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January 28, 2013, 6:00 p.m. The Robert C. Gibbons Conference Room

406 Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia

AGENDA 6:00 p.m. 1. Call GWRC Meeting to Order – Chairman Matthew Kelly

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Determination of Quorum – Executive Director Tim Ware

4. Approval of GWRC Agenda (ACTION ITEM)

5. Approval of Minutes of GWRC Meeting of November 19, 2012 (ACTION ITEM)

6. Review of Minutes of GWRC Executive Committee Meeting of December 6, 2012

7. Review of Minutes of GWRC Executive Committee Meeting of January 4, 2013

8. Public Involvement Comments and questions from members of the public are welcome at this time.

9. Financial Report

10. Executive Director’s Report

11. Old Business (if any)

12. New Business a.) Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-20, Authorizing Execution of

Agreement with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) – Mr. Tim Ware (ACTION ITEM)

b.) Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-21, Ratifying the Action Taken by the George Washington Regional Commission’s Executive Committee to Select On-Call Consultants – Mr. Tim Ware (ACTION ITEM)

c.) GWRC Planning and Programming Opportunities – Mr. Tim Ware

d.) Other New Business (if any)

6:50 p.m. 13. Adjourn GWRC Meeting Next GWRC meeting: February 25, 2013

5.) Approval of Minutes of GWRC Meeting of November 19, 2012

January 10, 2013



The Robert C. Gibbons Conference Room 406 Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg Virginia

MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Fredericksburg: Matthew Kelly (Chair), Bradford

Ellis; Spotsylvania: David Ross (2nd Vice Chair); Stafford: Gary Snellings (Vice Chair)

MEMBERS ABSENT: Caroline: Jeffrey Black (Caroline County), Calvin Taylor

(Secretary/Caroline County); Joseph W. Grzeika (Treasurer/King George County), Dale W. Sisson

(King George County); Tim McLaughlin (Spotsylvania County); Cord Sterling (Stafford County).

STAFF: Tim Ware, Executive Director; Lloyd P. Robinson, Director of Transportation Planning;

Kevin F. Byrnes, Director of Regional Planning; Diana Utz, GWRideConnect Director; Andy

Waple, Principal Regional Planner; Rodney White, Senior Regional Planner; Daniel Reese, Regional

Planner; Leigh Anderson, Associate Transportation Planner/Webmaster; JoAnna Roberson,

Rideshare Assistant.

CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. with a quorum not present,

which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL OF GWRC MEETING AGENDA Because there was not a quorum at this meeting this agenda item was not approved.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 22, 2012: Because there was not a quorum at this meeting this agenda item was not approved.

PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT: None was offered at this time.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Mr. Ware briefed the commission on the current financial standings of the commission and gave an update on the GMS (Government Management System). Financial software has been installed and the process of inputting the financial data has been ongoing since the previous meeting.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Mr. Ware briefed the commission on several items. Being that there was not a quorum the discussion Mr. Ware only briefly discussed the topic of the Toll Road Paper and VDOT’s intentions to toll Interstate 95 in Sussex County.

OLD BUSINESS: Revenue Sharing Mr. Byrnes presented a brief overview on the subject and offered to provide examples of revenue sharing, however it was noted these are not “one-size fits all” rather they are case by case. Mr. Kelly then noted that this item was not brought up simply in reference to the discussion of the possible baseball park but in reference to past projects where revenue sharing would have assisted the region with economic development activities that one locality would not be able to financially cover itself. He added that having some discussion on the topic would be beneficial to the members of the commission in order to pool resources to afford the project. Mr. Kelly asked that the commission revisit the topic and come back in January 2013 with recommendations with how the GWRC can assist the localities with revenue sharing. No questions were raised at this time. Regional Shared Services Mr. Ware quickly briefed the commission on the discussion from the October meeting about the commission seeking regional projects that would benefit all of the regions communities. Staff was tasked to go back and start developing a plan to offer some of those services. Mr. Ware noted that when the commission meets in January staff will have an updated strategic plan. He stated that he would send out the updated plan before hand and welcomed any suggestions commission members may offer. He also noted that staff would bring suggestions for regional services that could be accomplished over the coming year. He then added that one regional shared service that the commission already participates in is the Homeless Management and Information Services (HMIS) through the Continuum of Care and noted that they would like to put together a ten year plan which will cost approximately $10,000 to put together and would be performed by the Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness. The plan is not currently required but will be in the future. It would assist the region in seeking grants that could help alleviate the homelessness situations in the region however he stated the commission does not currently have $10,000 to pay for the plan. He noted that this would be a perfect example of how the region can share services. There were a few questions raised about the proposed plan and what it would encompass. Mr. Kelly answered the question and stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development is starting to expect that localities create a long-term plan to determine how the localities track and tackle homelessness in their jurisdictions. The plan is to help facilitate how the localities will be able to do this. Mr. Ware offered to send out examples as to how others are creating and implementing similar plans and Mr. Kelly stated that he would like to revisit the topic in January, 2013. Mr. Ross asked if it would be possible to have volunteers from each of the localities social services departments that are on the Continuum of Care Committee compile the plan but Mr. Kelly stated that social services departments are running at full capacity when it comes to programs and projects and have little time to accomplish new tasks. Storm Water Management Grant Update Mr. Ware stated that there was one item pertaining to this in the packet for reading material. The topic was added to the executive committee agenda for December and would be voted on at that time. NEW BUSINESS: Audit Presentation Mr. Aukamp gave a brief overview of the audit findings. He noted that there were no significant findings but added that the commission was not in strong shape when it came to net assets and that there was not a significant amount of funds available in the till but added that the organization was still on the positive end in the books. He continued to give an overview of the information packet

that was provided to the commission and included in the meeting packet. One question was raised about health insurance costs increasing significantly and it was answered by Mr. Ware who noted that staff has been and will continue to be a part of the Stafford County insurance plan. No further questions were raised at this time.

2013 Legislative Priorities Mr. James briefed the commission and presented a draft regional platform for the attendees review. He noted that a similar document was presented to the commission roughly two years ago and added that not much has changed within. The major issue categories are the same and start with the removal of local aid to the state followed by the comprehensive services act. The state administration is considering and the premise of the state executive council, assembly, and administration is cost savings that they look for in a program should equally benefit the state as well as the localities. He noted that the transportation aspect of the document was similar to previous years but added that language in reference to a meeting of the Association of Counties where the tolling of new transportation facilities is appropriate however the organization opposes the installation of tolls on existing transportation facilities. He added that the Chesapeake Bay Act has an emphasis of flexibility and the state continues to push the committee to recognize that the state would like to continue to spend its dollars to provide the greatest per pound reduction in pollutants. Finally, Mr. James added that the alternatives of on-site septic (AOSS) will be refined to focus on having the region encourages the assembly to provide adequate authority to the Department of Health or localities to respond to AOSS failures in order to protect public health and quality especially in circumstances where the owner refuses to provide proper care of the system. Mr. James entertained to answer any questions. None were provided at this time.

Other New Business: No new business was discussed at this time.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Timothy Ware Executive Director

(Draft minutes prepared by Daniel Reese, Regional Planner)

6.) Review of Minutes of GWRC Executive Committee Meeting of December 6, 2012

January 10, 2013



The Robert C. Gibbons Conference Room 406 Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg Virginia

MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Caroline: Calvin Taylor; Fredericksburg: Matthew

Kelly; King George: Joseph W. Grzeika; Spotsylvania: David Ross; Stafford: Gary Snellings.

STAFF: Tim Ware, Executive Director; Kevin F. Byrnes, Director of Regional Planning; Daniel

Reese, Regional Planner.

CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Kelly called the meeting to order at 4:40 p.m. with a quorum present,

which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL OF GWRC MEETING AGENDA Mr. Snellings made a motion that was approved by Mr. Grzeika to approve the meeting agenda. The motion was carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: No old business was discussed at this time. NEW BUSINESS: 2012 Audit Approval Mr. Ware briefed the commission and gave an overview on the presentation that was presented at the November board meeting. He commented about the current assets and compared to the assets from the 2011 Fiscal Year and commended the efforts by Ms. Bigelow on handling the finances of the commission and noted that there were no findings within the audit. Mr. Ware offered to answer any questions. Non were presented at this time. Mr. Snellings made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Ross to approve 2012 Audit. The motion was carried unanimously. Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-15, Establishing the 2013 George Washington Commission Meeting Schedule Mr. Taylor made a motion that was seconded my Mr. Snellings Establishing the 2013 George Washington Commission Meeting Schedule. The motion was carried unanimously. Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-16, Canceling the Meeting of the George Washington Regional Commission Scheduled for December 17, 2012 Mr. Grzeika made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Taylor Canceling the Meeting of the George Washington Regional Commission Scheduled for December 17, 2012. The motion was carried unanimously. Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-17, Authorizing Staff to Amend the Kimley-Horn Contract for the Jackson Gateway Interchange Study to Allow for Phasing of the Overall Project

Mr. Ware briefed the commission about amending the contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates for the contract on the Jackson Gateway Interchange Study to allow for phasing. He added that the item was approved by FAMPO in November and would authorize GWRC to change the contract for an additional $45,000 which would include $20,000 from FAMPO resources and $25,000 from Spotsylvania County. Mr. Snellings stated that Stafford County opposes it for reasons that have been already stated. He added that the interchange is not a top priority with VDOT and stated that it should be up to Spotsylvania County to cover the entire bill of $45,000 through its own resources. Mr. Grzeika stated that he would abstain because King George County is not a part of FAMPO and that he did not want to pick sides between Spotsylvania and Stafford Counties. He stated that he sees the merits of both approaches and understands where Stafford County is coming from and he understands Spotsylvania County wanting to get some pieces of the project completed. Mr. Taylor added that he is not a part of FAMPO either, but stated that if you look at the money that has already been committed to the project then he would hate to see it wasted because the project would not be resolved. Mr. Kelly stated that it is a project that would move forward but at what point. He added that there have been projects in the past where FAMPO has assisted the City and this would be no different. Mr. Taylor then added that the longer the organization waits the more the projects and fees would cost. Mr. Ross added that he appreciates all the comments and noted that breaking the project into phases is essentially the same thing that has been done with the Route 17 Interchange Study. Mr. Ross made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Taylor to approve Resolution No. 13-17. Mr. Ross and Mr. Taylor voted Aye, Mr. Snellings voted No, Mr. Grzeika Abstained. The motion was carried. Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-18, Authorizing VDCR Grand Agreement and Approval of On-Call Non-Professional Regional Planning Services Agreement #13-01 and Related Task Order #13.01.1 Mr. Byrnes gave a brief overview of Resolution No. 13-18 and stated that it summarizes the sequential actions that the board has taken leading to the actions considered in the item which drew from support from local governments for GWRC to apply for this grant to support local development of a storm water program to comply with regulations. He noted that the GWRC received the full amount of funding requested from the VDCR. He added that the GWRC issued an RFP and upon receiving proposals has selected a team that would form a collaboration between Collaboration Concepts, Eldon James & Associates, Aqua Law, Friends of the Rappahannock, the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, and Spangler-Erkert & Associates. The total amount of grant funds divided among the various consulting parties is roughly $70,000 leaving approximately $29,000 for commission staff support. The proposed actions requested of the board are to approve the grant agreement as described in the packet item. Mr. Ross asked Mr. Byrnes asked if the funds were spread evenly to the group listed previously. Mr. Byrnes stated that it would be based on work load and responsibilities and would not be paid unless the consultants were brought in for assistance. Mr. Ross then asked Mr. Byrnes how the decision was made to choose consultants and Mr. Byrnes noted that it was based on the organizations expertise and capabilities. Mr. Grzeika made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Ross to approve Resolution No. 13-18. The motion was carried unanimously.

