God is always pouring down His love upon everyone; the holy and the wicked all receive freely of His...



. To understand and value God’s love and mercy, each home team will explore and discuss about a given topic with reference to the textbook. 1.Identify the evil effects of sin (pp 23-24) 2.Retell the Biblical story of how sin entered the world (pp 23-24) 3.Describe the progressive evil of sin in the stories of Genesis (pp ) 4.Identify the components of a good moral choice (pp ) 5.Describe forgiveness as a means to peace and happiness (pp )

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God is always pouring down His love upon

everyone; the holy and the wicked all receive

freely of His love.


God’s mercy, though, is a different matter. God’s mercy releases us from severe

judgment and condemnation even though we might deserve it, but God gives His mercy only to those who ask for it with

humble and contrite hearts.

.To understand and value God’s love and mercy, each home team will explore and discuss about

a given topic with reference to the textbook.

1. Identify the evil effects of sin (pp 23-24)2. Retell the Biblical story of how sin entered

the world (pp 23-24)3. Describe the progressive evil of sin in the

stories of Genesis (pp. 25-26)4. Identify the components of a good moral

choice (pp. 27-28)5. Describe forgiveness as a means to peace

and happiness (pp. 27-28)


So why did God want Adam and Eve to obey him?

Only God knows what makes us happy.If Adam and Eve had depended on God, he would have led them to true happiness.


How did Adam and Eve sin?

They disobeyed.They refused to depend on God and his plan for them. They were proud.


What did they lose in committing sin?

Sanctifying grace which is God’s life in them.


What is the first sin called?

Original sin.


What did God promise?

He promised to send someone to destroy sin and restore life.


How did God keep this promise?

Through Jesus, the son of Mary


How did God keep this promise?

Through Jesus, the son of Mary


God did not have to give the human race a second chance. Why did God do it?

Because of his merciful love.


What are two messages of Genesis?

People sin;God’s love is faithful and total.


What are two messages of Genesis?

People sin;God’s love is faithful and total.

.1 Peter 1:3-7 Praise to God for a Living Hope3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various [a]trials, 7 so that the [b]proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which [c]is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;


Think how God has shown love to you even in the midst of suffering.


From the story of two brothers:By asking Cain, “Where is your brother God indicated that we should feel responsible for one another. How did Cain’s reply show he did not love his brother?

He did not feel responsible for him.


Once we turn from God, we turn from others.How did this happen in Cain’s life?

When he realized his offering was not acceptable, he didn’t try to improve his relationship with God. Instead he became envious of his brother and killed him.


God wanted Cain to remain united with him. How did God show this?

God reminded Cain that he could offer an acceptable gift if there was love in his heart.


In the story of the flood, God gave Noah a special sign of his everlasting covenant.

.In the Tower of Babel, why did the people decided to build a tower? What was the tower called?


From the story of two brothers:By asking Cain, “Where is your brother God indicated that we should feel responsible for one another. How did Cain’s reply show he did not love his brother?

He did not feel responsible for him.


Once we turn from God, we turn from others.How did this happen in Cain’s life?

When he realized his offering was not acceptable, he didn’t try to improve his relationship with God. Instead he became envious of his brother and killed him.


God wanted Cain to remain united with him. How did God show this?

God reminded Cain that he could offer an

acceptable gift if there was love in his heart.

.How did sin weaken or destroy relationships in the Genesis stories? (Match headline with correct consequence of sin, page 27)

Sin separates people from God.

D) Disobedience leads to downfall.

Sin separates people from each other.

B) Man kills his own brother.

Sin separates nation from nation.

C) Tower crumbles.

Sin destroys and leads to sadness and death.

A) Flood destroys death.

.In seeking happiness, sometimes we choose to sin, or to do things against the law of God, like the people in the book of Genesis.

The Holy Spirit

In the New Testament, who is one person of the Holy Trinity that helps us avoid sin and make good moral choices?

.As we make choices, we need to consider three things (page 27):

1. What we have chosen to do;2. The intention behind our choice; and3. The circumstance surrounding the act.

.(Page 27) What does the Church develop in us that helps us to make good moral choices?

Consciencean inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior

How can you develop your conscience?By learning from your mistakes and the mistakes of others;By praying for guidance;By reading and praying and listening to the Scripture and learning about the Church’s teachings.

.Sometimes we find it hard to forgive---Especially when we have been deeply hurt.

But God has given us an example in Jesus.

How can we grow in our ability to forgive?

By practicing forgiveness again and again, through prayer;

By remembering how God has loved us; By celebrating the sacraments; By remembering how much it meant to us to

be forgiven when we have done something wrong.

FORGIVEIn the “Our Father,” how do we ask God to forgive us?

The way we forgive others.(as said in the Lord’s Prayer)


Chapter Review (Textbook)in preparation for the mid-term Exam

pages 30-32, 46, 52, 60, 61-63, 90

Study the Lord’s prayer, page 58

His entire life was like a trust walk.


What did God ask the 75 year-old Abram to do?

