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  • Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle

    32 nd 1982


    Volume 36, No. 11 Phone: 304-267-9983 Web: www.yourbg.com E-mail: ads@yourbg.com March 12, 2014

    Various symbols and imagery breathe life into St. Patricks Day celebrations. In addition to Kelly green clothing, leprechauns and Irish flags, shamrocks are commonly seen decorating homes and people. The word shamrock comes from the Irish seamrog, which is the diminutive form for the Irish word for clover, and translates roughly to young clover. Clover is a grass- like plant, and bees frequently use clover flowers as a prime source of pollen for honey production. Three- and four-leaf clovers are a stable of Irish imagery and are commonly referenced upon the arrival of St. Patricks Day. Prior to Christianity and the work of St. Patrick, the Druids believed that they could thwart evil spirits and danger by carrying a shamrock. A three-leaf shamrock would enable them to see the evil spirits and escape in time. A four-leaf clover was said to ward off bad luck and offer magical protection. The Druids helped establish the clover as a Celtic charm, and other folklore indicates clovers helped people see fairies and chase the little sprites. Around 400 AD, in many areas of the world, including Ireland, pagan beliefs were being pushed out in favor of Christianity. The Irish were slowly converted to a new method of thinking, and this included a new way of looking at some once-popular Pagan symbolism. According to Christian teachings, Eve is said to have carried a four-leaf clover out of the Garden of Eden when Adam and she were cast out by God. Some believe that those who grasp four-leaf clovers hold a bit of paradise in their hands. Some Christians also thought clovers were a symbol of the Holy Trinity, and some stories suggest that St. Patrick used a shamrock to teach principles of the Trinity to the masses. A three-leaf clover represents the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Should a four-leaf clover be found, it is considered the Trinity plus Gods grace. The four-leaf clover looks like a cross, giving four leaf clovers special meaning to some people. Of course, the rarity of four-leaf clovers makes some people who find them feel as if luck is on their side. Among naturally occurring clovers, the odds of finding a four-leaf clover instead of the more common three-leaf clover is 10,000 to 1. It may take some effort and quite a bit of luck to locate one with four leaves, and a five-leaf clover is considered by many to be unlucky.

    Why are shamrocks considered lucky?

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  • Page 2 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Ruritan HallThe Tuscarora RuritanHall is available for a$150 donation- com-mercial $175 donation.Air conditioned. Seats115. Call 304-263-3090or 304-264-8411 forinformation.Ruritan HallTomahawk Ruritan ClubRentals available forBirthday parties, wed-d i n g r e c e p t i o n s ,reunions, seminars andworkshops. Small diningroom $100 and LargeDining Room $150.Please call 304-754-3860 for reservations.

    WEEKLY Bingo at theShepherdstown Fire Dept.on Wednesday Evening.Doors open 5:30, Bingostarts 6:30pm.50 Game Money BingoSaturday, April 12th for theb e n i f i t o f t h eShepherdstown Fire Dept.Doors open at noon, Bingostarts at 2pm, advancetickets not required. $3,550total prize money (musth a v e 1 0 0 p l a y e r s ) .Admission includes a com-limentary meal.

    TOMA H AW K R u r i t a nClub is having a TurkeySupper, March 29th, 4pm-7pm. $10 adults and $5f o r c h i l d r e n .Enter tainment: StoneyCreek Bluegrass Band.Ra f f l e s , 50 /50 s andSilent Auction for HHSScholarship. Call 304-754-3860 for info.

    S PAG H E T T I S u p p e rFriday, March 21st, 4pm-7pm at Bedington UnitedMethodist Church, 304-2 7 4 - 2 0 1 1 . S a l a d ,S p a g h e t t i , B r e a d ,Applesauce, Coffee & Tea.Adults $8, Children $4,under 4 Free. Bake Sale!Proceeds support localorganizat ions. SundayS e r v i c e s 9 : 3 0 a mT r a d i t i o n a l , 1 1 a mContemorary, 6pm Youth.Country Breakfast& Pork SaleMarlowe Ruritan Club,February 8, March 8 &April 12! Call ahead forpork orders 304-274-3409or 304-274-2448. Online atm a r l o w e r u r i t a n . c o m .Breakfast includes pan-cakes, sausage, sausagegravy, puddin & drink. 6am-10am. AYCE $6.50. Meat isUSDA Inspected.

    V E N D O R S N e e d e d -A n i m a l W e l f a r eSocietys Bark in thePark June 7th, 10 am -2 p m a t J e f f e r s o nMemorial Park, CharlesTown. $25.00 for 10 X10 space, provide ownset up. Vendors: busi-nesses, crafts, pet ornon-pet related, rescues(free). More info: 304-725-5972 or register atwww.awsjc.org.FOR GIRLS WHO LOVEHORSES- Girls learningabout l i fe themselvesand God through thelove of horses. HorseC a m p s d e s i g n e d t oteach life, critical think-ing, and communicationskill through horses andbasic horse whisperingt e c h n i q u e . Fo r g i r l sages 11-18 yrs in 4-S t a t e a r e a . S u m m e rregistration now. 304-7 5 4 - 4 4 1 4 o reagleswingsgirls.org

    CHICKEN Dinner/SilentAuct ion/ 50/50 Raf f leSunday, March 16th, 1pm-4pm at Tuscarora RuritanClub. Cost: Adults $8.00 inadvance or $10.00 at door,Children 4-10 $4.00, 3 andunder Free. All proceedsbenef i t Mended Li t t leHearts. Tickets can bebought in advance bye m a i l i n gParker4210@Comcast.net

    M O N T H LY M e e t i n gNotice- United CommercialTrave le rs o f Amer icaMartinsburg Council # 209on March 15, 2014 6: pm atOLDE COUNTRY DINERRt 11 South.All memberswelcome.The Martinsburg KiwanisClub- March 13 WESTVIRGINIA KIWANIS GOV-ERNORS VISIT-WestVirginia Kiwanis GovernorSherry Charles will be visit-ing Division 6. The banquetwill start promptly at 6pma n d w i l l b e h e l d a tShepherd Universi ty sB a l l r o o m a b o v e t h eStudent Center. The cost ofthe meal will be $20. Themeal will consist of atossed salad, herb-roastedchicken, roast pork loin,green bean Almandine,Yukon Gold and sweetpotato au gratin, glazedbaby carrots and assortedfruit pies and cake. ContactJerry by March 7 if youplan to go. A head count isneeded.

    SPRINGTIME SPAGHET-T I D INNER Ca lva r yUnited Methodist Church,220 W. Burke Street andMaple Ave., Martinsburg,WV will hold a spaghettisupper on, March 28th,2014, from 5:00 pm to7:00pm. Menu includesspaghetti, salad, garlicbread, drinks and home-made desserts. Carry outorders will be available.Calvary Church is handi-capped-accessible. Cost is$8.00 per adult, $4.00 forchildren 4 to 12 years old,children 3 years or youngereat free. For more informa-tion please call the churchoffice (304)267-4542.