Other New Business: Town of Bowling Green – CDBG Planning Grant On-Call Professional Services Mr. Byrnes briefed the commission on the item and added that Mr. Ware had presented the proposition of the on-call consultant RFP to provide backup support to the staff and member localities that might want to supplement immediate access to consulting resources that GWRC would have under its on-call contract. He noted that GWRC has already been engaged with the

Town of Bowling Green in supporting their community planning grant for an assisted living facility project that they are working with a local non-profit on. He added that as the town had looked at their options for brining on board consulting support that they needed, the fast track for them was to piggyback on GWRCs consulting contract but the RFP did not strongly communicate anticipated needs for architectural/building design/engineering services. He stated that some of the firms that replied do offer those services he wanted to make sure that everyone that did respond would be aware that the scope for a potential task order would draw on that expertise. He added that some consultants have declined already while others have expressed interest. Mr. Byrnes then added that for the town this is the shortest path but the GWRC does not know what consultant will be hired yet and they don’t have a negotiated deal. Mr. Kelly asked whether this was basically asking GWRC to change the RFP to assist the Town of Bowling Green. He then stated that GWRC has asked the towns of Port Royal and Bowling Green to make requests through Caroline County. Mr. Byrnes stated that this project was already underway prior to the towns being requested to go through the County. Mr. Grzeika added that GWRC ought to wait until the RFP contract has been finalized. Mr. Byrnes then asked that in an effort to be as expedient as possible with the towns interests that the Executive Committee should meet in early January to make a decision on the topic rather than wait until the January Board Committee Meeting. It was decided to put the decision on hold either for Executive Committee or Board approval in January. SB -684 – Entitlement to sales and use Tax Revenues Mr. Kelly informed the committee about the use of sales and use tax revenues for public projects. He stated that to simplify the legislation it allows the locality to keep state non-committed state sales tax generated by a specific project within the locality to pay down debt-services on the project. He added that the City of Fredericksburg has passed it as part of its legislative agenda. It was requested that the item should be presented to the whole board. VCR Trail Mr. Ross asked about the VCR Trail and whether it will end at I-95 and added that he is interested in connecting from Spotsylvania County. It was discussed and would be brought up at a future board meeting. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Ware Executive Director (Draft minutes prepared by Daniel Reese, Regional Planner)

7.) Review of Minutes of GWRC Executive Committee Meeting of January 4, 2013




January 4, 2013

The Robert C. Gibbons Conference Room

406 Princess Anne St., Fredericksburg, Virginia

MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Fredericksburg: Matthew Kelly (Chair); King

George: Joe Grzeika; Stafford: Gary Snellings

MEMBERS ABSENT: Calvin Taylor (Caroline), David Ross (Spotsylvania)

STAFF: Tim Ware, Executive Director; Kevin Byrnes, Director of Regional Planning.

CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Kelly called the meeting to order at 4:07 pm with a quorum present.


Mr. Grzeika made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Snellings to approve the GWRC Executive

Committee Meeting Agenda for the January 4, 2013 Meeting. The motion was passed unanimously.


No old business was presented at this time.


Approval of Resolution No. 13-19, Approval of On-Call Regional Planning Services

Agreement #13-01B, related task Order #13-01b.1 and Memorandum of Understanding with

the Town of Bowling Green.

Mr. Byrnes briefed the Executive Committee on the need for On-Call Regional Planning Services in

bowling green. Mr. Grzeika made a motion that was seconded by Mr. Snellings to approve

Resolution No. 13-19, Approval of On-Call Regional Planning Services Agreement #13-01B, related

task Order #13-01b.1 and Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Bowling Green.

Other New Business:

No other new business was discussed at this time.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the Executive Committee meeting was

adjourned at 4:15 p.m...

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Ware

Executive Director

9.) Financial Report

1:25 PM


Accrual Basis

George Washington Regional Commission

Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2012

Dec 31, 12


Current Assets


1030 · StellarOneGWRC Checking 35,419.98

1040 · Petty cash 75.00

1080 · StellarOne-GWRC Money Market 8,231.06

Total Checking/Savings 43,726.04

Accounts Receivable

1110 · Accounts receivable 474,180.63

Total Accounts Receivable 474,180.63

Other Current Assets

1450 · Prepaid expenses 30,895.76

Total Other Current Assets 30,895.76

Total Current Assets 548,802.43

Fixed Assets

1640 · Furniture, fixtures, & equip 463,983.98

1745 · Accum deprec- furn,fix,equip -270,899.80

Total Fixed Assets 193,084.18

TOTAL ASSETS 741,886.61



Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

2010 · Accounts payable 423,616.68

Total Accounts Payable 423,616.68

Credit Cards

2063 · Donley 72.00

2070 · Utz 15.89

2076 · Anderson, Leigh 135.04

2077 · Ware credit card 363.13

Total Credit Cards 586.06

Other Current Liabilities

2100 · Payroll Liabilities(leave balan 28,431.40

2200 · New Payroll Liability

2210 · Payroll Liabilities - Fed WH 510.56

2220 · Payroll Liabilities - FICA 7.14

2230 · Payroll Liabilities - Medicare 38.72

2240 · Payroll Liabilities - VA WH -130.98

2270 · Payroll Liabilities - FUTA 7.86

2380 · Simple IRA - Employee -433.30

Total 2200 · New Payroll Liability 0.00

2310 · Deferred contract revenue -33.37

2570 · Short-term liabilities - other -0.15

Total Other Current Liabilities 28,397.88

Total Current Liabilities 452,600.62

Long Term Liabilities

2771 · StellarOneLassenLane 97,057.00

Total Long Term Liabilities 97,057.00

Total Liabilities 549,657.62

Page 1 of 2

1:25 PM


Accrual Basis

George Washington Regional Commission

Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2012

Dec 31, 12


3001 · Opening Bal Equity 0.01

3010 · Unrestrict (retained earnings) 77,662.80

Net Income 114,566.18

Total Equity 192,228.99


Page 2 of 2

1:31 PM


Accrual Basis

George Washington Regional Commission

Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2012

Jul - Dec 12 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


4000 · Contributed support

4520 · Federal grants

4520a · VDRPT 5303 34,576.00 35,137.00 -561.00 98.4%

4520c · FHWA PL 179,932.35 178,821.00 1,111.35 100.62%

4520d · FHWA RSTP Projects 218,937.88 114,000.00 104,937.88 192.05%

4520f · USHUD (HMIS) 12,200.00 29,653.00 -17,453.00 41.14%

4520i · FHWA SPR(rural transp) 15,899.86 29,000.00 -13,100.14 54.83%

4520o · CMAQ-federal match 30,868.69 70,112.00 -39,243.31 44.03%

4520q · CZM- Technical Assistance 17,159.87 0.00 17,159.87 100.0%

4520r · CZM/Infrastructure 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4520s · DMME-GWRC

4520s2 · Grant Advance 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4520s · DMME-GWRC - Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 4520s · DMME-GWRC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4520u · FEMA HazMit 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4520v · Caroline Co. Analysis 23,533.00 0.00 23,533.00 100.0%

Total 4520 · Federal grants 533,107.65 456,723.00 76,384.65 116.73%

4530 · State Grants

4530a · DHCD-Planning 37,985.00 37,986.00 -1.00 100.0%

4530b · VDRPT-Rideshare 225,342.00 177,900.00 47,442.00 126.67%

4530c · VDOT-PL/5303 match

4530c1 · VDOT PL/5303 carryover march 0.00 4,392.00 -4,392.00 0.0%

4530c · VDOT-PL/5303 match - Other 26,473.70 22,353.00 4,120.70 118.44%

Total 4530c · VDOT-PL/5303 match 26,473.70 26,745.00 -271.30 98.99%

4530f · Hazard Mitigation 1,843.28 0.00 1,843.28 100.0%

4530h · RSTP Project Match

4030h6 · UPC 90268 - FAMPO LRP Support 34,336.57 0.00 34,336.57 100.0%

4530h10 · Jackson Gateway/I95 IJR 15,848.85 0.00 15,848.85 100.0%

4530h11 · 97554 1,780.42 0.00 1,780.42 100.0%

4530h13 · UPC 102626 2,768.63 0.00 2,768.63 100.0%

4530h4 · Lafayette Blvd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4530h5 · I-95 Access Study 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4530h8 · UPC 91855 Public Involvement Su 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4530h9 · 92909 ParknRide lot 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

4530h · RSTP Project Match - Other 0.00 28,500.00 -28,500.00 0.0%

Total 4530h · RSTP Project Match 54,734.47 28,500.00 26,234.47 192.05%

4530p · CMAQ 19,780.21 0.00 19,780.21 100.0%

4531 · DEQ/CZM Corridor 0.00 15,000.00 -15,000.00 0.0%

4532 · DCR WIP Phase II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 4530 · State Grants 366,158.66 286,131.00 80,027.66 127.97%

