02 - Generic Process Model


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Faculty of Computer Science

University of Indonesia

CSF3600202Rekayasa Perangkat

LunakTerm 2 - 2013/2014

Slide dibuat oleh :Satrio Baskoro Yudhoatmojo S.Kom., M.T.I.

Dimodifikasi dan dipergunakan kembali oleh :

Arlisa Yuliawati, S.Kom., M.Kom

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Faculty of Computer Science

University of Indonesia

Topic 02:Generic Process Model

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• [Pressman, 2010] Pressman, Roger S. Software

Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. New

York:McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010. Print

• [Sommerville, 2007] Sommerville, Ian, Software

Engineering, 8 th Edition, Pearson‐Addison

Wesley, England, 2007.

• [Dennis, 2010] Dennis, Alan, et al, SystemAnalysis and Design, 4th Edition, John Wiley &

Sons, New Jersey, 2010.

• [Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010] Pfleeger, Shari

Lawrence., and Joanne M. Atlee. Software

Engineering: Theory and Practice. 4th ed. Upper

Saddle River [N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.

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• Why do we need Process✤The meaning of process

• Software Development Process

• Five Generic Framework Activities

• Software Development Process Flows

• Generic Software Development ProcessModels

• Prescriptive Software Development

Process Models

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Why do we need to use a process model?

• Many failed systems were abandonedbecause software engineers tried tobuild wonderful systems withoutunderstanding how the system would

fit with the organization’s goals 

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• If the process is right, the result will takecare of themselves – Takashi Osada

[Pressman, 2010]

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• Engineering software is both a creativeand a step-by-step process which ofteninvolving many people.

• Engineering software is also an iterativesocial learning process.

✤The outcome is an embodiment ofknowledge collected, distilled andorganized as process is conducted

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The Meaning of Process

• A series of steps composed of activities,actions, and tasks that are performed whensome work product is to be created and involvesa set of tools and techniques.

[Pressman, 2007] [Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010]

• A structured set of activities required to developa software system.

[Sommerville, 2007]

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• An activity strives to achieve a broad objective(e.g. communication with stakeholders) and isapplied regardless of:

✤ the application domain

✤ size of the project

✤complexity of the effort, or

✤ degree of rigor with which software engineering isto be applied

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• An action (e.g. architectural design)

encompasses a set of tasks that produce a majorwork product (e.g. architectural design model)

• A task focuses on small, but well-definedobjective (e.g. conducting a unit test) thatproduces a tangible outcome.

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The Meaning of Process

• Process is also called life cycles when itinvolves the building of some product

• Software development process is also called

software development life cycle

✤ It describes the life of a software product from itsconception to its implementation, delivery, use and


• Processes impose consistency and structure ona set of activities.

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Characteristics of a process

• Characteristics of a process [Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010] :

✤ prescribes all major process activities

✤ uses resources, subject to a set of constraints, and producesintermediate and final products

✤ may be composed of subprocesses linked together

✤ each process activity has entry and exit criteria

✤ each activity are organized in a sequence

✤ every process has a set of guiding principles

✤ constraints or controls may apply to an activity, resource, orproduct.

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Software Development Process

• In software engineering, a process is not a rigidprescription for how to build computer software.

• It is an adaptable approach that enables thepeople doing the work to pick and choose theappropriate work actions and tasks.

• The end goal is always to deliver software in

timely manner and with sufficient quality tosatisfy those who have sponsored its creation andthose who will use it.

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Generic Software Development Process Models

• A software process model is an abstract representation ofa process. It presents a description of a process from some

particular perspective.

• Process should be:✤ Visible: Activities should provide clear indications of progress


✤ Understandable: Activities and their order of execution are


✤ Supportable: Automated support for activities is available

✤ Usable: Process is acceptable to and usable by developers

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A Generic Software Development Process

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Five Generic Framework Activities

• Communication

• Planning• Modeling

• Construction

• Deployment



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• Conducted before any technical work cancommence

• Communicate and collaborate with customersand other stakeholders

• The intent is to understand stakeholders’

objectives for the project and to gatherrequirements that help define software featuresand functions


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• Any complicated journey can be simplified if a mapexists.

• Planning activity creates a “map” that helps guide

the team as it makes the journey.

