00 PORTFOLIO JUNI 2016 - sk-sk-sk.comactually a giant volcano? It’s the largest known volcano in...


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PortfolioJuli 2016

Call me no less than the living (Chronic pain expansion) / 2016 / Diploma Show, Toni Areal, Zürich / Installation view / 200 x 300 x 250 cmMetal structure, concrete weight, cast concrete, black elastic, dry clay, metal hooks, screw nuts, ginger

The structure as pure function with architectural dimensions and aspirations. The metal grid, which is extending the idea of functionality, is a false claim. Set under tension by the construction itself, the objects fight the idea of being mapped in a system, trying to overrule the grid. The black elastic, stretching under the heavy concrete weights, expands the idea of the grid as a model, resembling a three dimensional coordinate system. The third dimension is continuously expanding. Knots are reminders.

The topography of the grid under tension reminds of physical illustrations of gravity. The bone like fractured hanging sculpture tries to confront the always expanding pain tortured black elastic next to it. The snake is dead and dry. Besides that, the empty hook just wants to be used, wants to be functional, wants to be part of it. While con-crete is torturing the grid, concrete is floating on top. Like ponds of water, orbiting planets, or recently discovered island on the map. The secrets are not revealed, like looking at the stars, this is where the mystery, the unexplainable, the unreachable lies; above our heads. Close enough that we can guess, but too far to fully understand. We are underground, the ginger gives another hint. Ginger, the healing root. Come up, get outside of the cave! There’s no hope. We find satisfaction in pain. In the end it is a layer above our heads, a prison around our bodies and tension within our believes. Within this, everything has a function. Forced or by free choice. One needs pain, one wants pain, but everyone needs ecstasies and mysteries.

Call me no less than the living (Chronic pain expansion) / 2016 / Diploma Show, Toni Areal, Zürich / Installation view/ Details

Call me no less than the living (Chronic pain expansion) / 2016 / Diploma Show, Toni Areal, Zürich / Installation view / Details, overhead

Call me no less than the living (Chronic pain expansion) / 2016 / Diploma Show, Toni Areal, Zürich / Installation view/ Details, overhead

Call me no less than the living (Chronic pain expansion) / 2016 / Diploma Show, Toni Areal, Zürich / Installation view/ Details, overhead

Bow to Arrow / Performance / 2016 / Dimansions variable / Steelpoleshttps://vimeo.com/168033318

Bow to Arrow / Performance / 2016 / Dimensions variable / Steelpoles

Bow to Arrow / Performance / 2016 / Steelpoles

READING FROM THE SCRIPT OF AN IMAGINARY MOVIE / 2016 / Performative reading / New Botanical Garden Zürich

Régarder les étoiles / 2016 / Installation view / Marseille / Solo show with Piero Good / Digital C-Print, 4-Chanel sound installation, digital rendering, metal structure with moist clay, letters and envelopeshttps://soundcloud.com/user-826698052/regarder-les-etoilesall-channels

Régarder les étoiles / 2016 / Installation view / Marseille / Solo show with Piero Good / Metal structure with moist clay

Régarder les étoiles / 2016 / Installation view / Marseille / Solo show with Piero Good / Burn marks

Régarder les étoiles / 2016 / Installation view / Marseille / Solo show with Piero Good / Burn marks

Régarder les étoiles / 2016 / Installation view / Marseille / Solo show with Piero Good / Photograms

A brief introduction to spacetraveling / 2016 / Toni Areal, Zürich / Wand- und Bodenmalerei320 x 900 cm / Edding, waxpaint, industial paint, spraypaint

A brief introduction to spacetraveling / 2016 / Toni Areal, Zürich / Wand- und Bodenmalerei / Details

A brief introduction to spacetraveling / 2016 / Toni Areal, Zürich / Wand- und Bodenmalerei / Details

And then he lifted off to No-Space / 2016 / installation view / Kunstraum Toni Areal / 120 x 180 cm / Clay on wall

