Dining C - 15th Infantry Regimentn in POM i.& In ~ ~ on• .th ~ •


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--LT HORN 1.. _--

-· .. .

1st Battaeion 15th 9n'f;antzy

Dining C.Jn

-28 August 1 SSO

l<itzingen, gezmany



SUBJECT: Fo.·~na.R. V,i.n..i.119 - In

ALL OFFICERS 16:t Batta.ti.on , 15:th In;)ayz,t/f.y APO New Yo1tk 09031


8 Augu,;:t 1980

1, Tw c.oMut u,te.o 1Jou,1 c 6 6,i.ua.t .i.11v.i.;t:a..t{.011 .to .tlie V,i.n..i.ng - IY1 601t ,the 06Mc.e.M 06 .the CAN VO Batta.ti.on, and gue-M.o, on 29 Augu.o.t 1980, a.t :the K.i.;t:z,i.ng e11 06 6,i.eelt ' .o Club.

2. The Gue.ot 06 Hono1t i'J,(,U be. Colonel. Donald L, BuM:on,

3. U1u0o.'Un w.U.t be V1te..c, ,; B.f.tte6 wi.th bow tie; V1te.66 MeM U1u;)ulU11; 01t C.taM A ""i,th wli«e olUA:t and bow tie ( 001t peMomie.t wi-thou,t B.tue.o) .

4 . Attacched Me ,i.nc..f.o.6UJte.o wh,i.c.h you Me ,i.1iv.U:ed .to 6amiliciMze. yotLMel6 1.:<-t:1 p)t,{,oJt :tl' :the V,i.1i,i.ng-In. B.'1,i.1tg .tlii,; ,i.11v.i.ta.U.c· 11 and .the i.nc..to.ou11.e; wi,th you .to .the V,i.n..i.ng -In.

5. P.teMe c.ome pitepc&te.d :to .tho1toughty enjoy yoU!t.6el6 . .. iu<...th,i.n .the e;.tctbluhed gu,i.deUne..o, 06 c.oU!t.6e.

11 Inc..i'. 1. HM:to1ty o;) V,i.1ung-In T1tad.i.;t:,{_on 2. 01tga.1uza,Uon and P1to:toc.o.t 3. V,utingtvi..ohed GueM o;) Hano-". 4. Gue.,;.t.o o 6 HonOJt 5. 066.,:ee,"'6 06 .the MeM 6. Menu 7. Seqtte.1ic.e c ,{ Eve1t.t.o 8. &i.og1ta.µhy <· ~ V,i,,;.U.ngu,Uhed Guu:t 9. Song.o 1 O. Punc.h Bow:f CMemony 11 . HM:t('~.y c; th~ Batta.t.-i.cn

CHARLES H. LTC, Inowit,.1y Command,i.ng

day!.> 06 Wo:r£d Wa!t II, the ,/;,'temendow., 11 oveJt1ugltt" expan;.,.i.on 06 o_u.Jt Avnlj and .the .i.mmed.i.ate bw.,.i.neM at hand, de6ea.t.i.11g :the ax.i.-.1 poweM, b1tougltt abou;t the dein.i.!.>e crn thU., c.M:tom.

2. In the Unded State!.> m.U .. dMlf MJtv.i.c.eJ.>, w!Ule the .A.i.lt Fo1tc.e hM long been the b.i.gge1.>t p1topo1m-r.t c6 the. V.i.iung-In, the Atw11J ha;., been CJtedded wi.th 1tevda£.i.z.i.11g and "An1erc.i.c.an.i.z.i.ng" .th.i.1.> :titadd.i.on. It appMenily had d6 .unpe.tM .i.n the NcflllJ Ai.IL Coltp'->. Gene.w.t 06 :the Ai.It FoJr.c.e Hap H. Altnold c.an be c.onJ.i.i.deJted the 6athe0't 06 the "modeM" Ame.,uc.an V.i.1ung-In. VU!t.i.ng Worvf.d WM II the. c.£0!.> e c.ompwu o M 11.i.p o 6 the BJt.i;t..i.1.> h and Aine,Uc.an 6-f.lfe.M enab£.ed the Mmlf V.i.n.i.ng-In to Jteac.h d,:, peak .i.n popu£.Mdlf. A6teJt ;the Walt

:the c.M:tom had w up<> and dowM, bu;t ,;ti££ WM ma.i.n.ta.i.ned. At pe,Uoc!J., 06 U1v..:ted S:tatLl .i.nvo£.vemen:t .i.11 i)o1tugn £.ando ;thU., :tJtadd.i.on Jteac.hed ,i.,t,:, £.owpo.i.1-r.t. Howeve.Jt, .i.11 Jtec.en;t yeaM a ''-''.b.i.Jt:th 06 .i.n:te1te1.>:t ha<> oc.c.u.Jted.

3. AUhough 'Leg.i.me11:t'-> cw <>u.c.h no £.011ge.Jt ex.i.1.>;t .i.11 oM MmlJ, ;the.Jte .u. a g!tow­.i.ng :tlte.nd .i.n u.n.i.:t'-> of] bat:talion and blt.igade <>.i.ze :to Jtenew :th.i.1.> i].i.ne 0£.d c.w.,:tom 06 :the Reg.i.men.:ta£. V.i.n.i.ng-In. Falt !JOU. IJOu.ngeJt 066.i.c.e.M, .i.n palt;t.i.c.u.-£.M, d p1tov.i.de1.> exc.eUen:t :tJta.i.n.i.ng .i.n :the Mua.i'. ame1~Ll, .i.mbu..i.ng !JOU w.i.th an app.'teua.t.i.on o{i .the wto!tlJ and :tJtadd.i.onJ.i 06 the Mmlf, and .i.:t b!t.ing . .1 !JOU. do<> eJt :toge:thUc wi.th IJOU.·'t ;)e.Uow 06 6.i.c.e.M.

In :the MARNE V.i.v.i.6.i.on, :the V.i.1ung-In .i.!.> c.oM.i.deJted a c.he.Jt.i.6hed palt:t 06 ou.Jt Jt.i.c.h and .i.Uu.1.>:t;;uou.<> h.i..1:to1t1J. The1.>e exc.£u.6.i.ve£.y ono.i.c.e!t a66a.i.lt'->, .i.n 601tma£. atU/te, '-> e,'Lve ;to pJtomo:te and Jtem.i.nd u.6 o 6 the c.01-r.t.i.nu..i.:ty o 6 ou.Jt own wuqu.e twdd.i.onJ.i. WWe. ge.ne.,'LillfJ i)oUowi.rtg :the Ll:tabwhed pJto;toc.0£. and 1.>equ.enc.e o 6 evevt-U, mw11J _wuu .i.1U:eg_1tqte .i.11.to .thw V.i.11.i.11g Irt '.6 f'.e.Jteino1ua£. ac.:tfo.i.:ti. e. • .1 pecu.UM to :che.ut own :tltacCU-i.o 11!.> •

We. .i.11 :the 11.>.t Bat:talion, 15;th In6an,1;,'Llj CAN VO Bat:ta.f..i.on, have :tJtadd.i.onaUlj eondu.c.ted ou.Jt V.i.n.i.ng-In ''-> ove,'L .the ljeaM on an annu.a£. bM.i.6 dUJt.i.ng :the 1.>p0ung mo1ith1.>. The Pu.nc.h Bow£. CeJ1.emonlf, .i.nau.gMa:ted cw a 15.th In6an:t;;'tlf Re.g.i.men.ta£. c.u...1.tom 6oJt .the -'teg.i.men:ta.f. 066.i.c.eM Mmc.t.i.me 1.>ub1.>equ.en.t ;to Jte­c.uv.i.ng ou.Jt c.he.J1..i.6 he.d 1.><lve,'L pu.neh bc•w£. and c.u.p!.> .Ln Chlna plt.i.o!t to Waud WM 77, .i.6 a :tltadd.i.011a£. pM:t on ou..'t V.i.n.i.ng-In. The. WCllJ .i.n whlc.h .th.i.1.> po.won a 6 ;the V.i.n.i.ng- I ;1 ha;., bee.n .i.1U:eg1ta:ted .i.n.to :the. e.verti.ng ''-> ac_.t.i.v.i.,ti.Ll hM valt.ied 01tom IJe.M .to ljeM. Th.i.1.> IJeM, 1980, .the c.e.,'Lemonlj 1<.tU'.e be pe.!t-601tmed M a 1.>ehedu£.ed pM.t 06 .the. V.i.n.i.ng - In .

