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Bon Jovi Teleconference David Bryan & Tico Torres

Operator: Thank you for joining us today for an interview with Bon

Jovi’s David Bryan and Tico Torres. This call will cover the release of their 14th studio

album, “This House is not For Sale,” to be released on November 4, as well as the band’s

2017 tour of the same name… Our first question will come from Jeff Niesel, Cleveland


Jeff Niesel: Hey, guys. How are you?

Tico, David: Great.

Jeff Niesel: Can you talk a little bit about your enduring popularity. I

mean, a lot of bands from your era are no longer together, let alone playing arenas. To

what do you attribute the fact that you guys are still so popular?

David Bryan: I think for us, really, we say we’re a current classic. We

strive to have new records. We strive to have new songs on the radio. I mean, we’ve

got our 14th record coming out, and hopefully it’s another number one record. And

that feels really good that we can gain those new fans and still bring our – our fans have

been there with us for some of the ride, all of the ride, to keep on the ride.

Jeff Niesel: That’s great. Thanks!

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Jay Cridlin,

Tampa Bay Times.

Jay Cridlin: I’m here in Tampa, and your tour actually stops here on

Valentine’s Day, which I can imagine is going to be like a super popular date night in

town. So I’m curious – I’d be curious to hear you talk a little bit about Bon Jovi’s love

songs, both your favorite ones from the catalog, whether it’s big hit like “Bed of Roses”

(0:01:47.6) or something or some deeper cut. And any on the new album that you

might be playing live. How do you capture and share that love, and what are your

favorite ones to play?

David Bryan: Tico, I answer for Tico. I help him out. Tico really likes

“Always,” and he really likes “Bed of Roses” like you said. And then he likes the new one

on the Bonus track, “Real Love.”

Tico Torres: “Real Love,” yeah. That’s my favorite. You know, at my

age, I’ve got to revert to my younger friend. But (ph 0:02:20.3) always at home. I mean,

it’s one of those songs that’s very intimate. And I think it speaks to everybody, which is

kind of nice. Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Jane

Stevenson, Toronto Sun.

Jane Stevenson: Hi, guys from Canada. I’m hoping at some point, you’re

gonna come here on this tour. In the meantime, can you guys talk about – I don’t know

if difficulty is the right word, but the idea of making an album without Richie Sambora

for the first time, what that was like for you guys, and how the new guitarist is fitting

into the dynamic of the group?

David Bryan: You know, as far as Phil X, he has Canadian roots. He’s

helped us out quite a few times in the past. And John Shanks has been with us,

producer, which is more than a proficient guitar player – amazing. We’ve been working

with him for quite a few albums, and the fact that we recorded everything in one room

together, predominantly with John Shanks, just adds a flavor to it. It was the old way of

making records, you know, everybody in the room, and trying different fields and

tempos and melodies and immediate response for what we’re doing. So John was kind

enough to join us on this next tour as well, as well as Phil.

Jane Stevenson: Sorry, and working without Richie, did that seem a lot

strange after all this time?

David Bryan: It’s a different thing, but there’s new life, and I think when

you have new people, you have new energy. And, of course, the creative process, the

way we’ve worked together, is working with each other in the room. And the song

dictates. And if everybody’s on the same page, it makes beautiful music. You know, of

course, we had some wonderful years with Richie, but if he wants to move on in his

direction, it’s one of those things that you can’t avoid, and we carry on, because the

premise of this record is, “This House Is Not For Sale” is the roots, and the fact that

we’re still together and strong and love playing music together, if that answers your


Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Alan Sculley, Last Word Features.

Alan Sculley: Yeah, hi, guys. Thanks for doing this today. And you

know, I should (ph 0:05:00.0) follow up a little bit, I guess, on Richie. It sounded like that

when he left, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just the touring kind of thing kind of got to him,

where he felt he couldn’t keep doing that. And you know, it looks to me like in a sense,

Billy Falcon has kind of filled that role as the songwriter in the band as the main co-

writer with John. And I just wondered what impact that’s having on the sound of the

band and what you do musically. Is it much of a difference at all?

