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s -V o l u m e X L I V H o p e College, HoUaod , M i c k , March 11 ,1931

Hope Orators Take First and




Calvin, Alma, Hope and Michigan State Will- Send Represent at ive»

To Mt. Pleasant

Last Friday, Hope College, rep-resented by Miss Alice Boter and Mr. Gerald Huenink, scored two notable victories in the Semi-final contest of the Michigan Oratorical League. Miss Boter captured first place in the Women's Contest and Mr. Huenink carried ofl" third piacc in the Men's Contest.

The contest was held a t Alma College where the women competed at 2:30 P. M.. Mr. Kenneth F. Ollis, the President of the M. O. L., opened the program with a word of welcome to the contestants and the representatives of the various colleges. Miss Edith Davis of Alma

delivered the first oration on "Our Social I. Q." Miss Mildred Reit-sema of Calvin College next gave a very interesting oration called

"The Golden Fleece." Central State Teacher's College was rep-resented by Miss Dorothy Da we, who spoke on "The Modern Min-strel." A vocal solo by Mrs Fred D. Soper followed the first three orations and gave the contestants a chance to relax and forget their worries. Miss Alice Boter, as the fourth orator, delivered her splen-did oration entitled " C a r b o n Copies" in her own charming and expressive manner. The last two contestants were Miss Margaret Oakley on "A Co-partnership in Education," and Miss Margaret

(Continued on last page)

Calvin Plays Return Game




Girl Debaters x

Close Season With Victory


The Women's Debating team de-bated with Albion, February 27, in the Y. W. room on the question "re-solved that S ta te Medicine should be Established." Miss Jean Hinken and Miss Arloa Van Peursem, hav-ing the affirmative side of the ques-tion, won the decision. This is one of the few victories of the affirma-tive team this season.

Miss Helen Herrington and Miss Ruth Leader were the two negative debators of Albion. Professor Bie-try, professor of Speech at Western State Teachers college of Kalama-zoo, acted as judge. Miss Edna Helmbold presided.

This debate having officially closed the season. Miss Jean Hinken and Miss Arloa Van Peursem will become members of Phi Kappa Delta.



For the benefit of those who wish to get started on the orations they wish to use in entering the Raven Contest in May, the following in-formation may be useful: Prelim-inary class contests will be held the latter part of April, in which any student of the class may enter. There will be both men's and wom-en's contests; orations must not ex-ceed fifteen hundred words in length; for subject matter the tyro orators may draw from any sub-ject they can get worked up about.


N u m b e r 1

First Row—John Muilenburg, trombonist; Jacob Groetsma, Wrilliam Kuy-per. Linden Lindsay, Louis Cotts, Paul Brouwer, Arnold Dykhuizen, David Merger, pianist, Harry Ver Strate. ,

Second Row—Bruce Van Leu wen, Louis Scudder, Cornelius Van Leuwen, Everett Potts, Robert Kruizenga, Harry Friesema, Roger Vosktiil, Myron Leenhouts, Manager.

Third Row—Roy Mooi. Alva Ebbers. Lester Vander Werf, John Som-sen, Preston Luidens, William Austin.

Auslander, Poef, Gives Lecture



Our old rival, Calvin college, will close our basketball season tomor-row night in a game at the armory. A record crowd will be on hand to witness the return battle between the schools of the two leading de-nominations in the city. The Calvin Reserves and Hope frosh are slated to mix in the preliminary.

The Hope-Calvin game should be a classic struggle. Hope took its third straight victory over the Knights in the first game at Grand Rapids, but since tha t time, our rivals have taken on speed. The last two games have shown the Calvin team to be of much stronger caliber than when we faced it sev-eral weeks ago.

The close of the season will clim-ax the basketball career of our cap-tain, Clarence Becker, who is the lone senior of the squad. Becker has been a tower of strength a t his guard position this season, direct-ing the ofrensive efforts and scoring

^ h i s share of the points. Calvin loses its captain also.

John Van Appledorn, of Holland, will finish his college coifrt cam-paign in the Hope game. Van Ap-pledorn was a member of the Cal-vin quintet tha t defeated Hope twice in 1928-29.

The freshman team is anxious for itf return game with the Cal-vin Reserves, and the forthcoming tilt promises to be packed with ac* tkm.

Yesterday morning, the Hope Affirmative debating team, composed of Clark Pol-ing and Arthur Ter Keurst, met the Western S ta te Teachers team before a crowd of 1,850 people in the Audi-torium of Central High School at Kalamazoo. Mr. Hooker and Mr. Faunce rep-resented Western State. In a double shift of opinion bal-lot ,the State team was given the decision, 28-24. The judges were the members of a class in public speech at Central High School. Both parties agreed that it was one of the best debates en-gaged in this season.

* i

Joseph Auslander lectured in Grand Rapids last week on "Poetry —Bread or Cake?" This compara-tively young poet is author of half a dozen volumes, but he is best known as co-author with Frank Ernest Hill of "The Winged Horse Anthology" and author of "Let ters to Women." In his lecture, he proved himself equally at home with the poetical works of masters of a past day and those of the m o s t modem laurel seekers. Browning's "Prospice" founds as much sympathy and understanding in his hands as his own intense verse.

The poet, wishing to throw some light on his idea of the nature of poetry, cited Emily Dickinson's definition as a possible standard. That most original of New Eng-landers said that if a book "made her whole body so cold no fire could ever warm it, or if a book made her feel physically as if the top df her head were taken off, she knew this to be poetry." Auslander also mentioned a little girl a t one of his lectures who said that , in comparison to prose being straight-lined, "lines of poetry wiggled and also bring about a.wiggling inside of the reader." Af ter these pref-atory lights the poet launched into his own splendid verse.

Early in Auslander's l i terary career he was taken under the wing of Amy Lowell. She convinced him that he could not do justice to sub-jects alien to his own experience. This insight has made .for a f resh-ness and strength tha t character-izes all of the poet's later vMffc. The poet's admiration f o r Lowell has never waned alth he likes to think of her as a

(Continued on Pag* A)

Lester Kuypers Leads Volunteer Meeting


The Student Volunteers met on Friday afternoon for the considera-tion of the chapter on "The Spirit-ual Life of the Missionary," as pre-sented by Arthur J . Brown in his book "The Foreign Missionary." Lester Kuyper, of the Western Theological Seminary whose Volun-teers meet with the Hope Volun-teers, had charge of the discussion.-

The necessity of the cultivation of regular devotional habits for the prospective missionary and the maintenance of them on the field to insure effectual service pnd a constant replenishing of spiritual resources upon which there is so heavy a drain, was emphasized.


