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Geronimo Jones

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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 2:29 pm Post subject: 9-11 The Explosive Truth Revealed - Controlled Demos at WTC

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9-11: The Explosive Truth Revealed

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It was a picture perfect day in September. I was watering some plants on my terrace and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather when I heard the sound of a plane

flying low. Within seconds I watched in horror as the unthinkable unfolded, right in my backyard!

The shock was overwhelming. My first thoughts was that it was a terrorist attack. This was confirmed by the news reports of Al Qaeda. But one thing the reporters left out

was something I witnessed first hand. A very important omission at that!

Seconds before the South Tower crumbled to its doom, I heard/felt a series of explosions. Same with the North Tower. There was no denying it, I could FEEL the vibrations

of them like a small earthquake. Yet when I turned on the news none of the other eyewitnesses commented on this.

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911 Revisited by; Dustin Mugford

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Indeed, in the days that followed, like many Americans, I remained glued to the news networks to keep myself informed of any developments and confirm what I had

witnessed. But despite the numerous eyewitness accounts, there was still no mention of the explosions.

I decided to examine the evidence for myself…


The above is an image of a towers cross-section provided by our good friends at BBC news. Here is the link if you wish to read the publicly accepted theory of what



In a nutshell, this article claims that the collapse of the towers was direct result of the plane crashes, whose fires blazing hot from the jet fuel, created temperatures in

excess of 800C and caused the steel supports to melt, leading to the towers collapse. Case closed.

Although the news networks gobbled this story up instantly, I had my doubts ever since they failed to report the explosions.

It was time to do some serious homework to figure out what actually happened…

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My first question was


A lead engineer who worked on the WTC expressed shock that the towers collapsed from plane crashes. Lee Robertson, the tower's structural engineer, addressed the

problem of terrorism in the plans for the building, claiming he “designed it for a (Boeing) 707 to hit it.”

Lets examine Mr. Robertsons handiwork a bit more and take a look at how these towers were made…

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Those 4 cranes you see in the photo, are perched atop the central support core of the tower. This core is built of sheer concrete reinforced by 44 beams of construction

grade steel which were sealed in asbestos. As you can see, it takes up the majority of the towers footprint.

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Here is a more accurate sketch of the floorplan…

Compare it to the BBC version..

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Funny how millions of people will see this drawing with 4 steel beams and think it is accurate!

Moving on, check out the approach angles of the planes in relation to the positioning of the cores. …

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Notice how the North Tower takes a direct hit, perpendicular to the core, while the South Tower takes more of an angular hit, almost parallel to the core structure.

Now take this knowledge of the core positions and apply it to the following diagram…

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As you can see, the fuel barely grazes the core of the South Tower, with most of it burning outside the building in a huge fireball, yet the South Tower is the first one to



The official story claims it was because the tower was struck lower and had more weight on top of the area of the impact. In light of this theory, I still could not shake the

memory of the explosions I heard and felt.

Apparently I was not the only one…


USA Today Interviews Final Survivor of WTC Disaster

The Account of Two Photographers of 911


As he left the building, (Ronald DiFrancesco) saw a fireball rolling toward him. He put his arms in front of his face. He woke up three days later at St. Vincent's

hospital. His arms were burned. Some bones were broken. His lungs were singed. But he was alive – the last person out of the south tower.


Don Halasy: " As I turned to run, a wall of warm air came barrelling toward me. I tried to outrace it, but it swept me up and literally blew me into the wall of a

building. By the time I regained my footing, a hailstorm of debris was falling from the sky."

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Notice how the “hailstorm of debris” fell from the sky moments AFTER Halasay was thrown to the ground. This is a crucial detail!

What each of these witnesses are describing is known as the “shockwave effect”. When an explosion goes off, extremely high temperatures are generated in a small

amount of time and space. This abrupt shift in temperature causes the air to push outwards with violent force, seeking to stabilize itself. The result is a blast of hot air

radiating in all directions.

For more evidence of this effect, check out the following video footage of a Czech helicopter crew who was filming the events of 911…

WMV video of Helicopter Crew experiencing severe shockwave (180K)

If the collapse alone had caused this shockwave, there should have been a delayed reaction, but you can clearly see the helicopter getting thrown back by the blast of air

just as the first bit of debris touches the ground. This video evidence shows that an explosion occured moments before the collapse.