4540 · Local government grants

4542 · Local Allocations

4542a · Caroline County

4542a2 · Caroline County Rail 118,286.00 0.00 118,286.00 100.0%

4542a · Caroline County - Other 10,000.00 11,298.00 -1,298.00 88.51%

Total 4542a · Caroline County 128,286.00 11,298.00 116,988.00 1,135.48%

4542b · Bowling Green 3,000.00

4542c · King Geroge County 13,702.00 13,702.00 0.00 100.0%

4542d · Spotsylvania County 75,261.00 75,261.00 0.00 100.0%

4542e · Stafford County 67,327.00 67,327.00 0.00 100.0%

4542f · Fredericksburg 14,940.00 14,940.00 0.00 100.0%

4542h · HMIS local 1,298.00 0.00 1,298.00 100.0%

Page 1 of 3

1:31 PM


Accrual Basis

George Washington Regional Commission

Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2012

Jul - Dec 12 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Total 4542 · Local Allocations 303,814.00 182,528.00 121,286.00 166.45%

Total 4540 · Local government grants 303,814.00 182,528.00 121,286.00 166.45%

Total 4000 · Contributed support 1,203,080.31 925,382.00 277,698.31 130.01%

4020s1 · EEGCDB(adm) 1,374.89

452021 · EECBDG Adm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

5000 · Earned revenues

5490 · Miscellaneous revenue

5490f · Regional Pilot Home Perf 27.23 0.00 27.23 100.0%

Total 5490 · Miscellaneous revenue 27.23 0.00 27.23 100.0%

5490a · REDCO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 5000 · Earned revenues 27.23 0.00 27.23 100.0%

5091 · interest income 31.63 0.00 31.63 100.0%

Total Income 1,204,514.06 925,382.00 279,132.06 130.16%


6560 · Payroll Expenses Taxes

6570 · Payroll Expenses-Employer FICA 24,335.50 23,013.00 1,322.50 105.75%

6590 · Payroll Expenses-Employer MEDI 5,857.48 5,906.00 -48.52 99.18%

Total 6560 · Payroll Expenses Taxes 30,192.98 28,919.00 1,273.98 104.41%

6610 · Payroll Expenses -11,657.00

7200 · Salaries & related expenses

7220 · Salaries & wages - other

7220a · Release time-Holiday

7220a(1 · Floating Holiday 2,949.20

7220a · Release time-Holiday - Other 16,447.02 17,701.00 -1,253.98 92.92%

Total 7220a · Release time-Holiday 19,396.22 17,701.00 1,695.22 109.58%

7220b · Release time - paid sick leave 15,990.55 25,285.00 -9,294.45 63.24%

7220c · Release time - annual leave 25,188.95 26,804.00 -1,615.05 93.98%

7220d · Adm Leave 6,329.96 0.00 6,329.96 100.0%

7220e · Additional Salary 825.00

7220 · Salaries & wages - other - Other 336,524.68 337,184.00 -659.32 99.8%

Total 7220 · Salaries & wages - other 404,255.36 406,974.00 -2,718.64 99.33%

7240 · Employee benefits - not pension 114,530.72 103,989.00 10,541.72 110.14%

Total 7200 · Salaries & related expenses 518,786.08 510,963.00 7,823.08 101.53%

7240b · Unemployment Payments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

7500 · Other personnel expenses

7550 · Temporary help - contract 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 7500 · Other personnel expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

7560 · - consultant

7560a · consultant services 8,468.35 0.00 8,468.35 100.0%

7560 · - consultant - Other 380,673.44 114,025.00 266,648.44 333.85%

Total 7560 · - consultant 389,141.79 114,025.00 275,116.79 341.28%

8100 · Non-personnel expenses

8110 · Supplies 5,061.67 8,029.00 -2,967.33 63.04%

8130 · Telephone & telecommunications 5,907.73 7,000.00 -1,092.27 84.4%

8140 · Postage, shipping, delivery 2,102.66 5,499.00 -3,396.34 38.24%

8160 · Equip rental & maintenance 10,221.24 9,000.00 1,221.24 113.57%

8170 · Printing & copying 1,011.25 200.00 811.25 505.63%

8180 · Books, subscriptions, reference 242.70 200.00 42.70 121.35%

Total 8100 · Non-personnel expenses 24,547.25 29,928.00 -5,380.75 82.02%

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1:31 PM


Accrual Basis

George Washington Regional Commission

Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July through December 2012

Jul - Dec 12 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

8162 · Equipment purchase 2,954.99 8,500.00 -5,545.01 34.77%

8175 · Public Relations

8175a · Van pool assistance 1,372.17 25,000.00 -23,627.83 5.49%

8175b · Leased spaces 13,875.00 0.00 13,875.00 100.0%

8175 · Public Relations - Other 30,229.34 800.00 29,429.34 3,778.67%

Total 8175 · Public Relations 45,476.51 25,800.00 19,676.51 176.27%

8176 · Rideshare Van subsidies/GRH 754.40 7,500.00 -6,745.60 10.06%

8177 · Rideshare Marketing 45,939.67 92,326.00 -46,386.33 49.76%

8200 · Occupancy expenses

8210 · Rent, parking, other occupancy 36,065.06 47,000.00 -10,934.94 76.73%

8220 · Utilities 3,463.93 0.00 3,463.93 100.0%

8230 · Real estate taxes 2,626.46

8200 · Occupancy expenses - Other 173.00 0.00 173.00 100.0%

Total 8200 · Occupancy expenses 42,328.45 47,000.00 -4,671.55 90.06%

8300 · Travel /training 1,403.45 1,500.00 -96.55 93.56%

8310 · Travel 4,063.12 3,024.00 1,039.12 134.36%

8320 · Conference,convention,meeting 8,420.74 3,250.00 5,170.74 259.1%

8500 · Misc expenses

8510 · Interest expense - general

8510a · Interest expense 2,106.95 0.00 2,106.95 100.0%

Total 8510 · Interest expense - general 2,106.95 0.00 2,106.95 100.0%

8520 · Insurance - non-employee 1,817.00 2,900.00 -1,083.00 62.66%

8530 · Membership dues - organization 4,721.50 3,000.00 1,721.50 157.38%

Total 8500 · Misc expenses 8,645.45 5,900.00 2,745.45 146.53%

8600 · Business expenses

8650 · Taxes - other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 8600 · Business expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

9960 · Other Expense 250.00 0.00 250.00 100.0%

Total Expense 1,111,247.88 878,635.00 232,612.88 126.47%

Net Ordinary Income 93,266.18 46,747.00 46,519.18 199.51%

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

9301 · Legislative Liaison 37,250.00 0.00 37,250.00 100.0%

Total Other Income 37,250.00 0.00 37,250.00 100.0%

Other Expense

8590 · RRBC Pass-through 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

9300 · Farmers Mrkt 0.00

9302 · Legislative consultant 15,950.00 0.00 15,950.00 100.0%

9500 · RRBC expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

9820 · SmartBenefits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

9920 · REDCO expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Other Expense 15,950.00 0.00 15,950.00 100.0%

Net Other Income 21,300.00 0.00 21,300.00 100.0%

Net Income 114,566.18 46,747.00 67,819.18 245.08%

Page 3 of 3

12a.) Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-10, Authorizing the Execution of Agreement with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation


George Washington Regional Commission

406 Princess Anne Street

Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

(540) 373-2890

Fax (540) 899-4808




BE IT RESOLVED, by the George Washington Regional Commission (‘the Commission’) that it’s Executive Director is authorized, for and on behalf of the Commission, hereinafter referred to as THE PUBLIC BODY, to execute and file an application with the Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as THE DEPARTMENT, for a grant of financial assistance in the amount of $355,803 to defray eighty percent (80%) of the cost borne by THE PUBLIC BODY for a ridesharing program, and to accept from THE DEPARTMENT grants in such amounts as may be awarded, and to authorize the Executive Director to furnish to THE DEPARTMENT such documents and other information as may be required for processing the grant request. The George Washington Regional Commission certifies that the funds shall be used in accordance with the requirements of Section 58.1-638.A.4 of the Code of Virginia; that THE PUBLIC BODY will provide funds in the amount of $88,951, which will be used to match State funds in the ratio as required in such Act, that the records of receipts of expenditures of funds granted THE PUBLIC BODY may be subject to audit by THE DEPARTMENT and by the State Auditor of Public Accounts; and that funds granted to THE PUBLIC BODY for defraying the expenses of THE PUBLIC BODY shall be used only for such purposes as authorized in the Code of Virginia. The undersigned duly qualified and acting Secretary of THE PUBLIC BODY certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a legally convened meeting of the George Washington Regional Commission held on the 28th day of January, 2013, in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia.

___________________________________________ January 28, 2013 Calvin Taylor, Secretary


Annual Work Plan

FY 2014


Table of Contents

Section 1.0 Program Overview 1

Section 1.1 Program Background 1

Section 2.0 TDM Program Demographics and Areas Served 3

Section 3.0 TDM Program Structure 6

3.1 Organization Chart 6

3.2 Staff Structure 7

Section 4.0 Annual Operating Budget 12

Section 5.0 GWRideConnect Program Components FY14 14

5.1 Component Budget Summary 21

Section 6.0 Program Goals 22

Section 7.0 Evaluation 23

7.1 Data Collection 23

Section 8.0 Program Results 25


Section 1.0 Program Overview

GwRideConnect is the ridesharing agency that serves the George Washington Regional

Commission (GWRC) area, one of the fastest growing regions in the State. This region consists

of Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline, and King George counties and the City of Fredericksburg.

GWRideConnect promotes ridesharing and transportation demand management (TDM)

techniques to assist persons seeking transportation options to their workplaces and other

destinations. It is the goal of the program to promote, plan and establish transportation

alternatives to the use of the single occupant vehicle (SOV), improving air quality, reducing

congestion and improving the overall quality of life for the citizens of the region.

As stated in the program's Long Range TDM Plan, GWRideConnect will continue to be the

recognized source for TDM and transportation information and assistance in the George

Washington Region. The program will offer an expanded portfolio of TDM services.

GWRideConnect will work to be an integrated component of transportation, land use and

development planning and processes, and will continue to engage local businesses in TDM

programs in the region. In addition to performing a wide range of daily TDM activities,

GWRideConnect supports the largest vanpool fleet in the State, manages the ADVANTAGE

vanpool self-insurance pool for the entire State and is an active partner in regional transit and

transportation planning.

Section 1.1 Program Background

The Rappahannock Area Development Commission (RADCO) was formed in 1968. The

Commission is one of 21 Planning District Commissions (PDCs), established to facilitate local

government cooperation in addressing regional problems and issues in Virginia. Planning

District 16, the region overseen by RADCO, consists of the region described above.

