permeability/Clay Content

    Organic matter (insufficient data and information to be included in the


    Space available

    Proximity of population or sensitive sites

    Resource/Technical Requirements:



    Water quantity, quality and seasonal variations

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    Skilled labour

    Transportation: roads, rail, canals, etc.

    Off-gas treatment



    (b) Health and Environmental Considerations

    Impact on the local, regional and global environment in all aspects, i.e. air,

    water, soil and sediments

    Hazardous by-product(s)

    Worker health and safety

    Odours, aesthetic factors

    (c) Economic considerations

    Pretreatment cost

    Labour cost

    Monitoring cost

    Power/fuel cost

    Equipment cost

    Installation/decommissioning cost

    Operating and maintenance cost

    Disposal cost

    Transportation cost

    Water cost

    Intellectual property cost

    Post treatment cost

    Influence on regional economy

    Table 2 displays the proposed matrix system for considering these various factors.

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    Table 2. Proposed screening matrix system choosing an appropriate technology for a specific site in each developing country

    Combustion Non Combustion


    DesorptionSuper Critical

    Extraction Phytoremediation Bioremediation GPCRSolvent


    In/Ex situ Ex Ex Ex/In Ex In In/Ex Ex Ex

    On Site/Off site On site Off site On Site On Site On Site On Site On Site On site

    Efficient 99.99% 99.99% 93-99.8% 99.99% 60-80% 99.99% 95-99%

    Estimate cost ($/m3) * 140-360 350-450/350-700 122-154* partial cost 147-626 55-360 500-630 125-400

    Technical Consideration

    Site Specific Requirement

    Soil Temperature Dependence 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1

    Soil Moisture Dependence 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

    Particle Size 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2

    Permeability/clay content 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3

    Space Requirement 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 3

    Resource Requirement

    Pretreatment 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 2

    Power 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3

    Water 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 2

    Chemical/enemzy 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3

    Monitoring 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3

    Skill Labour 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3

    Transportation 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Off Gas Treatment 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 1

    Post Treatment 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3

    Excavation 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3

    Sub total 29 23 32 37 20 30 35 36

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    Table 2 (continued)

    Combustion Non Combustion


    DesorptionSuper Critical

    Extraction Phytoremediation Bioremediation GPCRSolvent

    Extraction Health & Environm ental

    ConsiderationImpact to Environment 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1


    Hazardous 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1

    Sub total 5 5 2 2 2 2 4 2

    Financial Consideration

    Pretreatment Cost 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 2

    Labour cost 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3

    Monitoring Cost 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 3

    Power/fuel Cost 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 Equipment Cost 3 2 3 3 1 1 3 2 Installation/DecommissioningCost 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 2

    Operational & Maintenance Cost 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2

    Chemical (or equivalent) Cost 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3

    Disposal Cost 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Transportation Cost 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Water Cost 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1

    Patent Cost 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1

    Post Treatment Cost 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 3

    Sub total21 18 25 31 17 18 29 23

    Rating Code : 1 - No/Low

    2 - Average

    3 - Yes/high

    * See Appendix A for detail information on cost

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    4.2. Grading System for the Developed Screening Matrix

    The symbols used in the treatment technologies screening matrix are simple.

    Table 3 provides an explanation of this grading system.

    Table 3. Grading System for screening matrix

    Rating Code Explanation

    1 - No/Low Low degree of intensity or not required - in cost, negative impact or

    skilled labour

    2 - Average Average degree of intensity - in cost, negative impact or skilled labour

    3 - Yes/high High degree of intensity or requirement - in cost, negative impact or

    skilled labour

    In this matrix evaluation, the lower the score, the better the technology for a

    specific site. Completing the matrix is a valuable tool for the site owner, as well as for

    government agents who are responsible to determine which available technology is most

    suitable for managing POPs. Each criterion can be weighted by multiplication by

    weighting factors, accounting for the varying importance of different attributes. The

    sum of all scores, multiplied by the corresponding weighting factors results in a total

    qualification grade for comparing alternatives and selecting the best technology for the

    specific site subject to its own local and specific conditions. The weighting factor for

    each item can be adjusted upward or downward as circumstances change, depending on

    local factors. Note that there is no a priori methodology to assign the right weighting

    factors for the criteria in Table 2. It is up to site owners to assign the appropriate

    weighting factor for each criterion based on local priorities and regulatory requirements.

    For example, the cost of water and energy can vary radically between difference

    communities, so that their weighting factors are likely to differ. Also, the regulatory

    requirements for developing countries can differ greatly from those of developed

    countries. Therefore, again the corresponding weighting factors with respect to

    environmental impacts are likely to differ in such cases.

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    5. The Potential for Improvement of Existing Remediation Techniques

    Many of the remediation technologies described in the previous sections are

    proprietary and protected by patents. Know-how needed to exploit existing technologies

    can also be proprietary to design firms or other private interests. Because of the

    competition between technologies for the existing market and differences in local

    conditions, there may well be potential for improvement of proprietary techniques, or for

    adaptations that would make them more suitable to local situations in developing


    Incineration and landfilling are the two most common technologies which are

    unlikely to require consideration of patents. Although they have been in practice in manycountries for many year, they are still have potential for improvement, e.g. those based on

    the directorate of the Stockholm Convention. The facilities must exist for safe and

    appropriate reuse and/or reformulation; they must present no additional unacceptable

    hazards, and they must benefit both people and the environment.

    6. Address the Potential Improvement of Incinerator

    Incineration is a combustion technology which if not designed or operating

    optimally, can create products of incomplete combustion such as polychlorinated

    dibenxo-p-dioxins (dioxins) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (furans). Note that

    dioxins and furans are often synthesized de novo, i.e. formed downstream, at an

    intermediate temperature range e.g. ~400C. According to Carroll (2003) the key to

    reduction of generation and emissions of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) is proper design

    and operation of the combustor. The uniformity of conditions is significant because

    problems often occur when part of the stream by-passes the hot zone. Attention alsoneeds to be paid to free radical reactions which can result in the synthesis of a wide

    variety of compounds, some of which are harmful. Specification and operation of

    pollution control equipment requires utilization of good combustion practices, often

    expressed as the "Three T's": Time in the combustion zone, Temperature of combustion

    and combustion gases, and strong Turbulence to ensure good mixing and favourable

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    contacting with oxygen. Successful governmental policy reflects these requirements as a

    condition for operation of incinerators, especially those burning toxic and other special

    wastes. With more research on combustion and careful attention to detail, incineration is

    one of the best and most economic technologies for POPs.

    6.1. Methodology

    In preparing this section, I have relied on:

    Review of a number of recently published papers and unpublished material relating to

    incineration of POPs, PCBs and emissions of dioxins/furans.

    Input from a world-recognized process engineer and research scientist, with

    experience related to combustion of a wide range of materials, reactors, high-

    temperature processes, and air pollution control, including special waste incineration.

    Some available material with respect to the Canadian experiences at the Swan Hills,

    Alberta facility and the Sydney Tar Ponds, Nova Scotia facility are used for

    illustration purposes.

