The Christmas Cactus received its name because it would bloom during the Christmas season. The...


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Christmas CactusRebecca Tims


The Christmas Cactus received its name because it would bloom during the Christmas season.

The common Christmas Cactus houseplant is a hybrid of Schlumbergera truncata and Schlumbergera russelliana. This hybrid evolved in England about 150 years ago, but its native origin is in Brazil.

Uses The countries with warmer climates, such

as, Africa, Latin America, and Australia don’t have fir trees to decorate at Christmas time, so they decorate a Christmas Cactus instead.

They are also popular gifts to give on a holiday.

Description & Color

It is a tropical plant. The flowers on the plant bloom once a year and

come in colors of fuchsia, yellow, salmon, pink, white, orange, red and sometimes they will even have more than one color.

The green pointed, leaf-like structures on the plant are actually called cladodes and are modified stem segments.

Could reach 30-45 centimeters tall.

Where They Are Grown

Christmas Cacti need to be kept in a sunny location inside.

They can be moved outside in the summer, but need to be kept in a shady or semi-shady area.

What They Are Grown In

Christmas Cacti should be grown in a pot indoors.

Can be put in a hanging basket.

Life Cycle

Perennial The first eleven months of the year, the

Christmas Cactus is not in bloom During the twelve month is when it


How To Plant & Maintain

Soil- one part coarse sand, one part potting soil and two parts peat.

Your pot needs to have proper drainage. The ideal spot to put the plant is in a north or

east facing window. You can put it in a west or south facing window as long as you have a curtain to diffuse the direct sunlight.

Water Requirements

Summer months- evenly moist soil Autumn- don’t water as much Over watering the plant is an easy way

to kill it.

Fungal Diseases Susceptible To

“Basal Stem Rot”- brown spots form at the soil line, and as the tissue dies, it turns tan and falls away

“Botrytis Blight”- the flowers die and become covered in a gray fungal growth

“Impatiens Necrotic Spot virus”- plants may have no symptoms or may be yellowed, spotted, or wilted

Insects Susceptible To

Mealybugs and scale insects

Where They Are Sold/Marketed

At stores such as Wal-Mart, Hy-Vee, etc. during the Christmas season.

In floral shops during the Christmas season.

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