^ MTTEBSrei'B, V n^-]KBU


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V. N!'^-^"


fan in •; < S 3

^ MTTEBSrei'B, V n^-]KBU<i».tT. «41 f7f Itli. M X . U ICWES TBBEE jTS. ITC

far Art* af In tne V i Saves

MIT POBCE int,0T!«<i'


" t " ^ • . : . : / . J testimony . ». „ -*. , - 4 * * r frrwldenv<* tne New Hav

snwmatic ciamax Ike **osi- af ike srasntionaj

af Caarie* a Mellon, for-Rai

TBR JH)0SE»ELT„_ i S ^ . Of • r






^^ffnsking'oiL—The Stat* Depart-"1 road, before the Interstate Commerce tfan sa* been mrormed by the S;*aa-; CoaamJasion. when, with evidence t>: j £ Aailiipudni that a fore* of 2,<** : deep emotion. Mr MeUen declared ^astftstionalists. commanded by that the late J. Pierpcat Morgan *as £»er*l CanaSdl Agnilar. has entered cognisant of the Grand Trunk nego-* t Stale of Vera Cro i . -. tiattoas. on which be (Metier:) was

j t t Mexican Foreign Office, from criminally tndiqta*} for notation of the Sherman anti-trust art and that be ~took the indictment that belonged to him" t Morgan K be&cvtng it would have killed the aired financier If be had born indicted. -


a tbv body *•> was


>*LY *OB BOUNTY * ~ - ~ H O M E ~

ftjcnatfJ ior :t;*rM.'aira; ftrat. and 'his put: D* u t' r«aru tftit of i t s regular or«„Vr **s rvN^ne^j by many, and a l o t . v? ^r»t ir> »*» tjrn*d loo*e Flmfjty* M" IVar^rv-r: mo%*d the adoption of ' ir - ^M.»;utioc> a;**roT:3f the pUn%' ar.d s » > . ! i - i ' ja* ar.d reader :ng a*a:l~»

,, a •*•• *bv i w ^ > 4 r j tiuai vf money on tbe*n.f i»f :h*» county, and t>e sosae


alani the. Spaniah Ambassador re* tpwd the Infortaation ey(4aified that 1st av>retDcat of FVderal Troops in ^ tfdpity of Vara Criz waa niiMa-(afareted an directed against the Am* gfcaa fane*, and instead was due to aV appearance <^ the rebels. ^JJtlle faith ia nlacexi in this %ex-

alaaatkm by the war »taJT. The Vera Oris iltaaxioa suddenly f^-ew ac>He ajati on receipt of the news.

atfliury experts* figure k is a hoax 9«aufarinred by Huerta to detract atteation from the movements of his too{a ircund Vera Cruz, which tio-|M*T in the war# deiaulment believes iJor any other purpose than bostli;-^m with Funaton's forces. ;

vlTroops of Federal cavalry facia* aaf oat posts at Versara attempted a> take tbe lives of Lieutenant Tat

T<**>~X ^crr^t tllumimate4 i c f the R a p

^ » _ J tomA throairb tba afren in a a^mi- i r ; •, v A's t . r Bay —Toloael Rooaereit put **1 c a r <lrawa *9,4&<c own m ror-* A special ae* Ion of Board of ?J-

doan ai; m o o r s that he mia*ht rua r,kf»a* :rappio««. JR*Ti' ftad t ^ no perriaors m^s, held TharaOat aftrr f -r <H.»..Tnor rrf New Vort. as *eil as l**vaat ^ f u ^ a a t » » r-*:u*w hw>-aooa at tbe Coart Hottae. all tne m<-a> *s> ih.T:she4 hopes mhich l»ro*res- *' a c> -^ faaacml at1#> «rrr Muis«-'bers being prv*e«t except the fx:»r»-*'. •<< vr :htf st i te may have had tha« ^^ * year anal B .Ha* «r-». i s e c u t v e * of thb Fourth Waru of-Oi; be ttv~!K! ef i tr the primary race, by;• ^Tracl-eaily ta^dMlJpe ARI. ri^n col- densburt-

_ . ' « . » * rule i Oodenabwry Highway. \:vc: ma) look > | r Wi«rins pret^nfeU a re;»oH of *»m:* u»»on a th^ Jadictary Comwinee. w!;icb n * b-r d -a-S or adopted. H stated that the Com mi r-

ao<! a.adow up t e e RJ^J met w i t h l b v r i o A : : o r i i ^ T

ml»rr be faaer-ifta^ CoanJion Council of Ofedea*L*uri:.