    6.2. Incineration of Hazardous Waste Materials/POPs

    Incineration of waste materials is commonly employed as a method for converting

    waste carbonaceous materials into relatively harmless substances, mostly carbon dioxide,water and ash. The flue gas also includes oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulphur (mostly

    SO2), as for combustion of fossil fuels; when the combustible material contains chlorine,

    hydrogen chloride (HCl) is also a product. Control of these three gases is standard,

    practiced routinely, e.g. in furnaces, boilers and power generation. Inevitably small

    amounts of other undesirable products like carbon monoxide (CO) will also be present in

    the flue gas. Traces of highly undesirable products of combustion, in particular products

    of incomplete combustion, such as chlorinated dioxins and furans, also occur in

    combustion processes. The major objective in incineration is to keep the concentrations

    of these substances to extremely low and tolerable levels, while effectively destroying the

    waste materials fed to the incinerator.

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    The main challenges facing the designers and operators of an incinerator for

    destroying POPs are:

    Effective destruction and removal efficient (DRE) for the waste material;

    Minimization of the production and emission of noxious pollutants, like

    dioxins and furans, which can be formed in incineration systems.

    Effective control of the emissions of heavy metals.

    Controlling the emissions of standard combustion pollutants like NOx, SO2,

    CO and particulates.

    These will be considered in turn, followed by some general observations.

    (a) Destruction of POPs (e.g. PCBs) and Other Fed Waste Materials

    A rotary kiln is the most common type of hazardous waste incinerator. This type

    of high-temperature reactor is also often employed in cement-making, limestone

    calcination and pulp and paper operations. Waste liquid and/or solids are fed into one

    end of a slightly-inclined rotating cylinder which has been heated (by auxiliary fuel such

    as oil) to approximately 1200C or more. The temperature is maintained at that level by

    the calorific value of the waste stream, supplemented if needed by fossil fuel such as oil

    or natural gas. The wastes are lifted and dropped repeatedly by the revolving furnace,

    leading to effective contact with combustion air. Excess air is employed (i.e. more than

    required for stoichiometric combustion) in order to promote complete burning of the

    wastes. Typically 30 - 50% excess air is recommended. The standards required for the

    incinerator need to be fixed, but previous experience (Grace 2007) with rotary kiln

    furnaces has shown that they are capable of meeting usual incinerator standards of six

    nines (99.9999%) destruction of PCBs, and four nines (99.99%) destruction of

    polyaromatic hydrocarbons like naphthalene and anthracene. Well-designed and properly

    operating commercial incinerators exceed these values, frequently by a factor of 10 to

    100. Operating conditions which are most important to achieve high DREs are the mean

    temperature level, temperature uniformity, sufficient excess oxygen concentration (e.g.

    >4% oxygen by volume in the flue gas), uniform feeding, and turbulence or other

    effective contacting mechanisms in the furnace. To further improve the combustion

    efficiency, the off-gases are fed to a secondary combustion chamber (often called an

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    afterburner), to assist in oxidizing any unburnt gases. In addition, downstream pollution

    control devices, such as scrubbers, filters and/or electrostatic precipitators, are added to

    capture fine particulates (fly ash) and gaseous component which would otherwise escape.

    A revolving fluidized bed incinerator has demonstrated destruction with at least

    six nines efficiency for coke wastes (tar containing a number of potentially harmful

    constituents, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, and heavy

    metals, as well as small amounts of volatile organic compounds). Tests by Jia et al.

    (2005) of Natural Resources Canada have also indicated that tar sludge can be efficiently

    destroyed in circulating fluidized bed combustors. These combustors operate at

    significantly lower mean temperatures (typically 850 - 900C, though with greater

    temperature uniformity than rotary kilns.) PCB wastes, with much higher concentrations

    than those of the tar sludge, are also routinely incinerated in the rotary kiln incinerators at

    Swan Hills in Alberta, Canada, with DREs well in excess of six nines. Rotary kiln

    incinerators in other countries have had similar success. When problems are

    encountered, these can often be related to materials handling in delivering the wastes to

    the incinerator, not to the incinerator itself. For example, with Sydney tar ponds wastes in

    Nova Scotia, Canada, incineration failed in tests carried out two decades ago due to

    problems in pumping the sludge material up hill to the level of the incinerator (Campbell


    (b) Minimization of Dioxins, Furans and Other Products of Incomplete Combustion

    Considerable work has been completed in a number of countries on the

    mechanisms by which it is possible to form and emit noxious substances, in particular

    poly-chlorinated dioxins and furans, in combustion facilities. Some of the key factors

    needed to minimize their generation are the same as those cited above with respect to

    achieving high destruction and removal efficiencies, i.e. high and uniform temperatures,

    uniform feeding, sufficient excess oxygen, effective gas/waste contacting through

    turbulence, and proper downstream separation devices. In addition, it is very important

    that the cooling of the flue gases through the temperature interval from ~ 400 to 300C be

    as quick as possible to prevent de novosynthesis of dioxins and furans downstream of the

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    incineration chambers. These stipulations are generally well-known to operators of

    incinerators. If an experienced vendor is chosen, with a well designed and effectively

    operated and maintained incinerator, it should be possible to operate within normal

    hazardous waste limits.

    (c) Emissions of Heavy Metals

    Some wastes and by-products contain small amounts of heavy metals, which are

    present in the material fed to the incinerator. For instance, in coke tar, the metals of

    concern are likely to be arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury,

    nickel, selenium, silver, vanadium and zinc. It is important to minimize emissions of

    these metals. Mercury is the most volatile of these metals, and its control depends on

    effective capture of fly ash entrained by the flue gases, i.e. on efficient gas-solid

    separation in the off-gases. Standard separation techniques like scrubbers, bag filters and

    electrostatic filters are available to control such emissions. The less-volatile metals are

    likely to end up predominantly in the bottom ash. Careful controls can ensure that the

    heavy metals emissions satisfy the applicable codes, both in terms of emissions and levels

    at point of impingement. Residual (fly and bottom ashes) from the incinerator could be an

    issue and must be disposed of and handled properly.

    (d) Emissions of Standard Combustion Pollutants

    Incinerators must also meet standard emission limits for pollutants (e.g. acid gases

    like SO2 and NOx, as well as CO) commonly controlled in stationary combustion. There

    is a need to keep the oxygen concentration in the flue gas higher than about 4% to

    achieve uniform combustion with good burnout. If this is done, emissions of CO and

    unburnt hydrocarbons should be low. The need to control mercury and other heavy

    metals also requires effective capture of particulates, so that particulate emissions should

    be well controlled by filters, scrubber or precipitator. If opacity is controlled, this should

    also be readily achievable given the other controls. Given the oxidizing conditions, gases

    like hydrogen sulphide and ammonia will not be problematic.

