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Big MeetingMarch 19, 2010

Goals 1 and 2 Table Discussion Notes

Table: 1Objective: 1.1 - Partner with others to increase the college going rate of students from every high school and the percentage of those graduates who apply and enroll at Valencia.Recorder: Victor Collazo

Do we still do Counselor Day? – Yes Transition Team – Keep fresh and up to date “College is possible” message High School Assessment – now mandated

o Difference since mandated – too near to tell #1908o Significant – more being testedo Effect on mandated high school program – the Summer/Fallo Seminole model

Meeting with OCPS about #1908 – interpreted differently Schools offering remedial

o Faculty concerns about high school remediation No increasing DE at high schools but encouraging to come to campus Home school students increased DE on campus CJ program – Boone Magnet High School DE model 50% vs. 50 % Boone High school programs to increase numbers

o Enrollment progress – revise confusing informationo Requirements to come to campus to unlock Atlas Accounts

Things you have to come to campus?o Orientationo Students don’t want everything on lineo People doing on line orientation then coming to campuso Our assumption that everyone can do it on lineo Older students and Atlaso Easy to get lost on our web siteo Trans Team on campus – soft skillso Getting parents to campus for orientationo Don’t simplify “College is Possible”

Don’t like wording – change “college” to post secondary OVC pathways now requires some college Various non-college related reasons for attending

o Family expectationso Parents paying insuranceo School or worko Assessments to help create goals


Reactiono Communication – strategic brining to our students preview of “In the Making”o Venting process on marketing – purposeful misspellingo Education Is In concerns – not professional – “time Out Corner” on web pageo Additional collaboration when creating marketingo Increase Valencia hard sello Direct Connect impact on enrollmento Do we really need to increase enrollment?o Are we able to support increased enrollment?o How does enrollment management plan fit into the goal?

Target market for specific programso What is impact on enrollment management plan?

Effect on non-related classes, i.e. prep, pre-registration Missed

o Just because a student has completed develop e dreg prep classes there are other “soft” skills like timeliness, prep work, bring books to class

o Want the focus to be more than numbers when transition to college


Table: 2Objective: 1.1 - Partner with others to increase the college going rate of students from every high school and the percentage of those graduates who apply and enroll at Valencia.Recorder: Jeff Cornett

Discuss:o Questions/concernso Comments/envisioningo Challenges/opportunities

Pluseso We do so much as a collegeo We don’t know all we are doingo State Bill 1908 – work with high school to do prep in high schoolo “Go Higher and Get Accepted” initiativeo Bill – students must now select their major in high schoolo High school guidance counselors invited to Valenciao Web Technologies – Live Chat, social networking, etc.o Dual Enrollmento Our math professors are working with high school math recharging prep training

Problemso Lots of first generation students – need helpo In focus group – community college is perceived as second choiceo Need to work on our branding at Valencia to sell to students that community

college is a best choiceo Scalability of initiatives (Bridges is such a small percentage of our students)

Drivers working in our favoro Direct Connect – make Valencia a preferred choiceo Financial aid trend – means to focus on educationo Increasing rates of fulltime students – show students are more seriouso Capacity restrictions may be filtering out weaker, less organized students

Works like a defacto admissions process Challenges

o Capacity issues at Valencia Funding for faculty and staff – both needed

o Students who can’t make their schedules will discourage easilyo Students, schools and principles need to be “flooded” with Valenciao We may not be marketing our workforce programs enough to high school students

Including AS, certificates and skill enhancement that does not lead to going on to a bachelors somewhere

Should do a Valencia person at the highs school similar to how UCF has a person on our Valencia campus


Table: 3Objective: 1.2 - Increase the percentage of students who persist at Valencia through key academic thresholds.Recorder: Erin Smith

Persistenceo Change in literature – “showing up” isn’t enough we need progressiono Measure what’s been accomplished in the semester

Classes complete rather than just the returning next semester Attempted vs. complete – completion ration

o Deeper meaning that “persistence” Completion Momentum Progression

Measure why students are not completing courses Before a student drops a course, create a checks/balances

o Checklist “have you” Talked with your advisor Consulted your LifeMap Plan Talked with other students

o It is too easy for students to just drop a class with no intervention – just a “click” of a button

o Student awareness of what dropping a class will do - why they are deciding to drop the class

Raise student’s awareness of their progresso Ceremony of completion (15 credit hours, etc.)o Mile stones developmental studentso Celebrate thresholdso Book store credit (20% discount on materials to prep for next semester)

No one should withdraw without consulting their professor firsto Atlas notificationso Student surveyo Only the professor can drop a studento Students cannot drop themselveso Facilitate conversation between students and professors

Have former students talked with current students regarding:o Projectso Success in classo How they progressedo “If I can do it, you can do it”o Build momentum/drive in students to complete courseso Add momentum to persistence

Making progression more visible!! Making consequences know for dropping a class Make a graphic in Atlas to show their completion status – very visual


Show steps to success – visual representationo Be careful not to show negative – discourages students