1. V.i.i:,i.1tg- TH .i,s a .tJz.acU.tiorta.f. m.uA.;twry 1.ioc..<.aX event who1.ie ahi1 ~ · :to pJz.omo:te c.o.1d-i_a.Wy , c.om.1adeJ.ilup, a11d e.;pw de c.O·'lP·l. I:t pJz.ov-i_de..; a11 oc.c.M.<.011 So't cS Sfre·'!,5 a11d the.0t gllclU .to mee.t .;oe.<.a..tty a.t a 60,'UJJaX m.i..U.tM.y 6tmc.uo11 .

T: ,c etu.tom o0 V.<.1urtg-In ~ a ve.ty old .tJz.acU.tion .<.rt Ertg.f.and, bid .<..t ~ rto.t ~xcC,,,;i.ve.ty m-i_Wa/uf. I.t ~ be.Ueved .tha.t V.<.n-i_11g-In began a..l a c.M.tom .<.n .t!te nic'llcc·l ·te ue.i, wM adcp.ted by :the eaJz..f.y wuv~We.;, and la.te.t J.ipJz.ead :to nU.C..i. t a'ttJ wU:tl when .tl1e o0S.<.ccr,',; .tegJ.Jnen:tat me,;,; wM e..i:tabwhed. Todatjf.i c.cfo.t6lct B.t.<.wh 06 a.<.ce.'t'.; d.<.1tn~ c.on.tinu.e a c.M.tom wh,i_c.h gou baclz :to :the e.i.g!i.tcen.th a:1d nine.te.e1i.tlt c.en.t{1;ue.o. The V.<.1ung-In .<.o, oi) c.0(1;'1,le, an ill mct(c_ a ;~ &c..,i_, ':.

Tite Vi.n).11g-In, o t heg.i..men:tat d.<.rmeJz., .<.; b.1z_oke11 .<.ii.to :two paw, :the 6ohmaX cl{,me'L and the -i_n 0o-'trnat .smokeA. V-i_v.<.6 -i_o11 06 :thu e :two phMe.o ~ Mmetime.; 'Lc.Se·'t'ted to cvl "hemcv-i_,,g .the eta.th", :the cloth bung ob{i.uaUy he.moved <L'h en t he .Je;t.i cr, c (i6-i_ce·'t pr.e,;en.t .'te c.e.tvu ~ cu.p o& c.06 · ee.

Tl1e a:tmc.; phe.te c 6 cc V-i_1ung-Irt ~ orte o 6 d.<.gn.Uy, 6ohmat.<.tu and e.teganc.e. Ye. t u .<..; -i_n no wau a 6011111.<.dable oJz. 1.i ti66 a.6 6~. V{1;U1 .9 :the 1) 0-'tmaX d.<.nneh, '.!U'.e.s oS etiqu.e.Ue and pho:toc.ol au .sruc.:tXy ob.se.tved. Pr,Jre.'t :toMU a.he ~-''tcpo s ed . An a.01 06 e.£egan c.e .0s Chea.ted bu :the ve.'ty na.twie. 06 the ·1.i e.tu ng , i.:: tlic. fo xu.Jii.Cttl 1te.H 0£ :the me.a.<'. :tha.t .<.; ·l e.tved, and btj the e6 0ec.:t 06 t he cc·i:o'LSttC dte ll wu 6orJ71·l 06 ,the ofo-i_ceM and :the 1)0-'tma.f. a.tti-'te 06 e.<.v.i.Li.cm guc.Ml . FM exa.mpte , t o pJtov,Lde a piwpeA .'teg.<.me11W .Se.tt.i.Ylg 60"- .the.th cli.11nc n , :tlte BJz.,i_:tLih t,1acli,uo11cU.Xy d.<.-Oplay c11 :the table an .<.mpheM .<.ve .s e..f.ec.­~ i. u1t c 5 tlte.i.:t ."cc.g.<.me1i.ta.L 1.iilve.t and .'teg.lmen:ta.f. .t-'lopMU ac.q~e.d dtl!Ung :the i e.1v.<.ee eS :the .1c.g.im e.nt. Ante.'!. :the d.<.n11eh , :the atma.6phe.te c.hang u .s ha'tply ·j'lcm Sc··'Unctf m<..WcV'tlJ :to ciha.te.tna.l al :the 066.<.c.e.M and :the.th gu.u.t.s en joy LOHve'toa..t.ion and <eonv-i_v-i_a..lLty ato11g w.U:h :the.th c-i_ga/L.s, bhandy , and .some :) O•"Jll 06 ugfi.t e.11.teUtUnmen.t.

Iit 0{1;'l own A.'UnlJ, Mme & ohm o 6 V-i_1u ng- In wM phaetic.e.d -i_n :the dayJ.i phec.ed.<.119 (t'c 'cld Wa'l I . The Un.<.ted S;ta.t~J.i bung a vM:t .land o 6 cli.vehg.<.ng c.u..s:tomJ.i and lcc.i.o.l'og.<.c.a[ pcuw dcxe..l , no 60.'tma.f. V-i_n.i.vtg-In h~e..s We.te wuv~afJ.y adopted. L: tl1e rn.;.te·ui U1i.Lted Sta.tu, So"- example, &cJunat d.<.nn~ we1te .i.rt vogue conc'llg tlte moJz.e .;oe.<.aX 'Leg~M and m.<.W.<.a ohga1uza..Uo11J.i, J.iu.c.h M :tho.se ltc!ti.onc.d M owtd Belton, New Yohk, PIUJ.ade..f.ph,i_a and WM!ung,ton.

T:ti.11gs tl'C.'le. q{,l;i,te cli.{i&c.hc.11t .<.n :the "Wild Wc..;;t", l10weve.t. FohmaX d.<.n.i.ng tVM .:ot ll·l .s:tuu·lh cmwng 06 5,tc.c.'1.l -i_11 .i.sola..ted o{.l;[po,su deep .<.n Incli.an :t~­te.'l.lf, <dw o :).ten we.te mohe d.<.i>c.01M0We about :the.0't ~ota.t,{,0 11 avtd lac.k 06 p.'temot.ic.,1s tl1a11 p'tou.d c,) :the.0't .t!cacli.uo1M. V.i.1u11g - I11 aC.oo 1.ieemed .<.11c.011-g wou..; .i.H ,1 C.@d o 6 bu.6 Sato and J.icaXp hu.nte,'LJ.i.

Si.11c.c. Wc,"ci'.d WM I :the obJ.iehva11c.e c(; geed •nanneM and bM.<.c etiqu.e.Ue hM bec.ome :)a..i..'Lty i1i,te.1tn.a.tianal. Th,i_i ic-"cc ba0ty had oame.th,i_11g :to do with .the g"caduclf dec..f.i.ne d .the V.i1u11g-In c.tt.Ho;:; i;1 .t he Un.Lted S:ta.te.s Ahmy. In :the

A.; poi1ited , out i1t InclMu.'l.e 1, Vinh1g- In'.; JJte ba.oica££y 1dandMdiz'ed .tli,1ougl10t1't. .tl1e b.rn11che6 o~ the m~a,'l.y u,wice, b~ viLUa.ti.011'6, .;uch M .i.n.teg.rnticn 06 CLl!t Pw1ch Boivl Ce.1temo11y, rnn and 6hould be made 'to l<.vei-t up and &w1.the.1t individuilize the. occMion. Wlt-i.le .;teal< OIL 1toa6.t bee6 i6 cW.«ay; 6e'Lved, what 1.>1.1.ppleinew the me.at can be M va.Ue.d M the magina ­'-U01t ici,U c,Uow. The J.iame i6 .owe conce1L11-i.ng the eveJ1,(ng '6 en.te1Ltfilnme11t, ~ . e . the a;.6e..;.;men.t 06 6-i.nel So1t 11u£e in6MWoM, gamM , 6~, ·etc, -­cd'.l u:-Ltl1 the intent 06 ma.lung the occa.oion M memOILable. M pa.;;.,ib.te. wah gc•od .ta.o.te and much 0w1 the ba.oic ~wa.