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    (e) Materials Handling Issues

    An incinerator is only as good as its auxiliaries, with continuous and uniform

    feeding being of the utmost importance. This can sometimes be overlooked. Special

    attention to handling and feeding of the waste is needed. As noted above, an attempt to

    utilize incineration for Sydney Tar Ponds sludge failed because of materials handling

    issues. An accident at the Swan Hills facility in the 1990s was also attributed to materials

    handing problems.

    (f) Continuous Operation

    It is preferable for incinerators to maintain operation night-and-day once

    incineration has been started up and to have scheduled shutdowns only in frequently, e.g.

    once per year, since steady state continuous operation facilitates trouble-free operation.

    (g) Pilot-Scale Testing

    Pilot scale testing of POPs burning may be required to prove the successfulness of

    the design combustion conditions and operation for a given waste material. Some

    companies and government laboratories have pilot scale facilities that can be used for this

    purpose. Normally, the test results should be conservative in that a full-scale incinerator

    will have greater residence times than those in a pilot unit, and therefore if the pilot unit

    meets the requirements, the full-scale should also do so.

    (h) Operation and Maintenance

    The safety of any technology can be compromised by improper operation or

    failure to provide proper maintenance. It is not only vital that proper equipment be

    chosen, designed, fabricated, installed and commissioned, but that the operations and

    maintenance be at the top level for the full period of operation. The role of government

    in assuring quality and continuity of operation is vital to the safety of incinerator


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    (i) Monitoring and Emissions Testing

    Standard substances like oxygen, NOx, SO2, CO, unburnt hydrocarbons and HCl

    should be monitored continuously. Their levels can provide a good overall indication

    that the incinerator is working properly, and upsets can be detected, e.g. through a sudden

    drop in oxygen level and increase in off-gas CO concentration. Testing for complex

    organics like dioxins/furans, PAHs and PCBs requires specialized stack testing. While

    this would normally be done annually, it is appropriate to conduct additional tests in the

    first year in addition to the initial testing required for acceptance of an incinerator.

    6.3. Conclusion

    Incineration is a widely-practised technique for destroying wastes, including those

    containing POPs. Well designed, well constructed and well maintained incinerators with

    appropriate monitoring, downstream air pollution control and stack, can often be an

    appropriate technique for destruction of hazardous organic substances.

    7. Address the Potential Improvement of Landfilling for POPs

    Landfilling is a technique which can contain the migration of POPs. Since

    landfilling does not normally destroy POPs, every effort has to be used to prevent the

    migration. Proper lining and monitoring are required to ensure that there is no leakage

    from the landfill containment system. The engineer/control landfill can be considered as

    a temporary measured until the destructive technologies for POPs become available for

    developing countries, which provide environmental sustainability and fall within

    economical affordability.

    Developing countries should follow the most up-to-date requirements and

    technologies to build landfills which are suitable to handle the disposal of POPs. Two

    types of liners can be used: flexible membrane and clay liners. Measurement of the liner

    compatibility is critical to success. Flexible membranes deteriorate over time, particular

    when they are chemically incompatible with the leachate. Flexible membranes contain

    pinholes and therefore cannot be made leak-free. Organic chemical solutions affect the

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    hydraulic conductivity of clay liners. Therefore, it is suggested that a flexible membrane,

    compatible with POPs, underlain by a clay liner, is the minimum requirement of a landfill

    for disposal of POPs. Although there is no universal method to test the compatibility,

    two test methods have been promoted (EPA 1992c). They are NSF (National Sanitation

    Foundation) Standard No. 54 and EPA Test Method 9090.

    Local soil materials or waste materials with high adsorptivity and low hydraulic

    conductivity could be explored for possible use as containment barrier materials. If

    appropriate for adoption, these materials can benefit the local economy and may possibly

    gain a global market for such a material for containment purpose.

    7.1. Methodology

    In preparing this section, I have relied on the following:

    Review of a number of recently published papers and some unpublished

    material relating to landfill, clay liner, properties of POPs and soil minerals.

    Personal experience with landfill liners, waste containment systems, soil-

    contaminant interactions, mobility/immobility of contaminants, and

    remediation of contaminated sites, including those involving organic

    contaminants. Some available material with respect to experiences in different research and

    consulting projects related to remediation of contaminants in soils and landfill

    liner studies.

    7.2. Landfilling: Engineered Landfill for Hazardous Waste Materials/POPs

    Landfilling is generally regarded as the most economical and practical method for

    disposal of large volumes of municipal and industrial solid wastes. Land disposal has

    been in practice throughout human history. Traditionally waste was dumped in

    depressions (e.g. holes left after quarries and gravel were mined) or in open spaces

    without any lining system. This led to air, soil and water pollutions, and also to landfill

    fires. In developing countries where there is a lack of environmental awareness,

    economical means and technological infrastructure to use other treatment options, waste

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    will continue to be discarded onto land, whether or not it is regarded as an option for

    POPs. Many POPs are still being stored or disposed onto land, regardless of the

    development level of the country.

    Many environmental problems from landfill sites arise due to lack of

    understanding of science, including geology, hydrogeology, soil conditions, properties of

    contaminants and the resulting leachate. The legitimate environmental concern with

    respect to landfilling is whether pollutants contained in, or generated from, the wastes can

    be safely contained in landfills. Flexible membrane liner or clay liners (waste

    containment barriers) are frequently installed at waste disposal sites as a means of

    preventing pollutant migration and minimizing or eliminating the potential for

    groundwater contamination. In this section, I focus on the improvement of clay liners

    because many countries have access to clay minerals which may be suitable barrier

    materials. These include smectite/bentonite, vermiculate and illite. In using clays as a

    liner material in landfill construction, one relies on the effectiveness of the clay barrier to

    impede transport of contaminants due to the low permeability of the barrier. In addition,

    the ability of the clay barrier to adsorb (accumulate) contaminants (Li and Li 2001) can

    make a very useful contribution to the attenuating capability of the clay liner.

    Waste containment barriers are in the form of landfill liners and covers, lagoon

    liners, and slurry walls. However, the use of cay barriers below waste disposal sites to

    protect underlying groundwater resources has become a contentious issue following

    experimental and field evidence of failure due to clay-leachate incompatibility and other

    factors such as the mineralogical and physical properties (e.g. wetting/drying of clays that

    may cause cracking of the liner. Siting and construction of a landfill can be as important

    as selection and design of the liner system.

    (a) Landfill SitingAttention must be paid to the local geological and hydro-geological situation in

    selecting a landfill site. Avoid:

    Flood-hazard areas and wetlands

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    Areas subject to heavy rainfall

    Highly permeable soil (i.e. silt, sand, gravel)

    Public water supply watersheds

    Groundwater aquifers, recharge areas, areas with high water tables

    Limestone bedrock

    Designated parks, forests, historic areas, and wildlife refuges

    Seismic-risk zones

    Environmental impacts must be assessed for environmental impacts (i.e. air

    pollution, noise, water pollution, soil contamination and ecological risks); consider

    economic impacts also; then plan for preventive and mitigation measures.