David Bryan: Well, it’s (inaudible 0:05:34.5) John Shanks. Our producer

also covered a lot with John and with Richie. So it changed a little of the dynamics a

little bit, I think. But at the end of day, like I said, it wasn’t our choice. You only can

control yourself, and he just didn’t want to be here. So that was his choice. And we

decided to carry on. So I think musically, for this, we just came into the studio, and said,

“Let’s do this one almost more old school,” where the last couple of records were

different. But this one was getting in the studio, looking at each other, bashing (ph

0:06:09.2) it out. We did it at the Avatar, which used to be the Power Station, where we

originally started. We made our first record there in ’83. And it just felt good, and it felt

good to get in there and take these songs and really build them together. And that was

John Shanks, myself, Hugh and Tico and John. And then Phil came in and played a

couple of solos. But it really was – that was the core then, over the last year, of making

this record. And I think it’s musical. I think it’s – you know, we’re going to keep our

commitment is to keep carrying on, because we like to make music, and it works for us.

Tico Torres: Just to add on, you know, the three-year period since the

last record, I mean, the band itself also went through a lot of angst. Richie’s a brother

with us for many years – not something you brush off. And, of course, time heals

wounds, and music definitely heals everything. So at the end of the day, it’s not like

we’re brushing them off, but it’s just something you have to carry on in your life.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Jon Katic,

Iron City Rocks.

Jon Katic: Thanks for having this, guys. Can I ask when you’re putting

together set list for your upcoming tour, at this point in your career with so many hits,

how do you decide what to take out and add in the material (0:07:39.7)?

David Bryan: It’s funny. We try to change the list every night. I mean,

there’s certain staples that people expect and probably deserve. I mean, I remember

when I was very young and going to the (inaudible 0:07:54.1) and watching three of my

favorite bands in one night, I’d want a hit. I want to hear the songs that brought them

to that pinnacle of success. And we try to keep those in there. We change our sets just

about every night. And we have a big roster to pick from, so depending on the shows,

we get to play with them and bring them in and out, which also makes it fresh for us and

great for the audiences. You know, we try to do as long a show as possible to fit them

all in.

Jon Katic: Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Ben

Luschen, Oklahoma Gazette.

Ben Luschen: Yeah, hi, guys. I was just wondering if you could elaborate

a little bit more on the overall theme of “This House Is Not For Sale.” I know you guys

talked a little bit about the old way making music and getting together and doing it

really organically. Does that kind of play into the them as well?

David Bryan: Yes, I think, I mean, it started with John – really saw a

picture, which is the album cover of the (inaudible 0:08:59.0), and said, “You know

what?” And he looked and said, “This House Is Not For Sale.” And it really represented

integrity. It represented, you know, there’s going to be – it’s not for sale. We don’t

want this to end. It’s not going to give it away. And that’s it. And it’s really integrity.

And then it started, like he said, it started with I (ph 0:09:20.4), my heart, my soul. This

heart, this soul. And then at the end, these (inaudible 0:09:25.8) again, so come on up

to this house, which is inviting everybody in. So I think it’s like a journey of the themes

where we’re at is in that record.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Amy

Cooper, Billboard.

Amy Cooper: Hi, guys. Thanks for doing this. Your last album, “Burning

Bridges,” was viewed more as a contractual and obligational album. So how was making

“This House For Sale” sort of different? And it kind of leads like the last question that

was asked. You had the roots of this house is not for sale, that you guys have your

specific sound, so does that play into how this album sounded versus the last one?

Tico Torres: That’s an interesting question. Both have messages. And

more importantly, is the message now. It’s always – it shows where we’re at right now,

the way we feel, not only in music and mentally, but also has that optimistic, which has

always been pretty inherent in our music. And it’s a message that we live by personally,

so it’s nice to be able to convey that musically. So they’re both two different animals, I

would say.

Amy Cooper: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Lucille

Barilla, Starpulse.

Lucille Barilla: I was privileged enough to go to your Red Bank, New

Jersey show.

Male Voice: Great.

Lucille Barilla: And I noticed the theme that there was a different type of

energy on stage. It seems very raw and emotional. And do you feel that as you are

playing this new material and preparing for the forthcoming tour?

