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J408: Demystifying MediaSchool of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon

2 credit workshop, Spring 2018

Key information

Instructor: Damian Radcliffe, Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in JournalismOffice: 201 Allen Hall Office hours: 1pm-2pm Monday, 2pm-3pm on Thursday. Other times by appointment.Email: damianr@uoregon.edu Telephone: 541-346-7643 (voicemail). SMS/Text 541-972-5531 from 9am-9pm.

You can also email or DM me on Twitter @damianradcliffe Office Hours: 1pm-2pm Monday, 2pm-3pm on Thursday.Time: 16.00 – 17.50, Thursday, 141 Allen Hall

Course Background

How we consume and create media and content continues to evolve at a rapid pace. The Demystifying Media seminar series, which the SOJC launched in January 2016, explores the impact of these changes across the communications landscape and finds new ways to move forward. Each term, leading media practitioners, academics, and researchers—working on the cutting edge of these global changes – come to campus to discuss the impact of the 21st-century media revolution with students, faculty, and staff. See the archive of lectures, podcasts, interviews and more: http://journalism.uoregon.edu/demystifyingmedia/

What’s new for Spring 2018?

The Demystifying Media speaker series was expanded in Winter 2018 to include an associated 2-credit workshop, allowing for a further exploration of the themes and ideas to emerge from these guest lectures, as well as other important industry issues.

New for Spring 2018, I’ve expanded the scope of the associated class to focus on guest speakers. There will be guest speakers each class this term, covering each week except Weeks 1 and 10.

Talks from guests in Weeks 3, 5, 7 and 8 are open to all, but there will be more detailed discussions – and additional networking opportunities with our guest speakers – are only available to people taking this class. Guests sessions in Weeks 2, 4, 6 and 9 are only open to this class.


Guest Speakers for Spring 2018

These are always subject to change, but here’s the current line-up of confirmed speakers:

David Ewald, Chief Design Officer at Uncorked Studios in Portland.

David Bornstein, CEO and Co-Founder, Solutions Journalism Network.

Jessica Clark, Director, Dot Connector Studio, Research Affiliate, MIT Open Documentary Lab, Editor http://immerse.news/

Will Grant, Cuba correspondent, BBC

Joy Mayer, Director, The Trusting News project, Audience Engagement strategist.

Tom Arviso Jr., CEO and Publisher, Navajo Times

Erin Krug, Vice President, Quinn Thomas Strategic Communications (Portland and Seattle)

You can find out more about this in the detailed class schedule outlined on the following pages.

Learning outcomes

The class will look at the rapidly changing media landscape, exploring market trends, strategies and changes in both content consumption and content creation.

In doing this, the class will equip students with a richer understanding of the wider media and business world. These trends are applicable to students across the SOJC and beyond.

Whatever your major (Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations or Media Studies) you’ll learn up to date market knowledge which will inform your wider studies and career goals. By the end of term, you will be able to:

1. Understand and describe some of the major strategic challenges being faced by news and other media outlets, particularly related to: business models, audience behaviours, distribution and content Innovation, and the changing media industry.

2. Demonstrate examples of your own written research and analysis in this space.

3. Have a working knowledge of current industry “hot” topics that will allow you to sound smart at interviews for job and internships.

4. Know where to look for relevant industry information/data/analysis.

5. Have networked, in-person, with leading industry thinkers.

Alongside this, you will also have a clearer understanding of:


1. What employers are looking for in job hires.

2. How job roles, sectors and markets are changing.

3. Tips for networking, interviewing, and job search.

Learning Methods

These will include:

Class lectures and guest speakers Listening to – and critically evaluating – the content of these guest lectures Out of class assignments (reading/listening, content creation, content review and analysis) In-class assignments and tasks (social media, listening, discussions, pitching etc.) Writing-up your key takeaways from our classes on a personal blog/journal

Much of the learning from this class will derive from you.

