** Country Squire Realty fa-fr


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Country Squire Realty fa-fr/ #".

for Property of Pre.oge m ._g, gg.


WQ*Dx -&&.,/' ',0 w & A h y . ---

Yh& & a pr&la+ $79 e c f t'~r a- B H < ~A " W"


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e me Bodega mets die.".- .

.-a F'a_ OFS ^ = - ' " - " * *T,. da f. -. . .i $.. (By DON ENGDABLT Jcharge..s trari the~ plant writh McDonaM gave earhertidsyea den Ed" as a M facta-

. .. e. P.. .. .. . finds,a " persistent . . . Inver -. . . . .



man Arizona physicisthas E surronding air.: % 4 ~,4 r plus wbd condnion ed a pre'before a San Francisco Boara

.en a long and extremely dhn, .ainnmar Idpht.mne hasarils of Supervisors mainytaa .'ti abBity W h flow eq__.

w)ew d the possibleissards in woidd be, c m to Sa..

the "Petahuna gap," a charmelnthe e' vent of a major accident Francisco C. CiJhelchd, PG&E ' be h the topography creakd by

j c

JC .to an atomig.powerplant at Bo aHaes a ; Dr. Mcdonald visu. vpresWed d , mM es the San Andreas fault sou. .m;g daga Bay. - - r' is |down company "has place as Bo The Petaluma gap *impues .m a" .

. glass Band a very extensive an eve;n greater probabuity of -.Dr. James E. Mcdonald | sen- sta W an=d m -.M'g. - lor phyalcist at th6 University inter-ume hwulon ecadl *=14.i4.1 facility designed transport of amnants almad di-'^'

'pof Artsona's Institute of ~At. ""' es trapping d a gram to provMe usanddata.is a.

. . rectly inland to such eenmrud..

.n.2 Physi ,. finds "pe. layer of air under a cold laye 1"2he data w!R be presented ties as Patahuna Scs rc.1 adverse meteordogical -ere less 1&aly, but he chano to to Atende Energy Comunb. Sante Rosa." .i ebastopol and ,'

factors associated with the.Bo. as of rainfall washing radioso. alan when hearings are hem h ? That, he says, applied to the,| .dega Bay site." dhg.: gagg3ess,=iseMINDl"obo.1heAECha

.. . summar aandmana h 2e win. ' * !m.ma y de;.

p,BS Ms wbh M,"imr; time, Dr McDonaM anyr. The report is a 60-page book. u " '

duct |hserings en the -atBit "B 'seems : considerably less'..

,t:._ let released Jast week by me , y,p,,,g ,g,, , g og, appHeathn jor. permission .y'slikely that the Petainma Valley.W l. Association to Preserve Bodega 600:V" i Head and Harbor, primary foe crucial probkn''.d admaung bund the power plant,'but has. woukf receive affluenQ of the proposed Pacific Gas & the chaw that a"I substan. nd sd a dstery 6s. Ca h *tsin eventand hat%f Electric Co power plant on Bo- m,atarlais fror[;tlE r e a e1oi,

. Dr. McDoneM's report en theg 3 g,,,g o gg rsther more Niely that efDuents<~~ medaga Head. " A J v ;t situade is erg. wmN down kwd ee'.lldPG&E's rp Goldea. Gate k that manaan "twould be tad teJ2e atne,> ea-vAEC en the wish(port to theDanger to the bay area would

#Among Dr. Mcdonald's'enn. sphers.%,: ' "7M dubious 'afei M e..c:.., %.!M- "

I nstone: ble,"I a F is negugl some of the data used and eg. be decreased by better chances.-"M thd -Armmer ' Ansards to t h eprems sabe doubts";bdagh, mixing h te win,ter ene,

afa=.Dr!' Mcdonald, as to d sas discharga fran be plad2 l.8anta Rosa p P=Wamm,iareins "then so'are the hazards.whe valutd data nwiwauld be greatest in daytigne !"If thwas, wi ,adascave . mima. **,,.at' pro. bah.0ity ns appre.hBodega byw_ me q

m o. am. . - ,, p-ir 1

=inants deuvered from te site uandes are tr=nandaad ,oten,. .The phydeist sa g,,,,. en the specific radia-sMaring 2e caa=ys he h con:


ander an inverslour 1syer# tat c 7he 'daanman;

j .mid>'528!Lmbdng et : dis. explap,tigg(,,t is' s Stanagpiana==.of a


l *"# consequences d a anajer,

,","i {, the ra eto *Mpheric situsdon, het et

.1stimorgy1 Dr. '",,

fran famme d coners sysams amers more wmawy.famu. f 'v

J ., , en during an earthquake pia rup. lar with the. health physics ofture bf the reactor containmat. the problem. "dcMA<1d '5

