During the New Stone Age, permanent settlements appeared in river valleys and around the Fertile...


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During the New Stone Age, permanent settlements appeared in river valleys and around the Fertile Crescent.



Fertile Crescent

Land between Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea

Mesopotamia: “land between the rivers” Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Fertile soil from the silt brought by floods

Challenges of Mesopotamia

Flood or Drought: The Tigris and Euphrates would flood yearly at unpredictable times, often causing great loss. When the rivers weren’t flooding, the rain stopped falling.

Solution—live a little further from the river and dig irrigation ditches and reservoirs


A major city-state to appear in Mesopotamia was Sumer.

Challenges of Mesopotamia

Easy Target: Living in the wide-open spaces in the Fertile Crescent left the Sumerian city-states open for attacks from nomads.

Solution---build a city wall

Challenges of Mesopotamia

Limited Resources: Sumerians had fertile soil and lots of reeds, but not much else for natural resources.

Solution—They traded for what they didn’t have and became a huge trading center.

Sumerian Religion (3c)

Polytheists: Sumerians believed in almost 3,000 gods.

Sumerians built huge temples, or ziggurats, and made sacrifices to the gods

No afterlife

Sumerian Gods

The most powerful gods were the god of the heaven, Anu, and Ea, the god of water.

Close second, came the gods of the sun, moon and stars.

There were also city and house gods. Sumerian gods had human characteristics, but

humans were merely their servants.

Sumerian Government (3b)

Usually controlled by the priests who could pacify the anger of the gods

Priests taxed the people for sacrifices and to feed the temple workers

Military Leaders controlled the government in times of war, which became increasingly frequent

Eventually the priests and military leaders split the power

Class System (3b)

1. Priests and Kings2. Wealthy Merchants3. Normal artisans and workers4. Slaves (could sometimes work obediently

to earn their freedom)


Cuneiform The form of writing throughout Sumer


The End of Sumer

The multiple Sumerian City States fought against each other too often. They weakened each other and were defeated by nomads.

Sargon of Akkad (3b)

Conquered N. and S. Mesopotamia Created the 1st Empire: several peoples

and nations under the control of one ruler ~2350 BC – 2150 BC

Babylonian (Amorite) Empire (3b)

Led by Hammurabi Hammurabi’s Code:

Credited as 1st written law Unified law for the whole empire Based on:

Retaliation Class system Government responsibility


The Nile

Flows from Lake Victoria Upper and Lower Egypt:

Upper in the SouthLower in the North

Effects of the Nile

Made transportation easy Flooded in June

Irrigation used to create Flood—Plant-- Harvest cycle Egypt was the “Gift of the Nile” Egyptians worshiped the Nile so it wouldn’t flood

too much or not enough


Egypt’s cities were built along the Nile West = Libyan Desert (Sahara) East = Arabian Desert Deserts were protection from invaders Isthmus of Suez was only way in and

out for invaders or trade

History of Egypt

The story of Egypt can be told in three different parts..

The Old Kingdom (2686-2181 BCE) The Middle Kingdom (1991-1786 BCE) The New Kingdom (1570-1070 BCE)

..We will start in the Old Kingdom

Egypt Unites

~3200 BC two kingdoms formed, Upper and Lower Egypt

King Menes ~3100, united the 2 kingdoms


God-Kings Head of government, religion, army,

weather… everything Ruled even after death


Elaborate burial tombs (more important than palaces) Mummification

How were they built? They didn’t even have wheels. Historians think peasants built pyramids as

public works projects

Pyramid at Giza

13 acre base 2.5-15 ton blocks

Life in Egypt

Social Classes Pharaoh Nobility/Rich Middle Class Merchants and Artisans Peasant Farmers and unskilled workers Slaves

Social Mobility

Everyone worked for the Pharaoh Hard work and loyalty led to promotions Women could move up too


Hieroglyphics: “sacred carving” Started as pictographs and evolved into a

quasi-alphabet Papyrus:

Reed paper used to keep records

Rosetta Stone

Translation guide to hieroglyphics Found in 1799 by the French

Egyptian Science & Technology

Number System For collecting taxes

Geometry For building pyramids and laying out fields

Calendar To plan for floods, planting and harvests

Medicine Check heart rates, set broken bones, treated

fevers and wounds.

