, ish of St. andry, La., June 24, 187 Opol4~sas, Parish St. · 2017-12-14 · , ish of St. andry,...


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, ish of St. andry, La., June 24, 187

Vol.~ XVIII. Opol4~sas, Parish of St. Landryr, La., JuneB 24, 1871. No. 41.




SATURDAY,......... JUNE 24, 871.

The COUrIER is published in the most popu-lons Parish in the State, except Orleans, andha a

Larger Circulation

is that Parish than any other paper, and is one

of the beet advertiseing mediumn in the inte-

rior of the State.Transient advertisements 25 cents per square

of eight lines (minion).

Advertllel-g-Our Reduced LRates.

it will be perceived by referring to our eondi-1eosl, that we have greatly reduced our ratesfre advertising. We now confidently offer our

aper to all having the disposal of advtytisingSdeedtrolled bylaw, i. e., the odious "Printinglm," 'as t&al eapesi as well one of the best'ad-

yartising medims in "So'th-Western Louisiana.With advertising at the" rry low price of

twenty-Ave cents per s'quare; our elumns oughtsoes to contain an nadertlewment from everyalelhaat nad business man in the Pariah, as

willas from every oommercial house, outsi••9f

it, which is doing or expects to do business with

Muani Of n. AxDRE PRUD'HOMME. - Anatreelous marder was committed last week inPrairie Msaes, in this Parish, Mr. Andre Prod'.hemmae being the victim.

It appears that a indow Sauuier had a son,some 10 rt I•ears-of age, over whom she hadsheady lost all control She requested Mr.Prd'homme to take charge of this spoilt childsad to endeaver to inculcate in him a spirlt ofobedience and industry, with the aid of the birch,

ifaeoassary. One day the child committed someact for which he had been repeatedly repri-nanded, sad Mr. Prud'lonmm inflicted uponW'' a light morporeal punish nent:

ls boy rao of and wenlt and lodged eum-plaint, not with his mother, but with his cousin,Jal 8eamier, a yong wan if about 18 or 30past of age

Orr la.S he elay week, the 15th hlst., att3o'oleek in the msorning, John Sannier

& Ce hite ii self at IMr. Prad'lionime's gSto,aiqse wtth a revolter. Ifecalled e Mr. P nd'Mms , lahe had not yet risen,; bat who tonweatout to see whe .ais arty caletr ndghS be.

si at tle gate breog alsedJoha Senalet,i al l wfigth t a revolver, ptd.

l/sa bo iiafus: "I h -aveteaiothat jmWsar aibeioa the littlei &y. int,"

ti. rartUclti!,ithin is pot the'wr toBold ea; lot mne prepare rayseal'

tiemappil dhis evovermtwis sta t iM.unit a; t `to ve-enterm his

Np a jP:'i d ujit , the bullet siri-

l4 1p wow ru atiiof the back,!andStbueogIn 1.is bodg.

SPat 'blnams walked unsasated to hisiii t betNS 4 oclock in the evening ha

S ''i' uit , ldr. Prud',omnd now t , ac naer, sad .ho inhme'

tj g si Mhystlda saelmatlea Jbth

` a ttia tngt a 1l 1ceidZin kta seck be

.man a S man s Qs Ji ers

a#giaggagai 4erl 17esteeamedlaud7 o br Idl Saunter had


wi.-!!~ir wpie ni qto~n

.may rya...;.

**ubceMnf sb

. i i.

q 1 Mj ~~q~


h at r flEA l~ 41k

- b ;

P. .> I PI..

SUIcIDE. - Tie INFLUENCE OF WHISKEY. .Sometime last week, a colored young man bythe name, of MIacou, committed suicide by shoet-iug himself in the m nth, with a gun, He wasliving in old Grand Prairle, and was intoxicatedat the time of com tting the act.

Two NICE BEEVE~.-At a Barbecue recentlygiven, in honor of rho Democratic victory inNew IIampshire, wo beeves were roastedweighing 6,500 poun .

i• We have beed placed under renewed ob-ligations to Mr. A. 3. Anderson, Clerk of theSupreme Court, for ppreciated favors.

TuE POST OFrIC .- Mr. D. P. C. Hill, recent-ly appointed Post aster of our Town, has es-tablished the Post Offieoo at Mr. John Pose'sDrug Store, on Mai Street.

SMunzesheime 's confectionery are alwaysfresh nd sweet, ard his soda water nice andcool. Call at his establishment on Main stre t,and try some.

iEm' Demorest's onthly and Mirror of Fatph-ions for July is a charming solace for the heatedterm. Its content are varied apd interestingto such a degree, th t we advise all who reqdreuseful and interestizg literature to purchase acopy, or subscribe f r a year, at $30.00. Publiph-ed at 838 Broadway New York. Single copies,25 cents.

- -' Thanks tot e Officer of the steamder"Selma" f r files of ate papers.

DeosAlonas of he Supreme Coart,Op iQu s, ine Teram, 1871.

No. 691. Roomiti crduu vs. W. M. Smith, EX.,et al.--Contiuued:..758. V. 8. Martin dm'r. vs. Sidney and Wet-

lea SLngleton.-Jud en of lower Court afir

751. In the matte of the oppostion of Aiatet ale. to the homol gation to the tableag of eEstate of Ed. Sim n Sr.-Judgnent of 1o orCourt dismissing o sition avoided and revrsed, and judgment mending the tableau in ha manner as to giv a preference to theJudmortgage of the op nent over the elaim ofebit, Charpeltier & 'o., and that in other r-pects the judgmen be affirmed; oest of ap alto be paid by appee.