Measurement should improve performance not only at Valencia, but of the student as well

Track students through BA completion (past Valencia) to see where we may be able to improve our courses

Provide professors with information so they can better advise studentso Key people to talk too Department/division meetingso Cross-departmental meetingso Online tools

We all have a role in helping students complete their degree More cooperation between campus within disciplines

o Meetings on discipline level (cross-campus) to bridge communication between professors, to coordinate ideas, share information, curriculum alignment

Educating faculty to better serve students needs to keep them on track and complete courses

Online collaboration, social media Share and coordinate efforts


Table: 4Objective: 1.2 - Increase the percentage of students who persist at Valencia through key academic thresholds.Recorder: Liz Justino

JC – Once outreach to students, Pathway Valencia presents to them is two-fold without too many directional signs, but directions are specific as to what to do and cored, i.e. homeless students , how does information get to them? Structured marketing or word of mouth (friends of friends)?

TB – How easy is it for student to get enrolled and know what to do in process. Is information clear enough? Because students will asking what next when show up. Is there a communication barrier?

JMF – anything for the first time is difficult, so how to do it. MP – Map out key thresholds, 15, 30 45 hours of completion and developmental

education completions which are thresholds. Maybe a certification of recognition that completed program, i.e. developmental courses, would be a targeted communication to keep them moving forward

TC – How to give guidance to non-traditional students, older than 18 years old, more mature because they may not know college procedures. Dissemination of information is important (because communication with college is difficult).

TB – Breakdown happens because incoming students want to tell a story, but everyone is busy, so can’t really listen.

JMF – Like welcoming person at Wal-Mart, need to take the time to listen (we do, but need more).

TB – This is an area that can be improved. LT – Welcome students and NSO, SD increased welcome back activities. Do we need

more than that? MP – Not just what we do when they get here for first, but after first and second

semester, how we guide them: Think about our next contact with them in addition to the first contact.

LJ – As advisors, we do developmental advising, help them with Education Plan and guide them towards MEP and LifeMap.

MP – Similar to Career Program Advisors model for general studies students. TB – AA advisors do not have same opportunity to do CPA model because students do

not come to them and if they do, don’t see same advisors. Maybe more personalization to be able to develop relationships with students by checking in to ask where they are and here is your next step. Following developmental advising mode. Students don’t feel like a number). The teaching element, although all is on-line, want to have the teaching element.

MP – Utilize ATLAS Labs better with targeted information activities to advise them. JC – Students talk to students, i.e. in Recycling Film. So using ATLAS Lab for activities

is a good idea. Hard to keep students captivated. Constant renewal of recognition. TB – Students without connections, i.e. club, professor, advisor, are those who are lost. SC – Benchmarking here, do we contact students regarding benchmarks? Career oriented

students have goal, GE students are walking around. How do they get that information? Is there anything done for them to ensure they are following path to benchmark?


TB – Direct Connect to transfer and advisor guides them, but not specific; sent them to UCF advisor, but not ideal.

TB – Students not required, but encouraged to use LifeMap tools. JMF – Incentives possible once student reaches a benchmark, i.e. 20% discount

certificate for bookstore, etc. Event certificate to acknowledge when completed program, i.e., developmental math, Integrate LifeMap skills within first 15 credit hours.

MP – Increase usage of tools, i.e. LifeMap, but make tools as effective as can be. JC – What feedback are we getting from students as they reach the threshold? Make tool

more interactive at key points, i.e. registering for second semester, information to op-up saying “you are in term two and here is what you need to do.”

TB – Need to be pro-active not reactive. Ongoing early contact before a problem arises because students do not seek help until problem occurs, i.e. Purdue University has pop-ups, does not go to e-mail, but on their “ATLAS” account to communicate what student needs to do. It has been effective. (Pop-up is in amber color.) Could be an incentive or a pop-up (or both), but needs to be a communication that reaches the student to inform them to see someone to make sure they are following benchmarks to reach key thresholds. Also, personal relation with field advisor at Nova Southeastern.

MP – Look at using “Live Chats” a pop-up that allows a student to speak with them via computer when advisor is available.

LJ – Reach students through media/technology. A position that was discussed for the coordination of MEPs maybe can be the “Live Chat” advisor for quick advising and direct student to appropriate advisor/counselor.

GT – Can faculty help with this? MP – Faculty are cautious about program advising because they do not want to give

incorrect information. Give faculty canned information to help with the advising. SL – Even if faculty tell student to see advisor, at times are hostile to the idea. MP/SC – Analysis of enrollment trends that when reach key thresholds/benchmark to

know that this is what you should have done by this time.