End of Egypt’s Old Kingdom

Hyksos (~1640 BC) Invaders on chariots Brought:

Powerful bows Chariots New weaving techniques Bronze making skills

The Middle Kingdom

Time where the king’s power weakened and which allowed for other to take over

Art flourished early Some pyramids were built during this

time but most were built in the Old Kingdom

The New Kingdom

Egypt’s New Kingdom 1570-1075 BC Warlike Pharaohs overthrew the Hyksos Stronger & Richer than ever



1st & only female pharaoh

Led war & encouraged trade


Thutmose III

Killed his mother to become Pharaoh faster

Conquered Nubia Source of wealth Located in

Southern Egypt


Ramses II

Conquered the Hittites in Syria and Palestine

Built the Temple of Amon

Pharaohs of this time built their tombs under cliffs in the “Valley of the Kings”


Egypt Falls Again

Invaded by “the People of the Sea”

Egypt never recovered


WH Chapter 4 41

Nubia/Kush Took Over

Kush empire was in Nubia between the Nile and the Red Sea

~1000 BC conquered Egypt

WH Chapter 4 42


Rich from trade Great location

between the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

Adopted Egypt’s Culture Pyramids,

Pharaohs, Hieroglyphics, etc.


Geography of India

India is a Subcontinent 2 big rivers

Indus Ganges

Rivers Provided Flooding for new soil Easy travel for trade

Indus Civilization (2750-1750 BC)

2 Big Cities Harappa Mohenjo Daro

City Layouts

Grid streets Central storehouse for grain Uniform houses with courtyards Community bath houses Under ground sewers Uniform bricks (oven fired) Uniform carts Crop Fields around the city Careful Planning is a sign of a strong

central government

Things we don’t know

Writing is not translated Religion is suspected but not confirmed Where did they go?

..Moving ahead to Indo-European Migration into the Indus Valley and India

Chapter 3 49

Indo-Europeans Migrate

Who? People from the

steppes between the Black and Caspian Seas

Herders who rode horses and chariots

Spread all over Europe and Asia

Chapter 3 50


Movements of people from one region to another

Indo-Europeans did it in waves over a long period of time

How did they get here?

Traveled though mountain passes in the Hindu Kush

One was the Khyber pass

Chapter 3 52


Migrated to Antolia Aka: Asia Minor or

Turkey Dominated S.W.

Asia from 1650-1200 BC

Used iron tools and chariots Iron is better than


Chapter 3 53


Indo-Europeans who came into the Indus Valley

Chapter 3 54

Aryans “nobles” vs. Dasas “dark”

Aryans worshiped strong nature gods

Dasas worshiped life-giving gods, Ex: Shiva, the

Great God A motherly figure

Chapter 3 55

Caste System: “Varnas”

1. Brahmins: Priests2. Kshatriyas (kah-

SHAHT-ree-uhz): rulers and warriors

3. Vaishyas (VYSH-yuhz): landowners, merchants, artisans

4. Shudras: servants and slaves

5. Untouchables: outcasts who could not mingle with others

Chapter 3 56

Caste System

Rigid system No social

mobility Inter-marriage

was illegal

He was born that way…and will stay that way.

Mauryan Empire (Asoka)

The unification of political ideas continued through much of India

Asoka Sent missionaries to Asia to help spread

Buddhism Other Contributions

Free hospitals, veterinary clinics, and good roads

Gupta Empire (Golden Age)

Indian Culture Flourished Mathematics (Concept of the number 0) Medical advances (setting bones) Astronomy Textiles literature



Formed by a blending of Aryan and non-Aryan beliefs

No specific founder or single set of beliefs The belief system developed over years

Hindu Beliefs

Scripture/Sacred Writings: Vedas: oral scripture Upanishads: Hindu teachers’ interpretation

of the Vedas Atman: the individual soul Brahman: the world soul that connects all

Atmans Moksha: the goal of Hindus

Reached by a perfect understanding of the interconnectedness of all life

Hindu Beliefs

Reincarnation: The continual rebirth of a soul until it reaches moksha

Karma: The force that determines the luck of an individual What goes around comes around Strengthened the Caste System