761. Frank Perr vs. J. Backmai Le.-Juag-meut of lower Cou aftlrmed.

74L Zenon B3rou rd vs.Jos. Breaux.--J g-meat appealed fr reversed, and judgment ordefendant. I

750. Mary Z. Kni ht vs. F. B. Ments, Sh ,at ale.--Jdgmeut ed.748. Farmena N h, Adm'x.4a. Thos . M

ahle.-J.udent from avoided andversed•ana• a ia rvor of plalntl -f -

ainng ah( ne n executory the l lalat s oat fortI mn hatr ijttiton a It he

IWnds-Li deee • .,that sakd lands be aeand sold to satisfy da mortgtg& debt with In-terest as therla vided.

746. Martial So vs. Denis Carlin et aJudgment of Dist ct Court annulled; avo edand reversed, and judgment rendered ii f4 orof defendants.

759. FelecIe Gd ll vs. earinoe H. (oiry.-Judgment f Distrirt (~dn saamli

avoided and rever d, and judgment In fao ofdefendant.

761 Mrs. H. M. eDonald et ale. vs. J•.Thompson, Sh , et al.--Judgment of DistCourt affirmed, wi h costs of appeal.

764. M. Wells v T. G. Compton.--Judgnesaffirmed.

753. Snooession thlne Xouton.-Jud taffirmed.

757. Alex. Vrere tutor, vs. W . Robert ,itet. ex.--Jndgmei i appealed roU affirmed asto the plaintiff, as to the iutereaor rs.Ann II. Smith be unulled and avoid e an sto her the rule be absoluteat ta dei-sut'~eosts

763. Chas. The vre C. Come. Aa btat.-•udgeiit ed from awardadIngthe •ih o t otereditors of Jacob at

if na the• be_ to the privilege of ntiff istbe settle of be suoeession t sthus mnended the dgment bh9 ahlrme .

760. J. W. Bnrb lge & Co. vs. Jue. J. AV-Jnadgmcat

rV. J. P moun ta. J. 17. Otrundy.--e-

74t. Win. M tr. 'Pi, ane. . PiqoetJudgmnent ap frost, with costa

NO7. Frederick vie. (Jarlino.--Jmoat of Diet. a ilol d and geversed,ordered that reTh00orylrbU 4and 4sf psylag Coatath .lewand plalti amI'aiye

743 O tiow aet of ' anK- aeoiroitfppumL .

74$. P. J. Pa h Esssahaa-Judmntn$ of oannuledIn favor of defen t. latf .and a

osy eAn p ,eurt., '7BV.`4vY .B Re,-#L

744. Jeini a

tebs #id


444) 4 4


SOfficial Statement of the Debtof souisilana.

We have received from the.Auditor of thieState two documents of great importance to th,tax-payers of Louisiana. One of these issi de-tailed statement of the debt of the State, madeup to June slt, 1871. The other is the anuultlbudget of receipts and expenditures for thm.present year.

The Auditor classifies the debts as follows :Outstanding bonds for which the State is df-rectly responsiblu ... .......... $19,188,300 03

Bonds for which the Statemay eventually be liable........ 6,573,683 33

Amount of bonded debt.......... 3,761,983, 33Miscellaneous obllgationls,

warrants, certificates, etc...... 3,187,490 :1

Actual debt.............. '$28,19,173 9;Bonds authorized by the

Legislature to be issned tovarious railroad and othercorporations prior to adop-tion of debt limitation, butnot yet issued ........... ....,125,000 000

Prospective debt............$41,194,473 91Add deficit between receipts

and expenditures as perbudget of 1871................ l.778,619 15Crand total....................49,973,1t2 016

We have thus to face a debt which in roundffigures may be stated at fifty millions of dollars,'an increase of forty millions of dollars in le•athan six years. Is any further commentary un-on our Radical State Government needed I

We are not disposed to fiaeter ourselres, sAour cotemporary the Pime erue does in its issuaof yeterda, that the contingent portion of thedebt-that is, the bonds issued and to be issue;l,* for which the State is only oventeally liable indefault of others-may be regarded as an obli s-tion which will never have to be dischargedlJithe State. We wish that it were a prudent cal-eulation thus to whittle down this enormousburden to twenty millions, as the Pceaynned6e,.But our experience teaches us that it is safetto count upon being called upon to meet engage-ments like these, and we think every businesman will concur with us. The State is nowpaying annually a large sum of money in the

shape of interest on bonds which wern issued to:railroad corporations prior to the war, and whichat the time of their Issue it was reasonable tobelieve would either be regularly paid by thered eaorations or compensated to the State bydivsde.lds on stocks. Certainly in these timesof aniveimal corruption and bad faith, it wouldbe iin rudent to base our calculations on the