Tico Torres: Yeah, I mean, it’s a lot of fun to be able to do sort of

listening party with we call it “Friends and Family” for where it’s a story telling what the

song’s about. And the fact that we were able to play the record live, you know, you

record it pretty spontaneous, and then to lay it down. And usually, you’ll end up doing a

couple songs or if not more from a record, a new record on your tour. This concept of

doing it before the record’s out and doing it in a small forum, where you can actually

explain the lyrics and the story and the reasoning behind it is for me probably the

unique forum to be able to show your music and the work. We had to relearn these

things. It’s odd when you create, you don’t remember it, and you have to go back and

listen and go (inaudible 0:11:59.60). So the fact that we were able to perform it – it’s

almost immediate gratification in a sense, because you’re sharing it at that moment for

the first time, not only with yourself, but with the audience. So it’s a unique experience

to do these four shows like that.

Lucille Barilla; Yeah, well, the intimate setting was wonderful. Thank you

so much for answering my question.

Tico Torres: You’re welcome. Thank you for the question.

Operator: Thank you. Our question will come from Kris Engelhart,

Backstage Axxess.

Kris Engelhart: Hi guys. How are you?

Tico Torres: Good. How are you doing, Kris?

Kris Engelhart: Good, thanks. So many of Bon Jovi songs would work well

acoustically. Is there any chance of an acoustic tour or perhaps just a few acoustic dates

along the way?

David Bryan: I don’t think – you never know, but I think what we like to

add to our shows that we’ve done in the past is to come out and do like an acoustic part

of it, where we come in and sing a couple of songs and do it acoustically.

Kris Engelhart: Right.

David Bryan: So that definitely could be something there. But not a

plan for an acoustic tour. You know, this what we’re doing now is a live listening party.

It would be four shows in New Jersey, London, Toronto and then New York. And that’s

just to bring the record in its entirety – 15 songs. That’s what that is. But there will be

definitely a segment where we would play acoustic.

Kris Engelhart: Okay, thank you.

David Bryan: You’re welcome.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Mark Dean,

AntiHero Magazine.

Mark Dean: Good evening, guys. I just wondered – you’ve both done

many interviews over the years since the band started. I just wondered if the roles were

reversed, and you sat in the interviewer’s chair, who would you pick, maybe a personal

inspiration or an icon, for you to actually interview?

Tico Torres: What question would I ask an icon?

Mark Dean: Who.

Tico Torres: Who would I ask?

Tico Torres: You know, that’s a great question. You know, there’s a

few people, but the cool thing is – I can’t think of one, because I actually met him. One

of them was Miles Davis. And the question I did ask him is, “How much do you love

music?” And the answer was interesting. The answer was it’s part of him. (Inaudible

0:14:39.3) of me. That was a question I asked directly. If I was to ask somebody else, let

me think about it. You know, it’s hard being in an interview, because you have to ask

questions that are not written down on sheets that people give you or line up to finding

out what the person’s about. I think the best question is why you do what you do. And

the answer that we come up with is we love it.

Mark Dean: Okay, that’s great. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Scotty

Brown, Full Access Magazine.

Scotty Brown: Hey, guys. How are you doing today?

David Bryan: Good, Scotty. How are you?

Scotty Brown: I’m off the (ph 0:15:23.2), one of the first rock songs I ever

listened to, so it’s an honor to ask this question. Now, “This House Is Not For Sale,” you

know, you guys, this is your 14th album. And you guys had many, many different

messages and many different spiels to an album. Now, “This House Is Not For Sale,” to

me, I listened to Bon Jovi’s track (inaudible 0:15:46.3), and it seems to be more of a

refined band as a whole. I mean, you guys have really found your message. You’ve

really identified the sound that you want to keep with the uses of modern sound, and

you know, why was this record chosen to be such a concept album and have such a

powerful message versus your other 13 albums before it?

David Bryan: I don’t know. I mean, a lot of the records always have a

writing (ph 0:16:22.6) message wherever you’re feeling at the time. And it’s a snapshot

of where you are at that time; when you’re 21 years old, you’re not going to write like

you’re 50 years old. So it’s life experience. It’s your age. It’s all those combinations of

where you’re at, just a snapshot. So each one is where we’ve been at. And this one is

where we’re at – a different world. It’s the first record, really, without Richie, and we

were really built up on our integrity of what we wanted to do. And it’s our choice to

stay here. And we went into the studio and said, “Let’s bang this thing out as musicians

looking at each other”, all of us in the one room together, which we were. And then

taking songs and really building these songs and breaking them down and trying them

different ways and really making it a cohesive, from the band, from us guys, in there

making this record. So, yeah, that’s why it feels like it has that different kind of energy.