1. Students will support each other by helping to assign reading and other prep ahead of visits from our guest speakers.

2. A core group of students for each guest lecture will capture key lessons – and case studies – highlighted in talks. These will be shared with the group.

3. Students will also produce a post-talk reflection from our group discussions.

4. You will each present conclusions from your industry reading to the group (twice in the term).

Estimated student workload

The 2-credit workshop includes one class a week + assignments to be completed outside of class.

Assignments to be completed outside of class will include: reading, identification of questions for guest speakers, preparation of in-class presentation materials and papers, keep a blog to track your learning and analysis from the workshop, as well as an end of term assignment; reflecting on a big industry issue of particular interest to you.

Some of this work will run concurrent with other tasks, so you will need to manage your time accordingly to balance competing workloads from this class and others. This is a skill you will need for the workplace.

Undergraduate CoursesUnder the UO quarter system, each undergraduate credit reflects approximately thirty hours of student engagement. Therefore, this 2-credit course is akin to approximately 60 hours total of student time.

With 20 hours of class time (10 weeks at 2 hours per week), readings and assignments will account for another c. 40 hours of your time this term.


Graduate CoursesGraduate students are expected to perform work of higher quality and quantity, typically with forty hours of student engagement for each student credit hour. Therefore, a 2-credit graduate course would typically engage students c. 80 hours. For graduate students, with 20 hours of class time (10 weeks at 2 hours per week), readings and assignments account for another c.60 hours of your time this term.

How this class works

Typical format for class

Hour One Guest speaker. (Presentation for 45 mins, 15 mins Q&A.)

Hour Two Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week

Weekly task schedule

Task Deadline Who Frequency

Creation of bio and recommended reading for upcoming guest speaker.

11.59PM, Mon 2 students from each group of 6. (Weeks 2-9)

Once in term.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.

11.59PM, Weds Everyone. Once a week (Weeks 2-9)

Weekly journal: reflections from class and reading.

11.59PM, Weds Everyone. Once a week (Weeks 2-9)

Individual entry for “12 Things You Need To Know” preso.

11.59PM, Weds Groups of 12 (Weeks 2-10)

Twice during term.

Creation of guest speaker “Show Notes.”

In-class (Thurs) 2 students from each group of 6

Once in term.

Creation of live blog reflection In-class (Thurs) 2 students from each group of 6

Once in term.


AttendanceThis workshop is designed to give you a foundation in some of the key developments impacting on the media and communications landscape today. Attendance of classes, and completion of assignments - on time - is essential. Miss the first and/or second class of the term, and you will be asked to withdraw.

Non-attendance and/or failure to complete work on time, will result in an F for that task.

Please notify me, in writing and with as much prior notice as possible, if you must miss a class or if work will be delivered late. If you miss a class and you haven’t notified me beforehand, then I expect you to get in contact with me ASAP to explain your absence and to agree the best way to catch-up on what you missed.

You should treat attendance in class like you would a job – you wouldn’t miss a shift without telling your supervisor. Please treat this class – and your classmates – with the same level of respect.

This means:

If you are sick, let me know as early as possible. Not after class. Or an hour before. No, you don’t get class off if it’s your birthday. Or your roommates birthday etc.

Office HoursMy office hours each week are 1pm-2pm Monday, 2pm-3pm on Thursday. We can always meet at other times by appointment.

Do use those times to drop by to talk to me about assignments, ideas for improving the class, feedback on the things you like, or anything else you want to discuss.

The workshop may well challenge some of your assumptions and ideas about your future career, so by all means come and talk these through with me.

Outside of my regular office hours, I’m always happy to schedule additional meetings with students. Email me, or pop by my office, so that we can arrange a time to talk.

ParticipationOur classroom is an active learning space. It is an arena for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.

This means that you need to be comfortable pitching ideas, sharing your growing expertise, receiving – and giving – feedback, and treating everyone in the room with due respect.

Active participation is vital and expected.

This involves:

Submitting questions in advance for guests. Prep – and “show notes” - for guest speakers. Sharing your key lessons/learning from guest speakers + your assigned readings

More details on these elements can be seen in the assignments section of this syllabus.



