01 February




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NEW DELHI, JAN 31Immediate 50 per cent

cut in power tariff, freeWi-Fi across Delhi, instal-lation of 10-15 lakh CCTVcameras for women securi-ty, making water a legalright and bringing downthe VAT significantly areamong 70 promises theAAP made in its manifestoto make Delhi a "truly"global city and ensureinclusive growth for allsections.

The Aam Aadmi Partyalso promised to build twolakh public toilets acrossDelhi, set up 20 new col-leges, regulate fees of pri-vate school, add 30,000more beds in Delhi hospi-tals and create eight lakhnew jobs in the next five

years if it comes to power.Releasing the manifesto,

AAP chief ArvindKejriwal said it was pre-pared after four months ofintense research and that itwas party's "Geeta, Bible,Quran and Guru GranthSahib" which will be

implemented point-by-point if voted to power.

Kejriwal announced thatif an AAP governmentcomes to power, electricitytariff will be slashed by 50per cent immediately and athorough audit of the


MUMBAITemperature: 310CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 45%Wind: 16Km/hr

HAQSAADDAFIGHT FOR RIGHTSunday, February 01, 2015

BJP moves EC over Kumar Vishwas'"sexist comment" against Kiran Bedi

Windows 10 Smartphones With Octa-Core SoCs Due Soon, Hints Microsoft

Top reasons to watchAyushmann's ‘Hawaizaada’

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Saturday attacked the AAP, dubbing itthe party of "back-stabbers" and "betray-ers", while asking voters in Delhi to givethe BJP full majority in the Feb 7 assem-bly polls and promising them an "honestgovernment" in return.

Without naming the Aam Aadmi Party,Modi said: "People can make a mistakeonce, but not again and again. One yearback, Delhi people had voted withdreams.

"Last year, those whom you peoplevoted, back-stabbed you and shatteredyour dreams. They ruined your oneyear," the prime minister said at a rally ineast Delhi's Karkardooma area.

He said he had come to seek the "bless-ings" of the people of the capital.

"Delhi won't vote for betrayers andthose who destroyed Delhi," he said.

AAP's Arvind Kejriwal had formed thegovernment in Delhi after the December2013 assembly polls. He resigned aschief minister over the Lokpal bill after

49 days in power.Modi, who shared the stage with

Bharatiya Janata Party president AmitShah and the party's chief ministerial

candidate Kiran Bedi, asked the peopleof Delhi to vote for a BJP government asit can work in tandem with the centre.


PM Narendra Modi seeks full majorityin Delhi, promises honest government


NEW DELHI, JAN 31A great news for all internet

lovers around the globe. Ifyou are fond of downloadingpictures, songs and videosfrom the internet, you are infor a treat. All your frustrationarising from slow internet willbe soon taken care of by


Google brings superfastinternet via 'Google Fiber'

NEW DELHI, JAN 31It was a pleasant Saturday

morning in the national capi-tal with the minimum temper-ature settling at 6.2 degreesCelsius, three notches belowthe season's average.

The Met Office has forecasta clear day ahead.

"There was light mist earlyin the morning but the after


Clear Saturday in Delhi

VADODARA, JAN 31Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

leader Sunil Kulkarni, whocontested against PrimeMinister Narendra Modi fromthe Vadodara constituency inlast year`s Lok Sabha elec-tions, joined the BJP on


AAP's Sunil Kulkarnijoins BJP, says partyisn't what it used to be

Vol. 1 Issue: 135 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: www.saaddahaq.in Email: news.saaddahaq@gmail.com

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Defence Minister Manohar

Parrikar on Saturday said hehas instructed the Army toensure that there are no casual-ties in the force "as far as pos-sible" during operationsagainst terrorists and it hasbeen taking necessary precau-tions. Parrikar, who visited the


Army taking precautions to checkcasualties: Manohar Parrikar

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Terming as 'sensitive' the

matter of granting full state-hood to Delhi, BJP PresidentAmit Shah on Saturday said itshould not be made an electionissue and called for a properdebate over it.

Noting that BJP stood unitedin Delhi behind its chief minis-terial candidate Kiran Bedi


Delhi statehood issue asensitive one: Amit Shah

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Communications and IT

Minister Ravi Shankar Prasadon Saturday released a set ofcommemorative postagestamps on Swachh Bharat.

Speaking on the occasion, hesaid that cleanliness was closeto the heart of MahatmaGandhi and to realise his


Ravi Shankar Prasad releases commemora-tive postage stamps on Swachh Bharat

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Not so long ago, the death

of more than ten womenbecause of alleged botchedsterilization surgeries at agovernment hospital nearBilaspur in Chhattisgarh hadhit the headlines. It had also


Health Minister JPNadda needs to go infor major overhaul

MADHUBANI, JAN 31A three-year-old girl was

allegedly raped and foundunconscious in naked condi-tion hanging upside downfrom a tree at Banka in thisdistrict of Bihar on Saturday.

The villagers brought thegirl with serious injuries downfrom the tree after they dis-covered her this morning. She


Three-year-old found hang-ing on tree, rape suspected

NEW DELHI, JAN 31An 18-year-old suspected

criminal was shot dead and hisaccomplice injured in ashootout in Delhi lateSaturday evening, police said.Two policemen were injuredin the incident.

A police official said apolice team raided a house in


Criminal killed, twopolicemen injured


Delhi polls: AAP promises 50% cutin power tariff, free Wi-Fi, water

HYDERABAD, JAN 31Wanting to join the terror group Islamic

State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a 19-year-old woman from the city who was residingin Qatar had flown to Turkey from there,but changed her mind and came to her par-ents here, police said on Saturday.

The incident took place around twomonths back, police said.

"Information is that one lady hailingfrom Hyderabad city, who has been stay-ing in Qatar for the past 10 years happenedto get influenced by another lady residingin her apartment. So both of them went tillTurkey, where she changed her mind andshe came back to India," HyderabadPolice Commissioner M Mahender Reddytold reporters here.

Asked if the woman had been coun-selled by the City Police, he said, "Theincident happened around two monthsago. We have not brought her (back to


WASHINGTON, JAN 31Rejecting Pakistani criticism

of India-US nuclear dealreached during PresidentBarack Obama`s India visit, theUS has said it`s simply anunderstanding on implementingthe stalled nuclear deal.

"It`s an understanding on anadministrative arrangement forimplementing the US-IndiaCivil Nuclear CooperationAgreement," State Departmentspokesperson Jen Psaki toldreporters on Friday when askedabout Islamabad`s critical com-ments on the deal.

"There are a range of require-ments in these type of deals,and certainly, we factor in arange of factors as we makethem," she said when askedabout Pakistan`s fears that thedeal will upset the strategic bal-ance in the region.

However, she declined toshare "more details to discusspublicly".

Psaki said the US had assuredboth India and Pakistan that itsrelationships with them "arestrong, they`re vital to ourstrategic interests, and theystand on their own".

"And we work with Pakistanon a range of issues. We workwith India on a range of issues,"she said.

Referring to the nuclear deal,Psaki said: "This particularissue is one that`s been ongoingwith India for some time, butwe certainly have reiterated ourstrong commitment to ourstrategic relationship withPakistan."

Secretary of State John Kerry"was just there a couple ofweeks ago visiting with them


US rejects Pakistan criticismof India-US nuclear deal

Woman drops plan tojoin ISIS, returns toHyderabad from Turkey

Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 180CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 37%Wind: 11Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 230CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 25% Wind: 14Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 290CPrecipitation: 10%Humidity:65%Wind: 18Km/hr

NEW DELHI, JAN 31With the Delhi

Assembly Electionsright around the cor-ner, the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP)launched a thirdsalvo on the AamAadmi Party (AAP)on Saturday andposed its third set of'paanch sawaal' (5questions) to ArvindKejriwal.

After senior minis-ters Rajiv PratapRudy and VenkaiahNaidu, it was AnanthKumar who accom-panied NirmalaSitharaman while theBJP leaders took theattack to AAP today.

BJP's second set ofquestions were —

The BJP ques-tioned AAP's prom-ise of women's secu-rity made in its mani-festo. It cited exam-ples of SomnathBharti's midnightraid and KumarVishwas' commentson Kiran Bedi andasked how could aparty harbouring

such leaders talk ofwomen's safety.

Secondly, whenprovision for freeWi-Fi was beingmade in NDMCareas, then why wasAAP promising afacility that wasalready being imple-mented?


How can Somnath Bharti,Kumar Vishwas' party talk of

women's safety: BJP asks AAP

PATNA, JAN 31In a shocking incident, a

panchayat in Bihar hasordered one of its membersaccused of raping aMahadalit woman to payher Rs.41,000 and askedthe victim to not report theincident, police saidSaturday.

The incident occurred ina panchayat under Kodhapolice station in Katihardistrict.

But the accused, a localmuscleman, refused to paythe money. When sheprotested about his refusalto pay amount, the accusedset her husband on fireinjuring him badly, said a

police official SunilKumar.

This forced the victim toapproach KatiharSuperintendent of PoliceKshatraneel Singh twodays ago for justice.

Singh has ordered aninvestigation into the inci-dent.

"One of the accusedNaresh Ravidas has beenarrested while the mainaccused Prakash Ravidasis absconding," policesaid.

According to police, theincident occurred lastmonth when the victimwas called to panchayat


BEIJING, JAN 31External Affairs

Minister Sushma Swarajarrived here on Saturdayon a four-day visit toChina during which shewould meet ChinesePresident Xi Jinping andhold talks with herChinese counterpart onwide-ranging bilateraland multilateral issuesbesides attending theRussia-India- China(RIC) trilateral.

This is the 62-year-oldleader's first visit toBeijing after she tookover the office last year.

Swaraj is expected to

finalise arrangements foropening the second routeof the Kailash-Manasarovar Yatra inTibet for which China

agreed last year to openit for Indian pilgrims.

The route throughNathu La Pass in Sikkim


Sushma Swaraj arrives inBeijing on four-day visit

Take Rs 41,000, forget rape:Panchayat in Bihar tells victim

NEW DELHI, JAN 31The President Pranab

Mukherjee on Saturdayconveyed his greetingsand felicitations to all thepersonnel of Indian CoastGuard on its 38th RaisingDay Feb 1.

"The President of IndiaPranab Mukherjee hasextended his greetings andfelicitations to all ranks ofthe Indian Coast Guardand their families on theoccasion of 38th anniver-sary of Indian Coast Guard


WASHINGTON, JAN 31US President Barack

Obama will appear inpublic at an eventattended by the DalaiLama next week inWashington, the WhiteHouse has said, in amove sure to angerBeijing.

"The president willdeliver remarks at theNational PrayerBreakfast," NationalSecurity Councils p o k e s w o m a nBernadette Meehan

said. "This year, theorganisers also invitedHis Holiness the DalaiLama."

The White Housetried to play down thesimultaneous appear-ance, stressing the twomen have met threetimes before. Officialssaid there was no "spe-cific meeting" betweenthem to announce.

Previous meetingshave been held behindclosed doors and


President Pranab Mukherjee greetsCoast Guard on 38th Raising Day

Barack Obama to appearin public with Dalai Lama


NEW DELHI, JAN 31Stepping up campaigning for

the upcoming AssemblyElections in Delhi, BharatiyaJanata Party's chief ministerialcandidate Kiran Bedi onSaturday reproached the AamAadmi Party for "making sexistcomments".

She also said that a policecomplaint has been lodgedagainst AAP leader KumarVishwas for making sexist com-ments at a recent rally.

Meanwhile, BJP leadersShaina NC, Meenakshi Lekhi,Shazia Ilmi, Nirmala Sitharamanand Satish Upadhyayapproached the ElectionCommission and lodged a com-plaint against Aam Aadmi Partychief Arvnid Kejriwal for usingsuch language during cam-paigns.

Vishwas, however, denied theallegations that he made remarksagainst Bedi and said he will quitpolitics if she can prove thesame.

On microblogging websiteTwitter, Bedi asked “what kindof security and dignity can

women expect from AAP's lead-ership that itself has blatant sex-ist and perverse mindsets?”

AAP `anti-women`, BJPleader Shahnawaz Hussain,meanwhile, said that his partywill file an FIR against AAP formaking derogatory remarksagainst Kiran Bedi.

Viswas, however, dismissedthe allegations and accused Bedi

of misleading the people. "I amsurprised that channels are notshowing this video. There werecameras of so many channels.There was an ElectionCommission camera too."

"This is the online channel ofBJP which when realises that it'strailing in the campaign startsengaging in spreading suchrumours. It is there routine task

to give such abrupt statementsand I am challenging Kiran Bediand BJP that if she can provethese remarks and show a videoof mine saying the same things, Iwill quit politics, else Bedishould quit," he said.

He said whatever remarks hehad made were targeted at BJPand not Bedi.

"I said BJP people do like thisand I have been saying this earli-er too. Suddenly, when they donot have any issue they arespreading such things. This istheir typical model of electioncampaigning," he said.

The AAP leader said BJP wasnervous ahead of the polls andthat is why so many union minis-ters were deployed to campaign.

"Since they do not have anyanswer on issues of Delhi, theyare spreading such rumours andfiling FIRs to mislead people.Kiran Bedi is following the ide-ology of Amit Shah and wants toprove that she is becomingRahul Gandhi of BJP. She does-n't realise what they are makingher do," he said.

Notably, Bedi had earlier this

week sent a legal notice to AAPleader Arvind Kejriwal for usingher photograph in his party'sposter campaign without her per-mission.

The Aam Aadmi Party hasrecently put up posters onnumerous auto-rickshaws plyingin the national capital, asking thepeople of Delhi to choosebetween Kejriwal and Bedi forthe post of chief minister.

In the posters, the picture ofKejriwal has the word "imandar"(honest) printed below it whilethat of Bedi has "avsarvadi"(opportunist).

Earlier, BJP leader JagdishMukhi, too, had sent a notice toKejriwal for using his photo-graph in similar posters, beforethe BJP declared Bedi as theirchief ministerial candidate.

The AAP pitted Kejriwalagainst Mukhi, even though theBJP had said that they wouldcontest the Delhi election underPrime Minister Narendra Modiwithout naming a CM candidate-- the BJP, however, later namedBedi for the post after she joinedthe party earlier this month.

BJP moves EC over Kumar Vishwas'"sexist comment" against Kiran Bedi

NEW DELHI, JAN 31In a scathing attack on AAP, Union

Minister Smriti Irani on Friday asked thepeople of Delhi not to let the party, whichhas "now itself become a problem" make a"backdoor entry" in the upcoming election,

"You people must show the same enthusi-asm as you had shown during the Lok Sabhaelections and give us a full majority to makethe government in Delhi...Do not allow theAam Aadmi Party to a make a backdoorentry this time," Irani said.

She was making an apparent reference tothe AAP government formed with the sup-port of Congress in December 2013, whichlasted for 49 days. "AAP itself has become aproblem, so we need a solution. If BJPcomes to power, it would be not just an eco-nomic solution but also a social one," shesaid at a rally in Reghar Pura in Karol Baghconstituency in support of party's candidateYogender Chandolia, currently Mayor ofNorth Delhi.

Irani, in her brief speech, also launched anoffensive against the Congress by recalling

the midnight crackdown by the then UPAgovernment on a group of anti-corruptionprotesters at the Ramlila Maidan, a couple ofyears ago.