    A Spaghetti Dinner will beheld Saturday, March 15,from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m..Dinner will be held at LittleFalls Presbyterian Church,6788 Williamsport Pike,Falling Waters, WV. Thedinner is free, but dona-tions will be accepted.AUCTION & SUPPER forthe 2014 Mission Trip toOak Hill, West Virginia at4pm on Saturday, March22, at Calvary UnitedMethodist Church, 220 W.Burke Street, Martinsburg,WV 25401. Tickets andInformation: Call churchof f ice (304)267-4542.Adults $10; Children 10and under, $4. At 4pm,Fellowship Hall doors willopen for the silent auction!F r o m 4 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m ,Scrumptious Ham andTurkey Dinner. At 5:45pm,the silent auction con-cludes, 6pm start for thelive auction.BETHELS Bread of LifeMeal: A free meal is offeredfor those who are in needof assistance with a mealat Bethel Assembly of Godevery 3rd Tuesday, at 5:00to 6:15. Our next meal willbe Tuesday, March 18,Bethel Assembly of God islocated at 2010 TavernRoad, across from CityHospital/University Healthcare. We look forward toseeing you.C a l v a r y U n i t e dMethodist Church 220W. B u r k e S t r e e t ,Martinsburg, WV 25401304-267-4542 Pastor:Rev. Al Clipp 8:30 &1 0 : 4 5 a m w o r s h i p ,S u n d a y S c h o o l :9:30am.CHILDRENS ClothingSwap:Bethel Assembly of God inMar t insburg , Locatedacross from UniversityHealth Care/City Hospitalwill be hosting a ChildrensC l o t h i n g S w a p o nThursday, March, 27, 10:00am. to noon in the gym. Allour welcome!F I R S T P r e s b y t e r i a nChurch, 220 South QueenStreet, Martinsburg invitesyou to join us for Sundayevents. Church School at9:30am, Fellowship Hour10:30am and MorningWorship at 11:00am. Helpus in Making Disciples ofJesus Christ! The Rev. Dr.Rufus Burton is Pastor.Church Office is 304-263-5201.G E R R A R D S T O W NUnited Methodist Church,1781 Gerrardstown Road,Rt. 51W will host a SpringBuffet Dinner with CountryHam and Turkey from4pm-7pm on Saturday,April 12th. 2014. Cost is$12 per adult, $6.00 forchildren under 10, childrenunder 3 eat FREE. Formore information, call 304-229-5129.HEDGESVILLE UnitedMethodist Church wil lhost its monthly commu-nity dinner on Thursday,March 13, 2014 from5:00-6:30 pm. This is afree dinner open to all.Donations are greatlyappreciated. The churchis located at 201 SouthMary Street, Hedgesville,WV 25427.

    IMMANUEL NEW LIFEBIBLE CHURCH- 701W . B u r k e S t r e e t ,Martinsburg, WV 25401.Dr. Alex L. Lambert Jr.,Senior Servant. Office:(304)262-3355 Fax:(304)262-3366 E-Mail:immanuelnlbc@aol.comWebsite: www.inlbc.org.Fr iday, March 27 andSaturday, March 28th,2014 Immanuel NewL i f e B i b l e C h u r c h ,Church Anniversary &Revival 7:30pm Nightly.Sunday, March 30, 2014 Church AnniversaryC e l e b r a t i o n . G u e s tSpeaker Elder AngelaA l f o r d o f K i n g d o mA g e n d a C h r i s t i a nCen te r, Ma r t i nsbu rg ,WV.

    Church News


    WV Ducks Semi ProArena League FootballMeet & Greet. Come outand meet the FootballPlayers & Personel tofind out about the team.Friday, March 14th, 2014at Long John Silvers onEdwin Miller Blvd.




    Community Calendar

    EditorialCourtesy of

    University Healthcare, Th e Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center, Local Physician Off er Running Clinics, Training Program

    Running Clinics Continue in 2014! I always loved running. It was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fi ghting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the cour-age of your lungs. Jesse Owens Have you always wanted to run? Are you new to running? An avid runner who wants to improve performance? Prevent injury? Dr. Mark Cucuzzella will be conducting monthly Running Clinics at Th e Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center. Cucuzzella, nationally ranked distance runner, local physician and founder and organizer of Freedoms Run and the Harpers Ferry Half Marathon, will be conducting running clinics to promote proper form, injury prevention and improve performance.

    Th e clinics are geared to run-ners of all levels. Th e clinics are normally held on the fi rst Friday of each month. Th ere will be no clinic in March. Th e next clinic will be Friday, April 4, 2014 from 4-6pm. Clinics will be held in the Aero-bics Room in Th e Wellness Center on the campus of the Berkeley Medical Center. Th e program is FREE and open to all. Pre-regis-tration is required. To register call 304-264-1287, ext. 31814 or email ddejarnett@wvuhealthcare.com For information on group runs and ongoing clinics please visit the Freedoms Run Headquarters Website at Two Rivers Treads www.tworiverstreads.com . Link on the sections on clinics and group runs.

    EditorialCourtesy of

    Th e Wellness Centers FREE Quarterly Nutrition Series

    With Joan Starliper, MS, RD, LDMARTINSBURG, W.Va. - Th e Wellness Center at Berkeley Med-ical Center will be off ering a FREE quarterly nutrition lecture series with Joan Starliper, MS, RD, LD. Th e series begins Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 11am in the Cardiac Rehab Area of Th e Wellness Center, located in the McCormack Center. Th e fi rst session will be Healthy Tour of the Grocery Store. Th e purpose of the quarterly nu-trition series is to present practical nutrition information to help you make informed decisions that will have a positive impact on your health and well-being, said Dana DeJarnett, health promotion specialist for Th e Wellness Center. Joan Starliper adds, We will be introducing you to latest nutrition

    information to help you add new, tasty and aff ordable foods into your diet, which also happen to be healthy. Th e series will include a taste testing of foods related to the topic. Th e quarterly series will be off ered in March, June, September and December. Other topics in-clude Travelers Guide to Healthy Choices, Meal Planning and Healthy Families, and Healthy Nutrition for the Holidays. For more information, call 304-264-1287, ext 31814 or email ddejar-nett@wvuhealthcare.com. Th e lectures presented are from Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shields Health on the Menu Wellness Workshops. Programs are free and open to all.

    Editorial Courtesy of

    Have you lost a loved one to suicide? The emotions that go with such a loss can be complicated. The anger, regret, guilt, resentment and more can seem impossible to deal with, but you dont have to go through it alone. The Grief Support Services of Hospice of the Panhandle will be offering a support group for people who have lost a loved one to suicide.

    This support group will be held on Mondays, April 7 May 26 from 7:00 8:30 p.m. at the Center for Grief Support located at 330 Hospice Lane, Kearneysville. For more information or to register for this group, contact Daniel Speis, Grief Support Coordinator at (304) 264- 3902 o r dspeis@hospiceotp.org.

