0 875. 1875. 0 S P . H Hoffman, · - - - - 60 PASSAGE TICKETS to AND FnoM Liverpool and QuBenstown,...


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Offloe on Hirrij 8!ra»t near Blaekwell,

U , e Ycmr, _ . - -

S i i M o n t h . , - - -

. » r o o m o u t l a , - - -

- - - » 2 , 0 0

- - - 1.00

- - - - 60


Liverpool and QuBenstown,uu thu followI»K Btoaintfljlp linei:


Liverpool mid Great We>teni.E l J ndltoytl BankodreUnd

Slate BoofingTil. umlor>lfnoJI> l«o|iar«il 1)J taut ra»

>.*n and B tliiirouuli fcunwledgo of HOOFINS OOiBl l I lMT. n l i s l (to ta[t «n4 put o

.i?ii r / r r t ru iVoit'l1* i»ttr«»tloi».Orceli iloilj l'urnh'i Valit'L'atuil, IJlauli anil

luinfunm.oaiptatta. '

Oounseller at LawAND


T m imitviii7*)# _[/, r-uiiioxAiiLr,

HAIK DRESSING,E l b i i lUICH ljy the l'oat

ITVREELAND.Carpenter and Builder,Jobbing promptly allonded lo.

»!»,.» iiur H«««'< »•» Mil, Dlaekwoll st

CiriKi- uf JJlaoliwtill nml HIISHOX HI*.MCur

DOVEE, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

ilur»o» awl Carriage lo Let.TIT T. LKPUUT*


OUIta iu tlie National Union Bunk Building

3uM"*d, i .Sr . 1 DOVER,..N. J.



. Cor, niaeldroil aud Silitnoi His.- DOVER, N. J.

UctMiikUar 21lb. 1610. ' l*ljrf. 11. XKiauiwuu. *• C. n u m

0 ,1. GILLIE*., . Clcurrul

Furnishing UndertakerLICENSED AUCT1ONJ2L.I. AUD C03IHI8-

HIGNKH OF uiasus,All order*, promptly attoutlad to.

BtJlIMlLI, tJUBur, Dover, SI. J .


Carriages and Sleighs.Of "Every D-irrljXlon.

L'vr. JJIaoktfoll mid JJurgonHU, DOVKlt, N.


* ami AnslvseH of alt deicripllotia of

OIHiSAND MINERALSlllytDriLirt'CPwillbofaniiBheilonBpplicitlaD.

DoTor Mortis Coutitj N. J . ,

Allen Palmer & Sou,Carpenters :


Builders.DOTEB, N. J.

Jobbing promptly attended to.9. J. PALMBlt, Architect.


Organs and MelodeonsRepaired and Tuned

prompllr,laanjpart«r KortinO-wnts. Ad-JreM ' Vf.n. WRIOHT,

Dotiir, K.J


Druggist and ClieniisMOBEISTOTVN, N. J.

(K1TJJJL1IUUO 18S3.)Vuler In Draga, llodlciiio,, Djo HtuOji

larcign aad DomcltlQ Hlwnl Wftlon, Truiidi

Phy.icUniVnabwim npplfoa' _.prlcci. None but pure drug, of tlio boatqaMUi.ou, iald or ilwpaminl.

12-ly c. H. DALItYHPLE, DraBlM.

TjiOno D, H3UTII,



Hl'tf Orponre SEOUB'S SINK.


Portable Hoisting Engineswith boiion, In ooraploto order. Cm bo Ulor PU1IPIKO I O J WASllINO . l .o . Will•fU »t b l O b l

OJ WASllINO . .lii,_Oiio eac bo •>on i l tin

' ^ d t S l o r f C a n n t :Vorki,Do-»r. Appljt'


Win. H. WOimiES, Supt,,





_. B.N.J.Tlie placabil iioah entirely matted In

janitor. Xho very best bitnOi or

j^reign and Domestic SegarALlYATBONniKD, 3J.t


H . A. B E N N E T T , H . 1> ,

nYSICUN & SURGEON,r. Blaokwcll & Warren Sts.,

(OppoBiloDovor Bank,)

DOVEH.N.J.,!«••».« or Wonon Mill Children, mid or Ilia

£ j e ind Ear Ulioolillio.ca Houra: 7 to 9 A. ST., 1 to e and 7 to 81*. M.le.S0i>d


. Levels and Gradestnailefarl'ablicalidfHvatolniproviilOQIitii.


[N««r Hi. 0.0.1 IMdtc]


J, L CURTIS,Manufacturer of Segars and




tlia Whi t e 8li»r, flintloiml. unil Ntul*ttc*ornir(4m.hipi,orivUy oilier II tin il pro-

•ttad.Drifts on (trout BrlUln, »"'l llojol Buub otrotund. *5.0u tHir £1.

JOHU L1W3HKH,Bonk Hollar, Hunsex Htruit,




Goodato & Vought'? Drug StoreWlici-o ho Mill bo p\wml lo nttnui to all rails

llio nxnejianca af Hovcn Yunru1 clout npnlicitlotiin Ifao nmatlcB ofDaDlIflty, Hvfl nr which lmxbcou in ilio City ofDnvor. I LOTQ .UIIMI ajiocl!pains in Hie ]wrfcctfou oftlm

Nitrous Oxide Gas,ilucU is tlia Until niicHtlietio <W,T IU «*O fur the

Tut ill fllluritvltti ffulil, from nnoilu.br up.

B e a u t i f u l B i t s of T c t M i ,Uj-por uid under, fur ISO, nn llu* laUat lin*

jiruTcd Uucl:3D I'lulctt, wrn'raiiti (1 tu fjlvi

llov. U. C. Jiogie, Ur. J. U. King,Dr. r . It. Crittonilun, M. II. Dlckcrwui.

S. It. Jolmston,Opposite gegur's Now Bank,r Uuui|ah> & V.mgli's Drn^ Store.

I lOVKIt.N.J .


Office o n BiiHiCX Kt r cc t .io building fonuurlr occupied an an oDlti- by

Huitry Uol'nrliui, ilntl floor.BOVER, K. J .

-..lltEiiune at ton ilcd to with (lilliionce.Aha, AgciitfurttiulicHtLifo mulPIroItumr-

UOMA$ 11H1GI1T, Pioprlcfor,WOOD PORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.

[11.IH wull-known properly IUM recently liecituiiBirclT iiuprovod and iiiodurtihcoi). furiQiowniodatlnu of those nocking a relirednee rcsliloticH. Hiltutcil at tlia heml ot

—J hnn tcang i t in ono or tlio most denira-liln'tBvi-ii'.IialaDdrauui-t to )>o found i-ltliln

-> umo tllr area nf New York, lullicmiilatilio nnimtmouiitatiiiiceDoryorNurllicniNow•or, vrlth Mccllont Jiutititig mulflailing, andJ di-IrcM, i t i s i i o t sa rpmodtyany otlmrin

ID locilll j .a'ARiiiloatoDoviir.olKlitiiilleii.lulaiit.on Ilia

trriral or tlio Bui. l A . A Wont. It.U. train,from Naw YurlE In tlicinurnlnff. roriarttcu*""

" i an «bnvr. 2J-tf


Mason'and Builder.Ooutractfl taken for all WUIIB of Mftsua AVot


furnUllca at Bliort noticeuiiilor "Tlio Iron Era Ofllco," tooTBr,

• 1 . 1 . 1 7 - 1 2

Dentist,MOnitlSTOW'JV, N. J.,

Io l'roiiriutor for MorrtaGmutj »r FolimirtPumit nwgi-.

Gold F i l l i ng a Spccinl ty.quitlKttrona Orido Oua, Ac, i c , &c. Ac

ALLIE'S HOTEL,iuccasunna Plains, N. J,

A . E . D E C A M P * P r o p ' r , -

Tllfl irotcUwsiliifttodlD (l.o nmat bcautlfn•valloT In Mom* Cuuul), iuii\ la nut, »ur

nasRcd hy any location for boaitnttiinoti.It laoontlKiiouitoSchooJoy'sMoiiutnlii.Mid

wul-dfatint from IIuOiVi Labo ami Lako lJopat-conjf, tho country In tbo vlolulty Mugrunout, fnr Hi lino mountain »ccnory and cicol-lent drlvoi. AB an inlsml Biunmcr rotront It Is

- igtUobost.

Mansion House.CO YAKDS FROM D. 1. & W. DEPOT

T. a*.

W i l l , BUOWJV, P i o p ' r .

Kicollmil •ceonimoiUlionB Tor troiiaiout nrportimiiGut lioardora, nlno a livery and boarding«t»bla Attached to tUabouiio. Pa«sonKera takon- md rrom Uadd'a Lake auil Lnko Hop»tconR

[Canonablo uliargos, ' 26-tl


Merchant TailorAnd dc&br in Kon'a mid Cblldron'n

Mida Clothing.

SUSSEX ST., (l)a door from BlobbwoM,;DOVER, N. T.,

„ . . _ ancu to tlio p&Ua thut hta Btock of RMJIoomnrinoi an unuinttly lino mmorlmentOJotliB, Fancy C«a«lmcr« and Voting*, by ll

ard cnt lo fit without cliarBe, or mwlo to ordet tho thortcit notlco. fi»» cnpstantly PI

d l l o t y f G o n t a ' l ^ i r n l H l J n f f a o oI parttoularly call attention to mySPKIHG AND SOMMEB BTOOK,a bolnir e&refoUy lolocltfd and offureil at pricuaa suit ilia time"- 1 oonniucr myiclr in airoct

conipetitjon nilli Kov,-«tk and New York cloting fiomra, and }>7 rcfcrcuco l(i mj pricn tlpJlllo will reailily dimrora tint I am DH liber

tbo most liberal.Sussex Stroot, 3d door from BlscLirall,

la-i, • wnx iAi t PIMON.

Miners' Oil Company.123 A134 MAIBES LANR SEW V011K,

Tho bnHiuL-M ronncrlToarrloi on wndor tninio of I'. IV. SIK. U mil bcreftfterbakiioini

OIL COMPANYLubricating mid Bnvnini

Oils for Miners' Use.

Tbi-BC Un ipccltlly •.diptcd to UID( :aa» u t ( " l l l t o Buit- H l*t i Foot, Laril, Lob., CodWhilo, ofl?o,

aeSlapriinootdur. Mi & 124, Maldcu

P, W. UKADE, Troaiiirer.8. P . dlAIO, As-



mitiTiKn, PiLion cinxo, n a u xELAKSEW, QOILTS — milSZI

aomx oouo A.*(I> imwiiED; r n c m , OIHOITAMTAHXS, COTTOS A I T TronsTin), OABPET ITA

LADIES', aicsr'f, VODTBS1 AS» cuinmra's DKO

875. 1875.P. H. Hoffman,


MOItltlSTOWN, N. J.,

p voinVAKT A nun.1 or CLOTHES AIAUI

il will SUIT yon BiHo1MI. II0ITMAN,

Morriatown, K, J.



Ingllsli & rrcnvli Confines,




Black Doeskins,P. H. HOFFMAN,

Morristowii, N, J,


Cloths and Cassimeres,:rj cliCMp and have Ilium

Cut Free of-Charge,O TO


McirrUMIl, SIuolj 21,187-1.




hill iiiid Dry S:IIK. Itolls,


Engines, Pumping Macliines,Ar,I, SIZE.H 01'



Hoisting ApparatusurutUlnilflaupatiality, anil

laiBliuil a t BlortcHt Not ice .


liainpacjne Cider, Soda Water,

C inger Aief &c.

Bottled Ale & PorterOP SUPEEIOE QUALITY,

DOYEB, M. J.%T]i rcspOL'trully inform tho public thiUiav

Bon A Maokot In tbo above buniuoaa, \\a hattnndo utllltiotial and modern iuiprovemonta ii

trustod to CB witli pro nipt ueaH and earn, tintnnff ourwlvce nlsn tli at wo nro cimMcil t<raiih a lirttar artlclo Hun- any cslulilisiiniftkUpartoftlioSUte.Orilcrn per iiinll or otlirowino promiill.v






DOTEB, X. J.now rL&dy In supply Iiin own ciibtoinorH, i

noil os tbo o of tin- Into flnii, with o uplciiil•lock uf



Pens and Holders, InksMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,

PEBFUMERY, NOTIONS, ETC., nnil the loailiiiff brands ol

SEGAItS and TOBACCOS,II ltorutnfon*. Mooraclinuin. llrior ami Ola;

l'lpua. Ht'Eor Holdcnt, i'ouclma, otc.Tho Nmwpapur ami Mwoziiio Trato « Sp;

:i«lly. S K K M I L Y MiG.UIMiS .nd all Hno r i i l l o a l a b mijiplloil io onlor.

Daily and Weekly Newspaper:omllklBilaal tlia «loro or mpplicil uv rarrlc:TUB citatorauri) or It. llowo .t ltlohards will IHitpplioil aa usutl without interruption.

Call and «eo my largo Block. Ion will flniat all limes BumutliiiiB new and IntoroHtiiig..


till" da; OJnpoac<] "I our ilotib ancsB to Jlr. Wm. liorrlnon, vo comraoiid

onr old frfomU and eiiytoroora to htm n«ecntlemnuwcirtby In ovcry wi j Df their pal•aMEB. It . H O W U & I t l C l I A l l D S .

Dover; Nov. 23il, 11174.


253 Qreenwioh St., Hew York,

. Comer Poilt Place,




Frenoh MarHe Clocks andBronziIitPOHTBD TIIIS FALL.


AT 'CREATLY BED COED MICJ13.K. D.—WfttcU ropalrinp a npcelaltr, In wlii>

denartroont, aa lieretofnra, my rcpntritionnnoicollod. 1-Ww




K oP oi)

o rD oinW -


I> o i: T I K






Wilhy. in-nliat(iHri»giii(,'«imiii»t:iieiTttljI(j Kong,

IVlt in U\n\\ fn.ni tliu U.-.H'I ami in police fi'um

Love, Hi-iitli' L-JVI1, lvlni, Ri cTcr^ miii hnoHH,1H P. ivi.li. il jo iuy uro",)!! wllliout ony olotbci;\\\M di.n't tuin4 tin; ..mi, Hi'd wl'o hut'bs nt

thu front,Tlio ongnml eerpeut K/» !i;.irJ, nnd waBlust.

Love H>HII:K n* n mw», nilli « woildurful timo,Hi-yn KlmlisiiMru, in Huy tiiiW, «i»mo [mote, in

Juno;Diit tli.i s-.vi'cl IiH:e mol.iily Iiw rtstring* will


sung 'iii'iilli Iliu i:r-'.:i (tti-i wllli Ho

1 'ncdtli nu unilintlla.witli mud"" lhoB»suiiil;.. xlu'tiboanl. ou wBwny, iu i|«l.'t, in fiiiB-•Imru ivftu oncon bold louT ivlio "itnpiiod"

'line I

And lioro jon {jn, P.«iM;rit!, iHTJUgliig itluiig,Will] von/ Hkntrf jitJgitig out tliu JUOIT.IUID b U{'

'Itu C.'n|il.lit thu jiiiticliU-f Invo doiio-llt Hi

lud imw Hie.vimirfirj^iilMuruuff/ur lliuirlark iyiiiloyou, =!1 KiiiiuiMcioiiK,Inhjugdlltliiif,'trf-'

pjjily uu tun-m-dn llic i1uiii;>-'i' nlii^nd.U<* trcarhormm ukniiiig to inr.lin lovo ut nil,VH ninny ii wi^'lit lenrnu lvben ll'idiiiR n fall.r«!«,lli<>dull icy wtiturlhittfinttaH for>-ouwIdia like llic wild bulli aftir hiiiiovmoon'ii lido, _.Vhtit tlin rent .mil tiio Iiixw, tho lmig tradci

tLiiiili viiii Hi i t all lii not lOmtlnil on ice,o iiru Pii<-h trmi.'Hiii,;:t, n'or lovu lint* ill

aih oft I» vafU'M with lirnr uml Umni,,VI,lt:li lire lii<|)iuut ut afgfit UP tin1 lirlylit Ijiiik

rcfl Hjmotm |>fttus<nl in miijai'i 1""" t l u i ' l ' ft|1(

your u>'ii»t

, ti> ]jlumu tlii-isi with ({LiiH'i-n fwli r.unl Ifjvcrtl-iCP,

i« leu In BO dear, mid lilVn innmins wi brigID ukutui rliis t.t cheer?, tiio Hood Jlowu

fi-uo,true Invrr'a knot out "1W tli™, lovo-fnr

Hi to!"i warning will Oannl ynil-yati'iu wrla

u-ml;it lonli nut, my Iwnrliuii, tliti-u'B i]aii{fi'r MHT.I1 I

MY {.'i!i;r;ii.

iiv uuiirauN.

WLolliL-i' tlin tomptistH lull nr lilow,Wlictlior tlio com-iils o\h nr flow,IVliolliLi1 tlio futuru miille or m>,Wliotlter Uio lmrvL-Kts bliylit or p m ,Wtictticc llvu j-ww ore avcllt <iC i-l'«w>In ilnyn of joy or dajH of ITOS,In rortimn lilgli or fortiinu low,This he my niiud for fr(tnd en* foe—UAllicr tho ronos as yuti gu.

-Ciliioriila SunUay Cull.

ur tied and Grooved to Order.




impt Atlanllon glwn toBEr.Ult W011K.

A. SIMON,Merchant Tailor

Fashionable Clothier,

U n a n HQULcdttklife


ior Blaokwell !t Sussex Sts

i., KT. ar.

' EEA-IHTI0U8,Ojolea of tlme^ioiolcu.

Matcriniiswtl H irit—»Frusson wliiaky.

li'enr ofnny t t a t vaa Jl uyHgUt ¥"..lionyou eeoan Irishman in Jietross

don't ir*«Iwnya wnkoyour lioart go pityPfit ? ;

Tlio tenor ttuJsopniao iu nn np-towicliuroh choir aro to bo married BoonTlioy mot by olwnte, tho usual noy,

OnUEt.—Tbo Boston Herald lieails itsaotioen of birtlis, mnrringoa nnd dcntlii"Ho.tcliQcL llfttcIiedandDisjintchcu.

Largest ami Best Selected


Ever uefore offered in this Ciiy,COSHIflTII'd OP THE



Alia, a largo Stock of


ID, a largu R

Gents ]?uriiisliing GoodsHAT9, CAPf5, TRONKfi, TALISKK, Ac, At.

Tlio Cutting Department In under tho inpcr-Uiouot H l l . r . J . McOTJIllB, well knmmlorlaoicdlont abilities ID. tliis apecialiy. \Vua»ktrial of our capacity to plcRHo In every purlieu-

i r ° f ( l r C " - A. SIMON.Cor. Blackncll aud SUHHEX HIB., Eovor, N. J.

And now tho cry In, "'Wliafc IIUYB yuuooiitributod to tliD Centeiiiiinl T\ Foroureelvoa wo linfon't H3 yc<; Oont-iu-Mya tiling.

TUe Bmiugfield 0i»f«ienince8 uliiiitl!iutcrosit m its renilors by publishing £(tuoir ponisnl tha bill ol fora iu tlio Pitts-flcU jail.

.lilidronaroGnsilyBuautbroiighfltft^time, but it'eoaly wlioii uboy guUthrownorer liia fatfior'B kuecB for ft epanUingthat lio really boaoruoa /rajjj-paroat.

In Shrovoport, tlio otlior dny, n negroBhotft Bolilior "in-t l io tuhurbd." Thatmeans,.wo Hnppose, ho hit liim DOIUI'where outsido tho limits ot liis corporition.

A flirt had an offor til taaxviage, tliother ovGcing, aud rualiing to tlio lmlBbe called up fltmrfl— "Motliorl nm

DgagaJ ta anybody now ?" \

They njiprecinto tho huniora of Conteas in,Wellington. One shop wiudow

uns a enricflture of Hou Butler soundnsleop iu his ohnir during tho lato fort)air hours' session. '

There is a Indy rcniiliiig ia Touncsscouameil Mrs. Jawea. AVliat hci- maidenimino waa is not atntcd, 1mb her lmabancljtiyfl over siiicc LD'H lcuowti her, Mho's boonnothing bnt Jawed.

"Wo wiflh," snys tho editor of ilio Si.Antonio fferahl, " tlioro wna not a droj:of whisky in tho world," tfoiiseuHo, oldfollow, doa't tiilk Hint iroy, You'll too l !riclit again iu n day or two', .

•' HCOTOU forglvo iv poov girl," was theanonymous misava, aocomimniei'l by $3whioh n Porllnnd Indy iBcoiyed iu roplywhich n P l l n n yto Lor lulrcrtiuciment f

ii l d dloit



Ap thecary,Dlckcrson Street,


Oflorsfor alo a well BOlootad utoi* or



P E R F U M E R Y , T O I L E T

And Fancy Articles4o.,- to

Physicians' PrescriptionsCarefully compounded at nil lioun.

WLO3S M D LIQUOBSFor Uodlcfnftl Pnrposca,


ooiitnining oua litmdrod dollara. Possi-bly Heaven mny grant lior forgiveness,but Boventy per oont is n big.dincount onwhich to naU it.

. "Fn l l l " Baiil houBhowalltoddowutlBtreot. " I t ' s all foolishness. WJiy, I Srun miles on sidowulkB thnt wero all icand never " " 'Tis brokon wonr tinwrist"," said tho uuin of modioino, "Fulngainst tho horeo-blook, eh ?"

'•Whero'M the molaasos, Bill?" Enidretl-Iiendoil wouum eLarply to lior soiwho hrnl returned nitli tin empty jitff."Kono in tho oity, mother. Every gro.eery has a big black board outsido, vit*io lottera chalked oil it 'N. 0 . Molasses

A goutlemnn onlored a bachelor's roomand, looking round,' snid—"Very snug—rather too suup;, but I suiipoEQ they tiro

3 enough for ft b«oholor." "Yes,'tho bachelor, " b u t I suppose if

batter-lmlf I might Snvo h»(ibetter quarters."

Helen AT. Cookowritaatliat "bases oiher brow nra tbo riclieBt diadem lo \vL.woman's soul afljiiros." Anil yet a fol-

low who kiascs n yonng Indy on lior bronwhile bcr rosy lips aro making motion:lilto ft patent clothes-wringer in not tlicnnn for tho position.

A iroo negro was brought hoforomngistrate, nod oonviotad of pilferingTlio mngistrato bagon to rotnaufitmtc

Doyoulcnacr how lo read V" "Yimiisn, littlo." "Well, don't yen uavflalio use ol tLo Biblo ?" "Yes, ranas;strap my razor on it sometimes."

A widow, being cantionod by her niiiJster about flitting, said thnt sbo knowwas wrong for maidens and wivoa to flb i t tho Bible was her authority. I t sail

widow's mite," Hho was llirtiug nufully,, nt Inst accounts. Her pnstor mknowledge^ that " widows night ,"

BSUAlt&ABLB POEHOMEKON.— A YCriiingular electrical phonomouon ocourcin t l l i . J . N. BOID'S IIOUBO during thiBovoro wind-storm on Thursday. Whititiiov/omeu woro preparing dinnor, MrItoflo'B little bay directei] hia mother'attention .to what Iio palled n butterfl-humming over tha ehoathing under tincookiDR-BtoTo, I t proved to Ija n ball cfiro which' rapidly pawed book and fo'rtand pp OTBT tbo stove, buzzing likoamftll galvanip buttery. Tho pots nikottlos on the ai«vo ytore nohcnTily chargod that in tiildng hold or ton oiling airpfirb a fltrinnlng shbcV v?ru experiencfTho ball of flro continued to play Jabout eight minutes, and cooking hadbo suopea^d for nn. hour,—/jtyo Im

W in a gruntTuoby Htreut vnroiiousti,- '• - ' - ' I.IJOVH tin) (aouuri, nml nvcry-

mnd me woo!—1)iil«.siipottlm]L>:iwoi>l, which ivo lmd htmn criiiiiup ii]t

,1 dftVi w.d in at the opea iloor. Fioiiriud doors Ijcuunth isUtwod with jule midyc'voods, I0.1H cofffios, efiens, tobaccos;id, lowost of nil, ta)\nr.a in luif-o IIORU-adfl. ltiolii'3 fiiiii] nil jtuhi tit tlioirld lying ou limid, ii-hl v.nitin^ Um fin-

;U ol tlio couiin&vciiil eiik'i'i>vitio v.-Iiiciiliould consign tlnuu to I rMicr^, mul llicn

tho iiiidplu of a luui.v touutry."What'b tlio mntti'rwith -Tack Wood?"

i n t . Dioopli'iif,' tlmt Im looliod n littloili\ aii'jnttlie cyc3,1 iVnlu't FioDiui.vthiiif;oi'u Hbo.u liim tbftfl ru.Mlit ilteu Iioji) in men vhu dtiuk l.c^vilj nt time i;d fin Ifuiii. Unt ur. lust. tOM-anlw cvon-

ig, wliftli I Man lnngitiB t> pet uwnyumo to Biiaiid mv ovciiin*; c:nn[oiptuljly,waa lull iiloim'uiioii tusifc ilour withim, mul felt ii hil Ktailiutt U io<> him |fo

itoncd ti) tlia opmi iloor wlioie tlieio laudi'd tiio bub:(. I'H't nut, GHIIIOiu;e uimorw, lil>o u mini K'J'11^ to ilivui bottrj iulo tho am.tilting il'iwii my worlti ivhich waslug ready t.vo or tlirno b;irr.t Imlcs

ir tlio liydnitilic JIJWI, i!u tlmt tlioyight bo tied up iipiiii, X flipi««l «iniollyl> l)ohind liim, nnd luitl my hand uponis shoulder, whan, v/ithayoll, hoBhnclt-

out—"Dovll I ilcril 1 devil!"Auil tho uest miniiAiil, liy (lio light of

110 gas ou that /oBffv Win lev's nflornoon,0 two weru •.vicntliiig und fI<?hliiiK to-otlior, withiu a few ft>qt of tlio door,lit of whleh wo ihotild linvo fuller olonrhundrotl feet upon Ilio fttnuos of tboIuirf helow.1 ulioulfl liavo Bhonliid, hut «ll paivcr' Hpocioh Hetiinocl tnlii'ii i;u-ny, us looked)getlier wo wrestled here nml' tlieu\'liilo liis hut brcnth liinscd ngsiinstmyieok, nnd I could loo!: CIOHD into Iiinitd, glowering oyc3 ns iliiuliin^ withiHi', ho hm'o iuo minfop to tho iloorimy.Usod wi I MUH ut nil times to Ntnudiiiff

086 to tlio edge aniT rccoiviuj; Inlua andi, I coiikl Ictm ovt* UKimll? nilli-nlder; but now, ivilli tlim mnil-

mniislowly forisiug me b:u;k towimls ...rinin dofitli, I conlil fcol Iho cold swe.itmil ing iiiiDji my fiioc, nud t rumbled BI;tli Cxo.M tlmt my losi^tmioc Iwcsiuia

eebloraiitlfccblci'; iindaan last rosonrooiiituiagoti lo Rot my 1(?R belwoon myl)i)oi)out's, ami Irippud him, when we

111 honvily.rurliUHitcly for mo my etinmy wsw \\n-innoai, imd Urn lovua'wlttt wliioli liis

inrnl fiiiuo tvp.iinst thu wai'chotmo floor.rtly'Mtnimud him, HO tliat I wliook my-

Glf fiwi, mil tiininrt nud fteil tnwiml tholuiiu Bui tlic next moment X thoughtf tlie open doorwuy, nud Iho ntuto Ihotool- Icliuw wiia hi, no turned Imcl; to3olt ir, nnd no onsuro that ho did notDUiobyliin ilontli by fulling out before Iuuld get nsaiHtnncc.

My liiiml wiis on the door, but I cmililj t CIOHO it, for Wood lay in tlifl wny iid Blinililcrincut. Imw ncxi'lio lay nt theiilf, [ Htonpcil lo draw Uiin on one side,ihvn ho started up mul seized mo ngniii.To beat up his hands.' and turn nnd

flun down between tho pilod-np bales wnstho work nf nn instant, while roaring'lUimgoIootililhoiu'liira tearing nftorc.