- State bing held harmless from these eventualohligatious. -- -. - -Thile Spreme Court itself is deciding the cafe

of Salomon & Simpson versus the State a fewweeks ago, took this view of the question apdincluded in its statement of the debt as existingkt the time when tl re estittional limit wwrsestablished, all contingent letiliais.Aetompanriung the Auditors itateme•u of

debts and liabihties is "the annual budget of re-cei pt and expenditures for the present year.The expenttures for all purposes are set downat the frightfil sum of.......... $13,544,737 15

and the receipts from all -sources are estimated at...... 4,766,119 00

Exoee of expendit•ese overreceipts .................... i•.• 233• !30Here s as deicit of vine and a quarmlipis

of dollare in one year, for which qOproV oi nseems to have been mado by 'he ati.How is it to be yet t se nit th • a dtiot ofthings truly alarming? It: 1sb, higbtlqiethat a eonlntion of the taxspyes of. the 80eehoeld be held for the p oapef degfdlnar mes-ores to this rtisi ecd eelugjif rpiso fau ture w~e qeb 5 e eDan • ly iour e~gaition ldmin y , to a ship at sea, whoeorew ba mutinied and whose oltore have beoln

ompelled to yield hp their eomand to m•uwho bavebroken ino the room andsremad witi liquor wille the sh rlfts towardd4 alee4lhoe stdls In danger of being momentariuywreaked.

We shall farther comment apon tkes state,menta of the Auditor.-N. O..•1•e.

Tng Two PLATpiOr ts.-We have seenseveral good versions of the'DPomocraticand Radiasl platfo i l i juXtarositioi,but:the ifolowngi ueationably en-

,tit.>, to tb"pgemlinas:Demoeeratl Platform. Radiesl Platform.

a. Pdblio honesty.. 1. The2. Nationaleeouomy. 2. Five3, Reedue:taatioer. 3. Lo'ves4. Contitl government4.And,. Individuial iberty. 5. The6. State sorelgnty. 6. Two7. General amntsty. 7. Fishes.

D im--In this Paibsh, on tL 5th inst. 3[r.INcor LarAi E a4d about eas. .;

iti 'UURANT711 ler ad tdes this opportnnityto

'N ial, -b l d sad eustomers, and ;hee liurafilktrish meals at

Sohours ah t h e Rtetl•nmat, on the r4lning-W bela l ls, aed at,tbegaam•l•e as those

;esagIhbs is. .0 itspersameakl ThosepSSSII-bfe r ose hours trill

Ui1P . y- 34all .

( Obelat s , d 1. -11<::: " #t Qgaii optmgti st this Lodge

pie: bslt asm. W ina.s neat, at 4P . . All t ira eio nt bbioihe in

A $ BMW, i a retired

Y r i t*QUE !reim

* r k' ;"

I~=-DuWosaa PIUSii-


' dirie 4iiba Ytntfoat

#ftr b& aaylrab

II~k`6~; Iem~-::

*h Qu

morn~~~ ~ ~ 5ett b-qi w

7' For the convenience of those interested,.we publish this week, and will continue to pub-lish hereafter, a carefully coimpiled summary ofthe Admilunitrators' Tableatux filed in the otlicoof the Clerk of the District Court, and the Sher-ilt's and Slcces•.ionil altes taking place in ourParisih, where the reader can obtain at t gllanceall the informl•tion necessary, iinsteadl of wadingthlirough the lonlig aLd ntillltuerlns eoliunlimns of theiiwsipaper desillated by WarnlOtlh & Co.. uni-der the provisions of the "Printing Bill," asthe oilicial journal.

This is ta self-inlposed and unprofitable task,involving considerabile troulhe nin labhor, butwe he-rli'ully assumel it in the hope of its beingof sonime service to our readers.

Sunccegsional dales.E't. Zenon llordlclio.-Pierrc Charly, Adni'r.,

will sell for cash inl Washinitoen, on tthe l!!th offiuly: a loti l of groiidil withi udllings, &c., in

Wiisahiinit1i2 ; about 3l atcres of swampli land, oiiIllvoil Criocodile; alsoo, somc movable propertywill lie sold on July 3d.

Est. (t'o. RIt. King.-Ann E. Wminn, adm'x., willsell, oiu Ilayou lb uit on July 210: a tract iof I t10)arlents of lanud on t•aou nleruf, with huildingsandi imlprovemuents. '1 he right to redeemlii a tractof 38i acitres of laud on Iig Cane tBayoul, andl olleof 401 acres onll Bayou ouge, sold for taxes. Alot crockery, silver, furniture, I watch, I gun,library, &e. Conditions.-Movrables cashi; im-movables part cash, balance ill 1, 2 and 3 yeas.

Est. ('olonise L. C. Pitre.-II. IBcnaregard, ii-uinistr.ator. will sell at I'Anse aux Paills on the

5th .nllv : a pllantation in said qtuarter conlaiti-iug l1-0 arpenitt, with inilprovemenits; a tract of50 arpe•cts prairie land, samie quarter; 5 head ofcattle, : branding irons, furniture &c.; also, alot carpenter's tools, a gun, I yoke oxen, cattle,horses, hogs, cart, &e. Terlns--Movabll e cli,immovabhle oni 1, 2 and 3 years credit.

slerifi's tlales.A. Desmare vs. R. J. Smith.--The Sheriff ill

sell, July Int, at the Court Ilousie,,on 1I iionthliilIs'credit: the unldivided I of Judgmenl t No. ltIIl7of the files of thle lDist. Court, St. Landry, elti-tied R.J. Smith et als. vs. Jlo. F. Smith, Aduiir.