Mens' Glee Club to Give Concert



The Men's Glee Club will sing at Bethany Reformed Church in Gr. Rapids on Thursday evening. Mar. the twelfth, at eight o'clock. This concert will be given under the auspices of the Council of Friends' Sunday School Class of the church. Besides the numbers by the Glee Club, trombone solos will l^e played by John Muilenberg.

On last Thursday morning a t the Chapel exercises, the Glee Club made their first appearance for this year. "Save Me, Oh God" was the

title of the selection which the twenty-five members rendered with remarkable skill and effect. The concert at Grand Rapids will be the first of a series to be given, now that Mrs. Fenton, conductor, has recovered from her recent illness.


Affirmative Team Seeks Debate With Calvin


At the Sophomore meeting held Fr iday afternoon, the meagre quorum assembled elect-ed the following officers for the second semester: President JElarri Zegerius Vice-pres James Wiegerink Secretary J e a n Herman Treasurers : Nella De Haan

and Elmer Bauhahn


The third vesper service in the Lenten season series took place Sunday afternoon, March 8, in the Memorial Chapel, Mr. Snow pre-sided at the organ. Tl^e following program was presented with Rev. Paul Hinkamp in charge. Hymn—"When I Survey the won-

drous Cross"—Mason Opening sentence— Organ—"Piece Heroique"—Franck Scripture — "The Nightingale

Among the Psalms" Organ—"Adagio" (Toccata and

Fugue in C Major)—Bach ' yer—Organ Response

n—"Ave Mar ia"~Schuber t v. "Magic Fire Music"—Wagner Offertory Organ—"A Paster—targe Elert

Professor Raymond and Justin Vander Kolk a re t ry ing to arrange a debate with Calvin College for Hope's affinnative. If they are suc-cessful this debate will take place here at Hope on March 19th. I t will be remembered that Calvin's affir-mative defeated a Hope team before the (Grand Rapids Federation of Labor earlier in the season. This debate will be the last of the year for the affirmative. The negative closes its season with a debate against Carrol College on March 20 a t Hope. /



The Shakespearean players, Ja^ies Hendrickson, G a i r e Bruce, and Company, will appear a t Car-negie Hall on Wednesday, ' March 25, in a full presentation of "Julius Caesar." This well known company has received the commendation of every audience before which it has appeared. The actors are all skilled exponents o fthe histrionic art, the costuming is correct and elaborate, and the scenic effects pleasing.

Special rates will be offered to students. Admission for them will be 60c; adults 76 cents, and re-served seats, $1.00.

Kickerbockers and Guests



Alma Defeats Hope in Final




Game Leavea Alma in Second Place and Hope in Fourth in

M.I.A.A. League

Alma closed the M.I.A.A. basket-ball season at the Armory Friday night by defeating- Hope, in a rough and hard fought game, 3a to 35.

The game started fas t and only seconds a f t e r the opening whistle, captain Gussin, flashy little Alma guard, dropped one in from the side. However a few moments later Cupery came through with a deuce that tied the count. The lead changed hands several times in this period but the visitors grad-ually forged ahead and held a 19 to 14 .advantage a t the half.

After the intermission Dalman and Zwemer scored quickly and evened the count. The visitors, however, immediately retaliated with a pair of field goals, but Spoelstra came right back with a nif ty one from the corner while Dalman followed tha t up with a long one. This spurt tied the score for the last time and when Becker and Dalman went out on fouls, Alma grabbed the lead and man-aged to retain i t fo r the rest of the game.

The individual scoring proved to be a race between Spoelstra and Gussin f o r third honors in the con-ference scoring contest Spoelstra had some hard luck on his shots and consequently Gussin nosed him

(Continued on Back Page)


A formal party was given by the Knickerbocker society last week Wednesday night a t the home of Vernon Ten Cate, an alumnus of the society. The guests of honor for the evening were Mrs. W. H. Durfee, Miss Metta Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Snow.

The entertainment of the % eve-ning consisted of a program of several numbers. President, Fred Wyngarden opened the program with a series of r emarks , . with which he kept the audience in a continual state of laughter. Lewis Scudder, who has been in France, presented a travelogue in which he related his experiences on a bicycle trip f rom Paris to Versailles, "Un Tour a la Bicydette." Richard Niessink favored the group with a piano solo, "Nocture in G. major" by Chopin.

President Fred Wyngarden intro-duced the third number which hei said would be "heavy." Ivan John-son read a paper entitled, "The Play's the Thtng," in which he pre-sented a modern version of Ham-l e t Whether it was a heavy num-ber or not was left to the audience, for he kept the room resounding with an almost continual roar.

The Knickerbocker quartet con-sisting of Bruce Van Leuwen, Lewis Scudder, Paul Brouufcr and John Somsen sang "The LUac Tree," which was followed by a solo by John Somsen, "Three for Jack*"

After delicious refreshments were served, the remainder of the evening was spent in impromptu singing and visiting.

Last Tuesday night was elec- • tion night in 44 Y. W." The meet- * ing opened with a brief song * service, and then the retiring * officers gave very short repoits • on the work done in their re- * spective offices. The group th in * elected Mildred Schuppert as * president, Lois Marsilje as * vice-president, Geneva Dogger * as secretary, and Martha Van- * den Berg, treasurer. Here's • wishing the new officers success * in the coming year's work. *

Senior Girls Mix Pleasure


The Senior Girls Association held its monthly meeting a t the home of ^ Miss Marion Anderson. The first number on the program interested everyone, f o r / i t was nearing six o'clock. Steaming t rays were brought in, holding shrimp on toast , vegetable salad, hot rods, and coffee followed by delicious angel food cakes for deser t

The evening was in charge of Miss Evelyn Geerlings with co-workers Miss Jean Hinlun, Miss Gertrude Hanson, Miss PoUy Hen-delink, and Miss Ruth Glerum.