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 3O T T E R B E I N U n i t e dMethodist Church, 549 N.Q u e e n S t r e e t i nMartinsburg, invites youand your family to join themthis Lenten season at theirSunday morning worshipservices. Two services areheld on Sunday mornings,a n 8 : 3 0 a . m .Contemporary/Praise serv-ice and a later 10:50 a.m.Tr a d i t i o n a l s e r v i c e .Sunday School classes forall ages are at 9:30 a.m.All are welcome. Come cel-ebrate the Good News!Church office: 304-263-0342. The Rev. Mark C.Mooney is pastor.Pastor C. Wayne Frum,304-229-8508 or 301-988-7654, of the Bunker HillUnited Methodist Church,9863 Winchester Avenue,Bunker Hill announces thefollowing Worship Service:Sunday School @ 9:00am.W o r s h i p S e r v i c e @10:00am.P I K E S I D E U N I T E DMETHODIST CHURCH(25 Paynes Ford Road,Martinsburg). Early BirdWorship at 8:30 a.m.,Sunday School for all agesat 9:25 a.m. and MorningWorship at 10:35 a.m.(nursery and childrensc h u r c h a v a i l a b l e ) .Wednesday Bible Study at7:00 p.m. FREE Breakfast,8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. onthe second Saturday ofe a c h m o n t h . Pa s t o rR i c h a r d B r o o m e J r .C h u r c h O f f i c e :304.263.4633. COMEHOME TO PIKESIDE!

    SOUTHERN Gospel artist,Ivan Parker, will be in con-cert at Westview BaptistChurch, 301 S. LouisianaAvenue, Martinsburg, WVon Friday, May 9th, 2014 at7:00pm. Tickets are avail-able for donation $10 Fortickets, please call 304-263-1701.THE GERRARDSTOWNUNITED METHODISTCHURCH WILL OPEN AFREE CLOTHES CLOSETFROM 10:00 AM TO 1:00PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH19TH AT THE CHURCHLOCATED AT 1781 GER-RARDSTOWN ROAD, THECHURCH WILL ALSOHOST ITS FREE MONTH-LY LUNCH FROM 11:30AM TO 1:00 PM. PATRONSARE ASKED TO PARK INTHE LOT BEHIND THECHURCH AND USE THED O W N S T A I R SENTRANCE. FOR MOREINFORMATION CALL 304-229-3310 OR 304-22-5129.THE Gerrardstown UnitedMethodist Church is havinga Craft Show & Soup andSandwich Sale April 5th,8am-2pm. Crafters inter-ested in participating call304-229-3532 for moreinformation.THE Gerrardstown UnitedMethodist Church morningworship service is at 11:00am each Sunday. ChurchSchool for the children anda nursery is provided dur-ing the service. An adultchurch school class meetsat 10:00am each Sundaymorning. Come join us.

    T O M A H A W KPresbyterian Church onP r e s by t e r i a n C h u r c hR o a d i n To m a h a w k ,West Virginia, invi tesy o u t o w o r s h i p o nSundays at 9:00 a.m.C h i l d r e n s C h u r c hoffered during worshipservice. Contact us attpcusawv@gmai l .com,www.tpcusa.org or (304)754-8869.T R I N I T Y U n i t e dMethodist Church, 220We s t M a r t i n S t r e e t ,Martinsburg WV 25401,3 0 4 - 2 6 3 - 9 2 1 5 .Announcing the changein hours for worship onSunday mor n ings to :8 : 1 5 - 9 : 0 0 a . m .E a r l y T r a d i t i o n a lI n f o r m a l S e r v i c e i nSanctuary. 8:45 - 9:30a.m. New Service:Sunday Morning Livein Fellowship Hall. 9:45 -10:30 a.m. SundaySchoo l fo r A l l Ages.10 :30 - 11 : 00 a .m.C o f f e e / F e l l o w s h i pTime.11:00 - 12 noonL a t e r T r a d i t i o n a lService.

    Winchester AvenueC h r i s t i a n C h u r c h(Disciples of Christ) 400W i n c h e s t e r A v e ,Martinsburg, WV. Rev.Benjamin Manning,Minister. Sunday School9:30, Morning Worship10:45. Thursday 10:00-1:00 Clothing ClosetOpen. (Church entranceand sanc tua r y a reaccessible to the handi-capped). Everyone wel-come.

    BERKELEY COUNTYSchools VolunteersNeeded- Assist a stu-dent weekly with schoolwork and self-esteem.Free training, TB testa n d f i n g e r p r i n t s .Volunteer at any BCSchool with principaldiscretion. FREE PASStraining on Thursdays at9:30am, PALC, 3635W i n c h e s t e r A v e . ,Martinsburg. No reser-vations needed.


    FREE CAREIf you qualify for WV Charity Care Funds.

    HEDGESVILLE High SchoolO u t s t a n d i n g A l u m n iNominations Are Now BeingA c c e p t e d F o r T h eOutstanding Alumni OgHedgesville High School.Nomination Deadline Is April,12, 2014. The Award Will BePresented Saturday, May17th, 2014, At The AnnualNaquet Held At HedgesvilleHigh School. The AlumiAssociation Has Existed ForOver 100 Years. SubmitNominations, Limited To TwoPages, To Ruth Lord Hill, 401W e s t B u r k e S t r e e t ,Martinsburg, WV 25401 orCall 304-267-0401.LYME DISEASE SUPPORTGROUP - mee ts 2ndWednesday of the Month, 6-8pm @ the Station inShepherdstown, Audrey EgleDr. Next meeting March 12.Lymesided@comcast.net FB:LymeDiseaseSupportGroupEasternPanhandleWV

    P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n dpropane accessor ies.Tanks, hoses, regulators,brass fittings, copper tub-ing. Prices so good thatCheapskates Love Us!!!O p e n E V E R Y d a y .FALLING WATERS CAMP-SITE. 304-274-2791.Road to Wellness FreeWorkshop - Friday, March14, 2014 - 7pm-8:30pm -Lacking Energy? PainfulArthritis? ADD or ADHD?High Cholesterol? SkinIssues? Financial Stress?Let us show you a way out!Family, Wellness, Nutrition,Wholeness, F inanc ia lFreedom. House of PrayerMinistries, 111 Ellis Street,Martinsburg, WV. 301-395-9185/Robin G. or 304-707-2782/Ashley M.SWEET ADELINESS h e n a n d o a h Va l l e yC h a p t e r i s c u r r e n t l ysearching for a new direc-tor. Prior director experi-ence preferred but not nec-essary. We are an allfemale chorus that sings 4-part, a-cappella harmony inbarbershop style. For moreinformation call Sharon at540 955-2851.

    SWEET ADELINESShenandoah Valley Chorusis looking for new mem-bers. We are commited toadvancing acappella har-mony through performanc-es, education and competi-tions. All women, all parts,welcome. Practice is everyM o n d a y n i g h t . 7 5M e r r i m a n s L a n e ,Winchester, VA. For moreinformation, call Sharon at540-955-2851.HARPERS Ferry Flea

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  • Page 4 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014M a r k e t t u r n s 3 2 ! ! !Historically, from 1950 to1982 the Fort Drive-In waslocated at U S 340 atBloomery Rd. 2 miles westof Harpers Ferry, W Va..Elwood F. Lane (formermanager of an IndoorT h e a t e r ) a n d J o h nStutzman (a faculty mem-ber at Charles Town HighSchool) built the Drive-In toresemble a frontier fort, itscapacity was originally only132 cars. Mr. Rankin man-aged the Fort Drive-In andother Theaters in theC h a r l e s To w n a n dMartinsburg area in lateryears. The advertising mar-quee at the entrance to theflea market is the originalFort Drive-In sign from1 9 5 0 . L o c a l fa m i l i e senjoyed going to the FortDrive-In, but it could notcompete with VHS movierentals, so it closed in1982. Harpers Ferry FleaMarket began in the Springof 1983. Unfortunately,there was nothing in thesnack bar, but bare cinderblock walls. On the positiveside the drive-In did leavebehind a nice pattern ofroads, perfectly suited to aflea market format. Co-owners Ron Nowell andDan Barnett rebuilt thesnack bar and slowly builtthe business into theNumber 3 Attraction inJefferson County, W Va..Harpers Ferry Flea Marketopens March 15th & 16th2014 to start its 32nd yearserving the public. OwnersRon and Dan said theyintend to continue as longas venders and shoppersenjoy the outdoor bargainhunting experience. Happy32nd Birthday!!