FrAinont Dnlr, vs. Etiennie lBra:nune.--TheSheriffwill ell, onil the 1st of .Jnly, at the CourtIouse: a plantation of 70 arpents in P'lailance,

with buildings, &c. Terms, cUah.Laz. Levy vs. La. L. Andr6.-The Sheriff will

sell for cash. at the Court House, on July Ist:160 neres of land near Washillgton, with thebuildings and iprovemlents thcercon.

I. N. Arthur vs. Thos. C. Willis.-The Sheriffwill sell on the lst of July. for cahll, at the C(.ourtlloilse : a pl:al!itatiO of "laoulI 1,.21) acres in Bi-you Chicot, with buildings &c. thereon ; also, .ihorses, 2 yoke oxeu, cows, wagnsi, plows, &c.

Admlnistratorus' Tableaux.

Eat. Theophile Fontenot-Jos. Derouen, admr.has filed a final tableamu of distribution of futladof said estate whllicl will be homologated July10th, if io oppositioni is made.

Est. Onez. Carriere.-Florian sonnier, adnur.,has filed a final tablea;u of distribution of fundsof sald estate, which will be honmologatod on the10th of July, unless opposition is made.

Eat. John Closc.--Desird Godet, Admn'r., hasfiled a finaf tableau of distribution of funds ofsaid estate, which will be homologated July 17,if no opposition is made.

Est. Therenee Stelly.-Brigitte Meche. tuttrix,has bled a final aceount and tableau of distribt-tion of funds of said estate, which will be homo-logated July 3d if no opposition is made.

Eat. Adelaide lBernard.-rL. T. Guidry, adlir.,Ibat fled a fnal tableafu of distribution of fundsof bald estate which will be homologated July 3,if no opposition is made.

EsL. Jesse Iatclhins.-Sol. Johnson, tutor, hasfiled a tableau of classification which will be ho-mdlogated June 27th if no oppositioi is made.

NOTICE.T HE law partrcrseip formerly existing be-

tween Messrs. Moore & Morgan having beendissolved, on the 31st of March 1871, by mutualconsent, Mr. John J. Morgan has establishedhimself for the practice of hi, profession, at theofflio lately occupied by Judlge James M. Porter,Opelousas. By prompt and deligeut attention tobnei:css, he hopes to obtain a fiir shitre ofpatronage from his friends and the publio.

JOHN J. MORGAN.Opelousas Ist April 1871. 29tf.

P. L. HEBRARD,JUSrTICE OF THE PEACE in andforthe Parish of St. Lan•dry. Office ou liellevueStreet, Opelouhsas.--Iefcr to Mayo's Drug Store.

Opelonsas, January 14, 1871. ly

IZ.' ~l G-OODl•SHIE 1 Largest Stock and Best Assortment

.Tever brought to St. Landry, selected bythe experienced senior member of the firm,specially for this market, cousisting in part ofPRINTS., from 10 tp 1. ctsa per yardBAREGES, .. 15 to 40 .. ..MOZAMB13QUIES, .. 20 to 50 .....GRENADINES, ... 25 to 150....JAPANESE CI.OTII, 20 to 40 ......RIfRENCH JACONETS, 20 to 30 ....8WI8 MUSLINS, 25 to 100......NANSOOKS, .. 30 to 60 ......





GROCERIES and PROVISIONSOf the best kind, such as


At prices to suit the times, constantly on handAt BLOCH & DUPRB'8.



a JDOURBON WHISKY,&e,, &c , &e.

I All genuine and chlap.. wholesale and retail, atBLQCH & DUPRE'S.

3 Oo RACKS OF [SALT at $2 25 pej30 sck, with a liberal discount tai

whalessle purcliasers atBLOCK & DUPRE'B.

A LIBERAL DISCOUNT allowed whole-s~ale purhasersof atykind of oods, At


$IJIGER'& 8EWING "MACHINES, wftlfs aet dditions and tWrovemeat, at mrals priles, always Olaunld At


T.IATh .al iclue., atylera ad qualitia, fort

j LLdxec"4 allal . Wei, sod Boys. canlclOsBlycbO B~)fett fo c 30 7DUPUNS'

TQ of rB sorti soM bytbh piece)uts. to suit mebrants. AtL

( L r and BmBS vis's and Boys': al1 .:lasohand sad made to

.~ibk~'la.MteCoc Msun#smsur~of

sad OOTS bid'&%. of a

hF salg by JOS. BL UM.

Opewlsm April 65tj MaBe ta lt.


FRESH FAMILY GROCERIESR. JOS. BLUMI has just arrived with a

thlert as~ortument of Famlily and Planta-tion Groceries, buch as:Flour, Bacon, Ham, Sugar, Salt, Wines,Ale andl Porter, FINE LIQUOtlrS of all kind.-,

Lobsters, Salntuou, Sardines, ('heese,Cr;.cker., syrups. LIrd Cohfe,

Canned F'ritt ad muany ot herGoods, too tedious to eIntiinerate, wvhich lhe sells

C1HE4AP FOl 4%.%S1H!Store corner Main aI Noe )l'tlh S., (), O slinti.1Ci•; always• otln ld, and ice cream I'ren 'zeriet

loaneud to familites. (. uI3-Im"


Mr. IBAPTI'STE 1'EFFERIKON respectfully

slyvie, at onitleratet prics.

