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CR! P'I'ER 3

2tu~ Other Cov.ntries and _ Pe~J¥:o! - .irt _ ?o<lond:t!tf, ~ehool · 'ii

Leonard S ~ Kol"1\'10rthy

The Constitution ot Unesco declares thut fiignoranoe of oo.ch ot r•s ways an4

li'VQs has en a common cause_, hr-oughout th bi~tory ot l.\'mlldni1 ot that suspicion

and ntistrU$t botWQOn tb peoples of the l'IOl"ld tbrout,'h tmi.ob their differ$nees have

One of tb ohio£ tasks of tho high school is to help to diepol such i~anea

and to :replace it with under~anding and a eeiation of otMr countries and peoples.

This is a large and difficult assi~t~ but the

on tho successful aeeo.mpllohment ot that task .

'i'he boy-e and girle in high school today a:re the men and :o n · ho will hel.p to

detortii.ne and execute the dor.10stic and foreign polioie.e of tho United States t emorr01h

A.s .citia-cns of the lllQSt powerful nation in tho :rorld they will h lp to deeido ~~hether

the oples ot t be underd.evelo. d areae of the world aro r ...cploitod or assisted in

achieving a b-ettor standard of livinz, hether world trade is stined or stron the . d,

whether the . •te nen of the orld live wnlcably or ant· gonisticaU,. ao a minority

•th t ho other peoples ot the earth, whether thu United Uatione i s wa ken d ~ . trentb•

&ned and trorld gov~rnment oventu.olly for d1 ani whetl:ar th&r is 1ar or poae•. il.1~

vlll help to e l'eate tho el:i.l!'ate of opinion which tdl.l z, ke orl-d c00:.."1Ul'lity poosibl.c cw


t a re ponsibility, and what un opportuni ty, tor t eaehers in s.econdaiiy ochools

. - . *The term "secondary sehools 11 1s used in this chapter to rotor to gradee seven throush t\7elV().

~ are llilnJ a!,u \tb1eh 'Wachere should bur in mi- Wmtn ~ Audeu\8

in tb$ir ·&t.ud:f ot .~ttw l~ and peoples. Each t.eacb.er ~U need to ~aiM tb.~•

pOinte which: eeem ~tant for the particular ar¢m;p With !rhich be is worklng and

'dt}\ the· peotieular aabjQt ~h h$ is t.aohit1g., ·'J."hj to~owini ~seam~~

1. lt .stEt~.~··· a~;tA ~ Mls!BU~• t\d, &lff!rtiAes. ni"S P!!f*! .aa. tn.,x,,ao,t a.e t¥z:a• ,.·.······ .

One et the ~ j~. of the aeeonciar:f school ie to ~Jf adoleaoenta to ~

~. \~lfta. Arlo~ u to help th& to Wlder~··~ to a.- peua.full7 Witdl I d -, __

~-, 'ffbethar tbt7 'be ~ of their own ta.U,,. t~:.~. their .Us._tet,

~ ne~11 or the ~~- of t.he:tr own and other ot .. l'lee. As !Tellident ~.•··.

·~:·~ o8 in tmJ. ·.t.ut ·~ be wrote before btl •\h• lifodq we are faCG4 ~ -. 'X.,' .·

· ···tho ~ taet;.that.1 it eiv111MUon ia to ~"'' we ~at eul.Uvate tM ·· .. ;· .. - ,.,

Mlj.e ot ~ ftl.&ii~ps.• ,.·!!hie~ that t.~ need to help nudents to ~ltand the ooamonlnwresti;.

oj'.(.}ple ever7wbere1 whether they are achittv:lna at.etu ~··· group, obtainin& thtl rd.~

···~~ialt ot tood1 ~atb, and shelter, OXP"~se1.nc t~ c.rNtiw abUitie.e1 w ... lop:tng valuu or ~~~ ··ol u~. (for a tiller t~a~ ot t.birs idea _. GbaWt .

~ !JJ!(!Zmi!£ §t.S t&: . .1¥'!11W! lvw York Harpe•• 1948 Cbapt.- 8 ~n Pat._..


· ., t ...... also neet1 to help ft.udents to un.derstan4 ~ ditt~e• tlbieb. ~t _ ... ,.!, ·, ; ,·_·:

..... p«~~opl.e within a eotllt.ry and. bo\wen t.he peopl~s ot 4#1.._. count.rie•• ainoe ,·_,_- . pe--· ·is 18 luop meas\ft \be adjWif\ment of indlVid.ual$ tmd gro\lpe t.o G!fte~. fllD ~ ettldent4 need to le'aftl abotl\ the reasoM tor th&ee 4Uterenoe• and t.o adaJ*

t~lftll 80 tar as poasiblAt to such d1aeimil.t&rt\iu1 ~ that the woheetrat­

~-ot per80Qel ~ na~ A.fte~s u poas1bl• aftd.cct.a~e.

a. Tg ~ rt£l Slt!PD! i!.¥!2.•P .IDS 9!lliilt AdoleMMn\e can bepa \o ~ 1·

et.am1 thf.l e<meept ot cul:t.ure, in\w~ that. WOI"4 w ._ ·~ whole inte~awct

~ODill bed~' ., ., •• , ...., thinld.ls, and. tH11nJ ~t pye .. ~ .,.., ,,

1 .. ::~.· (,_ & t.u.- tMataant of this 1fta ~'~uteu, lo~ ... ... e1 Oul\UM 1ft 0.$181 ~-- Solial ~ ··~~ 2J9.2(4 fit~ ~~ .• 118,18,181 .,. t.-k ltd.tttlese; Bouwl949). ;:'.< ·; · .... e. appreeS&tA auoh ~· ae t.t. etteet et ~r. ~~ *'·· :>·.