"The then Congress had issued lathichargeorders on unarmed people in the middle ofthe night. And, one Raj Bala even died aftersuffering injuries in the incident. TheCongress government then tried to appeasethe family by offering a compensation, but itwas refused," she said. "The Congress gov-ernment could not even assure safety ofwomen in the streets. Do you still want tovote for that party," she asked the gathering.In a veiled attack on Congress and AAP, shesaid, "Jo tijori ko saaf nahin kar sake, wo abjhadoo se saaf karna chahte hain ." "A wellknown Congress leader had said that whenRs 1 travels from the top, only 10-20 paisareaches the beneficiary at the bottom, butour PM has ensured that through Jan DhanYojana even the poorest and the most disad-vantaged has a bank account...Till January26, we have opened 12 crore accountsamounting to Rs 10,000 crore," she said.

Don't let AAP make backdoorentry this time: Irani

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

leader Arvind KejriwalSaturday said he was ready todebate with BJP president AmitShah if the party names him itschief ministerial candidate forthe Feb 7 Delhi assembly polls.

Kejriwal, who released theparty`s manifesto Saturday forthe, said if the Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP) replaces Kiran Bediand announces Shah as its chiefminister candidate, he willdebate him.

"I am ready to debate withAmit Shah if they (BJP)announce him as a chief minis-ter candidate replacing KiranBedi," Kejriwal said. Kejriwal had challenged Bedi to a public debate. Bedi accept-

ed the challenge but said shewill debate him "on the floor ofthe assembly" and not duringthe campaign.

Both Kejriwal and Bedi werepart of the anti-corruptionmovement led by activist AnnaHazare before the AAP chiefdecided to form his own politi-cal party. Bedi will contest fromKrishna Nagar seat in EastDelhi. A former IPS officer andoriginally part of India AgainstCorruption movement, Bedijoined BJP Jan 15.

Kejriwal will contest from theNew Delhi constituency that hewrested in the last electionsfrom the Congress` SheilaDikshit.

Ready to debate with Amit Shah: Arvind Kejriwal

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Arvind Kejriwal's challenger

in the New Delhi constituencyNupur Sharma may be a firsttime contestant but the LondonSchool of Economics post-grad-uate says she is confident ofpulling off a surprise and defeatthe AAP chief in the prestigiousseat.

Calling the contest withKejriwal a "fight of ideology",the BJP candidate says peopleare not going to support him thistime as he does not have "stabil-ity" and "clarity" in what he isdoing while referring to his deci-sion to contest Lok Sabha pollsfrom Varanasi.

"Kejriwal should first getsome stability in life and then goto people and ask for votes.Sometimes he is here and thenthere, he is fooling people.

"People have understood hislies and becoming a CM again

will only be a dream for him thistime," Sharma said.

When asked whether the partyhas given a walkover toKejriwal by fielding her as acandidate, Nupur said, "The seatis known for defeating chiefministers and 'killing giants',who was Kejriwal? He is only acreation of the media."

Accusing Kejriwal of "notutilising" his MLA Local AreaDevelopment fund, she said,"He says a lot of big things, butI ask him what has he done forthe people here.

"After losing elections inVaranasi, he was the MLA of thearea for at least five months, butwhat has he done with the MLAfund? This area does not have acouncillor as it is governed byNDMC, thus as a MLA hisresponsibilities were immense,and he has done nothing."

Sharma, who was president of

Delhi University Students Unionin the year 2008, quit her jobwith a private law firm to joinpolitics after her stint at LSE.

"The fight here is a fight ofideology, a fight of principlesand a fight between truth andlies. BJP is not foolish that theywill put me here just for losingthe seat," she said.

Congress has fielded formerDelhi Minister Kiran Walia fromthe seat.

She said, "After NarendraModi was declared chief of thecampaign before Lok Sabh elec-tions, I felt that this is the time Ican really do something for theparty and left my job.

"I went to Saharanpur,Amritsar and Varanasi itself towork there before the Lok Sabhaelections. Later, my name wasrecommended from the lowerranks and I was given a ticket inthis constituency."

Kejriwal, get some stability: Nupur Sharma

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Voicing apprehen-

sion about discrepan-cies in ElectronicVoting Machines(EVMs), the AamAadmi Party onSaturday approachedthe ElectionCommission seekingto know what shouldthe voters do in such ascenario.

Party leadersArvind Kejriwal andAshutosh metElection Commissionofficials to know whatis the procedure if avoter finds such a dis-crepancy in an EVM.

"Public is in doubtabout EVMs. In thepast, such discrepan-cies have beennoticed. We met ECofficials and askedthem for a solution toensure that there areno such issues inupcoming polls.

"They told us that ifa voter observes thathe pressed the buttonof Party A and thebulb lit against PartyB's name. Theyshould bring it tonotice of the officerson duty," Kejriwaltold reporters.

"The problem will

be cross checked andif the machine isfound to be faulty, itwill be sealed andreplaced and ifrequired re-pollingwill be held on partic-ular booth," he added.

Kejriwal also tookto Twitter to appeal tothe voters to notremain silent on notic-ing any such discrep-ancy.

"Ppl worried abtEVMs. Whilevoting,if u press "A"party but light against"B" party lit, whatshud u do? N watshud officer do on ur

complain? (sic),"AAP chief ArvindKejriwal said onmicro-blogging sitetwitter.

"My appeal 2 allvoters - if EVM notworkin properly, don'tremain silent. Pl com-plain to booth officer.Action will be takenon ur complaint," hetweeted.

Elections for the 70-member DelhiAssembly are sched-uled to take place onFebruary 7, while thecounting of votes willtake place onFebruary 10.

How to ensure there are no discrepancies in EVMs, AAP asks EC

BJP issuing ads in violation ofmodel code of conduct:CongressNEW DELHI, JAN 31

Congress on Saturday moved the ElectionCommission seeking action against BJPclaiming that since it has not come out withits election manifesto for Delhi assemblypolls, its advertisements or electoral promis-es amounted to violation of the Model Codeof Conduct.

The party said that as BJP has decidedagainst coming out with an election mani-festo, it is "not entitled to issue any advertise-ment or make any promise being party inpower at the Centre contrary to the modelcode of conduct".

In its complaint to EC, Congress claimedthere is "no provision" for a VisionDocument nor it has been provided under themodel code.

It sought "action against BJP" for publish-ing advertisements and sought the pollpanel's intervention to ensure that BJP doesnot come out with more advertisements.

The Congress referred to the provisions ofthe Model Code and Supreme court direc-tions regarding poll code and political adver-tisements to support its complaint.

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Prosecution on Saturday

completed recording ofevidence in the Uber cabrape case as part of thefast-track trial in a Delhicourt, taking just 17 days.

The prosecution closedthe evidence with therecording of statement ofinvestigating officer of thecase, Delhi Police SubInspector Renu.

The prosecution, whichhad cited 44 witnessesin the charge sheet,examined 28 of them,dropping 16 sayingthey were not relevant.

Additional SessionsJudge Kaveri Baweja, whohad started the trial onJanuary 15, fixed Februarythree to record the state-ment of the accused driver,32-year-old Shiv KumarYadav.

"Special PublicProsecutor Atul

Shrivastava states that allthe relevant prosecutionwitnesses have been exam-ined and no other witnessis left to be examined.

"Accordingly, prosecu-tion evidence is closed.Put up the matter forFebruary 3, 2015 for

recording of statement ofthe accused," the judgesaid.

During the hearing, theIO in her cross examina-tion by Yadav's counselAalok Dwivedi denied hissuggestion that she has notprobed the case properlyand fairly.

The officer deposed thatsections 376(2)(m)(endangering a woman'slife while raping her) ofthe IPC was added in thecase on December 23,2014 on the basis of vic-tim's statement that Yadavhad tried to strangulate herand thereby endangeredher life while committingrape. The police officeralso denied suggestionslike that the entire story ofthe prosecution was con-cocted or she was depos-ing falsely in the court.

Uber cab rape case: Prosecutionevidence closed in 17 days

Over 5000 liquor bot-tles seized ahead ofDelhi pollsNEW DELHI, JAN 31

Election Commission officialsseized 5,964 bottles of illicit liquorfrom a godown allegedly owned byAAP's Uttam Nagar candidateNaresh Balyan on Friday night.

"A total of 5964 bottles (4473litres) of Haryana-made liquor wasseized from a godown by flyingsquad and police in a late night joint-operation," said a senior EC official.

As per initial investigations, thegodown belonged to AAP's candi-date Balyan, but they are yet toascertain the ownership of thegodown located in Uttam Nagararea, poll officials said.

"Balyan has not been named in theFIR registered at Uttam Nagar PoliceStation and we are investigating ifthe godown was owned by him ornot. Once our investigation is com-pleted, we will then add name in theFIR," the official said.

NEW DELHI, JAN 31BJP on Friday sought to

woo lawyers in the capitalas Finance Minister ArunJaitley and Law Minister DV Sadananda Gowdaaddressed them at theparty's local office in a bidto shed their antipathytowards its chief ministerialcandidate Kiran Bedi.

Lawyers have been up inarms against Bedi with agroup of them burning hereffigy in Tis Hazari courtscomplex soon after BJPnominated her as its chiefministerial candidate forthe Delhi Assembly pollson February 7. They areprotesting against the clam-pdown and baton charge bypolice on some members oftheir fraternity in Tis HazariCourt in 1988 when Bediwas the DCP (North).Lawyers of district courts inthe national capital havealso condemned BJP's deci-sion to nominate the formerIPS officer as its chief min-isterial candidate.

Addressing the commu-nity, both Jaitley andGowda asked them to sup-port the BJP in Delhi andnot give power into thehands of those who havescant regard for law.

They told them that theparty stood for its valuesand was the best option toensure development ofDelhi as a national capitalcomparable to the best inthe world under the NDAregime headed by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi.

A number of lawyersattending today's meetingpractice in the high courtand Supreme Court as wellas district courts and manyassociated with 'AdhivaktaParishad', a lawyers' bodyaffiliated to BJP were alsopresent. Sources said it wasearlier planned that the twoministers would addresslawyers in the High Courtbar association or at TisHazari courts but the partydecided to hold the meetingat its Delhi office.

BJP seeks to woolawyers in Delhi

NEW DELHI, JAN 31Former Congress Working

Committee member and ex-MPJagmeet Singh Brar, who wassuspended from the party lastyear, today backed formerUnion Minister JayanthiNatarajan after she resignedfrom Congress membershipattacking the party leadership."Purgation at the top is the onlyremedy for the rejuvenation ofthe Congress in the existingscenario," Brar said.

He said his "honourable" col-league from the SouthNatarajan was removed fromher ministerial berth in a similardis-respectable manner fordefying "sycophancy" as hewas removed from the Party'sCentral Working Committee."It shows that party politics inthe Indian political scenariorelies generally on half-truths,often on non-truths, and occa-sionally on bland lies," he said.

Brar said that it was unfortu-nate that senior leaders from

various states are desertingCongress at a time when itneeds them most.

"Those speaking the truthmust be listened to. After allsome body is responsible forsuch desertions," Brar said,who had criticised the Congressleadership days before he wassuspended from the party alongwith Haryana Congress leaderChaudhyar Birender Singh,who is now a Cabinet ministerfrom BJP in the Narendra Modigovernment. Brar had invitedwrath of the party top brassafter he suggested that AICCpresident Sonia Gandhi andvice-president Rahul Gandhishould "take rest" for two yearsand hand over the reins of theparty to some other leaders.Congress had cited "indisci-pline and anti-party activities"the reasons behind his suspen-sion.

Brar had later resigned fromthe primary membership of theparty in December last year and

had written a somewhat similarletter to Congress PresidentSonia Gandhi announcing theend of his 35-year-long associ-ation with Congress.

In the letter, he had then said,"Party democracy demands thatthe people at the grassrootslevel decide who should leadthem, not the so-called highcommand in Delhi. ThisSoviet-style centralism iseverything else than democrat-ic."

"In this oligarchic attitude Imiss the democratic credentialswhich our great leadersMahatma Gandhi and PanditJawaharlal Nehru had onceconferred on this mother of allpolitical parties in India," hehad said.

He had gone to add "In themeantime, this great party thathad once brought independenceto our great nation has beenreduced to a mere self-servingfamily undertaking, whichshares the party functioning, at

Former Congress leader Brar backs Jayanthi Natarajan

Continuation 3NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 01, 2015SAADDA HAQ

PM Narendra..."Elect a government with whom I can work

shoulder to shoulder towards making a posi-tive difference in your lives."

The prime minister said the BJP hademerged as the largest party in the Delhiassembly last time. "Give us full majoritythis time," he said.

"I have come here to assure you that theBJP will give you an honest government inDelhi," he said.

Modi said the entire world was watchingthe Delhi polls.

"If India needs to be introduced to theworld, then Delhi is the best place to show-case. All events in the capital have an imprinton not only the country but the entire world.It represents India," he said.

The prime minister said that with USPresident Barack Obama's visit to India, thecountry's image has been enhanced the worldover. He said he has worked against corrup-tion, but added: "I don't publicise that".

"I have come to Delhi as you have calledme. If you had not given me seven MPs, thenI would not have been able to come to Delhi.Thus I have come at your bidding," he said.

The prime minister said Delhi has been ina mess for the last 15 years.

"I have come to take Delhi out of all themess. I am not satisfied that you give mespace to sit in the South Block. I want toserve each and every nook and corner ofDelhi." Modi said Bedi was the right personfor the capital's top job.

"Delhi needs a stable government. Kiran jiknows Delhi well. She has administrativeexperience. She will take Delhi to newheights." He said the BJP will make Indiaslum-free by 2022 and promised concretehouses for slum dwellers within the cityprecincts. Addressing the people beforeModi, Bedi said if she became Delhi's chiefminister, within three days she would ensurethat cameras are installed in public buses androad junctions.

"In my first three days as CM, I will deployhome guards and civil defence volunteers incivil dress in buses, metros and roads to pro-tect women.

"Cameras will be installed inside buses andalso at road junctions to check crime," sheadded.

Meanwhile, in response to Modi's attack,Kejriwal said it was for the people of Delhi todecide which is the better party

"You know how much work we did in our49 days and what has the BJP done in eightmonths?" he said at a public rally in Delhi.

How can...BJP questioned AAP's newfound love for

fast-track courts and reminded Kejriwal ofthe days when he refused to abide to theCourt's order to secure bail.

Sitharaman accused Kejriwal's tactics asthe reason behind rise in power tariff inDelhi. The BJP asked if the former Delhichief minister would asnwer if it was due tohis 49-day rule that the electricity pricesactually rose even for those consumers whoused under 200 units per month.

Continuing on the subject of power tariffhike, the BJP asked as to why the AAP gov-ernment gave subsidies to big electricitycompanies instead of passing relief directlyto consumers.

The work on Moonat Canal had been com-pleted, said Sitharaman, and questioned whyAAP was promising something that alreadyexisted.

The BJP also questioned as to why theAAP was promising simplified VAT in itsmanifesto when the Centre was working toscrap the Value Added Tax altogether?

AAP's promise of 5000 buses in its mani-festos also came under the scanner as BJPsaid it was unfeasible due to the sorry state oftraffic in Delhi.