0'1.grou:ctti.on 06 the V.i.1·un9-In, once undeM.tood i6 qu.i..te ba.oic. The Com1i1andi11g 06 6ice1t i6 uJ.iUaUy the P1telide1J..t o 6 the Me.66 ( POM) whle. the V.i.ce. P'l.Mide1i.t (.'J'I. . Vice) i6 Muilly a juJ1,(oJt o66ice'L in the. ba.t.tilion, >elected blJ the P·'l.Midvi.t. M1t. Vice i6 will knmn 60•'1. hi6 ".;avy" 06 the. ot) 6icvvi 1ne<1e1t.t, lu.; w{..t , aggJteMivene.66, and ab~y :to col1-t'l.ol :the mo.;.t "w1co1t-t':o.tta.b.te." 06 c.t.1cum6.tancel. The!Le Me .th!tee :type.6 06 guel:t.6 at a Vi1ti_11g-In: The G1.1.e.;:t 06 HonOIL who i6 :the guel:t 06 .the 111 el6 M a whole; the pe"vlona.i'. guu.t who6e expeMeJ.i Me a.i'.60 abJ.iOr,bed by the meJ.>6; and the payi119 gue.;.t, 6uclt M 0.uencLI 06 the me.66 who de.;,{,)te to a.t.te,nd· a:t .thei.Jt awn cxpen·le.

Tlic. V.<1u;ig-In ,{,; a 6011mal, Mag a6&a,{,)t, no:t :to be con6Med wait the ViJ1,(ng­Ot1..t 1d1e1e ta.die; o& the Mu"' a.Uc at.tend. I:t i6 cM:tomarcy 601L Membe'l.6 at) tlte Me; ,; de;,wng •wt to a.t.te,nd :to .1equM:t in w1t.i..Ung to be excMed by :the P,1e6.i.deit.t. 011.llf the moJ.i.t pJte.H,i.ng a& perv., onal c.t.'l.cum6:tmtcel Me gene1Lalt y :: ccc.vtr..b f.e tc b~ .tegi.Uma.tely excu6ed t)Jtam :the Vi1ung-Ivi, M 6ucceM 06 the occ.cL; .(011 depend.; on :the a.t.te1idcmce 06 al£ membeM.

0.19a11i.:aU011 06 .;ea.Ung M gene'Lal£1J -ltctndarcd. The POM, h.i.6 Guel.t on Ho11.0Jt, and tlte next 6eni.01t o66ice.M 06 :the_ ba.t.tilion Me noJtmilllf 6ea.ted at the Hc,1d Table.. ,\!1t. Vice i6 110Jrmilly _6ea.ted a.tone, acJtoM :the 1toom, and 60.ung the. PO.I{, wltne both he and the POM have commanding view o 6 .the meM and .i.;t.; ac.uc,i..ue;. Mei11be'l.6 06 :the Me.66 charcged w.i..th JtMpJMi·b~e.; 6011 leading io11g.i and conduwng <'>~, game.; , etc, a..1e ~ea:ted wi..th the Me;.;.

Tlte_ ,).tow c6 aetivitie6 i6 Jrela.Uvely ea,;y to 6oUow. The · eveMng beginJ.i •<J~tlt d ccck:ta,i.l hou.'I. .that •vi££ no:t noJtmaUy exceed 45 min~e.;. Exce;.;ive du11/:..i.1t9 du 'U11.g .tlte cDck:ta..Lt lwuJ<..; i6 cl0;cou.'l.aged M theJre i6 6u66iuem ti.me a&.te'I. tl1.c me.al .to que11.ch even :the mo.;:t :t~.ty individual. Upon M ­o,(v,u'. each Membe.1 c·n tlte ,l!M.; gJtee.t.i the. Sen.i.011 OJ16ice1t(.; I µ11e;em, .the G1.tcH 06 Ho11.M, and the PO.\I. AU me,mbe.'1.6 6hould a..'Vuve no .late.IL :than 15 mi.,,u.te6 p,1ic:: to .the, end 06 tl1e cock:tfilt hou.'1. and the hou.'I. 6.i.xad 601L dinne.'I.. .

Ten mi.mcte6 /YL-toJr to d.tnne.1 , 066ice u Ca.U i~ be Munded, aU o&6ic.eM •td de.; i.911ated to 6i.t at .the Head Table wi.ll fupo6e o 6 .thei.Jt Mink6, ,~{gMe.tte.; , c i.gM.6 and pipe6 and p!toceed to .the Vi1ung Room. When the Sc1:fo -~ t'Hi.ce.1 i.adicG.:te.,; that he i6 p-'1.epMed to di11.e, :the membeM 06 the Hl' ad Table iuU.e en.teJt the V,{ning Room.



Once. .the. Head T abt£ pe;u.cmteL ftaue. 466umed tJr:cU:. pc6i.;t;icn6 be.hi.!'..d :tliu't clw.iM and a.U o.tfu!.Jt U2ml>cvt.6 c6 ;the. Me.M lllle. hle&ci.l.e. .U1 pc6i.;t;io11 <'>.tm'ldiil.g be.hind ;the.Vi. cluti.'i.4 t:he. PO/.! wilt tLi 'Le.ct. t:lu: Ccn.nrutd Sl!llgeant ~hj ""- :.t.c Po6:.t. :tlte Cot.DI/A • Fo.U.oroi.ng :the. Pc6Wig o~ ;the. Cotolu. , ;the. POl4 dAA.e.et6 .tlte. Me.66 :.to J.t>6embte tUWund ·:.the. Ptuteh &wt 60!< :.t.11£ ~nal Punch Bcwl Ce.llJ!.mOn!f le.d by :the. jwii.JJll. i.ieu.te.nmt:.t .in .tll.ll Ba.t::afi.oll. OWt 11Uh Jaegvd>a.ta.iUon e.om!l.ade.6 wilt be .i.nvi;ted ;to po.II.take. in :.t.Jaz e.eA.emo11y o.mi ,tlllll CDll!6i.deJ<e.d ex­e.ep.ti.olla.l t:c :the. Jw1'.e. :tlud: onf.q 15.th In.0rud:luJ Regimen.tat 06 6-ieeM mtUJ po.lli;ici.po.:.t.e..

FoUowing :die. Pwtcl1 Bawl CVU!.mOttIJ tmd ;the. 11.&wnt on :die. Ml!l!'lbe.M o 6 ;the. Me.;;6 t:c .the,i.Ji pio.ce.6 come.6 o.no.tlte.Ji. 06 .the. moU: i:mpo!WHl:t o.6pe.et6 06 :.t.lte. e.ve.n.Uig; :.the. :.t.olU>l.6. Tlri.6 no.'U!l«Uy beg.i.n6 toi.tlt :.the. Pll.e.6i.dent: t:c&.ti.ng ;the. Cole~ oa :.the. lhti..ted sta:te.6 05 kne.Jvi.ca. UJi.th o:.t.he.11. app1lJJjvWJ.te. ;;too.6:.t.6 6oUoioing (6e.e. lite.I'. 3 I . The. P1te.6i.dent: :.t.he.n lle.quei>U :.the. Chapla.Ut :to 11£.nde.Jt a blli.e.6 iwn-6e.cto.1Uan .U1voCJLtion and gJtaCe. a.6:.t.e.Jt u:hi.eh :.the. Me.66 .i6 6e.al:e.d. Once. .i.eah!.d :.the. l'Jr.e.Mdent: make.6 a 6e.w OpelUng 11.emt:V<kli, .U;.t!'Wduc.M :.the. Gue.6:.t. 06 HolaOJi. and He.ad Table., and poU.6 :.the o:.t.he.Jt .table.6 'Oii. gul/.6.t.6 P'lflOe.n:l. Oitc.e. all :.t.ablu have. .UWiodue.e.d and ieelc.lllrled :.t.he.Ui. gue.6:.t.6 :.t.he. PJW>i.de.n-t l:.oo.6:tt. ;the. gue.M:l. co.Ue.cti.ve.ty.

