-Socrates, 5th century B.C



“Our children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; They show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in places of exercise. They contradict their parents, gobble food and tyrannize their teachers.”. -Socrates, 5th century B.C. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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-Socrates, 5th century B.C.

“Our children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; They show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in places of exercise. They contradict their parents, gobble food and tyrannize their teachers.”

Rational methods for realistic and rewarding parenting.


• Media

• Sexuality

• Discipline

• Motivation

• 5 basics

• Stress Rx

• Food fads

• Grand-parenting

Parenting – some unchanged facts

1. Generation gap is universal .2. Mother taking maximum responsibility.3. No single formula and no short cuts.4. Parenting is the most important developmental task

of middle age.5. It is never too late to start over.

1. Love & connect

2. Monitor & observe

3. Guide & limit

4. Model & consult

5. Provide & advocate

5 basics of Parenting

What is parenting and what are the 5 basics of parenting?

Contributors to child development





How to ensure compliance from other family members?

How parents should manage the food fads in teenagers?

How do you recognize early risk taking behaviors in teen and how should parents manage the same?

How do you motivate teens for better behaviors?

How should parents monitor media overuse by teenagers?

How parents should manage a stressed-up teenager?

What should be the role of grandparents in Indian families today?

How do you give quality time to your family?

How do you deal with parents who complain about sexual promiscuity in their teens?

Things that help !

At least one family meal. Set realistic goals. Involve children and elders. Be unanimous and consistent. Listening more than lecturing. Give yourself a break occasionally.
