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|| śrī­śrī­gaura­gadādharau vijayetām ||

uttamā­bhakti­sudhā­laharīNectarean Waves of Supreme Devotion

published by New Śrī Haridās Nivās, Spain

Issue 69, 26 February 2018, Āmalakī­Ekādaśī

­ Biography of young Nimāi, by NSHN

­ Nimāi and the snake, by NSHN

­ The Lord sits on the pots, by NSHN ­ Viśvambhara's water sports, by NSHN





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Biography of young Nimāi

published by New Śrī Haridās Nivās, Spain

On the 23rd Phalguna of 1407 in Śaka era, or on March 14, 1486 by the Western calendar, a full moon lunar eclipse occurred on Holī. Thousands of persons stood in the Ganges River while loudly chant­ing Harināma.

Within this extremely auspicious atmosphere, Lord Kṛṣṇa, having the beautiful molten gold color and the sublime transcendental mood of His beloved Śrīmatī Rādhāranī, incarnated in the

womb of Śrīmatī Śacīdevī as Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya.

After staying there for fourteeen months, His mystic potency Yogamāyā arranged a full lunar eclipse at the time of His birth.

In this way, the Lord, even before taking birth, initiated His Harināma saṅkīrtan movement, since thousands of people crowded at the Ganges, loudly chant­ing the Names of Kṛṣṇa.

The old, the young, the ignorant, the knowledgeable, the pious, the impious, the sinful, the sinless ­ everybody indeed was chanting the Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa, such as Gopāla, Govinda, Gopīnātha, Giridhārī, Śyāma­sundara, Madan­mohan, Madhusūdan,

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Hari, Yādava, Mādhava, Keśava, Nārāyaṇa or Jagannātha.

These and the ecstatic chanting of “Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare” were the only sounds that one could hear.

The father of Śrīmati Śacīdevī, Śrīla Nīlāmbara Cakravartī, was a famous scholar, logician and

astrologer. By his astrological calculations, he determined that

his grandson Nimāi was an exalted perso­

nality. He therefore

named Him Viśvambhara,

the sustainer of the universe.

The ladies of the neighborhood,

after presenting Him with gifts and blessings

called Him Gaurahari

because of His beautiful golden


His mother called Him Nimāi because of the neem tree under which He was born, and His father called Him Gaurāṅga.

As a baby He often cried. Although His mother, father and all His relatives and friends tried many things to get Him to stop, He would not. However,

as soon as someone

chanted the names of Kṛṣṇa, He would break

into a big, beaming smile.

So everyone who visited the

house of Śacīdevī and Jagannāth

Miśra would chant the

names of Kṛṣṇa to ensure that Nimāi would

not cry...

­­­images taken from mayu

reshkulkarni2.wordpress.com, wisdom.yoga, iskcon.com.ve,

iskcondesiretree.com, pinterest.com & youtube.com

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NIMĀI AND THE SNAKEpublished by New Śrī Haridās Nivās, Spain

jānu-gati cale prabhu parama-sundarakaṭite kiṅkiṇī bāje ati manohara

parama-nirbhaye sarva-aṅgane viharekibā agni, sarpa, yāhā dekhe, tāi dhare

The crawling of the Lord was most beautiful, and the tinkling sound of the bells on His waist enchanted the minds of all. He fearlessly wandered throughout the courtyard and grabbed whatever He saw, even a fire or a snake.

eka dina eka sarpa bāḍīte veḍāyadharilena sarpe prabhu bālaka-līlāyakuṇḍalī kariyā sarpa rahila veḍiyāṭhākura thākilā tāra upare śuiyā

One day a snake entered the house, and the Lord caught hold of it in childish sport. He then laid down on the coils of the snake.