V.i.nne.1t .i6 :.t.he.n 6e.1tve.d wi.tJt I.Iii.. V.ice. 6upe.Jtv.i.Mlig .the. <'>e..11.vi.Jtg oa ;the. Head Table. ~;t, :.the. o.tl1e1r. .tabie.6 a11d h.i6 OOlll :.table. .f.JI.U.. He. «Jl!WWICe.6 til.ll edi­b.iLi.:ty 06 :the. 6ood and .the. dUWtg e.Ol!l!le.ne.e.6. Mmed wi..th a 4mofl.ing tamp and a <'>e.:.t. 06 Chimu la 4.2" molf.hl,'L tube. Uli.U. .iiu66i£-e.J. he. Jtegultd:e.6 ;the. action and ke.ep6 ;the. jov~ a;t a high p.U:elc. At. .the. dAA.e.eli.011 o' .tlil!. POJI, lte. ho.6 :.the au;tho/l,(,tg -to «661/A6 and coUe.ct. ¥ nu !011. vic.fa.t.i.Dn6 0£ COJ'Vl.e.ct p!W:.t.oeot, p!Wc.e.dwtu and i!U.que.:.t.te.. Tftue. ~e.6 Me. admir.i.4te.Jte.d .i.n good .iip.ilii.t l1oro­e.ve.11., and 6hould no;t be. 60 exe.e.66.i.ve. a.II t:c be. e.0116.idel!ed o.t:lteJiwi6e..

Vrl/Wig :.the. col.llt6e. 06 .the. 111e.al Uemb~ 06 .tlte. UllA6 a19age. .in eoriue.."LAa.tion, avoiding IJJl!f 6Ubje.ct. 06 bu6.Ute..66, v.a.i.n.i.Jlg, e.h:. · ._; end a.t: ·'i:e..maldl.6, ccm-me.n.-0, 011. quu:t.i.oM add!:.e.ue.d :.to :.the. PCM, o.tlut• • ' ~a::/: ~ :th:. " l!ild Tabte., Oii. :.to .ilome.one. 6ea.ied a;t o.no.tlw:. :.table. ~ be. c ...:..;; aujruiged b!ff ••'-· V.ic.e., uiw maq 011. l1IO.lJ no;t gJUmt pe.:1mi46.io11.

Upon c.omple.Uon 06 :.the. me.al ;the. P1te.6iden.t ~ .teoJr.Ulmie.nt.6 :to be. bJtoug"ht: .Ut ( bl!andy. ari.te.1t- d.Ume..'l dll.i.Jtk6. etc. J ruid dbte.etA Mil. V.ice. :.t.o t.igh.t :.the. ~moking tamp, u.41e1te.apon etglVl.6 Me d.U.t'ti.bu.ted and tho:.c. de.:.~ :tc "'8i{>U• clgaltl/..tte.6 C:t p.ipe.6 l1IO.lJ do 60.

The. Plf.Mide.n:t .tnvwduce.6 ;the. Gu.Nt co Hor.elf. ru1d !l-ie.td:. ;the. 5£D°'' :tc ltim. RemtVtk.6 by .the Guut .06 Ho11011. gene-W.ty dJJ 110.t ucee.d 15-20 mOw.te.6 ruul .U. 60.tiowed b!f o.pp!l.op>Ua;te. apptau.Ae 6-'LD• .the. Me.46 arul a :toa6:t by U... Vice.

The Sc vnal po!LtW11 06 :the V.UW:g-In :tvun-i.nat:u upon :the ~n 0£ .the P-te&-ldent a.nd -te.ti.M.ng 06 the c.olo11,&. MIL. Vice then .twuu :the balttnee o& the ei:eiung ovc.-t ;tcJ :tho&.i c£6.icvv.. 111fw have ptanned ~e11t act:ivl.Uu. No membe:i. oa .the ;,feM may leave until t:lte Gue&:t of HcmQIL and the P~«lent !rave taken thehl leave olL have. 1'.f!<iue&:ted pvmu.ui.cn to do &c ~the P-te-s.Ue11;t.


1 • The Ji.ec.uvi.119 .line w.i.U be 601Uned 11.,{.ght :to te,µ wUh .Uuii.v~ in .the acU0tlling &f!<iueiic.e: Bn Adjldant 6-i-M:t, POM &eeond aJJd guua in o!UleJL of; 1um~ .Ot -lub&f!<iuent po&Ui.olll>.

Z. Vw..Uig tlie cccl.:ta.i.l poll.ti.en 06 :the V.Uting - 1n, ccnveJL&a:ti.on &hculd be l ight and 06 .!>lwll.t dww.ti.011. Smclz.Uig i.& pellmUted dwihig .thU. pell.iod, but lighted cig1ne.tte&, c..igaM o.t pi.pet> and Cllck:ta.i.h w.i.ll ,w:t be .ta1wt .i.1lh1 .the ba.Utoom.

3. Vwung .the ever...i.ng a.U atteiuleu .!>fwuld at:Umpt: :ru pag flo.£.bt JLe&peet-6 :to .tlie -lnv.u:ed gue&u aJid :to engage .them in li·'Ue6 canve.iu.a.t:fon.

4. Vo net: diScu.6-6 bllUJiu.s ma.t.:teM OIL engage -i.n loud oft heated dii.Cllh4-ioiu,.

5. In eo1i,sumi.l!fj p11.e- dinne11. ccck.:ti:U.ll. and wine duWig diJtnell., modVla.t.ion, c.cmmcm &eii&e and good :ta&.te &hculd be ob6e11.ved. Know IJCUIL capaci;ty and !.d g£•Ufl sen&e .:i6 p.topll..iety be yoM guide a:t. all time&.

~ ., . 6. Co116u.lt tlte .!>ea.ting a111umgemen:t boal'.d adjattAt :to ;the dooJL teruWig iJ:t:D -die &aft.tee"" du;wig the ccckta.i.l pell.iod, net: afiUIL "Ue.M ean.•. 7. When "MeM Call" -<.& given 60"- d.i.nnell , atteJuleu ente1L :the. baUlr.oo.m and -H:mul be.IWzd t:hut cluWr.6. The guut:& ruul PO!il llli.U be :the. tm.t: .tJJ eR.teit the di.n.i:ng 'WC'll! and wiU. p.toeeed :to .the head :tabte..

8. M 11 5011ma.i O.ining- In, t:r..acLU;ion Jtequi.Jte..& & u.&e o' 11 head .table.. Tite POtl .!lib. .01 tlte eeid:e.t 1-0.U:Jt -the mol>:t d-l&tilfguil.hed l~l guu..t:, -~egMdleM 03 tlllli.c1ra.U..t:lj, a.t kiA -"Ugh:.t. The nut lll04.t di.6.tinguil.hed .i6 oa h~ le5t, rutd .SC CJ: a.lU.-"UUU:l!hj IIMOM -the lwid .table_ UJJ.til_ a.u. guut.6 QM

ac.ccw1'ted ~011.' ,01 o-tde.t o~ JLehLti.ve IUDtk cJt impoJttmtce.

9. Ve 11ct: lemz 01: e.t t:ouck yoM c1uLiJi wii.ih! ~ llDtiee to be 1teand.

l o. bili.iu it i& not: neeeMllll!f .to dtUiik, a .i.6 can.6i.tWr.ed an .iii.suit :tJJi .teS~e 41 pa,'t.tici.pa,t:e .01 a .tca.&.t bg ~ailing .tc U6t: on• .s gl.a.66 :to .th UfJ4 du1'U1tg a (;l)l!St.

11 • It: iA C.0114.i.delLed pGO't cC-'tlll to .'tet,.(; !JOUll. gl.aJ.4 Oft fu ~ dwWig the ccuue cl c.e.temo;Ua.l :team.


• 12. l ndZv,(duciU -0/wuld not toaot th<Ult wU;to (wU;G; below Bafta-Uon Leve.t) , them1.ielve1.> oft any membeJt 06 th<Ult L<YL-Uo .

13 . r 6 you do not war~t w<.ne oft a fte6-iU do >1ot tuJtn yoM 9-fa.61.i up1.i-lde down. S-lmply 1.iay to the wa-itlteJ.iJ.i, "No thank you" .

14. Anuupate. and -0nme.dZately 1teact: to the. gavel and dZ!tec,Uow.i o 6 the PJte.1.i-ide1U:.

15. V-l!.ipeMe eomp-fetely w<lh ill eonveMat-ion dU!t-ing eommen-U by the P.tu-ldent, guutJ.i and 1.>pealzeN.i and dU!t-ing the. pltopMa-f 06 tocv..,tJ.i.

16. A J.imp-fe Jtute -to 6oUow ijoJt Mage oi) -tlte 1.i<lveJtWaJte -iJ.i to 1.itaJt-1: i)Jtom the ou.t.;-ide oS both 1.i-idu ot) the. plate. and wo1tlz towaJtdJ.i the plate.

