Open Source Hardware. Why we do it, why it matters?


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Open Source Hardware

DORS/CLUC, Zagreb 2016

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why we do it, why it matters?

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OLIMEX Ltd 25 years we design and produce development boards and tools, starterkits, programmers, devices, small Linux SBC.Out of about 600 different products on our web site half are with OSHW Licensee.

Why we do it, why it matters?

What is Open Source Hardware (OSHW)?

Open source hardware is hardware, whose design is made publicly available, so that anyone can: study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

They learn by evaluating what other did. Even people who do not do OSHW love to learn and study from open source projects.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

making a product open-source puts pressure on the price to be low: if someone starts charging too much for it, others can step in and make it available cheaper.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

open-source products give users confidence that a design will be available even if the original manufacturer stopped production.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

Customers counting on continued availability arent as hindered as if the product is closed-source.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

Open-source products enable more customization and use of a design. If one design is public, you are free to modify it to your need, or ask the author or someone else that can do the modification for you.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Why people love it?(or how your customers benefit from it)

When sharing knowledge you educate your community. There is educational value in seeing how a design really works. Open-source design makes people more aware and appreciative of how things work, which is good for society. This also accelerate knowledge and allow casual people to innovate.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Motivation to do OSHW:(or how you benefit from it)

to build better products;Presenting your design to others lets you get more feedback about your work. Many people can look, discuss, and suggest improvements.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Motivation to do OSHW:(or how you benefit from it)

communityopen-source products allow original designers and manufacturers to benefit from their customers enthusiasm and effectively get cheap design work, testing and consultation for free.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Motivation to do OSHW:(or how you benefit from it)

Releasing source documents can be a way of showing the world the glory of your designs and knowledge you have. Some people are happy just to let others use their ideas, to leave a trace behind.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Motivation to do OSHW:(or how you benefit from it)

all else being equal, having access to the source documents only gives the user more options. Your product will have better value in the customer's eye. People like knowing how things work and how some designer chose to do something

Why we do it, why it matters?

Motivation to do OSHW:(or how you benefit from it)

OSHW changes the perespective on how you look at the world; you are sharing and learning at same time;allow you to make unique things which are not possible otherwise;you are passing on your knowledge and leave trace behind you;you have not only customers, but also collaborators

Why we do it, why it matters?

Great OSHW projects:(or how we got infected with OSHW virus)

OpenEEG 2003

Why we do it, why it matters?

Great OSHW projects:(or how we got infected with OSHW virus)

OpenOCD 2005

Why we do it, why it matters?

Great OSHW projects:(or how we got infected with OSHW virus)

Arduino 2006

Why we do it, why it matters?

Great OSHW projects:(shameless advertisement)OLinuXino 2012-2016

Why we do it, why it matters?

Great OSHW projects:(shameless advertisement)DIY OSHW Laptop Kit 2015-2016

Why we do it, why it matters?

Questions anyone asking himself when start with OSHW

will be I cloned?

Why we do it, why it matters?

Questions anyone asking himself when start with OSHW

what licensee to choose?

Why we do it, why it matters?

Questions anyone asking himself when start with OSHW

when to open?

Why we do it, why it matters?

Questions anyone asking himself when start with OSHW

Will I break even and make profit from OSHW?

Why we do it, why it matters?

Questions anyone asking himself when start with OSHW

I have great idea and no money, if the project is closed source maybe I can get more funding or sell it easier?

Why we do it, why it matters?

Differences between OSHW / FOSS:

To make Software you need time.To make Hardware you need time and money ;)

Why we do it, why it matters?

Differences between OSHW / FOSS:

compatibility of design tools, unlike editing source code in the software world. Different CAD products, some cost $$$ money, expect fewer contributions to the development of hardware designs, compared to those using them.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Differences between OSHW / FOSS:

In software to correct bug you edit code and hit compile button.In Hardware each bug fix cost $$$ and boards scrap.

Why we do it, why it matters?

Differences between OSHW / FOSS:

Quantity Doom you can't build effectively in small quantities. This fortunately is also safeguard net :) people who use a small quantity of it will prefer to buy from you instead building it themself.

Why we do it, why it matters?

OK! Is OSHW after all business friendly?(or it's just for geeks)

OLIMEX is releasing exclusively OSHW designs for the last 10 years and suprisingly even in times of financial crisis and world-wide economy slow down our company sales rise every year. Why? Because of OSHW we release better, better documented, more useful for the end customer products!

Why we do it, why it matters?

Olimex has local distributors in 25 countries.Global distributors like: Mouser, Digikey, Farnell, Conrad, TME, Amazon, covering almost every spot on earth where electronics development is made, which proves that OSHW model is not incompatible with the business.

Why we do it, why it matters?


Copyright 2016, OLIMEX LtdReleased under CC