    9 West AppliancesRefr igerators, Stoves,W a s h e r s / D r y e r s &Freezers. All like new withwarranty. Call 304-263-5049.

    M O U N T A I N S T A T EAPPLIANCES 304-263-4612 Washers, Dryers,Refrigerators, stoves. Allmajor brands including:GE, Maytag, Kenmore,Frigidaire and more. Bestprices anywhere with war-ranty. We service what wesell 304-263-4612.

    BLACK leather jacket size4 with zip-out lining, usedslightly, $125. Call 304-263-9546.

    ARMOIRE $225, BarrelBack Chair $50. Call 304-274-0120.BARBER Chair $250,Backbar $100, Dryer Chair$ 5 0 , S h a m p o o B o w l$50/obo. Call 304-274-0120.BEAUTIFUL solid oak highchair, $100.00. Bargain!!!Perfect condition. Call 304-263-2724.D e c o r a t i v e E l e c t r i cFireplace. Very nice look-ing piece of furniture. $25.Call 304-350-1059.

    ETHAN Allen dinette set,$125. Four captains chairs,table, good condit ion.Berkeley Springs. 304-258-6184.MATTRESS /Boxspr ingSets. Twins $125, Fulls$175, Queens $225, Kings$300. Delivery Availablecall for prices. 304-299-1005 (Rod).MINT condition countryoak table with 4 chairs, 2leaves Call 304-263-2724,$300.00 firm.OAK Rocking Chair, $30.Call 304-270-7077.

    P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n dpropane accessor ies.Tanks, hoses, regulators,brass fittings, copper tub-ing. Prices so good thatCheapskates Love Us!!!O p e n E V E R Y d a y .FALLING WATERS CAMP-SITE. 304-274-2791.

    RECLINING sofa, blueBerk-line,backs come offfor easy moving, excellentcondition, $200. Call 304-268-2328, gin8891@hot-mail.comSofa, Loveseat and RockerRecliner, beige,very goodcondition, $400.00 for all.Call 304-676-9060

    3 lighted Curio Cabinetsfu l l o f Home In ter io rCollections, deer and otheritems. Over 30 years of col-lecting. $3500 buys all.Would make your lovedones a great gift!!304-267-4648.ANTIQUE Victorian Hutch,$300. Call 304-270-7077.COMPUTER Ar moi re,A p p a l a c i a n O a k ,50x63x21. Great condi-tion. $250. 304-350-1059P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n dpropane accessor ies.Tanks, hoses, regulators,brass fittings, copper tub-ing. Prices so good thatCheapskates Love Us!!!O p e n E V E R Y d a y .FALLING WATERS CAMP-SITE. 304-274-2791.

    RICCAR vacuum cleaner,compact with shoulderstrap and lots of attach-ments, like new $70. Call304-263-8230.SOLID Wood Mirror andStand for entry way, $150.Call 304-579-0041 till 8pm.

    VHS Cabinet wi th 53Disney Movies. All for $25.Call 304-270-7077.

    4 Riding Mowers for sale- 2run and 2 do not. Manygood parts & motors. All for$600. You hual!! Call 304-267-4648.I HAUL AWAY FOR FREE!Riding and push mowers,tillers, generators, weedtrimmers, snow blowers,chain saws, roto tillers,truck/car batteries, Allgasoline related items. Call304-267-4648 LM.MULCH- double shredded,chocolate colored hard-wood mulch, 10 yds $230 +tax delivered. Smalleramounts available. CallO.W. Hauling 304-264-5966.SNOW Blade, John Deerenot power angle, fits 300-4 0 0 s e r i e s t r a c t o r s .$375/OBO. 304-671-8554or 304-229-2395.TOPSOIL Screened topsoilwith 20% screened com-post added. 5 cubic ydsd e l i ve r e d . C a l l O. W.Hauling 304-264-5966.

    JACKSON Kelly ElectricGuitar, has extra neck,leather strap, stand, greatcondition, $300 firm. Call304-260-0881.PIANO Best Offer. Call304-229-9614.

    1943- 44 .30/.40 Krag Shell5 1/2 Box, $100. Call 304-264-1580.

    C R O S S B OW H o r t o nHD200 with scope andaccessories. $425 or makeoffer. Will consider trade forgun. 304-856-3560.R a c q u e t b a l l -Experienced SENIORSPreferred. 304-229-9167

    48 inch heavy circular pinetable (dark) with 2 leafsand 4 captains chairs.$100. 304-263-0588

    55 gallon metal & plasticbarrels. Metal w/removablelids, Platic has 2 long holeson top. Great for burning orfeed!!!Great Deal!!! $15each. Call 304-267-4648 orcell 304-268-5952.CARPET & ShampooSystem (Kirby), brand newnever used, $725/obo. Call304-263-8391.CHAIR Caning-cane, split,& rush. Call for prices 304-263-3964.FREE Estimates AllstateInsurance: Auto, L i feInsurance, Annuities, CDs,Accident, Cancer Disability,L o n g T e r m C a r e ,Retirement Planning. Call304-725-7943.GAZEBO 11X13 SouthHampton. Bought $400,sell $150. Call 304-261-3543 anytime.HOTSPRING Sovereignportable spa. Great condi-tion. Has been maintainedindoors since purchased.Can see in working order.$950.00 or best offer!304-261-2235.

    LIFT Chair (grey) $650, willsell for $200. Call 304-229-9614.

    MASSAGE Table- 2ft wide,3ft high, 6ft long in excel-lent condition $75. Call304-283-1926.MOBILE HOME REPAIRAND SUPPLY. DOORS,WINDOWS, FURNACES,W AT E R H E AT E R S ,KITCHENS and BATHS.301-834-7678.MTD Snow Thrower withcanapy, $300. Call 304-579-0041 till 8pm.P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n dpropane accessor ies.Tanks, hoses, regulators,brass fittings, copper tub-ing. Prices so good thatCheapskates Love Us!!!O p e n E V E R Y d a y .FALLING WATERS CAMP-SITE. 304-274-2791.

    R OA D M a i n t e n a n c e /Repair. Asphalt Work,C r o w n i n g , D r a i n a g eDitches, Ruts, Pot Holes,Black Shale/Gravel. FreeEstimates. WV 54-91-236L icensed / Insured WV032123 J&J Builders 304-263-1798, Jjbld.com.R O A D W o r k a n dMaintenance, Pot Holes,Ditch Cleaning, DrainagePipes Replaced, Grading,Crowning, Stone Hauling10 to 20 tons per load. Noc h a r g e f o r g a t e i n g .Residential or Commercial.Licensed and Insured. FreeEstimates. 304-262-4511.SANTA Sleigh, circa 1800.$300/OBO or trade. Call304-582-2460.Z-COIL Shoes 7W, Sandlewith heel, brown in goodcondition, $60. Call 304-283-1926.