    (b) Liner materialsLocal clay minerals (montmorillolite, vermiculite, illite and kaolinite) and soil

    minerals (zeolite) should be explored as possible liner barrier materials for their

    adsorptivity, compatibility and hydraulic conductivity for POPs. The methodology and

    approach have been outlined by Li and Li 2001, Li and Denham 2000 and others

    (http://www.civil.ubc.ca/people/faculty/lli/li_personalpage.html). Clay is an inexpensive

    material, widely used as a barrier in containment systems because of its low hydraulic

    conductivity (k) and high adsorptivity. However, the surface of clay is hydrophilic

    because of the strongly hydrated metal ions (principally Na+ and Ca2+) occupying the

    cation exchange sites (Li and Denham 2000). Hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs)

    such as POPs are repelled by this environment and are therefore not adsorbed well by

    natural clay. Thus, HOCs in landfill leachate may pass through clay barriers and into

    ground or surface waters. It is possible to make clays more adsorptive to HOCs by using

    cationic surfactants (Li and Denham 2000). These surfactants consist of a cationic,

    hydrophilic moiety and a non-ionic, hydrophobic moiety. The cationic ends of the

    surfactant molecules using simple ion exchange reactions replace the native inorganic

    cations on the clay surface. The modified clay is called organoclay. Large portions of the

    organoclay surface are rendered hydrophobic due to the hydrophobic moieties of the

    surfactant molecules. Thus, organoclay adsorbs many HOCs very well. Clay/soil

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    minerals such as zeolite and bentonite can be modified and adsorb HOC. The inclusion of

    organoclay in a clay barrier can effectively immobilize hydrophobic organic chemicals.

    Organic matter is an important constituent of soils with very high cation exchange

    capacity and very high specific surface areas. It partitions organic contaminants onto its

    surface. Admixing organic matter into soil liners may increase the retention ability of

    contaminants because many surface functional groups are available on soil organics for

    forming complexes (Sparks 1995). There is a lack of studies addressing alternative

    materials or reuse waste materials that would improve POPs compatibility.

    (c) Construction and Design

    A landfill site needs to have a sound design with daily cover, and a leachate

    collection and removal system. The construction must ensure a safe and secure landfill.

    Proper training of skilled workers is also needed.

    (d) No co-disposal of municipal or other wastesMost POPs are hydrophobic or have low solubility. However, in landfill situation

    when these are interactions with other organic solvents or humic substance, POPs have

    been detected in landfill leachates.

    (e) Composite Landfill LinersDepending on the locally available material, landfill liners can be composite liners

    or admixed with different materials which achieve the high retention capacity and low

    hydraulic conductivity with POPs. Detailed tests of materials need to be conducted before

    implementation to ensure that the environment is protected.

    7.3. Conclusion

    Lined/engineered landfill could be an option to temporary store POPs for

    developing country. Hazardous waste landfill design criteria have been set by many

    developed countries such as Canada, Australia, USEPA, and EU, and can be adopted.

    Local natural materials should be explored for use as landfill liners. Understanding of the

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    Appendix A Overviews of Established,

    Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies

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    A-1 Incineration


    Incineration treats POPs in solids and liquids by subjecting them to temperatures

    typically greater than 500oC in the presence of oxygen. These conditions cause

    volatilization, combustion, and destruction of the organic compounds. The technology

    can be scaled-down, with trailer-mounted versions of conventional rotary kiln and

    fluidized bed incinerators in existence. At large sites where the cleanup will require

    several years, it may be feasible to construct an incinerator onsite. Economic reasons are

    often the key factor in determining whether mobile, transportable, fixed, or off-site

    commercial incineration will be provided at a given site. In addition to the furnace,

    incinerator systems also include subsystems for waste preparation and feeding,

    combustion of feed, air pollution control (APC), and residue/ash handling (Oppelt 1987).

    The three major wastestreams generated by incineration are solids from the incinerator

    and the associated APC system, water from the APC system, and gaseous emissions from

    the incinerator (Freeman and Harris 1995).

    The applicability of incineration to the remediation of POP- contaminated soil or

    sediment may be limited by the types and concentrations of metals present in the waste to

    be treated. When soil or sediment containing metals is incinerated, some metals

    vaporize, reacting to form other metal species, while less volatile metals remain with the

    soil residuals. Metals in ash, scrubber sludge, or stack emissions, if improperly managed,

    can result in potential exposures and adverse health effects (USEPA 1992a). For

    example, lead, a metal commonly found associated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-

    contamination, volatilizes at most incinerator operating temperatures and must be

    captured before process off-gases are released into the atmosphere (USEPA 1992a). It is

    therefore essential to adequately characterize the metal content of the soil or sediment

    when considering incineration systems for treatment of PCB and other POPs.

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    Weber (2007) describes three mechanisms that affect the emissions of

    polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans

    (PCDFs) for high-temperature incinerators:

    (a) Formation of PCDDs/PCDFs within the high-temperature zone due to free radical


    (b) Emission of PCDD/PCDF precursors from high temperature processes and

    formation of PCDDs/PCDFs in the cooling zone.

    (c) Formation of PCDDs/PCDFs via degradation of products of incomplete thermal

    destruction (soot, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), etc.) in the cooling zone.

    If POPs waste and its associated thermal decomposition products are exposed to

    elevated temperatures for sufficient residence times, the POP components can be virtually

    completely destroyed. For combustion, the times required for destruction are typically

    only milli-seconds for gaseous compounds in the active flame zones. On the other hand,

    combustion times of the order of seconds may be required for complete destruction of

    small solid particles. A combustion temperature of 850oC and residence time of 2s,

    respectively, are generally believed sufficient to destroy all chlorinated organic molecules

    including PCBs and PCDDs/PCDFs (Weber 2007). However, this relies on all waste

    elements travelling through the hot zones something that is difficult to achieve.

    For sufficient safety margins state-of-the-art hazardous waste incinerators are

    required to operate at temperatures above 1100oC and with a residence time in excess of

    2s (Weber 2007). Conditions in cement kilns are even more severe (temperature

    >1400oC and several second residence time). Therefore for such facilities, bypassing

    around the hot zone has the greatest potential impact on total PCDD/PCDF formation (ifstable operation is maintained) (Weber 2007). This is probably similar for other high

    temperature technologies, which can operate steadily at appropriate high temperatures

    and sufficient residence time. In addition, all high temperature technologies will face the

    challenges of PCDD/PCDF formation during cooling (so-called de novo synthesis),

    posing the additional challenge of investigating, minimizing and documenting these

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    formations, while also ensuring that off-gas streams cool rapidly through the temperature

    range of ~250 - 500C (Weber 2007).

    Treatment Process

    The primary stages in the incineration process are waste preparation, waste feed,

    combustion, and off-gas treatment. Waste preparation includes excavation and/or

    transporting the waste to the incinerator. Depending on the requirements of the

    incinerator, various equipment is used to remove oversized particles and obtain the

    necessary feed size for soil and sediments (USEPA 1997). Blending of the soil or

    sediment and size reduction are sometimes required to achieve uniformity of feed size,moisture content, temperature, and contaminant concentrations (USEPA 1989).