If you are still skeptical, then lets have a look at some professional reports. Civilians and journalists were not the only ones to report explosions …


Firefighter Transcript Made Public

This transmission takes place a few moments before the North Tower Collapses…

MP3 of Firefighter Transmission (344K)

NBC Reporter Pat Dawson on the morning of 9-11


David Handschuh: "Instinctively I lifted the camera up, and something took over that probably saved my life. And that was to run rather than take pictures. I got

down to the end of the block and turned the corner when a wave – a hot, solid, black wave of heat threw me down the block. It literally picked me up off my

feet, and I wound up about a block away ".


Official: Battalion 3 to dispatch, we've just had another explosion.

Official: Battalion 3 to dispatch, we've had additional explosion.

Dispatcher: Received battalion command. Additional explosion .


Dispatcher: Battalion 5, be advised we're trying to contact Battalion 3 at this moment to report north tower just collapsed.


We have numerous people covered in dust because of the secondary explosion…


...The Chief of Safety of the Fire Department of New York told me that...er...he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building. One

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You simply HAVE to check out the following video clip…

MPEG film of NY firemen discussing the explosions. (4.8MB)

The explosions these firemen describe can be seen in these photos by Bill Biggart, a photographer who was killed by the dust cloud moments after taking this shot.

of the secondary devices he thinks that took place after the initial impact was, he thinks, may have been on the plane that crashed into one of the towers. The

second device, he thinks, he speculates, was probably planted in the building...er... so that's what we have been told by...erm...Albert Turi who is the Chief of

Safety for the New York City Fire Department, he told me that just moments ago.


Fireman1: Floor by floor it started popping out...

Fireman2: It was almost like they had detonators…

Fireman1: Yeah, detonators…

Fireman2: …planted to take down the building. boom-boom-boom-boom-boom….

Fireman1: All the way down. I was watching it and running..

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Thumbnail image: click for bigger version

Thumbnail image: click for bigger version

What you are seeing in this photo are large numbers of 12 foot long sections of perimeter columns flying out ahead of the dust cloud in what is very clearly an explosive

event. He got very close to the North Tower just before it fell, and captured some amazing pictures of its collapse and of the previous damage from the WTC-2 collapse.

What is clear especially in Biggert's picture is that the building is turning to dust as or even before it falls.

Still not convinced? There is more…


More explosive evidence comes from the seismographs at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, 21 miles north of the WTC.

This facility recorded strange seismic activity on September 11 that has still not been explained.

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The above image is a seismographical readout at the time of the attacks and collapse of the WTC. You can clearly see on the top line the small peaks of the planes impacts.

But here is where it gets interesting, check out those two really BIG spikes on the 3rd and 4th lines. Those spikes represent the collapse of the towers. Notice the shape of

these spikes, the highest peak is actually at the beginning. A strange anomaly when you consider the nature of a collapse is more gradual than explosive, with the

vibrations becoming more and more intense as each floor collapses onto the next.

But this isnt the case in the seismograph.

The Palisades seismic data recorded a 2.1 magnitude earthquake during the 10-second collapse of the South Tower at 9:59:04 and a 2.3 quake during the 8-second

collapse of the North Tower at 10:28:31.

While the aircraft crashes caused minimal earth shaking, significant earthquakes with unusual spikes occurred at the beginning of each collapse. Not only that, but these

two unexplained spikes are more than twenty times the amplitude of the other seismic waves associated with the collapses!

This seismic record shows that as the collapses began - a huge seismic spike marked the moment the greatest energy went into the ground. The strongest jolts were all

registered at the beginning of the collapses, well before the falling debris struck the earth.

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Asked about these spikes seismologist Arthur Lerner-Lam, director of Columbia University's Center for Hazards and Risk Research told the American Free Press, "This is an

element of current research and discussion. It is still being investigated." According to Lerner-Lam, "The ground shaking that resulted from the collapse of the towers was

extremely small."

A "sharp spike of short duration" is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground explosion appears on a seismograph. Another

seismologist, Won-Young Kim, stated that the Palisades seismographs register daily underground explosions from a quarry 20 miles away. These blasts are caused by

80,000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate and cause local earthquakes between Magnitude 1 and 2.

Evidently, the energy source that shook the ground beneath the towers was many times more powerful than the total potential energy released by the falling mass of the

huge towers.


