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Tho TimM-i

U (On— PubUa lDt«resi^ ■ K S . S e f .C jn w 8 . recosnlUon oJ^ ^ ^ H f f u d e y w a i m - ^ promoUoa

—-JTSTna -iMiireeii nounced tod t;ftnd president ot U

^ Of(W*** only'SOTseW^ ■ C ^ B l s b t 'M t m p K t ' received the a

{&• tBdBftrr* (aU In the mi------- yg„_ J J , , ,J.,„‘*^*y newBpa

^ (U.PJ— K orthnut to i^ R iMI of t b e n a t io n ’s Tbe award c

B K u procefla th e o i l^ E l t fiow in? tn r o u g n deaUu, mjurle

IfffiK . . l o r the award

saiMura. - - - -. ^ i * p o r t * a Tlmea-News.»

^ «U President Ja t a o ttto rt^ > ,„• a t the eot

j S i t o r t went •«* of aU tou havis S ^ la in jm y p lM M ty and we ar3 aw iO »lfl i-w ee k j u d g S l i ^ 'fCliniK*- . aw ard.ll not. OU*- for eiam pta give u» an oiM Rod: refinery w aa ■

ir m f T nU ln i lU U on --• - — --^ can waltinc to IIU ^' £ ^ d m a n y o f _ ^ f V P V l“ i r y to * away « « r » i

f»ltoftM *yed Ijbhid’been delayed toy V i.WtfTcntlon for threen u y offlciala In «no*t P lans lo r8 earylM out orderly fj„ancc weirtj. u - aid of the convention 1

fc tw confined mainly Tho Rev,

ao. APIj ind independentlUch hid eonducUd *epa- - p kittiUEia for an average »3^ tDcruM provlilon I n X V U U l If eeotncti.QVnl* Exempt■wM.ii who exempted I 11

IfjHirffom-llie-rtilke-be-- ------------K ^-i- r m T o T R

jbK ofa; prea tct« -B bon t afiviffgr“ 8tsiit!»uUon’idaU y output o f p - » p - F ra n l

t iu «aifc> c tn i '& n d d«■U7Itrtftoerie; an d n ip e- ^ P u H n g t

S e S t ° f w d ^ ^ O ^ ^ j r d e r « n db a u and Miuouri. tb e tin d c rg o n e ttiH«iD<ri«»-«re^-43 ti*w o r not. Dea iitteltodty mountain *Ut«8 -„ i/ i,„a

stAlrliner ‘''iSS.IS- - ;• - - --------- BcKtnlt had I

i Sought in Jungle Areasn* iANtmO. Bradl, A prtl The Jury Intta c f th e b ljg e H a lrh u n U lo r.M n .M elJ

«^Jn_BmU began ,today X .-L.-OiUberti■ b t f u Aoisncui fiir&lo* tA iiy Fieeuia'itldi TuilJhfd w ith SO p e r- In otlier dtWTuesday WhUe en ro u te VaUey'* eonti! i t ............................... drive, Prank 1iwh ire* emhraced a v aat S !? ; m * mile a rea ot u n « - Wt, dry pUteau and river »»I Of them with aan d

*•1 ttljht afford tu ltab le ^ ,u ^ trolman Btanlu ADWcmna accident on

merewmea and ID ef th a autcmoblla ann *er« American*. a Smith, Hali**rle«i official* tald 37 I

0 . 8 . a ir force ahd ^,Bruuiin a ir force andhi ililine* were psirollln* Q'Bnnj F t ^ .W j2 ? " i r e a r u 5 n l n g ^J* ^ B if f t i r a * to X a v a n - t K . i « » n h to 8 am*rem on

- Ull R>~.^ $J8 and W tt* ^ M P « r* .- - T uew layonai“ ^iw o-deck plane w as mile ea*t of I

*t f.80 ajn. Tues* by.BfllrolmanJ J t nuda-i'a’dTo contact . In Jerome '2 ^ nearly 900 m iles der. appeared^tCRio de Janeiro. I t day morning

)ti poslUon as 340 Ward on aS w a in tira * . Virgll Croa*‘■‘•Ur foree In W ashington Ule«»l overtal

' -- _______________ MUtonPoweU

iJ ^ M O T I O N ^ S n o e r o t S ton, April JO (UJO _ finad » » and

otfldala said today had Issued th i J S i S ??*• P rw en t minor-accldei

i j^ e o w u n g Qen. M a t- -------------------( jS K ? ^ f lv M ta r - -

' IsS n i n g - - '? ’ April 30-H arley dlrtrtbut

; Wd wmeone U ft«l *<> »*P“ ‘y ^2*1)ie»l*y and croMed who >1 vet ths£ 8* * ^ c y - th * oUl

U v e h ^ t o ' S - 5 S !a®* Uf# .and m isb tS**» the brtdafc tb* t«M durli*J® overload Mtuaad l»Md»y» «e liS n i d u i w « t lk .n o w

2-S ■ B iPI----------- ------------- ! « • o | «Mrtl

------------ -\0m...................

- A V — ■ H i^ 0 - - ^ ^ - ■— t f - M -_*7_61 A R 1 1 TO.

. oroeui CIW ta4 CmitT Mmvretr

X ^ * TW T ■

F or S a fetyThe Tlmea-Nows has been award- our appreclatior1, tha NaUonal Bafety counell’i service to safety.jbUo Interest award for »S1 In "1 am sure yoicognlUon of excepUonsl service tha t there Is ancI promoUon of *afety, It wai an . result of your ijunced today by Ned H. Dewbom, knowledge tha tresident of the counclL prevent miny ac'OnlysimeWspjrperg-iirOMTistJon —Owu boru sayy;icelved the award and 18 of them »«nsa of reiponslill In the m e tr^ lU sn classlflca- »hlp to the nghton. The Times-News Is the only Is-revaalsd b y -ttilly newspaper In the Pacific IBSI public liorthwest to receive the awird, 'T h e re Isn't an:The award comes after more than publlthers.decade of constant effort on the M veriuers are j

I rt of the Times-News to reduce “ °? le tragic and sewelea .lolL.of ■aUu, injuries and property dam-{CL. oa...Mttclc. VaUey-s-highways. * owever, only the 1051 portion of

!r’ -th“* 'a w s^ " '“ ' ' - ’ ”A. L. Altord. publisher ol Ui« Tftjlte and black fBwlston Tribune, nominated the attenUonImes-News for the *ward. . The effort Ij reac In his letter congratulating the this year with liImes-Newi. NaUonal Sifety eoun- Traffic Safety Tc 1 President De&rbotn wrote. “We Judges for thesra a t the council have been aware man Damon, vlc<: a ll you have been doing for safe- AutomoUve S a l ' and we are delighted that the A rthur P. Barre. ir d g S l« ^ T 7 r A « m i m w ,- l h e >aarorBta«6n’.W0 atard li not compeUUve, but does neth UacDonald, ve us an opportunity to exprra Des Uolnes Reg

Revival and Exp Occupy Idah(

P lans for an ambitious proffram o f l-eviva nancc were m ain topics a t th e W ednesdj )nvention being held in Twin F alls.Tho Rev, Eugene Crow, Salt L ak e City, a i

[onUnai .gaid-tha.peried-trom - M a y - l ^ &aTd lurches in an ambitious program o f revival j

ilupert Trial Sta —OnDrunkenJl"Trial of RAyiTOnd'SchimkrRupert. 'on B chf rtviffg~i{tgftcd~Wcdne8day n iuniliitf befgre^

J ^ h ^ ^ ”by S^tV patr'b lm an ^ m fa r id demanded a'gury triaJ.

5?d«s“hl)S’fW e » ,S ^ ^ ^ndcrgone ’V arious tests to de te rm ine If he r n o t. Dea n KlcopfCTrdefense-Bttomayraske n l^had-bcen inform ed-thatJ — ~~Z nything he said or did might e used aga inst him. L ^ O U n i yBoth flnyder and Stewart tesUfled ^ i T tsenk had been'informed-of his S p h P f l ghti. OUier wlUiessei for UioroeecuUon-Wednesda'y m o r n in g - ----------- ,er« Deputy Sheriff Theo Johnson S n A mnd Earl Simpson. ProsecuUn* At-iraey .Sherman Bellwood U han- *Ude the case A food demoniThe Jury Includes Mrs. L. O. Tay- Thursday, a-fasJ ir. Mrs. Mel Andenon, Hugh AUen, Falla Saturday a .^ ^ ^ b e r t w n . J , _C..Hadley.and dgw to

In other deveJopmenU In Magle demonstraUon » alley's eontlnuln* traffic safety T hree phases o rive. Prank Leroy Prost.;_Brlgham uon work, r o l l . : Ity. trtah. w u fined IM and W test a n d sewing,seta by JusUce of the Peace Stanley j .30 4egg in Ooodlng Tueaday night on .y jjg r o „ ,n rcharge of faUure to yield Uie right g ^ o n - Hom

S ’ ™ » m i « l W 01.1. P .- . 5 ™ !®on” 'S g ^ -a y ^30,'” 'p w t 5 dem ons^U on c

utcmoblle and one driven by Rosa . SmlUj, HaUey, collided. Damage u*"5„2i1 both ear* waa slight, week, AprilProbate Judge Jame* P. Oooett,

ay on a cha^a of running through lervice.atop sign three mllea weit of M rs. Craig D ui

loodlng. He was arrested by Patrol- m an fo r tha Pile lan PaM. Cakes entered■Walt«r-St«wart,-Aico. was llneil b*-of-flve klmUr a and W cfista by Ju ^ e Gossett ^ n g e , choeoUUUesday on a atop a ^ violation one due m the O ranUie east of Blls*. He w u arresUd for Judging, bu ty.Patrolman P ^ . announced. untU In Jerome Willard Undsay. WU-

er. appeared In probate court Moa- 1 .»n « m

IrgU Croas charging him wlUi J *

S's»y pleaded not guUty and asked for wH* «>« shown bytria l which was aet tentaUrely for Une.p m. Friday. Florence SchulAttorney John I>aly..ippeired In m ethods of Juk

'win Falls police court Tuesday for E rnest 'nieenorUlton Powell yxd chyyed Powell’s solo a n d Mrs. K.

nan Innocent to guilty. Powell was sewing m s c h ^ wed t u and IS costa. Olty officers conclude Uie proi ad Issued the ciUUon loUowlni a A t 4 p. m , re i ilnor accident Thursday._______ <c—Unna — 1

? f e w \^ t t e n J ^ t f o i j l Is Cmch; No Failurt

Twin' FaU* oounty motarists a re | p w ^ who faU lHfflBB“ tij#~n8w^'WTlttBn~tfrti|frt g e t th fraane 'tee t Hte dlstrlbuled to the sUirifrs of- of 76 Is sUll reqi

ad BlMMt 101 of the marksJitxe than the orlgUu een between *0 and 100, aeeordln* drlvars are pare} Detwtv Sheriff Lawanna Routt one question. TIrho five* the written eaamlnaUons, rem ains about t

old teats, about 30 per the t«sU were d ^ o T f f i i ^ l I c i S u wrs-fHltng; -D e p u ty -S h e rlf^ u m r u e of U persons past out there has b<U t«M during the thre* and:oDe^ tha actual drivUa lf days each week. Tbe GourUwuse ers a re falling: Jt f le e l i open-Monflw, Wednesday, ar* tiaeful in th atU ty and Sahirday-B»mln».-An c o n a ^ U M f 4 » lw n n of IB ^ paaalnt when tha S a n e W yarsI S « V . W a t B v S on Tuei- acUjr rlgfit w ho

« I- SSK,rSKg cf (tMftloiu ar* on txshd eo break a IrtfUe li

' ...................... - TWIN FAU

w s_G ets^A w a s ty D r iv e inr appreciation fcr exceptional and tecretary olrvlce to safety. Society ot Mew"1 am sure you feel, as wa do, Wesley I. Klnn. 0a t there U anoUier, less tsnglble “stop aocldenu" <w ll of your safety efforts—the AdverUilng Councilowledge th a t , you have helped manager of Uie 8event many accidents.” pany of Indiana;Dta r beru sayy.-^An ever-growing- Olson,-d«*n-of tnse of reiponslblllty and leader- of Journalism, NIp to the n g h t against accldenU verslty; J. E. Rati-revealed lot Homes and Gane IBSl public Interest award. Richards, director'T h e re Isn't any question but th a t National AsjocUUDst publlthers. broadcasters and Television Droadciivcrtlsers are accepUng accident w ai er, Chicago t cventlon as one of Uie great ao-II problems of our Ume. We are «onaI BroadcasUn, ntcful that they ore. bftiause only ow er newepapt ty con make the voles of safety award included tllard.” ■ ----- OonsUtuU6n, AUaiThe Times-News traffic safety ClncinnaU E nqum palgn was started on Sept. S«, Press, Denver Pto, when use of the now fomllULr Register and Trlbilte and black flags was started to Star, HlnneapoKs 1-e«t attenUon to highway safety. All are metropolltIB effort Is reaching a new climax The 1»51 swardIs year with InauguraUon of the and seven weeki]a fflc Safety Volunteer*. radio and nine t<Tudges for the award were Nor- five general elnm Damon, vice president of U»e apedallied magasUitomoUve S a f e t y foundation; three outdoor adveth u r P. Barre. general manager of and four organlsal•irorBlallonlWOFtl'ChTcagor-Ken; e ^ f lc « o n r J U dlh MacDonald, exefuUve editor of In Twin PaUs was as Moines Register and Tribune staUons lecelylng

Expansion Topi [daho Baptists’ Iim o f 1-evival and expansion work and prob) je W ednesday m orning session of the state ills ..,ake City, a r e a director o f evangelism for U :ayL l ^ fi8rA -te j3ce.- 3 1,T=1953 e m ; i , i ia8_ th p. 1 o f revival a n d expansion. T he program wi -------------------------------- --------- in cooperatior

I C i i J churchcs ofbtarts» « 'I betshlp Is the dui

lert, on B ch arg e o f d runken bership f o r _ u ^ T r im r te fa re -J n B tic r -o f - th r —

Schenk, w h en a rrested on f 1«rn1ng. tntlnlnyta rv in Snyder, pleaded Inno- visitor* and sim' ' ------------------ - aervlMe In tba-iiie fis!fy ..n ioE n iiuc ..P iitj:b lm an ,; ^ t l f l e d thK l Schtfnk h a drroine If he w as in tox lo ited and personal dedlit t o m a y r a s k » d - i f t h e defend* , the tiro high gwli,— Ll______________________ Th* RevrWUUi------ - T o r t City, memh

:ounty Notes orS.'SirJ* tlsts." He said ch

Schedule for I or raponslbillty.. . . . . ----------- ----- - . . . ... of chrUUans U

Spccifll cck 5?JSwpV#*a. / BspUsU operaU

A food demonsU-aUon In FUer on of Ood wlUi a pomirsday, a-faahloni-Bhow In Tw in a deiperaUon'psyiOla Saturday and week-lond win- have at hand all)w d ^ ls y s to Bu m mark *ourm, Uie Intel

imonstratlon week. material resource:T hree phases of home demonrtra- »lbly need-to do 'sn work. roll, making, cake con- ,s t a n d tewing. wUl be exhibited 'om 1:30 to 4 p. m. Thtirsday In tlw t the Aoerla e F lie r Orange*^haU. -S a lm o ^ H omemrtwfc B jjlM * probably get aboome porUon of Its Inccome Improvement, a ll Filer home chm they raisemonatraUon club*, are eo-spon- .rs o f U>o p ro tiam . Purpose of Ul# T ie answeriilb lt, and of home demonstra- t j . . { .y f j-)n week, April 31 to May J. U lo .;(iualnt women of the community ^ qj, yjt), ^no do not parU dpate In dem- the Rev FrankutraU onw w kw lU i th a t extension N « ' ^ t o n ^rvlce. Rev. Dwight DodsM rs. Craig Dunlap. Filer, Is chair- a business meean fo r tha Filer area. polntaent of oon C i ^ ent ^

longe, chocoUte or white. They are Tbe metUng aile in th* O range haU by 10 a. m. SmsIom eonUnuer Judging, bu t result* wUI not be Th# R«v. Johnmounced. u n til U to In Uje pro- ln« Tuesday fil«rw his ezperleneei In A t 1:30 p. m . a ahort Ulk on,e origin of home demoosU-atlon w>r»in we foreigMit wUI b* given by Mrs. A. S . ®unkle. ThB three etepa In making i>-knead, water-rising nut twlsta icwusi^ m rIII be shown by Mrs. H uold Haln- — . .

Florence Schut* wUl demonstrateathoda of Juke extracUon. Mrs. rrom AP am-nest 'nieenor' will play a vIoUn sMwptr’flo a ^ d Mrs. K . Crothers will gtve P ih t 'eame-feadlngrA n a p R « rtyle show and g t. Louis-itiwing machine demonstraUon wUl New Yerk^ZZIoKinclude U). program. - Cain, Palg* andA t 4 p. m , representaUves of the McDonald and V

<CMUi>i«a •> r*«« 1. M ta a st•— ::-------------------------- D euo it __

tfo rJJriver. ^Failures-ListedS o n * who faU th e flrat ilme don’t * ’ ^It th e aame ta st over Maln.-A-g rad f ^--------KATlonA: 75 Is sUU required to pass.A' sew chauCffeur** test also Is Philadelphia _

l ii tili - n j hni Tt**'T“ T ititi?r* g u p fg"lan the orlgtoal w ritten teat, bu t . Church, Drews,rlvara ar* perm itted to miss only man and Burgeu;1* question. Tbe ra te of f a lh irb Atwell, m a in s about the aame a* befor*>e t«sU were changed. New YorkD eputy-Shertff-Patil-B oii-polnU C in cin n a ti-„™It ther* has been Uttle ehang* in Jansen and Wila actual driving teeU. Pew drlv- and Semlnlck. a a re faU lng:jtoss feels Uie testa■* twefu] m th a t they make driven B oston____ OOtinao lo iiL c f-ti^ fto law s .-'----------- Plttsbunh.....-10]8«Bie W fara do everything ex« Cole, Johnson, itljr right when they are accom*. Conley aad St.mlod by one of th e enm tnlng .WUka and Oaratlflcera: then they g« 'righ t'ou t'ahd "B rooklyn 'a t'8 t« a k a IratUQ U w ,Roes poloU out. 1 . i . . «

. T W IN F A l i S , ID A H O , W E D N E S D A Y , /

Jin 1 ^ 1 : ^nd secretary of Uie American M 9odety ot Newspaper Editors: 'Lesley I. Klnn. coordinator of ths■top accldenU" caapaign of thedverUslng Council and adveitisloglansger of the SUndard OU com-any of Indiana; Dr. KenneUi E.ilaon,-d«an-of U>a-M»dUi *chool f Journalism, Northwestern ual-erslty; J. E. Ratner; editor. Better v sT 'r rQ n T in rtomM and Gardew; Robert K.;lchard», director of public affalri, <U.R) — A n g r;[atlonil AijocUUon of. Radio and S t e e l W o rk 6n 'elevlslon QroadcasUrs, a n d Judith/ailer, Chicago director o f public ac ro sB th e n a tflairs and educaUon o f . th e Na- t i n g o f f 95 p-:onal BroadcasUng company, c o u n t r y s s te e low er newspaper* recelrtng Uie , violence was

ward Included the Atlanta (Ca.) P ltU burgh a r »>onsUtuU6n, AUanta (Ga.> Journal, closed Use |!!ani:inclnnaU E n q u i r e r , CleveUnd President Phlllp■ress, Denver Post, Des Moines -work"-«trder.------leglster and Tribune, K ansas City Aotosfar. Mlnnespolfs Star and Tttbun*- _ Automobtles_leaU are metropollCan'dallies. mlU-studded M(The l»5l award went to 30 dally valley were stonec

nd seven weekly newspapers. 51 were Jostled. Thekdio aod nine television etaUons, trucks Into the sUIve general circulation and IS reatore oidet.-[«icUlli*dmagailne*,17adverUKrs. A t D. S. Steeliree outdoor adverUslng eompanle* goo men gaUiereind four organizations In a general b u rl eo ltheu ' an lattlflca«(mrBadlo'iUUon-KTKIfTwlnPaUswas'amongmeS7r*dia jS d w , acnuMed ollaUons receiving the a * » rd . lj,g walkout order,

trom the mob by- m : • A t Duipiasne, Plopics S‘CS"Ts"

^ McKeesport. plcI

.sts’ Parley ispleaded to Uie pic

fo rk and problem s o f c h u rc h through. The n o f th e s to te Id ah o B a p t i s t edged thnw gh a

m en pounding os th e ir flsU.

ngelism fo r U ta h , I d a h o a n d closing_^ i]i gn , T ,lB > .n^nptiB t—H Q g e v e t^ d u ile p rog ram wTu be lau 'n c h edn cooperation w i th o the f^ The-imion-fch u rch c s o f th e A m e ric a n of permitung sotbap tist convention. 5^ . “,

DwbUng of bipusms ‘" '1 A^excepUon wlUshlp Is Uie dual goal o f the SO- m q ,aonih p r o ^ The ^ v . M r. Crow ^ “ -cololnted out this could m ean a 84 auddenriw-Mnl increase In present mem- ,» r .h lp .fo r_ U ^ .B ap .t tttt_ . p S S d S S ^ o l-Achlevemenfol.tlie gaoIa.sui.lKt. ooii.determ liied-iealUed by local church w m alU ee dsjnage" to tx Ilnnlng. training ot lay eVannellstlQ'Islton and simultaneous revival >me walkout «lervlM* In tha-local cb^T«he*, be 300,000 Ingot to nAid. - ' • .T he only remrlneonanaoo , U ieBev^M r. C«w H JH as-ettdtB T *itressed the importance of pnwer eompanle* whld usd personal dedlcaUon In «chle*tag- union'* demand 1h a two hlBh goals. _____________ hou r pay packM'

•n>a Rev,. WUUam J. Keech. New ih e -w a g B ^ ra a f lfo r t City, member-of-Uw-board of thoae-^hlch-dealiducaUon and publlcaUon. spoke on ------------------------'Our Untapped Resources as Bap- 4ists.-H e said chrlsUans have ade- f - juaW resources for any opportunity)r responsibility. However, -thB lack V)f Christians U not In th a lr -re - . . . . -lources. but la a right concept of l _ F / vitewardshlp,” be explained. i U

BapUsU operaU In the Kingdom)f God wlUi a poverty complex and a d i s t r ic t <I de<peraUon-p*ych9togy-when Uiey ^lave at hand all the spiritual re- a f te r n o o n to .lources, Uib InteUectual, embUonaL. ^ i U ^ ^ f - u n l aaecuuva acumen, uib puyU Ealand g a k e r s e t 10 inaterlal resources Uiey could poe- “ ^ 7dbly need to do Ood’s will, be told t e n c e , -T h e tvleiegates. _______________e a r l i e r convicl

The Rev. Mr. Keech pointed out D e fe n s e A ti h a t UiB Americaa BaptlaU com-jrlse about onaim e'hundreth of the n o t d e c la ed w.wpulatlon of the United S tates and n t e m a COUrt..)robably get about Uie sam e pro- T u ea d sxirUoa of lU Income. ^

SUU Uiey raise about tU ,000,000k year for all church purposes, he 'lald. The answer Is found In.tlUiIng JLI6 I 6 n S 6 .he Rev. Mr. Keech said. .

'Ihe morning session began at 9 M A a t l T II, m. wiUi a worship period led hy l U C C l U lhe Rev. Frank McCray, Nampa. BOISE, AprU Si4ew pastors were Introduced by Ihe welfare ofncers'tev. Dwlght Dodson. Salt lA ke C l^ . o f the federal dv

A business meeUng w ith tbe ap- traU on met herwlntaent ol oommlUee*. » teport piane-for coordlily the board of mahagera and a Idaho, Washing

TbB meeUng adjourned a t noon. - j , .Jesilons eonUnued a t 1:30 p. m. tw«

The Rev. John Anderson, apeak- Sl'JnS” n ~ » ng Tuesday filght* .dw w upon U* eiperlencei In Assam to defend he "ulUmaU aim and value of «“« « « *w k In Uie foreign Held In the light -)f present day condlUona." ,

The Rev. Mr. Anderson, now eon- of >“ “ n ^ ^ icniiaitd u P m i. C a tu a I) mord were *ch*t

-------------------------- Inary plana are a

Baseball Scores_ tm rrn > n a t

Pint game: R H E uona forces an St. Louis :iz:u<ll o o r i ic i^ 'o n r - t r '(isualU es and Sew York — 010 101 OOO— < s X i.fl«,oa9, a sum

Cain, Paige and Courtney; Rasehl, reports (bowed McDonald and perra. • — ----------------

SSi!:z:=:SSSS!t1 ‘Ike’ScTracks aad Batts; Parnell and ^

Clsrelind a t Philadelphia, night; . - J S I t .^ ic a p , at Washlngt<^ 3, twilight- ^

* '----------- ---------------------------- « « “ * « • « Ota.■---------NATIONAlrtESmJK^ - $2 issaeh ijiS I* ‘l

-tnrt i « _ ^ topped Sen. Robe-------- ^ two to ot

ChuRhTDnire.'':Mdsul HelnWT- man and Burgeu; Kelloy. Lown andAtweiL ®** delegate tIi ''***“• ~ » t« a a ii- a r i tieSew York ____________ 001 f t - I 2 ^ t l ^ “ S 2anclnnat|-...;;.:z=r-::= :roo0 ft^ -0

Jansen and Westnim; Perkowsklu ,d 6» l U * , gJi1?L£3Boston____ 000 010 0<»-^ 6 1 J *>“ «»® *0^n tts b u n h .....-m -« i4 ax->ai. a _ i i.xiM D hoirer w>j

OoU, Johnson. Burdette, IW el, lh .t to . OOP pi Soaley aad St. Claire: blckw o. f la libed a ^ ^WUka and Oaradola. anver In th s D«-Brooklyn at St. LMiU,' nl8litr: -----. ' .................... .... 1..1- .. ' --aN B ho in r-iK

4E$DAY, APRIi..iBO, 1962 .

jpeMjEsA®On Steel

Most 0-n rS B U R G H , April SO WASHlNGTi ) — A ngry CIO U nited the strike-idled el W orkers walked o u t dispute directly 3SS th e nation today, cu t- The justice c f o ff 95 p e r cent o f th e trict Judge Da n try ’s steel production. Pine refused tcolerce was Teported In the -----------------------sburgh area a* union plckeU _ _ _ed Use iJfinta' following OIO l i ' l * _ J ildcnt Phlllp Murray'a "cease. J i

Aotos Stoned itomobtIes_leavlnB planU In the ^•studded Mbnon'gahela river I j i l jsy were stoned. W orters on foot J Jostled. The tinlon sent aom d ivnfn?- fn ' fli, ks into the s treeu to help pbuce . ‘V a tc r in th i ire Older. r ivers continue■. D. S. Steel's Clalrton plant, pressed t h a t le'

:wM*a«mag«rA'unfonT!iKtI^er, accused of faUlng to *pread Tiave been cutwalkout order.^iad to be reacued , At Hailey, fi

u d . w „ t o 2 ,2 isupervlson were denied entraaoe ta ins, how ever h e V. S. Steel p lant there. At observers fee Ceesport. plckeU. blacked the wnb>r eance if the NaUonal Tube com- " ‘^ h e r w a t« r c y, refusing to permit car* to in th e f u tu r e \ e out. A union aound truck off is Very slo ' ded to Uie plckeU to let the car* But even If th lUgh. Tbe machines 'finally water In the mo Kl through the crowd w ith the of Carey are heaiI pounding on their sides With now Uiat the U t r flsU. down. Water no

Closing Proceeds over Uie mala V

^roM U '^e 'r^Sosiw ^- tte -m U ls w « rn w ^h B = i -proceeding In an orderly fash- town- h u not b The-unlon-foUowed-lta-custom water baa subald

>ermltUng some mea to aid In busy trying to d cooling and banking of furnaces before more w< uevent damage. from the mounUn exeepUon waa a t the Bteuben- Wkier stm oov« s, O., p lant of WheeUng S ted Uie JancUon of xwaUon. -Confusion- resulUog naU and hlghwa a the suddenneaa ottbe.iniH SUt neers are sta ^ er mterfered w ith tb* ^ td o w n eye oa th* LKtt Mdure- Offlolate .a id they-had Wd*«* hav*-b« .detOTilnwl " tba-e itenL -eU he far. t ^ , , r o ^ lage" to o3ke ovens, open cceU have been et

h u .f V'.r.'.i.— - • Hl|phg«ytannr h e walkout will ooat th a satlOB KOpeaed W alna000 Ingot tons of stetf • Aoelna* e c * ^ h e only remaining proAactleifal BeboeVofflelali 1

in '* demand for the 'SB-cent-ln- a A Schnppet r pay package recontmended'by easlaaer, said twc r M r r a n i a u a z i R R c r r t Tse^h leb -dea l wiu» oUiar untoos. -;--40wiiiwte-»-a

JonYictioii for iD Poaching Is t

A d istric t co u rt jury--required only 16 m :e rn o o ^ to ^ d ^^^th Jay

i c e r le t iV a . m .T rld a y as t h r ta n i r f o r p i ice, -The tw o - already are acrving j rlier conv ic tion jn . juaUce.court.Defense A tto rney E a rl E . WaDcer'a^d We t decided w h eth er he will appeal th e case ■ im a court.- , Late T ueaday, Prosecutor Max Lloyd filed i --------------------------—----------- to dismiss d u

efense Leaders “ T i rMeeting in Boise

lo isB . AprU 80 OLB-MecUcai y d eUmtoated all [fare ofncers' from region pm* »^j«nce Juds the federal dv ll defease admlnls- e ^ o ® c o . j u a s Uon met here today to dUcuw ed Lloyd s l ne-for coordinating ot formal dlBTO ho , Washington. Oregon and c h „ g e s . The

> secUons—medical and welfare, nesday .Iph O arrett. Beattie, regional two a'ute witII defense-medical and welfare eariSer Tue«lay leer, directed the on«-da]i set- ealled on* ita t

J a i« t t u id I t was Ute m irt m**t- fenie before tte of lu kind for U u region aad menu from the

rd were *ch*dul*d afU r preUm- s t ^ o n s tr m ' 17 pUna are approved. retired a t 4 :» ]

---------------------------- Dr. J . WoodscWA& TOLL HIGH gUt, taiUfled hi

FNTTKD NATIONS. , H. Y.. April trousers. a t o WV-Twenty-two monthi of war ecraplnn «ubnUt Korea hav*-«o*t tb*’UiaU«d-Na. sarvaUon office ns forces a n esUmatMl 419,4M Uood. Walker's ualUes and Ute *ommunlsU dence were oven I6/M9, a summary of arallabli sweeley. testlf; Orta showed today. .(OwUaarfta:

[ke’ Scores Resounding ‘ ^^V fassacbusetts^ioSTON, April 10 m - T h a TOU ^

asachusetU primary today. Be total of three. pedSen . R obertA .T aItbybetU r Return from' n two to on* tn tb^ rtates' l.TW pre<

m u S w .’>«2IU delegate T lo tay threw blm In-a 371-371 tie w ith T aft In Ui* i« 5nber of delegate* to th* party'snlnaUng coafmU on committedr a r . I t ta k * a » 4 vote*tonomlnaUi- o p p prasidw ual of ItassatiiueelU ' U deltgaUs “ .“ '1. “ *®??^1 one full vote.' greater than tbe I one i w vuiA the^ther candl

l i M 1 to B«u B U K .I- . 11,1, r t o . ^ l»_ lh . D uiK tm U . p o p u lu in u „ *riaU M b “ »• '■ ........... fl»M Of DkDM;aN B ho!!n r^ iN e»« iha»< u»- &oodraa&mi:

7 -.'

4 J - * * T

eel Seizun t o f J n A u sWASHINGTON, April 80”<U.R)—T ha govern

ie strike-idled steel m ills Ih governm ent poa ispute directly to the aup rem e court.The justice d ep artm en t took th e case to th

rict Judge D avid A. P in e form ally signed a ine refused to hold up h is o rder. H e h ad rul

Floods in 3 Riv( Continue to Si

W ater in th e floodlner. M alad, Big Wood ai ivers continued to subside W ednesday and : ressed th a t levels would drop even fu r th e r be: r tum ed w arm again in th e m ountains. Cor emainB-in-the-wBtersheda-of each o f-the riv« tave been cu t'cdnsiderab ly b y the’coolerw ea At Hailey, f o r exam ple, th e w ater in th e I

J dow njo 2 ,2 0 0 second l e e t a n d still falling, sins, however, there i s m oro .aiibw th a n 6 bservers feel th a t m uch ;Igher w ater can be expected G .1 the fu tu re unless t h e run - X r i U l O i t is very slow. f r iBut evea If th e re Is more f l o ^ J j d ^ f l T I

'Ster in Uie mountains, realdenU w a a a *f Carey are heaving sigh* o f reUef a iow Uiat Uie U ttle Wood river U .llf AJ owa. Water no longer Is flowing ^ver Uie mala vehicular bridge In bTOLBY, Apri M cammmlg ^nd .a iU io u g h ^ trnnlmi tha urea rett-ne inhB -atT ersion aouth of jc-Waidr'AlfflD7 own- h u not been repaired, tb* nrat degree mup rater baa subsided. W orkm en-a» Mr*. Alice-Waid usy trying to close Ui» huge gap ( . n Wednesday i •fore more w ater eomea down court bsr* bifore rom the mountains. Op to 'noon aWider stm ©over* the highway a t .elected ftom th i

he ItmcUon of highway 89 alters .had been e w t laU and highway 33. Army engi- Bedke, Ward-* al

ar t ^ spring and replacem ent hfi- c s ts^ v * f e n esUiMied it'WOJOOT opmion la the d TTI,K...y « w«a _ C _ _ ____ 0 *u

mo* a a d T tB tria l bein

^ ^ t 'S n d a l i . yald

S C Wst' thU week. . ^ pounced ^ t a <

« 5 a ae r? S 3 ’S ^ c 5 T O t«V T ebeen »<icviw a a u atgtiwai ^ y a> .u m S d ^ a w j*----40wiiiwt*-»-F»«»-S.-C»N— 11 defendant.--------—-------------- - U tha 11

EoriDeer_ii E » ” -Is Upheld

*• attorney, la enUIid only 16 m in u te s T u e s d a y tory ehalteagea.' iM ton and J u m e . W . -Werat :,fter. D jatriet JudiW P t ig h A . .tawf m ua um 18 h o u r -fo r p ro n o u n c in f f -< e n ^ -ui# d e fw sa s im a re a c r v in g . s e n te n c e s . _ f ro m

^ e r 's ^ a W e d n e s ^ h e-has->eal th e case to tha s t a t e su - sent te............................. ........ ........... Ward waa-aeicLloyd'filed a fo rm al m o tion o dismiss c h a rg es o f un law - jjading* by doc* ;ul possession o f a d e e r ca r- turned o w to j » ss against W ^e«t ^ u s e lie c o u rts d ^ s l o n t h a t a waa arlearch w a rra n t w as n o t good t —sUminated a ll o f th e s ta te 's T ‘ ji^dence. Ju d g e B aker follow - J J l X j C l id Lloyd’s m otion w ith a [ormal dlBmiasal o f th e Jiarges. T he appealed cas® u>n>eeralgte d fo r t r luHVed=r lesday. — • - muniit ■ SQQ-t

TWO a'ute witnesses w ere caUed damaged four c iariSer Tuewlay afternoon. W alkar near-tba-Talu.i sailed one s ta te witness, & M . air engagement Sweeley. as a vritnes* for th e de- F-as Americ lehie befor* tho Jury b e a rd a rgu - nom heriag 'the senU fnm tbe attorneys and in - tbe day. took o i rtmcUons from th e court, l h e Jury ttim of da ratiiwi a t S'SO n . m . A marine p

W o S s S i ^ patholo- rut, tatuned h e found a ta ln . o a

icraplng* submUtted to him ny eon- .arvaUon officer*-contained ^ blood, walker'* , owectloo to evi- ^ J ^ ^ t a t Jenc* were overruled. . j , t n tribute to

sweeley, tesUfying aa a balUsUca naUonal red fa

►unding W in S Setts “V « t e ^ € o n n ttrlct delegates p lus two st- la rge v aU eyw . the e

loUl of U t f * e . ' j i J l v a ^ a i r UReturn from a ll bnt 13 of th a bewL

_ K o r ^

DemocraU: K - e f a t i v e r « 4 a i ;t a c ^ o t l w man 1,110: T aft 4.4M; D6ver, 3M 9; .

5teT«nion 1317,------- -------- " ‘riDAHOANStoenhower'a. oombtoed RepobU- WA8 KINOTO

ean and Semoeratto vot* w as. f a r form*r Idahoan ireater tban tb e ballots e a a t for a ll to m ajor generi the^tber candidate*. - .......... d ro ^ n c n r eblal

ilfalr and voters ofboUtnakioT p a r- aoetaa a t th* Ue* iprinkled baUota o re r a .vU a Abeadnitli'aBCTfltM of nUMC ta c M M r 7%vi a i 'a U ta f D oodr a rA W U u iB u S S j l



>«•*■ 't f CiRgliUM F B ICI u4 ObIM rraa

ire^Rulmi ustry Clo

ha goverament asked th e c o u rt o f appealf im en t poaseHion for six d ay s w h ile It^tal t .case to th e appeals co u rt fo u r h o u r s aft< - signed an order re tu rn in g th e m ills to le h ad ruled yeaterday in a n h is to r ic decii------------------------- ---------- d e n t T ru m an -

• . under th e c n I V P r f l indui I . V l y _ C l O ----- fo re t h e selzui

. ^ m ‘a . ( JusUea departn

io SubsideJ Wood and LItUe Wood sday and hopes were ex- j S i m ^ tenm fu rther before the w eath- wonld interfere itains. Considerthle anow ftnggflg . P t t o g o M k » r iv m -b u t .n i iK > t t .-:(»Ierw eatttrr--------------E a i S t T r S Sir in th e Big Wood riv e r uloye* might la' ;U1 falling. In the m oun- a*vedone*c w th a n has oelfed iand ^

•ial Started wabhI ^ n Sanity Test./-V <» » 1 who do no t retaOf Almo Man

d w « m 5 d » * r f h l ? S r t ^Allee-Ward.-on M atoh-trJje*«redne*lay momtog ta district ber* bifcre Judge Kales Lowe. to noon no Mrora had been i n d e n t TTun

«d ftom the Jury panel b u t U i ’ ■ i' been esamloed by H erman pcrOl]« enr n a t

e. W ard’s attsney, aad she by the defcns* of

C ^ o y

on u i''th e * ca » '^ * ® * '’ **"“ 4ect b e ( « t t» J t

e t r i a l ^ b ^ ^ h ^ la^ tfsM r t

h ^ ^ o wl«H th» gunt:<>r in-

tba ju ry ttnda tbat W ard la xUg* r e tm S S ^he then wUl be tried on tb e pa rtm en t and «degree munSer d u v m th * p f r > a n d . t t» « ^

I added. Vtfl ip p ra lr 'iw puse-th» anrent-trtal i r a - e l f f l jja rtm e n t-to o Wnattatnen*n-ta>U «l:tofo« seab-ootnt.aMnptory challenges of Jon**, l a p n a td e n t T O ial for Srstdagieam urdar-each a ldoed a ateel-tfney is enUUed to 10 pcyemp- aeriooa to JtB tltchaOeagea.' s e in re , keptta:<-a statem ent to Uie pesai M d - n * v s t t o a t t to . 't e ^ l a t e e ^ t l u ^ . b g ^ t f

attorney toiprove Ward H in - tb e o Ia U . . now. oUierwti*,b«raadBd.-tho — » -

*.T^ct-m ust;be-ta^aw r-of

Sent te BbAfeet - I * -atd w aa-aent to BUckfoc*-tor -m tio a . and .w ai-re tiB a«l to . I r T O g lsy Baturday. A sUtement a t ■ ^ O ;Ings by doctor* a t Blackfoot waaed over to Judge Low* b o t th a t JP OF m e n t U not *d» li»ae in a r t - .

ic» tto»a «■ T f % o i» -i» 1)

i x - J e t s S h o l S f f i A a

D o w n t y U . N .KHJLr-Sowa,: Aptll 80 W----- l i t e S tiriean pUoU ihot down six com- nian. estlmatae U it W O -U Jet im d r tu j J a V tiomlaged four other* la brief flgbta ■>>.««». «« r-tba-T aht river today, tb & l tn t engagement la f in days. therapists,-as Americaa •SabreJets. o o t- .. . . . . . mibering ' the enemy- tbrosghout »(ni‘day. took a*dltfortb*kflls a ad ford h is h scboo * of the damaged planes. S S g L ' ^ J ^

marine plane damaged th e “ ****•2 L “ ^ w ? i L S M n ^ ^ • W a H a o * ;ters a^acked laaOiemeck f l » t - A ern iM 'iH tL ' i o m t o pjuadlng a railroad

ieaawbile. oomaunlst artilleryM bed heavy barreges-oo-the« ra fron t a t nightfall, apparent-I triba te to May day. the In lerronal red holiday. The V. N.led with IU trie guns. ,ther secton 3 tha fro n t re- “ed ao stew ed up arUDery fire ^ . “ 5re t B ot then It was possUila

e rN K c a a rB s i sy o n the *astem fnsnt. O. N . May M .w hm w p* a l» repulsed a series o f red W n a a a r iltur - l ttacfa-wt*t-e^M^mdmr Woodeee-fteed- p ^ ~ a « r ih w « A 'b f-^ e im tte h - ' j" " ’“ jiT...... ....

K o r e a - T o D G a i n s ^ —AamNOTON, ApHI so («)•> LvM atlea ab ounoed U. B. baUle casualUea . Uanad operatli toea reached lOTM today, a a ladustztes :«as ease ot 3M alne* last week. fay It«Hm&ta) ~n>ABOAN nOKOTKb ■ “ - ASHINOTON, Aplll M «V-A w Idahoan h u % promoted S i S L £ '5 f f sajor general W. BanyAbsn-

ties a t th* M U ien -JTiwSK

f e n a lnmoM 'MmM

raioB sOBastSft/-fiB

B i g ; IC l o s e d It o f appeals today t b J W w h ile I t take* Oie B d w » —

hours af te r F e d ^ . : ^ H

m: T rum aT i' had 'no pow »a- th e consUtutione t h e in d u stry and^thew - HI t h e seizurej tlca departm ent Uwy«W.


m, dedaloo ttw ' tz f n vnioht lawfttUy striks-aU l - ha>e done so." tltt

r-•‘tb n * -J e o im r t^ ^ 7 ^ _ ^ _ L ^ *

Bullejin ■ f l

Of th e s te d tadsrtty. .

,» e ta i« tb » jn d < a H r o T O j ^ ^ ^ i ^ B



E r o g r a m -

- F o r 9 t ) # i ^in -w toatetingr


R d tii''« i> n .''aB f'v^^y '£9 f '--^Hne, w ill p e r t ^ ed cpM kK ta D r. K aiiw m..T ir iaX a n d answer p w d - w g" i Sawyer iw etteg end wffl

<lBat. wia a tour cd the

wUi i» a« rnd :itfM M |nn |tr^Hb u a . - ' c -Id member.W BM

r 13 w h T O C T A e j e W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

■ o d a a» -0 » * * -w £ 5 rji^ ^ |^ ^ J

aduKrtes - w »

Baptists Talk O nE ^ansion And Revivals

nw M with the Atn«rletn BapUirl Fontca U lulon •oclaty. ipake lr

~ J)1*M Of Dr. Reilben E. Nelson . >' a r i f l o ^ aAsduled to ddlver thc

‘Hi* fonoer m lsdontrr told the pMton and delesat«i th tt (Ivb aod

iblnlag In the d a rk n u t: the da rk - -BW -hienrt-Tet-portrdow n:— —

He said he m u ld t f ; to answer tor the conTentlon the question. “Dot* U M7 to ae»a mluloruiTlM to » trat«^ plaeee?" .

He dted the dlf/lcuUIu he hnd n e t on returnlnff to the Assam

' mlation a t the ead ot. 184S. T lie buUdlngt were In a sU te of general

. . dettrwUDa atU r havlnc heen oc- _ eupled br the Japanese., the E ng-

Uih and ilnallr Indian refugees. Than there «er« th e dlKlculUea n o t eonWbuted by the war; Ifncrance, pow ty, dUeawand waste.

Tet, be told the usem bir in th a BaptUt church, the mission convert- •d trtbeimen in two a u rb r vtl- lacte who had resisted OhrlsUan toaehlnii for the 60 years of th e

-eompoifi wiperJence.In he asked the crowd to

nmanber that IK ht mar put ou t darksMs twt darknesa can never ex~

'**^ili*Rfl?^Henniai C. Rlee. T w in M b , welwmad th e coai'eniJon to

----- Mifio Valley and to the Fi« t Bapitil t ehureh. Tbe R e r. James B a v ens. Boiae. lave the response. W or­ahip was ied by the R er. Dallaa X. frenoh. Idaho FaUa.

fa a te n M eet Badnntaii a t 10 kJn. Tuesday

- .iriotnlni.jUw fn ita r'4 -O oo ta tu ica .----- udJhaJW cnan-a-BApUst Ulsaton.‘— urSwtitrcMvenad in thi ehureli'

tor all-day seasloaa.Tht Rev. VUUam J . Ketch. New

- Tork Oily, 1tlthll<ht«d the a tte r - s « o p»ttor‘»-»e«aV«j wtlh a t« \k on stewardihlp aod mlasionary edu- caUon plans. He was aohrtuled t« dlscuti tbe subject •'How a Pastor Can Promote TMhln*." hut ha d e ­parted ftom his assigned nibject to dIseUM the basic them e of nicoess-

' tui cbureb finance—a n education ' ' program In tba tlald o t atewsrdshlp

and missionary work.EdneatloB Needed

Tha speaker pointed out that only 41 per cant of the church mtmber-

- ihtjr^TCBtnwite- to-«uppcM Bg~the work ot the church. The problem

___ltJhoiLi«Lt«ch-tfio_im tapped_i»-tentlal. The answer la educaUon of ehurch membera to the Import­ance of the stewardship and mla- alonary tlsMJ, tha Rev. Mr. Keeclf laid.

Mlsdonaiy and stewardship work ahould be part ot th e total church

— program, t£ ? T » V T W rK » « ir ia n r- ’Ihe eaitor-must assume a leading

arole in tbe profram. The women“ o r j l i r c K f f th " n « d 'K tlp Jn-th6If

cf w ort- - A.Ureli BuesUon aad-answ ar-pe.

xlod toUowed tba UUc.Otfleara Sleeted

Maw itate Baptist officers were elected durliw tha bualoesi seuloa. Sleeted br aedamaUon vere W.

^ IJo d liy -O W tto -.-R lip e rtriM ad a tr - '—Richard Oanler. U elb*,' rlee preal- ;

dent; Xmut Etuchbery, PlnehUrat. •eentaty - treasurer, and C e c i l '

__ B n n , Pocatello, m ln lstefs council .ot the American B aptist committee. ,

------ “A—Men's—O o u n e l l —ln--Yonr ;__ Gtunch* w u.tha toplo o t discussion ,

tgr Banld Kelson, Botae. lhe Rer. A « m Grow, Salt Lake Olty, ,

-a«adlt*cteoteTan*eU»mforUt*h. 1 Idaho and Montana, ^xike on the ’ tmiapw t of a nationwide rerlral and ,

‘ D r.^ M ^ Obm, WMhlngton. D. '‘"■0 ,tiyn«ted the-attemoon meetln*

^ T H e H o a p i t ^ ^

. . TUtlsf- boun a t. Maglo-Valtoy ,UenuTlal hospital sre trom 3 to 4 ,

__ and t_tei I.p. m............ ......... ,ADMITrED

' t o . Prai* Krueger. Harold Holm- ' tiulst, Rarmond Alberdl, Joaeph A.

Boyd, 0 . W, Leech, Barry Drake. ,t o . O. A. Poeter, J o a ^ OarUsle, . t o Beniy Buchanan aod Mrs. ,Vlotortna flawyer, a ll Twin Palla; ,

- toTH elrtn-W eD hauaw r-anil Srtc 1 Basmusten, both Kimberly; Beott ‘ Spaeth, I a M Miller a a d Mn. Wil­liam Lata. Jr. an Jaroone; J. W . , gw urto t^H a tw and RobertHoUl- \

DJSJOksro I ICis. Winn BKwn. M n. \7Ulam

emi and t o John BiiddbL all I . -TirlanUi: toBueIL«dbeU«rand

W e Rasmussen, bot^i Kimberly; : t o . WUUam AldrJeh.ftod t o UU Dans, both Buhl; Mrs. prank Nebefcer and aon and U n . Lyman .. Siokas, aU MurUugh; Mrs. Andrew ^ Ropwjn and t o Ooldle Oray "

both Eden; John Hlmlng, ^ -Rapert; to a > c « - l£ a h « -a n d ^ . ^

filer, aod t o Bamy Wood. Oood* ^Ing.

“ =1 Weather |r r o a w and AP Reports «

,l€a*Je VaUe^-MeaUr clendy to- ■UIU aad Tharaday wilh few abew. i*' r n Lew tonight about IS;

. U gbnaraA ay about O . Twin Falla --- l«gy»«tC T a t » a je. ^ _ is t aeen 7 t ^

i l ; ^


B w i g V W e r g ^ oTtT the

- ■ M f f l S ' i t r o -

T f l l l r I Keep the W hite Pi»g of Safety Flying

Qgionvivals•lean BapU rt ; gly. ipoke In ^I E, Nelson, J) deliver th e — 3 ^idrtM. >$} 3 'sry told th e 3ihst five andIn toe ly>8lB ■ ________^ S J ________

WotP th r e e da j/s tr'ftftouf a j£ g / / J c - a c a t fU 7 t.D u r M B f f ic .

he question. 'mluionarlM of the Women’s Baptist Mlsslenarr

society of Idaho. He eald the Onlted Itlfs he hnd Suites Is a missionary country—mil-

the Assam lions need to be won for omist.;f. IMS. T lio M ost Aid Europe !la of general j f we find Jesus Chrint, we must ; '*• to others. Breryle. ths Eng-. Baptlal-m ust ba a missionary. The »n refugees, jmall European Baptist church , H l^ O a an o t membership U not indicative ot their •; Ifnorance, value and worth. Dr. Ohm said. We

* »tron« responslblUty for th# j rably In th e Europeans.

D »-O hm pointed out tha t Europe ] nKH.tT«« •* Ohrt^tlan oonunent. Two l

ha''« >»«un there and a < -ears of the_ ^ developing. Wem uit work to save ^ ro p e , he esld. «

he crowd to JnstallaUon of officers followed t lay put ou t Dr. O hm’s address. InsUUed were i in never e x - Mrs. E rn es tJo h n so n , Blackfoot, I

_ president: M r* ,-0 .-0 . Hargrove, s Rice. T w in Boise, vice president; Mrs. W. 0.

MontfoaiBry. Melba..rlco-president j i P lrt tB a p - o t ml»slon.i: Mrs, W, E. AlUwn. t Janies B a r - caldwell. vice president ot ChriaUan i on«. W or- lervloe: Mrs. O. Judaon amlth, Mos- i r. Dallaa B . cow. rice president of missionary

and stewardship ediieaUon; Kathy- G ‘ ran Ptanklln, Kuna, rice president tl“• ■naaday ©j Christian training; Mr*. Howard r Lit M ission' 1tbe ehurca en; Ada Van Cleave, Aroo, wcord- E

!"* and Mra, B. O. Rob- ‘o m n . now iBjon, Moscow, treasurer. *•.1* a S l k '.M rs ;.W « th :w rU h t;.id * h o P ^ ll^ .:• Ion* * reported th a t the love gift presenU- • a f f i . d to “ 0" ‘’“ '1 been oversubscribed by J

mort »300, In view ot the tac t <Ih.1? if« rfi, th a t to da te I1J55.79 haa been Iw biSrt to «nWt>uted agalmt a goal of ^ of ViflflMT the group voted to boost next

«0»> to M.OW- T*'" lo'^e SPrasentoUon Is an annual Rift P money by (he woman's aoclcty

to Baptist mlsslong. ti.II Jhif n n i . Banquet In Church ^ h Tuesday conferences oon- ^

* lu d td i» ltlr* Jd ltp = m rrb « n q n « tr ^ addresjed the men’e ban- ^

t-nS S ^ ouet In the Christian church. Har- ^jra-Helson-wmrtoinmmster:----------- ?

‘The Methodist church was host ?! a ^ C s to the women's group. The Rev. Mr.

M T K eeclf N

dihlp work ___ Ul

^ r i aI"Started ^- a leading - - - - - - - - - tt.

J —-In'^Sanity^est u_two-Helda ___ ____________ ______________

m™ , Of Almo M an ,(fnm r t f Omti ^

^ »*•>■ 01*rWale, Arls. His mother's iicers were was found ituffed In tho trunk esi s e s .1 ^ of hla automobile. A loaded rifle

7-i and-sevaral-hundt«d-r«unds o t-am - munlHon .also were found In .tb e {*

tl:* car. He told A rtnna otflctaU ha^ ®'>‘*>er during an SId C e c i l nTBumeat. __ Mi

f s council - p a th e r of the 'atcused man Inad- ^ «r^.nU y__help^_hU __«m - eK ap t ~ when he helped Ward tree the I automobile from a roudhole in front *" ot tbe Ward home. Tha elder Wanl thought hla wlte was a t a church

i . «n aeetlng..n r t County ahertff Saul Olajk

tn v a ia n a w ard, a World war n veteran. iil]qiiini>i tTMt™ nt.ln-«-m anUV —

ilngton. D. I- "" > y"Ma^c Valley <

Pnnerals ^— —— ' TWIK PALLS-Roaary wUl be re- 2

S'e H^rry J. Martins . * om 3 to « * t 7:*0 p. m . Friday in the Reynolds •

.......... tuneral home ehapel by tho Bev.a *» Father Prancla Peterson. Requiem

T ^ S , A* » “ » 'w MUbratod a t 10 a. m. Saturday W St. Kdwart's

h 'n S u iS ' Catholic church by the Rer, Father Interm ent will be made tn

« ’* cemetery. The re.imilTwA w lU-be recelred Thunday

T l ^ ^ t t Oceanside, Calif.

TWIK F A I iS —Funeral services S k i i n i i i ’ t o M lnorra Plynn WlU be held

A t.a :M -p_w ^Jrtday-1n-thfr-M eth- — odist church with the Rer. F . W.

In S u M e t* j!^ < S a l* ^ t Frlends_aifcy c»ll a tthe Twin Falls

I mortuaiy trom 1 to 6 p. m. 'Thurs- . I day and B a. m. unUl noon Prlday. ^

& B X m L rr — Funeral aervlcea torrA a S e w Crotts WU be held a t a p.He Ora? “ * ^ ‘‘*y •* th e Bupert LDB taber- Hlmlng, '’1

Rlrerslde cemetery tn ;Heybum-

BHOBHOKB-Roeaxy wUl be re- . c ited to r MaAua A. OUleu a t 7:90 /

» p jn . Thursday in - th e B urdett tu . /n e ra l home. M ass wlU be celebrated I

^ a t I a jn . Friday a t S t~ Peter's rady «*. «hurch with th e Bev. Father T . c . n r ib e w H alpln, celebrant. Burial wUl be

I f . m ade In 'the Richfield cemetery.

. ALW OK-Oraveslde rites tor M r s ,___A ^ H a l e will Iw conitiirtiH< »t t.h» ___

^ Thuraday. F riends m a y talV*?t s» . ' th e Payse mortuary, Burley, until M -tbe time of the service. Rites wiu be

-ff--------een*ieted-tr-tfaomt-eniptO'*N6r C -------Jl— :ti -O r te n im n e n rm s r” ------- —

- Z j g g g g g g S g g I m

r ' l ^ Y o u ^ i

s I MAY WIN I i " *50.00 I '

^ S t 3 r5 o rS « * * t th ‘ IMOTOR-VU 1 The.

SS1SS County'Notes Schedule for Special W eek i

three clubl «UI conduct * tour o t ' the business houses.

■ \ " fo u r clubl o f-lh e B uhl area.the Women of Ihe Moose. V IP 's Bew- , Long, snd Home Improvement, w ith ' Mrs. Le; Sprsdhng as chairm an, have prepsrrt window displays In .

________ t te y i j .

: w ithout a • « PfoducU o f home ^M „ i , . demonstrstlon work with mother-

our.M agic, d a o g w e rta ih to n n jrw o m in n ih g r ' «On Ssturdsr. deslgnaud as Twin ’

I FaUs dsy, the four local clubs will i1st Missionary ‘ show beBlnnUig Js l d t h S o S p. n>-W the AmerlcMi Legion 1

tor o iw st. Mr. telsnd A. Han-’ien. Twin Palls, ' „ Is chalrmsn for the area, w ith Mrs.