In 1974, the RADCO Rideshare program was created in response to the OPEC oil embargo,

which spurred increased fuel prices and peaked interest in carpooling and other non-SOV

transportation options. RADCO Rideshare provided ride matching, carpool, and vanpool

services to residents, employees, and employers in Planning District 16 until 2007 when

RADCO was renamed the George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC) and RADCO

Rideshare became GWRideConnect.


The program has grown and evolved over the years to provide a wide range of TDM programs in

addition to ride matching. This fiscal year GWRideConnect will conduct the following work

elements to achieve the Goals, Objectives and Strategies set forth in the program's Long Range

Transportation Demand Management Plan. The work elements performed will be: 1) Free ride

share matching program. 2) Provide transit solutions/alternatives in the region. 3) Provide

follow up assistance to all new GWRideConnect clients to track placement and provide

additional assistance. 4) Facilitate the formation of vanpools and maintain the existing vanpool

fleet. 5) Operate the Advantage self-insurance program for vanpools. 6) Financial assistance for

vans through the Van Save program. 7) Financial assistance to new vanpools through Van Start.

8) Assist vanpools with the Smart Benefits Program. 9) Support and promote the vanpool

National Transit Database (NTD) program. 10) Facilitate the formation of carpools & provide

support. 11) Assist clients with VRE /Amtrak/METRO. 12) Assist FRED transit by serving on

the Public Transit Advisory Board (PTAB) and continue to sell fare media. 13) Promote and

assist private commuter buses in region to maintain existing routes and expand future routes. 14)

Work with the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) to

incorporate TDM strategies in planning. 15) Work with the Virginia Department of

Transportation (VDOT) and FAMPO to establish commuter parking lots. 16) Lease commuter

parking spaces from private property owners. 17) Promote teleworking. 18) Reduce annual

gasoline consumption and motor vehicle emissions. 19) Advertise and promote

GWRideConnect. 20) Engage local businesses in establishing TDM techniques at their

workplaces. 21) Engage local realtors to distribute rideshare material to new residents in the

region. 22) Work with the State to establish TDM strategies and techniques for major corridors.

23) Establish a Guaranteed Ride Home program in the region for local commuters.

GWRideConnect monitors and self-evaluates the program and the work elements to determine

their effectiveness. Elements are added, deleted or adjusted to meet the needs of the citizens of

the region and the ultimate goals of the program. A complete description of the Evaluation Plan

and the Program Results can be found in Section 7.0 and 8.0. A complete list of the types of data

that is collected by the staff is included in Section7.1.


Section 2.0 TDM Program Demographics and Areas Served

Description of Service Area

Since 2000, GWRideConnect’s service area, shown in Figure 1, has grown more rapidly than

any other region in Virginia. The majority of the region’s growing population lives in the

urbanized area surrounding the City of Fredericksburg.

Located about 50 miles southwest of the District of Columbia, GWRideConnect’s 1,410 square-

mile service area is currently home to approximately 333,000 residents and 163,000 jobs. The

region primarily serves as a feeder market for Washington, D.C. to the northeast, and to a lesser

extent, Richmond to the southeast. The City of Fredericksburg and military installations at

Quantico, Fort A.P. Hill, Dahlgren, and the Naval Surface Warfare Center are also significant

local employment centers.

Demographic Profile

The population of GWRideConnect’s service area has increased by more than 400 percent since

1960. In 1980, the region surpassed Northern Virginia as the fastest growing region in the State.

Since 2000, the population of the George Washington Region has grown at nearly triple the rate

of the Commonwealth as a whole.

Stafford County has the largest population of any jurisdiction in the region, followed by

Spotsylvania County. More than three-quarters of the region’s population resides in these two

counties. The Table below shows total population and population projections in each of

GWRC’s member jurisdictions from 2000 to 2040.

Population by Jurisdiction

2000 to 2040

Jurisdiction 2000* 2010* 2020* 2030** 2040 **

Caroline County 22,121 28,545 34,867 41,217 46,600

King George County 16,803 23,585 30,234 37,819 44,700

Spotsylvania County 90,395 122,397 161,473 202,735 240,570

Stafford County 92,446 128,961 169,778 212,678 251,850

City of Fredericksburg 19,279 24,286 27,163 30,565 33,620

Total 241,044 327,773 423,515 525,014 617,340

*U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census of Population. ** GWRC/FAMPO Population Projections.


Outbound Commuters

In 2000, 40 percent of employed George Washington Region residents traveled out of the Region

for work. In 2007, the Virginia State of the Commute Survey estimated this figure had increased

to 44 percent. Based on this more recent data the George Washington Region has the second

highest percentage of outbound commuters in Virginia. GWRC outbound commuters have an

average one-way trip time of 64 minutes and distance of 45 miles; nearly triple the average trip

time and distance of GWRC internal commuters. As a result of these long-distance commuters,

the George Washington Region has the longest average commute time and length of any region

in Virginia.1

The chart below shows the comparisons of percentages of out bound commuters from the GW

Region, with other regions in the state. The greatest number of “outbound” work trips is from

Stafford County to Northern Virginia and the Washington Metropolitan Area. In 2000, nearly

15,000 workers traveled from Stafford County to Fairfax and Prince William Counties on an

average weekday.

Percentage of Commuters Who Commute Out of the Region

Source Virginia State of the Commute Survey, 2007.

1 Virginia State of the Commute Study, 2007.














0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Middle Peninsula

GW Region


Front Royal

Outer Beltway

Northern Neck

Inner Beltway




Hampton Roads




Figure 1 GWRideConnect Service Area


Section 3.0 TDM Program Structure

3.1 GWRC Organizational Chart

Source: GWRC


3.2 GWRideConnect Staff

Duties / Salaries / Percent charged to Grant

Transportation Administrative Specialist – Leigh Anderson

Provide ridesharing and transportation information to clients.

Interact with clients, visitors and citizens.

Answer telephones and transfer to appropriate staff member.

Update and manage GWRideConnect Website

Assist TDM Director with the Advantage Self-Insurance Program

Open, sort and distribute incoming correspondence, including faxes and email.

Perform general clerical duties to include, but not limited to, copying, faxing, mailing and

filing. Maintain office supplies and run various office errands.

File and retrieve organization documents, records and reports.

Create and modify documents such as reports, memos, letters, using Microsoft Office

suite and other programs.

Set up and coordinate meetings and conferences.

Assist in the preparation of agendas and make various arrangements for committees,

Boards and other meetings.

Support staff in various project-based work

Assist in various public outreach activities

Other duties as assigned.

Full Time Position – 40 hours per week

Salary - $34,590

Percent Charged to Grant Program – 50% ($17,295)


Transportation Demand Management Planner – Sandra Moore

Assist with implementing an Outreach Program to target local work sites to increase the

number of local carpools and vanpools in Planning District 16 thus decreasing the traffic

congestion in the region.

Work with BRAC Coordinators to increase the number of local carpools and vanpools

travelling to the military bases outside of Planning District 16 thus decreasing the traffic

congestion in the region.

Work with local Realtors and provide them with GWRideConnect packets to distribute to

new residents.

Act as a vanpool liaison between GWRideConnect and the local vanpools. Enter all

vanpools into the Rideshare databases; send out weekly match lists to vanpools. Work

directly with vanpools to assist them in keeping their vanpools full. Educate all vanpools

on the various programs for them such as the Van Start and Van Save program, the

Transit Benefits program, the Advantage Self Insurance Program for vanpools and the

new NTD Vanpool Incentive Program.

Assist TDM Director with promoting the NTD vanpool assistance program.

Assist TDM Director with operating the Advantage Program.

Attend job related seminars, conferences and training sessions that may involve some


Represent GWRideConnect at Job Fairs and Employer Outreach Fairs, locally and in

Northern Virginia and D.C.

Put together Rideshare Displays for Job Fairs and other Transportation related events and

prepare handouts.

Perform field work involving commuter lot surveys, commuter lot promotions, slug lines,

commuter highway sign needs.

Assist TDM Director with special projects.

Perform daily Rideshare activities including: answering the GWRideConnect phone line,

Rideshare data entry, website updates and monitoring, surveys, mail outs, etc.

Part Time Position, 20 hours per week

Salary - $21,663 ($20.83 per hour)

Percent Charged to Grant Program – 100%


Transportation Demand Management Planner – Joanna Roberson

Develop an overall knowledge of the GWRideConnect program and be able to explain

the program to all clients and citizens of the George Washington Region.

Assist all Rideshare clients with Rideshare information via phone, fax, email or other.

Input Rideshare client data into Rideshare database and Commuter Connections database.

Keep both databases updated which involves updating thousands of data records


Prepare Rideshare match letters and corresponding information for Rideshare clients.

Prepare Rideshare packets with information needed for Rideshare clients, TDM Planner

and TDM Director when needed...

Assist TDM Director with promoting FRED Transit.

Keep Rideshare materials (brochures, bus schedules, tele-commuting info and commuter

lot maps) in good order and in stock at all times.

Work with local bus companies to insure that their schedules are current, inform the

TDM Director if bus operators need assistance.

Send out follow up surveys to all new rideshare clients.

Record all Rideshare data needed for GWRideConnect monthly performance reporting

and evaluation purposes.

Complete miscellaneous tasks as assigned by TDM Director.

Attend monthly FAMPO Technical Committee Meetings and prepare minutes.

Prepare monthly Transportation Advisory Group minutes.

Full Time Position, 40 hours per week

Salary - $45,144

Percent Charged to Grant Program – 100%


GWRideConnect Director – Diana Utz

Manage and direct the GWRideConnect Program, for the George Washington Regional

Commission, establishing and promoting a strong local Transportation Demand

Management Program to assist citizens with transportation alternatives and to increase

the number of carpools, vanpools and transit options for commuters inside Planning

District 16

Oversee all work activities of the daily operation of the GWRideConnect program to

achieve the Goals and Objectives set forth in the TDM Plan. Work with TDM staff in

creating and implementing new programs and insuring daily rideshare activities flow


Supervise, assign tasks and assist the full time and part time Transportation Demand

Management Planners, and the Transportation Administrative Assistant. Work and

coordinate TDM activities with the Regional Planner.

Establish an aggressive Employer Outreach Program to target local work sites to increase

the number of local carpools and vanpools in Planning District 16 thus decreasing the

traffic congestion in the region.

Work with residents in the continuation and formation of carpools and vanpools.

Manage and assist DRPT and the Division of Risk Management in operating the

ADVANTAGE Self Insurance Vanpool program for all vanpools in the State.