Ladies' Gents' and Children's ShoesMlade to order, ii every t \'le and :t atall pries.

lAP'IT'l'sE PEII'FF.l• K)i N.Landlry Street, ollpposite Johuston ~ Statlls.

Opreloua', 11 }"!7, 171. 3ift


HIIE undersigned, having reercntly made hn-.Lportaut additions tio his tacilitia for repair-

iii;aul .~et:lling furniittuie, iulforts the pulii cI thatihe is iprepared to fill all orders eutrustedil to hiMn,ad ldo all kinds of repairing in the lbest style,ait inmolerate prices. All fu rnitl rie jurelmur ,,lthrough hinm will be put Up and deliveire- illg.ood ordler. wit htiut extra charge. Ol furni-turi bought allti exihaitged for llnew.

I will alwytu have a stock of tnrniture oilhand, atid will order anytihing not kept in stockaIt New Oratlls prlic, with exrspel,: of trallo-

ipuorttiohn only added--safe deliver1yv tlnd :;tis-factio guaranteed. LOUIS 'A'I'TEiL.

Ml:in Street. near Mr. Jos. Jotl)l's.Opelousits. May 13, 1871. t;m


IF yon wih 1 to enjoy a glass• of cool La,1er, illinteresting siilety, drop in at tlhe lain St.reeLager Iteer Salolo. undltr the (.'nirie I )tlice.You will lind there the bestti LI::t i, on ice,

cold Luntch, &c. • •I'iriv at"e Hon,•p.E. L. ESTILETTE.

Ottilou-tas, May 0o, t1'1l. 3;-ly


SMr. GEOIRGE 'ULF'OIl) has justremoved to the "Varieties," where l,.eM would be glad to sco his old customers

and fricuds. lie w ill alway" have on hand anassortment of Saddles from $10 upwards, aindHarness at low prices, as well as fancy and fin-ished stytes. All ,work gnaranecsd jwr ,hat itis sold for. GEO. PLLFORD.

Opelousas, May 20, 1871. [36-3•m

Taken up as an Estray.By the undersigned, in P ririe Mani-

mouth, on the 22d inst., a half ameri-can bay HORSE, about 9 years old and

l'randed on the right shoulder about thus IBThislorse bas been ranging in the neighbor-

hood since about 3 years;-has saddle marks.The owner is requested to come forward;

prove his property, pay charges and take himanay, otherwise he will be disposed of accordingto law. SALOMON GAUBERT.

St. Landry, May 27th, 1871. Im

JosEPH 3*. MOOrE,


Office formerly occupied by by the late law firmsof Swayzo & Moore and Moore & Morgan,

OPELOUSAS, La.,4ill practice in the Courts of the 8th JudicialDistrict.

Opelousas, April, 1871. 32tf-

CLINTON B. ANDRUS,Cormcr fMain and Landry 8ts., Opelousas,

Ial just received a large supply ofG ROCERIES, Plantatibn Supplies, Crockery-

ware, Hlardware, Coal Oil, Lamps, Wines,Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Caunni Fruits,Fish and Vegetables, &c., all at moderate pricesfor cash. d24--6m


No. 18, Conti Street,37tf.1 NEW ORLEANS, LA.

ADOLPHE ALEX. MOUTON,C OTTON and Sugar Factor and Commissdio

Merchant, No. 186 Commoal Street,50-Iyl NEw ORLIANs, LA.

Ayer's Sarsaparila,The reputtioun ti e• -

cellset medicine enjoys, iis derived ft eitL cures,.many of whieb atrulymarvellous. ' Inveteratecases of Seraelous dise

" = ere aaoetipoussdie?corruption, have been

byd red it.rnolutadtcns and

they were pufbal7 aMealng, have been radicallymired In, etch great numbers alimot every sea.tion of the ony,tbhat the pal scarcelyt need tobe Informed of ts irtues or uses.

Scrotlious poison is one of the most destructiveemies oour race. Oten, t unseen and uneilt

enant of•tho.-a.lsm ndermines the Constituto,and inrivstLeattacOtof ebin5or fotaidisears,ih, on some aor preo ga

ene ss omae a s a te Inat the bon orbeoet, orn tuoebe o t be dbu 'ormtsoinoth

wgh se, he or ese s nof a gIs i•r

b o tun I bt sa b . u. Arm a e aki, ,fl e

mslo eemeesisd leuD3t ae bjier: h

rneed use o no earefh isupd.son ' P J10 wius r as avanof sE'

bla. ood. thbb u are, veass ro .

nv d, ueS,s t i5bth

-Ei _Im. Del

mn . ray _ 0, Aea




By J. s. SCIIZ~ C, M.D.SMane a human being has passed away for whose4.Mll ilitere wasu .iootilir reasonl tuhan the ileitg•.tof

known•i and indisputaibly roveil means of cure.Ilhose near and diear to aunily and friends are.llepif the l Ilre:letess slumber into which, hadthey calmly IdlplllltDtO. JONI;PII Iu. ai'llEW CiNLC SIMPLE

THREATM EN.T,all nivalled thieinelvles of his wondrrfiIly eillca-cirls i e' clliies. Ithy woild not have fallen.