AAP's promise of simplifying the PDAsystem was called a 'shot in the dark' bySitharaman.

Ananth Kumar coined the monicker'Golmaal' Kejriwal to describe the formerchief minister's work in a single word.

Woman drops...India) she came back on her own," Reddy

said.Another police officer attached to

Intelligence Wing said, "The 19-year-oldwoman stayed in Qatar. Her parents arenatives of Hyderabad. She could not go there(Iraq). She contacted her parents and cameback to the city."

Asked if she had planned to join the ISISranks, the senior police officer said, "It wasonly due to influence of one lady she initial-ly wanted go there, but went up to Turkeyonly and came back...Initially it seems sheallegedly had plans, but after seeing the con-ditions there she decided to come back."

Reacting to media reports that claimed onelady from Hyderabad had proceeded to jointhe ISIS ranks and had got trained from theterror group, the Hyderabad Police chief said"We don't have any such information. It isnot a fact that she joined ISIS and got train-ing."

Last year, Hyderabad Police had foiled"attempts" by six youths from Hyderabadincluding a former Google employee, whowere allegedly plotting to join the IslamicState (ISIS) ranks after getting attracted toISIS propaganda on social networking sites.

"Here in Hyderabad, we are actually scan-ning all the social networking sites, whoevergets in touch with this kind of literature (ISISpropaganda) on the social networking siteswe are getting in touch with them and talkingto them and their parents.

"As a law enforcing agency we want toinvolve the community, parents and theyouth. So far, we have been successful. Ifanybody is trying to cross the 'laxman-rekha'then definitely law will take its own course,"the Police Commissioner said.

US rejects...and reiterating our commitment", she

pointed out.Asked what the US was doing to encourage

India, Pakistan to resume their peace dia-logue, and whether this issue was discussedduring Obama`s India visit, Psaki said Kerrywasn`t on the India trip with Obama. But "weconsistently encourage dialogue betweenIndia and Pakistan. And obviously, the scopeand scale of the process there is up to thosecountries to determine".

Delhi polls...private power distribution companies will

be carried out based on which rates will berevised.

The Congress in its manifesto had prom-ised to cut power tariff to Rs 1.50 per unit forconsumption up to 200 units per monthagainst current rate of Rs 2.80. During itsfirst tenure, the AAP government had halvedthe power tariffs for monthly consumption upto 400 units.

Among the significant announcements inthe manifesto, the party promised to push forDelhi's statehood and bring down the VATcharges to the lowest level among all statesand Union Territories within five years.

In order to ensure women security, theparty promised to install 10-15 lakh CCTVcameras all over the city along with ensuringa security guard in every bus.

"If 15,00O CCTV cameras can be installedfor Barack Obama, why can't the same bedone for our mothers and sisters? We willinstall 10-15 lakh CCTV cameras along withputting a security guard in every bus," theformer Chief Minister said.

Kejriwal said AAP will ensure up to 20kilolitres (20,000 litres) of free water toevery household per month and the schemewill be extended to group-housing societies.He said the mandatory annual 10 per centhike in water tariff will be abolished. He saidAAP will make water a legal right.

As per the manifesto, AAP will build twolakh toilets across Delhi out of which 1.5lakh toilets will be in slums and jhuggi clus-ters and 50,000 toilets in public spaces. Onelakh toilets will be for women.

"We want a Delhi where everyone will beproud of calling himself or herself its resi-dent. Where every class grows equally, irre-spective of caste or religion," Kejriwal said.

He said free Wi-Fi was a "basic necessity"in today's times and the party will make surethat every citizen can connect to the Internetwherever they are.

The manifesto said the party will not allowFDI in retail in Delhi.

It also promised to regulate private schoolfees, ensure transparency in schools admis-sions and ramp up government schools toprovide quality education

In the field of education, the party saidapart from opening 500 new schools and 20new colleges, it will launch a HigherEducation Guarantee Scheme enabling stu-dents to avail loan from banks without hav-ing the need to furnish any collateral.

The party's manifesto also promises to cre-ate 900 new Primary Health Centres and toincrease the number of government hospitalbeds by 30,000.

To ensure "speedy justice" for victims ofsexual assault, 47 fast-track courts will beoperationalised, if AAP is voted to power.

Holding the 1984 anti-Sikh riots as one ofthe "lowest points" in history of Delhi, theparty said it will notify an SIT to "reinvesti-gate" the killings.

The party also resolved to legislate the JanLokpal Bill to ensure time-bound investiga-tion in matters of corruption.

Legislating the Swaraj Bill is also on theparty's agenda with an aim to "devolve" pow-ers directly to the people.

The party said that it will regularise unau-thorised colonies within "one year" of com-ing to power. Before that, as an "immediatemeasure" it will provide registration rights tothe residents of those colonies paving theway for electricity and sewer lines.

To confer freehold rights to residents ofresettlement colonies, the party manifestoproposes a simplified mechanism whereinoriginal allottees will receive ownership oftheir plots for Rs 10,000.

On the power issue, the manifesto said dis-coms will be brought within the ambit of theRTI act and competition will be introducedamongst the discoms by providing con-sumers the right to choose between electrici-ty providers.

Sushma Swaraj...which facilitates comfortable travel by

buses through Tibet was expected to beopened in the next few months.

Swaraj is accompanied by new ForeignSecretary S Jaishankar, among other seniorministry officials.

This is Jaishankar's first foreign trip afterbeing appointed two days back, replacingSujatha Singh whose tenure was abruptly"curtailed".

He served as India's Ambassador to Chinafor nearly four years before being appointedas Ambassador to the US in 2013.

During the trip, that comes within a weekof US President Barack Obama's three-dayvisit to New Delhi, Swaraj will "discussbilateral, regional and global issues of con-

cern to both sides" with her Chinese counter-part Wang Yi, Ministry of External Affairssaid in New Delhi yesterday.

The two sides will also explore the possi-bility of a visit by Prime Minister NarendraModi later this year.

Swaraj is also expected to meet Xi, whoalong with Wang, had visited India last yearimmediately after the installation of the Modigovernment.

During her stay here, Swaraj will speak atthe India- China Media Forum, interact withthe Indian Community of Beijing (ICB) andinaugurate the 'Visit India Year' aimed atattracting more Chinese tourists to India.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministryspokesperson Hua Chunying told media thatChina attaches "great importance" toSwaraj's visit and bilateral ties between thetwo largest developing countries and majoremerging economies were progressing in a"sound and stable way".

Ahead of her visit, a number of articles inChinese official media came out with criticalcommentaries accusing Obama of attemptingto create a wedge between China and India tofurther US Asia Pivot strategy to contain thecommunist nation's influence.

Swaraj will also attend the RIC meetingwith her Chinese and Russian counterparts.

Hua said being emerging markets, the threecountries share similar views on major inter-national and regional issues and hence, "willexchange views on practical cooperation andissues of common interest".

"We believe a range of consensus willemerge from the meeting to further our polit-ical trust and our practical cooperation," shesaid.

Take Rs 41,000...building by the Prakash on the pretext of

readying documents related to Indira AwasYojana.

"In her complaint to police she hasinformed that she was raped by him andthreatened not to disclose it," police said.

Last year, a panchayat in Kishanganj dis-trict had ordered a minor girl, who was rapedby four brothers and was seven months preg-nant, to take Rs.50,000 and undergo an abor-tion. When she approached police an FIRwas lodged and accused were arrested.

In a similar case in September 2014, a pan-chayat in Muzaffarpur district ordered aminor rape victim to take Rs.2 lakh andundergo abortion.

Barack Obama...outside the Oval Office, in a move

designed to limit the diplomatic fallout withChina.

The 14th Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959after a failed uprising against Chinese ruleand has lived in exile in India ever since.

China accuses the Dalai Lama of seekingto split Tibet from the rest of China and offomenting unrest in the region.

Previous meetings between Obama and theNobel prize winner have been met with for-mal Chinese diplomatic protests that havesoured relations between the world's twolargest economies.

Obama is expected to use the Thursdayprayer breakfast with clergy from severalfaiths -- an annual Washington political tradi-tion -- to talk about the importance ofupholding religious freedom.

"The President is a strong supporter of theDalai Lama's teachings and preservingTibet's unique religious, cultural and linguis-tic traditions," said Meehan.

"As he has done in the past, the Presidentwill see many religious leaders at the event,but we don't have any specific meeting withthe Dalai Lama to announce."

More than 120 Tibetans have committedsuicide by setting themselves on fire in recentyears to protest against what they see asoppression by China's government and con-trols on their right to exercise their religion.

Obama came under domestic criticism in2009 when he did not meet with the DalaiLama during a visit to Washington, as thenew president looked to get off on the rightfoot with China.

In February last year, Obama met the DalaiLama in the Map Room of the White House-- within the residence rather than the WestWing where most presidential business isconducted.

President Pranab...to be celebrated February 1, 2015," a

Rashtrapati Bhavan statement said.In his message, the President Mukherjee

said, "I am happy to learn that the IndianCoast Guard is celebrating its 38th anniver-sary Feb 1, 2015."

The Coast Guard was set up Feb 1, 1977."Over the years, the Indian Coast Guard

has been valiantly serving the nation byensuring the safety and security of fishermenand mariners as also guarding our long coast-line and maritime borders.

The personnel of the Indian Coast Guardhave always risen to the occasion in the faceof emerging maritime challenges andresponded beyond the call of duty. I am surethat the Indian Coast Guard will continue topursue excellence and discharge its dutieswith alacrity, dedication and professional-ism," Mukharjee said in his message.

Army taking ...family of Colonel MN Rai -- killed in an

encounter with terrorists in Jammu andKashmir on January 27, said he has personal-ly assured them of all help.

"My instruction to Army is very clear. Asfar as possible, ensure that you don't lose any

men from your side," he said, adding that theArmy has taken proper precautions duringthe last two months.

He also paid tributes to Col Rai, saying hewas a brave officer.

"I visited his family and I have personallydirected that all required support should beextended immediately. And wherever there isany difficulty, I have told them to get back tome if required," he said.

Parrikar had visited the family last eveningat Cariappa Vihar residence in Delhi Canttand condoled the death of the officer.

39-year-old Rai lost his life fighting terror-ists in Jammu and Kashmir's Tral area onJanuary 27, just a day after being awardedYudh Seva Medal.

Ravi Shankar...cherished ideal there is a strong need to

observe Swachhagraha just as Gandhiji hadlaunched Satyagraha.

He also exhorted all citizens to participatewhole heartedly in the Clean India campaignand to work strenuously to develop the cul-ture of cleanliness and hygiene.

Delhi statehood...and there was no internal rift, he said the

party would win in a big way touching thetwo-third majority mark.

He also termed the issue of former Unionminister Jayanathi Natarajan as an "internalmatter" of the Congress which should besorted by it in-house and denied she was intouch with him or his party.

Shah also felt that Congress vice presidentRahul Gandhi should campaign more inDelhi just as leaders of other parties weredoing and termed it a "wrong interpretation"that Congress was not there in the contest forDelhi polls.

He asserted that Delhi Assembly polls wasstill a three-cornered contest.

"I feel the matter of granting full statehoodstatus to Delhi should not be made an elec-tion issue. There will be harm in making it anemotional poll issue. There is need for aproper debate on it during normal times andnot during poll time. You should not bring insuch sensitive issues in vote bank politics,"Shah told Times Now.

He said his party would come out with avision document in a day or two on Delhiinstead of a manifesto and stressed that theperformance of the Central governmentwould be only one of the factors in thesepolls and not the sole factor.

Shah said BJP contested all elections withseriousness as was done by it in Delhi andsince these polls were held in the nationalcapital it was more visible to the media.

Taking a jibe at AAP's Arvind Kejriwal,who fought against VIP culture and made anissue at not being invited to the Republic Daycelebrations where US President BarackObama was the chief guest, the BJP chiefsaid he would surely send him a VIP invite atBedi's swearing-in as chief minister.

He also wondered why Kejriwal was "wor-ried" of a sting operation on himself as "thepolitics of lies does not strengthen democra-cy" and his party has never supported stingoperations.

Google brings ...Google. Within just 3 seconds, you will be

able to download 100 pictures, 100 songs ora new game and a full HD movie in just 7seconds. Yes you heard it right and this willbe possible very soon.

Google is bringing superfast internet to youvia Google fiber which will provide you aspeed of 1000mpbs/second and will be 100times faster than the broadband internet.

Currently, this service is only present insome parts of America where it providesbroadband internet and television to a smallarea. The project was initially launched inKansas City and Google later announced thatit will expand the service to 34 other cities inthe US.

Gradually, Google is soon implementingplans to make this service accessible to thepeople around the world. According toreports, it is keen to launch its optical fiber-based broadband services in India as part ofthe Digital India programme.

Clear Saturday...noon will be clear," said an official of the

India Meteorological Department.The maximum temperature is likely to

hover around 20 degrees Celsius.The humidity at 8.30 a.m. was 76 percent

and the visibility in the morning was 1,000metres. Friday's maximum temperature wasrecorded two notches below the season'saverage at 19 degrees Celsius and the mini-mum was 6.2 degrees Celsius, three notchesbelow the season's average.

AAP's Sunil...Friday. "I have joined BJP, will go to Delhi

tomorrow and take part in Modiji`s rally.AAP isn`t what it was but Modi ji`s work isimpressive," Kulkarni said.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has beenlocked in a fierce battle with the AAP withthe Delhi polls just round the corner.

The party is posing five questions to theAAP as part of its ongoing election campaignfor the upcoming polls. The AAP, however,has hit back at the BJP for not issuing a man-ifesto and shying away from a debatebetween Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi.Elections in Delhi are scheduled to take placeon February 7, with the counting of the votesto take place on February 10.

Health Minister...

brought to the fore stories of spuriousdrugs, unhygienic and sub-standard state ofgovernment hospitals, medical ethics andindifference to the poor. But above all it hadonce again exposed the sad and sorry state ofpublic healthcare across the country.

Those who have traversed the villages anddistricts of India know of the stories ofabsentee doctors and lack of adequate infra-structure in government hospitals forcing thepoor to shell out whatever they have to con-sult a private doctor or hospital or worse diebecause of no care. Sometimes they are alsoforced to go to quacks or practitioners withlittle medical knowledge or formal training.And in big cities, government-funded hospi-tals like AIIMS are overcrowded and strug-gling to meet the growing demand. Contrastthis with the ‘five-star hospitals’ that havebeen mushrooming all over the country withstate-of-the-art technology (though still lim-ited to big cities), visited by those who canafford them, and one cannot help but wonderat the ‘two Indias’ that exist.

One cannot also help but wonder whetherany country can become a world power if itschildren are malnourished and if its adults donot have access to basic health care. Thus,with a little over four years of the new gov-ernment left to keep the promises that it hadmade to the people, Health Minister JPNadda has to address the core issues that isconfronting the country today - what is ailingthe healthcare system in the country and whathe can do to transform it.

As per statistics released by the UnionHealth Ministry last year, life expectancy inIndia has gone up by five years, from 62.3years for males and 63.9 years for females in2001-2005 to 67.3 years and 69.6 yearsrespectively in 2011-2015. This apparentlyhappened due to better immunisation andnutrition, coupled with prevention and treat-ment of infectious diseases. Some of thehealth indicators have also shown significantimprovement across the country in the past10 years. For example, infant mortality ratiohas come down and diseases like smallpoxhave been eradicated and the WHO hasdeclared India polio-free. But despite all ofthe above there is little to celebrate as far asIndia’s healthcare system is concerned.

