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Microsoft FastTrack 

Success Plan Summary 

Prepared for Cloud Roadshow A Success Plan for Cloud RoadshowLast updated on February 10 2016  


© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.This document is provided "as-is." Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. You may modify this document for your internal, reference purposes.

Success Plan Verification

Plan Verified by:    

FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



Success Plan SummaryThe Success Plan provides your path the Microsoft Cloud. The plan is tailored for the plan A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow. The following is the Success Plan overview:

A Success Plan for Cloud RoadshowSuccess Plan Summary This project will enable Office 365 for the entire organization. Existing on-premises systems will be migrated to the Office 365 where possible. The project will utilize the Microsoft FastTrack Center to enable the capabilities. This will also enable Microsoft Intune to assist in the delivery of the solution and establish the management system for the environment. 

 ScopeThis success plan provides detailed planning for the Usage and Adoption Deployment and Implementation  and will enable the following technical workloads as defined in the FastTrack Success Plan: 

Technical Workloads Selected   

Office 365  Office Client , Exchange , SharePoint & OneDrive for Business , Skype for Business , Yammer  

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility  Microsoft Intune  


 TeamPrimary Customer Contact 


Sara Davis IT Manager 4255551212 sarad@cloudroadshow.com IT


Cloud Roadshow TeamThe following staff have been identified to take key roles in the plan:

ROLE NAME RESPONSIBILITIES EMAILExecutive Sponsor Garth Fort Office 365Microsoft Enterprise


Communication Lead

Allie Bellow Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility


Business Owner/BDM

Garret Vargas

Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility



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Partner TeamPartner team resources are also available to support the plan. The following team resources have been identified.


Ben Walter

Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility


  Microsoft TeamMicrosoft team resources are also available to support the plan. The following team resources have been identified.

ROLE NAME RESPONSIBILITIES EMAILATS Brian Shiers Office 365Microsoft Enterprise


TAM Chris Hopkins Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility


   Success Plan TimelineSuccessful success plans have a well-defined timeline. The timeline for this plan is outlined below:

Plan Start Plan CompleteFebruary 01 2016 March 01 2016

 The success plan will be completed in defined phases to reach the target users.  The following outlines keydrivers that may impact the plan timeline:  Success Plan Priority: Urgent Existing plan sponsorship: Strong sponsorship     The following outlines the key milestones and phases identified for the success plan.  

PHASE MILESTONE START END COMMENTSSuccess Plan Kickoff    02/01/2016

Pilot    02/15/2016

Training     02/15/2016 02/26/2016

Go-live    02/22/2016

Plan Completion    03/01/2016

   FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



FoundationIn the table below, each group is broken down by size, location, and workload. 


IT Redmond 1000 Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility

Finance New York 1000 Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility

Sales Dallas 750 Office 365Microsoft Enterprise Mobility

  VisionThe vision for success plan A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow is:

Transforming the way our department connects with each other, works together on tasks or projects, communicates with leadership, and

streamlines processes for efficiency and clarity.  

 Scenarios and Solutions Below is the list of scenarios and solutions that have been selected for your success plan. Scenario Emails and calendar on the goTarget Group 



We need to help our employees stay focused on what’s important and the ability to protect our data. Easy visibility into the messages that matter most means your team is more efficient and can use email to get work done.

Solution Post attachments to OneDrive for Business to easily share your work with others, inside or outside your organization, while always maintaining just one version of your file. Use People View to read important messages first, from those they communicate with most often, and use Search in both Outlook and Outlook Web App to find exactly what you’re looking for while on the go. You can search by sender and date, and also use the filter to get what you want quickly, avoid scheduling hassles by easily sharing calendars and viewing others availability. Scheduling Assist allows you to see the availability of all attendees and nearby conference rooms directly from a meeting invitation. With a click of a button, you can also add Skype for Business Meeting information.

Technologies Office Client, Exchange Scenario Get it done from anywhereTarget Group 



Get the familiar Office experience on all your devices using a browser or mobile apps designed to work with Office 365.

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Solution Experience Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and Skype for Business, from your favorite device. You can edit and share files and notes, access your email, and join online meetings directly from your phone or tablet. Store documents in document libraries using OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online, and collaborate with others in real time using Office and Office Online. Create polished documents using Word, Excel and PowerPoint, share documents to Yammer to collect feedback and facilitate ideation, and present results to stakeholders using Skype for Business.

Technologies Office Client, Sharepoint Scenario Run more effective meetingsTarget Group 



Team members are taking their own individual meeting notes and the information is now readily available to team members who may have missed a meeting.

Solution Schedule virtual meetings on the fly using Skype for Business, with the ability to join meetings from Outlook or the Lync/Skype for Business mobile app while on the go. Take collaborative notes in real time using the shared notes option within Skype for Business. For those unable to attend, record the meeting to keep everyone on the same page and share the recording and meeting notes to a team site or Yammer group.

Technologies Skype for Business Scenario Store, sync, and share your filesTarget Group 



We need an efficient and secure way to manage content, which requires input from colleagues across multiple teams and locations, vendors, and also needs to keep track of everyone’s edits in real-time.

Solution Use OneDrive for Business to store up to 1 TB of personal documents and access your documents from your PC/Mac, tablet, iPad, or phone. Store files in OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online document libraries, and efficiently share documents while maintaining privacy control: Files are private by default, but can be shared inside or outside your organization to allow others to edit or review in real time. Use versioning in SharePoint or track changes in Word to keep track of modifications and revert changes at any time. Share files to Yammer to spark conversations and request feedback, all while working within Office Online.

Technologies Sharepoint Scenario Work like a networkTarget Group 



We need a way to connect our dispersed workforce and create a culture of sharing, innovation and community.