    LOOKING for a closed inbox trailer and size, singleaxle or dual in any condi-tion. Call 304-582-2460.WANTED standing timber-any amount considered304-258-5626 or 304-676-8578.WANTED TO BUY- OldTelephones, Trunks, Metal& Wood Signs, Old Banks,Pictures & Old Paintings,Old Clocks, Egg Baskets,Old Fishing Rods andReals, Movie Posters,Pedal Cars, Old HangingLamps & Shades, FarmRelated Items & AnythingOld. Buying for 60 years inEastern Panhandle. CallPhil Mercer 304-262-9155.

    WANTED TO BUY: OldPocket Watches, New &Old Tools, Crocks & Jugs,O l d G u n s , R a i l r o a dLanterns Milk Bottles,Massonic Items, Rings &Jewelry, Old Knives, OldMoney, Tin Toys & Trucks,Class Rings, Civial WarItems & World War 2 Items,Iron Skil lets, Glass &Wooden Chur ns, O ldClocks, Old Post Cards.Buying Antiques for over60 years. Call Phil Mercer304-262-9155.

    S H O P S M I T H M a r k Vhome workshop with 20scroll saw. 115 or 230 volts.Includes table saw, discsander, vertical drilling,horizontal boring, like new$700. Call 304-263-8230.

    FOR Sale- 1939 FordTractor 9N has scraper andbucket attachments sold asis. $2500 OBO.Call after 3pm or leave message,Martinsburg.FORD Tractor weights rearwheel pin shaped, $650.Call 304-671-8554 or 304-229-2395.

    REMOVAL of dead live-stock call for prices 304-671-2220.

    AKC German Shepherdpuppies, Champion Breed,$600 males, $650 females.Both parents on property.304-676-6430.

    INWOOD. Kitten, 16 wksgrey female, litter train,needs shots,prefer adult.304-229-1303. message.

    WANTED- Your unwantedfar m an imals, Goats,C h i c k e n s , R o o s t e r s ,G e e s e , D u c k s ,Guineas,Turkeys, Pigeons,House Birds, Rabbits, ect.Further details Call BigB e n 3 0 4 - 2 6 7 - 4 6 4 8 .Clip&Save!WICKER Dog Crates- tanBaylsle Collection. Sameas new 22WX30LX24T,$ 1 3 0 s m a l l e r19WX24LX21T $100 ormake reasonable offer. Call304-263-8391.

    Misc. Pets




    Farm Equipment


    Wanted To Buy


    Sporting Goods

    Musical Items

    Lawn & Garden

    Household Items




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  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 5

    C U S TO M C a r p e n t r y,Remodel ing k i tchens,painting, roofing, decks,HVAC, siding, fascia, soffit,bathrooms, addi t ions.Cus tom bu i l t homes.Plumbing, electrical, resi-dential, commercial. J&JBuilders. Licensed/Insured304-263-1798, Jjbld.com.

    LITTLE Spirits Daycareh a s o p e n i n g s i nKearneysville area. StateMonitored. Mountainheart& Private Pay accepted.Full-Time, Part-Time andwill do by day by appoint-ment. Call Debbie 304-725-4637.LOOKING For ExcellentChildcare?23 years experi-ence . Monday -Fr i day6:30am-5:30pm. BerkeleyHeights District. Please callCarol for more information304-264-0938.

    FIREWOOD For Sale andWill Plow Driveways. Call304-261-8683 and 304-261-4899.FIREWOOD-mixed hard-wood 1/2 cord to 2 cords.Call O.W. Hauling 304-264-5966.MIXED firewood, $70.00per load, $130.00 per cord,call 304-268-3506.

    A. Handyman Service-3 0 4 - 2 7 9 - 0 1 8 2 . J u n kremoval , In ter ior andExterior repairs, roofing,replacement windows,chimney sweeps, finishbaths/ basements, land-s c a p i n g , l a w n c a r e ,plumbing, and cleaningservice.D&D Handyman One CallDoes It All. 24 hour serv-ice with 24 years experi-ence. Call 304-995-4211.Ask for Dee.F & K P r o p e r t i e s L L CH a n d y m a n s e r v i c e .Specializing in ceramictile of all kinds, laminateflooring, painting, powerwashing, and other oddj o b s . L i c e n s e d a n dinsured 304-725-1790 or304-725-2771 free esti-mates.P E N N S H a n d y m a nS e r v i c e . P a i n t i n g ,Remodel ing , Dr ywal l ,Power Washing, Yardwork,Landscaping, Roofing,G u t t e r R e p a i r a n dCleanout. Any odd job. Allwork guaranteed. 304-8 8 6 - 2 8 3 7 o r e m a i lpennshandyman@yahoo.com.

    HAULING- Black Shale,Topsoil, Fill Dirt. Approx.20 ton a load. Call forpricing 304-676-9331.J D S H a u l i n g , J u n kDebris & Yard Work &Mulching. 304-279-4676.O.W. Hauling- screenedtopsoi l , mulch, graveld e l i ve r e d . Ju n k a n ddebr is removed. Cal l304-264-5966.R O A D W o r k a n dMaintenance, Pot Holes,D i t c h C l e a n i n g ,D r a i n a g e P i p e sR e p l a c e d , G r a d i n g ,Crowning, Stone Hauling10 to 20 tons per load.No charge for gateing.R e s i d e n t i a l o rCommercial . Licenseda n d I n s u r e d . F r e eE s t i m a t e s . 3 0 4 - 2 6 2 -4511.WE Will Pay Top Dollarfor Junk Cars and Trucks& Any Kind of UnwantedScrap Metal. Call. 304-261-8683 or 304-261-4899.

    HELPING Hands HomeI m p r o v e m e n t s -Experienced in but notl imi ted to: Carpentr y,Painting, Roofing, Siding,a l l h o m e r e p a i r s .Affordable, Dependableand Honest. Call or text304-268-5414.R / R C o n s t r u c t i o n :S u n r o o m s , g a r a g e s ,additions, ceramic tile,laminate flooring, bath-rooms, Handyman servic-es, kitchen and painting.Quality that will last alifetime. Call 304-754-7041. WV 004871. Let mehelp you with your Springprojects!SAVINGS- basements,f in ished , remode l ing ,kitchens, painting, roof-ing, decks, siding, fascia,bathrooms, addi t ions,p l u m b i n g , e l e c t r i c a l ,HVAC resident ial andcommerc ia l . L icenseda n d I n s u r e d . J & JBuilders, 304-263-1798,Jjbld.com.

    S.M Ser v i ces Spr ingClean-Up!! Lawn Care,L a n d s c a p i n g , Tr e eRemoval, Bush Trimming,Mulching, Junk Removal,Moving & Much More. CallShawn 304-240-0034.

    SLONAKERS Painting andCleaning LLC. Neat andReliable. Strip and WaxVCT Floors. 304-579-5548.

    SNOW Removal- residen-tial/commercial. LowestRates! Licensed & InsuredWV# 54-91-236. Free esti-mates. J&J Builders 304-283-8302, Jjbld.com.