1 7. AU e,onve.'LJ.iat-ion cii:cee,,ted towa1td the PJte,,:,,{,dent a 6 -the. Mu1.i, 6Jtam o-thvi t hem membe-'LJ.i 06 the. head table, w;,,tt be. appJtove.d by MJt. V-le,e.

18. Membef1..; w;,tt fte.1.ipond appJtopr..<,atety -to Jteque1.itJ.i 6ftom Mtt. V-le,e.

19. Eae,h t-0ne the Mu!.> -iJ.i adjoUJtned and Jtecv..1.iembled, membe1t1.i 1.ihoutd illow the peN.ioM at the head tabl e .to de.pM.-t and JtetMn 6-iMt.

20. Wender/.> 6,ind"-ng ,(t nee,e.MaJty to depalt-t the me,61.> pJt-io.t t o the de.palt-l:UJte 06 the POM 1.ihoutd Mk w peJtm-iJ.iJ.i-ion to R.eavr. HowevM, JteaJ.>011 1.ihoutd be 601t emetge.11ue1.i only .





3d In6cm,C,ty D~v,U,~on

1 net 4 - Gue.6.U 06 HcnOIL






Incl 5


1'11.U.iden.t o 6 .the Meo~

U.eutenar.t: Cc.ionel Cha.lt.leo H. l(,i_riAey, 111..

chi.ea 06 Sta.no Cap.tain JamlU> A; Cagg.i.n

Mu.te.11. V.i.c.e

Second U.e.aunan.t Cluvi.ie.4 N. &tack

Ce.11.emony Conduc.te-'I.

Sec.end U.eu.ti!Jumt OUve.11. IJ1. Sm.i.:th



Incl 6

F1Lenc.h Onion Soup

PiWne IUb 06 Beee

A6ptvu1gU6 roU:h HoUanda.i..6e SaaCL

Baked Po.ta.tc

Gltwt Sa.tad

111.ine F JW.i.tcake

Cofine.e. OIL Tu

A44oM:.ed llUn~ and Sp.iJ:.U:I.


foe.( 7 - Sequence o0 Even-U









Ba.tta.Uc1t O&fi.lceM with Tl!ack Convoy 601tm out.6.Ue Ba.t:ta..Uon HQo {Co11uncmd T,uck • HQ Co - CSCl·l - A Co - 8 Co - C Ccl

Honc .. ted Gueo.t and HcmoJLed Guuu 611.om 112 Jae.geJLbatctlUon ctM.<.ve at Bat-ta..Uo 11 HQ.I •

Hc11C'-'ted Guu.t<I a;id Ba.t:ta..Uon 06~.iceM .tltave.t v.ia convoy .in APC' 6 .tc KOC (Cmd TJLack, HQ Cc, CSC(-J, A Co, B Co, C Col

Ba.t:ta..U.011 OSQ.i.ceM and HonoJLed Gue.it.! ctM.<.ve a.t KOC, convey Jr.e-.tu,uw :to Ha1tvey Bal!Jta.c~. ·

Ba.tta..Uon 06 6.i.ceM and HonOJLed Guu.U en.teJL KOC upon 11.epo'Lt S·tom 1 /15th 1116 Sruke6011.ce that the objectlve ha.! been <1ecu.1ted ru1d that pcoilive.ty nc non-.i.n6a11,:tty .typu a.1te pJLuen:t .ln the C.tub.

Rece.i.v.<.ng Urte and Coch.ta.U HouJL. The P1tu.i.den:t cU.11.ec.t.! that :the .~ece.i.v.i.itg line be 601tmed. · MIL. V.i.ce announced, "Gentlemen, .the ttece.i.v.i.ng .Une ti now open". Ea.ch 066.i.ceJL 6.Uu .thltough .the tcce.i.v.i.ng .line and ex.tend<I /Uo g1Leeting<1 .to the Pttu.i.den.t ot) .the ,'. fe,~.6 a.nd Ho netted Guu.t..6. Coch.ta.U.6 and hOJL d 'oeu.vlLU Me oeJLved tlvwu.g lieut .the ,;eJL.<.od.

06 t).<.ceJLO C.:tU . MIL. V.lce amww1cu, "Gentlemen, d.i.nneJL ti ·~ Mved", AU membcM 06 .the Meoo luo .thaoe a..t .the Head fable, ex.U.ngu,i.<lh aU. U.ga.1te.ttu, etc, 6-i.ntih .the.i.IL dJL.<.n~ and pJLOmp.tly mc•ve .<.n.to .the Ba.U'Laom :to :thut a.oo.i.gned oea:to. Thooe a:t the Head Table move .i.n:to :the d.i.l't.<.ng a.Jr.ea. laot. M1t, V.lce w(.lt have enou.1ted :that w.lne and wa.:teJL have been oeJLved a:t aU. placu p'L.i.OJL ta 066.i.ceJL'o Ca.lt..

Opening Cettemouy. Once aU. MembeJLO 06 the Muo Me .lit place, :the P1Leo.<.den:t a.nnow1ce<1, "The Muo w(.lt come :to 01Lde1L". The be.tow -lequwce 06 a.c.t.i.vU.<.eo &oUow:

1 • POM d<Jtec.to the CSM :to Poot .the ColoM.

" Pwtch Bowl CeJLemony . The Pttu.<.de.n:t a.nit0wicu, "Gentlemen, pleMe M<1emble Mow1d .the PWtch Bowl fiott :the beg.<.nn.<.ng 06 :the Punch Bowl CeJLemony". 2 LT Smith pe1L601LmO .the cettemony, wlth 2 LT Shott66 pa.o.i.i.ng :the cup.i 06 punch. Upon completion 06 :the cc. ~emDlly .the p,~e1.i.i.den:t announce.., "Gentlemen pleaoe 1Le:twin :tc ycmt p.tace".

3. Taa.1.ito. POM .tultn<1 :to 6ace the Co.to~o 1ulth h(4 w.i.rte g.ta.<1<1 .i11 hand and amwwtcu, "GentlP.men, a .toM:t ;to :the Calo~.6 06 .tire Un)..ted Sta.tu 06 AmeJL.<.ca and the Fede.Jtal Repub.e..<.e ct) Ge..tmany, ma.y tltey wave 601teve1L11

• The MeM peM onne.t lteopond "To .the



Co.toM", c-Jtd d!Un/14. ;the. ;toa1.>;t. Adcli..Uona.l c.Vtemon-i.al :toM:U and . .1te1ipo1Me,~ evte M 60.Uowo:

MaJoJt SaUey: "I p1topo1ie a ;toM:t :to :the PJteo-i.den.:t 06 the . FedeJtd.l Repub.Uc. a 6 Gvunany". Reopo1i1> e : "To ;the P11.eo-i.den:t".

Obe1t,~ .ttc.u:tnant Puz: "I p!top06e a toMt to the P1te1i.~dent 06 the Un-i.ted S;ta,tu 06 AmvU.cct". Reopol'We: "To :the PJteo-i.den:t".

Cap:ta-i.n Ax<1an: "i p!topo,;e a :toMt ;to ;the Bunduweh!t 06 the F edeJul.I'. Republic. o 6 Gvunany and ;the UrU;ted Sta;teo Atuny". Rupol'We: "To oUJt Atun-i.u" .

. Cap:ta-i.n Mc.CoJmU.c.k: "I pl'copooe. a taaot ta the MARNE V-i.v-i.6-i.on and the 4th JaegVl V-i.v-i.6-i.on". Reopon1ii: "To oUJt V-i.v-i.o-i.01i1>".

Cap:ta-i.n R-i.eo1i: "I pMpooe a toa1it :to the 112.th JaegeAbata-i.Uon and to the 71it Ba:tta.uon, 15th In 6an;t.Jty". ReopoMe: "To oUJt me.n.".

CaptaA.n Cogg-i.11: "I p11.opo1ie a to Mt to oUJt 6aUen c.omJtadu". Reopon.6e: "To oUJt 6aUen c.omJtadu".

Cap:ta-i.n Bowef'c: "I p!top06e a :toM:t :to :the £a.d-i.e1i, wheAeve'1. t hey may be". Re1ipon6e: "To .the. .tad-i.u".