Scotty Brown: Alright, guys, thanks so much for answering my question.

David Bryan: You’re welcome.

Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Gary O’Brien, Nationwide Arena.

Gary O’Brien: Great to talk to you. I’ve seen Bon Jovi many times over

the years, the first time at the very first Farm Aid in Champagne, Illinois in 1985. Since

then, you sold 130 million records. You’ll soon be approaching your 3,000th concert,

played all over the world, countless gold and platinum albums – one of the great live

bands ever. Do you ever kick off your shoes and sit back in your Lazy Boy and truly take

in all that your New Jersey band has accomplished more than 30 years later? And

you’re not allowed to be humble.

Tico Torres: That’s funny. It’s almost hard to do that. If you try to do

that (inaudible 0:18:27.9) we’re still going forward, if that makes sense to you. You

know, if you look at the past, and (inaudible 0:18:34.7) we’re blessed. You know, and

then sometimes we hash over the (inaudible 0:18:38.7) if we talk about before

“Slippery” and how we had to tour the whole world just (inaudible 0:18:45.7) and

learning. And as the band at our craft and writing and everything, then the joy ride, you

know, the third record that was so big. It was just the right time. And then, you know,

after that, it’s usually, you’re going to try and beat your last record, and it’s a big circle.

And I think what we learned through time is in this day and age, just to do what we feel,

live more in the present, and it just really helps us to create with a little more freedom.

And (inaudible 0:19:23.2).

Gary O’Brien: That’s fantastic. I mean, I’m in awe of what you guys have

accomplished. So few bands accomplish what you have, and you don’t ever sit back and

say, “Wow, we just had our 30th platinum album or something.”

David Bryan: I think we do say “wow.” We don’t go “wow, let’s stop.”

Gary O’Brien: Oh yeah. Hope not.

Tico Torres: Thank you.

Gary O’Brien: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Hildi Brooks,

Cox Media Group.

Hildi Brooks: Hey there, guys. Thanks so much for doing this. Really

appreciate you. So, I wanted to find out who your classic rock idols were, if you will,

when you were in high school, because that’s usually when our musical teeth are

formed. So was the first for each of you, the first concert you bought tickets for, and

how was it?

Tico Torres: I’ll tell you a funny story. When I was a kid, and the

Beatles were in New York, and I lived in New York, my mother got tickets to the Ed

Sullivan Show. And I also had this double raincoat – you turn it inside out, regular coat,

raincoat on the outside. And we’re on the way to the show, and she gave me the tickets

to hold, and there’s so many pockets in this thing. And when we got there, we couldn’t

find them. And so the first show I’m supposed to go to is the Beatles. And I think that’s

what really got me into music. So I felt really bad, and she got me tickets, again, to the

Ed Sullivan Show. I saw The Fifth Dimension, which was nowhere near (laughter

0:20:59.1). But that’s really what jump started me. I mean, the show I didn’t go to, but

the show, I guess, the band that musically got me enticed to be a musician would have

to be the Beatles.

Hildi Brooks: Awesome. David? Is David there? Did you hear that


David Bryan: The first band I saw was 1975, and I saw – it was Kiss was

playing at Madison Square Garden, and my parents let me and my friend go, because we

took a train from Jersey there and went upstairs. I saw them. I sat in the last two seats

with my back against the wall up in Blue Heaven, up there, we used to call it. And I

remember just looking down and seeing this – whatever it was – phenomenal, amazing

show and a live concert. It just was amazing. And I remember I looked at my friend, and

said, “You know, one day I’m going to be down there looking up. I want to do this.”

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Melanie

Anne Hulick, RW Publications.

Melanie Anne Hulick: Hi, David. Hi, Tico. How are you?

Tico Torres: Hi Melanie. Very good, thank you.

David Bryan: Yes, good, thank you.

Melanie Anne Hulick: The track on the new album, “New Year’s Day”, is

described by John as the song that came together when all you guys played it together

in the studio, and then it turned into something completely than what he envisioned as

far as the feel of the song, that it ended up being more like an anthem. Can you talk

about how that process, you know, went, when you guys got together?