•••• folk~ ~ l»U.eta ·· an4 ineU. \he.., a ~· -~~;··.·· ;·J>< . . . , . '/; . . • ·. . . ·~ ; '• ·. . . .·· '

••.. MD HOO.pfa t.bl ...,. ttl bGliets 4n:l _,.. ot ~ or aftDI whJAh ...,..., .. ·

• a oeWJU71 ~ t\ be I..u.a or ad.tael.u4., .·~· 01' lal•• <,,··· .·

': . ~'- ;:.~~;~{/~ :· . . :::.;:~(,~·~.i- :· \.'

. -.~ ':;··;: <;J ~: ·,_ ·j- •.

.• . i'f1iS:'• fl ........ ;1tt ~ ....... YttNata ... JI·8- BW SR..., .··· :.· ./,~;;,(:\' . .. .. I {,;\i U . . . . . . . . . . - . <:;;: tl ,

~ ~• ..C t.Q ~·•at.el¥ aware o! the~ .. ~~ of,._ · £ •W a4 ttte ~ •. ··~ tMm ot ~ ~~. 'fb., Me4 to _...lflp ~·

.:·.··.·. l ' .. ·· .• -::

.... j·.~ ot tt.U ..... to o\her eoun\rift.t ootb:·'-\tw peet an4 iA the ~«'~~[;··\• . ;: ~atlul¥1 thet .... to real.tu eo• ot t.be ~ ~ r•eut\ ,_ ~(:.~./: · +Pt~•l MtB.'ht trade, traWl, t(ll41 .~ion pNSQfOIJ ... ~· ..•.

• ,_1 rltl.atitmet1 ad tvR·· lid ,...,,. ·. ;~: . . .

' .

J/:· •t ,.,..., ~ ~ be their Nalbe'lc$ *t oentUete td.ll ...u.,. _,>; ·ttlit· ·'*' tat • 1e ,_ ~\able, In· 'rib d t.M ~ta of -. J'ur4M Poll. .,. · ··

.. '•

ti._ait.,, ~-• ._••>~ wbieh ~ a ~~ •• on the l.Aftitabilltf' ·.

ol1111', w.a potat ..-~ emphaau. ~· wm ~ tlD4 .- ....

.-. •• \hft OM bJ .IQOO ~ pqobolosf.ata OD •llf.tlaft ..._ u4 the ,.._. (S..

~. 111._. 1 • ._au ..,n .,_... Ia tm 1'1\t.io Attabl ..... ,'" 194?)

atld ·taie _.. ~t. -.~ ""elsbt aooial. ae~uu t\'rOa * Rlt.ioM ~ifta

_.. ~· .... ,t ..... ..,.... Ulpll4 c~ee oanwu, lldl.,, Jldtte Zfatdtsit .!l.lli 9a11 ,_. ~. WWI'a" ot nuao11 ..._. 19JOh

1M. k.~ *' iaUJI~.~ ... it.$ mM.~t~ tt. ~

tm.'b~polqist lalpb lJ..nton ~·Ued an important t.l'u.th when he deel&Hd that ·~

• 1mo1r no otller cultu.l'e than tbeir awn cannot knew th.U CJW1'1• 11 (QuotH 11\

~-~ S\uart 11 Pl'lfl9£ 'S\wlt .·~&. ~ OJ• cit.- P• ?JJ:.. One ot the ann l!' ....

.,. atwt;ria, ot.~ lane ;ta to inON&ee -.eta Viewo of ~·• f1fm eountrr.

S\ud.eA'te -.d to ~ .how •• people o£ tbt!l worl4 r.epMt ·.and a~ the Vftlted

st.atl.....,.nd whf• At iM -. t1ae they .l'lee4 to knft ~ tb$" iu a p~ teu am~·

dl.ntlf\ ot the tmit.ed ....... &rov.nd the globe, whtltne. 1t i«J MeaUM Of OU' att1t•

~ the eol~ po¢l4$$ of the wrld and ow:' trea~ ~~ the ._Sl"', ·Old' poe•e.

"- 4bd ue et the •'- -.. tand ·\'l.lr tzoeandou Cl1t41'7 •p.nt~atlon, ~ -~

~- or ..,.. b,rateria ·and 8 \'d..toh llunts" of 11~. J

,... -.h knoW~ aould ·~ a desire to ~llanp '0\tr national Ul• to -- it

Ot;)tll:_. ~ near~ to~ Gtitt~ ideala, and. the sl:dll.Jilf;ltb wbieh to bring abGv.l


· J=.,, it . .S7!i~.·.~.Pt&f •tt•k• C. ... eve~~~ into tht Ute of

_..., ad.ol•~•t and th!t -~tl· n~ to help ~ent~~: to·ift\e~ the al.eidoaeo--~

~· in the eonte~au>f 'WOJ."ld. Part ot the bae~···lor such ~ :!.nt.,:r.tlon

l411. ~ Ct• the stwly ot o~r lands and peo];~l.llf; ~hew t~ a r~ of

\btir li\erat~, a ~47 ot t~ history, 01" an u.nd.•r~ ot tlllu _,i .... , ~

lJ${ .. , .. ~-.

At, . Z• .·~ ~~ m .-•!Yean ~ ~rt;~a ·w.lll newr ~ to uae a

~ othef' thaQ ~ah,. but 4\n .~ n~ ot tbam. will lind t.• .krt~ .r· a •tu.~• 1~ • ~rtant \ool tor u~ 1n t.be ~~ ~ld.

fa~ wltb ~tiCQ ·and lld.U, the atutfl' ot • ~ lans-p can h$lp att£ ....