\NPrudence dictates /4m wrot ' u h a. Mthat the re _ ' ,p. me er'g '

the worst posede auton '

s"i 4amaminei ll-f


fIbajar anthint, yhDe 3 must be i

'teft to others to weight the prob.' -|

-i S 1<

g k A5 binty that mah an accidet oc; |1

t a <_ -

sur."iMWBA .. i t!!! # ;se quotes from United ' States ir l

Geological Survey experts and it ifo'

6Dr. Pierre Sanb./Jnand, aarth p1 ! i

nake expert who reported on a 1- 5> g / 1

/ the problern in another associ- T'

I atka publicatiour and annr4adas #

| that doubts raised. by them ar..) h,,, y

."surley justify ca -careful ~ as. Ilic.,_, m - .- s


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~| | 2p.WASHINGION (UPI)? ~ The, -- ' Nq 9Jume 16 disaster in Japan under-

) 4 scored again %e urihappy fact ''

W . that' no uman exists of fore-.

e 1

~T Dessting killer earthqnaka.. ,

yone sonshu cour4ysm oc- : gMi| go ''

h' erred three months after a j gjs .

' ' g N.

9. U.S. Japanese conference in %.

, .

* ypj*

y' %qm#pyg,@gc, E imkyo an earthquake prediction '

- *'Yp$ghy;Q


9 research. W H <> H ' . '

s e% .. 31 ' The conference' began Marchi. #. 9 and erwiert March so. Seven ',, %'W I days later, ion Good Friday, 1- p, WJJrb( Jone of the worst earthquakes of


~' C h all ihne . hit Alaska, estching'.


%.QO3. m, Aady by surprise. .; 3 .

, ' , ,


t ';7 Jack Oliver of the Y an=f a x'C R ' Geological 00beervatory. of - 7

- <-3

., a y g N .+ 4Nj3 yhe;#Ny4oUColumbia University, one of the &'

i ~ 'kyo meeting, reported that:- m,,p,g ..?'g A. h]p. 4i'p up*tyj


-i.? R American delegates at the b; -g' , y M' 7_y ;; age , general tenor d the, O - .wr h , . .. . D

' " "

v_:f.; 'l-conference was that, whBe spe- - -. . . ,* 6 "E A|dfic earthquake predietion " - "'7r- =,t,,,-

~ . T ,,, - , ,, ,, , Tenp m. . ,,1 N.

g,,| j* =ed nm.MM . are not now posse, a nianber . %4 .se -

P.d;" 7 * 1 %' ., . , --

' ef rM Basa 'ef laestiga-,- ', g ,t,,

,c-: -dan Wfer the hope that at -. a 7 **vT v ~ -' _'

- %&,1.i. ..

~,- 4 Ysame tkne in the hture fairly . j ' 3 ;

* - * .,

~ S.2 %IW predict 9m can be ac- -


,7.- 2,-- y e enaHal=1 * 3. . . rJ. y, <. . h "* * ' - .;--.. . -- . gA'~[ * p- -

- .

4 - 'A ...'

e poenerally( speaking,' soviet. , , -

iP3 ped " Japan,ae , mi nmlogista 5..M 5(eg, P ,#-

- -

-n:.:s ..have been more optimstic than 9 telt-

p gtheir American: counterparts ?5F g - 9 -


: -.




,.![the bope of finding %'

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. p[awbether quakes.gtve any ad- / - * -. .

hJ.m.g, f d'T %-" 4- .,

' --

j*(. '

;inesi waining signals might r - -

k~ bundmg up of stresses in rock ..''-


-eonsist. f tiny fc eshocks, the4

.o* '.,g' '

> toward the breaking point,Ih perbara. .geomagneuc ~ egrder. 5MOKE Bid $5'FR6M EARTHQUAKE SHAITEREL. blGATA1N JAPA'N.(


i. nought Wbe , associated $:et m w u.m% >5howa Ohesi. bridge; lies collbpsed ~in*Shinano * river (foregr'ound).--(AP)T. earthquakes.h.e-,7.W!- %.EDr.JLT.cAlgermisam of: the, u k .,,,,,,.a. m _


i Carid,i"No one,has cracke%rCoast'and # Geodetic S <

d the'k pnibien;*1herefhas been .no'h..u.<wgD'!here wiB hope s

D.be a lot more research."gj* % f[,y M @ . b W -

. D #-1,,


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- ty ggy m ener nM, e.- -. m. - -XICON, i ,

