- 20+ Inches Fall Precipitation...0 85 170 340 km 1:5,500,000 Fall Precipitation Sources: TWDB,...


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  • High Plains

    East Texas

    North Central

    Trans Pecos


    Low Rolling

    Edwards Plateau

    South Central Upper Coast

    Lower Valley

    September - November 2020

    0 100 20050 mi0 170 34085 km1:5,500,000

    Fall Precipitation

    Sou rces: TWDB, Mesowes t

    ¯The data in the TexMesoNet repres ents the bes t available information provided by the TWDB and third-party Mesonets.The TWDB provides information via this web site as a pu blic service. Neither the State of Texas nor the TWDB as s u mesany legal liability or res ponsibility or makes any gu arantees or warranties as to the accu racy, completenes s or s u itabilityof the information for any particu lar pu rpos e. The TexMesonet attempts to provide the data in as near to real time aspos sible. However, there is no expres s or implied gu arantee that the information will be timely. The TexMesonets ys tematically revises or removes data discovered to be incorrect and therefore provides the data “as is ” and “asavailable”. If you find inaccu rate information or have qu es tions, please contact TexMesonet@twdb.texas .gov

    - 20+ Inches

    - 0 Inches

    - 10 Inches