    The waste feed mechanism, which varies with the type of incinerator, must introduce the

    waste smoothly and continuously into the combustion system. The feed mechanism sets

    the requirements for waste preparation. Bulk solids are usually shredded; contaminated

    media are usually ram or gravity fed (USEPA 1992a). The combustion reactor usually

    consists of one of three major systems: rotary kiln, infrared furnace, or circulating

    fluidized bed. The primary factors affecting the design and performance of the system arethe uniformity of feeding, the temperature at which the furnace is operated, the time

    during which the combustible material is subjected to the high temperature (residence

    time and time distribution), and the turbulence required to control (APC) equipment to

    remove particulates and capture and neutralize acid gases. APC equipment includes

    cyclones, venturi scrubbers, wet electrostatic precipitators, bag-houses, and packed

    scrubbers. Rotary kilns and infrared processing systems may require both external

    particulate control and acid gas scrubbing systems. Circulating fluidized beds do not

    require scrubbing systems because limestone can be added directly into the combustor

    loop; however, they are likely to require a downstream system to remove particulates

    such as cyclones, bag filters or electrostatic precipitators (USEPA 1992a; USEPA 1997).

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    Site Requirements

    The site should be accessible by truck or rail, and a graded or gravel area is

    required for setup of onsite mobile systems (USEPA 1997). Concrete pads are required

    for some equipment (e.g., rotary kiln). For a typical commercial-scale unit, 2 to 5 acres

    are required for the overall system site including ancillary support. A stack of height

    exceeding that of local buildings and trees should be available or provided as part of the

    project. Standard high-voltage, three-phase electrical service is generally needed. A

    continuous water supply must be available at the site. Various ancillary equipment may

    also be required, such as liquid or sludge transfer and feed pumps, ash collection and

    solids handling equipment, personnel and maintenance facilities, and process-generated

    waste treatment equipment. In addition, a feed-materials staging area, decontamination

    trailer, ash handling area, water treatment facilities, and a parking area may be required

    (USEPA 1992a). Special handling measures should be provided to hold any process

    residual streams until they have been tested to determine their acceptability for disposal

    or release. Depending on the site and the nature of the waste, a method to store waste that

    has been prepared for treatment may also be necessary. Storage capacity depends on

    waste volume and equipment feed rates (USEPA 1992a).


    The cost of incineration includes the relatively fixed costs of site preparation,

    permitting, and mobilization/demobilization; and variable operational costs, such as

    labour, utilities, and auxiliary fuel. Average costs of the treatment system were said to

    range from $140- $360/m3 (1989 dollars) (USEPA 1997).


    Three major waste streams generated by incineration are solid ash from the incinerator

    and any solids captured by the APC system, water from the APC system, and gaseous

    emissions from the incinerator.

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    Ash is commonly either air-cooled or quenched with water after discharge from

    the combustion chamber. Dewatering or solidification/stabilization of the ash may also

    have to be applied since the ash could contain leachable metals at concentrations above

    regulatory limits. The alkalinity of the matrix may influence the leachability of the ash

    (USEPA 1989).

    The flue gases from the incinerator should treated by an APC system such as an

    electrostatic precipitator, scrubber or filter before discharge through a stack. A high- or

    low-pH liquid waste may be generated by the APC system, specifically by a scrubber or

    wet precipitator. This liquid waste may contain high concentrations of chlorides, volatile

    metals, trace organics, metal particulates, and other inorganic particulates. Wastewater

    requiring treatment may be subjected to neutralization, chemical precipitation, reverse

    osmosis, settling, evaporation, filtration, or carbon adsorption before discharge (USEPA



    Incineration technologies were selected as the remedial action at 65 U.S.Superfund sites with VOC and SVOC- contaminated soil or sediment (USEPA 1991a;

    USEPA 1993). Incinerator performance is most often measured by comparing initial PCB

    concentrations in feed materials with both final concentrations in the ash and

    concentrations present in off-gas emissions. In all the reported pilot and field scale

    studies, removal efficiencies exceeded 99.99% (USEPA 1997).

    Advantages and Limitations

    A well designed incinerator will have the following advantages:

    Capability of the highest overall degree of destruction and control for the broadest

    range of hazardous waste streams. The technology has effectively treated soils,

    sludges, sediments, and liquids containing all organic contaminants found at wood

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    preserving sites, such as PCDDs/PCDFs, PCP, PAHs, and other halogenated and

    nonhalogenated VOCs and SVOCs (Oppelt 1987; USEPA 1997).

    Treatment can achieve stringent cleanup levels.

    Broad application capability, for example with respect to different POP-contaminated


    The limitations of this treatment technology are:

    The inorganic components of hazardous wastes are not destroyed by the process,

    mostly reporting to the bottom ash, and thus requiring either further treatment or

    disposal under stringent regulatory procedures.

    Continuous perfectly stable operation of a man-made facility operated by humans

    with heterogeneous or variable feed streams is unattainable. Technical defects, fatigue

    of construction materials and sensors, mistakes of operators, problems in power

    supply etc. sometimes lead to unstable operation. This may lead to some

    PCDD/PCDF/POPs emission (Weber 2007).

    Performance can be limited by the physical properties and chemical content of the

    waste stream, if not accounted for in the system design. Oversized particles (e.g.,

    stones, debris) can hinder processing and can cause high particle loading from fines

    carried through the process. Feeds with high moisture content increase feed handlingand energy requirements.

    Applicability to Developing Countries

    Incineration is a viable treatment method since many countries possess the

    infrastructure of incineration systems for municipal solid waste disposal and cement

    kilns. These facilities can use the contaminated soil as part of the fuel source, if the

    system is upgraded to include APC systems, and maintain proper ash treatment or

    disposal methods.

    Where there are high precipitation rates or where contaminated site is in a flood

    hazard plain, there may be problems with incineration, since the soil has to be predried to

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    provide the desired outcome, with minimal dioxin/furan emissions. Also high moisture

    content soils require more energy needs to achieve dryness.

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    A-2 Bioremediation (DARAMEND & XenoremTM)


    Bioremediation usually refers to the use of microorganisms to break down

    complex organic contaminants into simpler compounds. The technology usually involves

    enhancing natural biodegradation processes by adding nutrients, oxygen (if the process is

    aerobic), and in some cases, microorganisms to stimulate the biodegradation of

    contaminants. Anaerobic processes utilize microorganisms that are capable of degrading

    contaminants in the absence of oxygen. Bioremediation is typically performed by adding

    essential nutrients, adjusting moisture levels, and controlling the concentration of oxygen

    in the treatment area or vessel. Microorganisms already present in the soil may be

    biodegraders, or additional strains may be introduced.

    Solid-phase bioremediation uses conventional soil management practices, such as

    tilling, fertilizing, and irrigating, to accelerate microbial degradation of contaminants in

    above-ground treatment systems. If necessary, highly contaminated soils can be diluted

    with clean soils in order to reduce the contaminants to levels conducive to


    Composting uses bulking agents, such as straw or wood chips, to increase the

    porosity of contaminated soils or sediments. Additional components may be added to

    increase nutrients and readily available degradable organic matter. These additives

    include manure, yard wastes, and food-processing wastes. The resulting mixture often

    favours the growth of thermophilic microorganisms which are capable of degrading theorganic contaminants of concern (USEPA 1997).

