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    Module 1 Introduct ion to Marketing Management


    Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2012/12/03/6-steps-


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    Session Outline Welcome & Introduction

    Housekeeping & Safety

    Great Expectations

    MM555 An Overview

    Unit Learning Outcomes

    Unit Structure & Text

    The Marketing Management Framework

    Our Approach

    Assessment in Brief

    Whats New in 2013

    Resources and Suggestions for Success

    So Lets Begin

    Module 1: An introduction to Marketing Management

    Next Steps

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    Our Team

    Margot Wood

    Unit Co-ordinator F2F margot.wood@curtin.edu.au

    Alison Barker

    Industry Teaching Associate

    F2F alison.barker@cbs.curtin.edu.au

    Kristina Georgiou

    Industry Teaching Associate

    F2F kristina.georgiou@cbs.curtin.edu.au

    Jennifer Davies

    Industry Teaching Associate


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    Housekeeping Health & Safety

    Curtin University requires that incidents of all

    types be reported and managed to ensure that

    lessons can be learned and appropriate controls

    can be implemented. Talk to your Lecturer or the

    SSO if you have an incident to report.

    Emergency Evacuation of the CGSB: The sounding of the EWIS evacuation alarm will constitute

    the evacuation signal in buildings. The alternate evacuation signal will be a fire alarm bell or averbal directive. The Evacuation Assembly Area is out the front of the building and to the left

    (corner Irwin Street) in front of 48 Murray St (Ainsley House). When you get to the assembly

    point, a further check will be carried out by the relevant staff member to ensure that everyone has

    assembled. If you identify that someone is missing, immediately advise the nearest staff member

    or the Building Warden, who will be located at the ground floor fire panel (or directly outside, in

    front of the CGSB). At the assembly point students will be provided with further direction.

    Other Bits

    Please adhere to start and finish times and return promptly from breaks. Punctuality is regarded

    as a form of respect for yourself and others. Theres a nice piece here on this.

    Washroom facilities are available in the east end of the CGSB building on Level 2.

    Student Representatives will be agreed in Week 2. This role is a focal point for class

    communication and is eligible for 2 hours of professional portfolio points.

    Refer to BB for further details.

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    Student Class Representative

    Purpose: To serve as a point of contact

    between the UC and/or lecturer and the class

    Role: The role culminates with attendance at the Student

    Feedback Session at the end of the trimester, so please

    only nominate if you can attend this important wrap up.

    Wednesday 24th April, 5.30pm-7.00pm, CGSB Boardroom


    Act as a liaison between the class and the UC and/or Lecture e.g. in

    MM555 we have two informal feedback sessions (Stop, Start, Continue)

    during the trimester and the Class rep has a key role here.

    From time to time you may be asked to represent an individual or a

    group of students to confidentially raise an issue or a concern with the

    Lecturer and / or UC.

    To encourage feedback from the class via eVALUate

    Receive Professional Portfolio Points (2 hours)

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    CGSB Student Snapshot67.5% Male/ 32.5% Female

    Average age: 34yrs

    Average years of managerial experience: 11

    Australian passport holders: 70%

    Nationality breakdown of the rest of the cohort:39% Europe

    32% Asia/Pacific

    15% Africa/Middle East

    14% North/South America

    90% Part-time

    57% plan to study at least one online unitMost common sectors:

    Mining and engineering


    Public sector


    Employer financial assistance:

    48% full assistance17% some assistance

    35% no assistance

    Average salary on commencement: AUD$ 101,000.

    Students have high expectations and value adult

    learning principles

    Predominantly work full time and

    study part time

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    First Impressions.


    Have a quick look

    through yourmaterials. Reviewthe Unit Outline.

    What do younotice ? Whatare the first

    thoughts that

    come to mind?

    What were youexpecting to find?Where did that

    expectation come from?

    How do theresources differ

    from other classes?How are they thesame? What might

    this suggest?

    What ideas are youbeginning to develop

    about this unit?About theLecturer?

    What interests youabout the outline?What concerns


    What are you nowexpecting in theweeks to come?

    What do you thinkthe MM555 team is

    expecting of you?!

    Make some



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    GAP =

    Beware the Gap!

    More on this later

    in the session and

    In Module 7:Services Marketing Does customer satisfaction matter?