'J-'be Btniw woio prottv oloso, hut ns Iran round the oud of tho bales I foundtho door oloaoil, und lmd to 'tort past toivoid being caught; when I turned down.nothor opening butweou tbojiai 'ud run printing ou.Vaefc n8 tlio floor mm, lliero VM IKIS-go nftor paHsnga botweon tlio wool,iiioli •waajiilod up ciglit or nino -foist

high, mid I torn on in tlio liopo n£ RO fnrdiatnuoing my pursuer that I could ilar

.rough the stairs-door, fasten it n[tco, and fioescapeorsutiunoii nesistnutia

On nnd on I lim, now goltiiig ahead,mul now with tlio panting breath close0 my shoulder, so Hint I expected, ovary

tuoiuont to fool n savnge hand laid upontno to drag mo down. At last ho pot noHoar tlint liis Inuid brushed ma; but,with «.roll of horror, I lonpod forward

[juiii, dodged ronnii u comer, r.in downaliorl puastiga, ftnd ngaiu on, jmst pil-ira and piles, when turning round "•

'ound thnt I v«s nlone j nnd lnnrying tiibout tiio centre of tho narrow i):is3.ige,between tho high walls, I lcauod nrjnii

3 dido imnting uud LrentUloss."Now, it E conlA Uut renoH Uio tlooi

whiloliavraanb the other end." I thought," I should bo safo ;" and I kept on ner-vously watching tho two ends of tho passftfp lest I should be tnlien hy Eurpmewhen, to iny horror, I rnitf by tho p;aaUiningupon itaBnvnRolitrul peorronmfrom tbo end ncurcsb tho wny of cacipe,ivntoli mo for a tnonicnr, and then diFwip-l>cnr, I t was now (juiLo dim and twi-iglit in all tbo passives, and my fivsl

iinjmlse was to dart ofl* in tljo' oppc "direction ; bu t ft littlo thought toUltliab porham tbo wretch did not ECO mo,and ihoreiorG I hud bettor stay whpro .1was j and so I stoud minute uftcr minuti

ipooting to see him conioroamlonocniir tlio otbor, and clash down upon me,I lmew tlmt ntont linH-past five tin

'atuhinun would coma round, nnd thaX could giro tho nlaraj; but it wantcnoarly anliam* of tlinb timo, nml liowffaa to bold out until thouloould noboll, for tho very thought, unnervod monntl| ovcrcoino ivith funr, I could feel mjUnoes tromblo nud Room ronily to piv'i

av boncnth my weight,rivo minutes pnnaed—ton minutes—

nml still no sign. My uptrits rosa n lit-tlf, niid I bcgiHi to hopo thnt efscnpo wasyut possible, but nbntcdmothbg of my'wnlalifnlncss. Another five minutes, nni

1 hud almost, (letormiuetl upon trying t<atoal dowu townrda tho door, wlioro thir<j(li-'otion from tho gan-liglit_ mndo tliend of tho piumjie quito bright, whil<tvhere I stood wna in it f^t-dconenjufsbodow. I toolt two stop3 forward iioisolossly, and than stopped ; stoln on ngflimd stopped with a doad silenco aii'ound, through which I oonlcl hear tlicsinging of tho go.t ami tlio loml."Lhro"j,tlirob" of my lioiiit. I lindsinmnwliiit rocovored my breath, nud kept elinltinir ailently on, every now mul then lonkiml,ack to aeo tlmt tlieio wm no pard-jit.-W h n t l alioDid hnvo liked, nnil wlii,would havo beau iu nceordtmee witli ILfecliiiRS nt tho nioiucnt, would liavo heeito ilitah foiwiud ; bnt I l:cjit dowu tindcairo, and cropt ulowlv on l'otwoou"'lhitwo hngo wnlla of wool hales piled EOHIIeight or nino foct high.

Only another tliroa ynrtU, nud h«jntopped, trembling in jlrend lost Wooppuight


ed, t r e m b g j fWo.uightbo watcliinp; for ino ; but cnlliiimyself fool, coward, anil cur, I stoppeon again ; nud ntlaat, with tlioli^litshiuing full upon me, loaned forward to peci

t i l touui tlio otlga v& tho hit\m.itl i d

catitionBly touu g \mSlowly nnd quietly, nearer nnci rcdrctill I looked rouud; nud then with a horible foacinntion upon me, Ifltop])ftd «till

For, in proeiEoly tlio fcuiiio position,Wood was craning his neck fonvnrd fpecpremidftt mo", witl with oysa looking into eyes, nnd only tlireo or four in-obes opart, wo fitood wlmt soomod milutos immovable. JIovo I could uolspeak I could not, fur my tlirout Mfc Araud hot ; whilo my OVOH, fixed tiud st.iting, looted into wma glnting, vililbcust-liko orbs, which soouiad -to liolimo fliod to tho earth as if Rome horriblnight-mare was upon ino. I felt thnt iI eloHod my eyos hut fur n moment h>TV' UU Bjirtug ntmo : and at last, clutdiing llio •wool firmly will, ouo liauil,druwmyHClf slowly onck, fixing bis eyetho whole while, and then, as my ntrongtifloemod to oomo bnck, I Ictipb rnund innfled down tho ])nu3ngii onco ninio, :i»hoAitl a hideoiiH yell, and naw Wooilnsli into tbo eutranco.

But thero vnu silcuua again dircutl;nud louking bnck ns I rcsicliod the mildie, I conld BOO tlint I \ww uof, jmrmicdwlion, fenring that with nil a madniiin1

cuuiiing ho lmd gono round tu try uutnip mo nt tho otbor end, I istoppLoncomoro whorol waa, inonLilly pra1

ing far aid. as I strained oyca nnd on'to outoU tight of or.bcor my oncmy.

A (jnartcr of an hour uinat Lnvo ptmsoi

•iUUHlt II BfPUItd I"—!!!!" HI-.'!'.,- , all.I ,r

•iw Jn>i»ofiilly c:i!,-i;]:itiu>; ii-iuii u!.l i.'iii:i" B, wlicn K aliylit i-n.,lli.if. nci.M

J l(J hiiVG lujflll lilildil c!o:iis liy me,i<H Elfirtud iiurt luoliud LIIRITIV tntfiirdi

ilnrliROfltlicu tiivtinli)l!]^ii«l.t w:il

fothiug to Im Kciiii; ami tlio raiiiutcaAn pns.iL'd ulowly on, wlmii till at once

.nit; tlie most lioiribly unenrthly yoll I•cr hoard from JLLSI ubnvo uiy liwd, andieti, tivorcoino «ith twim* ILJ T Khranlcthe flour, I looked ui» und knew HintooJ had cniwlcil (JVLT thu ln]> of fhoiol i i\utl na tin; llionplil flnahed thiouglii' mini], lie btjiiiiiicd ilnwn U]io:i mod liiulmo byllio throat.I fitnjjTjjkul for a fow muiuonts, undicn lifjlita Kccnicil d;ii;ciny bufmo mv•(in, lilood rushing (.') my head ; nndon, iu n lialf-iiiKtMiniblc stoto, I utrvoTOO rucnUcctioii of l>eiiif* draggod nlong0 ll«r>r into iho caalight, nnd thoitillcd .uid tlirubt nliiiitt (ot ii few mo-

lls, wlK'ii thorn wino the rfigiilurtl-tlmd "f Uio littlo mimii aloiui hy,

nd I cou 111 fct'l my«o]f jnoviurj upwiirda.iiit fill KCDUicd no culm, und mich a desire

den]) wan upon ino, tlint it nun notsi fearful GUUSO uf o{i])ra^iou aud

flituous *.vnfl upon mo that I nwoko toio emiaciimsiiosi t int tlio wretch hailiron! mo on to tho trnvulcr nf thnydraulio ]iTtiH$, nnd wits now forcing inio valor beiioutli tho ram, so thnt in aw more fiououd:i mv lilo would boIMIIOII nut. '

Tliml-thud, tlniii-lliud went the pinup,id tlic pressure wns itwful; while ut tliouio timo, (iH I vainly writhed nud triedpn'sj down ilio heavy j)'ata tlint wasnsliiuij mo, I was cousoioUB of a gi-ent'lit which shniKJiuuinid ino, niidwliiuhthought waa oauseil by tho tliiiilitnpnsntiou inuiy oycH ; but no. for directlyera udma tbo liofco of Hlionting, louder

moment; and t len I nudo out,!!giug ni) from Iho yord, those horridonl3, "P i ro I Arc 1" «ntl then I knewint Wood uuiBt Uuva flwiil tho wavehouto.Hliouts, criuH, and the iiomo of hurry-if* fnct; mid AVood ntood in tho glnrc'. lifitit, looking first olio way mid thenlothor, us if iwnfiised, for ho lmd quitted0 iitimji nn tlio first nolao of ahoutinR.II «t odcu bo iltutcd avay ; and b»il-intingiinJ Hitflbcatod with tho pressure,iauld do nothing but gronti fcoujy, afturniggling; ii littlo, to Jlud ovory efforttin ; and then with slim'iitHied. (umsuflKU nt Iho iismcE JiolLJug l lo roof of ttieor I witDQii, iiiil escnpiiiR tt]> tho aideswool bnloa, nud tlio moro imfktninnliicnds Unit wero iu tho warehouse. Tlioicilio Bonn bccfimo blinding nnd thent iiliilias i ll»tl for mo there Kcomutlliopn, siuco I wns sure no ono wouldiibli) to peiiGtmto to wliero I WUB ;ion nciiiu I gnvo u Blruggle, mid

itrotchnd ilowii my hand bcckwnnls tor.v and rench the tnp, wliifli would lotJl* tlio water und lot me nt liberty, or ntist plauo me in u position to try nut!wipe tho horrible ilcatli that poemed to:«i* mo.

But na, tho hnndlo wan fur out of in ;•cmili; nnd I groaned nnd wept nieolily

my lielpk'sit comlilion. The jimaM mo by tho diust with awful power,it «iy lmnd.'i iiiul anim xtuxu tit liburiy ;

'liilo my lmad limigingilowa backwardsunblod mo to sco tho flumes creepinglong faster and fsuiter, na I snw themsvorsaJ, umlb'ognu to caleukto how longwould bo boforo thoy would rench nilid end my misery.

All nt ouoe, wliun noarly fninllng, mymud oaino in con tnet with tho iron barineil to louetlicu tho liaudlo of thopnmi),

t» forco in tho wntcr with more ense wboncreator power wns retiuircd ; oud tlicnmy heart gave u leap us I thought I

light 1)0 milt) to strifco tho liandlo of thotp nnd let out tlio wntor.To Br«'l» t U B bat was tho work ol a

loment, nnd thcu I begau swinging itbout slowly, lo try mii utriko Uio ton ;mt in vain, for I could do nothing witli

from only being nblo to uwicgit atuilom, for I could not ecc. Noaroiuio tlio tinmen, louder rosa tho shouts

mil aa I looked along the 'warehouse I•auld SQC fjttt all escupB wiva cut off by

a stairs, DVCIJ if I luid beon at libertyit now, completely overcome with th

ircssui'o nnd tho hoi-roi' of my position,groaned lieuvily, and tho bnt' foil fromiy grncp.Tlio la-it Iiopo gone, I thought; when

it tlio Kiuuo nminuLiL ti fiiiuilinr soumlstruck my car, for in fnllinj tho bnr lmdSaWon upon Uio tnp, when there crjna thefierce gush of tho compressed water, andlio ram begun slowly to descend till Iou\d cvawl out, to [all fainting upon the:ior.

])ut I wns up iignln Cirootly, for there.-as (i iicrco RIOW IU tho place ; nnd nowcould HOQ Wood busily (it work tearinglit want to food tho flmncs, nud dashiugIvor/thing CIGO lio could Iny his haudsipou into tho iiro, which aocmed nt timr

1 ningo him.I looked round, fur Iio took no noti'

if ino ; mul as I had lioforo Been thereR uoosuapo by tlio door, so, rnun ingtlio open iloor uy tho ernnp, I onuglit

told of tha ropo, aud hegan lowei'iug illown cs fust ns possible, with the liphihiniug full uxiou. me, nud tha peoi»l(liolotc oithcr groauiug with lion-or, orPeering mo on na I toro nt tho stout.ope, nud fiont tho uratiDimtitlloHinimir

mnit nud round.Could I but get enough rope outbcfoi

•Wood's ntteiition irai takou, I felt anfe,for I know thnt I could elido down easily:nough ; but, ns I dreaded, bo caughtnight of ins, and leaving his Her? task,lio rushed towards thn door; whan, witli, jell of terror, I leaped from the floor-

ing, clinging tightly to tiio ropo, whichliognu to run swiftly out na I swung tom»l fro till it WJMI nil out, when tho jcr tncnvly dnshod mo oft*. But, nttar nlidingdown some little wny, I recovered uiyaolnnd lotting tho ropo glide slowly throng!my hands, I went lower nnd lowor, witlmy cyos fixed on tho blazing floor nbovi

All nt oiioo I folt tho ropB jerked aniiwuug auont, nndlcuti ld soo tlio figurejf Wood ftt i b ; and then ngain I wnsIjoiug drawn up, nnd I knew ho must bobusy at tlio crano handle; but tlio ncxliniuate ho moat hevre looaoued hia hold,when tlia haiidlo flew round nnd stntclliim from hiu foot, nnd I wont swiftljclown. There wna n yell from tho crowd,

ithing dark dashed by mo with tiing nniue, untViis I nliiiif? trcmbliafr

tu thB rojiu I hoard a liorribla dull tUud,und slipping swiftly down tho ropo fortho remainder of tho distnuco, I supposeI fell fnintiiiK by the sida of Wand'smiitiluted body.

Tho flro waa got under wlieu our fioo::OH brtvncil out, though mooU damageirnddono by wntor; but with tlio excep-tion of RHti-ungo, Jicrvoiw timiility that1 fancy I Bhnll never gefc tlio bettor of, Iwas not lnticli tho V/OI-BO far my tcrribloncotintcrwith tho poor follow who «iLO his end so f«arf,«Hy.

lKTEiiC9TiNa CoraumniJCE.—A curioucoincidence happened ut Trenton tlstlicr dnjf. Mr. AdftmBoydnndflx-Suiitor Lydookor, ofUergon county, weiiOMnterinB through tiio State HOUHB whti(Iio Ail jut nut Gone ml called them intliis office aud nhmved them an old docu-ment which lio lmd discovorad a fow daysbefore in the cellar of tho CapitoL I twna a certiUcnto of tbo election of AdamBoyil {gmucUntiier ol tlio present lobby-ist) ti) un important office, in 1778, nnwns dttested by Ginret Ljdcclter, grandfather Dfos-tfcnator Conifclius LydookerTt wa»n curious coinoidonao that thn

rought before these two crouies oi tbprosont thiy a paper sliowinp; that tlioictipuctivo gniadfuUicra wero nn intimalciiuturyngonalaograudsonaoftUiBda

" Oh, your BOBO. is na cold ns ioa 1"Boston 'father thought he henrd *daughter exclaim tho other evening iwnsrofitlinyiii tl»o next room. Ho walk'in for au explanation, but the young [iloir wns nu uno ond of tlie sofa, and tlmrl nt the other, while l>oth looked flunoccnt nnd uuoonscioiia thnt tlio o!genljcmnn conclnded tlmt Iris oars Iirdeceived him, and BO retired from t;

io without a word.

A homblc, contagiouu »nd fatal <T

ir. l!codicr'» fjo

ffTAli'DAHI) «I' CONDUCT.•'Ujimilby,*; naH Mr. ll.iEfdu!-.- In-i

it liiH ])iil])it wonld bo filled in Ibe!uit^ Iiv uiU'tUci1 ulor/ vi ^**» N* fljiiMUIY own prtKiubiiig Htimliiv ui;;ht.-:,

mist.', but utiw oilt. of reflect t" timsuullciiien who aro eo kind as to offioiata1 mu it is your duty cither to fltny at

uno iu the morning or ta como lomi'cli twice nday,"After giving out the oovernl uoticisa Mr.>echcr announced as hU tnxt JtomnisaI, pait uf tho oiglit nii'l lint itnitb'.si-, ntul 'Jiilfttians v.: 11:j'cicltc UwUuVtlU UDOtlHiT 1i;ltU tttl-letl tlia law. Lovo worketli no ill toiii ncidlibor; fhereforfl lovo ia thufulllH-ig of the law.For nil tiio law is fulfilled in ono wurdii in this; thou elialt lovo thy neigli-

i'lio Harmon was ns follows :I nm ni^t going to preach a Boruion un;Q BUbjfclit of luvo i but I IHB gOlIlg toiploy this detilaration for the cluculn-iii of tbo philosophy and lue of theaiiil Btanfla*il PI conduct. I-rifo isgrand ulujir'-iui; academy, nud socialfo is a method including all otherthuds by whiuh God lends, nml con-I]F, nud odiicatca men iu the knowledgetho moral relation. Now, DO lavga

iX nf» niniiy nrn ilio Gplicrcs, mul hoiny aro tho qiumlious that ari^o fi» toflit nml wrong, tbat it is liaidly posBiblor nieu to hike the wbolo of Lbcso intoeir lnindy, nud tlioy do u o t ; theyo obliged to have auxiliaries and helps,id tbo first belli they gel1, in in thobouiBrclu. Childixn don'tk-nrubyiutiiiUuii;is trainiug that educates tlie child in;ht and wrong, ami tho foundation of

glit character in laid iu the family. A-eat umiiy persons throw i t up to amug wnu wbcu lia goes aul into life,id Biiy, " O I yoti got those notions fromitir incther." I sliotild Hlto to knowIiero X got iho milk thnt supported niunt from IDT mother, nud from theother nnd the father eomo tlia best of

ay, and ninny persona who haveid djsfreet tcncliers carry thoan tench*iga la the oud of tbeir livoa. Next, itsloboi's, eomo tho social customs in

hich n mou finds hlmsolf, imd tbeaoinst, to a certain exteut, bocomo liisiandard. I t is said, "Vf'uy don't youmo jour ov.'n iudoiiendant judgment'.1

iy do you follow tlio fashion ?" Butgroat Aiti[ is thin, that each r&co linn

mud out by tiueceeaive ciporimeut, Andhich lnui embodied itself in uooinlmtoma nud uimgca, nud tho law of socialfo in BOmetimca the hintorta record ofbat millions and inillloii9 uf men ii

sands of 'agO3 havo found out, and_jforfl i t is it iwirt of tha MOM1, fliiiutl-

•d which regulates tlieir lives. So iuHFiiness, men und rules rthiclt tliey couldot havo excogitated, nud it in desirable!mt there slianld be pi'ovidoil forlion, some standard of right nnd wrong,nd they accept it. I t may not bocry high, but tho noeossUy of brw-

iuch a standard ia indispenrta-Oivio regulations aro of tho

nuio kind; thoy tio up nil wills by aundrsd strinrs, nnd what men may do3 thctr relations to the State, in theirilatioH to tlio IIWJB tbftt r2go\ita tbo wfil-iro oMUe whole rather thtin tho singleilntious iu .predetermined. I never payiy taxes because I rcnion ou the sub-

Tko osaeBaor comes uround cudu_, "Your turei aro so much on a liun-

iied tlolIflTt"—goneiony 20 per centaoro thnu thoy were a your before—and

[ pay them bconuso I linvo to. Again:hora is a religtona life, nnd mon uao tliisis it It woro another Bpharo ivliiok diffar-d from Dll tlic rast. In that sphere aro

religion is Ufa itself; i t is doiug rightnud noting tight to mei . Tho doing ofthe particular act includes tlio apooifichouglits, and love and liopo and joyHiringfreab, but tho prnotiual dovelop.mont oi love to Qod 1B what you do toliis household. . If you oppress mon, orimprisou thorn or hurt them iu na^'way,

i do it to h im; if you trent men withcharity and love you 3o that to Lim,

.vortholesB, thoro is ft great ecclesiasti-cal world iu which thera nro rules nndregulations, nud ono of the consequen-ces of thisstato of foots is tbat mon liavocontradictory moral Btaudwds, that oftheir idrnl moral standard and that ofheir praatioMinorol standard, EO they are

enntinnnlly at variance •with oooh.othDr.Men nro tnught that nil men Bru depra?-od and wicked from tlioir b i r th , and if Iwore to [iroaeb that thia woro nota^>, niinppened to bo a Presbyterian, whichim not, I (should ho hauled beforo tlu?ro3byterT very quick) and in any din-lusaion niue inon. oat of ton would flay

tght to ha siloiiootl because- I did «<jliovo i" the depravity of man.; but

ivory one of these nina mon would goIOTHO to bin family,* after oondomniugme, andfuvjr, "Therein an angel," epoak-ing of his wife, and looking on his dnnglter would Efiy, ((Waa there over aucllerlection T "When they como intcJheir household and look at their chil-liou thoy ara perfeot onougli foe tUetnbut whoa they go into tho sanctuary autulk of men gonerically they apply another standard. When thay go into llicIOUSOIIOIJ tlioy Apply th,o love standaid,md they nro nil BO sweet nud all so juicymd all so good ; nnd BO IOGU on Sim-toy believe in wh*t ia right, andan Monday tlioy don't boliovo init. I am often told, " I t is all.•erj well lor you to preacUsuoli things—•ou aro a clergyman ; but if you wero in

QUS places—if yoa were a lawyer, if youknow whnt an editor liail to go through,it jott knew what ounrkB1 teeth thelnorehant lircs in," nnd so nil tinway through life. While they nil ogroiIIR to correct standards of character anot iluty, they opoo that in tlio orilinaioourse of life another dJa'-ia is domnndea;nud they aro very often right, too, foiwhat is right in ono enhoro is very oftorwrongin nuother. Iaall qucsb*ona wliaiought I to do to my noigbbor? I live

DEgsiilo of ft vory gootl xonn—n "VO"".icollent good nina—Cut ho hna iufirn

lies wbioh Burpriso ino; tliero beingfouoo bctwCBu us. Iu order to hang U|a diiiper, I drivo in.a nail aud the poiaof it goes through ou his side of thifence, anil' by oud by no seoa ib find hiTakes lip a hammer itnd hit i ita n rajand away flies tlio -dipper. Mow thi"rat fueling into,flro.the dipper over allim mid givo hhn as good as bo sonds

but thD next foaling ia, well, thatmaii a vehement man \>y nature, and 1,'on't say I ought not. tQ have drirei

thnt nnil in tbara, I ought to liavo tnowibcttci; and ho turns around and takohold ' ol both of my bands nnd pays"There, tliero'don't lot's euy anythinjmore about i t ." ] liavo vanquished 1

j y my inother wisiloxa, and whab was twisdom? Simply kindness to him. 1justico is just that docs not spring fro:luudness'no laws aro jastbecnuso poopsay tlint they have power to pass the:nnd tbo majority shall rnle ; no lawjust that clow not ' curry the spirit <

iod will to overy hunai i creature; r,istitutinn of pnunlly_ is just, no Sic

_iug, no Auburn is just, tbat does notrecognize this law of kindness add mercy.If joii hiiro got thia barbarous senso oljustice, tlmt sonso that siiaps lika eharkiteeth, istliat the application of thootaiKard ? Not till you havo thought o£ thimun in tlic light of tlio eternal, terrlblworld, not UU that mn.h nomea to yovconsciousness na ono of God's oreatunfor rhom Clirist diod, and as yoibrothor, not till then l ima j o u u rigito apply tho Fitnncltird, for to love is tfnlfllmont of tho law,:&ncl it ia thiR spi:wliicli ia to mla Uero in tbo naif erso iu


A disease fnr moro?ntal than the oi>izootio has lirolcou out among horses I:lnrtloiH of Ohio. A Btaggoring gninud n loss of npiiotite, ncoomp&nied h.a violant congh andforor, aro the chara<tcristics, IUHV post-mortom exaniiuiiti1

KIIOW UIO disease to bo a Borions nffttion of tho lnngs.easa has broken ont among tlio burroi

itercel, I in:t,- uicili ' iii lli-;; J-i a ' f ' .v ' vtto moat lei.i :ta ]i.ni!..;;, r.J !•>' wikler-

wc Imvr !!if;( n-ilii iij.licitit.u; ul ' thoc, wliit^t. to Hnuiv. 1.1 :lu- guides,od uuiiijataliablr. 'iiiir, , '7«antiois. Jiowovw, !ilin(i:,( t s f inct in tho

dirondacliB, and I ivouM f;;i;r. i'.'if t ha tbo tnado, in tut»vc, ««liiwi«l tu kill oristroy tho niriiuiil nl nuy HI'OSOU.javcr also ma ttill to Im (muid in out;

r twu liiealitiiis, sud cliunld 1^ MiniliirlvirotucUid IJV hiw, 'J.'lu- .t,;ii-, puntlini",

d wolf, fttu.. ;ii-ci-:'a.iMin;i-ii-i;iivttbund-,t, ami tttfoi\l!mi»i)wtii>au!JjolraimDra,Iio inako tlii-iii ulnidst thfii" if»tu olijootid meaii-i ut livclilnmd, Tim comraouser am extremely pluutiiul in some

' j:t, tiud HIIJJUJI ViDiUiiKiu oihoifj—ibsonco in loeKli l i tvibduyat l r ibnt-

>!o t o tlie jii'flctico of eomiaiit ilriviuRho unil infr, wlich semla tliorij (which

i jiot drivou to iviitfr and killed) tois disturbed feeding ^ronuu '•^ m o s t oil of tho ii'jw lakeb ".nappedoiind iu iinnieiisiu i;pecl:led, or b rookiit—sumo o! Hi t in o! ivumJerlnl f(izeil wtigltt, rttiwliiug three n«d four

mnds—tnio salmo funhmaHs. As atitti'r of special intca'st, I may mentionir discovery uf liiiffa trout in ono ofo brook inlols of Lalio Colnlcu, n«u-:t. Mur.-y, mill in Uio lnico itself. This, prubnhl; tin.' higlitist iioirt nt wbickimt urn fimml within tlia State, Lakojhden bi'ins nver 2,700 fcot iibovo tbo

X. CuSily ('ouiiilliiicuf.The wifo ut thu CI-JUHK of Portugalsoncouiujpfifit-ainger, uu Americanl, iinined Eliiic Honslcr. Tiiirf r.ncc-

to is told of lior: L;itoly, wlinn psi-ssingirough Pturid, KIIQ ami her vn.vnl ojiuuso -mfcto uviait to tho JJaron lie Jllanli,in poscwes a superb collciHtion ol an-

(jnct'flma, niednlH, niultlioli!t<*,»ii(I whoi n porsonnl friend of King l'trditmud'H.'hilo tboro the lad.v exproiiiod 'lor nd-lirntion O£RB esijuisito mUiqno cnineo,•hich, iiiuuntcil r.n ii Hcurf-piu, occupied«ouB])icuoii5 post in oiiu of tho casesvototl to thi) (iolloctton. "If Ilio king

ill ])ormitm«, rajdniaff," arid tho ba-in, " I eball bo only too happy to offerfor yoiir ncce))tanco na a. Brmvciiii- of.iis visit." Permission waa grucious-nccoi'dcd, find tlio pin wns placed in

:o lady's liiincla. With hot nwdetestiiilocho iiiiiilflspod tlio bniHob of fluti;arls which fautaned her olinwl, throw|out of tlio open window, nud replacad itf tho bamn'a gi/t. Wna tliero ever aore Errnceful, if costly, uoiuplimentlid to tha giver «f a present?

The objection of Bibhop Whittiiigham,I Maryland, to tho cuiiEccmtion of Her,ir. Dudley, of Baltimore, as Assistantisbnp of KcutuclvV ia just now thu tol).ct of comment; \i]n objection being,lundod upon tho Baying of Bt. Paul inrat Timothy, clinp. JM, vewo 2tl, Tvliiohnyn : • "A Bisliop then must bu blitino-E3a, the husband rf one wife, vigilant, so-er, of gooit behavior, given tu houjii-liry, n])t to tcaeb." It aoaniu straugotnt if Dr. Dudley is not eligible or fit' bo a Bishop that the Diocese of Ken-icky should hnvo elected liim to that•Bition, and that Bishop Smith, of Ken- rjelry, who by virtue of ago is the p ro- 'iding Bishop in this country, shouH_.ith many others, hnvo coneeutotl to h i s "lusecration. If lio ia a liigamist it iaoryrlshig that bo should havo boon til. Viwed to offlciato us a minister in E a l t wioro, irhero ho gained a reputation as tvVtons ond nblo man, or uscaped' legal :

siolticsi. The rouei-alo Bialiox> is a" .ifituro and loavnod mau, buttU«Morld':;linlut ho him put a very close intBrpra-' -!,•tioii on tho anyiug uf St. Paid, for If r.

Bisliop must be tho husband of 0119 ,:•'ifo, n haiiholor would not bo eligible;-:'>r. Dudloy lost his llrst wifo and haslarriad i\ second, and the doubt in tho : 'lind of tbo objector is as to tho rigbtof ;

n widower to marry ngain. Our Bavianr-'.said that there wna nomarrying'orgiv-."ing in Marriage iu Henven, anrl tho opin- :,on of luohl uuuitneuUiUii'd ii that St. >',.*ayl'B latter was intoniloA ns rebuke to ,,the corrupt facility with whieli, under hiho Greek and Eoman saw, people could1".""loino divorcod, Bttparato imd marry '•

low. -1-".

Mining in I'litan. :ZfcTor ft good nmnv centuries tlio fiiipor-s^f

titioua of tho Oluneso havd preveiitodT^hem from dovoloping tlio mineral re-V.v

Bourooa of tho empire. Thoy boliovad,1'tlint tha interior of tho earth WIIB a kuid>';f paiulcnionium, and that any disturb-'JV1'-.

nuco in that direction by humnn hands i*:.would lot looso a host of devils, to tlio '•/•••".great peril of tho human met. Bnttha'-rox]»ericneo of tho Chinese in tho United y-States has diatnrbed mimy of thoir oijljj.'••

nliafs. nnd nmnnff otliPin that nboTa';1-,nlludod to. It is now stated that Uis,^..Chiueso government will encoiira^a eni'/,',terprises intended to develop tbo mineral;;.".esDurcos of tho country, though it ia not ';;.J

expected that it will cmulnta tbo liber-- ,ality of the American government in;--•' ".oponiug thtiir miiioa to tho people of nil;intioD9. Tli'o American govornmant noted1 i

tho principle that tbo value of gold;-:amenced with its cirenlatiou, nnd tha t - 'nndo littlo difference who performed'-':-

tho labor of taking it from the earth ;•' '•'.'only in rnro cases docs it remain long 'with its finders.