..... to ~~d, ~t Otil.t_..& and to h<dp ·thea to ~oat• with them. At ~

.... tbilh we tar t.oo .tew Americana who can o~-. td.~ PJIO'ples of o~l'


Ae _.pointed ovt in \tie~~ ob&pt$l'.- students 4*> need to e~-.tdt u e, vari-ety ot otbrlw _,..,. "•~· with et•• t.bro~ -~~. ~ of fJJ'U: and ideas. and aaaiat&ntl$ to ·~ per~•·

!t ... !t ~ 18811.&~. ~111~ :rsa~&~ .... ~ In the p&.t the·~ t:or pe:raona who kMw other eourm:rie8 aad peopl.ta waa net

~· '6\b \b$ tne~ J:~C'Ae wllich the Unit.ed States i.e ~ ill tt. world, ~

ue ~ ~ epporttmltiee voeat.lonall11n o.ther .c~tr.t•• world.ng w:lth ~ J*Ople•

Altbouih t.td.s is p.r1a.Jrtl;1 a ~nsibiUt,y of the oolle~, vocational.trainins 4\t

tbG high ~ ~ ~an be a ~ Rim. ot stu~ o~· lands &rld ~··

And tor those who $1 not ~Qt to w~k abl'Oiiul,. th!lll"e ls an ~~blc n:ad to.

~·about otblir nationt. the ~tor, the ocien\ift.1 t~ bus:tneoe ~\be tea.-.1

·the arti~ and otheli'a t\IM4 to Jl!eop infM"~ of de'Alo~t.flin tlld.r ~ ~Jf

~ialty in other eountrS.••

L ,,,RaU!Jf !tJl.f&U&&tA.\&!.t. ~ ot the ~" am 4ittloultie.s mentioned in ~ Pl'eviotls <tbaptw &}")l.r' to

the stUdy Cif otbu' lAnds and ~lea in see<mda.q *oQle such as stH~S oa ~ ~J.

~.r-itt-.J. ~ w1UJ the auperfichl o.tud7 of too -~ natiou1 and j~ otMJ"S t.w"

t~• own eta~. In ad.dlUon. there Me.at to be two 4itlicult1• which ue .ptq;·~

\'(:) ~tlndU'1 ac~.

One ia the dift1culty ot segmentation. to •tudf a ·~ a.- et&lture ad$q;u.atJJ]¥

~l•a Geeing that nation w CUlture aa a *le,. ael.u4ing ita en'ri.ronmont,. its_,.

ot -.k:bla a Uvin&1 it• t.cbnlqu..es, its in.stitut.ieu, J~Bt,lmda ot di~ and tnve~

~1t.\tt1«UJ, concepts of uoup •ltare, beU.efa ami ~4ittone. U aoottd at.udlu

t.ea~.- t.r, to do all this ~ the present de~at&l or~ution1 'th17 will bl·

~. lt .-eh separate Rbj~ ti&l.d triu to <U>wr ~ a8pecta of a Qo~,

the J'$wl,t ls c~~1d.tion • ne3Leet ot certain. &$J*cts of a .Ceunttr, 01." et:a. ...

t~. 'fb,e oal.r ad..,uat>o ._.. .. __.to be th• a®P'1on ot a wll•btepat.ed pJ<CpUt

• fit _. type of area studiea.

~her di!ticultzria that o.t Gudnation~s. Swn thoush. theh hatr been eo• ..U.•

ticatJ.on in ccUe8i ent~oe eama and state e~, t~ exia~ ot tbe" Jl.• ~ ·

~ _01/ eity ••• .U.l1 dl1t&tH q;Wlet t~ kind •t pro_.am which 1111 bo1q·· ~lJ.ae4

~. Wek wi\h the ettld.llt 111 cbirge ot suob ~irmtion prop-am. .- to M the

.ml~¥ alB.t.icn to this ~ urobleil•

It· ~est a roars tor.~~~~ · Xn ~ a pro£'Ul ot etudl' aboUt o\her coMtrtoe •.. &nd peoplea in the aOOQ.d.

~~:q •hOOlll, M'ftnl po~• abonld be kept in .tldnd.., t'llfU!JEJ, prbleiplea of c~io&l.um

~~ction appls as seh to eueh a prep-a as we are out.~g here aa to ot~ ......

• pe~~:~e ot the total ee~ program. A.moq the most ~rt·t ot tMH }rineiplAJ& ~·· ·


' · ••· .. i!r.le~\11, •"P!Z D&~•at. ,1\!W 'lheH it is atiU iapoeetbl• to dnelop a ._. -. -· .. . - .

.... er intesPatAd pttOgPSW; persona responeibl.e t011 a. p~~~ in ~national e1dc ··

~tion should •• to it that tbe study of ot.her lands~~ peophla becom.ea an~~ .~·· •t .,.._.., subject aelA. •

. ~en ot the lellal. Studid mA7 bear the .m~Joat n••ibUitr. bUt the teac ... a:

•3::#t,eratu.• can o~a.t. JJlCh thro\l&h theil' ~Jtucly ~t. ~11'11 playa, poet.171 b~ tlii.~ and othe eit.~. ot ~ nations. &Wtnoe ~~· can inelu.do the ~1• · <

t.W~~ of ptrflOnll tro.m -lane to the world• a ~•t~;• knowledge, d1se•1._ .. ·-~:~~-:~:-: . · -'" .. -n-~.1<•':··

:. ~~,:.:,.· ,: . . .·:~~:~·; ..

.Qf:)'--1 problema 'of .f.o4 and MGl.th, data on atotd.c ~-~ biopapldea .: taaont

•k~u.st•, and the work ot tnt food and Agioul~ or~at:lon aDd the tlorl4 s-1~; .

)l:'i: ·~ of art and'·l..ete ean contribute ~h, ••oiat'b' tbrougll emot1~1Bd

•l•noes, \o the adola$Cfilntte undentandifli ot otrhw p$opl0fl, their r•action to

t.~ e~nment and beUets1 their contributions t.o wot"14 eultUM, and t.bair de~····· _.. l:lpon other peoples in art foftll$.

: Ill taot 1 $Wr'IJ w.bjaot can 8'-kfl SOli!'.& contribution to the ldm ot &!tvelopin& ~··

~n~ling1. reapcl)ct, and a~ation tor the peoples o:t the •l• wcrld •

.it ~\Wf1E& ~&!1\U: !!~Jlfise AMedlllar ~ clube, in~tioWd '"'

or ,_ld aft'a1re elut.ta; aobtfol pl&J'&J the col•bratian ot special .aVGnta euth ae P-.