    MARTINSBURG ELECTROLYSIS, Removal of unwanted hair.304-671-8515.PAPAS Sales A/C andHeating Equipment Parts,Supplies, Free Work-Upson Installations Kits. I willgive the cheapest and bestdeals I can. Call Bob Today304-725-4637.POURED concrete founda-tion footers, slabs, com-plete site work. Graveldelivered-$225.00 tandemload. Rock breaker hoe -ram. Licensed/InsuredW V 5 4 - 9 1 - 2 3 6 . F r e eEstimates. WV032123 J&JBuilders 304-263-1798,Jjbld.com.

    Misc. Services

    Snow Removal


    Lawn Care Home Improvement


    PROFESSIONALHANDYMAN SERVICELic & Ins-25 years experi-ence in all phases ofh o m e r e p a i r s a n drestorat ion. Drywal l ,paint, trim, tile, bath-room/basement finishing,windows, doors. Free Est.Call 304-261-3149.


    Fuel, Coal, Firewood





    1 FAMILY





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    Offers valid from February 4, 2014, until April 30, 2014. 1Financing subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial, f.s.b.; some restrictions apply, so see your dealer for complete details and other nancing options. 2Get $500 off the 1 Family and 2R Series with the purchase of two John Deere or Frontier implements. 3Get $1,000 off the 3E Series with the purchase of two John Deere or Frontier implements. *Manufacturers estimate of power (ISO) per 97/68/ED. John Deeres green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company.





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  • Page 6 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 7P R O PA N E ! ! ! . . . . a n dpropane accessor ies.Tanks, hoses, regulators,brass fittings, copper tub-ing. Prices so good thatCheapskates Love Us!!!O p e n E V E R Y d a y .F A L L I N G W A T E R SCAMPSITE. 304-274-2791.

    R O A D W o r k a n dMaintenance, Pot Holes,Ditch Cleaning, DrainageP i p e s R e p l a c e d ,G r a d i n g , C r o w n i n g ,Stone Hauling 10 to 20tons per load. No chargefor gateing. Residentialor Commercial. Licenseda n d I n s u r e d . F r e eE s t i m a t e s . 3 0 4 - 2 6 2 -4511.SPORTS Physical $50 &D.O.T. Phys i ca l $89 .Same Day Exam. Dr.C h a m b e r s 3 0 4 - 2 6 3 -4927.

    AUTOMOTIVE- $21 CarInsurance - Instant Quote- All Credit Types - FindOut If You Qualify - AsLow As $21/Month. Call(888) 291-2920.AUTOS WANTED: TOPCASH FOR CARS, AnyCar/Truck, Running orNot. Call for INSTANToffer: 1-800-454-6951EMPLOYMENT- $21 CarInsurance - Instant Quote- All Credit Types - FindOut If You Qualify - AsLow As $21/Month. Call(888) 296-3040HEALTH & FITNESS-V I A G R A 1 0 0 m g o rCIALIS 20mg! 50 pills$99.00 FREE Shipping!100% GUARANTEED.CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061.


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  • Page 8 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014

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    3042677745 30+ Yrs. Exp. FREE Estimates NOW SELLING TOPSOIL & BLACK SHALE

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    304-350-0300 304-350-0300 304-350-0300

    Licensed & Insured

    Free Estimates

    O.W. H auling We Haul It All 5 Tons at a Time

    Screened Topsoil Mulch Stone Aged Manure

    Sand Compost Firewood Delivered

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    304-264-5966 - FREE ESTIMATES -

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  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 9H E L P W A N T E D :$1000/WEEKLY** MAIL-ING COMPANY LETTERS-$384/Day** Typing AdsOnline! - $575/Weekly**Assembl ing Products-www.HiringHelpWanted.com

    MISCELLANEOUS- $21Car Insurance - InstantQuote - All Credit Types -Find Out If You Qualify - AsLow As $21/Month. Call(888) 287-2130

    MISCELLANEOUS- AIR-LINE CAREERS beginhere - Get trained as FAAc e r t i f i e d A v i a t i o nTechnician. Housing andFinancial aid for qualifiedstudents. Job placementassistance. Call AIM 866-453-6204 M I S C E L L A N E O U S -CASH FOR CARS, AnyMake or Model ! FreeTowing. Sell it TODAY.Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784 Miscellaneous- Dish TVRetailer-SAVE! Starting$19.99/month ( for 12months.) FREE PremiumMovie Channels. FREEEquipment, Installation &Activation. CALL, COM-PARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-309-1452 MISCELLANEOUS- Meetsingles right now! No paidoperators, just real peoplelike you. Browse greetings,exchange messages andconnect live. Try it free. Callnow 1-888-909-9905

    W A N T E D T O B U Y -A D V E R T I S E t o 1 0Mil l ion Homes acrossthe USA! Place your adin over 140 communitynewspapers, with circu-lation totaling over 10m i l l i o n h o m e s . C a l lI n d e p e n d a n t F r e ePa p e r s o f A m e r i c a -IFPA at 866-224-8151.W A N T E D T O B U Y -C A S H PA I D - u p t o$25/Box for unexpired,sealed DIABETIC TESTSTRIPS. 1-DAY PAY-MENT. 1-800-371-1136W A N T E D T O B U Y -Wants to purchase min-erals and other oil andg a s i n t e r e s t s . S e n dd e t a i l s t o P. O . B o x1 3 5 5 7 D e n v e r , C o .80201

    ADOPTION- A CHILD-LESS MARRIED COU-PLE seeks to adopt. Willbe full-t ime mom anddevoted dad. Financialsecurity. Expenses paid.C a l l / t ex t . Pa t r i c i a &Adam. 1-800-790-5260.

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  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 11


    March 12, 2014

    ~ Lighting sets the stage for outdoor fun ~ Home projectsperfect for spring ~ Smelly fi replace?

  • Page 12 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014


    301 E. Stephen StreetMartinsburg, WV 25401


    A chimney inspection can improve performance and snuff out chimney fire and carbon monoxide concerns.




    Valid thru 3/31/14



    After a long season of use, fi replaces need to be cleaned. Many homeowners think this is a job that can be put off until the fall, but spring is an ideal season to have the chimney and fl ue cleaned and inspected. One reason to include scrubbing the chimney as part of spring cleaning is to cut down on odor. After using a fi replace, a buildup of creosote forms in the chimney. As the weather gets warmer, creosote deposits can start to smell sour and that odor will seep into the home. In addition, moisture can mix with the creosote and start to degrade the fl ue liner, necessitating costly repairs. The sooner a chimney and fl ue are cleaned the better. A chimney sweep can do a thorough job of scrubbing down the chimney and fi replace and ensuring that everything will be in working order come next season.

    Smelly fi replace?

    Caution necessarywhen painting indoors

    Caution must be exercised when painting indoors.

