~ As we Wait - We Go Out to Serve ~ Announcements for the ... · *Benediction The Prayer of St....


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Lake Oconee Community Church Staff Team

Becky Matheny, Pastor of Spiritual / Communal Development 706.202.0124 bmatheny@locc.co

David W. Key, Sr. Founding Pastor 770.309.2394 dkeysr@locc.co

Gary W. Arnold, Pastor of Worship, Communication, Liturgical Arts 404.402.5542 garnold@locc.co

Avis Williams, Pastor of Community Transformation 404.379.5561 awilliams@locc.co

Kathi Urban, Ministry Coordinator 404.314.2491 kurban@locc.co

Copyrighted music reprinted under OneLicense.net A-718106 and CCLI 3204883.

LOCC Affiliations

The Regional Council of Churches of Atlanta

The Georgia Christian Council

The International Council of Community Churches

December 18, 2016

Advent IV

8:30 a.m. ~ Worship at The Lake Club

10:30 a.m. ~ Worship at The LOCC

~ As we Wait - We Go Out to Serve ~

*Hymn It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Sears/Willis

*Benediction The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

*Response Let Me Be A Child of Peace David Waggoner

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, Let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair,

hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy: O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Color for Worship: Purple

Purple is the traditional color of the Advent season,

and was the most costly dye in ancient times.

Once a color utilized only by royalty;

Purple is symbolic in this season for the coming of our spiritual king.

Announcements for the Week of December 18, 2016

Concerns of the Community

Verdain Barnes, Tom Bingham (friend of the Crosbys), Barry Clough, Greg

Colson (friend of Dottie Giesler), Mychel Cunningham, Diane Desmond, Lani

Dwyer, Kay Eadie (friend of Judy Broome), Sandy Kender Gonzalez (daughter

of Joyce), Justin Hafla (grandson of the Martincics), Tony Haas, Tom Herring,

Tori Hosbrook (niece of Carla Thornton), Mary Johnson (aunt of Jude

Martincic), Pat Lanphier, Debbie Lee, Linda Merrill (step-mother of Tim),

Bruce Moffatt (friend of the Martincics), Diane Moldenhauer, Jean Newland

(friend of the Verners), Ricky Newsom, Carson Alexander Rozsman

(grandson of Mev Rozsman), Pam Searle (friend of Jeanne Moser), Jackie

Scalzo, Jackie Sedlaeck (friend of Judy Broome), Janet Smith (friend of Kathy

Stephan), Lynn Teague (friend of Janice Sharp), Caleb Trempe (nephew of

Tim Merrill), Renee Vetter (friend of Roger Schurig), Bob White, David

Williams (cousin of Steve Cargile)

POINSETTIAS in Memory or Honor for Christmas Eve

Contact Kathy Stephen - or sign up - $10


$53,800 remains to fully fund the 2016 budget. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!


Dec 18 - Dick Wuori Dec 19 - Les Smith Dec 20 - Alla Campbell, Tom Ducker

Dec 24 - Steve Harrold, Greg Lawton



Greensboro YOUTH ALLIANCE Christmas party at The LOCC

Tuesday, Dec. 20th, 2-4 pm. Elves needed.

LOCC Hour Of Power ~ Mondays, 11:45 a.m. Greensboro FUMC

LOCC Youth Alliance at Lake Oconee Antique & Flea Market

Contact Patricia walters@plantationcable.net ~ 706.347.0120

Dementia Caregiver Support Group - Every Other Week

Dec 27; Jan 10 10:30 a.m. at The LOCC

Support Group for Families dealing with Addiction

6:15 - 7: 45 p.m. at The LOCC - Dec 28, Jan 11 & 25

12 Step Group for Families dealing with Addiction

6:15 - 7:45 p.m. at The LOCC - Dec 21, Jan 4 & 18, Feb 1

~ You are invited to browse the resource library in the conference area ~


Sat, Dec 24, 9 p.m. at The Ritz-Carlton Lodge


~ Singing the Story Together ~ 10:30 a.m. at The LOCC


ONE SERVICE ~ 10:30 a.m. at The LOCC


8:30 a.m. at The Lake Club ~ 10:30 a.m. at The LOCC

~ defrocking of the locc - 11:30 a.m. ~


- All are welcome here - We want to get to know you -

Please sign the Attendance Pads on the Tables near the Entrance

We ask that guests and first-time visitors provide an email address.

Members and regular attendees may check the appropriate box.

~ The Centering Bell ~ Lighting of the Light ~ The Life of LOCC ~

L: As we wait, we prepare in HOPE, in LOVE, in JOY and in PEACE together P: Let us worship God!

ADVENT IV ~ The Light of PEACE 8:30 a.m. ~ Nancy & Greg Tantum

10:30 a.m. ~ Connie Oliver & Phil Johnson

Solo: The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon adorn the night. But the Lord will be your everlasting light. Lift up your eyes and see the light

surround you; with radiant peace, illuminate the night. Lift up your voice and sing, let earth and heaven ring, lift up your eyes and see the everlasting light.

L: During Advent, the Light of God illuminates a weary world. For any who have grown weary of waiting: P: God speaks, “Peace, be still.”

L: For any who are anxious about the worries of tomorrow: P: God speaks, “Peace, be still.”

L: For any who have lost their voice, or have been silenced by the noise of life: P: God speaks, “Peace, be still.”