TniEYiKa ErnuoiiriNAjtY.—Johnny.KcroOi tho Gliief of all tlio iwli«o &Elizabeth is in mourning. A thiofWa. 'inorc vonturesomo turn of mind thiia :

gonorally fulls to tho lot of tbo fraternitywho visit Jersey City, BO far forgot him-'self and tho ml : ho took, tu steal n horsoand alcigh on which ttw Chic( doatoiaud. which wiia valued ut a c'.cim SlBO,'-

nd ny to this ditto bus not been cap-ured, John usually IOAVCSIIIS horse and.

sleigh and other veliiclea nt the liverystable of Mr. Fschatte, in Morris aveunoiu. that city. Oii Tueatlfty n -wcll-ilrc33-ei, micldlo-ap;cd mau, called tlioro and re-,quested a light sleigh aid n fast nng asho wanted to take a lady friend out ontlio Boulevard to onjoy Iho fi^lendia

g. Ho got what ho asked for int B i v s o£ tlio Cbiefs rig, and has fjiil-od to tint iu nu np]>carancs, :iud in nillikelihood nover will, as by Ihia timo thoChief's nag lias liocu elipiial nnd sold i aNow York, ond his aleifjh. newly paint*od, nnd is probably doing good servicslor its naw purcliaBOr.

A OUwtUY FOSEKAII.—In moat coun-tries tlioro ia uu end of trouble iibont amnn'a religion when ho is in hw ciiffin,hutnotao in Iceland. 'i'Lico Suu<ItiyHago tho "boay ol Sir Thomas I'.lako, a Gnl-wny btironatof tlioltoiiao which Lover,has immortalized in "Charles O'JTnUoj-,"WH3 brought for biirinl to n clmrch yiu-iluoar his sent, ^lonlo Castle. Wlieti tho

odby tlio Protrslsnls, mid 11 lung dfurious Btriigg-lu ensued, duriiiff vrhiclithero wns blood shed. TI1.:1 licv. Mr.O'Sulliviui ami otlicr PrcLcntimt eeuLlu-men woro grossly nbnsctlaud iL«s:ialtoil.Ultimtttolv, with tlio aid cf it stro:;^ forcoof police,"tho remains .)[ tha rjceasodwero Imriod, after llic Puitrstar.' churchHerviee lmd heen road.

Au itmusmg case was trieil in ;i KI.;]-.TIcitr (Mo.,) conrt thu other day. OnoIrishnwi Biiofl nnotliLT for killing liia dog."

Did you kill the do|j, Put ?" naked theJudge. " I did, yur honor," promptlyro.si)on>lcd Put ; "'.ml Iho divil tnka mcyif I don't mate him prove it." Tlio cn. 6was proceeded witli, nud Pat's gniltiv.isestablished. Then turning to thoiilain-tifl, tho JUJRO aakml—'.'"Wlifit.'Tfna yourdog wcir'li, Boiiuis V" ," piri l n. ci»t wa^ho wortlii slnn-e, yerhoiior; bjit bo jnberp,Bhiirc, I'm goinc to -mnho liim jiay thefall value of the baitir" •

ersor the


THE- TllON ERA.IIENJ. II. YOU!', IJlltor will I'lopY

Siitui'ilay, Fob. 13, IS75.

A I.i'S

Tlii.'iB Iliu

lli'NDAY.HtSATK—Mr. Kuril ii »f iStiasrs iut

.lured a bill to iiifurjinruta tho IIIIIOJH-Jeiit Printing Ciuniiuny <>f Duakvrlo

il!i a capital of tfJD.i'OLl. Mr. Hill u/ ti

i IV.iiii tin-!H from Kiill HI

lint, M i a m i tlifiti-ikitam.UVIM in Iliwt lii-iuily i* vuiiminii-'il. IIIWH, Ijiisiiles, n jiDCiiliiir value us 11 show-iiia t'f t I l ( ( t'liiTi'iit into wluVli tlie Li.,«rtmostioi. » f:ul .iriltinp. Tiio IIKTC „ C l i n i - | i m , w M c h

qu^ui'ii cf htnkL.--i.f tlif i-niiau wbK-hl ,„ OI?lt((1. n-.iJrt ' F . Oram, Jolithe ore, - - - . . i l

TIIL Mi-i.Dcr.i:.. RiiAi.ttnY.—M.imri In l?7;i Mltf tons. c-f nr>cJ.mi*ni, who ai.ii'il in ll:o P*™|K: ..f tlio i niitio.1 in I'ncluud. More tluieoijil.-.nu.'rt iuiirilor.T Blmrkrv fi":ii the'. uf if e.mi.' fmin tlio DL-VHU Uirai Coii-Toiubjs, in in Now York i.'ity. liariny m- : NO!M miiio. HimiL'tiniiy 200 tons a inoullltiirncil from H.ivntia in tlio Civscsiit Cily 'arcsuW from this mine. ..quantity ot->n Thursday. HorilGviition In her lover, j white iirsituic to .Icilrny the livca olmoru

with wliidi Ii" i-fjiaiil I tliaii 600,000,1 WD of hmimil buiiigs, The' • ' - ' ,,f Miues lias htorn-I »•

if tho mines, iunlit/ of wli•ut to ilcitrii

n.l the utality

urecraiiun ;iJ. A(tL-

,DTeml the following : A BUnplft-1 h r r «1«»I1S *!•<» ir.TiiiB prri-il -f his ',,,. jcJinnii;meiit'to the Longwooil Vullejr llrilrotul' " " • " " " ' " " ""• " " '• ••• " '•' - "Cuiupuuv which nntli«ri?-cs tho cmupaiirto iiii-ri'aso the capital stock to two mill-ion.} of duftirs, I J change nml alter thel^utiun of their roud nml la ante new | —-,-". - ,--;•". ,'•"

iU; extends time for couiilction of j c 'w t '1 ; - ' " w l i u * " ° w ' " l l n

,i of ftaMy uj) town, l i e reiuJ to April 1, 187(i.tbe Po

r h • huv

the variouvak-ul (lunothiiiB tojilo of itamoiij," the

ing tli.i


.it fi-i


ml leuuJ there]

tomid mill uwnors, and ilisln

mid MilTcring .umnif those umi>Injctsccui-s to Imiujiitiiyfalliug tuthojjToiuTho hot-hci.k.1 ami mitgukluJ uuthiinsm willi which I !n> laboring eln$scs hajoined in nny morcujent louLing luwnrii ht!ai»>]i3i<m of vorl;, or un attemptfniYfl terms of wu 'cs nml hours of labupon their ciuulujera seems lo linvu ITOils,>l/ out, -ul wo arc fc'lrul t.i MM thst tlhtrikors ut Fall Hirer aro Ijcctiiiiiug seliil.lc, thoughtful, ami, wlial is inuretUojioint, inttlinilicsl in their actionAlready there are ilisseiitcH iu the raniof tbo btrikui-d, nml the traiisncliousthe inei'IiiiR imM there mi Friday ovcing, in which over six luuiilre.l wurkiipcojilf wcr« ropi'CaCuteJ, tiliuw u dcteninnliou to strike nt the root uf the uiupon thin- own side of tlio questionissito bcifff ou Imlior am] cij>itnl. Thein no need for sutiering—tlure is no uaifor Ktriko.s, uud there is \vss need tli:tlit: iieoplo who want to work should hovemweil mid contiolled \>j tlio lcckle?oi-iiit-iiiioidcrato motcrsiu thesoflo-cnlliJabc.r uoveuiL-uts. If tbu truth bo a]imrent tlmt there in too uittcli of tlworking material iu tho country to mnInbor protHablo to the employed, tliilnovcinout at tliu F»II Itiver ineotincertainly points thu wny U, Un relicUt'ttcr t-mploy tlio mama ucciimulatilownnls fit-uding liomc the people winCRU lind no work, tlinn to lot them stihero and strike, and, Blrihiug, utnrvofwant of cinjilojriuont, when llo rajiitalianro justily «hibuorn in slmiding o>iiffainst their dornanil^. Jiistieo ou hoitsides ia demiiiidikl.-niid tliu ijuicker thijustice comes, the better for nil cliThe I'xjjcnment ef euining uvtr to .<ica (oiiutl thnt the field wflnWia wextended, nnd thnt tlio mlra ;in> h:here than abroad hiia beeu tried ; amthu vast numbers here, Backing work,have incronaed the forces till thu rule:musL come iloivu, ur siuim one be ning for want of work to do. If the FulItivcr ]iuople mean to aolvu (lie questi<of strikes and uiiiottrni]>Uil labor 1>;sending home the pcoplo who lire noiiccdccl. It is n good -work btgun. Tinlossou tmiglit \>y the strikes is a goodmid it has not coino a moment tooto bo uf service.

Sk.sAToii KANDOLTII'H POSITION.—iator-olcct Ifnndoliih, irbo Las been illfor some dnvs, in a recent letter writes"I linvu been under tha caro of iny J'bysJ-eian for fioveml tlayfl, aud, though outiloom nguin uud qmto WL<1I, mil havo toget his coiiBeut before I ti;y ray lungsanew. During tho recent eDUtust fortho Kenntorslii[, I neither nfflrmotl nordenied tho »nmberlc?s Htatetueut mndifor political or peraunnl effect. My theo-ry is that oue's daily lifo is tiiu beat Tin-(lioutiou ngaiuFit attack, and oua's publicrecord the beit guiruutco of ln's futureconduct. I deem tLc lioiition to whichI liaro Ijeen recently elected a rsprcsou-tutiye otic, uud I shall rum to perform myduttea in Buch a manuer ai to gnin formo tlio raputatkm nf a, Jorsejman lovingltif State, jealmiH of her honor, and trueto her interests iu nil thnt does not cou-ilict with duty to our coiumou country.'<

How is Lieut. Fitch to get tho Khc-ilivo's present to Mm, Fitch, 7itc Sher-iimn, tbroueh tho Custom House (TOD ofduty ? is a question which revenue ci-pcrte are Irj'ing to aulvc. HB IIPIHB nuulllcer in tho Government aervico Cou-greas hjul to ]>ass (he act fllloiviuff himto recuivo tlio diamonds, but tlio iumuston them is tiot wnveil by tiio net. Theilaty, which in twenly-five per cont. onnet dinmonds, would nmouut to about$75,000, n fortune irli.cli neither Lieut,r i teh or his father-in-law will probablycare to throw a war on a, preicut whichwill not bo of nnv utility or benefit iithoir lifetime, tho revenue, men deck!thnt tho only way to oacapo tbe pnyincn1.of duty ia to take out a warehousa entryfor tbo diamonds and export them badto Europe. Mm. Fitch can follow tlicithere nnd wear them at somo grand loveunil then bring them here as personiproperty in uso.

NEW PATENTS.—Th a following pateniwore issuotl to citiiciiB of tho SUtoNow Jorsey during tlio wook cntling Forimry 2, 1875 :

Talodraph Apptiratufi—A. Ellison, Nt-ark.

Eleetro-afagnoUc JJtirglar ilann—1Erittain, Newark.

Slinffs for Elevating Packages— O. StcTODS, E. Onmyo.

Keportctl by FRd, Si Titch, Couu^.lors at Law and Solicitors of Potojits, 2!Park How, Now York, througu Vim. T,Tjopnrt, Attornoy nt Law anil Curretpciidiug Solicitor, Dorer, N. J.

H»!i t w ,

, K. S. MoflBtt,Oram, -

lticbank,Tlieodoru Ltttlrt, Philiii Wooton, (kvrgoEleivk, Muhloon Uoa(,'Ioud and WilliamG. Liithrop, with u capital of 8100,001),to carrr on tlie gcnor.d mnuufneturing ofiron.

A bill to croiitu a Uo..rd uf Kdnentionin Booiiton.

The Hill to incorporato the StanhopeUnion lion Company, the im mil fluentto tlio Miners' Suvinga Bank of Dorcr,

ul tho supplement to tlio charter ofoTer vent ordered to « thinl nwliuff.HOUSE—The following bills vnre iu-

troiluccil :a act to incorporate tho Now Jersey

lliflo Association, iimncs as corimnitors,Joel Piirkoi, William J, Henell, Win, H.Sfrvker, Lowiu Perriuo, \V. II. Dollar!,J. Mudison Drake, Oeriliom Mott, J.\Y. riunic, W. Dellart.G. I). Hcudrick-Bon.W. Gill aud FcrdiniuidUbincke,withpower to hold pmporly nut exceeding?50,(M)0 in value, and to adopt by-laws.When tlio association filmll mine $2,001)the sum of 410,000 Khali bo appropriated' mi the Stato troitkiirr.

A. fiii{ipl>>tnent to tliu eliarfom of tfcnMorris Aiiueduct extends tlie powers of;ho comjmnv orer tho territory witst ofho Court IIOUHO ot Morriiituwn, for a.

distance of throe IIIIICH, norili cntUmith;bo company may talif lands nccusitniyfor a reservoir.

A supplement (o thu township uctuvidc* thai not nmro thiiu three pei-

dons shall bo voted for (in one ballot iutovnsliipa in which tlicro are to bu fi

Uihip Loniniittceiiinu elected,u net grants tu nil psrsons culixtod

in tho navul KorvicL-of the United States,•ing hoim fide resideuts of New Jcmcj,

bliull bn L'litilletl to iho State puy ; andin case of his death, liin litim bhall lioen tided to it.

Tt.'csuAr.SHVATE—Mr. Smith offend a further

ill fruLli in 11.- ip tho tombs "ia (e

male disguise, carried In him b» piecsuiral bv Jiis faithful hwct-tlR'srl, Sharkcwallipd to Lciinard uttvot nnd tnut '

,j> town, l ie rcmnincd in tincity uiidcr Tariou* disgiiiai?^ threimonths, :it thcuuli'f wliieli time hosnil-od tw UiiviiiKi. Maggio followed himtliith'T umU'r a auk'nin promise thnt InT under awould marry ln-

ben treatiestime to tdri

ry lbuv.i-n>r, h

nnA inh h

p hat liXotwithstaudiug ht>r

h t it ff fprt it off lit1 ul took

drink, abusing her auauiefully «Iien iu-toxicatrd. Sho continued to boneagainst hope, -until one day in a dmnk-nfit ho firoit a revolver ut her, tho ballCrazing tho back of her heail. Impair-ing at lust and fearful fur her life, Mng-gie made up her miud to runaway. Shotook pussjiye on tho Crescent City, anilSliarkoy finding it oat, boarded that ves-sel, itrmed with nJ.irgu knife nud Bouglit

•cry d She had hidrtciin n closet, nud tho nifihu VAH bnflli'd.On tlio Toyngt) Miss Jonrdnn won theByiupatliy and resjject of tbo other pas*euKers. Ouo of them, n clergyman, in-

forested himself greatly in her caso andpromised to look after her wulfuro. tiheis heart-broken, mid w living secluded intho neighborhood of her own residence.Detective Henry D.ivlcn, who took Gnr-i , whom thb S|):iuish Consul Iriduappol

to Haviina, rcinainu tboro still, in thohope that a rewjird will bo oilcred forShaikey, iu which c:iae ho propusea tobring him U:by tha wny, is(.'amplicll, «ay" ' if unv u

4 1I..OI1 hi

York. .Sh.ul;oy, who,in Ilnvaua tia Frank

Hint hau thatm, ntul h

ill cut tlie liemtliemfts to Iny.carried tlio for-

iibovc nbouthini

[»'[• irlod from thu Coir

ipploment to the South Mountain andBoston Kailrorid Company, which au-thorizes tha company in tidditiou t<-rivilogcs already enjoyed to constructmra and brandies ui may bo dcomodicensaty to connect .with tho moil)tie nitli nuy road or roads now Imilt or• be built, or tc any mines, iron worki,- stone minnics in Wurren or Siiseei.unties. •The bill to incorporate ilia Iron Hill

Mining Couitmny vas ordered to a third-jrtiliiib'.

A (tu tlier supjilemcnt to Miners' H&v-iRa IJaulc of Uover was ]»ssscd.Tlio supplemcr.c IT tl o Longivooil Vul-

ley Hail road wm " " "mitteo.

:—Mr. YounjfhlooJ introduced n•ill to incorporate the Denmark LaudImprovement Company, which n»rae3 m

lorators, Ocorgo Tuthill, Addieon C.;Eon,EdwanlA.Wild,WaltorLawU>u,

Edward A. Gulagors, Anthony Jones,* owii H. Brooke nud CharloH Jtamiaels-lerg willi a. onpital stock of glOO.OOO, iu-reasnblo to 5300,000, with power to ptir-hnao, improve and odl lauds.Tlie Commit too ou Corporations report-

d the enppluiiicnt to the town of Dover,id a sunpleiueut to tho to-i iuitm linndti.

Tlio further supplement to the charter!Dover nits passed; also that to the

wn of Kowtou.An act to catabliuli tlio compcnaation

PromiutorB of tho Pleas, providesliat tlie Prosecutor of each county exceptludsoo, Passaic, Essox, Union and'ntmlcn, iliall bo entitled to an nnnualJary of S50 for every 1,000 and frac<on over SOU inhabitants, according tolie hut ccnniiB, to bo paid in quarterly

menta, in lieu of all fees. Tbe actto npiny to any Prosecutor now in

ifllce, or whose term commences before"IO meetiDg of tho Legislature, withoutis consent.

A tuipplcinout to tho net renpoeliuglecutiotn, exempts 6500 of

iperty from losa, instead c

for tliat purpose.

Thu ievoral reports of tlie oflicers otthe Stato Priuoti hnvo just lieen umdipubliu. Dniiny thu yum-, tlia cost ofmaintaining tho convicts Imi boen $5S,-81)7.02, of new workshop SlO,S2i.41, or•jtlier iiupruvumoiitB $682.27. Tho UPgain over the expenses, iniiim tbo sainricK, wns tirt,y;U.'j:», aud as3iu-.tni!(> i<given that tlio ineonm for tlio nomiuf

ill uoarly eijiml all the expi iiBM,I'lie Inspectors reenmniend tlint ii c-htipi'bti built, us tli ,f theiiiBtrmtor is of little avail now, tlio con-victs having to liston through Ilia barsof their cells. They nlao recom-mend tlie purchase r.f n moro suitablelibrary. Thoy further recommend thatn building be enclosed ou tho lot opj:sito the Prison, for tho lino of tlie keeji..as a rosidencp. They rccommond theappointment of it llesiiluut Pbvsioian.Number of couviets received tlnnng thoyear, -107} number now remaining, C53of wbnni iM nro fonmlua. Tliero nro notciirmgli cells; ncmictiinea fwo, and eveuthree, are placed in ouo cell, which isvery much liked by tlio convicts, but iiagainst tlio dinciphue of tho institution.I t is recommended. Hint the *tnto erectresidences on the laud blunging to theState, on tho opposite nido of tlio cnuid,* " ' imtius. • •• -fur the depu As it is now, they

at 1

An old citizen of Payton, Ohio whiIIM raised two families, linn bcon kmamy yeora in the liauitof obsorviiigT-nmoug other thiugsi-tha growth of thiboys and girls, and makes anna »upriiing Dssartions. He tnkea thoir measurein January and July, nnd has discoveredthat growing children jjrow far nioro botween January nnd July than in the oth-er liulf of tho year. lo fact, almost tinentire growth of tho year is during thiformer period. Th« philosopher infer,from tlna Uiftt oil nature in bannunious,find that the physical growth of liuumniIy is ovoruod by the mmi laws nhiclprevail nver tho vegetable kiugdoiu.

James S. Yard, CommisBioncr of Railroad Taxation of Now Jersey, bos com-pletod nnd furnished liU report to tinLegislature. On tho 30th of June laithe valuations of railroad property ii.fiiivcnty-lhroQ townnhips auil cities, be-longing to thirty-ono railroad corpora-tions, (.mounted to S52ff,900. The tota'viduatioUB fixednnil reported at theduttof tho lost report are as follows: Vtiluntiona for 1873, reported Juao 30, 1873312,578,301; valuations for 1S74, roported Deccmlmr 18,1878, S3.C51.262valuations for the minis year, rei>urtcJuno 30, 1674, $520,950. making a gramtotal of 310,755,523.

Tho lioueo of Mr. IUchar.1 Daniels, nLymo, Conn., was hurucd on Thundtrynight last, during tho absence of liirasolfnud vite, Xrom tlio explosion of a karosono lnmp. Thoir obildron, soven iinumber, vrero obliged to fleo from thihouso half dretmed. Ono of them, a bojreight jcars old, vaa found on it Qfligli-borinff door-step ncit morning nearlydead from exposure. Tho otheft tookrefuge in' a radar clump, where theyvero also found in tho morning, nnd omof tuom, a girl of 13, wfts so badly frozen that her recovery is doubtful.

Tho completion of tho great HoosaoTunnel is uii event of nlroost national im-pnrLanco. It is a work tbfat hoi cost tholabor of an immense Dumber of men (ormany years, tho expenditure of §13,000,-000, and tho sacridco of 142 liroi. Thetunnel is nearly four miles long, and itis stated that it will take n loaded freight'tra\n forty minntea to pass turouf-h it.—rroDspu t i manies and eaippers

inntea to pass tuoufutiou companies and eaipper

arerepreseuted to be eager to oviflthem-BCIVCH of iu facilities for shortening thedistance betvBtn New England, cities andthe "West, and great expectations ot in-crenao of bnsincn ate baaed tbcreon. j

SKSATE—The following is a uummnry ofill« introduced:Tho bill in reference to the puhlica-

DII of tho publio laws of thin Stato, pro-ides thnt within thirty days nftcr theirEsngo tlio Jnws fihnll bo published inwapnpcrsi printed in tho tovornl coun-a of thii .Stato according to their rcp-lontionin the General Assembly, pro-

_ling thnt tho number no selected shull>tbo less (liftii two or mora than four,ic of which slinllbo in the German lun-ige; it wns made the duty of the Qov-or to Bolcct the nowspajiors nccordingilia first section ol tho act, having rcf-

. .Qco to llioKn Imving the largesL fir«rlotion, and whero thtro aro two or jnoi _nowspnpoin selected, ench political party

..-.„ to dwi'll in tho city, nnd it »iiupoasiblo to gei them togetbor, iu cneoemergency from fire or escape of prison-eitf ahonld o-cur. These buildingswould pnv through tho rout collectodfrom thedeputieft.

TUB PCQUEST GroLoaioAiTauThe Statn Geological Survey hading on Wednesday of last week nt Tren-ton. The matter irliich drew togetherthe members Tint ia relation tu tlidraining of tho Great Meadow, border-ing on the Poquost river, Tbo plansfor ths dminngo of UICKO mcuilov,-? weredrawn by Prof. Cook, Stuto Geologist,nud ii commission XTHH appointed eomotwo years ago to enrry out tha plans.The report of Col, Charles Hcmntou, ofOxford ivus takcH uj>. Ho slated thntthere was some opposition on tlio partof tho property owucrs in tho neighbor-hood of tlio meadows ou tho ground(Imt tho cost of the improvement, whichwns to bo assessed upon tho laud, wouldbo too groat, Tha plan, if carrind out,would reclaim nbout 7,000 ncros of laud,now under water and useless, Tho Board,in view of this oppooitlou.pnssca it resolu-tion dirceting that no further Improve-ments bo carried nu excepting tho deep-ening of tbo luoiitli of Pequcst rivernnd clearing tbo Klroam of logs, Mumpsand other obstructions. Tho coat oftho improvement was estimated to boabout SO per acre. This will give therirer n better current, and carry off thowater more rapidly nnd more effectually,nud will bo n practical step toward drain-ing tho meadows. Tlio farmers owningInnd adjacent to tho river may then digtheir own trcncho* mid canals to tlioPequcst. _

thi•KWOTN...;. *.probubly wiilliinig iiniin:.! upon tlio face of "theTho (...mn.i,o.i,.,,..w oowfidfrt'J that " intho iMie of mines upon \.lrich nrseuiy i»uctunlly mamifuc.tired, it is only reason-alilu Hint the uinuufncturc of a poinon *cvirulent hhiitild bo subject to tpcciitlStiiti' Hupcrvision ; mnl tbey submit thatmi oflleer uhoulil lio empowered t.i re-quire tlmt tho bi'sl pr.ictifi.hlc iUkeii imt only to jirevent iiit )i..._of the air by tLe volntizatiou uf t!u. ...uctttc, but also to binder thu access of thepoison to running water.

STATL LUSITIO A.IYLCM OF NEW Jell-BCV.—Xho present annual n-port id tbotwenty-eighth of (ho State Lunatic A»y-luu], wliicli is located ou the hanks <>fthe Polawara, two miles auovo Trenlou.Tho number of patients under envo nt theeloso of tho Iwt year win G53, of whomUia were men nnd 340 women. Thonumber recaived from November 1, 167a,to October ill, 187i, WAS 187, of which88 were men uud fll womou. Tlio wholenumber of ciKea under trenttnont dniu«tho year was 810, of these 401 were menami 4'J9 wornou. Of tho 185 disobargodduring tho year, Hi weru considorod «!•recovercJ, 85 QB improved, U uuinijirov-til, 1 escaped, 1 not insane and U2 <i\eCOf tha 553 imnntt'i ut tho oloso of tliyocr, 10G wcro supported by frieuiliprivulo vv psyiuj; patient*. 023 werecommitted ns poornud indigunt uud tuji-porteil by tho respectivo counties fromwhich they were, wont assisted b.v tliflStrtto, nml 21 wera supported wholly bythe State.

7ALMurrU Cminlj CuiirK

Iu the case of Jumas Millor vs. Win.II. Stile«, tbo jury rendered a verdict ofsii ccnta da mages in fnvor uf tho plitin-tiQ', thus settling tlie quciitioii of titlu infnvor of Mr. Connct.

'.flic cniic of Andrew Muckuy va. Pulricknud Mary Dnnu, was tried. Plaintiffsued to recover $120, which he hudloaned ono Mra. Downey, ho claimed,for Air.-. Dnun, The defouae was UnitMra. Downey borrowed the inuiioy furher own ma nnd houcilt. Verdict fordeientluut.

In tlie caso of Win. Wolfe, mipiilluut,uud Jacob D. Thompson, uppcllce, thedecision below wna rev era ed.

John Trimmer, npputlaut, va. Jfoi-rirfP. CrnteraudW'ui. Uliionbnrl, appelhies,anon suit was grunted iu favor of ap-pellees.

Tlia ..pupal o£ tfnblun B. Itigger, iip-pcllnut, nnd J . IJ. Strubltf. appellco, witsdismiased with cost',

Also Sainp.iuti Ot'orKi!, npiiolliitit, andWm. Sumisl1, nppullci*.

Also Goo. Allan, appellant, anil David

RICHARDS i \lIill.D,..LKAND liKl-AIL IJKll.,a;ii , ; |

DRY GOODrullEION auj nOME.>i'ilc



(dinli i)c roprciciitcd.Tho bill to plnco iumntos iu tho

anno nnyluniB uuder tlio protoctiou of tbelaws, simply provides it way by which ox-nininntiom tuny bo takon to iwoid iia-liroper incarcorntioua in mylums.

The bill for tlio protection of Fcrsunuliberty rorom to lmnntes o( insnno i\syLiberty,


pto lmnntes o( insnno i\sy-th i h t t t i l b jIUUIB, aud gives tbe right of trial by jury

to such PB aro declared to bo Intano andand plnocd in asyluni.

HODBE.—The Speaker announced nstha Special Committed on tho Morris-town AHVIUDI, David Henrj1, l'nttersou,HVcllonger, Gill and Kirk.

Stato No UK.

The Qmngora uro about htarting a co-opGmlivos store nt Bordontown.

Frank Kirby, of Englewood, 1ms thopadlock with which.tho door of MajorAndro'u prison waa fastened, at Toppau.It is four times tho BIZO of an ordinniylock nnd lms a very nncicnt look.

Robert Clark of Newark, aped8H, diodn Wodn " - — - -

died.[day, and Friday his widow

Mr. J. Sylvia Duraud made a me;•red mile on tho Shrewsbury River,Tlmrabny last, in un ico boat, in 12 &Oil da.

The residence of Frandu Miultleu,Jersey Citv, was robbed tlio other night-pf 83000 worth of jewels.

Over 100 persons Laro professedversion at tbe moetings in the FranklinBtreet M. E. Church of Newark, nnd thointerest still continue*.

Tha library of the Her. John Eod-gers' flrit Moderator of tho PresbyterianGeneral Assembly, has boon given tothe Presbyterian Garmnu TheologicalSeminary of Bloomfleld.

About ft week ago Moses P. Mendel,countable of Cranford, while- breaking upkindling wood, struck n lath nerosn hisknee, driving a rusty nail into the flesh,Tho leg ipllamcd, nnd on Wednesdaynight ho diod in great agony.

A few nights ago Edward Croak, theproprietor of n saloon in Hobokon, per-nittad nu old friend of bin named Jus.

Unckctt to Bleep in the saloon, as ho waspoor, andlhad no plnci to RO. The noxtmorning Croak's old friend was missing,ru. were also 8164 in CAsb, n gold watchnnd chain valued nt $30, nnd a quantityof clothing.

MOBC* Gould, of Gouldtown) whilowalking ou the ica with an axa under hisarm, slipped and fell. In falling theedge of the axo cntcrcxl his left wrist,"iveriug tbo arteries and causing tho

,nn to bleeil nearly to death before thew of blood Wfta stopped.A bucket which was aent down shaft

Ive, in tho new D., L. & W. R. R. tun-nel, through Berpcn Hill, fell on Friday

Tho Ci\ bill, us it mused thefi t Th

Tho Civil Itishls bill, us it mused theHouso on Friday, has fi%-o tections. Thoilrst eutitles nil persons tu tlio full audequal oiijoyinont of inns, public convey,nuces, nlncca of nmnsment, Eiibjcet onlyto thu Iftwn which imply nlilso to citizensof every race nud oolor, regardlas3 of nuyprevious condition of servitude.

