© 2010 Blackboard Inc. All rights reserved. Blackboard Learn 9.1 Getting Started


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© 2010 Blackboard Inc. All rights reserved.

Blackboard Learn 9.1

Getting Started

Workshop Overview1

Workshop Roadmap

• Workshop Overview

• The Student Experience

• Creating Your Course Menu

• Customizing Your Course

• Day 1 Tasks

This workshop contains five sections:

1 Workshop Overview

Student Experience2

Learning Outcomes

• Log in to Blackboard Learn™

• Explain the information available on the My Institution tab

• Access the What’s New and To Do items from the Home Page

• Access content and tools from the Course Menu and Tools link

• Describe and navigate a Content Area

• Use breadcrumbs to navigate the course

• Change from List View to Folder View

2 Student Experience

Logging In

2 Student Experience


2 Student Experience

Exploring the My Institution Tab

2 Student Experience

Hands-on Activity

• Log in to Blackboard Learn to complete the hands-on activity at the end of the Student Experience section.

• Go to My Places - Edit Personal Information• Go to My Institution Tab – Add module,

Personalize Page, Drag and Drop Modules

2 Student Experience

The Course Environment

2 Student Experience

Exploring the Home Page

2 Student Experience

Exploring the Home Page

2 Student Experience

Exploring the Home Page

2 Student Experience

Exploring the Home Page

2 Student Experience

The Course Menu

2 Student Experience

Course Menu Views

2 Student Experience

Accessing Content in Content Areas

2 Student Experience


Using the Tools Link

2 Student Experience

Hands-on Activity

• Use the Student Course to complete the hands-on activity at the end of the Student Experience section.

2 Student Experience

Best Practice: Ensuring a Positive Start

• Be clear about where and how to


• Add visual interest

• Use consistent page design

• Design for readability

• Design for accessibility

2 Student Experience

Creating Your Course Menu3

Learning Outcomes

• Explain the difference between the student and instructor views of the course

• Explain the steps for creating a Course Menu

• Create the Course Menu, adding links to tools and Content Areas

• Describe different strategies for planning Content Areas

• Create a Content Area and add items and tools to it

• Edit and order links on the Course Menu

3 Creating Your Course Menu


3 Creating Your Course Menu

Four Steps to Course Menu Creation

1. Plan the Course Menu links

2. Add the tools and Blank Pages

3. Create the Content Areas

4. Organize the Course Menu links


3 Creating Your Course Menu

STEP 1: Plan the Course Menu Links

Before adding links to the Course Menu, take a step

back and look at your course material, learning

objectives, and activities.

A good initial strategy is to keep the Course Menu

as simple as possible.

About Edit Mode

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Tools to the Course Menu

3 Creating Your Course Menu

STEP 2: Add the Tools and Blank Pages

Adding Blank Pages to the Course Menu

3 Creating Your Course Menu

STEP 2: Add the Tools and Blank Pages, continued

Hands-on Activity

3 Creating Your Course Menu

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Creating Your Course Menu section.

• Add the Blogs and Calendar Tool• Add a Blank Page

Creating the Content Areas

3 Creating Your Course Menu

STEP 3: Create Content Areas

THE FOUR SUBSTEPS for creating Content Areas:

1. Determine how the Content Areas will be


2. Add the Content Areas

3. Add items and tools to the Content Areas

4. Edit the items in the Content Areas

Determining the Content Organization

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Three common approaches:

• Chronologically

• Type of content

• Subject area

Determining the Content Organization

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Organizing Content Areas Chronologically

Determining the Content Organization

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Organizing Content Areas by Type of Content

Determining the Content Organization

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Organizing Content Areas by Subject Area

Adding a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Hands-on Activity

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Creating Your Course Menu section.

• Plan Content Area• Add Content Area• View Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Items and Tools to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Items to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Items to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Tools to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Tools to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Adding Tools to a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Accessing Page Help

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Hands-on Activity

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Creating Your Course Menu section.