    Think of the last time you felt highly

    satisfied or dissatisfied. What

    caused this? How did you respond

    when you felt this way?

    Degree of


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    Unit Structure, MM Framework, Assessment

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    Unit Learning Outcomes

    1. Understand and apply key marketing concepts, theories

    and techniques for analysing a variety of marketing


    2. Critically evaluate and reflect upon specific marketingdecisions and marketing strategies.

    3. Review international trends with regard to the theory and

    practice of marketing management principles

    4. Interpret and apply relevant theoretical and conceptual

    frameworks and develop a solution with regard to an

    applied project

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    MM555: Unit StructureModule Topics

    Module 1 An introduction to Marketing Management

    Module 2 Environmental Analysis

    Module 3 Objectives, Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

    Module 4 Consumer Behaviour

    Module 5 Business to Business Marketing

    Module 6 Products, Brands & New Products

    Module 7 Services Marketing

    Module 8 Marketing Channels (Place)

    Module 9 Pricing

    Module 10 Integrated Marketing Communication (1) (Promotion)

    Module 11 Integrated Marketing Communication (2) (Promot ion)

    Module 12 Implementation, Monitoring & Performance

    Module 13 Unit Evaluation - Please complete eVALUate

    If people knewhow hard I

    worked to getmy mastery, it

    wouldn't seem sowonderful atall. Michelangelo

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    Your Text & the Publisher's


    Go to http://login.cengagebrain.com

    Register as a new user or log in as

    existing user. Follow the prompts.

    Here you will find an

    additional resources to

    draw on throughout the


    M k ti M t F k

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    Marketing Management Framework

    The MM555 Marketing Management Framework draws

    on a number of sources including Iacobucci (2013),

    Armstrong et al (2012) and Gibbs (2009) and includesthe key factors which need to be taken into account

    when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy.

    Create Value

    Product / Service



    Physical Evidence

    Capture Value



    Integrated MarketingCommunications


    Deliver Value

    Placement Logistics

    CustomerConsider factors such

    as decision making,

    values, needs &


    CompanyOr organisation. What

    is our Strategic

    Purpose? Capabilities?


    ContextWhats going on in

    the macro


    CollaboratorsWho do we work with?

    Who are our partners?

    CompetitorsWho are our current

    and potential

    competitors? Where

    are they placed in the


    SegmentationBased on geographic,


    psychographic and/or

    behavioural factors

    TargetingConsider strategic fit;

    potential and defensibility

    against competition

    Analysis &


    Planning &


    PositioningYour place in the market space

    Core benefit proposition

    Unique selling proposition

    Positioning Statement

    DifferentiationDifferentiating the market

    offering to create superior

    customer value

    Implementation, Monitoring &Measuring Outcomes

    Marketing is

    about creating

    customer value

    and profitable



    Marketing Objectives

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    Our Approach Key Elements


    ExtensiveResources(Text, Journals,Presentations,



    Case Based

    GuestSpeakers Small

    Group &Forum



    (e.g. clips; Tedtalks; YouTube;Marketing Links


    High endFacilitation

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    We cant do it

    for you or

    without you

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    Learning Outcomes clarified Resources available earlier

    Significantly reduced workload

    Updated Cases & Examples

    Enhanced interactivity

    .and we kept the best bits

    knowledgeable and experiencedteam, slimline text, Guest

    Speakers, good feedback, links

    to industry, personal approach

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    Blackboard Tips1. Log into Blackboard via OASIS.

    2. Explore the site for a few minutes. Go through all of theitems in the menu bar and get to know where everything is.

    3. Read theAnnouncements to see if there is any new important information.

    4. Have a look in the Contacts section to learn more about your Unit Coordinator and


    5. Print out a copy of the Unit Outline. Pay particular attention to the following:1. Assessment section which details all the assessment components and due dates.

    2. Unit Plannersection which outlines a recommended timetable.

    6. Start working through the Unit Resources week by week / day by day, again depending

    on mode of study or as directed by your Lecturer.

    7. Go to The Learning Hub. Explore the resources available. This also tells you how tocreate yourStudent Home Journal Page.

    8. Now create yourStudent Home Journal Page. This will help all of us to learn a little

    more about each other.

