It is very important to understand that all images are created by people. All media images are...


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It is very important to understand that all images are created by people.

All media images are representations of reality that can shape peoples ideas about the world. .

This is why it is important to be a critical viewer of media images.

Be Cautious

1. All images are created by people: people make conscious choices about what an image will show and how it will show it.

2. An image is one person’s version of reality: An image reflects the point of view of the person who created it. Always consider other points-of-view when looking at an image.

In order to do so, remember these two things:

On your paper write down two things:

1. What the image is of.2. What impression the image has on you (what the image means)

IN the Images that follow

You are going to create a chart depicting how others see you.

This is to be done on the handout.

Think about how you are viewed by those around you.

How about you