Solution Have discussions and strengthen communication between team members by working out loud within a Yammer network. With Yammer, conversations only happen in private when they need to and everyone benefits from shared information. Give your staff a voice to share their knowledge and skills with others so that you can make the most out of what you know. By completing their Yammer profile, coworkers can discover new connections and recognize ways to work together. Use Yammer to discover things you wouldn't have normally found otherwise: the right people, documents and conversations you need to get your best work done.

Technologies Yammer FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



Scenario Manage mobile productivityTarget Group 



EMS helps you solve one of the key challenges in the mobile-first, cloud-first world – how to deliver secure email to employees on-the-go. With EMS, your employees will get secure and seamless access to corporate email and documents as well as familiar email and productivity experiences with Office Mobile apps such as Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneDrive. EMS protects corporate data on the device itself and beyond with four layers of protection across identity, device, application, and data–all without impacting personal info.

Solution Start with a familiar and powerful productivity experience with Office Mobile apps on Windows, iOS and Android. Next, setup a Compliance policy in the Intune portal that says only managed devices can access corporate email. Employees are prompted to download the Company Portal from their app store before they get access to email. The process is seamless between Intune, the Company Portal and Office 365 with managed access to email and documents and secure access for corporate email, SharePoint and One Drive.

Technologies Azure Active Directory Premium, Microsoft Intune, Azure Rights Management Premium

 Scenario ResourcesUse the scenario specific resources to help you deliver the scenario to the users in your plan. Scenario: Get it done from anywhere

About the scenarioGiving your employees the freedom to work when and where they need to—on their favorite devices—can increase productivity, simplify team collaboration, and enhance their work-life balance. With Office 365, anything you can do in the office, you can now do on the go.

ResourcesAnnouncement Template [en-US] Countdown Template [en-US] Flyer Template [en-US] Poster Template [en-US] Scenario Learning Path Tips for using Excel in Office 365 [en-US] Tips for using OneNote in Office 365 [en-US] Tips for using Word and PowerPoint [en-US] Training Template [en-US] 


  Download All

  Scenario: Emails and calendar on the go

About the scenarioEmail is a natural and consistent part of your daily work life. Make sure you’re using a service that understands what you need. With the capabilities included in Office 365, you’re not only getting a service built on enterprise experience and security, but also the latest innovative and easy-to-use collaboration and communication features.

ResourcesAnnouncement Template [en-US] Countdown Template [en-US] Flyer Template [en-US] Poster Template [en-US] Scenario Learning Path Tips for better calendar use [en-US] Tips for email on the go [en-US] Tips for working in email [en-US] Training Template [en-US]  


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 Scenario: Store, sync and share your files

About the scenarioWhen everyone is working together it can be hard to keep track of files—and even harder to work with them on the go. With one place for all your work files, you can access them anytime, from any device, and share the latest version with the rest of the team.

ResourcesAnnouncement Template [en-US] Countdown Template [en-US] Flyer Template [en-US] Poster Template [en-US] Scenario Learning Path Tips for files on the go [en-US] Tips for sharing files online [en-US] Tips for working on files together [en-US] Training Template [en-US]  


 Download All 

  Scenario: Run more effective meetings

About the scenarioSkype for Business allows you to communicate and collaborate without borders and barriers, expanding beyond the walls of your business to reach partners, prospects and customers. People can more easily communicate and work with the clients and customers they’ve added to their extended contacts lists. With Skype for Business, video calling is a more natural part of everyday business and collaboration, encouraging more “face‐to‐face” communication.

ResourcesAnnouncement Template [en-US] Countdown Template [en-US] Flyer Template [en-US] Poster Template [en-US] Scenario Learning Path Tips & Tricks Examples [en-US] Tips & Tricks Examples 2 [en-US] Tips & Tricks Examples 3 [en-US] Training Template [en-US]  


 Download All 

  Scenario: Work Like a Network

About the scenarioSkype for Business allows you to communicate and collaborate without borders and barriers, expanding beyond the walls of your business to reach partners, prospects and customers. People can more easily communicate and work with the clients and customers they’ve added to their extended contacts lists. With Skype for Business, video calling is a more natural part of everyday business and collaboration, encouraging more “face‐to‐face” communication.

ResourcesAnnouncement Template [en-US] Countdown Template [en-US] Flyer Template [en-US] Poster Template [en-US] Scenario Learning Path Tips for document collaboration [en-US] Tips for using Yammer [en-US] Tips for using Yammer to work together [en-US] 


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Training Template [en-US]  

     Success Plan Management Success MetricsYour identified success metrics include:

SUCCESS CRITERIA METHOD/SOURCE METRICS EXAMPLE GOALImproved collaboration Increased cross-team and cross-location communications.

Qualitative End user surveys; Yammer groups feedback

Employee satisfaction; Time saved

Teams that work from multiple locations will report improved feelings of connection with their teammates within 3 months of the Skype for Business rollout.

Increased adoption Increased usage correlates to user adoption of the technology.

Quantitative Office 365 reports

Mailbox usage; SharePoint usage; Skype for Business IMs and conferences; Minutes of Skype for Business audio used

Comparison of pre- and post-rollout usage reports will show increasing adoption of 10% per month.

Reduced operating costs Increased adoption correlates to reduced third-party conferencing usage, travel time, and resource allocation.

Quantitative Office 365 reporting; Finance/ accounting reports; Help desk reports; Travel and phone expense reports; Output measures

Mailbox usage; SharePoint usage’ Audio conferencing billing and usage; Travel and phone expenses; Help desk calls

Comparison of pre- and post- Office 365 reports will show cost savings. Post-rollout usage of third party phone conferencing should show decreasing usage of 10% per month.

  RisksIn preparation of this success plan the following risks have been identified and analyzed:

RISK IMPACT PROBABILITYChange in scope Low Medium

Schedule slips past completion deadline

High High

 Technology implementation risk will be called out in the technology implementation sections of this plan.Each of the identified risks provide strategies to be implemented to mitigate and have an action contingency if required.