You’ll be given a brief for each assignment with clear directions of what’s expected and by when. However, an overview of the key tasks can be found below:

Writing, Analysis and Critical Thinking

Personal Blog: Each week – from Weeks 1-9 - you will write a reflection on what you have learned that week.

To do this, you will need to set up a blog on WordPress, Tumblr, Medium or another publishing platform of your choosing. If you’ve never done this before, here’s some tips:

https://www.wikihow.com/Use-WordPress https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Tumblr-Account https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-use-medium https://www.techradar.com/news/the-best-free-blogging-sites https://makeawebsitehub.com/choose-right-blogging-platform/

Entries will be submitted by 11.59PM on Wednesday each week, via Canvas (you just need to provide the URL. Reflections should be 400-800 words (undergrads) or 500 - 1,000 words (grads). Your reflections should include:

Your takeaways from conversations in class that week. What you’ve learned that week from your own reading (with links).

Three things to note:

1. This is a large class of 45 students. Therefore, I will not grade every entry.I will grade three blog/journal entries per student from the term. Graded entries will be selected at random.

2. The average score from these three graded entries will then be assigned to the other six. So, make all of them good, as you never know which entry will be picked for grading!

3. Your journal is a key way to keep track of your learning this term, therefore it is worth 45% of your grade for the term. Each entry is worth 5% of your grade.

Failure to submit an entry is an automatic 0 points for that task.

Pro Tips:

Make your blog engaging to look at. Use images, sub-headings and other visual cues to break up the text and make it interesting to read/look at. How many websites do you read that are just plain text? Exactly.


Always hyperlink to the stories you are sharing. In the digital age, hyperlinking should be standard If you’ve shared – or summarized – something interesting, make it easy for the reader to go to the original source.

Make sure your blog has a title. Even if it’s just your name and this class. Don’t rely on defaults.

End reflection: At the end of term, you will publish an extended reflection (800-1,200 words) expanding on a topic, theme or idea that we discussed during term.

This may be an idea you’ve not previously written about, or one that you have – but which you add to, showing how your thinking and reading has helped your thinking to evolve further. You will also publish this to your blog.

Your reflection can focus solely on your own opinions and insights.

You are welcome - and encouraged - to include a new interview/s (with subject matter experts) as part of this submission; as this may make it richer.

Your reflection is not an essay. Stylistically, write as if this were to be published on an industry website, akin to the ones you are reading this term.

Examples of previously published reflections by my former students can be found here:

o Stop and listen: A beginner’s guide to planning and recording an audio story, Kenzie White, journalism.co.uk, March 2017.

o How Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Measure Engagement , Kira Hoffelmeyer, MediaShift, June 2016

o A global tragedy on a journalist’s doorstep , Ruben Garcia Jr, BBC Online, January 2016.

Where possible, I’ll try and get your best pieces from this class published, too.

Speaker Research

Questions Each week, you will be asked to submit a question, in advance, for our guest speakers. You will submit these to a Google Doc. You get 10 points (1%) of your grade for each question you submit (capped at a maximum of one per week).

Of course, this doesn’t preclude you from asking questions in class prompted by what our speakers have said. But, these are a fallback and a useful guide for me (and our guests) on the topics you’re keen to explore.

I may call on you in class to ask your pre-submitted question, so please remember (and make a note) of what you asked!


Pre/Post For each guest, six of you (there will be a sign-up sheet, you do this once in the term) will be responsible for helping to prep – and reflect –the rest of the group.


Two of you will compile a bio – and recommended reading – for the guests. This is due on the Monday night, 72 hours (3 days) before our class.

During class, two of you will be responsible for :

o Tweeting out interesting quotes/stats/insights etc. Use #Demystify

o Building a “show notes” list (for our class blog) linking to case studies and insights shared by our guests.