    In-situ bioremediation is accomplished by providing electron acceptors (e.g.,

    oxygen and nitrate), nutrients, moisture, or other amendments to soils or sediments,

    without disturbing or displacing the contaminated media. In-situ bioremediation is often

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    used in conjunction with traditional pump-and-treat and soil flushing groundwater

    systems, in which the treated water is amended, as required, to stimulate microbial

    activity. It is then re-injected into the zone of contamination. An example of that is

    bioventing, where vacuum extraction wells, air injection wells, or both are installed and

    operated at relatively low flow rates, providing increased oxygen to the microorganisms

    in the soil (NRC 1993).

    There are several commercialized bioremediation bio-amendment substances that

    are in use. These include: using blood meal, DARAMENDand XenoremTM.

    Treatment Processes

    Bioremediation can occur under anaerobic or aerobic conditions. These will be

    presented separately in the following paragraphs.

    Anaerobic Bioremediation

    In anaerobic bioremediation, bacteria replace chlorine substituents with electron-

    donating hydrogen (from H2) on the organic molecule. Under anaerobic conditions, PCB,

    PCDD and PCDF reduction is known to occur as a co-metabolic process, where thesecompounds are transformed during the metabolism of another compound. However,

    PCDDs and PCDF have shown resistance to breakdown. There are 2 known

    dechlorinating organisms for PCBs, o-17 and DF-1 which depend on 2,3,5,6

    tetrachlorobiphenyl (tetraCB) for growth and require acetate to survive (Cutter et al.,


    Anaerobic bioremediation can involve two major remedial actions: bio-

    stimulation and bio-augmentation. Bio-stimulation involves addition of a primer to

    galvanize a targeted dechlorinating population. Primers include FeSO4, which provides

    free sulfate, consumed by sulfate reducers. The bioenergetics favour sulfate reducers

    over methanogens. This process is favourable for in-situ applications because it is cheap

    and environmentally benign (Bedard et al., 1996). In addition, the procedure can

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    introduce halogenated organics to prime processes which are recalcitrant to degradation

    (Abraham et al., 2002). Bio-augmentation, involves enriching a contaminated site with

    organisms capable of degrading the targeted compound.

    Anaerobic degradation of POPs is generally faster than aerobic degradation.

    Anaerobic degradation usually involves dechlorination, which has little effect on the total

    mass of the target contaminant, but can reduce toxicity by targeting highly chlorinated

    congeners (Mondello 2002). Hence dechlorination is sometimes used prior to aerobic

    remediation to decrease the reluctance of contaminants to undergo biodegradation.

    Usually a sequential of anaerobic and aerobic processes yields better overall degradation


    No practical and effective universal systems for bioremediation of PCBs, Dioxins

    and furans in soil have been developed for several reasons. PCBs, PCDD/Fs are mixtures

    of congeners having different physical and chemical properties. Microorganisms cannot

    use PCBs, PCDD/Fs as source of carbon and energy growth. Thus they have no selective

    advantage by which they expend energy to perform these reactions (Wiegel and Wu

    2000; Smidt and de Vos 2004). It is also difficult to promote successful cometabolic bio-

    transformation. The available data are limited, and major differences between lab-scale

    and site conditions often exist (Zhang and Bennett 2005). Contaminants can be more bio-

    available in the laboratory than on site. In addition, discrepancies are also common in

    reported results due to volatilization, redistribution of congeners, and partitioning to

    equipment in lab studies (Mondello 2002; Wu et al., 2002; Zhang and Bennett 2005). In

    laboratory-scale studies, bacteria are commonly made more competitive or conditions are

    adjusted to their favour (Mondello 2002; Wu et al., 2002; Zhang and Bennett 2005).

    Aerobic Bioremediation

    Aerobic degradation of POPs can be carried out by a variety of aerobes acting

    synergistically. The degradation usually attacks lightly-chlorinated congeners (e.g. in

    PCBs 5 or fewer) (Bedard et al., 1996; Abraham et al., 2002).

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    Studies have shown that a broad range of gram-negative and gram-positive

    bacteria can breakdown PCBs. The range is narrower for PCDD/Fs. Extensive research

    found strains of PCB-degrading-bacteria, especially in contaminated soils: Enterobacter

    sp. SA-2, Ralstonia sp. SA-4, and Pseudomonas sp. SA-6. e.g., Achromobacter sp.,

    Alcaligenes, sp., Acinetobacter sp., Corynebacterium sp., Rhodococcus sp., Burkholderia

    sp. and Pseudomonas sp. that can metabolize PCBs or, in the case of congeners

    containing one or two chlorines, use them as a sole source of carbon and energy

    (Adebusoye et al., 2007). Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 and Rhodococcus sp. strain

    RHA1 are two of the more promising strains for application in the aerobic stage of a PCB

    biotreatment process because of their abilities to degrade a wide range of PCB congeners

    (Rodrigues et al., 2006). However, like other PCB-degrading microorganisms, they have

    only limited ability to grow on PCBs, so repeated addition (bio-augmentation) would be

    required for bio-treatment (Rodrigues et al., 2006).

    In-situ bioremediation takes place in the vadose zone of soils and in the top few

    millimetres of sediments, ensuring aerobic conditions. This often leads to the production

    of chlorobenzoic acid (CBA) due to enzymatic degradation of the ring resulting in fewer

    attached chlorine atoms, with release of the second ring as CBA. If accumulated, CBA

    itself can be toxic (Abraham et al., 2002). Rodrigues et al (2006) reported that PCB

    degraders cannot catalyze degradation CBA, with the consequence being a buildup of the



    Aerobic Studies

    Bench, Laboratory and Pilot Scale Studies

    Laboratory scale studies commonly experience greater effectiveness than field

    treatment because they are conducted under more controlled, uniform and favourable

    conditions than in the field (NRC 1993). Laboratory studies can provide upper limit

    results, but caution must be exercised when forecasting results expected in full scale and

    field bioremediation. Most reported studies have been done on PCB bioremediation in

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    particular on Aroclor, including 1221,1242 and 1254 incubated in aerated sludge reactors.

    The mono- and dichlorinated PCBs rapidly degraded and the rate decreased as percent

    chlorine of Aroclors increased (Mondello 2002). Studies on high-density PCB-degrading

    bacteria suspended in buffer solution with a PCB mixture revealed that degradation

    occurred, except to Aroclor 1254 (Furukawa et al., 1983).

    In bioreactor studies, PCB reduction was up to 80% in bench scale systems

    (Mondello 2002). Degradation of Aroclor 1248, 1254 and 1260 has been studied in 8

    different types of agricultural and forest soils (Mondello 2002). Results showed

    degradation rates up to 80%. The least degraded mixtures were those containing highly-

    chlorinated congeners like 1254 and 1260.