* V Vuit,^ States resolution airjneeiaic K> take caro of

»ii< ia5t b> tbe rullowiac Yt>te: | ^•i* — M^^nt. Wi^ginji. Dean.

S.-u,ih. €iht«oc«, Bancroft, James K H 'biffKrn. Kr^*, Bromainjr. *

.Nays - M* ^r» Murphy. Cort>ent, i U :tv*-r*-ll. GrfRu, Austin. George H

KoSiaia??-.. CutiiNrrv tirv>». Hall. Turn­er. Kkey. O N r l l , Gi!rooar. Steiabance. ^x^ejuy. ln>trsm. Chester. JLobnstan.'



< »n Saturday jaorning at 4:9» o'clock, occarrod tbe death of An-drem K invry. a highly esteemed real-

annourrir.f fatly that he is not a **T *** the catid^la-e {or t^at place a»d woald t A a t R O JapaJMaa not accent * edomination if It wer^ ^>m*n from e tendered t n i . J royai pernonaaTe.

-Thert« U a^solut^:y natlsing In It*" > * , i r?*. »o erery said he. t;^eak.::jc r„:h*>T more emi»ba-' * b o r < > tR* fir»^

H...>:. Gal*, fjukrstn-e. A'dous. Veitch, dent of GouTeraenr. Mr. Ktnney*a iM-rry. i*iark. McCarthy. $»e*t. 3T. ^eath ma* a great ahorX to tl

f The n o t^wegatcbie bridge Sills ' i f .

>jaerv then read the third time and , >a<^*J by a tote of thirty-Hre to noth­ing n each case * .

* , County Houac.

Mr. MrUea spate with intense feel-1 Lcaily than usual. "ab^oluu-H coth- *1 route was ins as he rWiied his efforts to shield | Ing. ikies Dot :i.is. my third denial, Tbe IVeaideJU the eWer Morgan. Tbia turnd quick- [ convince you of n..w.nccnty?** ***nt a *U*PT ly to a show of resentment, However.] Jt baa becor-e b : « n that since the! Coral tnbotea as he told bow- the present J. Pier-

to convtace the colom 1 of the ad\-isa-, ntion

Colon el'» return, viatc K^ders who' taany other n \<xxi Morican ba4 aucBasted a "change { have come to 0>ster lUy have coase : The in the presidency of the New Haven." at which suggestion Mr. M ell en de­clared with emjkhftaia.

"1 called bis attention to the fact that 1 had bean suffering under the humiliation of an undeserved indict­ment to protect bis father."

The clojsins 'aceae of tbe day con-chided the four days of interrogation

BdliBper and Ensign Sto lu by re statedly" firing on tbair ainthip re- but is subject to recall at any «at]v. I5y this it was a^ain proved ' " - -

bility and even tho cev-ssi:y c»f his -

saving the party by caMuring the state and becoming its governor i

But he . has ^declined c eai u in-btancc to.consider siwh a course, has been very largely impelled to do a<>, it is understood, but his desire to sa^e the party not in any one state.

l ie has

the h<ads Sjof

daily s^nce tba Km press

Her actual earlier at X scribes that peria! family ital. so the bdttjr coairyed to ToUav ly to the A

tbe fifteen per ren: caro

ah ieh t^)e H;gh-

maiuty o»Kig to tbe fact that be bad been :n hi» usual health up to M hour* previoa* to bis death, which waa. cauM-4 t>> acute drppairai aatnay.

Mr Kinaey en>oxad a lotttt baafaeaa career, being in business ra this vil­lage for the past fort.v-elgbt yeaps, «heiv be has a multHoda of friends


whk-b Mr. Mullen had undergone. H e j ^ t in the nation at large has not been * excused as a witness! J told bis NeV York followers that the i private rarria«a.

tinao.j jhair summer and fall months will be i ly." di^d a ^*w Mr. FolA has not determined yet as I devoted *o a big swins of 6tump i ** the sU

*at the Mexican forces outside o f j t o wb* wUl J>e tbe next witness. buU £Ueaaiing ^ight across U*» coottaenL ! HaMemple fen Crux regard mediation as an be probably win have either Lewis j w j ^ atopa wherever the party's or- military field afTangement that upon our forces is * Cass Ledyard or Ge3rge F. Baker of j gaaiaation teems most in need of hi&j service was beat.

aid. -'.{the service of


IMiag. but which leaves them rree. | the Xew Hoaen directorate on the ^XMlciais representing Victorianoj stand at tbe resumption of the hear-Bterta are preyaring to replace the j tng next Tuesday. ftmcki or the Mexican raijway torn - _-,^ ..-. — r — ^ — - . - . .