~ican nay, Uni\«1 RatiOM '*"kj Tiorld Brother~ Daft Book Fl.:lJ.:"eJ fila·~ a

lunch perloda J aM. ot.N11' ~lcul.u' actirltiee abOtil.d 1~ large in a.tV' Mhoc4\ ~

_.. on othv oo~s. boa at u kn€19tn about attitu&t toratia and ebang$;,~M h

at\.1Yitw lfll.7 ie '11• _.,. •i&nUi"nt parts et 1m1 -~~ to dewl.cp an iftteN~t' Ia . /',f

It llt!&Eft\d . .taill tdl!.~DUU Ml!ml.ii9J&tl It. eb0uld- ue..-4 thtl

anv ~ lrl \be j~ atld aenlor high schools ~ ·be btdlt upon thG pro~ ot

tM elea~~ aohool• bub p~<actice is aso often t#e .the ~ that it l$ ~ ·~·

phald.d.ns at tbu point. CUlllllaUve recol'G of what ~ of etu.clent• haft ~

et attitude te.t.s; of ~ activities ~~, and of ~ reactiomt ~d '

be ael'lt to the junior Dish •hc:rol from tho ~ ~1 and to the ~ hiab

~ IP• the Jwdor hip. nee ahotll.4 be •• ~tion and c~ ~

...... the tea\!lbeP8 of t:U.ae d.ift.-.nt wdta.

~~a . 1.At:f.a!l!d 'Y&li ,!lS\1·•. ~t ~m ~ ~.a&.~aYau ~ 1n ~

OGltuRJ. and !ntemational education oan be so cloMlf ~"elated ~t t.heJ should t.

._.full.71ntep.atect. F• IJalllpJ.e, the cstudT ot I~ • ~ ~d iaelll4t tilt

ftcil'J' or the at..~ratlone ot &llana and nan.. to tbe Un!tri Stat.ee d .tne Pl'OQ1_.

'llbieb -.Wid, as well as t.lwir con~1butiona to tlniWct State• ~. 'J!he ~ ot

Jllt.Mti\1 pl'Obl.eae or~ popllatione in t."le Unlted st~.t•• lhoul.d.lead \o a

n.q. ot U.. pJ-Obl.e.ma on a --ld ecal.o. Ew17 ~ sboQld be titUiiM to

ia\._..ate atwU.es of tb$ loaal. oommmdt7, nat,ioa, ancl ~14.

I• .lia&.lP&t.t.~a.l!l!!! W I!YS The t~7 ot \he. Juntw &M ,.._ hiP

~· 14 to -.. taotul ~ion to t.he negl.Ht et attitudes aa4 Mtiea. .4

~ J>rOSI'&m tot' \heM .... tional. lewl.a shor44 be ~IT ._. ot tbia t~

au.t·-. ~'I effort to ~.U. att:ttudea and l¥Jrol• n~ in aet.i'ri.t.iu ,......

l.A"- \o ether ~ and peoJil••·

lr. . ~t!M!&nl 9i!l. S&UI!a' &nM!tUl! ~ or the ado~lt8G•nt•s du1H

to beooa a~ ot the adult wot'l41 high school .t·wenta ~ oceaai.-U, ~1-

pate in a.UYitiae with adul.ta1 otbel" th•ee be at._..- at a F~ PoU.y ~.

a local torum on Wfltl'lcl attaua, o.r a ~t74i8 e~ rfJI" CAM pac~ to be

•nt a~d.. Older ad.oleao•s eboul.d be e.n.ee$.'&ge4 to Join croups W1 tb adUlt _.....

auoh ae the Aalel'iotn ~iatton tor the Unite4 Jat1eM1 tb$ h~ PoJ..ttr ~

tion, and the Vt•ld ~eta,

Bec&WM aciol.eHente are lnt•Nated in aoc1al act:lvtta-1 eaperi.enoH •ta ae d&MM,

~-~ hike•, boat tripe ~ hay ride$ with atwlertt• boa ~ lhoul4 llle ...... ~.

s.&ut adol•eoente often desire to be active tm4 ~leal, project.. aho\lld bit

IV.•~Gt Which appeal t.o this characteristic .aueh .u l!Nie~ wen campo 14th st.udea\i

fit other racea and ... l.ic1etnt, Nnding ot books and el~hin& abat0141 and asaistance to

.-OI!lara &a abroa4 in t.he looal community •

. Z, . ~ a J!£3ei pt Jii!rlepau BoeaWJe c~ t,bt. variet.t of student& in

~ aehoole and. tbeu inerea£d.ngl)t apeciaUsed ~~ aey Hcondal'y acboel

l'l'<lPu should prmde a fl;oh assort.raent ot approach$a. eont.te with p!l)era and adll.lta

&om abroad. wiU probabl7 be the ..t effective t.T.PG ot ~·~ tollowed eloMly 1>1·

~ on other couut.riea and peoplee, mueie and 4U't 1 foreign correapondenoe 1 d.ruaUu ·

..t.:~" projecta. (r• data on stlld.$nt. intereet.e aa l.•nwort.b.r" Leonard. s. "Malt

.1 Semora ark! Wor~•· PJtouuaive ~tt,.:.l?• 20)oo20S ua,, 1950).

. L ... l!!!!hrto.l tp !!!~At ~a It ia jwat u> ituportatr:t. to u.tU1H the M~·

of t;lle diN co~t7 lQld t.o involve adults in a ~•on-, JrOP'ut u in an eleM~

~ ~.graa1 althQugh often~ d.Uftcult .. studenta oem pre•nt panel•, apemeor

~. snowinp1 conduct poU. of public opinion, and in othtu' ways in'f'ol'N adld.t•,. Wh«tl"NJI

~t.a and othwa can 0. used in elaeaes, clubs, and &&Mabliee 1n sec~ MhGol.a •

.2: ~upip,& ·~~ S9:!~!!ftion heaaae o:r the departmentaliaation ot meat.