    Field Studies

    Field studies results show less degradation than in laboratory investigations. The

    following provides some examples of recorded field studies:

    (a)Glenn Falls, NY (Mondello, 2002)

    The site consisted mainly of sandy soil contaminated with Aroclor 1242, at levels

    of 50-500 mg/kg. Many di- and trichlorobiphenyls were degraded.

    The study attempted to stimulate the process by adding Pseudomonas strain

    LB400 (which is known to degrade a wide variety of PCBs). Laboratory scale

    test, showed 85% degradation.

    In the field study the strain was repeatedly dosed over a designated area for a

    period of 4 months.

    Only 20% of the PCBs degraded.

    In an adjacent plot, which was repeatedly dosed with nutrient solution and no

    bacteria introduction relying only on native microorganisms, there were negligible


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    After 373 days, hexa- to nona-CBs decreased from 68% to 26%. However, TriCB

    increased. Overall there was no net reduction in total PCB concentration.

    (b)Anaerobic Bioremediation of Toxaphene using Blood Meal (USEPA 2005)

    This method uses blood meal as a nutrient to the native anaerobic bacteria. The

    contaminated soil was treated for toxaphene by bio-stimulation. The soil was

    mixed with blood meal and saturated with water (0.3 m above the soil).

    In ex-situ systems, the soil was placed on lined cells, covered and incubated for

    several months.

    The by-products from this process were lower chlorinated chlorobenzenes,

    chloride ions and cell mass, in addition to H2S and methane.

    An attempt to treat chlorobenzenes by blood meal under aerobic conditions

    achieved 90% dechlorination.

    Anaerobic-Aerobic Remediation

    Aerobic bacteria do not degrade highly chlorinated compounds such as PCBs.

    Coupled systems of anaerobic and aerobic phases may be implemented, where highly

    chlorinated compounds are dechlorinated, to enhance aerobic degradation.


    and XenoremTM

    are commercialized technologies utilized in this

    coupled system.


    (USEPA 2005)

    The process includes addition of DARAMEND (which contains nutrients and zero-

    valent iron) with water to produce an anoxic phase causing bio-stimulation.

    Periodic tilling of the soil is performed to promote oxic conditions. Watering and

    tilling are performed several times to achieve effective treatment. The technology can be implemented using land-farming techniques for ex-situ or in-

    situ conditions:

    o Ex-situ requires excavated soil to be placed on lined cells after removal of


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    o In-situ is only applicable for surface soil or soil within reach of tilling

    equipment. The soil must be screened to remove large debris.

    By-products of concern are the leachate produced, if cells are not covered on top to

    prevent exposure to rainfall.

    This technology is generally not feasible for highly contaminated soils.


    This is a patented technology developed by Stauffer Management Company, a

    subsidiary of AstraZeneca Group PLC of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Recently,

    this technology was sold to the University of Delaware (USEPA 2005). It is an ex-

    situ bioremediation technology utilizing aerobic and anaerobic cycles with enhanced

    composting (USEPA 2005). The anaerobic conditions promote dechlorination of

    organochlorine compounds. The duration of the anaerobic phase is determined by

    bench-scale studies. At the end of the anaerobic phase, the amended soil is mixed

    again creating aerobic conditions (USEPA 2005; Rubin and Burhan 2006).

    XenoremTM treats low-strength wastes containing chlordane,

    dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dieldrin and toxaphene.

    Organic amendments such as manure and wood chips are added to the contaminated

    soil. This can increase the final amended soil volume by as much as 40% (Rubin andBurhan 2006).

    The metabolic activity is increased due to the presence of high levels of nutrients

    from the amendment, depleting the oxygen content and creating anaerobic conditions

    (USEPA 2005; Rubin and Burhan 2006).

    The anaerobic and aerobic cycles are repeated until the desired contaminant

    reductions are achieved (USEPA 2005; Rubin and Burhan 2006).

    The organic amendments are reportedly spent after 14 weeks (USEPA 2005; Rubin

    and Burhan 2006).

    This technology was applied in a full-scale cleanup at the Stauffer Management

    Company Superfund site in Tampa, Florida (Jackson and Gray 2001).

    o The site is the location of a pesticide manufacturing and distribution facility

    that operated from 1951 to 1986 (Jackson and Gray 2001).

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    o Soil was contaminated with chlordane, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane

    (DDD), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), DDT, dieldrin, molinate,

    and toxaphene.

    o The technology was applied to two batches of soil.

    o DDD, DDE, DDT and toxaphene were reduced by 65%, 68 %, 88 %, and 94

    %, respectively; however, neither batch achieved the site cleanup goals for

    DDT and toxaphene (USEPA 2005; Rubin and Burhan 2006).

    Site Requirements

    Space requirements depend on the specific technology employed. In general, in-

    situ applications do not require large areas. Installation of infiltration galleries and wells

    to circulate amendment-laden water, however, requires from several hundred to several

    thousand square meters of clear surface area (Mondello 2002; USEPA 2004b; USEPA

    2005). During ex situ applications, more open space is typically required to accommodate



    Cost varies from $55 to $360/m3(2005 dollars) (USEPA 2005) .

    Costs at the higher end mainly apply to ex-situ, and mechanical bioremediation.


    Vendor-related technologies, such as DARAMEND and XeonremTM

    , incur high

    costs if exported.


    Offensive odours from anaerobic degradation.

    More soluble chlorinated compounds, needing further treatment.

    Chloride ions.

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    Leachates generated from uncovered systems.

    Biomass from microorganisms.

    Minerals and salts from completely degraded compounds.

    Advantages and Limitations

    Advantages of bioremediation are:

    Both in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation technologies have been shown to be

    successful in treating both water-soluble and relatively insoluble compounds. Organic

    compounds that are highly soluble in water may biodegrade rapidly, particularly in

    slurry-phase systems. In general, the rate of biodegradation of a given compound is

    proportional to the solubility of that compound in water.

    Slurry-phase bioremediation also has the advantage of allowing more precise control

    of operating conditions (e.g., temperature, mixing regimes) than solid-phase or in situ

    applications. Slurry-phase systems utilizing tanks can be operated under anaerobic or

    aerobic conditions, either sequentially in the same tanks, or in series with multiple

    vessels. Slurry-phase bio-remediation allows improved contaminant monitoring due

    to increased homogeneity of the contaminated media.

    Solid-phase bioremediation and composting offer several advantages common to

    slurry-phase operations and other ex-situ treatment technologies: better process

    control, increased homogeneity, and improved contaminant monitoring. In addition,

    treatment units can be built to accommodate large quantities of media.

    Composting also enriches the treated soil, providing nutrients for revegetation

    (Petkewich 2001). In situ bioremediation minimizes the need for excavation and

    transport of contaminated soils, sediments, or sludges.

    Energy costs required for bioremediation treatment are typically less than for

    alterative remedial approaches.

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    Limitations include:

    Many factors affect the success of bioremediation. The physical form, amount,

    location, and distribution of contaminants have major impacts on the degree to which

    contaminants are degraded (Downwy et al., 2004).