Work with local private property owners to lease commuter parking spaces, write leases

and oversee payment.

Help to promote and educate vanpools and staff on the NTD Vanpool Incentive Program.

Work with FAMPO staff and VDOT to monitor and assess the need for commuter lots in

the Region, monitor utilization and help coordinate location and design of new lots.

Oversee the Smart Benefit Transit Voucher Redemption Program for vanpools whose

riders receive transit benefits and continue to work closely with METRO on this project.

Promote and assist FREDericksburg Regional Transit and the local commuter bus

companies in the region and serve as GWRC’s appointee as a voting member on the

Public Transit Advisory Board. Serve on the Marketing and Public Safety committees

for Fred Transit.


Manage and oversee the operation and maintenance of the GWRideConnect and

Commuter Connections database.

Develop and implement an effective marketing program for GWRideConnect to increase

awareness of the program. Oversee the program’s website, insure that its updated, user

friendly and an effective tool in marketing and outreach for the GWRideConnect


Work and coordinate the GWRideConnect program with VDOT, VDRPT, FAMPO and

local planning agencies on transportation demand management practices that will reduce

traffic congestion and improve air quality.

Serve as a voting member of the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning

Organization (FAMPO) Technical Committee.

Serve as a voting member on FAMPO’s Interagency Consultation Group for Air Quality.

Serve as a member of the Quantico regional planning team.

Participate in the I-95 Expressway TMP program.

Full Time Position, 40 hours per week

Salary - $78,000.00

Percent Charged to Grant Program – 100%


Section 4.0 Annual FY14 Operating Budget

GWRideConnect Funding from DRPT

Administration $371,442

Marketing & Promotion $59,312

Subsidies $11,500

Travel & Training $2,500

Total DRPT Funding with Match $444,754

GWRideConnect Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Funding from


CMAQ funding is used to fund marketing activities and outreach efforts to expand

the use of TDM measures as well as the expansion and continuation of the Van

Start program and the leased commuter parking lot program.

Total CMAQ Funding FY14 $188,302

Total GWRideConnect Budget $633,056


GWRideConnect FY 2014

Budget Description for DRPT Grant Funds

Administration - $371,442

Includes: Salaries - $162,102 for Diana Utz, Sandra Moore, Joanna Roberson, Leigh Anderson

Fringe Benefits - $102,968 (Fringe Benefit Rate - .6352)

Indirect Cost - $106,372 (Indirect Cost Rate - .4013)

Indirect Costs includes a small percentage of salaries of the Executive Director, Tim Ware and

the Accounts Manager, Barbara Bigelow as outlined in the approved Indirect Cost Allocation


Marketing & Promotion - $59,312

Newspaper advertisements, radio promotions etc. for the marketing of the GWRideConnect

program to specifically include the following:

-Display Ads (2col x 5.75col) placed in the King George Journal, Caroline Progress, Stafford


-Rotating display ads, (2col x 5.75) and (3col. X 6.75) to be placed every other Sunday and

Wednesday in the Free Lance-Star throughout the year.

-Fall and Winter radio advertising campaign will begin in October and in January utilizing four,

60 second radio spots, two in the morning and two in the evening during drive times on WFLS

and B101.5 and newspaper display ads.

- Spring and Summer radio advertising campaigns will begin in April and run through June

utilizing four, 60 second radio spots, two in the morning and two in the evening during drive

times on WFLS and B101.5 and newspaper display ads.

-Miscellaneous advertising funds will be used throughout the fiscal year to create new print ads,

additional advertising in regional journals and newspapers and print materials

Subsidies - $11,500

This provides for the Van Save program and leasing 25 commuter parking spaces.

Travel & Training - $2,500

This line item covers costs for TDM staff to attend both related and mandatory meetings and the

ACT National Conference.

Total Rideshare Budget - $444,754 DRPT pays - $355,803 GWRC match - $88,951


Section 5.0 GWRideConnect Program Components FY 14

Note – Administration is based on percentage of staff time which includes travel/training line

item. All cost estimates listed utilize DRPT grant funds only. If CMAQ is used in addition it is

noted in parenthesis.

Free Rideshare Matching Program – program assists thousands of residents each year,

matching them to existing transit providers.

Cost Estimate: $74,788 / 20% administration

Staff Persons assigned: 4

Services: Matching service that produces a match letter that is emailed or sent in a complete

Rideshare packet with pertinent transit related material and GRH information.

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Match 2,000 clients and produce 2,000 letters/packets

GWRideConnect Website - The GWRideConnect website has evolved as the source in the

region for information regarding transportation solutions. The site advertises and promotes local

private commuter buses and the FRED bus. The site provides a ride match application, posts

vanpools and carpools with vacancies, and features the GWRideBoard that is posted with local

rides. Links to transit can be found on the website and include VRE, METRO, AMTRAK,

Greyhound and other alternatives.

Cost Estimate: $22,437 / 6% administration (work element is CMAQ eligible for marketing and

outreach and CMAQ funds are utilized)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: Provides instant ridesharing information to residents in the region. The Vanpool

Connections page is the most utilized on the website. Residents can find vanpools that are

seeking riders on that site with their contact information. Staff is constantly updating and

improving the website which requires additional staff time. The percentage of administration has

increased during the present fiscal year and is reflected here.

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: 6,000 average hits per year


Follow-up - conduct call back / email surveys for all new applicants and all new carpools and

vanpools and provides assistance to all applicants that may need further help. Staff monitors the

follow up surveys and tracks placement.

Cost Estimate: $11,218 / 3% administration

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: NA

Schedule: Bi-weekly work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: allows staff to track placement, helps self-evaluate program.

Vanpool formation, maintenance and assistance – facilitate the formation of new vanpools in

the region, maintain the existing fleet of 400 vanpools and assist vanpools with getting and

maintaining passengers. Educate operators about any new programs that may affect their


Cost Estimate: $56,091 / 15% administration

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: Work closely with vanpool operators on daily basis

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Assist with the formation of 50 vanpools in the region for FY14.

GWRideConnect has formed 48 vanpools as of January, 2013.

ADVANTAGE Self-insurance Pool Program – provides self-insurance liability protection

program for all vanpools in the State of Virginia with the assistance of the Division of Risk

Management (DRM). This program saves vanpool operators thousands of dollars per year and

provides operators up to 14 million dollars more liability protection than prior insurance plans.

The ADVANTAGE program is run entirely with staff from GWRC and the Division of Risk

Management. The program charges no overhead for its operation and the vanpool operators pay

for “accidents” from the self-insurance pool which consists of their premiums. Currently over

300 vans are enrolled in the program. The majority are from the George Washington region.

GWRideConnect staff has been asked to provide more assistance in operating this program from

the Division of Risk Management. For FY14 GWRideConnect staff will provide more

administrative duties involving the enrollment process of vanpool operators and other daily

functions now currently provided by DRM staff. This will allow DRM staff more time to focus

on the “claims” side of the program. Providing this assistance to DRM greatly increases the

percentage of administrative time allotted for this work element.

Cost Estimate: $29,915 / 8% administration / $0 for Division of Risk Management


Staff Persons Assigned: 1 to 2

Service: Limited liability self-insurance for vanpool operators in Virginia

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Continue to provide limited liability self-insurance for vanpool operators

with the Division of Risk Management.

Van Start Program – This program provides start up funding for new vanpools in their first few

months of operation. For FY14 GWRideConnect staff would operate and manage a corridor

wide Van Start Program for the I-95 Transit / TDM Management Program. This program would

operate during the construction phase of the HOV or Express Lanes on I-95. Funding for the

“empty seats” would be provided by VDOT and the Administrative funding would come from

this TDM grant. Therefore, for FY14 there is an increase in the percentage of administrative

time allocated for this element.

Cost Estimate: $29,915 / 8% administration (work element is CMAQ eligible and CMAQ funds

are utilized for new start subsidies)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: Vanpool Start up funding

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Assist new vanpools with funding

Van Save Program – This program is funded by the GWRideConnect program and provides

financial assistance for 20 vanpools in danger of ceasing operation.

Cost Estimate: $23,697

$18,697 / 5% administration, $5,000 for van subsidies

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: Funding to save established vanpools in danger of ceasing operation

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Save vanpools with funding for FY14

National Transit Database Vanpool Incentive Program – This multi-regional program,

operated by PRTC is designed to allow vanpools in the region to report their transit data to the

National Transit Database. This would generate additional 5307 funds for vanpool incentive

programs and excess funding that would come back into the region. The new NTD Vanpool

Incentive program will increase the number of vanpools in the region thus reducing the number


of cars on the road. It is estimated that each vanpool has the potential of earning up to $10,930

per year. 350 vanpools could generate 3.8 million dollars per year. GWRideConnect staff will

assist in educating, promoting and encouraging vanpool operators both existing and new start up

pools to participate in this program.

Cost Estimate: $18,697 / 5% administration

Staff Person Assigned: 1

Service: NA

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Generate additional 5307 funds for the region, form new vanpools and

maintain the existing vanpool fleet.

Carpool Formation, Maintenance and Assistance – facilitate the formation of new formal

carpools, provide support and facilitate the continuation of instant carpooling or slugging.

Cost Estimate: $11,218 /3% administration

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Service: NA

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Assist with the formation of 25 new formal carpools in the region for


Commuter Buses - assist and promote the Commuter buses in the region and continue to

support and promote FRED transit.

Cost Estimate: $14,958 / 4% administration

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Grow and maintain the number of commuter bus runs and the local

FRED bus system in the region. GWRideConnect staff has developed an Empty Seat Bus Start

Up Program for the I-95 Express Lanes Transit / TDM Management Program. GWRideConnect

staff would operate and manage this program during the construction phase of the HOV or

Express Lanes on I-95. Funding for the “empty seats” would be provided by VDOT and the

Administrative funding would come from this TDM grant. Therefore, for FY14 there is an

increase in the percentage of administrative time allocated for this element.


Advertising Campaigns - advertise and promote the GWRideConnect program through print

media, radio and our website in every locality in the region.

Display Ads – GWRideConnect will advertise bi-weekly in the Free Lance-Star with

large display ads every other Wednesday and Sunday throughout FY14.

Fall Marketing Campaign -begins in October with Display ads in the Free Lance-Star,

Caroline Progress, The Journal and The Stafford Sun. Radio Advertising on B101.5 and

WFLS will begin in October and run through the week days through November, 2013.