Irm we mu»t Lounhn'UHr. sewing. Mrs, ‘SS'r, S S S S :

“ ?huT?h ■’ ^C'ne 'of the Juriior'bulld 's jwr- ^tloa o l the aft*moonls"UnderwMld •»

«irt w i Fashloni." The demonstration .WIU be conducted hy Mrs. E arl Clsrk. <

IblUty for the ModeU will be Mn. Stanley Walter^and Mrs, Horace Turner. Elva <

t tha t Europe Loughmlller will sing and Oynthl» 1innent. Two Loughmlller snd Patty Orlffln, *1 there and a dance. 3 eloping. We xhe Salmon Social olub haarope, he eald. choecn a psndmother-grnnddaugh- *:e n followed ter fashion theme. ParUclpatlng wUl = nsUUed were be Mre. Lyle BchnlUcer and Ileene1, Blackfoot, Lantlng, Mr», Heber Loughmlller 13 . -Hargrove, and Cynthia Loughmiller.' ‘J

and alslerIce-president dreaaea are the Home Dullders club's

E. AWwn. p tit , In the eihlbVt. Modeling arc . of ChriaUan phlUp and Donald Bowers and Smith, Mos- Donna and Carolyn Van Zante.

f missionary ModeUng for the Syrlngn club Is J'Uon; Kathy- Sandra Kay Hendricks. Models to r blee president the LDS ReUef society are M rs. Le- <1Mr*. Howard roy Arrington. Mary D. a n d Patty £[jM ^ ^ ld e n t -*•

troo, record- Donna Lynn Buttle. M n. Dave Moon ol , B. O. Rob- and Vlckl Lee Moon. Mrs. A rt Babbel h «r. and Berma and Wendy B abbel.' uiIdaho Faiift,. : 'M 0 d 4 li.fu the raUs Avenue club « Itt presenta- Al Hsnklns nnd daughter. H'ibftcrlbed by Julene. Mrs. Nomisn- W ebb and r ot the fact daughter. Sue Ellen; Homemakers f l I has been Wavra and daugh- wgoal of II • Darlene,-MrJ. Mary S tanger and I boost next daughter, Lesh, Mrs. Prank Stevens , The love daughter, LolIU, and LaWJmn hi annual gift P o tt" - ^

lan's aoclety Three genersUons ot r ie s t* cos- tumee la the theme selected by tbe Neighborhood club. Mrs. Ruby H u n t “

re ^ e s oon- .s t*raCT^i^an- 'Huril.^gTahddaughtCT. 'Two hurch H ar. <l»ncea, a wslU dream by th e Mist ^ i^ ^ 5 ? ! L « » i d s - a n d - a - to e - d a n e i - * y - B o y V, W.1 hntt Scouts of the fln t ward wUl be ** h e Rev. Mr. d lrec«d by Jerl CrandaU. «. and Mra Second denmiijtratlon by the _

Neighborhood dub wlU be o t shoes, 11___ with "On Tour Own Two P^et" as

the theme. IntroducUon will be madef / ^ f i _____ by Mrs. Lloyd M nM a..M ra_W ard.__t V v t ^ r y wll! take Uie pa rt o t the _ - shopper,- mm,-Qelmer I rish , ' the ' T ' ^ a f friend, Mn. John Teller, the aales. X . C a i l a d / - and“ UM.“-Lyl«K-IiltUn;-thB 'q ,

t I W f l T I Following the fashion program, to! P - if A A U •B-hobby-«nnrwlIlbs-exhiblt«l~wlUi —,, to .M « 7 S tS Q |e r . Mrs. J .H . Bing- cbtis mother's Stevens and t o . ^b th S taink I" <*arge. “loaded rifle Kamea prevlaiuly omitted from c«:inds o f-am - -UiB ad rlsory-eouncU-lliting—are -Snimd In the **»• Charles Conrad, Ca*Uefor<l and ca:otftctala h e Thomas, Buhl, Veterans •;

during an ®ro“P of Young Homemokers. and bU• Mrs. Leo Bou. Twin Palis, Home, in

a a ttiu - h m m „.--------------------------------------- , a« m - ejeape.1 free th# | | » I T T L B L . 1 ^lole in front ff'iTai'wj il n i J Ki- 'elder Wanl J t a church

w Z m w u i-

i The guy who used (o alng for lo^I hia aopper wddM hare te d o .a I

111 K. ~ complete n a tla l comedy fo r a Jor J*"M^?tS; th e

le Reynolds • r the Bev.

^ G O S r e A W

: £ F O L a M Bral servicesWlU be held a_ _ _ — — - i—Ber. F . W. "lent wm be ‘

m n i d S ^will b . - '

k e n t u c k t ^ S = = s n i w e f i T = M — w h i s k e y : - ^ 4 Y B w a r o t o

I C o i l t f a r l a s t I h q n

I y ® “ " ' o u l d e x p a e l .

■‘ I ■ A i k f o r a b o f i l e t o d q y .

■•tr« I •the ■ -

. i . » P » 0F .4Y E «8O L O - .- ■ tKE.aOSCHMANN DISTILUNO COHMXATIOIl'

p OWENt801t0.KEN7IJCKV. .

\ V ” ' ' ' V *'

1 - t tm e s -n e w s . t w i n

Twin Falls Nla f o r Meeting Changed 1

7. _ Women’s Fellowship group No. 1,W ^ f ^ l r ChrlstUn church, wUl meet a t TT C C I V a ;» pm . Thursday a t the 'hom a of s

7t r i o u r o f « P _ ^ » l y announced. /

■ntiH «rM Tax Uens Bcleaaed - “ ta V IP 's fl*wJ Notices of me releaae of federal *v e S w ith tax liens against Mr. and Mra. Clar- 1is ^ h ^ lr a a n ew e Shockey, Twin P»1I.,. were tiled a■ displays in Tuesday wlUi Uie county recorder.atrlet to S “ »'** • *.I', ll''' * ^ ^

ith '^ m o ttw - V.-Calo, 338 Seventh avenue Io m in n ih s '- ' » n n e - B n r t n T i r r o r a ■*i t ^ as Twin Ju«Uce court Tuesday when he 1al clubs will Pl«»ded guilty of driving on an ex-w beBlnnbig pl” '! Ucense. He was cited by stale I;rlcan Legion POUce. _____ ^

TMTln Acrldcnt Reported IwiUi w™' W. O. Ruby. Pller. reported to 1

Bwin* officers Uiat hc was driving his td t S ^ *ub^ • '•J '” P " ' ' •u iijKiu. tu if ^ JJJ. .j-uesday and another car r ■■ouiicf? -b«cked-t^w '^llm nIe^Ila-nt^■le^^ c

K W " ,m orutratlon _ .. .! E arl Clark CernmltmeBl Withheldnley Waltera -^ohn Rlee.« . Buhl, pleaded guilty d amer. Elva o< drunkenneu when arraigned in w ind OynthiA police court Wednesday. He was as- aiy Orlffln, sesaed »3 costs and aentenced to P

30 days In the clly Jail. ComWliment »olub h u waa withheld to r slz months and

trnnddauah- Rice wm released when he paid the *clpatlngwU l colts. n

and Ileene ---------------------------

Rule Accepted 'and s li tfr _ ^ ^

I'SS'f; For Sale'Case ;i°ZatTte A noUce accepting a district court diI n n club Is judgment and abandoning his rights ci Models to r to' an appeal was tiled with the m

kre M rs. Le- of district court 'Tuesday by pi. a n d Patty Sterling Larson In his case againat re L a n a iA a n .tf e * _ e cn n tT :c« n m iss lo n e n !;;_ _ d < i-ButU^^ad- U rion ■ had-^uesttened-the-Tlght- fo Dave Moon of the cocnmUslonerB to reject his

. A rt Babbel high b|ds on Ute old county healUi r Babbel. un ll building and t ^ loU_ which JL U enue club rhey wertfoftering tw sale a t a piib- d daughter. He aucUon. A district court ruling W ebb and decided the sale was void-In the

lomemakers flrat place because noUce o t the sale and daugh- was not publlahed five Umes asJtanger and spedtled by state sU tu te j;--------ink Stevens in his notice Larson points out Hi id LaWJmn h e wishes to avoid delay snd wants pc

to permit the commissioners to con- fo Fiesta cos- a new sale in order tha t he to‘ted by tbe *> *7 again. His attorney was E. u Ruby H u n t M . Sweeley andm other Larson also accepted his three

check* which had been .d tcaslteiL ihti^. T«ro 'w ltn-thB- clerk to cover the bids IV th e Mist a n d a tlOO bond to cover costs of ^ 4 - * y -B o y a n appeal. The checkB-ftjrllO,OOl J5.- f r rd wiU be »1.W 1^ and $1,001.25 were ordered

returned to U rson by disuict court, g ,

; Mops for Jordan " Drive S tarlpil hy S

ntiS! £: Project Backers «r .VL" “ !Sfl — » ? I 8*.-APTll-«-mrTThe Idaho- L ltao , the Oregon Heib. Canyon . association .y ,

launched a "mops to r Jordan'' drive 1 program, today.ib lted -w ia Howard Fleming, itountalri Home. J .H . Bing- eb»l*man of tho commltUe, said J and t o . ib e purpose was "to provide sponges *

a n d mops to help Oov. Len Jordan M( Itted from c arry out his promise to dry up ab lit lng—are -Snate-rlver-before-lt-reiiehes-Helts In-tleford and canyon." - ____ - to!I, Veterans TesUtytng against the propowd ato Bkers. and b ig dam before a house commlttce • Ua, Home, in Washington last month, Jortajv *>'--------------- -aaJd-Tdshb's goal wan to uae” aU the

~ w ater of the river tor Irrigation be- “ J' l ^ r fo re It reached Hells canyon. thi

T h e assoclaUon, formed to pro- m o te the dam, u r g e d people

^ '' throughout Idaho and Oregon to send mopa, sponges and other ab-

H ; ^ sorbent material to It for Jordan.^ "Help the governor dry up.Snake -

.1? Hv^p wilh" TTinp ffjnrntiti —* 5 m «» “ •♦ the only way he ll ever get •-*• 'i v fV th e Job done," Fleming aald. “W atenn V (X of the Snake and Its tributaries are

T » , '|W flooding lowland areas and Jordan wUi need lots of mops and sponges

alng for' tb do Uie Job.’to d o .a Informed of Uie proposed drive,

dy fo r a Jo rd an told reporters, ''tine, teU. th e m to send them In."

' I * (

s m n r w i T H I

I M B D U Y( •R A N O )

— — rr ,l!?5EEEir?L .

lOLo- — * I kI COIVOMTIOIl ^


\ , -s'v HV;''\V\r‘vr.;/ ''i


’alls News in Brief ]' B trth ■

[Toup No. 1. A son waa boro Tuesday a t Magte wUl meet a t Valley Memorial' hospital to Mr.he 'hom a ot and Mrs. WUUam Luts. Jr.. Jerome.

announced. Aaw»eUtien te HfMl \ The Women’s Missionary assocla- 5

. tlon ot the United Brethren wlU • • of federal meet a t a p. m. ’Thursday a t the ^1 Mrs. Clar- of Mra, Ernest Ferrell, route 1.% were tiled 3, Jerome. . , ^ty recorder. -------- ,

. Marrisge UeenKS ________ J. ' — Maffiage^ licenses wcib' laaucd' .. •ft'eaa^'TSTIi'huel ■Hen'ia'riaeJ-and' *

uith avenue Dolores Savala. both 'Twin rails, ,aa w w n» -and Oarl 0 «no-Ban<lell,-Car«y;and Jy when he Kathleen Baker, Kimberly. ^

!ed"by”s t l u E ectullen VUltLieut. June Dahnal, Balt Lake T

City, and Oapt. Mildred SralUi, , Presidio, San FHnclsco, Oallf., were

reported to ’Twin’ FaUs vlslton Wednesday. The , driving his two officers yislted local army and .

ibout 11:85 air force recruiting offices In con- nother car necUon wlUi WAO and WAP re- . iia^Tits'letr cmltlng ptara; ' ----- 1"

L earn tor Base ^ U eu t Eafion Bob Sept left Mon- ®

lAded guilty day tor Ft. liiwton, Seattle, Wash., * rralgned in where he will be given an oveneas ° He was a s . aaslgnment. He had been vJslUnghls ° ntenced to parents, Mr. and t o . G. B. Sept. ommiunent <md his molher-ln-law, Mra. Jewel a lonths and HamUton. for 20. days. Mrs. Sept u he paid the ' I ' l remain In T ain Falls with her lr

• mother. t\ __ —— ■ tl

) t c d * * ^ l2 rt a'ltoTers.-Twin raUa, was lrassessed « costs and sentenced to H M days In the-county Jall Wednes-

\_ < 3 8 C when he appeared Sn police Incourt and pleaded guilty of being ai

strict court drunk on a publlc highway. Com- trI his righU mltment was •Withheld tor t ur «

wlUi the months and Rogers was released on a•uesday by payment of the costs. He was ar- at ise againat rested by a_state patrolman ’IMes-_ ’Tl

d a y -a iteniooo ' whM tl»"^Ject his him walUng^liiiit Uiotund. re

SSS OPS Looking for Sl a ta p u o - ^ n ' 1CahformaSpuds ~ "(im«“« To Aid Supplies ^s.--------- SAN FRANOI6CO. April 30 WV-poInU out Harvesting of the first major 1»5J wt snd wants potato, crop In the nation. In Call- H< :rs to con- fomla’s Keam eounty. Is expected sh ;r tha t he to ease somewhat the unusual po- an ley was E. tato shortage. as:. , Homer P. Potter, district dlree- dr

“ fT” tor of the office of price sublllta-ttgnr:»«HUha-fln f o f-itu .ettliiiated- — 30,000 carloads of Kem potatoes _ ahould. reach-grocers' empty-bins ♦10,M1J5. u ,,3 Ft

M t Ml r t Whole.«aler Eugene BlwnenUial, ^ irict courfc Francisco, noted, however, tha t _ “ distributors from all over tho U. S.i J i n •’* bidding for the crop. .l u a a 'T h e crltlcsl shortage should beI I l i y aUevlaled by the end of May,"

conUnus in short suDPly for a year . C K c I S o t more. The supply la now » per'■he Idaho- cen t-o l_ the-nonnal-datly -^n ilan- •

CarNotStolCTle sponges The IBSfl Chevrolet reported stolenen Jordan Monday evening by Oarl h. Harper,0 dry up atraut 16. 237 Locust street was back ihes-Hells In-hls-poasesalon-Tutsday.-Harper -

told city . officers thc car w a s n ’t propMtd atolen after all. His faXher had It.

Mmmlttce The youth had all sorts ofctrouble h Jordan * 'th the vehicle Monday. First he ie n a i’thT becamelnvelved in a minor accident, {atlon be. then he ran oul of gas and llnally i-on. the car disappeared._____________1 to pro- ■ . — Z------------------------

tarles are _ J i m/Iid Jordan I /7 /7 f f

d O r U W /ied drive,


Brinis MsloJolour

^ » • CAPIIUNT '7r*Mh rr««Cir>l'

H rmsiili—•uioaiillMllr. Rcwiii iinrut

;__ ^ C ipe h ir t - b e r M ^ 5 ^ U

^ ENJOV the best In '

Uon. Own * OapehMt-iQW In- r m itium ent by which all others i l l • are Judged. Hear ohw the '

Capehart Symphonle-'Tone Sys- 3^ tem brings music to Ufa. Thrill------ -to the ownmW p ot w as . —J t U rcrafted. cabinetry. B»e Ibis ~ superb value, nowl

aaW W A R M E R

^ M U S I € C O .M 133_Shetheii*N. PKenaSOI

r a . T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O

j^£ I Conviction of -T-— I Deer Slayers

Upheld Here j. expert, said he fired two shoto from

^aJTassocla. one ot the r in ta 'tound In the Johns- . Brethren will ion car and bronfftino-Jilnrby their^ay a t the offieert. Me said th e expended eas- „Ferrell, route ,.jre comporcd with various y

other sheUs tound In Uie cars and 0a t Uie scene of th e crime and aU »i

f i l l Hnrnft rifle s\e i^ r ld e r and- „u ,d y ,j ^ attr -under cer- hi

i ^ n . rails, u iq circumstances.’’ Walker again Jo U'-Carey, and ent*fea'obJecUbnif'Which w'cre-orer. 81 nberly. j,,

Under croM-examlnatlon. Sweeley in . o r. T w eald U)S buUet would leave a mark H M ZT Mtfnewhere on the animal, b u t he pt

'2*“ !: “ 1=1 * th c type involved lier i ;; ^ designed to break Into pieces de

resUUnce. The s ttU ' ah r » M IU t u . .1 3 :U . m

nd W i^ r t l WslKer, in the abeence o f the nd WAP re . . directed verdlct-of-ae- ^quittal on grounds that the state ^

............. had failed to show any crime was‘Ot left Mon- committed or tha t th e accused men Tl BstUe W ^ were connected w ith It. He pointed 11 I an A eneas ‘" 't a lack ot bu lle t wounds. HU sn vJalUnghls “ ot'on *'** <lenled.. O. B. Sept. Walker Uien recalled Sweeley ae ■ t. Mra. Jewel a defense witnes*. Lloyd objected of s. Mrs. Sept to a question ot th e wound n o t be« alls with her Ing visible because there was no igu

evidence as lo w here the deer was shot. His obJecUon was denied, and dg Sweeley aald-there-would be a pene- po

In FaUa, was trsUon of some kind In the hide or pa sentenced to Unues If Uie deer were ehot. milall Wednes- Bwetley ssid a bulle t of th c type - ' :d in police ta qutsUon probably would Wll the Tv Ity of being anlms! insUntly If i t landed equare- tie [hway. Com- tr In tbe head from a distance ot at< lid tor t ur 100 yird»-pr-loa, .Wpwwer ,'hg w ltT ~ J released on a ehot elswhere In th e body, prob- 1 He was ar- ably would not be immediately f a ta l J

Jlman ’Tuee-_ ’The defense rested a tJ iJO pJD._______tbe . . ^ t lw —In/aS iiinglfQ ^m m kU on.-Lloyd _ 1

lg U10 njadr~ revlewed“lhe tLalv'3 ^ttSe."'He~a«ld tdi------ It was unlikely Uie deer died na tu r- 1^ ' ally, polnUag o u t- th e drag 'jaa iks. inj;I.Or.--- He-alM_polnled o u t-Ja h n s to n 's Mi

• t swerving tlajhllglvt a n d a lU m pt to Wi d D U Q S roadblock. H e also pointed Cr

^ out the blood, the "shell comparl-

upplies s ’'““ iiprll 30 ifv- Walker stressed th e detendanU . major »53 were charged with killing one deer.Ion. In Call- He said the only evidence the atate , , ' Is expected showed waa a head. Imldea. blood

unusual po- and drag marks a t the scene. He J", said the evidence ended with the

strict dlree- drag stoblllea- ______ yia iT MrtT-wTp - _ *m OtCLO. A prlI-30^H r: arid ' MrT ThT m o ^ - ^ s CaroUSmlth an d -c h U d re n .-S an tr*

Prancijco. visited h la moUier. Mrs. a n BlwnenUial. ^ A. OlUette last week. waowever, tha t 'er the u . S. _crop. g ^ jX ) f iS S 8 B M |ne should beI of May," .>Uj|l I I J J n T T T W T

y for a yearnow M per' I ^ I ■ ■ ^

atly -^n iian- ---------ls.a.heaYy _

olen» rted stolen V I h. Harper, ^

ther had It. \ J U ^ )la ofctrouble V * W V ^ /y. F ln l he V X _ ___lor accident, ' “ ' and llnally

/ ___ I_ _ / _____ ______ low Pricel b y j’ Power-Orip

Regularly------- I j j

Ja«tbulIlel22°anol«. ^ ■ fowerfvl pip* wrertdi

_ letth. Short onol* «»»•. ■


m Hem ,

Scntl s m i

■ ■ P w m h, C h ise l S e tRegularly-------1.25i pl*<« ..I Indi^d.! W s , Vond H ' (do* cWhIi. S H l i 'a i id A ’ ieiidloiMr ^ H pvnchei, 'A’ can te r ' pwA Sol» pricel _ . __ ■

H « k U R N o w ,Y o u S « v rt H

»445_ __A(Wj;ote_SoWer-^dio per- • *•*«*«>?-------*-W _ 1

others « d * W ^ r 3 l ^ B «hw t t a ,|,rt,jeoL ■

T ^ l l i TMHy*olepri»l ■ b,of w as . — ............


R E A l T V A t V

ioniiol ALWAYS B E TT E R B V l

g o --------------------- ----------------- ---------


S e e n T o d a y ^5 r g -L v _ - ’^ »A -: — I

LllUe f in sunijlog on tlp-loe to r _ _ , ^ drop envelope In mall alot. . , oUver L 'C l t ? Johnson en routo to work. , . Swim.

mlng suit displays appearing in------------ gtarg ' windows. Man e tfW ag ~oto from vm load ot tatterM oomio books, ta e jo h n i- . . . u sfsau tn t teen-age driver imn. pe rrb y the ,u to hom to summon friends from ** ded eas- c»(e. . . T a « driver asleep in c ab .. i

various young couple holding taaods.. P* ;ara and Driver giving only token h«n^ m an d aU ajgiuU before making right t u n In ^

i£t_ilf|fi fBtralounIjlm .-BA yu remembering § der cer- he forgot something. . . Tom ~tr again looking w orried'sbout som ething., , wi ire orer. saeH ruU o t jroM riw pUed on of- a

flee d e d i. . . BvereM Sweeley Jok- to Sweeley ing with Mary Salmon. . . ina mark House looking quito peeuUar as ear- b« b u t he penlera remodel fronf p o rch .. . Car m

Involved licensed in Ooodlng eounty mean- ta > pieces dering back and forth across Sho- bo h e sUte- ahone street as driver has difttculty 00

making up mind, tinaUy tu n a left ca o f the from righihand la n e .. . Aod orer- o f

:t o f «e- OOUy. thaX^owboysjustabout r% ne ettte '™ nthem bow ieg*edl''Imo was ■ Ox

poln let Mimdoka Lambs lh

“ Bring Top Price ^*‘« t Maglo Valley shipment

•o’'* ‘ t *28.15 per n , n o t !«• h u n ^ w e lg h t a t-the Ogden union }}S w as no ,stockyards Wedneaday. | *eer was - Ths three-car shlpmant was con- S ’ led, and signed by the Minidoka county Iamb H a pene- pool through John Clay and com- h ide or pany. I t waa the first Idaho ship. ^ It. ment sold. ^ «h c type - The announcement was made In Wll the T^.in Falls by Ray H. Wood, area equare- field represenUUve tor the Ogden ance of stockyards.-I re -n l tr ------- JJ,IjJiS: J * a r k i n g F in e s £

L loyd - -C l ty - Q t t l^ ceUeoted M l l n b o ^ ? ! He aald- fur parkhnrrtsta tlO B rlM titli^. na tu r- Posting f 1 eaeh tor orertlme park-■jaaiks. ing. were F . J . B a ^ , N. C. Weir. 1inston 'f Mra. Q rant-SouU iw orih.-M ra.-^b Iim pt to Weaver, QrvUla Ssjdwtt. M n. S lj Ipointed CrumbUss. Mr*. Oeorge W. Janklns, J jm parl- M n, Marie Fiaher, Mrt. D. B. Sooit,3 warm John- L. Davla (two), Margaret it

T hom u, Barbara Irwin, Shirley biendanU N orral WUdinan, PhyUU “le deer Crist £le state ^ Beatty posted $2 to r over- »I blood parking in Uie poatofflce sone. O-'•-“ ‘' S Clarence M o rg e n s e n ^ te d W to r _itil the toproper parking._________ »


id ' MrT T h lr t« n Idahoana were aboard the £• 1, - S a n transport Q en^W .-F. Haie whichr, Mrs. arrived Tuesday from Korea. None Z

was from Magic VaUey. «,

TH E W iS T 'S c * 1 . RETA U ER C

iVJWgW s w l tn lalrw y

,^ (3 rip M'oh Alloy tto r f ^

jfj;—T RinrWrBmhesTTTTzM


R egularly------ l.U _ B^4 «c k ..-.o d a H h , a V - W«

...- .M -h w -H Iiv. H la. S ■

ilset. Cxtro-loflB* I^Vi ^In. tnraran. Steel k«i H cadmium AnliK ■ <>e«

— — ^

S t . . ! YttU Sovvl S r i « f t . l s x li i4

Set Wrench Sels _-- W _ "

• I -

S ^ ...“» . l H » i d . C . » a d n « i l D « l |n i

l e r - - W h e e l S p i n n e r s — ^-- 111 _ „round beies wWi bond- ^ ■ n<M type etiediiMnt. MoAy ■ t t t

..brinientlonea ■ ■ ^

I N F O R j i B

V A L U E S ! I l l y

IR BU YS A T . , , 1 2214l»

-■' "V.' '"'V 'y-

- - ----------- -------- ------------- W E p >

to 3- . .O l iv e r A

A reP rftn Jr lv rru a n g POttiotu e lu ii lends trom *Wa«ed jln c ab . . i O e o n i c u u ^ ^

taaods.. . P»ny ken hand “>• 1« c a ^ S ^ h t tun to

Bwnberinit e l SUveh ~CuUer *ti ihmu M thlng., , w aw r'iiad iu^ E ^L ^ O

ttty mean- talkie tnd •cross Sho- boat cswn^ «

■S'T.r. s sw £ s„ 'sFrank Wee. Lincota ^

nbB £ £ S 1 S Price

I made in ” 8 t® th e -rsn e h -b u m ii^ K ill1006. area — ---------he Ogden SMOKUUMfng v . J n . ___ ________ ED0Am LOr-Aprtt-*TD luP— Idaho fiut* college

lme park- C. Weir, w r m

S S I T Qi MffM.S‘t - . x r r s T 'j i s

, Shirley tor itduas c a f l K b - J

trice sone. (k tbi bm k bn

board the mui f rn iu V 1ise-whleh

; W EST'S OLDEST AND l A t O l K b tE T A H E R O f AOTO S U P P U tsB y H ^

■treffPeiw rtw etW U eklftitT w T P ^N JlS i

- For Wax Paper, Paper T e i ^ ^ K ^

Begular'ly'----- l i f ■ ^ 1 1

■ holf, peper le^ li h S ■* ■ bo»e«. b » » l M h ^

H wiHi ottreOtT* Korel ■■ deiloruSol.pricedl. *

- ^

■■ K &

^ J t B t e .

L '" * [ g g l e e f i H p* E e n la r ly _ _ - lJ i M B j -■ I . -- Dvrebte m Wm >m I aV . V t t V bM ten «W. H S -■ M)vr<ri ««0d t»*»- ■ K■ efManI snd *«r •• ■


- - W l ! P K l ! l l ) A T , - i M i r j ^ j ^ M

K ^ H e l d e pFarmers H y

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t p o n w r e d Djr V R f BBPIK * « « ”s.sirsM I " ................. I ^ B | J

^ ^ E ^ ^ ^ t ) t 'thdFWXaiD7

H « S L ^ < U « u b . o t . v » t e r ^ ■ t j 0 * ; ] j ^ - j n u a .x o n h .(>r ■ P ^ 2 r l toiprtted to /Ind

supenrlsed■ ^ 2 ^ 7 «">«“'« '”>'0 B t * ! £ ^ t WM furnl<h»d' b r^ ■ V W ^ ~ Tirtn FslU. Bert

te chtfie o t the

^ K l i l i f a d u c e d —duress '6Ai*~. - n v iK . ^ M Chtmber ot c ^ . B M ^* ^ . 2>6M BW den, preeldent jB S 5 tP 3

5 . Hnddoclt; &ecre- M m h ^ .■ ? S J ^ M n . Delbert Oehrig. fiiitik-^':^!.

Uusle nuUlW T, Btlle of F■ ! ? /S ft tn Ptugh. l“ t year a jhe i;„iud |

pUaned. Uis dinner „,e5S poaac

Urt cbiDiber In churgft ^ ■ S S n e n t* » « « B ffw d E.

idahiEuStudrats— Cai

_ By D

C i v e - X k m c . e i l : ' r « ^ S- in.fl so-ADProxtaiUly Republican5 :/iSM d«r*«l>cert Uon, eh tiyoS w ^ h BChool mu*lclM« P«ty-» c*m f f

^ ised to pay tr»nap<jrt«- Only one oS io f tbe 150 JludenU to the delegallon-

_ • John Wood oinduded three num - t dWr

teaeert b«id. > w prwio

b s s 5 : ’r = s sb J»4i Oreen. nccompanled coubt u to «Bud Bbott; a trombone quar- the jyrnpulh—Md by Stanley Buetanan. bolli tenatorfwjirjgoo, Winnie Hill Knd Sen. H e nfiSr; ««iT .ito .oto b ,i Ptnber accompanied by (witched toBicr’ a piano eolo by Stun- triOlty In his nliiitr and a tuba solo by 11c (Utemen

■ Cwlion. fof- », Banagn-ireffri>fWtnt«hby- hhKlwil fills'ehorxa. F rank trom the-lU la-lMh*—Bobert«._M4xllSJL ^alc, Utoig iSiDd Leonard Shott played M tlnnly onTh ab bom (jyartet. Net* H utch- B«p. Hun« i innn Blaylock and MnrllyR dblrlct. hovi ff. KcwDpanifd by Ur». Bay »nd will be s nn t a« a trio; Leonard core who g ,aa Olrew, m n k Koiwrts. I ’m Impartla dvRuckman. Olen Leckle and But the I

^ t e e ^ l f *Kig. accompan- ot«ie?encf!Ir Ntta ButcMnson. u ia tha have lo m« aH ktainpfiBedotNttaHutch- toiT,-th«y ar

Johmon. Ann Blay* that It will i>*mi FnneU.-Mamyn Pem - nJcharlB ui■d Shiron Carter, p rw e n t^ ..OJib' of n mtt.- - frtCTdi In tl ifci iMtbtl] field » deno tu tra- « man to b« IU ftn n by th* m atehlfif tomm tnt or

t I have to U' talnly prefei

W l a t e s C a r r y “ » ■

l u g f o r P o t a t o e s a . - ” ,” ’m;.AprU-«)-Em—Th»-aloBUi. oomenorUieiUamoui potato" wUl appear party,ibrt U&S Ucen«e pUtes, being "If TViamiidnt daily .by the taundreda.At Mm«»» out.W pri*® .' _ thatacom piBH Denny, ehlef clerk a t th e be even Banelarecnent office, tald Ada ocratlc uomlU ilrtwly haa received 30.000 * e ^II piMnger car plate*. TTw aealai r rtm e- pwbletn haa e u a d JiB ita tb5«y .ar.D enn7»Wanbe counUes are Uking th e ®"

f c H«h*bmt«Uoti Officer •■One of U4». Schofield .aid the Idaho h e ^ Uwiy^ with while numemU i^w S rtfit II t o 1*0 ton* of Iteel and friend In tJi'Wea* ot palnl. think*, he f1 ^ yw nomlnatlM i l n e r T r i p s S T K J I

^ J. s . Newnann. ocrat* wer# cgt Taylor, daughter o t M r Adlal BUtmi *n-Hoy Taylor, took tiuraea •jraamination a t 8U Luke'* *

W to Boise Satia-day.

Qwir to Sing*B> At ii Bt J ohn’a ^ —«B«hUdren-a-eholr e t Buhlf * “ -It*-annual-concert a t - - .'U Buhl auditorium a t «;S0*nwy.

^ W V E R R E P O R T I

, t t . IMt

Jv*-;l i

Ti^- 1S.M* t lo

■*! w m t f , l a 'a s u :

§ ^ s r . r , r -c ^ w DAu.

= = » :

*— L

B l-W H IT EK ? * * * ena T«m s "

SO, 1952

Buhl Cow Is Natii

Belle of Fem lane, a GuerDwy ocrned by C. A. I the United Btatei lo the amount o t milk and bnttc n.eSS poaadi er milk a n d SU poQndi ot balterfal ponnd* flf milk and m pound* o t bntterfat a year.

I d a h o ’s S o l o n s . A v o

. C a n i d i d a t e s , T a l kBy DOH BRANNON cent and no d

(Wa*hlnft«n BUff ,Corre*pondeat) Truman’* pollel- .WA6HINQT0N. April 30—Idaho's « e him a* thRepublican congressional delega- d a « so-we coutlon, chary ot dlicusslnjt th e ir own ‘‘8'”’ f,'® 'party* wndldatea, ti lk a pic tty orJlcpubU caa

SfhTwZM'm H H f l "SlESrIt l r * t district- comej out /JaUytor'lU t.altluugh m w m cm b ^ ol

S I S B B ' ’ bu"k hU tthe srmpothy ot . ..bolh Kr^alOH UM.

switched to neu-traJlty In his pub- Bti«a»»a11c *tatemfnu ilnce h is demandfor- a -jtand- u y Elsenhower 17U C /W -brought a r^ u n f^ r s h le ^

ahak, taking hi* euei haa remained-flriSironTh-e-TiirCK-------------------Bep. Hamer Budge o t th e Second

district, however, clalma h e has beenand win be for a winner.: “I don’t care who geU the nomlnaUoo-^ •I ’m Impartial." ''

But the Idahoan* apeak readtlyabout candlflate* on the jo the r ____________of the fence. For one th in s . U theyhave to see another DemocraUc Tic-toiT.-U>ey arc unanJmou*-ta-hopta«. .that It will be conservAtlvi Ben. iRJchiJlBuiieD of aeo rsi* . ■ ----- --------

■'OtiB of my elo*e*t p e r a o n a l • tfriends lo the senate a n d e e r t a l n l r ..................£a man to be admired,” w as W elkers tomm tnt on the B«nlal OBorgKn. " I t I hsve to Uke a Democrnt I ’d cer- ,•talnty prefer htm>«rer any othersmenUcned a tar."__- Dworahair.-Bud^ arid-Wewd afr**-Uiat Russell Is one of Uie tew cnerv ’ ........In the race who •‘commonda respect" buc all four doubt tha t h e will over. oomenorUiernopposlUon-lnhU-own-------f n ~ W |

'^ ^ f ’TViaman ha* reailT declared •hlmseU .out. I te inclined to UUnk _ t n O r O tha t a compromlio eand lda te-m ay- be even Bartley—will w in the Dem- ocratlc Bomlnatlon," Dworshak ob- 1 * 5served. Kilti

Tba aenlar. senator th a u g h t K «- - . - . . B a fauver had demooatrated surprising f i l lTote-iettlnt ability bu l h« had no l l l lcomment on Uie other posslblimea K | | |except for Sen. Robert Kerr o f B BOklahbtna: ..- . -

•’One of Uie tunnlest things I ’ve i heard lately," Dworshak chuckled. I ^ K . m “was that Kerr told a personal m fg tM friend In Uia senate th a t be atUl B m think*, he ha*, a good chanca a t B B S

nomination.”^Welker had unkind w ords tor Av-erlll Harrlman. who Is temporarUy W W t gholding me largest num ber ot elec-toral Tote* stnca New Y ork's Dem - I S S mocrata were cold-«houlderod by O or. ■Adlal SUTsnson of lUlnoLs.

"I assume Harrlman would be well received by Uie fair dealers of Id a - ho," Welker *ald. “He h a s followed . the Ttuman admlnlstraUon 100 p e r rSOOF «


— 4 - i R C M i I


' Also, lumber and o

- F P i n A \

' 1 _____ AUCTION S'

RobeiJsL----- Located on H Ighway


52 . _____ T IM E E

Is Nation’s Third High<

irned by C. A. lU ider, Bohl, placed Ihlrd am o n i the tc milk and bnttcrfat prodocfd dnrtof a recen t 36S<day

id i ol balterfat. The avm fe cow in Ute United StJ lotterfat a year. (Staff encTavlni)

s - A v o i d M e n t i o n o f

T a l k F r e e l y A b o u tcent and no doubt would contlnua tum bled on hisTruman’s pollelcs. In fact. I’d like to ho, when he sc<see him as the Dctnocratle candl* call dctjills aboudate M-we could line up a itrolght spite the fact tfight nnd see whether the fair deal the co-sponsoraor Rcpubllcaa Individualism will Budge attrlbulBurrtve.’*........... ure to get more

*ni» Jimlnr onitt/'r wfmlnfH fmtn h a lt vnlM tn th-aB rtenrefrens-m nm rerrnoT JV jr tu tn e Mnatofi on the grounds llmt the two ‘are memory, neighbors in Washington. As to r the tli-ny-anothffvagaTy ot politics, the pa rty will win

exKUtlTo secretary of the Tennej* Idahoans admit sean's capital headQuarters Is a tor* b« tough, mer member of Welker's stafr-Mw. “Naturally th ' Vivian Lynn. Isn’t going to i

BudRc felt tha t Kcfauver’s early can’t win," speed may flag as the going gels pa rty officials r rough. tlm en t lor char

"Just as an example, look bov he the country. I n i

— I n - w h i s k e y ^ t o o , -----------------^

_ t h e r e is g o o d . . . b e l t e r . . . a n i

A p i ? ^

"^ o u rb c



i O M ^ O N l


ir and other building suppi


beEtsLWeldingJJio|ilighway 30-93,-West of'Twin


I Highest LastSpea Season I

a By Val!^ B U R I^ . Aprtl

fortner Colombian more lately a capi -stAtei trmy. -nov (peaker at the Ma Buriey-Rupert Robert nouneed

7 p. at (he Elb be

Fallon Is an «ndHetturerr-{]ti "Misadventures c ATnrrttran.’ -His u mansc..ftdventuie. ths.bard business I IKe In his Latin W a s h in g to n , travels eon States, wrlUr

was bonaficr helOyearstnUioCo ot-hls-boybood \ Orleans nhere h Colombian

Based on liU | | | ^ . „ ^ | | I I | | | | | | H I | P | H knowledge rd am o n i the to p 10 OnemMya ta SrfSa^er recen t test. Bhe produced '- - h or evil ihnn Uie United S U tes produce. 5 il0 hundrec

_______ . ___________ lean* in the west

o n _of--G.OE-— ^ l b o u t : n e m M = = ^umbled on h is appearance In Ida- 10, when he seemed una}>le to re-all detjills about HeU* canyon, de- M m m m Ip lte the fact th a t he was one o t § r r Hhe «o-sponsors o t the project." J % l | l l lBudge a ttributed Kefauver'* taU- 1 i r i l

« to get more than four and ona- \ d P h n i

nemory. ^Ab for Uie final question, which

larty will win In November, the dahoanj adm it that proepecta «U1 •« tough.

“Naturally th e Republican party sn’t going to announce th a t they ^ .:an’t win," E>worshak_ said. "But B «» »'larly officials r c p o rfa strong bcii- ........... -Im en t lor changes In all parts <ifha country. I n my opinion, the only . .

0~ T | '

g r ___________________

^ eon e< — —- - - '.p a y m tn

I t e r . . . a n d _ _ _ _

b u r t e n a t - 5 ; ;

t e B e s f r s - sliiSu*'


I N Y ~ iT '

IM E = W

ig supplies .

j S h o p ; : ! . ^

of^Twin F a l l s ............

DwnerKLAAs ' : J ' iSSiSii

‘T F , v".'- ;V'

T I M E S - N E W S J V n N j : A i X S . I

ast Speaker for SpeSeason Is Picked By Valley Group

tU R L ^. Aprtl 39-C arlos FaUon,mer Colombian naval officer andre lately a captain In the Uniteditei trm y.-now -rctircd.-w lll-be:aker at the May S mecUng of th eriey-Rupert Knife a n d Fork club.bert A.' Miller, secretary, a n - ^ ^ ^ ■ S a ^ j T .unced Monday.rhls meeting, which will begin a t I.m. at (he Elks dining room, w in the final meeting o t the season

Gallon Is an author, w orld traveler dHettufefr~Ws-«ubJect-wltn»f llsadventures of s ir--A d op f e d nrrttran.’ -Hls icipl(<jwi»_txinu.~i 'Q. insc..ftdventuie..terlaua ambition.s.bard business of earning a living.t In his Latin American home, hisa s h ln g to n , D.C.. experiences,ivels to all comer* o t the Unitedates. and wrlUng books. CABLOiPallon was bom In ColombU nnd . . . tannerler he reached manhood he spen t haval offieer iyear*in thn Colomblun navy. P a r t army captain.JlU-boybood was apcn t la New ,p*»her of Ih■leans where his fa th e r was th e meeting , ot Builomblan consul. « ,d Fork clubBased on hU behind-the-scenes -------------- --------lowledso ot intcmatlonnl relaUons, n A itrn aion presents a moro atorUlng:ture of Uia enormous power Xor ^oa 0, .d l l l , „ c ,„ b« iX w cd by ‘ ”e Uiree hundred m illions of Amer- ^ o* '»n* In the wcstem hemisphere. ^ncij a i

/(incf. Wash. Mrly to get a change here Is by or the bnby arecUng a nepubllcan adm inistration PurLi. ’Tain Fnl

TVumanVrciilftccment by another — -----imocrat won't do th e job ."-- READ-TIMBa-I

B f f t h « r . w i » h i i ^ iV m > /0 J

« * • H i m * 3 M s y )ixiy»»o b tn r______

^eon ecsr '■-pQyfTrtflt'pten

- * — A H B f l Ma > p i «

\ t x a k » r>* ^

--------SOiqwra RWcol*

d a y t i m e d r e s s e s — —

od TUm M l ¥hm Jte tU M M .

_ F A L L S . m A H O _______ ___________

Speaker^ [^oosevt Newi

WASHINOTOK.‘ Franklin D. Roose'

V' ' u Wlllkle wanted. ' n H political party unl

m e n u —in-Dtmocri can ranks, but (

f — and prevented then ■ ■ ■ thing about It.

Th is new sidell. dent era. with si Is in an artlclfl In Journal by Samue

H WM pobllsh'r. abjstrsct from B -WcrrWirr-WIUi-H be publChed by H

new party mind after his the Rupreme

ua also produci CABL09 FALION RoosCSelt W Uie

. . . former Soulh Aiatrlcsn national convenU haval offieer and retired K. 8. gent, dccllnlnarmy captain, wll! be the last nomlnaUon alrea fpeaher of th» uaw n al Ihe H enry Wallacc wt meeUng. ot Butley-Kuperl Knife, jffcsldent. and Fork club next Mooday. Conservatives W(

-------------------------- -------------------- nate-Speaker WillDAUGUTER BORN •Je"*

WENDELL. Apill 30 - Mt. and wouldn t nin with Mr.i. Homer Moon rccclvcd word f"y '1,.of the birth of a dniighlcr Baturday conven^Uon U»k V, to thclr Kin and dailBhter-ln-law. U r fig h t and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moon, Rich- acceptawInnd. Wash. Maternal madptrenu I ”Df the bnby are Mr. and Mrs. A. B. vc lt dctwled WU ParLi. ’Tviln Fnll.<. Dem ocrat whom

' _______ — —------------- hnrt nominated- tREAD-TIMB8-NEWB -WANT AD6 Bo*«nman rewu;

DM ^

l o m c l h r n a i h o w o u W n ’*

B fill

i ^ b b b ______

'It -

j f f i I DON'T FORGET ■ R YQUR MOTHER T O , w ay r i IS .

is.^ HER DAY"““ ’SHOPiA’T ^

. ____L SEARSAND SA V f"

osevelt-WillBe Desiri New Political Party DilONOTOK. April 30 «) - U tif, R « w n ^ tU In D. Roosevelt and WendeU Wlllkle had bnwct Ikle wanted lo form a new new party to th«’, ll party uniting "Uberol ele- chot. suggested a -fn-Dtmocratlc acd-Republl« .W Ulkie_l0_Uiajn ink», but deaUi Intervened talk over Uie plaa. evented them from doing any- This was *hori about It. had received a p

new sidelight on the new wtsMnsln and hi •ra. with supporting letters, attem pt to capttu n article In the Ladles' Home 'presidential nomlB ll by Samuel i . Rosenman, a boomvcR want

)16hed by Harper and Broth- juUjQf auggested

,n ;a n ~ ;;id H p l T h earty crystaliied In Roosevelt’s m g w a s und* after his failure to reorganUe ^t Oov. Thom* preme court in 1937. , _ w oi Uie '1also produced a message by d j„u* i nomlnaUo »elt to Uie 1910 iKtnocraUo ■al convenUon, which nevec betweenent. declining the Uilrd term g!!r” ^ . n f.i^ ■ aUon already jnado ;mlcsi ^ ,u u e d„<i. ^Wallacc waa nominated vice elecUon Roose

servattves were ready to noml- Heath came iSpeaker William B a W a d or « l t e d e a t h ^ ^Jones, Roosevelt said he dw»i j t im b S-NE

n 't nin with eiUier of them or i iM i» » s"ony other reacUonary.” T ho ----------------------lUon look Wallace after a bit- p k O C Ih t and Roosevelt went Ihrough L / r \ . t . Jlls acceptance speech. OPTOWthe elecUon th a t year Roose- CT«rr*r iWealed WUikie, a . long-time . . *’:ra t whom the Republicans —Phonilomlnated- to r President. U3 Main East ■ inmanrecounUU tat tour years

s u l d n ’t l i a v I i i i m W — .

f i l m y - s h e e t ^ r a y o n

^ «hlffon-pri

\ F o r i i i o m M o a '^

f a a J S T lM f f lh r l--------- ------------------------------m M r ^ O K e n »

- m m m b r n o m ^ o m . a t m W k i

' H « f « r ’U d d i 'f 6

- - - • o r M c n p t a U aI B m R irM c U ffM W d I

b b d u b ww w q


^i.hwldiiy w y . - i a l

M l M M M


Desireirl y DisjcIosedlf^Hde bad bnwcbMl tlii.ldM «C. party to the Ute O U tM M ; ^. suggested a ctmferenM f1i> tn tha «nnnT tT_ff 1>M tO, over the plaa. lls was shoiUy a tter . received a primsnr d e f e t t ^ lB - '- ^ ^ ^ ^ H

onsln and bad a I)u d o t«Tipt to cap tnre^B RfmM taiB

xiseveR wanted -to talk i r t t t

lot. suggested the ^ uctU o tter Ui« ipear he was trading. Wlllkle a ( . time was under pressure to sup-

Oov. Thomas E. Dewey, wbo ^ ^ ^ B : won the Republican pn it> la l nomlnaUon U ut year.Tie project w u never eren' dl«- ed between them dlreetly."»nm«w fnirt ?By_eUetla&' d i7 * . kle was dead. Five aon ths a ft« relecUon RooseveK was-dead."--------^ ^ ^ Blllkle died O ct 8. 1M4. Room- s deaUi came op AprU 13. I S ^ ;___



VISCAL ANAL78ZS—Ptione a m - ; ....................

a Main East ■ Qrotmd Floor - -

-----------:------- --------------------------


ws Mee'wa eppi*dalefa»—

tf a a M » f lM w .^ M d b id a li*

. S b m W t t t U l ^ ^

m q » p » * ia i lv ~ i c U f f M N d h g e H » k i ^ wb ta m w

rfeshlbns; ■

— ■

k S .

n y l e * l l 6 R i i M M I ^ ^ ^ |

' totm IB Tiirfa n ih . Idlw. tnaw Ui« Mt <

u u l i a H ^

g ^ j g u a , ^ , . =

STEVENSON’S RE( n i e s ta tem en t of Oovcrnoi

HUnolB In bowing out as a pr ' ■ 'ilb lU ty WM final enough In to- lew so in 'Bpeclflc wording,-—

N evertheleu i t appears tht nuuJe u p and t h a t he definite)

i candidate . W hich for the De bad.

Stevenson w as certainly th party h a d fo r countering the publican campaign theme of th e adm inistra tion .

His record of flccompllshme out corruption In IlllnolA an

— Indeed. Zt shows .w hat can b field o t political alum redo

— there'fl a m an w lth-the wlll-to W hen Stevenson took offlci

great s ta te of Illinois was well being strang led by th e cw r Corem m ent.

Ih e s ta te police force was w ith a p a th y a nd inefficiency, •

- m en ta^of-the-goT cm m ent we graft-ridden , s ta te m ental h nearly a scandal, th e school ani

■ - were In a bad way. - - Despite the handicap of ,

__ legisla ture during m ost of his IStevenson got th ings done.

He reo iganlzetl th e police lo' I t on a m erit basis th a t sepa politics, raised requirem ents foi s e t up a s tif f t ra in ing program.

Im provem ents were made i school system and m ental hosj

. years t h e hospitals Jumped fro__more w re tched in th e coimtry- t a tK T lop 25 per c e n f lh the n a

With a n improved police foi c rack ing down on truckers who vio lation of w eight lim its. Re t u p the ro ad system, a movp t: bogged down for years,

n And n o t w ithout Its appeal to l is te rs w as his slashing of stai

— 2,SOO-ln-4ila-flrat-three-year8-ln “Our aim ,” h e said once, '

. . .d o a b e t te r Job ^ th . f e w e r .prot____ He sa id , too, t h a t “the me

achievem ent of all Is intanglbl — Hjoral to n e , technlcil-quallty , t

goveniment.!*ITits h e accomplished to a

b y tbe h ig h quality of th e men ' t o help h im with th e clean-up ] - I t Is la rg e ly h is graU tude-to

. . h e lp « l h im th a t is keeping him In stead o f going out an d hus

. ..b ig g es t Jo b in th e .la n d ... . . He fe e ls ho would be walktr

te u ifb e fb re the gam e w as won. eoBimendable U n d of loyalty jneans denying to th e Democrat

- m igh t d o them a lo t o f good com b e r elections.

H LOOK-ALIKE HOM]■ - - *niere a r e stili-tob m any plaec H —--whaw-new city growth embodlei M w orst fea tu re s of th e old.H EnbugH la known today abou |H hom e design and scientific com M a ln g to produce new residential M m ake f o r a maximum of good H I—b y -and -la rge .'W e-are-no t gettl M O f building.M Take a loo t a t th e la te s t resl n « t s In m o s t cities. Bouses too > n being b u i l t upon narrow, unifo H I lo ts U ia t deny privacy and du IB. find alr.-R | Houses built In advance for *

ao-called speculative constructl t i e If a n y arch itectural quail t h e m onotonous grid street pi th e y maJF s tring up and Bown a I n endless repeution of simUar i o th e r ex te rio r features.

IVom a distance th ey sometl l ik e packing boxes sU cked In a I n g sh ipm en t somewhere. Noth Absurd a s to see them Jammed sm all lo ts In a new developmi < ea of h u n d red s of em pty acres

From t h e viewpoint o t th e Ind - b n y e r a n d o f the“c6nmiuhlty llj

o f th ing Is painfully inadequal Inexcusable.

The natx iral impulse of m an? ■ ^ T 'b u U d e r for everything. Bul - tp w ju en ay is deserving of censui

-th e m se lv e a -are-heavU y respot h M n i t w ith in th e ir power to coi T elopm ent o f new areas In accc

m o d em plarinlng Ideas. Yi

S P E E D IN G FROM LA] 8 o n e tlm e « i t seems th a t in <

s u u i l a t o r speed we’re h u rtling dl - f r o m a th in g th a t e an m ean mos

- r Snper-hlfifhways e n d PO*miii „«ntlnJLW blsk lu .ab o u t so l u t we t v e n tM w h e re weVe been,'much w e’r e golnff. P iin a s rooket us alon c lo u d s t n d often e u t ot sigh t ol

. B ubw ayi - a h o o t - 'u s ' th ro u g h "u n i g h t .

IiSaybe w e d id n 't se t a n y speed re< .o ld alow d ay s . B ut speed records rS ^ te h a b la s tu f f anyway, a n d there BgW deit lo r-them , ^ e r e w as no tb

■ ■ I l l m T to get tsm eu of th e land

T i j s

H i p s s W H ]KiH WAflHINOTON,

. tnaw u-« Mt «f M««ii I. U7». him self compleUly Kpnof* *ATXS vIser»,0B cabinet aMTABLi’lH'AOVANOa--------------congreaa-*nd-pftT— — I J-#* m a C5p«ln!ly «lnc

........ r. -, z zn»*«

r »onfl*o« to iw ci. ia*b» Ced*. e----------------------------------------- lU r CiON’S RECORD't Qovemor Stevenaon o l ukewue hij legi )ut as a presidential p o s- denUal preference* louBh ta tollt, M t a li t t lerording,----------------------------- ^nellyTaittMnTetcippears th a t his m ind is Hot even in the le definitely will n o t be a fufficicnt Fnnkiin tor the Democrats is too

fIcftUon of tho new srtalnly the best be t h la nent DemoCTnu sm itering the Inevitable R e - policy, some siibsU

theme of corruption In modore Vanderbia’

lompllshment In c lean ing e i^ S n S le ^ ^ o n sInols la an ja s t -almnnua hn.i l h a t can be done, in th e . .L'orsanlMUon/.'. incialum reclamation w h en November. Nntlonith e wlll-to do - it.- - , -----------took ofllce in 1048. th e ^

Is was well on the way to H*iry" crowd cite’ th e cwruptlon in I ts elemaup farce, the i

- render to the unlo: force was shot th ro u g h fficlency, several d e p a rt-•nment were notorimMlv i of hu pIm

m ental hospitals w ere «tructlon from thmchool u ia toad w ite iM w ™ ' » > ™ '

- - - *cABiNirr—Mr. ’dlcap ol a R epublican »o-called experu. in:ost of his term In office, iimiuuoM. is done. u Ie police force by p u ttin g the ambiuon of ith a t separated i t from -utchen cabinet" n

rements for recruits, a n d cent nroRram. ^ coreful but cU;

t a t h . p u b licn e n ta l hosp ita ls . I n f o u r personoiiue* help toJum ped fro m a m o n g t h e man. and w forecahe c o u n try to a -p o s l t lo n *"“ •f i n th e natibr,-;— t u t o r s - ’ H ir I po lic e fo rce ._he b e g a n . jiieESU.HBirlmRn.jta ck e rs w ho o ve rloaded i n a en . o rau r n . Br»(Im lts . H e began b u ild in g H "’:, a m ovp th a t h a d b e e n u,6 fin il anaiy«usa rs . Tnim »n’« top ecois a p p e a l to b u r e a u c r a c y - ch»lnmaa of the eee Ling 01 jta tB p a jT o U jJ i r• e ^ a r s - l n - o f l l c e r ,u th o r of NRATQielid once, “h a s b e e n t o lejLilnUon. A former.fewer .pnniloyea.1^_______ je.m or. Indiutrlftl ex;i tJ l th i^ m p s i- lr a D O r if tn t- .-TTTTnmw t-mfr- • j> ln tan s lb l!- lh » b s ttc ril-quflllty,-and •morale o f jonn-RrsteeiniiaL vIt.” professor, he becumeIshed to a large degree deparunenf* c of th e men he appointedclean-up Job. iron ically , cost an uiuminaunj

ititude-to the men- w ho- hive enjoyed promot•eplng him on in Illinois, “ {?*■ p“ ‘' t ao d hm tltag lo r thoI d . - ............. In railroading becau

be walking out on h is great prestige, ooni> w as won. Thai’s a m o st l>read-and-buller pio t V t o e » h “ r f t s r ” ’ “

9 Democrats a m an who au admire Qen, D» tf good come the Novem- mani__________ ____________: WFLUaNCE-Thenru. Jiuence domlnSKfTi[KE HOMES which changing corm a n y W « e s ln A m e rl« - h embodies some o f- th ^ -no rttrent or peice d'Old. _________________.rlman actually jun».Itoday about economical the military, m tlflc community p lan - residential areas w hich

im of good living. B ut, addiUon to fovemm B-not g e ttlng-that-k lnd- -infUUon-ot.pureha»l

forced fattening of i, l . t e . t r . .w .„ t l . l p ro i- Souses too often are s till Anybody who doe* rrow, uniformly s tra ig h t *ha* no houte with icy and dut down ligh t «*■ criuci

vance for a market—th e V I E W S construction—ahow lit-

tural quality. Following Tb* red gain* m i1 street pattern of old. pwently made Primem d Bown a city’s s tre e ts wathlng de r t . im llir niol Itae . a n a

hey sometimes loom u p Kehru has for some acked In a field a w a it- >

m Jammed together o n lu tem eat i* that hi* development se t in a territoriaa lUegiance'

m p ^ acres. ^ Wiahlul nent^o t th e M W t o l hom e

ununlty llse lfth ls k in d ue and hli countryinadequate. And I t Is But. unUk« me Uadcr

condlUon attached t

rthing. But though h e that recipient naUon# g of censure, the c ities StaM tn any way in (Uy tupoiulbU . T hey ' ‘’i S f i S r S S f 'S ' ' ower to conw l th e a e . " S i J usas In accord with th & setting forUi a goal g ideas. Yet few insist ' science Monitor.

~ TUE GREAIP D /iu » k v n When the Reno homFROM LAND of II OO.QPO last montI th a t in our m odem « » « P P « a r the work

m ean most to us—tjie Those under arrest Inc a former cocktail waltrt

Id SO -m lle-an-hOtnr awortment on* would «SO l u t wa often can ’t -w n . m uch less w here the Xket us along above th e burgUfy kDf sigh t of the e a rth , the job. The FBI wa* ai

-u h ae rg ro u n a £

W B » « l t « » r d . t a « . .Jd records are fJlmsyt T h e l^ ^ te d denouen

an d there’s not m uch i* a we m a n p th l i i s l lk e a n S ™ f

U C K E R ’ S N A T I O N A L [

W HIRLIGIGWAflHINOTON, — President Tniman has Isolated iself compleUly from lUch noiin*! group* o t ad- irs.os cabinet members, hU frlendj and agents Jngreaa-and-Dftrty-Jeadert-wlUUn-reoent-roonth*,- -I espeelnily since he decided to bow out of acUve

.... pollUcs next January. '-I t U ft_«tnnge neUmorphotl*

Uiat batne* hi* croaTe* and eveo ¥ *ueh er*twhU8 coMUltant* a* Secre- «, V tary Dean Actieton. It seems tha t ji

In tjrder to'comp«n**ta for ahy lo** n

' giYii of hi*~abdlcatlaD.-lie h u resolved to be b

■ B B 8 E :™ « :* * * » rU y e . murT.authdrltarUn: £more aloof than befort. . . h

BUIX—He no longer takes his K W B l H cabinet officer) Into hi* confidence u Bar T«fk« or seeks their4d»lce. HI* major de. « jns on-foreign and dome*Uo (jue*Uon* never are u ;eded by-roundtabl* discussion* and analy*es. fc IkewUe hi* legislative plan* and m n hi* presl.Uai preference* become known lo capltol hlil cronlei >uBh the newipapers. H* ha* even *hut hlm*eU off a the "M ^ourt gw g"—Snyder, Vau^an. Oon- p< y. O itta m . e tc ." ' ' dio t even In the days of the headitrong and self- ju Iclent Franklin D. Rooserelt, to frequently a*, th !d as a "dictator.” was there such a one-man rule low. Although It In admltMdly a *Ught over^lnipll. tlon of the new Tnunan attitude, certain prom l- p, I DemocraU SMsstst It. ts a b t dimtxed”ey. Some siibsUtute •'port" for "public" In Com- j,, iore Vanderbilt’s hUtorlc bruih-off. r

- • ■ - • ............................- • sinOENCE—In view of *o many jtf&nge and un- pl alnable actions; they begin to fe&r tht Pender- pi -alumnus hn.i lost interest In whst Uiey caU th#

•anlMtlon." including Its chaneei of victory next ember. National Chalrwan Prank E. M cianney [most « strjinfffr, and »-cuid not be a la f d if he

1 erldence of this Uieory. the “whnt’* happened to Uc 7 " crowd cite the McarBlh-McOranery-Morrl* ah aup farce, the steel seliure. Uie unneceuary *ur- wi e r to Uie unions, the shadow he has ca*t over th lanen t freedom of the pres*, hi* acrobatic M d Itrvful shifts from Vinson to Bterenson to H arri- dl;

a s h li I«S2 favorites, aitd-flnally. his everxilahk Hir—1 f,t hla pUn to uhlft-rlTer a n d -h a r^ « « • foi:tlon from the army engineers to Interior's a-sle power advocates. II

iB iN irr-^M r. T n m a n -m u tro f coOT*errelr-oa- illed experts. In view of his natural and acknowl- i llmltaUons. No chief execuUve can make de- on ns without hanng v body of iscU and opinions tide him. I t 1* the character, the bnckground and amblUon of his new and perwnally-selected —

h en cabinet" which beat explain may of h is t t- actions.

careful but clandesUne Inquliy by hi* discarded ;lates has revealed the Idenilty of hi* present irs. In the opinion of the Inveitlgators. Their )nfllltie* help to explain the metamorphosed T n i- . and to forecast hla policies for the next e ight i ;hs of his term. I

[TORS —" H lTtutflrs on foreign affain are W. I 611-HBirlmiln.jnutual security administrator, an d . O mar N. Bradle>', head of the Joint chiefs of 1

. Both men have been devotees of Oen. Oeorge C. 1 hall, so Uie latter Is Washington's elder itatesnuLh ' e final an 's top economic aide I* Leon H. Keyserllnf, m a n of the eeonomlo advisory cccnmlttee to the dent. As recently explained here. KeyierUng a mlpof Roo*evelt_:^raln;tru»ler,;; and parUal >r of NRA, the Wagner acfaSr*ocI*r»icunty- aUon. A former profes*or. he nerer ha* bad btul- Qf-industrlal experience.^.______ _ - ____ _ __

:TTMlWATlNO-iTnB-TVnlt<-1H)UI8 »uth CTlty -o n------problem*. Including wage*, price* and controls. U

-RTSteelrtiaL A fter a shori »tretch u a ooiiege - u o r . he became a govemment caretr man In the deparunenf* conclUaUon »errice lo 1931. Under

lan, he has become a bigwig at Washington, ese men have several thlnga In carunon, wblch an UlumlnaUng light on them and Truman. AU enjoyed promoUons tm der him; and are beholden - m for post and future favors. Ifone are party or have any poUtlcal sawy.

the excepUon of Harrlman. aod he got ahead Uroadlng because of his name Ad.hls-faUier-* —

prestige, none have h ad to_deal with such •and.bulter pitblem s as' pa>roIli, production ules, reserve fu n d s,. budget^ profits and dlvl-.I. >admire Qen. Dwight D. Elsenhowerl So does T n i-

XUKNCE—The Marahall-Harrlmin-Bradley In- ;e domlnItifTorelgn~pcUcy,~6aTlng-»n y B h m s ' -- - I changing eondlUons might lead Acheson to re. I t Uiclude* aU-out aid to Europe, conUnenUl — ling, a mere holding action In the far east, snd x e a t or pelce dI*cU*sIons In the "Midiwar." Htir*L actually runs .the economic batUelronW'Srsdley- — illtary.■serllng’* philosophy of maintaining pro*perlty gh spending, federal financing of producUon Igld conUoU osderUes the domeaUc program. In on to fovemment use of money, he advocates lon-ot.purcha*lng-pQBiet-thrflugh federally en -.I fattenmg of pay envelope*. Sieelman has sld- tA labor In almost every wartime and postwar i« of a major character.■body who doe* n o t lubjcrtbo to this philosophy no houte with Tnim an." That Is why he *nub* o r sUent eriUc* w ithin his own lamlly.