Table: 5Objective: 1.3 - Increase the course and program completion rate of Valencia students bydecreasing the withdrawal rate.Recorder: Dennis Weeks

What is the current graduation rateo Where are we in that rangeo Are we thereo Can we do better

Will decrease rate equal better graduation rateo Reasonso Is it successful completiono What is successo What is completion

Is it sometimes better for students Online failure of late is increasing in perception See online course

o Are you an online studento Need lots of hand holdingo Point to successo More advising, better advising (remember online)o Orientation for online

Percentage of failure in online courses Number of online courses Too many courses signed up for Too many flex and short time load (overloaded) Reasons they drop out

o Moneyo Timeo Work

Reality (Nursing) Check – can I really do this Help – let students know about resources

o Tutoringo Better communication to tools

Require orientation to helpful tools – not just prep or SS No able to understand value of tutoring (students) Faculty not able to share resource options (communication) “Online Campus” with administration, provost, dean

o To increase standard of classo Many do not need qualityo How would this helpo We are not equal to the standard classes nowo We have an honors director, works well, students

“Online College” disconnect – a different group not equal to regular studentso Obstacles with faculty


o More staff to support online - not equal fulltime Quality matters Perfection is a reasonable goal Not equal to allow with before a discussion with teacher Restriction Why withdraw to begin with Different target and measure What measures are need to move needle A study to see why withdrawing A new short-term target, to see what we need to know and why before fixing

o Information from study = directions to look ato Information why ($), helpful with scholarships, etc.o We do not know what to do – no answers yet available

How much does culture influence equal withdrawal, first year college, no supportive family

Overtime family support declines – gets old Language barriers – impact on withdrawal, 5 years to grasp language Under prepared impact, plus language/cultural barriers

o How do we address this Are we already in top 5%

o What does to 5% meano Criteria to be up 5%

Not sure goals are __________o What is used to measure

Where are we compared to targeto Diff. prep to targeto Has assessment been done yet

Withdrawal equal to empty seats that cost someone else an opportunity (Nursing)


Table: 6Objective: 1.3 - Increase the course and program completion rate of Valencia students bydecreasing the withdrawal rate.Recorder: Shelby Fiorentino

We can and have pulled data on these based from data team beginnings from Achieving the Dream still continuing with DEI

Agreed that measures are good Numbers completion verses originally enrolled program. We are not tracking in alternate

ways, i.e. change from AA to AS or vice versa We are not tracking (can we?) withdrawal reasons

o Are they transferring schools Does re-enrollment change numbers Can we track students who are taking time b/w course sequence (namely math) Expand group/number of people who can do focus groups, but focus groups are timely

and can be expensive Follow up would be great but because of large numbers of students not specific programs

(Honors, bridges, etc.) this is not realistic If you get this what do you do with information? The notion that these are two year degrees causes pressure/stress. We should have plans

for 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. years. Our catalog has y semester sequence that does not account for prep courses. Needs to be promoted on a more individualized basis. Take the perceived “time limits” out of the picture/description.

Invest more in faculty development for developmental advising. Students contact students on a more regular basis.

Looking at long term target, we have front loaded many of our interventions/strategies. What are we doing in the middle and end?


Table: 7Objective: 1.4 - Align plans for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs,and the resources to support them, with the economic development needs of the region.Recorder: Myrna Villanueva

Adding baccalaureate will translate to increased funding Kudos to Falecia and her team for the work on this issue. However, focus on AS – need

to include AA What are those major degrees need a BA

o How do we align (resurrect) those AA degrees Need CDA certificate as an option.

o Explore how we do this All of our degrees impact economic development

o Every student embarking on this journey is doing so for economic development Determine which AA transfer plans need:

o Updatingo To be deletedo Addedo Which will/may impact faculty/staff planning

Stay tuned/connected with UCF’s expansion (Medical City) and look for opportunities to engage

In truth many AS degrees (i.e. engineering) require a baccalaureate degree (as in a “transfer” Program)

AS degrees can be used as a transfer option to the Bachelors of Science degree (communicate this connection)

Communicate the research to those “outside” of AS programs – this will connect both sides of the house

Extend invitation (the Net) to deans that oversee AA programs when discussing research on Workforce Development

Expand course offerings in different companies/institutions , thereby extending our reach throughout the community, OUC and Universal

We accept credits from other institutions (Orlando Tech) but we don’t easily from credits from Valencia Enterprises

How do we accomplish --- are we considering change in economic development as we review AS programs

The AA programs are not included in the comprehensive review as are the AS programs. Overall, Valencia does a good job of looking internally at how we are doing.


Find ways to better communicate where these “clusters” are offered (internal/external)o Consider how best we can put this up front and center on the web

We do have limitations on “entire” programs that can be completed just at our campus Marketing needs to include clear, concise options for students and internally as well

(helps for us to know what is being offered at the college)


We all need to be ambassadors but we need to have the information (accurate, accessible, quick) in order to do this effectively

o Need to explore why our students are not excelling as well as they have in the past (SAT, quality of students UCF accepts verses those who enroll first at Valencia)

There is a difference between economic development and our students’ interests are - these may not necessarily be the same/aligned

There really isn’t an alignment of AA and AS programs – much of this work takes place in a vacuum yet there may be some strategies that can work for both (i.e. data collection, distribution, guiding principles, all students want a job)


Table: 8Objective: 1.4 - Align plans for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs,and the resources to support them, with the economic development needs of the region.Recorder: Ty Johnson