Hindu Gods

Brahman is represented by 1 of 3 gods: Brahma: the creator Vishnu: the protector Shiva: the destroyer


The major god Represented 2 ways:

Krishna: the cowherder Rama: the perfect king

Choose Your God & Path

Hindus may choose the god(s) they worship

3 Paths to Moksha to choose from:1. Right Thoughts2. Right Actions3. Religious Devotion


Siddhartha Gautama: Aka: Buddha Founder of Buddhism Challenged the Caste system Found “enlightenment”

Buddhist Beliefs

Even a low born person can find enough wisdom to escape the reincarnation cycle

Wisdom is found through discipline and suffering

4 Noble Truths

1. Everything in life is suffering and sorrow2. The cause of all this pain is people’s

cravings and desires3. The way to end all pain is to end all

desires4. People can overcome desires and attain

nirvana, or enlightenment and release from pain and selfishness, by the Eightfold Path of right, knowledge, purpose, speech, action, living, effort, mindfulness, and meditation



Natural barriers isolated China Gobi Desert Himalaya Mountains Pacific Ocean

2 Major Rivers Yellow (Huang He) Yangtze

The Great Wall Of China

Who Built the Wall? Qin Shi Huangdi

Why was the wall Built? To keep migratory

invaders from the north out of China.


China was governed by a succession of ruling families called Dynasties

Rulers were considered to be divine and served under a Mandate of Heaven

Confucianism and Social Order

The idea of Confucianism was created by Confucius

Based on.. Belief that humans are good, not bad Respect for elders Code of politeness (still used today Emphasis on education Ancestor worship

Taoism and Chinese Culture

Founded by Laozi Based on…

Humility Simple life and inner peace Harmony with nature

Confucianism and Taoism


Contributions of Classical China

Civil service system Paper Porcelain Silk

These products and ideas spread across the Silk Road!!!!


WH Chapter 4 79

Where is Persia?

Modern-day Iran Lots of Natural

Resources Good farmland Ore deposits

Gold, lead, copper…


Cyrus the Great

550 BC-539 BC: conquered Babylon

Military and political genius


Cyrus’ ruling style

Kind toward conquered peoples

No looting & burning

Honored local customs, laws, & religions


Darius: Originally a

bodyguard Conquered from

Egypt and Anatolia to Indus Couldn’t beat


Darius’ Rule

Broke up the Empire into Provinces…THIS GOVT STYLE IS CALLED IMPERIAL BUREAUCRACY Each Province had:

1. Satrap: governor2. Tax Collector3. General4. Inspector: “King’s

eyes and ears”

Darius’ Rule

Built the Royal Road 1,677 miles Encouraged trade and

communication Defeated at the Battle Of Marathon by

the Greeks

WH Chapter 4 85

Persian Religion

Zoroastrianism Founded by Zoroaster

~600BC Beliefs:

2 Spiritual armies battle for souls

At the end of time, all souls will be judged according to which army they chose

Good went to paradise, evil to a fiery pit



~1100 BC: most powerful traders on the Mediterranean

Built trading centers around the Med. Sea Good shipbuilders and sailors


Rich from trading purple dye Squeezed from snails

Invented the Alphabet, originally 22 characters Literacy became more widespread



Where did they settle?

“the Promised Land” Aka: Canaan, Palestine, Israel

Between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea

What do they believe?

Monotheism: Jews were the 1st to worship one god, Yahweh

What are their Scriptures?

Torah: also known as the 5 books of Moses

10 Commandments: Given by God to Moses (one of the Prophets,

or leaders of the Hebrew people)

How did it start?

Abraham: the “father” of the Hebrew people Moved his people from Ur to Canaan

(Palestine) ~2,000 BC

Kingdom of Israel1020-922 BC

After escaping Egypt, Hebrews established a kingdom in Canaan

3 Good Kings

Saul: : built it David: expanded it Solomon: beautified it

Built a temple & palace

Kingdom Split

922 BC the kingdom divided and struggled for 200 years

Israel in the north .. 722 BC Fell to the Assyrians Judah in the south.. In 586 BC Fell to the

Babylonian BC Jews were forced to EXILE The Persians later allowed them to return to Jerusalem

70 AD Romans squash a revolt and order the Jews to disperse (Diaspora)
