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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-1


    3Polling and Interrupt


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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-2

    Polling and Interrupt Handling

    3.1 Overview


    Interrupt Handling

    Design Considerations

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-3


    A device driver is a software solution for a hardware

    operation problem.

    The software must be aware of state changes or eventsin the hardware. Examples of state changes and events


    q Floppy drive door openedq DMA operation completeq Data has arrivedq Device has completed initialization and is now

    available for use.q . . .

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-4



    q Software periodically queries the hardware for event

    occurrences. Interrupt Handling

    q Hardware causes flow of execution to be changeddue to a event occurrences.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-5

    Polling and Interrupt Handling


    3.2 Polling

    Interrupt Handling

    Design Considerations

    Managing non-interrupt driven devices using polling techniques

    q Task polling during idle times

    q Task polling at periodic intervals

    q Using watchdog timers

    q Using auxiliary clock

    Task synchronization

    Data buffering (asynchronous I/O)

    Mutual exclusion and race condition issues

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    Approach Overview



    Driver Poll Task


    Application program calls driver routines, which access device.

    q driver is executed in the context of the application task

    q all I/O is synchronous

    Application program calls driver routines, which communicate with the

    driver poll task.

    q poll routine executes as separate task

    q I/O may be asynchronous

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-7

    Task Time Polling

    To poll your device when the system is idle:

    q Create a low priority taskq

    In an infinite loop poll the device:FOREVER


    status = *pDeviceAdr;



    What are the consequences of the above?

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    Task Time Polling

    To poll device at a periodic interval:

    q Create a moderate or high priority task

    q In an infinite loop poll device and call taskDelay( ).FOREVER


    status = *pDeviceAdr;


    taskDelay (POLL_RATE);


    What are the consequences of this choice?

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    Task Time Polling Without Drift

    Poll device from a task synchronized by a watchdog timer:

    1 LOCAL SEM_ID fooSemId;

    2 LOCAL WDOG_ID fooWdId;


    4 STATUS fooInit (void)

    5 {

    6 /* Create poll task */

    7 fooSemId = semBCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY,SEM_EMPTY);

    8 taskSpawn (...fooPoll,...);


    10 /* Create watchdog timer and start it */11 fooWdId = wdCreate ();

    12 wdStart (fooWdId, POLL_RATE, fooWdFunc, param);

    13 }

    What are the consequences of this choice?

    Please note that error checking has been removed in the code above.

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    Code Example (Contd)

    14 LOCAL void fooWdFunc (int param)

    15 {

    16 semGive (fooSemId);

    17 wdStart (fooWdId, POLL_RATE, fooWdFunc, param);18 }


    20 LOCAL void fooPoll (void)

    21 {

    22 semTake (fooSemId, WAIT_FOREVER);

    23 status = *pDeviceAdr;

    24 ...

    25 }

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-11

    Interrupt Time Polling

    Poll device using a watchdog timer:

    1 LOCAL WDOG_ID fooWdId;


    3 STATUS fooInit (void)

    4 {

    5 fooWdId = wdCreate ();

    6 wdStart (fooWdId, POLL_RATE, pollFunc, param);

    7 }


    9 LOCAL void pollFunc (int param)

    10 {

    11 status = *pDeviceAdr;12 ...

    13 wdStart (fooWdId, POLL_RATE, pollFunc, param);

    14 }

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-12

    High Speed Interrupt Time Polling

    Use the auxiliary clock for very fast polling:

    void fooPollStart (int rate)


    sysAuxClkConnect (fooPoll, param);

    sysAuxClkRateSet (rate);

    sysAuxClkEnable ();


    LOCAL void fooPoll (int param)


    status = *pDeviceAdr;


    }void fooPollStop (void)


    sysAuxClkDisable ();


    The existence and restrictions on the auxiliary clock is board dependent.

    See config.h for the minimum (AUX_CLK_RATE_MIN) and maximum

    (AUX_CLK_RATE_MAX) auxiliary clock rates.

    For simplicity, error checking has been removed from the example

    routines above.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-13

    Comparison of Polling Techniques

    Using a low priority task allows device polling as

    system load permits.