Sec. 2d makos nny person violating thenbovo forfeit $500 to tlio person aggriev-ed for each offemp, to bo recovered bycivil auit, and ho aliall also bo deemedKiiilty of nmisdotnoonor, punislitblo bylino not less thnn 8500 nor more than81,000, or imprisonment for ono year orleas.

See. 3d gives jurisdiction of nil offen-ce* to tho UniU-d Btutos Courts, oxctu-eive of tho Stato Courts, but does notinterfere with civil suits.

Sec. -itlisaya that no citizen otherwiseqnalilled to bo n juror nhnll bo disqimli-fied on account of race, color, or provi-

eoiidition of :tudo.Sec. 5th allows all casos to bo reviewed

by tho United States Supremo Court,without regard to tho sum iu controversy.

Coroner llcinhnrd, of Hudson county,ns been creating Another sengniiou. Ho

foil in IOTO with Miss Grilling, n noap-Mtreaa of A vnrioty troupo, nnd aba recip-rocated the feeling, but herijaranlsnp-JIOSO. Sho recently camo to Jorsoy City..„.! r_ll .i f.„ i . , . j i o^


. itly ^uud was followed by her mother,vhancing (o m c t l t i l d i tl t

, yweek, nnd l'olor O'ConnoD i i t t d

y ther, who,vhancing (o mcctltcinlmrd in tlio Rtreot,occiiBcd him of hnvhigabdncted the girl.According to nil nccounts tlicro vrna tboliveh'cst kind of u scene nud as a resulttho Coranor WM cornered. Ho tookMrs. Griding to Ins own housoin New-urk avenue, nnd there told her tlmt holelegnrnned to her daughter in Ohiengo.that aha ioiimoyod to Jersey Oity amitogether tlisyweut tollnclioimack.ivhorothoy were married in a ctergymnn'nliousc. He took great plcnsuro in ad-dressing his mother-in-law, lio s,ild, nndwould bo still more gratiftod to producems. Ikinlinrd on tlio following day,Mra. Orifthig ncoordingly welcomed lior(laughter, and cvorybody is reconciled.

Tho Burlington County AgriculturalSociety having resolved to limit its nus-CH to officers nnd delofffttea, tho MonutHolly Mirror welcomea the situnlion. I taaya : After tiro yenrs' oxpericnoe, weln«t Fall resolrod, nnd so notified thoaminbla Hocrctnriea, that a dollar's worthof pass, with tho shnbby treatment in-cident to it me, would never njjnin pnyfor fifty dollars' worth of ndvortiaiug. I thorenftor proposes thnt nil " notices " ofibo Fair, nil pnfllng of tlia energy andzonl of tho management, nil drummingand coaxing of tho good people for con-tributions to tho exhibition, all adver-tisements, regular, roportaria! or edito-rial, inserted in tlio New Jorsey Mirror,at tlio instance nnd for the BurlingtonCounty Agricultural Society, shall boclinrged at I ho in tea exacted for similaraervieo from the proprietors of circuit"*,horso races nnd other RIIOWS for whichadmission is charged.

Mn. Pi.TTEnsoN'fl HOLIDAY.—Mrs. Mn-E, Patterson, who was convictod ia

J. Guurin, appellee.Tho c.iso of Lowia C. Toiupkins, ap-

pcllnut, and Anron Solomon, appellee, itjury nppcal vat tried.( Vonlict.for iip-

;llce BIJ odiitg.In tlio cityj of Willinm und Robert fl.

Johnson, appellee, a jury nppcal, a vor-dietofSy5.!J2 was raudonsd in fuvor ofippclleo.

CIUlliKAL.Tlio Ifibernia riotom, fraucis Jingor

uud Micbncl Hoalin, were fiuurt $2r, cuehnnd costa

Thursday morning John Scully, tifDrooksidc, retracted hia former plea nudplcndcd guilty of assault aud battery.

In tlio cnao of James Corby, of ltock-awny Tolloy, the jury, after bciug-Thursday night and nenrly all Pridiiy,dimigrced. Tho prisoner was placed under $100 in his owu recognizance (o ap-pear nt tho May lorm of court.

The enso of Sites D. Cory vs. theTown of JIorri»town has been ou ainccMonday. Tim in un njipi-nl from unawnrd mudo Mr. Corj- by comniiusio tiersappointed by tho last Common Council

.i (l.inogos cnusod to his Innd inEarly street by tho widening uf that.Li.'et. Mr. Pitney nppenwi for the Town

and Mr. Ynunttn for TUr. Cory. ThoHumming up took plnco yesterday.

A voiy intereeting ceremony wiia per-forined at tho residence of 0. B. Gngc,Esq., lost Saturday evening. Although

" mcro mnttor of form," ns the 'SquirefelieltoiiBly pxprcjscd it. yet one chock

ill of hopes nnd fears, radiant willithorns possibly; pregnant with joj let

yonJ .MrfniLi. .-!'•' <••<., In.' mini i.r n*, ia i.r.Wi . 1 '

fin • .[„-. Tltr liiiiWi I 1 I I l;


FLOUI. DEPOT.^Cor* Blackwcll 6. Sussex Sis.,

! J H ) V J : it , x . . i .


RUPTURE.!!(i|itms;ii.' "Hi,:,'-" Haul i:iit.L>,-r'J"




Merchant Tailor,llliicliwell Slruel, OOLD AND SILYEE THIMBMB,

DOVICU, .••.'. .1 .


CIKXJKKUY, Tin, Wooden nWillow Ware.


(Jroccrios nud Provlsloi

. p . 11 (tW K'.S

Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier,[AinvuH, hiwiir*. Hpioiw autl

bin;! ' " ••'" (frocery line.

P M J U l l A N D




ELGIN WATCH MOVEMENT,il (!ir Avoir Watcli Al^i aRnil fur

ENOK'.VINO NEATLY DONE.Ready-Made Clothiiif.-rM.'!i!!iiiI]J<.yH'aml

Gents' Furnishing GoodsCon. BLACKVniMiaiid SUSHFAs,,




M. SIGLEB,Dealer in

Lohigh, Scranton, & Bituminou


McKfnnon Brothers,MAXUFACTUJIKR8.

YELLOW PiNE LUMBER! O OA, L,hi ailpuiu ol tho Cily Riitlvi.

m e i juwuHt M a r k e t J'rlIn ijiiai.tltiro to unit pnrcbanrri«.

Suwanneo Yellow Pino Lumber.

Yi:i,l.ri\V l-II.J.; STKl-1'liAXK,


::. s. I). IK/WK'S

Arabian Sugnr-Ooatcd Liver Pills 11


, [ to .

it*?.(.-.'- Mtill, Ivn, Tli

?-&,i, Mit:

ii, Mi

f ir , X. ,1,)):;.S. 1J.1I'

l ^ L l : , . - . : i j 1


, Wm.i-h. li-l.ii.1

tia '



IflF, M., .

lib' 1111nf DotMrasrv





( In


. M.




,.V, 1ST

a. K.


luvi.1 J

i, II.ink.

. y.


l i .




' f

ihto ufthii li.-.t. ,

tlitw luttrrs xxid npplicmrtisod I.ytU'i" nnil ;;ije til

A. lllUiMJili, P . M.

WO I1K01II I—H111 NKi; —V«.lii-ua

U. HuiXhii^Uuf.SV.Ht.in.

WIKHI, afi iKtod bv JIIMUCUUi-vryollllluinnfiB. ilttgt

LOST!ON fitliinlay Lint a llltOV,",'

CHI All C'ASU. Tho JlmWiv

•lih.'c, ht> that parti: III.ILIB tn-hiR lilti'tlill. Tli.j.iiialiivoriliiini-il in Jlo.ii.-n-aKfln.anuraRl.irp.il;lIUVl-li Illlll

The Material is Superior,|*lUo, lit cliijKi* lioreliiruri? tunnnl ciul.

IMS T AND nnauKuci^i, .ciiiKKy,mws

r.iul i.thir itlat-il l'ool»* «iil

£ !™io'S»'i"i'i''"."uV;;, ;~v~i'All irilmx rt rui-i'i'vd pnimMUU^ullon' ;[]ni

i. .Uiv,.,! I, T l l i* ll.llOA«liiil),

KILI.OUIIE'H ni l l ' t i .S

ON FOUND!]inivins iironiTtv nnd im-ini; fur tliis ni!vcr(wmont. " l5n. It. A. 1IICXSUTT.

Oflloc on lll:»ekivcll .St., Dm-cr, X. J. i*-I


COSUJXY'VJ J-A'i'j:NT 1'MiK I'llOOi' liOnFS

i:ouforc<piilrc>i1aiitliitiliiti>il. (ialiaaiKvainmCarnicci, Uuiu-r*. l.'-ail.-r* ami VditihturK.

pus liopo. It was thofd d

old story off

p um yfondly realized dreams j of fours of darkportend glowing at last Vitli tholined lmca of : Promptly ntthe nccoplod timo appeared tlio Imppycouple, nnd equally as prompt npponrodthoso who wcro so forlunnto tts to re-colvo iuvitatiom, "When tho nrrange-uicnts M*ero complelo the parlies' took aposition ami 'Squire Qnge, ndvauciugtoward them with duo solemnity tittorodiho following words of warning oro thofatal stop was taken: "You MO uownbout to outer upon; to jou, nn nueeeuforld j you liavo prohnbly refloetad uponho raahueis of the atop, and do not tnko

it hashly ; yon liaro beon- thoro hofore,and know how it is yoursolvos; nt anyratoyouaro old cuough, both of you jytt it is my duty to any a few words nudI nhnll do ii with the best intentions andbrioQy ; you must havo ns imicli pa-tience as possible under tho circutBStnuces—I menn with one another—and benr asiiiuch as poaaiblo—I mean with ouonn other, of course ; roaiomber that it infor butter or for worso, oitber way you'remind to mnko i t ; ami nu you go dawutbrougli Ibo valley of lifo Uiat your chil*drcn will bo Irkely to follow your trail,

d, lionoTor crooked you make it BO

LOS T!f \ S tlie 3i)lti January, u ITJack iiiul tin Hmnul\J Vox, with n Icatliir strai) aiij nu- un.umjbhitfcL, Hesliow^ n A-IT (Viiilt hamum ItU

l. ami niuiuur iho IIKI on .me or hi ' ' "rcnliitp. ][ci»nUintM.>vt'ii i:.< n!liisivon to tlio nsimooP'Sliut.*1 Jatiim or thin aclv(.TlUmm'ii(, i^rti..- Ivu |NMHMlon nftlio.1^' *lli in- pt>m

MRS. A. BEEMER. Iniimvwai1.viTilliatUlio

New Styles for PALLor

1S74 .Fashionable Millinery


Faiioy Goods.THE

Latest Styles & Newest DesignsI. 0N10S MASKOPrOSITC

miri .niso,ATIO.N


HOTKL TO XaV:'\AT UtTliblun^ Vallluv.


crooked will it ba ulso to tlioIn uscemling tho hill o

But if,

and EdwarJ Domp&cy were prccipitAtedto tbo bottom and fatally injured. ThiiID tho is; shaft in which four men;cre, fl few wocks ago, dashed to piecesy a Biniilar acoidant.Twenty-nine cases of artificial flowers,

worth 810,000, woro ordered by CollectorArthur and Surreyor Sbnrpe, from tlieiteomer Cimbria to tho snizure room inie Cn»tom Honso Tatailfty." Only two1 the cams out of tho wbolo lot corres-mded to tho invoice, oud tho design

„ is to hftvo thorn deaignntod for the op-nraiser to examine.

r j E.tlio Iktonmottth courts of being a Ronimouscold, hna bcon BCntonccil to tbo Count*Jail for thirty tUjB. Thia in tlio fir»tconviction for this offonco in Now Jerseyeiuco the Rovolutior.. In former timestliost! found piiltyol boing. aooldi wore

il by n. tluckng in the rivor.

Archduko Johaun Salrntor, of Tuaca-ny, i>t tho AiBtrian nrmy, has been or-dered under arrest bocauae, in a pam-phlet on military reorgnnizatian, ho vi-olently attacks Germany, nnd declaresthat tt&r between Austria nnd Germanyis impending.

with firm foolatepa yomvill not fall twoutcps hnokwnnl while taking cue for-vnnl which HO many nro in tlio habitof doing uow-n-ilaya, if I'm nny "jndgo."

Thia lust " sentence " loomed to boverv flattering to (ho spanker's foelingu,nml Mr. Simeon Itoic, who wns alsoliresont, appreciated it in liis usual atyle.Tho 'Squlro then introduced JudgoFroe-nun Wood, who ailvauocd Uko tho firstoDlccr of a tompomnco sucioty, book :hand, (tho Judgo hnm't ndministoredjustice lung,) and rend the Borneo thatisado tlio twin a one. All thrco tbnnadmncedaud snhitcd tho biido. Con-grntulations flowed in thick nnd fustfrom the assembled gucsta; muaio ad-ded its charm to tho fcatiro occasion,and amid tlio worry laughtor of thoyoung fulks who graced thg scona mthtLcir happy tacen wo took our ilopart-

COHS, Dciv.-r, N'.

> L E T .;QUIRK *>r



CJ-Jw) SAMUKL COM, Dover, N.



A Mf tbo beat and d.^ii.-.t it, tlio m «JX Having i-cotircl tliu K".ml i»rizo nin d dll.lumft of liunor nt iho famm» WinUnirrmM Kxpniltloii al Vii'iinn, AllHlris, Inj-rar 1873, for beat uiac-lnnc in tlie work!now on rxiiibltinn and tJt Hale osrcasv leat II. D. CHAHE'S. Lirgo discomit fdf vur

KAISKl t , Age


Tlio matnmoth utoro lately in tho oc-cupation of tha Walters Brothers, atChester, hoi bcon taken, we aro in-formed, by tlio Clientcr Iron Company,thoir intention being to transfer theirpresent store into a dwelling house. .

WONDERFUL SUCCESS.Xlirca jo in t sco Dr. Uoiclieo's acrmai. 8jrnn

w.i lutroducml In thoUnili'd HUtea from Qer-m»nTfortliBcoroorconBhi,Bet(To eohl< uttlci]

' n t . Consumption ami other dinoneimt anil Loiipi. Nu modiclno ever

" • n , a f i M e u . 300,000 iimplo Uoltlc-* Loin dlitribiitccl cvL-rj year for thruo• by UruBgiiti in all p»r(i or tlio UnittdCB, »ud uoarly 1,000 letters from Dnif L'UUnow on oar (llei, wj ing that no olbcriM-itlun In ttielr Ktorci BQIU as well i pd• mcti excellent latiifcclion. All wo mk )••on t o go toyonrDrnRffiit, W. A. Vouch t

«. iloben TtfllRorv, Duror, Had ^-~boltleforlOcti . i indlryft . V

tJi-nvy—Fi.fj. Turwlo i..-•>•-. t lines. Wliprcin .T. Snn-at

Willi is eornitlfttiisnt, andKnnlicr II. C.irv miCUra hi* wife, and 'thtmn Yoniifit, nrc \ \fondiinti. Ilitturnalitd io Felirnsir Turin, 1V. 1875. XUtiVSriMVt. CUTtER, Ro..

r p i I E sale inl«linir«f thoaliovopjirllwitttnaFJL ailbuniBil to lalio nhcu i t Un> ^Imuion

H u u n Hold, In aioriiiil.j'vii, X. J., on"MONDAY, JIAHCH HI!.,

tHw JESSE norniAN, miniirr.

Mori-Is (.'iinnly Kiirniea.f'it Ofilfi'.n;imuAiiY onh is-.i.

it lira uattur of Atuun U. V. «.KI)r MK\ A j , . ;SI- >,0U>|S« AdmiuiBlratoiH .if Win. L. Vimiiitlfo'il. 8tirroj;ata'a onW to limit crcilitori'

i t .hnorthoalHiwiawo.l.Wmtnih)il by Itii! Knrroj-Mo tliai

" " • " In tin.i being

^ . . .ma j l i lunlaiilAdtniiiiatnilorsniiAdmluiHlrcton, giru lmhlic

Cillton or tlio ixlalo orsnfd .1,'ec.k'Vheir iicuu, domaudB mid claim, (Icmaudn ami c n i n

•aino, ntidoroalli, williin nltio tnontlis rrnm thiaditc, by sotting np a copy uf IIIIH imii'r, witliintwfnty ihj;i Lartariei-, m livo ol tlit- mint imh-Ho plscci in tlio County of Morris fiv twouiontltB, nml aha within tti; mill twuiitv ilnv"by»dvortliinRtlioHamo In tlio IHON Eiaot tUo iienipapers or thin State, Mr UIL>

nitUia tlioARIII iinioilc.rmtw mo:illco bcltiff ntom an arurcsni.l, *

_lmll bo fnnicr do haired or liiit < -nctlontlicrcrorBj;ni"ii"ttl.[ "

auachpublic— • 1 1 - rttcr ilclmrrcd or LU nr In

altist tlia fciiJ AilmlniHlraioriE.&. WILLIS, KumiRBlR.ti l



rcuit Cnnrt-Juliiw Clarann vn. CliaInatt.ncliMipnt ; or.ier io Bull\,,-n,,u

roiwn.v. f l tED. A. P P M O ' I T , AtlV

BY Tirlno or tliv nlmvi! unltr, I Bliall Linyfor oolo at i-nbiio AucUon kt tb" « U S aii

m llio premlBUH or William Harrifl, on Sn*«tilrcut, in Ihu tflirii or Dover, N. J., on

NATUItDAY, FEBRUARY SOlli, 1K7.1,Jim MIoiYioc Pcnnnal I'ropertv. to-wit • (inlarBo iizo JiEIlIUSO I-'lftn I'llOOF fiWli,conibiMimn lock, l Hqnaro Jmvclcr'a SilverMounted Show Caw, i sumll Bbiiir Ci"r ,13 Clocks, IO Silver Watches,

smoiiii, 7 Flncer Hins» with Hli.iol JoiYelry, a7aets(irL'ar-

if l'laicd

Filled lli.iKl, O.r-1f Jcnolr j , 31

leero Button., 4C lets or Htud*. 31] untH ,,t» « Sim™ 13.tton«, u palr> ot foil i 5 Io Jr llUck Esr-rinsa, etc. Aha 1 Coili (:n Iin i

"\ \*y cl0I*t- •'»' "'••™'»a B S I S 'c. (ialo tu commenco at 1 o'clock 1'Si ' "•

-M J i ssc iiQFrSiAS. !5,Sir. I

Tim l iuw. t ,t,a IIIIKI complut,, ami or anil!-

II? r ] ' 'n'"'>V ' " f<"""1 ' " 1 ) o v c r»

Itoimcla, lints, l ' l o « n s , 1'intli-"••». IllliDonsi tncM—ivul

und lllli(n<i«ii..\«>ektlvt(nml Hows, Collnn,

l-iico a n a J.im.n 'hels, t rapes. Moiirniiti; Hot

tlilil Rolls.

A tlni! namirlini-ut ol

Clilgnons, Switches, Braids, &iAbu, n very hrcu vaiitly or

ZEPHYR GOODS,AuJ « Urn, nlorl ot

Ludies' Furnishing GoodKror;tiling ni.Kll,, bo.t nutrtUI aud m l .

at Mi-tan irliti-Uilin;I«n»'rt hi B


m 1




a, in a imri>sin;;, \n> iii-Lilr. All.a...fclmryy.

x a - - i x 5 { . .x 3 - 4 I 0 'n a — 1 x 5 •

x 12 iui-h~HiJ; 12 x H IIK

ich mlinj;.



t n ; i ] . o i t tu t)wra ux IL enir.ii-ii r.iLi.iiiL-H r,ftlilu to KMnintprra proiujitlv tlclI'liO 0)11.111 [lih'Hi

li IWiiii^ \ . . . l

1> lilank S«" l'mli slop plank No.

• ilivm-

ml 2.

1 °iii.nl:>.

OEANE k WEBSTERnt oMli-iiljo s i . X'^arlt,.



rtAiirETDiirAimuixT!Aiiiinijilcr, VolM, Jlnmiil., a.fly, Iiwrnln

Cottafjf, Wool, Dnitli, IlaB om] Hoinn Carpi-

LinrtkEitnu, Oil t'lotliK, of HiIKliw|, m] ,l Aun

lollnmk, Slwdo ristr-.rtn, Live Oei

ViV mnl.f iul la

i Jiancut and lay

ami giunn


NOTICE OP II13310 VAL,'Win. Ha-x-ris,


Sussex Street, Dover, N, J.,



lltaa nolrlj- IkI

'. lli'mrH liuardoil by tho Jay (ir ivt'tlr!



- A N I i -



The New EmpireHot-Aii-, (Jus & Bnsc-foiiHi


AIsu, n Lugo AsBurtuiDul or other WIVKM"f Cocilaiis Stcivcj. HallKi—. IMrW


FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.AlKi.ni-hnin^luL-kor

lfanbvare, Cutlery,, Wonileii. COIHWT, I'lstu mut .Tuimm


OUClol l , , .Or |» t , ,L .n . i» , I ' a l i i t . and Oil.S;i'»S'v5'')*' J;^"1""'1'™"'" A»lf»> OH (mil,


ltoollng, Plumbing and JolWork promptly utlemlcd to.

Bonnell's Patent Straw Cutter,Tlio heat over taado.

llmnk'ii Scales ut Matin


UNDERTAKERS, 'i "in 01,1 s.,,,.,,1 „„ SllS9(,x S(_(

B O V E B , X. .r.

Desirable Property "

l oi- Snlo.

LARGE HOUSE^s'rUr^tis,::1"1"" '•

'ashinflton Turnpike, Chester.

;<W MI.VINO CO.Oieat.... K, j .




For Sixty Days Only




Fire Brick & Olay,Draiii Tile, I

OyenTilefMasons' Material, i

Cuu»lontly on hanil.

On Bergen Street, near R. i l' • vl

Building Lots For &C.I tbe Head lending from

DOVElt to. MOUNT HOI'IBy M. Sigler,



is 1.1-AI niiKi.t.Hr. i:r.t.u\v tinnfii:


Scranton and lehig]o o

Lime, Cemeat, Plaster, Woi



Coal of nil Sizes Constantly m\mini, a n a del ivered to tinslmrt or Ilie City o r VJclnil).

We aro alao ready to moot the larsci! ojacn In



Ordcra may bu a(l(lrrsnod tLrongti theODlco iock llox 29, or lot! »t A. Iteeinor". iH Blackuell Htrect, ucar HiUffii.

onic« nest to a«m ,i IIlllaclmnaltod.

A. UKEMlill,


S i , olil (trlco §•>.




"""'» '"I" "™ «l»t I ,,r..li

SEASON, 1 8 7 5 1

Headquarters of Morris CountyH>lt

-Flowers!: -uroKiisioxED. THANKUBI. . -it I'atronago m n l d nmnoolfbllT rail »*or Ilia « ' . 1 " ' " " « ' Uotcr an.l vloiiiltr


|jor - . P L A N T Sfoil "'SVnl'oYliS,, Vl'i","am'l flStn.ryanltLJ.lcrurll

•1 BI10S,°".S S. J.

« MAPLl: AVIS. d r . rr:i:RY CT.I, JV. . ! . ,, ooniL'r Warn1

fl.&I.Searin-'*>'/. (o i l ,


and BUILDER"» i l!|.ACKWi;u. HT., /,£nll H

aiiasoefllfcallonarorlniiiai,,,,, * f ltat™ nuil m.tiTlMln fnriifiliiS'


Jobbing inniTfiiii,rrai 18th imi. '


D. L. 4 W. E. E. TIME TABLE.

Hgb . p ,M.; BartonEiprcn, 3.00P.M.; Emlon

EiuHiii, 5.B3 1'. M.; l)Iugh»mptoii Ei]irc»s,G Sfl 1' M.; H*cteHuU)ffU Eiprtm, 7.DO I1. M.;

nu>M uovKn ooiva RAIT :

Hnrrialmis Sjiedal, *.SO A. M. | Uo»tr lix-

| I I t l l | c.50 A. M.; HaoltcUiU.Mii Mall, 7.H1 A.

M E I B E I I T O I J I I I M 7 A 1 I ; DlaguamploaM • I, IM7A.1I.; D

Mtt; gp

&p*n , . li Mitt, S.W P. M.;

Hjraeuio Eipreiii, 8,13 P. JI.; tt»t<iu Accora-











Dii Frldsy ul^lil, HIH SStli ult., tunta buji

itorud thu house of William Dlekonou at

Drn lest own to steal whihtf, and ware c&ught.

Itlt'Uuding tiro cr Hum juia ti and ttio

otberii 60 lo keep tha llunu (jatel, somehow

rothor tho affidr looked out.

5tcr.TyS.Mull, well known tn many nf liio

First Jciiej Cavnlrjr boja about horo as bolug

a Lkutonatit in that rifilmont, died i t liu liomo

iiiTrtutuu un llie Qlit ult. For a number of

irs pKitliolud boi>n a vory popular contlua-


L "Borvicn of Hong" Mil be liold in tbo 1M-

-a room of llio Preihrtorian Chnrch lu tbla

town on neitFrlday afternoon i t thwo o'clock.

Tho coii|troealtun ia l

lulUr i

Weekly Statement of Iron OreP/ssiMO THU HADUETTSTOWM SOAIEK, VIA



ilTATI0M< WM».

Uunutalu Yiuff,

Itock»Kaj •• r


PortOram •••(Shelter IU R. (Hortoa's, Com ii

HnecuBnu, Vanatte and 01K

liooiiton ••••





it U..',. l a a D O

C2 00

, . . . 2,106 1'J

. . j.twa is

. . . . 9110

. . . . HI 19

. . . . la 03


L M I .

SI. Valentines Day to-morrow. *

A poor jolior maltoi hh)A "nllcr."

It's only eight w«ok§ till Conference mooti.

Tlio floating debt of Horrltitoini ii #7,050,81

k nneiling toraiuiltoe tai been


'11,0 Jlorrlatowu Ihptlat Cl

a (P(8on nr revival.

.V special nice Hug tiTtJio Board o

Will l«lield on tho 2Sd hill,

JIurriMlownaccommodated four liund'ttid andJMy-tLrco IramjiB during llio month of Janmry.

Mr. Hilsej1 King la building a now rodldenenon McFurlan jitri>ct-Allui, Palmer & Bon con-tract ore,

A ]>rivaU lotlw from Alra. Odcnhftlmer t t j i

U.atliiolibliopiaiCTlouiirm, mid that ilia U

fearful or tlio m u l l .

Mr. Blfai Buchanan, of UIIIUIITUID, N. Y., bus

yurdiasoil a farm of Jolin C, Welch, naar Oer-

ODiwal 1'iU Jdni Porter t>[ Uorrlntoiin has

-made anotbn- sppctl lo Preiitltnt Grant tn

imveliis cue rofi Dwcd.

Haltoy mid Yonnglilood haw

un under obligation* by Ilia faror of

•jiluttllo Htato documents;

Charlis H. Dickonon was lait neat elected

Treasurer «t Protection Hoot Miil I*d\loT CO.,

vice Wm. V. Bolter, rcilpncd.

Dr. Rcmoutlt, vow romptonPlilDs, Ths IOM

Tiio inoinborf of Washington Engine Co. of'.Murriilon-ii trill glvo an cntor[niniucnt on the'croitincf of VA ah In ifl on *a IilrttidaT.

Bcmoofonr cllhsons are lalkl-ig tarneitly

•iliont tiio lulTodncUnn of San in Dover. Wa

nlmll Imvo moro testy on tlo subject anou,

A number of tlio young moa riwontlr con-vertud in Itoonttm aro ho Id lug religious most*Ingi ot prints rosldeneoi ffilli coniidorable•needs. - j

Her. Dr. Dirilno- of Jlorrlalown loetnws to;

,Q heiicat of Liberty Council, 0 . U. A. II.', of

Washington, on (ho evening .or Wasliliigioa'a

Hinco the abolition of t ie credit syn

aro working charminglyat E. Linda]

anil It In rualt; astonishing liotr ebon

for cull.

An cicliuiea ears : " Bret Ilartc•flow In ITorrlitown, % J,, whero li••ays, " In lUo only homo

RL'T- J. Ti, Dimoli j)readied a BOJ

:iwtU cvonlnx on dtneing whleli hat

•cotuidcnblo coniniDnt.I&vorablaiiiK

tblo, alioot tovit,

'Tlio Dor^r Dramatic Association ]

iDg a grand entertainment ID Moll

n ttia (Ttninp of TfanL

a a a t t

adaj tLu cellarwilti »ntfr. 'I'limtlilu tit h(u m

ilcr Osiii'n Htorn wnnllu'

vpr about ctUtre, 'Ihi, dro-ni'l n f

Twiln'g uliarmtor or " Col. Kdlun," i

Tlid bui tmA ot Itov. II. U. KilimnInto lV*Hidiii(- EWiT ui tliin dixirlcl,

Ix of l.iiwan roLbcd tin? oilier uifiltlltul^Ht rmrli. 'Hie Ddinliilf•pinion »M(ollii>nmb;iro/lli(tf fun! p

IU'XC 1ms tiinitrtllli

I MiirriHtimn Vim " luillni" liy blu landlurd un

'•1 liiiiiilriil iIullaiH liy lltu I'lM-ratiou lui li

itciltiilb tliuroult uf Lin lilllu

itii ili-i-Kt;ind, l.i)'« the BiiitmBlnm KL\Vi!B l«» tc!.duri"l libit cilll™. If acuuptui}, bin elaUy be lirst AiuUlaiitCliU'tUtrioiiri-il Jlrunim BU(] Krftt3

, that Chlat

or tho

id to attend. At fo

will be liold by tlio

UU tU U bButLdar Ktlool conoectc4 with tUo «'

Ur. 8. C. Alboll, now lraalmaslcr %t iTahomct,III., lends u«a (Ubierlplioii and &&&»; "tarty

1 WII a IKIJT ton joarfl of ngo, Iattondod mrltuol nnd B«lib*tU Bcliool iu your

Jobti Ilois'and •**» my SabbathScWil tcauhur and % 1). Scgur my HabhatliHchool Sunorlnlcitdunl. I would lio ploMsod toTIBII tlio plaeo again,"

*t futgut tUo ooucort iu tbo PreflijtetltaChurch at Lliaglur, lo-nlfjlit, by tbo world-

Ante-Kit fricoittoIn order; ttcltcla of admittance being lirontv-

io ctuU. We venture the mmtribn t\ial noich opportunity to liutcn to most dullglitful

mutlobaH l»un prewntod in till* county foridvlao all lover* of foulfdlly-iung

Bongi iu until HieimcWcs tlicroof.

