What geographic feature was at the heart of the Louisiana Territory? Ohio River Appalachian...


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What geographic feature was at the heart of the Louisiana Territory? Ohio River Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River Hudson Bay

Mississippi River

France was a threat to the thirteen colonies for all of the following reasons except France’s strong alliances with the Indians The British difficulty in defending its scattered

settlements The large French settlements on the Ohio

River The failure of the colonies to present a united


The large French settlements on the Ohio River

Why did the Iroquois ally with the British? The British governors had treated them fairly British trappers had made friends with the

Indians The Iroquois feared the growth of French

power The Iroquois’ enemy had joined the French

The Iroquois’ enemy had joined the French

Under the Treaty of Utrecht, Britain gained territory in all of the following regions except Eastern Canada Louisiana The West Indies Gibraltar


What did the French call the territory they claimed along the Mississippi River?


A) La Salle B) Louis Joliet C) Jacques Marquette D) Comte de Frontenac

___ French priest who explored the upper Mississippi River.

C) Jacques Marquette

A) La Salle B) Louis Joliet C) Jacques Marquette D) Comte de Frontenac

___ Frenchman who explored the entire length of the Mississippi River

A) La Salle

A) La Salle B) Louis Joliet C) Jacques Marquette D) Comte de Frontenac

___ resourceful French commander during King William’s War

D) Comte de Frontenac

A) La Salle B) Louis Joliet C) Jacques Marquette D) Comte de Frontenac

___ French trapper who explored the upper Mississippi River

B) Louis Joliet