~17 aohools, the pl'oble of co-ordination looms large at tbi• level than in tlMI.

·~~ aehool. A eo84ttee, p:rofwabl.T of el.ellet:ttal"y and aeeondary school t~•,

and~, poselbl• of students and parents. should be nsponaible tw the 8\hal.Uoa

and o~nat.ion of ill aapect• o£ the &CMol t • ~gaa 1n 1nte!"national ei'Vic ~t10b.

Otten tbis same U9UP w:Ul 'M r•spon&i.ble tor the local and. national ciVic •4uoa.t1e

Mle . ~ SS?!t!l!abt~m ,!!S !YAAHI!c&al m..,.. possible individul teachlra•

~·• • it pOt4ble ent!.ft eehools or aeboO.l sy~ sbould. •ngage in expePi­

Mntat1on on methods and materi.ala tor at.ud;i.na otMr countries and peoples. m.tbW

student>• blitCOIIO intePstN in otl»r ~· ot t.he world Mttc b7 area atwliea1 by eo­

RrriOUlar a~t.1v1t1ea1 o:r b7 "~ aubjeot matter cOUI'aee need.a to be irml.Ugatei.,

~ion of filM 'by atudenta needa to be carried on. Ttulta of attituct.s need to bt

~.. the tnt'luemut of· teaehePa as o:o~KlSed to that. fd Mrenta eoul4 well atarul t.n..

~\ton. TheM a<l a hoet ot other topics call tot' expuiantaUon and. eftluatlon.

(r. ~n account et one ~ i.meGtigation •• nee, to:retta •HoW Do You J\Ml About WOIU.

,.._, A at.ud,r ot Some Oh~e in ttxpreued Attitudee ot Sent• H1&h Sobool etum.mte•

£o8911t o,t laJSt~ it!llai ~~ 1949 PP• ~")•

•·· ~~a :tEll. •· c~• ~a ads ~ or teaoneN &ncl atu.4ante ay find dittloultr ln ~ l'Ad.eh of the

mll.v ooum.nea aad·eultURa ot tho world they wllieeleo& .ff# stud.T• The growing~.

dcme7 to persd.t ~ tr•d<Ja ot ooo1ce :rather than diet.at.ln& what ~·t be stwiiu, ~

•• w1te3!'ia ot HlaO.tUn 1'11rf ~tant.. The foll~ baeee of choiee ~ t.heret..-

~-~ · .. lt, ~''I - ~fl!! a tsfl one ot tbl bif.t basH of cholce. et ·~~··

to ·.le studs..d ~rsu to be ~l'dtng to the topio or t ... being stud.tihi. thu.s a ~iel

etud.l•• olaee st.~ pl.t"~ lilisbt want to i.n.'hatip.te what M~.t been •• .in tlle

'U•a~s.~.., in &~e<lefl, in t.~ lfttt._lams, und in Puerto i1• :U1 VU'if>UB UJ*'U uf ~ .... . .

~1 and pl'i'Wl.w planntn,. A elaas 1.n lltel'etu.re cons~ring poetry m{jlt well e~

.U-totifmt from the~ of China end India, the U.5.s.Jt., Cld.le..t and t.wo or t~

-~ ~p!N.n nation~~, A croup l.&aming a\»ut ~lOJ\V or>ebeet.J.tae ..wA. wry profi~

Clbl$ ft.Ud7 the outstanding aobi~nte of the o~cbeRfd ot Pragv.e, Vteuna• BtrlJ.rl:~

Peri•t ~~ ami ~ ae an as aeveral &am the· United state.a. And an art

elaw ~···u-t. u an ~reuion of a peopl&te aya ot U'f1ng mSbt obese suoh ~

tnf\1.118 ou.ltves aa Cb!M, la1t1, ~7• and K«d.oo to ~ate tb'tlr ptht.,

itl ~! DF.!~ mQfcB!"!• In the eooW ~cii•a, literatture, art., and

~·~ om of tho beat ~a•a of Ml$Ct1on 1s to e~ a f-. nations whieb reprennt

.U.~ M~. 'lhuah Al"t1 there might well be a atv.tty of Or1~ ut, Latin­

Am$rioart art., Rtu>aian art, and SearuU.na:vian et, wtdle, iA lit$:.ratur• a sbd.lar sen..

of units atght be ee\ u.p.. In actditi.Qn to the intrinale WOJ"th ot this mothod tbere pre ( .

the addd advanta.-a ot coJttelatlo.n with aree studiea in t!1e social atudiu and t.l• ~

that a.vcutal an h1ato~• and. antholosies ot WOI"ltilitel"at_.. are written aAKtW~ \o

at.tCh t p).u,

L ... !fl! .~ Z~~Se•. ~~!'¥\~ .. ~em au 1rs.MI&.D.f.k, ili2£Uat Cend.rtlq • -~ tbould &\'&duate ll'om bish a$o~ wtW1out baviq n.U.e4 ~

~ about tbl GI"Ut ~ China, Pl-... , the U.s.s.R. ed U. Unit4td fiA'**• a1Me t.beq aN ·~g$ ~· '14th tah"lJ' ooaplieat.d Gt4tures• the et..sy ot ~

~4 be pea\potwd at le.aat \UltU. the junior hip school prtriod. In addit10A to th•• ~ ia lllUC:h to be atdd.tor a ltudy of HJ'tain oomvt.a '\'fb!eh.,. 1no""sillclf ~

t-'1 $®b u ~~ ~~ and India, and at leaet oM -~*'7 trom the m.&Jr ka\1

p:>eii£.blt fti~.

