0000 Yantras




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Sri chakra

A Yantra is a symbolic diagrammatic representation of a Deity, or parts of human body, various aspects of life - both spiritual and material, the shad chakras, the nadi centers etc. Take the above Sri Yantra (Also called Shree Chakra) for example. It represents Devi Lalita Tripura Sundari or Kamakshi Devi or Shodasi Devi or Shakti. The outer 3 lines, called the 1st Avarana, represent her feet, the inside 8 petal lotus, called the 3rd Avarana, represents her nabhi or naval and so on. There are 28 Devies placed in specific places on the 3 lines - or her feet. The other Avaranas also have different Devies placed at different specific locations. While doing Tantrik worship, where each of these Devies are individually worshipped with mantras and by offering flowers or Akshintas etc., it is more convenient to worship a Yantra than a picture or an idol. The same is the case with Hanuman yantra, or Kubera yantra or Navagraha yantra etc. - with variations in deities, numbers, locations and beeja mantras etc.

In the olden days people used to draw a yantra at the pooja place, on the ground or on a wooden board or metal piece, with rice flour or wheat flour or sindoor. This was very convenient but while doing pooja it can easily get erased. A longer lasting method was to make a yantra by engraving the yantra on a copper or brass plate. The rich class used silver or gold plates. They had to go through all this trouble because in those days there was no paper or printing. The metallic materials are used essentially to enhance the longevity and the visual presentation. In some cases for certain specific purposes yantras made of gold, silver etc are prescribed. Today, for regular normal worship the best is to get a good printed yantra and laminate it.

If the purpose of your buying a yantra is simply to hang it at the pooja place, or wear it, or do a simple worship with a stotra or mantra, then you are better off buying a picture or an idol of that God than a yantra, because, for example, the photo of Lord Shiva is more familiar to you and invokes more bhakti feeling than His yantra.

However, If you want to do a proper Tantrik worship (which gives quicker and better results), by ritualistically following all the anganyasa, karanyasa, mudra, avahana, pratisthana, offerings, rituals and worship the various places of the yantra with the prescribed beeja mantras, then a yantra is more useful. For proper Tantrik worship you have to do the pratisthana yourself and by following all the rules do a 100,000 times mantra japa within 44 days (one mandala). Normally people do 125,000 times mantra japa in 48 days - the extra number to take care of any mistakes in pronunciation or counting.

Even if you cannot do a full ritualistic pratisthana etc, at least you must worship 108 times daily with the prescribed mantra.

Now a days a lot of self proclaimed Mantriks, Tantriks and web pundits are promising the sun, moon and the stars to gullible people with all kinds of nonsense.

"We will send you an energized, mantra-charged and Tantrified karya siddhi copper yantra for just Rs.2500. You wear it around your neck in red thread and go to the person and your business deal will be through as you want it." - says one sales line. Well, if it really works then why can't the fellow wear it himself and go and hook Bill Gates or Mukesh Ambani for a billion Dollar deal?

Don't get conned by such nonsense and waste your money.

The Tantrik worship of yantras with mantras does exist. Lord Shiva gave 64 yantras, with specific mantras for them, to mankind to attain various siddhis. To his consort Devi He gave the Sri Yantra, which is equal to all other 64 put together. Out of these other Rishis created more variations. If worshipped properly observing all the rules, they do work. If not they don't. In fact if not worshipped properly quite a few of them may misfire and cause all kinds of troubles. Doing a Tantrik worship of a yantra is bloody tough and very few can do it properly.

Even in regular Vedic poojas a lot of remedies and specific goal oriented poojas, mantras, stotras are given which you can do yourself. For example, let us say you have a hearing problem. As a remedy you can do a simple pooja and recital daily yourself. Keep a picture of Lord Vishnu or Krishna and worship His ears portion with the Vishnu pooja verse "Om Kanja lochanaya Namah - Karnam poojayami". Or if you are seeking wealth worship His chest (His Vaksha sthala - where Goddess Lakshmi resides) with the verses 64 & 65 of Vishnusahasranama as follows:

"Anivarti nivrutatma samkshepta kshema-kruchivahShrivasta-vakshah shrivasah shripatih shrimatam-varah ..64Shridah shrishah shrinivasah shrinidhih shri-vibhavanahShridharah shrikarah shreyah shriman loka-trayashrayah ..65

Here Shri means wealth. This is also an effective cure if you have heart trouble as you are worshipping the heart of the God.