Risk Change in scopeMitigation/Contingency While every effort has been made to ensure that the scope of the

deployment is clearly documented in this deployment plan, unforeseen circumstances and business conditions may result in a sudden change of

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scope.To reduce the risk of additional scope items being introduced after success plan kickoff, the draft deployment plan will be circulated for review with all stakeholders before the plan is finalized and work begins. Any request for change in scope will be reviewed by the success plan sponsor and success plan owner and, if possible, deferred to a follow-up success plan after the completion of this success plan.If a scope change is deemed necessary and approved by the success plan sponsor, the success plan team will identify the effort required to make the change and any additional costs the success plan will incur. As this item would not have been budgeted for, the success plan owner will seek additional budget from the success plan sponsor, or requestor.Mitigation Strategy:Contingency Summary:

 Risk Schedule slips past completion deadlineMitigation/Contingency The success plan sponsor has indicated that for budget reasons, this

success plan must be completed by the defined timeline. If the success plan draws out longer than this, additional costs from supporting the existing platform may be incurred.To reduce the risk of success plan slippage, a 1 week buffer has been added to the end of every phase to account for any potential overruns.If a slippage does occur, the success plan owner will communicate any impact to the success plan sponsor in the weekly status report. If a phase slips longer than the allocated buffer time, low priority tasks will be cut from the success plan and will be reviewed for inclusion in a post-deployment success plan.Mitigation Strategy:Contingency Summary:

   Dependent ProjectsYour plan has a dependency on other active projects.  The following projects have been identified as dependent projectsPROJECT OWNER DEPENDENCY NOTESRetail Sara Davis Business Timing No changes allowed in


Summary of Current EnvironmentThe information below describes the state of IT infrastructure relevant to the plan and if required outlines tasks you need to carry out to adjust your current environment for the success plan.

CURRENT MICROSOFT CLOUD USEMicrosoft cloud solutions in use today: Office 365,  

 Tenant domain: cloudroadshow.onmicrosoft.com


Active Directory 


corp 4000 Yes

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CURRENT CONNECTIVITY STATELocations for this plan have redundant Internet access: No

 Currently experience performance and/or reliability issues with your Internet connection:


Mobile users experience performance and/or reliability issues when connecting to corporate resources over the internet:


All users and workstations in scope for this plan have internet access: Yes 

A proxy or authenticated proxy solution exist for the connections in the plan: No 

You able to bypass the proxy for traffic destined for Office 365 or EMS Not Applicable 

Your security policy enforces filtering for incoming and/or outgoing internet traffic:


The security policy allow access to the required service ports, protocols, URLs, and IPs:


Your firewalls support domain-based filtering: 


Local firewall software been installed on workstations: No 

Network Address Translation (NAT) is used within the environment: No 

Users use a VPN to connect to corporate resources: No 

Restrictions on the current environment exist (i.e. outsourcing, change management controls, architecture restrictions, etc.):


 DevicesThe following devices are in use in the organization



    Recommended Actions: Current Environment

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The following activities have been identified as tasks you need to take for this plan to update your current environment for the plan requirements.Plan for Internet bandwidth usageUse the TechnNet guidance to update your network to be ready for the additional load the connections to the cloud resources will place on your networkOffice 365:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn850366.aspx    Plan for access Enable access to all required ports, protocols, URLs, and IPs for the workloads.Office 365 Ports and Protocols: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh852522.aspxOffice 365 URLs and IP address ranges: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh373144.aspxMicrosoft Intune domains and ports: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/library/dn762335.aspx  Coordinate planSocialize the plan requirements to ensure restrictions are mitigated. 

Adoption and Use SummaryYour PlanThe following details the activities by major timeline phase you have identified to carry out to drive adoption for your plan.

CURRENT CHANGE MANAGEMENTYou have an existing change management team and process who will coordinate the plan activities: Yes

Pre-Launch These are the activities planned to be completed prior the success plan launch. Timelines are relative the primary deployment date in weeks. 

TIMELINE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONN-5 Community Create a Yammer group to engage with pilot members and anyone interested before launch.

N-5 Communications Send a “Countdown email” to let your audience know what’s coming, set expectations, and spark interest by focusing on the “What’s in it for me?

N-4 Support Ensure your helpdesk is trained & ready for launch.N-4 Engagement

EventsHost an in-person event to train champions & pilot members. Use customizable training decks mapped to the most fundamental Office 365 usage scenarios.

N-3 Training Use an internal team site to store training resources such as getting started guides and tips & tricks. You can also direct users to Microsoft’s public Learning Center.N-3 Measurement Circulate a baseline survey shortly before champions participating in your soft launch receive activated accounts and devices, to gather data about their knowledge of Office 365.

N-3 Communications Ensure that Office 365 has a visual presence throughout your locations with posters, flyers, educational booklets, and other print messaging.

N-2 Measurement Release a survey halfway through your soft launch to gather data about champions’ experiences with Office 365, and use the results to make any adjustments prior to a general rollout.

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N-2 Measurement Work with Internal Communication to make announcements across your Company Portal, IT Portal, etc. as needed.

N-2 Engagement Events

Play teaser videos during pre-launch event(s), perhaps by the elevator(s) or by the cafeteria. It’s a great way to generate buzz and excitement.

N-1 N-1 Use a final survey immediately after the champions’ soft-launch period to determine whether you need to make further adjustments to your general training and awareness materials.

N-1 N-1 Host an in-person event where users can discover Office 365, talk to a success plan team member at various scenario stations, and access training resources. Have the event in a high-traffic area such as a lobby or lunch room.