i•i ~ &Q.wi49fi ~~ ....... haw a. R'~Sila! a;aaas: ou.:rr.m, ~ld hlt~1

a ~l arttli&.t.lon, •n. e:dd.ll4t w- pt•ogram in tbt •~·• co~tt1 the "d.slt. •t •·

~ tra a.'bi"08!41 ··~~or~ other .. :d.~ . .,. . ..-~ at.udy ola puoti~

.O~R, eepeo1~17 int.rt~•tine to atudent.s. 'lqehtiz'a woUld .ckJ. ftU to C:4pl.t&UM •n

~Ateh; an intel"$$t ao le o t~t is poseibl.e w1tMn th9 ft-~1'/0l'k ol t.lle •Mol*• pn.t~ .·.· -L· ... Q!stQ.al ~ ... JJI&B ~ba•,i• the •9 &tJ:ilt!• Gr,H;• ·~~

~tiou b)" ~chv·e oz- ob~ve teats ~ reftal a ~t deal of 1*'•.1~ ~· a~nt kno'wl~ about a MtiOP• In such a caa. that ~o~ eoWltJ7 ~ w.U .~ ~ tt e~ etcud7 b7 omJ. ol" ~ departments of tt. Mhool, A at~ ot Rue~

~" or ~oan I£1.Ui• or.- a»\ misht do a s.rut deal.· W ove:rcom a IMlins t.~t .. '

. -,fj, p :p10p1• '" •tnt~. ~ tt.ud7 ot the tnMI_..t!Qn o:t l.u'p a~ ot wutt- .

latd in 1._1 o:r ot the ri:vo:r wl.ley projeote in 1~416 e Obina ad.gbt de con~able

to .. ~· tblt feeling ~t thee• peoples are ftba~tt., PArtiCUlar attetirm 1e

·.~ to the ~evdJJ.n' ignQ~ of the oita•• of the ~ted state• on the ~ ~~

the ~~ i'iaet1 and ~ .hia ae areas of the WOl"l.d ,..t.b7 ot SI*\114 at"ntiotl~~o

~ whlt ia n'IW ~.about. ettMtiw teaObing aboat ot.her la.nde anci i*fJplet,~ a

~~ 1D tho _.omial"J' s$oole oho'WA probably 'OOI:mttntJ!'AW en £-.u" approacM:•c~

'91&, contacts l'd. tb peraona ~~ a .. <*d, &nanging audi~wal e~enON1 ard ._

eowaetna cJ~Mtive a~t1dt.1H, wtth roa~ ot vuiou.a k&ndl MJ.011'J.na u a ~und. te

all thea. H!10r ~1~. Wittttn each oz theM tQUJ approa.eho$1 we Bhall attea;$ 'to

~- tt~itt valuable ~t ... a.


61, P~ tE!a\ pJ!li R!t~ llal otbef .. ~1'.1 A t• ettt~ol.a n.w bMn

able to an&fil9 _,_. am.U ~s t;t their ~Jtudents to U.• abou.t o\hal'" eo~S... and

~ ~tit~ ... ~ am-.d. The aewa- so~ ln ~ 0ount7" Pemsyl~~

hla bad. wet -. 111 ~ Aivin& tM ~· ot 1949 ~ 19!50, ud.e poNiblA in ~

ty. b•lp ~ t-he a.r1 ~. ~ial Pound.ation. Pr.\.~.'c-.val :lch"1 iu PhUad.~tl~ · ' ·:;_,i,;··- -. ·.,

·.·.·.·.:- ·- .

l$a • ft._ A~d PU.~'b7 tour ~udente in the£tt _--~ ~ . ._. 1n ~- ·~----' . <.·--_ •

'j! in pri:w.w homoe i•• fhiiJ Verde Valley S•bool in ~· ~~ tutu a .,..,.

f#Jf t9 lt«<lco .- ~~. Stw.lent groupa from the PtA~ ~l ill Niner, v.-~.,· · ..

; : - : : :. ~ _,_: :: _· '-. ' - -' ---.. ' :·.- -.

-·-·-~~··-~- Ohal'lJltte JU.p .lin ~tJtv, Rewl'Ol'k, ~·~annual--~- ot V:UIJ.'M~' wt~ :$be Jonhem VocMu.l ~ ot Toronto, ~.. M· all th.- school• bu.\

i:;:;;-.:--~>: - '---~rcf'~o-:-"":·· . : ;'_~~~-:_··:i

· ···e~ttt), but tv a.1a-rp majority of bip seb®l.~t• this 1• 4rt.W.. a .......... , .... , ...

••• propottition, (POl" d<ltaila on ~ eu;~b ~- ;~ tb• bot*let •M.w:tt1 ~~Jt.> -·,._.:---~--;;;-.'·-. - ' . .-:.-.-:-

. : ·-· .. · __ -- . '' --·<

>W'·~~ ~- ~• ~ange tor their etu&mt#l t~ .. a1t. International Houu• ·.''-.:.,,·'' . :

W.eitd.Att, b'fit• at~~a ~ abl'Otid fo~ weekend Emt.~ainment. or to Mbool -fun~'·.· --- .

'-~• .,... tar the Yid.t ot hi&h echool. •twt•• ~ \bt1t country fta' eiZh eventa • • _.

lwjJwk -~btmel~h Fo,_, Boy and ~l s.ttt,,l~, or special ~d.ta,. . _-. ·-:~;)-: ;--~. '- : __ ... __ : '~

•• ••• ~ ean"led on ·\9'· tba cit.Uens o.t laeb:v:tlle1 ,_. ... , N!' ~~ Pennql~- '

!!1 ..U.tlon thAW• _.. ~ It--• and ~te b the' ~ty who eea n. calle4 ·tJPOtl

• ·~ l"e~ for ~. ·~ achoole•

i& A~ SEMMif 1.'he.re 1• now a ~i;b o,t ~u.m. t1l.ae .u:d .tU... \

1\ri,.pa .-tablt tor u• in acon4N:'y Gehool oJ.a•••• ~, asMmbUu, ltmOh perW

t11at ~~••· aad in. ~Jtr~ ~· !haM oan PI"~ tairl:f aat1afact017 Vioarl.O\ls-..

