The moon revolves counterclockwise around the earth. It takes about a month for the moon to go...


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The moon revolves counterclockwise around the earth.

It takes about a month for the moon to go around us once… so we see each major lunar phase about once a month

You can tell time by the moon!

UNLESS there is an eclipse, half of the Earth and half of the moon are always in shadow.

SHADE the side of the Earth that is in shadow.

Using the INNER circles on your sheet, SHADE the half of the moon that is in shadow.

The outer circles represent what we see from Earth.

SHADE in the outer circles to represent what we see from earth.

DRAW in arrows to represent how the earth and moon rotate and revolve.

In your diagram, LABEL the main phases… These go CCW around… New Moon Crescent Moon 1st Quarter Moon Gibbous Moon Full Moon Gibbous Moon 3rd Quarter Moon Crescent Moon

What is different about the two crescent moons, two quarter moons, and two gibbous moons?

WAXING - “growing” WANING - “shrinking” LABEL the crescent and gibbous moons

as either WAXING or WANING

You can tell time by the moon. What time would it be if the sun were

directly overhead? FILL THIS IN What time would it be if you were on the

point on earth completely opposite the sun? FILL THIS IN

Since we go CCW around, FILL IN the missing times in 3 hour increments.

Click on the animations to see what these look like from earth



We define “East” to be counterclockwise. LABEL the Eastern and Western sides in

the FULL, NEW, and QUARTER moon phases.

Given some information that follows and your notes page, answer each question.

If it is 6 pm and the moon is directly overhead, which phase are you observing?

FIRST QUARTER Is the Eastern or Western side of the

moon lit? WESTERN

If it is 6 pm and the moon is low on the Eastern horizon, which lunar phase are you observing?

FULL MOON Is the moon rising or setting? RISING

If it is 6 am and the moon is just rising, where is it?

LOW ON EASTERN HORIZON Technically, can you see the moon? NO - THE SUN IS ALSO RISING (NEW


If it is noon and there is a third quarter moon out, can you see it?

Possibly (the mountains may block your view)

If so, where is it? LOW ON WESTERN HORIZON Is the moon rising or setting? SETTING

If it is 6 pm and there is a third quarter moon, can you see it?


Which phase of the moon can you see directly overhead at 9 pm?


Between what times can you see a full moon?

6 PM - 6 AM Between what times can you see a

waning crescent? 3 AM - 3 PM

Which lunar phases is visible from 9 pm - 9 am?

WANING GIBBOUS Following from the last question, when

would this phase be directly overhead? 3 AM

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