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    Suggestions for Success Take responsibility for your own learning

    Read broadly and gather examples

    Speak from your own experience not for others

    Listen actively and with respect avoid side conversations

    Participate and stretch your boundaries.

    Stay on topic and allow room for others.

    Respectfully challenge, focus on ideas not people.

    Be present. Face to face - practice timely attendance and

    mobiles off; online participate fully, dont leave it until thelast minute

    Collaborate constructively and be conscious of team


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    Assessments The Tangible Bits

    Assessment Type of

    Assessment Weight Due Date

    Assessment 1:

    Written Analysis &


    Individual 30%

    F2F Assessment 1: One Case PaperDue 5:00pm,Wednesday of the week of the relevant case

    discussion. Submit via Turnitin.

    FO Assessment 1: Discuss ion Opens Monday Feb

    4, 6:00am; Closes Mon Feb 18, 8:00pm Perth, WA

    Time (UTC/GMT +8 Hrs) .

    Assessment 2:Case Study Individual 35%

    Assessment 2 Indiv idual Case Analysis dueMonday March 18, 11: 59pm via Turnitin. Week 9

    Assessment 3:

    Appl ied Project

    Group 35%

    Assessment 3: Appl ied Project

    Optional Draft 1 Due (Situation Analysis) Monday

    Feb 25, 11: 59pm (via Turnitin) Week 6

    Final complete project due Monday April 15,

    11:59 pm via Turnitin. Week 13

    We will discuss each of these

    further. Also ensure you check

    the Unit Outline and the

    Assessment section in BB.

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    Module 1: Learning Objectives

    1. Define marketing and outline the Marketing

    Management Framework applied in MM555.

    2. Explain the importance of understanding and managing customer expectations

    and delivering value

    3. Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss

    the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy.

    4. Discuss customer relationship management and identify strategies for creating

    value forcustomers and capturing value from customers in return.

    5. List some of the main trends and forces that are changing the marketing

    landscape in this age of relationships.

    6. Gain a holistic view of marketing management function, including the elementsof a marketing plan, and discuss the importance of measuring and managing

    return on marketing investment.

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    Textbook Resource: Kotler, Keller, Burton: Marketing Management 2009 Pearson Education Australia

    What is Marketing to you?Write down every word you can think of. If it

    keeps coming up write it again! And again!

    Paste the text into www.wordle.com. The

    result is what marketing means to you.

    Share it with us.

    What is Marketing ?

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    What is Marketing.?Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes forcreating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings thathave value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.American Marketing Association)

    Marketingconsists of activities that facilitate and expeditesatisfying exchange relationships in a dynamic environmentthroughthe creation, distribution, promotion, and pricing ofproducts (goods, services, and ideas). The Marketing Association of Australia

    Marketing is the process by which companies create value forcustomers and build strong customer relationships in order to

    capture value from customers in return.(Kotler & Armstrong, 2012, Principles of Marketing 14e, Pearson, England)

    The process of creating, pricing, distributing, and promoting,goods, services, and ideas to facilitate satisfying exchangerelationships with customers and develop and maintain favorablerelationships with stakeholders in a dynamic environment.(Pride and Ferrell, 2012 Marketing, South-Western, Cengage Learning , USA)

    Marketing is an exchange between a firm and its customers.Iacobucci 2013 MM3 South-Western, Cengage Learning , USA

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    The Shift in Orientation

    over the last 100 Years


    Product Sales



    Societal Marketing Orientation

    This is the idea that an organization exists

    not only to satisfy customer wants but also

    to preserve or enhance individuals and

    societys long-term best interests. Less toxic products

    More durable products

    Products with reusable

    or recyclable materials

    What can

    we make or

    do best?

    How can we

    sell more


    What do


    want and


    What do


    want and

    need, and how

    can we benefitsociety?

    What can


    make?The you can

    have any car

    as long as

    its black


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    What drives these shifts?

    The Changing Marketing Landscape: Uncertain and volatile economic environment

    Rapid globalization

    Sustainable marketing call for more social responsibility

    Growth of not-for-profit marketing

    New consumer frugality

    The digital age and advances in mobile technology

    Others? Try searching Marketing Trends for 2013! Some

    very interesting shifts. Whats your prediction?

