:> Carl'Carroll ...


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.. :> Carl'Carroll..<Qc">AnarolFriedland.

LEO. fEiSf,.0 NEW YORKAStHtRB~o HoPWOOO"CRE'lo'. LTG. LOlfOOtllltCUllD '.

And to this



I know a gar - den ofr.'\

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by the ~-=::=::::::=...

(Low Voice.)

Beaotiful RosesValse Song.

es, That are kissed. ev'-ry morn

Terr.fo di Valse Moderato.



Also. published forHigh Voice Key of F.And&s&Hesita.tion Waltzfor Piano Solo,Bane! and Orchestra.

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--------es, I must go, When I'm long. - ing for you.~·__-den of Ros

Each pret -ty rose s 'Ys,you love me, Each pet-al says, yotire true, For

Copyright MCJlOOV by LEO. FEIST, Inc. Feist Buildiug N,Y.Elltt-'Tlildiontfl C()pyright securedmiff rC::iCr'IJt:II. '

London -Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Limited.


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love is a part of the Ros - es ,And love is the heart of yOU!fllO ----- , ~

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Ros - es, Ros - es, frag-rant Ros - es, Rqs - _es', ~ay you love me!10 I , I. ,

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''A ZUT ALORS" (As You Please).Makes One~SteppingA Pleasure



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Ros - es of love,_I

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Each bn-y bloom is hold-ing the Love, ve, Love, Ah.

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Beau . ti· ful, beau . ti ·ful Ros . es, Theyare part of your heart andyour

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s;;-;U; Each pret.ty flow. er en - c10s . es All the love you have

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THE "URIEL" MAXIXE(La Mattchiche Bresilienne1


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Pas sion,sent to con -sole, Ros - es of red breathe of -()ll JI'" .~ ,.-..,

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- ti-ful Ros - es, When were a- part,theybrlng you to my heart, Beau-ti - ful

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SomethIng "New" but "Different"

"CHA.PEL CB'IMES"- Reverie.Introducing that fascinating CHIME EFFECT

Be sUI'e to get a copy - y()U willtlIOroug1l1U enjoy it,

3135 -4

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Ros- es mean you.

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It ~ f • I ... '" 4'1I 1'4 - I .... • I

~-S'l. f.I' aeeet.• .. ::;>

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As Advertised in


"KATHLYN"Hesitation WALTZ Valse-Boston

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The "Movie" Sensation be­comes the Waltz Sensation

Are you one of the hundreds of thousands who can hardlywait for next week to come, when at some moving picture,theatre you are held spell-bound as Miss Wil\iams unfoldsthe story of Selig's spectacular $140,000 serial Photodrama­'~The Adventures of Kathlyn"?..We've dedicated a Waltz to Miss Wil\iams."· We've named

it ;"Kathlyn." A waltz to be so named had to be a great'waltz. IT IS. Miss Wil\iams calls it "HER Waltz." As aHESITATION or VALSE BOSTON it has the Rhythmdancers are "hungry" for.



of LOft.'_'_

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Some·times 'j'01ire sad, Some.times )"Ou're

it's joy for the girl ~ ie and .boy, Thtm blue as the

«lad, 'When you play in the /lGame

The Greatest Song·about theGreatest Game in. the World

"Our next song; '-said Al Piantadosi and Joe Goodwin,authors of "That's How I Need You" (one of the few really2Teat ,Ballad sllccesses)-' 'must be still greater."

This seemed like painting the lily. But that is exactlywhat this rising team of writers have d~ne. "WJien Xou·Play in the Game of Love" is one ballael in a thousand. Asold as is the "Game of Love, tt never before have its smilesor sorrows been portrayed so naively, so ingenuousl}', or setto such heart-felt Arcadian-simple melody as in this latestbaUael·hit, "When You Play in the Game of Love."



- ..''',',j.. Try these few bars. Nothing but the full score, can do justice to the complete pieces.

BOTH ON SALE TODAY-Pacific Coast Cities-and Canada, 15c. Everywhere else, 10cAt any Woolworth, Krelge, Krell, McCrory, or_any other 10c ltore, Music or Depa.rtment store .

Ii:l1eryone i••in"in" the.e: Society i. dancing the.e:Do You - Remember; Everybody Loves My Girl;· On the Ecstasi Ta\lgo; A Zut Alors, One Step; Isle D' Amour. Hes.Shores of Italy; Celebratin' Day in Tennessee; I'm On My itation;" Flower of. the Amazon, Maxixe·, The Gobbler's.Way to Mandalay; You Look Just Like Your Mother. Mary;I'd Still Believe ill You, and the new comic hit. "Who_Paid Gambol, ~Trot:' Reel Man; One Step; The Olel.Weddinlrthe Rent for Mrs. Rip Van Winkle." Gown, Valse Boston; The Uriel Maxixe.IMPORTANT-If your dealer can't sUJllll:v yOl1, send us silt !olc ltampi for one, or a dollar blll for· any nine plec,'1

Try these pieces on your Player·Piano or Talking Machine. Orchestra Leaders will gladly play them on request.

LEO FEIST. Inc.. Feist Bldg.. 231 West 40th Street. NeW' York' City