  Launch These are the activities planned to be completed at the day or week of the launch. Timelines are relative the primary deployment date in weeks.

TIMELINE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION OWNERN-1 Measurement Circulate a baseline survey shortly before

champions participating in your soft launch receive activated accounts and devices, to gather data about their knowledge of Office 365.

Success Plan Manager

N Communications

Send out an “Announcement email” to let users know what’s available, how to get started, and where to go to find help and resources.

Communication Lead

N Engagement Events

Host a large-scale launch event, such as a company all-hands or town hall style meeting, in which the executive sponsor and rollout team can officially introduce Office 365 and discuss the value proposition.

Communication Lead

 Post-Launch Adoption activities identified to continue beyond your success plan completion. Timelines are relative the primary deployment date in weeks.


sPeriodically share tips with end-users by using the “tips & tricks” email templates to sustain momentum and broaden the use of each scenario.

Communication Lead

N+2 Communications

Periodically share tips with end-users by using the “tips & tricks” email templates to sustain momentum and broaden the use of each scenario.

Communication Lead

N+2 Communications

Periodically host in-person events (bi-weekly or monthly Buzz Days) where users can browse Office 365, talk to a success plan team member at various scenario stations, and access training resources. Have the event in a high-traffic area such as a lobby or lunch room.

Training Lead

N+4 Engagement Events

Periodically share tips with end-users by using the “tips & tricks” email templates to sustain momentum and broaden the use of each scenario.

Training Lead

N+4 Engagement Events

Periodically host in-person events (bi-weekly or monthly Buzz Days) where users can browse Office 365, talk to a success plan team member at various scenario stations, and access training resources. Have the event in a high-traffic area such as a lobby

Training Lead

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or lunch room.N+4 Measurement Release a survey halfway through your launch to

gather data about users’ experiences with Office 365 and use the results to make any necessary adjustments.

Success Plan Manager

N+6 Communications

Periodically share tips with end-users by using the “tips & tricks” email templates to sustain momentum and broaden the use of each scenario.

Communication Lead

N+6 Communications

Periodically share tips with end-users by using the “tips & tricks” email templates to sustain momentum and broaden the use of each scenario.

Periodically host in-person events (bi-weekly or monthly Buzz Days) where users can browse Office 365, talk to a success plan team member at various scenario stations, and access training resources. Have the event in a high-traffic area such as a lobby or lunch room.

N+6 Measurement After your organization-wide rollout, use a final survey to assess user satisfaction. You can release this survey 90 days after launch, and then in quarterly increments to continue to measure user adoption from a satisfaction and productivity standpoint.

Success Plan Manager

Monthly Measurement Track results based on your previously defined Success Metrics and measure progress against your benchmark. Periodically report results to key stakeholders.

Success Plan Manager

Ongoing Support Maintain a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list to address the most anticipated questions. Post the FAQ on your internal site, or Yammer group, and assign a team to update it regularly.

Training Lead

Ongoing Training Along with end-user training, be sure to communicate your organization’s specific policies and best practices so users are aware of specific guidelines and how they’re expected to use Office 365.

Training Lead

Ongoing Measurement Capture success stories & showcase them through “Spotlight Days,” where an employee or team are recognized for their successful use of Office 365, and in-person “Buzz Days” to inspire users.

Community Manager

Ongoing Community Make sure to encourage your users and champions to develop ideas for how Office 365 can improve business practices and to share them with others via a Yammer group. Use these ideas to generate additional usage scenarios and kick off additional trainings.

Community Manager

Ongoing Support Keep an eye on Office 365 Service Updates and leverage our communication templates to let people know about new features released to the service.

Success Plan Manager

  ResourcesFastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



You can obtain resources to support these activities at http://success.office.com/resources including email templates, getting started guides, and more.Also join the Office 365 adoption conversation on Yammer to learn from the community and be inspired. http://aka.ms/Office365Network/DrivingAdoption 


Deployment & Implementation SummaryThis section of your Success Plan summary provides an overview of the implementation of the technology required for your plan. Each of the technology workloads you selected for the FastTrack Success Plan is listed in this plan section. Office 365  Implementation & Deployment Assistance The following services can assist you to implement this Office 365 success plan.  Office 365 FastTrack Center Microsoft’s FastTrack Center team will work with you to assess, remediate, enable, and migrate eligible services. These services are included as a benefit of the service at no additional cost. You indicated that you do not intend to leverage the FastTrack Center in the plan.  Learn more about the FastTrack Center capabilities – http://aka.ms/fasttrackcenter. The following are the FastTrack Center capabilities you plan to leverage as part of this plan:  


Core onboarding Yes  Mail migration Yes  Data migration to OneDrive for Business


Data migration to SharePoint team sites Yes 

       Adoption services from Microsoft Partners New customers may be eligible for the Office 365 Adoption Offer.  As part of this offer, you may choose to have Microsoft reimburse a qualified partner of your choice to conduct adoption activities to help you get started using Office 365. You can review these offers and see the current status of the offers in your Microsoft FastTrack portal. For more information, see: http://aka.ms/365-offers Implementation & Deployment Guidance

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This section details best practices, guidance and recommendations from FastTrack Center based on your Success Plan input.  For more details about the FastTrack Center, go to: http://aka.ms/fasttrackcenter Summary of Current Environment The information in this section captures the current state of Cloud Roadshow's environment specific to Office 365. Remediation items are highlighted where action will be required. OFFICE CLIENTSThe following clients are in place. 


MESSAGING ENVIRONMENTThe following email environment/s is in place.

MAIL PLATFORMExchange,         2013,                                                                     

SHAREPOINT ENVIRONMENTThe following environment is in place.


  Foundation NETWORK READINESS AND PLANNINGUsing Office 365 will change your organization’s Internet traffic, so evaluation and assessment of the Cloud Roadshow's network is important. 