    Few people might think of potential safety hazards when planning to paint the interiors of their homes. Though every home improvement project can lead to injury if safety measures are not taken seriously, painting is widely considered a project where do-it-yourselfers are at minimal risk of injury. But in addition to the injury risks associated with climbing up and down ladders to paint ceilings or out-of-reach corners, there are some health and safety concerns that painters must consider before beginning their projects.According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the majority of paints contain chemicals that evaporate in the air, and these chemicals can

    adversely affect human health. Problems associated with chemicals found in some paints include eye and throat or lung irritation, headaches, dizziness, and vision trouble. Professional painters exposed to paint vapors over long periods of time can develop problems with their nervous systems, liver and kidneys, and some chemicals found in paint have been linked to elevated cancer risk.Though painting is often an enjoyable home improvement project, painters still must take the following precautions to ensure their safety when painting the interior of their homes.Read product labels carefully. Paints vary considerably with regard to how

    hazardous they can potentially be, so its best to read paint can labels thoroughly regardless of how experienced you are at painting. Labels provide safety instructions specifi c to that particular paint, including suggestions to reduce hazards and advice on what to do should users develop any adverse health effects.It also helps to reread labels once the painting project has been completed. Labels often include instructions on how to clean or discard products and tools after use, as well as suggestions on where to store paints or other products used during the project that may be fl ammable.Paint during the right time of year. Exposure to chemicals found in paint can be reduced considerably if you paint during the right time of year. Spring and fall make ideal seasons to paint, as the weather outside during these seasons is typically pleasant, allowing painters to open all of the windows without making conditions inside the home unfavorable.Open all of the windows and doors. While its especially important to open all of the windows and the door in the room where you will be painting, its even better to open as many windows and doors throughout the home, making sure to push curtains and blinds back to let the fresh air pour in. Keeping all windows and doors (use screen doors if

    you are worried about animals or insects entering the home) open promotes ventilation throughout the home, allowing for constant airfl ow that will usher any potentially harmful chemicals out of your home. If necessary, place a box fan within a window frame to promote cross-ventilation. Never turn on the air conditioner as a substitute for fans and open windows, as that will not be pushing any air out of the home.Seal paint cans tightly once the project has been completed. At the end of the project, you may or may not have leftover paint. If you have a small amount of paint leftover that you do not intend to keep, contact your local government to determine the best way to dispose of the paint. You also can do this if you have empty paint cans but are uncertain if they can be discarded with normal household trash and recycling. If you have a substantial amount of paint left, be sure the lid is closed as tightly as possible, as vapors can leak through poorly sealed containers, putting the health of residents at risk. Once again, read the label to determine the best place to store leftover paint.Painting is widely considered a fun home improvement project. But if certain safety measures are not taken when painting the interior of a home, these projects can put the health of residents at risk.

    Radon detectors: Another gas that is diffi cult to detect by smell or sight is radon, which may be leaching from surrounding soil into a home, particularly problematic on the lower level of a home. Wire organizers: Bundles of wires behind televisions and other electronics can be tripping hazards and cause shocks or electrocution if touched in

    an improper way. Storage devices can keep them safely tucked out of sight. First aid kit: A medical kit will have all of the supplies necessary to treat minor injuries. Grab bars: People who have mobility issues can install grab bars in hallways and bathrooms for extra support. Door and window guards: A number of safety devices exist for

    windows and doors, including foam protectors that prevent slammed fi ngers or hands. Fire escapes: Those who live in multi-level homes can invest in retractable ladders that attach to windows and provide an emergency point of exit.Accidents around the home are prevalent but often preventable.

    Smoke alarms are a vital partof home safety.

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 13

    Home Equity Line Disclosures: This offer is for a secured home equity line of credit and your residence is the collateral. Maximum Loan to Values (LTVs) of 89%. Your home must bea single-family, owner-occupied residence. Manufactured homes do not qualify. Hazard insurance is required. Flood insurance may be required. Offers not available to existing City National Bank real estate secured loan customers. Maximum APR is 18%. $50 annual fee waived for the first year. Early payoff fee equal to 1% of the credit balance of the credit agreement or $250, whichever is less, if the line is closed within 12 months of opening. Consult a tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. A payment of principal plus nterest will be required after initial draw period. Offer expires 5/15/2014. The 0.99% Introductory Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be fixed for the first three months. After three months, the introductory rate will convert to a variable APR based on

    predetermined margins at or above the prime lending rate as published in The Wall Street Journal and may vary monthly but will never go below a floor rate of 3.74%. As of 2/25/2014, the APR ranged from 3.74% to 5.25%. Non-introductory rate requires an 80% or less LTV and proceeds cannot be used to pay off existing City National Bank real estate-secured debt. The APR may vary monthly but

    will never go below a floor rate of 3.74%.

  • Page 14 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, March 12, 2014

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    Add some fresh colorto kitchen cabinets

    Many homeowners dream of giving their kitchens a full-scale remodel. Though such a project can give a kitchen an entirely new look, that look does not come cheap. According to Remodeling magazines 2013 Cost vs. Value Report, homeowners can expect to spend more than $53,000 on a major kitchen remodel and recoup just below 70 percent of that cost at resale. So while the idea of a full-scale kitchen remodel might be a dream project, the cost of such an undertaking is beyond many homeowners budgets.But homeowners who cannot afford a full remodel can still give their kitchens a new look and can do so for relatively little money. Painting kitchen cabinets a new color or simply giving fading cabinets a fresh coat of paint can instantly add life to a kitchen, giving the room an entirely different feel without breaking the bank. The following are a few tips for homeowners planning to paint their kitchen cabinets.Assess your existing cabinets. Some cabinet materials, including wood and metal, can be repainted without much of a fuss. But other materials, including plastic laminate, are not so amenable to repainting, and will likely require specialty paints. Homeowners with plastic laminate cabinets should fi rst paint a spot or two with a sample paint, being careful to choose a spot thats concealed. If the paint bonds well to the plastic laminate, then you can go forward and buy enough paint to redo all of the cabinets. If the paint does not take, consult a professional to fi nd a paint thats likely to be a better fi t. Expect this process to be one of trial and error.Plan for ornate cabinets to take a little longer. Painting projects will go faster when cabinets have fl at fronts, but they can take considerably longer when

    cabinets are unique and more detailed. If your cabinets are ornate, then factor this extra time into your schedule.Remove the doors and hardware. When painting cabinets, its best to essentially disassemble them, removing the doors, handles, knobs, latches, and any additional hardware. When removing hardware, be sure to set them aside in clearly marked plastic bags so its easier to reassemble the cabinets once the fresh coat of paint has dried. As doors are removed, number each door and its corresponding location, much like products that require assembly are numbered at the factory. This makes it easier to reassemble and ensures the cabinets and their hinges will align properly once you have fi nished painting.Dont paint dirty surfaces. Cabinet surfaces have likely collected their share of dirt, grease and grime over the years, so you want to clean these surfaces thoroughly before painting. Once surfaces have been cleaned, rinse them off and give them ample time to dry.Sand the surfaces. Once the surfaces have been cleaned and are completely dry, its time to start sanding them. Lightly sand the doors using a wood sanding block, working to create a fi rm base to which fresh paint can easily adhere. Areas that are most exposed to wear and tear may require some extra elbow grease, and some areas may be especially fl aky. When old paint is fl aking off, this means the previous fi nish did not adhere very well to the surface, which is not necessarily uncommon in kitchens, where moisture and grease residue can make it harder for paint to adhere to the surface. In such instances, sand the fl aky areas to the bare wood before spot-priming with a primer or sealer designed for areas with heavy staining. After all of the sanding is complete, vacuum the

    surfaces to ensure there is no leftover sanding dust before painting.Apply primer-sealer. Primer-sealer ensures the fresh paint will bond well to the surfaces, preventing conditions like fl aking in the future.Paint the cabinets. After the primer-sealer has been applied, its time to paint the cabinets. Begin with the inside edges and openings of the face frames, followed by the outer cabinet sides and then the front of the frames. Then move on to the cabinet doors and any drawer fronts you might be painting as well. Cabinets with more elaborate designs require closer attention to detail than

    fl at cabinets. When painting, opt for thin coats, which dry more quickly and also create fewer visible brushstrokes. When applying multiple coats, allow the paint ample time to dry between coats. Four hours between coats is a good rule of thumb, and lightly resand all surfaces before applying the second and fi nal coat of paint. Reassemble the cabinets. Once the fi nal coat of paint has fully dried, carefully reassemble your cabinets and then enjoy the fresh and inexpensive new look that your freshly painted cabinets have created.