    Polling task could starve if priority is not high enough.

    The higher the priority, the more consistently the task

    accesses the device.

    A high priority polling task may block out other tasks.

    Using watchdogs provides the most reliable periodic

    device access with the greatest cost (to the rest of the


    To reduce overhead, interrupts should be used for high

    speed polling.

    Since there is less overhead in servicing an interrupt then in a context

    switch, high speed polling is best done in an auxiliary clock ISR.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-14

    Polling and Interrupt Handling



    3.3 Interrupt Handling

    Design Considerations

    Installing an interrupt service routine (ISR).

    What can and cannot be done in an ISR.

    Debugging an ISR.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-15

    Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

    User-defined routine to execute upon receipt of an


    In an ISR, do not:

    q Block, e.g. call semTake( )

    q Use a routine that requires a task context (TCB), e.g.call taskIdSelf( )

    q Use floating point operations (unless floating pointregisters are saved and restored)

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-16

    Handling Interrupts

    1. Interrupt task when device asserts IRQ line

    2. During interrupt acknowledge cycle, decide which

    device needs service3. Call routine appropriate for the device as indicated in

    the Interrupt Vector Table

    4. In VxWorks-defined interrupt wrapper routine, saveregisters and call user-defined ISR

    5. Restore registers on return from ISR

    6. Unless ISR made a task of higher priority ready to run,resume interrupted task

    Floating point registers are NOT automatically saved and restored by

    interrrupt wrapper routine.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-17

    Auto-vectored, Vectored andChained Interrupts

    If the system is autovectored, software will be run to

    determine which device caused the interrupt.

    In a true vectored system, hardware will complete a set

    of bus cycles to determine the STATUS/ID information

    and the service routine for this particular device will be


    Chained interrupts allow multiple service routines to besimultaneously connected to a particular vector. All

    chained routines will be executed in response to an

    interrupt for a particular vector. It is the responsibility

    of the ISR to determine if its device is active.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-18

    Converting Interrupt Number toInterrupt Vector

    INUM_TO_IVEC (intNum)

    Converts an interrupt number to interrupt vector in anarchitecture dependent manner:

    Interrupt InterruptNumber Vector

    Interrupt Table Example (MC68K)012




    255 1020

    Macro defined in iv.h.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-19

    Installing an ISR

    STATUS intConnect (vector, routine, param)

    vector The interrupt vectorroutine The address of the user-defined ISR

    param Any value to be passed to this ISR


    #include "iv.h"


    void myISR();...

    if (intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC(intNum), myISR, 0) ==


    return (ERROR);

    The vector is NOT the interrupt number. It is the address offset of the

    entry in the interrupt vector table.

    The param is sometimes used to indicate which board is interrupting

    when managing multiple boards of the same type. This avoids having

    to write two separate ISRs. For example:

    /* connect first boards ISR */

    intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC(intNumberBoard0), myIsr, 0);

    /* connect second boards ISR */

    intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC(intNumberBoard1), myIsr, 1);


    void myISR (int boardNumber)...

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-20

    ISR Restrictions

    No I/O system calls

    q Dont call routines that make I/O system calls, e.g.

    printf( ) No blocking

    q Dont take a semaphore or call any routine that maytake a semaphore, e.g. malloc( )

    q No taskDelay( )

    Do not do anything that requires a task contextq Dont use 0 for a tid, e.g. taskSuspend (0)

    q Dont use mutual exclusion semaphores

    I/O system calls, e.g. read( ) and write( ), typically block until the

    device is ready to satisfy the request.

    It is perfectly OK to read or write to device registers (as long as there is

    no blocking).

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-21

    What Can Be Done In An ISR

    Calling semGive( ) or semFlush( ) on a binary orcounting semaphore

    Reading or writing to memory, including memory-mapped I/O

    Making non-blocking writes to a pipe or message queue

    Calling logMsg( )

    Calling any routine in lstLib or bLib

    Calling any routine in rngLib except rngCreate( )

    Calling wdStart( ) and wdCancel( )

    Calling taskSuspend( ), taskResume( ) or

    taskPrioritySet( )

    See Programmers Guide for a complete list.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-22

    ISR Guidelines

    Keep ISRs short

    The general rule is Do as little as possible.