    From a Creatives perspective: Creative

    Forecast: How Marketing Will Change In 2013

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    Marketing Myopia

    Marketing Myopia:

    Mistake of focusing on specific products a

    company offers rather than the benefits andexperiences produced by the products

    They focus on the wants and lose sight of

    the needs

    Levitt, T. 1960 Marketing Myopia,

    Harvard Business Review,

    July August

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    So...is the Marketing System still current?

    Sellers send goods, services and communications to the

    market. In return, they receive money and information(customer attitudes, sales data).

    Source: Figure 1.1A Simple Marketing System from Kotler, P. and Keller, K. 2012A Framework for Marketing Management 5e Pearson Education Australia

    In what ways do you think that current trends may have

    impacted on this simple marketing system? Does it still

    hold true?

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    What Can We Market?


    What else

    can you think

    of? Otherexamples?

    Is there

    anythingmissing from

    this list?

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    Marketing Management Framework

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    Marketing Management Framework

    The MM555 Marketing Management Framework draws

    on a number of sources including Iacobucci (2013),

    Armstrong et al (2012) and Gibbs (2009) and includesthe key factors which need to be taken into account

    when developing a comprehensive marketing strategy.

    Create Value

    Product / Service



    Physical Evidence

    Capture Value




    Integrated MarketingCommunications


    Deliver Value

    Placement Logistics

    CustomerConsider factors such

    as decision making,

    values, needs &


    CompanyOr organisation. What

    is our Strategic

    Purpose? Capabilities?


    ContextWhats going on in

    the macro


    CollaboratorsWho do we work with?

    Who are our partners?

    CompetitorsWho are our current

    and potential

    competitors? Where

    are they placed in the


    SegmentationBased on geographic,


    psychographic and/or

    behavioural factors

    TargetingConsider strategic fit;

    potential and defensibility

    against competition

    Analysis &


    Planning &


    PositioningYour place in the market space

    Core benefit proposition

    Unique selling proposition

    Positioning Statement

    DifferentiationDifferentiating the market

    offering to create superior

    customer value

    Implementation, Monitoring &

    Measuring Outcomes

    Marketing is

    about creating

    customer value

    and profitable



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    Its all about Customer Value

    Customer Value

    The relationship between

    benefits and the sacrifice

    necessary to obtain

    those benefits.

    A Unique Selling Proposition is the

    value that you offer customers thatnobody else does

    Marketers try to increase perceptions

    of value

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    Customer Satisfaction


    The customers

    evaluation of a good or

    service in terms of

    whether it has met their

    needs and




    More on

    this InModule 7

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    Building Relationships


    Relationship Marketing

    A strategy that focuses on

    keeping and improving

    Relationships with current


    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) emphasises the

    importance of building long-term relationships with customers to

    keep them satisfied and coming back.

    Selling products that dont come back to people that do.

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    Satisfaction Beware the Gap!

    More on

    this In

    Module 7Does customer satisfaction matter?

    Think of the last time you felt highly

    satisfied or dissatisfied. What

    caused this? How did you respond

    when you felt this way?

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    Customer Evaluations

    Customer evaluations include:Customer satisfaction

    Customer engagement

    Perceptions of quality

    Customers intentions to repurchaseCustomers likelihood of word-of-mouth, etc.

    Marketers track these evaluations to inform planning and

    to measure outcomes


    C t E l ti

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    Customer Evaluations


    Oliver, R.L. 1980. A cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of

    Satisfaction Decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, Nov. pp460-469.

    Low-involvement purchases

    Evaluation is instantaneous

    Expectations are usually latent

    Evaluation Outcomes

    If customers experiences:

    Surpass their expectations delighted

    Meet their expectations satisfied

    Fall short of their expectations


    Disconfirmation Paradigm

    Higher-involvement purchases

    Evaluation is deliberative & conscious

    Evaluation Processing

    Customer Evaluations

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    Customer Evaluations

    Credence purchases Dont have expertise to evaluate

    Evaluate what one can (price, looks, etc.)


    Experience purchases

    Evaluation completed after


    Expectations might not be fully formed;

    the experience shapes evaluation &


    Search goods

    Evaluation is straightforward

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    Sources of Expectations


    Consumers trust their own experienceExperience can be direct or indirect

    Friends and experts

    Trust those with no commercial gain

    Marketing mix

    Ads, price, retail atmosphere, etc.