Need to develop coordinated sequence of programs that may support student transition from the associate degree to the bachelors degree

Develop transition plans for AA and pre-majors for Workforce Development and economic demand

Stronger and more defined partnerships with the community to off-set dollar resources needed for faculty and/or equipment and develop some sort of reciprocity for their willingness to participate as a partner

Expand recruitment of “donation” of industry professionals as adjunct professors not only to reduce instructional cost, but also to strengthen our relationship due to communication and alignment of skills and learning objectives

Increase efforts to make transparent to students and community which programs and clusters are located on each of the campuses

Establish principles for program development, location and expansion A system to better inform students and staff of place bound program assignments Language of the target of the objective is not clear for many staff and students STEM initiatives need to be better defined and agreed upon Better branding of campus based programs


Table: 9Objective: 1.5 - Increase access to associate degree and higher programs through universitypartnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.Recorder: Barbara Shell

Accesso Short term target

More than getting a scholarship Students need to learn to live within a budget to manage funds Financial literacy skills – teach Many don’t learn literacy skills at home

o Online classes Inadequate equipment for success Educate students for success

o Expand capacity in line with enrollment plan Try to fill every spot (don’t turn students away if possible) Analysis of classes, numbers of students, location times, maximize class

access Help students plan and pay as soon as register for courses (missing

deadlines) Deadline for payment is close to class start (can result in missing deadline

and class is not full Financial aid assistance with meeting deadlines for payment Students see deadline as payment day rather than last chance to pay Need education for st6udents about payment deadlines Students don’t check follow-up email attempts to often miss reminders OIT has implemented, transfer process has been streamlined, email to

deans Out of state students don’t know Florida law (Gordon Rule) Students often comment on and appreciate level of developmental advice

they get from us (faculty/staff) This helps the student be successful Some faculty see developmental advising as someone else’s job and we

need to get beyond this Technology could be used (videos created that can be assigned by faculty

members) Financial aid TV is being used by many students that answers what they

need to know quickly – development advising can be helpful in this way, too

Most are reluctant to advise about financial issues due to lake of expertise Students need to know how to work on scholarship and financial aid

applications (need to be worked on regularly) Faculty can include skill development in their curriculum Learn to write letters for scholarship application Expand to general education classes


Online increase be don thoughtfully Don’t set students up for failure “Two for All” CJI initiative – goal is to education law enforcement

using/maximizing available resources (adult learner target) Suggested measure

o Track online offeringso If we increase numbers, we can have negative impact if they aren’t prepared for

onlineo It would increase capacity

Why are students not receiving scholarshipso Suggest to add measureo Not applyingo Don’t know how to applyo Applications not well-preparedo Add to how would be accomplish thiso Faculty letters of support need faculty education, role model examples of

appropriatenesso FLIRT education helping tremendously

How would we accomplish Faculty development on how to provide support for students seeking scholarships


Table: 10Objective: 1.5 - Increase access to associate degree and higher programs through universitypartnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.Recorder: Rachel Waite

Accesso Name concerns

Comments and suggestions Opportunities and challenge before us

Under represented fields – Earth Scienceo Only one associates program in science on West – Horticulture

How can be let students know that what they are doing here feeds into other Florida universities

Electronic system is already in place to help students build a transfer plano All pre-regs are listed

Teaching Student Success has taught me where all of these resources are at the college What is already going on in terms of access – we need to assess what we are doing at

Valencia Students like some face to face and some online Let’s be realistic about access – who are we going to serve

o Are we going to continue to be open accesso We could grow dual enrollment if we had the fundso We cannot grow because we do not have the funds

Let’s get as much mileage as we can out of the programs we already have Customize programs for various students – some online some fact to face

o Customize accesso The personal touch balanced with technology

Access equals better communicationo We have to communicate better to students nowo Access is availableo We have to prioritize access due to costo How can we meet the needs or dreams in line with costs and collars available

Pick up some of the bachelors programs that UCF is not offeringo Example: GIS program, certificate programo This is not offered at UCFo We have a GIS lab on West Campus

Program development to meet needs of studentso What is not offered at UCF that we can offer

Become more active in providing alternatives in terms of textbooks Extra training

o Colleagues in many of the services at the collegeo Get all of us out of the siloso How can be distribute information across the college

Allow faculty to cheerlead and help raise funds for their own programs


o Raise capital for program development and resources Apply for grants

o Allow faculty time to do this FLIRT is good idea – very useful CJI partnership very positive Enrollment/growth plan is a work in progress

o How many students do we think we can support Student cohorts and the costs to educate them vary

o It costs more to educate some people, less otherso Managing enrollment to cohorts

Enrollmento Dual enrollment does not require tuition

As a part of tracking online offerings also:o We want to try to meet these objectives but we want the subtle details of the

enrollment plan to be addressedo What is the percentage of each cohort that will be represented at the college

International students\online Dual enrollment Out of state Face to face

The plan looks good Move FLIRT to the short term goal

o We suggest a change in the long-term target College will be accessible to all in our district via campus locations and/or

alternative delivery system, and financial literacy/need will not be a barrier to attendance.