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  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 15

    Lighting sets the stage for outdoor fun

    Tis the season for making changes in and around the home. The arrival of warmer weather renews homeowners vigor for various home improvement projects, and many have grand plans for interior and exterior renovations as they prep their living spaces for comfort, beauty and entertaining opportunities. While there are many worthy projects to pursue, adding outdoor lighting to a home can help increase its value and make the home safer and more attractive in the evening hours. According to the American Lighting Association, with a few updates to outside lighting, families can make even better use of their homes at night. Adding outdoor lighting is easier and less expensive than many homeowners may know, allowing them to transform an existing patio, deck or pool area into an enjoyable nighttime retreat. Pool parties, dinners on the patio or barbecues with neighbors become even more memorable when outdoor lighting is added or improved. But homeowners who want to install or upgrade their outdoor lighting should consider the following tips, courtesy of ALA.Improve navigation. Lighting is typically

    layered into a room or outdoor space in three ways: overhead, task and ambient. Even outdoors, where there are no typical boundaries and borders, those three layers are necessary. Outdoor overhead lighting should improve visibility on steps, paths and walking surfaces, especially where theres a bend or an intersection. Task lighting can be used around cooking or gardening areas. Ambient light will cast a comforting glow around any outdoor space.Enhance security. To improve visibility and security, combine a motion detector with a sconce to illuminate dark corners or entryways. Be sure to aim lights away from the door to improve visibility. Lanterns on either side of the door can give a home a warm, welcoming appearance and improve the safety of entryways.Create outdoor rooms. Outdoor lighting at the borders of a space is a great way to create barriers, both vertically and horizontally. Lights in a tree create something akin to a chandelier hung in the middle of the sky, and even accent lights in the general area of the edge of a patio, deck or porch will shine across the space and provide enough of a comfort level for people to understand where things are.

    Reduce glare. Outdoor lighting that casts a glare can be blinding, as can light thats too bright. Lighting along paths should be cast downward, with fi xtures that are hooded. A variety of lighting options will create layers, allowing you to add or subtract as necessary. Exterior-safe dimmers also can provide fl exible control over the level of light, as can movable fi xtures added to a patio or porch.Add decorative elements. Just as arbors, pergolas, patios and other outdoor elements help to enhance the style of an outdoor space, so, too, can lighting contribute to a well-designed landscape. Lighting should play up decorative features of a yard and add the ambience that homeowners desire. Step lights make passage safe while also highlighting

    molding or trim details. An outdoor chandelier can make for a wonderful accent during dinnertime on the deck or under a pergola. Patio lights provide atmosphere as well as illumination for cooking outside.Enhance views from inside. Outdoor lighting can make the view from inside pleasant and enjoyable. Use a variety of lights, including spotlights on trees, lights dotted along pathways and accent lights on unique landscape features, to create an idyllic landscape visible from inside the home.Outdoor lighting enhances functionality of yards and landscapes while making such areas safer for homeowners and their guests once the sun has gone down.

    9 ways to improve curb appeal

    Homeowners who want their homes to make strong fi rst impressions must prioritize curb appeal. Homes with strong curb appeal sell well and can impart a welcoming feel to all visitors. Improving curb appeal need not be expensive, and the following are a handful of ways to improve the appearance of your home.1. Install a bold-looking door in a vibrant color or one with a custom design. This helps the home stand out from other properties in the neighborhood.2. Edge the driveway to create a distinct border between the driveway and the lawn or other landscaping features. This helps homes appear neat and well kept.3. Use outdoor lighting to make a home more inviting. Outdoor lighting

    also makes properties safer to traverse at night.4. Clean a homes exterior to remove mildew or discolorations from the siding, driveway, patio, and other outdoor elements.5. Improve landscapes with fresh plants and seasonal color. Homeowners without the time to plant can consider container gardens, which dont take much time to assemble but still add appeal to a homes exterior.6. Prune planting beds and add new mulch to restore color.7. Add shutters and accent trim to a homes exterior to improve on the beauty of the house.8. Install new fencing or give a fresh coat of paint or stain to an existing fence.9. Replace concrete paths with tile or stone walkways to make entryways more impressive and inviting.



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    $ 1199 SAVE $591


    WAS $6027

    SAVE $828

    SALE $ 5199

    8x10 Club


    $ 2500 14x40

    Peak Shed

    $ 9045

    10x12 Cape Cod

    $ 4275

    10x14 Cottage


    $ 3695

    Make a plan for garage organizationSpring cleaning plans are on the minds of many once the weather warms up. Many homeowners feel a sense of renewal in the spring, when the desire to clean house and get organized becomes a priority.Garages are often targets for homeowners hoping to target clutter. Once a space reserved for cars, garages are no longer strictly for vehicles, used instead to store items that simply do not fi t inside the home or a backyard shed.

    Organizing the garage is typically a weekend or several-day project. Heres how to turn a garage from a cluttered mess into a space suited for storing items of all shapes and sizes.Enlist a helper. Organizing a garage is a signifi cant undertaking that is best tackled with two or more people. Enlist a helper to make the project less intimidating.Decide what is important to keep. Start the organization process by

    clearing out the garage and taking inventory of what you have. Items that have not been used for several years can likely be tossed. Make a pile of what will be kept and then put the rest at the curb or donate useful items to charity.Give thought to where you want to store particular items. Tools and items that are used more often should be stored within reach or where easily visible, while items that are not used as

    frequently can be stored higher up. Think about how you operate in the garage. Recycling bins can be stored closer to the door into the home, while bicycles and skates can be nearer to the garage door for easy access.Group like items together. Categorize items that will be kept. Garden tools, camping gear, sporting equipment, and automotive supplies should be categorized and stored in their own areas of the garage, determining if certain items can be stored inside the home to free up garage space. Grouping items together will make them easier to locate in the garage.Move boxed items into clear storage containers. Its much easier to see what you have when it is stored in clear containers. Some containers are interlocking or stackable, making it much more convenient to store items vertically and free up more fl oor space.Invest in vertical storage systems. Moving items from the fl oor and putting them on shelving or behind cabinets can make the garage more organized. Hooks and bins also can be used. Employ a peg board full of hooks for oft-used tools or other items you need at the ready.Leave space for hobby and work areas. Garages are where many improvement projects begin or where hobbies, such as woodworking or crafting, take place. Leave space for these tasks and hobbies.Give the space a fresh coat of paint. Some garages are dingy and dark. Bright paint on the walls and fl oor can open up the space and, when combined with more lighting, can make it lighter and brighter.Garage organization is a common spring cleaning project. But it shouldnt be reserved for this season alone. Periodic checks of the garage and straightening up can keep a garage clean and organized throughout the entire year and make yearly spring cleaning much more manageable.

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 17

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