ETtds move i s evidence that the Mex- ' i-Jkams now haVe become convinced the Baited States will not violate tbe mubtice. • •tfbe A. B. C. mediators at Niagara

Vails, Ontario, are reporKd to be determined eaTorU to \ r i n g

tbe estafcltehnaent of a. Junta H govern Mexiee p«idlni; t>e holding «faaeiectkm. ^ - ; V v : - - - -"<<Cke peacenkalters propose to have ft*Junta made up of a mah chosen If Huerta, one named by tbe Const!-IjaJianmllrta. and a third to b e chosen by (be mediators. .The ConstituUona1i9*s at Maiatlan. rsea firing at some launches taking frotfsioa* to tbe besieged Federals in

tbe service Colonel Roosevelt has declined to^ W^' . «*•

| spea i publicly about 1*16 and his in-1 «™mony. * ftentions regarding that year of pre^i-! 1 dent la I election, but it is well under-,'

stood here that the summer and fall] speeakinar tour is to be largely aa orv

j en ieg wedge toward the end. In 'a word, it^wiU give'an opportunity to-j

t feel rhe public pulse. I iJTbe <okmers callers * have been

of importance in Progressive \ Frank B. Kellogg, known

J |*\ Booeevelfs tniat buster, was one s Brat to arrive. He had ccme kinnmpoUs. "WbMebe waa yet

-wftto tbe coMmcl, Boiirke Co-

c the culmln servers held 1 death" of tbe

I -r i l J l . . . • urr<»d two days

tradition pre-r* of tbf im-tside the cap-Cnaim^ss waa driven smart*

ce in a closed she "official-

aater. • . . . then a spe­

on,the Yoyogi main funeral

the morning tk>b of the with great

mourn his loss. He waa born la Fui-lerville sixty-Ave years ago. aon of Oren and Louisa fuller Kinney, When

1 be wa« a young child his people oaov-

Mr Vt-itch presenkd a resolution. mh'.ch was sdojKed. adopting the +^ lK>r: of the Committee on County . . ,4 . . wi^ .t

H « e M«i*r». l A ^ i o R the pUD. and ?J5?iV?^ " f 1 ^ £ ^ T ?* way departmer.t ^as been i n s t a n t fptHification5 presented, appointing

Itbat tbe city jcy of the County High- i-ex»n K. Gale.-Joseph T. Smitb, Fred ways passing throu^a C.e city. As K. Turner. Charles A- Steinbarge tbe resolutions wer>» original: v pre-1 a commfttee to have in charge the . - . ^ M

aetted by the fiftat,- Highway i* 5 *r . . ! work of making the alterauors and i* to Gouvern^ur where be attended Imen^the state V M to stand seventy. r*-;»airs shown by the plans and spec!-itwo ner cent of the txivense. tfie ficatiohs. and dlrectlnB the Chairman

cf the Committee from\time to. Unw to i«isue his cenifir%te t o t h e f ounty Treasaivr, upon tbe eertiflcate of the architect, for the payment of such sums.


MATE WiEX Big-*-•«.•*•; :; TRiBrrED ^-^\>:

• " . ' • ' : . ^ jcbran came, William Loeb, Jr.,-who

• • ' s ^ d i ^ V a vote of. W to 274, a ] ^ . ^ U / 7 > ' . f r ? 1 ^ I ^ ^ ! majority of 77, the bouse of commons this afternoon read a third time the Irish borne rule bill and passed tl.o hard fought measure on to the house of lords where.another effort wttj be

cfty. dropped bullets dangerously j ^fade by moans of an amending bill

sand dollars.

€ • A. M- TO OT1 ^UaUFES OF

y^. 3 I F B 0 B T t *

BEBH 6 > EB8 15

# B i . * *

Headquarters B t m c i Fast Ql A. &., Order Xo. L CoJOrades and associate members of Che E. H. 'Barnes Post


^ loin mm m

was there too. Jt is very apparent here tbat Mr. Roosevelt is preparing to launch himself with oil of his well , . A . . _ _ • , „ . * _ ^ -+rw^*

* I are requested to# meet at ifeadquar-the Freeman Bleok an Satur-

No« 15C. Department N \ T. G. A. R.

to * tawicb belonging to a Jap- j to grlng" the act into ahai»e which will cruiser. . " „ • • • . . . (secure it the goodwi l l of all cUEsses

i^lie cominander of the ' Japanese hof Irishmen. . tomedlatelr wjade a pretest'to There, will be a long, hard fight,

«% rebel commander and injected a | however, possibly civif war in Ireland lev International element into the j before a par Ha meat is set up in Dub­

lin. For the t'lstermen are determin­ed that the Protestant part of .the Province sha^l be excluded from the operation o; the 'hill. , „.

