01 Bigdata Overview



Bigdata Overview

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© 2013 IBM CorporationAugust 18, 2014

BigData Overview


What is BigData

Use Cases

The IBM Big Data Platform

1 in 2business leaders don’t have access to data they need

83%of CIO’s cited BI and analytics as part of their visionary plan

5.4Xmore likely that top performers use business analytics

80% of the world’s data today is unstructured

90% of the world’s data was created in the

last two years

20%of available data can

be processed by traditional systems

Source: GigaOM, Software Group, IBM Institute for Business Value"

Intrinsic Property of Data … it grows

A growing Interconnected and Instrumented World

2+ billion

people on the

Web by end 2011

30 billion RFID tags today

(1.3B in 2005)

4.6 billion camera phones

world wide

100s of millions of GPS

enabled devices

sold annually

76 million smart meters in 2009… 200M by 2014

500+ Million users posting 55 Million

tweets every day

1+ Billion active users spending 700 Million minutes per







Characteristics of Big Data

V4 = Volume Velocity Variety Veracity

Collectively analyzing the broadening Variety

Responding to the increasing Velocity

Cost efficiently processing the growing Volume

Establishing the Veracity of big data sources

1 in 3 business leaders don’t trust the information they use to make decisions

50x 35 ZB


30 Billion RFID sensors and counting

80% of the worlds data is unstructured

Commoditization of Hardware Enabling New Analytics

Low cost compute platform– 1 petabyte Hadoop cluster for approx $1 million– Hadoop architecture

• Optimized for high data volumes Clusters of affordable machines running a Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce processing

– Hardware failure is expected and managed

Hardware Appliance– Up and Running with new cluster in hours

Cloud– Up and Running with new cluster in minutes– Pay what you use

© 2013 IBM Corporation6 Source: Forbes: “The Big Cost of Big Data”

Big Data ExplorationFind, visualize, understand

all big data to improve decision making

Enhanced 360o Viewof the Customer

Extend existing customer views by incorporating additional internal and external data sources

Data Warehouse AugmentationIntegrate big data and data warehouse

capabilities to increase operational efficiency

Security/Intelligence Extension

Lower risk, detect fraud and monitor cyber security

in real-time

The 5 Key Big Data Use Cases

© 2013 IBM Corporation7

Operations AnalysisAnalyze a variety of machine

data for improved business results

More Ways - Wide Ranging Analytics & Techniques

© 2013 IBM Corporation8

Machine Learning

Video Analysis

Audio Analysis

Statistics Text Analysis

Image Analysis

Spatial Analysis

Temporal Analysis

Medical information is doubling every 5 years, much of which is unstructured

81% of physicians report spending 5 hours or less per month reading medical journals

Source: International Journal of Circumpolar Health, DoctorDirectory.com, Institute for Medicine"

“Medicine has become too complex (and only) about 20 percent of the knowledge clinicians use today is evidence-based”

- Steven Shapiro, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, UPMC…to keep up with the state of the art, a doctor would have to devote 160 hours a week to perusing papers…”

The Economist Feb 14th 2013

Big Data and Complexity in Health Care

Cloud | Mobile | Security

Gather, extract and explore data

using best of breed visualization

Speed time to value with analytic

and application accelerators

IBM Big Data Platform

Systems Management

Applications & Development

Visualization & Discovery

Analyze streaming data and large data bursts for real-time


Govern data quality and

manage information


Cost-effectively analyze

Petabytes of structured and unstructured information

Deliver deep insight with advanced

in-database analytics and operational



Information Integration & Governance


Stream Computing

Data Warehouse

Contextual Discovery

Index and federated discovery

for contextual collaborative



Analytics and Decision Management

Big Data Infrastructure

Big Data Platform and Application Frameworks

ETL, MDM, Data Governance

Metadata and Governance Zone


Warehousing Zone

Enterprise Warehouse

Data Marts

An example of the big data platform in practiceIngestion and Real-time Analytic Zone


Connector s

BI & Reporting


Analytics and Reporting Zone

Visualization & Discovery

Landing and Analytics Sandbox Zone

Hive/HBaseCol Stores

Documentsin variety of formats



Integrate and Govern all Data Sources

Integration, Data Quality, Security, ILM, MDM

A Big Data Platform Manifesto


Manage Streaming Data Stream Computing

Understand and Navigate Federated Big Data Sources

Federated Discovery and Navigation

Data WarehousingStructure and Control Data

Manage and Store Huge Volume of any Data

Hadoop File SystemMapReduce

Analyze Unstructured Data Text Analytics Engine

© 2013 IBM Corporation13

Use Cases for a Big Data Platform

Financial services– Problem:

• Manage the several Petabytes of data which is growing at 40-100% per year under increasing pressure to prevent frauds and complain to regulations.

– How big data analytics can help:• Fraud detection• Risk management• 360°View of the Customer

© 2013 IBM Corporation14

Use Cases for a Big Data Platform

Telecommunication services– Problem:

• Legacy systems are used to gain insights from internally generated data facing issues of high storage costs, long data loading time, and long administration process.

– How big data analytics can help:• CDR processing• Churn prediction• Geomapping / marketing• Network monitoring

© 2013 IBM Corporation15

Use Cases for a Big Data Platform

Transportation services– Problem:

• Traffic congestion has been increasing worldwide as a result of increased urbanization and population growth reducing the efficiency of transportation infrastructure and increasing travel time and fuel consumption.

– How big data analytics can help:• Real time analysis to weather and traffic congestion data streams to identify traffic

patterns reducing transportation costs.

© 2013 IBM Corporation16

Use Cases for a Big Data Platform

Healthcare and Life Sciences– Problem:

• Vast quantities of real-time information are starting to come from wireless monitoring devices that postoperative patients and those with chronic diseases are wearing at home and in their daily lives.

– How big data analytics can help:• Epidemic early warning• Intensive Care Unit and remote monitoring

© 2013 IBM Corporation