Tico Torres: Yeah, I mean, you know, there’s a lot of ideas, and they’re

embryos when they come in. And one of the words that we don’t use in the studio is

“no,” because it cuts off the creative process. So we’ll try everything. And it was in a

three-four field, waltzy (ph 0:23:00.9), and it wasn’t doing anything for anybody. And

then it just – I started playing around with the rhythm, and David started playing. And

we took it to another level that was completely different, and then all of a sudden,

everybody’s joining in, and the song started becoming – we started doing the song

justice. And you know, you have to exhaust all avenues when you’re creating. And you

know, it’s a process. It’s a process, but it’s completely creative, and one of the nice

things is it’s present time. In other words, you’re right in the present. You create there,

and then you record it. That’s why we hadn’t (ph 0:23:41.0) rehearsed it through these

other songs, because you have to learn what you did. But that song’s just a whole

other, like complete right-hand turn.

Melanie Anne Hulick: Yeah.

David Bryan: And that completely was the theme of this record, was

going into the studio, taking the songs, playing it together as a band, changing it around,

ideas, everybody can pitch in, and everybody would transform it into something else.

So it really was truly collaborative.

Melanie Anne Hulick: Right. Thank you very much.

Tico Torres: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you very much. Again, if you would like to ask a

second question, you may press star one on your touchtone phone now. Our next

question will come from Jane Stevenson, Toronto Sun.

Jane Stevenson: Hi, guys. Just a follow-up on my question that didn’t get

answered about if there might be some Canadian arena dates on the horizon. And just

what fans can expect in Toronto about the album listening party.

David Bryan: We’ve put a couple shows on sale for now, as the first

batch, and then we’re in the planning stages of figuring out the rest of the year. And we


Tico Torres: And as far as the listening party – is that what your

question was?

Jane Stevenson: Yes, what fans can expect from that?

Tico Torres: Pretty much - have you seen it yet?

Jane Stevenson: No, I haven’t seen it yet. I’ve been at “Desert Trip” for the

last four days, so I just (crosstalk 0:25:06.7).

Tico Torres: It’s a storybook, almost live painting, documentary of the

album, which is interesting because you really haven’t heard it. The audience really

hasn’t heard it. We give a playbill out with all the lyrics. And it’s – not only is there

music, but there’s conversation. And it’s sort of an inside look of what that album is

completely about. So I think it’s a different format for most people. A lot of times, a

new record comes out. People sit in a room, listen to it, have a few drinks, and by the

end of the record, they’re talking. They’re not listening to it, so this is a different way,

not only for us, but for who’s there. You know, it’s a special time.

Jane Stevenson: (Overlapping 0:25:56.3). You guys are enjoying it as well.

David Bryan: Yes. It’s a live listening party. We’re playing 15 brand new

songs, and John’s giving you stories about the songs, the inspiration, the band, the

recording of it, all different stories, and it’s really a great way to present our new record.

Jane Stevenson: Great, thanks, guys.

David Bryan: You’re welcome, sure.

Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Chuck Yarborough, Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Chuck Yarborough: Guys, thanks very much for doing this. This is the

Cleveland Plain Dealer. We’re the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Is this finally

going to be the album to get you guys into the Rock Hall? Is there any time – how do you

guys feel about this – 130 million albums, you sell out everywhere you go. You

mentioned Kiss earlier, Dave. It took them a long time. Why aren’t you in?

Tico Torres: Well, it’s not our decision. I guess when the train goes

around and goes around, you eventually get in there. There are a lot of great artists

that deserve to be in there that are not in there either. I guess you can only fit so much

each year.

David Bryan: You know, one of my good friends knows something about

that. We’re actually one of America’s great exports, because we can go around to 50

countries around the world for the last 33 years, bringing the message of American rock

and roll. And still doing it. A current classic, not just playing old songs, but playing new

songs and having number one records and number one singles. So for us – we just do

what we do, and we’ve always been a band of the people. And we will always remain a

band of the people.

Chuck Yarborough: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Alan Sculley, Last Word Features.

Alan Sculley: Yeah, hi again, guys. I going to follow up and ask you

about Billy Falcon and his role in the writing here on the album. You guys have talked a

little bit about a few of the songs, and how they’re recorded and such. I just wondered

if you two felt that you had any more involvement or input, a different role or anything

like that in the creating of this music and the making of the album than you generally

had on the other albums? I don’t know if your roles changed because of the –

David Bryan: They are different. Whoever John co-writes it with or

writes themselves, whatever that is, that comes in as the start, if you will. And then

once the start is given to us, then we take it, and then we make it into what we are. So I

think it’s the process is probably about the same, really. And we take that, and we give

it a voice. You know, all the keyboard parts and chord changes and Tico’s drumbeats

and different baselines and guitar lines, and all that stuff has nothing really to do with

the original. It’s something that we make it into ours, so I think it’s part of the process,

and it’s a whole process.