    The longer the ISR, the longer the delay for lower or

    equal priority interrupts.

    Avoid using floating point operations in an ISR.

    The shorter the ISR, the easier it is to debug.

    It is the responsibility of the ISR to determine if itsdevice is active. This is required if the ISR is ever to be

    installed on a system with chained interrupts.

    To use floating point operations in an ISR, you must save and restore the

    registers yourself. See fppALib for save and restore routines.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-23

    Common ISR Scenarios

    Call semGive( ) and do everything else at task time.

    Read from the device and place data read into pipe or

    message queue.


    SEM_ID semId;


    intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC (intNumber), semGive, semId);

    ...void myFunc() /* task time */




    semTake (semId, WAIT_FOREVER);


    . /* deal with device */




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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-24

    Enabling Interrupts

    In systems with a bridge to an external, shared bus, it is

    necessary to program the bridge chip to pass interrupts

    asserted on that bus to the processor. Bridge chips for the VMEbus will often have this ability.

    It is essential that only one processor in a VME system

    service a particular VME interrupt level.

    sysIntEnable (intLevel)

    Makes target respond to VMEbus interrupts of specified

    interrupt level.

    There are seven interrupt levels on a VME bus.

    Not all interrupt levels may be available on all BSPs.

    Some BSPs multiplex VMEbus interrupts. For example, VMEbusinterrupt levels 3 and 4 may be multiplexed into interrupt level 3.

    Some BSPs (e.g. hkv2f) require manual handling of the interrupt

    acknowledge cycle for certain interrupts levels. See your target specific


    Some boards may require a hardware jumper change.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-25

    Debugging ISRs

    Whenever possible, start simply and build slowly.

    Use logMsg( ) to display information to the console.

    Use sprintf( ) to log data into memory:

    char * ptr;


    ptr = (char *) malloc (SIZE_OF_BUFFER);


    void myISR ()


    ...ptr += sprintf (ptr, "%d", data);

    Write data into a location of memory that is not cleared

    on reboot. This is particularly helpful when debugging

    interrupts that are crashing the system.

    How do you find a memory location that is not cleared on reboot? This

    requires some trial and error. The most common place to find this is

    between the end of the Interrupt Vector Table (typically address 0-

    0x400) and the beginning of vxWorks (typically loaded at 0x1000), e.g.address 0x400. You could write to the location you are interested in,

    reboot the system and check to see if the contents of the memory have


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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-26

    Polling and Interrupt Handling



    Interrupt Handling

    3.4 Design Considerations

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-27

    Task Synchronization

    Task A waits until an event occurs on the device by

    calling semTake( ).

    When the polling task detects the event, it calls

    semGive( ).

    Task A returns from the semTake( ).

    Task APoll TaskDevice

    The event could be:

    q a state change

    q data received

    q device available for writing

    q an error condition

    To synchronize multiple tasks, have the poll task call semFlush( ) instead of

    semGive( ).

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-28

    Task Synchronization

    Task executes semTake( ) and blocks.

    When device receives data it generates an interrupt.

    The ISR calls semGive( ).

    The task returns from the semTake( ).

    Device ISR Task

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-29

    Data Buffering

    When data is available on device, the poll task reads it

    and puts it in shared memory, ring buffer, linked list,

    pipe or message queue.

    Cooperating task gets data from buffer.

    taskbufferPoll TaskDevice

    For output reverse process:

    q Task writes data into buffer.q When device is ready to receive data, poll task copies data from

    buffer to device. Advantages of using a pipe or message queue:

    q Provides task synchronizationq Guards against mutual exclusion problems

    If shared memory, ring buffers, or linked lists are used, the driver must:q insure mutual exclusion, if necessaryq provide its own means of task synchronization

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-30

    Data Buffering

    When data available on device, the device generates an


    In the ISR, read data from device and put it on a ring

    buffer, pipe or message queue.

    Task reads data from device by getting data from buffer.