; e w s o f o t h e r sNEimO SEES RED

I red gains In India’s recent elections have op- tly made Prime M inister Nebni 'tee red." At any b is scathing denunciation of communist tacUcs . a sharper awareness of.the red threat to India rmaliy a* well a* tntemsily. er« communism w ithin Indl* l* concerned. Mr.I has for some time taken a strong line—too :, some UberaU fear. In so far a* U ha* led him to strlcUons on freedom of the preu and other clvU es. Out the encouraging thing about hU latAst le n t Is tbat hi* percepUon of communist ‘‘extra- r la J allegiance" seem* to htve made a den t .wishful neutralism In global a l t s l i i . ...........................

1 doe* not mean Mr. N ehru U w m ing-« able—).up .lnd la in an.anU.eommunlit-dMnae-froDt._____Id his. country rem ain re*oIuteiy Independent, n uke the Indonesians, he refuses to eee In th e lon attached to the Dnlted SUles technical y A m erica IntenUon to limit IndU't Independ-f-aetton.-'niat-largelrrhBtorlcU-Mndmon-sUlei---------wlplent naUons shall eoopente with the United in any way in which they can mutuaUy agre*

; Mr. Nehru It willing to accept thlt condition r a m .appreciation of America's good fallh in } Monitor ***** ^ •ugury^-ChrUUao /

TUE GREAT BENO SURQLART 7] the Reno home of LaVere Redfleld wai looted m lO.QpO last month the burglary wt* to fabulous ppear the work of nfattennind*. Yet now th e 8-arrened'*eTtn su«pectsitwouia appear t h a f rged burglars and accompUce* were bunglers, m der arrest Include a gambling elub bouncer. M r cocktaU waiuesa and a woman w iller-not a n . _ e n t one would expect to jln d ta upper-bradret - U

th e .in ed n i^ t» ’o r 'th e ” oppoeIUen. however,[ deserves the highest praise for solving Uia r K» quickly. No local a teasy 'cwM have done T h e FBI was able to opera t«K m s stale lines . Fa* m a te anretu a eh wld*V«P(iriled polnU ihle , Milwaukee, Loi AngeJe* and Pitgilaff, Arlx. ' Sori ms trained men and sdeDtifle equipment need- ^ h tc rlm e. "™ported denouement o f tbe gresl.Reno burglary • > «

t mystery. B ut l t w as a good itory while I t ^ nd It 1« satisfying Indeed to ite tgalo bow weU ^ «srve* u i.~ 8 a lt XAke Tribune. .

; v " ' l i - - V - ' '.V ' V.

) N A L ” ■ ■

I Q P o t

S H O T S W jent-m onth*. ------- --------------------- s L J v ------*<)ut of acUve - • *1

' ceUmorphosl* _ SORTA I N n .ATi:D fl4 and even A fellow" came in 'th e other flay 7nls as secre- with a clipping from a Sterling, IlL, o. seems tha t ju st a mere SS yeara ago, and the eifo ^a ^JO M list of m arket pricc* wo* Just about v:

•ment o f hi* Here's a sample: CatUe were sell- b

S l S l S : £ I S ? ? ^ ' H i S § l ' a ? Sefore.. hundred,.And butler wa* wayup lo «

14 cents a poundi str takes his Spuds were listed on the price g,* confidence lu t, too. They were bringing ail of tlIs m ajor de. 3S cent a bushell Can you folks with qIS never are fair-slzed families buy enough spuds a,inalyses. for one meal with 38 cents now?n his presl. . . .■1 hlil cronlei p u p b FOE KIDS DEPT. oi1 himself off The father of this C-month-eldighan. Oon- pooch Is port chow and part alre- hi— - - daier-'AncOslory Of the-m other it “ig and self- just a trifle mixed. You esn get „quently the pooch a t 235 Van Burcn'slreet.

oversimpll. r r WAS SOIUin prom l- u ^ ar Pot Shots: ^eM damt^ed m rtgnrd lo Uie naMonal anthem g, c- In com - not being played n l the bail games,

Rupert Fan must of went Inte as- - - ail the games I attended it was „

go and un- plnycd nnd the people as well as the j,,Ji« Pender- players stood a t attontlon.------ - , ttiey caU the Another Fan „ iilctory nex t (Rupert). 'M cianney * * * , BnlMfd if he OUB BIH-LETIN B&AnD __ ^

Hometown Boy iTXo'ng Way From jjelappened to Uoine—Sorry, there's nothing new jg,nery-Morrls about tha t poem. Wllh variations, ^e:essary aur- we've reccived'^t about 10 times In wls cast over the lost six months. And we thought 'pobstic and It wa.i new when we taw a slightly loj1 to H arri- different version during th e U te ths-ov iro igh t H ale.-Except Uiat a retread in- EKlarbot^oon- formed us i t was batlcally-Uie same Dt) In te r lw T a-s one circulated during World war de

l i Thanks, anyway. asr * • * pu

M r r e l r - o a - ------ FAMOUS LAST LINF •id acknowl- . . And doe* tha t make Harry1 make de- onconttltullonal?'’ th;Id opinions GENTLEMAN IN THE lmjround ^ FOTOTU RO>V Dc

' of hia t t-s discardedhis p resent ^tors. T heir W ^'S2S-. / r r H \

\ r i i l f \ 1rtratoT. and M I B B | B 1 « It chiefs of I t ^ W M m ■ ■ ]

S iS K \ ROEBUCK AND CO /Keyterllng, ttee to the Keyterling md partialaTsicurlty---------------------^-----------------------------------1 bad btMl- y

» a ooiiege - man In the931. Under f ^ ~ __ 'ilngton. ^ / J )ion, which

are party

got ahead .ils.faUier's ---- - - - tn C ir

- i L - ' - M --------------------’“ yM d d lv l. a ^

ido M T n i. ‘■ : I j tr-

in- ’ V l l 1 j'-

;1 = ! “ J■ east. »nd_ ^ V r - 'A __ ll

prosperity ^ __ ___/ / J IproducUon " \rogram. In 1 l i ) ? ^ 'advocates ; jerally e n -. ____1 - / / ? N ! - fn has sld - [ V l T fcT k .d postwor I

philosophy V " } / ^ \he snubs \ / \ '

P Fi r y / \ f r1st t«U cs - M { ' ( • / RI to ln d la i ( ^ - V y

med. M r. M 'A tline—too a i r i



” I* > * ^[oii’s u U i-----------7^ ^ ^ ^ | f l ^ ^ ^ ~Stltcliea-

lUy agre*

C ^ iit laa /


-bracket C o l l e i l D tM VOS *

S r s ■- u s '">va donalie lines ^ F m aew Wonaywd f c wwiumwwa polnU . .jhip ond ifyling In fine eo^too. f . r '

I r

r : , S J

T I H E S - N E W S , T W n

- W A S H I N G T O N .

^ MARQUISWASKIMOTpN - A fttf the' long Ij

m K r uninterrupted season of power the t DemocraUc party Is being subjected b

J l a i i ------ to-dlarupUBg-preasures- ftw n -ew y hside. T he Ice floes are jamming aad

. ' " ' cracking and th » - ' ■ ITTt flood ■waters a r e |M M M M U p1 other flay ruing every liIterllng, IlL, m ent In Uie gen- *p , and the eral breakup Indl- aI ju tt about v ld u a b ^ a D d ^ jh d r ^ ^ ^ ^ Q j^ ^ H P

e were sell- being s u b m e i g e d H l ^ S I ^ H fJ

I way.up lo v h a t lonely f l g u r a ^ H ^ ^ 9 | B J stands out of the

. the price general d e s l r u c - ^ ^ ^ K *liglng ail of tlon. Sen. Paul a n ^1 folks wim Douglas, Illinois. U.lOugh spuds defle* all pollUcal rules. He fits Into li cents now? none of the narrow mould* that

confine most of the public men of g< )EPT. our day. II

>* one «l«Ste hhU e am eit tn*latenai ..that he -U -b'

. . . not * candidate for Uie presidency ® u w n *«t ^ wiU_jiot b ^ *ome Democrats P iron street, to him a s Uie hope of tho 4

party. They believe his reluctance, “ which resembles somewhat the firm a reluctance of lillnols’ Qov, Adlal

lai aninem gtevenson. can be overcome. oiball gunes, ^ is highly publiclied decU- *>';nt in « as ration for Sen. Estes Kefauver. they « «1 <t WM consider Uinl DougUs h im self'Is well as the beginning to assume the proper

jtance, After ali, he had a t one her ra n p jim d eciire d -in -fav o r-o f-b o th • ' lupertj parUcs nomlnaUng Qen. Dwight D., Elsenhower for an unprecedented to> A n p ___ rifmnnittrritlnn nf nutMnal imify nn VSWay From j,e had to work hU way back to party wthing new loyalty, and th is he did before ths ^varifltlons, newareel and television camera*0 times In when he came out for Kefauver, ■ *"re Uiought Thus goes Uie reasoning of his taa slightly loyal followers. They, however, seeth e U te the ticket no t as Kefauver and

itread In- Douglas, bu t the oUier way around - uo;.Uiesame Douglas.andrKefauver.-ln.-thU. or-, eeWorld war der, Uiey argue. I t would be as strong wl

as any Ucket the Democrats could ticput In the field. ca

tNF • . . . --------- .ake Harry ^ e U ie r It Is evidence of any- coi

___ thing more than his customary wlli- h»IN THE ingnes* to take on toUgh Issues, peRO>V Douglas has nevertheless stepped tel

m c o /

- 2 3 - p ^ l a ^

Rojul.rl,10.951 Q

The best dressed babies a - their first-apeparances in Honey

• -------- layetteB-.-.-.-the-wieest,-thriftgrown-ups are buying them

thing baby needs in soft, combed trimmed in pink, blue or ma

A six-month subscription to Pa— ------maffaziiifr-tw!-4iv-hand6ome-

Select yours today-for.your favori

. ..

' l l i

f m\ . X V I is fo r rugged a n d restful \i2a3S22y

receiving blanki

2 .0, i

________________________ _t

Tender young skin needs soft thing* . , . ar biankeU are as soft as a cloudi Fine com cotton In plnkM Jue. malte and nlle green,

C t ^ t l t e b e a end*; i n gift cellophane package.

Collon fioitt Shift* - ji-i


v' 'V ' . ? ' ' ' ' ' T ' ;

m . T W m F A L L 3 > I D A H O

G TO N .C A L L IN G ” B Y S

;^UIS CHILDSthe'long Into Uie middle of the steel eon-

of power Uie troreny. I f h is IntenUon were t t sing subjected be a candidate he hardly could « !*-f»wn-e»eiT hive-taksn a m or^adrolt-atand.— - M jamming and In the flrat place, he .rebuked n*

Preildent T tum an lor »pente aad exaggerated'' la n g i^ e » isn iy in r'th a t-tn e-ste e l oom pania ef were making I19.B3 a ton profit on at each ton of ateel. lh a t , Douglas pr pointed out In a radio interview, was co pwlll-4>efore tay ss Then , h e also lit nbuked the steel- eompanlet -for

an '■azeesaive” price Increase to;

H ^ S j[ |R H { The dispute over CbTaeUQreH'QTe* PO jtetl Industry, unless it Is auddenly an and miraculously rosolred. promises co'

*'•“ to be coe of the two or three hottest he. He fits Into Issuu In Uie. cam ptljn . mould* Uiat ProflU cf the steel eompaiUes had on ubllo men of gone up roughly «« per cen t.slnce

1M» In comparison to 17 p e r cent eoi

• S i A t i X S I

s s shone of the industry could ohaorb th e wage dej to Suctance . Inereua.wlth a *3-a-ton price In-

*^v!**AdW Those Increase* were n o t deslg- ^•come Mle4 '-belore taxes" and. as a num- I j iiclied decta- *>*•' of letter writer* have pointede f w v e r ^ ly out. they should have been eo deslg- •s him self-Is "

the nrooer But It does n o l follow, a s some Ihad a t one wHwrt say, U iafprofiti before taxes cei

Tor-of-boU i • « *hoUy -meanlngiesi. Monage- UtQ. Dwight D ment haa Uie power to use th e grand Ss norecedenled toUl of profits before taxes for a cai ,«i „„i,v Ba M ’Ji‘7 *>1 ends th a t are deductible hsJbocktoDarty under the Ux law*—wage Incre'ases. me d before tha bonu*ea to execuUVes and SO on. I t Is ")on camera* wWom pointed o u l U ut th e wage duiKefauver - lncrea*e proposed is also "before me> n l^ Of his taxes." . . . «{, however, seeefauver and At his press conference Trum an Ifay around - undertook to dlsmlaa Ihe s tee l Istue hoc-ln.-thls.or-. •e.of:»_coMequen«e,.. BulrPouglas me i be as strong with his more detached and dlspas- locrats could sionsle outlook knows very weU it

csnnot be brushed aside. *---------O n-U ii-lssU M -of-aconoroy-and dm

Rce of any- comiptlon. the senator from Illinois Reiitomary will- h u an outstanding record. H e re- mooUgh Issues, pestedly ha* opposed, o ften with rotless stepped teUlng effect, the pork-barrel spend- eve

. . . f o r y o u r n e w e s f .

Is for lo y e ttes- ■ Idvely^Iow p r ic e d !

l o y e H e s ^ ^ ^

s e d b a b ie s a r e m a k i n g ':es in Honeysuckle....... —ieest,-th riftiest----------------uying them! Every- 13 o f t, c o m b e d c o tto n , . blue o r maize. / f ^ ^ t

ption to Parents’ U l i g / ftiv-jiandsome-gift-box.. ^ ■yourfavorilebabyl

blankets I

2 ' " 9 9 c y # ; ; ;

t thing! . , . and these n —oudi Fine combed»nd nlle green,- ___ __1 _ _________tiane package. ~

I "

I r , ' . 3 - p I « t > o e t | i ^ i e U _ _____

N« qolyt 2 .9 8-------- i u weo'l, hand embroidered ------------

I* "<<rt . , . I t Ull* low prlcel white, if. « m5 Pln’t. “»>*® Of ireen.

Ribbon W m..pearWlke buttons.


lH O _______________ ■ ■■■ _____________

T J V Ing In the rlTeri an3'15rbors a p - m 1 3 I propriaUon bill* that are a regular 1]

feature o t every leislon of congress. “X O Douglas also has Insisted th a t the

1 . ^ dtfensedepartmentoouldscaiedown , Rs hu0i^«sp*adUuiH without U a. ic’

M l eon- swniHlyT------^ ^yrtn t t I f ^ comiptlon a n d " ,

ly ■ could rumoia o f ^m iptlon touching everytond____lirapo&_of-ttH-ggnnuaant Pm igiaa ^rebuked t>a* the look of a loaely-aud aome- f r

Umw »eU-rl«hte«u puritan. R e ^ language itarUed Wakhlngtoo. inhere the sea T'!

of-ceektaU-partJ«-lapi-perpetaalW- profit on a t the shore* of government, by , Douglas proposing lha t expenditures fo r a l- . . .

fiew. was cohoUc ^ e r n e t no longer be ta x h a also iIi!lueW 6Ie_ll_*_6utineii_eipcnae. r f '

m e t -for This purttan farrtytng W asBlng- p.. increase ton’* expensive restaurants and th e r-,

lobbyteteof one kind cnuw U w rw bo »

rjsns-.- S 'suddenly amount of the dinner check th a t h . promise* could be deducted. Here was indeed s hottest heresy In what many people ou t in f.i,

Ult w untry beUevt to be Babylon- h., nies had on-the-Potomac. „n t.iln ce When he talk* with friends who >er cent ccnUnue to urge hit candidacy, ha This had slrasies hla earnest desire to Iccep r . , . leading the privacy of a setnl-prlvate citizen.

Lowell B«t lometlnie* the force-of evenU f r h e sUel iia* a way of overruling cuch private K e wage de*lre*,- “r t t , l„ . ]

~ G r a n g e P o s t p o n e s o deslg- C a n c e r P r o g r a mw some BHOSHONE, April30- T h e can - s»n re la x es cer program ,*eheduled:for presen- Hei donage- UUon a t Maglo Orange meeting flhl le grand Bsturday night, was putponed b e - Flc is fo r 'a cause of road ifon'ditlons. I t will be gra ducUbie held In cormecUon vlth ths nex t Jun icre'ases. meeting. ' " 'O o ton. I t Is The cancer drive will be con- C le wage ducted between now and the n e x t gini "before meeUng. Mra. Arnold Kennedy a n d Hei

Mr*. V. C. Hoss are In charge of th e ch* drive. Qefl

rrum an DlspUys for the Grange <-H f a i r Bhl e i istue booUi wm be discussed a t the n e x t graiDouglas m a tin g ,:— .. ------- ^dUpas- ---------------- ---------- SiweU i t BREAKFAST rOSTFONZD

SHOSHONE. April 3t>-The SOUT- ny -and dough breakfast for the -R id in g . - minols Redskins, scheduled for Sunday T> H e re- morning, was postponed because o f ha* n with road eondlUons. A new date for th e hi* spend- event will bo announced later. Ill

a g R

i w e s f , m o s t ' p r b m i s i n 0 c i H

------------R o y o n K lm o f io t ----------------------p

Beg. SSo ___ 8 8 cSoft MppMlrayai la {only po*< Reg

----------- W,-efpli*--6r-bRi.BM;oi -------------„end'»mbreid*ry«rW.C#«a ^

. wrvpped. Thb mI* edyl _____ jjj j

'■ B i i i

8^ --------- ------------------------------------- __

z P A R k lN G -

. - W 2 D

S E % " l M t l 8 Gh , ^ P a u l S t uhou t lm - rr^AUI., AarlL*v-,-M.

i f r — ^ .Ul

ta a . H a ^ th*

!* fo r a l- 0? “ '' “ “““ •IlfW

X “f=“ ™ aM oy.ou dolph. sang teo numSJJ

B s)f e venu — ~ — ; ------- ------

private K u n b c r ly Claa

H o l d D a n c e E, n e s

h gh school gymnasium Ru,? r a mn io c a n - sang. Kalene P a t w s ^' presen- Henry did i ^ p d»n>. . meeting Shirley Mason suij

Dned b e - Fletchcr. played a u i i j S I t will be grand march wa* led t r A the nex t lunlor presirffri aM vll

■ Ooodlng. be con- CommltUea were h e i^ the n e x t glnU Thomas. d«oj»Um',edy a n d HeaUi and Ted Tate, m le o f t h e chalrnien; P a tK a h n .« S

1 -H S S ? r H . n ^ : ‘i a Slha n e x t gram, and Pal McKlllip, h i

- Sponsor*'iTthe j u n i i ^>fED Feldhusen and Robert Btmne sour- — ---------------- ---

Riding . - _____ filSTlB IB m , :Bunday OICTRICH. April Jft-Bart

cause o f ha* le ft for PorUand. On.^for th e his sU ter. Hit.


i n 0 c i t i z e n s !

. R o y o n G o w d i

*0 . 8 8Reg. 8Bc ---------*-----

W stoleoelTl

g j i i . f o r b o b y l n

Biltwell shoe

. . . . . !»»»•!> “ i t s *

Q ^ - ; - ; 4 0 3 :

^ p ' t o ' E a s t ; .K ’ S f iB s io n s

H f O ^ ^ o r f c City I t t e n to tba DAtlaa-

^ B K f K 't ^ t e u d % - - p w - '

R £ u W e r commlttM:■ R * cbklnnan orK ! l ^ & n . «nd u n .■ » £ / ^ awnUr*.H ^ ^ ^ m m Im *111 a ttcad »

B i a y aand roluai«er

■ troa'*!!'

K w ^ «U1 loelud* a i ^B » , * ^ u . mant* U d -1B tS S S ti ToluntMT M*.™^..ntng. Interctilturtl

derelopmentaR ? ^ « u lu U » '« ttvM

• A ^ ^ . O l r l i , Bjue I H ^ H

5 f e i S « 'j i U n n l n « to Lteeoln nn n T ^ u S iU l -p h » ia« .t .-N ,

buUdlM In New York. Inf. le ft t« » E S iu T r t i t io U i i . t i i i i t - E o m c r .n mS f iS S w Md » y*cht *

M a ^ - E? L Ifiut profMsor • n d ._____'L rf Uw depirtwent of P X A ? * 4«M-»nd-«b»bUltM . J T l i i

r s S “„ s S ^ s M 3rSw w M "»>"> “ i ' : ' . " “sL S l t t t i . * "D ndm iinfl- ond-Tlce.pmJiJSmtm." «ul M*rth» r .

[LiB»ldlr«elaroJO»fflpFlrt son. McreUry.s -Oosd PuWle a«l*Uon*— Mr*. Helen ■»Hii tl o«od AdniliU<tr*> the kindergart

tn(. She anno --------------- -— . perwfw may s

m U ninjuredas j £ T ‘£ S ehicle O v ertu rn s .mOKR Aprt! 80—Chester Robert. Kir. I j t ^ ld, ^ g l n g with I

S S r l F ^ ^ — MusicIffl Etfl CUyton. whe Investl- u N irY . Api Itisicddal, uid verr lltUe for choir mem vnidose 'uithecar. K v u be held m t <bta ion. filled with ga*o- chapel. be«inr Sri (il ic l Tas driven aw ay ward* Jn the : ifwjxjttr. Uelpate,I Kddat htppened north of T he lesson*, BnrtbeIUcfifW<Hit*hw»rr weeka. wlll-bt I th alone In the car a t th e Poxly, Salt t , <ttt_Wtl4enL___ • ______ ^ in ic to r .

4 - S e

j i b V s

WjiJlei tl,„

' l i n d i o m a B r o w n f o r K i d d i

: ' W R , d o r B l o c k W i t h V

r • , V

In the fam ily wril lov ^indoors-perfict fo r Hikim ^ '°f |Osfprdm I w i f i ^ ln ^ o

built w ith non-m ark i‘r P kod ju stab led raw strings , a

K ' l 11 '■'■•■

i n t n . w , u n .

________ O f f i c e r s K H u S te

-•■- — ■ ^

lincolnJPTA cffle«_w*M IniUUed Meoday \n H n iU n ii. Kew ettteer* m , arat^. H n. Milton Jei Bf. left te rijht. Mra. J. Paol Fuller, Ireainrer; Rf toemv. flm Tlce prealdent_(Btaa {riiota-enciaTlni)

* • ♦ * « «

U a x ; H e n d r i c k s H e a d s I

P T A ; O f f i c e r s A r e ]Lincoln «JjooI PTA otflcen were pantrt. Mr*. Ed» lUiUM b r Mra. AI Sitnk liu .a t.the . p u t tm td e n t 't i M tlngM ondorn lxb tln thejchool. buablD-WM-pre le r InclUde’Max'Hendrfck*. preai:' W ay r school prlj n t: Mra. William Boemer. first p r . Kathryn :e prealdentr'Kclna DeVries, aee- ch»rRe of the d id-Tlce-pre*Jdent;.Mra. Paul Full- Muaea resfllnM^ . tr e a * u ^ . and Mrs. Milton Jep- n. aecretiry. accompanied byMr*. Helen Palmer reported oi\. Rcrrcshbi^ts e kindergarten In the DAV build- first p-ade r&om{. She announced tlm t Interested ------------rsona may attend the eJa«es held f .tween B and U:1B a. m. and I and H j l e C t l O 19 p. tn. Mrs. Palmer abo an- rtine«d tha t children who are 9 j ' f ' ’a n old before Oct. 18 may enter committee .will e kindergarten adopt by-laws atRobert. KIrcher led community UveJ? »et for Ma: iglng with U ia rorxeatcr, accom- e h n im a n ^ ^ o u

~ ' ~ Present were (be-M usic School-Set— |g S f a ““iVU N i y . April 5&-A music scho^ o„ rgB scholerr choir member# and organlsta will —1 held a t the Unity LDS ward viDn-nlapeJ. beginning next month. All 'arda In the Burley stake will par- HAOERiJAN.•Ipate. l u t week of OecT ho leason*. to be held for fl?a Solmon plant.»k» r-w lll-be tln -M ay-19^H lU m C ap t..g , O, Jn\jxly, Salt ta k e City, will be the CapUln Johnsora t r u c ^ ^ _ _ ........ ■ J ■■ to asilgnment'Ui

4 - S e a s o n w e a r f o r c

S e a r s c a

Boyi* ilx e i ......................... .. 2 . 6 0 . .

ir K i d d i e s , M « n a n d B o y i

W i t h W h i t e S o l e . -

i — ---------: — :— :— — ...... ^

r w ill love Seors'cam p m o c s » - ar h ik in g ,'ro u n d the cam rfire [i~g In your own bock ydrd. -m ark ing rubber soles an d ' ' ‘ (rings, and so ft leather uppers.

. j ' l , ‘ ' -

: • , , tim es

j q i d u c t ^ b y L i n f e o l n P T ,


^ ----------------- / - J •

^ ^ ’• >-.**rk«eg8 #

1 Monday \n Mra. Al Hanklna, standlo t Hfht. ft,' H n . Milton JeppoB, aeereiary, and M as Hetidrieks, r, Ireanrer; Relna J. DeVries, second Tlce p r^ d ehoto-enjrailnf) — __

« « • « -----------------------

l e a d s L i n c o l n

A r e I n s t a l l e d S ^ U = '^day over KEEP.

an U t M n. Edsel H al/ received a Oary Spackm&n, aat iTOldBnt'* p ln .and.llfe mem- je an Stewart. e ^D _W M .preaentcd_to ^ u l a h . —R eptrtlne-the 'rayrschM l principal.----------- ' a t 4?15 p m LDr. Kathryn McDonald w m In wUl be Luella P.

harge of the program which In- and Shirley Roei ludea resainjs by Lorraine Deagle "Samuel Btudj nd vocal Mios by Helen Anderaon, character, will be ccompanled by Joan Tolman. Saturday over 1 RcfrcshhiBits were served by- Rose. Joe Keysei

Irst grade room mothers. reporters,

" E l e c t i o n S l a t e d W a k e U iBURLEY, April *> -T he YMCA — "

ommlttee •will elect otflcers and T a |U |a v / |dopt by-laws s t a meeting tenU - I W I H V I Vively aet for May 16. Albert Carter, W llh^iit'Najholrman, announced. Hi»*ln«b«el^bt

'resent were (be Rev.'A. M. Thonlas. J« o orkiw.rruoc iftak_Sptocer..J..H..Boncr,_EcrTy. . w SS-wSmi. ^ .itephemon, Truman B r a d le y , «• iim j »oii itreiii.Jeorgo Scholer and Carter. /wijontoiiowdtr-i

5»rlrrlul*onidii”oVISITB BROTHER “ D5‘o‘rn ''’K [”‘'“

HAOERiJAN. April 30 - Quests ticu b.uJr , d” t ast week of Oeorga Johnson. lower ■ lalmon plant, were his brother,:ap t.-g , O, Jnhnwn. anri family^Japtaln Johnson la on leave prior ttnSMSoqtwMM. 9 asilgnm enfim corea'B S 'a p ilo tr---------------jtdrtr

r f o r a l l t h e f a m i l y .

^ a m p m

/ § ^ \

— ) L Nv ^c e ^ o e » b & ' • 3

____ W o m en '* , g irli 'l i z e i 4 -9 2 . 6 6

o y i


a n d ... " •- . ____— en<

jppers. - ------ ------

f lM K " - FREE 403 Moil r> . a M IQ PARKING Phon

o i n P T A ^ ^ B i r t h s ’ I^ — A _ 5 - .....• - - « JEROME. April

- r - » ■». la s t week a t th e i: .V •‘:jl p lta l were 'dnugl

. . a . Mrtr-Harvey-Davl.,... a n d Mr*. Jc rtT Dl

•• • J-.'< sona to Mr. a n d 1-— --... ------ ■- ■ — -• aon and Mr. Mid

■ ■ ton. Jerome. Mr.WolverUm. Olenr a n d Ura. H owatd

-I J H A Om M AN , ,J . ........./ro m the h ig h scf - ' J seventh and elgh

Buer o ur tn e m »i F^rldaz n ight whei

Ddlnt Hfht. fourth dlstriet Tiea SPECI/*H as neodrieks. prt«atBli sU n d - - ^. J Tic. Mn. Wmta» CRC

Programs Planned ^The -Twin FalU Junior high D .g 9 91

chool Journalism department wille Interviewed a t 9:80 p. m. Batur- r a iu « « . . . .ay over KEEP. BeportCTi'wili'be ----------------lary Spackman, Oae Hansen and CLCesn Stewart. .......................................................„-Reptrtlng-thouew tfot th»-sehoov --------HOUCt 4;1S p, m. Saturday over KTPI m ■rUl be Luella Pope. Bub Langdon R In d Shirley Roemer. V"Samuel Btudyhard," a llctltions ------- ------------

haracter, will be featured at'4 p. m. b x olaturday over KLDC with Patsle "eg * ®’'Close. Joe Keyser and Pat Rowe a* ' V o lt ie i . . . .eportere. —

W ake Upr o M o re C om fort ^

w ith o u t Nagging BackachaNinliKb>ckukt,IoM«l|MP>o«»inT.

V i t aDon’t BrtL<t rour kldnm U Hum eradU e n n

;&fe”S H 7.J2 ,K 3!s.lS =°'°B»«f so ye»ni. »•» »jK«ilnjt how »»M U»M

S S - ^ lS S S S S f r

^ a BS<m i l y . . . Jl

* F o r S p r

m p c s ,_ . A s i

^ " f

M e n 'i lix e ' R u b b in i^ ■ 7 -11 2 . 6 6

9 2 . 6 6

A Y E R ':


R e g . 2 .5 S i*e— N(

---------_ --------------------------------.U P

P e r- _ V oto rInQ

F i p i

H i m«'i, W o iM r t U fmend ban' .I im . __

f l

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S . ]

______________________________________________ I

Sirths Reported Meeting i3W3ME. April S»-Blrths listed R v T ' w / \ week o t th e St. Benedict’s hos- U y X W U 1 were daughters to Mr. and BHOSHONE. Ai '1IarTey-Savls,-J«roma,-aad-Mr. n .ihirv .h ,i - m Mrs. Je rtT Davla, lUchtleld. and a Bed Or«s« mee to Mr. a n d Mra. Farriel John- Home Priday. Bei

and Mr. and Mrt. Wayne Carl- el<hl county cbn Jerome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold tendance. T he n

verUm. O lenns Ferry, and Mr. every three mont tlra. H ow ard McGuire, Buhl, gmn cf prorldtne

---------------------------- al the MountainT o S e e G a m v

AQERMAN. AprU X ^ tu d e n U dtnU. such aa boc 1 the h ig h school. Including the were taken to the nth and eighth grades, vUl b« the Lincoln coun'

a i n ight when tbe Cowboys play chairman and Dli g w ja . .g a i i i .____ ________

= = i i i D R U G S - C



Rog. 9 .9 5V a lu e s ...............W Y J j V J i

CLO SE-O U T ( / W f / A■1 H pltflrid~T ulipll___ 11 \ \ V

B U L B S V f r


A 3 .0 0 V alue

V i t a m i n A5 0 .0 0 0 U n its

. , - ^ . 9 5 - D^arrrScplU. B o H le o f * OuB<^Factl

— ID O ' C a p g u T e r W ----------------

A I « n R R I K l 7 " ^- .......... JU N IO R . .

F o r S p ro in s, S tra in* , , . # * 0

79- /gSiI U .S ,P . Q uolity

- A S P - I R I HR e s . 39= S Iz .

f c 3 9 '

Isopropyl j ^ Y

A l c o h o lR u b b in g Com pound | k

A Y E R 'S ' LUXURIA B B m f f

C R E A M ^

________ U P JO H N 'S

U N I C A P SsTh= B oIohcedM om in

;» « '• «f , 3 ' ■1 0 0 C o p iu U l w stanUystopap-------------------------------------- checks perspl

C o u n se lo r B a th . ^ ■

S C A L E S '------ E a s y to -R e o d -D la l-----------—

a ^ ! ; _ 4 " E

P e n i c i l l i nV e te r in a r y , 3 M . U nits

W eR

F A L L S . 1 ^ 0

l e e t i n g A t t e S a e d B 6 u n 9

B y T w o W o r k e r s o i S ? “ f ^BHOSHONE. April 30—M rs. Mary Judge Theron Wa ilhlfJr and Frank n io«-*ttanded -watrant Issued-jai Bed Ores* meeting a t Mountain ing him with Issul sms Priday. BepreaenUUves from out funds, ght county chapters w ere In a t- Martin has bee ndance. T he meetings are held district court folk 'ery three months to p la n a pro- ary examinftHiSHrv n cf prorldtng needs o f patlente i------------. the Mountain Home Air Base PABTTjapltal. aBroORNTAtJrContributions ' from local real- persons attended mU. such as books and mogaxSnes, held a t the LD ere taken to the hoaplUl Friday by evening. Arranger >e Lincoln counly workers. by Mr. and Mrs. CMrs. Pethlck la^ tome- senie e «rr-and-M r»r-lai lalnnan and Dice is county chair- -were played and 1 anhere .~'~ aerved. - _ ;

O l l N G E R ' S ’

3 S - C O S M E T I C S - I

-------------- Y o u r - m o s t ------ ? ---------

- I m p o r t a n t . . .

■ c o . o r y . . . ^ ^

\ \ W l/J \ ^ P l it Y r

I I bat. yoor nosfs-parkll

your iktn Is a fla* DuBMry Face Pow clinging taa^c mist I plexian; DuBany U:

C A t S l ^-r : LUCIEN

_ T1I-«!^V g g _ ^ ^ R A CiCREAM D E O D O R A N T

b i K » l U r . . . I B1 t e h i s s s i l now only

'^*** ...... —

H S E S B E B ^ B a n d you 're

en vtlo p e d ir

' P e j/um cilInstantlynopt INDISCRl

m o U tu re l S P R I N G i

~Famou» Tuasy Cream Deodo* raot protecU yvor dalntineA from morning to night. In- stapUy stops persplnUon odor, Feotvr

Leaves akin amooth. Safe for TROLIhDoraal aU a aod filmiest lab-rics. SUy. cmmy-aoU, Complete Coi


W e con a s su re you you can 't get yoi tipns. f illed Qt less, c o s t anywhere :

= T foHooer^e-PHormacvi—

W e R e n t W h e e l e h o i r s , C

: , i p - rcrvxy^ij

^bunfl Over" [ MnjHHlOME. April » -B ruce Martin

appeared before m b a to I Theron Ward Baturday ea ft A tlssu e d -jan rn rlK Irtf ttff^ lm with Issuing a cheek with-

rtln has been bound orer to ct court following .a prelimln- xatalnkllftH.' ----------------------

PA E T T H E ia” FOR 1n jonN rA tJra .M --iu iy-C T e ..- ...ns attended an Bden part? CUttOItta t the LDS church Friday mnMtk I

llg. Arrangements were made | 9 4 9 | r. and Mrs. Olsyde WUeoi andtid-Mrer-LeUar-Olsea-Oamea- — YY.d te , VtOnSplayed and refrashmenU were - B O X l l — •i. - _ : •_ . _ , ^ _ . , . . J L g g g s a B 5rsp m; s - H O M E N E E D S

I 51 S i u a V


§ 5 1 ^I , k - ^ N e w e s t Shoe

^ 1 .25 Value...

R A Z <V ~ J l t \ \ ‘‘ ~ — S u p e r ^SpeeiN -------1 1 \ \ \ W i th 1 0 Blu

I J t J B la d e s & C<_ J ------ - y _ ,

w f V G lllr tM

^ B L A 1

_______________ 1 ■» O N L Y ._____

{d Is a {lawleii ilniihi Toothr Face Powder, a long-n a ^ c mist (or yosr ceai. f o r . . . . . . .DuBany Lipstick, to. »

I a loscibas, moist jdubi PresiFlashI

------— ■■ .. - • - - - : - r .3 6 j» o c k ------------------------------------------------o f .T F N ..,,,.,______ _____ ___________^SylVpnl.avS

L lk e G e t ifF b n d e r fu U f o r th e Pri




X p l . ' T oo th


tnd you’re . SOeWonveloptd in a mo icai' Shave jfum eM istm[N D IS C R E T , S I R O C C O .

r A I L S P I N .X A C H E T ,.................... B A B \

S P R IN G a n d .S U M M E R ' ' A U

EaA*3 plus tax P l’o in ’ ’ ~ D ia l______

Feotiimd in — TT--------


implete CotmeHe Dept. - CoSl-,i W rist

Vt get your prescrlp. MOthei anywhere ihon o t. ____ - - C A I

" ! ! H 5 i ! = = = = = = =

oirs. Crutches * °^

Evening at' e l l L i g l i t e d - l j s ^ ^ ^

FOR SALE ■Custom Sti/ted1949 FORD ■

3 0 X

■ E D S — =1IMH G oufle,” 15 D e n l e P ’

N Y L O N S ™ *P e r fe c t Q uo tlty F u ll F osh ioned - : ;

f e w e s t S ho d e s A c ■.2 5 V o lu e ___ O T '

R A Z D I ^ S MS u u Bi Spe e d ^ Q H f t t> ~Vith 10 Blue I f . 00i lc d e s & C o s a L J _____ ^•-^ - -A - -1 iy 5 -V e jig » ^ -^

G ille tte B b e

B L A D E S ^ m' a c k o f 2 0 A t o r ~)NLY.___ y o c

= £ W H | ^ S f lM ilk o f M o f l b ^ _

T ooth Porte2 , o . . . - „ - 6 3 c m

Press25 f l Flashbulbs S

l.36:Pack-rTMiO^^>f .T F N ..„ ;. . . ¥ Y C SylVpnl.a SiiperflashJ

Lllce G e ttin g T # o r f o r th e P r ic e .’o f O n*

n c B-B PEN ■ Br 49c REFlEt- f lfo ^ h |g t ^ f l

"G lorit.,

C hlorodent 'C H L O R O P H V a :

T o o th p a s te . F ^ | ■

Jergen't Lother .-------- S h a v e w ith

50c Woodbury^ 9 Shave idolion f l( L im i t o n e .......d e o l ) b o th — Z I C y

- M in ia tu re S iz e - '


K . - . - 5 4 ^ ; ■

Hopalong Cassidy

W r i s t W o t c h f l

A llnin x o e -W o n d e r l a n d W e 7 9 '~ o r c ln d e ra l io

it'i.Tlmt t o ^ e lK T - i i^ ^ HMother^s i> a y ; :^ f l


w ■» ? y A Q g g t X

Hciod Waters =-DropinUtali;

Threat Holds------ tA W U O T-O TTfrA prO -X H U *-: snood m t m tn m uren form tr ' cTMks iloirad h m ua*r bu t b pr«- > -iUeUan of b ltti« r um iw ttarD i niled

m t tny tw t for m u 7 flood work-

CMt U k * o i t r iuror c w t j .. Olftde Mtd th t dtutU on would ba . ..ffxli r fw itm t hr fb» w ttlc wMl.—H»

t t l d he b«Md his prtdleUoa on ft --M oeMstul-.;pl«n_ for-.flood coptroi

t o th e ■flltT't OKMt davftiutlor >00<1 to

• hlttorjr h*a be«n toe»t«<l b r City : Xnclneer R07 W. MeLeue. He s&ld

L..' bltlf the b tc u e u ^ in i t the n t to c m i e n had been won.

But d w n u e from th t flood* h&d ra e h e d |l,0«t,000 u d wm mounUns

-"« « u u iy . o u d * Mia. -IKtldenU ctU td on O ot. J.

•—»rw anra'X M “ yMi*M»r' dftoiitsaine ' ' th a t he do aomethlni about ’‘three

f te t of w*t«r on our hemes.*'U nder Cootrel

m other secuoai ot th t it«U tha . flood iltutU on v u undtr controt

for the most part.R«sJdent« of the srnall eentral

Utah town of Spanish Pork were p a ^ in f household belonflngs on ’ their porches in preparation for anjr

•4-mddea th a n w for-the wer»* from rac ln t Bobblexrtelt.

And to Ogden more than loO —tootoes had-been erscuated !n can-

jvn * rtu and a portion ot a hlgh‘' w ar In O idea canyon' had been

doted to traffic.

Episcopal Leader > Predicts Unity of '

-IBcoteatantXrioupL ■BAH 7RAN0IB00. April 30 t

H ie E p ^ p a t _ and >Cethod]it >■ churches •Tantuallr ^ puU a 1.

-d iv id e d ProtulahUKB t o g e t h e r , rVplKo;*! Bishop Stephen B. Keeler, ''UlnseapoUs. told the MethodUt ,general conference l^uiday.

Keetef/om irm an of th t ProtM tant

,SJ*»aldI "W« ba re m uch^*com * ] -aon aad the dUfervneas bttween us •lo-ellfht.'*

Inter - communion sarvtoes be* tween the Ohurch of England and

' other P rotestant denomtoatlons 0 ...m uat ..eomB before a n r organlied b —galw>.-*ald Bishop K taler, ,

3<ethodU m-s founder, are to BpU- f, copal hrmnala than an r others, the tdthop Mid. He also praUed CQiarlet a Partin, rnilewood, N. J , _ for h it work u lajjnan aeeretary to tha Jotot study and unity oom- ° mittee of the Protestant EpUcopal

~ i a d Methodtst-churche*. P a rlta U ' • dtlegats to th e general conference. ^ — -Blshot>-X»*a-Lw-Boit,-Bt,-LouU, > . . lold delegatM th a t Protestant unity ^

SpudShort^els "■ Noted in Chicago (

OmOAOO. April to <m—A wlde< ■pread potato shortage developed today, as4 a ipokesman for whole-

Jsale grocers.predlct«d-lt would last . . , 'o i tm u B e l . • ®

MUton R. Durrett. secretary of “ ...the Alabama WhMesalt Oroeer* a i- “ T*OtlatlSfaT Mid a blia;~giarlcal~wu ^developing a t price* 3 to 3 cenU per pound higher than willing.

Durrett, hero for a convenUon of » the U. e. Wholesale Orocer* asao- elation, Mid the oropt from the

'^ b a m a and T c x u jMtato re^ ons ^ a r t reaching mldveetara markets. « but tha t the ahortagt wlU eonttoue “ until crops a re harvested further

................................. - - ■* .

Interest Boosted •'

BFor U. S. Bonds S

- WASHINOTO^.'Aprll SO (jfV -^e treasury revamped its enure m uiu-

. T u tsd v toterest rate s aU £

Sale of two of the current aeries h Of Mvtogs bonds—P and O'bonds— will be dUconUnued effecUve Thurs­day. But three new types of bonds t) will be offered. The familiar aertes

'•TT defenM bonds—the type held by 8 DOit todlvlduala—Will be conttoued. «

But toterest rates for the full pe- « -Ttod of the-btod w in be raised from ^

2 i per cent to 3 per cent. >i

AutoBiillsBoy rWEISSR. AprU » - U ^ — Gregory "

le sh , 4-year-otd son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leah, was killed yes­terday wntn he was struck by aa «u(o to front o f his home.. PoUee ch ief Jam es Purdy M id the «hUd xan aeroas the street to front

^ r i ^ * O e n ^ . 20; ^

[ CLUB I ^ m m E R h Y ]

P resen ta

B U N N Y l^ ^ C B H I S T E N S E N .

- o a - tb e Ptozio-SoIoTox

Wed, H um. and:VC:::. :'"S«tiirday ;

-B o u B s

k : r - o te « « S w t t f c M 'p to a f e «_ i t BUV «f knows

' 1

Twin FaUs Radi [tah; . ~keeil o l d S • K o o c r o u i ) (i«M KUX)01

is Hisr«but B pre- ' itVOIw OrMV

tturea ruled «>«« m iM U-U. It. >« *piM ,{;{{ 12

w l a r l J. “ J iu m o S t 1 MN g-fM D

------ ------ -- -»too-^iT»»ut-Cl»>--------- Iiw-Wr»f-Mirw

Jd by City iiiW Jick Bcrtb aUw lU •b o o w t e. He said i ;}5 1lh . r .B M , „ ^ j „ ^

floods had 5 •« 0itM»„»4iijto«»4»p ».m. s mounUng ' |}q ...

Oot. j . Im s 't idMH»Mlne - ■■■■ ISS'ub’’ " * ’»Ut "Uire* ,11 JHrnlrn..,, Krw| 5:15 •Ww.rJ R. 1

s f u u t h eler controt foo siio u c

.11 c .n tt. i ;!!;S£~SV” .‘s s rS sPork were :» rionm Ouebill Site •RnldrnUa]

■ ! : ! ! a 5 r > a - i ! ; g ! a y „ BrorM from ....... .. ...............

™ Wool Prices Far I^ !n can-

S.d ’bf?; Year’s Marlq— It's fia i t or famine for Magic Val- 1S»

Uy TfDOl grower* and 1052 looks like soldl Q 6 r » famtoe year, according to County T , - „ Agent 0, W. Dalgh. . Mait y O l I " t year wool prices akyrocketod ^ 1 «•'- to ♦I.J7X ta-U neoto co im ty .andr r n i i n wera only one-fourUt of a cent lee* ^

TWiTIHJrPflirZSlffi^TJoSirButTO ■eeni y«»r, only Uiree d ips have

M e t h ^ b*sn sold to Idaho wlUi prioes rartg- , J J I PI“ . * Ing-betwesn M and fi7 « n U a g e t h e r . pound.M e S ^ U t Compwid with I960, however, tha MewodUt Min

»retestant — — — —

PubKc Confession »"•tween us <>.1 , , . -rv 1 1^ Slated by Robber s .[land and T0F2KA, Kans., AprU 30 (Cn-An er c mtoaUons nnldentUled man who Mya ha rob- j r s organUed bed Uja Hoyt. Kans., sla te bank four

-JP eeley jwm

t h ^ . ? £p r» U rt ^ sheriff with a wire recorder

WlU be to tha congregaUon. The

x sParlln U But the minister, through whom mference. self-dwlgnated bunk robber haa

S Jwlwon County Sheriff Emeat ^ m itiranrCountrSV torh>-rD onttld

_•_______ Bsnds to ths church Sunday willf mkko no dH(erence.~ltie publlc con-

k ._ |g faulon «1U go olf u planned.

Steel Company’s SS "’S Income Declines ^te ta rr ef unit of Uie government-seUed steel .

u . induitiy, reported Tuesday net to--eome-cf-HJ#3««:-equal-to-|l.«-* — -

3 cents «mmon share, for Uje llrst.U iree m n . tnonUis of 195J. This compared S S o n of with MB,883,TBI. or $l.«2 a share. er> asao- U*e period a year ego. «® ’>f02n the Dlrecton ordered payment of a ,0 reilons dlvldead of 78 eenta a share on tha ^ markets, common »tock, the isme as to pro- conunue «iu»rl«r.. I t U payable June

10 to stockholders of record May 9. „ Income for Uie Uteat Uiree months

. - - compares-with |49JI9,6«, or « .M , a»h«*,toU iepttct< to»pertod, the

e d flnU I8M <iuarter.

londs Second Drowning Reported in Boise

BOIBE. AprU 30 (UA-Suaan Ellen I I , rate* all B,yey_ ji.month-old daughter of ^

^ X•*/**• drowned yesterday to an Irrigation ► I ' l ^ d s - dlich near her home here. “« -niurB- She WM tha second chUd to drown, of bonds this spring In BoUe.-

la r aertes Ada Comity • Coroner- Clyde E.>e held by Summers tald Susan was pUytog «nttoued. wlUi other children near tha ditch e full pe- when ahe toppled In. The swKC Ued from water-carried her downstream until ' / .

her body lodged against the mouUi- of a culvert. -

?tremen tried un»yeee»fully to » 0 y "five the child.'-Oregory —Mr. and


ms AJ O H N W W N l ™



L t

' 1 '

Is Radio SchednlesK E E P K T F I A M - F M *

(14M SILOOTOLXI) KU,04l.r UO)i n friDKKaoaT wi b hm pat

Sill ^ i r L * U jum 8ecr

i« •DiSf B rtS ? risM ! ‘2

S 8& 53SI ;s.7a?.‘ri2iir.00 . . S W k ™ ^

f e u s ' - S s g ; I fSrsAS'"* ia!*« ♦AuB^JSsr'i tuaim menliM *11. 1.0 Tr«» tiJO »B«b »*>„ slmll

si!jg:»“ r ■ s sti l l NmfcMU. lUrkMi aHmUl Mndlw

‘ !m •8«1.b «■« ItUoerel* Kl4mb.l1.‘.3 ! .w .

«:M • Pl.Fb«u« UIO .« « -• «f Wotli thei

I 10 Fr^om 1. Oor sMr. Kmb Wherlr«0 •Upw. 1I TliemM N»-« »:»l W°o.n V.t«i>IH 8>>nj noonduo llOO.uHIl r.r.d*JilO 'PrMldMll.l I’rofll*. liM lOn. • rM 1»>.»« W..U.r en«ri - : l:JO iFmlhcf Kbow« U«.»UM '(li.nt llolcamb N.w. lOiOS xlWbt. Uonltwirj lhe ]--------------------- to h

:s Far Below Last Marlq Interest Lagslaglc Val- IflM the Twin Falls county poollooks Uke sold for 93H eenU. _

to County The Twto Palls county Livestock P qMarkeUng aisocUtlon m st Uonday X d

s ‘ r a = - % “ - s ‘' . T r f ? , s s

dloshave kettog corporaUon. ,lOM rang- W ith prices low, sheep r ^ r s are ^

« looking to the government loan »erv- Ico for help. Dalgh said. So far only

. . . . h . Ooodlng. Minidoka and Jellerson wever.tha countr m arkellni oooU have eom- “

edge. I n themielves to go under the “ “Jl": ------------- loan program. . J,*"

3 i o ntunity to make a declHon on Uie

(bber s ? w x “ : . r s r K ss;» W—An er company auditorium. All consign- “ * i a ha rob- ors and reptesenUUvM of all wool bank fom- -huytog flnns.*rB.tavlteiJ to attend.

. Wool_£ommlttM m emhers-of-tht ^ ^

* h ‘ Bunr Harry-HoIm<iul3t.-l»th-TwliiTWIir r tn oun ^ g rv ln Lohr and Leonard Winkle,

boUi Piler. and D. R. Turner and P . V. MorrUon. boUi Murtaugh.

Uon. Tho __________________ AS

Taylor May Run oS be?^2 In First District

piSg i r s i a s i f s r s g s

iHlIc con- Taylor wrote friends here he msy J '* ' "*<>• esU bllih residence In Moicow snd ^

ru n against RepabMcnn IncimitanV John T. Wood to the race for con- f—

r 3 g reum an from Idaho's northern

: l i n 6 S Taylor aa a Democrat wm Idsho v >_TTn..»4 -aeaator_from-l#M to 19M. He now

Uvea a t Los Oatos. Calif. p ^

— SoIon_Passes_^rst three « A ^ l 30 l^ R e p . for•omnared Murray, R.. WU„ died Tues- w'a iThnrfi ^ BeUiesda naval 'hospital i>iteBgo. he '

^ of a “ * * “ servtog hU sevsnUi t«m h «•eon tha In Uie house u a represenUUve of pej» to pre- Wtsconsto’s seventh dUtrlct. th«

1 Mfy"9 LEAD PRICE COT t(,2temonthii YORK, April JO (*-T he wMoH i m price Of lead W r e d u c e d I cent S ?

a pound fo 18 cents. New York, by -rted, the American Smelting eompsny

Tuesday. Uie f irs t, change, by a — " , domesUo supplier stoce Uie huvy

in§ ^(^ S & u Q I^ P

liTlgatlon ENDS TONltEl jto drown PAUL HENREID Jpiyde E. ROBERT SHERMAN n

Kathleen Boibes, BesseO K<i*tch JohBsen to g l '

“ " F O R M E N U




GABBY HAYES --------KAR8N-BOOTH--------- ----

P " C A R I B O U i

L t r a i l s j

I Otoeeeler ^

\ C S S H ^ S B i\ I E N D S T O N I T E ^

U . . ..........M N I-W Y M A N -I—■ CHARLES U U G H TO N■ JO A N BLONDELL M


V E I L " NlCentlnnoua Sbowlov P r e n S p n .


’ J l i ____>' ■


jgg Brannan Not Happy A bout

- ...I Bureau Acts 5n m ----------- WAWBKOTOWr-AprU-JO-tU*---- t hm u jum Secntsry.of A grioilture Chsrlss P.I <jr Brsnnui hae complained to a house ^> lUia • lubcommlttee about lack of cooper-

tUon tlven 'h is departm ent by the

ii’a . »auitmaj Brtnnin voiced th e compl^nt

_ Nurlni a heeTing~on*A bUHbj^Bsp.[■ « • « Revs BKk Boeone, D.. -Otah. to su- A '"** Uinrit* ffovftTTiment loan* on «msll

iW ff ir fo n j> re T « 6 sT r^ ^ ==ylnurior_de;>artnieat.

Wb5Id“ H iJt Heli» - ^ 0“ Hm He u ld th o agrloulture depart- jjj- . a ia meat hss been gran ting losaa on , similar proJecU tor y ears but wouldn ha shut out o t the program proposed u .>oim In the.bUl. I t would a e t up a »«.■«»*u« ooofloo fund In Uie recomtJueUon ,riii flnuies corporation fo r Joans on q ,

•1'®’° - ^ - h ^ Brsnnsn eald ta p a s t yesrs the

xiamuv. sgrlculiure departm ent deurmlned ' the ajrlculturol feasibility of recla- ^ i „*ChA matlon proJcct*. T hst ended, he said, ..gjd> when Michael w . S tra u s became voV .rvi«. commissioner.<!• BU rrs Bequlred the{=ow.-"li»» Under Mrs, Bowne's blU, he » ld , onitwirj lhe reclimatlon bureau would have *“ **

___■“ to hlie.englaecrlng a n d economic ^ataffi to revliew projocts for which

f loitu would-bo sought ----------*’ H«lam»llorj bureau reprtisenU-T tlvej endorsed th s blU. They ssid| , n p f S ‘he bureau h a d been working for •■-'“ g ® »Si yem on a pU n to promote con- junty pool stixicUon of email projects.

mX Farm Price Gain S?,SS Noted by...USDAw iL llK tl WASHINOTON. ^ r t l 30 OF! — m u i wooi-waiy ai,^,ralsen u a commodlUes rose tw o-thirds of one a ^ ;loen»erv. In th e m onth ended April S*

’ jlll’e w n P « w ' ' r j ^ y “” ^ ehave th e first g a in to three Carlunder tha Sharp Increeaes to p rices of sev- T M l. ers] truck crops—chiefly cabbage. I j a sn ODOor- ‘‘ "’■toea and onions— along with on o n to e prices for cotton, com, po­ll meettog '« '■ Jambs, aheep, and beefdaho Pow- M«l« w«e m ainly-rA ponslble for BC Jl consign- 'i^eKaJn.)f all wool The dtpartm ent sa id these to- to attend. *” » « "ere only pw O ally offset »» nf th . by bwtr prices for d a iry producta,

.nH ho8»,;'vesl*^«ilves. ch lckJ^a .^nd lh (L ^VlnTOTiT tTOll-gratas.- ---------------------^rd Winkle, -----------------------------

-taugh. Appointed '- ASniOEEN. April 30 — Leon qj ^ l l t l Jewett, Aberdeen Power company lU l l district manager, has been named t - • i. • J to Uke orer dU trlet m anager duties H [SiriCt atH illeyonM ayl. Jew e tt haa been■)i yt im_ wlth^the company to -Aberdeen for

n l i a ^ l J>i5t_Pr.esldcnt_of_Jie. biopy j,, Xber^eeT R otary club .and a-m em- Qien ^ U ro t .the Chaniber Of Commerce. _ O rre he m»» ^ c k QTlmmetl, American Fnlls, has are 3JC0W snd *¥*" sppo to t« l-to th e Aberdsan Mr..i IncumfeenV• 1------------------------------------------------

Revenge ZVAN K tn rs. Calif.. A pril 30 (.fl ------

I. 00 now H ojplui-stt^8n t3-w crB T rar=“ prised Tuesday when Al Bsder, a h e a l th departm ent inspector,

,g g told Uiem hejd been b itten by a

»or IS years.died Tues- while Uiey treaU d « painful -hosplUl Wte on hU foot. Bsder explained

he wu walking barefoot In his * '*“ **'«’ h e acddentaU y step-

®UUve of ped on a Uirow mg m ade from let. the bobcat head and pelt.- Ths iharp teeth c losed“on hU

_ foot, “Ii's a m atter o f revenge," -f_,* > '^ T h e said Bader, “I shot h im 10 yearsM 1 - cent 1IB-*-------------- --------- --------- - ~ • • -■ York, by [ _ ^ _________


E N m

MENT f m

I f JiftlW

►u • • • y ’

' w h i

T E _ r i i w n

ON ■ ■ > S

yii 'r %N atu ro 't u r ^ u r r i e d g o o d n e s s + S c h e

I ftm ■ . . . .bienoeo whiskey ss proof . 6S;{ craih

___1' . ■

rs, TW IN fA IXS, ID A H O ..........