Tico Torres: And also, I mean, because of the issues of technology and

the fact that separation in the studio has become more of the norm, and then we

change our (inaudible 0:29:21.2), and what we try to do is put everybody in one room as

opposed to separate little cubbies, doing overdubs, and this way, everybody plays at the

same time. That’s the old style that we used to do, and it was nice to go back there. As

far as getting to the point of the creating and the playing back and forth, that is basically

the same as we’ve been doing it for years. It’s just the process of recording. It was nice

to be altogether. I’m looking at John Shanks. He’s right next to me. Hughie, David, you

know, you have John in the booth, looking at him. And the fact that we can create that

way just gave it a better vibe. I mean, some songs were – the dynamics of it – it’s one

take, and it was just magic. So why do it again? Do it all at once. Hope that answers

your question.

Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Jay Cridlin, Tampa Bay Times.

Jay Cridlin: Hey, so since you guys have been doing this for so long, do

you feel any pressure now at this point, to reinvent the live experience when you go

out? Or is the goal sort of more to live up to what you’ve done in the past, to live up to

fans’ expectations from you based on past tours?

David Bryan: I don’t think we feel pressure or any expectations. I think

what we do is, we don’t have to do it. We want to do it. And we enjoy to do it. And we

love to do it. So I think for us, we’re just going to go out there and pour our hearts out,

and that’s what we’ve always done. So it’s not a matter of anything except we’ve been

fortunate enough to get the opportunity that we can go and play, and do what we love

and love what we do.

Jay Cridlin: Have you thought about how long you want to do it? I

mean, if you’re looking at the back half of your career, do you ever think about how far

down the line you want to think about it, think about doing it?

David Bryan: Yes, I’m going to stop when I’m 100. I put a limit on

myself. When I’m 100 years old, I am definitely going to just wing (ph 0:31:20.7) it off

the road.

Tico Torres: And this is Tico. When he’s 100, I’ll be 110. So (laughter

0:31:24.7). Who knows? You know, we’ll see where life takes us.

Jay Cridlin: Alright, thanks.

Operator: Thank you very much. Our next question will come from

Kris Engelhart, Backstage Axxess.

Kris Engelhart: Hi again. The music industry has changed so much since

the ‘80s, and touching again on the whole not-for-sale idea, what has been the biggest

challenge that the band has overcome in this changing industry to ensure that level of

integrity over the years?

Tico Torres: I think a lot of it is sticking to your guns and not trying to

be anything but honest, and still be current sound-wise. You know, one of the

interviewers mentioned – today we’re doing interviews all day. And they said, “You

know, I heard this song, and it still sounds – I could tell right away – it sounds like Bon

Jovi.” That’s a compliment, the fact that you could still have that signature sound after

so many years without completely, and of course, you have to grow. We’re not going to

be doing “Livin’ On a Prayer” and so on. If we stayed there in that genre, we’d probably

dry up, so the fact that we can do this stuff and continue with our sound and feel – I

mean it’s us. It’s not manufactured. It’s what life has given us to write about, and what

we live and what we think about ourselves as musicians and artists who keep painting

the picture. I hope that answers this.

Kris Engelhart: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Lucille

Barilla, Starpulse.

Lucille Barilla: Hello again. Looking back, what advice would you give

your younger self about the music business?

David Bryan: Keep attacking. You know, keep forging forward. Hmmm.

I guess, you know what, we’ve – good question. I think we’ve been – it takes a lot of

hard work to get lucky. And we’ve worked really, really hard – really, really, really, really

hard, and we got some good fortunate. So I think I just would tell myself to do what the

hell you did.

Tico Torres: I’d give you advice.

David Bryan: I don’t want to hear it though.

Tico Torres: The advice is (inaudible 0:33:52.0), you don’t have to carry

the equipment.

David Bryan: Oh, it’s true. I’d be a harmonica player. It’s lighter.