~ ~iao.a Son e~et.~ people ~ otheJ.l l.lnd$ and ~ about their _,._. of U.v.kta1

t.J!a~ !lr18titllts..-, the~ ~aUons1 and ot.bel' pb,aaes o.f tb.U ~·••

~ t.be tU. ~ ... nt.a &ll4 teaohere have N~ llifl:t are the J~ ·8rpft

&84tlld.W w.:ut ~~ --~ Soed.1 Far.fe\:tSJ;pt (the Gt<.'1'7 e>t P.r•aeb J'Ul'8llii'o)1 !lin

'-• . .,. tto aa-auuta ot Ube w C.O•a, Open Cit.r, P~ Shoe shine, ~ ~

11•, f.W.d Wil...,.., S.va"l. ot then have been ~ in l~l. thoat.a aDt haw aM a . ·:

.., ~md.on. ott htsb ~ etudonts.

3\~s .~ al• aa1n scb b-oa trips to ~, ~ .. &alleriJHt, and thea~

-~ toftip :u.~ ~bits and bull.tin ~$ by .,q .. tfll! ltudank a the

~l. :U.bi!U7t •n..l ~·• olasr.u ... ocaa, or in twa~ places tn the ~it•

ee be IJt:'l.lw.lt.tinC and ~-t.iollal~

·. ·.~\a ebGuld al• haw s011111 opportunity 4url.n; thf~ high Ht.tool ~· to - · . . '

tnt·'l'Q'toa nwwu bzte~ and FO#am.5 on world~:.~ tbtir Gbject.~:v:Lt-7 fU'l4 ~-·-. . ', ... ·

.... ot the ~. *- t.h• C.valcao ot ~-~ ~ant· m, ... ' J'~:~.~ 'theN prog,_. ._. ~ toactd.ng ~. ~ ot U. ..._of

·. :. _. : ,·. . . . ' . · .. ;.~·,'.~ ~

ad4;~$a ~ ot ~ty to~V.. etudy ot other l~ and ~"" (for ether valuable ~-·. :_;__, ... : ' . -·:,·. . ' ,

-~ .- S.od.Gli.Ck• a.~ »• "Jleeordings tw School ~·· A C.telcp of Appral~ · M•U• tw Ed.ucat.t•.br' ~SD 228 LaSalle~~" ll.lJ.md.a), ·.·: •. · ...

< • -. ·, ·~ • • • • h ' • • {.'.

}}It .~ -~ Ant progam t~ leambg ... t other c~rlN and ~~ ~.·-., o~ Nttc4~ ~t;raa, abould imol.w sen~ by doitls• Tb-. aN.C'··;

~ .• eh poa'fd.biUi.u• 4nd teaonwa and st~s dll. ~~J·•ta.• to ac!d.e•nr mo;re to~;.· · ,:-~--: -- <. ·-.'

. -.1$ 1s ditficW.t an~t:·~itlrts ~~a to O!ftUGnt~te ~ween juniw and ~'

h~llf t~l aotivi\i.es• btit th-e making of ~pboeke1 ~·--~ ot piotuMe, the ~~ .

-~· •t ~W. 0&1'4•1 the dre&taine of dolla; the -~ ot tor-;: an4 t.·he coll~ •.. · '· .'··r .. ~:~· ·. ··: :.·~<';.<_ ... ,·.·

O!ti~• equipraan' aftd el .. irl&-. to ha'tfl p&l'ti~aweal to the J~ hiah ~ · ··'": . .·, ·:·

'"*;·~ ~:t. Tb8f •1 aleo N ia""«.ea in tor._ ..... ~. Dram\ica .. '/•• ,,

~-··'be ~ to a ~ ~t w!th that ap ~· -!a ad4$.1,;1C>~~ t.o .._ ot t:Mat· .-ivtUea, .ldcb ~ ~-- oan ~lo&pate b'. ··

..... lind 6tliaW# 1u WHH1 a~id, and in the ~'Vt JII'IJift and 11• n& .


,.,.., ... , ~ ~Gl---··A\d·~ taat.U..'- ~.......,

--..JOU.of~ . ._...._ "*-· tri.pa to tho VM.Wt....., ~ • \or...·· .

-..~ a..a a ...... •"-•-. ola•n• ·a~ to~.,. etJlc ---~- ... -~to ........... ~ .............. .

~at~GAR. . . . . - . ·- '

.. :.,.·. ..

~ tw.. an _.'latta»• Ia .... _... 1\ 'tdU. • a~~ •tb • . ·.·'<:<" ' · .. ',

~ .... (Cir$48- tM .... the~~~ 0. ......... ;.·-.,_·

~:r.t~.c.ltr7• the ....... ,...~~ ...•• ~~--­.:t.phia ?1 ftl•)• Ia .V. .-. it wq be a ...... ;"• lltllde1 ~ Gf V. '· .. '· · '. _-_.· .•. l_: •' . _.. . _ .. _;:~,~:j.,_

· .......... _., ODa of;:JIM ~ ..-s. (a~··~ ,_..\he AIH• ... •·:

···~ ,. ... ad.~.... ,., lt.'iht. 65th .......... - tCta -- ll)j .. !a -~~~; .... Oft IGitU1 ~ .. N1Mt e -.w, .......... ~ .. J4U ...... :

~~·i. Sill 41 UWW....,. w llldlet -..1c1 CS.~ · .. · •. ·.·•/· '-"

.· /( ..... liUdllll. ~ 41 ...... ----~ _,. ...,_ 4*,; ·~ •• rich~=~.·~ ~ted btu. ....... by..._.,. tbt ~.;·

·~· .. tM )Aea1. ~- •''

· .............. l'tldSZC ...... ··~a drdJ.7 ~ •. tbfl.····~ .,._.~ ..... . .... ... ...... ~ ......... .Utta .. ~ __ .._" .... · ..