• The map is called software project plan (definessoftware engineering work)

✤ technical tasks to be conducted

✤ risks that are likely

✤ the resource required, the work product to be produced,and work schedule


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• Create a “sketch” of the thing so that you’ll

understand the big picture

✤what it will look like architecturally

✤ how the constituent parts fit together

✤ etc

• The goal is to better understand softwarerequirements and the design that will achievethose requirements


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• Code generation (either manual or automated)

• Testing that is required to uncover errors in thecode


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• Completed software is delivered to the customerwho evaluates the delivered product andprovides feedback based on the evaluation


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Software Development Process Flows

• Process flow describes how the frameworkactivities and the actions and tasks that occur

within each framework activity are organizedwith respect to sequence and time.

• There are four process flow, based on

[Pressman, 2010], (see next slide forillustrations)

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Software Development Process Flow

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Software Development Process Flow

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Software Development Process Flow

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Prescriptive Software Development Process Models

• The Waterfall Model

• Incremental Model• Evolutionary Model

• Unified Process

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The Waterfall Model

• One of the first software development processmodel

[Pressman, 2010]

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The Waterfall Model

[Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010]

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The Waterfall Model

• Its variants:

✤V-shaped model: relationship between types oftests and phases before testing

✤Prototyping variant: requirements and designprototypes

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The Waterfall Model : V-Shaped

[Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010]

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The Waterfall Model : Prototype

[Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010]

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The Waterfall Model

• The problems [Pressman, 2010] [Sommerville, 2007]

[Pfleeger & Atlee, 2010]:

✤ Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages

makes (difficult to respond to changing customer


✤ Requirements must be well-understood up front (difficult

to customers).

✤ Few business systems have stable requirements.

✤ This model is mostly used for large systems engineering

projects where a system is developed at several sites.

✤ Today’s business environment no longer tolerate long


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The Incremental Model

[Pressman, 2010]

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The Incremental Model

• The system as specified in the requirementsdocuments is partitioned into subsystems byfunctionality.

• The releases are defined by beginning with onesmall, functional subsystem and then addingfunctionality with each new release.

• Thus, there are usually two systems functioning in


✤The production system

✤The development system

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The Incremental Model

• The initial requirements are reasonablywell-defined so that we can partitionthem into subsystems.

• The requirements are prioritized beforepartitioning into several subsystems.

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The Incremental Model

• Used in situation where a limited set of softwarefunctionality must be presented to usersquickly and refinement and expansion of

functionality could be done in later release

• It combines elements of linear and parallelprocess flows

✤Each linear process flow produces an increment ofthe software.

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The Incremental Model

• The advantages [Sommerville, 2007]

✤Customer value can be delivered with eachincrement so system functionality is available


✤Early increments act as a prototype to help clarifyrequirements for later increments.

✤Lower risk of overall project failure.

✤The highest priority system services tend to receive

the most testing.

E l i P M d l

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Evolutionary Process Model

• These models are iterative

• Characterized in a manner that enables you todevelop increasingly more complete versions of

the software.

• Two common Evolutionary Process Model :


✤Spiral Model

Evolutionary Process Model :

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

• Prototyping:

✤Assists you and other stakeholders tobetter understand what is to be builtwhen requirements are fuzzy.

✤Users get a feel for the “actual system”

and developers get to build somethingimmediately.

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

• Process: quick design, build prototype,evaluate, refine prototype, … engineer product 

• Forms of prototypes varies depending on forms

of analysis✤ Paper spec of SW from functional analysis or requirements

gathering through FAST (Facilitated ApplicationSpecification Techniques)

✤ Coded prototype (not fully functional!)

✤ Preliminary user manual

✤ Story boards

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

•Problems [Sommerville, 2007] [Pressman, 2010]

✤ Lack of process visibility;

✤Systems are often poorly structured;

✤Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapidprototyping) may be required.

✤Customer sees prototype, then wants a few fixes

quick and delivery✤ Implementation compromises made to get prototype

done quickly/forgets compromises and become partof the system

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

• With those problems which might occur,nevertheless prototyping can be an effectiveparadigm.

• The key is to define the rules of the game atthe beginning:

✤All stakeholders should agree that the prototype isbuilt to serve as a mechanism for definingrequirements.