āthe-yathe sabe dekhi' 'hāya hāya' kareśuiyā hāsena prabhu sarpera upare

garuḍa' garuḍa' bali' ḍāke sarva-janapitā-mātā-ādi bhaye karaye krandana

Seeing this, everyone immediately exclaimed, "Alas! Alas!" but the Lord simply smiled as He lay on the snake. All the people there called out, "Garuḍa! Garuḍa!" and the Lord's parents cried out of fear.

calilā ananta' śuni' sabāra krandanapunaḥ dharibāre yā'na śrī-śacīnandana

dhariyā āniyā sabe karilena kolecira jīvī hao' kari' nārī-gaṇa bole

Hearing everyone cry, Lord Ananta began to depart, but the son of Śacī tried again to grab him. The ladies quickly caught hold of the Lord and took Him on their laps, blessing Him with the words, "Live a long life."

keha rakṣā bāndhe, keha paḍe svasti vāṇīaṅge keha deya viṣṇu-pādokaka āni'

keha bole, - bālakera punar-janma haila'keha bole, - jāti-sarpa, teñi nā laṅghila

Someone tied a protective charm on Him, and someone recited auspicious hymns. Someone else sprinkled caraṇāmṛta on Him.

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Someone said, "This child has received a new life," and someone said, "That was a special snake, and therefore it did not bite Him." hāse prabhu gauracandra sabāre cāhiyā punaḥ punaḥ yāya, sabe ānena dhariyābhakti kari'ye e-saba veda-gopya śune saṁsāra-bhujaṅga tāre na kāra re laṅghaneLord Gauracandra glanced on everyone present and smiled. He tried again and again to go catch the snake, but they repeatedly stopped Him.

Whoever hears these confidential topics with devotion will never be bitten by the snake of material existence.

­­taken from Śrī­Caitanya­Bhāgavat, verses Ādi 4.65­76; ­­images from creativeexiles.com, pinterest.es & krogen.co

eka-dina miśra calilena kāryāntara paḍite nā pāya prabhu,

krodhita antaraviṣṇu-naivedyera yata varjya-

hāṇḍī-gaṇa vasilena prabhu hāṇḍī kariyā āsana

One day, after Jagannātha Miśra went about his duties, the Lord became very angry because He was not allowed to study.

He then sat down on the old rejected pots that had been used for preparing offerings for Lord Viṣṇu.

e baḍa nigūḍha-kathā, śuna eka mane kṛṣṇa-bhakti-siddhi haya

ihāra śravaṇeThis topic is most confidential. Whoever hears it will attain per­fection in bhakti unto Kṛṣṇa.

varjya-hāṇḍī-gaṇa saba kari siṁhāsana tathi vasi' hāse

gaurasundara-vadanalāgila hāṇḍīra kāli sarva-gaura-

aṅge kanaka-putali yena lepiyāche gandhe

Using those rejected pots as a siṁhāsana, Lord Gaurasundara smiled as He sat there. The black soot from those pots decorated Gaura's limbs, and He appeared like a golden doll smeared with sandalwood pulp mixed with aguru.

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THE LORD SITS ON THE POTS published by New Śrī Haridās Nivās, España

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śiśu-gaṇa jānāila giyā śacī-sthāne nimāi vasiyā āche hāṇḍīra āsane

mā'ye āsi' dekhiyā karena hāya hāya e sthānete, bāpa, vasibāre nā yuyāya

His friends went and informed mother Śacī, "Nimāi is sitting on the rejected pots."

When mother Śacī went there and saw Nimāi in that condition, she lamented and said, "My dear son, this is not a proper place to sit.”

varjya-hāṇḍī, ihā-saba paraśile snānaeta-dine tomāra e nā janmile jñāna?prabhu bole, - torā more nā dis paḍite

bhadrābhadra mūrkha-vipre jānibe kemate?"These are rejected pots, and if one touches them he must take bath. Haven't You under­stood this by now?"

The Lord replied, "You don't allow Me to study, so how will I know the difference between good and bad, or a fool and brāhmaṇa?”"

mūrkha āmi, nā jāniye bhāla-manda-sthānasarvatra āmāra eka advitīya-jñānaeta bali' hāse varjya-hāṇḍīra āsane

dattātreya-bhāva prabhu hailā takhane

"I am a fool, so I don't know which place is good and which is bad. Therefore, I consider all places equal." After saying this, the Lord smiled from His seat on the rejected pots and accepted the mood of Dattātreya, the topmost knower of the Absolute Truth.

mā'ye bole, - "tumi ye vasilā manda-sthāneebe tumi pavitra vā haibā kemane?"