Lord Krishna advised Arjuna, "Worship that part of my body corresponding to what you seek"

A few other examples of similar worship:

Suppose you are having eye trouble. Worship Devi Kamakshi picture or idol, the eyes part, with Her Vedic pooja pooja verse, "Om Chakravartinyai Namah Netra-dwayam (both eyes) poojayami".

Suppose you are having stomach related troubles. Worship Devi Kamakshi picture or idol, the stomach part with Her Vedic pooja pooja verse, "Om Chakranadhayai Namah udaram (stomach) poojayami".

What is a Yantra?Literally "Loom" or later, meaning "Instrument" or even "Machine". In actual practice a Yantra is a symbolic representation of aspects of divinity, usually the Mother Goddess. It is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures, typically circles, triangles and floral patterns that form fractal patterns of great elegance and beauty. Though drawn in two dimensions, a Yantra is supposed to represent a three dimensional object. Three-dimensional Yantras are now becoming increasingly common. The Yantra is primarily a meditation tool both for serious spiritual seekers as well as sculptors in the classical tradition. Before creating their artifact in wood, stone or metal, they draw up a Yantra that represents the attributes of the god they wish to sculpt. Intense meditation upon it causes the fully formed image to leap into the mind's eye with an intensity that is remarkable for its imprinting ability, for then they do not need to use a sketch till the completion of the image. Yantras are also used for more mundane purposes, to enhance the quality of life, to attract prosperity and abundance, even love, to heal and relieve health problems, to protect oneself from negative forces and so on. The Yantra is mistakenly thought to be a symbol purely of the manifold aspects of the Mother Goddess. This is an understandable error as most Yantras are indeed connected to the Goddess the most famous one being the Sri Yantra, an abstract representation of the Mother (and Father too!) as Cosmos. This Sri Yantra is commonly misunderstood to represent Laxmi, goddess of fortune, but it is more true to say it includes and transcends every notion of divinity ever conceived by the Indian spiritual imagination. However there are Yantras for Ganesha and Kubera too, male deities, though they share a common Yaksha origin with Laxmi. The Yaksha were the original chthonic deities of India and the Yantra system seems to have been incorporated into the Vedic worldview at a later stage. Within the body of the more complex Yantras are inscribed the monosyllabic mantras, the bija or seed mantras, that are supposed to constitute the spiritual body of the goddess or god. The design always focuses the attention onto the center of the Yantra, usually a dot or bindu, which is the Locus Mundi, the center of all things and represents the Unmanifested Potential of all creation. The other figures usually symbolize the various stages within the unfolding of creation. Thus, every Yantra is a symbolic representation of both the deity as well as the universe, as the mother goddess not only permeates the substance of the universe, she is, literally, the Universe itself. Abstract geometric representations of the universe, which do not represent a diety, are called mandalas, however. Thus every Yantra is a mandala, though not all mandalas are Yantras. In ancient texts, Lord Shiva is supposed to have explained the mystical meaning of the Yantra to his consort, the Goddess Parvati thus, "The Yantra is as essential to a god as oil is to the oil lamp or as a body is to a living human being". Yantras are constructed on the immutable laws of sacred geometry, being symbolic representations of the energy patterns of a deity and are the most powerful 'centering' devices for harnessing the divine energies. The Yantra is actually more powerful than an image of god which, to be energized, needs a Yantra to be affixed at its base or back anyway! A Yantra always has a mantra associated with it. Just as the mind is a part of yet different from the body, so is the mantra from the Yantra. The mantra is the mind consciousness while the Yantra is the form of the deity. There are four basic types of Yantras: Yantras of deities, of which the most prominent are the Shakta Yantras (these are usually forms of the Great Mother or the Mahavidyas- 'Sources of supreme knowledge'); Astrological Yantras (used to harness the energies of the nine major planets); Architectural Yantras (used for the ground plans of temples); and, the Numerical Yantras (comprising select combinations of numbers which serve as talismans). Yantras, besides fulfilling their basic purpose, can help you prosper in your business or career and also help bestow good health, wealth, happiness and success upon you. indiayogi offers you energized Yantras from its Yogi Shop. These Yantras, be it copper/panch-dhatu/crystal, can be placed in your temple, put above a door or kept at your work place where, if worshipped with sincere devotion, they will bring their own rewards.