A short business meeting fol-lowed, pitsided over by Miss Sady Grace Masselink. Miss Betty Smith found what she believed to be a real true fortune telling book so each girl had her future revealed to her in t u n , after which the mRting was adjourned.

Hope College Anchor

H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Entartd a t ' the Part Office at Holland. Michigan, aa Second Claaa Matter. Accepted for nailing at ipeeial rata of poataga provided tor in Section 1108 of

Art 9* Congreu, October 8. It lT. Authorised October 19. 1918.

STAFF Editor...- — Ivan Johnson IfiMOdtte Editors - Harri Zegarins, John Somsen Head Reporter..!.... L Joan Walvoord Sports Watson Spoelstra, Herbert Marsilje Humor...w Myron Leenhouts, William Austin Sororities - Bernice Molleroa Fraternities - Frances Freeman Campus News _:.Vivian Behrman Reporters: Lillian Sabo, Julia Hondelink, Carol Norlin. Ethel Leetsma,

Maggie Kole, Katherine Ives, Geraldine Smies, Alma Plaake, Clark Poling, Ruby Aiken, Marie Verduin, Edith De Young, Jean Bosnian, May ford Ross, Lois De Pree, Virginia Coster, Christian Walvoord, Preston Van Kolken.

BUSINESS STAFF Rufliness Manager. Louis Cotts AssiHtant Bufliness Manager Melvin Dole Assistants Lois Ketel, Lester Ellerbroek, Harold Ringenoldus

A C H A P E L C O M M I S S I O N | o t h e r s ?

S u c h S c a n n i n g t h r o u g h t h e w e e k -

ly p a p e r s s e n t t o u s in ex-

c h a n g e b y m o s t of t h e co l leges

in M i c h i g a n a n d a d j o i n i n g

s t a t e s , w e w e r e s u r p r i s e d , a n d

s o m e w h a t p l e a s e d , t o n o t i c e

t h a t a b o u t e v e r y o t h e r one

c o n t a i n e d a n e d i t o r i a l on i t s

p a r t i c u l a r c h a p e l p r o b l e m . I t

i s a l w a y s s a t i s f y i n g t o k n o w

t h a t o n e is no t a l o n e in a l eaky

b o a t , a n d t h a t p e r h a p s w e a r e ,

a f t e r a l l , t h e b e s t s w i m m e r i n

t h e g r o u p . T h e t r o u b l e s r a n g e

f r o m u n c e r t a i n a t t e n d a n c e t o

p o o r p r o g r a m s a n d b a c k a g a i n ,

e a c h school p r o b a b l y r u n n i n g

t h e w h o l e g a m u t d u r i n g t h e

school y e a r . T h e u n i v e r s a l i t y

of t h e d i s e a s e w o u l d s e e m to | t h o s e

w a r r a n t a n a t i o n a l i n v e s t i g a -

t i o n a k i n t o t h a t of t h e W i c k -

e r s h a m C o m m i s s i o n . P e r h a p s

a d v e r t i s i n g on a m o d e r n sca le

w o u l d h e l p to sell t h e idea of

C h a p e l t o t h e A m e r i c a n s t u d -

e n t r y . W e d i s l i k e to be l i eve

t h a t C h a p e l d i f f i cu l t i e s , l ike

p r o h i b i t i o n a n d h u m a n n a t u r e ,

a r e i n c o r r i g i b l e .

G L O R Y OR V A C A T I O N ?

T o h a v e o r n o t t o h a v e

G l o r y D a y would be t h e ques -

t i on in t h e e v e n t of a v i c t o r y

in t h e f inal M. 0 . L . C o n t e s t s ,

a n d if we c h o s e t h e c e l e b r a -

t i o n , i t could be e i t h e r d i g n i -

fied o r c h i l d i s h . I t s e e m s to u s

t h a t s u c h a d i s p l a y w o u l d ind i -

c a t e t o t h e o u t s i d e r s t h e r a r i t y

of a n o p p o r t u n i t y f o r s u c h a

d i s p l a y , a*nd t h a t m a n y of t h e

s t u d e n t s a r e m o r e c o n c e r n e d

w i t h a d a y off t h a n w i t h t h e

h o n o r of t h e s choo l . G l o r y a n d

a c c l a i m f o r H o p e t h a t r i s e s

f r o m o u r o w n t h r o a t s , m i g h t

s e e m m e r e b r a g g a d o c i a t o o u r

o b s e r v a n t c r i t i c s . o


t h o u g h t s n a t u r a l l y

flow t h r o u g h o n e ' s m i n d w h e n

one sees a s o r r y l i t t l e g r o u p

t r a n s a c t i n g t h e b u s i n e s s of a

l a r g e c l a s s . O n e h a r d l y d a r e s

c o n c l u d e t h a t t w o - t h i r d s

e i t h e r lack i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d

a r e c o n s e q u e n t l y n o t i n t e r e s t -

ed, o r t h a t t h e y h a v e c l i m b e d

so h i g h in t h e w o r l d of b ig

b u s i n e s s t h a t t h e y c a n n o t a f -

f o r d t o g ive f o r t y - f i v e m i n u t e s

to t h e col lege. N o r d a r e s one

c o n c l u d e t h a t t h e r e is a l a c k of

a t t r a c t i o n . A f r e e c a n d y b a r

m i g h t t h e n b r i n g r e s u l t s . P e r -

h a p s t h e i dea is w o r t h t r y i n g .

O n e c o n c l u d e s f ina l ly t h a t

w h o d o c o m e h a v e a

g r e a t e r s e n s e of r e s p o n s i b i l -

i ty a n d a r e m o r e w i l l i n g t o

h a v e a f e w b u r d e n s t h r u s t up-

on t h e m . T h a t is t h e o n l y so-lu t ion .

A f t e r a l l , t h e c l a s s w i t h

w h i c h o n e e n t e r s co l l ege con-

t a i n s t h o s e s t u d e n t s w i t h

w h i c h o n e c o m e s m o s t in con-

t a c t . If o n e , t h e n , h a s n o in-

t e r e s t in t h e a f f a i r s of h i s im-

m e d i a t e a s s o c i a t e s , h o w c a n

o n e be c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e

w e l f a r e of t h e w h o l e g r o u p ?