NETWORK FOR OFFICE 365You have sufficient internet bandwidth capacity for usage of Office 365:

 The following network remediation items have been identified within Cloud RoadshowPlan for Internet bandwidth usageUse the TechnNet guidance to update your network to be ready for the additional load the connections to the cloud resources will place on your networkOffice 365:  http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn850366.aspx DOMAINSOffice 365 gives customers the ability to use their own domain names in Office 365.  Office 365 supports any level of domain, including third-level domains such as marketing.contoso.com.  However, a domain cannot be associated with an Office 365 tenant if it has already been registered in another Microsoft cloud service. Cloud Roadshow has identified and will use the following domains with Office 365:


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cloudroadshow.com Exchange   The following network remediation items have been identified within CLOUD ROADSHOWAdd additional domains to office 365 (UPN, SMTP, SIP)By adding a domain, you can use a step-by-step wizard to add users to convert your office 365 email address, website, and other services to your business name https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/Add-additional-domains-to-Office-365-86f439e3-6f4b-4e84-96a9-19ef46bb5f10  Register Public and Private DNS Records for Office 365 workloadsDescribes the kinds of external DNS records that are used with Office 365 services, such as CNAME, TXT, MX, SPF, HOST and SRV. https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/general-instructions-for-creating-DNS-records-for-Office-365-7b7b075d-79f9-4e37-8a9e-fb60c1d95166  IDENTITY AND PROVISIONING To use the services provided by Office 365 (such as Exchange Online, Skype for Business, SharePoint Online, and so on), identities will need to be created for each user who will utilize the service.

CURRENT CONNECTIVITY STATEYour Office 365 Health, Readiness, and Connectivity Checks (HRC) recommended identity approach:

Not Completed HRC 

Your planned Office 365 identity approach for this success plan: Not Applicable 

The UserPrincipalName (UPN) attribute uses publically routable domains in your environment:


You plan to limit parts of your Active Directory from scope of directory synchronization


The ID-Fix tool evaluates the readiness of your AD to synchronize data with Office 365. ID-Fix has been run for your environment:


Two-factor, multi-factor, or strong authentication is required for this Office 365 success plan:


   The following remediation items have been identified:   

Active Directory UPN Preparation Your Active Directory environment must be properly configured in order to work with single sign-on. In particular, the userPrincipalName (UPN) attribute, also known as a user logon name, must be set up for each user in a specific way.Learn More: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn518151.aspx    FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



Deploy your SQL Server Hardware for Directory Synchronization    We recommend running directory synchronization on a full installation of SQL Server 2012 SP1 if you will be synchronizing more than 50,000 objectsLearn More: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn441161.aspx

Review selected identity approach   We recommend reviewing the selected identity approach as it doesn’t align the with HRC recommendation for identity.Learn More: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Understanding-Office-365-identity-and-Azure-Active-Directory-06a189e7-5ec6-4af2-94bf-a22ea225a7a9?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=U          Exchange OnlineSUMMARYThe following outlines your planned mail migration and environment.  Be sure to leverage the FastTrack Center for mail migration if you are eligible. MIGRATION & ENVIRONMENT Exchange Online will replace your existing messaging solution as part of this plan: Yes 

Mail migration is planned for the plan: Yes 

Co-existence with Exchange on-premises planned, this will be a hybrid implementation: Yes 

The Exchange Hybrid will be configured using Exchange version: Exchange 2013 

Your DNS infrastructure support split-DNS: No 

Your environment has certificates issued by a public certificate authority for Exchange and Active Directory Federation Services:


You have an existing archiving solution in use on-premises: Yes  

You plan to migrate your current mail archive data to Exchange Online archiving:


You have Outlook Anywhere enabled and configured in your existing Exchange environment:


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On-premises Exchange Public Folders are currently in use: Yes  

Users require to send bulk email messages, email notification messages, or other mass mailings


 The following remediation items have been identifiedCustomer to reduce MX DNS record TTL Value Before performing a DNS change, it is common practice to lower the TTL from its regular value. This defines how long clients and caching DNS servers store the MX record until it asks the DNS server for the MX record again. To ensure a quick switch, it’s common to drop the TTL to a low value, e.g. five minutes. See https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/general-instructions-for-creating-DNS-records-for-Office-365-7b7b075d-79f9-4e37-8a9e-fb60c1d95166 for more details  Further details on your recommended migration process are included in a later section.KEY USAGE SCENARIOS The following usage scenarios were identified as part of the planned used of Exchange. These scenarios are key focus areas which are included based on the workloads and success roadmap. FEATURE  DESCRIPTION  MORE INFO Data loss prevention

Data loss prevention (DLP) is an important issue for enterprise message systems because of the extensive use of email for business critical communication that includes sensitive data. In order to enforce compliance requirements for such data, and manage its use in email, without hindering the productivity of workers, DLP features make managing sensitive data easier than ever before.


Document Collaboration

Another common frustration with email today is dealing with attachments. Maybe you’ve asked for feedback on a document only to have to manually merge back changes from all the recipients. Maybe you need the context from someone’s email to help inform the review of the document they included, and have to keep toggling back and forth. Even if you’re leveraging the cloud for storage and collaboration, sending links to files can be tedious.

Clutter People need a simple – but accurate – way to manage the high volume of email messages they receive. There should be a way to separate out unimportant items from important ones without having to set up and manage large numbers of inbox rules… which can get complicated very quickly.This is the core goal of Clutter. At its heart, it intends to remove as much unimportant mail, or clutter, from a user’s inbox as possible so that a user’s inbox can, well, become their inbox again. At a high level,


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clutter is pretty simple. We know that in most businesses, people spend a great deal of time just trying to keep up with the volume of email coming into their inboxes throughout the day. How they manage that email can then serve as a blueprint for what is important to them.