Every week, the second half of class will include a discussion, reflecting on what we learned from the speaker in the previous week. This will culminate in a blog post which we will build – and writing – in class. It will be in the vein of “10 things we learned about x.” Two of you will write and publish this live in class. (NB: you can tinker with, and tidy this up post-class, revisions to be completed that day by 11.59PM.)

The six of you will determine, between you, who will take on which roles.

Industry Knowledge/Developments

“Info-Share” A key feature of the class will be our regular “Info-share” sessions, where student will share a key story/developments with the group that they have come across through their own reading. You will each present this story twice in the term.

Each student will be assigned – or will select - two different industry source to track and follow, so through this exercise you will be responsible for helping your peers to improve their knowledge of the latest industry developments.

In the second half of class each week (Weeks 2-9) 12 of you will share something interesting you’ve read/learned in the past week.

This will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, which we will also publish afterwards to our class blog.

I’ll create a template for this – which will sit on Google Drive – and each of the 12 students in any given week will populate 1 slide. Use text, images, video, GIFs etc. to help tell the story and share the learning.

You need to complete your entry by 11.59PM the night before class, so that I have this ready to review – and play – in class the next day.


Industry Reading

A key goal of this class is to help get you into the habits – and mindset – of an industry professional. As part of this, you will be exposed to – and expected to read – key industry news sources, which you will review and monitor throughout the term.

These websites – and newsletters - will be assigned during Week One (either at random, or by area of subject matter expertise/interest, we’ll agree which approach we will take together).

Each week you’ll include two takeaways from your reading as part of your Personal blog reflections. This might be a key part of your entry for that week, or a “here’s what else you need to know” type entry.

I’ll be tweeting out your recommendations during the week, so make them good!

These will also be the sources you use for the “12 things we need to know” group presentation which will take place each week (from Week 2 onwards).

Please review Canvas for a list – and link to sign up – for these sources:

Grading Tasks/Weighting (subject to revision/changes)

Activity Tasks % of Grade


Writing,Analysis and Critical Thinking

1. Personal blog reflections (Weekly x9, submitted Weeks 2-10, based on what you learned in Weeks 1-9. )

(Worth 5% each, lose 5% for any missing entries)

2. Extended end of term reflection (Submitted by end Week 11)






3. Questions (pre-submitted, one per week)

4. Pre/During/Post notes (once per term)





“Info Share”

5. “What you need to know this week” (presentation and PPT) > to be undertaken twice in the term (7.5%/75 points each).





6. Attendance 10% 100

TOTAL 100% 1,000


How Grades Will Be Determined

Category A B C D F

Strong lead: Informative hard (summary) news lead or compelling anecdotal opening.

Vivid, telling detail.

Provides essential information.

Essential information but lacking clarity, conciseness and/or detail.

Not a direct lead and/or important information missing.

Factual error(s).

Essential information covered.

Story / Analysis logically organized.

Who, what, where, when and why answered.

5 Ws covered but story not organized clearly with most important information at the top.

Essential information provided but disorganized.

Essential information missing and/or disorganized.

Does not tell a story.

Appropriate use of quotes and attribution.

Strong use of quotes, with best quote high in story. Attribution provided when needed.

Appropriate use of quotes and attribution.

Quotes and attribution provided.

Quotes or attribution missing

Quotes and attribution missing

Clear and concise writing.

Appropriate writing and/or analytical style.

Clear and concise writing. Appropriate writing style (i.e., short paragraphs, descriptive detail, active verbs, no first-person).

Basically clear and concise.

Thorough editing needed to meet standards.

Writing style is inappropriate for a news story.


Factually accurate. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Mechanically sound, no errors.

1-2 minor errors. Style inconsistent.

1 major error such as a fragment, run-on, comma splice, or more than two minor errors.

2 major errors and multiple minor issues.

Fatal flaws: Factual errors, misspelling of proper names, multiple grammar, spelling errors.

Other factors which also come into the mix: Layout, formatting, for digital submissions. Have you used this to your advantage? Are you telling a story I’ve not heard before? Does your story have the X-Factor (it can be solid, but does it zing?)