Winter Marketing Campaign – begins in January with Display ads in the Free Lance-

Star, Caroline Progress, The Journal and The Stafford Sun. Radio Advertising on

B101.5 and WFLS will begin in January and run through February, 2014.

Spring/Summer Marketing Campaign - begins in April with Display ads in the Free

Lance-Star, Caroline Progress, The Journal and The Stafford Sun. Radio Advertising on

B101.5 and WFLS will begin in May and run through the week days until the end of

June, 2013.

Cost Estimate: $92,968

$33,656 / 9% administration, $59,312 marketing expenses (work element is CMAQ eligible and

CMAQ funds are heavily utilized for marketing and promotion)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Schedule: See above

Anticipated Outcome: Increase the number of rideshare clients, increase awareness of the

programs and transportation alternatives, increase applicant placement, increase carpool and

vanpool formation and keep existing pools full of passengers.

Commuter Lots - work with VDOT and the Fredericksburg Technical Parking Committee to

plan for new commuter lots in the region. Inspect all of the commuter lots in the region and

monitor utilization. Serve on the Study Advisory Group sponsored by VDOT to help develop a

statewide study to enhance the Park and Ride program for the Commonwealth.

Leasing Commuter Parking Spaces - Utilizing allocated CMAQ funds, lease commuter

parking spaces from commercial property owners. GWRideConnect currently leases 105

spaces in South Stafford and Spotsylvania County for commuters travelling to Dahlgren

in King George County. This is the most cost effective way to provide commuter parking

in the region.

This current FY13 GWRC is leasing 25 spaces in Ladysmith located in Caroline County.

The funding to lease these spaces comes from the GWRideConnect DRPT grant. GWRC

plans to lease 25 commuter parking spaces in this region for FY14. Since this part of the


region is not located in the non-attainment area, the leased spaces are not eligible for

CMAQ funding. The cost of $6,500 to lease these spaces is included in the Subsidies line


Cost Estimate: $17,718

$11,218 / 3% administration, $6,500 for leasing costs for 25 spaces in Ladysmith (CMAQ funds

are used for leasing the 105 spaces in Spotsylvania and Stafford, not included in total)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Lease 130 spaces for commuter parking, monitor utilization of existing

VDOT commuter lots and provide assistance to plan for future lots.

Employer Outreach – GWRideConnect outreaches to employers in the region (GEICO, NSWC

and Quantico) to help establish transportation demand management techniques at their worksites

and assist with established programs. This year GWRideConnect staff serves as a member of the

Quantico Planning Committee to assist the base with planning and TDM techniques.

University of Mary Washington and Germanna Community College Outreach –

GWRideConnect has started outreach efforts to both of these institutions to assist their

students and faculty members with transportation alternatives. GWRideConnect staff

created the GWRideBoard as a result of a need for Germanna Community College

students to get in touch with each other to form carpools. The GWRideBoard resides on

the GWRideConnect website and is open to all members of the region. It is a way for

commuters to post rides needed and rides that they can provide electronically.

Realtor Outreach - GWRideConnect works with realtors in every locality in the region

and provides them with informational packets to distribute to home buyers and new

residents to the region. Packets include transit and TDM information.

Cost Estimate: $26,176 / 7% administration (work element is CMAQ eligible and CMAQ funds

are utilized for marketing, education and outreach to the realtor and employer community

regarding TDM programs)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Distribute 1,500 Rideshare information packets to local realtors, hotels,

libraries and employers. Outreach to 20 new employers and continue to outreach to the local

University and Community College.


TDM and Planning - Work with FAMPO to incorporate TDM strategies in planning and help

enhance bike and pedestrian infrastructure in the Region. Serve as a voting member of the

FAMPO Technical Committee and on the Interagency Consultation Group dealing with air

quality conformity. Diana Utz will continue to serve as a member of the Quantico Regional

Planning Team to assist the Base with developing a plan for future growth.

Cost Estimate: $7,479 / 2% administration

Staff Persons Assigned: 1

Schedule: Daily work activity FY14

Anticipated Outcome: Bring forward to the MPO the importance of the GWRideConnect

program as an efficient tool in solving transportation and congestion problems to the region.

Guaranteed Ride Home Program for Local Commuters – Establish a Guaranteed Ride Home

program for residents that commute locally. Staff will work with local taxi cabs and rental car

agencies to develop a guaranteed ride home program in the region.

Cost Estimate: $7,479 / 2% administration (work element is CMAQ eligible and CMAQ funds

are utilized for this effort)

Staff Persons Assigned: 2

Schedule: work activity FY 14

Anticipated Outcome: Establish and maintain this new Guaranteed Ride Home program for the



GWRideConnect Program Components FY 14 Budget Summary

Free Rideshare Matching Program $74,788

GWRideConnect Website $22,437

Follow-Up $11,218

Vanpool Formation/maintenance $56,091

ADVANTAGE Program $29,915

Van Start Program $29,915

Van Save Program $23,697

NTD Vanpool Incentive Program $18,697

Carpool Formation/maintenance $11,218

Commuter Buses $14,958

Advertising Campaigns $92,968

Commuter Lots $17,718

Employer / Realtor Outreach $26,176

TDM Planning $7,479

Guaranteed Ride Home Program $7,479

Total Program Component Budget $444,754


Section 6.0 Program Goals

Goal 1: GWRideConnect will have an established community presence and be the recogonized

source for TDM and transportation information and assistance in the George Washington


1.1 Objective: Increase public awareness through effective marketing

1.2 Objective: Develop efficient organizational practices to maximize the impact of

TDM efforts.

1.3 Maintain and expand strategic partnerships to increase the visibility of TDM.

Goal 2: GWRideConnect will offer an expanding portfolio of TDM services to increase

utilization of non-SOV travel options and improve mobility.

2.1 Objective: Increase the number of vanpools and carpools serving the George

Washington Region.

2.2 Objective: Support expansion of transit services to serve local and long-distance


2.3 Objective: Support development of coordinated human mobility services.

Goal 3: TDM will be viewed as an integrated component of transportation, land use, and

development planning and processes in Planning District 16.

3.1 Objective: Support development of transportation infrastructure that serves the needs

of non-Sov users.

3.2 Objective: Increase the number of transportation and land use plans that directly

address TDM

3.3 Objective: Elevate the role of TDM in local land use development and transportation


Goal 4: GWRideConnect will engage local businesses in TDM programs.

4.1 Objective: Increase the number of employers with active TDM programs.

4.2 Objective: Expand Telework opportunities and use.

4.3 Objective: Increase the number of local realtors that work with us in distributing

TDM information to new residents.


Section 7.0 Evaluation

GWRideConnect currently tracks multiple performance measures to monitor program delivery

and performance. GWRideConnect conducts follow-up with all ride match applicants within 12

days. In addition, staff surveys applicants, vanpools, carpools, and bus runs listed in the

GWRideConnect database twice annually to update their commuter information and offer

additional assistance if necessary. GWRideConnect compares month-to-month and year-to-year

performance and adjusts its efforts based on these results. Staff also evaluates performance

through regular reports to the GWRC Board of Commissioners, Metropolitan Washington

Council of Governments, and DRPT. Current performance results illustrate the effectiveness and

efficiency of the program; GWRideConnect has a net program cost per ridesharing participant of

less than $0.20 per trip (compared to $5.00 or more per transit trip).

GWRideConnect is also monitored through several State and regional studies conducted by

MWCOG and other outside agencies. These resources serve as a starting point to evaluate the

impact of the program and monitor GWRideConnect’s progress towards its goals and


7.1 Data Collection

GWRideConnect staff collects data counts from the following categories to evaluate the

program on a monthly and annual basis.

New applicants

Existing Applicants assisted

Commuter Connections applicants assisted

Guaranteed Ride Home applicants assisted

New carpools formed

Existing carpools assisted

New vanpools Formed

Existing vanpools assisted

Follow up surveys distributed


Non-applicants assisted

New Bus Runs formed

Bus Referrals / schedules distributed

VRE Clients assisted

Metro clients assisted

Local Outreach (Employer and Realtor) tracked

Vanpool / carpool / bus surveys distributed

GWRideConnect applicant database survey distributed

Telework Information distributed

Smart Benefit Information distributed

Commuter Connections Brochures distributed

Guaranteed Ride Home brochures distributed

Commuter Lot Maps distributed


Section 8.0 GWRideConnect Program Results FY12

New applicants using GWRideConnect –1,082

Applicants Assisted – 3,604

New vanpools Formed – 128

Vanpools Assisted- 2,473

Formal Carpools Formed and Assisted – 60

Applicant surveys – 6,100

Vanpool surveys – 1,077

Local Bus Information Dist. –1,693

VRE Information Dist. – 2,112

Metro Information Dist. – 2,093

GWRideConnect Website Hits – 2,400 per month

Over 40,000 persons receiving assistance and information from GWRideConnect Program

for FY 12

GWRideConnect Current Database Statistics FY13

Existing Vanpools – 408

These vans transport 4,896 persons per day, 1,233,792 persons per year

These vans reduce 9,792 work trips per day, 2,467,584 work trips per year

587,520 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per day

148,055,040 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per year

Formal Carpools – 130

These carpools transport 390 persons per day, 97,500 persons per year

These carpools reduce 520 work trips per day, 130,000 work trips per year

31,200 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per day

7,800,000 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per day


Commuter Bus Runs – 22

Buses transport 660 persons per day, 166,320 persons per year

Buses reduce 1,320 work trips per day, 332,640 work trips per year

79,200 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per day

19,958,400 vehicle miles traveled are reduced per year

TOTAL Database Results

GWRC persons using vanpools, formal carpools, commuter buses daily – 5,946

GWRC persons using vanpools, formal carpools, commuter buses annually – 1,498,392

Work trips reduced per day – 11,892

Work trips reduced per year – 2,996,784

Vehicle Miles traveled reduced per day – 713,520

Vehicle Miles traveled reduced per year – 179,807,040

*Note – Figures from GWRideConnect are based on 252 working days per year, 12 persons per

vanpool, 3 persons per carpool and 30 persons per bus

GWRideConnect Program Scope

TDM Agency ‐ operated by the GWRC Commission that serves the residents of Planning District 16.

GWRideConnect ‐ promotes ridesharing and TDM techniques to assist citizens seeking transportation techniques to assist citizens seeking transportation options to workplaces and other destinations.

Program Goal ‐ to promote, plan and establish transportation alternatives to the single occupant vehicle  improving air quality  reducing congestion & vehicle, improving air quality, reducing congestion & improving quality of life.


