High capacity SSDs: What is the future of Solid State Drives?


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What is the future of Solid State Drives?

Now, SSDs of up to 32TB storage are available in the market.

Only a few months ago, 10TB SSD storage was big news.

At this pace, even the 100TB SSDs will get short on space in the coming years.

Read our predictions of High Capacity SSD Drives.

100TB SSDs to be produced sooner than you think!


Samsung produced its first batch of 32TB SSDs using 64-Layer V-NAND chips a few months ago.

Samsung 48-Layer V-NAND.

Before it, the 48-layer barrier was unbreakable.

Now, as the barrier has been crossed, new opportunities await the SSDs horizon.

Toshiba has announced to launch 100TB SSDs within two years.

Prices of solid state drives will decrease drastically 2

SLC drives are the most reliable.

A new technology Low-Density Parity Checker (LDPC) uses advanced error-correction system to make TLC drives even more reliable.

Now new manufacturing methods have brought TLC SSDs at par with SLC SSDs SSDs.

When these drives will be produced in bulk, the prices of Solid State Drives will decrease rapidly.

One Petabyte SSD: PRETTY SOON! 3

By combining efficient controllers with triple and quadruple layers of flash cells, it is only a matter of time until SSDs with Petabytes of storage are introduced.

Objective Analysis, a semiconductor Analysis Company, believes the SSDs today are reliable

and have improved sustainability than ever.

These were our predictions of SSDs.

To get more technology-related information, subscribe to our newsletter. Or, for best prices of SSDs, visit www.memory4less.com

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