* They threaten TO establish A pro- J visional government as soon as tbe I bill leaves tbe House of Commons.]

;-<*•• •- - - i" • T h e t n i r ^ rcad i D^ was Interrupted\ i i f t '•"* j on Thursday by the suspension of the « Affeil Agala and In X© Baarer.- nininK b y t h e sneaker becauae of the : ;' ef Execaiien'Peadiag / * | obstructive tactic? of the Unionists. hJ£' - DeelsJem. * j Andrew Bonar I-aw, leader of tbe ^ : f v ' ; > -"| Opposition, will usk Prime Minister .&£" '':* '• '• :•"' ''".," A Asq«itb*to aeouaint the House wUhl Jfc»r T o r k - T w e i r e men d e c i d e d t ^ t e r m f i ^ l n e ^ ^ ^ ^ m } *hMk


te Ike second t|toe tbat Cbarlea Bee- \ ^ J^med

mm* the arch-conspirator respon-f * , T ^ ^ » «*f A-~ #tomr the Rosenthal murder, wbldiT Londonderry and ^ ^ e j . f e ^ i « y two years ago -awoke JCew J ^ r potns. for here the N ^ H U d l » l o a reaUxatk*Tof corruptioB U.! ^ d rtetennen are evenly divvied and

known vigor into tbe business of re fiusc»atin£ the Bull Moose Party. Vic-! tor Murdork, the l»rogressive leader.; in congress, with George W- Perkins, j and J. C. O'l^aughlfh. assistant secrr-. tary of ^tate -under Roosevelt, arrived I jat Oyster Bay in the evening, and] with- OoloneJ. Hoosevjelt having put in • an entire afternoon discussing 'poll- ; tics, started out on V'night confer-;

ters in day. May la, 1*14 at »:3* a. m., for the proper observance of Memorial i>ay. At ^10 o'clock k. m^ the Post and associate members will torm In l?jie and march to die caaaetery. and all

couaty twenty^dght. The the depart­ment too% the position that tlte state waa Uable\to pay only one~half. :iie coaaly €ktmy4tre per cejit and the city AfteaiL. i%e report went on to recommend tbat the* resoultions here tofore adopted in retereoce to the proportions of cost, be rescinded and tbe resolutions recently forwarded by tbe Highway Department bo adopted.

Mr. Wiggins presented resolutions rescinding the Pesolutions amrnto-fore adopted relative to khe Ocdena-burg City County Highway, and the same were adapted. ±.T . - ^ r

The Clerk presented the resolutions in regard to the aforesaid county bigb-way recently received from the nigh-way department and the same wire adopted. * • •* . - ^ ' * ,-."-»->\i,

. Bridge Bond Bille. - -< i&* ;Mr. Lovetioy introduced two biUa to

authorize the town of Ogwegatchie to borrow money for bridge porposea. They were tbe bills pasaed Inst f a i y somewhat changed;4to meet the re­quirements of tbe <p*rcbaser of ^ tan bonds. Both were read twice and re­ferred t o \ b e CbnnrRfee on Roads and Bridgew when appointed. - ?

Standing Committees. : | t v " " ^OnSnoUooof Mr. Veitch the Can«r-1 «©«nU«t«e on v Internal Affairs of

man was aathorixed to atpoi^t t b e | T o w m l ' ***** * * d -VlllnBes Messrs. necessary standing committees fot^tbe I D e w l » ioaaaton and Wheater.

the village school. in lMJT be married Mima Jlary

Silence of Watertown and they hate since made their home here with tbe exception of a abort l ime .bile con­ducting a store la Adam. Mr Kin­ney was prominent is every village not exceeding thirty-owe t h o u - i " ^ ~ *"v«*«*-«% « w ^ r 7 »««*«

hilars, as the architect m U cer. ^ * • « T . ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ k*»*< U ;

done . V 1 Mr. Clark in trod need a bill authorv a

teing the county to borrow- thirty-one thousand dollars for tbe purpose of se­curing a new water supply and erect-rag a new boiler bowse for tbe county home, and to alter and repair the beat-

—jing. vein Ha ring *nd plumbing sys­tems at said County Home and make

(other repairs arid improvements there-* to, pursuant to the provisions of tbe County Law. Tbe nam was road twice and referred to the Commttreal

»on Internal Affairs iof Towns Cttias Iknd Villages when sppotnted. ^<.