Shri Yantra

Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. "Sree Yantra" - Sree meaning wealth and Yantra - Meaning "Instrument" - The Instrument for Wealth The Sree Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth Shree Yantra blesses the worshiper with peace, happiness, popularity, power, authority, wealth, prosperity & success. This ancient Yantra has been used since centuries by Kings, political leaders & men in authority for attaining fame, power & financial success, and is of utmost importance to men in 'Kalyuga', since it can help them achieve all they desire in life.

Having this Yantra is undeniably the easiest and best way of bidding adieu to one's financial problems forever. And its use can be as diverse as the means for acquiring wealth that manifest once it is obtained.It can never be that an incense stick be lit and no fragrance emanate. Similarly a human under the benevolent effect of Shree Yantra is ever showered upon by wealth, money and comforts. Any person can in fact gain wealth, fame, respect, power, prosperity, vehicles and all luxuries by simply placing a Shree Yantra at home and worshipping it.

For best results, we will recommend two Shree Yantras, one for home and one for work place.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Shri Yantra for Success

Shri Yantra for Wealth

Shri Yantra for Well Being

Shri Yantra for Good Luck

Sarvkarya Sidhi Yantra

A highly effective Yantra, which ensures the individual's well-being & success in almost every aspect of his life. The Yantra is composed of a circle, divided into seven equal segments, each segment containing a figure & a number. One is for knowledge, wisdom & healing of diseases; one denotes music, confidence & happiness; for family progress in the present and future; For health, wealth, prosperity, a comfortable & happy home, and protection from all troubles; For power, authority, finances of the individual & those dependent on him. It also signifies success in politics, favors from superiors & fulfillment of all desires; for protection against the 'evil eye' and other dangers to both - the individual & his family; for courage against all odds, ensuring success in all activities. This Yantra should be hung in the house at a prominent place, or kept in the 'Pooja' or prayer room, for success in practically everything one does.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Subhlabh Yantra

Shubh Labh Yantra is a combined Yantra of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh and is called Maha Yantra. Through Ganesh Yantra one attains Siddhi and through lakshmi one is blessed with wealth. Shubh Labh Yantra can be placed in Pooja Ghar (Worship place), in cash box or a Almirah . Subh Labh Yantra is energized by reciting its Beej mantra 1008 times and also the homa is performed with 108 mantras. Subh Labh Yantra is very auspicious and is a combined Yantra for worship of Goddess Lakshmi & Lord Ganesha. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth & prosperity & Lord Ganesha, the God of success in any venture. Hence Shubh Labh Yantra, as the name denotes, is a Yantra for good luck, fame, wealth and increase in income & profits.

It is highly recommended that every home shall install Shubh Labh Yantra for the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. Shubh Labh yantra would not only open the doors of your destiny but would also bless you with all happiness and prosperity. It is a tested Yantra, Keep this Yantra in your home or in you purse on any rising moon Sunday, you would be crowned with Success. Businessmen or Shop Keepers shall keep Shubh Labh Yantra in their offices or shops to increase their sales.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Vayaparvridhi Yantra

Vyapar' means business and 'Vriddhi' means increase. As the name signifies, this Yantra increases sales, turnover and profits in business or profession, and blesses the owner or holder of this Yantra with success, progress and prosperity in work & career. It blesses the worshipper with achievement of objectives, accomplishment of targets, and overall success in ventures. Increase in business and profits are guaranteed.