H o w c a n a s o l d i e r be loyal t o

h i s a r m y , if h e is h o s t i l e t o t h e

m e n in h i s c o m p a n y ? E v e n

if o n e is i nc l ined to be i n d i v i d -

ual , .one m u s t r e m e m b e r t h a t

t h e w e l f a r e of o n e in a g r o u p

d e p e n d s u p o n t h e w e l l - b e i n g of t h e g r o u p .

T h e r e is need , i n d e e d , f o r

i n t e r e s t , f o r e a g e r p a r t i c i p a -

t ion , a n d f o r loya l c o o p e r a t i o n

in c l a s s a f f a i r s , a l l - co l l ege a f -

f a i r s , a n d in e v e r y o u t s i d e ac-

t i v i t y . O n l y t h e n c a n o u r

w o r k be s u c c e s s f u l a n d o u r in-

fluence f e l t if o u r s l o g a n is

"Al l f o r o n e a n d o n e f o r a l L "

a • a

Addison-—There was a momen-tary hush in the "Oggle" house when President Edgar De Graaf called the regular meeting of the Addisons to order. H^ appointed Martin Kloosterman chorister and Kenneth Hicks, pianist, to lead the group in singing songs, sad, pop-ular and gay. When silence could again be maintained, Mr. Ter Keurst led devotions.

The Lenten season was recog-nized in the well arranged review of Brown's book, "These Twelve" given by Archie Kawalk. The con-tents were such as to arouse lively discussion among the boys. Arthur Ter Keurst then gave an argu-mentative semi-political speech con-cerning the feasability of compul-sory unemployment insurance in the United States. Kenneth Hicks played the "Polish Dance" by Scharwinka and "At Morning" by Godard, on the piano. A short but intensive business meeting closed the evening's activities.

• • *

Emersonian—A short business meeting was held by the Emer-sonian Society Thursday evening. Before the meeting, several Emer-sonians went out in the country to see a fire.

The Emersonian basketball team suffered its first defeat of the sea-son at the hands of the Praters Monday night.

John Van Den Belt has been ill during the past two weeks. Harry K. Smith has accepted a job with the famous, J. P. Morgan Com-' pany. He will begin his work a f te r graduation in the spring.

• • •

Fraternal—"We of the jury do! hereby pronounce the defendant Not Guilty because of insufficient evidence." With those words, the defendant, Gordon Alexander, ' on trial for the murder of Madame X, whose body was found buried in the sands of the beach, burst into tears and cried hysterically, say-ing he knew that the jury would acquit him.

Thursday, March 5, the Frater House was the scene of the trial of Gordon Alexander versus the State. Irving Decker was the State's Attorney and Dutch Pop-pink the Attorney for the Defense. The judge was the Hon. Justin yan Der Kolk, who carried on the trial in a most judicial fashion. The trial was remarkable and inter-

Alethea—Last Thursday the re-cently elected officers of Alethea entertained the res t of t he society a t a progressive dinner. The f ru i t cocktail was served in the society room in Van Raalte Hall. Helen Barre and Leonora Zonnebelt fur -nished the mental cocktail in the form of some side-splitting humor. Being thus warmed up, the Ale-theans sallied for th to visit An-netta McGilvra fo r the meat course. Here Vivian Veldman read a paper on "Tlfe History of Egypt ian Mu-

Sibylline—The Sibylline Sorority held a meeting Thursday night a t seven o'clock. When they entered ttye room, they found a wonderful transformation had taken place. The floor had been painted and waxed, the rug, the curtains and draperies, the chair-backs, and even the walls had been cleaned until everything fairly shone. A charm-ing little table supplied the need for a .place on which to set the radio and a new gong was pre-sented to the society. Af te r a short business meeting^ the Sibs were taken by. the new girls to "The Little Freshman Theatre." After being properly seated, "Micide" Essenburg, impersonating Graham Mc Namee, reviewed the Pathe

new sic." Once m6re they set out, b y i N „ r „ . the light of the moon (also a # f e w i g : b ji- ^ 0 efire* ^ n e w

street lights), hot on the trail o f l ^ ^ • the dessert which was found a t j 0 f a p D i a U g e f f h * s r ea t deal

u * i ry . .. ! applause from the rest of the the home of Leonora Zonnebelt. | S i b s , ^ K e t e | j t h e

Marian Talley, sang a solo. Local advertisements were then cleverly portrayed, a f te r which the famous comedians, Asphidity and Halitosis, none other than Lotus Schaafsma and "Mickie" Essenburgh, kept the society in a continual uproar.

Seven to one," the main feature of the evening's ' entertainment, was next presented. It was ably directed by Lois Ketel and the All Star cast was composed of Lotus Schaafsma, Edith De Young, Ruth Van Dyke, Alice Clark, Mildred Es-senburg, Estella Karsten, Ruth Winstrom and Frances Learned.

Af te r attending the theatre, we were taken to the Sibyl Cabaret to I "Nibble at the Sibyl." The new Sibyl chorus furnished the enter-tainment.

Annetta McGilvra entertained with two delightful vocal solos. But there was still another surprise in store. This time it was at Polly Hondelink's home, where the "demi-tasse" was served. Af ter late leave had been obtained from Mrs. Dur-fee, a play, "Romance in C" was presented by El |a Boschker, Ger-trude Van Zee, Lillian Smies, Helen

Barre and Leonora Zonnebelt. It was received with so much favor that a repeat performance was ne-cessary. After at tempting to in-terpret the College Song more cor-rectly, the Voorheesites made a dash for the dorm, feeling much the better as a result of the exercise and fun of the evening.

Dixie Gasolioe and Motor Oil

Free Crankcase Service

^Alemiting .

Central Service Station A. W. Goodes, Prop. C o r . C a n t r a l a n d N i n t h

J i h Dyk tm J n t p h B a r p u i

• PHONE 1442

Model Laundry "The Soft Wattr


Wei Wall, RHgh Dry

Finished Work .


Delphi—Last Wednesday af ter -noon, Delphi pledges R. Mulder,

i L. Hollebrands, H. reion and M. i Den Herder were hostesses at the regular bi-weekly tea held in the society room.