Leave his father’s home and his country and travel to Canaan.

It meant traveling with his whole household.

Why did Abram’s move require faith?

He didn’t know to which God directed him or the people who lived there.

The journey would be long and difficult, leading to a deeper and clearer faith in one

true God.

Map Search, page 40, Textbook

God was pleased with Abram’s faith and made a covenant (a solemn agreement)

with him.

What were God’s promises to Abram?

• A great reward;• Descendants (person’s children, their

children and their children’s children) as numerous as stars;

• The land of Canaan;• A son named Isaac.

To what did God change Abram and name?

Abraham, means “Father of Many Nations”

How did God begin to fulfill his covenant?

Sarah and Abraham had a son, Isaac.

How do we renew our covenant with God and grow in our relationship with him?

• By praying,• Celebrating the sacraments,• Giving witness to our faith in Christ like

words and actions like doing good works, helping to spread the message of Jesus.

Abraham’s Sacrifice (page 44)

How do we know that God was only testing Abraham’s faith?

An angel stopped Abraham before he killed his son.

What sacrifice had Abraham made even before he reached the mountain top?

The sacrifice of his own WILL.

God rewarded Abraham for his FAITH and OBEDIENCE with a promise of blessings

and many descendants.

At Mass, in the Eucharist Prayer, we pray that God will accept our offerings as he accepted “the sacrifice of Abraham, our

father in faith.”

In what ways was Isaac like Jesus?

Isaac was to be sacrificed on a mountain;He carried the wood for his sacrifice;He accepted the will of his father.


Because God loved the Israelites, he called them into a new relationship with him.

Their acceptance of this Covenant required obedience to God’s laws.

It was the Israelites’ obedience to God’s laws that would set them apart as the

Chosen People.


Where had the Israelites lived

when they were in slavery?

.Raamses was one of the cities the Israelites built for the Egyptians. It can be found on the delta of

the Nile River.

Where did the Israelites cross to

safety, allowing them to escape the

Egyptian solders?

Why did people grumble when they reached the oasis at


They traveled three days without water,

and the water at Marah was bitter.

How did God care for the people at


He pointed some wood, and when Moses threw into the bitter water, it

became fresh.

What food did God provide for the

Israelites while they were in the wilderness?

What were the commands that God first revealed to Moses and to be given to the people at Mt.

Sinai?The Ten Commandments

Israelites believed their recipe for happiness was the Ten Commandments.

The commandments showed them how to be free from ignorance and selfishness.

Their obedience would be a way to show their love and unite them to God.

Textbook, page 84

According to Mark 12:30-31Write the word of Jesus that summarizes the first

and the second groups.


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your

mind, and with all your strength.

You shall love your neighbor

as yourself.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your

soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your

soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.

Mark 12:30-31

When we make a

choice, we are saying

YES to something and saying

NO to something


If you are saying yes to cheese pizza, you say no to

pepperoni pizza.

We are going to learn about how when we

say YES to the Ten Commandments we

are saying YES to God and no to many other


What do Ten Commandments help us say yes to?

What do the Ten Commandments teach us about love of God and love of neighbor?

Can you love God and not love your neighbor? Can you love your neighbor and not love God?

They cannot be separated.

How does the Church help us to love God and one another?

By organizing our efforts of charity and our work for justice.

We challenge society to say no to certain things that get in the way of our ability to live together as

brothers and sisters. (Our goal that we have as we do the 2nd quarter

project is aligned to Church’s action).

What guides our efforts in charity and social justice?

What is integer in Math?

It is a whole number.

Do you know that the word integrity come from the same root word, integer, meaning “whole.”

One of the greatest compliments you could receive is to be called a person of integrity.

Integrity requires honesty and authenticity in what you say or do.

Do you know the Church term for integrity in sexuality?


What is chastity?It is a virtue that requires integration of our

sexuality with the whole person – Body, mind, and Spirit.

Who is called to chastity?Every person, single or married, is called

to be CHASTE, to be healthy and honest,

to respect sexuality of self and others.

Chastity does take practice.

The Church has more hope and higher expectations for you.

The Church teaches us to practice chastity.

Practicing sexual integrity and chastity is easier if we develop attitudes that form our

conscience the right way and help us live according to what we know is right.

What is the sixth beatitude?

“Blessed are the pure of heart,for they shall see God.”

This is the message of Jesus that fulfills the 6th and 9th Commandments.

What does it mean to be pure of heart?

The CCO refers to the heart as the seat of moral personality.

Forming our conscience is the work of the head, but our heart “enables us to see according to God:…. (Purity of heart) lets us see the human body as a

temple of the Holy Spirit, a manifestation of divine beauty”

(CCO, 2519)The Catechism of the Catholic Church (or CCC) is a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992.[2][3] It sums up, in book form, the beliefs of the Catholic faithful.

What does it mean to be pure of heart?

The CCO refers to the heart as the seat of moral personality.