We recommend Vayaparvridhi Yantra for every person who has his office or a shop or a showroom. He should keep the Vayaparvridhi Yantra at his place and see the difference.

Vayaparvridhi Yantra is fixed at the place of business and is used for increase the sales and profits in business or when the business of any body is under check by opponents, the Yantra acts as antidote and sales , profits of the business improves manifold. Vayaparvridhi Yantra bestows wealth and happiness to the worshipper. The Yantra has been tested at many places successfully. The persons who are out of employment or wants up gradation in their service or increase in the business must use Vayaparvridhi Yantra.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Shukra (Venus) Yantra

When Venus is malefic to the native, the use of this Yantra is most beneficial. It bestows respect, love of opposite sex and peace of mind. In shukla paksha ( Full Moon half of the month) on Friday Yantra is to be worshipped. This can be kept on person or kept in Pooja place.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Vashikaran Yantra

This Yantra is used to enchant (spell) and bring the person you love in your life. It can also be used for attraction and drawing someone in your life. It is a very powerful Yantra. If your Saturn is bad then you can use together with Nav Graha Yantra to maximize the benefit. Vashikaran can also be used to attract prosperity and success in your life. It concentrates the energy of your mind waves to influence the woman or man of your dreams and within a period of 40 to 90 days attracts her or him towards you.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Santan Gopal Yantra

Yantra for getting a child and a safe progeny. All your Prayers for progeny would be answered through this Yantra. This Yantra also prevents miscarriage during pregnancy.

We provide this Yantra along with the elaborate instructions for using the same.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Kuber Yantra

Lord Kuber is the God of wealth and money, and denotes wealth, money and success in business as well as acquisition and accumulation of wealth.

It blesses the owner of this Yantra with wealth & prosperity. It opens up avenues for new sources of income; increases fund flow & encourage accumulation of wealth. This Yantra is recommended for growth in business, career & profession as well as increase in income & wealth. It bestows wealth, prosperity and good fortune on the owner of this Yantra. Worship of Kuber Yantra gives the worshipper all these results.

The owner of the Yantra will never be lacking money & material comforts - his house & treasury will always be full, and he & his family never have shortage of resources.

This Yantra is kept in house temple, Cash box, almirah and in offices where financial transactions are made.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Mahalakshmi Yantra

Mahalakshmi Yantra is for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, "the Eternal Goddess of Wealth & Prosperity". It is believed that mere "Darshan" (sight) of this unique Mahalakshmi Yantra in the morning blesses the person with Wealth. It bestows wealth, prosperity and good fortune on the worshipper. All desires are fulfilled by uttering the Mantra of this Goddess, and the worshipper is never lacking in money & material comforts - his house & treasury are always full, and he & his family never face shortage of resources. Mahalakshmi Yantra is placed in cash box, almirah, purse or in temple of your house after worship (pran pratishta). Mahalakshmi Yantra brings success and wealth through regular Pooja and mantra chanting. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Gayatri Yantra

Gayatri Devi is Maha Devi and deity of Shri Gayatri Yantra. The Yantra contains Panchmukhi or Ashat Mukhi. Gayatri devi seated on a Lotus.

This Yantra is one of the most Holy & auspicious Yantras. It increases mental and physical strength, cures diseases, protects one from enemies, and is excellent for general well-being. It increases soul power, awakens the spiritual self & brings one closer to his self and God. It also leads a person on to the right path, blesses him with peace, happiness and inner satisfaction. It also ensures overall growth & development of the individual and his family.