The Delphi Literary Society held its regular weekly meeting Thurs-day evening. The program consist-ed of old fashions contrasted with those of modern times. The meet-ing opened with a song service led by Pledges J. Walvoord and H. Pelon. Devotions were in charge of Delphian Weidner. "Then and Now" by Pledge L. Hollebrands was in the form of a news report relating important events of past years as well as present. Pledge E. Boughter favored the society with a piano solo taken from one uf the old masters. Delphian Well-ing, in the personage of Et ta Kett, compared her present rules to

i former ones. Delphian L. Kieft, all dressed up to fit her part, sang some old fashioned melodies, a f te r

esting to the spectators in that it 1 which Pledges H. Pelon and A.

When one-third of a college class comes out for^election of ofticers, what is wrong with such a class and its its mem-bers? What is wrong with' — v.«Yciru w t h o s e s t u d e n t s w h o s t a y e d I ^ l n a 1 0 hear the Oratorical Con-

a w a y ? W h a t a t t r a c t i o n i g i ^ V " 1 f h . i c h M i s s Boter and Gerald Huenink were so suc-

"Seventh Heaven," the play originally chosen by the Seniors for their annual presentation has been dropped^ having foiled to re-ceive the approbation of Dr. Ny-kerk of the faculty committee.

o Several Hopeites traveled to

brought out the life histories of some of the witnesses. Many con-fessions were made that are better lef t unprinted. .

The trial brought out the slum-bering possibilities that lie in Slow Decker, the dashing young

prosecuting attorney. • • •

I hi Kappa Alpha—Fifteen min-utes of merry-making with songs put the Cosmopolitan Society in the right humor to enjoy their weekly meeting Thursday night. After the singing, Nick Burgraff gave a lecture on "Industrial In-surance." Immediately following this, Alton Alday treated the so-ciety with a large' box of home-made candy which was sent to him by some unknown lassie in New York state.' - • — - V

Harms Bloemer accompanied the college orator, Gerald Huenink, to Alma, where he won third place in an oratorical contest Friday night. Roger Vo^Jcuil announces the addi-tion of his "new" Chevrolet to the Voorhees taxicab service company.

The Cosmos basketball team un-derwent several stiff practice ses-sions during the last few weeks under the guidance of Capthin MLos" Van der Werf.

Jackson held up the modern age with some present day songs. Delphians R. Geerlings and E. Hyma brought the program to a fitting closc with fitting clothes in a style show.

The Delphi pledges are to have their formal initiation Wednesday afternoon.

• • » l)orian—Friday evening the Do-

rians were entertained by the new members of the society. The meet-ing was opened with devotions led by Hazel dick.

Next, the girls were taken back to their childhood days through the dramatization of the fa i ry tale, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."

Sorosis—A Japanese garden scene, Japanese lanterns s t rung over the room, curios placed here and there, a heavy scent of incense in the air, and even beautiful Jap-anese girls—no wonder the Soros-ites thought, when they entered their society room Thursday night, that they had somehow missed their step, and landed right in the midst of Japan.

The Junior Sorosites, in their turn of class programs, chose a Japanese theme and carried it out most cleverly in every phase of the meeting, even to the scripture story Which was told by Lois De Pree, the chairman of the program.

The first scene from "San Fan Laud" was a solo from a charming Japanese maiden, Elizabeth Arendshorst. "Willow Whispers," the story of a Japanese plate, was told by Elizabeth Winter. The third scene, Japanese Love Songs, showed a coquetish maiden and a lad flirting, but never able to reach each other because she was just a picture on a fan, and he was on a box of tea. Springtime in Japan must be very romantic according to Vera Van Duren, a Japanese maiden, and Iva Klerk, a Yankee sailor. Edith Drescher as the Jap-anese policeman added the final touch of humor to this scene. A Japanese dance was portrayed by Ruth Van Dyke and Marie Kleis. As a climax to the program, glor-ified rice and "opium" was served, and heartily enjoyed by all the girls.

Gruen, Elgin and Boluva Watckes

S E L L E S Jewelry Store

Watch and Jewelry Repairing

For Real Service Try T k White C r m BarWr S k p




Last week-end. Miss Laura Gu-— 8 ^ ^ h e r and brother visited

The three bears were impersonated I ^ e ^• They returned to their home by Hazel Deck, Ann Edwards a n d j ' n ^' l , ca8» Michigan, Sunday nigh't. Kathryn Fredericks. Kathryn Rottschaefer played the part of

there for those who are pres-ent, that does not attract the

cessful. A few of the faculty also went to be present ut the Contests.

Rumors are going about of an-other all-college banquet to be held soon. Remember last year 's?

, o Olivia Johnson's brother, Carroll,

is here on a visit. He is staying a t the Fraternal Hall. Af ter leav-ing Holland, he intends to visit the University of Illinois.

Goldilocks. Gertrude Beltman read the story. Following this, Florence Clark, played two piano solos.

A pantomine, "Mary Loii" was presented by all the new girls. "Lady Anne" was the title of a mysterious play acted out by Vi-vian Behrmann, Marjory Atwater, Florence Clark, Beatrice Van Keu-len and Margaret Rens. Af ter Dor-othy White gave a reading, the new Dorians disappeared. All ex-cept Vivian Behrmann, who, in the name of the new girls, presented a beautiful upholstered chair to the society.

The refreshments were cleverly served as "Dorian Delights" a f t e r which the Dorians happily returned home. /j

Miss Mildred Klow spent the week-end with Miss Marian Sluy-ter a t her home in Grand Rapids. .

The measles have not lef t the vicinity of Hope College yet, for Miss Mina Becker was ill with them all last week.

• ••-o Voorhees Hall had four alumnae

as visitors for the week-end. They were Miss Suzanne Schoep, Miss Margaret Otto, Miss Dorothy Mul-der, and Miss Grace McCarrolI.


Holland City News

Printers and



Boston Restaurant

STUDENTS T h e College Ave . Barber

Shop Welcomes You.

C. H U I Z E N G A , Prop.


Electric Shoe Repakiig 230 R h * Aw. Opp. P , 0 .

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Harrington Dry Cleaning Ph. 4348 262 R i m A?e.

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PHONE 2596

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Kraker Hotel Building, 213 River A v e .

Holland, ^ • Mfrk v • .•••}• v , » r.;. .i .



