07 Nonrespiratory Parainfluenza Virus Infection of Dogs



Enfermedades infecciosas Greene Cap 7

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  • Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition

    CHAPTER 7 Nonrespiratory Parainfluenza Virus Infection of Dogs

    Craig E. Greene


    Canine parainfluenza virus (CPiV) is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, which includes canine distemper virus, simian virus 5 (SV-5), and human measles and mumps viruses. Human, simian, and canine type 2 parainfluenza viruses have all been called SV-5-like viruses because of their close antigenic relationship. Monoclonal antibody studies have shown minor antigenic differences between SV-5 isolates.11 Whether different SV-5 isolates are transmitted among people, nonhuman primates, and dogs remains to be established. The virus associated with respiratory disease in dogs is CpiV,5 which causes an acute, self-limiting cough in the syndrome of canine infectious tracheobronchitis (ITB, see Chapter 6) and is recognized worldwide as an important cause of respiratory disease in dogs.1,10 Serologic studies indicate that the overall prevalence of CPiV in the canine population is high but variable. Experimental inoculation of CPiV in newborn pups can cause viral spread to internal tissues. Evidence shows that related but distinct paramyxoviruses may cause systemic or nonrespiratory infections in older dogs.6 In addition, parainfluenza virus was consistently isolated from the prostatic fluid of a dog.12


    A parainfluenza virus variant was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a 7-month-old dog with ataxia and paraparesis lasting 3 to 4 days.7 The dog had been vaccinated against canine distemper at 7.5 weeks of age. Gnotobiotic puppies inoculated intracerebrally with this virus isolate developed two forms of clinical illness.3,4 Some developed acute encephalitis characterized by seizures, myoclonus (involuntary rhythmic muscle contractions), and progressive neurologic signs within a few days after inoculation. Five of six inoculated dogs observed for 6 months after inoculation developed internal hydrocephalus, although clinical signs were not noted at the time. The hydrocephalus was thought to result from ependymitis with decreased absorption of CSF, with or without aqueductal obstruction (see Chapter 84 for an additional discussion about this type of hydrocephalus from suspected infectious causes). Seven-week-old seronegative ferrets intracerebrally inoculated with this CPiV isolate have also been found to develop a self-limiting nonsuppurative ependymitis and choroiditis.2 A 6-week-old puppy was found in extremis as a result of acute hemorrhagic enteritis.4 Although a paramyxovirus variant was isolated, it has not been confirmed that it was responsible for the clinical illness.

    At present, it is uncertain whether the central nervous system or gastrointestinal forms of disease caused by paramyxoviral variants occur with any frequency under natural circumstances. Neurologic illness has been more commonly recognized as a complication of other paramyxovirus infections, such as with canine distemper in dogs (see Chapter 3) and in people with measles and mumps viruses (see Chapter 25). In laboratory rodents, other paramyxoviruses have been shown to produce encephalitis and hydrocephalus that are very similar to those that result when the paramyxoviral variant is injected into dogs. Naturally occurring encephalitis, periventriculitis, and hydrocephalus of a suspected bacterial origin have been described in young dogs (see Periventricular Encephalitis, Chapter 84).




    CHAPTER 7 Nonrespiratory Parainfluenza Virus Infection of Dogs

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  • Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition


    Paramyxovirus-induced encephalitis or hydrocephalus may be confirmed serologically by the hemagglutination inhibition assay; however, because of the high prevalence of antibody in canine populations and the routine use of a vaccine for CPiV, confirmation requires demonstration of a rising serum antibody titer. CSF antibody titer to this variant virus was shown to remain persistently high in dogs after experimental infection.7 Viral isolation can be performed using CSF or brain tissue of infected dogs. In addition, direct fluorescent antibody methods can be used to detect viruses in nervous tissue. For cases of enteritis, virus isolation and electron microcopy of feces would be most valuable. Serologic techniques such as virus neutralization or HI must be used to distinguish these variant paramyxoviral strains from CPiV.


    Gross pathologic findings have been identified only in experimentally infected dogs that became hydrocephalic. Moderately enlarged lateral and third ventricles are present. Microscopically, acute meningoencephalitis was characterized by multifocal neuronal necrosis, lymphoplasmacytic cellular infiltrates, and reactive gliosis. Focal ependymitis was also apparent. Flattening and discontinuities of the ependymal cells lining the ventricles were seen in dogs developing hydrocephalus. Ultrastructurally, the virus could not be found in the brains of dogs developing hydrocephalus and encephalitis that were examined 1 to 6 months after experimental infection. In the previously mentioned puppy with enteritis, the intestinal and gastric contents were blood tinged. Atrophy of small intestinal villi, mucosal congestion, and lymphoid necrosis were noted.


    The prevalence of paramyxoviral variant diseases is unknown at present, and they have no known treatment. It is possible that the CPiV vaccine, which was developed for ITB (see Chapter 6), may help to prevent these other paramyxoviral diseases.

    Suggested Readings*

    * See the CD-ROM for a complete list of references.

    6. Evermann, J: Paramyxovirus infections of dogs. Vet Rec. 117, 1985, 450451.

    12. Vieler, E, Herbst, W, Baumgartner, W, et al.: Isolation of a parainfluenza virus type 2 from the prostatic fluid of a dog. Vet Rec. 135, 1994, 384385.

    Uncited references

    9. Macartney, L, Cornwell, HJ, McCandlish, IA, et al.: Isolation of a novel paramyxovirus from a dog with enteric disease. Vet Rec. 117, 1985, 205207.







    CHAPTER 7 Nonrespiratory Parainfluenza Virus Infection of Dogs

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