After worship (Pooja), this Yantra is kept in a house, business place. By the regular use of this Yantra, one cannot be affected by souls, spirits and is blessed with health, wealth and happiness. In case a house or man is afflicted by souls and spirits, the Yantra after Pooja be dipped in water, and water be sprinkled in house for a week, all spirits etc., will vanish. The man should take rice and milk and water be taken during the days of Pooja. Light ghee lamp during day and till all night continuously.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Saraswati Yantra

Goddess Saraswati bestows intellect, intelligence and is the patron goddess of learning and music. This occult Yantra sharpens the intellect, improves grasping power, increases memory & concentration. It is a must for those who are dull-witted or have suffered breaks in their education, and for those who are suffering from the bad effects of a malefic Jupiter. This Yantra ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations. It is a known remedy for mental disorders, weak intellectual growth and lunacy. Saraswati Yantra also develops & increases the knowledge, understanding & appreciation of creative arts, especially fine art & music. In addition, Saraswati Yantra has the power to bless married women with a happy life & conjugal bliss, and unmarried ones with an ideal mate & a satisfying married life.

By constant worship of this Yantra one becomes learned, famous and praise from all. Knowledge is power. Everybody needs enhance their knowledge through various ways like academic pursuits, private study of religious/ spiritual treatises etc. Properly prepared Sarswati Yantra, if propitiated with ardent devotion can definitely enhance the knowledge of the devotee. By worshipping Saraswati Yantra students will perform well in the examinations. Concentration and memory power will increase. Only good thoughts will spring up form their minds. For acquiring spiritual wisdom also, the grace of Goddess Saraswati very essential.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Mahamritunjay Yantra

Yantra to free the fear of death, grave dangers, fatal diseases and makes it's worshipper courageous and healthy.

This Yantra is for the worship of Lord Shiva, and is extremely powerful. This Yantra is known to relieve one from any dreadful chronic diseases, all sorts of fear and phobia, influence of all evil planets, spells, ghosts and spirits. It also bestows fortune, name, fame, wealth and prosperity.

The use and upasana of Maha Mritunjay Yantra is worship of Lord Mahamritunjay Shiva and is most auspicious and bestows the person with wealth, health and happiness, good fortune and fame. Maha Mritunjay Yantra dispels all sort of fears, influence of evil planets, fear of ghosts accidental death and disease etc. Maha Mritunjay yantra particularly releives one from all dreadful diseases. The person who perform Pooja to Mahmritunjay Yantra , remains in good health and free from all ailments.

Lord Mrityunjay Mahadev is the winner of death. On worshiping Mrityunjay Mahadev one can escape from miseries and troubles of this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. He eats our troubles, tensions, stress as well as our ego. Lord Mrityunjay is the doctor of soul and sentiments.

To avoid effects of souls and other calamities, Maha Mritunjay yantra, after Pooja and after being energized, is fixed on the outer Gates of the house.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Mangal (Mars) Yantra

Yantra For Health and Marriage - Mangal ( Mars )YantraYantra for Luck in Business & Health.

This Yantra is very powerful and gives quick results. As the name denotes, this Yantra spells general well-being, good fortune & prosperity for the whole family. It also frees the person from debts, offers protection from accidents, cures diseases and anger/temper and ensures quick recover from surgeries etc. In the case of any grave problem or severe disease, the Yantra should be worshipped daily for quick relief. It ensures cosmic blessings of the Deities. This Yantra is also used where there is delayed marriage because of position of mars in the chart. Shri Mangal Yantra/Mars Yantra is worshipped on Tuesday by keeping fast for 21 Tuesday continuously according to rituals. The ladies or gents who are deprived off the marriage even up to 30 to 40 years due to certain obstacles or married life is full of miseries and difficulties, bickerings, threatened separation or divorce, should worship Mangal Yantra/Mars Yantra to ward off above evils.Also Mangal Yantra/Mars Yantra works remarkably in case of abortions, denial of children, one remains in debt and is not capable to repay in spite of honest intentions rather debt increases making the life hell, all these difficulties can be overcome by the worship of Mangal Yantra/Mars Yantra.When Mars is malefic or one is of rash temperament, Mangal Yantra/ Mars Yantra is extremely useful. One overcomes his enemies, protects from effects of poisonous articles. Mangal Yantra/ Mars shall be kept on rising moon Tuesday, Mangal Yantra/ Mars removes the evil effects of Mars like injury, accident etc. Those who are suffering from high blood pressure and those whose Mars is placed in first, fourth , seventh and tenth house shall keep this Yantra at their homes or with themselves to ward off the evil effects of planet Mars on them. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Surya (Sun) Yantra

Yantra to appease the planet Sun

The power of Surya, the sun god, is conceived of as dispelling darkness both spiritual and earthly, curing disease, heating and illuminating the world. Surya is father of Manu (progenitor of the human race), Yama (lord of death), the Asvins (twin celestial horsemen), Karna (great warrior of the Mahabharata), and Sugriva (king of the monkeys).