✤ It is then discarded (at least in part), and the actualsoftware is engineered with an eye toward quality.

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Evolutionary Process Model :Prototyping

• Applicability [Sommerville, 2007]

✤For small or medium-size interactivesystems;

✤For parts of large systems (e.g. the userinterface);

✤For short-lifetime systems.

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Evolutionary Process Model :The Spiral Model

• The Spiral Model [Sommerville, 2007]

✤Process is represented as a spiral rather

than as a sequence of activities withbacktracking.

✤Each loop in the spiral represents a phasein the process.

✤Risks are explicitly assessed and resolvedthroughout the process.

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Evolutionary Process Model :The Spiral Model

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Evolutionary Process Model :The Spiral Model

• This evolutionary model couples the iterativenature of prototyping with the controlled andsystematic aspects of the waterfall model.

• Provides the potential for rapid development ofincreasingly more complete versions of thesoftware.

• A realistic approach to the development of large-scale systems and software.

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Evolutionary Process Model :The Spiral Model

• Example:

✤The first circuit around the spiral might result in thedevelopment of a product specification

✤Subsequent passes might be used to develop aprototype

✤Then, progressively more sophisticated versions of

the software

✤Each pass through the planning region result inadjustments to the project plan

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Unified Process

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Unified Process

• Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh

• UP recognizes the importance of customercommunication and streamlined methods for

describing the customer’s view of a system (the

use case) --> “use-case d riven ” 

• Emphasizes the important role of softwarearchitecture --> “architecture-centr ic ” 

• Suggests a process flow that is iterative andincremental, providing the evolutionary feel thatis essential in modern software development -->

“iterative and incremental” 

Unified Process

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Unified Process

soft ware increment


Ince p t io n

Elab o ra t io n

co nst ruc t io n

t r a nsit ion

p r o d u c t io n

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Unified Process

• UML – a unified modeling language thatcontains a robust notation for themodeling and development of OOsystems; de facto standard for OOsoftware development

• Unified Process: a framework for object-

oriented software engineering usingUML

Unified Process Phases

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Unified Process Phases

Inception Elaborat ion Const ruct ion Transit ion Product ion

UP Phases







Iterations #1 #2 #n-1 #n


Unified Process : Inception

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Unified Process : Inception

• Communication activity – collaborating with stakeholders✤ Business requirements are identified

✴ Fundamental business requirements

✴ Described through a set of preliminary use-cases

✤ Rough architecture is proposed

✴ Tentative outline of major subsystems and the functions andfeatures that populate them

• Planning activity✤ Plan for iterative, incremental project is developed

✴ Identify resources, assesses major risks, define a schedule,establishes a basis for the phases that are to be applied

Unified Process : Elaboration

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Unified Process : Elaboration

• Planning activity

✤Plans are carefully reviewed to ensure scope, risksand delivery dates remain reasonable

• Modeling activity

✤Refines and expands preliminary use-cases andarchitectural representation

✴ 5 different views of systems (see next slide)

✴ Executable architectural baseline -->“first cut”

executable systems

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Unified Process : Elaboration

Logical View Process View

Physical View DevelopmentView

Use CaseView

• Five Different View of the System

Unified Process : Construction

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Unified Process : Construction

• Construction activity

✤ Code generation (Architectural model --> operational use-cases)

✴ Requirement and design models are completed; finalversion of the software increment

✴ Necessary and required functions and features (i.e., therelease) are implemented in source code

✤ Testing

✴ Unit test is designed and executed

✴ Integration activites are conducted

✴ Use-case are used to derive a suite of acceptance test and


Unified Process : Transition

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Unified Process : Transition

• Testing

✤Beta testing

• Deployment✤Create necessary support information (e.g., user

manuals, troubleshooting guides, installationprocedures)

• End of transition phase --> usable softwarerelease

Unified Process : Production

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Unified Process : Production

• Deployment activity

✤Ongoing use of the software is monitored, supportfor the operating environment is provided, defectreports and requests for changes are submitted and


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Unified Process Phases - Revisited

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Unified Process Phases - Revisited

Inception Elaborat ion Const ruct ion Transit ion Product ion

UP Phases







Iterations #1 #2 #n-1 #n


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Q & A