GWRideConnect  Program Funding

Transportation Demand Management Grant 

Department of Rail & Public Transportation Department of Rail & Public Transportation

FY 2014:  $355,803

20% l l t h f $88 951 20% local match of $88,951

Total: $444,754

CMAQ funding : $188,302

Total program funding : $633 056 Total program funding : $633,056


GWRideConnect  Program Services

Free Matching Program – assists thousands of residents matching them to existing transit and transportation providers

GWRideConnect Website – source in region for  GWRideConnect Website – source in region for transportation solutions and options.  Provides links and numbers to all modes of transit:  vans, carpools, , p ,buses and trains.

Follow Up surveys all new applicants and pools to  Follow‐Up – surveys all new applicants and pools to track placement and provide further assistance.


GWRideConnect  Program Services

Vanpool Program ‐ facilitates the formation of new vanpools and maintains the existing fleet of over 400 vanpools


GWRideConnect  Program Services

Van Start – provides start up financial assistance for qualifying new vanpools in the region funded through CMAQ and other funds.

Van Save – provides financial assistance for  Van Save – provides financial assistance for vanpools in danger of ceasing operation.  

National Transit Database Vanpool Incentive Program – a multi‐regional program operated by PRTC  where vanpools report their data to the NTD PRTC, where vanpools report their data to the NTD and receive $200 per month.  The data reported earns 5307 money for the region.earns 5307 money for the region.


GWRideConnect Program Services

AdVANtage Self‐Insurance Pool Program –operated by GWRideConnect and the Division of Risk Management for all vanpools in the State.  Vanpool operators self‐insure themselves with  premiums 

id i   h   l   paid into the pool.  

This program saves vanpool operators thousands of dollars per year and provides up to $14‐million more liability protection than previous insurance programs.

Currently 300 vanpools are participating in the program, most from GWRC.


GWRideConnect  Current  Data FY13

408 Existing Vanpools:

Transport 4 896 persons daily Transport 4,896 persons daily

Transport 1,233,792 persons annually

Reduce 9,792work trips daily

Reduce 2,467,584work trips annually Reduce 2,467,584work trips annually

Reduce 587,520 vehicle miles traveled daily

Reduce 148,055,040 vehicle miles traveled annually


GWRideConnect Program Services

Carpool Program – facilitates the formation of formal carpools, provides assistance and facilitates the continuation of instant carpooling.


GWRideConnect  Program Services

Commuter Buses and FRED Transit – assists and promotes commuter buses in the region and continues to support and promote local FRED Transit


GWRideConnect  Program Services

VRE / METRO – assists and promotes the VRE and the Metro system.  Helps educate residents on how to utilize these systems and use as a resource instead of driving alone.


GWRideConnect  Program Services

Commuter Parking Lots – promotes and monitors existing commuter lots and helps plan for new commuter lots in the region.  Leases 130 spaces in the region where additional parking is needed.

Employer Outreach – works  with employers in region to help establish TDM techniques at their worksites and 

i t   ith  t bli h d assists with established programs.

Realtor Outreach – works with realtors in each locality to educate them about the program and provides them with Rideshare packets for new residents.


GWRideConnect  Program Services

TDM and Planning – serves on boards and committees to promote TDM strategies in planning.

Guaranteed Ride Home Program for Local Commuters  Guaranteed Ride Home Program for Local Commuters – establishes a Guaranteed Ride Home Program for residents that commute locally.


GWRideConnect Program Advertising

Advertising Techniques to promote GWRideConnect

Fall, Winter, Spring / Summer campaigns‐ print media and radio advertising radio advertising 

Highway Signs GWRideConnect Website GWRideConnect Website  Internet Search Engines Community Outreachy Commuter Job Fairs Applicant Surveys


GWRideConnect Program Results FY 12

New applicants 1,082 Applicants assisted 3,604 New vanpools formed 128 Vanpools Assisted 2,473 Applicant surveys 6,100 Vanpool surveys 1,077 Commuter/FRED Bus dist 1 693 Commuter/FRED Bus dist 1,693 VRE & Metro info. dist.  4,205 GWRideConnect Website Hits 2,400 per monthGWRideConnect Website Hits 2,400 per month

More than 40,000 people received assistance in FY 2012


GWRideConnect  Current  Data FY13

All Services ‐ Vanpools, Carpools and Buses

Transport 5 946 persons daily Transport 5,946 persons daily

Transport 1,498,392 persons annually

Reduce  11,892 work trips daily

Reduce 2,996,784 work trips annually,99 ,7 4 p y

Reduce 713,520 vehicle miles traveled daily

Reduce 179,807,040 vehicle miles traveled annually


12b.) Approval of GWRC Resolution No. 13-21, Ratifying the Action Taken by the George Washington Regional Commission’s Executive Committee

to Select On-Call Consultants


George Washington Regional Commission

406 Princess Anne Street Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

(540) 373-2890

Fax (540) 899-4808

Matt Kelly Chairman

Tim Ware Executive Director

Resolution 13-21:

Ratify Action Taken by the George Washington Regional Commission’s

Executive Committee to Select On-Call Consultants

WHEREAS, the George Washington Regional Commission (“the Commission”) is the Planning

District Commission serving the City of Fredericksburg and Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and

Stafford counties, known together as Planning District 16, and;

WHEREAS, the Commission’s Charter recognizes an Executive Committee and empowers the

Executive Committee to act on the Commission’s behalf in matters of urgent business before the

Commission, and;

WHEREAS, on October 22 2012, the Commission adopted Resolution 13-12 approving the issuance of

a Request for Proposals for on-call professional and non-professional regional planning services, in part,

to support the Commission current and future work program and local governments’ requirements for

diverse consulting expertise to support local government planning needs; and,

WHEREAS, on October 23 2012, the Commission issued Request for Proposals #13-01 for on-call

professional and non-professional regional planning services which RFP indicated the Commission’s

intent to award up to three consulting contracts; and,

WHEREAS, on November 16, 2012 the Commission received nine proposal responses to RFP #13-01

which were reviewed and ranked by the Commission staff, working with local government technical and

administrative staff, to select the consulting firm or team which best meets the multi-disciplinary

planning needs of the Commission and local governments, and;

WHEREAS, the Commission failed to obtain a quorum for conducting business at its November 19

2012 meeting and subsequently cancelled its December 2012 meeting, thereby creating a sense of

urgency for the Commission’s Executive Committee to act on the Commission’s behalf prior to the next

Commission meeting on January 28, 2013 so that consulting work for a region-wide initiative under a

contract awarded to the Commission by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and

other consulting work on behalf of the Town of Bowling Green’s CDBG Planning Grant could be

initiated, and;

WHEREAS, the GWRC Executive Committee met on December 6, 2012 and found the proposal

submitted by the consulting team consisting of Conservation Concepts, LLC; Eldon James and

Associates, Inc.; AquaLaw, PLC; Friends of the Rappahannock, Northern Virginia Conservation Trust

and Spangler Erkert and Associates (hereafter referenced collectively as “Consultants”) most

meritorious in meeting the Commission’s needs for on-call non-professional regional planning


consultant services, particularly related to fulfilling the Commission’s obligations under VDCR grant

agreement #SWM2012P14, and;

WHEREAS, the GWRC Executive Committee met on January 4, 2013 and found the proposal submitted

by the consulting team led by The Berkley Group, LLC, with a group of sub-consultants (i.e. the firm of

Herd Planning & Design, the Cambria Planning Group, the firm of Gay and Neel, the Center for

Watershed Protection (a non-profit), the firm of TischlerBise; the firm of Greehan, Taves, Pandak &

Stoner; Community Housing Partners (a non-profit), and the firm of McCormick Taylor) (hereafter

referenced collectively as “Consultants”) most meritorious in meeting the Commission’s general needs

for on-call non-professional regional planning and potential professional engineering, planning-related

legal and/or architectural consultant services); and particularly in fulfilling the Commission’s

obligations to the Town of Bowling Green to support its CDBG Planning Grant award, and;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the George Washington Regional Commission that it

hereby ratifies the actions of the GWRC Executive Committee on December 6, 2012 and January 4,

2013, respectively, to :

1. Select the team consisting of Conservation Concepts, LLC; Eldon James and Associates, Inc.;

AquaLaw, PLC; Friends of the Rappahannock, Northern Virginia Conservation Trust and

Spangler Erkert and Associates (hereafter referenced collectively as “Consultants”) most

meritorious in meeting the Commission’s needs for on-call non-professional regional planning

consultant services, particularly related to fulfilling the Commission’s obligations under VDCR

grant agreement #SWM2012P14, and;

2. Select the Berkley Group, LLC, with a group of sub-consultants (i.e. the firm of Herd Planning

& Design, the Cambria Planning Group, the firm of Gay and Neel, the Center for Watershed

Protection (a non-profit), the firm of TischlerBise; the firm of Greehan, Taves, Pandak & Stoner;

Community Housing Partners (a non-profit), and the firm of McCormick Taylor) (hereafter

referenced collectively as “Consultants”) to provide on-call non-professional regional planning

and potential professional engineering, planning-related legal and/or architectural consultant

services), and fulfill the Commission’s obligations to the Town of Bowling Green to support its

CDBG Planning Grant award.

Adopted by the George Washington Regional Commission on January 28, 2013, in the City of

Fredericksburg, Virginia, a quorum being present.

___________________________________________ January 28, 2013

Calvin B. Taylor, Secretary

12c.) GWRC Planning and Programming Opportunities

George Washington Regional Commission

406 Princess Anne Street

Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 (540) 373-2890

Fax (540) 899-4808

Matt Kelly


Timothy Ware

Executive Director

Date : January 21, 2013

To : GWRC Board

From : Tim Ware

Subject : GWRC Planning and Program Opportunities

During April of 2012 GWRC performed a Regional Assessment on the organization. The assessment polled

those familiar with our organization in order to formulate a sense of how GWRC could better serve its member

governments as well as the community at large. The organization is now planning for the 2012/2013 Program

Year. As a result, we are formulating our work program in order to maximize available resources and

community needs.

Attached is a document entitled “GWRC Planning & Program Opportunities.” I would appreciate it if you all

would review the document and come prepared to discuss these opportunities. In addition, if there are

additional opportunities or needs, I welcome that discussion. We realize that this is a full plate and the

organization does not have the capacity to adequately address all of these opportunities. We can however

develop a plan that will allow GWRC to be a leading provider of Regional Services for our members.