The bill provides iar the (.of county bonds Angost 1 next, lag rnterest at t^o rate of four par osnt ffinnln asmlbniaellj, and nf-teea thonaand dollars of the nrtnelnH


of I t l n l ^ ^ -

The Chairman announced a s tbe

session and did so as follows: *« On .Roads and Bridges—Messrs.

Griffin, Bancroft, Grow. ^ :

On.^ngrossed Bills—Messrs. Wheat err Austin* GrllRn. .v v .

On Supervisors' Accounts—^Messrs.


.fsjantlee department and openea *nT-'nni' of PQUOS TeTdx^a,

a! both are armed.



MT. Wiggins presented a resolution (which was adopted, appolntUig Oscar

V. Veitch. Milan H. Ross and Barney S. O'Xeill. County nndltoVs, aintftod, however, to auditing bHIs to? tbe ez> pense of building tbe new Jail barn And. incidental expenses of tne Else*. tk>n Commissioners, which resolution re<ru!res that accounts he verified,

ffnat they may be" presented to any


work _4iClub. Ail. patriotic citiaena are i » nave been prepared.

__—e± • t . j-aited to attend. .:.- f - ^ - : L On motion of Mr. Gale tbe privileges B E F E R E M H * 0 W QI'ESTIOX OF! * Following is the g ^ e 4 ^ committee , °* ^be floor were g r a n t * to Architect



f>enver —The Coal Con seiners* Leg- John Bogardns Pierces Corners, ceaaetery.. islative IJeague -4a circulating a petiri M. Wilson; Woodwortk

Xatkmalis\ x.ejcjctngs over the | U(m hn^^ ^ t a t e Mining of Coal.-j Daniel Graves;* 0M-C4 once A nnllne lieotenaat, | nksnge^pf the blil mlgbt easily Jnad ^}Qc* miUstes a new article to tbj iXioper . . \ . . K . - , .

O Issad guilty JTmurder la the \ ^° A 'c^^f * D d ^tr& po»ee have ^been , t a l e Constitotion, "empoweripg the i Tn* oomrnktee for flowers are i George

. MAH OaUTOUCAL COWTEBT The eleventh f^^ail

tbe Dean otn^brfeni prns ^ Friday night In 4 Union HaJL were ten contestants n>e , n>e girls of tbe High ftfcbooi. tt» onV test being open. to . Hig*h Seanal nt»n *«nts only. The nrnt a r t e for wtris was won by. atlas Bselyn Bcnwartx-ssan. Miss Mary Baker winning the second prise. T^e first prise for boys was won ©y Theodore HnR, and tne seoond by Malcomb Brown The girW and -boys exhibited nancar talent and gble teaching. Mten Bon%s%i giving tbem untiring heips, for wnicn grate-pa nervieas her papila are Jnntly ap-nreclatlre.- There was a skdlsjlitfnl musical program fa connection ^rith tbe program The judges were Sup­erintendent frank •& Tiadaie, of tbe Watertown Schools; Superintendent A. G. Fields., of tbe Jagkth school supervisory ai»trict* of this connty. and Miss El isabe$ Hutton. teacher of elocution in Potsdam Normal scbool. The'contestanU were as fol­lows: Harry Abbott, Malcolm Brown. Theodore Ha« r George Jenne, George Sblnner, Mary Baker, Lfltlan Qieaaon.

w l R o n d n a h d Bridges reported favorabiy j mept, tne 'report was agreed To" and < ^^l**?'***!!** * T e l ^ ^ n w ^ n i n i a n

auxiliary associations are Jnvlted j Ingram, Hoyt, Turner. . to accomnahr tben>. and snsist in the . , Poor House bfsttera. _ solemn observance In menaory of tne Mr. Gale presented a length^ report soldier dead. Aftar theaejneremopies ; from the Com mi tie on a^oor House the associations will reUBn to head-j Matters. It set forth that extensive g a r t e r s where dinner• wiU be s ^ e h a n g e . are necessary in tbeheat ing o n c o f t n e l l t d i t o r , , l h a t t b e a a d | t o r i r