According to Global Burden of Diseases,Injuries, and Risk Factors Study, among itspeers and neighbours, India’s performance isone of the worst when it comes to the healthof its citizens. Whether it is under-five mor-tality (7% of children reportedly die beforetheir fifth birthday in India) or mortalityamong men and women between 15 and 49years, on most counts, India’s rank was waybelow that of China, Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Add to that the fact that cardiovascular dis-ease has become a major cause of mortalityin the country with more than a milliondeaths a year attributed to smoking, nearly 65million Indians said to be suffering from dia-betes, ailments like malaria and tuberculosisstill unchecked and illnesses such as diar-rhoea killing more than a million childrenevery year.

In a UNICEF review of child rights datafrom eight countries in South Asia, publishedlast year, India had fared worse than all itsneighbours except Pakistan and Afghanistanon social and health indicators. It had alsotopped the list of countries where peopledefecate in the open. This exposes them tovarious water-borne and soil infections.Further, a report by the World EconomicForum and Harvard School of Public Healthsays that India stands to lose $4.58 trillion tocardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes,chronic respiratory disease and mental disor-ders between 2012 and 2030.

And as for the government, it spends onlyabout a little over one percent of grossdomestic product on healthcare (1.2%), com-pared to 1.5% in Sri Lanka, 2.7% in China,3% in Thailand, 3% in China and about 8.3percent in the US, according to a World Bankdatabase.

Three-year...was rushed to a private clinic from where

she was referred to the Darbhanga MedicalCollege and Hospital. Her condition is statedto be serious, police officials said

The case seemed to be of rape and torture,but anything could be said with certaintyonly after medical examination reports come.One Muhammad Parvez was arrested in thisconnection, police said.

Madhubani Deputy Superintendent ofPolice (DSP) Kumod Kumar said the childhad gone missing three days ago from a pri-vate hospital at Aunsi Zero Mile area in thedistrict, where her father Muhammad Sadiqwas undergoing treatment. The family mem-bers searched for her in vain and theninformed the police about it. Meanwhile, thevictim's father accused the police of not tak-ing any action for two days despite beinginformed about the missing kid.

Criminal killed...Sadar Bazar area in north Delhi around 6

p.m on a secret tip-off about presence of awanted criminal there. As police burst in thehouse, the occupants stared pelting stones atthem and also opened fire. Police retaliated,gunning down a youth identified as Deepakand injuring Dharmedra. Two policemen -Sub Inspector Nisar Khan and constable RaviKant - were injured. Dharmendra and boththe policemen have been admitted to a gov-ernment hospital where their condition isstated to be critical.

Police said the team had raided the house insearch of Nathu, who was booked for variouscases of robbery and theft.

Editorial4 NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 01, 2015SAADDA HAQ


The Shanta KumarCommittee report,released last week, on a

range of issues relating to pro-curement, storage and distribu-tion of food grains is not onlydeeply flawed in its reading ofthe situation on food security,but also short on facts. It wasprepared under the guidance ofthe Prime Minister’s Office.

For example, the report assertsthat only six per cent of all farm-ers have benefited fromMinimum Support Price (MSP)through sale of food grains to anofficial procurement agency,according to data of the NationalSample Survey Organisation’s70th round. But analysts havefound discrepancies between thesurvey’s estimates of the foodgrains sold to official procure-ment agencies and the actualamount of grains procured byofficial agencies for that year.

For kharif, the NSSO surveyestimates that 13 million tonneswere sold to a procurementagency while the actual procure-ment that year by governmentagencies was 34 million tonnes.For rabi, the gap is even larger:10 million tonnes estimated inthe survey while the actualamount procured by an officialagency was 38 million tonnes.

Selling at distress prices

Why did the Shanta KumarCommittee overlook these pos-sible underestimates? Was it justto arrive at the sensational figureof six per cent and then arguethat since only six per cent offarmers get the benefit of MSPand procurement, why have theFood Corporation of India (FCI)at all?

But there is another way oflooking at it. It is true that largenumbers of farmers are deprivedof the benefits of MSP. It is notbecause they do not want to sellto the procurement agencies but

because they do not have accessto official procurement centre,which are set up only in selec-tive States and regions. Themajority of farmers sell at dis-tress prices which push themdeeper into debt. For this largesection of rural India, reformingthe system would mean a sub-stantial increase in the numberof procurement centres and easi-er access, so as to enable it tobenefit from MSP.

As soon as the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) assumedoffice, the first thing it did wasto bring down the rate ofincrease of MSP to just aboutthree per cent over the previousyear — this when the prices offarm inputs have increased phe-nomenally.

Some States under pressurefrom Kisan movements decidedto give a bonus over and abovethe MSP to help farmers. TheModi government stepped in to“punish” such States. It decreedthat it would not procure anyfood grains over and above therequirement for the PublicDistribution System (PDS) fromsuch States which gave thefarmers a bonus.

Confronted with the Centralgovernment’s policy, theChhattisgarh government, forexample, which had given sucha bonus, issued a circular that itwould procure only 10 quintalsof paddy per acre from individ-ual farmers. Andhra Pradesh hasalso limited its procurement.Thus, open-ended procurementwhich ensured India’s foodsecurity and farmer security isnow in the process of beingwhittled down while the rate ofincrease of MSP is delinkedfrom the increases in the cost ofproduction and adequate profitmargins. This is in contrast tothe Swaminathan Commission’srecommendation for MSP to becalculated at the cost of produc-tion plus 50 per cent profit, tokeep agriculture viable.

The immediate impact inChhattisgarh has been distresssales by farmers to privatetraders who can dictate prices,buoyed by the assurance fromthe government that it would notprocure more grains.

The Shanta Kumar Committeereport takes these dangeroussteps further by advocating lim-ited procurement as the official-ly declared policy.

This is directly linked to itsrecommendation to scrap theexisting Food Security Act(FSA). The Committee wants toreduce the coverage from 67 percent to 40 per cent of the popu-lation. It also wants to doublethe prices that these food grainsare to be sold at under the pres-ent Act by linking the price tothe MSP. This means resurrect-ing the fraudulent and discredit-ed Above Poverty Line andBelow Poverty Line estimationsand depriving equally poor peo-ple of subsidised grains. In fact,as the Left has consistentlyargued and fought for, it is onlya universalised PDS that canmeet the requirement to makeIndia hunger-free. The ShantaKumar Committee wants toeliminate even the inadequateprovisions under the existingFSA and push the country backto the worst days of food insecu-rity.

Ironically, such a recommen-dation comes at a time when theUnited Nations agencies moni-toring country-wise performanc-es towards meeting theMillennium goals have praisedIndia for its reduction of malnu-trition, giving credit for this tofood security systems like the“ICDS [Integrated ChildDevelopment Services] as wellas the public distribution sys-tem.” In spite of the reduction,which brings India from the“most alarming category” to the“seriously affected” category,the country is still home to the

largest malnourished populationin the world; its rank in theGlobal Hunger Index at 55 outof 76 emerging economies isonly slightly ahead of Pakistanand Bangladesh but worse thanSri Lanka and Nepal.

As in the case of procurement,the Modi government has startedto subvert the FSA in the case ofimplementation too. The FSAbecame law in September 2013.More than a year later, it is beingimplemented in only 11 States.The Central government hasexcluded 25 States and UnionTerritories from the ambit of theAct. According to a release onNovember 28, 2014, these Statesand Union Territories “have notcompleted the preparatory meas-ures required for the implemen-tation of the Act.” It was furtherstated that “the CentralGovernment extended the dead-line for the implementation ofthe Act by another six months,namely till April 2014.”

The Government of India hasno right to make the implemen-tation of the Act conditional to“preparedness” on the basis ofparameters it has decided arbi-trarily. There is no such legalprovision in the Act, nor is thereany legal deadline. But the offi-cial release reflects clearly thepresent government’s hostilitytowards taking any responsibili-ty for food security. This is alsoreflected in the allocation offood grains. If the FSA is to beimplemented, then according tothe calculations of the FoodMinistry, the allocations will goup to 550 lakh tonnes of foodgrains compared to the pre-FSAallocations in 2012-2013 of 504lakh tonnes.

Shift to direct cash transfers

According to the Ministry’sfood grains bulletin tillDecember 2014, allocations tothe States were just 388 lakhtonnes of food grains. This isroughly the same as it was the

previous year, before the Actwas passed. In other words, theModi government has alreadystayed the implementation of theFSA. It is preparing to shift todirect cash transfers for a morerestricted number of families.

The Shanta KumarCommittee’s recommendationsto unbundle the FCI, allowingthe free play of market forces inprocurement and storage of foodgrains, and restricting the FSAare in tune with the demandsraised by the western world ledby the U.S. in the World TradeOrganisation against India’s sys-tems of procurement, storageand distribution. The India-U.S.agreement to end the stalematein the WTO process is clearlypremised on the changes beingsuggested by the Committee.

The government can beexpected to try and bulldoze therequired amendments to theFSA through Parliament usingits majority. But undoubtedly itwill face the resistance of thepeople.

(Brinda Karat is a member ofthe CPI-M Polit Bureau.)

Jayanthi Natarajan’s explosive letter to Congress presi-dent Sonia Gandhi, with its stunning revelations aboutRahul Gandhi’s interference in the functioning of the

Union Environment Ministry when she headed it, onlyunderscores what was long known in party circles. As heirapparent, Mr. Gandhi would sporadically interfere in poli-cy decisions depending on his particular pet belief at a par-ticular point in time. Worse, the positions he took wereoften inconsistent. As Ms. Natarajan points out in her let-ter, Mr. Gandhi’s espousal of the interests of tribals andfisherfolk was soon superseded by his advocacy of indus-try: at a FICCI meeting, shortly after she was sacked asMinister, he complained about delays in environmentalclearances (something Ms. Natarajan implies happenedbecause of his interference), and promised there would beno further bottlenecks. If, from time to time, there werewhispers in the party about similar interventions by Mr.Gandhi, the one that played out in front of television cam-eras was in September 2013, when he tore up a controver-sial ordinance on convicted lawmakers, as well as theRepresentation of the People (Amendment) Bill thatsought to replace it. Five days later, the Union Cabinetwithdrew the ordinance, but not before it had deeplyembarrassed the then Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh.Differences on policy issues exist in all political partiesand governments: the proper way is to settle these issuesthrough internal debate, a practice the Congress abandonedlong ago. In UPA-I, in Sonia Gandhi’s National AdvisoryCouncil the Congress created an institution through whichthe social welfare dimension could be introduced into gov-ernance: Dr. Singh did not always agree with the NAC’sformulations, but through a process of discussion, a viamedia would be found — as in the Food Security Act. Butin the case of Mr. Gandhi, there was always great anxietyamongst his minders to ensure that he got the credit for anygovernmental or party success, sometimes with comiceffect. Towards the end of UPA-I, after the government hadalready decided to expand the coverage of the MGNREGSto the entire country, Mr. Gandhi took a delegation to thePrime Minister to press him to do it! The key problem forthe Congress has been that while Mr. Gandhi was repeat-edly entreated to join the government in a Ministry of hischoice, he stayed away, saying he preferred to build theparty. The uncharitable view in the party was that ministe-rial responsibility would have brought in its wake account-ability, anathema to the heir apparent. Today, Mr. Gandhi’sspin doctors may question Ms. Natarajan’s timing, but if hedoes not draw the right lessons from her dramatic exit fromthe Congress, there could be more departures.

Interference sans responsibilitySunday | February 01, 2015



The ritual of political spectacles createsits own frenzy of anticipation. U.S.President Barack Obama’s visit to

India was expected to create a sense of magi-cal politics before it faded into banality. Forall the hysteria of expert commentary, no newregime of intellectual property is going toemerge, and no nuclear deal will have thequalities of transparency both sides willdemand. But there was a second piece ofdrama which was relevant to the themes ofthe visit. Mr. Obama was searching for a newcompact to fight terror. The second eventchallenged the security discourse he was urg-ing by talking of peace in a different lan-guage. This was Irom Sharmila’s decision tocontinue her fast after the High Court hadcleared her of charges of suicide.

Sharmila’s fast, one of the classic acts ofsatyagraha in history, has often been read as alocal event. For all its drama, it is seen as afootnote to the problems of the so-calledNorth East, a local struggle in Manipur. Yet,politics has a way of transforming itself froma local anecdote to a national symbol.Sharmila’s years of fasting, protesting againstthe Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act(AFSPA) is relevant for a world which iscombating terror. Terror today is not an actconfined to rebels and insurgents. Terror isalso a part of the policy of the state. AFSPA,formalised by Parliament in 1958, hasdestroyed the normalcy of Manipur.Sharmila’s fast began as a simple, naive act ofprotest by a young girl who decides to refusefood till AFSPA is repealed. She was protest-ing against the rape and murder of Manipuriwomen by an Army which used the law tocommit atrocities with impunity. Over theyears, the simple message of courage hasmade Sharmila’s act, a major message of non-violence today.

Terror and satyagraha

Terror today dominates state politics,immobilising democracies which are addict-ed to the security discourse. When the statemirrors the violence of the terrorists, a politi-cal impasse is born. Sharmila shows thatsatyagraha might be an answer to the indigni-ty of terror. Satyagraha can fight terror andshame it into civility. Let us first examine thecontrast.

Terror is contemptuous of the body, indif-ferent to the suffering of the victim.Satyagraha uses the body as the vehicle oftruth and uses suffering to create compassion.It offers the dignity of vulnerability to theindifference of terrorism.

Terror paralyses through anonymity. It isalways masked. Satyagraha is always a facewhich seeks to communicate. Terror paraly-

ses discourse while satyagraha opens up con-versation. A Gandhi would always talk to hisoppressors while IS would at most“telegram” its ownership of the act of vio-lence. Satyagraha seeks the ethics of respon-sibility. Terror owns the act of violence butdisowns the responsibility for it.

Terror emphasises invulnerability.Satayagraha begins from vulnerability. Terrorparalyses agency and satyagraha seeks torevive it. Watching Sharmila, one senses thevulnerability of a fragile woman and yet thestrength of agency which has survived overdecades.

Terror creates shock but no surprise. Itfuses politics and technology into repetitiveacts of cannibalising bodies. The satyagrahi isconstantly inventing. Terror destroys normal-cy while the satyagrahi seeks to restore nor-malcy and in pondering over its delights.Irom Sharmila insists that when AFSPA isrepealed, she will marry a man she loves andlive an ordinary life.

The satyagraha speaks truth to power whileterror seeks to challenge power through vio-lence. The women of Manipur know thatinsurgence is no answer to development.They are not looking for mock heroics but theordinariness and everydayness of life and itsrituals.

Satyagraha seeks justice. Terror, at themost, can speak the language of revenge. In

fact, terror depoliticises politics by invokingthe redundancy of security discourse, whilesatyagraha is an invitation to politics, to itsconstant reinventions. The satyagrahi sum-

mons speech while terror invites the constantnoise of violence.