    Biodegradable contaminants may undergo mineralization (complete degradation to

    inorganic constituents); however, incomplete degradation (ending with the formation

    of organic intermediates) is also possible.

    Soil characteristics, including particle size distribution, moisture content, and

    permeability, also affect the success of bioremediation.

    Soil and contaminant characteristics affect bioavailability (the extent to which

    contaminants can be degraded by microorganisms).

    The contaminated soil must not exceed 10 % by volume of the treated soil (Bedard et

    al. 1996).

    Bioavailability of contaminants in soil can decrease with time, as the contaminants

    age and become more strongly sorbed to soil particles.

    Bioremediation is slower than many other technologies and may require frequent

    monitoring during startup. Monitoring and sampling will also be necessary to

    determine when prescribed cleanup levels have been achieved.

    Temperature, moisture content and pH values below or above the optimal range for

    the microorganisms retard or halt bioremediation. In some cases, excessive biomass

    growth may impede further remediation.

    Bioremediation has not proven to be effective on PCDDs/PCDFs.

    Breakdown of contaminants may generate more toxic by-products or contaminants

    which are mobile.

    Chlorinated compounds used as bioaugmentation, may cause increased contamination

    by chlorinated compounds at the site. Ex-situ remediation practices require large surface areas to treat large quantities of

    contaminated soil. This is a disadvantage for heavily populated countries where land

    is very expensive.

    Aerobic remediation is not applicable to sites prone to flooding, because water

    logging leads to anaerobic conditions.

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    In addition to these general limitations, in situ and, to a lesser extent, solid-phase

    bioremediation present potential difficulties in determining the performance of the

    treatment. Contaminant spatial heterogeneity, fate and transport, and sorption

    dynamics all lead to variability in results across the site and over time. Sorption

    dynamics are particularly important for composting, since contaminants may bind

    strongly to the added organic matter, reducing bioavailability. Degradation rates,

    therefore, may be limited by desorption kinetics rather than microbial activity.

    Especially when recalcitrant contaminants such as PCBs are present. PCBs are often

    tightly bound to soil particles, resisting enzymes of dechlorination and making it

    difficult to establish and stimulate PCB organisms in remediation sites (Abraham et

    al., 2002).

    Applicability to Developing Countries

    Many bioremediation options are affordable.

    If contaminated land is expensive, then time-consuming technologies are likely to be


    Countries with extreme weather conditions require more controlled treatment

    environments since bioremediation technologies are sensitive to moisture content and


    Many developing countries are subject to high precipitation and to flooding

    conditions. In this case, aerobic remediation is only feasible if conducted in protected

    sites or ex-situ locations.

    Ex-situ bioremediation involving soil spreading requires large surface areas,

    especially when large quantities of soil are contaminated. For highly populated

    countries suffering from lack of free land, ex-situ remediation tends to be veryexpensive.

    In-situ bioremediation technology can be promising for areas with relatively moderate

    climates. Technologies involving farming equipment are feasible, since such

    equipment is often already present in such areas.

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    A-3 Solvent Extraction


    Solvent extraction is an ex-situ process in which contaminants are separated from

    soils, sludges, and sediments, thereby reducing the volume of waste that must be treated.

    In the process, the contaminated soil or waste material is brought into contact with a fluid

    that selectively dissolves the contaminants.

    Treatment Process

    The primary stages of the solvent extraction technology are media preparation,

    contaminant extraction, solvent/media separation, contaminant collection, and solvent

    recycling. Waste preparation includes excavation or moving the waste material to the

    process where it is normally screened to remove debris and large objects. Depending

    upon the process vendor and whether the process is semi-batch or continuous, the waste

    may need to be made mobile (pumpable) by the addition of a solvent or water.

    In the extractor, the soil or sediment and solvent are contacted with each other,

    and the organic contaminant dissolves into the solvent. The extraction behaviour

    exhibited by this technology is usually similar to other mass-transfer-controlled

    processes, like liquid-liquid extraction, although equilibrium considerations often become

    limiting factors when the time of contacting is long. It is important to conduct a


    treatability test to determine whether mass transfer or equilibrium is likely to be the

    controlling factor, since the controlling factor is critical to the design of the unit and to

    the determination of whether solvent extraction technology is appropriate for treatment of

    the particular waste.

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    After a predetermined extraction time, the solid and the fluid are separated, and

    the target contaminants are concentrated in the extraction fluid. The number and length

    of the extraction stages are selected based on the remediation criteria, i.e. to achieve the

    required degree of extraction. The extracted organics are removed from the extractor

    with the solvent and go to a separator, where the pressure and/or temperature is changed,

    causing the organic contaminants to separate from the solvent by forming different

    phases (Rowe 1987). The solvent is then recycled to the extractor, and the concentrated

    contaminants are removed from the separator (Rowe 1987).

    Soil properties affect the efficiency of the treatment method. Optimal soil

    conditions for treatment include less than 15% clay in the soil and less than 20% moisture

    in the soil (USEPA 1995b). Higher moisture contents require drying of the soil and /or

    solvent distillation to reduce accumulation of water in the solvent.

    Soils containing more than 20% moisture must be dried prior to treatment.

    Excess water dilutes the solvent, reducing contaminant solubilization and transport

    efficiency (USEPA 1995b). Water buildup in the stock solvent requires the addition of a

    distillation step to maintain solvent integrity. Excessive clay concentrations require

    additional wash cycles and physical handling to reduce clay aggregate size (USEPA


    Site Requirements

    Typical commercial-scale units (50 to 70 tons per day) may require a total

    treatment area of 930 m2 and a power supply (USEPA 1995b). Water must also be

    available at the site (USEPA 1995b).


    One time start-up (including capital) cost is estimated at $175,000 for a commercial


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    Average treatment cost range between $125-$400/m3 (in 1995 dollars) (USEPA



    There are three main by-product streams generated by this technology:

    The extract containing concentrated contaminants, after the organic contaminants

    being separated from the solvent, which requires further treatment.

    The treated soil or sludge may need to be dewatered before being returned to the site.

    Water involved in the process. The volume of the water depends on the inherent

    dewatering capability of the liquid-solid separation process, the specific water

    requirement for feed slurrying, and the initial water content of the soil or sediment

    (USEPA 1997).


    Solvent extraction technologies have been selected as the remedial action at

    several U.S. Superfund sites. This section briefly summarizes pilot and full-scale studies.

    Laboratory, Bench and Pilot Scale Studies

    Treatability pilot studies on different PCB contaminated soils of different soil

    properties have been conducted, with varying number of wash cycles. The process

    resulted in a removal efficiency of 95-99%, with better removal as the number of wash

    cycles increased (USEPA 1995b).

    Full Scale Studies Removal efficiency at 4 U.S. Superfund sites contaminated with PCBs was 99%

    (USEPA 1997).

    A full scale study of solvent extraction on DDT-contaminated soil resulted in a 98.8%

    contaminant reduction (USEPA 1995b).