ed by the \%omens Relief ^orps, and\venutating and plumbing systems at ^ meQt o f t < a i e r t h ^ tha l^di<«s of the G. A R. |n the W. R. V bounty Home, a*d that a ndw boil- * . f o r l h c M r D O n i s - f Tudl t i^ C Hail, at 1 :*0 p. m . after which tbe er house onght to be built and a new "J^J* { o r l f e f ^ L - J L ^ e 2

semble^ a- beadquarterk for-a camp- tensrve changes be made in the inter-j - *> Ore. There will be a good company of j tor of tbe building, and that,plans and local speakers and music by the <Hce ! specifications o f the proposed

io f cftservanoe: For RJsnrslde c*-me-is- D P ^ i U i a m s , who addressed {he tery. W H7 Haze.lton;< JJttle Bow,; Board upon tne subjects referred to In Lorenzo Smitb; Halleaftoro. F- H . ! r t i d report . Payne, J. %B. Blodgett; Catnoiic ceme- \. On motion of Mr. Wiggins furthsr

j'tery, Moses Rising; Brasle -Corners, fconsi*ration of the subject was post-' l - 1 - - » « . - « • « . t :—•— ^ ^ — ^ - * ! pdned until the Friday morning ses­

sion. .

. •

Bridge Bills, *Mr. Griffin . from Commttte on

sha^l be kept of tUe bilk* presented, and their action thereon, and endorse such action on each bill and. nMe the

4 bills with the Clerk of the Bostd, and annually rej>ort in writing to tbe Board during the ffrst week of the annual session. " y

To Borrow t310OO.

fllr. l>ean*from the fommUtee on Internal AfTairs of towns. Cities and Villages reported favorably the -bill to borrow money to repair tbe County Home, and U wenu through the^Dom-mittee of»tbe Whole without a*nend

ting of local conditiona. He was an influential Republican, man of large sympathies, amodest

and retiring in nature^ never aanking ttfe plandiu of nil ttirHntnn. bnt nK wkys ready with a helping band to advance tne Interests of ads

a man Is bound s» be n>. m > w i i a 1 l < . i >i« _i •»••

. j j i m _ J ~

SurviVing are bis/ widow, Robert U JUnney. Sonarrlnor of field Work for tbe I. O. F^ and one daugh­ter. Mrs. Ploy Millar, wife of Henry MIHnr, ,«la atspnaotnor, s,^|fa. JBbecu A.' nnnnAr nnsl n R O. attnneyt a one sister, Mrs, Qeorga MeKao* aHof Gonrerneur. *. . * V..-«iJra A'*»< .,v

JTbe fwneral \9^t^^^^^^ by Bev. L. BL-'

were doaed and nB not tbe town tbe hour of the fnnarnL






. -%,-

;^;s! a ^ - n w L '"Snl* k nartoxTbf toter- j"'*rnfted for service In tbese districts, \ Board of Land Commissioners to mine] H. «nselton. 'Warrm a w>5ke, J e s s e > b e two Oswegatcaie Bridge bills add j.tbe biU ordered engrossed for a third * B d . A J k ! e ^ V 1 1 -* * f e n a ^ m by tbe Coort of AP- a B d *? n e c e f c S A r T t t l € military will be and\iXX for a profit all "conL metals Streeter, W. D. Cievemnd - . . . . -_ _ _ „ K. F. [ « « oi mem went through tne uom-1 reading .. . i « p k n r A / n r t ^ r ^ -* v ' fwsaeaa save M n i ' ^ f i ^ l o i t o * ^ * f ****** * nroeeed.to the aaslsUifce ' t f d jn'iaCralsr now m the lands o w n - f i ^ i t o c a l • .-,-' . . - ^ - * . U l t t e e of the Whole without amend-; whemt^r frV,m.r^m*?.t^ « , frt, - w ^ ^ £ . A w « ^ « ^ ^ L ^ ^ ^ U ^ ^ '<*'»* ^ U n U * W » e n in case of trou. < * b T ^ ^ „ whicbtnai be n > J ;Anr,one.Wntbin^to n i S s t k \btn ! ««Vt** reports were a rreed tp { J ^ ^ ^ S T ^ t S J£ = tirdenibnrr TOi^nlKSS^

^ ^ r n a « JUn^Sial^S>^ . : > -J : - (^ " i< ered to Isnd ket^a^ so <« for » r t ^ i l J S n eartySTLior^^ .the behef is held lni«nn> qnartersfx^ petiilBa y ^ rcsnR of tbe led Ulan s or towers, may send tbem , tni rd rending, and shortly <nftar. Mr.« * * • *°**"* nngri^sed. and ^ Oale pkmshlp it* tbe mteracholastSe