In-Place Hold and Litigation Hold

You can use In-Place Hold or Litigation Hold to accomplish the following goals:

• Place user mailboxes on hold and preserve mailbox items immutably.

• Preserve mailbox items deleted by users or automatic deletion processes such as MRM.

• Use query-based In-Place Hold to search for and retain items matching specified criteria.

• Preserve items indefinitely or for a specific duration.

• Place a user on multiple holds for different cases or investigations.

• Keep holds transparent from the user by not having to suspend MRM.

• Enable In-Place eDiscovery searches of items placed on hold.


Archive mailboxes in Exchange Online

Archive mailboxes (called an In-Place Archive in Exchange Online) help people in your Office 365 organization take control of messaging data by providing additional email storage. Using Outlook or Outlook Web App, people can view messages in their archive mailbox and move or copy messages between their primary and archive mailboxes. After the archive mailbox is enabled, messages in a person's primary mailbox that are older than two years are automatically moved to the archive mailbox by the default retention policy that's assigned to every new mailbox created in your organization.


Messaging records management

Users send and receive email every day. If left unmanaged, the volume of email generated and received each day can inundate users, impact user productivity, and expose your organization to risks. As a result, email lifecycle management is a critical component for most organizations.Messaging records management (MRM) is the records management technology in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 that helps organizations manage email lifecycle and reduce the legal risks associated with email.


In-Place eDiscovery

If your organization adheres to legal discovery requirements (related to organizational policy, compliance, or lawsuits), In-Place eDiscovery in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 and Exchange Online can help you perform discovery searches for relevant content within


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mailboxes. Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online also offer federated search capability and integration with Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and Microsoft SharePoint Online. Using the eDiscovery Center in SharePoint, you can search for and hold all content related to a case, including SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online websites, documents, file shares indexed by SharePoint (SharePoint 2013 only), mailbox content in Exchange, and archived Lync 2013 content. You can also use In-Place eDiscovery in an Exchange hybrid environment to search on-premises and cloud-based mailboxes in the same search.

Voice mail in Exchange Online

Unified Messaging (UM) enables users to use voice mail features. UM in Office 365 makes it possible for online administrators to combine voice messaging and email messaging into one mailbox so their users can read or listen to their voice mail messages in their Inbox.


  EXCHANGE CLIENTS The following are the planned clients that will be used with Exchange Online. PLANNED CLIENTS     Outlook (Windows Desktop)    Outlook Web App    Mobile Devices via EAS

  Ensure that the selected clients are current and meet the client and mobile devices list supported by Exchange online. Refer to this in the Exchange Online service description: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange-online-clients-and-mobile-devices.aspx EXTENDING EXCHANGEApps for Outlook are applications that extend the usefulness of email by adding information or tools that your users can use without having to leave Outlook Web App. For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj943753%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx APPS & INTEGRATION You have applications or solutions that require access or integration with mailboxes in Exchange Online: Yes 

    MAILBOX MIGRATION RECOMMENDATIONMicrosoft cloud solutions in use today:Cloud Roadshow based on the source messaging environment(s) and the number of migrating mailboxes.For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-GB/library/jj863291(v=exchg.150).aspx    FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



     SharePoint OnlineCURRENT ENVIRONMENT CURRENT USEhttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj898490(v=exchg.150).aspx 


You are currently using OneDrive for Business in your Organization: Yes  

 Your existing SharePoint environments:SHAREPOINT ENVIRONMENT DESCRIPTION SharePoint 2010 SP3

  The capacity being used to deliver:File collaboration

  USAGE SCENARIOSYou plan to use the following solution options in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business: Collaboration | Team Sites, Work Management, External SharingSearch | Basic Search, Standard Search, Enterprise Search

   HYBRID The following outlines your planned use of hybrid SharePoint capabilities.HYBRID PLAN You plan to deploy a hybrid SharePoint solution with Office 365: 


The SharePoint version you will configure hybrid SharePoint with: 

SharePoint 2013 

You will leverage the following SharePoint hybrid capabilities: 


  MIGRATIONThe following outlines your migration requirements.MIGRATION REQUIREMENTSYou have content stored on file servers or cloud storage that you want to move to OneDrive for Business:


The source environment(s) from which you would migrate to SharePoint Online/OneDrive for Business:

On-premises file servers (Windows Server file shares)

Google Apps for Work (Google Drive and Google Docs)


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Estimated amount of data you will need to migrate to OneDrive for Business (in Terabytes): 5 

 Office ClientsPLANNED USEThe implementation of the new Office clients intends to deliver the following benefits: SUMMARYThe following outlines your current state and planned use.ENVIRONMENT You currently use devices with an operating system that aren't supported per the service descriptions for Office 365:


You currently use browsers that aren't supported per the service description for Office 365:


  USE You will assign Office 365 ProPlus licenses to your existing users with via these methods:

Use PowerShell script to batch assign Office 365 licenses to each user 

Users will be allowed to download and install Office directly from the Office 365 User Portal:


You plan to deploy and use Office 365 ProPlus on shared a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) or Remote Desktop Services (RDS):


  The following client remediation items have been identified within Cloud Roadshow  Office 365 ActiveSync Preparation Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry®, or other phones or tablets can be set up to send and receive Office 365 email, access calendar and contacts information, and share documents on SharePoint and OneDrive sites.https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Set-up-and-manage-mobile-access-for-your-users-478a9944-ae8e-4a95-937d-11a0c5ee1b6c?ui=en-US&rs=en-GB&ad=GB   Deploy Sign-in Assistant for Office 2007 and Office 2010 Only required if keeping Office version. The Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant provides end user with sign-in capabilities to Microsoft Online Services like Microsoft Office 365. http://community.office365.com/en-us/w/sso/534.aspx  Learn licence options  You must assign licenses to users to provide access to Office 365 ProPlus and other clients.https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Assign-or-unassign-licenses-for-Office-365-for-business-997596b5-4173-4627-b915-36abac6786dc  PACKAGE The following are the planned deployment profiles:NAME  AUDIENCE  #  32/6






Corp 5000 32 Bits

Managed Access Managed CBB English


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    The following outline the application compatibility plan for Office.COMPATIBILITY  You currently plan to use Office Telemetry to understand application, addin and macro use in your organization:


Your plan to enable addins from the Office store: Yes 

Your plan to configure an Enterprise Catalog for Office addins: Yes 

   The following compatibility actions have been identified within Cloud Roadshow  DEPLOYPlanned deployment approach for Office.