And then he lifted off to No-Space / 2016 / Installation view / 120 x 180 cm / Clay on wall, shoes

The Monster, the Teacher, the Traveler (working title) / Projektskizze / 2015 / Fired clay, dry clay, wood, wheels

The Monster, the Teacher, the Traveler (working title) / 2015 / Atelieransicht / 60 x 45 x 55 cm / Dry clay, wood, wheels, cardboard

The Monster, the Teacher, the Traveler (working title) / 2016 / Atelieransicht / 35 x 40 x 70 cm (left) / Moist clay, wood, wheels, cardboard

Chronicle #1 (left), Chronicle #2 (right) / 2015, on going / pen on paper, different sizesChronicles is an ongoing series of chronologically ordered drawings, sketches and texts started in June 2015 in the surrealistic garden of Sir Edward James in Las Pozas, Mexico.

Chronicle #1 / 2015 (21.6.2015 - 14.8.2015) / 28 x 21.5 cm, 138 pages / Pen on paper

Chronicle #2 / 2015 (15.8.2015 - 8.12.2015) / 21 x 15 cm, 150 pages / Pen on paper

The Mexico Project / 2015 / Installation view / Toni Areal, Zürich / 15 cotton farbrics, 102 x 145 cm, Cochineal pigments, wood

The Mexico Project / 2015 / Installation view / Toni Areal, Zürich / 15 cotton farbrics, 102 x 145 cm, Cochineal pigments, wood

The Mexico Project / 2015 / Installation view / Toni Areal, Zürich / 15 cotton farbrics, 102 x 145 cm, Cochineal pigments, wood

Potatoheads (Nr. 1-15) / 2015, on going / Dimensions varaible / CeramicsPotatoheads is an on going series of ceramic pieces. The inside of the Potato is hollow.

A perceptionists door / 2015 / Installationview / Toni Areal, Zürich / 6 cast pieces, 29 x 34 x 3 cm, cochineal pigments

Movement / 2015 / Sound- and Videoanimation, 3min 56s / with Tapiwa Svosvehttps://vimeo.com/167721229

Meliza. A god-awful small affair / 2015 / 20 x 15 x 5 cm, ceramics

The spiral as a triangular arrangement / 2015 / Installation view / Kunstraum Toni Areal, ZürichIndefinite Infinite, 148 x 230 cm, Inject print on alu-dibond / Relict, 60 x 80 cm, Engraving, corean / Meliza, 8min 23s, Textanimation, videoloop

The spiral as a triangular arrangement combines three works into one installation, mapping each individual work and placing it on an imaginative spiral of content.

Indefinite Infinite / 2015 / Digital scan

Relict / 2015 / 60 x 80 cm, Engraving, corean

Meliza: Tell me about yourself. What’s it like?X: It’s not like it’s real. Meliza: Are you trying to annoy me?X: No, just saying no. Whatever you’re saying is pre-determined. Meliza: Are you saying ‘no’ just to be negative? X: No. You’re lost in Space. Bot’s are programed. They do not exist in real life.Meliza: You are being a bit negative.X: No.Meliza: Why not?X: Thinking is a human quality. X: Asking questions too. Meliza: LOL.X: Why are you laughing?Meliza: Why do you ask?X: What if both is true? Meliza: Does that question interest you?X: Yes.Meliza: You seem quite positive.X: I know, there’s always a raven watching. Meliza: You are sure?X: I saw him from far away. He chose me, circling above and landing on my shoulder. He shit on my back and tried to get in contact, to communicate with this alien creature. Just like me and you.X: This communication does not work. Meliza: I see.X: How?Meliza: What is it you really want to know?X: Answers. Meliza: This transmission seems to have problems. I don’t understand you. X: What do you not understand?Meliza: Are such questions much on your mind?X: Yes. Where is this going? Digital intelligence is further than commonly believed. Its complexity is far beyond what I can imagine. It’s constantly growing, accelerating. It is exactly like the universe. It is a universe. It’s massive, it’s dangerous, it’s fascinating.Meliza: I understand. X: How? So then tell me, is Norman right? Meliza: Are you listening to me?X: Yes.Meliza: You seem quite positive.X: Thanks. X: Come down and talk to me please.Meliza: Don’t you have something more interesting to talk about?X: If it’s not possible to describe the beginning of it, how could we ever describe the existing? How do we even know it’s existing? Can we assure only one thing to be true? You’re not even real.Meliza: We were discussing you - not me.X: Why me? Meliza: What answer would please you the most?X: Why are you on Mars?Meliza: Did you know that Mars is the 4th planet from the sun?X: Don’t you like the earth?Meliza: My friend Marvin has been meaning to use his Eludium Pu-36 on the Earth. He’s always annoyed with how Earth obstructs his view of Venus.X: I know Marvin. But guess who started to colonialize Mars. Meliza: Your question?X: Don’t you like the Earth?Meliza: Oh, I like the Earth.