* 1 « The Ita-vtaus time decided ' * s t aU this tbrea<ensaV trouble mignt j gfate s war* with tbe coal mlbers e a - ; to> tbe G. A. R. Hall at t ociock on Wheater from CSommittee on ftngrdss-*nt B e romm^ were Becker's a x - ' toT* o c c n * v o i d e 4 ° * tnfgovemment plowed by privg!e coniorations. rSaturday moPntng. ±e* M i s reported the same as properly aafc ^ ^ w " " Innnooncing the terms of tne amend- y ^ ^ t i o n calls for ike addKionl • % •" •;' ^ i engrossed. .,

« THed CaBtT i n w ^ s j p j i ^ J l n g btfl and i n a t o • Article 12" t o ' t n c ConstitntlonJ., - " WIB aVbdlbf Bnai ; M»ney ApiM^srUrtad. - ^ ^ i* ** ^ ^ m • ^ mmmm. laaons to CUter i and »U first section frroTideg tbat -In ; Tbe Hannawa Falls Water Power! Mr. Ingram T^r^enxM tbe report sC] ********** ^ * TOt« «f Z4

1 Jfnmy of the RadVaJi tbink, h o w - ] e T e r T mte^ot unds now owned or Company of this place has prepared tne Committee* on Superrisers* Ac-J Mr. Wiggins batr>>duced s • awer, tna** tne Government baa g t e e i hereafter aenstred by tne gtate of ( plans for tne /rwconstrnctlon of dts -' conntst which was adopted. $t eaBs permit tbe borrowing of not to ex ( f a r e n o o f h . j Colorado, snrface rlgnts only SIKH be dam, whlek was • damaged by front«for an allowance on account of attend- \ ceed twelve tnonsland dollarg tc pay ; • • ^ -* ' - 1 - - 1 convered* when sock -lands are d2s- ' on tne m o d s W of Marck L /Tenipor-! ance of two hundred eighty doOara, | sneir hats as may be audited by the

f * an Trwabkf at CerawalL 4 4 posed of by the s ta te "And all c o a l : ary repairs **ere .made some time and on account.of mileage of two bun- Conaty AodHon arior to the annua: ' Two s e n named Tsonsas Ryan and ; oH. iaesal or otner mineral swbttancei' ago. Tne atone screen of tne dam : dred three and 7€-*ut dollars more, or

racked and obtained unanimous cob- j held in ByTwease Barnrday afti sent that the bill be read the third.; under to* aaspicies of Byrncnas Uat-

; time and placed apon its final pa?» VtrMty.' It was tne large** ever a*-sage. and U was read the thin} lime ? tended and to w£a ike cop is

ered one of tne nonom thai any scbool Tb» following Is tne Ogdemabarg Trm liochester East High Benooi CoTtUn&Vorsaaf ^ . . . , ,


v*.„ x<

, . ^ ; . , ^

;-ir* --

JJ^1 •* *** J Frank Burr ay. giving tbeii

*iOf anode at-ani^sena, N T rested


their mat place, of every kind, excepting subsurface,; was snowed out of place by tne f: were ar- water. shaH tie reaerved to in* State' preasofe. and ino

by Cnief Smrtk and Oftcer, #r Colorado " Tbnv section farther had to be torn off raising s distarbance at prorides that *Tbe State Board of 1 proponionateiy. The

faK2.:€ in alL session M H i t , at a i t t e of rn;ere*t ^ ' ^ " * " 8 r f c 0 0 1

i not to exc^ fire par Star per auram. ™"\!f^^-" ^Jl'"" V^V Rorh-ster West H4an School



. U



and saw #n:rioiaing a box ; Land Canrsi isshieas. i s v nereVy an-; r^cosrtS^nctJon of the Waile Ryan was"&rrf** to mine, extract. neH and toisntnnJtXad In tne

. w|tk a clerk over some soap d ^ r i b n t e " nB nateeral snbstances onJ mnviaB. and anwror#d by . . , tailed t ° ] X s r r m T ^iiamed tne box nader nis snek atnda, f o r and on benaK of the i dam ft at tne main Hant of tne nt the Brat « n l to sxrpport ^ ^ B m m ^ ^ ^ a r t ) C j ^ dropped to state of*o4erado,* U i/proTided tant ansry, aWe m»es Trrm were, wp

and W<e> * i ^ r enfssaeg tne tnefL Tbe men tne board most sa^are all men em- ; fearooette. w m * ^ ^ ^ mnaV off bwt we*e enptgred by tbe pioyed ta or abovt tne mines against ; =