prabhu bole, "mātā, tumi baḍa śiśu-mati!apavitra-sthāne kabhu mora nahe

sthitiMother Śacī inquired, "You have sat in an impure place, so how will You purify Yourself?" The Lord replied, "My dear mother, you are very childish. I am never in an impure place."

yathā mora sthiti, sei sarva puṇya-sthāna gaṅgā-ādi sarva tīrtha tahiṅ

adhiṣṭhāna āmāra se kālpanika śuci' vā aśuci' sraṣṭāra ki doṣa

āche, mane bhāva bujhi"Wherever I am that place be­comes most sacred. The Ganges and all other tīrthas are present at that place. Purity and impurity is only our mental creation. Please consider, what fault is there with the creator?”

loka-veda-mate yadi aśuddha vā haya āmi paraśileo ki aśuddhatā raya? e-saba hāṇḍīte mūle nāhika

dūṣaṇa tumi yā'te viṣṇu lagi' karilā randhana

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uttamä-bhakti-sudhä-laharé issue 69, page 7"Even if something is considered impure by the Vedas and people in general, can it remain impure after I touch it? In fact, these pots are not at all contaminated because you have used them to cook for Lord Viṣṇu."

viṣṇura randhana-sthālī kabhu duṣṭa nayase hāṇḍī paraśe āra sthāna śuddha haya

eteke āmāra vāsa nahe manda-sthānesabāra śuddhatā mora paraśa-kāraṇe

"The pots used in cooking for Lord Viṣṇu are never contaminated. Indeed, simply by the touch of His cooking pots other places become purified. Therefore I never reside in a contaminated place. Everything becomes pure by My touch."

bālya-bhāve sarva-tattva kahi' prabhu hāse tathāpi nā bujhe keha tā'na māyā-vaśe

sabei hāsena śuni' śiśura vacanasnāna āsi' kara' śacī bolena takhana

The Lord, in the mood of an ordinary child, smiled as He spoke on the Absolute Truth. Still, no one recognized Him due to the influence of His māyā. Everyone began to laugh after hearing the child speak. Then Mother Śacī said, "Come and take bath."

nā āisena prabhu

seikhāne vasi' āche

śacī bole, "jhāṭa āya, bāpa jāne pāche

prabhu bole, "yadi more nā deha' paḍite

tabe muñi nāhi yāṅa, kahiluṅ tomāte

The Lord, however, did not move from His seat, so

Śacī again said,

"Come quicklybefore Your father learns about this." The Lord replied, "I tell you, if you don't allow Me to study, then I won't leave this place.

sabei bhartsena ṭhākurera

jananīrasabe bole, - "kene

nāhi deha' paḍibāre?

yatna kari' keha nija- bālaka paḍāya kata bhāgye āpane paḍite śiśu cāya

Everyone present then admonished the Lord's mother, "Why don't you allow Him to study? Some people

take great efforts to get their child to study. It is most auspicious if a child wants to study."

kon śatru hena-buddhi dila vā tomāre?ghare murkha kari' putra rākhibāra tare?

ihāte śiśura doṣa tilārdheka nāisabei bolena, - bāpa, āisa, nimāñi!

"Which enemy has given you the idea to keep your son at home, uneducated? This child has no fault at all." Then they said to Nimāi, "Come, Nimāi!"

āji haite tumi yadi nā pāo paḍitetabe apacaya tumi kara bhāla-matenā āise prabhu, seikhāne vasi' hāse

sukṛti-sakala sukha-sindhu-mājhe bhāse"If You are not allowed to return to Your studies from today, You will face destruc­tion." Still the Lord did not leave His seat. He continued sitting there smiling as the pious people there floated in an ocean of bliss.