I Levy Okayed 1 ^...Mfl- The iptdsl IJTT oMt jntUi fw I _ _1

opetttlon o( tchaoU In e tu s A I JdUtrict 411 tor the 1»92-S9 year

i c t s. Of the M votss case, «3_wwe |

”® iavor ol u it l*vy,wpertoteadent of

. a house tchooli.reporttdvoung was held “ *'7,w p e r - B lej,, to ti

achooU, with Llnoola totaltog 28 f “ * .cs Mike ballou and Blekal, M. omplaint I— — — — — — — — *

X T Given" 'X =To Cub Scouts

. . KIMBIHLY, April lO -O ub Scout- ^depart- jn , presented to 14 T ra r

M members of Kimberly pack « a t daryJt would Uj, jtaaday alght la th# BeDiproposed MeUiodht ehureh. counP * .'C utanuter WslUr ShouM made TJ-itJueUM }^ , ..........................“ JJ* liS Oerald MeOoy received the Hoa falle II.OOOJIOO badge. and-one-goldJind-twa.*llver-4j»-U

arrow poInU; Art Jones and Ron- a p<f " ™ i ^ nle Strolberg.oae-year service sUrs: th e lt e ^ s d RonnU airolberg, one gold and two th eV .V Pemt*: Denny Can- ques-

’ *'«*<>• “ *• badge, one gold and becameyear service star; Donald Albright, rlveithe lion badge, Webelos, one-year n e r .

he said, denner m re

Economic Albright wm awarded a 2^onir which one-year service aUr; Donald Gay. year"LJ!.'"'"- the bear bsdii and sliver arrow on fromresenU- Laughlto, the We- T rley s^ d •’“ 'y Nelsffn, the lion tainting for •farvis, Donnie n,,ssiole coa- K»«by, th e gold ------

arrow point. mmmOne-year Mnlce plas were pre- ■ 1

. ■ sented to Bddle Brown, Bonnie Jar- | * ;I i n ''I*. Donnie fibausa snd Jim Hamby. ■ ■ ■

. Carl urban won Uie wolf badge;* s r i A A farewell ceremony by the cubs

and welcome by. Boy-Morris, Scout- •) OFI — m u ter, were Uven_lq h o»of of Dick - A'arUieIr Shouse and DonaTd Albright, who MI of one are entering thi Boy Scouts. HKl April 3k lt and attendance bansera were ■len t-re- won by Mrs. Donna DePews. den 3. W .

T he project banner went to Mrs. j vn three Carl BtolUnberg, dtn 7. ^

. : I S . L a b o r P a n e l W iU jB e F o r m e d H e r e ^

Ible for BOISE, April 30 W—A local legls- UUve conunlttw ol the Idaho Fed-

lese to- eraUon of Labor will be formed to ■7 offset Twin Palls Thursday night. Pred ■,„Hucta McCabe,-chairman of the federa- t l

Uon's legHlaUvt committee. l iT J— “F —LMai-pftlim tl-tom hiH tees-hare

. . been organlied s t Idaho Palls, po. . [ 5, catello, Lewljton and Coeur d'Alene ‘ %

and will be formed next week In [ 'Boise. Alao planned U orgaalxaUon Ls;

[ J s E v e n t s R e p o r t e d f lleen for ALBION. April 30-Mr. and Mrs. fm------- - -HrB.-3iagood Kave-returTre4"to^ir

_of_Jie. biop, after ipendlng_ihB_wlnter_8t. a jnem - Qiendale.,Arii.... . . . .

S S T ^ H i i i ^ ^ S S i L S f T S S - Bbeidsan Mr. and Mn. Araold-Holland. - K

Mra. LaU. Baurtigartner returned *1*______ I to Albion after spending several f c

days to Salt Lake City. S


l i I YOU 1MAY WIN 1

lalned _ H*50.00 I

and Seuon Drtre-In T heatre f)n his P“ *- ®*’" ‘ » for * e ■ '

taday ’s

- S O H E N L E Y ^

. . . y o u know ifiq

_ J h e b e s t - t a s t i n g -

w h i s k e y i n a g e s !

Jreii+SchenlB y 'i unmoldied skill -M n b e iW

F. a% CR»m m n n ,l s , | , |„ , ;,;h;„|.EY OrSTRIBU

0 ......... . ■

Okay of PUC Ks - I s Given Gas

S3 year _ ' SnaktImport Plans a

t t were . ^ 1 tn i/iAh., spell bpublic UUUUSS commuslon h u »u- J « » tJiorited Trans-NorUiwest Oi», lao . ‘>>t w

«i..S-{ to transport natural g u from Csn*oSfi! “* “ £”«' I t U th t second eertlfleate of ^ 2

■ convenience lasued by the POO. The ^

c n preme- court ordered a re.hearlng “ “ *• following appeal by Northweat Nat*

r « » F < a w l - O i a eom pany,:a^ot*stant._;S l i t S CemUM Ustedlb Scout- The pIpeUne to be cenatructed byS to M Trani-NorUiwest wlU serve Boun. i « a t dary , Bonner. Kootenai. Shoahone,S to th#

I* msde T he aupreme court ordend Uis r*> hearing, sUUng the commUsioa

the Hoa failed to follow "proper procedure’ „wo-sUver- J a - th s fUst-hsartog. Northwest lUedn d Ron- a peUUon for a re-hearlni afteric e su rs ; th e first certificate w u granted aod i„ u,,and two th e PUO denied Northwejls' rs-

ly Can- q u e s tgold and ' Permit Becomtoendedd a bne- ^ h e gM will come from the Pesct rsadAlbright, river area In northern AlberU. Ear* -one-year n „ thU monUi the Alberu legUla-i denner m re paased a resoluUon recom*

mending that West Const Tranimls- Wrarded a ojon company. L td- be granted a 33* ,a id Gay. year permit to export natural guarrow on from the Peace river field. JLthe We- _ proposes to ob- A Uthe lion ta in Its g u Irom West Coast Tranj-

, Donnie mission.----------------- - ------- Wth e gold

•ere pre- [ ■ I « I ■ I ■ I ^ I I ▼'!ante Jar- ® } 3

■ ' ■ LAST DAY I ■

S e r e ' " * BTAn-ra I:al legls- TO M O R R O W 1 I»no Fed- ■irmed “ ht. Pred

federa- ___

^ p

mlxaUon (ME fUSl @ W

I p w l i j SI9,(W H WItONCMOYE- H

■h? Mrs^ WOUIDK ,

Ml- •■ • WHOIKING BB..ORdgn.. J ........ — ^ . I B Sparents, I.UUL1I I B | |

several TUIM BAOI ^


U ir H8— m

itre■ ll-—»'


9 g = f l = ^ J

e s ! . I

ll-the besMasfingwhlskeylnogeil NjNLEY OtSTRIBUVoRS.IHC.HEWYDBK, N. V, C (

-------- _________________________________


; Rise Reported in p .a Snake River Level »,*® IDAHO PA IIB , AprU *0 1*5 —

Snakt river to .the upper Snake m a river ralley U btflnnttiff to m i l * • ' I**® i l H h ^ ^ « ^ e ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ » hot *»Sj

thJ wath **Tbe river flow v m m euured .a t -w , id i. IO.TOO second ftet a t B eU it ^ tu r -

. dty, Uie l u t check, b u t oooltr v ta - <!«» , , tter toterrened and dropped tha '1

flow eom ew hat Peak o f la n yegr's PoU !-.??• flow waa »,700 seooBd Xeet reaehtd L -

........ ..... ■ ^ ---------------

J!*!: ^^^nceiirSet"=bsrVShSfioffiS SiStSunder-U»e dirocUen of D oo R. Stni- bl«, will preeent a p ro fn u n a t 7 p m - Vl«toe«lay t a the U g n tehool tym -

snd soloUte who recelred f ln t dl- vUlra raU n*»-«t tho dla lrtet muslo K

» '« ; feiUval ta BuhL They will take part ? In the aU ie fesUval to Moscow E

” ■ 'Ihilrsday, Friday and Saturday, A ^freewill offertog will be U ken. ^

RSAD T H aa-N T W B WANT A M . ‘jlUla-

i J E R O M E - ^. °» Auto T h e a tre >>^ W E D , & T H U R S . ^

^ IV tU n(M a*H K lM l‘<wcunKni(inMm


F l y T i e g S T i


- - 'l T W r R W P^W B~A RE TO J -------CO M BIN A TIO N M A T U R E

I B E T T E R H U R R Y I E n trie s ar. the $50.00 P R IZ E CONTEST. Twin F a lls n e w e s t outdoor theati

I ^ H


! I N A t D R E M A N -R H O I

ud' -Snake a .« e ti!^ 2 ^

. . . . . .

» e - -

^ S H O R j y U j J I C n S


r P L A T m o --------- n

i r o T i H o n r o = 'T 5 a n B i r e m ^ auoni


E n trie s are coming in iM t fcf CONTEST. Select » aun* for TOgT tdoor theatre .

) D A Y > - I — g K j l l l l ^ V -

' ' w ^


n o S f Sn ^ t a _____with

ESlikfiii■ P ? ® „ U NH^ p i i t e R u s s ^ STAI

^ n e A l t o c k

“ N n

■ > 2 ? % % i r i C 4 n » lr. V LVM2b Sp ^ S ^ £ x ' ~ | h

^ b U * « r » ’ “ 1^ ■ f L ? b S ^ » r U y - .T « t « t j* y y W

» ? «Sufl.bound Air P w » » % MlleU U>d ah«U H M p n

■ T » ^ ^ g tm a e n n u i pu> » * g S 7 « d * « w - » e m .

Bita* Olber ^ A 1^ ' S T w ^ the- 01*0 Tot ■ * * * '

------------_ »I t oU u .lOUthWMt

■ g ^ t h e four pow o-ip-W fJffU B -rrtnU urt Hr w r- Q 83.8

It i BrltUb Fnnch la th i »U i^ienl»y Mmt Oen. tt* u . ■. b

■ i f t ^ ^ u l M T , Bovlet w m - U>« V.N.'i '■ i n o«m uir. • Do<« P » - w im M » t

br Soviet (i«ht> b T 'B ^ 'a c■ p ^ ■ eom^vM U.» - W i r n i r t With RolM U m« ef •»

« u *U lh» mow ----------------^ E J i w . iiia th« pl&na oon- —. , _state I

5LS.a” » "«5»«u.“ >«■ Sssrs::!*^;; Attemfcr InJuriM to t ^ bOISK, M

g ffT «nd dtnage to th« penoiu w« <

tlaw, UM eht*r.i»t mUon o t 1

S S 4, i ? * S « ^ S i ch iefof T^Mtoder* netftm* tiu t Soviet flght«r» ssj] tiecUon goeepUd Ui« P>»n« bee*u»e cnitUr* eoml ^ Tc i^ i (outhnst ot the imture will ^ ll r corridor *sd violated dclentes. Elr icU toTltory. tv ;. «Ud.

--------------------— B«8luUon»

ma Import Tax SSSi Z iction PredictedisHmOTON. April 80 W -The » « • . .■ flnince cotnmlttee may aet Prlotlpal i

00 a hott«.BPPMTe<J bin Ubor CmmJ CM • J-«nt-a-pound tax on w. J. Adam*

"«f ttt th or tn a en tim*, i ^ t w u r l t j

f f r i o ^ n v

rs ttr« -r« n it ly -b 7 " th e -» b . ‘ Uvujiob^ Itf B«L KTOfst D. MimUn. rtJ. rwsBng Bepubltoan on

BtB 1* #ehedul*d to rttUTO to /UWn this «ek-end. in la backed by wert eotrt

Hicmeo and eannan, and

>U> A aerlan fhh A Ban'nrwip-oaeiln*-ltie--blll-had----------— ■ —H-t» con n -here. « )~ P ~ 'm bearing* en Uib mcniure ^ o p C C m ± _ _ B u g

leLumbemeii tSSSiS tehiming to Jobs !!z S”i*0BIliiND.-Ort..-Aprii-M-flfr- aehool etuder U a a p ^ t d baek-u^worK in Uia itAte Bttt a t a lev small opera- vtitKr of Idi TU reported today as a itrlke Hi# n « t o

•M c :o - voodworken went Idtho FalU a iwood dtT In live Paclfle T ie other v [ftB itatu ., »»me day BtI nikout iffeoted more than due In Mokc VnUcnt, union offlcdaU aald. thur O. Bloo ^ the huge WeyerhaeuMr Mnitr acent. kt eempany't 6.000 employes. On one tra Opal an apeA ntnt with the from the Ida

B.wre no t on atrike,________ Pocatello. 130nitrtte started yestenlay when BoKneflUeTl

?n” ,iS Sue eontribuUon to a health Tw1n”ra3I«; t M u t profram. The union Paul. 31Q fn l lv t centa an hour cootrlbu- bure, 10 froc bu*d of 74 centt. eti4 and 190 ..•------ ------------------ The train*

ragramlsHeld BvFarmer Union Sp«®'aOHS..Aprtl »_M or# than 8HOSHOK

»<»Trtt«naea tteTw x aoelal ' “rth. Carey « by the Northwe»t Sho- {I'U- membe I to e r-* Union a t the Oome* W*h council, <tas*e n igh tlOeon* Wen and Bill B4T- a l BUI BeU were tn

fc BMlt OrrUle Jone* caUed S'"*** fc iquare dances. Clay B u> **“ ** « BUI Bayken » e 4 auc-

membOT tn ch*rf« of Goodin*.Included Mrt. Archie ------

fiv^ Bumum tod M n. FAB« BHOSHON

5 ? S . ^ “!® *J>- filiMhone Pa,JB U a ^sn lttU o n 'a fund for at *:J0 pjn. y ttpew ei. jehooj biUdli

i^Sxdtulve lHaffic VaUeff Applb


• * ^ b e e s t i m a t e s — JJO O B U

~ " ^ N O T H IN G C

m a g i c C I T T 1 CflMPROVEMWlr»chIag~nmim.tWW.AMH

so , IS M

State^ S T A T B ' ~ K A T [O N S " A s

B y T h .il

. U%for t:ia 1BS2 io

' U NITED O T H E R - d i^ u i^ o u i i ' ' .STA TES N A T IO N S tame number^ oensM oji thi

’ ' tr jToupa han«j VV m I I , r rv j r t Ihww ■

M% 12% Judge ■ffAWlir.Mj« I,


------------f-%------------------------------fylng- fedwal-■ -* Industry.

e 8 3 .8 % 1 6 .2 % I

(hart,,ba*ed en f ln r c i released

" H - F "ltw« of >11 e ther P . W.

State Labor Meet SSS S Expected to Draw Attendance of 300 “ SSJB0I8K, April 90 W -AbOUt 800

panons ara «*p^M d to » tt«nd the animal convanUon of the Id ah o red - *anUon of ^ b o r io Id«bo Tall* w - 1 •

■Tha’/ideratlon' Wn 'liTthe R u l u i jS»33 elecUon a n d o n . leslsUUve 1cDittar* coming b«fore the 1BS3 les- I rk T k I isHtura will be dlMujsed 67 thedelegates. Elmer P . M clnttro. secre- . •,*,tanr. said. A I | v £

BetoluUon* on Hell* canyon dam. ^ « Talt-HarUey law. la d M tm i and WABHlNOTi hi|h*ay aafety. wage * n d price gfa] judge Dav control, and teacher salaries are « - JJJ*

to be conaldered. McInUre S ^ X t l c e J

Principal fpekken Include SUte * n w T m^i S Ubor CommtMloner W. I* Boblion: c-tiVt. .n«r''itj W. J. Adam* of th e Idaho isnploy. S ? ^ p 5 u Sf U ment security agency; Wm tto Caa-

;S d gFanolng. Idaho Falls, and represent- atlvcs-from-tha <lepartmeDt o t labor.Amerlcan PederaUon of liabor and .T .n^ h.n

“ * S o i^L ’bSGot. Len Jordan was invited, but *f

win be unabl# to ' atteml. MctnUre 'ssld. The governor and M rs. Jordan ,,®will be.attendlng- graduation cere- ‘L ?moniM f o r ^ l r wrt a t th e U. a. /,l ? t “tlmtf“ " “ ” ^ “ Point lit

------------ ■ ------ ----------------- 'Appoli

peciaFEaihs- Dlie fof Students

.SAW LAKS e r t y , AprilvSO IB— tar tho first tl 'CnleBrpicifto raU rtad ^ T U n t»-o The short. It-car special tra in s from southern haired Judge 1 Idsho to Moscow for Id ah o high views to repori school atudente who wlll-partlclpale consider it "su in tha itAte muale fesUval a t Uni- was sUll techni vwslty of Idaho May i-3 . B ut his wife

n ie first of th e trains w ill leave of the soui<set Idsho Falls a t. 7 a. m. Thursday, n ight oil-buml T ie other i.-tll leave Shoahone the w U hJils blg_d ssine day a t 11:20 % m. BoU i'are ' due In Moscow o n Friday, said Ar- ^ thur O. Bloom. O . P. general pas- They aald P senitr agent. work on the ci

On one train wlU be 800 atiidenu b e n wlUi only from the Idaho Falls area, 3S from te r Bheppard. Pocstello. 130 from Drigfs. 75 from K enneth W. 1 Bonneville, Tt ‘from 8 i.~A nthony W ith a few hoi and 73 from Welser. worked almost

Ori UM' o ther~wlU be n s a -f r onr a «y a ftenwon- Twin PWIs. M f r w n ie r , m irom S p, m. IKUT)- Paul. aiQ from B urley -and H ey-handed-dow n bure, 10 from Notus, SS from Pay- One aide 1 ette and 190 from Boise. scores of law b<

“nie train* a re dua In Moecow a t decisions, wrltl T snd 7:06 a. m . Friday. - dents, and othi

---------------------------- document heSpeakers Listed ^

BHOSHONE, April SO -M . J..DI1- • ' -worth, Carey, aztd Lloyd X««. Rlchi- .Jltld, members o f the B laine stake Wih council, were speakers at tha UW Sunday evBDlng serMcM here;Toulh Ulk* w ere given by Joe Mallea and-»Joan Baer. ^

The Sunday evening *ervlee* a a r t /week will b i presented bjr. tha pri- - 9 /A msty organltaUon. B a p tlm a l serv- 5 /m ices Till be held S a tu rdar night a t S . /JM Qoodlng. ^ / f l

FABMEBS TO H E B T £ ,BHOSHONE. AprU >0-N orthw esi £

Bhoshone Farm er's Union will meet ^ at l;3D p jn . Friday a t th e Oome* *school buUdlng. 1.



y O B R L A 5 T R O O F . 7 7 " t fTf n build you r Roof, I t ir tJ • T lIsstl I t WlU «nd;e5dleM T*. * *pairs aad expense. I t w ill b« PglD a period o f home M ourltj ' n , ' a m

- = ^ g ld n r t- 4 e « J e a ia t -< t t iw i^ --- ^I Roofs wiU> u<-«4> tnfl]rl S ' ^

t a ^

raiiitn ScrMOf -

I ....................... .. .................... ...-JJO O B U G A TIO N S j J

OTHING DO W N ~ ~ : ____ » • ' ------ ;JN T O fiT O N 'B A L A N C B

O T T R O O n M O R O V E M B f r r G O . r r - j ^{ N W .A d i lM » - S u O koM i ^ ‘* ^ ■ ■ 1

■ t . ^ 1, H l_


state Is Dusting Of As Season for J

By The Aaeelaled PrtM J tn . Sun Vail Idaho is dusUng off the wtloome

TOU u a *atU4i* m a j ' tu U j it u o r handle* •for tha 1BS2 tourUt setsoo. ,ia t« '« tourist

A n ' Assoolated P r tu survey in - mail t f down fdlcates youll be seeing .about th e , T he-at*U fls « m . ol . . u o l - .u t . H- ? « 'cense* 04 ths bighnys as tac t qmt« a few ' y**r. gaaia «ea*

' eniamUen uf emilmeree m d oUi« ia i n t r easlng,g ^ o u ^ J u n d U n g t o ^ ^ t jn q u l i ^ ^ ^ ^ th ^ h ^ ^ Id i

Judge SeisTwoPreced In Decree on Stee

WABHINQTON. Aprtl SQ OIJD — ‘•inherent powiFederal Judge David A. Pine s e t couid not dotwo'precedent* In his decision nutll'- 'cumst«ne«s,fylng-federal-seU ure-ef-U ie-stea l----- rh e s o v e mIndustry. S ta te s . . . I

I t was the fln t time in U. 8 , h ts - wholly from tl'tory th a t a federal court had e n - it by tha conaiJoined an administrative act o t th e only source echief executive. acUon by any

n is 4.000-woriJ opinion was' th o em m ent." Pinefirst Judicial anaiysis cf tbe emer* ‘I t is a go\gency powers of the President—a enumerated arahadowy area of coastltuUonal law Tlie office of Pcourts have skipped for 165 years, ed Statea Li a t

Pine heJd-that no aeparat* Uwnor secUon ot the conjUtuUon poast- * " bly can be Interpreted as givingpresident Tnimiin authority to seUe T- th e legUlatlprlvstely-ownrd steel mllis to he ad M ost of Pinoft a strike, voted to a pol

More Important, In the eyes o f Uon of the argconstitutional lawyers, ba ruled th a t Assistant Atty.the proclamation of a naUonal ridge, who tuxemergency doss not automatically th a t the gravearm the President with sweeping poaed by the U

* * • *

R u lii^ ro v e s -^ O ^ Baldridge an

Top Law Still ircoSS Alive in U. S. S'S»

WABHINQTON. April MKUV-I-M. ?o“ ‘ th ^ * c S ^ eral Judge David A, Pine has proved " n e r a l w e ^ hU former boss, Uia late Supreme Court Justice James 0, McReynolds. wa* wrong about the conslltuUon.

Jt was McReynolds who told th e no t b1v«court, after Its IflSS ruling uphold- tng repeal of th* gold standard, lh a t

^ o "M /e» ttra iy ' m e 180- dora—Koo»«v»It yearo id oocument is stUl TerT-roucir j(,r Uiel

many members of congress haUed as a landmark in U, 8, constlUiUon- jm acka of toU *1 history. I t not only nulUfled th e q^m an government's seliure of the s tee l / ” ™ i, IndusUYI it speclflcslly repudiated the claims of JustlM department a t - tomeys that-the Preildent-hasttiJ'- ' eoMtituU limited power* emergency. umlt«d powera

'Appolpl«417 TOE------------------The~MUrti1

w ^ * a p p :ln te d " t? th ^ l in ^ h ^ lS c h '^ f ^ 'g . ^

P ^ v . T t a l ^ i r n « m f n e n «for tho t in t Uma in his life. . ?he“ *BB'S5lme‘^

The short. raUier plump, gray - ^ ^ conduc haired Judge would grant no in te r- nviews to reporters today. He did n o t consider It “sulUble' whUo Uie case 2 ^ ^ : ’ was sUll technically before his court; . f.m 1

But hla wife and legal Udes told of the soul-searching and the m id - _ oum •

outweighing Ul^ _ th h U blg_declsloiv . -------expected fromKegalar Aides Help .. (The damagei

s s t S ’r S p S a - s ’S ’S “ l cKenneth W. FuUasoa. oa hand . unlimited aiW ith a few hours out for sleep, theyworked almost steadily from ^ i « -» tive jow er. i

T pTm rm m -yesterday, when P ine - V d eu u m Chanded-down hls-tnUnr -------------- -------- «nrt i»«ni

One aide said Pina consultedacore* of law books, volumes of cou rt adecisions, writings ot fonner P resi- °dents, and other references. B u t t^ a V. Im MILES,document he tuned to most f re - m th a Fumli quently was tha consUtution itself,

^ I l l l l l l


5 Bourbon Taste of

f ^ H l C K O :


I . ‘’i l / j ' " . 'i.vv


ng Off Its Welcoitie for Tourists Grows

year. Sun VaUay say* rasem tlou the works and a are abou t U par cent abova tti i. mor* tourUt c

fW raU ry nf Btata Ira U uttr^ iO - lM ------------Who handles what is left ot Uie A n 'o d re r tu sta te ’s tourist program, uya hi* h u M tn m ade m alt t f down from 4ast year. _ tion ot U u B u t , T he- StaU fish and game depart- mere*. A comml m ent is. handling stout SOO tn» u«m W, Shleldj quirlea a month from sporUmtn— nooK boUl, Poei quite a few of them about Uie of the S U U I Mg gama eea*on-and Uia number wortflM 00 It.

Although idaho h u no cocrdln- frotn tha busii

Precedentr1 • owner and pM

>n Steel Seizui’C" i n h e r i t powers", to do Uilngs be couid not do under ordinary elr- “

-----The-govemment of Uie-umted K -jtr-and-M 'a rS ta te s . . . Derivea Its authority “ y ^ e r “ a s m wholly from the powers granted to n o r tv " he ss it by tha conalltutlon. which U Uie g ^ , u , u tiio only source ef power suthoriilng ^ 'J J ^ e a s o sU acUon by any branch ot the gov- _ .. em m ent.‘' Pine said. canyon

‘I t Is a govemment of limited, iMing promoted enumerated and delagsted powers, yon.Tlie office ot President of the Unit- -n ie I^wlston ed Statea a branch ot the Kovem- merce reports m en t and his powers ara llm- m aii this year ited along with the powen of tha ^re running 10- two other great btanchea . . . name- about Uia rugge ly, th e legiilaUve and tha Juditiat." a passenger 1

M ost of Pins'* decision was d»- IsU from l^ w voted to a polnt-by-polni repudla^ canyon area th Uon of the arguments advanced by t* in the plannl Assistant Atty.-Oen. Holmes Dald- Many Lewis ridge, who had argued In hearlnga about ttie log lh a t the grave naUonal emergency w ater river—on poaed by the threatened iteel strike kind. Ptoturesqu JusUfied seizure ot tha mills. Ing cookhouses

Following are the main argument* tb e craws dowt £at<lrldge.advaDcad...«ith.Ptn«'t-re-. o t b o a ^ - f e e t ^ plies following parenthetically: - downstream. T l

Baldridge argued Uiat (tie Presl- to ) t t blgh.*,en- d a n t has "Inherenf* powers under a i ^ day now. , th e consUtuUon to act In an emer* T be Welser gency for tha nation's best Interl^t.’ merce ^Iso is pi (Pine ruled, tha t th# coniUtuUon -lodges in congress, not in Uia Presi­d e n t, the broad power "to provide fo r th e common defense and Uie general welfare.")

Form er Presidents bave executed se ln ires without sUtutory author- |ity. (Repetition ot an "Uegal- act r~ t ‘does no t give it the "sanction'' of legality.)

T h e President (s “steward" of Uia'D cm le^aa - witness _ President j n t e < ^ _____________dora_ g « it«»«lt:sT«;»<Wn«ntr«>trafr: __________ ___can a c t for their welfare In any wayiOt_ej®rtESly. nrohlhHed br th> fnn. __________stitution..(Thls pronouncement does no t "comport wilh our recogniied theory of government." In fact, il smacks ot totalitarianism.)

Mr. Truman's declaraUon ef a sta te .o f emergency is nol subject lo Judicial review. ('T o my mind this

our consUtuUo'nal government of Ilim ited powers.") • . - . | - J~Tb-e~MUrti-TJr«TilUioill-p6w t r i d - -----•InTaildate- executive • artlen of- the ^

C harles Sawyer, nominal operator o f th e steel mills, wss tba taiget of tb e injunction, not tha President: the supreme court has held that iUegal conduct of Uu President's subordinates may be halted by the Judiciary.) .

T h e courts should not Interfere p rio r to a full hearing on tha meriUof th e case uniea* tallura-to-aet — ---------w ould cause "Irreparable damage" outweighing the harm to the publle expected from the threatened strike. —(T he damages 0! illegal seizure ••are irfeparabia." And a strike w ould be less injurious than "tha. - 'In ju ry whleh would flow from a Umorous Judicial recognition Uist th e re Is soma basis tor pUs claim to unlimited and unrutralned ezec-

•uUve power.") ,

- V d ctiu m C U a n tn Serviced ____ •a n d 'R e p a l^ —AD Make*• Belti-Hose*-Bnishei

SwitchesV. I . MILES, m Mata Af.. East- .................... —In th a Furniture Mart~Ph. S<00

Re«i V a l

3B m L T j

m _ -


\ W A T S

QXiD- "JyS

, ■ '1 , v , V . .

T I M E 8 - N E W S , T W I N P A L M . -

[coitie Mat I ja frows CIoser sS ke works and a big drive to atu^ct

« i i u . w n w i _ S ! i S i i> 0 -M v m tu . M.hO" p rcm m M b*tn m ade a conUnulng Mne- in ol Um b u m Chamber of com- manMar. Jot iree. A com m lttte headed by WU- 'r a W, Shields, manager o t Ban- the ho l^ p ok hotel. Poeauilo, and president

the S U U Hotel aasoclaUon, U stopped Uia ' irking on It. I

m tha businesses which profit J2 iyon‘rlm‘f«

^ ** JTO-.:lrrpl*nneii 0 . fl. B o w * t, PocaUUo moUlTier and p ast president of Uia ^ aho aad AmeVlcan Motor HotelMoiauont, said eouUiem and ^aihw**t«n> resort owners reported b®r or commwbig winter aeason a t Uie naUonal o'* *a feauon h e atUnded. '-Their bualnea* *si* up quite a 000.000, iT'ahd M“ *k hiM T hnrinean* tha— Idaho-Fall*-mmer aeason wUl be good In tha Yellowstone-iMirth," ho said. '•However, Ifs there each yelubttu) Idaho will ga t its ahare ot Orand Telone tacrease alnce 11 Isn 't advertU- ally until Juig," reached early :Hells canyon In w e s tm Idaho Is between Idahoing promoted as a tourist a tlrac- will be open,n. hotel a l WeatI t ie I^w lslon Chamber o t Com- entrance to Utree reports exceptionally heavy year around aaii Uils year, , and the inquiries ing aome tourie running 10-to -l tor InformaUon Fifty conveno u t tha rugged Snake river gorge, sun Valley aifi passenger boat will Uke tour- are beginnings from liewlstnn to tho Bells Uie tamed resnyon area th is summer. A resort draw* familletIn the p lanning sUge. Uons duHng UMany Lewiston inquiries are , Northern IdiQUt ttie log drive down Clear- a successful fl|iter river—one of th e U st of Its from bombing)d. Ptcturesqua wannlgans—float- m Laka Pend{ cookhouses and bunks—follow lu ll tha t thlie craws downstream as millions u Expected ti.])oa ^ -fea t^4 u m b er-a re-lla a le d p ia y - t^ a a&g:wnstream. T he river Is expected Crater of thi^ iilgh. «,eso(Uh for the drive naUonal monu

^ day now. latter part of 1T bs W elser Chamber of Com* to a ttract seve ;rce also is publiclElng Hells oan-' to its lava eral

M. GR>


R o w l e s ^T H U R S D >

and S A_______ Open Friday

1 0 0 % V II T W E E D S i C L E A R - C U '

_____ • . - Double, Breasted.....JLounge Drape Models

R egularly ^ ^ V alues to I

$ 5 5 .0 0 ^



^ ^ ......... ........................ •119.60 to 122.961 3 ”


_ K u U r _______________ 1


........... ■ > ” ' "

, . r ■ ‘ ■ 1 8 fr

P A L M . I D A H O -

JarringNEW YORK. April 30 ti»V-The D O I 0 6

manager of a Rockefeller center n n T H AnHl

' Roosevelt h ^ i u i reporUd Uia manager. John Hudson. « , re- oeived only a superficial wound In the holdup Monday night, ap-

- o , i 5 T SI , — I DANCE

canyon rim for Union Pacific pa*- dance wlU be h« -urdar.aH lM'lJ!

on U« aeven DeviU Wm ot the csm; hali;-TBt pttMcjunv-lw T T lFm edrfotrthvnnetonil:of July 37.

A limited number ot tourist* al- ready bas started moving into e u t- em Idaho. The Idaho Palls'C ham- ber ot Commeice expecU a aeason on a par wiUi IfiSl whleb, it fig- ures, netted city businesses |a.«000.000, ’ . . .~H l«ho~Fallr'can eounf on - eomeYellowstone-bound tourists to stop H I H g H Ithere each year. T hat park andGrand Telon do no l open ottlel-ally until Juna J3, but can be '1;reached early in May. iM o rt areasbetween Idaho Falla and the .parkwill be open by mid-May. A newhotel a l Weat Yellowsttine. weaUm g 9 ^ H | | j Hentrance to the park, is open theyear around and already 1* recelv-Ing aome tourisu.

Fifty conventions are on U p a t Sun Valley and already delegates are beginning to replace akien a t the tamed resort. Bun Valley also .im | | | | | | | | | | |h draws families tor ’ lengthy vaca>Uons during the summer.. Northern Idaho sportsmen put up ^ ^ 3a successful fight to keep the navy from bombing the famous big fish In Laka Pend Oreille with the re- B V i V B i S suit Uial UiU tourist attracUon ■ * I J i l ' i Is Expected to get Ita usual big p la y - t^ a 'a&gUrs.:' . i f l H H H I

Crater of the Moon. Idaho's only ^ naUonal monument, will open the MT- D > latter part of May, and 1* expected to a ttract several thousand visitor* . PHONE to its lava craters,

iRADUA!H t S f t E

a t

e s ^ M a c k jR S D A Y / F R I D A Y

d S A T U R D A Yen Friday Eoeninga Until 9:00


i D S G A B A R D I N E

l - C U T W O R S T E Iaated ....... _ * _ S i n g l e Btea^cl_Modipe with Two-Button Fre



Baguliurly------------------------?Z*U11 4 .9 6 (Ix

W V | | .

SPORT CO--------------------

B y iM B i; I S ^ . M A I N A V E N U E

. ; , L . . J A. '■ V •’ 1-

I juries Fatal to " SCS, Eijfl Boise Ditchrider Jerom

lOISE, April M 0) ~ A Bbls? ‘ ABm aSSaf.1 :hrider, M-year«)ld Oeorf* B. Jerome.>, died yesUrday la a Boise boa* g ^ o f InJuriM reeelved wbaa

'eo, a rider fer Uia Settler* Irri- ion eompany. telephoned a ftland eer Uie awldent. ■iTie friend, Sd-

Demeyer, took Yeo to th e vie-' f i ,'s daughter's homa. He Uttff was loved to Uia hospital ■


jce WlU be held a t 8:J0 p jn . Sat- t o S c H e ^ T E ?

be ^wre s h e ^ ^ O N ' H E R D A Y , I

K H B - — - w M a w f - a - M a H l = a »

H d p H w e n i o y a W MJ m > toatfcie* I d W— *■

fad Zenith *Sapei<Royar -CbooM eH hernoM .;**

o d ea^ g ^

C . D . B O R I N O D R U

PHONE 45 ■ Bi



D A Y m b

I ■O O L

tton Front cketa► J.VINGS IN BRICS -

■ND SPECIAL Sport Shir

Short P


C O A tS ^^


Jerome birrli, Jerome, baa b mth e eoU oonsem tleo • e r n M s M K ^ ^ ^ B«« a l C u A benm a • iii« > iiiW W i:^ ^ MCOBIE--------- ^K arrit h a s bceb wttb loe laa. He b u bean n m a siiKe iM I. 'Xbe • Abemeen .sUUoo lo n so tr Id by HUU» T tn w , «1»(ned. >Mr, an4 Mra. B anU and t t M


D A Y , M A Y 11

-B-MORIs b M M iio--------|g iio y aW o iM 0 (S o M d ,■I h l m e * » ■aeatik’ ^

■•S a p e x R o y a rH a n b c A ld . th e r n w M . taka It w ltlu m ]■ ber on .Motbn'tapleU

Im CM M M aO titee t ,Ms<iraeifc*>Cwt -

Come In fo r Free, P rivate D em onstn tlon '


r w i l

:iALS 1Shjrts -III1 Sleeve, F a n ^ B ^ rra t

n " , r m

/R ummer

S U I T S n


M m ver Uam J^RiteM arkm g ' Jubilee Year

'a o o M a in -'OTggi Ker>i-Apia -w IUD ~ Itoolunktlon U ket lu eotb )nl»UM bow ta fln n ln t bxU; vlUi

- 'eau m o n iM tt'H o o re r dim.O B dom onU rT of interior Bleb-

> v d I>. 8 « tr le i-» u to pw b ft button t t l i k fU m w n connecting ArtsjDft v ith tfao-flnt of two Dew ttSOO kllo-

, W tl een m to r* . The other will b* n a d v I n June.

— D T O K m tre sa ------------- - - O m c U h -wltBessli)f-tJi« -*reat, !~g^*ineiudUi» iiedniK tlM i corpTnuson^

t r U e h M l S tn u i u u l ArUon» Oot. S z r :S o * in irp y lf .: ,w e re - .t< i-e ir i-m e t

U lki o n ths balcony of the huge " •• dim'* Bwieritor room on the Arl«

Km* aide.H e beglnnlss of i oew tcricul*

torel e r» tof A rlaw i win be mirted tOBMarow when S tn tii turru the f ln t w «t«r from the OolOTido rirer

" " t o tw-UBed br the Wellton-Mohiwk

------ Add* ACMce111# w»t«r from the Ooloredo win

booct t 2M trrl8*t«d scrtige of the- •- 'WeUton «re« to ibout TB.OOO'icrti.

U d th e TUmi count; popuUtloo, now sbcTUt 39,000, U expected to b«

. nore t b M doubled within 10 ;e in bx the w ite r boom.

A ipeeU I nilte compoeed im th*____ iubUe«Ji7 ?cRle Orote wUI be pUred

«t • rocUmiUon p ieeao t to be per*_____focaed b j ifioo Phowilx high ichaolT _ u d ooUege itudenti P rid i; night.

Strike Closes Geneva Plant

ORBU. CUb. AprU SO W -Pttrty.. _ Ufa b a n d re d emplore* of United

0UIM 8Ce«I corporaUon’i OoluriUt. Oener* dM iton joined atO Steel

- '- - W e t t tn - th re ixbou t -ttw ommttr- ' -Vfttatmaan - i a —ttu lr -DiUoawld*

vU kout proteitlns the court ruling Toldlas Micure of the stMl Industry.

OoeipKBr offlclili u id worker*. U fia le«rlnK.tbe pU&t m loon i i

th e ; b«*rd of the niUoc. A re-- parted tes tbe ihU t itirtlng: i t *

■ p. m. T aeadiy but Tlrtuelly i l l were ; otf the jo b when ptckefUnee were ' M t np « t 10:S0 p. ffi.

Bupenrlfor woricer* took orer the tu i r o f ooollBf the huge b lu t

a im r . *0 they will so t beduuffw L

•Rm welkoot tffectwl iMO work*

IMO w orken were Idled when U. B. StMl ordered lU eoel mine* tn

- - VUlf* OMboB eouB^-cIoeed. ^OcmpMiy otfldal* Mid wort

woold ccntlniM e t the Iron mines ■nd gosTTie*. wnta emidoye* en>

. tt««d I n ftrl^^tnc openUoni.

-----^MeetingHeldBHoeHOMx, AprU 9 0 - A vorr

church BozKUr al«ht. A wonhlp-----■etTle*'-wnrhfJd.-»rw J SoW md— M n. m u m m t th g w i . ■ B ruom aF '- M B ^ u » t : 8 a « ^ : w a i - t a - h e u

e t 1 P A . e u h BundiT n ifh t i t tU d u re b . O tnoen v m be elected In tha s e a r (utore.

M etiltigi of. the young tDurled ooQplea o t tha H ethodlit church wm bo bald th e third Saturday a l|tt ta rM eh iB o o th Jn ite» ]o te K h

' B a to d a r night aa prerloualy an-- nooBoed. l iw meeUaga wfil ba held

• o t tha lO O P han._________•

' ' Attorney Revers Ori Army, Ma- . rr. a iL L . O kla, AprU U flAB - _ M ai.iTom Brett, a M -jear-oU Kor-

maii. O kla., attorney tn dfUlan lUe,----- pcoUated-iDdky-be-wam’t r e ^ t o

n tu m to peaceful pureulU anh aald----- b a may a tart legal proceeding* to

torce th e army to keep him lii iml- form u n ti l nezt'Beptember. .

Brett aald he waa couiltlDg on th* . . UMO airny . pay h a would n ^ r e

between now and t h e i . . _ ■nie titiBjoi'i aitbrncT, li^ever.

aald he be* warned hla client and foiTBer Unlveralty of Oklahoma elaiamato that "the army ean tend Tou back to Korea U you win thl*

. thlng."The axtny loiiita. meanwhltt. th it

- Brett wUl be a clrtUan befoW today J* paat, "barring unforeseen devel-

' opmenta.” iThe m a jo r tald through hb law*

TV, Olee Fitzgerald, eullwater, ha w u TecaUea tor «wt> yean'-acUTe

__^ t y w ith the *8th natloaal guird— m nao iru rw p itiS bS rrT B K rT " '

~Ba m ade hi* plan* to cover in ahtence Irm n hla law pratUc* unUl

• fleptember.” Pitigerald- said,, -and la oountln« on about 13.000 army pay imtll tb e n to meet houae add ear paymenta.

“We contempUU. legal acUon

rr— G h o i T S m g s -KWBKBLY, April S f t- lh e Idaho

6 tata eoUage choir preaented an as- ■■nbly T huriday morning Ih the

' Jiigh icboo l gymnaalum. The choir, imder tb a direction o t Wesley U. H a ^ follow ^ ^ the Tune- (

I . . O F F E R

_ | _ _ _ _ C O M W , E T E - M O \*. f i • B aekad By O r e r lS * 7 m Act)


S OUE VJ1N8 OllERATE^ |r iD A H O > c « iu n ro n J MEViU>A . OREOC | WAiBBIN6IOM • 'I ■ F w l i f J V i J t e M

flooding Se‘king--Year

It* eoth

nterlor Bleb- pwh a button :tlng Artzooa mttSOOilio- other wUl be

corpTTiuson^ TlB^^^'i 'rrriiirT i^ii<£y5j(B^BS3^^B ArUoniOoT.

to-giTa:-hilet of the hug* on the Arl*

new agricul* rUlbenaited

Mlorado rirer

Colorado win reige th*

TBMO'acres. r popuiauoo.(pected to b« ihln years

tor th* irUI be played



Plant10 W-Fttrty* lU berl Bayie, 17-Tear-old aon of M I of United teg high aefaoel w ltb Delorea Sterena •I OolunUa- ehalr. Deaptle hia handicap, he ha« z I a o steel (Btatf ptaot«*csgraTlng)

...... - '- 1 ^ - '- * -

School Diploma 1 K F o r Bravery fc

twtlng a t 4 oo b D IN O . April 3 0 - n U not un- r ally all were to read of a yming.m an re- a ifUnea were eelvlng a n award to r bravery al­

though n o t all actd of bravery get C wk orer th* the m ention they deserve. e huge blast On May 33. Robert Royae, IT -yeir. t

’ wUl not be old ion of Mr. and Mra. Veme t • Royse, will be given an iw ard for h

4M0 work- bravery when he wheels down the t in( and HO *nd la handed hi* diploma o t

1 wiien V. B. * ^ 1 - -y—1 tn in .. tn Through 1} yeara of hardship, n

^ both for h lrtstlf a n d hla famUy, «^rott Itobert baa driven steadily ahead h

Iron mines *o win th la award. There are not rn^orea en* niany w ho wcu\d h av e the courage c•nUoni. to >0 tbrough 13 yeara ot school In v___ . a wheel ehalr. . . . . . _ t_ , _ ' A redhead with mlUlona of treck- tI a I H ------ U»-and-an-lnf*«tlou8-flmlle,-Robert 11

ean eotint among h is friends the 4 —A VOTT entire student body of Ooodlng highie.M«tt>oiUgt MfaooL-^Jiot-nnlr haa hBxwon-Jbe- _

A worship alfection o f hb cIoa.imates but he ,I Sow and h u ~ u u g h t them thoughUulncM 1

w fflteTiaU .“ naiSlT iiT irougnt t o ' i ^ w l 'a i r ^ ' j, night a t th i morning by his family and Is help- •. « alacted In ed from floor to floor of the achool -

by hi* friends. ^tng married When Robert waa B years old the , <Uit church family lived in PhoenU. Aria. He _ •d Saturday bad Just returned from Sunday teado tea th Khool one taomlng when a atray iTloualy an- bullet from a rifla struck him In the will ,be held spine, severing the spinal cord.

Prom th a t time th e re have been

leverses Usual Idea ry, May-Sue to Stay in “11 U OAB— ahould th e army-dmtoue-lts-Tegu- - sar-oU Kor* latlon In such a m an n a t 4Sth drlUan Ute, division personnel are given no a t - f e ^ t o eholoe as to w hether or not~they lit* anh Mid Want to serve out th e li at-m onth )ce«dlngt to tenna."t o lii uni-

yT b ^ * w .

* olSho*”"*

eaeen ,devel^

Igh his law- S o sm oo th f t S £ lUllwater, ha , ,lean'iatUTe It leaves yott ? S ?s :0

racUe* uoUl said,, -and

OOarmypay L / l ^

S , . = £ T v 0 0 K A

The choir,

m w ro? rO F F E R S A I

T E - M O V I N i S - S H l V I C t -------- - |

! 0 M ^ i w r a a r ^ ^ ^ ^ E ^ T i b K i " | B S R 7 I0 E IC O tm rS O D S ORIVZRai -g



. v ^ . ^ o v E B ^ T O D . & a _

i i T m ¥ h ( m e W ^ | '

■ t ' ' ~i. ' i " ^ 'i ■'

lingSiMHfirs P lan for Gi

9 < 1 ^

. -V

i j '

m m J x i j r o l_ / J f l j a H M B H

ar-old aon of n / . and Mr*. Veme Boyae, Gooding, pis Delorea ateren*. lefi, and r» tU Tester. Royse haa *i idleap. he has mastered hla high school cearee aod pl I)

. . T Z . ' .T Z l " . * — '* — * — * — -----------

ploma Becomes Award very for Gooding Boy- i l ls no t un- many operaUons, vislia to doctor*m g.m an re- and much rest,bravery al- During his tre.shmnn year a t bravery get Ooodlng high school he wna select-

ed a* the oulatantUng freshman oflyae, IT-yeir* the year. Me has studied shorthandMrs. Veme this year and plans to" enter a

n award for bualnesa achool following gradua-rls down the tlon.I diploma of Om of the .tb rilb high , school

• when he took p ir t“ ln the grah'd}f hardship, march at the senior ball. He

hla family, wheeled along the march, meeting■adlly ahead his date In quite the proper man-lere are not ner. His dance card was filledthe courage complttel; aa he exchanged dances ~ot school in with the others a t the ball. Al- '. . though he and hi* partners la t out}ns of treck- the dances he was not on the "side ,mile,-Hobert llne''-nor-laekinr-ln-popular1ty;------ ^

loodlng*hirt Festival Held h-^ O eH O H B r-A p rtl-S O — A -so n r f«Uval was held Sunday evenlni t- ■oughUulneM ^ ^

•ohool a v ^ ' jauj4,5 Conner piayrd the" piano.“ Sie .c h cS J,

.MH . t , . Tentative plana are sct to hold P *“7 r u k 2 * “ "K “ <* “ onth. uom Sunday ■ ■ mi.ihen a stray . .k him In the —iplnal cord.

have been

lea ’ H p Htay in;ue-lts-Tegu- ----------- ----------tr . th a t 45th _ • ' '

given no or not - they ~Ii at-:month

► I.I i 'Ayi '

[ioNi" I You-think o f the faandy^carti

I Because you think well of yi

INA I ^ n -a n d I

g lOTTllO UNOIt' ° ®- I - - ' t W I N F A U L SrC

■ ' f ' ■■' ; ................. ' ■ '■■ ,

. r , — — n T m E S - N E W s . J m ?

1 for Graduation i


H n l M ". u

1 ^ u

I ....... . oi

h ith

rae, Gooding, plan* tor gndaitlon from tbe Good- to r. Royse baa ipent hi* U tt U le a n In a w heel, co01 c eane aod plan* to g* throaib biulnea college.

iward ~ ExpectedNEW YORK,’ April 30 Ifl—A

~ dapple-grey horie puUIng.a tw o. au2 X J O V wheeled buggy trotted in to a ' th0 •/ ballroom of Manhattan’s awank n i a to doctor* Waldorf-Astoria hotel Tuesday ye

night Clan year a t old dobbin’s appearance -wb** no surprise, horcver. He and the ^freuim an of buggy were a golden inn lve r- n«

eu s h o r ^ n d ,ary present to Prank L. B oy. ohto enter a den. hendjnuter of Decrtleld “

Ing gradua- academy, Mauachusetts, Boyden, . . ^ . was guest of honor at a dinnerl ^ h . s c h w l .g iv e n tt the hotel byalum nl-and-

' The Bl» was an acknowlese- ^r ball. He ment ot Boyden’s hobby of r iding >rch, meeting iround Deerlldd In -a horse- ^proper man- drawn vehicle.1 was filledinged dances _>e ball. Al- Thrown From Horse oc

niCHFIELD. Aprtl 30 — P r a n k to X i S t t - - -- .Joh>VMn^J3Ji-rKovcriag.^Dm-Je«. pi

injuries received Baturday morning nt I « U when he was throsm trom his saddle re a c l Q horse while rounding up c a ttle a t -- 30— gong the-home-of-hls par ents.-M r.-and m iday evening Mrs. Dlok-Johnsorv. The boy’a right er inrh. Sdward- Jeg-waa hmlcfn ihnvi. th> -nVte------ jix

1 the piano. POCATELLO VISITORS ex holr partlcl- - TILER. April 30—Mr. and Mrs. ga

Joe ’Taylor *nd famUy and Mrs. sa sct to hold Ployd HoIIovay and son spent Sat-

ich month. urday In Pocatello. _ RJ

for ho

I faandy-cartoQ-of Cob-

ik well of your gucsto... .......... _


____ - J l _________' ' . ''

?s. JmKr„.rALL8., idahoi —Amazing Zeal

Is Shown for League Study

W omen ars curioiis — especially about'people.

' So when the Leagu* of Women V oten^deciasQ -to find out what average Americans'would do If tbey w ere President, even the politicians w ere amazed a t the outbunt of teal. Approximately 300,000 persons were

W hat the league h ^ in mind w u '— forjnulate - queaUons on-dticeQ**;_ _ I - ' Twln/l. tr. .«V .—— — - -fula.-- - . . . _ .

Doe on TV Bbow • Tho queries will be put on a na .' ' U onal television show here ’Thurs­

d a y night. — --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- T ha technique for -

•j questions was a town meeting, or ■ j tonU n' approach. In some SiO .{ American communlUea. anyone who

• ■■ ■ ,« w anted lo ask questions or speak h i* —m lntf-att*nd»d- Ui*-l»agu*-* . forum . j

Former Mayor Bayard Paulkner, Montclair, N. J„ told the forum <r

I f a the type of man who gets Into ; th e White House that matiers. he ^ aald, and he’ll decide the luues as th e y arlie. Faulkner got a lot of

■ argum ent on that sUtement,__; ________ Btate*’ Blgbta ....... _

I n Ban Francisco, federal «n- croftchment In Caliromla—they caU th is states rlghu d<jwn south—waa

■(■■ ■D '' a " popular ' ltenl~ Mi's. Edward ' M atiger, San Pranclseo, prealdent o f ths local league, aald a main

l I l i g B I rctason for this Is tldelands on.I n E^ld. Okla. Maurine Frant,

h e a d of the league’a voters' service the re , says a rousing lasue Is whether

le Good- to Impose a federal tax on farm n w heel, cooperativea.■ college. ------------------- :-----

£idn ingrGfaarge~! ' Appeal ls Denied0 [fl—A BOISE, Aprl! SO tU.RJ-jThe IdahoJ.a tw o. aupreme court ha* retuaed to uphold J*

in to a tb e appeal ot Bingham county kid- ^1 swank n a p er J, C. Evans, convicted last !■' Tuesday y e a r for the abduction ot Joan Me- of

Carrc ll. IB. Mnee waa Justice Darwin W. Thomas ruled SIand the Evant had held the girl against w:snnlver- h e r will. Justifying the kidnaping AiT 3 o y . charge. The high court affirmed the cz>ecrtleld conviction by the alxth district —Bovden B ingham eounty court.

.d in n e r contender! facta in the In-tnnl-and- •‘HcUntnt-WereJiotaulIlclojtto.waT. _

’S - Short Dip Noted For Advertising

M n v a o YORK. April 30 OD-Natlonalt i o r s e advcrtlilng expenditures declined- P r a n k tw o per ccnt In March from the .^nOi-Jeg. previoiumoathbutwcrs-ISper cant —’ morning above March of msi. Printer*’ Inkhis saddle reported today. •c a ttle a t - - T h e trade mastaeine attributed the

- M r.- and monU>-to-month-dtclinrln-the-gen.«y’A right e ra l Index iargely-to advertising re-

—■------:----- andi-iwrn-pubUcaUons.-All-Bis'Jla------ORS except radio and women’s magtzlneaand Mrt. gained over the previous March, U snd Mrs. said.pent Sat- -------------------------_________ RBAD •rotES-WEWS WANT ADS.

c prepared^j r hqspitelily '

;k.COtA COarANT IT ,

iIt t l i n g c o m p a n Ve < »*j. Wl cocwrou contutr

" * " • " ii'

H O :; — ! _ ■ - - -

^al Five Gene1 forStudy


Women d out what Jd do if tbey IS poUtlclana

teal. were

In mind w u -on-dtixeD*'ItnllaLbopM.

lUt on a n a . <here ’Ihurs-

rlvlng at-themeeting, or I P T T ' ' . v >> i

some MO 1% W « < i w » anyone who I , 1 W .

..V —

rd Faulkner, I-:’ the forum . | P ' 4 f l l R

■ho gets into ; • " ^ E 5 * ^matters, ba y ■ L } ^ 'i W mma

Ae l»ues as A l |got a lot of I n ^ . ' " ' ' w d B l f lTient, ‘ sinnita _federal «n- “I ' - T ^ B B Bla-th«y.caU ---I south-waaH's.' Edwardo, prealdentaid a mainuids on. ^irifl««n'service f lVIt Is whether ax on farm

harge-Denied-Thd Tftuho M n . Beth Oldham Jonea. Jerome, hoUea U) uDbold re n * « ‘l'’"» *»»« h « diBgbter, staallnjcounty kid’- " ’d- ^ gb t. Is great-greal.frai

<nvlcted last Lacllle Madsen Oldhan, Twin Falls, staiof Joan Me- of the children. Their great-grandmoti

Idaho FsUa. ataad* a t right. Mra. Hcwiliomas ruled She waa bom a t KayrrUle, Utah, in II! girl against whom seven are Uvlnr. U grandchlldrce kidnaping Among her 26t deaeeDdaota ar* ttareialflrmed the engravlog)tth district ................. .................—

s the In-


declined from the

s-I$perc«nt — — ’rlntert’ Ink

tiributedthe ~ -rin-the-gen.

re-r-All -------------------------------------------- --- . . _’i magtzlnea / ' .IS Mareh, » H \ I

- i x '

mM: _ jB i

Tjk '


. ''..............I : . . ' : . ' . '

Generations (




V -J- no





Jerome, belia her twIo sepa. who abare fifth Iter, staa4tef at etnter. Mrs. B e th 8. Hew- m it-greal-grandmetber s t tbe eblldren. H n . I rln Fan*, standa al left Sbe U grandm other U at-grandmolher, Mrs. Elisa Heward Madson. ^ . M ra.Htw ardw aaN -y«anoldU M 'Feb. 17. ^ , UUh, in ISS2. She had nine ehUdren. of ^ grandchUdren and IH great-grandchildren. zli ta ar* ttaree gestralloM e t twlna. <8tatf til


J — — *

o u io i iBEMBERei

I q J I

Exciting co « ■'. in fin* we

f B g O B jP t t* - C om e in tor S o B w ondorfu l

------^m enrcoloiY * * ^ w p i L J B M sv v era l »ty

g o u n d ;u p

1 ^ *

Change SeeH H Choice 9 1 ^oise Offiis H White R w « ^ ? ’ ^ J

the nom ini!L ^<« ^ g h e s to be po JS aS ,'I'l*-. probibiy

The senate n*ms U o n d t y ^ ^ . ^

whoJttdi.taked-(gr-^i.^ I tera tion Cf toe 7 p ^. 'WHlte House U deT ^®

SS “ ‘ ™ ,Chairman Johnaton n •

lee committee, which i m

H“r e i ^aald he understood u H n

^ u n d e r s U n d they t r , ,

Itled tor t h e ^ s t m ^ ^ ^W the e ia m l n a u n ,^ . tee service apotinJJohnston told a r e p o , ^: Th# COmallleeTheliiiS turUier eonslderaUon oT ^

Falls From VeH_RICHF1ZLD. Apm ] T My wtas, 4, is recovering i to ji^es received In «

Mra. Chartes Maestai. Tbt the pickup s u d d e n ! / ^ U ie i tu turned

^ Rkhltt child was treated f « ^ ir e f lf th ‘»«17 *cratch*s»BdJ

gCHMA re e ta n te f l^

S « . ” f S l d S S a S * n J iiaidren. M*<8tatf Ilka.’TabUtt ara m f l

»t adult da**. » a 2 5


r ■ I I I I

J l l l l- - - H K

"“ H SllfS ■ M V 4 h . a H

■ ■ 1 4 » »■ ■---^.... -

Exciting collection of new ^ in fine w o ihab le rayon thHffc C om e in todoy and »m thiw o n d e rfu l pfinJi In lovely« i e r r e o lo n .~ T h e f * ? M V t^several .tylei"iu*»foryo^gound<t/p of

......:, -



H u ^ A T , A T SH j 8 0 , 19Et

B a rk S sa K . . • * , . ' •

»Mrw I P9P*?i.A g l a n c e - ; » • « .


^^STf VSSrSSnM Ponrw N ft^

■ S ^ S f S l ta ll.‘iron??,’.M

^*5?,'l3s; aHi-iT

I ItW TOM 8,11°*^? ., ..1.. ■ ‘ ^.:,p‘«l?ki,*l

I 'm tfeET iJg-K ^,j,B ?M S*C »ntPrt M g LOS ANGELF

B » r . IIJI H.t DUcult 0 , ipot* hl(h.r on

K ii s j s r i . 1 S i ^ K

I F i i a K a " “ i h i S n i i■ »* Jt" Pif* r u M S Mm u .» - ii .«

p I f s s r pK * pESfVEB. ApEas*K-a“ KSK " js|? k-» “I ;S‘-'iS;.“■ £ L *'2 g» p«lfl« I lH •Wrf«M7*i*l

K -inSs-. RgS ISi‘‘ o " III to” ?h!rt1?!‘ ‘

l r ‘s ls « “...!!«s s 'S iE“ S5“ "u.- u}t i„“a,'Ci;K u Mth Onl-Fei UH •l.mhur oH.rh

Bl~oir"AiTTnrw VJ■ l * ' ff U« A(fcf»« M « KAKSASCirB Ssb-.'SSw ,!S !£!i.r‘ii.s ■vTsnSi'r'n!;,^ S'r-Tj,-

h W .i ^ t P M% ^B i t a 1« Wklw Mb* m u t t i ' f l t i tn M r

B ~ ~ m TOMC CUBB ............... "OMAHA. A i

dvlin C«ir1.*7 tm V* Mm* Drlea hkT,■ T u c t a l u I tn n <M h.i

4.0J wlTr’ ltotkeT*BjM farlti ___—_ - U.tO *ahnv” MO; B m— . i. . * I-*' lowti: amM*»Wmii '~ ~ i 2'J? *<

^ U ----------------------- IM.M CHICAGO, AiS g ... ................... ;;M S uUbi. ».««:" ~ ------- ITJ* M^gp^koltf II

M Averages“ ‘V."' 'rr“'i.''~„ “ S S srSr.ii-'

*■ hlw , .4 Bt ■ eratf i t ■ m l le««r; M^r ITI^sa i g it

‘i’m Si" 8AK rHANCI

" H SIwhrF^ik | " ~ TOtock Prices .sfjass~ ' * pound; WhK«i«0flniTwlnP*lUUTWlock "i.!'?!!'’ 'Jf**’!

