«Урок английского языка» по теме: “Moscow and Great Muscovites”...


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«Урок английского языка»по теме:

“Moscow and Great Muscovites”Учебник Enjoy English 8 класс, М. Биболетова

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МОУСОШ№12 с УИОП Костюлина Ю.С., Бабаева С.Р.

Today we will …..make different interesting exercises

learn more about our native country

read the text : “Some words about Moscow”

answer questions

listen the text

sing a patriotic song

Let’s read words: Garden Ring-Садовое Кольцо

Circular Road-Кольцевая дорога

The Moscow Kremlin-Московский Кремль

Slavonic monastery-Славянский монастырь

Saviour Tower-Спасская башня

Cathedral Square-Соборная площадь

Dormition Cathedral-Благовещенский Собор

Cathedral of Saint Basil-Собор Василия Блаженного

Answer questions:Do you like travelling?

Do you enjoy travelling by plane? Why?

When and who was Moscow founded by?

What is the heart of Moscow?

What Moscow streets do you know?

Is Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow or in St. Petersburg?

Name the Russian painters, whose works are kept there.

Read the text : “Some words about Moscow”

and match synonyms:district-







Make up a dialogue in which you are welcome to speak about Moscow State University

Use the words- combinations:

1.The Lomonosov University is the oldest university in Russia

2. It was founded in 1755

3. It was founded by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov

4.There are 21 faculties.

Will you stand up?

Hands up! Hands down! Shake! Shake!

Stand up! On the tiptoes

Turn around. Step aside,

Step left! Step right!

Sit down!

Listen to the text: “The Andronikov Monastery. The Russian icon painter Andrei


Answer questions:

1.What the most beautiful construction is it in Moscow?

2.Who is the outstanding Russian icon painter?

3.Where did A. Rublyov live?

Give a short description of Tverskay street of Moscow

Example: I think this street is bright.

Let’s sing a songMoscow Suburd Nights

Music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy

Words by M. Matusovsky

Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in a flight

In the sleepy grove until dawn.

How I love these night, Moscow suburd nights,

The caress of the walking sun.

Dawn is nigh and pale grow the amber lights.

Left me hope, my dear, that you too

Will remember these Moscow suburd nights

And our love that has been so true.

Homework:Write down several sentences about your

impression of Moscow attractions.

Let’s sum upThe heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.

The Lomonosov University is the oldest university in Russia.

Icon painter A. Rublyev lived in the monastery and died there

Russian painters are: Ilya Repin, Ivan Shishkin, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Surikov and others.