fir. l-lilcl, hasi.n iiL ovwn (•atL pr IoVemd thati;'lhri-vecr .stlli-iilnt vitallilv remains, h••nt vitality,liy hi, iI-leinls :ld i.is dire 'tiolns fur their use, il:l t'ie•ikent iltuo lnt l hlith l vigor.•

In til,I lstatelln i ro is lirt hiait rfprlelumptn•ultlI.'l tilt faith of tfhe nit-:id iI rmiladlo c repiresentationtia isi inot a ilhoiu.ai li:t: ii uh.iitantiated by living

it: phi;,;•iSii pp rl,•n i 1, . 'iirg ier•it. It is self-n-

w'[ ta e ai-ave-ii 'loto .ilt Mandrake PlS• are titfihr. twoi wealns ith ! i hi.' , tti*eciladll of thetl: Ialy ,; :•x ti!lel. "1'wo-thir.i olf tie tas• of eoin-Rumipl tln Oriiiate. In ein plia anild a functilonallyiL-ordliri liver. Willi iiisu condithiin the brronchilill!e

:; "•

y nl

mlithize" with the atomach. They re-

0lipnd I:, i liti trl IirI:itioIof ofthe liver. Herethencomli's the cu'lltlittig rs':ilt, and the isettiing l.with all its dislressitlg symptoms of

4 '5L• I" IPTIO%.TiI hlandrlLk 1-1115 i'rTe eaOuit•ae'tl of one of Nai-

'i'hey p.a•tl all the ilolxin-se.rchliig, alteratlveirclleriie•,'s of calonitl, hilt, unlikeitlori'i'h, they

LIAVE NO NiTING SIEIINJll."The work of clre 1. ilOow I*•aining. The vltftte.li::I Intlcons: delt.; Iti the Ir'wriis andl in the all-

i,"ltary rartal are ejt ll. ivir, like a lclk,n ui•l ti p. it arous s u f.io. 1. torpidifty. ('let ri- u tl' s•L' ritspri ively, aid the patient beyinrs

lo ft-r! tha:t ii Is qgettiln, at tait,A NtIPPIY OF H1OOD IU.OOD.

Til'e Cea't- ' Tollt, in tC': .jiiction with the Pills,permea'Cltes pild aneililiites withl thL fund. t'liyl:l-('.Iol iO Il now p •rCir• 'ing wihout its prevlousa tilr-tilt',-8. DigIet:ic blol lse plilSinless, lld the cure isstlliu to Ii, at illard. There Ip no more flatulence. nloexacerbhutio of the stomanch. An appetite sets in.

Non cio1;r, th , reatest Blood Purilier ever )etgiveni iiy iii iidiUIgenlt fa:ther to sufferlng mainll.li, ei(.Iek'L ' I'lltuonij iyrlipclll•oes In to plerfr its

fiirtloln R and to halistcen il e•olzpleteo the cure, iti

n te'Il at o!tio tpon it work. N.ature can not he

etheaite"l. It collects and ripens the mlpaired andii.-me'it55 lo)rtiouts of the litngs. Itn the form ofg-:'rerl •,s it pro' '."s tlln ifur expectoratlot, anlidio i li ar"iry slhru t timne the malady is vanqulshedth" rit:r tllronlls that: it occupied is renovated andto :,iI. :,,ew, and I h, pattllint, in all the dignity of re"I'.:,:!. vienr., `fells forth to enjoy the atanhood orWOull.h',e 1 r11.r0 Was

CIVEN UP AS LO/ST.The teconli thing is, the patienlts must stay In'

warmin ronl until they get well; it as almost Impos-sit~r. hir to eunt takingeolil when the lungs are die-ea- ,litI"t It must be p.rrvented or a cure can not besli -elei. Ireeih air and ridilng out, qpeclally in this"sti!uii of ;el crountry. in the fall alnd winter sea..,-ii, afre is wtofu.. Physicians who reconmend

the t cion:: t i'-;e their liteirte, If their lunge arehbdly dlisesr aid; nt. yet. because theyare n thehIn;l!"y :ntut e :lotn dwnu quiet; thiiy muaws"twairniti the rr'onu tin much iiid in f lst as the strengthwii bae, ato get itur a good circulation of blood. Thepsti'nlh uIii..t k i;, to. gore spirits-hbedetermitneto g't w i:. 'bTh In ha a grueat deal to do with theappIa:i ari n(i- flties great poilt to gain.

ri dr--c ixf ce :.".l lter such evi dnce of its poe.siblitu it ii-' wr-rot eues, and moral certainty in -atll er'tic i; *ianill. JDr. Sci-njck'u personal state-uit o ttic lfaeuity of his owna Cure was In thesen-rtnl -I P ni '5

i" :lany 3pur, ago I wan In the last stages of oon-Cs!lni: , ! : ,.i•n:i l-• to nmy bed, and at one time mly,!o.i ",i:.m,•;tt:gittiat Icouild notliveaweek; then,i ke: 2 ro wnig maI anltchlng at stra, I heard of

t:ud ini tlnt..l the preparations which I no offer tothe phlic., and they mtlde ao perfect cure or me. tseemed to me that I could feel them penetrate mywhole system. They soon ripened the matter in myl ung, and I would spit up morethan ap7Itofspten-eve yeUllow matter every mrin foraIog lo amt."As soon as that beLaa to emlu my coug,

fever, paine, and nlghteweefs all began oave me,and mysapoetite became so gree th'lt mt withdlmllcoltytat I could keep from eatila• tao m•h.I soon alined my trength, and have grown In lesever since,.Lwas we,•he4 shortly after myrery , addel.