W pTOTldrt b ; t in Tw in pouX*oMi.SfJ lUmtock Comnuaaloo cam - < l^ 4 t 8wU«

■liMCutteru_418.W.|lB.OO « ■ '« ? « > *------------------- - V fli,S « — — t^jfinn-ywKn 0 p;, ch — -----------w a .o o -w joL------ - JO tZ “S; EtSr*~— ----------•33.00-t34A) »»i «»V »J< *

to p J -S .'-J i ' ^ -------------C4.00 to p MHI MWrti «

_J7.__ — ____ OTU-tlKi____nn. --------2 »0, AprU JO — CUrtnc* VISIT frO o o to j. w u floed » BU RW nr,/ ^ g P r o iw ta J u d g e J u n e i Jr,»n«l(»mHj g TiiM<!»y on k charge er.M ri.T .B * J ^ w »n explrtd driving Uon w pertnt g ^ . n i vTe*t«d br 6U t« K n u d m oom^ -S ttn ley-PKK— ------'" ~ n ib ti |e lU aH lt

^ Twin Falls MarlUVttTOCK N*. 1

- » n .e » » ja lu^ k* i ~

j!:St V c ; f — t i i i s j j l w c ^ . ^ . -

--- ------------m.JMl'.OO K». 1 nBtl«rfst' nISS;:------------- lll.0Mfl.8tt We. I BatinUtl i ? : = = i ! ! 3 £ i K

H ® if ®tr-iid—^iiSIs.•J__ i . _;

m ..........................................................-

s and Finan • * * * * •

O'ODSN CKICACor Atilip opn j. April 19 W>-.(UaDA.)-C.lO. • •’! J,miw {o‘r

'l>[* •!«»« I


rUi»j l«?i Biirk.t'not lu w u h ij ' '‘IIm ■ CHICAGO. Apill*"•* ■N5°?” h llV 'S "PORTLAKD ht«^^wlilu'»!-*J^

a s - s K S s H S«CIH »ytm l».(i^____ v . r H !S• AN rjlANCISCO s l ' t i lH j

£^'5HSS:2•."^^7 S" "U•ijblt non"!'’ 'd “ i.ij ijI.OOi lorM IM-JM lla, n.oo. M*r .H‘4SliMpiiI.bli n o i i t ; ( O f d v«elfl 14 crop lmJBb« t2-ns lb». H .« .Ij 1m . K»»t .IF------- — l>er ,81 ^........... I.0S-AN-CRI.78 , , , . .

-JflM. .o Wl-(PSUN) , J;” •

S v.?.rKSlV:iS".Si2 k*>»*“ciy'h'^4. » ‘.b‘ir»S ': K. , 1,<.«: “ ,'i

S : iS rS S

DENVEB n IJ li‘ i!so‘*ii‘'i^ D D T ^. AjjHI^ (UPlj-C»tU« l,»0^ It.Tll.

Mrlr***"*! M Bh°rU I».t0 U

lil I Potato!ilon 14M: iiav, UU; unrxnlr it«dr cii

-tlihly •o;.'lJVo.V»-l«

tl^ lltu . rM "'" r r “ l umphi vs 1A I.:i u n m tlttii «t H,«o dawB. _______ ~ 0

^ K 5 |3 s |l a r s ; :Sr»‘i .rlo». trm n rir ••!» •l—dr U> » Isw.ri••rlln* lUvra and «»«rMliviD<l«r MO lbt. ttodr to ulreni: hith cholt. t — ■■

b H ? j S 3 ’"S'5s.S Potato 1 S'SS'.tewi'isi'ie “,cssisrf.“

_ O M A H X - _________.Comptny, ElkiOMAHA. April » lU ri-Hc«. lO.OWi -

Red D<•.»0-><.U; sood and (hnltc M t«n*1.7»: ItMker >ad ft^tr cU»m atirrt. ^ |^hw ".M O : .UathUj- luoba .rnoad M d C S l l Jiwtr: and <<>edc* •retind H-ISO Ib.rtPolrf-Uftb* it.W.--------------------------------- ----------------

CBICARO j V O r Cfsr.;"-:.”,«r'is »»»*». k.K L . n - A d . p

Mjso n>.. i«.78. ii.ssi •»». ii.:6-ii.u. K orein w«r foi

ow? i y ? , ’; i ‘

0 Brim* v*4lm mj annljUce. T .m .'T .vV**'': r i f “w tBdeflnlte-reces

_B £U aU ajtP0ihiyrhrii.mi. .tiThiti. tfl.u<t-:u,.i;,w. eald-U if Bllle*

' three out of fl •■ — .................~ ’_ J "*1 they hold.

Butter and Eggs' whether Uils f«

BAK rBANQSCO to the total num.?l*AA” ^ « « ® i:I^ ? A ^ ^ ^ Z '’.’7 l" u eJvlUan la u rn t1 M >«or« :o. ‘ prUonera name ChMiiji c r .^ A W «w«; «I«4. A their olllclal ex

r’sisSKK'iSSSS;--'-- . * ‘S J--------- They named JJS

C , „ ™ „ S ' ! r a ? , - u . . ”laikat uiuattl*]: 11 Irutlu. Trie* chaRfaa lenwe*.Inc* mUrdiTi Bprluil Colortd M.ctnK I f the COmmiPOTfld; WhK. I^ k « : V. N. plan It wiC h m .-'8 iii“ ^ i . i " ’ m onth deadlot

^u tu rr^ irtie-po in iA r— —>nie"Un^7^Ii0 rar« Mor" i**«mrleUI hftve Offered I

“ r » ’i»n“on°c. u r y airfield* di

n t UW; m*dbni 10 t^r «n l A and g u t the U. N. I ? « . 7 ? J m " r r i th . t the COdpu H i diriiM II; <hKV. liM ; c.riMii nla from theirsr»cns.T.'s i" i”sT» i t« . Hflporla of L

— -------------- oKer on pruoiV lsm N O MOTHER etrongty In Une

BURWnr, AprU JO -T. BaUey U e. meat*, r.. and family aro »Ultlnf-hl» moth- - —— ' r.M n.T .BaU eyLe*.L««U exe»M - ion fupertntendent iar M orrlm - i S r e a K l H ^ C nudm company, Inc., on Ciblnet . ^ .Rrge-aCB-ilwTO-CUrtrroTtrW K- ^ a i l i ^ w l t h I

1 Markets S S ?. . . . - a.M machine »hop tJ

S M — " - "'S 'S •)« ) vas en ters..... ...... .Z 7 — —Pollfit nalil Uu

--------■-;— ^V A T O H ------------------ hlgh-eohool-wai- broken window.

UT> P O n n tT . . _ Uma tn a week

■ — 'g D i s t u r b e i

W S S M I S " ---------------r a S S S f f i

*• 1 2®!'*^“ — ------ K 00 a charge of j

SS5»“SS•II* AA ....... ........... .....................r*«J “~ T —s m * . .... - J I : PBOGiAB« m a -- - - - I —~ ^ OAEXjEr, Api

.- PWday evening, . . u » d ta »end thi

a « .ic r ..U v U l«

- - i'- - ■ ‘ ■ - TIM

' G r a n g e

[ n a n c e i n L ™

40th ICKiCACor At.iii M m-Corii tnc»d hlghllfhte from

;;w : S'Sa.MTh< m»kK brid Cair»r <u*4r dsriac th* nlvertary party i

lltl ecmpia ot bOTtt »iih »ojb««Qj »iw^ lhe Orange hall-

s'.'i','" ■■■•■-■•“"■•• ss«r.!;d'’siwhMt cu«>d IS to 2 »«.u iow«. U tt oiled- roadi, ceme

_CABli CHAIM.- • * * ^ ^ ' mi4liM biCHICAGO. Apill M W —WhMt tuina.

iUrI«7 nominal: Dultlnc I.IO-lfi im l BcIIThe roll Mll

7 o « i .5 r ‘ .C .i;* -.." iS '“ V-iS tS i” jW to "0.00-Mj rtdtop H.SO.SO.M: 4iiik* « .» . H n..W . E. Adui :>.M. KUtler, Qoodlng,

.FU T JSiT FA nii go»l“CHICAGO, April »o (U l')- Forrln O. HarUio» « — Hirb— how— Cl<^ eeeretaryhMn.-l

j ” *'’" , , , tha Idaho Orangi^.|J lul*. Alii, Sd»n DeiT t i1S<t smith. Wendell, (,)^ z.u J.«ni t s s s J.»9 \ Mr*. Smith; Mndar™ !•!*'* 17eu 111 1 lei^ Ing,atatePomoniruir iVi ’ i .'m *; IJH Keith Jiduon. Ii .rt i.n*. i .n j; i . j ; mona Orsnge i

o .u * ^ Jackaon, and Jd.r .H‘4 . : i ' i .7«’4 .T6»; Qoodlng. Orangeluir , .7:>, . n s .t;J.{ .ts;^ Bumgarner,71 ‘i5.’---- ■J?!'-' "i; ! ‘iZr’ Program chain

K ,. ' ----------. ‘ M n. Dean Bami d.r !.«<*;-I.«5%,1.»S'^ 1.»4 by Mrs, P, c, Wei

i:?o-j l:lo5i , f*™”*' --------- Btorlea of ear!KANSAS CITY CRAIN wtlB told by Ml

Silva ana M?5,K1.rk hart u. ti.tiSi: No, J tory was brouiht a I2.<»m; No- ! rr.1 to It-JO.S; Inal coaiumcd pla ''?L. „ I . . . , . No J »"'» «™- 0. o..hK.'".'i-H»i S-t2.‘i2j5“ N o .^T ,« v ° 'tJ tumee vere of 181 l2.tlN i Ne. t Telkiw iikI nlied tl .l lf i to MrS. Oeorge B

U W r - n 1 t '^ d lo a « '« “ 'I

ifiom iM a.a k.fir ii.74M t» il-i.WN. Qmngen i^ ^ '’ toii-toN, compared to progSertoani 12.71 lo IMIN. Idaho by Deal,

'i .r t i Speaker df the ev• ' * Eden told the dt

, ganlratlon of the

Potatoes-.Omons ,■ '■- < Membership pl

aiiCAGo by Adems to MiCHICAGO. April «o (UP)-Pouio »r. gnndy. se-year n

“ ■ '■ n l. B«n(U: JI-IauppiiM v.rr Ilsht, .icmand tood, awrv.i Cheney, 33 year;

firm .1 crillnj. ho Uack Mir. r*poti»d. Sttllt, 33 year; MiitiphT U.**!* 1.21; old ^o<k* Matn» M Mr, Bud Mb. pap«r laiu rmiiij •hiiri US i \ J.29. 31 ycw members;~0 1'TilirTUllpmi ni(Hlff«i«7~dtmina~»lo . Kfnr£liL_Att_MM'^ n r ‘k'^.'^M ''io“ S r 7 r “T . i ; r V H i^ 'Allilph-Boeilitr;a.rmuila. t;S 1 lr»)luni -Ith .ppro.l. John Slmi, all 23iv"'.i~..S'“.::'.‘iSVJi; ;ai:: _iicuu_.ii«iLlom. J.OO; Ii.b«i. US 1 junbo c r S.M. who attended Gri

their parents yea I ductd hy Dean I

Potato and Onion “ “ *Futures Chmey. Joan Hi

-(C o«eirE .-TT .-M cR oberi. ana- ,.Co»p.„y. Elk..B tdt..Phone MO)..

• ' ' Stnicheon. Vloli------ w v w b e ^ nion#------------ Ererstt-Faytonr:

ocrnnEB rnTATOEs ^llcn Moore. D

■ ■ Mlltj“ «nrCIirln(

Red Delegates A inhd y Mk"e_ _ _ . Orange by the

Scan Plan for Korean Peace Parent

MUNSAN. Korea, April 30 ftPI — u O U g h lOommunfal truce negotiators etudl- —A civil sctlon t(ed_(»n_amed. plan, for ending the Jnterast. costa tKorean war for the third straight fees was siartctlday today and gave no hint o t when Tuesday by E. .they would reply. Moon, Mmr 'i Pi

propoaed on "over-all” solution Sherwood. Monday lo tha three Issues blocking The store asks an armistice. The reds Bsked'Ior on from- Aug, e, 19 Icdeflnlto-recew to study the plan.- good*-aUegedly •

R/.H«h1a r>.ty>rts from Washington Sherwwds Nov ja ld - th e allies offered to return “1“ « ks I433-5D. three ou t'o f five of the prisoners Nov. 11, 1950, ani “' ' y hold. -

P b n Not Clarified tl^ e SurehM^THowever, It waa not made clear on a note dated 2

whether tJils formula would apply Smith and Jai to the total number of prisoners and attomeyi.ilvUlan internees, or Just lo the ------- ^prisoners named by tho allies in S t l t r fp T l tf Ihelr olllclal exchange Ibt,

The alUea hold approximately 169.000 prisoners and Internees. rhey named IJ2.000 In the exchange ^ t ^ e o t h e r JT.OCO are civilian in .

I f t ie communlata agree to theU. tt. plan It would break the five- ^

“ « c h ™ i . .prlwneti. WeadeU Btyner,

ConeewloM Offered ' _ _ L _ 1“ T s r u n r p l a n also was >ard to -----------nCERSIhave offered concession* to the SROSHOHE.Awmisunlits~on the ■Uled demand license w u Istuifor a ban on corutruetfta o t mill- Claude Oheu, c«ta rr airfields during the truce. Lloyd Grant, Lal

B ut the U. N. apparenUy still in - Mary Barrlt, Balists tha t the communlsta drop Ru*- ----- ---------------Itia from their list of- neuUal n a - . Hods to poUce the truce.

Roporta of the United NaUonsoffer on pnaomr"e]tQaBtfe~wer« ■ N I J R n n JItrongly In Une with recent develop- W i ! l | jS y M P ments.

Breakins Reported Sftr^'U,^ k l n s with nothing taken"S »S ’ |B ~ Y 0 W 'W » ' Men reported to the Burley police. ■ m otth lci n ie high achool muslo r o ^ w u mtered Tuesday n igh t and 'eevena ■ f l . M lockera ransacked. The Gunderson ^1* ■ at. nachlne shop a t 13JS Albion avenue Ilso vas entefS3.~-Pollfit salil th a jm n tc jonm a t thft — _________Ugh-eohool-wa»-«stwwl-throu8b-a. —-ASlT'ABOI/rftrokjn. window. TWa U the aecondUme tn a week th a t the room h uw en entered an4 nothing taken. r " ^

Disturber A rraigned ^itTMt-asJml^for'•■jhsry'W sl'W hen — s r ~ . ________ -r-im lg n sd in poUe«-«na_Tue«da3r . w«U cofotoK) a eharge of disturbing the peace. be mode en «Be U free on IU bond. payiMnl dU

Mays w u arrested oa a oomplalnl ! ^ T T ' . 'Tilfned by Davtd Sparks, ( ^ r a t a r o f .Dave's DJner,-»her« the alleted-al-

OAKLBV, April 80 — The Oakl«7 . 0 \ ,ilgh iBhooI pre*ent- « l W W i!d a program a t the high school _ .m d a y evening. Pnoeeds will be Twin rails >u e d ta send the puplU to the sU te ........auslc fesUval la Moscow.

• . ■ ■■■ A

“ ' - T IM E S -W B W S .:T W T K : F A L L I

Grange Feted ’ Lincoln fl

40th BirthdaysrteaHOHE. A prlfas — Xctlvr ^ m ay have jM ^

(Ughllghts from 1812 to 1853 were “ ?i;*unveiled during lhe program a t the 1«MWood River Center Orange 40th an- county, Prank BIlversary party Baturday n igh t a t Cross chairman 1the Grange hall- Buch proJecU u said Monday,,rural route parcel pe«t delivery, tel- CollecUons havtphone and electricity Installation*, those ot olher recoiled- roads, cemetery Improvements and the chapter

Onu^ W H W u L ^ S w lS S ^ ^ ”-^AU bl'ood -usi

The meeUng bfgan-wlth-*-*eaUng •m ey are asking

I'-ifWhitehead, auulant ilew aros. j^h enough to aav

Boll Cill of those lives, heThe roll call of distinguished The drive h u

visitors Included Btate M a«t«r and Richfield. North IH n..W . E Adami. lagle: Mr*. lr» ahone. I f Uiere 1KlaUer, Ooodlng, sUte hom e eco- n o t contacted ornomlcs chalrmaD, and her husband; jaake a furthar cFerrln O. Harlanil. CaldweU. atato i t to Mra Cl «eeret«ryhM rt.-Kulaod.-*dltor-ot - ^ , ^ { , ^ - - ^ 34- the Idaho Orangtr; Ueut.-Oov. andMr*. Edaon DeaV Boiae; Wayne “ ^^Uabershlo It

Wh“S“SS“ ;Ing, atate Pomona, and her huaband: ’ Keith Jacluon. Lincoln coim ly Po-mona Orange master, a n d Mr*. nospiiaiixauJackson, and J . ' V, Bumgarner. T

K a ^ e ? " " * ' 2 , - B o i s e f lProgram chairman of th e evening. (1

Mre. Dean Bamey. was introduced f U 1 6 Q . t;by Mrs, P, c, Wentworth, lecturer. two mt

nranie HUtory ‘ ' $G7 for license vl Stories o{ early Orange history ttppeored In Jusi

were tolrl by Mr. tjid M r*. A. V . Oordon A. JSUva and Mrs, Kenry MQl. T he his- guilty of pullliwry was brouiht to life hy an orlg- trailer ond fallu;Inal coaiumcd playette featuring Mr. tratlon In his 1and Mr*. D. O. Mitchell. T h e cos- ^ 0 ^ S ^ t stume* vere of 181J. I.atT oaU olm an

Mra. Oeorge Eden played an ac-cordlon solo and Bonnie K ao and u ilfo rd M Ba;

Idaho by Deal, who was featuredspeaker df the evening, Mn>. GeorgeEden told the details regartllng or- u , , . ?ganlratlon of the Jn\-enlle prange In °°

Pins Presented LastRib,“s r ’-i' Sr-.svrr/J ,s;s-w.r,!;

w l* ?.!-Cheney, 33 year; Mr, and Mra. WlU r m Montcomerv Sant, 33 year; Mr!, Quy Pnyton. 31 h Rhodes woa s year; Mr. and Mrs. FrlU .etruchcn. Burial woa n 31 year members; Mr. and M rs. Fred l o o P cemeWry^

ATlOlph-BoeilitrrEvtritt-BanT-iiid -----John Sima, all 23 year m em ben, ,

Actlva adult OrnrgK memb<!fB ------who attended Orange meeting* with their parents years ago w ere intro- M M 1duced by Dean Barney, T hey were V ■ IBerUia Soeslger Whitehead, Olive 1 J ICheney Btory, Bob Cheney, Eart I ■ *Cheney, Joan Henderson Outherle, •Elltn-Sandy Stutzman,.l>onald.San*- — dy. Alfred Ssndy, Jack Eden. Joanna Bamey;—EnTstt' B a n tr^ rred e rie t ~Stnicheon. Viola Jones Payton. ETerstt-FaytonrPMl-JoncsrMBbel Allen Moore. Dorothy M llli Ed-

Mlltj‘ «nrC Iirlndft'Ineu 'm >iiey“ ~WO~D(Kenneth Wentworth sang a solo. ^ .

A birthday cake was prc.tcntcd-the . P A Y MOrange by the Juvenile Orange. “Mrs, Rands cut Uis birthday cfke. 3 6 M onthi

Payment of $803 Sought i n Court

—A civil action to collect »S(n.60 plus ^ S B | B h interest...costs &Dd_>UO fees was started In d istric t court Tuesday by E. A. Moon nnd Ray iMoon, Moon'i Paint and Fum lturo _______ -TOlfe, fiiiliur Mr. ahd M fs. ■H. 'J f Sherwood. —

The store asks »370, p lus Interest from'Aug, J, 1850. and costs for good*-allegedly-pwchBBed-bythe ' ’Sherwoods Nov. 12. 18<9. T h e store ’ also Oiks I433-5D. plus lAterest from " ;Nov. 11, 1950, and tlOO fo r attorney !fe«s for the balance they claim Is , >due on a promissory note fo r furni­ture purchased by the Sherwood* .; on a note dated Nov. 11, 1»4».

SmlUi and Jacob are th e store's , . attomeyi.

S t u d e n t s o n T o u rMOSCOW. AprU 3fl m — Eight | ^

University of Idaho agricultural en- I -iRlneerlng students were vtaltlng the _ 1----------Caldwell, Parma and Aberdeen ex- 1 -perlment staUoni In aouthem Idaho __ _ ll ------today and planned to take In chem- I r V v C ^leal and ferUUar plant*- In Boiseand Pocatello. ' .

StudenU taking U« trip Included __ XWeadeU Btyner, Paul _ f---------- 5 c im E ? i f l i u iD ----------------------- ' - 4

SROSUOHE, April SO-A marriage Tlicense was Istued IWday by Mr*. v fj Claude Chess, county cleric, to Cpl.Uoyd Grant, LaFoUstte. T w aw and •— IMary Harris, Banaieman. H . 0 , I

I - , * i ' ! f » s - S I A l

—A«-«our oWi .— - -A t-Sear. - - - -A - n>odern-Bl

\\ e*!m ix in g fo u c c o s ie r rinsini

. . . W d w e r ^ n ^ M s m c y — ' ' 'M mode en eortrod: ; ; deVm A l lpeymni, piM MMhly ImtoS* - A L L


& COAL CO. ^Twin n i l s - 1- ^ o a e m

■•t- ■ . ..


ineoln May Lose Visitori ts Membership in Free Blood BankHOSHONB. Aprtl :o ~ Member- John r/a rm -ln - i 3 In the ^ C ^ b l ^ bank »nd daughter are

re mone7 can be added to the were completed .I Red Cross drive fund In the vliltors from allnty, Frank'C ice, Shoihone, Bed lUll are calling o« 'chairm an for Lincoln county, ,o n Bunday thi Monday,. 300 and 400 earsollecUons have fallen far below tcngers, inspectsse of other recent years, he lald. house.1 Uie chapter has not made If* M any of th o 1

AU blood -ussd by our anned e-davv-wenr-com :e» to ftamjahod-by-«h» n«d Orea r in e m ^ rS T 'lH e !7 are asking for more blood for teerjnHTH Pll co iUng_iaen.ln,Kor?*,*ndJJjetm> worker*. One-he eat disaster th a t we cannot Ium- fencing wa* in s tenough to save a t leu t our ahare ------------------------Uiose lives, he explalnel _ h e drive h u been completed In I A n T m i * T ( hfleld. North Shoahone and Bho- V /w a t U OVfcC ine. I f Uiere U anyone who waa A f P n Q r I contacted or anyone wishing to X X I. l > U a L ke a furOiar donaUon, Uiey may MURTAUOH. d It to Mrs, Claude Ohesi, county cen t meeting i rstary~»H d—treuurer-'for—the -Khtml board, i ve. were signed by <embershlp In the Idaho blood son. first grade; ipter entlUea county residenu to fou rth grade: C I blood from a blood bank at no elxth grade, and t other than their own doctor en th and eighth 1 hospllalixaUon. ContracU wer

-------------------------- Bemieco -Lambe

Boise Men Are Fined $67 in T.F.

TOvSssrseared in Justice court Tuesday.Jordon A. iScKiimaa pleaded . , “ “ 71,Ity of pulling an unlicensed !iS. Her and fallur? ta have a regls- tlon in his possession. He paid I aad »3 costs on cach charge. A “ ’ir tm ??? . « ,h r ^ S fn m HolSle? b«®”?or'ne«"y dllford M. Baaalck pleaded guUty taart*lsT M r fn'iiiF** fn have a niote lor the tward Is cor truck he w u towing. He aUo b o S ^ T e d u c n ^ aded guilty of falUng to have a X license plate on Uie tow tnick,

paid 125 and M costs on Uie nier charge and 110 and W costs [JSimimeSl? et

____________ agricultural proi

Last Rites HeldMneral service* for Melvin A. P l l f l i l t f l inard were held Wednesday aft- I f f l U n L U < lOon In the White mortuary ipet wlUi Salvation Army Ueut, « m iMi“ Sfio^^0 Montgomery offlclaUng. Mra. H. 0*ll4>u ubiau. 11 Rhodes waa soloist and organist.Jurial woa m ade'In the Filer o^M rttBm . OP cemetery.__________ a j »c

n o d o w n 4 = = - ^ * = ^PAYMENT B T f T M36 M onthi to Pay

“ ' ^ ~ 5 4 ^ n e l r D e l u x e S

A n d S t e e l C a b i nl . , u l . r 114.95 A .

t-Seor -LowLficiceT^-yjK m od o rn -s ln k -fo r-b M u ry -an d -e asIe r d lshw i >d w ith a c id resisting po rce la in e n a m e l. C n ix in g f o u c e t ond sink s tro ln e r : . . s p « lo s ie r r insing! Big undersink c a b in e t h a s rc n ^ t s ; sm oo t h pulMng-drowera.-Bo k g d - y h ite -

ALL Steel 3. 0 ^ SHOWER b a t

4 9 ;“ SS."'*"'''‘Sdis^frasMptuMtUieaM

- • J - , - - - -

t^isitors Still Drive to Ht View Herrmann’s Fann

JEROME, April Jl>-Mr. and Mrs. 22 acres of pea* 1 hn (‘7arm-ln-a*day"> Herrmann be planted'on-Apr d daughter a re flndmg th a t even wet ground, were

re completed in one day, many clover and mount)Itors from all over Magic Valley to Increase the or11 are calling on them every Aay, the raw desert will3 n Bunday there were between of beam and 10 a> a n d 400 cars. loaded with pai- will be planted,igers . Inspecting the farm and I ^ t week carpeuse . small detail] In thMany ot th e lltUe projects that Installlng'eloset sh re n at-eom pleted-at-the-fana .il>- tor-oM he-frmm diaK rw cre-com pleted Sunday-by pjeied.-•iha-lnUrl* t m ^ r S f T l i a execuUve'eoihmir' h g r f lw r^ im w r- tr jro trn p lL . coMervamm-TCTTlcr Herrtiann uld mT ken . O ne-half mile of ateel Inqiilr^ abour (heic ing wa* insUUed Sunday. The planted on top of----------------------------------------------- *old Uiey asked IfI . J n * 1 planUng, He expltlOntracts Signed - -C f i Z At Board MeetingMURTAUOH. April 30 -A t a re- Herrman tald h«n t meeting of the Murtaugh haven't had time thool board, teaching -contraots the cloudi they hfiere algned by Kathertne Seyvtr- on and added lhatn. first g rade; Eata Mae Wright, ful to the people cu r th grade; Orrin M. Oardner, to r making "theit th grade, a n d Max L. Sheen, aev- true."llh and e ighth grades, -ContracU were offered to Mn. « TT x 1:m icce -Lambert, second grade; KAV Hlirt. Irs. .eislo Lattlm er, third -grade; H U I H

"i:.Ss;/"SS/l!£.Ki , In-StreeinBBTter, hom e economics; John patKibbia I *or

M iut, social science and library: . j , Kibble'J2( .d Charlea Eastwood,.KngUah and S i t , ^ t « a t t ”

K “f , K h B « ™ u..rueted by th e board to,continue vesUgatlng possibilities for a vo- ehllj■tlonal agriculture program In th* jnven by DliiforU gh school n e x t year. Sixth avenue east. 1 Brlmhall submitted a proposed xnishap occumd lr idget for nex t year and alnca fund* of Pburih avenue e n o t available to meet the budget, street east, e board la conslderlns aakln* an nmrcirey—levy -from —the-c ron ty >ard of education. 1 Em ety Howard, atate supervisor • I

vocaUonal agriculture, Boise, I« n t Tuesday Investigating the '«slbllitles o f etarUng a vocational n C D ATicultural program In th e high K K r# it^°o^- ___________________ Prom pt.

:HOKED.r.GAS] ,IA>4K nSAVEMSI M<*> a tu^a >n Ivl M iBdlfMtlss. Whn It atrUv. UkaIlHtu ubiau. n r r esnUla U» tMlMk K QUns madlclna known (s iJoelor* for tha ^ o^ha.rtt«m . , « .od .talUr dla. Boa


^ - A S A tE A S C W E * rA S ITS HAM

----- - .1 iWhttdToB Add, SloIn.R*

P Beg, 7M _____f t 9M ^ Ua. Iw

roondtd. Ckraa*'^ nttaOitaHMbei

luxe Sink C ab in e t

~Cillaiqe as ie r d lshw oshifig .-tovet-_____ Baiewent Ryn enam el. Chrome p lo fe d Reg. e u t ____e r . . . sproy oerotor for n - .s i_ -* « , ib inet h as roomy comport* ^ h*«< B o k ^ -y h it» -e fK > m « l-f twl»hi— . lyn « i i ni w*

BATH SET Wa»ertrim.’’'*" w ,m -,2 9 ^n

tS ecea p ^m » M ^iite£ '^

_ 'j : '

I t o H u n t t o ®

( F a m - i n - D a yp ,„ « .= « . « . ld n . t

inted on April 17 because of ^tround. were planted W day. a IMAd' WIUI u a )»<U.'WU iw eei d r l r r o t o J ^ S e■ and mountain t»rom? grass {^0 , O , It waah :rease the organic matter Intw desert toils. T h e 17!i e c r u Bundanee w uini and 10 acrea of potatoe* v l t h . an expti«d« planted. fined ta and $3 <t week carpenter* conlpleted Juatlce of tho Pdetail] In the house luch u S tate and count

ling'closet shelves. Landscap- tlgated.f-tl» 'gteu u j al»tt wu -oom * lAeecirdtne to 1[.-•ihe-lnurlof-of-the-houaa TehleJe#-w«i» h wfetrwimWr— — — -------— way ao-thre»~Mrtiann uld many visitorsftaye. ^ - Q f - M i y a ^-ed alioarihV iiTais need being began in e f t - tn ntd on top of th e ground. He Brigga ranch. Dothey asked U It Vfu Inferior a t te m p t^ t ^Ing, He explained that w hat ^ “ "d me eunoi■n en top of th e ground a re ri*ht. ^ m lo w -#lulls. Rice hull* were planted L . t the gr*ss seed, aavlng from M si* pounds of seed per acre.

I't had time to come down o ff 12).*““ 01 uw wlouda they h&vft'hetn’ floiting -- -id added lhat they are grate-) the people of Jerom e eounty - - - ^making "their dreams come J k

y H u r t S l i g h t l y r o R D E

[ n S t r e e t M i s h a p Y 5 S; Kibble, J, son of Mr, and Mr*. . A N I BI. Kibble. MO Fourth avnw e u T r n x rP 1•w»r-trfat5d-for-mlnar"BtnTi>- ------r -n W « ii» - 'en hll face and elbow follow- G ood ln ff 47 '

,n accident a t 7:13 pjn, Tue#- . T w in F> child was bumped by a car 1 by DUworUi W . Oerrlah, 32S V n A f l f l avenue ea*t,.pollce report. 'n»e

ip cccumd in th e Intertectlon K V A T X lurih avenue e u t snd Second east._______________________ 1 — —


Prompt . . . E c o D o m lc a l. . . E f f ic ie n t____ _ e q :« n y _ Make

DISTRIBUTORS ' F a i r b a n k s M o r s ^ P o B i o iu i Pom ;

R o g e r s F o r m S t oUaberiy Eoad Twtai Fall*


. 1 3-Pc.

plete w ith ti

m ’ I I

m ttd T oilet ^ a t a H ■Add,5lo!n.Ratlt>ont&iomel

, 7 « ______ 4.19 M J

~Cvllor Droin#r ' it ijjjBcemenfRoodlnwronce! - ' "

MdkXM. H<i|«r <rr- to e rt owlew, Ut g lfW t.C W l

50-Gallon Hot MEC Water HEATER u CAIi.yr. G u a r o n t e « - A A . S & - - Q f la -S h f l l f _ :eg. 124.95 T T R eg . Z 9 8

turned on I ta te p a f t a r " l ^ ^ M M ;^ ^ H

0 „ It waah repo ied

ndanee w u dtMi expired Ucnue a a d M n s '- r - ^ ^ H

1 *2 and $3 cost* by glm tw rty ice of the Peaee Ray. Pettor.» and county officers. taTM> ed.

n ^ an e rt- tn n rT D to I h e o l ^ '^ ^ H ga raneh. Demlow obaerred th* npted tu rn and tried to nd the Sundance tnick on tha t. Demlow-s car eaugfat th e t rea r of the truck whleh eled 00 feet and overtumed. lage to tbe truok w u c a t lm a ^(00 and damage to the left front er of tb e car w u-estim at«!-« t

d A S H lIP O R D E A D a n d

U S E 1 £ S 8 - ^

A N I M A L S ^

-P H O N E COLLECT.' lodloff 47 ' B o pert-55

T w in . W . 8 U ....:£ :

I D A H O m D E . ^

nd SERVICE -. E ffic ien t R ep a ln

m ona Pomp*


2 1 4 ^ 3foot: cast iron tu b com*}te w ith tn m . Colors o f ue, Beige, and Greeiu •'

H o m a r t E l a c H i i t f l

W a t e r

D oubla HKrilng

~io?!d5 8 4 l9 S l^ |KMivBy Qolvg B l ^

U t f W ^ o p e r r t l a o A l * M MMr -tacM e o m S a ^ ^ H wMi w fcif botod anB iiet.Co i» m o M wflMr oK i e to d fk M dkw a. H « d e u b k A e ^ y ^ J

medicinpT ®c A m m ^ m

Q ne-S half_Reg. 2 . 9 8 ' ' ........ ^

D ear■ I j P ^ U r e s E l e cf l i * '."OOOb&fO, SO-^Uore th tn 3 K . . ->«y town* t*ther«<* In Qoodlng Tu

to u tb e m dMn« 7 of IdAho Council c

da*nef7 conference. Buhl women mIi Inchide M n. Thomfta Tvrdy, prcs- K tai»; H u 7 Klein, vice pm ldent;

Ve** Rtq't*. iecreUry; Mrs. Jo seph PotUMk. ireamircr. ond Mr«. A. J . Tlnke. auditor.

T h e dijTs Bewlon opened with h igh m tn celebTAted a i St. Ellzn*

»»- Ui»-ie iinon. -Hcirt3traiJon jS^pWS-lUBObMn followed ln th« I007- trB in rM r t.-B ; w . rJelwn, 1853 prest-

den t of the southern deiuier;. gave £■ tt)e ftddres* o t welcome tn d the re-

tpoiiM wta by Idn. Jnmes Pagoga, B iotbona:

P ro b tte Judge Jtm e* P. Ooetett. « presiding In Ooodlng. dlscuued ju*». renU* delinquency and divorce. He . i - t t l d “were we ever able to correct —.and -p roperly nraend the ll»es and, J chnnicfer ot our.Adult. people, iben

• the juvenUe problem will, to * large :;j, a rte n t, rectify lt«elf. I never have, f ' In a ll mjr experience, encountered a t. bad child . , . whose dellnquenclcA .. . and twlited atmudc* could not be '• . traced directly to falluic. Ignorance

and Irreaponsiblllty of the adulta In i tha child'* backfrraund- >, "W o ara too prone to think of n r-d lra rca only • • an evil thing in lt>.. Mlf wltJi lltUe cotwldcratlon fot tha —’ et>UB«s ot dWorte,” Vie ataicd and 5 ' concluded tha t ••the aolutloh, then,

ll th li^ J l ia to m u it bo ft rededlcatlon «t o u r live»-to a moral and spiritual

» ' concept of life and a renewal of cur £ fa ith and beUaf* (n almighty Ood."

Speaking on divorce and orphaned ’ d illd ren , the R t, Bev. Pather Cyp- . rian Bradley. BuW. dlacussed the r~ C hristian teaw n g s on the subject.' aaylnc that U a man and woman,

vho m u r y and separate, oould "estl- m ttt U u axtest of t b t havoo

I^:-«m iBht-br-raeh - rMklMHiM*,. few > »ould JaU In marriage."

L-l-_Hft_atate)LtbBt.jrtlifi._churcli.ifUl . •Ter continue to denounce divorce I because It nin< contrary to the dl- i

a ■ Tto* law and teaching* of Christ.'' : ; " * g 'c 0a c l0aed th a t "W r. in AthertcHT i > m g b t to Ttmeniber Ut&l a naUon < .> la aa atrong aa lt« home . . , No ' - BaUon ean long enjoy, the blesalng

' of O od wbose laws she permits to i ■' be f lA ^ n U y broken."

Mra. Hugh McMonlgle, Pocatello. i !• m i d e n t of the Idaho Catholic

. W omen's council, spoke on the Im- | jMrtance ot women "In a world built |

■ • aroutjd the family" and stres«ed , ___fte,Im portant pa rt of Uie_federatlon

— T he'B e^.-p ilK er O'Connor lritroi' *• <nced TUlUng prleaU. the Rt. Rev.- - T«th>^ Biihl. mnd tha Hjv .

Vatbera Brio Bchennanson and B. Carey, bolh Jerome: Francis 0 1 >rlt- ooU, Burley: Thomas Halpln, Sho-

, ■ abone; Thomas Hecran. Holley, and ..T tV K is Peterson. Twin Falls.

A mitslcat program Included ac- '_ g t t d l o a m iinbtn W. QBle_ConAal j

and banjo - selccUona by Olcnn ' — GribbJe.-both-atudents a t the »Uto ! . school for deaf-and blind. Mrs. • irHMaa -Otrir tly -an d -O ^ ie en —Garter ' ' aoMmpanled them to ' t Jie meeting. ‘— Prather-and-TonT-aad-Btella-Oon-- •• lalea; accompanied by Mrs. O. O. '

P ra ther, all Ooodlng.• A nnual reports were given a t the : ; businesa meeting which followed ' .-.tJiB luncheon.'i, A ttending the session were women I .— trom...yalrtlald,.-Ketchum. HaUey. :r-R ldrfleld .-Shosh8ne; Wendell.-Hag- j

e n aa a . Buhl. Twin Falls. Jerome; '' Burley and Rupert. i

- * * * - 1____ HOSTESS AT PARTT I----- KCTHPIELD. April SO-Mrt. V. r . ,

- Perron was hostess a t a party Mon- j ' dty. Prizes wero awarded to Mrs. t ' Kva Sorensen, .Mrs. Eugene Free- )- man, M rs. Roa^ Swalnston and Mra.

Howard Campbell. ,

M a r i a r i ' M a r t i n |

^ P ^ t e f n ■

I- — reA ir .B lB B BTTLB^— ........1..... W ane to look UUer? SUmraerr 1. Tou iMH wllh th lt dreaal J f* your I

------ ^ u and IP a ttO T 9337: Half iltes. H U . I

- H 4 i IBM. » M . 234. 34M. e iw I- 18K take* nrOt SS-tneb fabrloj I

• ' I__•TOi-fiMyrta.sJiM. p a tte rn ,g lre t I

perfoet. l i t . Complete, illustrated I■ M # c h a r t abowa you svery step. I

- - Send th irty ecn u in eolDB for thU I' m t t m to Martin ~ nt ■

V n w ^ c i n , paUcM d a ta itm en t

D e a n e r y M e e t i n g

> E l e c t i o n , S p e e c h e sMore than 300 Catholic women frontMtgie Val< Qoodlng Tuesday to elect 1S&3 olflcen of f te iho Councll of Catholic Women and hear dlscui-

Ti.thi tuin twi »h. r,r ih | ll women selected as neat year’s deane^ officers Tvrdy, pres- ' ■ ' — -

Lorna Ochsner,-)■ Denny Marry

-TPXTOT.-AprlFM-lorna O chS S: ftcjrtslratlon d au fh le r-o f-M r.-an d -M rt^ N t* - n-th» IOOF- oehsner. waa-tmlted in maniago-to- 1953 presl- JBcob-Derniyraotr-of-Mr.-intl-Mw.

anery. gave Casae Denny, Pocatello, April 19 in and the re- an Informal home ceremony per­ries Pagoga, formed by the Rev. E. E. Keiterling

of the Paul Congregational church, p . Oossett. The bride choae Ktreen sult and

iscussed ju- carried a corsage of dalfodlls on a livorce. He white Bible. The couple was attend- I to correct ed by the bride's two broiliert-ln- B lives and, inw « id lUter*. Mr. and Mn, Auguit icoplfi..tben Martsch and-M r.-and-M rs, Perry I. to a large Rudolph.

Following the ceremony refreah-^ “ uen'flr;■^lanoranM Monday evening the new Mrs, le adulSTln honored at a bridal

shower a t tho home of her alster.0 think of Marlsch. Oueel* wero close ^ h i ^ m it- “"rt relatives. J lon fot tha The couple left for Poealello, SI atalod and where he to employees a t the HmbI illoh, then, ordnance p lan t and where they will _ edcdication nuke thalr home...........-Id spiritual ehe is a graduate of Paul high [ _ ewal of our school and attended at. Luke's I ghty aod.“ achool of nursing in Boise. Prior to d orphaned h e r marrloge, Mra. Denny was em- ather Cyp- ployed a t the Cottage hospital In ,cussed the Burley. ___ ^he subject. V * ♦ '

^ J S M r s .J ,J a m e r s o n S - ls-G[ub'-s-0fficer S5

hurch.vU I ...M ia ^ J . M_Jamerson sas elccted . -i,ice divorce president of the Lend-A-Hsnd club pa ito the dl- a t the lost meeUng a t the home of nivof Christ.'' i t s . W arren Adamson. Other offl- ho iD Amertcar. cers-a it Mrs. Adamjoh,‘vlce presl- an t. a naWon deni; Mi». John HenflerKin, secre- xe . . , No t a ^ , and Mr.v Ray Butler, treasurer,te b i ^ n g The club planned a gue»t day tea M rpermits to lo be held in Moy a t the home of da?^ . „ Mrs. fiteila Hansing. A contrtbuUon M rPocatello, to f te cancer fund wa* voted, M r

> Caftoilc pjorence Schult*. home demon- M r ~ atration agent, demonstrated match- sco

world built in(f pialds. Mrs. Carl Putiler was Th; d stressed w slsu n t hostess. pin.federaUon

I C a r e ^ o f Y o u iand B. By ANGELO

eis O'Drls-I?ll"'y^and heartening of the signs f ta t m ap ^ ' “ tha public is taking a greater inter- gro

eluded ac- ael^oola J» the new lyp* p e tle Conard of^biU^ding being ^ Dan- er

:% ie°»Ute a new school lor.clemmtaiy grades. l t « ind. Mrs. I t is ali_ on ono floor,'doors opening wh

• meeUng. >T>eclal ptvvlsion for UgM. 'niere it an t trb7 PcCTy no»-*-dar k eomerlir-th«-baliaingr -enc tella--Oon>- lntix.tha,baT8alD.-tA*r*-U-plwity ot- fu r Ira. O. O. outdoor space. And-parents can use pre

f te building for communll}’ pur- I 1 ven a t the poses. I t Is a beauty, dedicated to lov<> followed 1 function. fo r

A nofter new type building ho* vat ere women been opened In Baugatuck, Long ne’’ n. HaUey. Island. Again f te room* are on one 1°^ idell.-Hag- noor.-ddor* opening dlreclly'on f te ' s. Jerome; yards, and wonder of wonders, too

good to be true, there Is a toilet th<n room and running wawr In Uie slrvk

iT T for each claMroom—H itt brings Ta -M rs. V. T. claaarooms closer to the heme feel- him a rty Mon- ing, someftlng f t a t will-mean aU 2 iJ d to Mrs. the difference in f te world to the cne Free- teacher and f te claas. •1 and Mra. .p jj , building Is also arranged for community use. Meellng* can be

. . held ftere . The shops can be usedm n by parents and chUdren, asd teach-

~ _ ers,- ,too.,..worklng .together after- _ .1 etasstlme. -This Is what a real school ahould do for iU pnlront. merge community life with school life and eo make bo ft stronger and their | terrlce more intelligent.

Thl* type school ImpUe* a break­ing of f te barriers f ta t have been raised between school and home through f te years. No longer wlil parenu bo made to feel like in-

t truders when ftey enter th* school building to ln<iulre about th* chil­dren's progress, or to talk over a • tchool problem. They will Jeel ftey belong where they are, hare a rea­son and a purpose; In being there.

They wtll feel f ta t they ihtre in f tls great community project and have a responsibility for tt.

The new buildings with their modem equipment of movies, tildes. Taoiorttle«««JHr»Kopi;T)6w«r,Toon;- kitchens, meellng rooms, invite,

k even demood, wide um by the com-I munity. No taxpayer, no school par-1 ... ent, can look a t ftU equipment andl i ^ no t feel th a t it Implies senlce to

km Luxury Tissue 1 “ ata 5 Budget Price!


buttonsztth-cjB f. ___

eut and

t*». H U ;

ii^ f ' '


s * to thU

in g ______ Guests Hoi

.Iftacte Val.

hear discus- ^fiMha U5» ie ^ officers

e r v i c ena Ochmn-,

rnarriage tti tr. inil-Mrs.April 19 in

'emony per- Ketierling

church.!en salt and Ifodlls on a was attend’broUiert-in- rMn, Auguit Mrs, . Perry


it 'T b r ” ? i l i H H I I I I I I I ^ ^ ^ H I I i ^ l l l l'w e re * S ^ ’ Fealnrea tpeaken a t the ecnfewBce I

T n n d ay In Gooding were, left, Pnibtii• divorce, a n d (he Bt. Itev. Father Cjprlj* Show n w ith them Is Mrs, B. W. KtUot irelhey will _______________

'flt‘'”LukS!; H eyburn Women Ri S ™ ' E n t e r t a i n Guests Shospital In HBYBtTRN. April SO - Mr. and----- M rs. John ■■wodskaw entertalned

w ith a d inne r Sunday. Ouests In* rir c r » n eluded Mr|u R. H. Brewerton. Salt nuilI a u r I I jijto Clty;Tdrs. Barah Johnson. Ru- sstv i f f i r - t s f PO t^and.-O souLPfiteraon..Jackson t#fU 'TTICer distric t. . ' , . »eco

elected -Marilee-Weber-was-ho«ored at-a•Hand club p a r ty on h e r elghtli birthday an- ''Mlhe home of n lve ra ty Saturday afternoon a t her 'Other offl- hom e .. Out<Ioor-games .were_playcd ^vice preil- a n d refrtahmenU were served. ' O'*''

B Irftday club member* were en-r, treasurer, te rtalned a t the home of Mr. andi« td a y te a M rs. D cn-Q erre tt-in-'U nitySatur. 3de home of d a y evening. Guests of the club were:ontrlbuUon M r. and M rs. John Wodskow and ^Oled, M r. and M rs. Leo Banner. Mr. andne demon- M rs. Ed M clntlre received highlied match- score a t card s and- Mrs. Leland 'Putiler was T hax ton -and Leo Banner, low. A

p in to luncheon was served.— I Ull't.

f Y o u r C H l l d r e n gBy ANGELO P A T R l.................................. ru"r

! signs f ta t m a n y people. People wlil form taler inter- group* and go to school to work on „ .6 new typ* p e t projects,-young people will gath- ~ d. In Dan- e r there for work. play, entertain- imt-sjjinfa- w raT ~ a isr^& w piH ionsnT [rT isrnr

grades, itself- wiU . reduce-expeiues-else-.-i-*. 5fs opening w here nnd Justify tlic coaU._tod_ttlUi . .T heJihrory wlU.hc-a-.vxry.ln»po»U l/ ’li'O iere U a n t room w ith lls maps and Vcfer- “ '*• w-boiiflingr -gncg—bootST^W tueti-gfliiwl -wm , ;s-pltcty of- XunotlO D -^thout-a-fuU -and-eoin~ ntscan use prehem lve collection of books; And ^1? unity pur- I hope th a t the teachcrs Imve a ^ edlcated 'to lovely restroom, nolse-ptootecl, com-

fortnbly furnished and strictly ptl- "’*• UMIng ha* va te . That. too. Is essential lo the tuck. Long n e * type school building. Let'* have U are on one lo t t of ftam . ' 'c lly 'onfte - - ,Onders, too unpkM.m h.bll., ,„u c l. 'Is a toilet >’1' ‘Imply rh.nsinz Ihe.. (.,1.11. („rIn th . .I..!,. SOO>I nnn. nr. I'mlfl (inkinf ho» la cliinii llonc

h i In I-.IO, "(a..nalBl* IstCOtt brings io obuis . copy. m<mI Is.mhi* in u . home feel- borfi

orid to the

rranged f «

wd teach- t ___S.

ons. mergeMl life and > < 'and fteir

have beenand home MtSB m m rlonger will .

th* ichoolIt th* chll- v 9 | | k:alk over aII feel ftey

King there.7 *h»re in ■ K 5® _ ^ ' aIS MPr s r - w r ' l ^


I I . Mtffltvt. . .

K«ff*n (sbvlevi aylan irkel ■ ■ ^ 1 ' fOwn-yolv* In pttol pink and


Sft0*ninervtlovin*wi1ipvolu*, . |.,.b « d k « pad h*" flwnw.ol _ • - pin ptootad nyteft trkrt.________

Ro(t«r* "y'o" trkot pifcW - “ 'i f iw nyten trtepi. '

^ I - - - - . ■ 7



Liests Honored a t Gooding I

t the eonfertDCC et the aoolbern deanery of the Ida rere, left, Pr«b*le Judge James P . Oouett, who dUc lev. Father CrprUn Bradley, Dobi. w hne topic wat tlr*, B, W. KeUoB, Ooodlngi,l?5S president ot f te K

men Rupert Dancers V Suesfs SponspFAnnual 1 TnfiSuSJ Fete for Valley ..JOuestt In- RUPERT, April 30—T he third an- of

(Turton, Salt null square dance festival, held eveohnson, Ru- Saturday n ig h t a t th e civic audl- Tht an..Jtekion loriuzn. waa » mostaucecssful aventr — t

- ' . - afcnrdlnf ta .Mrs. Forrest. Badger, hekDtiored at-« sttreiary-.ot.fte-H oedow ners club, gav^ d a v M - host a t f t e offalr. A bout 870 done- Mdnoon lit her attended and all communities of oroirere played Valley were- repre.«nt^. c ias ^ e d ^ • OUMta from Salt L ake City, alao o. I

_ _ »tte p resent. Jew» « Mr. and M rs. Charley Sears, Almo. . p

wftose combined ages are 129 years, " J ^ u f ^ re ' > « 'lvea-a-prl« fc' r U,e oldest cou-- j.u . pie present. Rcfrcshmcnta w e r e tere f t o Md ‘>5' ^ “ '"P vld'i v ^ 'h i i r h dlrecUon of Mrs. G race King, coun- la,Jrs. Leland repreacntoUve, nrr ifiw A Callers Included n c * Allen, Cora

and Woody. Estes n n d Ernie Day- Icy, all Declo;.Foy Gnlllhcr_;,MaltAj____

Kimberly; O roht Bates. Murtaugh;9 n Summers, Idaho Falls; Kerroltl i ’ -_ Penin*.-Jrwln-Palls.-and-Boyd-aar- -.J-

rlson. Hill Clly,_________ I * * *.m tom W riters M eet j;

•.wMffith" O- discusscd her

eftM s-eU^. night tn Ooodlng. M rs. Ra^ Short ^ , ,y irks '

. The ncTt meeting wilt be heldoorecl7com- -* T es te r In Good-strlctl’y ptl- "’»• u » *.itlal lo the , , I 1.u f s h a v e Woman Honored '-------------- pnj:R,-ApTll-8() — -Mrs, W-- W; - •,iiJ hll d«.i. Bolu, who with h e r husband Is/.."(.'jwtV'i’lJ '"'’'■In* soon to Portland. Ore.. washo» la cLiivit honored Monday afternoon a t a iiiJBi )i»wu.* istc»-ell p a rty at the home ofM ra. to? M su'iio“ >•■• Schncll. women of the neigh­

borhood a ttended th e event.

!3gYirri- ~ - - - - _ „

. . . .tv - ____aylan trkol .. jkilplnltend - , , |

. . . . 4 V u - 1 - i ;

iiwilipvelii* j<% 1 «n fIwn**_ol O ' I \ '

ot / } | / v C v l ^ _ M w (

____^_____ ,. m a t o A re, y f. ■■■

, ’' J ~ 1, 1, — J ,

loding Session








ry of the Idaha CooncU ot CathoUo Women S isett, who dUcnaaed JdTenlle delinqaency aod foot ■ae topic w at divorce and orphaned chlldrrn, fint lent, e t f te tootheni dranrry, (Staff photo- u iu

met— : — — Moi

=rs Miriam Rebekahs I Snt'

ludi Hold Lodge Tefe “Su- 1 1 ^ . , FILER, April 30-Mlrlam Rebekah□ I I c y lodge •No.-srTtlimBlned-mcmbcTs -‘;®-thlrd an- of the Filer lOOF lodge Saturday »al, held evening. The' event commcmoraled f. vie audl- Thomaa Wildey day. '

lers club, gave the address of welcome. Abe ” 7^:no done- McKinley and Lulu McKinley, hen- 'unities of orcd guests, received 50-yeor Je»els-)re .«n t^ . Claude Brown.B, C.-H uffm on.aaiCity, alao o. D. McKinley alio were presented Fi

Jewels. coni“f'cards were received by

129 years, Emma McKinley and Mrs. Ralphdest cou- Brown, canasta, and Audrey Lancas-^ w e r e ter, Ted Slerer, Hope Clark and Da-:b under vid Hatch, pinochle- Mrs. Bertha (ng, coun- Lflricdster won the special prize. «len, Cora ' » M » b

__Cards Played'“s s i'■ ^ ^ 1 ftnd card party Salurday evening -,av o>a-iiar- i r f t e Catholic parish'hall: Sp'flnjt' rTTL

flowen decorated lhe Ubles, Fol- lowing dinner cards were played,

e t Tad Wolf rccclvcd high scorc a t be asscd her ^ ^ ‘*8'= ^ ^ ««>•he Idaho iJ^ b ert King, can-isla Mrs-Monday. jHS5:__________________________ rhma# Shorl Tom Howarth, president, dl- Pi--------- n.£;tcatncTHniTThc-hoMc,TCe?rwcrc- Tintijrled hz. Mrs, Roman Ttoss. clialrman: Mri. vcte Duhl; W. 'Jes.^c'BrldcBaticta, Mrs, Joo-Varcl3 Boti •8,-Ijefta and Mrs..Don Qrayol............. _ -thci

Ouhce 1

i YOUhe nelgti- ....................... ................................... .

1 Eium



ff \

. . . . . .

Rebekah'Oegree ’ i S g A w arded a t Meet f|T

O f Burley.l-odge 25BDRLEY. April 30—SpK lll gueit '''M

H f 5 s a 5 a a t f te Rebekah meeUng lost week n V

M f c S f,: ' a a ‘' iS -r - . ?Ta mauxiliary to Patriarchs Milllant.

T h e Rebekah degree, under the dl- rectlon of the sUff captain, Ur*,HoMl Schwaegler. waa awarded to Mrs. Georgia Brandon, Mrs. Qoma Thompson. Mrs. Caroline Grace and Mrs. Florence Mahoney. Plans were ^

.T h e program lllualraUng seereC jcozk_Braa..iilixcl£d_by-Mrf.^AnM TretFllnickr Taklug -part were-Mr*. -r— Berdlna Bell, Mrs. Oussle M»de,Mrs. Agnes Satcliwell. Mrs. Tlaiel Bchwacglcr, Mrs. Edith Clevenger,Mra. £2sle Allen, Mrs.. Della Fowler,Mrs. Maxine Fowler. Mrs. Maxine ^ Fulllngton. Mrs. Hazel Janak. Mrs. h d i E sftc r Arbogaat and Mra. Margue- B S rite Helllg. . B B' Refreshments were served by Ur. and Mra. John Dinnkenshlp. Mr,and (L< Mra. Earl Bell and Mra, Clevenger.

W M Sale IsVianned ■ 3 * By LDS SocietyB Women SHOSHONE, AprU 30-A cooked Mn. ency aod food sale, will be held at 1:30 pm, cngns children, finturday a t the PayleS-s market, ll jonni

tr photo- uB i nnciounccd dutlns the buiUvcis pitini m eeting of the LDS Relief society w. C

______— Monday night nl.the church..,1 Sales wlU be heid on the first to be

^ O n S ' Saturday,ntternoon of each month janli —_ —-— and -p ro em s wiy-be-added-to-the - Te­

r e t e church building fund. Preparations „ / « r. u u h “*-10. were made to wax ond flnUh

n Rebekah floors In the new ch ^c h IhU ’:-membcT5 V e e ic .--------------- ' ------- -----------Saturday stenoincmorated science letson was gifen corncmoratea Sorensen In f te ab-

aence of Mrs. Ross Boyd. The les- son, w ot on ’•the progrtM of man.-

S l e y 'h c ^ a t nex t Mondny's meeting, tt waa jorlnj snr leweis announced. Tlie theology lewon willfm an .a a i be given, by Mrs, H, A, Thome, ___^prcsenteJ Frtesthooil meetings 'are held In V

conjuncllon- with the Relief society gu ecelved by se.tsloai. „ „ „ Neighrs. Ralph , ¥ ¥ ¥ i„ j . ,

la'D”; C hapter Meeting s r T X “" S lated in Burley

BURLEY, April 30-T ho Cassm Le.'lle , county choptcr of American War nel, <

^ 6 Q M others will meei Monday at the Elqui;hom elQ f-nrr-H allle~BQ vd.~ I5n~ -'TKt

c Miiicr'ftvenue; to complete arrange- will t•k supper m ents for the annual carnation

Si '£ " 3- “ “ - F tilea, 1^1- Mildred Zimmerman l.i chair- a t

m an of the sale In Burley, She ulll doy e 1 scorc a t be a.-wl.stcd by Mrs. Honnoh Bowers, home jh a t pl- Rccrotnry. and olher war mother*.- Leono g. can-isla Mrs. Marvel Fillmore wlli bo In Rcla-------------- r h a r g f t jL J h t gn)e In Rupert----- - uom.sident, dl- Proceeds from the sale of car- bors cssefTwerc- Tintions l.'r-u^cd-lo-nldTtisnhtcd -war crclc nan ; Mri. vctcran.i n l tlic veterans hosplUl, were loo-vareia Botsc,—or-the-Old-Soldlera-hom e- ilrm

_ ih c re . - ....... - ------Mr. a

inc for IDunce...!