In terms of drama, satyagraha is the politicsof theatre, but terror has no real sense of dia-logue, drama or spectatorship. The protests ofthe women of Manipur standing naked beforethe Assam Rifles headquarters saying, “Rapeus too” conveys drama while bin Laden, forall the publicity, conveys no sense of speech,no inventiveness of language, no sense of sur-prise. The redundancy and the excess of ter-ror elude drama. Terror destroys storytellingwhile satyagraha unfolds as an epic story.

The message of Irom Sharmila is the mes-sage of Václav Havel, of Mahatma Gandhi, ofMartin Luther King; that out of vulnerabilitycan come the agency which emancipates,which understands the other as it battles him.

No understanding

Our terrorists and our security discoursesseek only dominance and control, not under-standing. The discourse that Mr. Obamaspouts shows little understanding of the evilsenacted by the U.S. Narendra Modi shows lit-tle sense of the suffering of the North East. Infact the term North East is itself a violence tothe diversity of communities in the area. Thewomen of Manipur are asking for the gift ofnormalcy, the right to everydayness whichallows a citizen to pursue life and liberty.

In fact, my mind was toying with the idea

that Obama-Modi would enact their lifelesspolitics on Republic Day. Their battle hymnof the republic seeks deals about nuclearenergy, defence and intellectual property.

Think of these negotiations along with thetableaux of militarism that the Indian statepresented on January 26. This Republic Dayhad two sets of tableaux, one enacted onRajpath but the more elaborate one is thetableau of security, the seven rounds of secu-rity cordons that protected Mr. Obama. Atthis moment one realises the voyeurism ofIndia in seeking the same securitarian pom-posity as the U.S. Yet, as spectacles, Mr.Obama will be forgotten while Sharmila’sacts of conscience prompt us to rethink histo-ry.

Sharmila too talks of development but it isthe story of village and family, of craft andbiomass societies confronting the new devel-opmentalist state.

New kind of democracy

Security, and its sibling, terror, create spec-tacles while satyagraha unfolds as a drama.Imagine for a moment that one narrowed suchdrama to a spectacle of tableaux on RepublicDay. Imagine a Republic Day without themilitary, the uniforms and the preening air-craft. Think of our satyagrahis as a tableau ofevents beginning with Gandhi and GhaffarKhan. Add to it Mahasweta Devi, the Bengaliwriter, talking of bonded labour like a sad oldaunt. Think of Aruna Roy leading the protestof the poor of Rajasthan, demanding a right toinformation. Imagine the displaced survivorsof the Narmada Dam sitting immersed inwater to remind India that development is a

kind of amnesia. Think of Ela Bhatt of SEWAclaiming that world peace begins withwomen’s work. Add to it the protest ofManipur and of Irom Sharmila sitting quietly,giggling over one of her drawings and sur-rounded by security guards. Such tableauxmake words like security, development, sov-ereignty empty. They seek to create a newkind of democracy.

The juxtaposition of two news events thisweek showed us the possibility of two kindsof politics. The reports of Irom Sharmilahardly extended to a paragraph; an indifferentfootnote in some newspapers. The Modi-Obama serenade, with its chorus of commen-tary, swallowed our newspapers, where evenattention went into First Lady MichelleObama’s dress. I do not think there was aphotograph of Irom in any newspaper. I thinkThe Telegraph was possibly the one newspa-per that reported the struggle in detail.

As I sat and wrote this article on a cold win-ter’s day, while roads all over Delhi wereblocked in a display of efficiency, I wonderedwho would survive as history; who would bethe greater exemplar of politics and the poli-tics of hope that democracy creates.

Would it be Narendra Modi and his dreamsof India as Prussian state? Was it Mr. Obama,the President, who promised so much andoffered so little, desperate to create a fewcrumbs of history by clinching a nuclear dealwith India? Or would it be Irom Sharmila andher craft of peace, seeking normalcy, an ordi-nariness in a society which prefers the state asa constant spectacle, and where politics is acontinuous act of conspicuous consumptionin terms of security, luxury and the pomposi-ty of power? To me, the quietness of Sharmilawins over the noise of the Modi-Obama polit-ical machine.

As a satyagrahi, I am sure Sharmila wouldhave liked to send them a greeting card, invit-ing them to come to Manipur. I think it is theIrom Sharmilas, the Mahasweta Devis andthe Ela Bhatts who have to colour the imagi-nation of India and take it beyond the trite-ness of state politics. The storyteller has toreturn to narrate these events, for what goesas news today is a travesty of peace and his-tory.

(Shiv Visvanathan is a professor at JindalSchool of Government and Public Policy.)

Choosing satyagraha over spectacle

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F o o d i n s e c u r i t y a c t sSome States under

pressure from Kisanmovements decided togive a bonus over and

above the MSP to helpfarmers. The Modi gov-ernment stepped in to

“punish” such States. Itdecreed that it wouldnot procure any food

grains over and abovethe requirement for the

Public DistributionSystem (PDS) from

such States which gavethe farmers a bonus.

Terror paralyses through anonymity. It is always masked. Satyagraha isalways a face which seeks to communicate. Terror paralyses discoursewhile satyagraha opens up conversation. A Gandhi would always talk tohis oppressors while IS would at most “telegram” its ownership of the

act of violence. Satyagraha seeks the ethics of responsibility. Terrorowns the act of violence but disowns the responsibility for it. Terroremphasises invulnerability. Satayagraha begins from vulnerability.

Terror paralyses agency and satyagraha seeks to revive it. WatchingSharmila, one senses the vulnerability of a fragile woman and yet the

strength of agency which has survived over decades.

State Watch 5NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 01, 2015SAADDA HAQ

GUWAHATI, JAN 31Union Minister of State

for Drinking Water andSanitation Ram KripalYadav on Saturday assert-ed that the Centre wascommitted to fulfilMahatma Gandhi's dreamof providing pure drinkingwater and sanitation toevery household.

The state governmentswould be given all possiblesupport to achieve thisgoal, Yadav said whilereviewing the water andsanitation schemes ofAssam at a meeting held atWater and SanitationSupport Organisation(WSSO) campus here.

He urged the Assam gov-ernment to give priority inproviding pure drinking

water and sanitation facili-ties in schools, for the eco-nomically backward class-es, schedule classes, sched-uled tribes and minorities.

"If we achieve the goalof providing drinkingwater and sanitation, thenwe will be able eradicate70 per cent of the dis-eases", he said.

The Union Minister alsoemphasised the need forthe state government towork hand in hand with theCentral government toachieve the goal of SwachhBharat by 2019.

The Union Ministerreviewed the state's statusof water supply and sanita-tion, implementation ofSwachh Bharat Missionand WSSO activities in the

state. Yadav earlier alsolaunched a Monitoring andEvaluation tool developedunder RWSSP-LIS in part-nership with the Ministryof Drinking Water andSanitation (MoDWS).

The World Bank has sup-

ported the MoWDS andNational InformaticsCentre in developing thesoftware designed toimprove accountability andgood governance of serv-ice delivery to the ruralcommunities.

Centre committed to fulfil MahatmaGandhi's dream of sanitation

NAGPUR, JAN 31M a h a r a s h t r a

Government will accordtop priority to setting up ofmineral-based industries inVidarbha as the region isrich in natural resources,Chief Minister DevendraFadnavis said here onSaturday.

He said a logistic hubwill soon come up here foronline trading throughinternet, which will pro-vide employment opportu-nities to local youths.

State government willreduce the number of per-mits required for setting updefence manufacturingunits in Vidarbha from 75to 25, the chief ministersaid while addressing aprogramme on Youth

Empowerment.Union Minister for

Shipping and RoadTransport Nitin Gadkari,state Energy MinisterC h a n d r a s h e k h a r

Bawankule, Rajya SabhaMP Ajay Sancheti, MPKripal Tumane, MayorPravin Datke and organiserAnil Sole, an MLC, werepresent on the occasion.

Fadnavis said a TextilePark will be set up atNandgaonpeth in Amravatidistrict for promoting tex-tile industry.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Gadkari said naturalresources in backward dis-trict of Gadchiroli will betapped, which has thepotential of investment tothe tune of Rs 40,000 croreand could provide jobs tothe local youth.

Gadkari said a Fruit Parkwill come up in neighbour-ing Wardha district with aninvestment of Rs 500crore. Bawankule saidenergy department is con-templating giving jobs toelectrical and mechanicalengineers as FeederManagers in future.

Top priority to setting up mineral-basedunits in Vidarbha: Devendra Fadnavis

PATNA, JAN 31Maoists blew up a mobile

tower in Bihar`s Lakhisaraidistrict and took a cabin manof a railway station hostage forfour hours in Jamui district,affecting the movement oftrains, police said on Saturday.

The cabin man was takenhostage to enforce a 24-hourstrike called by the Maoists toprotest against the securityforces` operations againstthem, police said.

According to a police officerin Lakhisarai, about 150 kmfrom here, armed Maoists blewup a mobile tower inMananpur village underChanan police station earlySaturday. No casualty wasreported.

Lakhisarai is one of theworst Maoist-hit areas.

Besides, a group of armedMaoists took a cabin man ofBhalui railway station in Jamuihostage Friday night which

disrupted movement of trainsfor hours.

Maoist`s shutdown was partof resistance day that beganFriday. It evoked mixedresponse across the state.

Normal life was affected inrural areas of Aurangabad,Nawada, Munger, Sitamarhi,Arwal and Gaya districts.

Maoists also torched fourtractors on Friday evening inNawada.

Fear of Maoists forced clo-sure of rural area markets inthese districts. Vehicles stayedoff roads and common peoplesuffered, a police official said.

Police officials also said thatlife in some rural pockets,known as Maoist strongholds,was paralysed, as neither shopsnor banks opened.

Despite the police deploy-ment and the administration`spromise of security cover,shopkeepers downed theirshutters and stayed home.

Maoists blow up mobile tower in Bihar

PANAJI, JAN 31After former chief minister

Manohar Parrikar, former unionminister for environment andforests in the erstwhile UPA gov-ernment Jayanthi Natarajan onFriday became the second seniorpolitician to claim credit for theclosure of Goa's tainted, multi-bil-lon dollar iron ore mining industry.

After making a stormy exit fromthe Indian National Congress partyearlier on Friday, Natarajan said inan interview to a news channel lateyesterday, that in 2012 she sus-pended environment clearances(ECs) to all mining operations. Thedecision, she believed, was proofof her diligent work, even as sever-al Congress leaders on Friday criti-cised her for sloppy handling ofthe ministry.

"...I was the one who stopped allthe mines in Goa. And they are stillclosed. All the mines in Goa areclosed. They said the entire econo-my of Goa is destroyed because ofme," said Natarajan, who hasblamed Congress vice presidentRahul Gandhi of interfering withthe functioning of her ministry andaccused the Congress party of awitch-hunt against her.

However, Natarajan's claims ofbeing the one, who stopped miningin Goa are only half-true.

On September 12, Natarajan dur-ing a visit to Goa did suspend ECsgranted to 93 mining leases, butthat was only days after then chiefminister Manohar Parrikar hadalready temporarily suspendedmining operations following therevelation of a Rs 35,000 crore ille-gal mining scam by the Justice MBShah Commission.

Goa's mining sector has beennon-operational for more than twoyears because of three successiveactions, the temporary suspensionof mining permission by the thenParrikar-state government, a revo-cation of green clearances by theNatarajan-led Ministry ofEnvironment and Forests, and thena subsequent ban by the SupremeCourt.

Incidentally on September 13, aday after Natarajan's announce-ment of the suspension of ECs,Parrikar had called her an "irre-sponsible minister" in a press con-ference and said that he would be"writing to the prime minister urg-ing him to set things right in theEnvironment Ministry".

I stopped mining in Goa: Jayanthi

PATNA, JAN 31Three minors who are said to be

associated with infamous'Bournvita Gang' which had ter-rorised all and sundry on theroads of posh areas in the statecapital were apprehended onSaturday.

With the arrest of the three,police claimed to have busted theinfamous 'Bournvita Gang'.

Patna City SP Shivdeep Landesaid the three caught today wereminors and students of Class 10.

They weare being questionedabout their crimes, as well as,other accomplices, who would benabbed once the police tracestheir locations, he said.

One motorcycle belonging tothem (the gang) has been seized,while rest of the gang membersmanaged to escape.

"We had been on a lookout forthis Bournvita gang for quitesome time. It had recentlysnatched a mobile phone and

purse of a girl. The girl's addresswas in the purse and it sent a let-ter in the name of RJD MP PappuYadav demanding Rs 22 lakh.She had complained about theseto the police," Lande said.

He said that handwriting of oneof the nabbed boys has matchedwith the handwriting in the threatletter sent to the girl.

"This is a very bad trend emerg-ing here. All the three boys hailfrom good families. Since they allare minors, they will be forward-ed to remand home. Their parentshave been informed by thepolice," Lande said.

The police official also hintedat a crackdown on minors whoride bikes without even being eli-gible for driving licenses.

The gang members allteenagers would zoom around oncostly motorcycles, snatchingvaluables from people andindulging in eve-teasing andhooliganism.

PANAJI, JAN 31The ruling BJP on

Saturday promised toturn the state capitalinto 'a smart city', butits manifesto for theFebruary 13 assemblyby-election is mum onthe controversial issueof shifting of the off-shore casinos.

The manifesto wasreleased today by thestate BJP chief VinayTendulkar in the pres-ence of its candidateS i d d h a r t hKuncalienker.

The manifesto talksabout issues of envi-ronment, infrastruc-ture, public utilities,

disaster management,heritage, art and cul-ture, etc.

The by-electionbecame necessaryafter ManoharParrikar resigned asthe Chief Ministerand joined the unioncabinet.

Kuncalienker con-ceded that severalpromises in the 2012election manifestowere yet to be ful-filled. "We have beenable to fuflill just 40per cent of the prom-ises. The current man-ifesto is continuationof the earlier docu-ment," he said.

However, while2012 manifesto hadpromised to shift theoff-shore casinosfrom Mandovi river-bank, this time theissue does not find amention. The casinosare yet to beshifted.

"The cabinet hasalready taken a deci-sion to shift them.There is no issue leftnow," saidKuncalienker.

Other candidatesare Congress'sSurendra Furtado andindependents SamirKelekar andSadanand Vaingankar.

BJP manifesto promises 'smart'Panaji; silent on casinos NEW DELHI, JAN 31

Union Minister Uma Bharti on Saturdayaccused AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal of"using" Anna Hazare and said the party doesnot deserve another chance as its government"ran away" from responsibilities after remain-ing in power for 49 days.

"I urge the voters to give them only sympa-thy but no votes. They even used Anna Hazarewho is a Mahapurush. Arvind Kejriwal usedhim to enter politics and forgot him afterforming the government," she said addressinga rally at Rajinder Nagar.

"He forgot that if public gives opportunity,you owe a responsibility to them. But theywere just interested in grabbing the opportuni-ty," she said.

Lauding Kiran Bedi's entry into BJP, shesaid, "I am glad Bedi did not fall prey to hispolitical game and detached herself from AAPtimely."

"It was a good decision by BJP to projectBedi. I am myself is a fan of her."

Bharti said Prime Minister Narendra Modihas given a sense of pride to Indians and thatno one feels Indians are "helpless" now afterBJP came to power.