\ n m


H o p e C M e g e A n c h o r • - •#r



1. The game of contract is played with two decks of cards. In one deck the comer of the six of diamonds is bent. As a result, every time a hand is dealt, Mrs. West says: "Ah-ha! Look who has the six of diamonds."

2. The game is played by five players. Pour si t t ing a t each side of a square table covered with cir-cular stains, and the remaining player, who is not allowed to touch the cards, going from comer to comer , raising his eyebrows and grunting. Prom time to time he may be requested to crack some ice or empty an ash tray. This doesn't count fo r either side.

3. The table shall be set up so tha t the light will be satisfactory to, a t least one of the players. The wire of the bridge lamps shall be so arranged tha t anyone rising from his chair will fall flat on his face.

4. Before commencing to play, a Mr. Brown will show the other players how to tear a deck of cards in half .

6. Af te r everyone is seated, four of the players shall cut for partners (to see who shall fight with who). A f t e r the cut is completed, all four players will arise and sit in differ-ent chairs. Af t e r they a r e reseated, one of the players will get up for a cushion, another will go for a score pad, a third will hunt for a pencil, and the fourth will s tar t a game of

* 1

solitaire. 6. The four players will now

venture opinions as to who cut the highest card. The player with the loudest voice wins and deals.

7. Af ter each player (except the rover) has received thirteen cards:

a. The player a t the left of the dealer says, "who did this"

b. The player opposite the deal-er says, "Are you playing the club convention?"

c. The player a t the right of the dealer says, "Who dealt this lousy mess?"

d. The dealer discovers that he has only twelve cards and calls "Misdeal!"

8. Af ter ^ new deal has beeiii completed, a window may be closed by one of the players if (a) the window is open; or, the window may be opened if (b) the window is closed; or if two players disagree on' whether the window shall re-main opened or closed, it may be (c) opened- and closed if it is al-ready closed, or (d) it may be closed and opened, if it is already open.

9. A player is said to be "vul-i nerable" if he pays any attention to I the explanation of how the dummy would have played the hand if she'd gotten the bid. If the dummy says, "That reminds me of a hand I held a t Fanny Farmer 's last Tueday," she's a double dummy.

10. The score is put down tem-porarily, a f t e r each hand by the

DONT FAIL To get our prices for your


Lacey Studio 19 East 8th St. Holland, Mich.

24 years present Location. The Studio up Stairs Km mimiiiiii iiiniiiini nriii im i m i mi mi imm iiiihmmwh hm

W E A L T H has many tools—but Saving is the handle

that fits them all.


Peoples State Bank HOLLAND, MICH.

H. R. DOESBURG Druggist

32 East Eighth St.


COLONIAL SWEET SHOP Candiet, Fincy Sundaes, Hot Fudge Sundaes, Hot Chocolate,

Toasted Sandwiches, Gilbert's Chocolates


player nearest the pad and pencil. Af te r the figures a re put down:

a. The score pad is hidden un-der a pillow.

b. The player a t the lef t of the scorer scowls a t his partner and says, "Are we playing fo r money or matches?"

c. The player opposite the scor-er hunts fo r the score pad, and find-ing it, erases the last figures and puts higher ones in their place

d. The player a t the right of the scorer asks fo r a separate sheet of paper and pencil, so she can keep a separate score all by herself.

11. The dummy is not allowed to touch the cards, but may tell the other players about her t r ip to the West Indies during the play.

12. Drinks should be served a f t e r the third rubber. Following which a derby hat is brought in and placed seven feet f rom a couch. The player gett ing most cards in the hat is accused of having played the game before, and the fifth man and the three players go home. The hostess then puts away: • ' (a) The table; (b) the cards; (c) the glasses; (d) the ash t rays; (e) the chairs; ( f ) the lamps! (g) the cushions; (h) the derby hat.


Everyone knows how the jolly pastime of "Ups-a-Daisy" was in-vented. How Tom O'Hara bounced a tot on his knee while Tim O'Hara looked up names of flowers . . . . How a f t e r bouncing the baby 32,612 times, they found tha t Daisy was the flower he most enjoyed being bounced to. The O'Haras are fam-ous, but only now have we learned the name of the baby. Next Thurs-day will be observed as Tommy Phipps Day, throughout the nurse-ries of the land.

Credit for inventing that fine old phrase, "Quicker than you can say Jack Robinson" has always gone to Jack Robinson of London. Last June, however, Robinson admitted tha t he had stolen the idea from an Eskimo, the original wording being, "Quicker than you can say liijiwik liiijiblong. To make amends, a special Arctic expedition has been sent to the north. They ferreted out Mr. liiijiblong and bestowed on him the world's appreciation.

How many of us, while enjoying the sport of laughing up our sleeve, ever gave a thought to Tinchcape Gillingsworthy, the man who made

it possible? Before Gillingsworthy invented sleeve-laughing, hundreds of necks were broken annually by people t ry ing to laugh down their shirtbacks or into the cuffs of their pants. The new Gillingsworthy memorial a t Canajoharie will show graphically jus t how much we owe to this emancipator's genius.


She — I'm afra id my jewels will have to go, if you don't get a job soon.

He — Cheer up, dear! It 's always darkest before the pawn.

She breezed into a hardware store, met the affable clerk and chirped:

"How much are mouse t raps?" "Three for a dime, lady." "How much for two?" "Why not take three?" "Because I've only seen two


"How do you always manage to have such good beef?"

"I select a good butcher and then stand by him."

"You mean you give him all your t rade?"

"Nd, I mean I stand by him while he's cutting the meat."

Friend — "Did the poet take it hard when Alice rejected him?"

Editor's Daughter — "Hard ! I hear the poor fellow threw himself into the waste-basket."

^ • v ; : •-r.- -

' a g p - T f i r c f


Librarians often have a quiet laugh over the odd titles of books inquired for. Here are some sam-ples:

"Says a man to Lily" (Sesame and Lilies, Ruskin).

"Jean 's Universal Rounders" (The Universe Around Us, by Jeans) .

"Firework King" (If I Were King, by McCarthy).

"The Old Pie Bus" (Old Pybus, Warwick Deeping).

"The Red Yacht" (Rubaiyat, Omar Khayyam).

"Juice of Life" (Use of Life, Lord Avebury).

"Farmer ' s Suitable Pocketbook" (Pharmeceutical Pocket Book).