o The FLIRT program will help many students prioritize it All looks good


Table: 11Objective: 2.1 - Develop, align, and review program learning outcomes to assure a cohesivecurricular and co-curricular experience that enhances student learning.Recorder: Carin Gordon

Consensuso Need for basic skill sets for all studentso Industry expert tell department what industry is looking foro Determine what industry requires even for liberal arts majorso Stress communications skill in all programso Provide tutoring and financial resources to ensure students stay on patho Encourage and support SL and LINC courseso Find support for higher level tutoringo Assist students in developing discipline to help ensure successo Encourage students to participate in activities beyond classroom that advance

program/course outcomes Concerns

o Students being able to complete prep classeso Continued focus on prepo Should outcome levels vary based on program, i.e. honorso Concern that special emphasis needed for students/disabilitieso Diverse student body creates challenges

University path Job training

o How difficult is it to create program outcomes for someone going onto liberal arts Consensus

o An incentive program that encourages students to participate in activities that enhance their development

o Ensure program outcomes incorporate life skills to ensure success and lifelong learning

o When a student graduates from Valencia, what will that mean – program competencies

Program outcomes need to ensure consistency in level taught by faculty


Table: 12Objective: 2.1 - Develop, align, and review program learning outcomes to assure a cohesivecurricular and co-curricular experience that enhances student learning.Recorder: Julie Corderman

I thought it was already underway AS programs already looks at their programs every five years

o Make changes as neededo Easier in some ways because it is externally driven (industry)

Question is how do we translate this work over to AA Course outline builder can help define outcomes Learning outcomes need to be pushed out further like to adjunct

o There is a disconnect here Some areas need to be reviewed more frequently than others Is the list going to be even current and relevant by 2013

o It is constantly evolving Do we have to do outcomes for new four year programs as well Can outcomes meet all the needs of different types of students How specific/general are these outcomes going to be May be harder to get faculty by-in on AA side because no real external pressure Figure out how to measure progress is challenging Suggestion – try out with a smaller pilot group Are we keeping our partners (UCF) in the loop and are we preparing them in ways that

will have them being success at UCF Our stats are telling us the Valencia students are struggling at UCF Consensus

o Challenges with fact we are dealing with lots of variables in students and classes as well as it is a moving target (each year the programs change)

Concerno Our students are not able to perform strongly at the university level

What are we missing How are you getting faculty buy-in If a faculty does not like a particularly competency

How will they be held accountable for imbedding it in their course verses just pay lip service to it

How do we communicate ideas across disciplines


Table: 13Objective: 2.2 - Increase the percentage of students writing at the college level.Recorder: Liza Schellpfeffer

First assessment in Comp 1 have rubric with five criteria cumulative effort from many instructors to develop this rubric

There is support on East and West Writing Centers to assist students -- students are aware Students (English as a second language) have contracts to come and pass EAD exams We need to find out Prerequisites How do you measure writing in math class

o I have students in my math class that do reports and have to write in complete sentences

o I don’t know if all math instructors do this Common assessment made of students done at lower levels for EAP What I notice with spell check, students don’t know how to spell

o More common to see writing errors in daily publications Number 3 – Writing center we have is – is it enough

o If not, where is the funding coming from to increase standards/availability What is appropriate college level writing

o Sentence fragments, run on sentences are bothersome when gradingo Minor spelling and minor grammar doesn’t bother as mucho Subject and very should at least agree

Across all learning fields we should have the expectation of college level appropriateness (all fields, math, English, biology, etc.)

Adjuncts and fulltime instructors come together for collaborative time to help establish common goals/best practices

o Helps to establish unity within department – then across fieldso Once rubrics are developed need to keep common across fields

Students still have tunnel perception that they have to have strong writing for English courses, but can slack in other courses like chemistry.

o Carry appropriate college writing guidelines across fields Will increase their own perceptions

Suggested short term measureo A list of writing levels will have been establishedo Need to add

With collaboration of others (instructors from other areas) Within disciplines/fields of study Properly circulated to entire (especially adjuncts) college community

We need a continuous improvement plan after the first assessment has been establishedo Check to see if improvements over timeo With vision of keep improving/increasing levels

we have a mentor in our departmento I pair instructors for our departmento Welcome back with various sessions help pair instructors


Does good writing look different in various disciplineso At associate level don’t think it necessarily looks different

If students are in difference classes (math and science) academic English guidelines should be the same.