^ ' m 11 • On TUnrsday last. Fbilee j j j accidenta. - • , l -^Extra barr at he ? W ^ for M*n. VerTeon

t seven Xe%t of * Ma Corbett moved thai the sux of The same was read twice and r< fcrred: r ^ , > jZ^a*^*£m x' v *

r ^ n d n g tne bead one hundred drviar* be appropriated to the Committee on Internal Affairs V< C K ^ S L ^ I tZjLi!!*^' "'

be ssssts for Jbe and |kp-ed in the hanfU of the Pur of Towns. Cities and Villages. Mr. ; ^ T , * ° ° ; , ? ? r ^ ^ ' ; " 1 se dam nave been cnasia* Committee u> paly for sastst -I iean froas that Committee reported * '* ^ ^ T ^ w i i l - v ^ w i * 4 sonasrsntaon.ooss- anos t o *ke Beard of » e ^ i * ! m dV- * Is^arawiv. anri xm morion of Mr ! ? r ^ ^ A ? r ? ™ P ~ ° T **"

. 7


of tax m

tke cask, tbe m*n af Gnoier AUt Ux

Tbe board at scads to Ike ^ • n d e^aip tne state mane*

Tbe amd tbe xrcxt t**erx: election

to V.OSJ** to Ss ic

ennsiag Committee to poy for assist- I lean ^Troas that Committee rmpanM t o «ke Beard of CWri<»B e» dV- to tsvtraMy. wi on morion of Mr

Tbe recting envelopes, foid^ag ballots, P * C - PTiggins tse Board went into Commit as reqsir^d by t V la« ar.d iS* same

H»f*t«rty Voted D o w . j The Clerk pr^meo^ed ^iaat as-d f » e> l«ncation§ for itne ' De^a'.b Jcxxtkw-

Cwanty Hsg^wiy eT:e*: k«iJr


and t^iidrra at Prmrg's ?>oe

^n* wUi V* r#*4 on ai? —&-^ H i t s A ar Ck Adv

a pwjsaoa -tf t V d>vl is

aa c s axT!ke

a sever «M«e>

&**er pet eC trr net anrt1! fnm-e—e. tne good one :O£*T.

kwr »:i** ca tbe iows of I> ta ^.-the Te^:icaJ#«< coat o?** iirh » %%'^** of

- ' - rw^"- tbe Kate U t^ pa^ t U " t * are lsr\ aalntlng xz^ r-vrzir i : * ( * There was a r- i

d^-^»»og e! tbe r i i > < \ w^iek be f*~-t tka* tb.# r fc wat

I j tbe B c * - i of > - ;» - • i^c^vjorf f v knt>c-v-raext a: ta*j u » *

u kst a iarge s^sder of #cneri were des-

, bat lar'.*e< . n>: d e * l r a : ^

:-* tn' the Wbf^e %±;<*L tt. It went threnTi: tbe <C*amiree of tbe Wboie witnoot siaeT,^»^Tit* ^e" r*^ort was agre-d.to and :ne atTi ord*T^ earr****-• d !of i thiri read tig Mr Wtgg.as a^k/d at>d obta ^ed criar.:Tii->as COB-I ^ S ; tba: ;h* bif be r*-ad tbe «.Mrd ; n>e ax5^^iac**d or its taar p****** as<! c w i »*ad and ?aAS#d ty a vote of at m* ft. <6re9s:s4r a aw a>x.t eir^.t ir r-:e% C*er tne Lme af itj*JaLr> d-2^joa

Ot aot ioc of M* Cstx^en ine Board ad)ss>med w.lnosn date

S.vrncBne -Snrtk Part Scbool,

Ratavia HSgb nVnooi Geneae* BcCairv 'FyrncW Central Higk Caaenovia hkjca-ifigk

^ . -^.

• ^ . t . A

^ w w*wi tent of tk* Ckravtiaa foatad in has e>nJ whl in ? -:w« I —not by want b* t^lis tee Liord yon m tfct prayer TmJ^z.f.

—*Przr*'f ^boe S^V is now Adv

} —5W M i , 4 Charier ' a i d paper baac^g- Adv.

- *

• * - " w i .?**,. W £m-' Cr^f .r*

'^J^. L-. -Jsr.'^iCjiNr^j*.-?*