Tico Torres: You know, when we started out, he’s this guy that had to

have a van, had to have a truck because we had all these instruments. Just a little levity.

Lucille Barilla: Thank you very much.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Chuck

Yarborough, Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Chuck Yarborough: Somebody mentioned earlier about how the industry has

changed, and a lot of artists now are looking at albums as a dead business model.

They’re single, single, single. You sell it for $1.29 and go forward. You guys still seem to

be pushing the old ways. How much difficulty is there in maintaining the integrity that

you talked about, and doing it old school?

David Bryan: You know, never underestimate the new generation,

because now the new generation is starting to get – I have kids, and we see it, and

people talk to us, kids, and saying – our younger folks are saying that you know, they’re

tired of that, and they’re like, “We’re gonna go to vinyl, because we want to do this new

thing. It’s like a record, and you actually can play from the beginning to the end.” So

never underestimate when people just get bored of a technology, and the new thing is

to go, sometimes the new is old. And that seems to be happening beyond the streaming

and beyond people just clicking for $1.29 and getting the single. I think they’re starting

to get a little bored with that. And we’re releasing our stuff on vinyl believe it or not.

And really, that’s really surprising is that you would think that that wouldn’t be the next,

but sometimes you’re going backwards is the new.

Chuck Yarborough: Thank you very much.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Hildi Brooks,

Cox Media Group.

Hildi Brooks: Hi there again. So someone brought up Desert Trip. Are

you guys good to go?

David Bryan: No, we’re here. We’re in London actually. Sorry, you

don’t know we’re here in London.

Hildi Brooks: Of course we’re here.

David Bryan: We played the Palladium last night on our listening party,

so we couldn’t have gone.

Hildi Brooks: Alright, maybe next weekend. So my question to you –

David Bryan: No, we’ll be in Toronto.

Hildi Brooks: Aw man, alright, well. So I don’t know if you heard the

news, but Roger Wires (ph 0:36:13.7) is known to go political sometimes from the stage.

He really, really did this time. He had an inflatable pig that said, “Donald Trump.” They

always have the inflatable pig. “Donald Trump is a pig.” There was a lot going on. So my

question to you is I know that John is definitely somewhat politically active, but I have

not seen you address that from the stage. What are your thoughts on all of that?

Tico Torres: You know, we made it a conscious decision years ago not

to bring that on stage with us. You know, anyway you look at, you’re gonna piss half the

audience off. And at the end of the day, I think the reason the booths have a curtain on

them is it should be a personal entity of voting for whatever candidate you want. It

should be kept that way. Whoever wins this election, you know, the country is divided.

The United States has a habit, no matter what, after that election, they’ll hopefully

reunite again, which it’s a strong country in that sense, and it’s done it in the past. But

now, I’m a musician. Dave’s a musician. And you know, our political preference is a

private thing in my opinion.

David Bryan: And I have a question for you. Isn’t Roger Ward (ph

0:37:31.1) English? Yes, he is English.

Tico Torres: (Laughter).

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Scotty

Brown, Full Access Magazine.

Scotty Brown: Hey again, guys. Now, this is going to be kind of a fun one,

because you’ve all dealt with more serious questions, and got (inaudible 0:37:56.4) out

of them. I don’t know if you guys are aware, but your entire Greatest Hits album is in

fact on Rock Band as downloadable content. Have you guys ever even made an attempt

to try and play your own music on Rock Band and see how good you are? And what do

you think about that?

Tico Torres: (Inaudible 0:38:17.5). This is Tico. I’ll go next. So I tried

“Wanted Dead or Alive”, and it went (indiscernible 0:38:21.7) wrong. And John tried to

sing it, and it went (indiscernible 0:38:26.8) wrong. So we’re not any good at it.

David Bryan: Speak for yourself. I think when “Wanted” first came out,

my kid had it, and he said, “Come on, let’s play this thing.” And I got the microphone

part of it, and I kicked his butt, so I got it good.

Tico Torres: So one out of three.

David Bryan: Exactly. So I should be on your Rock Band team if you

want somebody.

Tico Torres: I think that that’s wonderful, and I think that’s a wonderful

cause, to get this done. (Crosstalk 0:38:53.5).

Scotty Brown: Thanks so much, guys.

Tico Torres: You’re welcome, buddy.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Mark Dean,

Antihero Magazine.