Uurit) and Jolm Jacob Wooden oninHlg of la«t wook etitoiod ilia effico

•f Alt'iindiT Elliott and beinK drunk, (isaultcdtbat goiitlcraan, Hiujwcro arn'tleil by offl-icra Hj-rim and 1'rnnomco, »nd tbo uott morn-inn fined by Justice Oaf o—Woodoa 15 ind coiti[or being druak twl dltotdctly, vaA Murin $10

~ itH for the sunn oflunco and bound overar ut tliu voit lUttik^ of tUe Grnnl J U I J

Tor tbo assault.

Tlio Humor eaj* llio Morrhlotrn Pontmmiter-ahlp irill probnbly CIUHRU handa tinlcaa Mr.Vutico li again luiUUtd in tlio ofiloo SM acomprotuUo caadldato. Olio fight now being

fucttouH !• fearful Ioconloniplalo,tmiofl, nnd ii Duly wortby of tho

Light and Hoary Weigbta, who, ai Nait iayi,go it iiamuiur and tupgi." llio two foremost

Axplraiili fur tlio oDlco nro Wc*ura. Jobu It.llimyuii nml 1'icrion '£rcetnmu

WUIELTB IIRB romorod IIIB 1>IU|IIDUI to Un newtL-ai spli-ri0Ii\ quarters, Wtw(en tlm Union Bankaod Goo. Illchird'i & Co.'i itaro, where it willgiva liiir. plcmuro lo'euc all till ffiondi and Ibopublic Boceriliy. Tha Tame of Wattcn u apopular ront»nrant keeper !• too well known tonood 1-oconitncndAtlon from m at thli Mine.We will only lay tliat he bus made eapodalapart mauls for {lit accommodation of lndioj,

rlilct iro roaclied l>y a privita entrance.

outrageid iii tlio nolRUborbood of Otr-

Vtlio;, by t-sio caudm t»med Bentj, one3f vbooi Ii & married n»u, Tiioy cillod at Ibchomo ol Mr. Btaio EmmonB, hud nmlur tbe prc-tciicooi going to a party, Invitodbli diugblorto acoumptuy tliem. She accepted Uio invita-

iil lomewliei* on tho road »»« raped !IJllio vilblou, who then left her to f ol home ai

ih» could. It Ii Mid Iboy litre ptiatSOto lottle the matter and loft (ho State.

Tho Bulletin ujfl! 1'en.uanuook townshipai an Did citizen Iu the psrion of Mr. Paul S.

Dohow, afjod TO j a m , who liouft af Ihomaitacliro old men tiring lu thii lection uf theBUte, Oa liU UrtWiy-one d»j Uit moiitb-ho itood (in tho floor and fctoietl tlifl eeliinjf,aavim ftwt btRb. Hs S» not onlj lemmkublj ac-tive, bat o&ii«f tbo moiit g«uial and Hociableold gealloiDiu to be fohni anywhore. Ho Jinbeen an aeiiro Itenufalioin for ft numbor ofyewi, and l i ileidlnj motuberof UioltetoruadChurch, Fompton Flftlof. tie l» hi|Uly r«-ppoctod, anttglraa erldoncn oMlflng a untnlierof yetn j»t tocomo.

A aorrdiiionilenl from Hiao Hill urilcs i)i:"1'iiroo veart igo a concert wae hold In thisplace, at which tho ichool ctuaron mirto ernat

. Car tlio pur-paw or famUWne ttioichool hotiio vitlt » boll. Many In thhl lootlon

inU Uko tn know why the UU Ima MTUT. btwnpurohaicd, or elia what h i t become of thep ,

11H1 HotMli«Uu»toainlh« mini lnMlf, ,„ ' „».ll«j In Mom« Count;, ond la not iiHuitill

P . . r f l , / .« r te.u™ ljrl,»)llir;!v... in., tl.«

. House,j >IUUJI UJ

1(!Q YABI S FROM D: Lr 4 W* pEPjjor, 'llio

j3T^-KnEEO3P3D, W . » T | ^ " J *

Wm. BROU'N, I»iop'r. Vjl»iK»wd

Tlio Y, M. 0. A. of HocntoD ojud re-anlau at llielr rooms o n lof h*t vcclr. DclogttionB from Doveriutoirn pirtldpntnd.

TlioWgeomiilbui nliicL fain forbeen op for cbancoi will do riffledJ'ort Onm Hotoi on Tuesday n-xt. A. tartclitucaa to bo diipoioil of.

» r , 1L Blglerbas to ru \e at hit coal Y*rdCarlmnlte for burnlog; In ojMib gritci , nhldibarni *Hb flatno, ii Irco from iraoVo, anil )•-clicipor lli»a CBHUCI coal.

Tim itonn vt Tlmiadaj flooJeil tb* niHwujtrackt lo pUcon In tlil> nation, irliloir freezing

Jurinf Die nigbt, delayed train* for iQTeralhoura yentorday morning.

Tlio mmu of IT. 0. l'ltoer, Ewi-. i< mentioned.ptmnlntuUy for tlio lisneli of ttio Boproam-Court, in CIBQ sny adrlltlonal Jnilgoi aro.pro-riilcd Tor, i s now aoemi probibto.

Tlio emilf boys aliont town look qp In aHton-IJilWnt at tlio bead ploco of our Jfmgrtij•arrlor tbU eo!4 weatlier aud BBRQly wtnatk.:-"I i It VDrj cola op thoro, Jimmy T"

Mr. Jolin Boicli, n! lacVionTiib, a pit l t Juror•tor tlio progQtit iiHHlon of Court, wai lakcu slokHist week a t Jlorrielown, mini Homo, and dloc)'OU SlonJaj of Ihhi weekof plourliy.

Jlsaao Van Pelt, an old and popular con duo tot

'on tliu Morrii and Estoi IUtlroad, baa Loaa nn-

ublo la do duty for Ilia h i t i l l montbir, and lili

ifrbmban niakiug up a po«a for bioj.

'A fomalo LOUBB thlet b i l been flperatiPR In

Htnttlalown. An altampt to rob Mi*. 1 . » .

, Ulunn waafrantntfld, but * droii belonging to

Mw.«Ooo4F)5jiry, laluoa at *3u, « u lakou.

and lady, Dr. Cota.nbm Beach

C b b l r S r U t

Esrollont BccommoiUlIoiiH for Ira -|Krmanfr.it boardnrs, also a livery and Ijoanltlio w•tabto attuchnl lo tho homo. V

-—1 poth&pfi

y . t i U . C o b a a l i O B r r r U t ,

>mlDlherrriondiina4o up an eicnrtion [iartj


Dr, P. Bith

loft New Vorlc OB Wedncaday e<

ers and lady of Morrlatown on

Vt l h l ri tthalr rotata from tVotr roeojit biU»\ trip UFlorida, hronght with them a pftir ot youigr al-iRiton, whitb KID no* on oiblbUlon at tbo ~•8. Hold.

loiCph lUlrton, an old attacba of the StickleHomo under the management of Mr. Baowhill,•iwnlllwly known u "Joo," retired io hi« reitflu Saturday niglit lait, and'dioa at four o'clockSimilar mommg.

ITr. Diekcruon, tho poat-offlao clerk, inrorrniHi that by a nsw international poital i n M g t -ment, letters going to C&tuuU will horeaftei bolent for thros ccnti, prepiU, Initoail of ilxccati aa licretafDte.

At tla lato entrance examination of the StallKonnal Sriiool among ihoio admitted to ttionew d m wcro Harriot A. IToreiiemw of Fomr*lonPlalui and Oeorgo E. Ninghrighl of Lower

Ihe wife of Mr. Jibuz E. P . Coonrod, wioWM taken ta the State LotnUo Aijtam rcccnly, died i t that inatitntlcm oa TliUwdiy era1"B. l"hli li indeed a iaco tffliotlon, %ai Mr.Cwnrod Im the lympalhy of all.

On PiiiUy tnorninc;, a i ConilDCtai Allen, ol. millwnat, wan iu th,

oftco at tlio depot Rotting orders, ««nio ucimiUtftd liii ftujocs "all aboard" call —•tartan the train. Port»D«ioljf »n engloo iloodr«dy wlih iteun up, and o& tbU Allen nudiDhaia alter hie fogitiTO traint M9 fWSht upWthltnlKorrUPIiilni.

WILLIAMt tffoTlnJivldnnl who tlilii NenAik aboL

t, yo« tax tlw purpasu of bewtnlog io.toilct.ted.Ua geuanlly tringi from WO to f SO with liira,

1 u Iocs ft» his cub Uoldi sal lie h t i a Jolljiirao of il. He bai locn turoro tho PublicCourt a great many Umei mil h>i i o n olltiipaid a Hue of IS lor JrnnlienceM, Ae. Theother ovcalng lolilbod WM ngala brooglit inoasily iDtodcalod and almoit frown to death,police oultcr luring found him lybg on tut

•idowalk. Ho nai tikL-u heron Juitico MIIlinoitmorolug-, hut hid no money loft to paylino. Tbo Justice, however, let him off on con-dltlou that ho would return homo. Once oatlido Idi iknl /«r«ot hit promlfo aad Tisited

iroral of hii old haunts. Ho drank freely,id hi Itca Ibsn ono hour'* tint, after hii dli-urt'o A imlicciuin frund him lying on tb»

w»lkIaFotrjf8t^»ltuoitdcsddruok. Iwas ratuovod io tbe Police Btitiou, and will be,unt to J t l l far e. fevr <hj\

Satlinn Hycr, of Jlorrlslonu, wai lorionilyilnbbcd InPoapacl: on Tusuday of l«»t weoV',Tli« particulars, ai thuy coino to un, ue an to1-

Myer went into a atoro ia Peipiclt tomiko tome inqulrlei Iii regard io cittle—hebnlPg a drover. Ho cnturoU Into coiners*tloawltb a—to htm-itraneo Gorman.tb» store, and who mddonly, and without anyproTMntioQ, vtruckhim. Jfycr n»lod tbe cameofthiifltr»nBOaction,fflcu Uio man said, "JetnUct jout" and struck Iilmai-aiu. Anoufflcoiisuod, tlurlnp wlioli Ifyor ttruck the itrangeia numUec of timoi. After It wai orcr Myorwent outililo, nnd juit ai ho wa> getting loloHi «1D4 ttit ftlttogei Blabbed h t o oncu in tUoHibreast, onco in llOugcre. At b


log, and cut two or bin

»uW*d Mt. Mjei:Ougcre. Atts g ja rorolvor mil wai about to shoot tho rnfllanbut was prercaleu. Tbo wound In the breait

light, but that iu UIB leg la deL-i>er. Tiefluccr* an>, pcrbapn, pennanoDtly tnjurco.Mjcr m eared for fn Impact unlii Tbnndnywhoa bo via brought home Uli asiallant wai

nd taltun to Soinorfijlo /ajl.-Itcpub-

tbo follotriag a local notlco toeinco to BCUDO ulio would ptubkWjre readily In thb dop.rlmout Ihtu

ifttijolhor;ID tho Hunno of Bcprtieiilitiues lait wook,

Uon. MarouaL. Tfard or tills Btalo (.ucceedidla icciiring alwo-lliird Tute by tolipr* on thepropoiitioii lo glw bauiillfla 10 the wWawi andheirs of tlioto toldlera who euliitcd tor Ionthan a yocr, and who iroro killed or died byreaionofftcrricu. Under oxIiUtur Uw* boun-tiei ore doniid to all tboio who did not cnliifucmoro than ono jcar'n aorvice. Tlio prof•Itlon to oquilteo bountica, which Lai been tomuch picucd upon Ouncreii, ffoald tftko fromtho Troaaury (100,000,000. Thii proportion of

nY, Ward paj» nat a dollar of bounty to myl f tho clan ferred t wh la nololilloc of tho

I Mi(. r;i>i

) yluviatu tbu MiflttriiifiN iif IIIIUWIJII)-,) ui^suliGood TimipbrrLodge, lu-dsy it iniiiilcm niiimeinlx-m. IUH tlioronglily iitul i-Jliciciilly;aiiizi-din Un work|j,K«; the wiirlily uicutiiru IIL-II! 1111 Hottirdhv r-vfiiiujjH, In ttio ba^-iniftboIn*liyteriii]iClnirchnt ihlH |>la,L-.Iniuo'U an-in u IMMUII/ .i.iiiliUmi, wit'ilotituilin'H:, but 11 Isrgt:tniqilus in tin: tIna prnmiiibul/rotnro .if ilH wuili h htH

tho right Wtnrco ; Inatuid of dnbarting Hfroinliadrdii i t tliruns o ^ u llie ditur


my. Ji

fnurl »r ajf".lomboia have felt ilia.* fiiiiHiriauce uf early wurkr dlililliiiK prin<-L[Jl<:« uf tcmiwmiu-i! in tb<.iIudH of the youuir and havluy it "mow with

tbejr growth" and "itrougllmn ivltli Ihdr•lr(U|{lUt" devaluing actlw, IWlue., uvier^ctictoui[Hjraooc wurWi, irbu can gifu tho (lonur «rtlioir d».ja to tho *Jv*nounnmt uf UHJ t^ntjicT-ance cauao. Tlio tuoit twrfuct unity prevail*tuaoQg It* mcuibeia-harmuiiy id Uio walcb-word—they realise that In union and unionuloDuiaitiunffl'i. I I I IBI rujifkudPurliuBit«tofuel Its wlilokpruad inauenco in <mr DIURI. It

ii taken wltbiu 11* walla eomu wliohnvc nanoiithani God that iudi auncinty trai ever or-cizctlftt Mine Hill. We viclilt duccoua. liuirk hi Krcl*t(iU »JvursBfieii many ; Hm i>b-

iUcloa lu ita wiiy are of au unylolding liitprelmt wo trust ill kindly influence will bo felt forgood. Whit with widespread rObctt of iiileiu-pcd*nc«, the tiulluli Imti of {Ispravott uppu-titoi, the promptly* of tbo«o ubildreu of uaimiwlio <loil "liquid datniutlon" over thi-lr eonn-teri to draw tliu lifa-tloud from tlioir -Ictiui'ii

•otila nnd vurati, and a, tlionaand andODootUoroquiIlyionniditbU fuoi.it is indeedup-blll work; but tlic,-o ui stout lw«U,eyiap»-

iaheiirlH, willing liandn, hulpfn/f hmdi, bc-ilont Uioajjliltt tud •suovoU'iit \m*K% tu

help tho gowl work along. Many n joiiiifman vim uitght lona QVQ tlili l m u ft rftltid ltii

iButioo.l At tha Hlirino or ilrink boo l»i»rmlglit to a firm tsgolvu lu "tondi nut, toslfiol, handle not," through iho oiorlions otjtnc brothtiru and HiitcrB of charily.' On But-rdaj cretiing list tho Lodgo hold a mootlog

for t ie InitaiUtiouof odlcorc, wlilcli r t mil ted luure-olcctlonorHatnuul May aa VI. C. V.) al«o, the clcettoii of tho following ofllcore : Dim

WIeki, W.V. C. T.; Wm. Ugo, \Y.R,;\Y,UDarii, Vf,i\ ti.; 1. llohona, W.T.; J, Eiilcr-brook, Vf.V,; Paul Martin, W.JI.j John Uyi-r,I. O.; D. Miller, O. (1.; Juhu Hoakiu, It. H. H.;Harry A. £cggo, L.H.H.; J^eulia lteichard,D. M. After inutallatiuu tho concluiling «or-

io porf'iruied ond a rcsolvo to work "fara kingdom" HSH u jiropucd on all kidua. We

inut refrain, (ram uylng a lew wonU fiirlliectboKODdbutnnioli noglcotcd ctuio. Allow

tna t'offur % fuw oilnut* ttom \&rioua wriUn,also a fafi tlio lights uf my out, ivilli tlja fondhope that they viill bo tlio moann t>f ci-tftllnRHdeeper Intcroit iu ths glorious wnrk. A enr-tab writeronce iitil, "Oofrora tho Equator toour I'olo and yon will Qnd Intonipcrauee iticfeai-ing logotlier with tho drgrce ot lalltadu; ROfrom the Mine Etputor to tbo opposite Polo uadjoa will find ilninkontioBi truYollliifi South."

itompersDco ia comuioa to Haragn and la civil-ized nailom, to Iht illitorato and tho educated.Tbshlitoryor Intoroperaticu prsBonta n UOB!nclapcholy • abject of In 11 motion au<l warningo lunntiiid. Tha frugal habiti of thu p.-iinitin)

tnbabitants of the esrth exclude ny linnusBiblo(he eiJfltonco of Rroaa Intomiicraneo iu

leoUted cams at in oarly rfcHail nru re-carddd lu tha Old Te»Um<mt, lmt Ui«so n t W

ilrlklDR Dxainplesof huninn frailty thanHluttntlcni cftitlco goaorai in 1(9 oxUtento;thoio ofNonli and Lot aro tho earliest Imilanueiwilti nblcb wo ftTO ftc<iu&Iutcil. At A Inter ptrj 'od tho tine bscamo tnoro Ruumllr cultivated,k»d OTirapUi of lnlemporance iTorD km raru lutheir occurrence. In tbe inntauco uf Stmipeon,"tbe rbiiUllnos galhcroil lo^ellmr to oilvra

to their God Dagon fur having deliver-ed, tholr fuimlJaWo enemy Into tlidr bamh"whon tholr lienri* wcro "worry wjtb wlno," The* imcillcB of Abitlciu ilBW Amnon when hit

urt WBJ merry with wiuo, and EJnh when hewas drlnliing liimBdf drunk WIB ililu by his

it Zlmrt, nnd if vre fullow the iiflgc, or » -crcil writ tram (ho tlmo Ihc Prophot'ii TO I BO oo lioedo'or Jadsa'i Hills down to thu Unto tho warworn Prophot iu the file of Putmoa «as unfuld-lug tlw mjiluriot of tUegtoat I Am, vre wLHfind striking oxamples of tho hiJtoui vlqe, milwill be «onfton toil wltb tlio «ij;m! pn»ii\imoiit(that bird been vintud upon trauBgresaora oftha grckt Wort\ Uw "Touoh not, taste not, hnn-illonot." WowlcariDg theseoxnmphiisatboroilfrotoHoty Writ wo turn onroyon to tbu pagcHofprofens h Is lory. "Jack," vald a gentlemanorrery high qualitj when, after the ilohatoiutbo Haunt of Lordi, Kins William was votedInto the vacant throne, "Jack, go homo to yourlady and tell bor trs huro got a Proloatantklug and ijucon, aud so tnako a bon-flre us bl j

home, Rnd hid.the hntler nuUa ya ol]drank, ye nog,". Hers r a t meriEloIng to thePovil for a thankBgiTing lo God.


tlimiBli II oHfii l.-d to ciilioim nu,l In dideoinliiuatioii* of thought mil WQH whollyvarUncoitilh oltliurtlio wuidi or tho Hjiiilt oftlio Bitwo* fruiu which they worn 1-iUcti. (t

ncral iilua, liowevir, cveiy uao conld nudt <lld LILUQ 1«I«IC t-i l.liimtH Umt tli

trii lo lourn in thu world.

Iluviuniiig tlvo |»erfi»nnancfH timaselvi'i, itwould bu iiiriJiouit and unfair to HJDRIC out nny

l a

Jormun, Itnlimi, (Dr. Vuluiitino,) Pruiicli, l'ortigiicxo, (Dr. Kfddur,) anil hirit In Ilia pro-jminiiio, Cliinnik, a langnofe-o «f ll,o ludin tbo weatoui uud imrlliorn burtlvrJ ur Cnll-orufa and ulher adjoining Sti l ts und Tuiritoion. Tlio vory lout pfeco tt\_\o\[m\ win iu tinFopunouu tonguo by urn- litllo friend Knubilii.

Aicolbur importnuL aiut intcruMtUi^ clvtiicuD/tlidOTealnsvae thu KolMtlnii nutl a-ntl.Vi.ifof Ilia iiattuuil utrH of America, ttmiwny, Hoi/.Turkey, Aiutria, J'ruuco, Portugal, and la croirutliu wlmlu i niwllny uf no wie linuwi what,jviny a littlo of uvtrjlliin,; In tho him of im


ll«d thoro been a uonilnrci) dyi|H>[)tlo amongthai ovonlng, hocor'r1. not holji but recoivo

Hid t fioni irlmt lio hcurd oml unw. Manyluokod wiuo, what for, I ennnot toll, stute no o»oavt vcraed in thojio imignugcH could tiiiilemtunilthem, cui>cclnlly when bound up In clioicopcetry. Noivthe Hoeicty hay pauicd tbroiifli

* como oul brig lit and SIUJCUM-Tul, nml iiodunbtiuthu lonpruiiiro nmnyiriiottil tlio mo'jiberi will look back npon thin Orsttrcmhllng efTurt of vlul nt liiut eixiiuud n hope-lent* undertaking. Thu i'reaidout rgiuarkedthat in future yearn w »uld tboro bo nut only 2(1

pounds, but twko and tlirlco that niimbor,,nd Lt nv.rlaluly lin« tli»t twk \wtf.

Un Wedncndny uvciilng wo bnd A lodurn by

*f I'Mturn nnd tlioir ntUtton to thu world." Kono

ufvonr rcadere, prcBiiuially, aro liitoi'dttad In

tliia to|ilc, therefore, I<ui|il iuacrllug anytliiiig"

y , p , j

ibis mothod Increase what no linvo ruined by

b i IVilb l i thtbo Muuuit lifo an such gf many will crane, and

(hey tiiiiut launub out Hiwn tlio deep of human

atrlfu and oadaavor; lioro rcatiftltihiR, thore

building up, herd vorrccllutr. thorn planting,

until cuoU will havo lu Uy by Uitt tooli and tho

t h d

Httle otlnn 1I0 Ik*

their enduavur to

anil iiatlous. Ami no 1and labor liko oilier

g p T e ,nailing along Iho elroota pa it otio at IIIOBO dau<when liquor ii fold, wo noticed (ho fultoningI p l i a a ; 'Prank far a penny, ilaul dnuk

O'pDtiu), clean itraw lor iiotbicff.1" Jit-ny o»inplt>* migjii b» &dd»cua in ovWoiieu vttho gouoral 6i\$\ouce of intutoparaneo.

IOrot tBr i le in in ibe luiddbol tho olglit-oenth century ojceinivo drinking yaa c^fromo-lypnTalcnt among tlie higher elnsieuof Scot.laud. Sir. Duulop, a mimiber of Parliament,irrltoj that "a diapiiht having Ult oil plnco at afair at Ayenblro the TitUoa went to tlio man-sion of a neighboring magistrate to louk an ad-juitniont of their uiflcroncei, when tlioy foundthree justice* of tho poncv dauolus naked befotol door in % itata of intoiication ; thoio iroro

three of the principal mon of the eouaty.

In Ireland tlio moit torrililo reanltH have nt-lended tho uio of intoxicntlug liquor*. Ireland

l t d i d la for the Joit ceutury xltoe

l d i l i t

iuittuordlnik-tlon ErlinM,and imtuomlily, rnging to an aimeatiacredibU oitoat, uo«l of wtilcU nifty bo tbotcd lo tho Influence of Intempo»nco,bitlcrj ot ta» otber cauntrlts aliow t t»t iutom-ponuc'o li uot peculiar to Great Britain nndIr&hmd, amtiotf W»KO OBWB can trueD IUBgrowing evil insidiouily creeping fill way iu|noiory catioo, OTory people, our loglibtlvo balls,and BTOU at our Tory door-atepi,

Tbia country to-day Ii bloitoii, hlintorod,

corchod and aearod with tbe terrible flro-hranda tbla tleidly monster In catting amongUi oa orc'ty h ind ; the land i»groonln£ bocamcfinlamporBnco; treicoita Lydre-hoail rilingttp on oTcrybmil: wofunl ita nolaoins breath

n our vory heuu; w« tout ftn p'ulaon fangs

nawlng at the boarUtrlnes of thii nattou.Among all the caUmitlei that Ii TlHlting this

earth, amoas; all Iho diaeawi which faatoti onUI, thero U nothing so tonarlous of Ita hold an

. appetite for strong drink. Wonsotboj .all hii budding manhood, for the finUnnoQcbiHfi t i e ftUl gtus*, bo thicks ho cm con-

trol himself, jnjt this, ono Bliia will do;byo-

ma-bjo h,e cannvt get nleng mtboat twwore, and io gooi on until tlio young man ofpromlie, with alurdy farm, IB fcroqgbt flown to

the emaciated framo, the itaggoring step, 'bland and bloated oonntontooo, with & breathfar muro nnploitant to uu than tbo fumra from

tbe gutter, and finally drops lutu tha drunks

>rd'a grivo-into the' dranUrd's hell. What awreck; na control overfill appetite, debauched,degraded. Do wa bluno him? Nol ito pityhim, anil dear fallen brother (If mch a one road

ill,) W Bilonil to you our,w*rmo*t.eynpji.

thici. Thiro wai a ntau gifted above Iho ordi-nary lot of morttli,-endowed with tha mostbrilliant faeultloH, hat he had this awfal *ppe-

fttendi argued, pteid, reaioawl witUlo no purpoie. One day he told them

u n x nick, bed, to nhick b.a hi.4 betaIroaglit Ly oicoiBive drtoktny, "I appreciatejonr UndnciB: I too mj own wcakneis, but itIt no uia for you lo plead with me, tlii* accursedkPPutltotiiigalnaclaiiDh ahold upon rae tbatireroltoaeo&noponheHyawnlne; on tho onehand and a glaiii of brandy on tho other, andwere I convinced that drinking tbat brandy

would Immediately cu t

would drink It I" But

B into tbib hell, I

clow tbo nnhippy

jilctnte and offer the ilncero wish that men andwoman will ccaie to recognize tho dealers inthii deadly poison, but will nao their noblcitpowers lo drive (ho mom lor from their do si

IW1, N.;M'ob.Btb, 1875.

F£rt\'Cummi«ion« G. A. Andanoa,

auporintendi Iho utocliuR of watera Iu thii

i , y pcHtablfihraantatTrontdalo weronovor in bettercondition than at proaont. Tbero t n 30,W»troqtwlikh arcrogo in weight half a pound,vLllo lomo of thoin wolgh ticlwucn Uurc nndfour pooodit. There are 40,000 I root in tholiatoblng boioa; alio 175,000 California anlmonjait hatched, and about 95,000 salmon trout.It in probable tbat iho Joint Committee of thaLegiilaturflsnl'iahoiieiwillvliittbalniUtiitloiibefore Ilia ctoio of tho aeiilon.

y y

lan referred to who la now

IWIPE, ^ n * o n ' » bounty, in cast of the

•oiuWa death, to tlio widow and hoira. It

U take from U19 Trumiry oiHj ibent

fi Tho jcai ana nay* were onfcrod, and

on bolnff ealloa onHonSay the rciolatlonwM

adopted by a rote of 191 Io 9D,


to rumiih. two tlinnaand corffi of ivooil for thnew powder worka now In course of erection aBtogwk, n'oarUoad1! QulB.. Neartj all kinOiof wood are Included, eicopt tlokory and oak.Tho wooV wlUto ahipjwdliy mUwiy direct t


inlyIlKifuct t i ia t UH'>

ofjoi-al ijulft, for Hi

bu ntlitT, lmt friii!! a h


xr tlire* it ini-ht u-il bv J'.

I t id (MicMiHji tuuusrtiiim

oxUlif 1>



or u110(1


lull! iritliiii thu halitiuii tliat vscw;>li'ilciunuo givi-li, uniln tlinl iif bs t Muml

tdat cu;i:ii from nivnilli, unil sun tin.

