Debate surrounding the relative importance of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture) in...


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Debate surrounding the relative importance of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture) in determining behavior.

NATURE NURTUREArgue that hereditary factors play the major role in determining such characteristics as our intelligence, personality, and temperament.

Argue that environment including our daily experiences, up bringing, and education are the major determinates of these characteristics.

Genetics• Study of how traits are transmitted from one generation to

the next

Traits• Characteristics on which organisms differ

Genes• Control the transmission of traits; found on the


Heredity• Transmission of traits from one generation to the


Pairs of threadlike bodies within the cell nucleus that contain the genes

Humans have 23 pairs in every normal cell

Main ingredient is DNA

Complex molecule in a double-helix configuration that is the main ingredient of chromosomes and forms the code for all genetic information

Dominant Member of a gene pair

that controls the appearance of a certain trait

For our example: B

Recessive Member of a gene pair

that can control the appearance of a certain trait only if it is paired with another recessive gene

For our example: b

Process by which several genes interact to produce a certain trait; responsible for our most important traits

Not all effects will be immediate or fully apparent

Some may not show up based on behavior
