Web development tools every developer should be using

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Web Development Tools Every Developer Should Be Using!

Web development is an evolving process. Being a developer you will always come across bugs

in your website and new development techniques that you would want to apply to existing

websites. Professional web developers have been creating useful web development tools for

fellow developers that make application of new techniques to websites easier and a lot more

hassle-free. Most of these tools come in the form of browser add-ons and plugins which help

you make a better website or improve the existing ones.

Here are some of the web development tools that, in our opinion, every web developer should

be aware of and might want to use in their development practice.

Play Framework

One of the most developer-friendly tools out there, Play Framework is brilliant for developing

web applications that run on Java and Scala. It comes with built-in testing tools that allow you

to test your changes and refreshing the tool quickly shows you the modifications you do.

Moreover, this tool was built by keeping the mobile responsiveness of web apps in mind hence

works to create mobile apps as well.


Dimensions allows you to measure everything on a website from images, gifs, videos to texts,

icons and buttons, and it works as an extension to Google Chrome. Enabling and disabling the

tool is easy with a keyboard shortcut in Chrome’s settings. Dimensions is especially useful when

you need to measure the elements on a mocked up website in PDF. Simply drop it in the

browser and you are set to work.

Bug Muncher

There is no way any website or app is completely bug-free. There will always be a little bug here

or a little bug there and your customers will keep coming up with the errors. What this tool has

done is so cool; it has made highlighting those issues by clients easier. Your client highlights the

problems on the website and the tool takes a screenshot of it for you. It saves you a lot of time

and hassle explaining the technical issues to a layman and it reports back to you with

everything you need to fix the bug.


Especially ideal for social media platforms or websites that require setting up chat facility for

users to interact with each other or the administrators of the website, Impulse lets you create

mobile and web-friendly chat options such as Chat Heads like Facebook’s, a pull-down menu,

inertia scroll, Oridomi Cover and Bouncy Scroll for your website.

These are some of the many amazing development tools available out there that just make the

life of a developer easier. Check these out and you might wonder where have you been all this