Sun stands for power and authority. When one is deprived of happiness through termination of service, suspension or through opponents or diseases etc., then such difficulties are overcome and cure from disease is attained with good health through Pooja of Surya Yantra. Surya Yantra enhances the peace of mind, gets favor from Superior, officers and Govt. The Surya Yantra after Pooja is worshipped in temple of your house. By the use of Surya Yantra enemies are suppressed and eliminated the malefic effects of Sun. When Sun is Malefic in birth Chart of a native or according to the rashi based on his name the planet indicates malefic effects then the Surya Yantra is very useful. Surya Yantra shall be placed on any rising Moon Sunday. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Vahandurghtna Yantra

Yantra for Protection from Accidents/Mishaps

'Vaahan' is vehicle and 'Durghatna' is accident. As the name denotes, this Yantra ensures protection from accidents, injury, or other mis-haps, especially those related to vehicles. It acts as a shield to protect and save the worshipper from any such mis-fortunes, and ensures his own, his family's and his belonging's safety during journeys. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Durga Yantra

Durga Yantra is of Shri Durga Ambe Maa. Durga Yantra is worshipped through Beej mantra and yields good results. Durga Yantra is a powerful Yantra for attaining desires, to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies are the special effects of this Yantra. Durga Yantra bestows wealth and property and protects the person from all sorts of dangers.

Worship of this Yantra as per Adhayaya 4 sloka 17 of Durga Saptashati removes poverty. It also indicates result when used in neck, arm or on body. Durga Yantra is most famous Yantra in different forms and is very effective, provided it is prepared and Pooja is performed with kinds of flowers and put in the smoke of lamp lighted with black agar with rituals and full faith.

Ganesh Yantra

Ganesh Yantra to get Success in Business and Profession

Ganesh is the foremost God. He is worshipped first on all auspicious occasions, whether it is a marriage or a religious function. Ganeshji is also invoked and worshipped before any festival, or a new project or venture that a Hindu undertakes. He is the remover of all sankat (obstacles) and is an extremely benevolent god, fulfilling the wishes of those whom pray to him sincerely. The worshiper of this Yantra is blessed with success in work & business, good luck & new opportunities in career, fulfillment of wishes & desires and achievement of goals & objectives.

The one who does Pooja of Ganesh Yantra is blessed with success in his work, business, undertaking & desires. Ganesh Pooja is must before starting any work. It is most auspicious. He is worshipped for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi, intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts.

Guru Adi Shankaracharya has recommended that every home shall establish Ganesh Yantra on its outer door or wall to get protection from all evils.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Navgraha (Nine Planets) Yantra

Yantra for Prosperity - Navgraha Yantra

This Yantra is a combined Yantra for all the nine planets and is divided into nine squares, each one with a talisman representing one planet. It is an extremely useful & beneficial Yantra, since it's worship strengthens benefic planets & increases their positive influence and pacifies malefic planets & neutralizes their negative effect. This Yantra is recommended for all, particularly those whose planets are detrimental or malefic as per horoscope. This Yantra should be worshipped life-long to ensure that you always get maximum advantage from your planets.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Ram Raksha Yantra

Yantra to destroys all the evils , and protects the person from all sorts of difficulties.

To get rid of all Perils, Obstacles in the way of your success, gain, all round prosperity, fame and luxuries. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Vastu Dosh Nivaran Yantra

Yantra to remove ill effects of Vaastu from residence/place of work.