RACKET Restrioging

Armour Strings

Used Exclusively

Superior 206 River Ave.

Bill Vorpe, at the plain Dealer office, wheeled his chair around and pressed a button on his desk. The office boy entered.

"Here," said Bill, "are a number of directions from outsiders telling us how toVun our paper. See that everyone is carried out."

And the office boy, gathering them all in a large waste basket, did so.

"Silver's lower." i We should mind!

Chance to get Our clouds relined."

Valet — "Your bawth is ready, sir."

Master — "Aw, I say, Perkins, take the bawth for me, — and, Per-kins, make it a cold plunge."

The Wickersham Commission has not been heard of since it turned in its report.

Maybe the boys have taken time out to read the thing themselves.


We'll wager a ted necktie tha t Mr. Einstein* can't explain Con-gress.

Mrs. Colonel Smartt — "That woman next door bought a hat ex-actly like mine."

Colonel Smartt — "Well, now, I guess you two won't speak any more."

Mrs. Colonel Smartt — "Not when she finds out tha t I 've given mine to her cook."

(Continued on i^aat Pace)

— —

An Exclusive Line of Gouda Pottery v Look for the word R e g i u

D. J. DU SAAR ' Kodaks and Kodak Finishing, Gifts

10 East Eighth St. Ph. 2230 Holland, Mich.




133 and 135 Fairbanks Ave. Phone 5470

Students Take Notice Suits, Coats and Plain Dresies Dry cleaned now

S i t O e All goods called for and delivered.


College and 6th St.

WELCOME! STUDENTS OF HOPE! You ^re invited to use the Banking facilities of

The First State Bank The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County

Blue Bird Diamond Rings Elgin Watchts


Successor to W. R. Stevenson

Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing

Attention Ladies

Finger Waves - 50c — A t —

Nichols Beauty Solon 28 W. Eighth St. Phone 2704


of your expenditures is always possible with a checking account ' Feel free to avail yourself of our facilities at all times. ^

Holland City State Bank HOLLAND, MICHIGAN


^ 7


ftge f t a t Hope CoOefe Anchor . :

Freshmen Lose Close Fight to



The stage was all set last Friday night for a preliminary game be-tween the Frosh and the Fraternal Society, but thirty minutes before the game the Alma Frosh arrived and so, as an act of courtesy the Frosh played the Alma men.

Coach Schouten started a new combination and since this caught Alma off their feet the frosh gath-ered a lead of 12-5 at the end of the first quarter. Alma did a little basket shooting herself during the quarter and at the half the score stood 15-12 still in favor of the Frosh.

The second half had not pro-ceeded two minutes before the score was knotted at fifteen all. From this point on both teams played classy basketball and both teams fought stubbornly. At the end of the third quarter the score was still tie, this time at twenty all, and at the blowing of the final whistle the score stood 30-32 in favor of the visitors.

The scoring was well divided among all the fellows of both teams. An Alma fellow said a f te r the game that this was the best game they had played all season. Those who witnessed the contest will surely say that our Frosh played a game that no college would be ashamed of.

Fraters Defeat Emersonians to Make Triple Tie



Next Few Weeks Will Sec Close Fight for Championship

John Vanden Belt has been ill for over a week with an attack of the flu.

The Fra te rs and the Emerson-ians played an exciting game on Monday evening, March second. That game was the first that the Emersonians have lost this season. As a result, Emersonian no longer leads the inter-society league.

The Fra ters started the game off with a lively attack which gave them a six point lead. George Van Peursem was going strong and took more than his share of the points. Thus encouraged, the Fraters were invincible. Neither the regulars nor the substitutes of the Emersonian team could stop them. Grin Ens-field, who is usually lucky with long shots, lost his eye. Captain Juist and the coach, Ver Strate, tried every possible combination, but without success. They didn't coop-erate as they did in previous games. Ensfteld and Cupery went out on fouls in the second which only added to their troubles. The Fra-ters took advantage of the situa-tion and piled up a fine lead. The final score was 25-14, in favor of the Fraters .

The remaining games will cer-tainly be of interest because of the close run for the championship. There is now a triple tie among the Emersonians, Knickerbockers, and the Fraters . The tie will be played off in several hotly contested games during the next few weeks.

Y. M. C. A.

* On Tuesday, March 3, 1931, * * Mr. Abraham Norman, one of * * our students f rom Arabia, • * spoke to the Hope College Y. '* * M. C. A. on the subject "My • * Duty to My Brother." Mr. Nor- • * man gave many enlightening • * points on this subject. • * The meeting opened with a * * song service under the leader- * * ship of Mr. Jacob J u i s t The • * speaker of the evening, Mr. *• * Norman, lead t he . devotions. •' * The music came from a violin * * in the hands of Mr. Henry * * Kleinheksel. He played for his * * selections "Souvenir" by Orla * * and "Largo" by Handel. Mr. • * Kleinheksel was accompanied * * by his sister. Miss Joanna * * Kleinheksel. » * *


(Continued from page 3) Coroner Bundesen announced

that he would be a candidate for Mayor in opposition to William Hale Thompson. It seems to me it would be more fun to be coroner in Chicago. — One meets so many interesting people.

I d Cota'sDrug Store SALE Thurs., Fri., Sat. SAlE

S P R I N G B L O S S O M -

50c A l m o n d Cream 2 forSIc

50c Br i l l i amine 2 for 51c

75c Cold Cream 2 lor 76c

$1 Face P o w d e r 2 for $1-01

G A R D E N C O U R T -

50c Bri l l iamine 2 for 51c

50c Benzoin Cream 2 for 51c

50c Cold Cream 2 for 51c

25c Talcum 2 for 26c

50c Face Powder 2 for 5 l c


50c Shav ing Cream 2 for 51c 50c Af t e r Shaving

Lotion 2 for 51c 25c Af te r Shaving

Talcum 2 for 26c 50c Hai r Oi l 2 for 51c

H O M E R E M E D I E S 50c Cough S y r u p 2 for 51c 50c Eve Bath 2 for 51c $1 Mineral O i l 2 for $1.01 50c Denta l Cream 2 for 51c 50c Too th Brushes 2 for 51c

And Many Other Items not Listed Bring a Friend and Share the Savings

Ladi/ (at busy corner) — "Isn ' t it wonderful how one policeman can dam the flow of traffic?"