To have a better understanding of what happened, lets take another look at how the WTC was built. Here is a photo of the construction of the towers foundation.

The foundations were 70 feet deep. At that level, 47 huge box columns, connected to the bedrock, supported the entire gravity load of the structures. The steel walls of

these lower box columns were 4 inches thick.

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This is where clean-up crew discovered hot spots of "literally molten steel" more than a month after the collapse. Such persistent and intense residual heat, 70 feet below

the surface, required the help of a professional.

A call was placed to Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) who arrived on the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire


American Free Press asked Loizeaux about the report of molten steel on the site. "Yes," he said, "hot spots of molten steel in the basements." These incredibly hot areas

were found "at the bottoms of the elevator shafts of the main towers, down seven [basement] levels," Loizeaux said. The molten steel was found "three, four, and five

weeks later, when the rubble was being removed," Loizeaux said. He said molten steel was also found at 7 WTC, which collapsed mysteriously in the late afternoon.

What could have caused those box columns of 4-inch thick steel to melt like this?


Five days after the collapse, on September 16, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) used an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer

(AVIRIS) to locate and measure the site's hot spots.

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Dozens of hot spots were mapped. The hottest spots at the surface of the rubble, where abundant oxygen was available, showed a temperature of 1377° F (747° C). This

is, however, less than half as hot at the molten steel in the basement.

Construction steel has an extremely high melting point of about 2,800° Fahrenheit (1535° Celsius). Kerosene-based jet fuel, paper, or the other combustibles normally

found in the towers, cannot generate this much heat, especially in an oxygen-poor environment like a deep basement.

It should be noted that one of the few things capable of producing such extreme temperatures in these conditions is thermite, a chemical compound used in demolition



It has been calculated that if the entire 10,000 gallons of jet fuel from the aircraft was injected into just one floor of the World Trade Center, that the jet fuel burnt with the

perfect efficency, that no hot gases left this floor and that no heat escaped this floor by conduction, then the jet fuel could have only raised the temperature of this floor to,

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at the very most, 536°F (280°C). You can find the calculation here

Another reason that we know the fires were not serious enough to cause structural failure, is that witnesses tell us this. The impact floors of the south tower were 78-84.

Here are a few words from some of the witnesses:

Stanley Praimnath was on the 81st floor of the south tower:

Donovan Cowan was in an open elevator at the 78th floor sky-lobby:

Ling Young was in her 78th floor office:

The official story claims that temperatures, exceeding 800 degrees Celsius, were hot enough to cause the trusses of the south tower to fail, but here we have eye-

witnesses stating that temperatures were cool enough for them to walk away.


Lets examine some video footage of these explosions. A few of these downloads may take a while, but are worth it if you are not yet convinced…


This footage was shot by a camera mounted on a tripod. Notice how, moments before the collapse, the ground shakes for a full 3 seconds. This was the very same

vibration I felt right before the towers fell!


Now look at the scene below. This footage is the smoking gun evidence which shows one of the explosions going off moments before the collapse of the South Tower.

(Note: this animated GIF is roughly 1 MB and may take a while to load for you dial-up users)


The plane impacts. I try to get up and then I realize that I'm covered up to my shoulder in debris. And when I'm digging through under all this rubble, I can see

the bottom wing starting to burn, and that wing is wedged 20 feet in my office doorway


We went into the elevator. As soon as I hit the button, that's when there was a big boom. We both got knocked down. I remember feeling this intense heat. The

doors were still open. The heat lasted for maybe 15 to 20 seconds I guess. Then it stopped.


Only in my area were people alive, and the people alive were from my office. I figured that out later because I sat around in there for 10 or 15 minutes...

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A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated World Trade Center 6, the eight-story U.S. Customs building, although no

national newspaper, other than American Free Press, has written a word about it.

Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at WTC 6.

FEMA has stated that there was "no data collection" from WTC #6. Interesting that without collecting any data they still managed to put together the official story that this

building was destroyed by rubble from the collapse of the North Tower. But if so then one would expect to see the remains of the building covered by rubble. Instead we

see a huge crater. Here is a closer look at WTC #6 after it was demolished.

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You have now seen photographic and video evidence of the explosions, but if you still have doubts, I saved the best part for last...