āpane dhariyā śiśu ānilā jananīhāse gauracandra, yena indranīla-maṇi

tattva' kahilena prabhu dattātreya-bhāve nā bujhila keha viṣṇu-māyāra prabhāve

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Then Mother Śacī personally pulled Him off His seat, and Lord Gauracandra smiled like a shining blue sapphire. The Lord spoke the Absolute Truth in the mood of Dattātreya, yet no one could recognize Him due to the influence of His māyā.

snāna karāilā lañā śacī puṇyavatīhena kāle āilena miśra mahāmati

miśra-sthāne śacī saba kahilena kathāpaḍite nā pāya putra mane bhāve' vyathā

The pious Śacī then took Nimai to the Ganges, and they both took bath. At that time the magnanimous Jagannātha Miśra arrived there. Śacī explained to him what had taken place. She then said, "Our son is morose because He is not allowed to study."

sabei bolena, "miśra, tumi ta' udāra kā'ra kathāya putre nāhi deha' paḍibāra? ye karibe kṛṣṇacandra,

sei satya haye cintā parihari' deha' paḍite nirbhaye

The others there said, "O Miśra, you are broad­minded. Who has inspired you to stop His studies? Whatever Kṛṣṇa desires will certainly take place. Therefore give up your anxiety and allow Him to study without any fear."

bhāgya se bālaka cāhe āpane paḍitebhāla-dine yajña-sūtra deha' bhāla-mate

miśra bole, "tomarā parama-bandhu-gaṇatomarā ye bole, se āmāra vacana

"You are fortunate that your son wants to study. You should arrange to give Him a brāhmaṇa thread on an auspicious day." Śrī Miśra replied, "All of you are my well­wishers so whatever you say, I must accept."

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alaukika dekhiyā śiśura sarva-karmavismaya bhāvena, keha nāhi jāne marma

madhye madhye kona jana ati bhāgyavānepūrve kahi rākhiyāche jagannātha-sthāne

Seeing the child's uncommon activities, everyone was struck with wonder, yet no one could understand Him. Some most fortunate person had previously given Jagannātha Miśra a prediction.

prākṛta bālaka kabhu e bālaka naheyatna kari' e bālake rākhiha hṛdaye

niravadhi gupta-bhāve prabhu keli karevaikuṇṭha-nāyaka nija-aṅgane vihare

"This boy is not ordinary. Please carefully keep this child in the core of your heart." Thus the Lord of Vaikuṇṭha constantly enjoyed His confidential pastimes in the courtyard of His house.

paḍite āilā prabhu bāpera ādeśehailena mahāprabhu ānanda-viśeṣe

By the order of His father, the Supreme Lord then joyfully resumed His studies.

­­taken from Śrī­Caitanya­Bhāgavat, verses Ādi 7.161­202; ­­images from pìnterest.com (3x), wikipedia.com, krishna.com, krogen.co (2x), creativeexiles.com, amigosdekrishna. com & iskcondesiretree.net (2x)

VIŚVAMBHARA'S WATER SPORTSpublished by New Śrī Haridās Nivās, Spain

ḍubilā cāñcaya rase prabhu viśvambharasaṁhati capala yata dvijera koṅarasabāra sahita giyā pāde nānā sthānedhariyā rākhite nāhi pāre kona jane

Viśvambhara drowned in the mood of a restless child as He sported with other restless brāhmana boys. As He went to study at various places with His friends, no one was able to control Him.

anya śiśu dekhile karaye kutūhalaseha parihāsa kare, bājaye kondala

prabhura bālaka saba jine prabhu bale anya śiśu-gaṇa yata saba hāri' cale

Whenever the Lord met some new boys, He would tease them. And when the other boys retaliated, a quarrel broke out. By the strength of the Lord, He and His friends always won such quarrels and the other boys would leave in defeat.

dhūlāya dhūsara prabhu śrī-gaurasundaralikhana kālira bindu śobhe manohara

paḍiyā śuniyā sarva-śiśu-gaṇa-saṅge gaṅgā-snāne madhyāhne

calena bahu-raṅgeWhen Śrī Gaurasundara became gray with a covering of dust and decorated with drops of ink He

appeared most enchanting. At noon, after their studies, the Lord and His friends joyfully went to bathe in the Ganges.

majjiyā gaṅgāya viśvambhara kutūhalī śiśu-gaṇa-saṅge kare jala phelāpheli nadīyāra sampatti vā ke balite pāre? asaṅkhyāta loka eko

ghāṭe snāna kare

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Viśvambhara and His friends eagerly entered the Ganges, wherein they enjoyed splashing water on each other. Who can describe the opulence of Navadvīpa? Innumerable people took bath at one of the bathing ghāṭas.