Her Escort — "Yes, but you should hear some of the motorists tha t are held up."

Taxi Driver — "I 'm engaged. Miss."

Sweet Yoiin</ Thinp — "I hope you'll be very happy."

"What is the most important problem you explorers have to solve?" asked an unscientific but interested listener a t a lecture.

"Well," returned the explorer, "gett ing back is the most important to us."

Koski on "Feudalism or Health." At 4:80 in the afternoon a re-

and a t 6:00 in the evening a dinner was given for t he coaches, con-testants and student delegates.

The Men's Contest took place a t 8:00 P. M. and was unusually good. Mr. Kenneth Ollis of Alma College delivered an excellent oration on "The Key to Heaven." This was followed by "Bolshevism or Vac-cinate" by Mr. Peter De Vries of Calvin. Mr. Peter Skeberdis from Central State Teachers' College orated next on "Blunders, Yester-day and Today." The Alma College Girl's Sextette then rendered a fine musical number. Mr. Gerald Hue-nink then delivered his vigorous oration entitled "Cannons or Can-ons." "The Romance of Research" by Mr. Cecil De Long of Kalamazoo College, and "Public Opinion" vs. Penology" by Mr. Gordon Fischer were the two concluding orations, and a f te r another selection by the Alma Sextette, the judges retired to cast their decisions.

The contestants, coaches and delegates waited breathlessly for the outcome, and when it was at last announced, the victors were as follows:

Women's Contest First place —Miss Alice Boter,

Hope College.

Second place—Miss Edith Davis, Calvin College.

Third place—Miss Margaret Kos-ki, Michigan State College.

Men's Contest First place—Mr. Kenneth Ollis,

Alma College. Second place—Mr. Peter De

Vries, Calvin College. Third place—Mr. Gerald Hue-

nink, Hope College. On next Friday, March 13, the

final contest will take place a t Mt. Pleasant, in which these six con-testants will participate.



P u r e S i l k t o t h e

area at

A V *

49c A * f i r N o . 1 2 1 8


T h e s e hose a re comparable in quality to those for which you paid 79c a year

^ t l r c ^ fcg . . silk-plaited f o o t . . . mercerized !intcrr lining in welt . . . the smart French heel ihat->yj i (•lief1 # • more expensive hose I A n d only 49 t a pair f

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The Franklin Life Insurance Company Forty-seven years of steady growth, a histo-

ry of abso'utely sound tinancial management, a record of stability, and a deserving reputation tor

| service to the policy holders.


W. J . OLIVE, General Agent. MARRY KRAMER, Special Agent


The supply sargent had just is-sued the last assortment of shoes to the colored outfit. There were plenty of kicks, but the loudest came from Private Indigo Snow, who, failing to receive satisfaction elsewhere, betook himself to the captain.

"Cap'n, suh," he announced, "mah shoes am too big fo' me."

"You'll have to make the best of it," answered the captain. "Plenty of men have shoes that don't quite fit."

"Don't quite f i t ! " ejaculated In-digo. "If you says 'tenshun, cap'n. Ah comes to 'tenshun.. D« n if yo' says to right about face, Ah right about faces, but mah shoes stay at ' tenshun. Don't quite fit? Huh!"



Br a A R


Interest and Courteofls Attention is a part of our service to those who come to us for their printing requirements.


Programs, Calling Cards, Stationery, Fine Papers 210 Colleg« Avenue


Special Noon Luncheon

COZY INN 68 Eut 8th St.

S h u t ( M e n FmUIi Senrice SaodwidMS

Hey! Hey! Wanted — Stenographers for

heating contractor's office. F.E.78I World uptown. — Nf. V. World.

She (to husband tinkering with car) — "What causes the trouble, dear?"

He (Novice) "I don't know ex-actly, but I think it 's the exasper-ator."

(Continued from Page 1) out 14 to 15. As a result the Hope man has 95 points for the season which Alma's all M.I.A.A. guard collected 98.

The next ranking scorers were Dalman and Borton who collected 7 points a piece. *

Summary: Alma College (35)

F.G. F.T.P. Brown F 1 1 3 Sharpe F 1 1 3 Dean F 1 0 2 Williams F 1 0 2 Borton C 3 1 7 Crawford C 0 0 0 Gussin G fi 3 15 Tromater G 1 1 3

14 7 35 Mope College (30)

F.G. F.T.P. Dalman F 3 1 7 Slighter F 0 0 0 HotTman F 0 0 0 Zwemer F 1 0 2 Spoelstra C 5 4 14 Becker G 1 1 8 Cupery G 2 0 4 .1. Wiegerink G 0 0 0

12 C 30 Referee: Hyames, W. S. T. C.

Suits Cleaned and Pressed $1.00


Columbia Hat and Suit Cleaners Suits Pressed While You Wait

Visit Our—

SHOE STORE Our New Spring Footwear

Now on Display

P. S. BOTER & CO. ••wmuuBiiiuHmuriiiiiitimniiiiiiniHitMiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiwiiiiniiiiiiiiiinniiiuiiiiawiLiiniiiirminiiititiimi'iii uRiunniiBii'iimtniiiuimmiiuiiUDiiiiiinioiiui


The Very F i r s t . . . And, of Course The Very , Smartest Fashions

m % —' — — — w

Are Shown Immediately in Our Shops

A balky mule has ^our-wheel brakes, A billy goat has bumpers;

The firefly is a brighl spot-light, Rabbits are puddle-jumper^.

Camels have baloon-style feet And carry spares of what they ea t ; But still I think tha t nothing beats The kangaroos with rumble seats.


(Continued from First page) poetic power" rather than a great creative poet.

Auslander's work holds a high place in the estimation of critics. He finds especial favor as well among our leading American poets today because of his ability to re-create the essence and atmosphere of poetic personalities.

N Petrarch. o


# (Continued f rom Firs t pa^*)

ception was held f o r the contest-ants and delegates a t Wright Hall,

BORRS' BOGTERY 13 West Eighth St.

# I* • «. "

Announces their greatest Store Wide Shoe Sale.

• • ' VV-i'V. i®** 'r,-- • . ' * J : ^ *V -J jtliL '• - .• V,. v."*,' r'i.'

Special attention given to the College Students.