4. Cha.p.ta-i.n Invocation. PJteo-i.den:t d-i.f'cec:U .the Chapla-i.n .to make the. -i.nvoc.at-i.on . Chapla-i.n dou 60.

5. Seatli and I11:t!toduction 06 Gueo:U. The PAeo-i.den:t announc.u · "Gentlemen be 1ieated". Th e. PJteo-i.de.n:t makeo a new open-i.ng Jte ­

mM/14 and -i.n:t:Jtoduc.u :the he.ad table., and :then poou the. othe,t .table.Ii 6011. guu:U. I 6 a guu.t -i.6 pAUe.nt, .the. 1ie.n-i.01t membVt pAuen:t oJt the guu.t 16 eoc.ou/1ipon.1>M wu and maku a b!t-i.e.6 -i.n:CMduwon 06 h-i.6 gueot. A6;te.'1. a.U gueo:U have. be.en -i.n:t:Jtoduc.ed .the P.1re.1i-i.de.n:t :the.11 annowic.u, "M!t . V-i.c.e., a :toMt to oUJt gueo:U -i.6 -i.n oJtdVl", whe-'1.ettpon M!t. V-i.c.e. 1itand6 and ann.ounc.e-1i "Gentlemen, to oUJt d-i.litingu-i.iihed guu:U". The gue ot; 11.ema-i.n oeate.d whle. the Me66 .6tand6 and_ JtUpond6 "He.AA, h~M".

V-i.1111e1t. The. P.1te.1i-i.'cte.n:t announc.M, "The me.al 1.t){ll be 6 e-'l.ved", at . wh,i_c.h time M!t. V-i.c.e wu and 6upe1tv-i.ou :the ce-'l.v-i.ng 06 .th11, head table, o.thVl :tab.tell o 6 .the Me.-66, and w.t.ty h-i.6 own table. Once a.U Me -~Vlved, the P1teo-i.de.n:t d-i.f'cec.:t6 "M!t. Vice, how -i.6 :the 6Me ton-i.gh:t?" M!t. V.i.c.e., a6;terc .tMUng aU c.ouMe6 6Mver! .tep.Ue1.>, "MJt. P.tM-i.den:t, the meat l.1.>alad, Mup, etc! -i.6 6d'"60.1r liuman c.oMwnption". The P~e.1i.<tie.n:t ac.knowfedgu and .e.ead6 the 1,fe-.16 .<.1·: c•rm1iump:t-i.on u~ .thr •11clU'..

20~5 - 2100

Zl00 -2130


Smo/;.{.1tg La.mp. The PJr.v.i,{de.11't lll'!nouncv.i, ",\Lt. V,{c.c., .li.g i'l-t .the. 6mulzh1g .ta.mp, bJT..{ng 601<..th .the uga!tl> and_ a,).te,t d,{nne,•, Jr.e.6Jr.v.ih ­me;i,t,;" . ,\Lt. V,{c.e. .li.gl'!-t6 the. omc/Ung · .Cronv; and cuu10tmc.e6, "Ale.mbc..'t.6 and Guu.U ma.y now Jmok e.',._.

G"e .;.t Speake.,t. The PJtv.i.i.de1rt .i.1'1..0u·duc.e.6 .the. guv.it 6peake.,t and yi.c i'.d.; the. SlooJr. to h.{.m At the. c.ond'.u6 i.on o S IU,,; Jr.e.mMIM ~1p;_;.t~.:w.,~.: .W o.ppr..op,Ua.;te. ~f.t. V.tc.e. arnwwice.-6, "Ge.itt..eemen, a .tea s t -tc· vu ... '<. gue..~.t .6pe.a.k.e/t. 11

• Membe/r,~ .ir.ep.ty, "Hea./t, He.AA".

Ctc.:,J.ng CMe.mony. The. PJr.v.i.i.de.n.t annou.nc.u "Command SMge.an..t .\lafc>c <·>.:.LU you .ie,t.i.Jte. the. Cofo:-,,;". The. Co.toM Me. Jr.e.,tJr..i.e.ve.d and pooted , a6tM wh.i.c.h the. P'te.o.i.den.t a111ww1cu, "The. Mu; .i.6 ad_ic-u,_;ied. P'toc ee.d w.i.th the. 60ag6 and the. e•:e.n..i.ng '6 e.ri.twM.n­me.i:t". .'.b. V.i.ce .then .te.Ung1.(.{.6hu c.ontJw.€ t o thooe. Me.mbM.t> who f1c:w~. pW.mied e.n-te.UcUnme.nt adlvilie...6.



Coli111d Vona!d l.. Bwr,ton im4 &o.tJa .Ut !ttaeo, TtxtU 011 14 ~ 6935. Af,UJa. t>VW.ing tJlrc yuu. a6 an ei~ 1n'ar~ .in t1ie USAI?, he ~· .in 1956 ~ Tv;a6 MU Cclhge and MW ~ned a SU4JJlld ~DJ: "' Al'..oo.t.. A~ l!Ol:!lpldicn o' & NmclL o,~ &t..ie ecu.ue. he 111W au(gried .u. aft

NmiOIW! Cavalllg P.WOon. UaJvt -ill & 4th 11!~ V.iviM.tm. 111i 1959, he m.6 JWU"-'9~ :to GtMWl!f ~ he. Cl!JllW.aillded TJ1Wirp f , 2d Sqwulium, fd """'1oud Ctwalluj ~mu! .f.tUvL B 8a:ttel4y, 2d U!attati.o11, 35.th f.idd. ~.in Bambehg.

He aftnlded t:M, f.U.U ~ M»tmttd c~e. a 196t mria & ~ 06 A!Uzona Gluuluat:e. Sdwot in 1963. He. 6eJWtd 116 11J11L ~ td ik f.i.dd Mi:i.UVUJ Sclwol. Vi- 1965 u 1961, .tlam dqdoytd :to v~ IJl9litl'I. t112. 41.U M:UthJuJ ~-

On lllhlllft ~ V..ie.t:wml .in 1968, lie attended & Ct1llmllmd am!~~$ Colle.ge a:t: Fott l.eJ.W~, and in 1969. am.& ~Md :t:o & ~ 0£ .the h'1lfJlj sta~' .iML :due. 0£6itt 0£ :due. Vepu:tJJ Cki.e' 0£ Sta£' .i~ H'tMoil1lm!.L

Zn 1911, liL a.MUiied eilllll'Jfltmd o~ 1.U ~. 5.dt. FWD. ~. iu I~~ 11.W.iMOll, faiU: Jl.i.leg. ~. llD'Jli .i.e 1973, flUtJllii!. tie.~ G-3. Colal'Jd Bw!!.taH ~ t1ie 81~ lltlmAz. Cclhifjt;_ .iJ!! lilla6~lll, niC .in 1914, ami tile. '~ l!ffl141/ll., Ill?. mu ~lllf!d hi Ill~. UI C~ a;t fed flood, Tua.&, ~ he. 6e11LVU .u G-3 ~om Oi~ al!l!l fWr.e.etoJt "' fu. Pf.rui,& ad ueJtciAe ~-

In JwrL 1911, lae. tU&med ~ ~ & i1.tlt f.UU ~ ~ ad ~ till?. bitigade. .iJl ~ 1971.

Zn Ju.lg 19BO, Cottmd 8ullo1t jci.Jwl. t1ie ~-fillttd So.f:li.vJ.a a Cl!iiq a& Stq,; "' :tl-.e. 3d Im~ fli.~11..

CotoHd &vt.tom lllllJNU.vl. V-W.Um l/f._ flll~c11. oi /Hev,v~.ftC"J11. T<!!:ll'.·O:~ ill. JlltliJfl 1956. Tlaey ~e 6fl!ll!t damgli.teM. fffiflY~, 1l'olJllM, ard ' :.;:~ .1.Jiw .: : • a college. .W J:k lbJUed ~. emd Hlmibm dutJ ,U ; ::£~.,, .(,;71 GrJW..:. '.>J•


Once .the Head Table pe..uo.,..nel lw.ve M1>umed .tJICiJI. pc4-i;ticll6 behi.l'.d tluult diaiM and all. o.t:lu1.11. Membvi.6 oa .the. lle1>1> a.1<e lik~OU.e .ilt ~n .s:taiid.019 behi.nd .the.fa cha,i,-u. .the POM will di..'<eet. tlie Cormwtd Sellgeant Mu.jol!. .to Po1>t: .the ColoM. FcUowing .the PoUi.ng 06 .die. Cotou, .the 1'0Jf cLiJw!h .the Me.u J:o JAi> emble. <llWwtd ·.the Punch &wt 60Jt .the. Vuutilional Punch &wt CelWtlenlJ l.ed bq t11e jwiiolt i.ieutena11t .in .the. &:i:t"tllli.on. Owt 111.:th Jaeg~11 eomJirufeJ> wiU be. .i.nviled ;to pa!Ltake .in .th<. cvwnony and ,Me. cofll>.i.deJted ex­cept,lonai. t:-0 the 11.ub. tlurt: ontq 15.th lni,ruWuj Re.g-i.mmtal 06{yi.elYl.ll ffltllJ paltti_cipa;te.