This is a very useful and beneficial Yantra. It combats all the bad influences & ill-effects of Vaastu faults existing in one's home or office. Mostly, there are certain inherent faults about direction, location, situation of a building, situation of rooms etc, which may not be easily curable or rectifiable. The Vaastu Yantra not only helps to cure all inherent Vaastu faults and remove their ill-effects, but also generates the positive & benefic effects of Vaastu. This Yantra should be either be buried under the ground before or after construction, with due rituals, or installed at the 'Pooja' room, and worshipped. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Baglamukhi Maha Yantra

This is a very powerful and useful Yantra for victory over enemies, law suits, success in quarrels and competitions.

This Yantra is for power & dominance over enemies & adversaries. The worshiper of this Yantra shall have an edge over competition, victory over adversaries, the power to defeat rivals and conquer enemies. Since disease is also considered a major enemy of mankind, this Yantra also offers protection against diseases, chronic problems and accidents. A known cure for 'Vata' imbalance. Bagala Mukhi Yantra also helps the worshiper to achieve success in competitive examinations and to attain victory in law suits.

The Yantra is engraved on copper plate only. Baglamukhi Yantra is very effective to ward off the evil effects of souls and Yakshani also to get success in gambling. This is a very powerful and useful Yantra for victory over enemies, law suits, success in quarrels and competitions.

Baglamukhi Yantra is effective as a memo of achieving success over enemies. This Yantra also offers protection for cuts, scars, operations and accidents. It is to be kept in the Pooja ghar.

Ary person using this Yantra while in court every time gets sucess. This is the practical use of this Yantra. It is well tested by many people. After pran pratishta, Yantra is to be placed at Pooja place or in house temple on wooden chowke over which yellow asana be put. The Pooja be performed after bath. Take the water in righthand, recite the baglamukhi beej mantra and sprinkle water on Yantra; your all wishes would be fulfilled.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Hanuman Yantra

Yantra for power , Authority, Vigour and Overcome Enemies

Hanuman Yantra is to appease Lord Hanuman. Those who have malefic Mars in their chart or Horoscope shall perform daily Pooja to Hanuman Yantra. Continuous 40days Pooja with oil sindoor, long, supari and Beetal leaves yields to success in whatever works you wish. Hanuman Yantra is very auspicious and useful in business success. The lord of power, Authority and Vigor is Lord Hanuman. This Yantra is very powerful and tested. During the Pooja of Hanuman Yantra, the Sadhak should remain absolutely pious and observe Barahmcharya. Keep fast on every Tuesday after starting the Pooja.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Mahakali Yantra

Yantra for Protection from Black Magic, Saturn & Evil influences

Kali Yantra is a very powerful Yantra, and is for the worship of Goddess Kali. This Yantra has occult powers & it's worship reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and frees a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which are usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in life. Kali Yantra bestows spiritual power, and results in fulfillment of desires, increase in wealth and comforts of life. This Yantra is also a time-tested remedy against chronic diseases like blood pressure, paralysis and nervous disorders. It also bestows longevity to the person who wears this Yantra on his body.

Mahakali Yantra is very powerful and tested Yantra. One should keep the image of Kali while performing puja on it. According to Swangam Tantra, Kali Tantra and Bhairo Tantra this Yantra is known as swanam Yantra, kali Yantra, Mahakali Yantra or Bhadra Kali Yantra. Goddess Kali in a fierce pose is deity of this Yantra. This Yantra is composed of a Central Point (bindu) within five inverted traingles, three circles, eight petals inside and outsides, whole Yantra enclosed in four doors, is written on silver or copper plates.

Special pooja of this Yantra is performed on Eighth day of Chaitra, Asar, Sharavan and Magh Months of Vikrami year. The worship of this yantra is performed in a specialised way.