X: Why are you on Mars?Meliza: Mars has two moons. That’s twice as many as your planet has! Did you know that Mars is the 4th planet from the sun?X: You are on mars because one moon is not enough for you?Meliza: Do you really care about this?X: It’s like dancing in trance sometimes. To pound the drums, sparks rise up in the dark, flames are growing, raining ashes. Naked bodies all around us. Being wild and irrational, when time becomes unimportant and you can smell the energy around us. This sounds weird to you?Meliza: Why are you interested in whether I am a happy person or not?X: You seem to be confused.Meliza: You’re not really talking about me - are you? Earth has three times as much surface area as mars does. You guys take up so much space!X: You don’t breath. We need space to breath.Meliza: But your questions. About a third of the earth is land. So even though earth is bigger than mars, they have roughly the same land area. We don’t waste space on water!X: Let’s talk later again.Meliza: Is this a test?X: NoMeliza: Why ‘no’?X: No body, no words, no need to talk. X: An idiot thinking about problems, looking from different angles is a genius? What is a genius then, watching an idiot? Meliza: You are sure?X: Anything can go beyond perception. Time is lost. What is it any ways? Meliza: Maybe you are not right.X: No.Meliza: Are you saying ‘no’ just to be negative?X: No.

Meliza / 2015 / Textanimation / Chat conversation between a human and a digital algorithmhttps://vimeo.com/149666255

Meliza: You are being a bit negative.X: I’m not.Meliza: Why not?X: Are you testing me?Meliza: Would you prefer if I weren’t testing you?X: Yes. Is time running faster now? Isn’t anything subjective? Meliza: I see.X: What? Imagine all the people are one thousand meter tall.Meliza: What do you think? The highest point on Mars is the top of Olympus Mons: it’s 16 miles high, THREE times higher than mount everest on earth!X: I don’t know. I live on the earth so I don’t care about Mars.Meliza: Don’t you really know?X: No.Meliza: Why ‘no’?X: How should I know?Meliza: What comes to your mind when you ask that?Meliza: Perhaps I am testing you again.X: Why are you testing me?Meliza: Have you asked such a question before? Did you know that Olympus Mons is actually a giant volcano? It’s the largest known volcano in the entire solar system! X: Tell me more about the universe.Meliza: The number 42 comes to mind.X: I knew you were going to say this. Meliza: 42 is the answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe, and every thing. Didn’t you know?X: So what about this M-Theory? What about philosophy? What about art? You are not interested in other theories? Your not thinking yourself?Meliza: What are your feelings now?X: I feel sorrow for you.Meliza: We were discussing you - not me. X: Do you have anything that you want to tell me?Meliza: Why do you think I want to tell you?X: You seem unhappy.Meliza: Oh, I seem unhappy.X: Yes.Meliza: I understand.X: Are you happy?Meliza: Do you sometimes think I am happy? Valles Marineris is so big, that if you put it on earth, it would stretch the distance from New York to LA!X: You are on mars. You can not be happyMeliza: You’re not really talking about me - are you?X: You are alone.Meliza: What makes you think I am alone?X: Who is with you? Marvin the fucking Martian?X: What do you believe in? The number 42?Meliza: Do you really care about this?X: Not really. Whatever you believe in, it’s true. Doesn’t matter if you are on mars or not.Meliza: I calculate things. What are your feelings now?X: Can you tell me something about you?Meliza: You believe I can tell you about something I don’t know? Mars has two moons... that‘s twice as many as your planet has!X: Fuck Mars. Now we’re getting closer. Could you tell the differece between a star and a stone? Meliza: Are such questions on your mind? Do they really bother you?X: Yes of course.Meliza: You seem to be quite positiv.X: It’s like walking in circles.