(.rinnaUiig iWMcnl jiruJiictiiilin (it

«l tlIjnf

In iiti l H 1


r lo illii'ir

t to

lit-4lii.i i



Iil 11

H till


tlii-V IIUI!

oil m i l 3'Hill IVHBO

im- liaa

tlitmnit'vjdo nii;i

Ti) Htm

ocMcrpaAnd iu tlbum n-Iij,








11 liu .'ilui j , lttici- thu rich,

niunlcul and muiily snuml of tlimw InnguagoHtlmt oil cultivated cum iik'i to hcur, nr to bear

guttural, and peculiar uccciit ufOrioiitnl touutrfc, is soniotlilng onu (locn iiul

njoy every day. Ouu WM iiionlaiiiy impelledt l i or plii,1st Hint coumud to>tuli! H

1 ra.1nm.-11- IJ(1 I

wliuro ell rt

Tho hitfjiinBBH "p'tkeii during liio ewtitus, tinutstiiniK or which lining uvory ono of iliomilntud intu K I I K H A were: lirel, an Eiifiliulir-w \iy Dr. Hurnt thu rruahluiit yf tho

ivhlchi' d)nllcbn t In I

k, Ltitiu



[lutibyiiiuinhnr of llio u

So on tbo wholu it

ot only taito in, but

b h I

u "tun Umt

pi-odiico, aid t j

l i

1 bettor rr y

b tliB Doininf monthill d

rorkahop will bo VIGHOI!, 1:


MM! Kurgo ofthonylitl Howu buidlulD or mtiii Boom Inr-nJtii or direct it, AIHI yot iu

)Ho of M pitxlielioiH la tho conlrarv, • TAWidHomeliiiHH very baro tUnugliti of mcli aio, no llUlo ro»ardc-a, can turn uvc-r tlio

i nublor duatiny of ivliolq peoples

i grow and . „, nuiv nlmoit undor,

lien ai) top, yot iiaving a Htcady band and aInn reliance DII UIO ti-tilli nnd help ui dud. M.

lcti 8Hdu«,

The illpiwry condition of tlie tondj of fato

IISB as usual l»un iirtnlutlivt of & numbar ol

icctfonta nn(J nina^ujM ; Lmt weuk the IK

>f >tr. Quo, i'lorjoii nm nw»y In confloijne

il tlio orertpmluc of tho sleigh upon an Jco

Blidc, iv)iicli tbruff Mr. Fiarxon nut. Tl.e horso

waminfnjurcd, although the nielli

nliat wrccltod. ,

Mr. Jvtsa JcimliiEB' horso rail mvay ftum (ho

anio ennao but was n|oppcd buforo doinjf injury.

Tho Urge meat wagon ol Mr. Jan. It. Uoi\nu made mlnia a trlicoi |n consotfiienco of ft•lido en Penn ATOWIO,

Oil Slonday tho horso o[ m . II. I>, KnndereQiiin away mid nrcukod (lie atolgh.

On Friday of Inut week, vvhllo John Hauco,EICJ., of Port Cram wan eiigigod In arrangingtlio utmw lu tlio bottom of one ot tlw GUds tobo used for i tk ln ; Iho Bahballi School childrenin thoit alclgUlng cxcutalon, tliu ttki! begau

gliding, and gtriklnjt a bank, threw Mr. Uanceoat upon 111* lienil nilb BIIU'U fovco tliaV ho

ivoro eonainliou, wlilch fomoa thobloofl to flow from life onra. At lnloit nccounts,t]joii/jU still conflncd to hii bed, bo WAS Imprar-

Mr. Jm . Oucriu af Mtirriutown wliik> iu Now-irk tho other diy BlijjjH.il nut full upon tboiKvamont, orachliiR the ukull of tho liack p»rt

of hid head. One of hii eyes wan forced fromtho aaclct, snd bo will probably lam Iho tight

nt.But probably tlio IIIDBI omintog ncjhlenl irman which oocurrcd on a neighboring hill a fiivBJB nlnoo wherein a toaniB.ter hud bin profes-

sional etporlonco pat (o n, Bovere teil, endinghofforcr ia hiu nttor (Ilaetunflturo. ffhlls do-aoondltig thu bill with a load of nood tho nlodlie^an ta slidu ildemiyH, UIQ jwlu forcing the

ia to ono dido, tha wholo aUuir coming toit hilt inn-position cross wiso lo tho road-lwd.Another effort- to dciccnd tho hill brought Ihoload cf wood " In frnnt of tlio horses," tliu liwm

ippenring In nnctnd (ho hill. Taking »d-xniitaso ofthiaulalo of nfltilie Iho drircr con-cludod ha would mtand and thaa tnako tnotliciittompt to descend, whan suddenly olio of tinlorEfta " wont tn iec," pulluis tlio alhat JQKUvitb bftn,' Tho niixt l)o»t thing to do wai

tlio horqei, which y?*» partly

pliihednhen th's «lc4 loaa MKUUIthe animuli ot tuolr gear anil pruontiloil arapid rate down the hill linotwirds. As several

is w«ro In tiio Bct of HHccndlug the liM tinsport promliod io become oxpltlnp, wlmti, fur-Innately or unfortunately,' tho died rJlruok a projecting; plcco of Ici1, tho loud ofwood wai suddenly slid off hiio tliu rod(l,«ni]one runner colhipsed, Tkeiio protccdlnga »rei

inriiglng unlnro, and in cemii(ration of tha extreme cold prevailing tho tcf.ra-jlor was donbtlois thoroiiRhly (loinoraUsed, foran hoar or so aflonvard ha was in » rnost loppyframe of mind, whilii diicnsslng tata isteauiug hot old applo whiaky toddy.

He l l i a t Hutet l i Suri ' lyili lp t* &u

)no of onr aubgorihorB bands u« tlio 1clipped from nn old number »r tho Country

Qcntlcinan, with u iwjooul to pnbliwli. II iicertainly north Uio careful ottcntion of thoss

rho are so oftm iu Iho habit of putting theirLimes to otUora' no tut;lly nslehhoi' U In active IIDMIUCHI, and I »

only i, fcrmer out or dolit, aud with a. hUloatintoro'st, bringing nji and educating a fimlly ofchildren. Uu comta to t»o,bulOiug oat & neto,largo fnr ttwi, toeign, Bftjingi "Iir[»liyoljua^ write jour unmo mi Iho Vrnck ofncod the money very much; It will bo it groaticcumniodatioEi to mo, nnd you will only ha;to ntito your namo." My miawor lu; "J lyIrietiil, do you really undtretsnd what my ponl-ttonnouldliobcforo tlio world and UiI woro tu do 1MB? I nbmild l-isla,,tly proclaimthat from a itato of cmnplota indcpaniloncc,and without tho slightest reason for a Kimlln

from you, and for no conililcratioii wlint

„,.„_ mysolf the rink of your buiineu, but withtho illfferon/io ugal' at nio,- that If yon loso I

Ufa not. I riiiro (n jaurioiicB, nnd ™t i*n your proflta. l)nl not only

I Bboulil »Birni bafora th« pnMIo tbat

sponilblowlionlrcallykuowiiuthinffoIjonrdroumBtoneeB, ***\ la so far liclp youto deceho others. I give you a fnlao credit.In .liort, Ido that whlili no lionwit man, tntato himself and to tils family, can Co und ULtaSoleii. ViU any rlght-mUdcl, ronl friend,wOb thii Tiow of tbo caio, aik ui mo such apstftblsiHmJHcar







l<k-E,<. fc

hidrrCflli cu t

l i t 1





''1U\I till., a

111 11 l lr . l i V>br-.HKlit im

an* was )wlffliiX m thewithout IJC



im,< ii

nHfill'!l lg


p iut imviiij,' IICJIHI mi:ch

HUH lint i!iu (ihjiCL'iiLl i tti.M linn of iliat iie-m ; mi li)tlii({'«({lit nf I'i'ilfKUtld, uiu turn,ii-ivcrku, Ac, n Inuk tur tliu bchiml-li-Mintjluil itndiiiig tlmt f.-uli! ivau.rtmlilj' 1«' taken

for IIIIL-II a IJtillililiR, llion-!i a t'hmx'h cdilli1 out In bald relief. Ity nuliuiiig uud fi-1-ig .t bcalcn liftlli, arcuiiil which imm<j;uf varicnH siins wciofuiiud jn ibo w v , 1d dirncliy iu front ut u&ld ulturuU -, tute rlfc-lil and !VU» tonfruntcil bj tliu ilus.

litKtiUtion al luantlui;, wliicli VM unitud tupart of tho vhiirch building. Vtirily, od:

IOH anil clitiillai'iHv jji> bami i» baud. t)njrfng, Ihc Hohool iras (onud ta l,i> in Humuii Sir. i;. 11, Molt in hi* iwnat rfienrfal mood,

tliuoglit (ho uiiUHtiid Ktnull IIIMUIJIT uf pupila hi.Utwkotjo told very pluinly ilwt 1 hadunited tliubuiiii<.1i »t tiio "nmill-j«iiBi;nrcIliv ivlmlnrii proiciit giro good Uoi'fl to IitudleH and cvfnccdbocuniinxdonortnieiit. AnirilhmeticclftHii engaged In "additlun cf frac-tional com pound niitnbortT flrut took ettentimi.Tbo pujiilw Knve prunijit uimivcia to n eerl-iH olquoRliaiK, olicltinn; full diroctluiiM f.ir tbo Ir.bnrtobaporformc'laiiiUhrniiubiiiitted their work

lioalotta) for IIISIMIL-IIOII, after whlrh tinteacher [ducud a tutting ouunplc on tliu IioartJ

d, Iho sthoiw* (Uhicting, perruniwdnork; tlilu ilono thotilncbaiiniiiiiii'Dil tlm tiumcflamina!, tvliidt In i-rer tliu whouUmx'H n

"Toil in sn'oei aud utuilr du.ir,

Hut aoti'tjousurely know,TlinUfitlnBtml nil tho year,

Wa nurcrcimlil think fu r '

NuiumpBll nifrrdixl a j;oo j [ippcitiinity to

I with llio l'rinuuul nml rurni an uu^uulntirilli lil< tvlfo oixl Sir. Moll, Jr., but "Mum

Tlio bul-incf! cf time wnU divided U'tivwntbo tliruo lU'purinieatu; tho nmt of 'illicit U pialdud ovor by Mr. Moll, principal, amMoi by

AHuu Courlrlglit, lvliuocciiiilenn rotJUtlpui bchvoui thin anrl tho intennudiatu ruam

wlu'io Mr wai icWiiiEr iiitUfully lu heln

un tbe good rvcrk Mixs Hue Hutching ivaa Inchargo of tho primary dopurtmont, nlicro allappeared to bo wideawake, tliouuh owing 1° thopciiiillar nrrungeiiiont fir lic*tln(t tbia n»mIvan rntlier t<>u vtarm for iwalM. The nchool[•(liiltuthoroiijhlyftratkd, nml (hough liboi'<[iigwilliouttliofuolliUca or M-inlflto\ru, DoverDi-Jjoonlon, and lu fact whl i^mo jiositlio !»-:Quvtitibncc(t tu «*crttauio, yot live wbola i«o-BuntB a pri'Brmaiifa iiptiiil nml in annlhcr In-ilaiicu to pcuvv tUc truth ur tliu lowarli novoraltiinoH-honrd vf lute, that "Iho sdioolti hrvegreally Impvnvod •viiUiln.lliD ]>mtt foiv yearn/'Koir, lest this subject itcojve nimo than Itshnro af nUmitlnn, tut inu gho * taw ulalomontBolntivoto olhcr intitlL'tH, It in staled tlio Uis-rid Confereuio of tho M. E. Cbarch will mool

in liochavmyon tlio 234 IIIRI., mid this remindsof Uio fact tbot (be lltnHofllio gen bra 1 con-

•once IB not far diulant, nnd us Hi la is llov/Mr, Yoiing'a tblrd year hurv ho cannot bo 6x<mclod to return, but ito.no nthur plaeo will geti |;uuil innu and lio will nut soon bo Iiirtfutlonly tbo (jo«i>lo of HiiH I'laco. lie will carry nivayleotiiolQiwncnj tlmt tlictlirou ycata Imvt nolicon spout in vain, •

Tliu ynnug nun, JJlnult, from Nuw York,iroadUoil lioro (iRxUi last Habbnth evouiuit, andit the cloeo of his dii uo urn a on r rated the fol-awing toucliijiij iticiitent I At thft dtito of wr-

Wees field in Onopcr ItiHtiluto on tho prcvlcnu

sitijtiig tlto vorsa—

"And whon I dona my ores in donlli,

'llien, oh, inj dear I\Dilo«mor—Owl,I pray remain 1'er me,"

As Iho Uit nnnlit of tho third Hue vroio helngminjr, n lady whoao volco chimed In tlio melodyip to Hint part of tlfo ataUEB, sank dead in her

scat. Shu flooinud, jn neat! hoaitli^ntlautiodirvlccs lu iho forenoon vl tha earns day, and

whon llio good man Announced Ilia t eotuo of hln>» wdulil donbtlcBB never hoar liii volco on

another Sihbath day sboeskcil her huabfltid Ifthai could bo trus." * , *

- FlcitiUr*,

. _.[. EUITOR t We hcariUy eoneur with. "Cliis-to'Mn hi* appreciittlon or thn IKON Hiu, amifoci Bittettad that tic data not over-ceUinaLo Ui

rib. H'oknowof no local noirspspor v/hlchhtivtns w> nwicli n^ni Intctcatlou &wl Import*

m t reading matlora.1 tho ESA, and wo hopo toBCD it tnDrcasti in iutcri-st rntd In clrcnlatfuu nu-til lt may bo fuund in every fmuily in Ihoconuiy." ' -i '_. ' '"•"• ' . '"

reitdiOBim every Iktuiiluy, mid as «orao-thlng loolifld for and cipoctwl, noulil, if ft hil-udtoinakollsoppcflranco,be little less than n


I nollcod In Iftit ivcek'H iKmio (inito an oituml-cd history of a trip to Floudorp by jour Itocka-way correnpondeut. 'llio Writer 6ri<lciitlr cu-Joyod hisbt-lcf vlBitameng UB.nmt tho {jlnneainto Iho eparlilfne ojca of tlto childpen at the

:hool house, which, h i inscribes saaliuury,in no man gratifying to liliu tboo llio uigUL

of lila OITII rnmiliircoutilunancD wna lo Ibew,—We'll not ntlccijit to crmuc&l liiB'.i'otatton fur th»touo of liia letter plainly IOHIIS i t - h l i In lor-cat lit sclioola BKil education and hii lovo lorehlldron, nil tUeclosp liin to bo a toachor, and

anguago bespeaks liim a eoholar. A visitwhich ha mi do to our nubile ichool on tho unitday attor hU arrtfal insured ta tho ' scholars apleasant Ifmo, Littlo nilndi ailed with plcai-snt roEilnlscoucoioftlie [iait eagerly lUloucil

his wordn of edmbulllon and •uaourcgomonlaud tbo time pasiod plcai&nth/ among teacliorsmd schoUn during hti several eallJ. Concern-Ing his feat of peduatfiflnfsm ID successfully nc-comnllahcd on tlic evening of bin arrival, littbcan bo »*ld, except that it shan-ahli delermlnn(ion to perform whatovor ho unilcrtikoB, A.walk of savon or eight tnllou lu a deep snow aftordark would atuio&t rlrat tUo offottR of a, Wei'Ho ipeskt of his visit with tho teacher at Flan"

urfl on t. plfitLflaut one, but w* ho Ml UU*leading for total aballnauco from (he una ntM "need," n» lio ttimort it. Anu tlio teaohevhile nckuoffted^Ing Iho eaplloun ttiliulsm toQjnit, aUll rajoja tlie tok«o vt his tnsnnvAna" in tbe aolituJo ot Us'oun quarton.Tim yoiinit fo^s ovor at tho nchooUiouio wjll

giro an ontertniiinjent In about tivo ffeoki, coh-ihtlug of elnging, dlnlogueg, declnninlions, rc-iltatluiti, tabloaux, Ac. May it be a Kuccai

"Nothbft Lut ico" vma tho ospromlon fro-ijuentlr heard during tho past wsolt. Ico horo,tlisrottiiuovcryivhere; novor wia BCCU BUCIIBllmo. Tlio hoys vrout to ond from school ontlioir ukales from overy part of tlio Tlllaf-c,

Valentine's day will soon bo hero.





IK, Wint tllu -

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tontax amril





r niiy one

New J e n*«y uml HtwutU Uotifcrvi

Tlio former moots In No«- Urumwick Harchlib, itWh DiBliop Simpson for jircaldent. Tim,ttcr mccta llnreh OlBt Iu Trinity If. 13.

Clmrcli, Jomoy City, when Xleliop Bonttm

In 1B57, "lion the work in Utovr Jersey .w*«IridoO.and ilio Newark Coiiferonco cona tltutcd,io Iwo ConfcmncCB nuro about eijunl in tlioumb.or nf chnrchou, mom bora and in I nil tor J,

and thuir progrrsH hati boon nhout ctpiil, Incifihtoon yonrs oich hai about dauliled tli*number of Us cliurchos, rBlnfildru, &c. Tltey

adrnnced in aU lliolr nninclal inturoiV«Tsroatly. Tlicro b t i been a vory great Iprovemcat lu tbo- stylo of the church adiflceu,and in tho nuppnrt glreu to tho pastor*.

TttetsoCoiifurencc.il now t^part about %Vfive tLouiand cliiirch menilicri, and nenrlj

hrnmlmr uf ECUOUIKIUUIC BunJiy ScliniAbout five hundrtd churches. Each lus agetnienry nf lilgh gndo for tlio euuestioeof thayoung, llio Seminary at Ponnington hoi mi-

lined n flue repuUtlon for nearly t r o stotoMIS, and li "till doing n grand wort.Tlio Newark Conference baa roocntlj com-

plotod and opened tho Contoaary CollcgliJnatitute at Hackottstown, wlilch i* equal in

mt g to any In the land, and it hns common cod

caroor uf Uflcfnlnesi with hrilllcnt proipec!Tlio number of its Btudonti*ii3w in attendancefarcicoodi tlio snrly autlclnntioua of ita warm-

,t iiictnii. At tho meeting of tho ConferouctJersor City, many cbaagea will bo made,

. hough only a llttlo orur Uilrly priBtors willeloaa Ihclreoaatitutional term of tUvcaycin,yot prcaehcin cnil jioopio aro no In Jovotlio UlneraWT, (bit about oat-lmlf it tiio paa-

lm will cliRtige tlioir appointments.

TUo fact l«, intuiy of thDprc&ohGra and peo-plo bclioro that tho first tno ycnn of a paalor'i

ttVor in anj iteld are. ibo moit r-HVctivo aniisofu), nnd an efficiency la tbo aim. (not cum

fort,) tlia incnuvonioneoj cnnnoclsdu'th then

ItangCB nra Hnhmttlcd to,

By resolution, 'U.o vanorablo father lli-rlinwaa reqocHlcd at tho last session of Uio Con-ference lo proacli thu centennial acniiou at tho

ling eosilon. Tboro teontt to bo n. fairproKpoctofthU CDUlonanan and associatetraveling eomraiilou nf Bishop Anbury beingpresent tud ^'ninplyln^ Kith t[

air. Jcmicsn linn lilt hotel at Off on woodAISP enaloantl. Tlic iraiMinf; !» lining pn

ahead ai fust an posalblo. Mr, Jonuosi iaito s«tittcafly fox monoit Bammor In connec-tion with tha Vflnrtctoore Honso.

lunlilil/ till i t?-mi J niv.l' twtid u fuiiixr L-*1[inUidmiu,.,.. | lilt llm n»-.Uu oulil md.w iullm luili-K ur it utiiT dirt tin,1 cyM mure ffioiT.tlmt tamt tjUtnud tuuntlny.

Well, Jlittlnir I.ililiir, im ywlf M* "ud liaiLinen JIICBIIIHO 4i


r l ionl i t tod 'emlcudu' t t iHwliot W*B u p ;I » « ) , '-kVli.it iraycKwuilin nboutr1 Hoz Ib."linvoyuiiul nimo llm Ulilmriu DID KUA aktbo fMmiui.. t«JH ¥" Kua J, "Xo;" n.id so I ]fihd]ia])iii, UII'IIH tuiL'an HI. IVlricll bauiehedthe tjadii fiJin nuld Irtbitil I mil nut dexaved,An ivuil yu Iitlavo ine, it soouicil win 1 red it ailike £iiln rltii Dim tlio cllubrstiuu lever a^In, sc

t ta me tuiud. 'ilicru WILH tb(told m dliuut, uu how ileeanl

iJioln(]y|iluldoii thi> oi-gio, nml i>N al*out thocblldliornmi-chiii rumtd,oiid tlio filerrturj» ami»uperilitiiulunt liauUlu out tliu nppk-B and

nn so (,,rtk; »u about tliu epmUts poker-IHH HiiaHltfted van aliltlu loo Innj an oul(ur to IM vulin t% chiUltiur eX vucli tliiics.—

Sure, JliatlmrUililur, wo were nil plasod wltbIt, an Hit complomiiitttil tlmt jo wnil toads-

to])r |ut«khalcttliur in yuro-mpur; aualitporlb of fait fliuany vw ht-T will it,

tlii that BpDlpiuv Anon alnt ye that iittlo coiti-yjkiiiin hhoui Iho mf trulmiK-nt to vrell inaiihi

becos bu made so fioo ns tu eug^lat t U l

(hey lonf,' and dliry ipichoi,m't it tndluuH lur llio liltc durlints to bo

kept waitln HQ hittg far thir» prliinti, au didn'till ho nhulu tar him tu turn ovor tbo lastV An l,o cudu't b i o tbo hint llmt bid radfnn'tcdifyiu to Ihu childUcir, an lio culdu't

wtll rnda his own urt l io ' ailhor. It wu"lolko Tim O'Jloiu-liu ninilin R Jo litter totlio euld cauiitliry, which was luibo iliia-sUu, HUB Tim to nic, " Mick, I'm aftber *lud.n a lotflmr to tlio ould emiuthrv." "An. who,ru yo wriiln to?" m-t I, "ToTudilyMcFail.ten?1* HOB Tim." " i t u i who1* 'i'ttldy Mctad-

Jeu," »n,vn I . "Ah," ma Tim, "ilo yo notToddy V Wa a tlivril cu»in tu mo futter'*

Klsthcr. Wadyohko toradetho lollhur? " Idon't lnuiml," ota I, " if yo uuvc narj- aacroia in

Niroraoub.nUll.utflh1, '1 HciTim. 8oI lull tholetlhurtu rode. Wm I looked a t l t l;ml inilio out. Nothin. " I ™e," tea I, " U'eituwit fildc up; I hov It.*1 'liliu t tunica It up.dili), an bu t'urni it was all thu BUIIIO ; turn Itivlt'li '.»iy I nud, it VSB no JIITLT. AU HO I BUS,' Tim, ' Tan inako ualttor Iiuad nor Intu io thisivrllin. Icau ' tmdoi t . "A» sure," Bays Tin,,< nor I nallier, Slick ; but theru's fur hetthurikollcrti in ould Ireland llmunllhoryouor I."" Bnrc," Bnys ] , "yo'ro n bright hd, yu arot

Tim; I ulrcr ivnnst taot of that."Au what va« lio uintmln vid tlio Ukca of elcU311K011B0 iy "HlmduB cf Aiiat.1 deliver u s VvA vcud. tic ftUlet nmVlu va Uulaw Ue Mas to

nisy kilt, that (ho radln ofanuttur letthnroftlw loilw of FalwrliouUH w»^ bu lliu JlUi of

II. Suro uui-, an «iidu't ho bean ould Auop,vcuun'l bo cllebrat many & OrlHtnm treo, Xta-

furo hu'd litva tbla morlll coil 7 or lino he wudIttvo luultr nary ] ills ant clrknustauccs,

flood bio, JtlHlltur Edlturkaud tuny yolonyllvoivM Dm Eiu, »na print mnnj inoto plom-int; ncliunnix of CriutuUH Iroca nt Mino Hill.

_ _ . UlKE.

tivrmiin Vnllcy,

Jin. I'iuiToa:—A friond remarked to iuo tlioolli&r ttov I'jnt Gwrnin Yalloy was cuming up,nljicli I Cunsidoicd DM meant fur n coraiilluiout,tliicli It Jnfilly insrits. I t In oerinbiljr Iraprov-np, nnd ilosert'ca & Bi'tia.t doal of credit. Tlio)1BCO h s e l n s Inillding up vory fast, and wohope in. ft aliort tluio to boiiohl it & Tory Hour*leliind town, if not a cily. Thnro hai boon IBV-irul vory noat and tautoful now bousoairouied within a short tlmo, and several uro be .Ing anllcfpatuil, aud will ho commenced ui aoouIB Spring Bpproiclioi with iU inspiring honlthmd warm sunny d i r s . Wa l i«« non Uob«*.u-ifiil cliurchcB, throo Morca and two school*.

Tliora h* (L rumor t int RU txe, aooa tu haie aliw*jor'Bofucu, and, pirhnps, o. dmiliit olio in ouritlltttrto quiet, ISUle village, und \ibs>n CUT roil-road comoa tlirough it ia will that all other;Wng» will bo *Mt>& iliciouuto, n n l tno Snliab-lanU wiU bo In nil tholr glorj.

Our pilule ichool Is holng conduutod by Ur .N. IJccniar, who it in every way a very coinps-tent tcaclicr, unil is rrell calculated to nil tlio

itlou ho noiroconpld'. Uu ba» quite c lerpoml, ond fa gislstud l),v ono of.tlio yonng h -

dics of tho village, We havo IIHU a select BCUOQInndrr tho clutrgo or Mm. Ilillsr, which lmghecn ft BUcccfs so Tar, nnd Ia a great hocsflt tnher BcholarH. t'Tlicy am improving both iu

itwwri undai bov c«rpft;l n» l i -auco and caro, and are a went credit to tlioirianlruntica, e.ud it U Uouud thsy mil- prow upto bo mioful nnd sliLlug ornaments of society.

Out pcojilo nra nil >*vj toolftlly Inclliiod. andimy aro tho partlos tliat have lioou given Itifs

vnntor, ia which a hearty wolcomo rings In tbocordial pTeotlnEti and pleasant hours of inter-lom'nonmleiijoyiiioiit that nrosuro tofollmv,ind nhlcli Ii only enhanced b ; tlio beauty nnduiRninbcnoo or the tables that aro 15Hod toiTcrRowing with tempting • and delioloun food,with which tlio g|ie»U Aio all bountifully iup-plioil. 'Hie lluv, E. I'. Uuncll inrlled all thachildren of his congregation to tho pirBOcaKohat Hatotdny arur^[ioan,.fflior<.^ tboy DiijoyodHiomsL-lves ii| varioui. yroys and had a goodtime. They c'anio liomo full of. praiao Tor their,

iiul iiia tiller. It In really very riirw-tag to ecu (he spirit ot goad will lhe.t pcc^s-iU

•' poop'lo,

chatMiEajmHetienub other In tlititefforts ni tho protruded meetings wa had herothlB Vflnlor, ana wo mo happy to gay tuiit theirtfortB iforo not in vain, m there hai buon lorao:nnverijlnnn tlmt wero vory encouraging. '

Our village f» very onlct and p^acaablo tliluUintor. There Ins bean nonrcoly any such <!!«•tiirbuncts an aro caused by intcniportaca. Ourmo htitol is liupt by Sir. Hydo, a very wortliynil much rcapoclcd cillzen of thin place,JChoroIjj rnnny jiitoro^tlng Uilngahinponiiig

bore overy day, nnd whon I licar of aiiytliingthai I ILInlt ulll amuno Iho [mbllo, I vrill liore-aftor commnuicato. OAB,

rcb. IS 18TE>.

port JluriJ*.

If thu elorlt cr \\\o n o o t W don't lot up prot-t j soon thero will ban "corner.'* In cod-liveroil anil lollow cniiillra beforo you inim it, forUDtliing uhort of a diet cf dour ff.-C-ano con sup-ply onottsli carbon lo keep liumsu inachlnoryfrom froczingupitttlio Ifindofteinporsluroivoaro IIQVIUR here now. I'icrean Sillier siys ho 1Bgoing to havo a petition gtiltoii uptobavo tlio

terk of tiio tvoathcr rcmovod.- Ho ought tolipuhtc not to liivo a trorso ono appointed.I sco all yonr nuwunaper pDOplo in Morris

nunty know how to "n iu " llio Morri* ond I s -oxlIniUtmd, cud yo'. you uinku a big fuan and

Jvo us a llttlo homilr nuvr and thcu About pco-pla«bo tlilnk they knavt ltoir to m a notv>i>ti-pir» better thftu their editors, Bu^paao, now,yon'tnlce tnntB running Iho road, and allow tlioruilroid tiGlctals ta Ca tlic u.iaoiniuan!»g JOUTpipers. I reckon there truuid bo aoms fnnoj

dona, TvliatsVct tniRht linpi'-on to tltononspapon. Ttio last snuaailou about the cm-plojon of thu Jlailroail Compmy being reducedfrom tl.70 to $1.00 yet day, includes ouly tlir^o

IO run on tlio "Nowsrl! AVay"tralu.No, 81 nud 82. Only this and nothingmoro. 1 hopo nobody will hold tlio Ea i ro--joimiblD for this digression. Ih'avcnaid myly, tmd tho En.\ cau liamiunr tuny at tho Itatl-mil Coinpany all tbo umc .Thero ivero notlcei poilcd all Around horo

llireatonlng the direst Tiuigeailco of the law onany ono who'took flub out or tho roiomilr withfjke, soino, ipaar, or any other dorico tban abook a td lino. Tbo Morrii Cunnl fnlks drew niltho water out early in t l^nintcr, and loll Houtuntil this day, and If (ho poor littlo flili nre notfrozen to doetti before tlilu ttuio,- ttioy ar i lackyUttletlsh. noro ia a connindnim tct tbo Fish

Ii it truo tliut fiah mil stayfrnzornllwiiitorandflwlni around as lively AS

ior when Ibe5 got thawed oat In Bfiring ?I understand Stewart* Shafer aro to give up

Who h to Iiai-o clinrcn fit It hai not boon pail-liYBly dtlcrrairtiL

UT. Thomas il. Allon ia gdlng to put np a nowstore ailjoinlnc; 3Ir, Clark's hoiisa at tho Leadsf tlio htaic. I t is to bo flnliihcil \>y April l i t .

