Fast moving rivers/streams Rain forest Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon, West Africa


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Goliath frogConraua goliath

By: Alysia Roberts and Deidre Vaughters


Fast moving rivers/streams

Rain forest Equatorial Guinea

and Cameroon, West Africa


Eats insects crustaceans (crabs) Fish other amphibians


Tadpoles are herbivores

Eat water plants

Size of Animal

3 feet long Weighs 7 lbs Head and body

length-12.5 inches Legs- 2.5 feet

Climate Requirements

22° C 77° F

Relationship with other species Only preyed on by

humans Indigenous tribes

use goliath frogs for medicine and food


Mating season is July and August

Reproduce sexually Several hundreds of

eggs Takes 85-90 days

for tadpoles to develop


Do not survive long when captive

Usually die during transport

Require an extremely large area with live plants

Require live food

Conservation status

Natural habitats such as Monte Alen National Park have been declared protected areas

Only 600 frogs have been permitted to be exported each year

Why is it endangered?

Hunting Habitat destruction Being captured by

private collectors Listed as

endangered species on December 8, 1994

Interesting Facts

Can live up to 15 years

Have no vocal sac Eat crabs Second toe is the

longest Can leap 10 feet Discovered in 1906 Do not breed Sale for $3000

Quiz What tribe in west Africa uses Goliath

Frogs as medicine and food? How long does it take for tadpoles to

develop? Where are the frogs located in West

Africa? Goliath frogs eat crustaceans. What are

crustaceans? How long can the Goliath frog live?