Fo~ the Pwtcl1 &wt CeJ<emo1iy and tl1e lle.buut 06 .the llembe,'IA on -the MMI> t:-0 :th!Wi. plac.M come1> ano.the11. 06 .tJ1e mol>-t .impo/i;fmt;t cu.pec;U 05 .the eve.n.Uig; .the tlJaAV.. Tlii.6 JW.'U!l«.Ug beg.iJtl> 1Gi..th :the. P~ .totU>.ting .the Cot.olth o{i .the Un.i.ted Sta.tel> o{i hne.!W:D. wU:h otheJr. app!W~ .totIA.tL. 6ollcu;ing (1>ee Ind 3} • The PJtel>.ide..n;t then IU!quei>.t.l> the Chapto.i.n hJ Ji.1!11.dJv;. a bli.ie.{i non-1>ecttviian .il1voca,t,Wn rutd gJUice a~ whieh the lle1>1> .ii> 1>eated. Once .seated .the PJtel>.ident: IMkM a ~ew ope.n.ing IL1!mtvd1.4. .ili.tlwdueel> .the Gue!.:t o{i llmto11. and Head T abl.e, and polli .tlie o:theJt tabiel> 60Jt guM.t.6 pttl>cm:t. Once all .tabf.u have .in.t:lwduced and illdcomed .th!Wi. glll!.6.t.6 the P~en:t :fiHU.iA .die gue.4.t.l> coUec:tive.£y.

V.iruteJL .ii> :then 1>eJwed witit ~"'- V.iee 4upvtV.il>.ill[j .the 1>eJtv.i119 03 .the Head T abl.e fi-i,'t6t, :the o:i:l1e1t .tabie.6 a11d h.il> ocm :tabte. £Lu.:t. lie rumoUHce6 & e.di­bili.ty 06 :the 6ood and the dUWtg clll!llll!JlCM. Mllled with a olllOlzi.ng farnp and a oet 06 Cki.mu {a 4.2" lllOJl:ta,'J. tube wi.l..l ou{i{i.icel, he Ji.eguta.tl!.4 -the. aet.ion · and ke.f!JU> ;tJ1e jovi.JJLi;,ty at: a hi.gh pack. At tlte d.U:.e.c:tion 06 :tlie. POM, lte htU> :the authol!Ltg ,to a1>1>e1>1> and coUe.c.t 6i.nM 6011. u.i.o.f.ati.on4 0£ coM.e.ct p!Wtccol., p!l.Ocedwte,o and W,quette. Thue. 6'(nu Me. admir.u..te.Jted .in good opiM:t liow­eveJL, rutd 1>hould not be 1>0 excel>l>.i.ve a.6 :to be coJU..idl1JIU ~e.

'Owi..Ulg the coUl!.4e o 6 :the. meal MembeM o 6 ;tire. Me.1>1> engage .in conue."£6a.tion. avo.id.i.ng any 1>ubject 06 bu.6inu1>, Vul.i.n.i.ng, e..t:c. ' '·' <'llad <JL: temtlllll.6, eoo-ml!Jt.U, oJt quU.t.ioll.6 addll.el>4ed to :the. POll, o:the.~ • .- > D~'.'. ,~ t h:. Pead T abt.e, oJt .to oomeone oetd.ed a:t anothv:. ;tabte. l!llL\:t be t _...;: rui.jru:iged bg •• i. V.i.ce, wito may oJt may not gJtQllt pel1m.i.64.ion.

Upon comple.Uon 06 the meal :the. P.tel>.i.den:t pVml.i:t6 -'l:e6Jte.1>fmte.n.t6 :to be b!wug0

M .ill I lvumdy, ai).teJL-di.imeJL dll,i11k1>. e.tc. l and di.lteet.s &Iii. V.iee to Ugh.t the. &mo/Ung lamp, u;ltell.eupon cigaM Me. di.6.t>Ubated and tlto4e de~ tc ~u• c.igMc.ttM o:i pipe.I> may do 4o.

Tlte. PJtr.4.i.dent .in.twduce.4 the Gaut 0£ llono:t mid !ruttd!> :thc 5too,~ .t:c lti ... Rema1tk6 by .the Gue.4.t oi 1101101< gene:taUy dD 110.t exceed JS-20 m.uw.tM and -iA 6oUowed b!f apPf<oplli.a.te. applaaae 61toll! the Me.64 and a :t.oMt by ~- LI.ice.

Rebellion in the Phillipines was a challenge to us all, At Luzon we fought side by side and watched the rebels fall.

Soon we w~nt . to China to represent our land; When we h~d a job . to do, there was no ''if or and".

All the Rest would , let you know they'd never get done and Thi:"ough Sir!

·The 15th would always stand real tall and yell out like one, 11 Can Do 11 Sir !


We like to drink, we like to love, we like :to do it all, But what we men of the 15th like the most of all--

Is to go into the war at our Nation's call, Shoot the bloody bastards, kill 'em and watch them fall.



Inct 1 0 - Pu.nd1 Boic·.i'. Ce,t crnony

Upon t he P.te,;,i,den.t' .; d,{,iect.i.on , i\tt, lhce annowicu , "Gent£crneJ1 the Punch Bo,d'. Cetemo11y i_,; about t o beg-<-n". The MeM ga:thvw aJtormd the punch bowl :tab.i'.e and comu to a poo1ii_,t,i_on 06 a.ttention wdh the Conduc:toJt 06 the CeAemony po,;illone.d d,{,Jtec;t,ey actoM the tabl e 6·tOm the ' Ch{.e6 PouJtM. AU ,'.lembew 6ac.e ,i,m,;aJtd towaJtd the :table. .

The CondudoJt, addlteoscng t he. Mu,;, lte.ndvw by me.malty ,1 b4e6 bu.:t cofoJt­Su.£ .iend{.;t( on 06 the 15th In6 an,;t,ty' .; hJ.,,;;toJty, t)oUowed by a Jtende.-Ung 06 .the Punch Bowl Ce,temony*. M ;the CondudoJt mention,; a u qu,{,d to . be added to the punc.h he paM e,; ;to a.Uow ;the Pou/tM to open .the bo.t.t£e and poWL a one 6{.nge 1 depth 06 .the l{.qu,{,d -<-n.to a cup 60.ii the P1te; -<-den.t .to ,;ample.

A6.te:t Mmpting the. uqu,{,d .the PJte;,{,den.t expJte; J.> e.6 hi_,; appltova..t'. by ,;.ta.ting "TIU.; (.type 06 tiqu,{,d ) J.,,; 6i_.t" . The Ch.i.e6 PoWtM .then emptiu the Jte;.t o S .the boWe .{.n.to .the. Punc.h Bowl.

TIU.; .>ampung pltocedtwe J.,,; Jtepea:ted until eac.h 06 .the maj 01t -<-ngJted,{,en.t:6 hao been added .to .the Punch Bow. When .tlU.0 hao been done. .the CondudOJt leAvel .tl1e P1tu.Wen.t wUh a cup 06 .the MnJ.,,;hed p1t0duc:t , he,,te,Cna6.tM Jte-6CJV<.e.d .to a6 "CAN DO" Punch. The CondudoJt 6aceo and addJtU./iU :the. Ptei.{.dent, "M.'1.. P.tu.{.den:t , I he;;_e. b ~r ,; ubmJ.,,t a cup 06 CAN DO Punc.h 601t yoWt app1tova.i'.". The P'1.e.1.{.den.t , '.lpon :tao.Ung :the pu.Ylc.h Jteplieo, "The punc.h J.,,; .teadi;" . Tire Condudolt :then addJtu./i e,; t he MeM a¥td ,{,ytvJ.,,tu aU membvw to pM:tal1e, 1l'heteu.poH he pVv.1 o¥ta.Uy pou.Jtl each mcrnbM a eup. AO;tM aU eu.p,; cVU'. dtCV'tged, .the. P1tu ,{,den.t pltopo./ie; a .toM.t by -6:tati¥tg "To OWL pa6t a¥td ciu.tuJte v{.c.torvi_e,o". The Ale.H Jteplie;, "HeaJt, HeM" .