The agenda for the January 28, 2013 will be light on required business so that we may dedicate sufficient time

for this endeavor. Thanks for your continued service to GWRC and your communities and I look forward to

seeing you all on the 28th





1. On-going CZM- & DCR-funded work with Localities on Stormwater Management

Program Implementation and exploration of regional support roles for local programs..

2. Transition from State to greater regional operation of AdVANtage vanpool insurance


3. Continued Support of Regional Emergency Communications Inter-Operability


4. Implementation of Regional Hazards Mitigation Plan Recommendations (FEMA,


5. On-Going Support to Regional COC with HMIS Grant & Service on COC Executive


6. On-going Regional Planning roles vis-a-vis DHCD (e.g. CDBG regional priorities, grant-

funded project support, Census State Data Center affiliate, etc.)

7. On-going collaboration with military bases (e.g. JLUS planning projects and post-

planning implementation)


1. CDBG Planning & Community Improvement Grant Support

a) Port Royal Community Improvement Grant: Upgrade Water Storage &

Distribution System

b) Bowling Green ALF Community Improvement Grant Project: Site Development

(Water, Sewer & Access Roads)

2. Caroline Co Energy Performance Contracts

3. Local Economic Development/Tourism Project Assistance


1. Support the Establishment of Community Food Non-Profit to Serve as Regional Food

System Policy Council, to Attract Foundation Grants & to Coordinate Expansion of

Farmers Market Network with other food supply programs – Gov. AFID Grant

2. Regional Rural Broadband Planning & Implementation Project – CDBG Grant + Local


3. Increase Public Access to Health Care Delivery System – CDC Grant with MWHC and

Bon Secours Match

a) Collaborate with VDH, MWHC and SRMC on regional health assessments

b) Assist with Formation of Regional Medical Society to help:

o Build coordination network for specialty service referral

o Coordination of the Free Clinics

4. Consideration of Long-Range Regional Waste Management Options

a) Caroline-Spotsylvania Regional Waste Board?

b) Larger Regional Approach to Serve PD 16 after R-Board and KG Landfill Closure

5. Regional Collaboration with UMW Study Initiatives

a) Economic Development & Tourism Study – looking to GWRC for future support

b) Regional Vulnerability to Climate Change/Sea Rise – past GWRC work relevant to

their study effort

6. Assessment of Security of Regional Water Supply – Coordination with RRBC/USACE


1. Regional Study of Regional Non-Profit & Government Agency Network

2. Regional Survey/Study of Local Planning, Architectural & Engineering On-Call

Consultant Contracts…..explore phased transition to use of Regional On-Call Consultant

Network, saving local procurement process burden

3. Regional Shared Services Feasibility Study

4. Regional Economic and Tourism Information Coordination & Program Support

a) Study of Local and State Funding of Local & Regional Economic & Tourism

Development Efforts, Assessment of Program Products & Outcomes

b) Regional Study: Economic Impact of 3 Military Bases & Other Military Employment

in PD 16

c) Identification of Peer Regions and Comparative Analysis of Regional Economies,

Trends and Growth Policy & Marketing Efforts & Local Relocation Subsidy


d) Regional Historic Heritage Preservation & Tourism Marketing Effort

The Farmers

2012 End-of-Season Report

April 2012 – December 2012

“In 2012, customers purchased $131,097 in

market tokens… more than double the

$59,962 distributed in 2011.”



Market Token Program

As a regional farmers market network, The Farmers operates a Market Token Program at four

farmers markets in Spotsylvania, Fredericksburg, and King George. These markets serve over 100,000

visitors per year, and contribute an estimated $1.5 million to the local farm and food economy. The

Market Token Program promotes local food access and affordability by operating a centralized wireless

card reader to assist consumer purchases and to build new

revenue for farmers. The program allows Supplemental

Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps)

participants to use their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)

cards to shop at these farmers markets with $1 market

tokens. Market shoppers can also use their credit cards to

acquire $5 market tokens, which are used like cash while

purchasing at the markets.

In 2012, customers purchased $131,097 in market tokens

across the four farmers markets in which The Farmers operates. This is more than double the $59,962 that was distributed in 2011, continuing the

exponential growth of the Market Token Program since it was instituted at the Spotsylvania Farmers

Market in 2009.



2009 2010 2011 2012

Market Token Program Growth

Credit Card SNAP Incentive








Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG



Fred KG

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

Market Token Sales by Market

Credit Card SNAP Incentive

Research shows that every $5 in new

SNAP benefits generates up to $9 of

economic activity (The Food

Assistance National Input-Output

Multiplier Model and Stimulus Effects

of SNAP, USDA/ERS 2010)


Very Important


Moderately Important


Slightly Important


Not Important


How Imporant Are Incentives?

First time 6% 0-1 time


1-2 times 31%

3+ times 59%

Monthly Shopping Frequency

Nutrition Incentive Program

In collaboration with the George Washington Regional Commission (GWRC), The Farmers

seeks to improve access and affordability of

fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables for

SNAP consumers at area farmers markets.

Leveraging seed funding provided by the

USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program

and Specialty Crop Block Grants, The

Farmers established and operates

a Nutrition Incentive Program for SNAP


Each week, the Nutrition Incentive Program

matches the first $10 of SNAP purchases to

increase the buying power of low-income families. By effectively doubling federal benefit dollars, the

Nutrition Incentive Program benefits both the consumers and farmers. The matching incentives help

residents purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables than they could with just their federal benefits.

Over two-thirds of SNAP shoppers said that the Nutrition Incentives were very important to their

decision to spend their benefits at the farmers market instead of elsewhere. The Farmers

has established partnerships with Social

Services, Community Health, feeding

agencies and faith-based organizations to

successfully provide direct outreach to

low-income families. In 2012, $20,542 in

SNAP benefits were matched by $13,782

in nutrition incentives, which represents

an over 60% growth from 2011 (SNAP -

$12,181, Incentives - $8,637). Combined

with over $96,000 in credit card sales, the

Market Token Program had significant impact on the revenues of the more than 65 local producers

who sell at The Farmers markets, promoting a growing and sustainable regional food system.

The community response to the Nutrition Incentive Program has been very positive. A young mother of

two says: "I think a lot of families would love to hear

about the program for families that are on Food

Stamps. In addition to the monthly SNAP credit, the

extra $10 matching program at the farmers market

really helps me with my quest to eat healthy. It's like

having an extra $40 a month for groceries, and

double the vegetables! I can't wait till it opens again,

because this program has helped my family

A growing number of SNAP consumers struggle to put

fresh food on the family table. According to the Virginia

Department of Social Services, as of December 2012, there

are 19,170 persons receiving SNAP benefits in the three

localities with a total monthly issuance of $2.5 million. By

attracting federal benefit dollars to be spent at the farmers

markets, these funds remain in the local economy.


tremendously!" Because of their enthusiasm, SNAP shoppers are visiting the farmers market often, with

1459 EBT transactions and 411 new SNAP shoppers in 2012.

A mid-season survey of SNAP customers demonstrated the positive impact the Nutrition Incentive

Program has made on their purchase and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. SNAP shoppers

indicated that during the market season, they were buying most of their fresh fruits and vegetables at

the farmers market. In addition the amount of fruits and vegetables that they are eating has increased

substantially, as has the variety of what they eat.

Education Program

Another aspect of The Farmers’s

mission is educating our customers about

all aspects of seasonal fresh food

production, selection and preparation. To

support this mission, The Farmers provided space at their markets

for Master Gardeners to offer

informational materials and answer

customer questions about plants and plant

management. The Farmers also

established a partnership with the Central

Rappahannock Regional Library, providing market space from which librarians displayed, and checked

out, gardening books, cookbooks and other food-related books.

In 2012, The Farmers, in partnership with Virginia

Cooperative Extension and other healthy food advocates, developed a

fresh-food education program, the Vegucation Station. This new

None 1%

Some 11%

Half 17%

Most 40%

All 31%

Amount of Produce Purchased Same Kinds 10%

Some Different

Kinds 53%

Many Different

Kinds 37%

Variety of Produce Purchased

Vegucation Station a big hit; now the encore!

“What a hit! The program ran all summer at the markets,

made stops at a few local schools this fall, and ended the

year at the King George Holly Jolly Holiday Market”, writes

Pegi Wright in the Free-Lance Star on 4 January 2013.


program is designed to increase awareness and consumption of Virginia-grown fruits and vegetables.

The Vegucation Station offers seasonal fresh food education using fresh fruits and vegetables provided

by the producers at the farmers markets. A typical weekly instruction would include food

demonstrations, sampling and recipes.

Opportunities and Challenges of a Growing Regional Food Economy

The 2012 market season was a banner one for local foods in The Farmers markets. Strong

consumer demand and abundant production made for a flourishing year. A new weekday market was

launched at Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center in May, adding a successful new retail agriculture

channel that links healthy eating and community health. Matt Lohr, Virginia’s Commissioner of

Agriculture and Consumer Services officially opened the market.

Visits by several ranking governmental officials highlight our successful 2012 season. In July, USDA

Under Secretary Edward Avalos visited two local markets, to highlight the successful use of Farmers

Market Promotion Program and Specialty Crop Block Grants funding. Under Secretary Avalos conducted

a follow up farm visit to Ochoa Produce in Warsaw, Virginia in September. First District Congressman

Rob Wittman also visited the Wednesday Spotsylvania Farmers Market to dialog with producers and

shoppers from his district.

The Farmers continued our long time partnership with national charitable ventures

foundation Wholesome Wave, which provides advocacy, technical assistance, data collection and

access to a learning community around healthy food access. Our partnership with Wholesome Wave

brought us together with other Mid Atlantic partners to work on common issues arising in the support

SNAP and nutrition incentives on a broader scale. We also actively partnered with Virginia Cooperative

Extension, Virginia Department of Social Services and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and

Consumer Services. The Farmers market managers have played a key role in the

establishment of the new Virginia Farmers Market Managers Association (VFMMA) leveraging their

experience with market token and nutrition incentive programs statewide.

Many new opportunities continue to emerge in the regional food system for The Farmers,

from food hub prospects to healthcare promotions to farm share programs. Grassroots local food

organizations, such as The Farmers, continue to be on the frontlines of community food

system development. Direct community support is needed to further the momentum of our efforts.

Please visit to make a contribution to support the Nutrition Incentive Program

for the upcoming season.

Contact: Elizabeth Borst

The Farmers Nutrition Incentives Program Director