Listen to this PBS interview with Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC, describing how he had Building #7 demolished!

MP3 of Silverstein “Pull It”

In the demolition industry, “pull” is the common term they use for demolishing buildings with explosives.

Silverman is talking about how a decision was made between him and the New York Fire Department to 'Pull' the building. And there is no doubt the meanings of his

words, captured in context. He is admitting on public TV that a decision was made between him and the NYFD to use a controlled demolition to fell WTC 7 on 911. And all


(The Fire Department) were not sure that they were gonna be able to contain the fire. I said, you know, we´ve had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest

thing to do is pull it. They made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse

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of this AFTER the official FEMA report, costing millions said otherwise, and they had all the experts.

In order to appreciate the severity of this evidence, you must first understand that demolishing a building is not something you can do in a few minutes by tossing

explosives into a basement. It actually takes days of planning. First you have to pinpoint all the load-bearing structures, then you have to wire everything and set the

cutting charges so they all go off in a pre-destined order. Which means that this demolition was planned long before 9-11!

Here is the footage of WTC 7 getting "pulled". Click on the image to view a close-up video of the explosive charges shooting up the building.

The official story to this day is that WTC 7 fell because of fire., just like Towers 1 & 2.

But we all know that “official” does not always mean “true”!

So now you have to ask yourself...

Why would this man destroy his own buildings?

Six months before the attacks on the World Trade Center, the World Trade Center was "privatized" by being leased to a private sector developer. The lease was purchased

by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion 6 weeks before 911. But the World Trade Towers were not the real estate prize the Silverstein Group might have been led to

believe. The towers required some $200 million in renovations and improvements, most of which related to removal and replacement of building materials declared to be

health hazards in the years since the towers were built. Other New York developers had been driven into bankruptcy by the costly mandated renovations, and $200 million

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represented an entire year's worth of revenues from the World Trade Towers.

The attacks on 9/11 changed the picture. Instead of renovation, Silverstein is rebuilding, funded by the insurance coverage on the property which 'fortuitously' covered

acts of terrorism. Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, seperate attacks. The

total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein


As reported in The Washington Post, the insurance company, Swiss Re, has gone to court to argue that the 9/11 disaster was only one attack, not two and that therefore

the insurance payout should be limited to $3.55 billion, still enough to rebuild the complex.

The destruction of the World Trade Towers may make Silverstein one of the wealthiest men alive.


The towers fell in roughly 10 seconds, that is, that they fell at about the same rate that an object falls through air.

The fact that the towers fell this quickly (essentially at the rate of free-fall) is conclusive evidence that they were deliberately demolished.

Believing that there is nothing wrong with the towers collapsing so quickly, is roughly analogous to believing that people pass through closed doors as quickly as they pass

through open doors.

The fact that they fell at such a rate means that they encountered essentially no resistance from the supposedly undamaged parts of the structure. That is, no resistance

was encountered from any of the immensely strong parts of the structure that had held the building up for the last 30 years. This just doesn't happen, unless, of course,

the lower part of the building has lost its structural integrity (And this is usually due to the detonation of a multitude of small explosive charges as seen in controlled


You have seen the evidence. The footage, the eyewitness reports, the seismographs, the infrared shots, the molten steel. They all point to one thing…

The World Trade Center was not destroyed by terrorists. It was a controlled demolition, an inside job!


While steel is often tested for evidence of explosions, despite numerous eyewitness reports of explosions in the towers, the engineers involved in the FEMA-sponsored

building assessment did no such tests.

Dr. W. Gene Corley, who investigated for the government the cause of the fire at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing, headed the

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FEMA-sponsored engineering assessment of the WTC collapse. Corley told AFP that while some tests had been done on the 80 pieces of steel saved from the site, he said

he did not know about tests that show if an explosion had affected the steel. "I am not a metallurgist," he said.


Much of the structural steel from the WTC was sold to Alan D. Ratner of Metal Management of Newark, New Jersey, and the New York-based company Hugo Neu Schnitzer

East. Ratner, who heads the New Jersey branch of the Chicago-based company, quickly sold the WTC steel to overseas companies, reportedly selling more than 50,000

tons of steel to a Shanghai steel company known as Baosteel for $120 per ton. Ratner paid about $70 per ton for the steel. Other shipments of steel from the WTC went to

India and other Asian ports.