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kQhake__3.:.5 |

| R.'goNT|b $(wxr100. CITY -(UPD-mop-illsi28[m[ Scm" Die1LAN DIEGO"(UPIi'Mg..- sharp p ..,,,anons sonowing{

{mrthquake joked;this city Tues- gesico's a e y e r e earthquakelay night"at p Hgbut no ma ' were concentrated today in ~j

.. ,

or dama $3uerrero State where severaleported. ,ge nor injuries were? -C .JM/;8 OF#rHer. Scale.-F GdMO NO towns were virtuauy destroyed.-

*Dr. Charles . Richteri Wthe' LAt least 28 persons were re-" _

311fornia lastitute :af. Technol-, Residents swamped pouce de. ' ported dead and more than 70


r,;.z / -

y' ky's seismological daboratory a6 dan' Beachte!e h on e --swhch- hjured by the temblor which

ya )t. Paandann s aid his instru lhomeowner rbported four.six- jolted the length and breadth.

manin recorded.the.sipck igitEinch of Mexico Monday,.ne worst-hit area was akmg|5 'f W:?- ghagaljude of 4.00 on1he @ waDsJc r a eks b . his ., bedroom,. N ed % b W id uj- es .mthwest of Mexico




the Pacific'. Coast about - 140-

1 f. . gy,|but the shocks were felt-

fr 4 tie capital and other cities.- ;; .. . - , , *'-


De most severe 2emblor, early('Y ' , .i. -- # Monday morning was preceded ;

kp%~-Y. t- o ,gy two Igner. shocks. . . M'. .,_

9. '' rep anda e of tourists 'and- '

4 . .

residents of Mexico City, raniYN J.- p the streets in panic, wear.N.w - . . .


'. h.! ..N sT 3' M only their nightclothes, when--


ks yew" 6n"""Q'' uMC|he quake occurred. . ,g. E.r;gh n & 'Several 4 towns in Goerreroc.ehie sost au norrnal communi-

' ~

.'. . -Qtsfleid, Nh.. #,[p.$,f .P7|"d ff h nations whh the outside world.


EmmeRb Di .ea.%trpnor,'shool .a Bt at e @overnorAbarca Alarcon sen RaymundoEE.M51ampshire koti. Vermont'.y$(w' wide . area M epatral:J t in the mil-EI';7l itary and ar11ered the cornmsmes--

C terday for:3he:second' time ders to ketp constant radid con.,> three months.' There were emet with Chilpancinco, the state

po:repor)sJf jp0[,nagch.'i. E, ' capital, on rescue and rehablH." " '.'2

Qgfgy,gnecL1eedhees; tation efforts. - /*. -

"i i:.De quake neerh leveled the


town of Cayuca de Catalan-

[%ere se persons were reportedkillet liouses and other .bulki-) ings in thellown'of 8,000 popu.

;tation collapsed under force af,

t shoeks.Jicare were injured.fi Deaths .were ieported also in


iTlapehuelnAArgelia;and Preeg|

. del Innernillo. - |\T , ' ''








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Cp ntry Squire Realty 7,-13-6 ,, ."*

D2-1133tra. eOi aeront, OrwEn,H> Gowell St., Healdsburg, Calif.X w/ news eliccinesfo.<


Dr. Seaborg (Directed to DREG by Oricinal rec 8d & h cys iiteroxed 'in Kail UnitChairman 8s Office for ACnON NECESSARY O concuusNet - O DATE ANSWERED:

._ r.CWDriate llat'd.linC) NO ACilON NECESSARY O CO MENT' O sY,s ..CLAsse.e


.U.h. -

neo. No. Re. Docket 5G-205 + -


DESCRFTION: (Must S. Undessift.4)REFERRED TO H DAtt AtCE!VED BY DATELtr. opposing P'nEls reactor for Bodeg L

-Hea6 and trensr.itting several news H. L. Price 7-lh mclippings re recent earthquakes in ATIN: G.T...4Warcs w/ original as supp.. Til7 Jacan, Mexico City, et al. '

eNctosunfs. -uCTIE C/?DR ., c;

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