C niH LIIEmimD c f in is o a 's is rea lly

Ig —in d h2S more real (fi^ a c t u a l te s t s p ro v e D e n

» ■ 5oI*<is th m an j

^ lu s c io u j c x tra 'io i

. j i v ■ * n d h o ld s fn o rc season:

e g a r .^ u g a r .a n d s p lc c . l

F I is f in e r - f la v o r e d ...luxi' W p o p u la r p r i c c . . .p n

■ ■■ J m M in t h e w o r l d ’s la rgest

m o s t m o d e r n to tn a ti

'p r o c e s s in g “ k itchcfu.'*


- - ~ - -

--------' ~ ™ ; : :

■e E ngaged pset ___

dge ^I guest t weekA, O. !

ot~xiaanl. of.ttthe di- I. Ur*. ded to .

'nice and ■■ • presIS were .. will

i^AIlM --------:— "— Han^e-Mr*.M»de, U M H in t l

Baiel .venger, ^ M ' ®Powler, -JT ’ clubMailn* lunce. Mn. . nesc

IffWBWibl / . j B m “f'l'iA B B B B . ciaii by Ur. jt^ A n n itixv /iR Dllr, and (Leysonpholo—alaff entravlng) glenger. * # * ' * will

j Weelding In June I . P lanned by Pair' ^ ‘ 7 HAOERMAN. AprU 30—Mr. andcooked Mrs. Henry Howard announce f te Kl10 pm, engagement of their d a u g h t e r . Rlon

I‘ jonnn, to Cinyten C ondrt,. Saa Thu uutvcis Fiantlsto, aon o l Mr, M id Mw. J. ol Ksociety w. Condlt. Hagerman. nue

- Mlw-Howard and her-««noe plan e first lo be married Ju n e 16 in the Reor-month janlied LDS churcli in Hagerman. .,"1:!af<nnl ' Tfic hriae--elcct. a 1951 gbduate 2^?,

of Hagerman high achool. Is a t- " " J K .w? lending fto Tw in Foils Business col-

stenographer's degree In June. t,g%, ' Kl»en Condlt U a l f f « graduate of Ha-

i~ ‘ *^8h « h o o l. He aerved two I i .yeo» Jn the r a v v and WUI be grad- UTlisted In .Tune frton tha TTnl».r«itr ■

nsltorj ol Ban Fronciscoi^where h e 1* ma- It waa jorlng In accounting.:n will if If It R t

sre —6 oests*A ttew d^society BURLEY. A pril SO-Tho Royal „ « ri

Neighbors of Amcrlca lodge meei- i i .u 1H8 featured th o vlalt o f District Deputy Ruby Leary. Burley, and ' „

■y Mrs. Erma Thompson of the Cald- 4i^* .1 well chapter.

Luncheon, w as served by lono 7.- Cassift Le.'lle, Emma Ashcraft, E thel Can- 0, ; “ 1 War nel, Colleen Gunderson a n d Sarah w .i- at the Elqulst. ,

15n ~'Th'c~next~ meeting of the lodge range- will be Moy 0 a t the lO O T hall.“ nation ¥ * *

^ -Fam ily-Honored”chslr- A picnic supF*cr was he ld Satur- xiic ■le Mill doy evening n t th e J. T . Robertsonlowers, home In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. ~_i,,sther*.- Leonard Q rc lt* B n il"d au g h tm , • be In Rcla and Verna, who p lan to move

ct----- - frnm lh r ni-lglitinrhnntl t»wn JlClgh-. ____!f car- bors of f te Robertsons nnd the HJ;dTfflT G rclcW ussKting^M 'ltli' Uie pnriy GarcuplUl, were Mr, and M rs, w m ioin Roelker, hone-home- Mrmnd.-Mrs.-K aTctd^Vangoncrgna trer-j

, .- - Mr. and Mrs. W arren Skinner. urda

: e . 7 . B o t f l e f d T B i

m n i

m is o nis really tastier, m ore delicious catsup nore real dttsup in every ounce. Yes, prove Dennison’s is richer in meaty ds than any other popular brand!IS extra'iomato‘’“m cat'’ absorbs ore seasoning—sparkling vin* and spice. So Dennison's 3red. , . luxury catsup price... prepared d's largest and

totnatOK— ''kitchcfii.'*

"7Tne(a i P '~ Sunday-Dinner

- - , 3 . T O p i r e 5 D A T ^ ^ „ . . ,

. *■*“ “ • 'w nT aT ^lr'

American Lesion h S j . ^

' 1 riiLiiii, F ^ *1- * * «

, \ in the antise

KIMBEnLY--nie .

I■ . Claibom ot Ua, w a. ^

ne' oKkcU lo brli«p Q i r Proceeds »m ^" ' - J l l church building fund " ‘Mr. and V * amee f te KtMDERLV-The Am«,>g h t e r . Rlon auwiisn-iiitetln^r,'^rt, .S a a Thursday Mill be held i iu JMW. J. ol V\n. m \t BrtUj

nue In T«ln Foiu. OoM ^ iwe plan -Ks-wUl b* honored a t r t t c

l lS S ! . ' ^ S H o a n o m _ J i ,

S S " K S «

s rO .H .- “ “ ‘ " “ { - K - b H . .

Utah-Tour Hell For Rupert Gl

ROPHRT, April 30~Horini , . members spent the Tn~ ping afia-Jght seelMta

City, m dub w as^rgSS?’ ir® ^' year* ago. Plve memben M riM H^ highest Camp pire rank, bn

; 'r ,u youn*" Camp Plre Glrii u] le Cald- B irt,. Mrs. Eddy Stefan te

adviser for lhe past fir* y m el Can! “>» “ P1 Sarah w‘ 'K«dr?k v V r o e S i e-lodtre* hall. Brockle. Sandy eUvla. B

McRoberts and Prtaea B r p H " ’ Other mtmbemreifadlaal

l>aNell Hough and JeanniMt Tliegnjupwasacoampttiledkf Stefan, Bcmlce Petersas Twll* Shear.

b ir t h d a y ' * md the HaQerhan. Aprtl JO-Ua e-ptiriy Gardner-enlerlaln^'lJ-aai Roelker, honor of her daughter. Dm mcntnd tjwBtxth-blrthdiy innifWB er. urday aftetnoon.

or Bottle

» P H I

n m

w ii^us catsupf .Y c s ,

meatyand! /


-Dinner Q ual^y*T ^J'


A R tiD m , » n

prier Gets ( Klinches;^aJST O lW :tT inied’th « - tr J c l‘-T ueid»y ni

In tfie-openin? game o o f 1 ,719. H a received c x «

J J a o n n ln j b / t h e C ow boys equalled th

[loshone Wins OOP Playoff PliBf«?HONE, April 30 -^h o sh o n e beat K E o o i i t o g a in a t t e w i th Dietrich i rlm-B fltandings; T he two top teama ' ^ « i e tie W ednesday * t Dietrich. Th

i f th U arcft in a p layo ff ----------------

feSy!'" ' ' CastleKinsey «ot ». no-hlt gun#

W i n s J

^ .■ S ?£rS -G oest,» • ■"‘ " ' ' I ’ - CABTI.EroF

« o plt<w« • play In theeacB -tn d rtzu

fumed ♦ »nd i n l k e f ^ defenUd H»« ^Idm w M O U tatw dl^ J t th# ^ad no b«»rln

-Ib tiliU i butwM ciUed out ^BbifiDed loToncfrhtmc-plBW. walked i ii* « d gime, Jor pr»ct^e, WM ,iruck out J,

ritSt&B end ot the f o u ^ He pitch ^ l**dln« «•?. n t »*m«aikd *h«a WeWleld p l^ e « mning.M 4fp«t to calch • bus. W«n coitleford pl

om °i "

- .........., t • e wiiMB n * } J Castleford ; ? h ! i & ■ » - ! : : ! - !

“*•;; Iks' / ’T; !P i? '" ? j

„ S T '# ToUIl « ” ~ 5 0S, __.'.______OOI) OIO (>—1 J

erome B l a i i k s “ ' u f l e y 3 - 0 i n

Itcher U uel^ 'e a jy . April SO-Jerome down- 1 I J W »(bVjI to o here Tuesd*y»fUr- *\ D liipttehers' duel with both

tdof the route. i•aB,--Jerome hurler, »nd • « o m i.en’lhe rooun'd for Burley.

tlotlet) records of II strike- ------ud I wUki In the conUet miitnfi'"_____:I t b WM a m ttter of Jerome hoi** • —■—tclilH.togethitr.ln the bottom M,7ie v*M*r'“Stiecaod frame for &I1 three of !;iii uk> c itr '.rai . f*!!* -••- ^ ]nOKE J.^BURLIT • ^ ^

1 I « llAn4nu « » » I nillliin (HiBn9a ft I e Oi'tliotnpaoo lb < 1 C ft&dtl I pA,■ ■ i » - IlSroiTBlBf If * - I « tun Ut« CllItf I e lb 1 0 0'b - t - B -e:»4*uitti"rSb * 1 0 flf) i ' l l Mn“ '

t'ft ' t 0 jj''"*"'’" '* * * * NATIO

‘ 1^1,11 h's U ack Wins in ■ S S — atToumey ,s.n.,TC'«,rS! 111=iBekiy proBTtm »t the I^d lo n,w vork .

■ « by flefentlnf Cowboy Carl- l boston cr»b In 13 mlnuwa. K r?l‘,,-s;------W» of the l u t msteh. A 30* — :■ ttae lim it wm set fo r Uie pactfic

J j t a t flv« mstche*, the time f c

Me Judje* would select & s*" rnntiKo _. say m * t^ Uiit w ent Ui» -------

*1 »*''« ' • decWon over" ^ n In the f ln t m tich ---------

Clark, 1|£JSW‘3SS.';-„’ £ For Top k S “ lnSundW w to t-tnte the flnklTby' " lO R acyrA ^ 'T O Fletcher w U h .a .f ly . the-bllnd.toun

i S 5 . f « f » r e * d ti l t f ln t Rou Totten, 1■WtMilM-the tM t _____ — -

rl ' *•» tlmelt«p*r. Five pU ym .Jtw M --------1------- 0"d plM* wltJ

«iWu)84-la8 r.!r6,“Sl «?esStolen_ _S5rsS”^

w!"- 'sSS.i'SKl^MlnnlnB pltthw. Isnn td th« »ppmioh <


broke Into the stolen The uioolti

« w i s u s B - sI j j

* i t Minidolif S " li""-;'')'!'''* • • • RUMRT, Al 1 I K en ip h M b*

i 5 r r r ; ~ = = ! r * t » niHUnt 1 SAOO.OOO itm ea b m Mr. « id Mre. **-*>nerio«n bowltni ~ZttM~7lBkM

“ " y “ U i^SeiaS rS ^ ^ reoonl#a u u l th i lU U

......... ....... h« id itP oc t» J


LONG GOESts Good Supp Js; Team Ties L^MeiLEasftT u e id ay n ig h t - a » - th 6 - M a R io V-aHey-Gowbfl In? gam e o f t h e 105 2 P lo n c e r 'le a g u e “Bea8or eelved e x c e l le n t s u p p o r t in th e c lin ch e s anc equalled t h e l e a g u e r e c o r d o f n ln e -s to jcn ba;

- ------------------------------------- T h re e double

ms 4-1; - f Planned '•X X J . C i X t I . L ^ V I . ed the newly-1

lone b e a t K ic h fie ld 4-1 T u e s - ifr” unn'i^s.'^ it1 D ietrich in t h o N o r t h E n d boys on b««. to p team a w ero sc h e d u le d toletrich. T h e w in n e r w il l r e p . more“th»n” ui«

• any one Innlnji n . 1 ' p ' 1 ■ Rood tast tmiL a s l l e f o r d

W i n s S ^ T i t l e

G o e s t o E d e n -CABTLEPORD. AprU 90-Baseball Barney Salati

lay In the Southslde confer* Joe FTlsInt hitnee-:end«dLTiiuday-*i=Ct»tl«I6f4: ctt--SrttnOirdrBefeaUd Haxelton 8-4. Th* tasia parts of 1»0 iad no bearing on tiie conference Cowboys. BslaxiU«. already cinched by Eden with ed ball and To!u.<-0_recorfl. , , th e . plate u IOrant; H aalton hiirler. f a a ned t>ethfefggh made

, walked 3 and h i t one batter mana«er Waynehlle allowing; 8 h its . Hesselholt to catch FrlslnimlUi and Sammuelson gave B ai- then poled his hilon,4 hlt«^He»selholt_fanned 1 scored atter rend walked 1 in five Innings. Sm ith fielder's choice,juck out 3, walked 3 and h it a a long tly andlan. He pitched one Inning. Sam- Detiiletsen'g seci melton tanned a, walked 1 In h it Boise Ued Itinlng. second od two hCastleford plays B i lu here May t an error. But ll

nd Glenw Feny th e re Ma? e . the Cowboys i tSTANDINGS on the basej.

TV L John Brkch. sedsn ____ ____________ 4 0 after Long filednstleford . _________ __3 1 and Frl.^lna slngllaselton ' - . o - —a. to-tlilrd.on.a.b&i

^ " - - ----^ Ri.lnTnrIan«n ......................................0 . 4 puH»d the first

CASTLtfORD I. BA28LT0N 4 Ing Tolcs, FrlsllV-ri' t ]b o' 0 &“ cl>V‘’lb --- «'* J I * ’ ■*>••*nipv ii> 4 0 1 wmiuM 4 1 1 Cowlxiys opcnec oSl"'rf ‘ S 0 D^iMi"e* 1 0 0 fourtb, .making •ir Tf' : 0 « ch«*n<!*.r r t 1 0 0 h it, an error o'h.l>ni.n<tl I 1 Kl.W. Jb O O O Steal. 8alBE>r-i”»T(i"’ 5 ? * ! ! S sccond when

— { _ j_ t 9mtth-V If— 1-1-1 XJelder's.eholce 1_________• Km««ii>oJ» » J „i..« advaneed_oneToi.u i i *1 "i Tot»i. *i 1 I Siilaiar scored

* _ _ i OM i n *-J walk atter Hasgwfofii p isnbnoaT U ie

s s p n o f i l irtONBB* LKAOtJB............ t*'?, W»Jk».-SC0

.............................. W 1, PtC CB nilller. Long art^«^.1l. - .......-1 I .7*0 by io n g , ealanu.d tn -----------------------t -JM ,, The Yankeesm tn ti---------- -------— } ■411—^ eighth, but mir«i >.11. _____ * .>« i two u u ie j on ui.’ifuV J'cI.;— ............ 1 ‘’yubo F J k ^ r ----------- » :1m 5 w ai«eddow nU

PnkakI* nic)i*n Mosseau.up fl'r^i* iiliaM) «t Idjho r . i i j (Kim- drew tlve walto

S r p i ' ‘“ *‘ *'‘ •* ’*“ “ **'• « c W U m « « b

OhT Mack V.IICT (Nor-■I t;i i MP- __________ «r MerrlU 8au

NATI0 NAL-L.A0VI ^ “ S - ^ U r W i_______ __ V game wUl begtr

a I ;»«7 lU . MAQIC VAU-------------- SX !» Bl!. - V

: . a i ; ------------------ ;f f i iS S a . ' . ' . , ! !


W L Frt. OB c tH p 0 0" l io u H Z Z Z I I Z lT I :»eo m e 0|P ..Iind-------------------4 .JM 1 n_WttntnpO 8" ‘a ’." ' — ! :!S" !“ J_*. ll*™"... ..................— I -JgS « i 'tU’hlMdcMt----------------- i l l l l T . D—Wilk,rtK°D

: ! :K! -i S ' S i i . . ".li ' ! a ; a f c f s s & v ;otllim l_______ l t t .410 4 BB—(UUMt J. To

UUnd________ U S .4H 4SMimi;---------Z l i T !l?S ! V .ll'i t. " d ^'___________ ” cou»)itr. »*u>i«ri«i_ i, llxu*. Mximii,

] I a r k , T o t t e n T i e = | : : y ' K ; »

j’or Top Honors !±&fs?j j i S u n d a y P l a y1 0 R a c? rA p rn -» O -^ 'm n n e n -lR - J U l e r - U e ;le.bllad.touniBmtnt <po&Mred by .. j *

s s i s <j ooqmgou Totten, both w ith scores of

Plve pUytrs wer* tied fo r sec- .‘nSId plsSTwlth 7». U iey ar* Maeelbaur, Oarth Brown. M ax QIU 5 ^ * * '

! S £ k ~ ^ ‘inteit“ m iM yK tU . t o j r a won ’ ^ o 5 « S h i d i le approach contM t with f lw and jomailtted I *rn M .h*m nehi» ..O atdnar.and .l»e t. n u * -* ,iuer,jrttb 81, w*r* tl*d fo r med- *> »

Tha assoolatton U p l a i n s • ' oAi*>k e indlHiS im im im ent-tn two weeks onhi le • ut-no detlntt* daU h as bean Mt. ! •^ R ilih ls - ro U itr if liy - ir -h o lss to f 5 K ? 5 m ,^ r « - mlUjf................................. ..... ........... ».

) r . K e n a g y H e a d s g g a ? i > ! !

H i n i r t n k a R n w m e nRUMRT, ApfU 80 — O r. F . H. I"«ii*y hM b « n r*eleet«l pcw ident S 3 i ^ ---------- -t tha UlnUlolu oaunty Bowman ------ ■_

a nN llQ t held a t the borne e l « B M SIQN 0 w L RolU Jackson. 8AM m M O U

Z am -^ w boB WM olMtM m e n - r u ^ t e o M Ole ^ .tre a iu rv . I t w m aanouneed b t ^ f u t e t h s u l till lU U toum am en t will b t ot Idaho (OQtbi Ud I t FOHWUO J u a t 31 w d 33.. I lfned by Um fl

T lM E i

3ES ROUTE>UDDort Iries I }ases__= J|V-alley-CowboyH d e fe a te d -th r league season a t Jayceo parK e clinches and the razzle-daz- line-stolen banes in one g am e. th r e e double steals were ex - ccutcd as M anajter'Tom m y H p i l H M M Thompson kept the Yankees on the lump. ■ e S g C N j e j

T hs aym opening crowd of 1.719 fans also cheered when Luclo Hague,' lanky Cowboy centcrflelder. c lea r- ^ h C . . < • ed the newlyhelfhUne'd^ettneld •fcnce wlth-a long homerun In the tlrst Inning. I t came wlUi no Cow-boys on b««. -------

Long allowed 11 hltx and walked 10, but spread the blngles ao no tnore than three were allowed In any one Inning, He displayed a ;ood tast ball snd i clean curve but had dllticuUy a t times w ith his control. He stltl ahowed more th a n he had displayed at Jaycee pa rk before as a member of the Ogden Reds during parts of two seasons.

The Cowboys started their spree In the //nt_Jnnlnf tlu r blanking the Yahki a t the start.

Barney Salatar, Ted Toles and loe FTlslna h it consecutive singles

parts of l»0 and IMl with th e rowboys. Balaiar scored on a pass-!d ball and Tolu followed him acrossLhe. plate as Boise catcher Jo h n .Oethlefseh made'OaiTthrow;~^lM . nanager Wayne Tucker recovered It Lo catch Frlslna a t Uilrd. H ague then poled his homer. Fete Peatros scored atter reaching on atlelder's choice, goln; to second on a long ny and rounding tlUrd on DcUiletsen'j second bad tosC

Boise Ued It In the top of th e r\Tvnsisecond od two hits, three walks and in error. But ll didn't Ust long m „Lhe Cowboys itarted running wild „ J .n lh . b .;« . 6 . lu . r . u h i t to " S * ' ? John Brkch. second Boise fllnger. afler Long filed out to tight. ..Toles and rrl.5lna singled, with Toles going to-Uilrd.on^.bad throw which scor-

R..l»>nr yrl-1n, thenpulled the first flouBH th e firsc o r-ing Tolcs, Frlslna scored on a pass- «■»»■“*>______8d-baU and a -b a lk .- ------------------- -------------------------

After a short third Inning, th e IV T - U i n Cowlxjys opened up again in th e J_^ 0 " X X 1 H fourth, making three runs on one hit, an error and aiftlhtr double • -steal. Salanr-walked. was safe a t l l O O J v l C sccond when Tucker bobbled a flelder's.cholce ball_on Toles^Each. aclvanced _one ,bas«_ on the_Bteal, J . I 1 J L i « S l Salazar scored bn Sill Moascau's walk after Hague had. received a By The Aa pass^cTloSTUie bajej^Tirdsseau w as R oS B e^O hrftout on Peatros'fielder^ cholce.-put- two-thirds of-a:mi8 . M aguE_ca_thlrd._Jht^-thlrd h itte r Tues_d^ i double steal sent Hague home. T he w da b e a t Sa lt Inning ended wlih Peatros being their th ird cor taught a t the plate atter Jim Sam p- last year's chair son's single lo right. Skip Klt-iman,

The Cowboys' final (hree ta llies Hie n in th for th were In lha third on three hits an d then th e Beea i two ^< T Tig R viT niri. and_4_runs, com mlller. Long and Balanr on singles tally, o f ty lng - by io n g , e a laa r and Frlslna. Hem andei. last

The Yankees tried hard In th e champ, was cau eighth, but managed .10 get only s ^ n d to end t two Ulllej on three hlU and » walk. BUUngs mani Bnappy play by the Cowboy Infield received a beat watered down the threat, P'«y “ » ‘n«

Mos3eau.upllvetlmeilnthegaroe. S-« a t Pocitilto; drew live walks. Balatar led th e ed when a Mu Cowtwys with ’three hlt»-tn-feur-of»- baokflredi—Four tidal Umes a t bat, (nd Frlslna bad ihrteiortnr.------------- --------------------A t-ldaho -F a|:

Thompson has selected rlgh thand .' DecUlCs got ISer MerrlU Sautttr, received o ^ t set hurler* for wwk- from Hpom it. W WeUlKsOJinight's starter agilnft Ogden. "The “ *''-----lame wUl begin at l:lS pJB. •»! Trti

MAQlC VAU.BY-ll.-MUg t ------ m4 B v n u a .--------RoU* ak k. Mm U ViUtjr *k It ■ —'N'ek«“ b * I Tjl«“ cf** S l . | r w ^ l o l i r r i ^

i I J _ i 1 i s r » « I \ Is r ■! M jsT'ti 1

s H ; i T" '_HeybumFansSolDecloBe

m H sE S a sJSh .-rK

HoiiMti.pMire.1. DP-Wuio»io8ehti«w. « btttters In nllltr ta P«tra>. Uft-EoU* II, MaS>« fanned 8 bBtt«l

I, IlMU.. MmMO. Pntraa I, 1 0—C*H TWO Other hU I In T, Drkcti 4 la I. PriMa I In 4. Bn ReybURl In th

I ™ " ?. " 1 ’I Gu«rd } Uikth I Frtseo I, Wert walked 2 ISrhcb. u-flikih. PB-OtU.i.tNa *. Mo., the only onea ofri,ir a g B y - Filei-Defeats-------n - J * A .j m '- - NlcwerLslamn

sB S ffT irrS i “T ira- **■ 'gy 33 walks tn d 11 errors. «|, | S

Fll«r oecomlttM 8 of th« erro rs a°„k, u " i « »hU*' Brown, winning hurler, tjswri^ ranned 6 and walked 10, Johansen, ngnt ib I i .oalng hurlsr, fanned I and walked t.Ti«r r t t i IJ whll* HendrlekKn.-who pltoh*d ? |Lh* iM t four frame*, fanned 7 a n d tb S 'e ^r>lk«d-^r -----r_ — ■ ■,■ ■ .

Ooodlng had oni doubliplay and i •jommltted I errors. ----------------

n u * -* , MODJW-I— - — - - T .u ta -----U-i--

' •lifFv* V S 'S — ""m 7 i 1? • I a TIUEB -J. :!Z __TIssvnj— ^

m -y......... ...... iK iSS.Sri ; w. mmTbM SIQN OtaMSTIAN . S W I

8 AM FRANOIBCO. AprU JO <JP)- -RMt*footed Olen ObrliUan, aald to - - S u p « l w Um fu tH t halfbtck In UnlversltT on um t«M it Idaho fOQtbaU'hlitoiy, h a r M en Ufned by Um 8 in ftucUeo j i ta ,


TE AS CQ\\star Miler B o a r

^ C ^ ' O b j eBOISE. April

' . y S ® |s sportsmen.askedgame commUslo dn R _ v b a L _ th i

f w k fly ' fl.Oilrii .- .u r , . a ea rg e .S president of tl Sportsmen's

^ mlaslon thn t evi

January I aside about two in Blaine county and established fish.

In the Celegst Pete-Cenarusm,

Padres Runs tl W in b)Veteran Ouy righthander,-shi clsw Beats league basebaU night, Fletchcr four !in-xc8tslerlDgthe ECOSUU.San FranciscoBan D iego-----1

EMERSON CLARK Singleton ani• . . who U developing Into a and Sumroen.

tine distance rnnner for the IJnl- _ _ „ ~ vtralty of Idaho where he Is a *sophomore. Clark, Twin FalU ANOELlrtaldent, haa woo lha mile three times tW s spring and pU «d seo- ond onoe. HU b u t time for hU speclaUy to d a tt Is «;«!.«. (Uni- S e^ tlo edged Lt

Los Angeles OOI-----------------------------------------------------K in a sfa tlitn i

No-Hitter for “ Vr..' Rookie Spoiled [TrfcasrFramer-

By The AaaocUted Preu Hollywood — 0 -Roskir^ohirOKefii'esiWfc'wltWB S aoro ien to—-i Ko-thlrds o f-an -lnn lng-o f a-no------FU her -and

heir th ird consecuUve win over u t year's champs. . ‘Skip Klt-iman. second man up in })*nder M Oei

he n in th for the Bees, h it a single, hen th e Bees were off for 4 hits « ^ “ tnd_4_run», com ingj-lthlri.a. ilngle. « - J »ally...of ty lng-tha.-gam *.- Dordla ,tem andei. la st year’s base-stealing — —*hamp, was caught trying to sUal econd to end the game. .Billings* managM, CUff Dapper, *n«-«e«l.

ecelvcd a head Injury in a wild lay aa the Mustangs were edged P A a t n O l l l -4 a t PocitiU o: Dapper WU bean- ^ .d w hen a MusUng plckoff play _•okflredi—Four- sUtches were re- ulred to close the wound^ -A t-Idaho-Fa|l* ,-th*-O r«at-r*U *- -t'^ *** aecUlCa got 15 hits otf two Rus- el hurler* for an 8-3 win. Only " ““y 4t-f*»*-tun>«d-«ii-in eoM w**thi>i .p r iftY r r itiM -

City--------OW 4 s ^cL A COACHIrlttiUB and TrUi>4<*: 0B>«n4, UUtm lO S ANOELM B » n u a .-------------------------------- Loyola Unlversliiiin.. ______^ 4 T t S d ^ n T . (IMdiV iitik ._________ toi ODO lO i-e 4 i basketball coaci

signed to a th rB4 t,at)afli»«. ______ . Lions' athleticiw t r . i u ____ :— Ml iM M i- i jl I b**ketbaU coac:

Heybum HurlerFans 8 of 12 asDeclo Beaten 12-3 .DECLO. April 30 —Heybum beat

leclo la to S here Tuesday alter..M a,lo-«_KM ne.htsti}ig& kOiLt}ie____'Itchlns of L. Uscola who faced only 3 b a tters In four Inning}. He anned 8 b a tters and tha other 4

Two o th e r hurlera were used by (eybum In the contest. Morgaa anned 3 and walked 1 while Nie* rert walked 2 and gave up 3 hits, he en ly ones of the game for Dcclo.Declo'a O utleres struck out 3,

ralked 6 and gave up 9 hits In ftv« nnings. Anderson pitched one In- 'ilng. a lloy ing 1 lia .an d-t-walk:--------------Nlewert slammfdTa (riple and dou- .......

lies were smacked by L. Uscola for u ybu ro-and Mahonsy-ter-Dstto,

RBYDURN li. DBCLO I «(l» .. i i T >|H«)Tburn »k T 1.

-----i e —nKTrttela^* t • -----

:llltu« r f . 0 e fl Ourcli t l «..e_. .I e l[A^ w » ^ i« S

!ti-=2335il^711,T.Uhr---- 14-t-s l-T »U li----- U - i lJ lI S & , i r r z = r ^ . ^ i 5 r , }lEAD TnCTB-WgWa WANT AD8.

3 l R t S

W* M Oa* fer h m

SWENSEN J g H Sup«r-Strviee....

• Ow q « t*«4 h fcwpluL I H H H


iOWBOYS BBoard Hears Ai Objections to Siao iS E . April 30 OB-Maglo Valley Adamaon. Care)jrtsm en. asked the itale flah and shone; RusseUme commission TMesday to with- L«tum er. Jenag-^w hat^thev caUed Its _;.-un- Albrethsen. a pp;ultt^^and-unenforceable''-81ive^ th e creels.-— .lefcJltJlaliing-ieguUUan------------‘-BTtrce-BowlerDr.- George Scholer,.2Wls.-FalU, and o th e r meiEsident of the Fourth District County F l ih anorum en's .clubj, told the com- held the regulatu lon thn t every club In the d ls- be tried for atc l is on record against It, vice PresidenIn January the ccKninl5.iIon se t a (lelegatlon frtide about two miles ot BUver creek growers which <Blaine counly for fly fishing only winter ranges. <d esUbllshed a bag Umlt of five mnge a reas anih, trol program.[n the delegaUon were SUle Rep. -Wednesday ite-Cenarus«>, .Blaine counly: E . mUtlon heads f

’adfesDeny iMeetCi luiis to Seals‘s ^in-by4l:o-0—" i s S s !BAN DIEGO, Calif., April 30 T / t ^ Kelt said tl:t«nin Ouy Fletcher, San Diego celed because;hthander,-shutout the San PTan- --H eaddedthatico-Bcate 4;o-in-s-Padfl(rCDE*r -interesied lh-itgue basebaU game here Tuesday would meet atjh t, Fletchcr limited the Seals to- a t Lincoln fleliir hlU and struckout 10 batters _______-xcalslerlng bb fourth victory ofe BCttson. ^ •n Francisco 000 000 OOO- 0 4 3 TT O V i J n D iego-----102 010 OOi- 4 8 0 ,

Idaho4INIER8 2. ANOEI.S I d \ ^ n P l .LOS ANGELES, April 30 (>P) — ^ 1 1 J . J l arcnce Maddem's long fly In thoth Irmlng scorcd Pete Pavllck wlih POT.TAfAM, ie deciding run Tuesday night as hurler BIU Hitattle edged Los Angeles by a score ^ ' e h its Tuesd

attle . ; .~ 0 I0 ooo”o6o 7-3 In northemIS Angeles OOI 000 000 0 - 1 B - I 1‘; wbjs the s m n a s fa th tn i iid u; w m ohTTTade; f o r - t h e —Hut-]im ner and Peden. downed th e Va

—----- - day game.>LONS a, BTAns s ws<r won wl'SACRAMENTO, AprU 30 </P>—An In the I lf th IDItor by MUte Sandlock on a wUd loaded. Hlncklirow while trying for a double play berry, acorlngl lr it base enabled Sacramento to o ih ir tian J im ii

ore CliffSTB WirtlfHui inmng and The Cougars■ftttt-HoUywood S-STnesdny-nlght. In the“#«venthlUywood — 001 012 100- 6 12 1 batter, a n InflelOTOiento—- W » l OSb^ 8 1 1 -1 by'Slid 'H oftlerFUher -and ^Sandlock, L ln t-aa d - WSO ptteheioods; F l o r ^ and McKeeiian. jied_Eiebt-men.CORNS 5, BCAVEftS t -----------:---------C u »OAIELAND, AptU 30 OP)-HIghl- .nder Al Oettel, survived a Wild jes-loaded. none-out ninth Inningjesday night aad Oakland b e a t -"SLiisrsirtland — 000 000 003- a a 3 ___ __iklaod ----- 00) Oil OOfr- ft 9 3 / I -V1

— - t-OoseN>r„«:r—J— RiverDi ostponed b o is e . a p hTho Tw in Falls-Buhl basebaU off »nd._ne*t.m e scheduled Tuesdsy afternoon S?*ke rlYer luBuhl waa postponed because th e «*»« o n e - t^ .

Jd waa too wet for pl«y _______.In.the.area, th<The nex t firuin game U scheduled ^Iday a t Ooodlng. Buhl will play B obS alter,b irlfiY. r r ltlav np thn BuhU fUlr t,-CXA COACH 8IQVED .............. a decUno of 36LOS ANOELES. AprU 30 W — ln»l 138 oountlyola U nlverslty-snnonncef-that ago.-------- ^-----Iwln T . (Bddlei Powell, assistant Salter aad F.sketball coach a t DCLA. has been m anager of tlmed to a three-year term as th e wUdUfe refugeens' athletic director and head from Otatarlo iJ te tb a ll coach.___________ 10 m llei aeath

& T J U U f i i iU 0 .U R I Q N .W iU C l» X ia « i^

■ w r i i i i i i i i i i

S BEAT YA]rs Area Sportsn to Silver Creek

Mamaon. Carey; Ployd Silva, Sho- the Payette rive thone; Russell HarrU. Jerome; El an inspection tn L«tumer. Jerome, and Holger one In w hich iAlhr»th<»n. a prnp>rtv rumiT »lnny clalm_hlllldreds.

-•Bnrce“ Bo«let. Clayton Davidion ®f_}Ue...?BPKt and other, membera of the Ad* supplcmeaUtOte County F l ih and Oame league up- A commlMtoa . held the regulation, saying It should dtspojbe tried for a l least two years. tf” before

Vice President John Noh headed ~ a delegotlon from-the Idaho Wool. growers which dlseus-red grarlng on ' 'winter ranges, oonlrolled burning of

Wednesday afternoon the com- velopment super mission heads for th s south fork of menC cupervlsor.

Meet Canceled Simmoic l a a ^ c S w w tTMk meet idh rt- Q n T v 3 uied h e re thb afiemoon has beea canceled, Itwas announced Tues- r \ .TrsWajh. '*™’ -Outof-

Kelt said the meet w u can- By T b* Aiceled because of lack of entries. Curt Simmon

--He added tbat students who ver* ot-Interesied inT unnlng-llm rirlils" back io b la l i f

would meet a t 3 p, m. Wednesday with a ^ h l t ^ a l Lincoln field In Twin PalU. gave the Phldac

I . I— ... I win over th e Oh

WSC Thumps - I d a h o 7 t o 2 On Three Hitsu ®0 Wl - Idaho w a S J 7 " w ^ <S

I‘; waa the second win In a row , n , including - fo r-the-lu t-p iftce-C ougars “WhT i h o w m t h e t odarg^m *?" ^ ‘ c“ < ^ U

WS<?’won with a three-run spree In the « f th lonlng. With the bises S *loaded. Hinckley waUed BIU May. Sberry, acorlng tho first nm. T*-o ^ ^ c i n c t a

■ The Cougars scored threo mort ;?**?*** ' ta the-MVenth on two walks, a h i t ’ *batter, a n Infield out and a double »»uted Alvinby-mid-«offleY.--......... - - frwne. T h e-sh t- WSO plKher Jack -S p rio f-fan - -W«—n ri >*lght. mfn whil^ gTglny UP-IlVa. SConag. 0X1 MagWts. - • T « .. .- .

J e rrr Ogle tripled for Idaho 1a At S t. liOuis, 2 the e igh th and came home on an lyn's lefthanded error. LouU CardinalI d a h o ---------------000 010 010-3 6 ft straight tim e aWSO --------___..100 030 SOx-7 3 S Dodger* acored

Wln>-VTi>y Ogif; ffrr*"g f i d >»»"« » h lr h ImKoeper. ..................- a n d e n d e d a tia_ , ----- =-r — ---------- The s ta r t of

GoMe Nests on _ K SuS’". River Destroyed

BOISE, AptU 30 t« -E aily run- Led by Al Ro off a n d .-s e s r^ o o d coodltloas on Fridley, th e Ole Snake river has caused th* Iom of on a scoring n about one-third of all goose nests PhlladelphU A In the a rea , the ct«t< f l^ a n d g u i t JtStfi-that-saw.i departm ent reveaU. out 43 hit*.

Bob Salter, blid biologist with the Bosen blast«(:

connt completed .Ihtirsday showed seven tu n s wh a decUno of 36 n ^ ts fron the orlf- hits In m man. inal 138 oountedTabout t w o ' i ^ ~ At P l t t s b uago.-------- ^--------------------------- ------ Spahn allowed

S alter and F. Bheldon Dart, refuge gurgh P ira te s • m anager of the DeerfUt national ^ tched tb e Boi wUdUfe refuge, c o v e :^ th* rlvtr triumph over t frem Otatarlo to . Old* Ferry, about c tilar«llers.- 10 mUei aouth o / WeUer.____________Itw M B p a h a


OLlijy^ m o ra

U i t bn ^ iT T r^ 3 E i^ » — s i n ? ,- to an'__' .....q ii^ <

ik l» . J te iA M O O Ir t . t t« IO H A t B i a m u i l

fANKS 13 1^smgn’s Colley eek Rule Coact»ayett« river.w in ter range on T w fispeetlon trip. T b e area Is the 1 - C '^ 1 1In w hich sportsmen'i groups X - f V &_hiinrlredi of d f i r . . . *1_________

he— droaTO nentl—inadequatee m e a titr te d lh g -^ g rs f f l------ J se n ten c es -T u ^:omml.-atoa spokesman a id the unlvenlly of K<I was dtspoilng of routine mat- gtors for shavingbefore resuming lU InvcsUga- but whaled away3t th e game department. • of Kentucky aie commission also received rec- Rupp,endatlons for big game hunting ‘Hie players,n fro m Dave BraLll. ^ U e , Q n » and Ralpt-lUve aecretary o f 't h e Idaho BanuUbl*. memoor association, and report* renl& 's ‘fabuloi

the department'* refuge de- «*!« pUead on.m ent supervisor and Improve* uon" by Btrelt 1imipervlsor..- c o u r t . - ’

E '“ _ In a rtatementJ t the trio. Btreit d

^ jB In lheu i world and how I

m tAining baskeUi•<Lr\\ f y teams Jumped 'fiM normal and ave-U ------ operatlon-and-i

M first-rate profesi\ basketball team."

The Judge sal. testified that In U

mmons Wihs” nly3W eeks

- . - . - - i » .A . . 6twi»o«ia-.w_pnUt of Army—By T b* As*oda(ed F r «

Tt Simmons, th ree weeka out m nuMU 3rray.:jnw j* a:»mooUi:eomEio big league basebaU Tuesdaya 7 -h lt performance which B»»rf o m a ■

the Phldadelphla Phils an 8-3 p i^ *2d '^ U «^ Sover th e Chicago Cubs. ____ S ^ i n a Nale 33-yearH3ld leithander, who game with Loyemade h is last previous start for MadUon Soasrt'PhUs on Sept. 9, 18S0, showed iStf. Loyola won1 th e same eflectlveneas th a t Uonal upset. Rui6 him a « -gam o winner In bU had been favoredtened 19ftO campaign. ney.Immons didn't *eem quite m Btrelt tald thias before hU service hitch, but and the baskeUi:urve ba ll was m asterful and hU roust share theroi' w aa ertrem ely steady. He the fixers for conId only one walk, tha t In the theie def(3th. etrelthadbUsWI. phn._t'«,-v..4 v im » 4ti . 11. DracUcea last Notittac k against four Oub pitch- ^ }? tentendinclH dlM _«tarter_BelL-Bush. ‘“« l ’was th e loser. rooom j tu n a u C lnelnnaq S a l MagUe pitched

ree -h lt game th e asS g le d home w inning run in the ninth In- as th e Hew Y ork OUnU hung

season's third consecuUve de- en C lndnnaU 'a one-time ace,

1 - B l . ^ r t l ^ f c ---------------------W S ^Ilder th a n usual. BUckweU bad out.":ed Alvln E ^ k In the final in r^ninytAp • le. T h e shortstop'advanced on* tnc^y'olflcitlfw

......_ 7 lag, on. MagUe's h it to le ft cen- B,E8QBUUBM

.......... -fiALTLAKBC. S t. Louis, P reacher Boe, Brook- Jim Haynes, SalI le fthanded m aster, beat the St. said Tuesday bas Cardinals fo r the eighth professional a t UIght tim e as th e league-leading ^ Idaho, Be «ger* acor*d a 4-1 vtctory tn a Haynes has opei« » h i r h Iwy.n n ifh t range htfe. ended a tlJ;80a .m .W edne jday .le s ta r t of the contest was de- season, lh * daf(d «8 mlnutea because electrl- a rew for Uie Pls-re fu sed -to-cro»s-plck*t-lln** --------lUXUUtiwn u p around Sportsman's park -.. .' ‘rlem bers of ano ther labor onion, sinmou lai' 'siId by Al Rosen and Rookie Jim gikiti. uley. th e Olereland i n d l ^ went 5,'S5,’2 5 Z Z Z !\ scoring ram pase to whip the Huut u i . Wa adelphU Athletlca~21.e’ tn a tlh a t-a a w the two teams poundu h l u . s p S J : . . r 5 S ;wen blasted th ree b ^ out of ^MfOUiwik.

n tu n s while FMdley had six - Bm In a« many tr ip s to the pUte. aa4 D. Wet.

i P i t t s b u r g h Lefty Warrim ' iM »t~tm allowed the punehlecs Pitta- C krtW ----------(U P ira tea only five hit* as ha bed th e Boston Brave* to a 8-1 ^n p h over Uie N ational league's st. u S i i »d-w«lers.- - ', was Bpahn’s flrrt.vletory-of tb a & ».

tte€M ffflL rB l¥ S ! l

f m m m .

' w i m m

t b t b a a d l ' V ^ today, i a tba e o o ld tba •-------id n 7 , nothing'a a e r a p la a a u ) th u tha

to anloy a drink made wltb Century Qu - straight bourboa whlakey d estitordk

.... quality and'■ralue;

1 3 t b i «"ollege,3oacK H i l h e jy Judge Mntcnces-Tuesday to th ree . f c n i i a r ^ ^ H llverslly of Kentucky t i a a k e t t a O ^ ^ H LTs for shaving points l o a t whaled away at Uie p n l v e n t t r ^ ^ H

Kentucky and ooacb A d t i p b ^ ^ H

The players, Oymplans i U e X ^ ^ H m a and Ralph Beard, and O a l e ^ ^ H imsUbls, members o f ' th e rsl&'s ‘fabulous flva” o t a* plae*d .o n ." ln d eU a lte ~ p reb a « ,^ ^ H m" W Btrelt la generel * e * s lo n a i^ ^ H

In a (Utement before a e n te n a ln s ^ ^ ^ H e trio. Btreit detaUed th a rls* o f ^ ^ H Bjtucky In the coUeglata a th le U K ^ ^ H irld and how lls costs fo r m a l n - , ^ ^ ^ ! Inlng baskeUiall a n d f o o tb a O ^ ^ H ams Jumped 'fa r bi exeeaa o f . t h e ^ ^ H irmal and avenge co at of t h a ^ ^ H«ratl(m-and -m alntM ianc* - o t - - « ^ ^ Hrst-rate pntesiiooal football. o ^ ^ ^ B isketball team." 'The Judge said B anuU b le lUf led Uiat In Uia su g a r bowl g a m ^ ^ ^ B

Louis in January or ! had m l ^ T ~ * h b e r T a D e « t ^ ^ H Uch -T119P MB»<baek . a a d « a 1 ^ ^ ^ B e Uie devtl and saU t h a t k l h e - i t a ^ ^ ^ B mUsed Just c o 4 t ^ friend , u Oarey, ttw r . sStwi«uiS-.«Qn Uu. Baaw yrelt-clted tiMUmony f r o B L B a a r ^ ^ ^ W rwa and R i^ p 'U u t tl ie Id Blentueky aUileUo t in a Kew Tork

aker.Beard, Oroxa and Bam atahto eaded guUly to fixing t h a - p e t n ^ ^ H <«ad in a NaUonal Z n v U a M n ^ ^ H une with LoyoU of o b j e a c o c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l aduon s^ s r t 'O ird e n a c u e l r t ^ ^ ^ ^ l itf. Loyola won S7-ft6 I n a a t a a a i ^ ^ H mal upset. Rupp> taXaatad Id been favored t^ fw eep tba

Btrelt laid U ut *tha t m i r n U a ^ ^ lId Uie baskeUtaU coMtoust share the rtsponstbJlUgfle fixers for coTTupU^ a a d d o a ^ ^ ^ ^ HIdng Uieie defendant*.* -etrelt had bUstered eoU cte a t h ) i t l i ^ ^ H■acUcea last Novembtf ancl P i i r m iT ^ ^ MEr ta RDtenclcg e ttw r3d fUers Involved in- th e« i» i! is 'tu i id i i r t ia E E H r '« ia g m B ^ ^ HI coUege aUileUc bbtoiT .He cbstacterlsed th a a t h M l ^ ^ H holarahlp ■Yackrt" aa tb a itltful device and^scbeme 3 r a t ; l a ^ ^ ^ H tnted to destroy the u s s O e u r c o d e J ^ ^ ^ I Be agalned warned tb e e o U t f a a ^ ^ ^ H aefarm trom wlUdn o r t h a p A O ^ ^ ^ H

• - r —^Lexington. TTnlver*!^ c t

jSSQBTJUBta.FaQ ..SALT LAKE OlTTilm Haynes, Salt L ^ O tt r - g o K a n ^ ^ H aid Tuesday be ha* be eo aicDed rofesslonal a t Uie Sun V a H e i r r W t S ^ H 1 Idabo, Be wUl rep < ^ taynes has operated a gtOt d i t T t c i ^ ^ H mge here.______

easoa. lh * defeat waa th a lOUi n w for Uie Pirate*. :

tttpooM. nSM. —

1l¥S ! Ea 8^'l o u i MqmmyT I

f a - J■dayj l h b i g ^ --------------------

lie e o o ld tbe eve- ' ' :.u s ) t h u the c a ll '' ........b Century d u b . t ^’ d e t t io r d in u y

t m

- rro’”' IH n

- ^

M 4r W O K K ^ ^ , « < y . . ,

: ■

- — Tht— iltc ta OT ta aetity iadecr (tn d wc) nnm ditiooallr guiris k M t GM IqU'tmt of the b tfd n t 1 ol • wnr “Sted-Ki>Sr VttnA el

_______ i»yfeii«nduU«redwilliext«-ditrita i foekeu. FuQ exH for eonfo: tinoew »«litlMwd. oSwt pocket

¥0011 hkt them loi II r .fo r« « )«w pdM. - “

BhM. BrDWD. N«T7, Qreeo

«M M m Oak- b >mIm» m, A m


\ a l l w o o l g a b;. T h t fomous Broadmoor "Reg ;. .-fongB o f colors, green; ton oi

received .' PleoreiJ-fronts, coi

ALL WOOL TWE': -TTw N ationally Advertised "

flo) tweeds. Pleated front ond 4J00d colors, ton ond grey. Al

• - . A ^ c l o l porchose o f extrb su a veiiaty o f hard-finished won

I ^ ^ d y j r f i a t e d . froiiUrW ould re;

O P S I t S

HiI ' I

a y . . .


netiljr isdotructlble U u i L iiuer " iooallr guirinie« each p&ir {or if the b tfd n t kind of «e«r1 Mtde j '• nSr b ^ d el r«rt». aceute asd - irilhextia-durable thread*, M a g s . |— rat for eonforuble fil, With eon- oSwt pocket* and *mart uddle

lit them for look*, for wear, aad : v

* S A 5 - ■Qreeo

•»*» Ml rtm lM • wriaiM m '

M . mUrm/

3 0 L H M


L GABARDINESImoor "Regal" Gobardine, fine quality ot o I een', ton ond grey, in flj l sizes. Newshiomg -fronts, continubus wolsjbond, pjcked edge c

L TWEEDSJvertised "MAYFAIR" Slocks in d rugged ior d front and continuous woistbond, in two id grey. All s iz e s .............................. ................

o f extro suit trousers In high quality sultirig nished worsted fdbrics; Included ore both pfo -W ould regularly b e $16.95

H A N D S O l A L L V

h. BY

. .- -tUUfarldge'—Amtrlca'a grea(«ai -ffil . . Ior perlcct l i t and com fort- X

^ . ' . ^ K ' « t tuch u Klnsaridge ShtirkaUni W-' \ R-! and the tiger-tough “Bengal C

arc atyled th e way y o u .v a n l W brcutcd modcU and atyJlsh i'

- poekrt-slriBie tircuted atyje. „

1 t t l ' ' ~A ^ Broafltnoor Sulta giv# you ouli / 'I “ I®* price- Every au lt la 1(I choice pa ttern Mid color. You ■, ----- . i ---------------- tKfacUve desert tonff-i«l»rdltrr ------ ------------*.----- -wCTsttd-Tlanncls.—nnd“ 8mooih'

J wontcds. Single and<

| : : |J T I - G r a d u o

BroadmcTwoodi, C heek i, Si

' l l l i a i l l " ^ ' "

FREE3 - ALTERATIONS1x____________ b y _____________



r a i i t w J f e j ^ » a


quality ot o low,-low prfce in o fireNew shiom cntjuit —< | J 0 - 0 * ? -----------

pjcked edge q^_Q m . ..

n d 'rugged long wearing nubby Done*

:ii"r................ $ 1 2 . 5 0 . ,

jolity suiting fabrics,.These eo m e in'J ore M h Pioin ^ ro n ts _ ^ |^ 7 5 ~ '4

. i ■

i j ^ E i I •

'I D S O M E N E W n :

V L L W O O L f

u n s j. . . . ' , cl

' l ( u t f f S r i d g £ ^otrlca'a greateaC eult value, ia FleX'Talloredand com fort. Vau get the best of.Iabrics, . . _Ldje Shtirkakln*, the exclusive "PronWnac", ^augh “Bengal Gnbardlne." Klngirldge SulU /ll 6way y o u .v a n l them, In handtome doublo M y> ana atyJlsh iwo*button patch S f C AA Jn / ienjted a ty je . ____ 0 3 . W ----------------------------

^ ^ k o a d n w ^ _

a give you out^tiindlns atyle and quality Every au lt la lOOr. wool—every tu ll la In a Jid color. You con pick from m a r t checks, . t tonff-iabardlnes. linn aharlcakliu. aturdy • -•8 .-nnd -8m oo ih -nanncu r 'andT u 'rd“ nhIsh----------and double.breasied models lo all sUes,

$ 4 2 . 0 0 — $ 4 8 ^ 0 — 5 4 ? i 5 P _____

r o d u a t i o n S u i t s %C iA LLY STYLED A N D TAILORED O T

F O R ' Y O UNG M EN < 5 *

Broadmoor Campus Tll, C l ie c k i , S h e rk ik m t, G o b i TW EEDS FLAh

^ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 4 9 ^ 5 0 BuiJej—Twin :

•NS ^

-. ^ . . . alu'S*.*'

T I M ] E 5 .N E W S . T W I N I

B e tte r m ateria ls , f in e r workn you b u y a f R O PE R ’S. O ur fW in? h iffh qua lity su its &nd elac will f in d m ost prices well belo' sam e th e qu a lity and workmani sale— i t is o u r -way o f calling to

, CHARGE YOUR N EW C B udget P lan for larger pu

, charge.


T — . . . T h e best Mlecllon ot 5impus I O Q S ahown In Maelc Vftlle:•-------------------------------Btores, Rich solid «h

■WEEDS FLANNELS different- colora, fini — :r r ljl‘T -e f t------ ^ ^ ---- rwM«l-tWe«l»ir«I«fc«-n „ ,i^V L T J thrce-buttcBurleT-TwlD F«K» ahort. long.

$ 2 2 . 8 5 to !

m«io}driurcra?'” ^ r n e ^"^th** r o ^ d 6e^neck*, tome w ith gaucho collars; 'andEirlpes, Mllds. te rry cloth. Jerseys la royt

, - all ilzea. • ------------ triir

' " ^ s i . g s ’fa $ 4 . 9 5 S 2

Westerni/VearSTETSON &


3Ka"—3/ 2' ' — 3 3 /i" Brims ifil “ Vivid New ColoTs

0 H A R D E M A N H A TS 1 1“ ------------S 1 0 : 0 0 r b n 3 - 5 I 2 ^ 5 0 KC» STm O N HATS V

9 1 0 . 0 0 to $ 2 0 . 0 0 H j

T A N B A R K ’__ ■ West-e rn Shirts___ A ^ewJine.-v<itH-perfect form_______-

fit, handsome new styles’ and outstonding fobrics,^

All $ ^ . 9 5 ■' $ Q . 9 Sjiz e s , ....._ _ 0 y* t&

MilleTWeshBrn ^ ^G gbard i n r Shirts :±r^i

Snap pockets a n d cuffs S A . 9 5 . IWaihoble — fo u r cojors ^ ^


------------- F o rm -fitting Sty lgr~:—r —----------Hord Finish Twill Fobrlcs

Joekfltt $ 2 G .5 0 » Pent* $ 2 2 . 5 0' . AH Wool . T----- ---------

ShoikikSn P en ta * -.. '......» 1 0 .9 5

5. T W I N F A t ^ - I D A H O

fin e r workmanship, low er'prices— youi will R’S. O ur five big men’s stores a r e pocked w u ita and slacks, rugged long.wearing shoca, 1 ces well below last year’s prices f o / comparn ind workmanship are much improved. R O P£ • o f calling to your attention our low and rcas<

IR N EW CLOTHES AT. R O PER ’S, j r larger purchases—’ down and Y* ec

> O R T C O A T S - L E I S U

si stlEcHon Co»te tvn jIn M»Blc VAlley ts now in our |iLM£ •Rich solid shades in levcral U B I

nt- colora, fine herrlnjbonM,

and three-button models. Rei] eMta**n^ c h « klong.— . «n-wool gabar

»22.8S .0 MS,00 " T S S “ iJ « 4 . 9 S

__JShoitSleexes— Ch<round Beersucker citpes in solid color*, OuUUi

collors. end pallcnu, rayon prlnla. aoUd sleevea rscys la royon fabrics with contraatluK - dale..

--------- ---- trims-skt comforuble now. able.

> S 2 . 5 0 - S 2 . 9 8 - $ 3 . 5 0

ear Spo» 8ioeGoAT ITS SM AR


rim s______i M b. '- '.- 'N ._________________

-form ----------------- 3 3 ^ ------------------

9 . 9 5Y ou’ll enjoy-yout leisure hou rs m ore “

— — too^— when yojif /ee t-take-th iog# «*» — '^ -W ^ lie rg ^ r ir ih o e jr^ W s ’f r t n l ^ t ‘11 t^ lio g io eitiy p u t - See our v tr ie q

r t s

■ ! V l------------ ^ I t l f a F r o i0 . 9 5 BURLBY • R U P E R T «

O - ' ■_______________

.- y ou 'w ill gel: IHesc' advantages In tfii'clc pocked w ith b r ig h t colorful new sport dc

lg shoca, and henvy.duty value-padied w< r comparnble, m erchandise—where the or d. R O PE R ’S MAYTIME VALUE FES1 Rt\d reasonable everyday prices for high

ER’S. .Ask fo r a-30-day account, jid % each m onth fo r three ihonthi

E I S U R E C O A T S - J i

(* ln ^ c h M S | gabnrdlnu. Mid- . '/ool gabardines, fitylcjl b? - SS S rlee Holman, Field and Siteam,Otylord. Regulars tn d longa.

$ 1 4 . 9 5 (0 $ 2 9 . 7 5

ItSlTHBS:^m— C hecks & T ecoa- Gin;■*, OuUUndlr)g valu ea_ _ In _ lon j W]»*-pnId sleeves from Wllshlre, and Grog* hims I7lg .. d a le .. Ml are.fuU .cut and wash*- Roenlavi

able. looking.«

P 5 2 . 9 8 $ 3

e GowfovtMARTEST/ ^

u n more — -»nd worWng day*,. . ^^typga eaiy-.!- jp f>iMoi>.cnifted -...... ^ -■

proud of tfae-^n a= ^T artirfflfl our variety of «m itt patttrns.

r . ; : ? 9 5 5 ^ ^ ~ 4 i r i N T W d

' ” * 1 5 . 9 5 , M N T 7.H

r ^ w mI f a From Roper^i—I fa DepiBndaNi ?ERT _ » ^ E R O M E r BUHL l


v - v . _ _

res in'tlie clothing and shiw« e w s i» r t c lo th c ! ,* g 7 d i r 'unpacked work clothes. Yon l iV m are still thaALUE FESTIVAL Is n o t! wCs for high quality clothing.

r accoun t, o r to u s e our r e e ihontha, no c a rry in g

i ^ ^ i A a « T s


Wattr-rcpellent gabardlnu. mil — chetta;-iarye-enec5i-a«Ma ' tra

wlUi fine-fltiing style.$ 5 .9 5 to $ 1 5 . 7 8


ih>- Roenlavn pUlds bylooking. dlnlacUve, loot

aharp new tninl»-»»■tandUv flyl*. «t ^

—C o to n iw ra fM # * ’—-------------

i i T i N w b o o . I i a * i > ^



™ l ® B A T , A P a i i , , ^

■ v - v . -----------

s o . 1962 ^.....

K p i a ^ a t |||||||||H Event

^ H I k > 7 ^ eJub r a w

g S p l i b S £ :

K S k j S ' f f i i B B ^

b PK t ^ ul PMWU tnii. “ >•»• l ^ t

V**^!^ber ww »6»« * u M- carter. TUe

■ U . H ■ puitonlme In ■ t ^ ^ 'e p c n i e r . d l r c c ^ .■ V ’- '^ u o D Mr«. JohnW . K ^ p ^ J e n i c n u d U r * .

Un- Ken Carter ■ fS rT U ln g p ar t were Mrs.■ ^ . ^ T M n . K » Bab- ■ l ^ ^ i

■ ^ ^ r ) I>ougIas.'Mn.

ttSw endell McMur.JM Vanlagton ea&s

u n . Pearl Rambo.K tto. Uwar Craner, Dr.K m Ur. and Mrs. cUreoe Web B f L . Ur. aod Mrs. Wendell rxA and porili ■STlin.-B«tU Fajrne. W . .MdMn. Frcd B5?-jag~TMTlaglOT. -» ru ia :tc h 6 o n :

K S V * - M»»trt. • * *

■ Reported StudeiOf S

| B . p ^ H r . - U . L K r . . T l , . r m d n ’t .