So why have you not heard of this until now? Where is the media coverage? The public outrage?


Can you say "repression"?


In other words, if a firefighter who was interviewed said, "I heard what sounded like explosions and I think it was bombs that took down those towers, it was all so

horrible", the press will merely get the portion that says: "it was all so horrible".

There is more..

Translation for you non-lawyer types: The transcripts of tapes of the calls that people made to 911 on that day will not be released at all because the Court said they would

invade the privacy of the surviving families - even though surviving family members indicated to the Court that they waived such rights to privacy.

There is one higher court in New York that this decision could be appealed to, the Court of Appeals, but I have seen no reports on whether the New York Times plans on

appealing it. These same records will not even make it to the 9-11 Commission without deletions.


(1) denied the motion of nine family members of persons who died on 9/11 for leave to intervene as petitioners (Family Members), and

(2) directed disclosure of the oral histories albeit redacted to delete the employees' personal expressions of feelings, opinions and recommendations.

…Not falling within the intra-agency exception are the personal expressions of feelings contained in the oral histories, and we accordingly modify to direct

disclosure of such expressions.


(3) directed disclosure of the 911 tapes and transcripts albeit redacted to delete the opinions and recommendations of respondent's employees, and further

redacted to delete the words of 911 callers other than those related to the Family Members, unanimously modified, on the law, to grant the motion to intervene,

and to direct disclosure of respondent's employees' personal expressions of feeling contained in the oral histories, and otherwise affirmed, without costs.

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So much for justice for all! But the testimonies, the evidence and the truth are still there. All you have to do is search for them!


I understand that all this proof will only spawn more questions…

Why was this done?

Who was behind it?

What about the terrorists?

But alas, with my approach of leaving no stone unturned, the answers to these questions deserve posts of their own...

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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:17 pm Post subject:

Hmm... if i remember correctly, im sure some one can look this up but, i remember osama saying he didn't mean or didn't try to make the buildins fall/cloapse the


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imploder Free Mind

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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:23 pm Post subject:

Top post Geronimo, you should get an award or something. If this was made into a documentry and shown on the mainstream it would be all over for the bush

brigade. Excellent stuff.

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Phil Jayhan Site Admin

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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:54 pm Post subject:


I hope you don't mind, but I made this into a sticky here in 911 for Dummies!

Great job, like I said, now I am going to go and redo all my work, to make it as pretty and nice as your! Excellent! (said like Mr. Burns)


phil jayhan


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"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI.

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Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:42 pm Post subject:

This is a truly telling post. There seems no doubt that at least WTC7 was 'pulled', yet the official story denies any reference to the word 'explosive'. Perhaps this is a

psychological ploy to avoid the masses linking the word 'explosive' with the attacks.

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Phil Jayhan Site Admin

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Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 11:14 pm Post subject:

Viewership is at one of the all time highs for a LetsRoll911.org Article! 420 views in a single day! Wow!

Great stuff Geronimo!




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"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI.

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Locutus Termite

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 8:47 am Post subject: Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says

Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says

By Olivier UyttebrouckJournal Staff Writer 09-11-01.

"The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures." Televised images of the attacks on the World Trade

Center suggest that explosives devices caused the collapse of both towers, a New Mexico Tech explosion expert said Tuesday.

The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New

Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology."My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center, there were some explosive devices

inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

Romero is a former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center at Tech, which studies explosive materials and the effects of explosions on buildings,

aircraft and other structures.Romero said he based his opinion on video aired on national television broadcasts.

Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures."It would be difficult for something from the plane to

trigger an event like that," Romero said in a phone interview from Washington, D.C.Romero said he and another Tech administrator were on a Washington-area subway

when an airplane struck the Pentagon.He said he and Denny Peterson, vice president for administration and finance, were en route to an office building near the Pentagon

to discuss defense-funded research programs at Tech.

If explosions did cause the towers to collapse, the detonations could have been caused by a small amount of explosive, he said."It could have been a relatively small

amount of explosives placed in strategic points," Romero said. The explosives likely would have been put in more than two points in each of the towers, he said.

The detonation of bombs within the towers is consistent with a common terrorist strategy, Romero said."One of the things terrorist events are noted for is a diversionary

attack and secondary device," Romero said.Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that attracts emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second

explosion, he said.