CLIENT DEPOYMENTThe software distribution tool you will primarily use to deploy Office: System Center

Configuration 2008 or older 

Your planned use of Office 365 ProPlus side-by-side with an older version of Office:


Versions that will be installed side-by-side with Office ProPlus: Office 2010 

   OFFICE MOBILEOffice 365 provides mobile versions of Office, available with your Office 365 ProPlus license. This includes apps for iOS, Android, and Windows. The following outlines the plan to use these options.

MOBILEApproach to be used to support Office Mobile apps for iOS, Android or Windows in your organization:

Managed deployment using Microsoft Intune 


Skype for BusinessSkype for Business provides real-time communications capabilities including text-based instant messaging and integrated audio and video communication. With Skype for Business, your FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



organization can check the presence information of coworkers, regardless of their location or time zone, and chose the best way to communicate with them (IM and presence is also available in Outlook Web App).For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh852574.aspx SUMMARYThe following outlines the number of users in your on-premises environment that are enabled for the various communication functions listed in the table: 

SCENARIO COUNTUsers enabled for IM/P (including peer to peer) AV calling 400

Users enabled for conferencing 400 

Users enabled for enterprise voice 400 

Users enabled for dial-in conferencing 400 

Users enabled for persistent chat 400 


ENVIRONMENTYour existing on-premises deployment location is best described as: Internal

 Number conferencing policies supported in your on-premises deployment today: 2

 You plan to enable communication with public IM providers: Yes

 You have reviewed the supported client list for Skype for Business: Yes

 You have a Skype for Business devices strategy in place for the various group of end users covered in this plan:

Not Applicable 

You have a deployment plan in place to remediate all non-compliant clients: Yes 

  EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONSThis captures your planned use of Skype for Business in external communications.


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Your organization has a requirement to federate with other companies running Skype for Business Server, Lync Server or Office Communications Server:


Your plan to enable open federation with any domain: Yes 

 You plan to disable open federation with Skype for Business.  You will plan enable federation with the following domains: Not Applicable     Coexistence Plans

SKYPE FOR BUSINESS COEXISTENCEYou plan to co-exist your existing on-premises deployment with Skype for Business in Office 365:


You plan to implement the coexistence with this SIP strategy: Same SIP 

You have a Lync 2010, Lync 2013 or Skype for Business 2015 edge server defined as your federation edge:



YammerYammer is a best-in-class enterprise social network that brings together employees, content, conversations, and business data in a single location. For more information: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn518327.aspx   Yammer Client

You have an existing Yammer Network: No

 The name of your existing Yammer Network is: Not Applicable

 Your existing Yammer Network has been upgraded to an Enterprise Network: Not Applicable

 You have admin access to your Yammer Network: Not Applicable

    To have the best user experience utilizing the Yammer service we recommend that you always use the latest browsers. The following Yammer client remediation items have been identified within Cloud Roadshow's organization.Yammer Browser and System Requirements This details the Yammer client requirements, these requirements are consistent with those of Office 365Learn more: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=526340   FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



Other Office 365 ServicesThe following outlines your plans for other Office 365 services:

Task Item Plan Learn moreOffice 365 Groups

Groups are enabled by default in Office 365. Your plan for Groups is to:  Enable 


Sway Sway is enabled by default in Office 365. Your plan for Sway is to:  Enable 


Built-in MDM Office 365 provides built-in MDM capabilities. Your plan for built-in MDM is:  No 


 Office 365 Service Availability DesignThis section introduces the key elements to keep you informed of upcoming changes and monitor service impacting events:

RESOURCESStay informed on about upcoming features and changes:


Learn about new features and stay informed with Office 365 news:


View tenant level notations about changes or features:

Message Center – in the Office 365 Admin Center

Discuss Office 365 with the community: http://aka.ms/Office365NetworkStay informed about service impacting events: Via the Office 365 admin center -

https://portal.microsoftonline.com  Existing Project Server and Clients used in your environment:      

Microsoft Intune  Implementation & Deployment AssistanceThe following offerings, programs and services can assist you to implement this success plan.FastTrack CenterThe success plan has indicated you plan to use the FastTrack Center.  You need to ensure that you are eligible for the service.  Refer to the service benefit description to verify alignment with the requirements at http://aka.ms/ftcbenefitImplementation & Deployment AssistanceThe following offerings, programs and services can assist you to implement this Success Plan.FastTrack CenterFastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



The success plan has indicated you do not plan to use the FastTrack Center. You can still engage, check the service benefit description to see if you eligible and see what the benefit provides at http://aka.ms/ftcbenefit Implementation & Deployment GuidanceThis section details best practices, guidance and recommendations from the FastTrack Center based on your Success Plan input. For more details about the FastTrack Center, go to: http://aka.ms/fasttrackcenter SummaryThe information in this section captures the current state of Cloud Roadshow environment specific to Microsoft Intune. Remediation items are highlighted where action will be required.