Course Schedule and Assignments This schedule is a draft and is subject to amendment.

Week Date Activities

1 Thursday5 April

Introductions. Expectations. Why this matters.

Presentation & Class Discussion: Understanding digital disruption.

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 2 guest speaker: David Ewald, Chief Design Officer at Uncorked StudiosDeadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

2Thursday12 April

Guest: David Ewald, Chief Design Officer at Uncorked Studios.

Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 3 guest speaker: David Bornstein, CEO and Co-Founder, Solutions Journalism Network.

Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.


Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

3 Thursday19 April

Guest: David Bornstein, CEO and Co-Founder, Solutions Journalism Network.

Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 4 guest speaker: Jessica Clark, Director, Dot Connector Studio, Research Affiliate, MIT Open Documentary Lab, Editor http://immerse.news/

Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

4 Thursday26 April

Guest: Jessica Clark, Director, Dot Connector Studio, Research Affiliate, MIT Open Documentary Lab, Editor http://immerse.news/

Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 5 guest speaker: Will Grant, Cuba correspondent, BBC Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.


Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

5 Thursday3 May

Guest: Will Grant, Cuba correspondent, BBC.

Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 7 guest speaker: Joy Mayer, Director, Trusting News project, Audience Engagement strategist.Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

NB: this will change if a Week 6 speaker / class is held.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

6 Thursday10 May

Guest Speaker and Guest Lecturer TBD (Damian away).


No class. View, and review, a lecture from the Demystifying Media archive. (There are more than 25 to choose from.) http://journalism.uoregon.edu/demystifyingmedia/


Weekly journal: reflections from lecture in the Demystifying Media archive. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

7 Thursday17 May

Guest: Joy Mayer, Director, The Trusting News project, Audience Engagement strategist.

Reflections on Will Grant talk (group discussion culminating in live blog). NB: again, this will change if a Week 6 speaker / class is held.


“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 8 guest speaker: Tom Arviso Jr., CEO and Publisher, Navajo Times.

Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

8 Thursday24 May

Guest: Tom Arviso Jr., CEO and Publisher, Navajo Times.

Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Creation of bio and recommended reading for Week 9 guest speaker: Erin Krug, Vice President, Quinn Thomas Strategic Communications (Portland and Seattle).Deadline: 11.59PM, Mon Who: 2 students from each group of 6.

Submitting questions for guest speaker to Google Doc.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

9 Thursday31 May

Guest: Erin Krug, Vice President, Quinn Thomas Strategic Communications (Portland and Seattle).


Reflections on previous week (group discussion culminating in live blog).

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Look ahead to next week. Allocation of groups.


Weekly journal: reflections from class and industry reading. Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: Everyone.

Individual entry/slide for “12 Things You Need To Know” presentation.Deadline: 11.59PM, Weds Who: 12 students each week.

10 Thursday7 June

“12 Things You Need To Know” (group presentation on latest developments)

Group discussion + feedback: Key takeaways this term.

Wash-up: lessons learned from J408 Demystifying Media. How to apply and use this knowledge and network.

End of term evaluation. Next Steps.

HomeworkEnd of term reflection. Due 11.59pm on Wednesday 13 June 2018.

Course policies

AttendanceAs outlined above, this is mandatory for this class. I don’t expect to have to chase you up about any absences. Be proactive. Treat me, and this class, as you would do a job.

Accessibility The University of Oregon seeks to create inclusive learning environments. If aspects of this course result in barriers to your participation, please notify me as soon as possible. You are also welcome to contact Disability Services in 164 Oregon Hall at 346- 1155 or disabsrv@uoregon.edu.

Crisis CenterThe University of Oregon Counseling Center provides students with confidential telephone crisis intervention 24/7. The number is 541-346-3227.



Open inquiry, freedom of expression, and respect for differences are fundamental to a comprehensive and dynamic education. SOJC is committed to upholding these ideals by encouraging the exploration, engagement, and expression of divergent perspectives and diverse identities.