Mark Dean: How you doing, guys. Just basically the same question

that I asked earlier. I wasn’t too sure who answered it last time. It’s a question about

you both have done many interviews over the years, but who would you like to

interview, that the other band member could maybe answer that. It would be great.

Tico Torres: That’s David, yeah.

David Bryan: Tico has a low voice like this.

Tico Torres: David has this voice.

David Bryan: Who would I like to interview?

Mark Dean: Yeah, if the roles were reversed, instead of being –

David Bryan: (Overlap). Would he have to be alive? Could it be

anybody in history you’re looking at or –

Mark Dean: Anybody. Maybe outside music, just to mix it up a little.

David Bryan: Well then that would be not answer. It would be your

answer. I would like to interview Mozart. If I could sit there, I would love to sit across

from him and get an interview and really find out how his internal clock worked.

Mark Dean: Okay, thank you very much.

David Bryan: You’re welcome.

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from Melanie

Anne Hulick, RW Publications.

Melanie Anne Hulick: Hi again. Because We Can Tour had some major first of its

kind stage settings and capabilities, what can we expect from the tour this time?

David Bryan: Tico can be playing naked the entire – no.

Tico Torres: That’s David talking. That’s why I did that.

David Bryan: You know what, we haven’t even looked at what we’re

gonna do yet, so it would be unfair to even guestimate yet. But I think we’re more

about – it’s about the music. It’s about the band. It’s about guys playing. And as long

as we can get technology that enhances that, that doesn’t take away from it, I think

that’s what we’ve always managed to do, and I think that’s what we always will do. It’s

an enhancement, not a cover-up.

Melanie Anne Hulick: Right.

David Bryan: So I don’t know yet. (Inaudible 0:41:12.8).

Melanie Anne Hulick: (Overlap).

Operator: Thank you. Our next question will come from John Katic,

Iron City Rocks.

John Katic: Guys, I think it’s kind of natural when musicians get in the

same room and play to kind of feed off of each other in the style of the musicians in the

room. Could you guys kind of talk about individually how playing the (inaudible

0:41:36.9) impacted your sound, what you may have done differently, if anything,

consciously or subconsciously, looking back to it?

Tico Torres: I mean, Phil’s a great guitar player, and you know, John

Shanks played through the whole record, and Phil plays a couple of songs. So (audio

skip 0:41:55.1) John Shanks. But the both of them together, because they’re both so

proficient, and this beautiful melody and sub-melodies going through, to be able to have

the taste of not stepping on each other is – I mean, it’s pretty hip. I mean, because

there’s no competition in that sense. It’s hard to find guys that are musical enough to

be able to do that, and at the same time, be creative about it. So it’s an absolute

delight, of course. That’s being new, it also spurs on our creativity, working together.

And that translates into new avenues of music and experimentation. So it was very

healthy and very enjoyable to record this record.

John Katic: Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, we are nearing the end of our

time, so we will take our last question from Gary O’Brien, Nationwide Arena.

Gary O’Brien: Question – after people spent a couple of hours with you

at whatever arena, if they spent it with Bon Jovi, what do you want people to take home

with them?

David Bryan: I think they’re going to take home an experience that the

one thing about our band for so many years, consistency, come at on stage and give it

their all, that (inaudible 0:43:29.7) could ever give. You know, we all love to play, and

we all put our hearts out there and you never phone it in.

Tico Torres: Yeah, and to add to it, I mean, the fact that John Shanks

and Phil X – Phil’s an incredible guitar player add such energy on stage, and John hasn’t

been on the road in so many years, we’re looking forward to it. You know, I think it’s

going to be some good magic this year touring, so I hope everybody’s looking forward to

it, because we are.

Operator: Thank you. This is the end of the Q & A for today. Before

we conclude, we’ll ask Tico and David if they have anything they would like to add.

Tico Torres: I want to thank everybody for being with us – evening for

us and day for you. We appreciate it, and we hope you enjoy the record, and we look

forward to seeing everyone on the road and possibly meet in person, because

sometimes you do interviews on the phone, but it’s nice to meet eye-to-eye. Thank you

for your questions and be safe.

David Bryan: Thanks very much, and see you out there on the road.

Operator: Thank you very much, gentlemen. You may contact Erik at

Scoop Marketing if you have any additional requests or questions. Thank you for joining

us today. Have a great day. You may disconnect your phone lines.

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