E , s , ' j . S * " " ' ■’’JdtlTOltT»i (Ijttd of two b(I ' 1 The two boy■ a ] EstiU T rB nsicra entire s tudcm

l^ r iB Tin# and t«ct, Nev. T hfl;I Tnui ComuDJ Uie PTA a n d aB board. The oU■ J, party is the cn BwWrKwTBii. jiok«rt»iij L. r. They're M rs. H Ll »uj scsw, f»eiion :i. it/0 wnt, Dwnln

^ f 1.MC lo EiMof »nd Mri. F red ’11. sc. iKiton I. to'Mhin teacticr for th e

E v*'m i Bor r r«'fd i» a. Hm- '* prcslile; , .'. ^'wBiny

and HowArd Lil ^ 'r J w S S ' *ho®‘ '=>

E — - J ------. dence, Mrs. H a

l s 3 k « S ' l Z 6 . % m rum Liw«.a. i» . cm r

I 5 S T 7 i■ m ' M ' rnak L. Cook <» Clt; drlvc iOUT mile: K a f c n ; j» n w i t . k itr tu , Mra.' H ajm s

h 's h a s ii lx poi Addf; yeara ot teochii

B »»W i lltttiB Rm i lo stnbri -prospecta -aren 'M t p M W ». block t. artmr. dijirict. w hichKMiA.i.Xon>i<Uk.toJ.rTT mU(», d a in u <■ w IUi put lot I. fmea't drcn and twoB f ih M initiii V 'a ! k i I t hoRiea In t* c fi■ p iit,« iH n M » .^ ru a -i* u k People usually■ - .. ' parjles". M rs. p n ta B ^ H m a WAMT a d s . *chool buUdlng

Gome On Over i Northside Fumi


-- tta t'a r i |h i- f l# mal(«r what ;oB tttUSi ^ t rour fnnUaUnn, Kbrtbilda F u n

- - s s s ? . 5 « ; »W l~ ^ a u of your fBmltBmif^nw. -W« ■

■*»w y«u bow thla e u b* dent on » budi : *M you want tfl do U add to form - m already bare, we otB tlT« TBta tbe

to fo with y w baalo plecM . . . yon'ra Jsit toeUnf tor » few ei

t« aat o« you tonUhlon . at• we haw tha iKrtact aeleotloB. N«

• ‘“ t'lttahalpysB w ltbjow fB nU tB repi

— ^*-B^G BI^O W ^-RU G 8^B^^H 3A^l

: -tr CCSMM CRAFT DKAPERtTerm. Drive Oul J u y l a j ^ v B . X o u , M .

t :i t _ - ; r n . D ^ t .

^ m e , - I d ^ p -

- E ntire School, Fs

A o

:Ureoe Webb, le tt. ezplaini ; ^ e n of Tlaici-Newi | 'A and portion ot school board. Olhen, lell to r lfh t, 1 Mn. F red W. HartD«. -The brother* ara the only a(i tha:tchftol Tx^J.V '(8Utri>h5to-~tBiTa»lii«l- _

* * * * * *

tudent Body, Facul Of School Board inher d id n 't a u ra e f in u c h 'iit tcn - -feet, 4 Inclas. by 1 , but th e entire atudent body, xhc next tchool llty. PTA and a member ot the tupper and progra Ml board of a school dlsUlct Mny 7. Tlie studcr :ed Twin Fallj. T h e party con- them-wtu prcsen :d of two boys a n d two women, summer vacation -w he two boys, brothers, are the . The official reas TC stu d e n t body of Dclaplaln FalU visit Friday

, Nev. T hclrT S olH cr li htklf 6r rcaidn foriSe 'trtp PTA a n d a third of the. achool dent body could ■

rd. The other woman in the “Rocky Mountain ty is the entire tnculty. tick shota.hey'rc M rs. Vern Tilley and her wnt, DVi’alne, 11. n n d Howard, B,Mri. F red W. Hftrm.s, Dclaplaln

;her for th e pait to u r yeara, Mrs, ey ts president o f lhe school

1 Howard Li a thlrd-grader, he school is locatod "Jiut ncroMjtr tc J .—Iran i . .tfae TlUtj _ieak ............ ...............ce, Mrs. Harms explains. An4 It

fine-sou tb ;-you-lum -east from — -— „ .S. highw ay n - ju « - f 0 u r mtlw - - ^ ^ - - -th or th e Idaho-Ncvada line and ^ 1 ^(« lour m iles ejst.rra.' H arm s lays Kite’s had "as ■ ■h as n\x pupils” during her four ■ri ot te ac h in ; a t Deleplaln. And M Wspecta-aren 't exac tly-bad^-Ihe . . . ^ -----------:rict. w hich Includes U squaree», d a lm a two pre-school chll- ‘n and tw o babies. There are 18nea In th e district and "19 or.20■pie usually ahow up at our K I A WJles". M rs. Harms reports. Ttie I ^ W T Tool building hoa one room, 20 Q N L Y

H H i H l l i Th


v e r t o ;

fu rn itu re ,..- _JEROME. IDAHO |

>1 JOB titt«Bd da lii* - Irtbilde Fom lto re g

add to fam lln re iire yon th e proper

K % few e itra •/T'-'i to n .- . - -a n d . h e r* X ' JeleotloB. Ne , — — . _

fnnUtBre preblem*.

s a d - e A B P E l S — — | — • - E V E E

) K A E B R i E g : : z z ” :“ I # £ V E F

hive Oid and Save | K a ^la lX ou. M o a c y - ^ . ^ ... J . ■ ■ ^ ’

P h o n e ' 5 5 |

P W DaUtery A ayw fiSi . | 4 4 1 ,M A I f l

- - .. -TIM ES-]

lool. Faculty VisitJPlanI

V ' ^ -» < % * * A

of Tlfflci-Newa produeUoa te DeUpUia. NeT„ atodet en, lell to r lfh t, are Mrt. V em TOIey. Itowant Tilley tare the only atadenU atO eU plainfclieoL Thetr mera»lp«l-^.-_;^:^^ : - - . - ------ ------ v

Faculty, PTA and ard in Twin Falls f(t, 4 inclas. by 19 feet, M” . Harms ffrtirhe n « t tchool party la a p icnic «oned about schoopper and program scheduled for 1“’ *’ly 7, Hie student txJd}-—both of “ 't*' ^ ”’°re ■:m-wtu present the prosram . opined etudenU le.itrnier vacation Trill start May 9. amall school burhe ofllclal reason for Uie T w in t® * >®‘ er schoolU visit Friday was to tour th e o'" “ venth srade.

iidn fo riS e trtp was so 'm e s tu - results'in^ulteH Tnt body could obtain ahots fo r aplalh. The neares>cky Mountain epotted fever— locoted n t WeUs, 8.It shots. _ Filer. 55 miles in tl

• R E G U L A R $ 7 4 . 9 5

NOW -ONLY ......................... H


Beautiful Grey Mat Finiiih Can

control,‘ t c h regulator, bobbin wine

for^exquisite-sewU_________ ________________ _ J s i ____________


F r e e - W e s t i n g h i


441.MAIN a v e n u e 'E A S T ■

' • f i _ : ' V: - ' ' ’ ' ' ’ ‘ '

- m iE S-N E W S. TWIN FALLS. ID• . ■Fj-i , Students can boardit-l'lant, • --

The a le r t Tlllejr I eompanled by th e (

:i i school board (Mrs.J Mrg. tHarm g chatty

‘ J tald the t>oyi le am btelUsent.

irtd lne. Mra..]liirTn. uked Jf «he used th i

^ t o r Brading, quick: her students-were all

n ‘*^'*~Y^SB curve.”She le ft the Impri aplaln is proud body and school be members of the boa

. Ura. H ahnt, » - et K en I£IUlllUl«^t[OC “aflCT my famUy « husband ^am u nea teacher has a at Denison unlvervli in '1915,

She raised five ' . Tred Harms, was

many on April 3 y< ' A n ’ Ueutenant. he p ilo t

i,~ ~ Is itudying vetenni... — Washington S tate

' -48* •■ \ ....— i n»r ned- *nd haa-t-s- ' J ’ , ^ '1 ^ ^ ^ ^ B other son. H ow ard,'

iln. Ne.^ rtodeot b .a r , fMpUr. r. Itowanl Tilley, Swalne Tilley. r JiooL Thetr methor U p r^ e D t

* * ■* *L and Head'alls for Day tS MtIr,?. Harms grinned when que*-

ned about school discipline, ‘'U t’»It say It’s rather Infonnall" the ^d. In a more «;rloui mood, she P a s ' C Ined StudenU learh a lot more In ’ amall school but should tranjfer 'a larRcr school after the slxUi

.seventh grade. . . /».«lghth.grada --------------J \ M liu lts 'in quite a problem at Del- • 'lain. The nearest high schools areated a t Wells. 65 m llu awi;, and A crbn from Timer. 55 miles In the other direction. ■•

M g •

S e n s^ $74.95 . • ' • .

$ ^ 0 . 9 5 •

• • NoyAL PORTABLE • O N L PTnwft Can'ying Caw ^ b""vvilli uttatthmentfif—foot — — — F u aobbin winder, etc. ^ •

M k -J l ? *

, • i I

w #J I

p P P - h...................................................• I ^

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ir U l e g a n g e -^

t i n g h o u s e ____ ______= = = = J = « . _ _

lb )E -M E W -^ fc J O I.£ E a U lL l


T T I - E ^ A S $ 1 ; 0 0 D o

. , . *‘F o r You;AST ' , . OPEN 3

^LLS. IDAHO , . _ „

Heybum Cia le r t Tllley boys were ac- TrftVel, Elied by th e president of tlie u e YBURN. Aprilboard (M rs. Tilley) while u ra . Phil Lanthora

[aiTOi chatted . The Uacher callf., are visiting0 t>oys learn easily and are parley Croft and sn*' , Louis Connor. h -b fo u g b t-u p -Uta-mattar .o t —MrB.-6Wll*-P*t«f :. M ra..]liirm9 laughed V'hen Max Draga and-chll f she used th e "curve system” we^k.end flsitlnr

s = a r a s ; , 'S t r u i . tatjrt=don

s r i f s . s “¥ i r 0 s s S i d ' S ■ o ' i r

Harms, a-KrandmotherJ>hU daaandJjjU nvD I#■aBtm irw ttoonjnly-iff j « ts; vtg H m gm y famUy was raised,- Her Mr. and Mrs. Wlls d ^arma n e a r Wendell. The- has a BA degree obuined from Idaho State c«IsQn unlveralty, OranvlUe, O.. June 2 with a majo;, minor In Spanish,raised five children. A ton, Ada May, one of fHarms, w as klUed In Oer- United KatJona cooj on April a t . l»tS. A first University of Nebian t. he piloted a B-36. John receive a master's lying veterinary m edicine-at and plaiu to be m ngton 8U t« coUege. He Is The olher daughte d“*nd haa-fBTO ChUdmrrThe instructor of vocal a ion, Howard, wUl be graduated i In Holdrege, Nebr.

t o 'r e l i a n c e CR EDIT f O N . A f t e r a ll, i f i t h a d n ’t be en for them , i

h a v e ta k e n t h i s w onderful va«

. D on’t deny yonrtelf a Tacatlon thU year g p k * caah. Sm RELUNCE CREDfT aod tbe;

%ce the couDtry.

— 1ReIuiucej(3osMGorp^■ • “ ■ tOAN* • AUTOMOIIll-»-W»HH«K—

M-rNANCINO b n from Timea-New* FDONE Z5SB TWIN FA1 m • • • •' ', R E G U L A R $ 1 9 9 .9 5

, N O W $ 1 C (’ ONLY . . . ^ 1 ^j— -------------- B E A U T I F D C r O N S O I

• - TTI . .T |.^ - . J- .-r. •yr.p -Ii ' lU l iCOKli y OCW lnff t


) D o w n $ 1 r 2 S tH V ^

E L E C'For Y our ApplUmee Store . . . Ph O P E N M IID A Y . EVENINGS T l

eylbum C iti^ns Ipm tt^ tn Pocatello Ba

Travel, Entertain

Is Connor. -------- ---------

K I M B n a r -APTIJper in Brigham Clty',-U t«h- • ^ uS w * m *'c1arreH Wods^w, Mackey. spenl

r 'v m a n ‘ Sa«ugh and Mr.. t e „ la In Salrbur^1 Yeagls and ehlldnen, Pocatello. •;ed Mrt, Orace BIxler Sunday, j». Mary Stlmpson has returned

and lJiTtfln^PI«K~ . ' • ' ' ' 'Ir. and Mts, Wilson W arner ana

n Idaho State college, PocateUo,

A m onda May, one of two daughters. Is '.ted KatJona coordinator a t theiverslty of Nehiiska. Bhe willelve a master's degree Ju n e Jt'p laiu to be muTled Ju n e 19.5 olher daughter, Alice, is aa • / . ,tructor of vocal music for aehooli \ M f l l V IHoldrege, Nebr._______________ I

C E CR EDIT C O R P O R A .2cn for them , we c o u ld n ’t ‘ w onderful v a c a tb n .”

tcallon thU year tor U ck of ■injnm WHisrwB E orr aod thej'U help yea 'M rtOOF. 70%


( j o j ^ ^ r a i i o K

NO!5SB TWIN FALISrTDAHO— ---------------------

O N i ! : ^• i V . 1 ^

R $ 1 9 9 .9 5 - -

1 5 9 9 5 m

r r o N S O L E — ;— j f l

r fenS W f nff-3 f o g f t W .~ - ■ = r-T r^^m

^TEE! _ -ArA.,5 - t H W e e k — I —

l a M iow . . . P/ionc 75#*ININGS T IL 9:00

— ^ ~ - >

_______________ P A g t f j i

sited U r. and Mrs. I fy n n P « A m n i 9PocaUlIo Sunday. 1 i U l I l1 Myers, 'Missoiili; W ont, i i™ in n '.^ ~ I 5 a i^ loward Jensen Saturday. 'A W B n jD , id Mr*. Arel Seasiow and ®*Butte. M ont, wer* gutets irenta. Mr. and M n. JeM#

p S d . ^' ' The gtaad m a r^ w

— -------------- r II* B»hild n ,-jtmtor- aERLY. April so-Col. Rich- and Harry-jobajoD.-Mlchaells, Kimberly, .ba* claa* adflaor tad m,Igned as chief of the ;»lr cU«-member« In tM1 Austria. HU beadquar- ^ lo w M b y P a u lB I i1 BalzhUTf. Twin Falls.

\m ong aU best sellers

)n ly OM b est ta ste

j Imperial tmoothlike you kopt tmt ii one, e f Am^ricA

H t g g larte l’ie^t wH

SAVE 53 5 <P O P U L A R C O F I S O O

- M O D E b B F

* • 2 0 - -Y E A R ':G u Q r a n te e .

* - R e g u l a r $ ) 14 .95

N O W l S N rW:^ = .

a t I These I Features I __

■ J ......


■ ^ 'T j R i W R S A t r M O T O t f " ' STITC H REGULATO

’And many other ouieiandxng fee

i L c aJ


ccal lu iU w ^ a a W T M P lR E ^ ^ ^ B

m a U r d ^ w

drlMf t a d ' m

Wfc_____________ •■ - -g

Just te ll■he m a n ; Hou Yirant

r ^ ^ ^ n u i l w -

t o i ; „ m d t e o i b9U h o o t f f t o d t .

e f A m e r ic a 's

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3 5 W | §)NSOLE' M


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‘ BO ARDING H O U S E! g Z WASTED A PILW YESXeROA t HOOPLE, VJHEM Z S A Y iV O O PiCI 1 :0 P A '^M .O uJJ-^.r:xuoo& u,r

? >PlGTURS-OF-*iOi> aSA K hl^'/CTU . CITY DUMP WOULD 5 a .L * n 5 A

THE PAPfiRS, eOT 1 SB C MX _ loN L V aruSHEOTHETRASH PiL. , > - ; v _ ; ^ ASIDE TO PLA.V __ /-

■ • f e

M , L O S E S . ^

^ j F i ? a T i i < k ' i ' h A ' i ' ~

- 1

'1 know It eomei open . . . I b n d ia to r once."

x - r l H E ^ U M P S -------------------

<w <ueufRa T m r" ; .M 10 9fiW -iwn p taunw cN ^

’ ^ TM ccNvemieN a» a ccmpbomt V CAKVswrs FOB p a s v p s tr r o r


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UP A / I f / --


. - i ' . 3 0 - « en . . . I Baw J e r r y p u t w ater in the

1 XlAV eMTBFijCTWM ,, / TMOUflM, I MlrtT APW ^ Tia . CONV£NT(0M HBML' 2 ^ I ------ l . -41»-OPIM)ONOPTR,"C^»0»WiN V * ^WPEMTOP ) } ^ ----

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C A R N IV A L ______ B y

____L - *'Mlnd if T fatVn • Innlf


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E S B y , G A L B R A IT H S

i p f c s - ^ ' s

1 1 ^ - 3 ^ 5

f ^ l l l V I . ^ 1 1 1

I_____________________:___________ _______ Y

Jown to the beach there's no lights I-thuL waltrfomothing!’*---------- -------

By D IC K -TtlRN ER- TT-

P i ^ lj R - — j ■ ^

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• I * r* n lllln fc ^ ■ l>l T ■ l ^ lMr>*«»^ R

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f IW hesrt about i t , X ^ you be I Skeezix.Goaheadi me,Corl(^

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Iw ilD ^ what j * d o v o u l T it*» fijmy.but a i r i ^ l wart if I'm e tec tw — .dent lan t a tt ofF. j—Aiown OT«r c r leimp except to get

w o ") m ^ O N N A TW M T W l4 ~ S i („ ~ ___O FF FBR •»'*, , ^ ' « YA Ml V


S y 8 0 S i q j u d r e ISliflht m rtprlnti of our rtgu All ««w iumm«r ^ a ttim t. , w iit , BuorantMd weihoblt.

.................... Aim DmM.

- — B e m b e r g P r i i

All Naw Spring and Summ«r 9 8 e valua. Guaront««d wa DraiHfl from this group whc

-------------------- .Also DoubU

P N Y L O N H O■ f l n t QualltY 51 gouga 75 cfm __ _popiiloriuininereolor*. A g(W T fo r 98c. SIsas8Viih>1I.K AUo Double

CIndarallo Qualfty neralty I____Tfllut. All Mia wonted lumm

' from . Reflulor length only irAUo Double

L a d i e s ' & C h i l7 0 gau9« hend trantferred < q iialtty. S U e t« to 11. Whit. Ing value. Buy your tummet

L _ M to D ouliU

i W H I T E n o di P l e > t ie B a g i t f ie tw I l f o r1 .9 ( I — « h e 8 0 9 Dept« A b(| H ite tio

L: __’A J ^ D o u b le

i ^ a s s ^ spaM tm t and color cetnblnetlo ▼•Iiw. Hoad-rolled h m t, Sw,

Al90 Double

1 ^MEN'S WORK SFully Sanferlxad Chombroy Full cu t. H u e ond grey coloi S l* a « 1 4 V i t o l 7 ________

AUo Doublet

MEN'S T-SHIRTC ombed W hite Cotton Taped neck and ileeve S b e t S . M .I -------------- -----

AitO DoubU i

MEN'S SPORT S___ — Loag iloev* atyli. Mony flm— — W a s lia U « - fa b r i c i .5 1 u r ^ M

K tw C ^ o n ____ _____ - - ; ^ o i ? o u 6 ( e 6

* MEN'S ATHLETICombed C otton

— F iin C iit ■------ — S i x tr S m a lirM e d h m i/L o rg t .

r r T -~^aiid7rooW e G

K= ^M EN 'S^R ESS SIF u u d c o lla r

— — Hew Fe tte m t ~ ~, '"YEis T t P i T o l Z ......... .....

“ ' AIm Double G

S IA b S ^ in th e Pry Goods

P E R C A L E Sregulor odvert{»ed SO-tquaro (Olnti— m t. A b l9 group t o select from. 36" oble.') tM e G r e e n S ta m p M ‘~ ' "

> r m t e d S H E E R Snmar P a t ta m i In t h i t group, A regular I w aihob la . You v lli wont taverol > when y o u . tee th e m .m b le G r e e n S t t u n p ^ _________ ______

l O S E75 cfen/er O uPont'a ny/on, Tho mott . A good wearing- u tility hoio tha t iclli jub le G r e e n S t a m p a

eel H Q SFilty heel Nylon H o te . Regulor 1.65 t lummer eh ad e i. F o u r ityloi to chooie niy in th ie group. Sixes 8/3 to 11.ub le G r e e n S t a m p s

h i l d r e n ' s A n k l e t srred cu ff. All g u aro n teed to be first * White o r p o i t t f th o d o t . An ouHtond- nm or't lu p p ly ribw. '

d P A S T E L B A G S ,r1 .98. O u r A nnlversory Speciol from i Itetlon e f-a ty les a n d deiignt. Bo hora 1

ub le~ C ire€ n ’ S t a m p a ~

i N D K E R C H I E F S ^carehlafa'tfiatlaili "for 25c.' A bevy o P -^ noHont, g e t your e h are of th it tpeclol I, Swita acallopi, P«orl Scollops. ub le G r e e n S t a m p a



97e ible G r e e n S t a m p s


..59« -hie G r e e n S i a m p t

rS H IR T S My fine ■ A Ful

« e G r e e n S t a m p s


*le G r e e n S l a m p a .

SHIRTS -------

= E ^ ^ 5 9 b ife G r e e n S t a m p s ___

MEN'S WORK SOXC om bed C otton 5 l z M l 0 t o 1 3L im it 10 P a i r ................ ....................

, . . O o u b le G reen

lo^ s Dept.

- 2 8 c .

^ 5 5 c

6 6 c

r - 9 4 c ’ : b

" 1 9 c '

i t : Q O q

S ^ S c ^— L

i n S a "X< L >

n the Mens' Dept.

MEN'S ANKLETSRegular v a lu e t to 1 .0 0

C Siiei 10 to 12Nylon reinforced h ee l and t o e __

A U o D o a b le G re e n

MEN'S DRESS STR/n Faetery.Special M S l i e « y 4 to 7 » /a ............ .........................

A U o D o u b le G re e n

Men's BROADCLOTIP Fully W o th o b le_______I -------FflstJCelor---------------- :--------------------^ — •Siffl-A / B. - c r ^ h d - p " ': : :...;.;.....:...

A U o D o u b le G fe e n

MEN'S COTTON BRAll elastic w airt. T oped leg.

* ' FuH eut fo r com fort.■----- -Sites 3 0 to -4 2 ___ __________

--------- ^ i* ? r Z > o i i f l t e - G r c e « -

^M EN'S-W HfPCORD-L 100% W ool W hipcord:I -------Fortit G reekcolor: Fu ll C u trr—

HM¥^-W elg}it.-Slxet-3trfo44-:;n:n.

■ A U a T D o u b le G fu r i ' .

s o x 1.................. . . r A . R i ~ O c —

e G reen S t a m p s

w iS D N IS tlA T , AFB B - W . M W - ■ T I M E S - N E W B . W t N F A U S . I D A H O ________________ W T O N E S B A T , A P K IL M , 1S62

5TABT5 at ........ OUR GREATEST

^ lZ Z S B ™ ' I ^ ^ 7- — Mi fsl i n ^h erts7S ecbI B filS K I I H I I n i i . t i n . o n r n y .128 i r p . ih<I WIKItggM ^WSwSa ■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H H H H ■ ■ ■ ■ iliaht Any

.................. I . . _ ................. ......... . . * w | | | B H . I poir th e w ear. T h o / r e firmly w</ ________ W H H ^ h H M BbB B J ^ |W ' ' ...... ............- ............. a strong tm ooth f in l th . ' ' ■ .

i j g H ■ ■ S l V i o s l . ™ ! . e a c h ' I *

S ^ B B A * | B | j | F a w t o f th a t* P11.L0W C

I w L 9 I THIS PAPER P l a y S h o 6

/ for ou tstand ing , new I I Alao D oub le G ree S ta i

DAILY SPECIALS S c o r f S e t sI H B M S B I I ' H I , 0. . . d h..i, W ASHCLOTHSI ■ r r o m n o w r i l o n e -ttrap atyla. checked ^ h w - e e t . #

I m I W S B I SATURDAY. MAY 10th »i«f m i- ■ l i ---------- S H L -----------■ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------- ---------- M . 4 . b r w . « p « . N m . (n tr . . i ,4 l . .m n f . J . l

■ - ............ 1952 S p rtn g ttylet. A rtg* Green, rota* b lu e —..— .w | "Drest Shoes and C atuo l • ^ u lar 6 .9 5 Tolue. ~n u c*

^ V / - • A U o D oub le G reen Stan

black ond grays. Broken I l l l e V , •?r'

\ \ ' ^ O U L L R E C E I V E c h e n i l l e SPREAE

. w i i i W ( < " n A I T n T 1 ? r D r ' T X T C T A M D C s m ™


G re e n S la m p B C - ^ C In od ililjoti t o * h . J o i . m o f o u lilo n d in jr 'ii ii^ iiy 'T o y ln g i p i S i p f f . r . d In t h B ;’S i S ^ t ln , i t o t A lT n T ffn S r)rS o li7 > 0 U w M - ^ o r » H t . . - S l i » 4 - t o ^ . ^ ^ ( T e --------------------------------i t

' \ ? C ? ree«Iyo|usfdOUble t h e ortoun t e f S 411 CrtSB Stamps on each a n d every purchaie-i-«nywhtre In th e sto re.'R em Tm V or, ~ “ O U - S q U O r O >T ^ _ ~ DoubirGreeiTStgrnpe frot Thursdey, May 1st ihf h~SoturJtty, M^Oth. , . - _----- .T7~ :t :_— :_.L.J-----^ ~ r ^ , . _ BfOWIl Musllh

: ^ ^ A l « , D o a ^ r e e ^ S t a ,

in the Ready-to-W ear Dept, S U M M E R I . ( p "

SPECIAL OF DRESSES! LADIES'HOUSE DRESSES LADIES'JEANS--------~ y ^ r ~ ~ — ----------------- -------- A lortsgroup of iU ttar D ra s s^ am 80 iquaraprinH inplo td t, - ~ ~ ' ~ --------------------------- ■ ' ^ "Women'e a n d growing ................ 5 r ^ ^ ^ ^ g i l l v ^ a l i .......

------------------------ — ..... ..... . i i f l e a yS - i ^ AIk DoiA U Gmn Siampt Aho Double Great Stam pt AUo DoubU Grem Siampt • SPECIALS IN THE LAD & LA!

L a d i e s ' s p e c ia l o f dresses! LADIES'br a s U D IES ' BLOUSES BOY S ' SPORT SHIRTS _ Gi» e A lorge g roup of Bemberg end French ^ O ne group of ■ A A Don River plaid G lnghami H In a h o r t tleeve tty le . ^■ 1 ^ Crept D re tte t In printed patterns. Out. M Famous Nome Bras. ■ ■ 1 1 1 In 0 n ice asiortm ant of co lon I ^ — Red b u tto n trim. S iie t 4 to l i t ............ .. ^

4 % « U n i K F . • o n d l » B v a l o o s . S I .« 1 2 - 2 0 , 1 6 V i .2 4 '/ i . ^ « O W Regular yolues to 3 .9 5 ............... .................... :.. | C W S I « s 3 2 t o 4 0 ................ ..............................| « W W AU o D ouble Green S to m p a

t o , ________ O l ^ r l w U i J L AU o D ouble Green sta m p a AUo Double G re en S ta m p a A U o Double Green Stampa ~ ' W % jW J W BOY S' SPORT SHIRTS G

eG reensiam p. C U A EC COATS AND SUITS LADIES'BLOUSES LADIES' DRESSES --------- ? h S . r r T .5 l . ° V j 'r r ’r P Q c I 'STRAW i j ^ S H O E S - - ^ „ ^ n . . . . - c o . t . o . . o . . . u . . . . , o „ „ . - > 0 0 — . - . . 1 4 o f f

19S2 Spring Sty les ........................... /A F I ll#C In regulor volues to 1 2 .9 5 ............................ ^ | J « V V Regular voluss t o 34.95 ................ /• I W l i G reen Stampa JUVENILE JEANS G'----------------------A U o D ouble Green S ta m p a A h o D ouble G re e n S ta m p s A U o D oubU Green Stampa S m all b o y t 'J a a n te G re e n s t a m p , S « fo o m „ W . , „ i „ m .i„ ' i n M , . p o p u l o , . « . p . n d . , O B r " "

:L 0T H PAJAMAS FOUNDATION GARMENTS LADIES'BLOUSES LADIES'PEDAL PUSHERS-------- f O O o n l i l u . , y . l l o . o r j ™ .n . - - m i 1/^ P f i r P E x e .p tjo n v o lu ti In t h l n r o u p . 1 f l A ” c l * o n o f " * 1 6 4 BOY S' SHORTS Gi

e G f e e n S t a m p t ■ ................. ' S " " ' . ® . A U o D o u b U Green S t a m p s 1 A U o D o u b le O r e e n S t a m p t . --------- . A U o D m b U G re e n S ta m p i- ------- , . --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ~ ^ S C - - . - I r J

k k l R D I B E C V ' " '" ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' " " .................................................................................................................. .............. i '■* A U o Double Green S ta m p a

I -------------

-»;TwWl7lAtB ^ J E R O 7 f f i “ “ ^ * l K ) : 0 D I N G r ' ' ’

,S ih the Downstairs S to

lecbrTds Cotfon^toSJ^Ipe th e e tt ere Colorful, w aeh eb la , l i l t I will not im- reiiitent b a e k a to p r a i mly wovtn to grty, green# tan ,

- J f f a i J ? « r .2 4 » lS r ! l

A U o D o u b l e G r iiW CASES to


■'Stampa----------Yton of w e a r 'a 'm f 'H

these lu tc io u t t h i c k I slight second t. Rfcfs eh pink, ra d ia n t rote,

10c D o i M e G n

S ta m p a

Chenille B A T

E A t k C K l 'M l n '^ 'r K t k J o S S flonl i t t T bwith your b a th ro o m ,

m ill, ip m d i , KoMkU R u g i.If i l i .« l i i j for ______I A O

' '~ w ^ ' i i 7 w A I ^ D o u b t e ~ G n

S ta m p a

42" Pillow T U-M a k e y e a r aw n------------

^ Ailin' C aaaa and M V *ttthhlewpffct;^YP

S ta m p a , J h o J h r n b U - G i ^

LASSIE SH O P...Downs! GIRLS' RAYON P A N tV a lu ttt« 4 9 c Assorted cotors.

' -SlM 2 to 1 2 _____________

A U o D o itb le G r e e n S i t

GIRLS' FANCY A N K LW ld# rorjety of ceJw,C uff*tj6h. ".v;;;'

A t$o D o u b le G r e e n S U

GIRLS'JEANS8>ox. danimt, doubla iH tcftad tisdl reinforced a t oil points e f strain . Regular 1.98 veluti. S izM 6 to 1 4 _

“ 7 “ T - : A l a o D o t t S l e - G r t a r S i a

GIRLS' PEDAL-PUSHEI= b a i t n in n tinaat i ^

in bright colored dinlmt. C u ff t r im . R tgulor2^49vtliit.-S lxt7 t o 14.

AU o D oub le G r e e n S t a

-GIRLS^-DRESSES—One reck of Glrh* Diasatt.Broken itsai. V alm to ---------------

^ -W h lle they- — — — ^ S S T M S t r G r M T S i a

"(HRLS' DRESSES^TLarge rack Glris’ DrMstt. Asi». c ly lM

-~- end-ceterfc-Cetteai leyow;-------------— “

A l a o ^ b o u ^ i ^ f i i e n S t a

GIRLS'COATS' All Glrit' Sprini Coati H «. ?^y .edu .u , y

— --------------iU w P o aW g

S t o r e ' '

i i ^ T w r s f ' R f f g i ^ H i

bla, filgh pile, with t U d ^ l K to p r a v tn tJ a lU . A^Htf’ K ^

i 3 r i _ : 1 . 8 Z l

lie G r e e n S ta m p a i

>WELS | Ha m f ~ i i ^ n g ' f e t a w r b i ' ^ ^ H

th i c k towels which t m r ^ H Rfcfs ehsde t c f Hghtntaf

^ 6 9 | l

ie Green g t o a i ' )


K i ' S k Y S f i S *s«tB ia celert to U M i

— 0 9 A f l- • A C H

r TUBING - j B

I - T y d .

|[-— —

M m s t a i r s

ibN tlE S “ ^

. O N L Y 2 5 ^ i f l e n StwHftMKLEtS «

^ 1 9 e Jm SUmpt - A H

!B S t e t i ^ i —

5HERS - Ht r im .

in Stimpt ^ 9

sn StompT"

• t y l M .in Stampa" ‘ S 8 1 B


'* f l

' '

> c |

i l l

^ ^ ^ ^ B | 3 | B ^ ^ g a t^ _ a t ty . ’i.dtreetOT

t f P l IWIIII Nl llllll o t ttia M i th deptrtm ent.

^ ^ ^ ^ K k W W ft.m W M w W n f th e five.Pr, Young said tber«

^ ^ ^ H S M . l . ' ' j a d u < U o n of m.» per W atanbtt-of s-yearnjld

m U slns or


V l w i ^ T '^ l S ^ V ^OMn]'>'*lareM fire yeM« ago

M nt had » t I m t one tooth

^ ^ ^ ^ R l M M , . t h a m ulta have shown Tonntcr cblldten Have re-

^ ^ ^ m M j n o n tanetit fnrni f luorlda. ^ ^ ■ K r a i M B t m . i h o i r e d a 40^ per. ^ ^ ^ ^ p r f i w u w n >n d«ca7 am ong 7-

and a 30.7 per cent ^ ^ ■ M ' i n »-ytar-«]da.■ { ■ ^ . A f e d i s t s U r t

report pointed out th a t pres* 8>rear-oldi wtre 4 when the

^ ■ ^B n o rld aU o n was atarted and they ■ B d n t g e t u «atly benefit o f the H M lo g r a i n a* did the a-yenr*o!d3.'

decay ra(e for 6>year-o]ctB been reduced from 1.13 teeth

child in 1M7 to .8 of a tooth per ^ ■ ^ ^ _ l n _ a S M . _ __________

^ K w a r d s Presented At Scout Meeting

^ U n U D l . Aptll 90-ClTlI aeronau- ( ■ R B o i picture* were ahown a t a m eet, n

o f Bo7 Scaut^ troop 73 a t the t^ ^ ■ m e Of Mr. and B n . Paul T u rn ip - »^ H I h d :M B n d a r . F*ul Patteraon was fc^ ■ p v M h o '- tM - p e lm sod Don Ito r* y ^ H H u u a J S l v B i a .Ufa .Soout- award.^ ^ w 8 t t r Seout award* were given to .

B urd, L ury Hirvey, L arry r^ ^ B b n l e j i Dale Tumlpseed. H enry «i^ ■ ■ h n p s lU r e . Ctsy Van WlnUe and u— lUchard- Mataon; Dean Kohntopp ^B B W celved' a f ln t class award and ],H H K ialand Mason, Ray Oarey, R alph g^ B l ^ o t i , Jackie Pliher and - Don ,, B ^ lb lU l 're c e iv e d tenderfoot awarda.

badges were given to Norval^ B 'l c o t t , Eugena Baxter, Charles Cun* °

I&agham. Don Royster, Paul Patter* ^ K -p o n , Dean Kohntopp, Dale Turnip* K :« » e d . L arry Manly, CUy Van W in-

Henry Shropshire. Richard Mat* ^K -.W a. Joe Burd and H arriaon- .

; B a n q u e t S e r v e d:■ K L E R , April 30-0nfl hundred - •n d aixty*Uve g m ts attended the f tth e r and daughter banquet Mon*

.t f t ; evening a t the high school AtadJt«tunj,.M.*rJo.ry..Monnafian,. _

m s id e n t 'Of the Oirli' league, va* t ta r ta l s tTMi.and yelcotiifd th e fa . _

i. t t e ra. Responses were given by-jnrdrey-RHd.-------------------- - - - -

Oo the . prograa wera H alph -Aaseadnip. Bmo. Parrar,. Barbara

a stray -an d -N an c y Jo Davta. Mrg. „aiir-nrulib ..*eons(ii.o t.tbe-le*eue- - —usUted-with-arrsngaaients.-----------—

; Stake Visitorsf .. rAIRPIEU}. Aprtl 3l>-VUitors at n u LDS ward Sunday morning « m Stalay.Cheney. Ooodlng. of the Ooodlng Stake Bundiv school board;

:iS w lIW ea£a lirJerom t a ' “ « f (he stake UelchUedek priest- bood commlUee; and Berrlek Drake -■nd Ljma Bemhatn, both Jerome,

'’moBbera of tha stake Aaronlo rtKlMtbood «08.tBl«ee. "njer spoke M , the meetingi and gave Instruc* ., tlo a i to (he oHIecrs and teachers.

PTA meets” r a X R . April 30-MahUn Hansen.

Bolsi. was speaksr a t the meeUng « t the Vlclory>C«Dtral PTA Mon* 4v> O r. and Mn. I. A. A nderson'

J l^ J o .e h a rg e .o f .i) )e ptogram .,©!-.L f l W .were InsUllwl.- ....... ... i_..■ -Tto# grstduate school of Journalism ■ ^ -C o lu m b ia univertlty-was founded ' a ad endowed by the late Joseph i

S tep A b o erSK f t PASTTRAViL

f ' PORTUND . .

W O K A N I . . ,4 V 4 h r a .

- - P O m i l —)tv-«-4'/j hr».

CHICAOO . . . 9V* hru*. WA»HlwdtON,-p.-C. _

W /4 tin,

— ------

■7 AJrpwt. Cell 1700fi" «r, y«r

I _ A m u m c r m u . t .

i K n f e i T


U . - P . 4

iston-LeiH atoo

JbB-Glty.’a tuortdated, -

b n o f tha tm ent.{ th e five. said there

e»A per

alaslng or

19S3 had years agoone tooth

.ve ahown re*

fluorida*K 40.8. per. am ong 7*M ctlon-in'per

pres* Hwhen the mT.^K m VB

Mr*. J. E. Slade. Twin FsUi, l»«. pre It o f Uie p , t u yn,„„ paelfie. 01d Tlmtn rlob 1 -olds. Jrom Mrs. W aller J. Cau, Ofntfr, Co|.i’la^ tee th O'** Timm club auxi

i------New U. N. GommaiS - East Has Had

W ASHINaTON, April 30 OIB - B, 1aeronau* o e n . Mark W. Clark, new com* ]icdt a meet* m ander of United Nations fotccs In Oer3 a t the th e fn r east, l.i a b«ttle*pr8v«l foot oI T u rn ip - soldier whn gained fame cn a »uc- raon waa fcessful clonk and dagger mlulon In i - -Jon K07* w o rld w arTI. - ' ard. went on to command the fifth b ^® “ '■'"y pl" ‘'O’’" 800,000 pnt(

I'l Larry Q erm ans nnd 300,000 Italian.i in offli*V. Italian moimtnlns. battle ver* nnkle and ba ,iy ncro.« conferrnce tables with loniiSohntopp u ,e nusjlanfl in Austria, and for the thre

» J '" '" “ four-ttar wcs^ genenil commanding U. 8. ground wii^

forces. ClNorval C lark wns nnmcd far «Mt»rn was

•tA .i'iin commnnder Momlny.^by President befoII P a tte r l T n im a n -«« succecds Qen. Matthew I8<2 Turnip* ---------

an W in- V 'sard M aU jL

red B a S n l l P fh undred « | Ided the ^ le t M on- H I a I B m p I school innahan,, ____

l ^ b ^ ”

R alphB arbara « J a l g e i f i W i J l r ,

« -leagua---------s.-------------------

u ito rs morning

of the Dl.board!. member

[ p riest- ek Drake

Jerome,Aaronlo ■ T ^

er spoke -Instruc- . eachers. Mfl*.

Hansen.meeUng i r e ^ l l B i n

•A Mon-\nderson .ram ..O t-, - T |i»llllll ll 'l l l l l ^ r

Limalism [ I , 1 I Bl !founded; i r a B t f f -----'Joseph H m IH B B B B B B B B tT B >

rirF£ '


ra . ■ im illl llr^ * ™ ^ ^ 0

nii— ’ ^ff| | l | |tf| | * T S^ f f l j^ ^ — ~

r*. f i j i y M

K ----------------

7 ~ ~ -

= = = S S f e J - ‘^ ’i s r w " ' T ' 3

J . -


In Falli, Ml. president of Ihe aaxlllary of Twin K Id Tlmtn riDb No. 31. reeelvra eonrratulatlons gia u , nentfr, Colo., general eommltlee chairman «ITlmtn club auxiliaries; while M. W. Henntney, (£

Gommander in Far »; JS Had Varied Career Si

inv, 30 din — B, nidftway. named as supreme al- prlinew com* lied commander in Europe, replacing r

ns fotccs In Oen. DwiRht D. Ebenhower. ,•proved foot cinrk's w h o l e life has been his; "army." He wa-i born a t Madison ran

mlHlon ln i^rmcka. N,. Y,, 5fl_yeoin..age. ,Hl«, parfather was Col. Charles Carr Clark, goli

id the fifth B W est' Point ■grndiratc, and his dociwn 800,000 pntcrnnl grandfather was a medical iheltalian.i in officer in Uic Civil war. iibattle ver- Thp new fnr ea.ilern commandcr, SicItables with long-faccd nnd standing six feet, worand for the three inchcj, was graduated from beaa four-ttar west Point In 1911 in the same class can8. ground wiui nidgwny. Itnl

Clark's cloak and dattger mLulon War «Mt»rn was to North A frica .three weeks con’ President before tlie American Invasion In genn. Matthew 1042. Accompanied by a group of atlo

p b l M9 ^ 1 - Q u ic k e r! Easier! M

m u ' D e v o e - P >

U E slL F o r th e In sid e IW p n d e r to n e . \ a/( M irro la c E n am el

— P e v o p a k e j B m V e lo u r F in ish

Y H 8 7 S p a r V a rn is h Suj

® ^ 8 | Keep Your Horn* Coolo


Your home will be 20.degrees money-savir>g insulotion. Come; eosy to install. Get on estimate i

■■.■■■ M _ Guoronfeed to Sotiify—orBUILDER'S


Latch Sets ■

W ood Screws

^m |W B _ Coblnet Hordwore_____ ,

^ m / M Screen H angers

W ls m W ire Screen •S S l ~ | H C R ro m T T ^ p u ld r tig '

V , , I

I Twin fall* Yard ot T39 ThYhUHT I C. A. Bufflnsfen, I0.rAY L Yords also a» Buhl - Jcrei

------------------coodiiij- hoi


p s - E s f r a b l i s l t i G h a p t e r H e

H p P

7 of Twin Kimberly, prttldrni of the new clob. seiratulatlons gratuUiloni Croni IU E. Olson, Poeatella

chairman elub comnltlH. Ollleera were electedllenneney, (Staff pholo-en(Tsr>nO

. other American officers, Clark the :J l l * — • landed on the Algcrmn -const-from hum

n British submarine nnd spen t eight wnsdays In VIehy France terrijory gath- The

l l ’ C C l * erlng maps and Inlormatlon for the a t Uinvasion that took Ihe nazls by sur* slon.

upremc al- prue. Ine. replacing During his darser-flllcd exploit, full

ft email boat csnjlng C lurk and "Ix :has been his party capslwd In the Medlter- As

it Madison rancan. They Imt their shirts, tf la:n..age. .H is ponls,. undeiclothu and .»18J)0Q_iii ClarjCarr Clark, gold. Bul Uiey ertved im portant «>rei>, and his documents they hid received from Bu&sJ a medical Uie French: coun

He led the filth army In the nbouommandcr, Sicilian snd Itnllsn Invasions, and P*’c-'aJ six feet, won the bitter battle of tho Anrlo "Plated from lieachliead. Then followed a long the 'same class campaign northward through the in h

Itnllan peninsula. from?er mLulon When CUrk's name was put, before mineiree weeks congreM for promotion to perm anent CUnvaslon In general, the 36th Division associ* to b<I group of atlon claimed hts decision to cross lean.

■ ■ U B p B j p n ^

Easier! M o re Efficient!

r o e P A I N T S

de For the Outside

W onder-1 Coot - - -N

W h ite House P a in t j f

O lym pic .Stain

lish S u p e r Kleen Brushes

r Homa Cooler Thli Summtrt

s a m W O O L M;a l e d in s u l a t io n - W JL

>e 20.degrees coolerwMh this efficient lotion. Comes in blanket form ond is B \\1 r an estimate on your home today! R W> Sotitfy— or Your Money Bock!


■ - ' j HH ommers ^ ^ 8

. . .Saws— _____ —_- Pliers f t | j 3

■ ------ ' --------Sqiiofas __J____M j(P

re__________Chis e l s _____________Plonej 9 'Pipe Wrenches W '

ig ■ Bf5ce“b7KJ'Bilj K -

rd o t T39 Third-Avinut .South .Bufflngfen, M anogir NCW

i» Buhl - Jerom« - Wendell. ' »A **

»dln B -i^4 h o ih o n t-r------------------------jK t


£ rH ere——------ _ S<


atter^ ^ K K K j ^ r J a - •‘-•z-'if ’. m rive

' -T './■'.■'.■!■ Mny

1 -1

tram" ' - . , 1 Junlt

' ''' F'!'

___ ^■■- ■■

HB " ' -AmH ’ .: / : § m ‘"K-new club, second from right, receives ron-

son, roeatello. prrsldrnt ot Ihe Old Tlmtrs Rere elected a t an orKsnlutlenal meeting..________________________________________ ette

thisClark the Unpldo river "nccdlcjisly wnsted" Edwl

st-from himdred-1 of lives.—ClarK clnlmed-tt *«« n t eight wns n calculated rl. ilc he hnd to take, ley ’ •y gath- T he secretary of war and top brass Of for the n t the Pentagon approved his decl- gent, by sur* slon. and congress promoted him. presI

In March, JOIS, Clark became a exploit, full general, getting his four stars rk and "I* years before Hidgway got hl«. ledlter- As American commander in Aus*

shirts, tf la immediate after the war.vooo In Clark manpuvered. cajoled, shouted,____portant ifirenCened and pleaded with the u . d from Bu&slans td stop plunderlrig Uiat Mn

countrj-. He decided tha t force was In the nbout the oniy th in g which Im* umt

ns. and prc.-ae.^ them. ___ has ]5 Aruio "Perhaps they re.^pect nothing In West a long the world except force." Clark wrote will i

gh the in his memoir.v "And when con- Acadfronted with strength and deter* ------

t, before mlnatlon. they stop, look and Ibten." p j... manent Clork wks nomlnnted Inst October asioci- to be U. S. ambas-sndor to the Vat-

o cross lean. Three montlis later he asked ^.njj

rI 'l


______ : S c o u t J l v e n t s ^ — ^

I Set at Burley "S

BURLBy, April 30 — Anange* ment*_for the summ er program . j .m were discussed Wedne.-vdny a t a meeting of th e Burley*OflkIey Boy Scout councll nt the Burley LDS

*Aj"ciL.TOJiOr"“iU«trlct,,chalnnan ^ • of Tamping 'n n d sportJi-ftcttTitlcs, HE

announced th e camporce for Burlef,Oakley and R aft river Scouts will m r bo held Mny 28 and 37 n t Hollnnris STuil ranch a t Albion. Ke anid all Scouts attending th e camporee should ar* rive between 3 p. m. . and 5 p. ,m.Mny 59 In p reparation for the nc- j „ UviUes-tlmt will follow Uiat eve*

E,v;;(iiBlM: h ln i-and^iB o-nfln t-aay-":'---- : ‘ ' TJTT!J— Ernest Taylor, d ts trlr t leadership — trilnlng chnlrm an,-reported on Uie

• I Junior leadership trtilniiiR school- -»os: Friday ond Saturday n l Jerome. He ^

. . said the school is a Snake river area ——. councll-wlde school.: Brrnell W rlgley announced that gx jr

: — ■ a meeting for those directing the »r.■ fmnnce phase of Scouting will be uahh

:< held at 9:30 a. m. Prlday a l tho-----~ -- t Park hotel in Twin Pnlls.-ntpre-—^ s c n u t l v e s from nll-p«u-*i-ol-sauth-_

J ern Idaho w ill be present.j H The next regular meeting of Uie -----

4 m district Scout council will be heldj a H Mny 58 at th e LDS seminary build-

ia T iZ ; C l u b M e e t smestlng.. April- 30—The -Mtlner- J.r^

________ ette 4-H club met for the first timethis season a t the home of Mrs. -----

Jly wasted" Edwin Brune Friday nlKht. Oue.iti ____clnlmed-lt *«« Mrs. Jiimea finrgeut and Shir-

md to take, ley Vansant.1 top brass Officers elected were Ruth 8nr- 1 his decl- gent, president; Elsie Anderson, vice loted him. president; Lois Bargent. sccrctary; „rti bcenme a Scnrs. reporter; nnd Jonn - otitnnr .t»p. Sargent, enterm inm ent chairman.V /o l hi? *n>e n « t meeting will be May 6 H er fn Aus-'

t Bho%"'___ Passes T est _____,wlth the HAOERMAN. April 30—Mr. nnd .

erlng Uisl Mrs. Jack B. Chlpman o t the federal 1------• *“ fish hatchery have rccclved word ------vlilch lm* uidt uie son, Jock Chlpman. 20, .------

---- has passed h is examlnnUon a t thenothing In West Point preparntory coIICRe. Ho:iark wrote will enter th e West Po in t Military,vhen con- Academy la te r this deter* --------------------------------------- --------

” Pre. ldent T rum an to withdraw It In the face of .sennu: controver.'^y over MUJ

i v2l esUbllshlng fu ll dlpIomnUc reltitlonswith the R om an Catholic slate. f«rr

;1 Ixjlassified sW A N T A D R A T E S 1

(Bu*d OB Cfl«i-p*»-wnrtn

1^“ ~ i ! ” ~ i ~ r w~T~*]m~

.-loEALLWMXM.CuLlfL’tw .'^ — -----

— UoseiT^Ailj—j-pr-m: SMorlm----Tviiaiisn tSraucb Frlilto

ffXtH t4 Uia mdvtrti»«r.Im n tSauM M rapsrttd ImsxlUu.

non tL s lolmi'ca'. T

. JCARP OF THANKS ._ . _ [


UUUB »n d tip'h^.wry iimhim . ItoB. m!.ui

8I KSXKH Cgri~«Utr». Mr., L>il» Girdptt, *"|[IL'”

Lucul^'Da^CB! | [» JU CU.VTAcr Alcoholict Arunrraoui jj,,;

BEAUTY SHOPS P ‘FEHMANE.STS~ ti.PO. U<iO._^UM‘ ITd Tim" ^MrLblL mcxlira bcautr airrKi br "hUS

f l i cU ^ L tT ^^ 'idu tr^ r^rlc . "br'/d .?rrrt '''ili,"!ilujjtu t l r^uc<^ ''hi'’*l’ *’“■ sF au

^ C H IRO gA CTO RS ' ^

8 l o s t AND FOUND ^



i r J

^ C G A f e ^ y E f r T t S g M g ^ ^ ^® T | NnriCE TO CKKI>IT(II(M jjl'i;''" I s;'

MAnir!:___ . Wolie* .jl bcreLv eiyea Ijy .th* uMl*r> w*llo


h | | __ . AdfflinUtramiL.^?\i>«'f»iatr of-

1. ' ,;- . " , - r : v l - ,

0 . ■ _________________ _W ED N ES

«iT iiiT iow s W A K r m f u

range* iu:ut* « K ' S t ' t / ' i i3gram .j .t- ..d t ™ « . » r i S ; -^ 2 2 L «* ; f r ' 1'b.M un-w. H g tw Phi..^ FU RN



r i ' s r f sllnnds siuiJi-K Mrt i HOOMI

S“ “ ffiSrfeI? ;” ' o S

i i i■n Uie r,rr J«‘ '- -'Wlj 1» I-r^ ------U Nschool- •-»osr-Tnrt> ‘ ' ‘~»*'*— ---------- T ,ie. He • HELP WA N T E D ^ ^ M A il^r »'ui * ,i>uum• K.a1] rimllf. rnO"* 10R&-W

that MAN ..ntM !«' '''.V '»'k- RtwET"

“ 3 r S l ;Isl 5 ^ S « 5 SS kS

______________________FU5f the ------------------------------------------ 1 c E c m• WANTEDbuild- PJRST CLASS stECUAMic UNF

OppoiiotlU (er T”*’ r»r MUUEItNP"» f® '"' »"■ I'h

NORTIIBIDE AUTO i«o Kta K o u T ■ BUicK ^

Mrs. I-------------------------------------------• W A N IDue.ltl ~ ~ WANT PI =“ '■ I BODY ATO

'• «.n M tjV. ...r bodf ihop KU p. t- ba.lnttieiftry; „ t..:.: t..* «!'•'> e

Jonn rm-^Vii -•>»J t- .iptbl. r —

fay 6 10 do iini dm work.DlWHI» er Tflrebon*

Loeper Chevrolet Co. [I'. nn? » Biltr,"Oregon -=---------

n. 20, .------------------------------------- --------le Ho MAKAOER-111,ary, Fnr Hslchery and H)^

Feed Sales Store------- (:00t)(SG. lUAHO ™“'! It In I----------, over MlJJI'-lfl. winW, . if r« .l ., mln ______ntlonS "“ i ' iinrf.' I'. 'iV ta'ldcn7 "'------- Ji .ur., nur k.jl -KO, Eo lUb


:°M I M

, 7 1 1. C A R R IE R BO Y

^ _A P _ P _ U < ;A T I0 N S -LfO- _ ____________________ .^ i WANTED L e” ’

F oF n e Ws p a ® " ^

TROUTE l.vr ' ^ i f P



------ --------- IJ-¥EAB&-OliD-------------lUi*I lot KA9

Write Tlmes-News Clrcu*Inllon Dept, giving »g« '

. - - ■ - arid address— ...... ....... —._• h O<I____________________ I

HELP WANTED— i------- -------- ^MALE & FEMALE _ & t-n^n w"iiI7'.lir«liJ«rl7 CKMKNT

I “ ' I------- Men & Women 17-85

E ;— JltAlSilAA^D'^UiCE^^^MD Al»«

HOriE. nil Itid* nlur»lloi».*Bd IMJ— | S = ’’ S “ -s .‘' a | J

" „ S ■5u sin £ss o p po r t u n it ie s = =s s "■» I.. ..I.- r b » . . . n n - . . ^

i i S S 5 i : l ^

r ~ S a g g ' w i w a

i f e r . 1 by .ow hJ u a a e .- ---------------- . . . — ~

----------------- ---------- — ii r s i .530(1 t-UtDKO ^ -------M O N -T H t¥ -------- = s p !— . Sr,MlE TLME , S f ! ^ c ^ S s :

— l w T r , r . 7 ; f ; s : ' ' >■' sfr*"-!"!!

iffi S '

u "-.' • » Bs«iN.n.

1, ?",'; ''i',';'',!.*';,;;;:'''' :» ‘ti. _!22e!ii

«»>■*" I ^^ H i ! -ll .« « «

‘ JtOOMs, , |„ - _______ ______ l« «»•J. «»i •***‘' I— ^

V>- , U \ ■■■■■■■.';■



T S: "*"•^ onlr !im!m W ||.’'‘p ! ” 'g,".‘V.?'"r“ *.“^ " ^ N I S H E D APARTMENTS^

-L ~ - .....

nn«. 1 . . ' *• ________*<.rkiB, .1,1 u. ■h.p.- rs i *■ ■

otniiiMFSv .^A>>t/—1iu«m»lil •p»rim«til. nmiBltuiiZIZ ■S 'JT ---*?»-;;K ;rv r..?S !^

==SINFUKNISHtD-APTS.L _ . ■ f a r " - ■" - -

KtWLY iecor.1.0 I.reom'upimrt ip.VU

i i * S r ^ S E i ' S l n ’S ■ ■~ 1 ^R N ISH E D HOUSES

CLEAN i.TDom houai. Oil. •Ik UIo tiorb Adjll. 4<m Wtlftul._____________U n f u r n is h e d h o u s e s

UMAt.t. hnuir. nlrr.'elno, eloa< la. Cill IHO KImhciIf 110.4.s ■

— I WANTED TO RENT. LEASE_ WANT patlura (or Z h«xl uf titlU. l'hon«I 02B<JI7.

WANT lor T«.rlUrir i ...............f.lTM, I-hon. OJOJ.IIt.iibut:»H i 0, ^ 1,,^

*r- b'a.ln«, Phon. l ll i i^ja. /.MONEY TO LtiAN ~

b|« I ■ ID1ub«b4> Cuiatu,

ALL PUBroaBLOAK I m atiMiwBi w »t

— LO A N S"Ccmpliw

riu tu ls i 8<r?lc*

IDAHO FINANCE CO,Creuad'’ KlMr^nVni BlOCf'

S tr . HOME LOANSeo»IUbl« ur> Auuribo ScKltlT. L titi

[p- r®or widow « hflme, not a rnoti«»Ke.J f ’

Dl.STniCT MANAGCn Orthnim TbnUr Bld«. I’boai l»

MONEY TO LOAN Modern Homes

Acrengcs and Farmi

— -nnj5tW?5SV4{Sni ------Lem A. Chapin Agcncy ' ' '


holl'. P h ^ St7 °’ *” ” * **~ ■


__ . . . IDAHO____ _ ______________O-DRIVE, me.

i*sT n ^ jw O T s ^ s z E v ic i


~ ~ l-ArKlllNU. pilatlnt. ~n'ock Ku«rinu«d.WillpApfr laaiplrfc ll. U. HmvUc.

J7H7 CKMKNT worki .St4«»tlki.6. j«rchnj^|).««. Il»r». PIUb a> color*.

I IS ! TREE TOITINO. ■|illlB».“ irtm^lat: I jtan npRlenn-la flioa*jr-rr cr oni-tt. _______ ,

snd TKKK i.r*ke.'ShnitI tilmmlm. L.wn. tni ___ _ UniUci^nr. L1«ni«V lniuM,J-’r»« wU*

„ I G A R D E N E R S FerUlIrer Delivered

I '"cTiSlFJ£ ,T!a Firlllim er Girdrit riowlas

I KEN SOyER, nidtil lUt.NB

e T .:::■. ---------

- - CONCREm: CHECKQATES" -----------------ipi»T For Only W.OOC<iTT9 EEB MODEt. DinPLAT


c = r IDAHO-MASONRY PROD.I tol I’honi *0M . IIM III()<I>mI


Tlon •Wo»l P>»»------------ -----------------I___ ' ANDERaON LUMBER CO.___ 'Pbeo* n .I . *^ = d ) 0 M 8 f e J f l . l H i i j A I S = = ; ^ - . . .

UV •lokir. ichooU.= iiy ’o W H K u 'u J r^ .,. ohw.or, n.»J,ra----------------— J hom*. Kar.lltnl locatloa, 15,000 <lo»n.

a-USOKOOU bom., osdlrn. (uU bu«B,at.ItT tlidUoa. L*r(< FBA Iota, laguir*

^ukl(^ul!tXir<>on. ha... ll.!T b=;: - ntnl. KiitUi Wuhlailoa. out cltr IlmlU.