kateka vā śānta dānta gṛhastha sannyāsīnā jāni kateka śiśu mile taṅhi āsi'

sabāre laiyā prabhu gaṅgāya sāṅtārekṣaṇe ḍube, kṣaṇe bhāse, nānā krīḍā kare

I am unable to say how many saints, ascetics, house­holders, sannyāsīs, and children came there to take bath. As the Lord swam in the Ganges with His associates, sometimes He would dive below the surface and sometimes He would float. In this way He enjoyed various water sports.

jala-krīḍā kare gaurasundara-śarīrasabākāra gā'ye lāge caraṇera nīra

sabe mānā kare, tabu niṣedha nā mānedhariteo keha nāhi pāre eka-sthāne

While engaged in water sports, Gaurasundara would splash water with His feet on those nearby. People forbade Him from doing this, but the Lord ignored them and they were unable to catch Him.

punaḥ punaḥ sabāre karāya prabhu snānakā're choṅya, kā'ro aṅge kullola-

pradānanā pāiyā prabhura nāgāli vipra-gaṇesabe calilena tāṅ'ra janakera sthāne

The Lord compelled everyone to bathe again and again by touching them or spitting on them. Being unable to restrain Him, the brāhmanas approached His father to complain about Him.

"śuna, śuna, ohe miśra parama-bāndhava!tomāra putrera apanyāya kahi saba

bhāla-mate karite nā pāri gaṅgā-snāna"keha bole, "jala diyā bhāṅge mora dhyāna"

The brāhmanas said, "Dear friend, Jagan­nātha Miśra. Please hear about your son's misdeeds. Due to them we are unable to bathe properly." Someone said, "He splashes water on me and disturbs my meditation.

āro bole, "kā're dhyāna kara, ei dekhakali-yuge "nārāyaṇa" muñi paratekha"keha bole, - "mora śiva-liṅga kare curi"

keha bole, -"mora lai' palāya uttarī

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Someone said, "I was standing in the water chanting my Gāyatrī, when He suddenly came under the water, grabbed my feet and pulled me down." Another said, "He always takes my flower basket and fresh cloth." Someone else said, "He steals my Bhagavad­Gītā."

keha bole, "putra ati-bālaka, āmārakarṇe jala diyā tā're kāndāya apāra"

keha bole, "mora pṛṣṭha diyā kāndhe caḍemuñi re maheśa' bali' jhāṅpa diyāa paḍe"

Then someone complained, "My son is very young, and Nimāi makes him cry by putting water in his ears." Another person said, "He comes behind me, climbs on my shoulders, and then jumps in the water, exclaiming, ‘I am Lord Maheśa’".

keha bole, "vaise mora pūjāra āsanenaivedya khāiyā viṣṇu pūjaye āpanesnāna kari' uṭhile bālukā deya aṅgeyateka capala śiśu, sei tā'ra saṅge

Someone said, "Your son sits on my āsana and eats the offerings I have prepared for Lord Viṣṇu; then He worships Lord Viṣṇu. When I come out from my bath, He throws sand on me. He is surrounded by all the other mischievous boys."

Another complained, "Your son asked me, ‘Who are you meditating on? Just see: in Kali­yuga I am directly Lord Nārāyaṇa.'" Someone said, "He stole my śiva­liṅga," and someone else said, "He ran away with my cādara".

keha bole, "puṣpa, dūrvā, naivedya, candanaviṣṇu pūjibāra sajja, viṣṇura āsana

āmi kari snāna, hethā vaise se āsanesaba khāi' pari' tabe kare palāyane"

āro bole, "tumi kene duḥkha bhāva' mane?yā'ra lāgi' kailā, sei khāilā āpane"

Someone said, "I kept different ingredients for worshiping Viṣṇu, such as flowers, dūrvā grass, bhoga, sandalwood pulp, and the Lord's āsana, on the bank of the Ganges. When I went to take bath your son sat on the Lord's āsana, ate the bhoga, smeared Himself with the sandalwood pulp, decorated Himself with the flowers, and ran off. Then He said, ‘Why are you unhappy? He for Whom you arranged those ingredients has Himself enjoyed them.'"