the Doc ' the ookn tke ater.Eletmt; myweight was only ninety en •• lhr..a bryeas I hate eloyeed unntmo t.Dr. .1 g hts h.einney d f -wmmllovtomis eto owYorkandBotat. eog eso.,J. H. lerhenc, Jr. stll continue to a eti etheir Office, eo.l5 North iLxthStreet, Pbevery Saturday ffromw at. to a P.M. Whowish a thorough etaIn with the opirt-meterwll bechargedlg Then Bmpirmeteetherd condton orof the blung, and patients cnr dilyeMarn wheeler they are ulr o arno .

The dlreinglcxu r taking the are adapttdlreetO B New Orleand aat.,w dolea re Agets.ljgth Pnbi-e ace drhe Mandrke P•dy fae-en air•ni eaeld dohes:w tha treea madne heed

no ether companyo 'lment

l than tete ame hrt tn-dofne that ncom, n l y them: 1f crea amlUhtildOf reiturn, n he$1" l. onger r lu cea omyp

r~cmtom.Wbe. eIltcme s Nt Uet cvsdespairlngatonce beof good caeer. flood m uloba atone IWlowa the cough l7 thb Sh loht'ewmt babated. Ina mhorttimebotho morbid mymp.-oms atregone forever.

tmoftboeeanu of rmll As a llaxaave orive the Mandrake e as d pdr

and olds, may be as a twopnuLactetg -aainst consumption in any of ita bSri."MV e of the Patmoote Uynup and Se-weed Toni4

a*ninbabox. Poraalebyalt ragul mandr deadalersE. J. HAJIT & Co., 73, 75 and 77' 'honspitoulasStrcet, New Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents.


uc'r 'utl,li.-ucuI, and now feady for delivery;Scunlulreetug l.'il the new ThtrLishes, and every-

thinig else o. iutereht int the Stets. Every nmpnof buvineis, :aun every head el' a famIly shouldhave tilis map.

Price. :34 In r copy,Lieiral tii::co ltas lIUClt to c- crzr tio canvas-

sers, who can rind prelitable eiuuloyuneiut, by

EDGAR STEL, M.Palin-lur,, St. Char-lee Strect,

P. 0. 1,or Bor o'45. Netv ('ekuita.


TIIlE most duirablo, the least complicated and |the most easily managed of all Cooking I

Stoves. I'rtl Prenmnngn awarnded at the St. LouisFair in 186•4, '66, '0, annd 1868; and at the Lou-isiana Fair in 1868, 1869 endt 17o0.

The undersigW"d having been appohnted soleAgent for St. Landry for the sale of these cele-brated Cooking Stoves, will constantly have onlhand, at his Tin Shop in W\ashilngton, an assort-ment of the sume, as atl.,o Firo Grates, llolloweware, manufacturer of plain and Japannud Tin-were and stamped ware.

r FV Deotr at Jos. Blum, Opelousas, where allorders willbe promptlv filled.

EUGENE LEMONTEY.Washington, La.. March 25, 141. f[28--lf


Receiving, Forwarding Mdal Geaneral Comm ais.iom Rerchant,

Cornor Main and Levee Sts., Washington, La.,

R ESPECTFULLY Informs theqpubl that hisWareroome are iow open for the reception

of Freights and Stores, for the propet care ofwhich they are fully edequte, and customersare garanteed against damage by rain or other

Fafrbanks' Cotfon Scales ate kept at theWarehouse for the espetinal weighing of Cotton,Sugar or other produee or packages, *nd ur-chasers will always be found On hand r tpay the market price for Cotton, Bugat, los,hides or other Proldtce, less ooteaof s men etc.

I will advance Bagging •ad Ties, Prov osetc., on Cotton, Sugar o-other Produce n-signed through me to my friends, Messif. Payne,Dameron & Co., of New Orleae.

My best efforts will be given to the saln ofWestern Produce or other Commodities thatmay be consigneod to me to be sild on commis'sion.

1 shall be happy to give my personal attention to any bnmue•as entrusted to me.

KENNETH BAILLIO.Jan. 9, 1871. . S1M-l1y


M. BELL,Washington, La.,

In tie Establtehment formerly occupied as aHotel by Mrs. Musean.


Main Street, in the center of OpelousnlApply to CHASI. N. EALER.Opelousas March 25, 1871 28 --tf.

GORDY R.'. A.". CHAPTER, , -.*meets at the Humble Cotage Lodge, No.

19, at Opelousas, the irat Tuesday after the fullmoon. at7 oicock P. M. JA. RAIY, H. P.

K. H. BODXrL•LLtx , Secretary. (Aug6tf




Officers of Home Office :.AS. .J. O'FALLOJN..................resident.A. M1. Il I'1I1'(N ................ Vice President.S.. W. IAIMAX....................... Secretary.II. H. IIET ............. Assistant, Secretary.I'. G. MlclATTON .............. General Agent.W. E. IIAIVEY .................... Actuary.

Directors :.JAS. IT. LTI'('CS, JAS. ,T. O'FALLON,



Louisiana Agency-33 Carondelet St.