L: This morning we light FOUR candles. We again light the first candle of Advent which reminds us that in a dark world a Light of HOPE is dawning. In a time of so many senseless acts and hurtful words, the light of the second candle radiates the warmth of God’s LOVE. We light again the third candle reminding us that no matter what our circumstances, JOY keeps our eyes open to the Light around us. We now light the fourth Advent candle to shine bright with PEACE

which is to lead us and shape us as members of the Kingdom of God.

L: Let us pray: ALL: Gracious God, Help us remember the power of HOPE, the warmth of LOVE, and the gift of JOY.

We today long for the PEACE that only You can provide. We confess that, all too often, we unknowingly add to the discord,

separation, and tension around us. May we hear and answer Your call to know and to create PEACE within our own life and in those around us.

We now sing our Advent refrain of faith …

Hymn Lift Up Your Eyes Joel Raney All Sing

~ As we Wait - We Listen for the Voice of God ~

Hebrew Scriptures Isaiah 2:1-5 Common English Bible

2 This is what Isaiah, Amoz’s son, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 In the

days to come the mountain of the LORD’s house will be the highest of the mountains. It will be lifted above the hills; peoples will stream to it. 3 Many nations will go and say, “Come, let’s go up to the LORD’s mountain, to the house of Jacob’s God so that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in God’s paths.” Instruction will come from Zion; the LORD’s word from Jerusalem. 4 God will judge between the nations, and settle disputes of mighty nations. Then they will beat their swords into iron plows and their spears into pruning tools. Nation will not take up sword against nation; they will no longer learn how to make war. 5 Come, house of Jacob, let’s walk by the LORD’s light.

Epistle Lesson Romans 13:8-14 Common English Bible

8 Don’t be in debt to anyone, except for the obligation to love each other. Whoever loves another person has fulfilled the Law. 9 The commandments, Don’t commit adultery, don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t desire what others have, and any other commandments, are all summed up in one word: You must love your neighbor as yourself. 10 Love doesn’t do anything wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is what fulfills the Law.

11 As you do all this, you know what time it is. The hour has already come for you to wake up from your sleep. Now our salvation is nearer than when we first had faith. 12 The night is almost over, and the day is near. So let’s get rid of the actions that belong to the darkness and put on the weapons of light. 13 Let’s behave appropriately as people who live in the day, not in partying and getting drunk, not in sleeping around and obscene behavior, not in fighting and obsession. 14 Instead, dress yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and don’t plan to indulge your selfish desires.

L: The Word of God for the people of God P: Thanks be to God!

Sermon Shaped by Peace David W. Key, Sr.

~ As we Wait - We Respond ~

Response This Peace Sara Groves

So many words are said, can I opt for just silence? So many days to be lived, Can I rest and sit one out? ‘Cause something I’ve been looking for has come to let me hold it;

Something I’ve been waiting for, and dreaming about.

It’s a Whisper in my ear; it’s a Shiver up my spine. It’s a Presence that I feel standing in the Light. It’s a Mystery that’s real, that was granted on that night, This Peace.

Something so elusive, something close but far away. It’s a Home, but not a building, It’s a Practice not a space. Sometimes you might just miss it, when you walk into the room;

The Spirit still is breathing; you can feel it on the move.

It’s a Whisper in your ear, and a Shiver up your spine. It’s a Presence that you feel standing in the Light. It’s your Mystery that’s real, when it’s granted on that night, This Peace.

Not the time to grab the camera; no time to write it down. Just time enough to breathe it in - and linger . . .

. . . This Peace.

The Giving, Presentation and Blessing of our Gifts

L: We give thanks for all that God has given us. P: May God bless all that we offer: our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service.

~ As we Wait - We Gather as Community ~

*Passing of the Peace L: The Lord be with you! P: And also with you! Greet one another with signs of peace.

*Song of Fellowship Emmanuel Bob McGee

~ As we Wait - We Remember Our Roots ~ The Jesse Tree ~ Joseph & The Shepherds

Grounded ~ The Human Geography

~ As we Wait - We Gather in Prayer ~ ~ Silent Prayer ~ Sharing Requests ~ Pastoral Prayer ~

Advent Prayer - Peace

L: …. as we close this time of prayer, we pray together this Advent prayer for Peace.

ALL: Creator of all things, You provide Paternal guidance to every creature and lovingly desire that all be shaped by Your peace. We see You at work in our lives when You soften our hardness, and open a world torn by conflict and strife to reconciliation. Renew for us the miracles of mercy. Send Your Spirit to act in the depths of our hearts, so that enemies may be ready to dialogue; adversaries shake hands; and people come together in harmony. Help us commit ourselves to search sincerely for true peace that ends dispute, for charity that conquers hatred, for justice that overcomes prejudice, and for forgiveness that stifles revenge. Come, O Joy of Your People, to me, to us, and to the world. Amen.

Response A Grounded Hymn Carolyn Winfrey Gillette A new hymn based on the Diana Butler Bass bestseller

Grounded: Finding God in the World — A Spiritual Revolution ~ sung to BEACHSPRING ~

4. We are grounded in each other – shaped by focus – live or die;

We may find Your Spirit present when we hear another’s cry.

We now see a new Light dawning; Hear the call from high above;

Live in peace with one another; God among us; God of love.