As coordinator assign mentor to a group of adjuncts within a specific course to help keep lines of communication open

Every tenured professor could have a group of adjuncts to oversee


Table: 14Objective: 2.2 - Increase the percentage of students writing at the college level.Recorder: Jane Wiese

College level writingo Increase the percentage of students writing at the college level

Disconnect with students actual level of writing and college level courses in other disciplines

o Impact of financial aido Have to take 1,000 or 2,000 classes, yet have not completed prep classes, yet have

not completed prep classeso Is there data available which identifies success rates of prep students taking

college level classes prior to meeting the college level writing requirement 12 credit hours equals more financial aid than 9 credit hours or less – so

try to take classes outside prep in order to get more funding Assessment of writing levels no longer done college-wide – substituted random testing Currently a college-wide committee is investigating and researching writing assessment

(discipline teams) Technical certificates often don’t include Comp 1 requirement (substitute OST 1335 –

Business Communications) Currently have a four point rubric for scoring writing samples AS and Certificate Programs have a limited number of hours Need to assess level of writing appropriate for certificate and degrees by discipline Possible need for technical writing course Suggested measures

o 1 – OKo 2 – Maybe more specific to say assessments should be appropriate at each “levelo 3 – OK

Well underway at campus writing centers and SL (supplemental learners) program

o LINC courses for matching technical writing to specific majorso Encourage writing across the disciplines

Develop “models” in various disciplines Noted the large percentage increase in AS, certificate seeking students


Table: 15Objective: 2.3 - Increase the percentage of students who complete the math sequence within twoyears. (Completion is defined as successfully completing the highest level math course required for a program of study. The two-year measurement period begins upon entrance to the College.)Recorder: Louise Pitts

Completion of Mathematicso Agree with objective and targetso How many withdrawso Whyo Additional suggested measures/strategies for achieving targeto Completion of math dependent on reading ability

To what degree Bundle - LINC, Reading, Math, Student Success

o Strategic Issue 7o More mentoringo Mechanisms available to help students apply for scholarships as addition to AAo Student retention of math concepts from one course to another if student takes a

term break in progressiono Sequencing of courseso Implementing of alert system if student deviates from their plano Bridges – maybe link students and include in Bridges type program through

technology verses face to face


Table: 16Objective: 2.3 - Increase the percentage of students who complete the math sequence within two years. (Completion is defined as successfully completing the highest level math course required for a program of study. The two-year measurement period begins upon entrance to the College.)Recorder: David Sutton

Teacher student match helpful Excellent teaching for people who have difficulty with math Students are more successful when only taking math – concentrate on math Need research for pairing prep courses with other front door courses Encourage (mandate?) students not to put off completing math courses Establish a pace for completing math sequence Bridge gap between high school math and college math Math literacy in general is a problem compared to the rate of English literacy Presently not getting the math in high school to prepare them for college Quality of faculty should be reviewed More training for adjuncts – they teach most of the prep courses Students should prepare for test in similar environments in which they will be tested One track in Destinations for the purpose of preparing faculty for the tasks of help

students to complete in two years (include adjuncts) Associate faculty program – use to provide further training for faculty, mindful

organization of material in program to achieve this goal Recognize the necessity of combining content knowledge with good teaching approaches Best practices – shared among faculty Critical thinking development in general can have indirect effect on student math ability Observation of teaching rather than use course evaluation Mentor adjuncts more effectively paid/compensation


Table: 17Objective: 2.4 - Increase the percentage of students mandated into developmental courses who complete within three years the first 15 college level hours of their programs of study. (Developmental courses are defined to include MAT1033C.)Recorder: Valerie Burks

Name questions/concerns – challenges/opportunitieso Thinking of what we mean by “Dev”

How long typically would it take Reading 1 and 2 – Comp How to move through the process

o It is a challenge, but several college programs exist Tutoring Center, etc.

o If they don’t move quickly through developmental, students get frustrated and tend to quit

o Data actually shows that students do better if allowed to take college-level classes while in developmental (i.e. speech) so they feel like they are making progress

o Math is the “Big Elephant” that holds students back Strategy: Infuse Student Success Skills into developmental math classes

o How to keep students mandated into several levels of developmental from being frustrated

o Course integration of students success skillso Cohort measure of assessing successo Withdrawal policy

WP/WF no more Motivation for students to “be on top” of their own academic progress It is difficult to do cross-institutional data comparisons Valencia had low level of D and F as compared to W’s of several flavors New p9licy will make it easier to identify and intercede with at-risk-

studentso State mandated college placement testing

Changes may lessens some of the development burden on the college Consensus: SL/LINC will assist Online presence of information to students Anything not included that you feel should be included

o Why no mentions of supplemental instructions/learning centers Financial Aid link

o Satisfactory progresso 150% standardo 1) SL/LINC a good target for achieving the long-term targeto 2) Financial Aid – yeso 3) Withdrawal – not as clear a causal link (in our mind) between this short-term

target and the long-term targetso We need data on why they leave

“Success Coaches” at Winter Park provided individual attention to students


o Is this feasible on other campuseso Probably not – it even became unwieldy at Winter Park

Lack of general knowledge about resources available at Valencia for struggling students How do we use new technology to help students feel connected and increase success rates What about the possibility of virtual advisors General questions concerning new technology

o Do the targets adequately account for the way students will think and do business in the next three years

Discussion of the infusion of student success skills throughout the entire Valencia curriculum


Table: 18Objective: 2.4 - Increase the percentage of students mandated into developmental courses who complete within three years the first 15 college level hours of their programs of study. (Developmental courses are defined to include MAT1033C.)Recorder: David Rogers