Police busts 'BournvitaGang' in Patna

JAMMU, JAN 31The National

Conference (NC) onSaturday accused theNarendra Modi-led cen-tral government ofneglecting the plight ofthe border residents whohave been facing hard-ships due to the frequentceasefire violations.

"During elections they(BJP) made severalpromises as every highprofile minister of thecentral governmentmade a beeline in theseareas but as now theelections are over, theyhave forgotten the mis-eries of the border resi-dents," NC provincialpresident and MLA-elect Nagrota DevenderSingh Rana toldreporters heretoday.

Rana alleged while alot was being said onrehabilitating the vic-tims of cross-border fir-ing only Rs 1,500 has so

far been paid to them ascompensation.

"Only Rs 1500 hasbeen paid to the peoplewhose houses were hitby the shelling fromacross the border," Ranasaid.

Rana said that afterthe elections, BJP's pri-orities have changedand now they were con-cerned about exploringthe "ways and means"on the government for-mation in the state.

"Why are they nowraising the issue of bor-der residents, when thebullets are being firedon the border it's thepeople who live on theborder are affected," hesaid.

Rana said the Centremust take steps toensure the safety andsecurity of the borderresidents who have suf-fered due to the continu-ous ceasefire violationsfrom across the border.

He said as the issue ofcross-border firing wasa transnational issue soit came under thepurview of the centralgovernment.

"It is the border resi-dents who are bearingthe brunt of the borderfiring," he said.

NC leader KamalArora, who has won thelast Assembly electionfrom from Bishnah con-stituency, said, "Thegovernment must ensurethe safety and securityof the border residents."

Arora said that thegovernment must movethe border residents to asafer position for sometime and then deal withthe way it wants to dealwith the situation on theborder.

"Bombs are droppingon our doorsteps butnow nobody is botheredabout us. The media toois not reporting on thepeople," he said.

M U Z A F F A R N A G A R ,JAN 31

The father of theslain witness in thesexual assault caseagainst self-styledgodman Asaram hasdemanded a CBIinquiry into his son'smurder.

Naresh Gupta hassought an inquiry intothe murder of his sonAkhil alleging that itwas not the result ofany local enmity andwas directly linkedwith Asaram's bailrejection by the HighCourt earlier thismonth.

He further allegedthat Asaram's daugh-ter Bharti may bebehind the murder asshe is out of jail.

Gupta also sought

increased protectionfor his family becausehis son's wife is also awitness in thecase.

Meanwhile, IPSofficer AmitabhThakur has requested

the state DGP for pro-viding adequate pro-tection to the familyof the deceased, whohave expressed dis-satisfaction with localpolice investigation.

35-year-old Akhil

Gupta, a former cookand personal aide ofAsaram, was theprime witness in therape case against theself-styled godman inSurat.

He was shot deadon Jansath Roadunder New Mandipolice station area inMuzaffarnagar on hisway back home byu n i d e n t i f i e dassailants on January11.

Gupta had givenstatement before aGandhinagar Courtunder section 164 ofCrPC along withsome incriminatingproof against Asaram,who is accused ofsexually assaulting a16-year-old school-girl.

BJP has forgotten miseriesof border residents: NC

Arvind Kejriwal used Anna Hazare: Uma Bharti

Asaram witness killing: Deceased'sfather demands CBI inquiry

APCC to launch post-card campaign overbifurcation promisesVIJAYAWADA, JAN 31

Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee(APCC) on Saturday said it would launch apostcard campaign from February 6 overCentre and state government's "failure" tofulfil the promises given before the bifurca-tion of state in June last year.

"The Centre as well as the state governmenthave failed to bring into reality the promisesmade under the Andhra PradeshReorganisation Act, 2014," newly-appointedAPCC spokesperson Kolanukonda Shivajitold reporters here today.

"Under the Act, special package had beenannounced by the Centre for the developmentof industries in Andhra Pradesh. Secondly,the Polavaram irrigation project was declaredas a national project under the ReorganisationAct.

"Moreover, establishment of national insti-tutions like IIT, IIM was also promised underthe Act. However, none of this has happenedso far. Therefore, Congress will take up amass movement against this," he added.

The decision to launch the mass movementwas taken today during the APCC workingcommittee meeting held here today under thechairmanship of the state party president NRaghuveera Reddy.

Eleven killed inAssam road mishapTEZPUR, JAN 31

Eleven persons werekilled in two separate roadaccidents in Assam'sSonitpur district onSaturday, the police said.

Six persons of a mar-riage party, including thenewly married couple,died when the bus inwhich they were travellingcollided head on with anoil tanker at Jamugurihaton National Highway 15this morning. Five per-sons, including the couple,died on the spot, whileanother person succumbedto his injuries at KanaklataCivil Hospital here. Thecouple have been identi-fied as Dilip and AshaSahu, while the others areyet to be identified. Inanother mishap, fivelabourers were killed onthe spot when the brickladen truck, in which theywere travelling, skiddedoff the road and turnedturtle at Gohpur Hawajanon NH 15 in the same dis-trict, police added.

PANAJI, JAN 31Taking a cue from the "five

questions" strategy adopted bythe BJP to corner the AAPahead of the February 07 Delhipolls, the Congress here onSaturday adopted this to ques-tion Goa`s BJP-led coalitiongovernment.

Congress spokespersonYatish Naik announced hisparty`s list of five questions forthe state government, whichranged from the government`sinability to avail of centralfunds for mega infrastructureprojects, failure to deliver onseveral promises made in theBJP`s 2012 Assembly pollmanifesto.

"The government promisedmuch but has delivered noth-

ing. They have failed on mostpromises," Naik said at a pressconference. When asked if theCongress would be posing fivequestions to the BJP govern-ment in Goa everyday, just likethe BJP was trying to ramp uppressure on the Aam AadmiParty, Naik said: "Wait andwatch." Political climate inGoa is heating up in view ofthe February 13 bye-poll forthe Panaji assembly seat,which was vacated after theelevation of sitting MLA andformer chief minister ManoharParrikar to as defence minister.Sidharth Kuncolienkar of theBJP is taking on Panaji mayorSurendra Furtado, while twoother Independent candidatesare also in the fray.

Goa Congress throws ''fivequestion'' challenge to BJP

Search engine Google has agreed tobetter inform users about how it han-dles their personal information after

an investigation by Britain's data protectionregulator found its privacy policy was toovague.

The Information Commissioner's Office(ICO) said in a statement on Friday that itrequired Google to sign a "formal undertak-ing" that it would make the changes by June30 and take further steps in the next twoyears.

As a result, Google will not be fined bythe United Kingdom for its actions, in con-trast to France and Spain where regulatorsimposed penalties in addition to asking forchanges.

The company welcomed the regulator'sdecision, saying it had agreed improve-ments to its privacy policy.

"We're pleased that the ICO has decidedto close its investigation," a Googlespokesman said.

The tussle between Google and Europe's

data protection regulators began after thecompany took a new approach in March2012 to consolidate some 70 existing priva-cy policies into one. It also began to pooldata collected on individual users across itsservices, including YouTube, Gmail and itssocial network Google+, giving users noway to opt out. Data protection regulatorsfrom 28 European countries, known as theArticle 29 group, soon found that theapproach did not comply with EU rules andgave Google a deadline to change it or face

sanctions. That touched off a long period ofback and forth between the company andthe various national regulators. Spain finedGoogle EUR 900,000 ($1 million) over theprivacy policy, and France EUR 150,000,small penalties relative to Google's scale. Itsannual revenue in 2013 was $55.52 billion.

Other countries are still weighing theirresponses. In December, Google submitteda "number of improvements" aimed ataddressing the European regulators' con-cerns, the ICO said.

Creative on Fridayannounced the Indialaunch of its Sound

Blaster Roar portable Bluetoothwireless speaker. The SoundBlaster Roar is available exclu-sively via Amazon India at Rs.15,999.

The Creative Sound BlasterRoar measures202x115x57mm, weighs 1.1kg,and comes with active high-fre-quency top-firing driver andside-firing radiator design,encapsulated in a monocoqueendo-skeletal chassis. Itcomes with duala m p l i f i e r s ,one forlows andmids, andthe otherfor highs.

Creativesays theS o u n dBlaster Roaralso supports high-definition audio codecsof AAC and aptX for high-quality audio over Bluetooth -the codecs are supported bymost Android devices, as wellas iPhone models. Other built-in features include speaker-phone teleconferencing with anintegrated microphone, a one-touch voice and music recorder,a microSD slot for mp3 and

wma music playback as well asaudio recording, a siren, NFCconnectivity, and a BluetoothLink Security Control. It caneven double as a Sound Blasterfor connecting to a PC or Macvia the USB port. The SoundBlaster Control Panel for PCand Mac helps enable advancedaudio processing.

The Sound Blaster Roar canconnect to two Bluetooth-enabled devicessimultane-

ous ly.L i n k

Security Modesinclude Default

Mode (Creative BluetoothMultipoint Mode) for singleusers with two Bluetoothdevices; Friendly Access Modefor family users with Bluetoothdevices that have been paired to

the speaker before; and Free-for-All Access Mode, whichsets the speaker in always-dis-coverable mode letting usersconnect to the device withoutseeking permission.

The speaker features a dualpurpose 6000mAh battery thatcan be used to charge smart-phones and other devices, apartfrom providing up to 8 hours of

continuous audio playback."The audio power

of the Sound

B l a s t e rRoar is sim-

ply mind-shatter-ing for its size and pre-

cision fidelity," said WongHoo Sim, Chairman and CEOof Creative Technology. "To topit off, we are making it avail-able at an irresistible, take-no-prisoners factory-direct price ofRs. 15,999. I believe the SoundBlaster Roar is by far the bestportable wireless speaker in itsclass in the market. It is a no-brainer purchase for anyonewho is looking for a powerfuland portable wireless speaker."

NEW DELHI | SUNDAY | FEB 01, 2015SAADDA HAQScience & Tech6

1. Who headed the first scientific group to leave forAntarctica in 1982?A. Dr. D.R. Sengupta B. Dr. S.Z. KasimC. Dr. V. K. Raina D. Dr. H. K. Gupta

2. Which among the famous danseuses is not an expo-nent of the Odissi dance style?A. Sanjukta Panigrahi B. Madhavi MudgalC. Sonal Man Singh D. Yamini Krishnamurthy

3. Michael Jackson is a distinguished person in thefield of?A. Pop Music B. JounalismC. Sports D. Acting

4. Ms Kim Campbell is the first woman Prime MinisterofA. Portugal B. CanadaC. Switzerland D. Congo

5. The first Indian to swim across English channel wasA. V. Merchant B. P. K. BanerjiC. Mihir Sen D. Arati Saha


Answer: 1(B), 2 (D), 3(A), 4(B), 5(C)

12:00AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins12:30AM MasterChef India01:00AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Everest05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM Tu Mera Hero07:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas08:00AM MasterChef India08:30AM MasterChef India09:00AM MasterChef India09:30AM MasterChef India10:00AM MasterChef India10:30AM MasterChef India11:00AM Tu Mera Hero11:30AM Tu Mera Hero12:00PM Tu Mera Hero12:30PM Tu Mera Hero01:00PM Tu Mera Hero01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki03:00PM Star Guild Awards 2015 :Main Event07:00PM MasterChef India08:00PM P.I.Private Investigator09:00PM Airlines10:00PM MasterChef India10:30PM MasterChef India11:00PM MasterChef India11:30PM MasterChef India ________________________

12:00AM Jhalak01:05AM Goldsafe02:00AM Qubool Hai04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Teleshopping06:00AM Shakti Yug06:30AM Joel Osteen07:00AM Bill Winston07:30AM Winning Walk08:00AM Joseph Prince08:30AM Joel Osteen09:00AM Jodha Akbar09:30AM ETC Super Hits10:00AM Neeli Chatri Waale11:00AM Neeli Chatri Waale : Best Of12:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs

03:00PM Neeli Chatri Waale04:00PM Happy New Year08:00PM Neeli Chatri Waale09:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs10:00PM Maharakshak Aryan11:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs ________________________

12:00AM Comedy Nights with Kapil01:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM Home Shop 1805:00AM Iskcon Aarti05:30AM Sasural Simar Ka07:00AM Narayan Sewa SansthanTrust07:30AM Home Shop 1808:00AM Bigg Boss Grand Finale10:00AM Comedy Nights with Kapil12:00PM Code Red02:00PM Bigg Boss Grand Finale03:30PM Comedy Nights with Kapil06:00PM Sansui Colors StardustAwards 201409:00PM Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi10:00PM Comedy Nights with Kapil11:00PM Comedy Nights with Kapil ____________________________

12:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back01:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back03:00AM Pukaar04:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath05:00AM Best Of Savdhaan India :Mumbai Fights Back06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back07:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath08:00AM Comedy Classes08:30AM Comedy Classes09:00AM Comedy Classes09:30AM Comedy Classes10:00AM Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back12:00PM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Ab Tak01:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back02:00PM Best Of Savdhaan India:Delhi Fights Back03:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back08:00PM Savdhaan India: MumbaiFights Back09:00PM Supercops vs

Supervillains... Shapath10:00PM Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back11:00PM Comedy Classes11:30PM Comedy Classes __________________________

12:00AM Bhanwar01:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM C.I.D05:00AM Bhakti06:00AM Teleshopping06:30AM Bhakti07:00AM Teleshopping08:30AM Comedy Circus KeMahabali09:00AM C.I.D12:00PM Heropanti03:00PM Crime Patrol04:30PM Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela08:00PM Adaalat09:00PM Bhanwar10:00PM C.I.D11:00PM Crime Patrol - Satark11:45PM Bhanwar ___________________________

12:00AM Bezubaan12:50AM Maya01:40AM Piya Re02:10AM Khwaishein02:40AM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara03:05AM Khwaishein03:35AM Maya04:20AM Bezubaan05:00AM Piya Re05:30AM Khwaishein06:00AM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara06:30AM Piya Re07:00AM Khwaishein07:25AM Bezubaan08:10AM Maya09:00AM Piya Re09:30AM Khwaishein10:00AM Bezubaan10:40AM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara11:20AM Bezubaan12:10PM Maya01:00PM Khwaishein01:30PM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara02:00PM Piya Re02:30PM Bezubaan03:20PM Khwaishein03:55PM Maya04:45PM Bezubaan05:40PM Piya Re06:10PM Khwaishein06:40PM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara07:10PM Maya

08:00PM Piya Re08:30PM Khwaishein09:00PM Bezubaan09:45PM Ye Galiyaan Ye Chaubaara10:15PM Maya11:00PM Piya Re11:30PM Khwaishein ___________________________

12:00AM Sound Shuffle01:00AM Teleshopping06:30AM Morning Music Mocha07:00AM Morning Music Mocha08:00AM Morning Music Mania09:15AM Bolly Buster Top 20Countdown10:30AM Tweet Your Beat11:00AM Bindass Juke Box12:00PM Halla Bol (2)01:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui02:00PM Halla Bol (2)03:00PM Love By Chance04:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui05:00PM Fb Jukebox06:00PM Halla Bol (2)07:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui08:00PM Halla Bol (2)09:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui10:00PM Love By Chance11:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui ___________________________

12:00AM V Superstar Preview12:30AM V Distractions01:00AM Gumrah02:00AM Sadda Haq My Life MyChoice02:30AM V Dare 2 Date03:00AM Gumrah04:00AM V Distractions04:30AM Million Dollar Girl05:00AM Sadda Haq My Life MyChoice05:30AM V Dare 2 Date06:00AM Gumrah07:00AM V Superstar Preview07:30AM V Dare 2 Date08:00AM Million Dollar Girl 09:00AM V Fest 201510:00AM Friends : Conditions Apply01:00PM Gumrah02:00PM Special03:00PM V Distractions03:30PM V Superstar Preview04:00PM Million Dollar Girl06:00PM V Day Trippin with the Stars07:00PM Gumrah08:00PM Special09:00PM Sadda Haq 09:30PM V Superstar Preview10:00PM V Day Trippin with the Stars11:00PM Gumrah

TV Channels Schedule TODAY’S STARARIES A social event could bring you into contact with some interesting

people in fascinating fields, Aries, some from distant places.Discussions could turn you on to one or more new interests,which you will probably want to pursue later. You might receivean invitation to visit an exotic place. If you're single, you couldmeet a potential lover. This will be an evening to remember.