    Third party communications

    e.g., Consumer Reports, books,

    Internet, etc.


    Ideal levels of quality

    Predicted levels of quality

    Adequate levels of quality

    Zone of tolerance exists between the

    adequate and predicted levels of


    Types of Expectations

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    Characteristic and Measurement of Expectations

    Expectations are dynamic

    What pleased a customer last time may no longer suffice

    Expectations vary cross-culturally

    In individualist cultures, satisfaction is heavily influenced by quality of

    reliability and service provider responsiveness

    In collectivistic cultures, satisfaction is heavily influence by the relationalaspects of front-line employees

    Measuring Expectations

    Measuring quality with precision is difficult

    Customer perceptions can be measured with surveysCustomer churn rate

    Mystery shoppers

    Monitor competitive performance


    Customer Loyalty and Retention

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    Customer Loyalty and Retention Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):

    The value of the entire stream of purchases that the customer would make

    over a lifetime of patronage ie the present value of the future cash flowsSome customers are costly to acquire, others more costly to retain

    Share of Customer:

    The portion of the customers purchasing that a company gets in their

    product categories

    Calculating CLV

    Refer to your text. The following site also has detailed instructions and a

    downloadable excel spreadsheet.


    Re Customers -

    The 80/20 rule

    often applies!

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    Delivering Value

    Managing the Marketing Mix: The 7ps

    Some texts talk

    about 4Ps do we

    really need to

    consider 7?

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    In the News; Out of Academia; Around the Grounds

    In each Module we encourage

    you to hunt out the latest news;

    explore the research and scansocial media for whats new,

    whats important and what has

    piqued your interest on the topic

    of marketing

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    ..What Caught Your Eye This Week?Source: http://thisweekin.com

    Thi W k R di

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    This Weeks Reading.

    ..Which Ideas Will You Hold Onto? Achrol, Ravi A. and Philip Kotler. 2012. "Frontiers of the marketing

    paradigm in the third millennium"Journal of the Academy of MarketingScience 40 (1): 35-52.

    Ho Yin Wong, Kylie Radel, Roshnee Ramsaran-Fowdar. 2011.

    "Building a Marketing Plan." BusinessExpress Press: Chapter 5:

    Marketing Objectives and Strategy Formulation, HBP Product number:


    Lusch, Robert F. 2007. "Marketing's evolving identity: defining ourfuture." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 26 (2): 261-268.

    Wilkie, William and Elizabeth Moore. 2012. "Expanding our

    understanding of marketing in society." Journal of the Academy of

    Marketing Science 40 (1): 53-73.

    Zineldin, Mosad and Sarah Philipson. 2012. "Kotler and Borden are

    not dead: myth of relationship marketing and truth of the 4Ps"The

    Journal of Consumer Marketing 24 (4): 229-241.

    Other Marketing Thought Leaders include Peter

    Drucker; Theodore Levitt and his seminal 1960 article

    Marketing Myopia and of course Kotler

    Your top 3

    concepts from

    the readings?

    Share these in

    class or online

    Module 1: Learning Objectives

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    Module 1: Learning Objectives

    Checking In..1. Define marketing and outline the Marketing

    Management Framework applied in MM555.

    2. Explain the importance of understanding and managing customer expectations

    and delivering value

    3. Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss

    the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy.

    4. Discuss customer relationship management and identify strategies for creating

    value forcustomers and capturing value from customers in return.

    5. List some of the main trends and forces that are changing the marketing

    landscape in this age of relationships.

    6. Gain a holistic view of marketing management function, including the elementsof a marketing plan, and discuss the importance of measuring and managing

    return on marketing investment.

    Next Steps

  • 7/27/2019 - LECTURE NOTES MODULE 1.pdf


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    Next Steps

    Hit the ground Running!

    Review the Material for

    Modules 1 and 2

    Revisit the Suggestions for Success!

    Review the Unit Outline for Set Tasks

    Start Networking think about Project Teams. As part ofthis, complete your Student Home Journal

    Do the Reading and watch for Announcements

    Digging Deeper What will you offer us?