• Create a syllabus

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Editing the Items in a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

You can:

• Edit an item’s name

• Edit an item’s availability

• Change the order of items

• Copy or move items

Editing the Items in a Content Area

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Changing the Order of Items

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Show or Hide Details

The Keyboard Accessible Reordering Tool

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Copying Items

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Moving Items

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Hands-on Activity

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Creating Your Course Menu section.

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Organizing the Course Menu Links

3 Creating Your Course Menu

STEP 4: Organize the Course Menu Links

Organizing the Course Menu Links

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Reorder and Make Course Menu Links Unavailable

Organizing the Course Menu Links

3 Creating Your Course Menu

Add Subheaders and Dividers

Hands-on Activity

3 Creating Your Course Menu

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity at the end of the Creating Your Course Menu section.

Customizing Your Course4

Learning Outcomes

• Explain the features and functions of the Control Panel

• Customize the course style

• Select a content view

• Select the page for the course entry point

• Add a banner to the course entry page

• Change tool availability

• Customize the Home Page by adding, removing, and reordering modules

• Edit the notification settings

4 Customizing Your Course

The Control Panel

4 Customizing Your Course

Customizing the Course Style

4 Customizing Your Course

Changing Tool Availability

4 Customizing Your Course

Hands-on Activity

4 Customizing Your Course

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Customizing Your Course section.

Customizing the Home Page

4 Customizing Your Course

Adding and Removing Modules

4 Customizing Your Course

Adding and Removing Modules

4 Customizing Your Course

Reordering Modules

4 Customizing Your Course

Edit Notification Settings

4 Customizing Your Course

Hands-on Activity

4 Customizing Your Course

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity at the end of the Customizing Your Course section.

Day 1 Tasks5

Learning Outcomes

• Create an announcement

• Add calendar entries

• Add syllabus lessons

• Create a discussion forum

• Add textbook information

5 Day 1 Tasks

Creating Announcements

5 Day 1 Tasks

Creating Announcements

5 Day 1 Tasks

Adding Calendar Entries

5 Day 1 Tasks

Adding Calendar Entries

5 Day 1 Tasks

Hands-on Activity

5 Day 1 Tasks

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity in the Day 1 Tasks section.

Building Your Syllabus

5 Day 1 Tasks

Building Your Syllabus

5 Day 1 Tasks

Creating a Discussion Forum

5 Day 1 Tasks

Creating a Discussion Forum

5 Day 1 Tasks

Adding Textbook Information

5 Day 1 Tasks

Adding Textbook Information

5 Day 1 Tasks

Adding Textbook Information

5 Day 1 Tasks

Manually Adding Textbook Information

5 Day 1 Tasks

Best Practice: Welcome Your Students

• Use an inviting tone, somewhat informal, yet still professional.

• Add a welcoming message and brief self-introduction.

• Provide specific instructions on how to begin the course.

• Facilitate introductions at the start of the course.

5 Day 1 Tasks

Hands-on Activity

5 Day 1 Tasks

• Use your Practice Course to complete the hands-on activity at the end of the Day 1 Tasks section.

Workshop Wrap Up6

Key Concepts

• Log in to Blackboard Learn and explain the information available on the My Institution tab

• Add, remove, and reorder the modules on the Home Page

• Add and access content and tools from the Course Menu and Tools link

• Explain steps for planning, creating, customizing, and editing the Course Menu

• Plan, organize, and add content to Content Areas

• Edit, reorder, copy, and move Content Area items

6 Workshop Wrap Up

Key Concepts

• Explain the main functions of the Control Panel used to customize the course style

• Select the default Course Menu view: List View or Folder View

• Select the course entry point and add a banner to it

• Change tool availability

• Edit the notification settings

• Create announcements, calendar entries, syllabus lessons, and discussion forums

• Add textbook information to your course

6 Workshop Wrap Up