Increase percentages of students mandated into developmental courses who complete another three years of first 15 college level

o SL/LINC courses are workingo Concern about the work load of faculty ($,300)o The balance between integration of classes and costo The questions of resourceso Limitation

Determining classes 2041 Govt. and student Success Marriage between faculty Faculty who want to be included

Supplemental learning – when the fit is good it works SL leaders are assigned one week before class SL pairings ($9.34) guidelines for faculty and would allow faculty to identify prospective

SL initially and include training as a classroom Withdrawal policy

o Lack of understanding of the grad forgiveness program and transfers prior to degree

o Complete the degree needs to be the mantrao Withdrawals would encourage

Survey response Contact with professor Student Success does remind students of grade forgiveness issues and

withdrawalo Add a withdrawal notification with a survey response to identify cohorto Information DEI

Learning Communities 4 courses SLS Dev. and college

Curriculum alignment – for a pathwayo Infusing SLS skills in Developmental and General Education courseso Increase link between, SSL, LifeMap and courses

Summaryo The table’s consensus was that the Short Term Targets 1, 2 and 3 are valuable

contributions to the Long Term Target.o The programs aligned are the clearest ones that would help accomplish these

goalso The measures for the Short Term Targets will move us toward the goals


Concernso Increases of SL/LINC do affect faculty work loadso This important to integrate classo Increase and resources (people and capacities)o SL increases should not ignore the effectiveness of a good connection between

faculty and student leaders Guidelines for faculty are the duties of the SL student leader

Would allow faculty to identify potential student leaders during their initial experience with the class

These students would know the opportunity is available and would “learn” the habits of a good SL leader for the subsequent term

Cohort measures of withdrawal rates are not as granular as could be Students who withdraw should be surveyed (as should faculty) to allow more data to be

collected particularly at the developmental level Brief, online survey triggered by a student’s withdrawal would contribute to the

quantitative data needed for finer understanding of why a student withdraws Many students are not fully aware of how withdrawal impacts financial aid, the college’s

forgiveness policy and the transfer of credit (either without a Valencia degree or with one)

Be a completer Clarifications would help students make more knowledgeable choices (SSL classes do

this already)


Table: 19Objective: 2.5 - Close achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds in completing six key courses, leading to increased persistence and program completion rates. Note: The six courses are: College Prep mathematics Pre-Algebra (MAT0012C) and Beginning Algebra (MAT 0024C), Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033), and “gateway” courses, Communications (ENC1101), Political Science (POS2041), and College Algebra (MAC1105).Recorder: Danielle Boileau

What has changedo Gaps started to close and then widened againo Is it due to large numbers returning to college due to economic issueso An influx of non-traditional students

Research must be intentionalo ATC data team has transitioned to College date teamo The work continues

Can we make the first target more specifico Rather than just conducting research we need a specific research plan – we need

a specific research plan Data discussions should be collaborative, open and disciplined In determining socio-economic status, suggestions on how to do so have been made but

not implemented (FAFSA information, zip code analysis)o What do we do with information once we have it

Where do we want to expand the definition of diversityo What should be included

Many students do not have the background to negotiate the initial enrollment processo How do we provide this support to those that don’t have this at homeo Group believes socio-economic status could be a good predictor of who would

need this support DEI work is already expanding the definition of diversity.

o What is the purpose of expanding the definition of diversityo What about our students who belong to multiple diverse groupso Are we looking at the connection hereo We need to look at all courses where underdeveloped reading skills could be an

impediment to success - not just labs and pre-regs If we put pre-regs on everything, what will students take

o We need to figure out how to support students where they are without being too restrictive of access

o We need to have a real solid plan of research to address our needs 2.1 - What will be considered a program beyond those that have already been defined for

us (AA, AS, pre-majors, etc.)o Do we include other things line Honorso Could this be more clearly defined in Short Term Target #1o If something has outcomes, is it automatically considered a programo Important that things are both designed and implement and assessed for

effectiveness so we can improve


o We like that this is explicitly statedo Cycle is about putting process down on paper as a starting pointo Consensus

Testing Look at things as a starting point It will be assessed and improved

2.2 – College-wide rubric for written communication o Considering the levels on the rubrico Where should students be based on their educational goalso Our students in technical certificateso Do they need writing skills – maybe soo Should not we also be preparing them for what might come nexto We have the rubric but it has not been accepted college-wideo It is being shared more widely among faculty to provide students with a common

experience regarding expectations of the writing experience 2.3 – How do we help faculty to feel more confident talking to students about how to

successfully complete their math sequento More “LifeMap” stuff (staying on task, not taking time off between courses, etc.)