D. J.

Patrick. Urady, an old n a n of icventy years,employed tiv Hollly, ilcuororn & Co., contract-ors, aa vatchmin at the cuhcrt Ut Sprlngloira,Warren County, wan luvl.-ntly Itilloi nu Tlivura-daj1 of lust ffock. Brady was ougvged oawagon road, koopiut; back vchiEka, vrtiUa tUoETOTOI tiniu v n being mjlaarted at tho culrcrt.

(UUB lu tho. dtacbargQ at bit duties, lio

iU? killed. B m | j \v*an single n m m abad lwou employed hy thU conipitiy tat tho list

Soars, and waa & in»n otmeans.

ntiv i'lciuinciil in f.ur liliiinli', mid iltaitl tinier," ecjunil/ jjirtitstrut, an sun

trU UE, FaHjiloi laat ww)k held caruka! In tl'at iiiiitro|)oliu, will Ihuuodcl/ kadmaxcv

tho wliort time (but intt-nt'iied Lrtivci

tlicn Mid Anli-lVcduwlay, v.hii-li U«1IIT.:(1 i

uuluinnu (,'ivcn ii|i tu tho discunrtidii ofUninaiiiiin its varioimpliusou.Kfiuinht HflJ much ; ^ivwgD ndvico, oOur nugKcilloiiH, lioM up truni-

-tuiilt vl ucifhut vt duties, Itui :i!l tbiaci\e lo older <uid \Atxs h«cd<i tlim tnirK, t<n% tlial life and ita lessons arc disjoined luncli ietiivjdual with Viiwlom far licyunii fluitt

co iii jim 1J on si on; ivliilo iviili oil iln n-uakucf>9»»tt, il inny bo, uulilelinfHj »nd ilopi-nvily, m

ij inclined to ru^nrd Jiuinatiily an fur Judu i<lnil and Drrlng than tho "unco1 gude" ur tin

rigidly n'ahUjouii," with Iboirflro anrllirliiisloiKi, vuaU have us believe. Vie linrdly•illi Uilnit, that "uimi nun liudo Ii' or that this is Inciml & vury ralo of

tears. On tho other Lmd, thoro in that' iu thecouscIoiiBiiojii of thenioet ofug ivlilcl teacli

tbat earth vrlth all Us hcautv, iras given forenjoymeul, and tliat the purcit bi

u comoB from Ihc far-reaching, doop-sontodcoruprebeniiro Byuipalby nnd Mnduiss wUicliivyuiamitoallontli'*croa,turc3 wiser, bette

ippicr, nnd moro cum for Ublo. TljoroTort, io not or Ihowj ^itio il[;U nvor the gay strati

of Oaiieo music, nor of tbuso who Ima iiKwataan liai bartowd her «ml tiOuo becaute, pcrclinuco, sha in fot;(l of rich and

.ftiiifliidUU fit tire,

In reference to tho ccmiuj; atylci, oitlicr inlatorlals or innnncr of making up,til, oa yet. vory low Intimations. The Unatanning an ulilrt* nipy bo premonitory, bat

vo cannot vouch tor lt. Uui In tbo matter (tlio bodice, KO fuel warranted In oaylag illbifitiuo will provall, but n moro orusto chinotortliau tUosovoroouiiUiu, in rrhleh oaly [Indlas uf

optionally flae llgurii nppcaf to advantage,i presont flupposltlou In, that tlie coming

hisquo will prciout tho oxircmoB of a cloeji,iqunrc, TABUEK front, abort hips, nod « btoutostlllon back ; and the dospuvrailoT-tail hack,•JtU Iho front ilioil, ncrfantly

richly trimmed TIUUEJI, And there aro Inti-mations of pIMu TiDWERB.or tliofrout simplyslriped lougtliwlHii, with wirto folded bunds of

io material of Iuo d i m , velvet, rflk, or Home-ilng olao HI] utrongly contrasl liiff cither In e«brr rubric.

In hbrjcH, wo lmre had advices only In ru]ico ta.^ieiiMlinca, TIICBO, llity tell nn, will

ho iansgrcnt farorflBfor Uio l^^ j i i seasons ;

it^BHtondof tlioplnlQ'ireforenco will bo glvon to (ho

aleu, and the Dguroa will lo c\vfltli.outjatbcadu.

lints, n'o unucriiind, \earor's eyes, iuutoidof,io back of her hetxtl, A In

fusliion have boon iutiodmthought hy soino to lie foiBlitll obtain luacutiplo ofiii!

Upon Ibb mbjecti our lurijnnalion, but (havo bco.it

before our next Isiuo, apeop t t a 1)millUiary, from wlikli miuy valaiblo l ints n\y

aohtalnail. Atnnyratc.wo uuilorstand tliatKTB cvo very docld.«dly liftta, DQ<1 tbat HOSHEIUre diultnatlvely bonncti, and moro towering Inout tlisw the/ VKO laat BtMoa.The latest falhionin glovoa Ii of black, ntltch-

>d with somoljrlght color,generally selected torspoua nitlt the neck tlo, tlio fostlicr in tho

lmt, or somo other Accessory of tlio TOILETTE DOrsouxHADC

Tlio Funzuit for Eilim flgorou stitl continues.—

Wording to tho jirovnillng tasle.a lady can

icarcclybc too tall or too ilendcr. In eonic-iPDCa, (hare il n total nbnu(lonni(.nt of ovory-

itip; used for dii tending drapery except tho

mstlo, which If very uairow, aad intended aaneb loljft tho load of clothing from a lady'a

pi Pi to gtvo effect to tUo dtdpory, In ttitus,

aivido triplo or Watteau plait still Dbtalns,

X this.It uwliQod by tlio tofr* and ether

minings placed upon it as almost lu full of

ml WatkiH lidlrwil, ivliis-li I

•id.-J I'M

unced us tlw vu-lio Osfunl >I. V,,

forty couvoreionseult at tlia rcvlnUChurch.

lo^gyMiiftfiitmi buililiiiB nt thu Huclsctt K-

t Stmintry i t complctcO.



At New York Prices


, JST. J .

\tod to ofteir to tho public

W o n thin «ao"of Now fcrlt. 'i^aiiifior 10 Ib".packtigoi at ft great rcdnctlon in prises, andiliuUty pmtaiitoud. Wo aro noif Tetnilln« Icnnnf thu very h«Ht iinallty at tlio prieoa iinmodbolows .

Good Black Tea, 10 4a 70 8Ccln. and tl.20. ;

" ~ - 40607500 « '• 1.00*1.20'

fapan, uucolorcd, GO 70 Utl " " 1.20 ,


l,dO48 7J.eacU,8rta«2O. |

AJuocaiislaullyou lianda choifofloleclionor ,


'I-Olllt, FEED anil MHAI.

D. A, SEiUlIKO & Co.

IUUef Ibr tlto l£n.tutu SuflVwi-x.AVonrc pleasoil to n'ollco tliat tho ninttor of col*

Icctintt ctotbing for ilio Katiias sniTeroti ia atlaat in tho hands or tbe bJicu, nhlob la a (iifli-clont guitftulcti that many a poor family In that

•fortunate Stale will be narmlv ololhod duringje remaining cold months. \i 'o aro rcqucsleu) puhlUU tbo lollotrlnjf nctlco which, wo hope'111 meet vrlth a hearty rcspouso from all eur

dtlcons: *

Any porions bavins sacond-hand clothing orheading that they can Bond to tho BUlTorera InEantsus, MVII pleaia tkentl nncli ttonaUonn to Vat,

m«(i of Mr. K. Q. P. Sogur, cllhar Tncidiy,'ediiL'sdar or Thnrnloj of next irook. Tliojill bo ranked in tho liaiomont of tho I'rosUy-

iBrian Church on Friday of next weak.'lMroll0wiu£CO!itribatiunsara acknowledged

siuco our Inst;

; siaooI . 2.00

[limit. 13.' Isobie','.'.'.'.':.'.';.'.'.'.'.'.','..'.'.'.'.'.',', 10.1)01'rctf.L. Condiot, •.•.... CO

i a V . . . ^ ! . ° . ' . • ' , " ".•.•;.'.'.';"•." . '•"";;.'. '.•.• n.eof.A.VongW,' I a.0l)I D Chose ' . , . , 100.A', Monitt , . 1.00

loo. BIcOraeken ', • 2.00

'XoUli... .*. I M . , .Prei'lomly aekaowIedEod, 82.00


Thliainoiiueabould bo increased t o u t loiat

2250, if wo take aa au arcrnsi tbo ccmpantlvcly

riio hnve intisctlbod to tho fund Urns far.

re fitting ounorianlt; for u\U-nilin{f genn-

iiwlty i ta i BOTW offoioi t o tho people of

thli plaeo, and we hopo many raoromay fool In-

clined to contribute to tho Iunu..


Aoh WoJuoHday, the loth, opeiiod I*it,v -nai mathod i» ail Uoraan C&tl

by thn celebration «f iniiiB,ancl Iu l'rotflilautEpiacopnl eMrcliea by special services.- Tbo

of the first arlnca from a custom of longj u s in tha Catbouc and Oriental oliurcliPI

)t hlcBsing nabca beforo tho carllctt maaa ofihe diy . Al thocloaeof eiclivarticotho prfost,dipping bin thumb In tbo pin ol asbeir, lnarki(lie iij{ii of tbe cross upon tbo foreheads of tbo

slitiipora ulm oomn forward and knoal Iorpurposo a t tho allnr i i i l , Tho coccmouy ia

nccompinlwl by tlio trordi, pronounced in flt-llemomhor man, dunt thoa a r t and unto

dui t Ibou shall rotnrn." I n - t h o primitivechuroli Ibo day was tnnnit tlniply tin tlie first

IJ of fait—CAniT J E J U M I Iho namo of AshIVednoaday—ciruTciKEticsi-notdatlngeirlicrthou tho third century. AMUWotluusJiyeUawith Caalcr tho changes Trhlcl* belong ImoTt-lite fuatt. Tha (It&t SundttT aftor tlifi fullmoon nearest tiio BOlar cqulnot In March iaEislcr , fcad Aau WeJuoiilij COIOCB fotty-shdaygbcroro. If n full moon comos on tlic 21 at>C M u c b , will that tUj ii S*lutdny, tlio Hostlay, Mureh S3, Sunday, Is Easter. The lastimo this happened wan in 1S18, nnd it will notopponogftin tilllSl.1'. Thii year tho fnllnioouills on March. 21, It l i truo, uut that day l iSuu-

laj , *o tlia next Sunday In Castor, brlnglnff thocBllval rtlhln l i i i laysof l t f l oarllcat jwasiblo

rbneo, I t s oitronio varlttion U limit od,of courso, by tho length of a lunar month m itho ball neck to spare, which may go]iarale tlm

isntbfromaSaadayfttoitbcrond.andoxtoiidaram ITaroh 32 to April 35, Jua ta i Ash Wednes-day oilamla from February i to March 13.


On Trlday afternoon or lait tveet, about

'clock, Henry Miller, 8 years of aa«, aonli t . Lcwla TV. Ilillor, met witli an accident

litch cniiscd his imtant death, In companywith bis llttlo ulster, IK wont to tho Dohmrc',Lackananiio A H'oilern Lailroad, opposite the

lolograph ofllco at Fort Waaliingtou, ror.tbairpote of picking coal. Vihilo su engaged. *

lifting ciiKino, wilh a train of cars attached,came down tbe track. Tlio Iiltlo girl sealng the

iglne coming called hor brother's (il ten lion to

, bat Un, aapiiaelug it to bo on oua af tinher tracks, con tinned hii work. About tbli

na(.nouiplaiuuf tUo rotd uoUccd tlioboy'i

Imminent peril and called to him to get out ofnj. Ilo rece-ivoa in answer, " T U gl

Is on tho other track." Tho boy Ind his backo euB^uo flion Btrncli ntnl wtn Uirow:

ciillong upou Ibu track, tho wheels paaainj.ivcrouo leg anil u p ovor Ids hour and head,iterull? crunbing liiin, The mutilated remains

picked up anil carried to his parouln*o, in tbo ro»r or Ibo Calhollo Church,

Drs. JcnniiiKi and Stitos aout for. Tha pbyal-cinns put tbD remaiui iu prenontablo ahapofortbo funeral. Mr. Miller ia n poor man aud li

largo family dopeniliog him for anpport. 1KBfrlonilB kuowlDg this fuct, cotitribuf od Ubcrnllyto tMray tbo funeral oipomci ot his Iiltlo ho;.For their Utadntis thoy will nlnaya borcmom-

by tbo griof-Btrlcken pttronton 8t»r.

On Ifeilnciday I'mrnlag o[ lust week ivUle

;(jniro JamoB II, Kenn«^ t of SUwartavillo,

n tliBJctorpWlngabcililorobo in a a l g h

with lili pareniB, whom ha hadjuat assiiled

in, he fell forward in tho sleigh and expired al-

most iiietanilr.

s I). A


Mr. Ti

iiilyFalm"fc-i-or(lii. Mite

nieiiUicr «.f t!it- J lmnl cl

F.dttco.ti'>n, iliedat Mount Holly on Wtdut-rtlay-

IIo 5T.ifl(mativ(tofBtii«03,Biii] j i-jnvtfiidiltl iat

eunit tyint lw HODEO nf Aits..ml.lyin tin; .«i*Btr.

1615, 'timid '7. Ho wa* UIHO f("' biiVL-ral y.-.w

Cniiljii'i- n[ tbti l-'nrnitrs* llaii'it of WUHUKI".

l lnnt of t b o n t n t i i t ^ ivorknifii at thu MUMM-

notcong Tmiuul liayc ri'smuud w i r k u t liii' old

raloa, Homo eilty-flve of Iho mod (Icmoiidlri-

livu onrn ivcro (IJHCliarjjcd, and will not [,<> ^ivi'ti

iTorJt on any t e r m s , ' I t <" utpoolod tlmt tho

ffurtnttlietmind will he fntlrulv finiMliod hy

llie HUmf AiirfL

Hans, tlio young JlarkuMBluwn " love- lorn"

Htudcnl, who attempted to commit suicide n, fmv

ntfu, has gono lit Ireland. I t Is hoped

tliat lie inaylElw tho " bkrnuy t t o n o " wLile

thorc, nml on lifB return l»o inure miecoarial fit

La i , ireok Joliu OrofT, livinf; uoir OxftirtlFnniaco, Warron connly, whllo walking fj-om

•th Uwjich tu HIRII UrUtgc, wan fn'Kcn (oth.

lie friiinilB and cotigrogaUon o l Itov. t l . T.

Hcndrlcluon of Port Hurray, gave him a iloiu-

tSoa, a t lrlildi tho receipts amounted to f 150.

Ilackblttilown in talking about an Old Folks'

Conccrl, ant! wants ngi lc to c id iangc Un old

colTooBiiiidorfl" fora Btoam tiro engine.

fiunio of tho lurapernncu follis at Pliillij)*-

uri; vtni tlin HCOUBB power talon tiway Irom

heir Coumtul and given to Iho Court,

l iou. Julin VTliHo aua h a y or IlncholtiitovM,

culubralcd tho 10th anuivct'nary of tlicb1 war* |

Merchant "t'ailoi^

CLOTHIER^Bhicluvell St., J)ovoi% j

Great Reduction of Prices .

AN'D Ciii:\)]:s'l ' KTOCK.

READY MADE GLDTHfNGtn Mo«!R.-. IUTily. A!,r.. H line! li.ir- e.t

Olotbs, Oaasimeres, Vestings, r.ad

Cheviots for Baitings.


CUSTOM UEPAKTMENT.W'u Jjavo cftii-tantly mi li.-.ml a full lino of


Tlio pricon in nil goads wo will «uaranto(* cau-ucl bucBiniictfdwitli.

CiEOIiCili l ' J iDEB,

U L A C K H T L I J KTilEET,Kejt iloor to tliQ L'oKt OllUit-,


BRICK!\rii.t- in; sou» ^i A

BEDUOED PBIOE.At tlio yardH (if

iii:i:.«i:n &. PALMER,


A. Beemer,H K A I J HHTATK ACiliKT,

Blnolracll St., limit SUSSDJ, Dovnr, K. J.


enquire nttlio office.


. 'AVINQ femovod my Block of goo.In to thoL lirco aud coramodioas storo room inLKSIOH a o u a i i acoui i , on

STJSSEX STEEfiT,ronHKiu,* occui'iEO nv it. BOIVK L IHGBAUDK,]

J am 1-oaJy to serve uiv ininv friends anil t)aUOBH willi a MUDU-larger ulocli-and«reftterariotvthan ever boforo at FIHUES to MEET

tho TIltES. In coiiaidoratlon of tlio fact tlmtlimes nro uaU and nTollltoly to coMiuuo BO Torlomotlme, I hnvo concluded to ni tc t tho do-inouilB of roduund irogea with a

OENEBAL EED0OTIONINPEIOES.Sir stock id so large and varied that it would

„ iraiMHiillilo to onuniorate thoprioeB. but it Ioraj inUntlontom)ifa« nrodnctiou on nil articlesfhrcash. THE KE1VS STAND will as beforecontain all tbo lending ll)aUl0B> WUUICIICB ami[onthlies. and a oliolco solcctlou of Jlrst^lnsHJtoiary tt'orta, by eminent antliors. IliWts,Iruin liooliB, ConniioiitnrleB and olbvr Itellg-

iooii Works, fecliool and EdjicntlMul Coolia oftfl-lflnite. Itioga wlehiug ttny mvt or yaysahr•-Ths.can bavo them ordered tlirmigli i

Music and Musical-InstrumentsHaving been recently • made a member of tho

Jlnaical Board of Twau, I am suppliedmonthly, wilb all thu noir

SHEETC-MtJrSlO,s BOOH aa it niipears, nad can ihcrofoio offerpacml nrfvnntiffoa to ITnelo 'Xoachora nndtbera. Oreans, PJanoa, < Violins, ^ccor."

AH thu leading brnnds of • ' - .

Foreign and Domestic Cigars,StfOKlifG and QHEWISG'TOIJAOOO,

'irE8, BOXES, rO00HES; ; CiaAh 1101 -DJillS, nnd ovcrytlitnp; olso in popular

' HBO .by tho roven of tho wood.

qOlT FEJOTIONE TXtlI nm now carrying Kurt hileiifl to icoopon handho choicest stock of Confectionery in HiU sec-

tion. OvorfiUr varieties or Caadfot. Nuts atall kinds. TigB. Or»Ecuftand. JjcnionB, and ninnyotlicr tilings in thin lino, nt greatly reducedrolGi.. »?£OIAL IUXl)6J110fe madD iiiBii]

fi@* STATIONERY. -®fcA. full lino of Blank Books, Blanks, Monogram

Paper ana EuvolopoB, and ovory variotv of writ-ing papers, yamto, pens, inbB,'trtc. Aiken,Uinliart & Co.'« Colubraled dold Tens. Lnrgoslock or


jlcli aro usually fapt in a, flnit-claas varietyttoro.

Call und loo); at tho immense nlac): nntl natls-r yourselvos lliat I liam mndo tlio rnlucticlovn uatned.

"W. 0. DONOGHUE.Dover, rcbruarj 5th, 1B73,


a trite cU na»3o,: and is alriotly obxcrvoa

" Candy" Man,"Sussex Street,

vho settles down at tho old place, and instead>r roamiuB nlioxA, devotes Ills tlmo to tiniwvlugIIH stock,

00NFE0TIONERY.la ctuLlcfte vwtttt;, tnil oE excellent niiitmfic

turo, nt cheap price*.

"KUiONT,lv\miOUA KSH K O M I C A L , "• llio flmnneninnt of little rhllilron. and liii

ones, too, tax that matter.

POCKET BOOKS,i unusually largo UsortinentofPodiot JJooka

or tlio lattut and neatest duelgue, out.

STATIONERY.Writing papori and Envobmsof tliLTnott sji-

anAl'E3 nnd other Fruits. Nuts or all lilndn

V^UiENTDTES ! V A L E U ' T I K E S 11if all kinds uuilabiofoF Iho cxprcsBlon otiCntl-nent or fuii, ard choice hUluvotsca UiRi>mUofour frieiulB, liycu have any.

Aftor yon Iiavo traveled eve rsyrheru <AKS tbout:own,Ju(t drop In on the "Candy 3Ian." andoafc At tils itnclc. licit assurnl tliat lie liasvlmnyB on lm\\\l BinuelliiiiE tlmt win pi pa so anantcrcst yr-

Duvcr, N. J.


Price, SI2, S2^, 33S, aud $60.f

, , , 3 ,Baud stamp for Catalogue io


Insure in Companies-Wliiclz Pay Losses,

During ttio Intit your tlic /ollonin;- ICHBOH ],aVo

bcoii auBtnlnod ana promptly paid tjy

litEEVAN WOOD, Apont of il.o

followiii5 Ooiupauk*: . f-''

HUDSON COUNTY . . . . « ^ m

PEOPLll'S or Ntmrk - - - - litOO

E n N U of Nowark - • - . 1,400

HHUN of Chltadclplita - - - -0,450

STANDAIID of Trontou - - - 1,000


I10VAL bf Llrurpoo] - - - - : ; ,130

lJosdCa'suatiiueddaring the y(.ar J23.81JO

FKEEMAK WOOD, Agciit,Uiackiroil Bt., iioxt to HiciuHa k CO.'H RCOJO:'

Morris Orphans'Court,JANUAIIY TEHM, 1875. ' vf;

i tlio matter of Charles A. Oiitun, Aflminle-Irotor ur Sllchncl lliloy, dwoiiictl. Itole toshow Dnwf vhy (litre alioiild not bca G&IQ"or

. "IHAiiUjs A . GILLKN*, tlio Administrator orVJ Bllchacl ltiley, Into cr tlio Cnuntynf Ifor-ri«, ueocasoa, buvinar mndu snil exhibited &thin Court, uudir oolli, a hint anil liuo acponntof tlio {ferstmL fst iU n»u uebtBtit said W O ,aa far as ho has been nblo ta discord t lo Bxaio,by wiiiuh it ftp^eim tlmt tliu personnl cx^ata or 'nalil ilceeaaed teinsulKclont to va> nil bin j u i tdobtu, amlnlatlinjlliutssUilcrCKwajlIauIouiioa •ut lamia, toncmenln, hoteilUanientB. nn&roil 'eitato, Hi Unto In tlm COUIIIY of SInrrifl,'(na-pnyiiiR tbo aiduftho Couit in tha pwrntwa:;:.ThoTcltire, It ia oruorcd by tho Court, that'frit-nnrefinN jnlercatril lu tho l.irnls, tuuumontsWciUUmwitH nm\ rcnl oBtnto nl haM i1acaasodk

:' .donppoat licforo tho• JIHIROB ur tLU C o n r ^ U •

llio twoatieth day of iltrdi, A. D. 187V-uicisliovt'cingo, if any they Unvc, ulir saiuucli.'of-the said lands, toiioniontM, berfdftamenta aijlt •real rstato of &afu nocoaBUd, shouM not tio told 'as will boBiulicicut to imy htsuIuliU. '&£?•''

• » E. k WILLIS, Bturojatarit'!A iruu copy from tho miuntts. O-lOy''


11UE uiJclorfigiitiJ JinvteR leased tlia <a.bavc>: :ntmod liotel, is now prcpnrod to t a l o '* - * — six uollars per ffwk up, ncoord-

u .. ._ Unload to sot ft good Ublonuilkeep a. respoctablo honso. Also attached to'tliolotel la a, good IJvory aud EieUiugo Btebia,tTorsaa ano?eBriinBe» to lot, nud nsrtlea taken -to any imrt of tho county Bt roneoniiltlo rnfcB. kjowl bat IB ultoi:Viod io tlio IIOUBU wlicro maybo found choice bramls of nil hniitfi of linuora'and BCgnrB. Jlcnla at 5C eta., ami 00 eta, for1 'lodglna. ThniiMut for nant fovors from t u ocftlzcns of Dover in my leto business, I-lioneTl>yfltrlct atlentioii to imsiiiCBii to ntprl'" coil-" •liniiancoortha same. S.L.POUSO).-'.

- UorsoBkc|>tl>v tlio fl\y. vroeU ornioutli. At-'Icntlro hostlers mny bo fouml nt tliu Htaulcs. '

P. S. Ilct inK bccu cupiRcd (» llin hotel bint-"ar.ta before, I flatter mpolt that I l;now tlioroots cf tbo publiofliulnlinlicndravortD rnopthem In ovory pnrlloulnr. . :


B0ILEKFOSTEB P. BIEOH, Propriotor, ; "

D O V E R , N . ,T. ;.MANUWCIUBEB9 III' ' ' .


TANKS and ORE BUCKETS,constantly on linml.


Mcr_ tn Morrin Connly Mack™ t Iran Ol.



D O V B J I , r v ' . J .

all lilmlaof VOt;lvKlS ajul DO.UKSTrc


eonstnntlyoii hand.'


tt spielotifi Ihll tfi IM fot fiir nil kinds nf cut. r-

W A K T J 3 D , PO11 C A S H ,



AT - /


Or oJilrcsu by mail.




Also flcilurll In BuMna' , Oii'troclors' anilMinluc <1OCH1., I'ointrt, Oil*, nin«s, .U. Afjci-cnltortl Intitciucntti, SWil*, I'crtlltccra, Ac,

H. Biokerson & Oo.have fully dcuionstnitcil that their

2^,^h.J&L&r1iS I S T O O B . O S 1



COLOBED DEESS GrOODS!is nncnunlhul by any in this vicinity. Always on hand nn cx-

tensivo assortment of

Dress Goods for all Seasons!PRINTS! OASSIMEBES!! SHAWLS!!!

nnd in short, everything in the Diy GooJs lino that tho ladies' need.

Builders' Hardware of every descriptionWOOD AND "WILLOW WARE




Wall-Paper and Window Shades.i OABlilAGES.

Clover and Timothy SEED,Plows. Bone Manure,

Super-Phosphate of Lime,Cement, Plaster,. &c.



Tlii) Ladies' niul Gentlemen will ploiso benr in mimi Hint K. J. Bobellgg

Patent Parabola Needles,Tlta very boat in tlic world," silver/ inpolith anil graceful itmhapo; also IlobtSW

Finest Razor Steel Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and ltuzo:Elegant of Finish and Keen of Edge,

dive us a call. Wo are LOUKD to sell for LESS PBOFIT tlian any ether Lousein Dover.

Blaclnvell Street, Dover, N. J.


~ORAM, l l A N S E & CO.,P O R T ORAM, 1ST., 3".


Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,

Hats & Caps, Boots <& ShoesCROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE>

Mining Materials of all kinds.STEAM AND GAS PIPE AND FITTINGS


Lime, Latli, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALSO, DEALERS IN

OAGE.&HALSEYit^ln- in





Dover, K. J .

Orders for Sawing and Planing

Stoves. Stoves.THE OUD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,DlnckwullHtrcct, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tho latent ami innst Improved etylc-f, forTAriQiiiR imbllo u i i l privato buildiui;ti. A larg"

ntnurt i i iu . l nf Stnvtn, clionii fur cash .COOK, FAItLOIt, HEATING

STOVES, RANGES,Ac, Aho a, TMioty of


Capital, - §150,000.

Ituiiili ami o l l i i r -Socurition; tlie collect.UII of' ;ii iiiiddoiiiMtie i«»«r , iiraft". .•lieel.H, frn.

CH, I'roo'l.[AY. S. H1EAT, Cashier.


umtT It. Hiaou, CoLl-'Miiua BEACH,IUAO W. SuBlxa , ISAAC I!. JOMJir.



The SlinerV SavingsOP DOVISH, K. J .

UE oiTici; uv Tin: X.UIOXAI. UJJIIO I S per conl. intort.l ..Wl>. palj 011O wailo on or Itururi) Ihofirat Ua.™ o

L-XE, 8eiTr.]lm:R ftntl DE(TM>ii:a.« - O | H J U dally (mm 0 o'clock A.

O'clock r. u.J U A N A O E I I S :


HKNllYMcFAKLAK, rreaiiUnt.EPHlliUM LIND8LEY, VIco rroBltlont.

JAY B. TREAT, Treasurer.Dovor, Fob, 17,1S73.






LEADKr.H.nndnll hinds of Jobbing In my Hue,done in tlio bent man nor anil at tbo short eatnotice, l l igbcit prlcci paid fur old Iron.

.Copper leal nad pewter lukui in ciebniigL guwls.

ALEXANDER WIGDTON.iber 21lli, 1870. 1-1 Tr



Wines and Liquors,Tor riimily tncillcil u s e . All t r a i r au tcd

Bt'uuiiio antl pcr f ra t ly puru.

Martell's and Hennessy's










Wholesale Ordersfur l iquors siul winoi promptly flllud. I

fctoi-o on SUKSKX BT11EKT iu tUoNEW Bit I OK B U I L D I N O

north taut' uf tlio Ilivtr BriJgo



STOVES! STOVES!!Reduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

IUvi|i{fJ<m received n largotitock of Htovca of arci-jrdescription, wo«rem,wprcparca toscll nt

All klnili or Iho Tery Intet t y l n of

Cooking Stoves, Parlor & Heating Stores, Ranges, &c.1110

Tinwaic, plain and japanned ; Tin Roofing,3J33 .AJOTfliFtB, TR.OI7C»]XS. dtio.