TAURUS A burst of physical energy might have you spending hours work-ing out today, Taurus. You might decide to try a new and ambi-tious exercise program. Take care not to push yourself past yourlimits. A heightened sense of adventure combines with a power-ful desire to be fit, and it might drive you to exhaustion if youaren't careful. You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk.

GEMINI Are you involved in an ambitious, creative project of some kind,Gemini? You might have so much to do that you decide to takeon a partner, if you haven't already. When you and this personwork together, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of theparts. Without him or her, you might try to do the whole projectyourself, which won't do you or the project any good.

CANCER The desire to improve your home's appearance might suddenlycome over you today, Cancer. Whether you're planning some redec-orating, landscaping, refurnishing, or simply a thorough cleaning,you will probably take the bull by the horns and concentrate on noth-ing else. The results will speak for themselves. Get family membersto help you. You won't want to be too tired to enjoy what you've done.

LEO Much of your day may be spent running around your neigh-borhood, Leo, perhaps in the company of your partner. Youmay have a lot of errands to run, or perhaps you're just antsyand unwilling to spend the day indoors. Whichever it is, youmay come into contact with some unusual people and events.Take a notebook and camera. You might want a record of it all.

VIRGO A financial windfall might come your way, Virgo. This may not bea lottery win or surprise inheritance. It's probably somethingyou've worked hard for, but more than you expected. As a result,you could walk around in a daze for much of the day. Don't try tomake plans for it. Put it aside until you're used to the idea of hav-ing it. Only then will your practical nature kick in.

LIBRA You're probably feeling full of energy, Libra, and looking foran outlet for it aside from the usual jog or workout. A hikealong a scenic path would be just the thing. Phone a friendand see if you can arrange to do it together. Your friend willprobably be as enthusiastic as you. You may enjoy your-selves so much that you decide to make it a weekly event.

SCORPIO Your subconscious mind is active today, Scorpio, perhaps releas-ing old traumas from the past. Memories from long ago couldpour into your mind as though floodgates were opened. Many ofthem won't be pleasant. This is good nonetheless. You're releas-ing obstacles caused by these memories. By the end of the dayyou will feel so much lighter. Make the most of it.

SAGITTARIUSYou tend to be an adventurous soul by nature, Sagittarius. Today thedesire to do something you've never done before could be over-whelming. You might toy with outrageous ideas like learning to sky-dive or bungee jump. You probably you won't go that far, but youcould opt for something like river rafting or mountain climbing. Youhave a lot of options open to you. Think about them.

CAPRICORN If you've been thinking about studying astrology, Capricorn, thisis the day to do it. Even if you already know the field, you mightdecide to branch out into a newer or more radical aspect, such asDraconic or galactic astrology. You will learn more quickly andretain more of what you learn, so no matter what interests you,this is the day to put some effort into learning more about it.

AQUARIUS Your innate sense of adventure is active today, Aquarius. Travelis on your mind. You and some friends may kick around ideas foran unconventional trip to an exotic place, such as sailing to Tahiti.The urge could pass, but it might not. Do some research and findout what your options really are. It might not work out as you visu-alized, but a little adventure could do you some good.

PISCES Career matters may involve some touchy circumstances thatrequire ingenious methods to solve, Pisces. You're in the rightframe of mind to come up with them. You're definitely up for achallenge, and you will probably dig right in and come up with lotsof great ideas. These concepts will not only get you through thecurrent situation but also prove useful in the future. Go to it.

Microsoft willbe bringingo c t a - c o r e

processors and pow-erful graphics close todesktop-level toWindows 10 smart-phones and tabletssoon, as per thedescription of aMicrosoft session atthe upcoming GDC(Game DevelopersConference) conferenceon March 6. Alsoannounced was nativeflac audio format sup-port for Windows 10smartphones and tabletsin the future.

Titled "SustainedGaming Performance in Multi-Core Mobile Devices(Presented by Microsoft)," thedescription of the presentationclearly states that, "Windows10 phones and tablets with 8CPUs and very powerful GPUsare expected soon." Specific togaming, the session is fordevelopers to learn how todesign games that make use ofthe powerful hardware withouttriggering the throttlingrequired by mobile deviceswith passive cooling. The postpoints to the release of flagshipWindows 10 smartphones andtablets later this year, whichfits in with a previous report

that pegged thenext flagship tolaunch inSeptember 2015.

It also fits inwith another

report ,that quotesthe Director ofProduct Marketing forMicrosoft Mobile Devices, IfiMajid, to say the nextWindows 10 flagship smart-phone will arrive "later thissummer". The firm last weekalso added that not allWindows Phone smartphoneswill be receiving the Windows10 update. So far, only threehandsets are confirmed for theOS update are Lumia 435, theselfie-happy Lumia 735, or the

g o r -geousgold-e d i -tion

Lumia 930.The 30-minute GDC

session will be held by IulianCalinov, Lead ProgramManager at Microsoft. Theentire post reads, "Modernmobile devices and smart-phones are reaching the com-puting capabilities reserveduntil recently for desktop PCs.Windows 10 phones andtablets with 8 CPUs and verypowerful GPUs are expectedsoon.

Despite significant progressin reducing power consump-

tion these devices areable to draw morepower under sustainedload than can be safelydissipated with currentpassive cooling tech-nologies. Windows 10and the hardware itruns on are designed tosafely handle such situ-ations, mostly by reduc-ing the system perform-ance - which couldaffect game-play nega-tively. Learn to counterthis effect by designinggames that achieve sus-tained thermal-to-quality

tradeoffs in these systems."Microsoft has however not

detailed anything else for now.The fans would have to waitfor the presentation.Meanwhile Microsoft's JoeBelfiore has also confirmedthat Windows 10 will bringflac (Free Lossless AudioCodec) audio format supporton smartphones and tablets(including small-screentablets), though it will beexpected in later builds.Belfiore, while replying to aquery by a user named@Lisan_09 on Wednesday,tweeted that, "@Lisan_09 Yes,FLAC support will be onphones/small tablets... won't bein the first insider build,though, will be a few monthslater.."

Windows 10 Smartphones With Octa-CoreSoCs Due Soon, Hints Microsoft

Creative Sound Blaster Roar BluetoothSpeaker Launched at Rs. 15,999

Google to Change Privacy Policy After Investigation by UK Data WatchdogiTunes 12.1 for OS X UpdateBrings Notification CentreWidget, and More

Apple has rolled out an update for iTunes for OS X,bumping it to version It also added anew widget for easy music playback options.

Users can enable the widget by opening the NotificationCentre and tapping the Edit button.

The new Notification Centre widget introduced in theiTunes update appears similar to the iTunes MiniPlayer. Itincludes basic playbackoptions to play, pause,skip and buy audiotracks - the widgetshows the audiotrack price onthe right side iflistening to asong on iTunesRadio, tappingon which asksusers to authen-ticate the songwith iTunes and buyit.

The design of the iTunes widget is simplistic as it onlyshows the track length, name of the artist and the songalong with the few playback buttons mentioned above.The new widget however misses on some other featureslike volume adjustment, track listing and more that areavailable in the iTunes MiniPlayer.

Apple, as a part of the iTunes update, has alsoannounced improved performance when syncing audiofiles with iOS devices, namely iPhone, iPad and iPod.The iTunes 12.1 app is available for OS X devices andcan be downloaded from the Mac App Store.

On a related note, Apple last month was reported tohave introduced a new 14-day "no-questions-asked returnpolicy" for purchases through its App Store, iBooks, andiTunes. The report claims the new 14-day return policy isnow available in several European countries such asGermany, France and the UK among others. Apple is yetto officially announce the new return policy.


MELBOURNE, JAN 31American top seed Serena

Williams won her sixthAustralian Open and 19thcareer Grand Slam title onSaturday with a 6-3, 7-6 (7/5)victory over Russia`s MariaSharapova.

The triumph means the worldnumber one overtakes 18-timemajor champions MartinaNavratilova and Chris Evert togo a clear second on the all-time Open-era winners` list,three behind Steffi Graf on 22.

It also extends her staggeringdecade-long dominance of archrival Sharapova, with the worldnumber one posting her 16thstraight victory over theRussian.

At 33, she also became theoldest woman to win the title inthe Open-era, taking her tallyat Melbourne Park to six titlesin six appearances in the final.

Contesting her 23rd Slamfinal, she surpassedNavratilova and Evert as she

chases Graf`s Open-era recordof 22. Australia`s MargaretCourt, who played many of hermatch before the Open-era, has

24 titles.The first Australian final in a

decade to feature the tourna-ment`s top two seeds was a

one-sided affair in the first setalthough Sharapova rallied tomake a contest of it in the sec-ond.

An intensely focusedWilliams outgunnedSharapova, cannoning down 18aces, including a 203 kmh (166mph) thunderbolt and glaringat her opponent during keymoments as Sharapova strug-gled to stay in the march.

Sharapova made a disastrousstart when she double faultedto go down a break in the open-ing game, succumbing to pres-sure as Williams aggressivelystood inside the baseline andeasily read the Russian`sintent.

The American then pouncedon a tentative return fromSharapova in the next game tohold serve after swatting a pin-point backhand to the corner ofthe court.

Sharapova, wary of gettinginto a slugfest with the game`smost powerful hitter, surprisedWilliams by throwing occa-sional drop shots into the mix,successfully holding serve.

Heavy rain interrupted play

at 3-2, with Williams takingshelter and towelling down asthe roof was closed, whileSharapova sat courtside thenperformed warm-up exercises.

Williams emerged briefly butwent back inside after sufferinga coughing fit before the matchfinally resumed after 13 min-utes.

The American showed nosign of losing momentumthough, blasting an ace withher first shot and then capitalis-ing after Sharapova gave herthree break points with anotherdouble fault.

Williams committed a doublefault of her own to handSharapova a break against therun of play but immediatelybroke back to take the set after47 minutes.

With the final threatening tobecome a massacre,Sharapova`s fighting qualitiesemerged in the second set, withher serve improved as she heldtwice early, jubilantly fist

pumping each time.She started taking chances

attacking Williams` serve butthe American simply got her-self out of trouble with threeaces.

Sharapova battled to a rarebreak point in the ninth gamebut hit her forehand wide afterfailing to handle the blisteringpower of Williams` return.

She had to hold serving withWilliams up 5-4, holding offchampionship point with a des-perate forehand down the line.

Finally gaining confidence,she held Williams to love in hernext service game to take it to atie-break.

She managed to fend offanother championship at 6-5then Williams thought she hadsealed the win with an ace, giv-ing a wry grin when the umpirecalled let.

She slotted home another aceto seal the tournament, waitingfor the umpire`s call this timebefore jumping for joy.

Serena Williams beats Maria Sharapova inAustralian Open final for 19th Grand Slam title

DUBAI, JAN 31People should not read

too much into TigerWoods’s disastrous per-formance at the PhoenixOpen, according to his closefriend and fellow formerBritish Open championDarren Clarke.

The American 14-timesmajor winner and formerworld number one slumpedto a second-round 82 onFriday, his worst score sinceturning professional in1996.

Clarke himself has strug-gled since winning golf’soldest Major in 2011 atRoyal St. Georges.

The 46-year old NorthernIrishman, who is widelytipped to become Europe’snext Ryder Cup captain, has

not had a top-10 in 55events on the EuropeanTour since lifting the ClaretJug.

“It would be wrong toread any more into how

Tiger player in Phoenixother than to say that anytime you make major swingchanges in your game youare going to have to crawlbefore you walk,” Clarke

told Reuters on Saturday.“It may be fine on the

practice range but you onlyfind out what’s really hap-pening in your game incompetition.

“If Tiger makes changesin his game then he does sofor a reason," Clarke added.

"He’s the best player inthe world and his persever-ance and dedication willensure you’ll find him backup at the pointed end of aleaderboard and not downat the bottom.

“So I am not at all sur-prised or shocked as thatwould be foolish, and ifyou’re making changes inyour game then you’remaking changes.

“He’ll be fine. He’s toogood a player not to be.”

StrugglingTiger Woodswill be finein the end,says DarrenClarke

NEW DELHI, JAN 31After Sri Lanka and India bit the

dust in their respective ODI seriesrecently in New Zealand andAustralia, another Asian power-house Pakistan too suffered a jolt.The Misbah-ul-Haq led side lostthe first ODI match against NewZealand at Wellington on Saturday.

Pakistan who were bundled outfor a paltry 210 runs, lost thematch by a whooping seven wick-et margin. Their loss highlightedanother blow to Asian teams whoare gearing up to perform wellahead of the ICC World Cup start-ing from 14th February.

Sri Lanka lost the seven-matchODI series against New Zealandwith a scoreline showing 2-5. Indiameanwhile failed to register a sin-gle victory in the ongoing ODI tri-series involving Australia andEngland. India were ousted fromthe tri-series on Friday afterEngland enforced a commanding

victory to reach the finals.The manner in which the Asian

teams have lost recently is a wor-rying sign. Most of these losseshave been rather one-sided andthat casts a shadow towards thechances Asian teams have in win-ning the coveted World Cup tro-phy.

World Cup hosts Australia andNew Zealand meanwhile havetaken the game to another levelafter some resounding perform-ances in limited overs game offlate.

Asian teams have been offcolour with both bat and ball, andPakistan's loss on Saturday addedfurther depth. The pace andbounce assisted pitches will pro-vide a stiff test for the likes ofPakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

For now there are two weeks leftas all these three nations will hopeto raise their game and provide asay in the upcoming World Cup.

Asian cricket giants need to performbetter in Australia and New Zealand

PERTH, JAN 31Australian captain

George Bailey is notsurprised that India didnot qualify for the tri-series final and saidthat concentrating onTest cricket beforeheading into the ODIevent might have beenthe reason for theirbelow-par showing.

India failed to winany of their matchesagainst Australia andEngland, finally goingdown to the EoinMorgan-led side bythree wickets yester-day in the virtual semi-final to get knockedout.

However, Baileyopions all's not lost forthe Men in Blue before

the World Cup."Not really. India

would have been con-centrating on Testcricket for a longamount of time where-as the English teamhave had a one-daybuild-up bit longer," hesaid when asked if he

was surprised at Indianot making it to thefinals.