Table: 20Objective: 2.5 - Close achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds in completing six key courses, leading to increased persistence and program completion rates. Note: The six courses are: College Prep mathematics Pre-Algebra (MAT0012C) and Beginning Algebra (MAT 0024C), Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033), and “gateway” courses, Communications (ENC1101), Political Science (POS2041), and College Algebra (MAC1105).Recorder: Julie Balassa

Access to collegeo ATD – peer mentorso Prep make courses more accessible, introduces students to resources such as SPA

and Compasso Overall seems to be working especially in the work areao Math is a step by step building process, important to keep upo Early Alert – instructor refers student to counseloro Faculty pays attention to student’s needs and progresso Counselor or advisor contacts students to come in – some do not respondo Do faculty learn about available resourceso Has SL been expandedo Discussion of how SL workso Students realize it is not bad to make use of resourceso Are gap statistics different from campus to campuso Statistics generally look at FTE, whether full or part-time, whether in SL section,

whether SLs, etc.o Each campus has generally same systemso Have to prove basis of ethnicityo Can improve math gaps by real math applications in classroomo How math applications are addressing achievement gaps among students with

diverse backgroundso Make a call - students leaders bring diverse students to same table to problems

solveo Give encouragement and positive feedbacko Type of math at college is within reach of all studentso Break feeling of I can’t to a feeling of I cano Expand it to other disciplines like readingo Help students to have a more open mindo Can tailor syllabus to include that structure as a certain percentage of the courseo Can have research whether it workso Can all instructors understand applied aspects of work – noo Expand student mastery to understanding of application – not only being able to

play numbers into a calculatoro Suggestion that make faculty assign projects and give incentiveso What math applications were included in math projecto What reasoning was used


o Can pull in community organizations like Habitat for Humanity to show real world application

o Combine real-world application with theory and real world activitieso How willing are faculty to develop sections and help develop research to tracko Incorporate fun activities like roller coaster at Universalo Shoot a movie of monkey making mechanical calculationso Discussion sufficiently to focus on diversityo Should student leaders be from more diverse backgroundso Students take courses because required not invested or feel can’t do it before even

give it a tryo Change culture and mind set to I can give it a shot – best efforto Idea of applied math related to short term targeto Problems with reading comprehension will affect all academics

Short Term Target 4o Need to borrow success of charter schools to provide more consistencyo Specific example of expanded diversity – blind students who cannot access any

math lab, _______, ________, visual leaderso Should faculty adjust learner to learner – no, course should include components

for all learnerso Faculty development can help retool approaches to address diverse learning styleso Who is teaching – fulltime, adjunctso Least skilled instructors in key courseo Can establish student groups to include students from diverse populationso SI principles increased time on task or more connections on campuso Can give funding to those student groupso Short Term Target 4 should be expanded to hit all of the big three – reading,

writing and matho Should also include analytical skillso Include four course competencies - i.e., think, infuse reading, writing, make it for

all courseso Show where and how students can use eacho Not just finish the class, get the gradeo Also focus on how to express their knowledgeo Show all steps to an answer


Table: 21Objective: 1.5 - Increase access to associate degree and higher programs through universitypartnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.Recorder: Jill Geraghty

Short term ST 1

o Where will new articulation agreements come fromo Is the “market” saturatedo What other programs do we want to connect too Private collegeso Guaranteeing admission to a university of “choice” verses “a” (Direct Connect

type agreement) 4-year college in Florida – course pathways (if currently available, better marketing)

ST 2o Marketing of current available scholarshipso Replace Bright Futureso Eligibility criteria – increase funds for those that need it ($$) mosto Community outreacho Scholarships for online courses/students only

Measureso Trackingo No current “tracking” for all agreements (IR)o What is measurableo Define “tracking” in terms of a measurable outcomeo Frequency of trackingo Success rates – relative to access


Table: 22Objective: 1.5 - Increase access to associate degree and higher programs through universitypartnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.Recorder: Martha Williams

Long-term target – We agree Barrier to access is a problem because connection to Valencia is not available in all of the

district, i.e. Yeehaw Junction is a long way from Osceola Campus (other development may need to be considered in all of the district)

Look at accessibility in areas that could be expanded in our community, i.e. Eatonville, Apopka, Harmony = taking Valencia to the community

Developing an infra-structure for alternative delivery systems invoices the 3 C’so Faculty “Comfort” levelo Faculty “Certification” trainingo Alternate delivery systems “Coordination” steering

Short-term targets - We agree Maintain existing and new articulation agreements , participation and partnerships

o This target seems to be the most stake-target/objectiveo What will Valencia do to compete with other institutions that have more on-line

courses or full on-line degreeso Look at our enrollment plan for delivery of on-line courses

Increase scholarshipso Reduce costs of text books with help for students who are not on financial aido Books purchases for student who take classes on multiple campuses

Expand capacity in line with enrollment plano What is our true enrollment plano Does it address more on-line deliveryo Coordination among deans who offer it on multiple campuses

How will we accomplish this – We agreeo Ned more information on “Two for All” CJI degree initiativeo What is the college’s plan for training faculty in on-line instructions

How will we know – We agreeo Costs effectiveness for delivery of on-line courseso May need to look at expanding hybrid courses

Moving the needle – Yes, it will, but we need to consider are we one college or are our campuses a college