. -.: ,. . '

--~., ...... -~ .· : ~::'.:

- ,· .·

..t .~ boUt· ca.*'* wm.. t. oboac • ..:8 blete ot weaUOMl s.ata•••• .. , .... ., .... ..,_-............. _ ....... ·~.,.. ·. I .

...... -., ..... of~ .... ecolal ~- .... --~ ....... ld .

................ u.. • ......... LI. ........... ~\o~---.-~ .. ~ .......

...., U\t.le1 tbrA .._.,. t. .,_, ~ 1a the -.u, a pua \tat·..,,. •• lhl

~., .... k ••lllldt& ........ , .,.,.b .. ., ft.fla- w..t. -

J\st.DIIiliit 1a IMua .. •te n ........... .-A .. ·.-·.· "~""- Un1ve:rrd.•·• ,...,.. 1a~.. , .. ·p. dO)-. 1'M ~.,· · •. ~ i .ltMd#l~ YINUIIlti...... __.._...... .. . ....

' ..

11ltll_.. ot o. t..afog PH~ 1n the ~ eeboct1 u tm' the ~ \itke\t taw

.. 0B tltea111l • ott ~~ to Seld 4iet6n\ ticle .. p\aoe .~ t.bln Ga ~

~ ~-·· taonvs woal.d. do •n to thir* ,..h _.. a-.. .r , t.M t'!Nntieth •ntt.Wt wt'#ld ia wtdeh a\Qdent.s u. U:d.ag whelt 'heJ ~ in W.. ot

• tH* of r.dlq t-, .-o-. . • SasW191

Peoplt ~1AR ~ •t ttl$ ~ w•U• 'bat. 11 W.. ill ... _,.. Bul:

•• U ~, .. ...._.. ,_. te h4p tbG1r etwienta to· ~tend Ul1 aPJ'l'NOla\tt lt'tl , , .

-. .. ·· pane of 1\ toda7 tbaa •• ~ moat_,.• ·ID tbat eene we Uw ~ an . :·· ·, . ; ... '

~ ..,..ltl afld. lt. 1e to each a world tbat ~ .cbQQ\ -.-. _.. to ~ .•... ··

~-··· .·'" ·Or47 1t ~ tbeaatlYU _.. appreciatift of .... ~!.fg atd peoplefl1 Oarl .· . - ' . '

~. _,.. .-.. ~ ...,.. atltwtu 1n tJirW.o at ...... " What. • have laMa aq1Dc -.

~-)~ ... ......, aoboo1 ......... and other ~.$tid ~·, but 1t. alllO.,.. .... · r ~- ;· . :

~~.-... to teaoht»•, .._ aueh a\tl\Wiee •• • h&w ~ _.. ~· Mft than tblf·· · .. ··

.· .,. ~·· 'l'hu.e1 t.M ._._.. ot eec0Jldlu:7 .oheole b tlw Un!.W Statu have a ~.·

...., ~ w ~\7 to eel'W u a~ ~JfttWa t:o youth •t•· ~ l'eld.eJ in wbith • aU J.lye in tbe ~ hall ot \be twntieth cen\Wy.

--~ ~ .. · ·.·.·······.·• · .. ·· ........ o •.. and·.·.~.· .. · .. · .. ···*··'.· S&auel.··· ··.· .. ·· ... (*Ui .......... ·~.· ~~t (I f~le'L. r•tt*~ 1tn .,.,. ~ · ···.·· .··.·• · ··. · ··· .·· ···.··· .· ·.

~ttt. · .. on Int... ~\led n.lati_. ot t.be laticmal J34ua.·.· ··. t1on Aa~at1ct the~~.·· ..... · .•·· .. ·.···•· ~S.• t. S~ti.ea and c~ · 1 and ·tt. ~tioaal ~ .t'tft the ~ S-Uttie• $ .· ·. · . . .·· · · · · · t

' . . A~~.:"·~~~~~~~~~~

.... C:'~'-~-·~~-»!1 ~·~· ~J. ~~·IIJMPf~IUI

Boll4M D •.. -.. ·.·· .·. • .. ··.·.lriAISI.il' Mil ~.Ja-.Jllf!1ti In !0$ . . 1-~~·~,. . ._,~ C:~ Llfl'ilail ttlF'M :;,~~am.M:Z -~ ~atioMl

ltfll'll,!B~~· C_., W., liO!Wf B!hf.t .f•~ ot.ID'krnat.ional aad. ~ultval ~~ 1n ~

Pt.tblio SChools of Calltond.e" San Franciaco the lntwnational c~ 1946 &2 ,..

h.....,l\1, ~4 s. •Aeia in the ~1al St.udiee Clftictul._.. ~klln. 1. Y •. 'the AuthoJ' 19Sl. 44 pp. !Ml•s section on mawrials tor -~:r tehoola, U.Wd bf eountrlea.

~ 'T~G iHOl'ld ~standit.lg• Series ot boo~. Jw I.-k Ocl\lllb1a tfni• _.att7 ,..,.. Especially "f'f..luable aH the two booklet~s on Wfbe. !eobing ot ~~ and ~ T .. hil')$ Gf }Itstoryll •

,.. 11!11,4isa!f!t!i!, Bat¢~·

~r\btt teol'YU'd s. •hee and Inexpcms1ve Jiiatel!'ial$ on tiorl4 A.t~a• !roo~ l.t. the Aut.bw 19Sl lU PP•

11111! at »ea. ttl BJ.a ~ s~S!!iJ Llmd. u4 People hriea Hol.War P..ou• .... Ill. • .a.ne. IQlopt ~'• of l'at1one seriee Lipplnoott. Wf4'14 le!.gbbcl' sers.u :ao.1 Petenon
