West and SW of China are the Himalayas and the Tien Shan


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Landforms of China

West and SW of China are the Himalayas and the Tien Shan

Landforms of China

Gobi Desert to the North

Landforms of China

Thick jungles of SE China

Huang He (Yellow) River

Also known as the River of Sorrows.

Yangzi River

Loess and flooding of the Huang He

Shang Dynasty

1650- 1027 B.C.

Anyang- capital city during Shang dynasty

Fu Hao

Wife of Shang King Wu Ding Led an army of Chinese soldiers

Yin and Yang

Yin- earth, darkness, female Yang- heaven, light, male

Oracle Bones- used by Chinese priests to predict the future

Mandate of Heaven

Divine right to rule.

Chinese Dynastic Cycle

If the dynasty provided a good gov’t. for the people, it would enjoy the mandate of heaven.

If it became corrupt, floods, rebellions, and war would destroy the dynasty.

Feudalism System where local lords governed

their own land but owed military service and support to the ruler.

Zhou Dynasty

• Commerce expanded.• The use of coined money.• Trade grew and new roads were created.


Silk making Accurate calendars Bronzemaking First Books