Discrimination of any kind, disrespect for others, and inequity in educational opportunity are not acceptable. Students, faculty, and staff are expected at all times to maintain the School of Journalism and Communication’s high standards of ethical and compassionate conduct.

Please see me if you need help or have any questions.

Academic integrityThe U of O policy on academic dishonesty will be observed throughout this course.

Plagiarizing and/or cheating will result in an automatic failure of the course. To avoid this, you should read: http://researchguides.uoregon.edu/citing-plagiarism We will also talk about the importance of proper attribution of your sources and providing credit where it is due. In the digital arena, this is more important than ever, as the lifting of quotes or the creation of false content, nevermind plagiarism can all be easily identified. Careers can – and have been – destroyed as a result of breaking these rules. Don’t be foolish and make the same mistakes!

Technology – submission of papers and use of phones.All weekly reflections should be uploaded to your blog with the URL for this inserted into Canvas.

For the two extended papers, your “Hot Topic” feature and Extended End of Term Reflection” papers should be emailed so that they can be reviewed and graded through the “Track Changes” function in Microsoft Word. They should also be posted to your personal blog.

Mobile phones should be turned off in class. Laptops are allowed, but there will be “lids down” moments throughout the course. Some weeks (Week 8, 9 possibly both) we will be researching some content in class, which can be done on laptops or phones. I’ll advise nearer the time.Writing CentralI encourage you take advantage of of the opportunities provided by Writing Central: http://journalism.uoregon.edu/sojc-writing-central/

Writing coaches can help you to think through your blog entries/reflections, as well as your two major written assignments for the term.

QuestionsIf you want to know more about anything mentioned here, or anything which you think is missing, then please do not hesitate to email me! damianr@uoregon.edu (or pop by Allen Hall 201) at any time.


Instructor bio http://journalism.uoregon.edu/member/radcliffe-damian/

Damian Radcliffe is the Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism at the University of Oregon, a fellow of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, an honorary research fellow at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture Studies, and a fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

He is an experienced digital analyst, consultant, journalist, and researcher who has worked in editorial, research, teaching, and policy positions for the past two decades in the UK, Middle East, and USA.Damian is a regular contributor to the BBC Academy, CBS Interactive (ZDNet), Huffington Post, MediaShift, and IJNet, where he writes about digital trends, social media, technology, the business of media, and the evolution of journalism.

His experience encompasses roles at the BBC, the NGO Volunteering Matters, Ofcom (the UK communications regulator), and Qatar’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ictQATAR). He works across all media sectors (commercial, public, government, regulatory, academic, and nonprofit/civil society) and platforms, from print and digital to TV and radio broadcasting.

Radcliffe has written, spoken to, or provided consulting services for a wide range of industry and academic organizations, including Abramis Academic Publishing, ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller, BBC Academy, BBC Media Action, BBC Monitoring, BBC World Service, Carnegie UK Trust, Cass Business School, Centre for Research on Communities and Culture, City University London, Cognizant, Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), The Conversation, Digital Content Next, Eyewitness Media Hub, FJUM (forum journalism and media, Vienna), The Guardian, The Huffington Post, IBC Content Everywhere, IJNET, journalism.co.uk, JustHere, Media Development Investment Fund, MediaShift, Middle East Broadcast Network, NESTA, Nieman Lab, Northwestern University in Qatar, nuviun, Online Journalism Blog, Qatar Today, Street Fight, TEDx Reset (Turkey), TheMediaBriefing, The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University, Routledge, What’s New in Publishing and Your Middle East.

He has chaired sessions, provided training and spoken, at events around the world including: in the USA (New York, Portland, Philadelphia, Colorado Springs, Chicago and Washington D.C.), the UK (London, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cardiff, Belfast, Bristol), Europe (Paris, Strasbourg, Vienna, Barcelona, Istanbul, Amsterdam, multiple cities in Germany) and the Middle East (Doha and Dubai).

Find out more about him on his website. Follow him on Twitter @damianradcliffe