keha bole, "sandhyā kari jalete nāmiyāḍuba diyā laiyā yāya caraṇe dhariyā"

keha bole,- "āmāra nā rahe sāji dhuti"keha bole,- "āmāra corāya gītā-puṅthi"

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strī-vāse puruṣa-vāse karaye badala paribāra belā sabe lajjāya vikala! parama bāndhava

tumi miśra jagannātha!nitya ei-mata kare, kahiluṅ tomāta dui-prahareo

nāhi uṭhe jala haite deha vā tāhāra bhāla thākibe kemate"

"He exchanges the men's clothes with the women's clothes, and then everyone is embar­rassed when they go to dress.

O Jagannātha Miśra, you are our dear friend, therefore we are informing you that your son does such things every day. He remains in the water for up to six hours, so how will His body remain fit?”

hena kāle pārśva-vartī yateka bālikā

kopa-mane āilena śacīdevī yathā

śacire sambodhiyā sabe bolena vacana

"śuna, ṭhākurāṇī, nija-putrera karama

At the same time all the neighborhood girls approached mother Śacī in an angry mood. They all complained,

"O Ṭhākurāṇī, listen to what your son has done!"

vasana karaye curi, bole ati-mandauttara karile jala deya, kare dvandvavrata karibāre yata āni phula-phalachaḍāiyā phele bala kariyā sakala

"He steals our clothes and speaks very badly. If we protest, He throws water on us and starts a quarrel. By force, He scatters whatever fruits and flowers we bring for pūjā."

snāna kari' uṭhile bālukā deya aṅgeyateka capala śiśu, sei tā'ra saṅgealakṣite āsi' karṇe bole baḍa bola"

keha bole, "mora mukhe dileka kullolaokaḍāra bici deya keśera bhitare

keha bole, "more cāhe vibhā karibāre

"When we come out from our bath, He throws sand on us. He is surrounded by all sorts of mischievous boys. He sneaks up behind us and shouts in our ears."

One of the girls said, ‘He spat water in my face, and then threw okada seeds [which induce itching] in my hair.’" Someone else said, "He said He wants to marry me.”

prati-dina ei-mata kare vyavahāra

tomāra nimāi kibā rājāra kumāra?

pūrve śunilāna yena nandera kumāra

sei-mata saba kare nimāi tomāra

"Everyday He be­haves with us like this. Does your Nimāi think He is the son of a king?

The activities of your son Nimāi resemble exactly what we have heard about the activities of the son of Nanda."

duḥkhe bāpa-māyere balibaba yei dine

tata-kṣaṇe kondala haibe tomā' sane

nivāraṇa kara jhāṭa āpana chāoyāla

nadīyāya hena karma kabhu nahe bhāla"

"When we tell our parents about your son's mischief, they will surely quarrel with you. Therefore please control Him immediately, for such activities are not proper in Nadia."

śuniyā hāsena mahāprabhura jananīsabe kole kariyā balena priya-vāṇīnimāi āile āji vāḍyāmu bāndhiyā

āra yena upadrava nāhi kare giyā"On hearing these complaints, the Lord's mother smiled, embraced the girls, and sweet­ly spoke to them, "When Nimāi returns today, I will tie Him up and beat Him with a stick so that He won't disturb you again."

issue 69, page 12 mRrekHkfDrlq/kkygjh

continues in the column on the right continues on the next page on the left

śacīra caraṇa-dhūli lañā sabe śiretabe calilena punaḥ snāna karibāre

All the girls then took the dust from Śacīdevī's feet on their heads and went to take bath.

yateka cāpalya prabhu kare yā'ra saneparamārthe sabāra santoṣa baḍa mane

In spite of Nimāi’s mischief, everyone ultimately felt fully satisfied.

­­taken from Śrī­Caitanya­Bhāgavat, verses Ādi 6.42­86;

­­external images from pinterest.com (4x), creativeexiles.com, krogen.co (2x), iskcon desiretree.net, hijodevecino.net, detechter.com & yogapith.blogspot.com

uttamä-bhakti-sudhä-laharé issue 69, page 13


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