"India know theyhave another couple ofweeks in Australiabefore the World Cupand they will just bebuilding up theirpreparations."

The hosts will takeon England in the sum-mit clash tomorrow butBailey said that theoutcome of the matchwill not have any bear-ing on how his teamtake on the arch-rivalsin their World Cupopener on February 14.

"The conditions areso different from hereto Melbourne that thatwon't have any realbearing," said Baileytoday.

"It'd be nice to winthough, absolutely. Weplay every game towin. We spoke as agroup before theHobart game aboutwinning 13 gamesstraight as a goal. Soit'll be great to win.

Not surprised at India's ouster: George Bailey

MELBOURNE, JAN 31World number one Novak Djokovic

fought off defending champion StanWawrinka over five sets to reach his fifthAustralian Open final on Friday, where hewill meet Andy Murray.

The Serb top seed won 7-6 (7/1), 3-6, 6-4, 4-6, 6-0 in 3hr 30mins and will face theBritish sixth seed for a third time inSunday`s Grand Slam decider.

The clash was Djokovic`s toughestmatch of the tournament and his servewas broken five times in a another titanicduel with the Swiss world number four.

It was their fourth straight Grand Slamencounter to go to five sets with Djokovicwinning three of them. He lost toWawrinka in the quarter-finals at lastyear`s Australian Open.

The top seed won through to his fifthAustralian Open final after winning hisprevious four deciders in Melbourne. Hebeat Murray in the 2011 and 2013 finals.

But Murray also has form againstDjokovic, beating him in the 2012 USOpen and 2013 Wimbledon finals.

It was not a convincing performancefrom Djokovic, who made 49 unforcederrors to 27 winners and won just 70 per-cent of his first serves, but crucially he

broke Wawrinka`s strong serve seventimes.

"My game is dependent on how well Imove. I think I was too defensive, espe-cially in the second set and in the fourthset as well," Djokovic said.

"Stan stepped it up and credit to him fortaking the match to the fifth set.

"I managed to stay consistent and toughin the right moments in the fifth set,served well when I needed to and I`m justso glad to go through."

Djokovic had lost only one of his 74service games prior to the semi-final, butWawrinka broke him in the seventh gameof the match with a series of witheringbackhands.

But the Serb hit straight back with out-standing side-to-side movement to levelup with the set going to a tiebreaker.

Djokovic was too strong in the tiebreakwith Wawrinka too loose with his shots todrop the opening set.

The Swiss fought off break points in hisopening serving game of the second set,but Djokovic double-faulted on breakpoint in the sixth to lose the set.

Both players traded service breaks inthe third set, but the world number oneseized control after Wawrinka could notclose out a 40-15 lead and he reeled offthe next four points to take the lead in thematch.

But again Wawrinka hit back with twobreaks in the fourth set to take it into afifth, just like their three previous GrandSlam encounters.

Two double-faults and an overhit back-hand cost Wawrinka an early servicebreak in the final set and another errantbackhand lost him a second service tohand the Serb a winning 4-0 break.

Australian Open: Djokovic beats Wawrinka inanother five-setter, to meet Murray in final

MADRID, JAN 31The winter transfer

market for Spain came toa close with most clubsrefraining from doing anybusiness.

The window endedFriday night 11 p.m.(local time) with the 20clubs in the BBVAPrimera Liga spending atotal of 45 million euros,the vast majority of whichwas spent by just twoclubs, Valencia and RealMadrid, reports Xinhua.

Meanwhile, nearly allof the other deals in LaLiga, with the exceptionof the purchase of EricBaily by Villarreal andBongonda by Celta Vigowere loan deals, althoughthere were some famousnames involved.

Enzo Perez at 25 mil-lion euros was the mostexpensive purchase of themonth and the Argentinestrengthens a Valenciaside which spent heavilyover the summer.

Real Madrid are nostrangers to big spendingand the club invested afurther 13 million onBrazilian midfielderLucas Silva whileVillarreal spent almost sixmillion on Baily and

Bongonda cost Celta 1.3million euros fromBelgium.

Among the importantloan deals was the returnof Fernando Torres toAtletico Madrid.

'El Nino' received a rap-turous reception on hisreturn to the club wherehe began his career andhas already scored goalsagainst Barcelona andReal Madrid to hint thathis long drought could atlast be over.

As well as buying Baily,Villarreal sold centraldefender Gabriel toArsenal for 20 millioneuros, plus the loan ofCosta Rican internationalJoel Campbell, whoreplaced Cani, anotherplayer to join AtleticoMadrid on loan.

Most of the loan activi-ty has nevertheless takenplace in the lower half ofthe table with Cordobalooking to have investedwell in Bebe (a formerManchester United strik-er) and Edimar, whileOriol Riera joinsDeportivo La Corunafrom Wigan Athletic andAdrian Corlunga returnsto Spain after a brief spellat Brighton.

Transfer window closes inSpain with few major moves

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On ehas tob e

very carefulwhen it comes

to makeup, for itis easy to gooverboard, espe-

cially when itinvolves shimmer.

When appliedproperly, shimmer

can add a glow toyour face and

enhance your features— but there is a fine

line between highlight-ing your features andlooking ghastly. Hereare a few tips one shouldkeep in mind whenusing shimmer:

Consider your age whenusing shimmer. It doesn'treally suit teenagers as itmakes them look mucholder than they are. Womenin their 20s and 30s cancarry off that shiny look


Choose one place on yourface to add shine. You caneither add shimmer to youreyes, cheeks or lips — don'thighlight these three areasall at once. You can add alittle glitter to your nails ifyou want another shimmeryelement.

Shimmer looks goodwhen blended well, so use abrush to do so. Don't useyour fingers as it might notblend as effectively.

The eyes look great whenhighlighted, so try and limitthe use of shimmer to high-light the eyes. It's a greatlook for an evening out.

Shimmer can also beworn in the form of a bronz-er. It especially looks goodon women with a duskycomplexion, but others canuse it too, provided it isblended well.

How to wear shimmer makeup

Hot and sexyMallika Sherawatwho was missing

from the silver screen forquite some will be next inK.C Bokadia’s ‘DirtyPolitics’. The ‘Murder’actress has shot a hot bedscene with much older andveteran actor Om Puri andMallika said that she wasinitially a bit apprehensivewhile shooting the inti-mate scene with senioractor Om Puri.

“I do have some boldscenes with Om Puri in thefilm and since he is a sen-ior actor, it was very diffi-cult for me to do the boldscenes with him. But Imust say he made me verycomfortable and he wasvery professional,"Mallika said here.

Mallika said that she had

to struggle to make a markin Bollywood, basicallywith no godfather in thefilm industry. "Everybodyhas to struggle if you don'thave a godfather. I am stillstruggling. My fans havesupported me a lot," said

the hot actress.

Shooting bold scene isnot new for Mallika. In thepast, she has shot boldscene for ‘Khwahish’ and‘Murder’. ‘Dirty Politics’slated to release on

February 6th also starsJackie Shroff, AnupamKher, Om Puri, AtulKulkarni, Ashutosh Rana,Rajpal Yadav, SushantSingh, Govind Namdev,Charu Sharma andNaseeruddin Shah.

Mallika Sherawat shoots sex scene with Om Puri

Dimpy Mahajan along with Ali QuliMirza was out from grand finale race.Dimpy had declared earlier that she

would marry her Dubai based boyfriend afterthe Bigg Boss 8 grand finale and now that sheis out of the finale race, the wedding is spec-ulated to take place soon. For the past fewmonths, Dimpy was reportedly in a live-inrelationship with her Dubai based boyfriend.

Dimpy met Rahul Mahajan and married onthe reality show “Rahul Dulhaniya LeJayenge”. The duo got married on nationaltelevision in 2010 but a year later, their mar-riage hit the rock. Dimpy moved to policeand filed complaint against Rahul, allegingthat he tortured her physically and mentally.

According to Dimpy, her Dubai-basedlover runs an event management companyand he is quite a possessive person.

Dimpy again got to met her estranged hus-band Rahul Mahajan on the reality show,‘Bigg Boss 8’ house but he denied the reportof renewing relationship with his ex-wife.“We were never enemies. Our friendship hasbecame stronger but that doesn’t mean wewent in to solve our personal problems. Weare nothing less than friends and nothingmore than friends,” Rahul told from Mumbai.

Rahul Mahajan denies getting back toDimpy again. He added that he was underpressure inside the house.

“It was not easy. If Dimpy was having afight with someone it was like I was having afight with them as we are still connected insome different space. It was pressure of twocontestants,” he said.

Jennifer Winget andKaran SinghGrover’s marriage

hit the rocks and nowboth parted ways. Thecouple have filed fordivorce and their twoyears married life isfinally over. Jennifer inan interview said thather estranged husband isa closed chapter in herlife now.

In an interview, whenthe actress was if she isin touch with him or ifshe still considers himher friend, Jennifer said,“No, I am not. As forfriendship, I don’t know.Right now we are not intouch. I don’t thinkabout him. Karan is aclosed chapter for me,though it will always be in the book.”

The estranged couple tied the knot in 2012. Karan who is well known for his flirting nature was earlier married toShraddha Nigam. In the work front, Karan debuted in Bollywood with Bipasha Basu-starrer ‘Alone’ while Jennifer ismaking her debut with Kunal Kohli’s ‘Phir Se’.

Karan Singh Grover is a closed chapter, Jennifer Winget

Actress Tejaswini Kolhapure, sister of veteranBollywood actress Padmini Kolhapure, givesbirth to a baby girl yesterday. Tejaswini, who was

lately seen in Anusrag Kashyap’s ‘Ugly’ revealed abouther pregnancy during the film promotion.

The mother gave birth to the baby at the renownedLilavati Hospital in suburban Mumbai. Tejaswini's hus-band, Pankaj Saraswat, expressed his happiness over thebirth of his first child, eight years after their marriage andinformed that the mother and the baby are doing fine.

Pankaj also revealed about how actress ShraddhaKapoor moved into tears on hearing the arrival of the lit-tle angel. Pankaj’s father-in-law Pandharinath Kolhapure,who is a classical singer wishes to make the newborn asinger just like him.

Discussing the name of the baby, Pankaj said that theyare looking for fusion names but are yet to finalize one.

Tejaswini's niece, actress Shraddha Kapoor took totwitter to announce the good news.

"Hey guys so yesterday was one of the most memorabledays. My masi @TejuKolhapure delivered a beautifulbaby girl," Shraddha posted. Tejaswini, 35, is the sister ofpopular actress Padmini Kolhapure. She is married toPankaj Saraswat.

The ‘Ek Villain’ girl further added, ''I have a lil sister!!The whole family is craaaazy with joy! Will post a picsoon,''.

Hearty congratulations to Tejaswini and Pankaj!

Tejaswini Kolhapuregives birth to a baby girl

What Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh did at ‘AIBKnockout’ was simply bold. Though the actors didn’t exact-ly do anything, both the macho men had enough to bear.

The stand up comedians Ashish Shakya, Tanmay Bhatt, Rohan Joshiand G Khamba did their best to make the viewers roar with laughter.The two actors were the chief ones being insulted, while the otherswere fully enjoying- until came their turn!

Deepika was among the audience, witnessing the insult of herb o y f r i e n dRanveer Singh.Yet another ladylove was ArjunK a p o o r ’ srumoured girl-friend SonakshiSinha who wasalso present atthe event. Thebubbly actressAlia Bhatt wasalso present.

Deepika did areally big mis-take sitting inthe front row.Seated right in the front, she was the easiest target of the comedians.It was obvious that they would dive into her personal life, and theydid! Rohan Joshi remarked, “We wanted to get Ranbir but could man-age only Ranveer – which is also what Deepika did.” If the audiencedidn’t find this amusing enough, Karan Johar had something more tomake her blush, “The last good thing Ranveer was in was DeepikaPadukone.”

Then came Sonakshi’s turn to bear it all. She was asked, “Why wasLootera based on the Last Leaf?” The kings of laughter had an inter-esting answer to give, “Sonakshi ate the rest of the leaves!” If thiswasn’t enough, they further said, “We are kidding, Sonakshi doesn’teat salads”. But the best one was still to come- “Sonakshi and Arjunare dating guys. But hey, you can’t be dating her”. Again, the come-dians had a short and hilarious reply – “You can’t have carbs Arjun.”

When it was Alia’s turn, it was obvious that she would be praisedfor her outstanding GK. She herself had earlier told, “Log Alia Bhatthot pics ke jagah Alia Bhatt jokes Google karne ke lage”. The one thatgarnered the loudest cheers was, “Alia does not even know what ISISis. And it’s not the ISI mark you find in your home appliances.”

Though Sonam Kapoor wasn’t present, Sanjay Kapoor was there tobear the insult on her behalf, “It takes a special person to be the leasttalented person in a family that has Sonam and Sanjay Kapoor.”Another joke targeted on Kapoor khandan was the one made byKaran Johar. Talking to Arjun Kapoor, he said, “In 2 States, you playa Punjabi guy who falls for a hot South Indian girl. Basically youplayed Boney Kapoor.”

The first thing that pops intomind on hearing the title‘Hawaizaada’ is definitely

not science and invention.Though it sounds like a typicalHindi movie, this upcoming filmis one of a kind. The poster fea-tures a nerd avatar of AyushmannKhurrana against the backgroundof an age old aeroplane. Here aretop reasons to watch this moviethat hits the silver screens on30th January:

A real life story: The movie isthe biography of an Indian scien-tist Shivakar Bapuji Talpade. Theworld knows Wright brothers asthe inventors of the very firstaeroplane. But the truth is thatTalpade was the one who envi-sioned that humans could literal-ly fly, thanks to science. Heinvented the first aeroplane in the19th century. This took placeeven before the Wright brothersachieved credit for their out-standing innovation.

‘Hawaizaada’ tells the story ofthe hardships that Talpade had toundergo.

The eminent personality:Filmmakers have made an excel-lent choice of selecting ShivakarBapuji Talpade for the biopic.The movie would be touching asit would depict the struggle ofthis scientist and how he stoodhis ground against all odds. Itclearly shows how much fightingspirit the Indians possess and towhat great lengths they can go torealize their dreams.

Ayushmann in the lead role:The handsome actor won thehearts of millions in the start ofhis career. His dashing style andstunning looks were loved in‘Vicky Donor’ and the moviesthat followed. But ‘Hawaizaada’features him in a totally differentavatar. He keeps the audiences’eyes glued to the screen just withthe trailer- imagine what magic

he is going to create with the fullmovie!

Old is gold: Another interestingaspect of ‘Hawaizaada’ is that itwill give us a peek into howBombay looked in the older days.The audience will get to see thelovely architectures of 1895. Themovie tells the story of the dayswhen India was being ruled byEast India Company. Besides thestreet life of those olden times,the movie is a mix of the darkand the bright. It features ancientfashion, the culture of thosetimes and also the struggle andhardships faced by the dreamers.

Mithun Chakraborty: He willdon the role of a man calledShashtri. Already havingAyushmann Khurrana on board,the presence of Mithun is goingto be the icing on the cake. It isdefinitely worth seeing how twogreat actors share the screenspace.

Top reasons to watchAyushmann's ‘Hawaizaada’

AIB Knockout grilled Deepika,Sonakshi and Alia, face insult

Dimpy Mahajan set to marryDubai based boyfriend