This Yantra bestows fulfilment of desires, wealth, comforts of life and is used for Mohan, Vashikaran purposes. Lot of power is infused after Pooja and Yantra is capable of controlling enemies to not do any harm. A unique and powerful yantra.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Navgraha (Nine Planets) Yantra

Yantra for Prosperity - Navgraha Yantra

This Yantra is a combined Yantra for all the nine planets and is divided into nine squares, each one with a talisman representing one planet. It is an extremely useful & beneficial Yantra, since it's worship strengthens benefic planets & increases their positive influence and pacifies malefic planets & neutralizes their negative effect. This Yantra is recommended for all, particularly those whose planets are detrimental or malefic as per horoscope. This Yantra should be worshipped life-long to ensure that you always get maximum advantage from your planets.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Brihaspati (Jupiter) Yantra

Yantra to appease the planet Jupiter (Brihaspati).

When Jupiter is malefic, the use of Jupiter Yantra/Brihaspati Yantra is very benefic and favorable. Jupiter Yantra is to be kept on rising moon Thursday in your Pooja Ghar. Jupiter Yantra negates the malefic effects of planet Jupiter and bestows power, rank and authority. Jupiter Yantra is best for profession and business. We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Chandra (Moon) Yantra

Yantra For appease the planet Moon - Chandra Yantra

When moon is malefic in the chart or horoscope, Chandra Yantra/ Moon Yantra is kept in the house or pocket to negate the malefic effects of the Planet. Chandra Yantra/ Moon Yantra bless the native with respect, friendship and create contacts with opposite sex in harmonious way. Chandra Yantra/ Moon Yantra shall be installed on any rising Moon Monday and shall be kept with Lord Shiva Photograph or image.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Ketu (Dragon Tail) Yantra

Yantra to appease the planet Ketu.

Ketu Yantra is to appease the planet Ketu. When Ketu is malefic, the use of Ketu Yantra is very benefic and favorable. Ketu Yantra is embossed on Copper plate and indicates success in business, Victory over enemies, and all round success.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Budh (Mercury) Yantra

Yantra For intelligence/ Studies- Budh Yantra / Mercury Yantra

Yantra to appease the planet Budh or Mercury.

When Mercury is malefic, the use of mercury Yantra/budh Yantra is very benefic and favorable. Mercury Yantra/Budh Yantra protects from fire and electric loss etc. It is especially favorable for a pregnant woman against abortion and for the safe delivery of child. It is embossed on Copper plate and is to kept on rising moon Wednesday.

Those having the problem of stammering and speech, shall perform daily Pooja to Mercury Yantra/Budh Yantra.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Rahu (Dragon's Head) Yantra

Yantra For appease the planet Rahu

When Rahu (Dragon's Head) is malefic in the chart or horoscope, Rahu Yantra/ Dragon's Head Yantra is kept in the house or pocket to negate the malefic effects of the Planet. Rahu Yantra/ Dragon's Head Yantra bless the native with knowledge, deep understanding, and respect. Rahu Yantra/ Dragon's Head Yantra shall be installed on any rising Moon Saturday.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Shani (Saturn) Yantra

Yantra to Propitiate an afflicted Shani and achieve Rajayoga.

Shani Yantra/ Saturn Yantra is used to Propitiate an afflicted Shani/Saturn and achieve Rajayoga through complete blessings of Shani. When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope, in transit or causes Sadesati, use of Shani Yantra is very Beneficial. Shani Yantra/Saturn Yantra is useful, when one feels depressed. It indicates success in worldly affairs, success in business and the man touches the dizzy heights. Shani Yantra/Saturn Yantra is embossed on copper plate and is kept on rising moon Saturday during Venus or Saturn Hora.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.

Kaalsarp Yantra

yantra to negate the effect of Kaal Sarp Yoga.

Worship of the consecrated Kaalsarpa Yantra reduces the ill-effects of the Kaalsarpa Yoga.

People with Kaal Sarp Yoga have their life full of struggle. It causes setbacks in life and creates obstacles in accomplishment of every job you inspire.

People having Kaal Sarp Dosha shall perform Pooja on Naag-Panchmi as well as establish energized Kaal Sarp Yantra in their house to protect themselves from the evil effect of this yoga.

We provide Yantras that are Energized (Pran Pratishta) by learned Purohits, by reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homa done. We provide with the Yantra the complete mantras and methodology for worshipping the Yantra.