When .\.etultYU.ng to the..0t :table place;, Membe,w may :take ;thw cup.; wdh them 6M the. D.{.filng - IYl e.Memofila..t'. :toao.t:6 ;tha:t 0oUow.

*The. Conductolt 06 the CMemoYly ;_,; noJtma.Uy the jufiloJt o6Me.M 06 t he Ba:tta.i'.con and J.,,; du -<-gna:ted by t he Ba;tta.t'.,{,on CommandM. The Pu.¥tc.h Bowl Cvu'.mony na-tJtativc. i_,; a cleve,'7,, humoJtoM Jte.nd,{,tion de.ve.toped by the Co11 du ct0Jt ab-tM c. on;{.dMabl e ./i:tudy and pltepMa.tioYl. It J.,,; cu.;:tomaJty t ha:t the. fu.t.i.nc,uve t ype; 06 a.i'.e.ohol added ctealtly 1tepJtu en.t ./i egmeru 06 .the Reg .i .. me1~w iu..otohy . F01t -<-Mta¥tce :

C-<-va WM - a dame;.Uc, ol d 6aoluoYled wlU.011.e.y ./iuch ao "Hooch" Ch{.na & Pac.{.~ zc - A.6,i,atic. R-<-ce W-<-Yle all. wlU-611.ey it'W I I, EM.ope. & NoJtth A£4ca - Ge.'1.man Sc.hnapp-6

FJte.nch Cog¥tac fogwh G-<-n A6/[,tcan C oJtp~ G,{,n

The above -<-ng.ted{.e1!U would be added to :two ga.UoM 06 Ylona.i'.c.olwuc: m{.x , (e .g. Hawai_,{_an Pundt, G.{nge,'1, Me, e.;te).

: 7

1 nc.l 11 - CAN VO Cr..u.t CU1d Hb.. .tor..y 06 .the Reg-Wirnt

The CJteo.t r..eou qn a blue and whl.te wr..ea.th, .the Ba.t.ta..Uan c.ofoM. I.t V.. bfue and wlu.te, :the new and old ..i.n6anbty c.alaM . Tlte ;tap 06 ;the CJteo;t ha.o 6aWt r..ed ac.0'1.111.> 60'1. ;the named ba.ttlu , MWr.6'1.eeoboJt.a , Ch-i.c.kamattga, Cha.t;tanaoga and AthuU:a.. The r..c.d ac.ar..11 WM ;the 16;t V..i.v-i.6 .-i.an, XIV Ca'1.p!.i Badge and appeaM atJ.ia on ;the c.Jt.eo;t o0 ;the 18 In6anbty. The r..oc.k r..epr..e­J.ien-U Ch-i.c.kamauga , M <l doeo on ;the 19;th Ili6anbty c.Jt.eo t The ma-i.n poJt.;t-i.an o0 ;the c.Jt.eo;t fup.f.ay1.> an -i.mp~ dcagon 60'1. ;the "Old CIU.na Reg-i.mem" .6Vlv..i.c.e. The Manc.hu ;t/vwne ..i.n Ch,i.na WM ;the VMgan Tlvwne.

The motio at) ;titM Bo..tta.Uon -i.6 CAN VO, .taken t)Jt.am a c.har..ac.,teJt.-i..6tic. Clt-i.neoe p/tlr.Me. I.t ..i.ndi.c.a.teo a .6-i.mp.f.e, J.i;tM-i.ghl-6o)U{)aJt.d devotion ;to dtl.ty, a h-i.gh degr..ee 06 loyalty, and ;the !.>uper..-i.or.. e66..i.c.,i.enc.y wh-i.c.h hM c.h,ar..ac.­:ter..-i.zed tltM Battal<.an 6r..om C..i.vU War.. day1.i to the pr..eoent. The Ba.t.ta..Uon motio "CAN VO" -i.-6 P..i.dg..i.n Engwh, Mlt)-explanataJt.y and one 06 the t)ew CIU.neoe P..i.dg..i.n expr..e,,H..i.0111.i to 1.>Wtv..i.ve ..i.n Ame,,uc.aneoe.


The Reg-i.ment WM t)oJt.med ..i.n May 1861 .to paft.tic.,i.pa.te ,i.n the C,i.v-i..f. War... FoUow-i.ng th-i.-6 ac.,Uon, the Rr.g-i.ment went Weot to t),i,ghl the Indi.a111.> J5r..om 1865 .tlvwugh 1898. ThVl.e they 6ac.ed the Meoc.a.f.eM Apac.heo, and 15oughl .1iuc.c.eo'->6lllly aga-i.111.>.t .them.

ShaJt.tly at).tVl 1900 .the Reg,i.ment WM ca.Ued ou.t .the 6,i.M.t rue .to Ch-i.na .to pr..o:te.ct us uve..; .th!1.ea.te11ed by :the Boxer.. Rebel.ti.on. In 1901 .t!t.ouble WC&.\

br..<WJ.i.ng ..i.n .the Ph-i.Up-i.neo a6 .the. Mor..o Ttt,i.beome.n .1i;tar...te.d a -te.Mow.t c.am­pa-i.gn a.ga-i.111.>.t ;the govVl.nme.nt The 15-th In6anbty att,'lJ.ve.d ;to pu.t down :the. r..ebeU-i.on.

No-t long at)-tVl r..UWr.n-i.ng -ta -the. S-ta.teo -the 15th aga-i.n J.iade.d t)or.. Ch-i.na, ;t/tM rue ,i.n 1912 . TftM WM .to -6 .ta :..t .the mo1.>.t t)amol&.\ per..-i.od at) OWt ftM­.tor..y. We. be.c.ame known M .the. Old Ch,i.na Hand6 . ThM pett,i.od ,i.nc.fudeo .J.iuc.h gr..ea-t6 M Gq1er..a.f. ~la.MhaU, Gene.Ml E-i..6enhowVl., GenVlal Stilwell, and GenVl.al Walton WalkVl.

The Reg-i.men;t r..W.Utned home. ..i.n 1938 and ..i.n 1940 br •· "'"e pa,,U 06 -the 3d In6an.tlty V,i.v-i.-6..i.on &or.. WW II. In the. 6<!.U 06 1°J~. the 3d V..i.v.(1,i.on w<lh ;the 15th Reg.Unent landed ..i.n Nouh A6«c.a and ;c.d a major.. ft.Cd ..i.n c.,ap -.twie 06 Ca.oab.i'anc.a and the Ba.t.t.ee 06 Tu.n-i.-6..i.a. Then ..i.n-to S,i.U.f.y, I-taly and in-to Sou.ther..n Fr..anc.e. ThM . WM .the pe,,Uod Audi.e MWtphy WM wdh .tlie und ,i.n B Company. A6.tVl t he ,i.nvMio11 06 Sou.ther..n F'1.anc.e , -they 6oug hl t Mough Fr..anc.e and ..i.n-to GeJt.many - e.ndi.ng u.p ar..ound NWtnbVl.g a-t the end oS .the WM .

On 26 Octo bVl 1950, an:te,,t a 1.i hMJ: br..eak rn ;the (IS , .the ~eg<men..t wa,,; c.alled ou.t a.ga-i.n .to .6Uppou .the UN c.aMe -<.n Kor..ea . Anter.. the .tlt.uc.e ,i.n 1953 they ~c.tuJrned to Ft. Benn-i.ng.


In ,\lay 1958 the Reghnent gyrcou.ope.d to Gvrmany mid wao 1.i:tali011e.d .i11 Bambe.1tg. I11 7963 the Battie Grcou.p tt'M 1<.e.01tgan.ize.d ao the 11.it BaticiUon, 15.th In6mt:tlt.y and move.d .to .it; new home .in °i<.UU.1tgen. · ·

