You are not writing a book report! You will need to stay away from plot. You can only use...


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You are not writing a book report! You will need to stay away from plot. You can only use something from the story

if it is showing or proving your point (central idea)

You will need evidence

What the settings add to the story Characters (pick 3) The author’s purpose and how Symbols and Motifs used Mood Themes

◦ Loss of dreams◦ Isolation◦ Handicapped

Header◦ Name◦ Teacher◦ Class◦ 23 January 2014

Pagination to the right top hand corner ◦ Martin 1

Title is centered (not bolded, not italicized) Essay is typed in

◦ 12 font◦ Times New Roman

Double Spaced One Inch Margins

You will need to ◦ Mention the author and title of the piece of work

Don’t forget to italicize the title of your novel ◦ Clearly state your opinion (central idea)◦ Give your essay focus and organization by stating

three topics you will analyze (thesis)

◦ Topic Sentence◦ Central Idea◦ Thesis◦ Ender

There are many works of literature that will last forever because of their themes. The novel, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck focuses on the loss of dreams. This theme can be found in several of the novel’s characters such as Crooks, Curly’s Wife, and Lennie. Sadly, most of their dreams did not come true and this is a common theme of reality.

Body 1-Crooks Body 2-Curley’s Wife Body 3-Lennie

and an interpretation sentence for each.

Topic Sentence-states the topic from your thesis Restatement-a longer more detailed topic sentence Evidence from the text Interpretation of the evidence Evidence from the text Interpretation of the evidence Ender-ties this paragraph with the next paragraph

◦ Explains how the neighboring paragraphs are similar and related

Paraphrase (in your own words)◦ Then explain what the evidence shows

Direct Quote◦ Lead-in, “quote quote” (King 34).◦ Then explain what the evidence shows

Restate your central idea and thesis Restate the main points of your essay Text to Society
