© 2007 IBM Corporation IBM Global Engineering Solutions IBM Blue Gene/P Blue Gene/P Navigator


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© 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Global Engineering Solutions

IBM Blue Gene/P

Blue Gene/P Navigator

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration


Screenshot New and changed pages Setup changes Plug-ins

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Screen shot Attention AreaNavigation Area

Main Content AreaDashboard

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

New and changed pages

Attention AreaShows Fatal / Error / Info + Warning counts rather than KF / AF / KI.

Health CenterLists jobs using proactive and reactive power management

Lists attention plug-in messages MMCS

Commands not available: bdb2xml, mdb2xml, redirect RAS Event Log

New filter options and columns to match the DB schema

Info button next to each RAS event shows details (Description and Service Action)

System LogsNew filter option to show logs containing a timestamp

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

New and changed pages (cont.)

Environmental QueriesNew filter options and result tables to match the DB schema

Hardware BrowserChanged to match the DB schema

Shows a summary of the replacement history

Replacement HistoryShows hardware that’s been replaced (from TBgpReplacement_history)

Block BuilderCan create small blocks

DiagnosticsChanges to match DB schema (multiple midplanes in a run)

Configure new run options

–Pset ratio–Stop on error–Save all output


IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

New and Changed Pages (cont.)

Service ActionsCan prepare and end service actions

Wizard to pick location and shows affected jobs BG/P Master

View the status, start, and stop control system servers RAS Message Types

Browse the TBgpErrCodes table

Also shows occurrences of event types Job Details

Shows breakdown of RAS Events



IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Setup Changes Supported clients are Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 Navigator runs in a Tomcat instance under BGPMaster

Start and stop using bgpmaster

Runs as bgpadmin rather than tomcat (or whoever started bgpmaster)

Listens on port 32072 rather than 8080, uses https so password is protected

Can configure to allow authenticated access to end-user pages Can also configure anonymous access to end-user pages

Configuration options set in /bgsys/local/etc/navigator-config.xml Contains group mappings

Override defaults

Add resource links

Configure plug-ins

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Setup Changes – Navigator Config File

Group mappings Administrator Group

– Can access everything in the Navigator– Example: <administrator-group>bgpadmin</administrator-group>

Service Group

– Used by IBM Service – can’t do MMCS Console– Example: <service-group>bgpservice</service-group>

User Group

– Only end-user pages– Example: <user-group>bgpuser</user-group>

Overriding Use the same element as the driver’s navigator-config.xml

– Example: <default-chart-timeout>5</default-chart-timeout>

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Setup Changes – Resource Links

Add links to the Resources section of the Navigation Area Example:

<resource-link> <name>wiki</name> <label>Blue Gene Wiki</label> <url>http://bgweb.rchland.ibm.com/bgl/wiki/index.php</url> <priority>2000</priority></resource-link>

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration


Two types of plug-insAttention

–Causes the Attention Indicator to be displayed–Messages displayed in the Health Center


–New graph for the Dashboard Creating a Plug-in

Write the code extending a class

Create a jar file, put in /bgsys/local/lib/navigator

Write a description file /bgsys/local/etc/navigator-config.<id>.xml Driver includes documentation

An example of each type of plug-in (including source)

–High node temp–Diagnostics interval

API JavaDocs for developers

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Plug-ins – Attention

Base Class com.ibm.bluegene.navigator.attention.AbstractAttentionPlugin public void initialize( AttentionPluginConfig config, DataSource

dataSource )

– This will be called when the context starts to initialize this plug-in.

public boolean isAttentionRequired(

HttpServletRequest request, Connection conn )– This method is called to determine if attention is required

public String getLabel()

– The label is displayed in the Health Center

public List<MessageInfo> getAttentionMessages( HttpServletRequest request, Connection conn )

– Return the messages to be displayed in the Health Center

IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Plug-ins – Attention (cont.)

Description file Goes in /bgsys/local/etc/navigator-config.<id>.xml

Sample contents:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"><navigator>



IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Plug-ins – Chart Base Class com.ibm.bluegene.navigator.charts.AbstractChartGenerator

public void initialize(ChartPluginConfig config, String context_name, DataSource

dataSource )

– Called when the context is started to initialize the plug-in

public String getLabel()

– The value to display above the chart in the Dashboard

public String getLegendHtml()

– The legend info to display next to the chart in the Dashboard

public ChartInfo getChartInfo( HttpServletRequest request )

– This is called every time the dashboard image is requested by a client to get the information about the chart.

– The chart information contains, for example, the URL that will be put in the image SRC.



IBM Blue Gene/P System Administration

Plug-ins – Chart (cont.)

Description file Goes in /bgsys/local/etc/navigator-config.<id>.xml

Sample contents:






