• State the Factors Affecting the Rate


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8/14/2019 • State the Factors Affecting the Rate

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Science• State the factors affecting the rate of chemical

reaction & explain them.

• Write a short note on: Variation.

What is chemical equilibrium? Write the criteriaOR requirement for Chemical reaction.

• Frasch process to obtain sulphur & uses of sulphur.

• What is electrolysis& Write Faraday’s law?

• Clotting of blood.

• Nuclear power reactor & atomic reactor withdiagram.

• Destructive distillation of coal.• Hydroelectric power plant.

• Refining of petroleum.

• Oxidation pond.

• Mirror formula.

• Lens formula.

• Near Sightedness

• Far sightedness.

• Astronomical telescope.

• Compound microscope.

• Describe principal of Electric motor.

• Electroplating with example.

• Advantages of AC current.

• Disadvantages of DC current.

• Advantages of Parallel connection.

• Disadvantages of Series connection.• Difference AC current & DC current.

• Bayer’s process.• Hall heroult method.

• Froth flotation method.

• Centrifugal method.

8/14/2019 • State the Factors Affecting the Rate

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Science• Preparation of hydrogen gas in laboratory. Write

uses &physical properties of it.

• Preparation of Ammonia gas in laboratory. Write

uses &physical properties of it.• Nastic movement.

• Structure of Heart.

• Characteristic of hormones.

• Uses of sulphuric acid.

• Structure of Bucky ball.

• Uses of artificial satellites.

• Working of Space shuttle.

• Construction of Space shuttle.• Uses of Baking soda.

• Construction & Working of Fuse.

• Physical properties of Metal.

• Physical properties of Non –Metal.

• Acid rain

• Two function of WBC

Explain the cleansing Action of detergent & soap.• Sex determination.

• Factors Affecting photosynthesis.

• Importance of carbon in nanotechnology.

• Healthcare in nanotechnology.• Importance of nanotechnology in security.

• Influence of nanotechnology on environment.

• Power of lens & its units.

• If focal length of convex lens is 0.40m find itspower.

• Characteristics of image obtained by planemirror.

• What is refraction of light? Write laws of refraction.

8/14/2019 • State the Factors Affecting the Rate

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Science• What is a spectrum? Give name of colours

obtained in dispersion of white- light.• Diff. near Sightedness & Far sightedness.

Diff. Astronomical telescope & Compoundmicroscope.

• What are primary colours? Write theirsuperimposition.

• What do you meant by defect of Eye? Give itstypes.

• Define Electric current & write its units.

• Why is resistance caused in conductors?

•Difference Series connection & Parallelconnection.

• What do you meant by free electrons?

• Ohm’s law & also its Equation.

• Magnetic field produce in line wire depends onwhich factors?

• Explain: - Electromagnetic induction.

• Importance of earthing wire.

• Uses of Solar cell.• Advantages & Disadvantages of Wind Energy.

• What is fossil fuel? Give its names.

• Give various uses of coal

• What is solar family? Give names of planets inorder.

• What are Meteorites or Shooting Stars?

• Halley’s Comet.

• Working of space shuttle in space.

• Uses of artificial satellites for Communication.

• What is chemical reaction? Give its example.

• Write an example of Reversible & Irreversiblereaction.

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Science• Give definition of Forward & Reverse reaction.

• State the requirement for chemical equilibrium.

• Explain Exothermic & Endothermic reaction

•Write uses of bleaching powder.

• Write preparation of Portland cement.

• Write uses of Steel.

• State important properties of Plaster Of Paris.

• Write production of Bleaching Powder.

• Write preparation of Lime.

• Write uses of Photochromatic Glass.

• Note on: -Magnetic separation method• Note on: -Importance of ultra pure metal.• State the prevention of corrosion.

• Note on: -Zone refining method

• Write about various stages in metallurgy.

• What is calcination? Explain with example.

• Write a note on allotropes of Sulphur.

• Physical properties of Ammonia.

Production of ethanol by fermination method.• Write a note on Fehling test.

• Write a note on Industrial production of Propane.

• Importance of fermination.

• Write uses of Acetic acid.

• Write a note on production of soap.

• Which qualities of Vulcanized rubber make itdifferent from natural rubber?

• Write the equation of reaction of Ethanoic acidwith Na2co3.

• Explain with example Esterification.
