1 st reward for good work or behaviour = Praizpad (KS1)/ housepoint (dojo)/ sticker 2 nd reward for...


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1st reward for good work or behaviour = Praizpad (KS1)/ housepoint (dojo)/ sticker

2nd reward for improvement in work = Certificate

3rd reward for continued hard work = Prize from Mr Cline or Mrs Rew

Excellent effort over term = Head teacher award

You can receive housepoints (dojos), stickers, certificates and prizes as part of marking feedback

1st Warning 2nd Warning = 5 minutes timeout

to think about behaviour choices 3rd Warning = Yellow Card (10

minutes timeout). You will fill in a Yellow Card slip and your parents/ carers will be told. You will also spend time with Mr Cline or Mrs Rew at a morning break

Serious fighting or swearing = Red Card. Taken to Mr Cline or Mrs Rew straight away. You will fill in a Red Card slip and your parents/carers will be told. You will go onto a positive behaviour target chart.

Whole-class good behaviour/ work = awarded games minutes or work towards your own termly reward systems (building towards a class party etc.).

Year 6 also have Passport to Success system to encourage good behaviour choices and prepare you for Secondary School.  

It’s up to you to make the choice between right or wrong behaviour

Let’s keep building for success!