Forming our conscience is the work of the head, but our heart “enables us to see according to God:…. (Purity of heart) lets us see the human body as a

temple of the Holy Spirit, a manifestation of divine beauty”

(CCO, 2519)The Catechism of the Catholic Church (or CCC) is a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992.[2][3] It sums up, in book form, the beliefs of the Catholic faithful.

The Catholic Ten Commandments are a summary of "the conditions of a life freed from the slavery of sin" (Catechism, 2057).

They must be understood in relation to the "law of love":

Love of God and love of neighbor summarize all of Catholic morality.

(Mt 22:40).

A Catholic examination of conscience traditionally follows the outline of the Ten Commandments.

It's important for a good examination of conscience to be thorough. This will help you learn about things that you may not be aware of. It's also

a chance to develop your conscience.


To make an examination:

1. Set aside some quiet time for reflection. 2. Start by praying to the Holy Spirit, asking for help

in making a good examination to prepare for Confession.

3. Read through the items on this list and honestly reflect on your behavior for each item.

4. If necessary, take this list or some brief notes (keep them private!) to Confession to help you remember things.


Jacob’s Story

1 Traded stew for Esau’s birthright2 Tricked Isaac with Rebekah’s help

3 Dreamed of a ladder at Bethel4 Worked for Laban, got married

5 Was renamed Israel6 Had twelve sons - tribes

• Summarize Joseph’s story• Purpose and lessons in Joseph’s story• Ways to grow in trustful acceptance of

Divine Providence

(page 55)What good attitude is exemplified by

Joseph during the seven years of famine?

• He showed how the goods of the earth are meant to be shared by all.

SOLIDARTIYis the attitude that leads us to share

spiritual and material goods with others.

What did Joseph answer when his brothers asked forgiveness?

(Page 58)At first Joseph took revenge but in the end Joseph could forgive his brothers because he trusted God.

This trust helped him know that God would bring good out of all that happened. Through the events of Joseph’s life, God arranged to provide food for the Israelites.

What did Joseph answer when his brothers asked forgiveness?

(Page 58)At first Joseph took revenge but in the end Joseph could forgive his brothers because he trusted God.

This trust helped him know that God would bring good out of all that happened. Through the events of Joseph’s life, God arranged to provide food for the Israelites.

(page 58)

God does the same thing in our lives.

He guides our lives so that when evil things happen to us, he makes them work for good if we cooperate with him.

(page 58)“God writes straight with crooked lines.”

This saying means that God often draws good out of bad events.

God made use of the jealousy of Joseph’s brothers to save the

world from starvation.

What are four ways we can be reconciled with God when we’ve sinned? (Page 99)

Pray an Act of Contrition Pray or do an Act of Love Celebrate the Eucharist, or The Sacrament of Penance and


When must we celebrate the Sacrament of Penance? (page 100)

When we’ve completely broken our relationship with God through _______ sin.When we’ve completely broken our relationship with God through mortal__

(page 100)We have committed a mortal sin if

• We have done something that seriously wrong,

• We knew it was seriously wrong, and• We freely and willingly chose to do it.

(page 100)Why is it good to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation even when

we haven’t committed mortal sin?

• It heals sin’s wounds.• It helps us grow strong against

temptation.• It helps us do God’s will and know

ourselves better, and • It helps us grow more like Jesus.

A good Catholic examination of conscience

can be a great help to help call to mind our sins and failings during a period of quiet reflection before

approaching the priest in Confession.

It's important for a good Catholic examination of conscience to be thorough.

This will help you learn about things that you may not be aware of. It's also a chance to develop your conscience.

A Catholic examination of conscience traditionally follows the outline of the Ten Commandments.

What are two big questions we ask

in our examination of conscience?

Two big questions we ask in our examination of conscience are:

1. Have I loved God?2. Have I loved myself and others?These are from the two great commandments of Jesus.

Two big questions we ask in our examination of conscience are:

1. Have I loved God?2. Have I loved myself and others?These are from the two great commandments of Jesus.

First Commandment I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. Have I... Disobeyed the commandments of God or the Church?

Fourth Commandment Honor your father and your mother. Have I... (If still under my parents' care) Obeyed all that my parents reasonably asked of me?

Sixth & Ninth Commandments You shall not commit adultery. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Have I... Practiced the virtue of chastity?

Eighth Commandment You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Have I... Lied? Knowingly and willfully deceived another?

Eighth Commandment You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Have I... Lied? Knowingly and willfully deceived another?

Which reason shows what we call perfect contrition?

Act of ContritionO, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins

because of your just punishment, but most of all because they offend

you, my God, who are all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve,

with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and

to avoid the near occasion of sin.

We should be sorry for our sins because we love God.

Perfect contrition isPraying an act of contrition and

really meaning it.

If we are truly sorry for our sins, we will not want to commit them


To make an examination:

1. Set aside some quiet time for reflection. 2. Start by praying to the Holy Spirit, asking for help in

making a good examination to prepare for Confession.

3. Read through the items on the list and honestly reflect on your behavior for each item.

4. If necessary, take this list or some brief notes (keep them private!) to Confession to help you remember things.