Officers for Louisiana Branch:C. Ii. M(IOUTON.......................President.E: T. M EI(lICK .............. Vice-President.BI. B. SIMMES......Secretary and State Agent.

Medical Examiners:J. N. FOLWELL, Mi. D., J. B. RITCHIE, M. D.



The Mound City Mutual Life Insurance Com-p.iny ibeing a lonn Ih .titution, it should be pre-S"reld by citizen.O of the South for many reasons.\Le will, howe\ver, cuuumerate only two or three.

i. The money invested in it is retained at homeWhere it assists in promoting Western and South-ern trade and commerce, in building up townsanld i.itis, inl developing our rich mineral andaugricultural resources, in building our great linesof railroad, and in cultivating our bonadlessprairies. For these reasons Southern and West-ern men should insure in it.2. As its funds are all invested where high

rates of interest prevail, it can grant insurancecheaper and pay better dividends than any East-ern Company. For this reason all eroona desir-ing to make a certain and safe provstlop for theirfamnilice, should insure in it.

3. Its Local Board of Louisiana Directors beingcomposed of men of. high standing in the com-munity, is a sliicient guarantee that widowsand orphans will be protected in their rights,when pplicies issued by this Company mature byreason of death or otherwise. This ifeature is pe-euliar to this company (no other imtgitution be-yond thelimitsof the State having a local board, Iand is, therefore, worthy of the highest onsoid-eration.

All kinds of Life Policies are issaned by thisComnpanly, and non-forfeiting after an annual1aynIent.This Company makes no charge for polley, fee

or stamps.The Louisiana Branch OfIeae is at No. 33

Carondalet street, New Orleans.B. B. SIMMES,

State Agent for Louisiana, New OrleAns.

Almost all tlip bunpsase men Is and abonsOpelousas have their Ilves .lasred in.this Conmpanl; among others : Henry Os. la Dr. 3t .H. Ittell, J. J. Morgan, Judge A: •rk•gss,Dr. Joht A. Taylor• Joel H•sdos• tes. G..lI Jsi ,JeltlA. Boilo &, l e. -

Persons desirous to takte policies,ailal ply to E.D.TI t.

Aw4 .-Olice of Balet Ite,oct 2--ly. - L "- ablll, Lll0


Regilar Weekly Packet.

The New and Fast Steamer

LESSIE TAYLOR,M. KENNISON, Master; T. JOBIN, Clerk;W .'ILL leave WalhimngtDt'AU, yWedeada'Vtt 10 o'lok A.M. L nd w Orleans on

Satufda7 at 5 o'clock P. iM.The Leal oL a paue saUamodma-

tions enrpsd b i hne on tlh l, andoffers snpbrier ieaeaeSet t eonadgneta offreight am welLU pa-sengrs. ,

For freight or ' ag e,ap•n board, or toOratt & te.l to4 . e -.4

Febnrua eryIU•, . *: . .mtf

GEORGE PAGE & CO.No. i N Scbweed iW St., flltlerte.



Circular Saw ..MillerGad /, Mulkl and Sash Saiw Mills,Grist Mil, Timber WAefs, &aU sel Mchises de.D)ealers in Citoular Sawe, i~e •*iLn l aM l p-dlies; ;wira~ly, and 4m - t=."• •ant for11etel'e Celelne tub' Ater Ne6 andevery description of Wood W kl d MabhiaIery.AGRlrCULTUTIAL NBraGI1 Sp2alitZy.I~ Send for'deatrstive Cateieb aid Price-Lints. [- teb, 21-ly

S A. coJTI n,

Commission MercSant,AND;

59 Magasin. St., WJw Otlegas, La.o Srpe e.atio " b ot- ileaa, [,,ea and

L:aeors. 7[ap 15, 6br

* L riXot ,Uuccpsuor s. * tumaf,

No. 53 Odld pE~eee li.i'Uitrft Re,aud 141, Okaf*iIfi t

STE fiAU i; m To anUd9UU O f.al ndsaof Havana Cigar, and peat

4 sgG-Im]L Odr liASb,-1A

C. H Moistoi;& Coh,C'IOAiON Aairi SUEAUPACTOI$ uw n en.C cial ConiitsP~tuu Mebinh e No.1 Ca n-delet Stl oet, - S1 Dlir *


Commission Merchants &lGreers,EUNJLI AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES,F'' Deaers iu Louisiana io No No. 42 OlLe-vee, between Ilieuvile and ustoxhou as

AugustG- 11w)l NgwZE


L3AOIrCE sAriwpa

CON I T IONS:Subseripfto,-Three Dolliese l+e 1Sw, jpeyable

ixrariablp in avntcwe..Adverdsug-i~ft1(i Cets r' agree s the

first insertion and Twenrir fit; eachsueisequsat insertion. t: 1 Og"ggiggeea-stitaie a..quar.

All advertisements seat foe,wiUl binsleted in Englibsotherwise, ordered) until stbeasd e it noisnt tod

i anedida id pnbile Dohllars eaeb in advance, it 'to be an-

Obituary NLotes, qsa4 eda?ima~k, &c., tobe paid for w eadverisementa.

Personai cards, when s~1mhslble, to be charg-ed at the rate of 20Qeat par inie, in advance.