- - ______U. -ikPUit.piioM'«9i.n. — ■—

Jx lirTwwttiT^'Ldn,.;™

f^J. F^ r u ^ b o M s . ^ ~:U ih.,l.ioaU .U - . ..

hMMr, *>7t'iu.'t"a»«aii"*'J;IW » *!»■».__________

Com Hirarslx), £I(clrlc hotSOittO fi.0( lot. t fmll tn n . Irrinlloa.

-nE Iwolre W Klm »n.rt____________

ta«« »ni» oinnr tioHs r«» t o t r___ a A. BODINSON AOENOTtana - - IMt»la Battora

t« Uala Ar« Wai — Ttl~tll-------------------

' V ' . M - k 'v ; 1....

FiirnlliljBmlcL Roiad at Paul To Be Sought

BORLEV, AprU 39—M ethod for obtaining Junds to waist In tho con- etruetlon of the road north of Paul

---------- <j~i n r a i!sen. w u um’uiiicr-nigtterdUcuasod.&y'dlrcctora of the.Burler Chamber ot Commerce a t their noon luncheon m eetlnj Monday a t tha nat4onal hotel.

Jt wa< decided th a t a chamber , member will upealt to the local aerv-

Jee groups during the week to ex­plain the benefits to bo derived by Burley from the construction of tho

—J Z . W to- art- thetr n td -ta^ th ta

J______ Each cluhJ¥luie-«i«(l-tQ-XumUbtwo membera to perve on a com­mittee which win begin to »ollclt fund* ,nexl wcefc. Those who will apeak a t tiie varlDU* club meeUngs are Brie Robertson. Toaatmaster club: Harry L. H arpster, Rotary club: Orland Bateman. Kiwanis club; Made Crouch. Jun ior Cham-

- ber of Commerce, and Oeorgo S c ^ 3er, Lions club.

A letter waa read from an offlclftl of the Robinson Battery company. Blair, Ncbr., t« the effect th a t the company soon will determine whether or not Burley will bo chosen as the site for a recondition­ing p lant for batteries.

An Invitation was read from the Welser Chamber of Commerce lo attend tho memorial celebration on July 27 n t Kinney point on the Blm of HelU Canyon, north of Welser, to honor the memory o l Wllwn

. - - p r t c o H u n t ...........................Harpster. program ehalrm an, an­

nounced tJje next genera] member- ■ Bhlp meeting wilt be held May 13.

•nie Long Band ond Gravel com­pany, owned by Wayne Long, Bur­ley, and the Paul Equipment and Welding company, owned by J. A. Bauer, Paul, will be featured on Iho program.

D i v o r c r G r a n t e d -RUPERT, April 30 — O tis Davli

was awarded a dlvosce from Bev­erly Davis In district court Saturday momlng. The couple w m married In 'i^ ’liJ Falls June 12.1MB. The de­cree was granted by Judge Hugh A. Baker.

The plaintiff, represented by Crea- ton and Creason. accused the de­fendant of spending a g rea t many nlghta awny from home and refus­ing to be 0 wife to him. Tliere are no children and tho only -commun­ity property consists of household

'fu rn itu re whlctwOte plaintiff Bulml

S p e a k e r L i s t e dBURLEY. April 30—Elmer CroT-

ley. Idsho Falls Junior high school principal and retiring president of tho Idaho Education juuoclaUon, wilt deliver the Durley high whool

_______haccalaureiite jdd ress hero May 18.______ High school commencement exer-

clscs are scheduled for May 22. All Cassia county schools will closc May

- r = - r 3 i , - 7 - '

— - ..... RK\DjTIMia-HEVyB-WAWT.-AOgi


CITY FLORAL-U l Berenth 6tre«t S e a th -

(Back of Parisian Laundry)

■ - B BW e Conoco M lloeg* Nreedy lo give your car h e tp ^ keep te s t enginea Milca—No W ear” road

In that famoua teet, driven 60,000 killing mi ability of Conoco

____________ Thnnkn tnW ear" S en d ee , those e

--------- - eort*c?arnce, i n fatrt; an__ _ J____T - t housand th in c h oa.«ylii

mileage for tho last 6,00i________________good aa for th n /tm l K,n(

Now you can get Con Wear" . ^ c a to help y

_ hotter, tisoleeagaBoIiaat

Her«*i M y-fom eiii '. W k - N o W » o r'

0 |-K D r ^ O u t O rft a n d Sludg* White Th» Knsin* ll

. . ....._____; _ fO M th w aiid o h an B .lM v e

' lb s workinB parU o r (Ae CO- g iofliparkliiigdean/

--------AiL/brinyLH |n ''C S O $ S -T O W N i


W E D N E S D A Y , A P R T L 5®. I f

l i l c L F a i r f i f i l f l -

P a u l - |

m g h t IM ethod for Iin tho con* B

)rth of Paul ?

; the.Burleyat their i

Monday a t

a chamber V e local serv- week to «x- ) derived byctlon of tho ,' ^ B - -ntd-tn^Oits J.'.i «

;d_tQ Xumlsh — j

n to solicit Ile who will II

meetings ||Toastmaster S

Rotary |n. Kiwanis *nlor Cham- MAX DUBALLleorgo Schs* . . . have been s*lc«l«d Talcdlcl«ri

of the gradaaUng cUas o f the Caman an «melAl Cnrall U (he «on ot Mr. «nd Mn. Hi -y company, ion of Mr. a n d Mr*. A lbert 11. ThK t th a t the president U rt year, hai tmken part I:

det«rmlne basketball player. T hsrber Is aley will bo paper this ye*r. Tbey a re couilni. {recondition- ........................

i s . * " . : V i s i t s R e p o r t e dtebratlon on HANSEN, April 30 — M rs. Corricon the Blm oaiiey relum ed Monday Xrom >l'li- i

I of Welser, inn relatives In Kansas a n d Okla- co l Wlkon homo, - I

T ' ’ ■ M r.'and 'M ftir^nnce-N B ylar-left <Birman, an- Detroit. M ich. They also plnn (

^ relatlvea a t Jtllersan. It. >i i M,. ,„ a M r., J . L, B a m ., M t '

r ^ n j n.Tr Wednesday to vU lt with relatlvej a t ' Long, Bur- ghli-mro 11!Ipment and Chicago. lU.ed by J. A. -----------------------------

E m e r s o n E v e n t s- r - .. EMERSON. A pril 30 — Delbert js n f a f t — SherflcyhMJeftTofPoeaWUdWhwe Il l l l C U he is employed. I- OUa Davis Mr. and Mrs. Olen Sho rt. Kys.<a. | . {rom Bev- been visiting h is brother. i i r t Saturday Orant Short, a n d family. - - j nas married Eunice Hunt ond Robert Plxloii, I MB. The de- Midvale, Utah, vlsIled h e r partnls, I age Hugh A. Mr. and Mrs. Leru: Hunt, lo st week- i

end. Tliey are students a t Utah j,t«d by Crea- state Agricultural college. Ised the dc- -------- . ig reat many _ _ _ |

N e w W a y■ly -commun- _ — ,if household '

, '•IliiwHil / W d I m l l g n f l o i i =]i s t e dnimer CroT- 7 ' 1 ' Z ' X ' t ^ T - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ —hlgh^ school

ie*'r^M^y''ia! _


— -K T to i bandy to m a tn a xxu-woat.* e » idl, ga*. b e an b o m -d iy o r ei»btiA S G ciiroUofTomstlcbtPowl


^ ^ N w , g e f r M y

" 5 0 .0 0 C ► N 0 W <

M llo e g * M irc h o n tf a re n o w tra ia o d and 0 y o u r car exactly tb e a a m e aorvioe th a t tea t engines new in tbo ap cc tac id a r “ 50,000 Vear’* road t t r tim oufl tee t, aiz bnnd -new e a r s w ere each 0 k illin g^milw.^to grove t h e m a r- f ig h tin g ^

0 -Conoco’a _ ^ p a in t_ ! ! '6 0 .0 0 0 _ M ilM - J io _ - e e , those engines ahowed n o u m r o f atiy i n fatrt; a n BTcrage o f leaa~ than o n o o iu s

hn f in l >>,0001 ___ ___a n g e t Conoco’s g rea t‘"6 0 7 > 0 0 -M n « = N o ^ » t o help yourengino la r t longer, p e rfo rm " s a g a a o liu a a d o ii r -

. . . T i . O l 'n » « o n d W o n A n A l r _ _ ■ome iii — . r c i ^ ^

**------------------------fflugiw mtsfyT m i-JiM S ts --------

• StlH nV li '

. , O n i Conoco {■________ f led with addU

.. ........ .................. t h o d a i i i ^-A«k./br myLf/lKJODKlCT— ------OSS.TOWNorCROSS.COUMTRY- -corrodvs com

-.T ?i.,B « rS .ryke to"Pratsct Your Engtnel m etal Mrboes,

RTL 50. 1052

i r f i e l d - L e a d e r s — ---------- £ '


cts 'tonBril

? E S n | H i K w - nV * E - ’ dau


7 ^ F -- ‘ ;:i' Mf- •<1811 S l f f H t Ur\Noi

1.01 ^ 1 girl» > * I s . - Jer

DON A THUBBER er,cl«d TaIcdlcl«rUn «nd nlatstcirlan, r c a p ^ v c lT . secIS o f the Cimai counly hith i«lii»l In Fairfletd. a t Ir. And Mn. llarty A. Durail uid TUorber l» Oi«

A lbert If. Thurbrr. nurili wss ftadeni body Au U ken part In hlih schixii draiaallci and l» » p itrber If a ninileliin and w « fdller of-the aehool L J

a re couilni. (SUft e n tw lnp) ______________MJ

O rted Sneak Held rf. M rs. Corrlc April 30 - Senior Mieak Jy Xrom vWi- day wsi obsmed st tho Declo highs a n d Okla. eehool Thur.-diy to Sunday. Mem- “

bcr.s of tlic cluj went to Snlt Lake!-NBylar-left CUy. They Tjre accompanied by sycy also plnn Coach nnti Mrs. Devon Anderson. •erson . Is. >!«. Joe Cutieree. Mrs. WUll«m r j

B arnes left and Mrs. Joe Simonson. J1 relatlvej a t ^

r i " i . [ " i i i D D E N 'caw udw hwe -------------------- ; ~

Short. Kys.’ia, |* .h is brother. ■ f c . 1 ^ 1

»y- - M i d f - ' .jb c rt Plxloii, ■h e r partnls, | ' --------it. la s t week- ■ ^ B S M b ■Its a t Utah ■.16;_________ I ■

M > 1 * — -

H g e s t i o n ^ I ’ H e ^ Through ootalde micro-i phone of your heiriog a id , womI a* a pin OT brooch. Ellm loates I clolhesTDbDOlMl

I D on 't B a r g a in W itI' j P f t M O T l

I SEE S O N o tI JOSEPHSON & t i o t c

Alweyi kwpI “ r D E t tree-tn

,4w ) j r i \ l . t itory ol the am ailng nei

I Name-------------------------------------I Addrea.-----------------------------------

■ I ■ ritv ________—.oanaTMMT k H H W r n H M M M B M M H I

jU m y N E W l- l l^

0 0 M ile !

# ic e i j

ia o d and ^ rioe th a t“ 50 ,000 . . V J L

“ « « c b _-figh ting .

i l M - J i o _ . „r o f a t i y

).7 7 ^* a a ■

i & i ^ o - - ' -—.perfo rm

^ 2 o iM icom m pit» i M ' & / • o iicoM rw f M .m /

E J r i - n ru t Ik* c r . n k H i . - M A - y w i t h C one to jK P sr Motor f e y ✓

■ s s * ^ d i S s m / - >th e duifw oui ■ c e n m .^ ^ . -m - U i ? ®

m ^ ^ u b r i c a n t r i |h t to

________C i t i z e n s j n D e c l o _______

. T r a v e l , E n t e r t a i nDEX:L0'. April 30 — Out-6f-town

people visiting Hyrum Lewis Wed- q ^ ncadny were Mr. and Mrs^Leroy Lcwla. Auburn, Wach.; Mr. and Mrs. M Etsll ristie r and clilldren. Farming- >’''1 Ion. Utah, nnd Mrs. Jack Dnlcti, B righnm Clly.i-Dor»-S»ua«e,-Abcrdeea__b_\-M t. ___tng Q. G. Stevenson.__________

Mrn. C, O. Peterson nnd son and daughter-ln-lav have relumed from Tucson. Arlz., where they visited i

H u H ^ n relatives. I■ ■ H B Declo people who attended the I W ^ B M (U ke Umple day a t Idnho Falls ■

were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gillette. I Mr. ond Mrs, Uoyd Blake. Mr. nnd 1 «m -W lnH«ld-H ur»t, Mr, a n d -M rar-^ ’' Norm an -Hurst snd Mr.- and ‘M rr '5 Ji v ^ j p ayieyj --------------- . T p

D an ce H e ldBURLEY.- April 30 — The Burley

LDB Stake Boy Scouts nnd Bee Hive Blrt-1. under tlie direction of Mrs.'

M c t i« r ll jg n n ie Steel, sl.-ike Bee Hive lead- jR er, and her n«ktnm . Lorene Han-■p«eUvcly.. sen. Held: b dance Filday evening Fairfield, a t th e Third ward,

ber l» the =

'" n d 'i r* ^ A l a m e b a c kih a « h « . i U C O R R E C T I O N_________ J J 1* p l e a s a n t and painle.«,

I Backachcs mny be associated IH ^ rheumatism, arllirltls.

^ lumbago, stomach and kidneymior Mltak _ J disorder.^ If you have triedn»-c-io hlah 71 even’ihlng else. Try Adjust-Declo high ^

R i t ^ k " —1 treatment. fipanled b? H D«, ALMA IIARDIN........

Anderson. CnmOPRACTOB \s. WUlIsm H 130 flftJn \o rJb - Pbeat MM \Simonson. ^ — (■"'■I P iT


-. . . j

laide m icro. N ew Ecoiiomy B a tte rysg a id , w om ts ao Incredibly tiny It flla , Ellmloatea In a thim ble —y e t glvea-

hours extra aervlcet

la in W i th Y o u r H e a r in g

n T O T u N trF iR S T ^ -

m & L lo y d j e w e l r y c o .th Twin Falls, Idaho f

nd m o tree b o o k le rte ll tn g ih e exclltos ' he amazlog n e w Soootone.

l e s ^ '

IhU lto

™ i r

T I M E S - N E W S . T W r t

cio U n i ^ A ^ i t ^ sr f n i n i^rryV A prtrstx-B ecsuso 'of th»I t a i n ,une eonference on May I I , tD S ^t-6f-town ofncen wlU holdwls Wed- S MoUier'* day program .here next Tlxs-Leroy areand Mrs. Msrir Ann Boaren. daughter of Dr. in U

Farming. »nd Mrs, John Bowen, UyUltlng her othe:k Bftlch, ——

l ~ ^ a n d - med from

M m H l l ^

nded the J I IIho Falls ■ § I ■ ■ I i n. Gillette.

a nd -M rratLd^Mtr

1 ......

he Burley

of Mrs.' live lead- cne Han-I evening . . V ^ / -

="K yON '*painle.«, / X lK Q Visoclated / jV jC vmlirltls. / y ^ \1 kidney / i l \ \ A V ^ve tried / f\M v l- I ' .Adjust- I / \ v . t ' l r ’ t y

ten ob- / / \eatment. j jRDIN........L L ___

s -

^ - 1

r m

j J

* I ■i n g

■■ " T T T

\ Cl— \ •’ c o - \ “___ - \ d ryiiw c

\ ^ ------ move, flj

h h m I side *ipi

sew y o u r .c o m p le te , ■" B H sp rin g t o su m m e r wc 5 9 } a t S ears D ay s sav ings!

Fslrloom Bemberg royon

Beaulirul sh e e r p rin ts Bi in 'practical 42-in. widths. ^Select several! O

B H FoIrlcKHn D enim ............

36-Inch wide. Plain and C stripes. For shorts o n d 9

H M Slocks.

Dsilgner C e tto n i

36-Inch w ide. No starching E required. H igh styled 9

^ potterns

Swkt Dot Low b ' .... -

39-ineh w ide. Soft sh e e r ond (■ .....permanent do ts . W ash^asf ' 3

s d ^ T ^ S p ee io 'l^ ^


7S. T W n ^ F A L L S . I D A H C T

’ ' i V

u ■ ■__________________ ____

urandparenU, Mr. and M n.. John

, Primary w arS 'eb n fere H in r'th F LDB chufch wll be held a t 8 p. m.

wiu’ hoU Sunday 'fn the ward cliapel. h e re next The giant sequoias of CoUforrUa' —

are believed to be tha largest trees ( ite r of Dr. In the world. In biiiV. although some Isltlng her other treea are tallff. ’

^ T a H » S C R f T A »,

Special Buys . .

n y l o n

1 \ V

^ il o l \ R e d u c e d I

1 B o n e d Cc

V Chdrmode nylon!'cO -\ eD<l lightweight and so low In prtcel C

drying nylon frost asd back—so comfomUe------ move, flattenB your tummy! Rayon and wftffl

sides trim your hips. Uplifting b ra top, Tai side slpper. »ude. Bust sizes: 34-42, •

iplete, ......jmmer wardrobe sav ings!

:. Width,. _ _ m O V yd.

............. - .............................../ifiJglw wn a n d C O c o n d 3 7 yd.

storching C O c yied o y yd.

sh e e r and A e H•/aT hfast " d V

folrlPO"* 1 / | I M W M^ r.r» i« I


r r " - ■ - " / ( , -

READY-MIXED ' ~ w^ m ^ C O N C R E T E bo

prom pt o e u v e n - P«om ia -------- fH O N S 4 1 5

C o lo n lo l S ond f t G ^ 1 .]

»e*T A Z i T S H i S n ^ ^ ^ * ^--_____ ............................................. - ■■■■

ys . . - Ju s t in Time foi

> n g i f t l i r

7 7 'Graceful nylon trieet kiExcepUonally low price for. w ith nipped In elsisUo m id wonderful nylon kalt th a t

__________ __ — WyB‘'1nthgreen. 3i-44.

I D ain tily trimmed nylonV dainty with nylon lace a t

X .back. Nylon net and Uce i

W Nylon trieet eleiHe UgW r — ■- — Out for ■rnootbast.m.-dcalj

^ wear wtm double tabrte cp

^ ^ d ? t i c e s ^ ^ yd C o r s e t r y V ^

y l b n s a l l - i n - o i i e s ' J

In prtcel Quick- B e f h a ly CM ■

Q and eofton elatUo __Q O ' .f lira top, Talon 1

J \

K 3 | H i Kegulor 6.9B Chermed* R ||1 |^ B Loced CorMtef n B i SM

8«re 1.101 Nude brocaded rayon cotton baUita, Inner shield (or abdm lnal supporl Waalt sues: 38-Si, U , tS. «Q.-



ime fo r M other's DovP^M

l i n g e r i e l

^ t o 4 ^'Ion trieet kntt gowni Atow price (o r/ th U O redan style * T s 7 9 ^ | H H

Ion kalt th a t needs'oo Ironlngl e..jQnquU.3reiiqyrmag or tem •

nmed nylon 4 ' <|Ml9^^Hea«y-t0>waib nylon knit, so

lylon lace a t bodies front and . le t aad Uce a t bam.

;hermode Oior^jr HMrelit

brocaded P U t t a i l n r t t n e i f t e M l i r ^ t o ^ H Its, loner s r a l - IM ; iQ q D JMinal supporl ~ 60% nylon. Wain;.^ M , n .«Q .- A vence U Fi..

- - .. .FARft( I .. «^.AcRi6t . I j

" i

^ ^ ^ B w S j . Uriwood ^«■» W.rUi Ll.

<« Acnes n« PbM* *»» t»mif.* ""

■ '■ -IU ,4 C B U^ » ) l l f»f w r Urm». with Uill

n n«« . A DEAUTIFI ^^^H j*J|[^ ||t.(O C . W M loTclr madi

«Mb:« rmr.*..

W °* ” rw .« Mil ^ lUibouihl'wlt--------------------------------------- -------- I rz

« "X A R T H l

•”’* " — “ "’^ K ! f t B i r«w»<«^^ClOIW M H ACENCV --------- ■ ' , .

SMlUn FARM'■°°* *” I H A jn p r a r r

I ^ K S ^ ■ • ' ----- w in‘'.n4''li“ itloo o il Artt

!««• OB BI« »_0«. ■R EA L ES'

H s UR T. W A T SO N r ~Fb<«t M>

• I C.■ CUTE *»^ H ta M ll • »*®1 l0fill»fl 0» ------------------

j WwriM. I*rf« klUh- i- II4 pl'Blr or l*n<l<

^ » *■’< *;;« b«Unc« ________

B . FA LLS.-REA LTY _____O N E^■INSU RA KCE CO . IXJCATIONK i . ^ I Phon. liU U.t^*^^!tebblr

— - — Mak« offei OOOD BUY6 *«<1 •*™“ -

^ H o c n r ^ u s i w » o w Write

^ ^ K T ^Ur, f rit« ll.tM. 6om^ .__^ H i 'ii i iU t cicT iimiu:'~r>ir .^ ■ ia to i tMM. t bodrooB*. r.„ .^ ■ m . Ttnmt * " ^ 1*; ,f

tmdl bWM. Ootr I ~ ul^hon.wrlnvf: M*«l

^ ■ t n W n r ntiSliim pfju4 down. M-tcrti ^^K~W) U » Umr boain. se o e ^ il% 'd**H & E. ADAMS io!i£

^ r * - ''°* ’ I hiiiv iu««‘^ ________ _______ butr rror^rr ihom*, .1 C«

B 5 a “, . a : r ‘Ur; „^ ■ n u Miira. Sm ll’t .n r» t. ■*"*li t lt;n asaltTR kluhta G’kiiBiot. ’ llurtrl Prk«

B ____ U V E S fO■ » ™ s n j E « w . i i t o AiSTT^»««-rt-TwU Filli. TjnH-1i —Twlff-fllb.

Ikl. «lckl,. r.U , I t LAVltJfl !■» "**■ pound. I'hon.

■ B E A L E S T A T E --------- - w ^ i 'tu - a » cD E V IC E A G E N C Y j-alo m w^

».Mi.{ f o f c g ^

^ — —' -■ * «'?d. K. J, :Wo*W«/*^° "°**® FBM ^k^up^t

^^^«nU-><Ni>nt In W«nm>f|' { fiVthA (oo<l Cutri01»«l »ouOi E*»t Fl

K T ? ! ® : ; - - s . - j f . L SB r t l i . * “ '•■ M HE*D "»l“

HOME H ACRE ofluUi Eai I Fkumiiil. coil '<ir>.,-. n)>Af<i ollbRI

■ J U ’nr toM loj itlor. D..p YuUNG >rrm*7i'.mo I t .. ‘■'■i%,1".

H f t iu o ic VAU.EY I ^ I^O lW U K N T CORP. r«ncln im E«Rl«.

---------------------------------------------- R. ChfliWFOR SALE

1 Shorthorn .^ » W n r o L FARM I'S !' fS n * I

^ |„ . , „ , Uhl.i I ' ■ —

B j f t ^ Ik.. ..»« »U. fPAHO

K K S' -"’" ™<§|

H E j ^ f c i s i r ' -nnUii."-"- ■ F a v E ° " " " ” " " . . . I i , » . . u .

' , ' : . T ; : 7 ;

T r * r ^ "■ F = i = :■ B P P 40 A C R E S . S I

‘"*ii*i!'i*-°*i°” .** * gg_c**»v c C4*«. rnxl

■ M * i!.^?’’!-*V iwintdl.u. ............. _

B f 'I'i' i:iu su it j

H & A L L S R E A L T Y ' N O ■ D u r a n c e c o . " _____

PhoM iw . ______000

Wm . -v -v , A V--V--.... 4 :

— :F A R M S ~ F q ir SALE ~ X :_F A R M 1^>

’4*™'!“ OTi" OT'“ i'irt“.r” ®io'“ Ph“ *' ••’’

U - i ~ . ’R;.;!.%",“ ' t ^ r s ; ; f I m a g ic co ^ s i s ; 4 , ' « = v i ! t : ; i f e t i i - - W a W s S

RAY MANN SiU.Tn’HAV uij11». North Lincoln ' M.h. , ‘‘EED DITCH

------------------------------------------ - ACME 1-------- — -— 1

<0 ACRES nwr /ttew,. ihh ia a t°od m il l (ina ter oalr 111.190. Coo4 L ^ ^ _ _ _ ^ _

IU ,4CBU Mor Coodin*.. u a U I ' - TT UitoI * T*u|‘'°m! «’• '" ’•’“ • ” *• SEED POTi


»oi.m bom^ MIW!. T tm.. GENERAL I 400 *•“ '7»,'**s *'*’ *u*' <WA8 dougla:

p£"l'Si"S 'i S T ’£‘'S P"!*'” Eq^ I h f 'i ' l l h ' f'if.Jh*'* Impl^'piTrnu fOT’M '.'»T cJ^"’” irn?.*'' ^ S'ARTHUR T. WATSON ■

J J ™ ' " ‘ I s r a r a G rwUl toon kcei

-H . tiot order ttialFARMS FOR RENT ”™ '

LAN WTfirTault>in«i 10 n.»"jjo PHOSPHATE .pump lind on n<iP»ft »raj.ti. L.nd 1*M TRUCK MANtwoll tn i ii iuIlT hiMI«d. F«t InJorm*- 'TBAf'TfHttoo Mil Arlhar T. W.uob BmI ftUM. ^HA^ l


p»tk. S«w»r. city «mS**)rrlf?Mon *w7l«rphoo, »«-«. MO M.urU. EQ''

■ - - : - w ELDi:WANTED LI5TINQ8 _____________

liiri^ burin (or laod t-M m a i' SEEDS I

M‘‘« ' i ^ ' w| f h ”’. u h ° 5 tka“ "KK^y'^l' C. E. ADAMB K ; • ’’

m n i l« r . Phon. M .IJ MAKsiiALl," : ;■ - ---- ^Hni^StrnmUi.

»■ I 2,000 I’UUNDS lt.



W OATION: . .S T .c”.",",*;.,Lot * Bobbin. 5uMIH.lo. o* Lot J» G.m i».i pwilo of Occhilara SuMWIilon. T»la FiIli. TlmUr. >•>< H.ho. Toui S.1. rri ., 11,100. . CI..I. McCl.l . .;Make offer on dcma payment *bfn“. pll'w And Unna. ~1 Ma'’w

Write DON”NB1SOH 5iuA^~it;uKi" pi-

8rlihA« CIU. U t^ .. .----------------------------------------------- —hlna . PhoM o:^ , -----

tio Acrm, mU b^r .A ptslur*; >3 CALL toIly. "l“ t»>n.; w V /l‘'fw.rt uii-Tti''

mulirB hom.i food IomUoo, I».600; mlla w»l FU.t,Hiht*: l«li%f b*r »'«a’ p u “ r .j iwd **riu''rni4wHI!>

IVERSON REALTV WANTED: K>o<«JNorth *l.ln Phon. »U-W «»'*•

G ^ ln t . l i . i , . >-0K SAt-Ki *.;.m—I ..Ck or i/KklMd.

U V ES T O G K & POULTRY ai- kJJtion f l . ',MilTKKACE uIrM ( OU 048iJl>. n h ! u

or m.«^ Me rtLL.tK'S^31'KIA

ALOMINO «u.rt.r hoti. ilud i.rvK.- ' WANTEI

g g g g

f i^T C ^''oood Bill> coo U tl'. M«n . 'baby

McCl.l" Brolh.ri. I ♦••i. 21 mwUi Ed.n. ' ' ■

.. J i ; " '

OUNG Jrrtri (or ..1., l \ j inllt. H.Ubia TuiW»iblBft«n S«h»l on AddUOB. P.n- Bu1,|

»»tk: ca^ /Ib*'* ..“ r «nc^ '’phonI'«T»*J?i' Twi# FdU

> NSW HeaUNU 0 . . . mo.tlr p«r.WA:

OK ^ A ^ ? ‘r«ilTn I*'!., rint c.t( llol- « . 8. APPROl

E = = = = = :^««*U«nun»l_«t_4i.4_M4_aMl««_ ____E E O T ^•BlMil.. FboM ceUwl. Twin FilU B«U( I t . IDAHO HID* « TALLOW CO. .........." rTT

" ' - - .................. Pi

Iemw ftrtttu ii-grnr»i kr~Jtn.

_O O O D JH 1If A .M I M n - E M t N g Z

ItlT ln^n.U ond wilS t-4t> «lU«lor. M ISC EL U N li___________________________ »M» luK SALEi Slum, . . . . u . . , . ~ . | . 4 . r ^ r ' y ^ i

RO AUli^ChnliB.ti »llh n o w » i« nalSTpW^Vi^o'i

■’- •’”* • "

SPECIA LS “ !“ i;- .sv s ," s .cc C". ...I, ^ r . ;......vo Ci... food condllio.---------- WT*.

. . . . . . I , , H »-:n o r t h s i d e

. _ . i m p m m e n t CO.-. ____OQODlHa. ?DAHO . .

'■' niBmisu-w4tt

3 .


- , , U S E CM AGIC C O RR U G A TO RS '

^ r F . - T 3 0 ' (



r l ™ ™ ™ , , , ! ■ »


fiORTZHS-riLEIia .. M /vnuu/

c .P o % ''E 'j^ w J k ‘- K ' ‘.o ' r '! ; o7 ‘d ■s’l. ’TRUCK nEOS-TRAILEn JIITCIICS *'GENERAL REPAIR WORK (______________


P o ta to E quipm ent C o. r o c k wcB u rr Baldwin. O w n e r -,

» . IHD AVy. so, TWIN KALLS | ,

------------------------------------------------ u N n m sH :7 s PRING:FARM W O R K I " “'"‘ k.TJwill toon keep you busy. Why IClVnot order Umt ttna equJpmccs - lD /(



rlirf. tol4ia ruguHir) iTDDBALED AND CHOPPED BAY

- -s sa m A mF«fPUOn All or .I.r p.rt.

- PA U L E Q U IP M E N T & . ;?,rp‘’n,‘ ni”“o'',“ .l% W ELDING S H O P )

SEEDS & PLANTSuo SACK.S. (inl m r ouu Blui IM.~*

MAHSIIAI.1. .U..b.,rj »l,nli. aUo r..r- _______________

fitown^»l''Rt~nTlmUr. 14 ••« lluki on hl«h-.r J5, WANT to .<11 rouiCl>ilt McCltl''. Cill n rlr mirnlnt. V.lltr Auction.

BEADY no«; l’*n»lo. a«)nmnlum, coliicn* p.m. Then. Jial-bln.. p.i"W A,ur,. U tiKiTsEwnjC^?«b'.Jd^)lj|d'w!u;f.‘‘'i roTlK 1 wnt sh^p.*“AV*t!;i*y oi

Miniu'o^iUxo ^rel'rMr' i‘?oo''**"^' bwTTT. .» .r b .« r in f . Ilo.^ln* llftrr

" - m s .

--------- - fK T IU Z E k — , 1 -

uii-yy' ‘~*°"* (;„|iom'e ubi.: <u

HAY. GRAIN & FEEDru» Ai'AuikEWT*.!..

l<AUlC 'y l»^Mi’)li;, S.rrlc^ klmUrlr" 'ot7 J ^

I,,-. Hlllint S.HW. ^hon. 2S2I.W. _ jMI bowAIIUUT le ton. fhoprrt .etolrf^cmtln* W H T T E w fl^SJ

iSn! J^ lU^or^ijK^lMd, i hoM TsSr^0*k*ir «r SPECIAL

■n8«. T«l« yilli,________________ J WK CUSTOM dr«AITKHTION f«i.r, .nd U rm .r.i El«.m l-oultry S^pplr.

yttOCK'S Sl'KIAL: (Injund fnl*M ii.ln

S S i S S i S S a “slsSrSffi;WANTtD TO BUY ^ “ S S

USEU I’lAMU Ctll 3)it: O m n Moalb^7.°^. --------- t t t t - ® l u e

(“r Fi™ill •■H"/u D ^'j^blM , Htn^ S P R IN G

‘‘‘"^" -________ 1--------------------- PACKAROBABY CHICKS S & - S

U, 8, APrH0VED ~i ,. I*."! TZIljoLlti. llrbrK!. IWI P AC K A RN.» DuBt»hlr«^Whlt» HocH dri™ ^ s l 'h

n.u:bi.*X'iVtTil“ FrMtr tl^i l o ^SukI n itu mar m pl.ctd vltk at —


TwIa ..^W -1» Mtla A»fc g. r of !* , ‘

■ H4# PLY«otrni«. 8. APPR O VEDj-rULLOHUK TtSiu'! It"!

« • «.S C H W A R 'T

^ ^W E ST END HATCHEBY^^^ >40 lad

- ■filliNM>LUBi-».(tcl iTMllRr .h ^ . - - —^proTid brM in. ptln wilh rouni >t I «to«v.K-n‘r.r.''St'a's _ JJ~ -C O O P JH lH G S JO ...g A T ^

OAnnoTa > ; CfiMEWr W

owa ittL D r ^ * ‘jlD » ^ ;,y n c p ^ • CLEANEAS ' —Vkuiw urdcrt.'—I U t w *** *MISCELUNtoUS fO ir S A L l • COMMERCI.

“ ptaMVi."”** “*

' ■ Fi^on SM

t P ^ i ^ y ' S i r K i r i s


k i p



■ SPEOIAl. »5.00 UP ' « r ‘i

= ^ r i r . - T 3 0 0 D w e H - e e r - ^


11,000 feet good tolld FIR >4" l!c: S " lie; » / l f 20.i V »< l« l MERCURY.iQ. (ool. dri... low n

Oolr ...... ....BIRCH 30c »q. toot Itit UERCUKY i(•* ............................... •'■ huUr. y*rr

H " MAHOGANY 30e..*(i. foot » i t ciiEvnoLET

10™"* o7 ‘uJm. Uum'miT:! J.V^u'in*-''.'-<;»»• IMI FORD ^Sup.,

___________________ :________ m i Pono^K z-tc

ROCK WOOL PELL1T3 ”n«rul.'r II* fl'°'*.". No- II,1» „ „ intKU^ATU


K.TJIil (lnJh“ DOUGL


. — ^ T W IN



irt'jiVa*(ounti5n j5£h*«^^ UBED CARitrrup"’pSrt»,'. 'l c^p n i“or tnd IIM STUDEIIAKEc*r>KKtUir: J JUwlJlcs Btult «D t-pii.rnic<rId li.n ; 10 .tool.: cok.; LI' cUm.tlt.r, •Bti itUl Yjjih Y.ntlltlor h i^ ; 1 17,000 mil™


FU R NITU RE & APPLIANCES » « chf.vholet)t,Sl)lX^^lron.r,^nk. n.w. U7 7lb t-.nm I '^ 'r riUOll uiMl Nors. >»hcr. R t.». II <io»s. ' -*l-NiMKr-WlI»SBiJUMi:--------------------------------------------

‘a ; - £ a s s s ' ; s r ^ s S - ; ^iUNAlIC^.lMUIc r«nf.^ n " onit bod __

VANT to .«ll rour rart>ltur.I Ctll UMk H» STUDEDAKE

J iEI. at:wit<c atchln... ^ - dltlS ^ ^ ‘^ r u n i.nd r i t r t n t .^ AAA Scwin* Kickloa ‘

H o rc -a -W

^ s e d c A t<i'w T.-.S - = - ’ S r e s t i■ E i s s t s ' k ; d o u

'■ * “ S i ' . . ? ™ ;

‘r S S S i ' i ^ ' S S iiH 'S ;;VIUTK'iXl

i i . i ; j j i c «

SPECIAL SERVICES X " £ i . " "VK CUSTOM d r ~ all klad. .X poallrr. Wlh ihlV <tr

l-oultrr Sipplr. 141 40. A ..... W-l. „ „ «mJ„lESSPOOL aad tn>tl« Itak «ta.«la». I n . *"* ““ j J i j

laipMlloiL B. Utkn. BnkL PbOM m . It U willATTKSSSes mow ad. AIM >0.1 <ar^ (OTtabla nili

•d. E>«rte« Utttraa. Fattorr- Ul Swed Mrvlo.A».nn. Baath. Pboao tl.W. j,U STUDEBAKE

lEPTlC Uak ted eatapool alMalu. BMo-' ' -door.' O.ardrlr«ot« t n t t »n-rlc» B. & J»« . ll» . of tho madluiWnl nirr. Pk^a 1174-2 b* proud. IO <

A U T 0 5 F 0 R SALE „ S i'1 l t» CHEVROLET


S . ' . ' S E iradio. oT.rdtl»a, .Ml «OTtt», food ttn drlra tttlr«. bOTsUfal bla. (laUh..«pacU)- ------d«ne« .and.prat ___________________JITM lltl CHEVROLET

IMI PACKARD t Weor (.dtii. I«» Ik

. S H H S S r : f e S Sat ---- ,,,---------------------IHH and It. loit

I«tt PACKAiy^l^*^^ ^ ^ lltl FORD

- S .S 'J a h S ’iS 'K ; S;“ «

H4# PLY«Otrni *-door .«<*ii. K«* wbMm >Mnmotor, (ood tr»Biportall«x -------6p«UI at ____:-------------- UM

H.BF «tt,n . . o d ^ U (rai.1 - N GBTl

SCHWARTZ AOTO CO. , w ., . . " ■ '•A o .. . .

= = = = = = 'T B U S l N B S S T l i r P R 0 P B S S 1 0

DIRECTOr»-BJCTCCE 5AtE^>^flEflV10g— «-MOrOf»» CwlOTi Pk til . 4>1 kilB A»«.~E Blttlat Cr<I«T7. Pb.

!■ C L E /^E flS * _______ ^~l=~wwaw-ri ^

• COMMERCML PflWriN'C B ^ 2 E 5 E H 3 2 ** *“ • BADIO BEPA


|7B*i| *^~Pk^lV ^l!

■ LANDScifn^ ■•-rrfEwmrnr

‘l i g ; ? E ‘K w . * ^ '“ '° ~ B

" . OtlU M SaM W M

s = s a *

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L I ^ ,

- y iu r o s - FOR ~SA LT~~~ ■': ~AUTC«"1' ' • •■' " ' ' ------ -— I EQUITY In i«o-toal*i» PLYMOUTH CLUII.COUI'E .ld>f oliltr a r. II

rzT G U R B M O T G R --= ^ “ - '— „

— ----- ' -7 ■ GORE

S A F E B U Y '-------------------U sed C ars .

JI Mercury , iujio. bMier. or«. d o you Nldm., low mlkua.Oolr ...... ............................»S*'» WIT,

'• s e . J i S ............ T O P ' rIt CHEVROLET FlMllIn. Dtluia 4-

dnwi— Ha<fte-kM»»n-*Wr*wb- -----FOft-OLBAhUp llthla. aklru. frill futnb.II Vo” o '” " '— ’ 'i----- t"7*'*VII PonOK‘VZlir’’ RllIl'io.“ hM»r: • BIG-HI

JMJ .Irl.r-, Onl, ------------- »19S BOB]U ClIEVnOLET «-do..r. Rtdlo. bMl-4t. motor orrrh.ulrd. LOTII IJmtUN^ATlON^. I*lrk-iip.

" krilfr^ e^5"irtn.forittVon ” V::J _____________D O U G LA S-SELF ' ---------- -----



EQ U IPM EN T 0 0 . S E i S

- . QUAUTO i

UBED CARS * TRUCKSid STUDEIIAKER chtmplon Riftl r«r-.‘’?.'r'lll‘it-pii.rnic<r mup». OY.rdrlr.. Onir --------

n7i‘ft'‘ m^i..“" ' r i " ' I»il NA.SH •'«*■11,000 tnii™ ------------------»iIt FORD VoU Cuilom 4-door *llh ild.w.ll. ....

iMio. b . tU r _________r_.ll}9S IsnjJUICK Sa«l

II OLDSMOniLK .M.xMla -Itli S.*«ril•m V o iiri '* m i -HUCT F

m o FORD i;-loaM CHEVROLET ',4 ton l»*l C H E ^O ^

I'^ 'rr clfi’l.'.'rT'I''.'•IM.OQ°UI«» I»<0 INTER-VATIItYcrtfa r«Uil trlec .... -.,„.„tHlt (ocn frtln b<

..STUDEBAKER Ur. pic.up. ~

unit b o d --------------------- »10tl MITClIf

It STUDEDAKER Comm.nd.r 4-dMT H"ll'Omdriv., ridlo, h .a U r----- SHI L -I - .....

Here*a-W here Y our' 'USED CAR DOLLATIS a t b a

^ - a 3 r e S t t l I - W 6 r th • • - : • ;D O L L A B SI m iP O jm « e

II ClizVKOLET Strllna I-Joor. ^ jIH CUEVSOUntan. crMn, 11.000 (UaranlMd t<r i CAI _i?i'n.T.‘‘? io ^ rr ^ “ai^’'; i r ‘".t 1. mora p rlca-------I1T4I _ Bli«» fltUii,

H DUICK Sup.r 4-door. Dark «r»aa.. D.S0T0 «.dcRtdlo. h « i.r .nd drnaJl^.trara- 4CU all«

E - r t - ' s s . - ' f e s '“• » £m«]lum prk.d car oo tht aarktu CntVROLEI

■aadar car U rou'Ta «ru ana . . UrinatUti«•• - .......... ' mi-POKTUO-a

“ s r J ! ! ! ^

^ " " ? n u ~ ' £ r - l S t S s s f f i fwith Ihit «tr —....... —-.„—,»»>* (■.ntLLAC »

(I BUICK «-J^r f la p a r . follr TBr^olH fr.jwlppa^ wjrt „ „ OLOMOBII.will cUa'^ou Diouaandt o tm a* rrani atalforubla » ila of trochia (rM »«fT f004 -

U_STUDEBAKER Commands 4. . dtls r ? . ? , ; . . . i c « .v .oL t,

b* proad. IO own Ihl. «a. at IhU Mdta-------


» V n ”% tr*rp ,''“o r r ^ rthlr prle«! ------------------- IIOM “ **

" 5“ sSI? s& ’ K S . ® ^ ^ ^.and.prjd. -----------_ « M a

II CHEVROLET J-ton *.ipaad Inxk. *« *»” »■*“ •PtkH Im> thia ^ of a »•* ” * POHTUO

s r f ! ; s ' u " s r » “ _. — cl i r o t ^ «-t«i pCclnip. Tbla'plck. U S E D

vp It rouih, but tha motor tadruan lu faan .~m to ba fa ^ ---------------------— lU i. TRANSP(

•- N O R T H S ID E im ro a o iJ - tAUTO CO . IND PWMOUTH

«»■ __ Jmmia, IMI BWDEBAKl<»«■» m ,» N T U C »


> F B S S I O N A f c - ™ - ‘-lORY ^■'■' IMl rORD 44oarMOTOBGYGtES------------------— -------

------------------------------------- i------- »4I BUICK i-ion


FLi; ;[fDir.’c h' j ic .i t ij.’c ^ ' ^


l» VaU»T iUfrit, fWwa* Pb. lllt-1.

& n „ i K S i w f f i : ‘ x - ’i m S • , « » , c-g -R . . _ mil Oldr r r B w w r e i w - ------- -— ~

G L E N aV ^ E T t ^ BUNDS

« a tan WUt c t .~ ’ '

F A L L S , I D A H O

: ~ A U T C «"F O R j:S A L e- ------- A U TO S I:4Uinr in l«o-toa. m i Lincoln. Con..Ider oliltr a r. llij^ «th .rreua north. jMg PLYMC

- Bl.ek, Wbllt!« F0HD V4 t-DOOB SpoUljbU

tli.B r-, Btdle.»dbMW»----- •' -**~--------------- ----------------—V- - Q O R i:•——.,---- d*9-J«aJaJfotlli ■

GORE M O TO R -----------------------«J Htin So,

______________________________ S p r in g S



----- rOft-OLBAN-U6ED-OAHB —• -j* lj ftuiCK'BupnG E T OUE O F F E R I “ ' - ' •“

ItM CIIP.VROLEIB IG -H E A RT E D „ i« ) Co.u.


MO m « ^ .o ”lP u n , Eotl **** BTUDEBAKtLOT NO. a” ’ >•» *’»''"*<= c

4I< Kiln No.-Acrca. from 5«ar»__________________ 1 —18 MORE (



lr n.w «.r*»(th t rc.t't futranlaa.Park up rour ipirlt -ilh thla eltitr r ^ —

IttO PONTIAC toltnitto. Radio, bnlir .sd m t co>«n proilda lui. ur»-tnd ^cjnfort to match ^th.

............... b a k g a i

/Uno TtJ291TF1U&y UllAVfd plt¥^ —

JidfwiiiT''. "-.'!*;..."-'''.!^-— u n

P S e e

<ar>«u'itlii( t l IU -HUCT FOR FORDS—

m o FORD i;-lon pkkup------- IlMJl» ll CHEVBOLCT IW-ton with fraln

•1>»1---------------------------- 14«IMO 1NTEILVAT10NAL 2-1011 wlUi 14. ^

^ ....... —

' “ r f i f i i r " ' ^ s H w o R iFORI) SALES

■-■ ' " : This

G o o T W i l l —

I b e t t e

-IMl PO»mAO-CkWUI»-»-C«l»*Ja- - . . E — r . „ -. . . d t^ .u - I»i:«*.------------IIIH. --------. -.

- ^ R

‘“ S ! ; K . S r W . S 3 ! % . IXm DaSOTO (.door. Ju t orar ]I,W»

lMI_CJIEVItOLET M oot _____tUM

s T u D JIMI • * * * "m t~c^ ^ o t J

INI r^BOLTT 4«n» Jadaa. B«a> ItO PVTUOVm

IMI CADILLAC >11- *-do«r. BaatilHul IIIO 8TUDEBAK1’Tsr-i.olM fTMB-------------- »l»« 1-door with .

IMI OLOSMOBU 4>door. I ' t n a l»«l O^^SMOPIt

--------------------***’* li l l OLDSMOBli

IMT CItlVIOLCT rUrtm».t«r 4-&»r **<*


W aaW ^rtaiaarrM dpra—a/ ,*“*** **'*■ lyTM Mora.


M AYa.-it-«ad « t.- ta t—PboB* im - — H,i-r»(,nair I PONTUO CADILiaO EDoa Behljri«

QUALITY i l ]— O K ^ A - l S E L I

USED CARS A - l R E C (L O W ,C O S r A - l L IF E

T R A N SP O R T A T IO N G U A Itm roR U , - u . _ ^ i « m .IMO PWMOUTH 4-4x r-#a*»^ U 0 TW.IMI SniDEBAKXB t ^ r MdUt-IIU orardriira tnl l l l PONTUC ta<«* --------------- JIM -1“ ?. k S S . -‘52*IMl OLMHOBIU6 4.daar aaduLJU# wtlonallr .

iH t r tia o ciuicm a (iHtYMUff iiilm t ^ a ^ n n . tm if. anrIMl rOBO l.d y aajai _ « » « IMt fORP ^1 «

I IMI BtUDSBAttS Woer aMaB.tlH ------->•<'>»——•]»ie>ACICA>D **t» aadaa -----OM------------- ^IMl FORD 44oar fadai’ tirwi. ObIt*.

■j»4i"rrYii0UWT3s»‘S 3 n r r iJW - rog;»4I BUICK I4oot W in ----------liU ’ LMUr^p?’'

l ^ ^ lS K S i r - - ; ^ S

- I S S : J™IMtlwiXltHATlOH*

I IMI mEBAL t-lai. l-apaail 8tojj*bAC

M«iiy Other L * t » --------- iSlSJft-----

G L E N G . J E N K I N SC H E V R O L E T T H E

c , ! * S « r U N I O . N

^ s m- _____ I

A U TO S POK S A L t — ..

1.41 PLY«0UTn SEDAN 1 I ! « • C IO V « o ;« Wblu SldawtlU.

SpoUljbU Uk« K.W__ »I

MalaJfmli : r';" O i^ H laia- ____

S p r in g S pcciah a t B R O W :U S E D


<alU K.W Clt, miL rb « , *«» ?ass.*

Lo o k a t T s r a * ! ................ a i n a ' * « -, BUICK'8u^.t Mita. tl,«M tctail “ 'c S o c 'a '# ^ Blla. A ooMwn.r «tr _ -lllM .I CIIF.VR0LET Btlura. UadaL >•** S S ' ^ a ^ JI FORD Co.100-I- Wb'l^aU’tlrI FORD lopiT Ddaia IMl BUICK B«laiI BTUDEBAKta Cbtmplon . ”I PONTIAC Coup. e rf .. _ » m B R O W N IN C

W bere ;ou deiJ•18 MORE aOOD BUT81-

■USED CARS NEVBR DtS. ■ --------HEX’ JTBT TBACI AWAr - ^ — — — —

" ' U S E D1»0 DODJB _W«j

^ M ra '-** -

b a r g a in PRICES '__________________ ■>_ _ IWO cn EyB q i,m

t»M CUZVROLS1On A ll - ............... - S?Tu w M

IMI ro iu i c»tiM , hMtw. aaat «

1M» rORD DaluiX J S E D C A E S -


A t |. ^

F O R T ]iS H W O R T H M O T O B S "d e a i T o t

T h ia W eek l w h e k l :


__ __________ I B O B

E T T E K b u y s ! ‘E BOO B l ^ TI . , - - — — ---------------

E - ____

R IISI CREV&OLX cab----------


. \ Z ^ ' t 2T U D _ E B A K E R » w dodcb - ^I CRK^OLET FInUIm Dthu. 'fSM'TOBO'TPUi

4-loor----------------- ----- HIM JIU DODQB ^

I 0LP8H0PILE M oot with »»»* WRD lH-»«

r oLDSHOBlUS 0 ____ l ‘l t i ‘ d S S S ^ ^I rLTUOUTH oonmtAla__ I Mi

, - - B O B -

I STUDEBAKER 1-toa Jlaka_i tIO « CnEVKOLET HMtar Oahm

i-doar-----------------------1 IM

r . c ^ t h u c k s ;

T W I N F A L L SM O T O R C O . m rcSSB SSS:

TiaTrhnSlr Hott. er SwaA4»«f - - > Bchlirin Jak, RoUi 5 T H K JS IT lo SI pU Ull.

= i -- A - l . f l g g g g r -

A - l SE L E C T IO N — — -S a ta T o e S u S iA - l RECON D ITIO N ED ' T S i^ S S u ^ ^A - l L IF E T IM E 2 S t* ’S S J “ «

G U A R A N T E EI rORD Vl.latU Diaaiabaat. laAa.

h«t.r. Fo>4«.iU--------- niw T p ATT.TI POBD IWor wilh radhk hMUr. .orardrlra asd taat «or«n _ Jlltlo ro iu ) Cotua r«4or. k a d u . N m B e fo n 2" i ^ T Z a i r ^ r t r l l ^ i i t Ut rtR O Ciatoi. V-* Tote. Radia. O nfcU r BtUiotl,„ tim f. «TlpWn.anm.aTO-.HW.i _______ _____ i.t rORO CulaiB Y4 Fotte. Radio. W IT. trAkTAl-iu^.iaal-cartta..AUntUcaM . -----SIVIDBO-SAI

paint— ------ ' " - • . v.*“ u r r . xorAL: i

■ j s K s s . . r - v i f f i i ' a s ; “ j r t ^ s s i i s“a . ‘W " - — ‘"-llll. ". rr, 1. ». c-

'‘ i S ' v j ' i i s r s K B r ■• "■

• W a r " J^drtraSyr* "*** I I

TR U C K . : : . . _ H E A D Q U A R T E R S J*All typ« cemnarcitl oalli „ OBSBOrj

» STUOXBAKER H-lea plOap. t . OALA BZ

r« bara a Un* aaltalSot a( w f ,l«^om aad lart* t«wto. , ....... ..........

T H E N E W T S tA i^J N I O N M O T O R S ^

. . .. . ■ ■ ll .; A U iQ S - i


MKBCimT anV Com..

> c a x v x o i^ nJoat ! * • K««. I«ir

So* n i t Com > ;.''( u » '

B R O W N m & r " ? 0U S E D CARS .:

i DODQE 0>rtimn,aaiuL hatur. OrT»«utIa

I BtncX Sapar « .4 o ^ ’~ONK'AT*?NL?‘_ f I L Z ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H) BinCK. Radio, haatw;

Wh*i«i?2j''tJ^'‘'!L----r - J c ^I BUieS^y a aa tta .

tROW NING A U T O ' c a : f ‘ lere ;oii .deiJ'w lU i c & ^ w p # '

atU S E D C A B S . 7;- - - ^ ™

■0 c n tv R o i.v r svthN

4 CUZVROLST Btriliw Drfaaa «• t l ^ ^ B door. Radio, haatar, aaat aaTCra.-I^^H vhiu wUI • —«a«

» ^R D Daluxa .Tnd«. Haifa

S P E N C E CAR CO. ^IU HAIM A v sn m EAR Omd BTasInn n»i aaadaj*





B O B R E E 8B ■ '■'

TWO Bia w iB .:-7 ~"Mo.‘'i ',T ' .............

BOO Block 'Tn»<^ y

«M ^ ^ .IS a S a - . : .II c n o E v a o iir 'in e a i J H

cab - - *' “ »•11 DODQB 3ytaa. P t lca aak ijl ia j ;

H rO K » -H * te ^ 'O i* c B .a rtc = tl» ^ ^ ^ | H DOSCS 'VHaa. N w « i k « l i K | ^ Hn 'r o R O 'H M M ri« » p r» ;= a i i^ ^(T nrrERNATioKAi. Kma _ t m l

u cEEvaoLXT I M u r

" £ 5 5 5 ? ’ ! ± S l ! ! ! ? S S : B

" b o b R E E S B- i -M O T O R - C O i . , . ! ^ H

« o » . ‘ ............ " n S ia iS i l*


1 MDolC viakniv ca. iotIv '

lad trallar te

t r a h j E b h o h s s

• r n Btfora B u Anr DMHr bi~

rr. trAkTAM nn -. . , >: -DtVn>BD-*ATS— ^rr. xorALisrAxunm '. r ' i Hr t £ 5 S i i S ”» . . . .r r . A.' B. C .-I BKDBOOlit' " " . ' . - e l H«.!>, P^»w— wnw^w^ar r . AMERICAN ' _ v . 3 ^ 1

9-m -t Lonh-^ ■■

l^iwAaguA— . . . . ■ •'

WI r r . KIT B P z c iA ^ tn n e t » k '. rr. TRAtLGTTB-a.snMOKI. a H : rr. DciaorroHijPBawoiM r

OALA n u K r r s c n '^■ T O P -T B A m m

«»w M o c » iw .p » « a M » i« 5 ^ * ^ ^ B

in~ ~

L ^ A C l ■

^ H n ^ . H H ^ ^

H g ; i

^H k

MI P ' J b h q

| K b r

^ K I L J k I ^ e n a ltt^ E _ - . ' i ------ elwu-«,:on

■ ^ I _ ^ dl'il^LI^**

I^^ W ' ^ ^H ^ ' ^ W - *Bd CriipDMJ l ^ s P t^ j /b n r A B M tiM r ^ ^K !M K ^ii»..jM UM C aain i .'4vi m K ^ tl: fctthnfl «Bb«Miiir,

-I' \i*y!?l,f»>-”*.ii-*g<l p ‘1% h m M i imM. a imP , j / > S ^ w t t s a n ^ in. ^

^ S E E rack u |new, jusT^arriyed

S E E ! dozens

S E E scores < patterns, details.

— S E E himdre dresses'youTl we Summer!___ _1__


Summer^F r o s t i n g

I H ^ all nylon - ~

=BiaiDfD^B>^The nnlthtOf touch tor vnnr

-T O a m e r-e m ia tT T T T rP ro s^ • * e lM f flolott . - - r ta-MU

-gr»w>iTfpif «TT» . . , ______ _ —

STREET FLOOB _ _ _ _ _■ t f m%hy «&b«Mc4 v*(Urn» c tv e «pMUl . u d criipocM la r e v w lto u l (P e rn u n e a t . ■ Jori , ; -tli*f-W Ma-t*4iiltfu«r)'--t«tr'*r UTuii - H indbal-v-.v Ute•BbOMlar, iU i e«ol UUIe tJeereieM dl« . * e * a _ e 9 t i e a wUlMd In BpknU ns'vU U ;1 inM Ar*% Ube. pliik, iBtlw o r U a t . . , . | | UMh l a j i t t w i i » . i U M . ) _ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ , i i p ^ | g |

•ack upon rack of exci irriyed styles!

lozens of wonderful, a

•e^or itebncs!

cores of fashion colors etails. . . in YOXIR size!

iimdreds of tiny-pricei a l l w ^ r^ o w through

Im e r ^

t in g r J K jK

( ■ . ' . - - - - - - • ■ ;

M■ W P W V i M W M P I M M»111 « W I ■>] J ■ I ■ i ;41 ■

of exciting

^ 7 .!rful,cobI,

. . . extendj «U lh e womi vlilt our rei

■m (Jurtna inla b l1 colors,, , Jjundreds of tR siziel p»oh-rf»»

-- -fashZpriced” ^ffough ■ ■ ■ ■

I h i ^^ B F U K l f v‘- ; J

IR Iip i^ iH H E i

z i z z r i z z r— _ : rcooSl

''■ - ' ' - , . so BAS'2 O n ------ ------- Wh# ir»nU li

m B P | w B M | H n - of u Iron . .'“ i • *uUr. Uwr «»>•

\ ' - - / ' V * MIM f«l»ric, t«' V • / • • In r In te n u re

- *■ T I M E S - N E W S , 1N E W3, TW IN FALLS, IDA HP ..

^ - ^ E R T H A JT E f

w W f i i

. . . ^ o u r

O w i n 3 J L

^ t o r e . . .

, . . extendi a cordial InvltaUon to «U lh e women of Magic Valley U> vlalt our ready-to-wear department durlns ttila bis event! . . . even blRser th in ever bccause_ It’a our_Qoklcn- Jublleo’Y e a r/S to p In . . . see Lhe Hundreds of sparkling new dressc3... purchased especlnlly for aowl

-fashion floor ■

r^ ig # c r i n i i K s

E Y o u r s i n a l l s i z e s . . .

= 8um Jtw i!»= ^N C T re5^= = '

i c a r e f r e e ' s h e e r s l ^ =

1 •-• THE hit fabric of our excill;! • : ; n i v a l ___ te r r i f ic b e fo re . Ben s

i r : n i :p n c r iH I 5 7 5 ^ I l sorts of p:— ----- of colors, In this cool llghtweli

- — IJme-or-no ironing. Sizes 12 to

c o o i ^ G O L O i i i J i ^ Z ^

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SPECIAL '■ f o r t h is EVENT!

SS'r Bheer and fin# uid airy. . . deflaUlj'drtjs.up, nnd waihoftle. too. No wonderl

’ ••• Tajon Bemberg li a Bum- im trttam ptrtmUll Th# / 1D53 ncwi . . . gleamlns / . new colors . . . in over- l l

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