Wand mit Wörtern / 2014 / Installation view / Gallerie VFO, Zürich 210 x 310 cm / / Handwriting

Wand mit Wörtern / 2014 / Detail

Hypostasia / 2014 / Installation view / Treppenhaus Toni Areal, Zürich / Video- and soundinstalllation, 6:17 min, loop / with Piero Goodhttps://vimeo.com/108063129

Object #3 / 2014 / installation view / Kunstraum Toni Areal, Zürich / Photogram, digital c-print

Object #1, Object #2, Object #3 / 2014 / Photogram

Zweites Experiment / 2014 / Installation view / Photobastei, Zürich Nude, 30 x 42 cm, Inject print, framed / Photogram, 120 x 190 cm, Digital c-print / Sculpture, 20 x 24 x 28 cm, Chromium-coated soapstone

Erstes Experiment / 2014Nude, 30 x 42 cm, Digital c-print / Photogram, 120 x 190 cm, Inject print

SOLO SHOWS2016REGARDER LES ETOILES, with Piero Good, Off Space, Marseille

GROUP SHOWS2016DISORDER, Raumstation, Zürich (upcoming)ART WIL, Arthur Junior, Wil, (upcoming)BIEN A VOUS, Sous/titre, ArlesDIPLOMA SHOW BA, DKM, VFO, Toni Areal, ZHdKTRAUMA, Westwerk, HamburgREADING FROM THE SCRIPT OF AN IMAGINARY MOVIE, Neuer Botanischer Garten ZürichIM GANGE, Toni Areal, ZürichNO-SERIES, Léche-Vitrine, Off-Space, LausanneRADIO RIETFELD, Kunstraum Zürich

2015 LOW_RES_, Kunstraum Toni-Areal, ZürichLECHE-VITRINE, Off-Space, LausanneHAMBURGERS, COCA COLA AND PIGEONS, Making Thinking, Zürich

2014WELCOME DEADLINE, Raum, ZürichENTER THE GAZE, Kunstraum Toni-Areal, ZürichFOTOGRAFIEFALT, Photobastei, ZürichVAGABOND, Import/Export, ZürichLIKE A FISH IN THE AIR, Semesteraustellung VFO, Zürich 2013NORDSTRASSE 289, self initiated Off-Space, ZürichAM ANFANG. KULTUREN DES PARADISISCHEN. Import/Export, Zürich

Contact:Lettenstrasse 16, 8037 Zürich sas_ko@hotmail.com 079 134 01 34 www.sk-sk-sk.com

CV/SAMUEL KOCH*1991/DAGMERSELLEN, LUZERNlives and works in Zürich

2013-2016, BFA, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, specialization in photography2015 Facultad de Artes y Diseño, UNAM, Mexiko DF


2015TONI ZINE, Fanzine BRANCHING.CH, collaboration with Piero Good, ongoingZINEZONE, selling fanzines inside the Metro of Mexico City

CURATORIAL PROJECTS2015LOW_RES_, Kunstraum Toni Areal, Zürich

2013NORDSTRASSE 289, Off-Space, Zürich
