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The Biblical Call to Servanthood Series

1. Servanthood vs Leadership - What does the Bible says?

2. The Source of Spiritual Authority

3. The Centrality of Character

Scripture: Acts 20:17-35

1. Introduction : The Centrality of Character

• The tendency in the modern world is to emphasize ability and gifts in the choice of leaders.

• But in the Bible, character is central:

Cf. 1 Sam 16:7;

1 Tim 3:1-12;

Tit 1:6-9.

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

i. Humility: v. 19. Three things at least are implied.

a. The willingness to do lowly and needful tasks.

b. Appreciating the contributions of others: Cf. Phil 2:3.

c. Self-effacement: Cf. Barnabas in Acts 4:36f; 9:27; 11:22, 25f; 13:2,7; and transition from 13:9ff onwards.

d. ‘There is no limit to how far to you can climb so long as you do not care who gets the credit.’

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

ii. Compassion

• Cf. ‘tears’ in v. 19;

• repeated in v. 31;

• also ‘shepherd’ in v.28.

iii. Faithfulness in Ministry

• V.19b also speaks of ‘faithfulness’ in spite of severe testing by the enemies of the gospel.

• V.20, 27 speaks of the determination to preach the ‘whole will of God’.

• V.31 speaks of an untiring ministry year in year out.

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

iv. No self-seeking ambition

• In v.33-35, Paul speaks of there being no covetousness for money.

• The same principle applies whether it is money, sex or power!

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

v. Sacrifice

• Verses 22-24 speak of the willingness to pay the cost of obedience, whatever it may be. This is something that the church today does not understand very much today.

• James Denney (1910): ‘… in this present evil world there must be great renunciations as well if there are to be great Christian careers.’

2. Character and Servanthood as seen in Paul’s life: Acts 20:17-35

vi. Christian character does not come easily!

• It takes years and generations to form. Cf. Chinese proverb: ‘It takes 10 years to grow a tree but a hundred years to grow a person.’

• But it is possible that God can do a very deep work in you and me. How does this happen or take place in the individual?

3. Opening Our Hearts to God’s Transforming Love

Our Father’s goal is to transform us into the image of Christ.

But He can only do it if we are willing to let Him enter into our lives.

Two stories:...

3. Opening Our Hearts to God’s Transforming Love

i. How did Hosea come to understand God’s love for Israel? • Hosea 1:2f; 3:1-3; through his own pain,

he began to understand the love of God for His people.

• Only then could Hosea’s prophecies breathe with the tenderness of God’s love for His people; cf. 6:4; 11:8; also Hos. 14:4-7.

ii. Overwhelmed by God’s love in prayer

• John White’s struggles in prayer for his son.

3. Opening Our Hearts to God’s Transforming Love

4. Conclusion

• Character in central in our life of servanthood.

• How far we on this road?