Romero said that if his scenario is correct, the diversionary attack would have been the collision of the planes into the towers.Tech President Dan Lopez said Tuesday that

Tech had not been asked to take part in the investigation into the attacks. Tech often assists in forensic investigations into terrorist attacks, often by setting off similar

explosions and studying the effects.



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Geronimo Jones

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:23 am Post subject:

Interesting. I posted this on other forums and everyone seems to agree that explosives were used. The only problem folks seem to have is with the idea that this was an

inside job. They speculate, much like Mr. Romero, that the explosives could have been planted by terrorists.

But there is a major problem with this theory. If it was terrorists who wired those explosives, then how come Larry Silverstein already knew about them and had

WTC 7 pulled?

I guess the real question is, should we consider Mr. Silverstein to be a terrorist?

Locutus wrote:

The detonation of bombs within the towers is consistent with a common terrorist strategy, Romero said."One of the things terrorist events are noted for is a

diversionary attack and secondary device," Romero said.Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that attracts emergency personnel to the scene, then

detonate a second explosion, he said

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Phil Jayhan Site Admin

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:07 pm Post subject:

Personally, thats why I like to stick to the missiles; Better than any argument, it cuts to the chase; And cuts through the bull.

Geronimo Jones wrote:

Interesting. I posted this on other forums and everyone seems to agree that explosives were used. The only problem folks seem to have is with the

idea that this was an inside job. They speculate, much like Mr. Romero, that the explosives could have been planted by terrorists.

But there is a major problem with this theory. If it was terrorists who wired those explosives, then how come Larry Silverstein already knew

about them and had WTC 7 pulled?

I guess the real question is, should we consider Mr. Silverstein to be a terrorist?

Locutus wrote:

The detonation of bombs within the towers is consistent with a common terrorist strategy, Romero said."One of the things terrorist events are

noted for is a diversionary attack and secondary device," Romero said.Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that attracts

emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second explosion, he said

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If it were still Arab terrorists that wired the buildings. Now this comes from the same people who criticize us for 'believing anything..'

So the Arabs wanted to demolish the buildings with explosives, and make it look like airplanes did it...? It just doesn't make sense on any level. Nor would just anyone be

allowed into a building, and all the neccessary places to place the explosives; Remember, the foundation columns were cut/destroyed on 1,2 & 7. And the sub basements

are also where the gold was kept, so they didn't just have people running around placing demo squibs, nor could they have. Even the idea is preposterous.

Why would they want to hide the fact they were so wiley, that they were able to set up demo charges on 3 buildings without getting caught;

And if they were out to kill people, well, they missed their golden opportunity to kill about 30 thousand, compared to 3. And then, if the buildings are wired by the Arabs,

why waste 4 perfectly good fuel bombs? They could easily have still blown up the WTC, and used those 4 aircraft to crash into Nuclear plants...

The whole idea is ridiculous. Mind numbed robots with spinning eyes, thats what they are....




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"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI.

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Locutus Termite

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:50 pm Post subject:

Demolition of the building is fact, known by Silverstein. Cannot pin it on Arabs when Silvestein knew in advance.



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Phil Jayhan Site Admin

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:09 pm Post subject:

The problem with that, as I am sure you aware, is it can all be said to be a verbal misunderstanding; Thats what its going to be chalked up to anyways;

1. Either he meant something 'other' than what that uncommon term meant.

2. Or he mis-spoke.

And it must be nice to be Larry, as he doesn't even have to give an answer or give account;




Locutus wrote:

Demolition of the building is fact, known by Silverstein. Cannot pin it on Arabs when Silvestein knew in advance.

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Locutus Termite

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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:28 pm Post subject:

I intend to prove otherwise...you know he made 7.7 billion on the WTC, and he was just the lease holder! Its going to take him about...ummm...1/3 of a second when he

dies to reach hell.



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Phil Jayhan Site Admin

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:41 pm Post subject:

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Actually Larry Silverstein lost his bid to collect double; Just last week that was turned down, and he will only get 1/2 of that 7.7 billion;




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"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI.

Locutus wrote:

I intend to prove otherwise...you know he made 7.7 billion on the WTC, and he was just the lease holder! Its going to take him about...ummm...1/3 of a second

when he dies to reach hell.

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Locutus Termite

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 2:51 pm Post subject:

Damn...thats hardly no money at all.



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