ENVIRONMENT & PLANThis success plan will engage the FastTrack Center to assist in deployment or migration:


Your infrastructure, devices and web browsers meet the minimum technical requirements for Microsoft Intune:


You plan to grant administration rights over your Microsoft Intune subscription to other IT administrators in your company:


System Center Configuration Manager is currently used in your organization:


Version of System Center Configuration Manager used in your organization: Previous versions of System Center Configuration Manager 

You plan to integrate System Center Configuration Manager with Microsoft Intune to manage all devices in one console:


Your users allowed to bring their own device (BYOD) to access corporate resources:


You plan to use the following to manage devices E-mail profiles 

You plan to distribute one or more of the following profiles to the managed devices:

Public stores 

You plan to configure mobile application management policies to restrict corporate data to managed applications:

Yes, over devices managed by Intune 

You are planning to grant access to corporate data and apps, to your business partners on mobile devices


You are planning to grant access to corporate data and apps, to outsourced personnel on mobile devices


You plan to start rolling out Intune: 1 to 3 months from now   The existing PC or Mobile Device Management solutions are in place:


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The Following Devices Are In Scope





iPhone 500 500 50 50  Number of devices you plan to manage with Intune in the next year



  If the Microsoft Outlook app is one of the applications that you are planing to distribute to manage mobile devices:

This section of your Success Plan summary provides an overview of the implementation of the technology required for your plan. Each of the technology workloads you selected for the FastTrack Success Plan is listed in this plan section. DEPLOYMENT METHOD


 3rd Party Applications you would like to deploy and manage using Intune's Application Management capabilities:

MOBILE APPLICATION NAME OR DESCRIPTION  You are planning to grant access to corporate data and apps to:    The following remediation items have been identified within Cloud Roadshow.   for more detailsMicrosoft recommends that you always use the latest browsershttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn646950.aspx#BKMK_SupportedBrowsers  Microsoft Intune Supported Devices Compare how different supported devices work with Microsoft Intunehttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn646950.aspx#BKMK_DeviceReqs Plan for SCCM integrationLearn how System Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune manage deviceshttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn646980.aspx and https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn574730.aspx     FastTrack Success Plan | A Success Plan for Cloud Roadshow 



DomainsMicrosoft Intune gives customers the ability to use their own domain names in the service. Intune supports any level of domain, including third-level domains such as marketing.Cloud Roadshow.com. Please note, a domain cannot be associated with a Microsoft Intune tenant if it has already been registered in another Microsoft cloud service tenant. However, if you have multiple Microsoft cloud services subscriptions associated to a common tenant, they can all share the same domain name.The following Active Directory environments have been identified as in scope for deployment of Microsoft Intune:

DOMAIN OBJECT COUNT LOGONcloudroadshow.com Yes

    PlanningThe following captures your stated plans for your implementation.The services you plan to enable conditional access with are listed below:     

PLANNINGPC management is included in the scope of this success plan: Windows 10 computers

 Application distribution for PCs is in scope for this success plan: Yes

  The following remediation items have been identified within Cloud RoadshowPC ManagementLearn about managing PCs with Microsoft Intunehttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn646959.aspx Application distributionYou can deploy software to your managed computers in a variety of different formats like a Windows Installer, or Windows app package file. You can also deploy links to applications in a store, or links to Web applications. Learn about application management on managed computers.https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn646965.aspx Signing up or signing in to Microsoft IntuneWhether you sign up or sign in depends on whether your organization already has a Microsoft Online Services work or school account, whether you have an Enterprise Agreement or equivalent volume licensing agreement with Microsoft, and whether you plan to use the subscription that you set up as part of this walkthrough after you evaluate Intune:

Sign up for a new account if: Sign In with your work or school account if:Management You have a work or school account

provided with a volume licensing agreement or Office 365 subscription, and you are using this walkthrough to set up Intune

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You should sign up for a new account if your organization does not have a work or school account. If your organization has not signed an Enterprise Agreement or equivalent volume licensing agreement with Microsoft (or has an Office 365 account), then you do not have a Microsoft Online Services account that you can use to sign in to Microsoft Online Services OR

If you have a Microsoft Online Services work or school account, which is provided when you sign an Enterprise Agreement or equivalent volume licensing agreement with Microsoft (or when you subscribe to Office 365), and you want to use the steps in this walkthrough to set up the Intune service and provision devices for production use, you should sign in with your existing work or school account. This will ensure that your Intune free trial links to your existing Microsoft Online Services.

You will discard your free trial after completing the walkthrough.


You should sign up for a new account if you are using your Intune free trial subscription for evaluation purposes only, and you plan to redo your Intune service setup and device provisioning after using this walkthrough guide. This is the recommended option if you plan to use Intune with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

If you are setting up Intune on an existing account, we recommend that you review Configure Microsoft Intune before proceeding with this walkthrough

Important  If you sign up for a new account, you cannot later use an existing work or school account to manage that account, or combine it with existing volume licensing agreements.


 Microsoft Intune SupportWith every Microsoft Intune subscription, Microsoft Support provides global technical, pre-sales, billing and subscription support. Support is available both online and by telephone for both paid and trial subscriptions.For details of how to contact Microsoft Support over the phone or email, please seehttps://technet.microsoft.com/library/dn646963.aspx#OPENIf you have a Microsoft Premier contract, you can also leverage support resources included in your contract.  

   Support Plan

TOPIC PLANDo you already have a Premier contract with Microsoft


Does the scope/size of the agreement cover this plan  

Support outside of Premier  Escalation path has been identified  

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You indicated that the plan will use the FastTrack Center.  You need to ensure that you are eligible for the service.  Refer to the service benefit description to verify alignment with the requirements at


Support Team Recommended ActivitiesThe following activities have been identified within Cloud Roadshow organization based on your current state, activities and planned scope.

Task Item Description Learn moreSetup a support plan review.

This will be arranged by your Microsoft account team or partner.



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