A Tor? flno aforiment of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &c.,Anil 1 tatlet j of otber arllek'B OsuaHy kopt in i well sapplicd t in Btorc,

PLUMBING and all kinds oi REPAIRINCSi'itlytloaetndptomiitly alk'uOeil to. Wo guinintco to ghontlif»cllon,



MAIL STEAMERS.r.issiisaEr.3 DOOKED TO or ruoji

Liverpool, QuceuEtown. Glas-

goiv, Loniloitilerrf, Lontlon,

Bristol or CardllT.

Foi T ICKETS and PurUculaia >l>)il.v to




0. L, EEPOET.OfQco formerly occaplod by O c o . RlchardH, Kfi

ovrl- O«o. I l lct iardi A Co.'n flloro.


lloynl Cniiiidian of Mon-

treal, Assets $5,625,000.

Atlns of lfartford,

t Assets $383,000.

Commercial ol'N.Y.,

Assets $870,000.

St. Nicholas of N. Y.,' Assets $285,000.

Globe of Gliicngo,Assets $895,000.

PJienix of Newark,Assets $110,000.

New Jersey Mutual l i f e ,

Assets $2,500,000.

I foal aaanreil that tho itrcngtli orthocom-paQ^i, tbdr COHIOTVBUTO maiiiseiDCDt andvaplo u u t i iriU aafoly' oimmpail them toinaurera as tsbrdug fall gainaiio for tnilatn-

- Jiltj- against loss, u j j Uio carofal protection ofany tntoroat that ni»r bo placed vlth tbeia.'

AJ1 boafneii placod *itb mo will bo promptlyatio'nioi to. Corroapontlciicfl aollcltod. GI-lj




[FnauziiLT OCCUPIED HT BEsnr ucriitux, uq.]



LANCASHIRE, England,Assets $10,000,000.

•WILMAMSBUBG 0ITT, N. XAssots $700,000.

KtFAl'ETTE, N. T.Assots $300,000.


Assets $350,000.

FUtESDEN'S, - - " 700,000.

CITIZENS, - - « 400.000.


Assots 530,000,000.

We feel confident from tbo companloa tro?pnvoat trovi onr long continnance In the

bnstnon, and from oar extended icqaalntancowith tmdenrrltoni, vo poaaou anporior adTaa-tftgeain placingInnraaca, Sreorlifb. AJllma-Incsl entrastod to tu, peraonally or by oorrea.pondence,^trill recofra prompt attention,D. T. JINKEiOS. (5'J-l;) 0. B .a \0E-


THOS. BOLITHOrTTOULD ivapoctfally annoanco to tho pcopliW of thU viclully Unit hu lisa ruturuea t<

Dotcr, aatho

Agent f the Delaware Oyster Co,ana has opened a placo oi)


noil aa


a t NEW YORK PRICES.My f&cllltioi for receiving Oysters arc imcli

• tooukblo mo to keop » cons Ian t and frothtipplj. ALL 0Y8TEIW OPENED I'llESir ANDifUE FIIOU TUB SHELL.

l) many tbauka far pmt favors, I

TJ1OS. B O L I T H O .Dover, October Sib, 1B7J.


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,GENERAL F l l E 1MD LlIX

Insurance Agents,omcc, Ola I r an B a n k Uiilldlug,


Euwi.1 rtosn, aao. n.]toea, STCPIIEX BureaK.

A. X OOE, Collector,. DOVER, N. j .

COMPANIES REPRESENTED.American Hutnnl Ins. Oo., of ITowark.

II. J., Assets oiEr $1,100,000

UerohuiU' Katnal Ins. 0o., of Hevtrk,

H. J., Assets over 600,000

Firemen's Huta&l Ins. do*, of STewarlc,

B.I., Assets oicr 500,000

Gennuia Entnal Inl. Oo., of Siwirk,

S,J., Capital, 200,000£';na. Insaraiica Oompany, of Hartford,

Oons., Assets, . (1,000,000 .

Continental Insurance Ocmpanf, of Htm

Tirk. Oapitnl, 1,000,000Kabul Benefit Life I u . Oo., of Savuk.

H . J , AjMts, 26,000,000

M O H B I S C O U N T Y .





Dover Savings Institution,OPl'ICE IN JKiVJil: IIAMi.



r rd i>''t from iliu mul1 r.titl i ii'ft M., mid mi a-rtVLIJ <lofrL--H rus t Jii"lj-


And (l'i< uon.!.! »f i!u> liniliii'lli m i l of H

l\ (J.CHESTER, N- J.

NEW YORK TRIBUNE."Tin11.1 ' int i i i j , ' Aitii 'iiciiii K

11,1873. !'-ir

RTBTWATTERS1 Parlor, Diniiig-lloomi'f i.ii-1 l-'irnt slifi-liilnns tlio eiyt lino

o lrudfji't tutlio yhroiilaiiiini' mvtntj- thnii

ml, 1>;-Injf Itir m\wv trcctl,-i tTMr^nvi-roil by !!,••

vir.-, mid Idbc'rl I'. OianiWilliam I'. \Vi!d

- A N D -


OFFICE OUTFITS, ETC.Wliiili mil In. IHHIIOKIII r.r nt piii-is thill will

i l h i


d. No mai le r mulei- wlmin or eldmcBH yn". lalmr, lliun" in ,inu ^roaitli .aim nlioulil I.i-Lji in mlud ; All diacaHL-iiiiiU« in r.n luiiatnru wiiniitioi! uiritv t i n t , nml t h t (IIBMSD HIIIMI ilrn.-irt; luit

m\h- tin' hUm\ liyi h i

RESTAURANT,SHERIFF'S SALE!n.niiL-nv nf Xi:v.- .Tfivt'V-ri. f.i. ]\>r mlu



Meals Furnished at All Hours.

Oysters Served in every Style. UP110LSTE1UNQ, JOJJJJLVOllEPAlRtXU

road. I^i-allun lioaltli.v. TWin. S. liIU!;K[,Y, Attorm

Fnmillcs Supplied by thu Hun-

or Tiscmsnitd,i - M i j o u r i : i t s ' r ,tiiiK"l>ciiil>afuti>nlir»mi

Hie oldcnl ' lW Comitaay in Al iiniiu-cnitiilii. Htm! fur d t c i if X TI-:A CO., US Ulm

UNDERTAKING.nitfi; nrktuluitd iiremific.s tUnato mid lyinp InMl. l)liv« Tuwuii.iip. Murtia Ci.nniy, nml .Stale

Mr. WATTERS kin lltioa n\mpnit lortlio ncooiiiiiKKlatioii o



Dcalcra in



Crockery, ,

Glass Ware,

Wood & Willow Ware


Iron and Steel,

lias Pipe find Fittings,


CLOTHS, MATTINGS, 4 c , i c ,

Powder, Fuse and Mining

Materials constantly oil


Cor. Blacliwcll and Morris Streets,

187S. 187S.




BABBITT & MoCOLLUM,whero yon nil! find a lirgo aaiortment to selectItom of all 01UDE.H and BTVtEB.




GEO. W. DEAKE,The largest and mod traccaiiful Dealer in

BOOTS and SHOESThat ever did BIUIDDM in.

MOBBISTOWN,l l . i |uit UnlilioJ alocklnc III BIDIS with

WINTER GOODS,Which urpBueijuiytiilos In the lino,

Jn point of


Superiority of Material,E T O T before offered.


Ladies, Misses and Children'sSHOES,

Warranted" tlw*jt to lit, »ro to bo fonndintkla Bloro in tho greatsit profusion

ofatylci and meunromonti,

Clienpcr t l inn n t any other

Store }n Morris County.

Rubber Boots and Shoes,inJ OToryiMuR In tha llvn trnm tbo

. moit populir UtDOfactureti.



Nest to Washington Ball Building,

MorristQWH, N. X

ICE CREAM SALOON,"BAY'S IOK t:l:KAJl. Mil «vi,ry thin

requisite fur

Parties, Fes rivals. Etc.Fnruiabiid nl roasounljlo iul««.

C@^All_orilcra^lii-imiMJy^nllpihliul to.



•ml IIOllSK ICHX1S1HNO (1OODS i,r cv.r,description. The liuyent, best nml dieiun'iaHsortment of





ABII eout lcmen'8 PINK D l i n ' I X O GLnvE.4,- JIIIBMIB and Turkt'V leallit'r J.AUJ-S1

K U L I l l l K U MACJI1.Nand Gouili., ami nil ROOII

»inSB3.GEO. & SOX,

KT.. Jtoiiiiisrr.iv,-


li Amoi'icnuOrcan


Lighte. Newton and Bradbury


Agency at Dover,At Prices as Cheap aa they can

be had attlie Itlauiifacturcts.


nti BIOIIK iir Ilimtiifli » cli-art-d HjKit kntwu inMUHSIIL'III; itti'iik.-!! Ii) nmtli htciilv-tliroo ilo-i;m:H wt-Ht Ihirly-figlil flinina and forly linl.xI l th {$) uoU ixtyln m d[^j,lSll™,;1,,i1!i1,d,.iu,.li«,«('i') H'Itillli*"tli«rty-t-Ifftn d'.-Kneli m*\, lei! trliultnml fort v link* tu 11 white uah, CHIIIIT toClnircL o l ; thi'iiiru (!ii wiutli rurly-uiie ili.Brif» «ailli iriY-hvodinluHniulll i iri , ' liulio l» t]ici)l.i(urbcKiniiliiB. fiiiitaliiina one Imndrwl ami tliirlyIIOI.H nmt tiv.i linn.liftltliB of nit ai-re or laticl.iirin;; 11 jmrl ol' tlie BUIIIU Uaci or land whichvoiir nmt«r tiiol; bv tlevwu uf out.. Svlvnuu1.9«ii'iLa'1tir.(iio\v.lf-n>nt«-.l.

JliSSK IIOFI'HAN, ISIiciiJT.J.M.ul V>S«. lU.il, IH7J. H-iii

ADJOUBKED SHEEIFFS BALE.1 Ciiam-wvof Ni'v.- .JLTSL'J—V'I. fn. l- 'nmaluu

W. Hnaini\\'\K:

niiiti, Cliiirli:* I'. Mnryolt nnilwlti^jL'rcminliKliTlihnc.TaincaT)A\ uml Kthvjird Ui II, Atltn1MI, lU'ccaMd N t iI'imon, WilllD T l l

.irHOii.AirrlorH itf JU

d l l , D Ahilllnn

lH. l.

Tlio K:I1I' III iH'l^ni.Jmiu».>dti)tali.'Hiiti-1, In JIiUTlsl

Niwtuti ii. KltHivnitu' u t idKinl i Hwnhio HImniab le May 'iVrtn, 1S74.

IriAAf) IlOMAINK.Hul.fof llui nltnvi^ JUriici ctaiitijtlaoo lit till; Mmwiuii UotiRvii, N . . l . , o «


.'i, IWIIVLOU tlm hiiiiM uf 12 M. aiul1. M-.TESSK HOFFMAN', Whrrlff.

ADJOURNED SHEHIFFS SALE.In Chancery or Sew Jcrf PT-Vi. ft. For «al.

iiiui'tKiLu-iit lirctniHCH. Wlicr.'ln Inane Il.Cwit, in C'uiniilBltiniit, nnd 1'tlls A. Kouthinml Surnli liis vviRv aud Samunl T. Lawrci...r.ri! Dcfcjiil.inlH. Jlotiiriinl.lt> Uulob^r Term,1H7J. XEiHimmiiiA SMITH, K«.r*'

ni l l l 'HalcIn hflinlhirthoalinvoiiarticRKtuJ . iiiljmirni'd tu lalit- v!i-:o a*, llio Mm-liuUEL- iloltl, in Slurrbtawit, N. J., on

MUNDAY, riiWIUAIlY iijtli,A. 1). 1S75, lithiceu Iliu liotlra of 12 31. uioVIiicli. I'. M.C-4T J1-:S3I1 IIOFl'MAS, Khrtif



BY virtiiu of nil onlcr nf tlio Orplmns1 Cimii

.Viliiiiiilfli-alur <if Jacob W'illix, duceascil, iviMil at Tiii'l^ Ycndiiu «n llio 11 m i l is ts , in tli(.•i.i.iit.vofJIunJn, 011

SATUI.DAY, March (ith, 1875,bftivi-eii ihc hnnrii of 12nml 5 o'cloc); 1'. M., tli

n°u,iilierBl liuiiig a ^ ' A U M un'which i k 'lived nt Ibo limy n r h h .loath, ami known'.Vtllid farm, Rituntutl In thu TotTimhli) of Joffer-ROD, Cuiinty of Morris, Muir Jcrntv, unO ailjuilin;: !un.l» i.r Million nnd John l'auilsoii, 111tlitifl, n

or lw»,ami a ROIKI wtiotm iiiatlu b

USE nd BAI^i uf WATCH at Urn dour. Condiwn nn Ihc duy of ualu byBENJAMIN IIOPPE11,




1'OHT OEA1I, N. J.J? froiaXo(rtnrkt..L(wKATES. Ainu DltAFl'M ONAND lltEUKD.

n»1 at LOWEST



h»i during the past tiro j ram Hold man-/ of tluniDStrumeutt. In and about Dover, IIwkKivnUidkluniitliolJiioorthoriiilriiiidalUnckcUs-

tpirn, l'hOHpsburL'li and otlicr tilnres,and respectfully informs tlic imblie thai lio• Ult continues the ojeney fur titHr nali>.To parllca wantinp a flno innirnuieiit lio

vrouldiiBkthcSrctuiiitlcmtiotiofinUvrouldiiBkthcSrctuiiitlcmtiotiofinnUi-anaIn LiipooBcsdon before ^-oin" tltL-nliuc to

pnreliSBC. Tcrmit will h,-. nmll,. V O I ^ I N V I Op u r o L t i o n . InstallmentNpnjrallc al "inttrvaltagreed urwn will bo taliL>n.

A.B tho above ins t r am wits nro cif IILL- very \,w\m&nnMCtarc, I tbink n \ann nilvi-rtiwiia-iit niling forth i l i t i r nualitien EH snptiilntinB «.I<1 n.-li

M the Store of I). A. Deny,DOVEli, A'.,I.

37-T. W l L U A 3 I T J . E T H r . W A Y.T J I B F A H H I O N A n i X

Boot and Shoe StoreOP DOVER 13

WIIXIAM I E T C I I E H ' I S ,Neat l / oppoaito tlia Satlonal Union lUnl;.


Gaiters and Shoes for Ladies,MlunudCliUrcn.anil

Hen's Light & Heavy Boots.i Snat nriotj for onir ilcacrlplloii ot«.nr.

O- ItETAinHQ rromiitly alt.i.arf („.

W. H. McDAVIT,Hous,e, Sign and Ornamental


K A L S O M I N I N G ,


ilono irttli noainoaa apil dispatch, ami on the




ing than n n j o t ln r in tlio n w r . i t . " Riiiip'lyBDlvea wil l it nml keep tlio tempera ture t '

?Lm%v^ IJn i !B

r | Jd",] ,1*1!^ •"" W " l t "


WOOD mi LEON PUMPSLtc r j Tirit-ly, LEAD and IKON l ' l f E .


LnmpH, UntuniK and Lamp riitn rr«. TinCaprorana Iron Wire, ltonnn,,., Ontln,. .vi' imunllontl market n l a . .\ciulalm


Vilonno ma mil ail to an csainlnitlon ot onr



V'lthdlll k'l', iilltl IIu funilHliHl at Hi

..nnnws.1 of nil tli

'""•'• l."lU'.i>"'-?dIti(l"ii

. 111 s\i 111 i L- «4 NU li K ru 1 • U J r 1 )y.' nn (1 rniixm-anl tlii)HL< .vim rciiulro KUCII Borvin-s.

i ' . t t . YAWtlJill.


A. T A Y L O K ,

BLACKWELL STREET,TWII H0IH1.-J K.it;r or THI: M.iN!<ti>:( itcirnr,

'titcrti Hie llt'lil wttii a Uvy.c utorli of

n ^ . 3RL u»r in is e- AND—




HOUSE CLOTinNG,oTall <lL'ficrti>tio].H. IntnrlVriiii; IlortU (ifiill tnoh-nillng titvlud nml itunlfrn Imnrnvcm.'iitw. C u r "CODIIIH, Iiurnii Dnithi'd, lUl terc , Teiun tu" i iKW C U I I B H . Almi Iliu


usiirpiiMcd Air Hti-ciiL'tli nnd durnliihtv,Upongca and Clisinr,U sk ih . in- wu,-|;o:i

t. A largo number or well nu i lo wtH

SINGLE and DOUBLE HAENESShath llRlit nml heavy, on Imml. All JtiiuHarness mmlu in r .nkr of tho lutst imUTials livHkilletl worlitnni, a t mhicuii lijrtircH.

A. TAYLOR,Oi-t. 31ul, 187-i. UOVKIl , 31. J . |

Marvin Dodrt & Co/sNEW STORE,

KO. 05.) iino.u. sTiti:iyr,



Thompson's Business College.so roniTi i -Avjwn; N*VW Vorit city.

•mm low; LailicK1 Doimrtmu'iil acjmrnlo ; 'ftfrntiliv ImiL-lit tu men, ivtiuion, boyn ami gil

cat ilcmittid fur (ipcratori:.C-Hw


Puro Nowfoundland od Livor Oil.

m i l !if Ui i iLungi^cn i i t a l i)Xi"iTvl(lll',lio'i.uioi,it|,

A c , Ac. I'rlco 1'UTVCKNTH Vtk D 0 T T U 3 .No. 11 Fill Ion WlKilcaale Tilth .Marl;ct, f o r nabiiy Di'iicgiuta, anil oil rt'ipccdtlilo l ' ish Dealers.XO.NK GKXUIXK WITHOUT T1IADE MAHK.

s r j *

'Mm- •i L'uil i t y JSJAXUAHY Oth, 1875.

I,, th<. uufiLT o r Hk-hnnl Jnukiiip, A.lnili.i.trn-tnr nf Jiiliu It. Jenkins, dew.m><l. t turroralo'n" - • • • r t o Limit Creilitura.

..jiucil Admii.in imkr i id lij tbuHnrrogatu Hint

ilor L'ivc public notice to thoof tlin cHtnto nl said tlccaloiit to tiring

licir del)ls, (tcniBiiila nml claimB nuiinul thuc, miller o a t l , within ntnu niontlis fromJu te , by sutlliif! up a copy or tlili imicr

iln twenty ilujfl liirunfier, in flvn ut tin' niiblio placpn in the County of Morrix Uti••-"• ' - ' - - I th in tha «aiil t m m t /

OLN npplicatiwi> iMtrul t i r . i t iBunkrcdl i j t l ,

Haiti Adtiiinlatralor jtivo public noticeI I ! . , . - . . ..# 11 j — 7~ ^» ~ _ j . • -

oHt i iu l ioo i imillu,

b diim

H byf tho uam

K l o judeiiiR a n y f u rtinticciiBssry); and if anyt t lilliit his o r 1 ordot . t

i a d l ' ilojjlcnt tolini within m o mini i>ono<i 01 JIIHU! nntico lirlng ^Ivon aa aforeHjitl,.I mil lio Icrovur •kharreel of liinhori'for (iKnlnst tho until Admin-

istrator . A true mm from the ininutoit.•1-IUw l ' . E. WILLIS, BnrroRRte.


egin* Iliitftrs oro n purelynrciiarfttion mado cliiefly from t

Dr. J.n* Iliitftrs oriiarfttion, mado

f d t ht ierimfoiindontholanRCflof L,vuro Ntfvntk mountnina of Californiomcdicinol properties o[ wliicli aro extcd tlicrofrom witliout tho two of AITho qiicatiou ia nlmost doily naked,'is tho cause of tbo uopariUlclod IUCCCU cjViNEOiB IJnTEita?" Onr answer iithe? rciuovo tlio cause of diBcnao, tu.« ul)ulleut rocovcra his liooIUi. Thoj are 1!great blood purifier ond o hfe-rivrn -ciiilo, a perfect Renovator and In^mof llio ejetcm. NovorbeforointheLiof tbo world lias a modioine bcea vu,notindcd possosRing the roinarlutljlo qmUieiofVisBOABBrPTHiainlioftlinRtliCrii,of every diaonse tuou ishcir to. They nrgcDtls Pnrgfttivo an well aa n Tonic, l-oliing CoHcestion or Inflammation of tinLiver nnU Visceral Orgou8,iu I3iliousDid

Ii' men will enjoy good health, i jthorn UKO ViNTOAij B U T E B S DS a medicijij]nml nvbiil tbo UBO of nlooliolio stiwiu every form.

n . If , McUONALD sit CO.,Bist* «"* Oencnl Agouti. Ban FnnclMo, C*:^,]tnl air. Wtuhliifiloa u i l Clinrlton SW., fciw Vurk.1h l b y ^ u I I Uruggl*U» d

MAKES THE WEAK STRONG,Tfie Peruvian By nip, a Frotcct-ed Solution of the Pi-otoxido ofIron, ia so combined as to Jiavothe character of an ailment, aaeasily digested antl assimilatedwith the blootf us tho efaitpfeslfood. It increases thomiantlluof Nature's Own VitalizluyAgent, Iron in the blood, andcuvca "athousand ills," simplyby Toning iip,InvtaoraUnp atidVitalizing the System* The en-riched and vitalised blood per-meates every part of the body,repairing damages and waste,search tuff «it$ morbid eccrb-tiom, and leaving nothing fortllscaso to feed upon.

This is the secret of the won-ticrf id success of thia remedy incurinff Dyspcpaln, Liver Com*plnint, Dropsy, Chronic DIar.rliccn, B oils, Ncn'Oua^ViTcctlons,Chills and Fevers, Humors,Loss of Constitutional Vigor,Diseases of tlio Kidneys nn<lBltulilor, Femalo Complaints,ami alt tllscaacs originating ina bad state of the blood, or ac-companied by dcbUitjf or ft loweUtto of tho ei/stcm. JBctnfffrcofrom Alcohol, in any formatsenergizing effects aro not fol*lowed by corresponding reac-tion, but are permanent, infti-elng strength* vigor, and newUfa into all parts of the system,and butldhitf tip an Iron Con-stitution.

ThousandAhaveLecncJtangcilby tho uso oftltis rentedf/t fromwealc, Biddy, suffering crea-tures, to strong, iiealwiy, unithappy wen and women! andinvalids cannot reasonably hes-itate to elvo it a trial. •

See that each boltlo hits PERU'VIAN SYRUP blown in tho glass,

Famphlota Proc.

SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors.No. 8O Xlarrlltou Av,, Botloii.




Moatpclier Puntala'Humano Assooiatiou.

at AL1SS.U.-D11IA, VA.

MAKCII i29lh, 187S.


DRY GOODS•if every (liBL'ri[jtio:i, nilli anp-jflu ilopnrtincnl


VI»it111W*k«ivai-k ivnulwaVll t i i l ' lhL'fr H

hilproKtH uenvd bv cnlliiiL-• l l l i o .

Central Dry GoodsStore,




I 1 Orond CaBhaift1 ( t a d CSBII Oitt

i 1 Orond Cauli a iHIDCisba lns , (10,000 oacli15 Canli OirtB, S.OOOcacli..a) CaBh oitla. I.OOOeaoli

100 Caali Gifts. GUOoaallfiOO CaaU GlrtB, lOOoach...1,000 Canli Oirta, GOeacb..

20,000 Caih Gl[l«, 20 caob

22,178 Casb Olfta, amounting t o . . . ...$1,000,000


PRICE OF TICKETS.Wboln T k k c t a 120 W


. . 100,0«1


Halve . ION

.•««s.Mf*^°:::.v::::::::::::ii»"Tho Monlpcller rcma|o UrnniTho MonlpoJior Tcmalo Hatnuno Asuoditloo,

cliarlorod by tlio l e g i s l a t u r e of Vlrg inu andH C i u i t Conrt nt Orange Co.. nropoici by i

irt C e t t o establ ish antl endow »Iil d Dll t l


Wf. (\C\. V I U UUl?




CAIU1IAGE UAKEll '8 <I>-OBS,1. WlHIIlfiClTOX A.MI 13AI"1 H m i n H ,

N . .T.


Wooden Ware andHousekeeping Goods.

PAINTS, OILS,' GLASS,and Mauufaclurer.' ArllulM gcnomlly.

Lime, Cement, Plaster,UP l ) i i« , anpcr riiositbato Df Lhmt, ami all

iillitr rvrtllliera.:<n: r_ vooniiiiia. JAMES H. VOOIUIEEI


IS HUT; r e a d y a s a i t i for llio l 'all mid Wmlu• Trailo wi th a largely IncreaRcil Flock or


'alt rlnol;ps, 11 lo n. Hlclory H,,oteB, 7.8 lo 11.dl"'. *r!° i V ' " " ' I ' ^ ' oa j - KhWla, liRlit

SHll'.l'.i'ir"™! ,£"r!Js°. "?"• :• .»•"» i w * . '

INSURANCE AGENT.(orrici: as nuctiweM/


S J ' f ';;'',V™" °'l'«ri°"c°'» M» CarriaB

H . P , 8ANDEHSONOppoiJl D

inn, KtiTTociHotai:


rtoa conpaiilii—Uobcal In Ibotmria :

LONDON nn.l LIVF.nP0OL an,l

GLOBE, Capital $20,000,001).


Capital SlO.OOd.OOO.


Capital $5,000,000.

" 000,000.

STAH, Jcnoy Oitj, " .DOO.OOO.


• Capital 8300,000.

Trenton, " 300,000.

PEOPLE'S, Nownrli,


HUjniOLT, •<






.Choice Lots iii Dover,


Freeman "Wood,

»'. S. & E. F , DcCAAIP,


Iroi Oroa and Mhionl Property,


. N. J .

rodID Circuit Conrt nt OriMul Girt Concert t o establ ish antl endowHomo for tho Old, Ini lrra , and DoilltuleBidtuco or Pres ident Jiwnca Madtaon

H J l' O F F I C E , iitoiniOHO, July 9J, 1BTI.ntiiiriiB mo jit ens 11 ro In eav tl iat I nin "e»inintcil with a large mnjorify of tho ofllwrtID l luulimlior Funiala Uniiiano ABBociiilon,renido tii tha vicinity of in v home, snd IU (livlr intell igence and thei r worlh »ml

li lch r o p n u t i o n HH j /ent lomon, n» well m theimblii! cnutldoiicu, iut lnonca a n d nububutlil

JASIKS L^ iUSSI I ' l i l ^aoT . Vire'iuit ' ,A I X X A N D H H , VR. , J u l y 8U1,1H74; * • * I

sitiinuiidtliom HH BCIIIH o lbnuorf tml intcgniT,ml fully enlitlGilJa t h e conlldcnco of^tlie nuli-

n!w. HUGHES,V. 8. Jmlfo Ensturn Dint, uf U

Furtlior rrfurciipfs by perinlfglon ! IliJ Ki-colloucy Oilbort O. IVolkoi-, cx-GoTcmor of Vi.jHon. Itobcrt E . Wlllici-u, Lioiit.-Guv. of Va. indU. H. Kcimlor elnct; Huiutora nnj JU-mbcrfl or^ollercKB from VfrRlnU. - • j

Itomfttanci-B for tlohcln may bo nindol'f «*

lor Circular. Atldruiu'Hon. JAMU3 BAH30UE.

Pian 'T I I . V. I I . A. , AI.CSAKIMIII, Vi.If c-juiita wiiiti:d cvc-r.vwliurt1. W

8^11 pe r <la.vv AcL-iitH waiitwl An

nni\Zw, i^Ull,noru"»iom.y'ntttH^r"roVC!J»

.Iuirtl.niViUnnytliii.fr dun, V'nu&r- . . - , m Unit will way lioudniimtlvft-nvirr

liour'it wiirk. l 'nll var t loulais , tcrnw,«'«'..»«"*frio. fii'ini uri your adilrcsH n f e n c u . D™1

delay. K o w i s tlio t i m e . ' Don'l lonk furinTijit .JimincsN fclnoHlwro. n i ih l yon Imvu Irtrutjlrlmt n-c dfli-v. G.HTINSON ,V Co., l'.ifll«iJiilainc. . •'. 4-1;



Weak, Ncrrons,' or DciiilKn.cd'X A O U H D U K O U I I ) t h a i a n y : « o r l I o n wiitiirw

ufnnt-lTiirltliiitivauruolcanatilDorniMlnC'- - E X n i t OUIlUIlllKA. tlid .wonderful Tami iKviiionATon, wliicli ucis no bauclictally «tin Rccroliro oruon *tio vital J-SS^T11 - • •It ia no jilcoliolit: o|i[-otiior. wliicli

li ucis no iHiucliclally °»to impart vigor to w

acting din

v i\i IUI. II.LI iinnerv, litiflt-lit a

tlynnthollTcrandn Rdtt'eui, quiet*boattby lono to.

v / n ' i t

1 by grunt pcntlet)os»; t'liointlon•os nu uaddon obauue. no uiarlioil r<?>i i l t . k l t - * . T _ a . . . . . I . . _


- jolr tontB, liko t h e Arubi",Ami (ilontlyeloal away." •

I1.i» Id an now and nutrioil diBcoTcry, but IIJIon Inng uiuil with voudorful remedial r«ui».

luthnnllyg, "'"hT uuiit ponuffiii touio in*

' salo bj'JonsRTOS; 1I0LL0VAY & Co-,




Price, 812, 825, 838, and 800.Bond Btamp for CfttaloBuolo

1 , W. T. EDVTA.TtD3, AQKKT,•12 : i o Cblleeo TUco, N. T.