    Device ISR taskbuffer

    As we saw with polled devices:

    q pipes and message queues have the advantage of providing built-inmutual exclusion and task synchronization facilities.

    q shared memory, or ring buffers provide no mutual exclusionprotection or task synchronization facilities

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-31

    Design Questions: Speed vs.Robustness

    The assumptions made dictate design choices:


    Assumptions about the hardware environmentmultiple I/O boards?

    always have the same jumper settings?

    q Assumptions about the intended use

    always have the same devices connected?

    will the action to be performed after an event ever change?

    The more that may be assumed, the faster the driver can be. The nature of the device may dictate a certain level of

    performance (i.e. there may be timing restrictions).

    When in doubt, dont assume!

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-32

    Design Questions: Who Handles theAction?

    Typically, the driver handles the events (the hardware

    changed) and leaves it to an application program tohandle the actions (what to do about it).

    Sometimes it is not obvious what constitutes an


    This scheme, although flexible, typically requires a

    synchronization and data communication mechanism.Which is most appropriate depends on speed vs.


    Using semaphores for synchronization is very fast but does not provide

    any data.

    Using message queues provides both synchronization and data communication.

    Using pipes provides the benefits of message queues plus those of the standard

    I/O system interface.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-33

    Case Study

    Input board not interrupt driven.

    Status Light should reflect status of remote railroad


    Remote RR Crossing

    Input Board

    Output BoardStatus Light


    How do you write your driver?

    q Will the number of railroad crossings change?

    q Will the method of monitoring the railroad crossings ever change?

    Could the action (lighting the light) change?q What is more critical: speed or extensibility/maintainability?

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-34

    Driver Cautions

    Mutual exclusion

    q Is required for multiple tasks modifying data

    structures at the same timeq Is required for multiple tasks attempting to program

    the device at the same time

    q Is provided by mutual exclusion semaphores

    Race conditions

    q Can be avoided with mutual exclusion semaphoresor taskLock( )

    q Avoidance may require non-atomic test and set whenthe condition tested may be changed by apreempting task

    Remember that your ISR can cause mutual exclusion and race


    Try to restructure your design to avoid task/interrupt conflicts.

    As a last resort, use intLock( ) to lock out interrupts.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-35

    taskLock/ taskUnlock

    taskLock( ) prevents task preemption until

    taskUnlock( ) is called.

    Does not disable interrupts.

    Task preemption is not enabled until as many

    taskUnlocks as taskLocks have been called.

    Performing any action which blocks will enable task





    /* critical region: task preemption disabled */


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    intLock/ intUnlock

    intLock( ) disables interrupts until intUnlock( ) is


    Returns an architecture dependent integer that must bepassed to intUnlock( ).

    Does not disable task preemption.

    May be called at interrupt time.


    key = intLock();


    /* critical region: interrupts disabled */

    ...intUnlock (key);

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-37

    Interrupt Level Caveat

    VxWorks enables interrupts on context switches.

    Use intLock( ) to mask your interrupts; do not raise the

    interrupt level at task time.

    The intLevelSet( ) routine (which allows raising the interrupt level)

    should only be used at interrupt time. If used at task time, a higher

    priority interrupt could cause a context switch which would end up

    enabling interrupts.

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-38

    Test and Set

    BOOL sysBusTas (addr)

    If the value pointed to by addr is not set, function sets it

    and returns TRUE; otherwise returns FALSE.

    The test-and-set is an atomic operation.


    char * addr;


    /* wait until available */while (sysBusTas (addr) == FALSE)

    taskDelay (ticks);


    /* reset test address when done */

    *addr = 0;

    There is a vxTas( ) routine, written in assembler, that could be used for

    local test-and-set operations.

    Not all boards support sysBusTas( ).

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    Wind River SystemsTornado Device Driver Workshop Copyright Wind River Systems 3-39


    Polling techniques.

    Mutual exclusion & race conditions tools:

    Routines Description

    semGive/semTake Uses mutex semaphores

    taskLock/taskUnlock Prevents/allows task


    intLock/intUnlock Prevents/allows interrupts

    sysBusTas Atomically tests-and-sets a

    memory location

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    Routine Description

    intConnect Installs an ISR

    sysIntEnable Enables a VMEbus interrupt


    INUM_TO_IVEC Converts interrupt number to
